Triangular flower bed design. A flowerbed in the shape of a “stream”. How to make a beautiful flowerbed of perennials

Many gardeners and gardeners have long ceased to concentrate all their attention exclusively on growing agricultural and vegetable crops and turned their gaze towards the flowers. created with your own hands means adherence to certain principles and rules, it is painstaking work, the result of which is an ideal flower garden.

At the same time, the question naturally arises - how to properly form a flowerbed so that it looks harmonious and what flowers to choose for it?

Perennial flowers - the basis for creating a flower bed

There are two large varieties of flowers. The first group is those that are planted with seeds and grow throughout one season. The second group is perennials, plants that require more care, but at the same time are able to please the gardener for several years.

Perennials have a number of advantages that are valued among those who like to grow flowers on the site:

  • big species diversity, which is very important when creating a flower bed;
  • long life of the plant. Only dies off top part, and the roots can exist for more than 6 years in some plants;
  • propagation using rhizomes, shoots or seeds, which allows you to later replant flowers in other flower beds and create additional flower beds;
  • a large number of medicinal plants among the perennial species, which makes it possible to get a real “green” pharmacy in the country.

Rules for creating a flower bed

The very process of designing and creating a flowering flower bed on a site can be compared to art, since even at the design stage it is necessary to take into account how the flower garden will look at different times of the year. A properly created flower garden is when fading plant species are replaced by new ones and are maintained this way throughout the summer.

Planning the creation flowering area required upon completion of the general zoning of the household territory, when the locations of beds, paths, and shrubs and trees will be allocated.

When creating a flower bed, you should pay attention to:

  1. climate. When choosing plants, you should choose species that will feel comfortable in the selected climate zone;
  2. features of the site. Using the terrain will not only help you use free space wisely, but will also allow you to create interesting design options;
  3. character of the soil. Another important parameter, which will influence the choice of perennial plants. Fertile soil is ideal for mallow, bluebell. Loam, sand or rocky soil will be suitable for growing flax, valerine,. Swampy soil is suitable for cornflower, yarrow. Too dry soil is a place for cultivating cosmos, carnations or gaillardia;
  4. illumination of the area. Where there is sun for more than 6 hours during the day, you can grow peony, poppy, aster, and phlox. If access to light is limited to an interval of 4 to 6 hours, then it is best to choose plants such as astilbe, iris, aquilenia, and primrose. Ferns, lily of the valley, and hosta are suitable for shady flower beds.
  5. planting density and flowering time. You should not over-partition when planting plants, as they can simply “clog” each other.

Hostas and heucheras are an amazing option for creating a shady flower bed. You can get by only with varieties of these two crops - they are so diverse that they are enough to create a colorful canvas.

The combination of colors is an important factor when creating a flower bed.

Psychologists have long established that color greatly influences a person’s condition and this applies to all areas of life. That is why, when creating a flower garden from perennial plants, increased attention is paid to this parameter. A proper combination of colors will allow you to achieve aesthetics in the flowerbed. When distributing color, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with general principles creating a palette and mixing shades:

  1. the color combination largely depends on the play of light and shadow, so the presence of smooth leaves on plants will reflect light, while matte ones will absorb light;
  2. when choosing unity of brightness of colors, you must use only one color palette either warm or cold;
  3. in order to visually increase the size of a small flower bed, it is necessary minimize the number of colors on it and get rid of excessive contrast;
  4. For visual magnification the dimensions of the flower bed can be arranged blue flowers in the background, and yellow or red species in the foreground;
  5. the more saturated the foreground of the flowerbed is, the calmer the back should be;
  6. When creating not a single flower bed, but a whole flower garden, it is recommended to use desaturated shades as a background, such as white, pink or blue. Contrasting flowers should be arranged in small groups that will occupy no more than a sixth of the total space;
  7. according to the rules of floristry in the territory of one garden It is not allowed to have more than one flower bed with bright flowers. You should also avoid unnecessary contrasts when designing;
  8. with the rich color of the main plants on the club, it can be diluted with more neutral shades;
  9. upon landing areas should be measured different colors . On a blue background, a small red spot will look appropriate, but an enlarged one will simply be annoying;
  10. It is recommended to choose the main color of the composition in accordance with the purpose of the flower garden and its location, namely climate zone. It has also been noted that city dwellers are more predisposed to natural shades, while rural dwellers prefer bright colors, which are almost impossible to find in nature.

A small flower bed with tall delphiniums is a rare and complex option, in in this case it doesn’t look bulky thanks to the surroundings ( tall trees, curbs, building).

Schemes of simple flower beds for beginners

Modern flower beds can have different geometric shapes, but there is a difference into two large groups - flower beds with regular and irregular compositions.

  1. Regular composition presupposes a clear geometric pattern, while all the plants in such a flower garden bloom at the same time and there are clear boundaries between them.
  2. Irregular composition differs by grouping plants and fitting the flower garden into the landscape. It is for flower beds with irregular compositions that the most optimal will be perennial plants that can bloom alternately, which will increase the flowering time.

Ready-made diagrams will help you create the right flowerbed that will please the eye and allow you to choose optimal choice plants for her. Moreover, regardless of the chosen form, there is a general pattern of planting flowers in a flower bed. The brightest and tallest specimens are in the center, the middle part is a place for plants of medium height, and low-growing long-flowering perennials or simply ornamental grass should be located at the edges.

  1. Rectangle. A flowerbed that has a clear rectangular shape. At the same time, a pattern can be created inside from a combination of different plants.

  1. Oval. The next simple option is an oval flower bed. In this type of diagram, the center of the flower garden and the zonal division are very clearly visible.

  1. Circle. Third simple figure, which can become a form for a flower bed. Round flower beds are most often used in garden plots, since this shape makes access to all plants easier, which simplifies care.

  1. Triangle. An unusual and not the most standard form for a flower bed, which can be used if it is necessary to “fit” a flower garden into a certain limited space.

In addition to the four basic geometric shapes, which can be easily mastered by beginners, there are specific examples flower garden schemes:

  1. Round flowerbed “Spring Symphony”. Number 1 is pink matthiola, 2 is red zinnia, 3 is white verbena. This option has only three shades - red, pink and white, which in no way affects the appearance.

  1. Concentric flower bed, consisting of regular concentric circles that are easy to draw yourself. IN this option the following flowers are present: 1 – dark-leaved cannas, 2 – fluffy gnafalium, 3 – perilla nankinensis.

  1. Contrasting flower bed “White and pink”. A simple square flower bed in which white and red shades will predominate. Among the flowers there will be the following representatives of perennials: 1 - cornflower, 2 - , 3 - white delphinium, 4 - physostegia, 5 - phlox, 6 - arabis, 7 - clematis, 8 - armeria, 9 - daylily, 10 - irises, 11 - lupine , 12 – obrietta.

  1. Shade-loving flowerbed “Colors of Summer”. A special feature of this flower garden is the predominance of shade-loving plants. To design a flowerbed you will need: 1 – common primrose, 2 – Arends’ astilbe, 3 – periwinkle, 4 – bluebell, 5 – bergenia, 6 – large-leaved brunnera, 7 – jagged buzulnik, 8 – purple foxglove.

IN Lately High flower beds, which are created in specially made boxes just under a meter high, have become widespread. Such a flower bed is easy to care for, fewer weeds grow on it, but at the same time the process of creating it is more complex and troublesome.

Sometimes there is a need to create a flower bed in low light conditions, for example, in the shadow of a fence or along the wall of a house. In this case, you should select plants that can grow with little natural color. You can create flower beds in accordance with the following schemes:

  1. shady flower bed. It includes: 1 – bergenia; 2 – thimble, 3 – , 4 – soft cuff; 5 – variegated, 6 – .

  1. flower garden located along the north side of the house. The following plants will be present in such a flowerbed: 1, 2, 3 – hosta different varieties, 4.5 - western thuja, 6 - , 7 - , 8 - , 9 - hosta, 10 - bergenia, 11 - black spruce, 12 - citrine.

Types of perennial plants for a small garden

Among the most suitable perennial plants for planting in small flower beds are:

  • . The plant is popularly known as a fighter. Blooms from July to August;
  • Endress geranium. An unpretentious plant that tolerates lack of moisture well. Flowering time June-August;
  • scarlet. One of the primroses in the flowerbed; the first buds appear in May. May bloom again in September;
  • . A plant that is widespread in the middle zone. It blooms from June to July, and in case of pruning long distance from the ground it can re-give color;
  • . Also a popular perennial that blooms from April to May;
  • Doronicum plantain. A plant ideal for damp and shady places. Also refers to primroses;
  • the bell is crowded. A flower that also grows well in the shade. Color appears in June;
  • meconopsis. A plant that requires a minimum of care, consisting in removing fading buds. Blooms from May to June;
  • hellebore. A flower that thrives best in conditions fertile soil and shadows;
  • musk mallow. A perennial that is not susceptible to growing conditions and feels good even in the shade. Blooms from early summer to September;
  • . A plant of the succulent family, belonging to the ground covers. Flowering period from July to September;
  • function. An ornamental deciduous plant that can be used in a flowerbed to create green mass;
  • . A plant known to many, capable of regaining color when pruned. Blooms from June to late August

Shady flowerbed-border with meconopsis, primrose, hostas.

Selecting plants in the space of one flower bed will allow you to get a flower garden that will delight you with a riot of colors throughout the summer season.

Labor-intensive perennial flowers to grow in a flowerbed

Labor-intensive crops are those that will require regular care, creating special conditions for growth. Also, plants in this category often get sick and are unstable to change. climatic conditions, susceptible to disease. This group includes most representatives of bulbous plants, lilies, roses, gladioli, dahlias, hyacinth, kaempfera, evening primrose, and begonia.

Mixed rose garden - an option for the perfect combination of roses and perennials

The term “” is usually understood as a flower bed where only roses are grown. But in central Russia, where summer is not very long, it is customary to create mixed rose gardens, where various perennial plants find their place in the flower garden, which makes it possible to structure the flower bed. There are several simple circuits design of a mixed rosary:

  1. rose garden in cool colors. The entire flowerbed is done in cold pink and lilac tones, which evokes a feeling of freshness and coolness. The diagram contains the following flowers: 1 - chist, 2 - gerchera, 3 - , 4 - William Shakespeare rose, 5 - Queen of Sweden rose, 6 - clematis, 7 - Gertrude Jekyll rose, 8 - Mary Rose rose.

  1. contrasting rose garden. Flowerbed built using red and white with a background in the form of a bush that blooms throughout the summer. The following plants are used for decoration: 1 – hosta, 2 – Gartnerfreunde rose , 3 – verbascum, 4 – rose Aspirin Rose, 5 – rose Hansaland, 6 – paniculata hydrangea, 7 – rose Amadeus, 8 – rose Schneewittchen, 9 – horizontal, 10 – dwarf spruce.

Flowerbed for the lazy - what is it?

For those who wish on their own personal plot to enjoy passive relaxation, but at the same time receive aesthetic pleasure, there is a concept - “a flowerbed for the lazy.” Such a flower garden contains plants that require virtually no care and are not demanding on watering or fertilizing. In this case, the duration of flowering can last from early spring to autumn.

Most often, online stores selling flowers are ready to offer customers who do not have time to get acquainted with the nuances of growing plants, ready-made options, including flowerbed layout diagrams with descriptions of flowers.

A specific option could be an oval-shaped flower bed, in which there will be: peonies in the center, astilbe in front of them, sedum on the right edge, geranium on the left, and hosta or bergenia will border it all. You can also plant an aster or phlox in this flowerbed, which will only add brightness to the color.

The cost of such a project will cost approximately 600-700 rubles, with the most expensive being peonies, which are best purchased as seedlings.

A special feature of this variant is its continuous flowering. a separate type plants. In this case, the flowerbed itself will not be particularly bright, but the appearance of flowering plants will be stable.

Plants that would also be suitable for a lazy bed include irises, daffodils, phlox, daylily, clematis, lupine or cornflower. Moreover, in this case there is no need to create a variety of planted varieties or species, since the greater the number of flowers, the more care will be required.

The photo below shows an example corner flower beds With .

Video consultation

The layout and the desired image are thought out. Now it is important to choose plants wisely, having previously familiarized yourself with their care requirements. The video below is an overview of the most spectacular and unpretentious perennials, with recommendations for their successful cultivation.

Creating a beautiful flower bed is akin to art. By combining plants and flowers, you can bring to life intricate patterns and designs that will become original decoration your his garden plot. Exist various shapes flower beds, thanks to which the flower garden will always look beautiful and neat.

From our article today on “Dream House” you will learn what forms of flower beds there are, as well as how to recreate this or that flower garden yourself.

Geometric flower beds

Classic approach to design landscape design involves creating the right flower bed geometric shape. It can be a circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle, etc. Geometric flower beds are good because they are easy to make yourself and, moreover, they look harmonious in any landscape.

Flower bed shaped like a rectangle

Beautiful flower bed rectangular shape

Before choosing the shape and size of the flower bed, you need to determine in which area it will be located. As a rule, geometric flower beds look best on a flat, well-kept lawn. However, the geometry of the flower bed must be clearly visible from all sides, otherwise the object will look sloppy. To do this, experts recommend paying attention to two important details:

  • diagram of the future flower bed;
  • planting density of plants and flowers.

Creating a design for a triangular, rectangular or any other geometric flower bed is not at all difficult. You just need to prepare the area by drawing the outline of the future object on it. As for the density of planting flowers, much depends on the characteristics of their growth, as well as on how many varieties you use in the flower garden. For example, if the flower bed consists of identical plants of the same color, then they need to be planted like a “carpet”, as close to each other as possible. If there are free areas left in the flower garden, this will disrupt the beauty of the shape and visually spoil the geometry of the figure.

Flowerbed shape photo

If the flowerbed includes plants different shades and sizes, their planting scheme requires careful planning. Most often, the tallest plants are planted in the center of the flower garden, and the brightest ones are planted around the office, which allows you to emphasize the shape of the object.

Shapes of flower beds photo

Shapes of flower beds photo

Flowerbeds of square, round or rectangular shape can be made multi-tiered. To do this, the tallest plants are placed in the center, and each subsequent row is filled with lower flowers. Ultimately, the flowerbed will resemble a pyramid or a multi-tiered cake. However, to create a beautiful shape, it is important that plants in the same row have the same height.

To emphasize the geometric correctness of the flower bed, you can use auxiliary elements, namely, edging. For example, a flower bed round shape can be decorated with a fence made of stones, and a flowerbed in the form of a square or rectangle - with an edging made of wooden beams or pegs.

Round flower bed with stone border photo

Irregularly shaped flower beds

Flower beds look no less impressive irregular shape. The phrase “irregular shape” should be understood as the absence of classical geometry. For example, such a flower garden can be planted in the form of wavy lines, arcs, abstract patterns, etc.

Shapes of flower beds photo

Shapes of flower beds photo

Irregular shaped flower bed

DIY flower bed shapes photo

An irregularly shaped flower bed can also be created as a combination of different flower beds. For example, in one area there are small round flower beds, which are connected by a wave-like covering of bright flowers and plants. To make the composition look harmonious and complete, the areas between the flower beds are filled with gravel, fine or. To create a flowerbed of an unusual and multifaceted shape, you must first develop a diagram by drawing its outline on the soil.

Flower beds - shape, size, color, patterns and ornaments

Flower beds of unusual shapes

Please note than more complex form flower beds, the more varied its filling should be. Therefore, select plants so that they bloom either simultaneously or alternately.

In addition, in order for the original shapes of the flower beds to look neat and beautiful, you need to take care of the combination of plant shades. The filling of the flower bed can be either contrasting or similar color scheme, but in the second case it is important that the shades of the plants do not merge with each other, otherwise the flowerbed will lose its expressiveness.

Beautiful flower bed shape

Original flower beds of different shapes

Figured flower beds

Figured flower beds, also called “arabesques,” resemble paintings painted by nature itself. Arabesques can be made in any form, but most often preference is given to floral ornaments and patterns.

For example, the shape of such a flower bed may resemble the outline of a butterfly, flower, insect, etc. Creation so beautiful flower garden- a complex and time-consuming process. First, you need to draw a diagram of the future flower bed on paper, thinking through not only its outlines, but also the filling patterns. For example, a flower-shaped flowerbed may consist of multi-colored petals, and the wings of a “butterfly” may be decorated with intricate wave-like patterns. As a rule, figured flower beds are of the type continuous flowering, so it is important that all plants mature and bloom at the same time.

Shapes of flower beds and flower beds photo

Flowerbed in the shape of a butterfly

To create outlines and patterns inside arabesques, it is recommended to use the most bright flowers, planting them in dense rows.

If you don’t know what shape to make a flowerbed, start from the characteristics of the plants. For example, if a flowerbed is filled with roses, you can design it in the shape of a heart. Yellow flowers will look good in flowerbeds shaped like the sun, and blue ones in a flowerbed shaped like a river or clouds.

Flowerbed in the shape of a heart

Flowerbeds of geometric shapes

Flower bed in the shape of a "stream"

A bright flower “stream” flowing through your site will become an expressive decoration of your landscape design. Despite such original form, there is nothing difficult in creating such a flower bed.

First of all, it is necessary to select low-growing creeping plants, for example, agetarum, sedum, petunia, etc. Plants are planted in a dense row in the form of a wavy line, which will subsequently imitate a raging “stream”. For the best visual effect, a flowerbed-stream should have its own “source” - a container from which “water” flows. As such a “source” you can use a large flowerpot, a decorative barrel, a jug, etc. To make the composition look like a harmonious element, start planting flowers inside the container.


Leafing through glossy magazines on landscape design, you sighed more than once and asked yourself the question: “How can I create such beauty? with my own hands? Naturally, in order to create landscape compositions, be it a flower bed, alpine slide or stream, certain knowledge is required.


If you do not have sufficient knowledge of how to plant a flower garden at your summer cottage, but you still enthusiastically take on creating it, the result may not meet your expectations. What is the way out of the situation?

There are several options: - sign up for landscape design courses, pay a tidy sum for them, spend several months and gain basic knowledge about plants, soil and flower beds. But you will still have to create flower beds yourself, making annoying mistakes and mistakes. - choose a simpler method that will give a guaranteed result - use ready-made flower bed schemes suitable for the conditions of your summer cottage plot.

A beautiful flower bed will be made from irises of various colors, which are planted in rows on a round flower bed.

The ready-made patterns of flower beds, which are given below, will help you create compositions of perennials with your own hands, without much difficulty:

A flowerbed of perennials such as doronicum and tulip looks bright and contrasting, and its main advantage is the random arrangement of flowers, which makes it easier for a novice gardener to design a flower garden with his own hands.

Below is a plan for a flower garden that can be arranged in any part of the garden by placing several boulders and planting several varieties of perennials. Which perennials can be used are indicated in the diagram:

Do you have a desire to create? Then I advise you to choose more, more affordable option. This option is not as complicated as it seems at first glance if you have ready-made schemes and designs for flower beds. After studying them, you can start “painting with flowers” ​​- create the flowerbed of your dreams with your own hands.


First of all, on the plan of the dacha plot it is necessary to determine the place for the flower bed. A flowerbed can be different: a ridge or mixborder along a path, an arabesque flowerbed against the backdrop of a lawn, a rustic or romantic flowerbed in a shady corner of the garden. The shapes of flower beds are also different: geometric and free. Which flower garden to choose - it all depends on the landscape design of the site and your preferences. Flower garden-mixborder On the plan of the flower garden, it is necessary to mark the illuminated and shady places. This is very important for the right choice assortment of plants and creation for them optimal conditions development and flowering. These rules must be adhered to when forming a flower garden of continuous flowering or, as it is also called, a “flower garden of four seasons.” These flower beds look beautiful all year round.


The right combination of perennials makes it possible to contemplate the blooming splendor of plants throughout the entire season - from spring to late autumn. If you supplement the flower garden with conifers and some types of tall grasses, as well as a border of periwinkle or tenacious, the flowerbed will remain elegant even in winter. When choosing plants for a continuous flowering bed, you must remember that the number of plant species depends on the size of the flowerbed. If the flower garden is small and there are too many perennials, instead of a feeling of harmony, we get the completely opposite effect - a feeling of disorder and discomfort. Low-growing perennials reveal their beauty in large groups. Their correct placement in the flowerbed will become evident during flowering. Blooming in spring low-growing perennials (snowdrops, primroses, muscari, hyacinths) are placed in the foreground.

Plants of medium height (tulips, pyrethrums, foxgloves) will occupy the middle part of the flowerbed. The background will remain behind tall summer and autumn perennials - sedums, chrysanthemums, September flowers. Between them, grasses are planted - mantle and blue fescue. Naturally, you can expect that in one season you will be able to create ideal project flower garden, not worth it. Therefore, if you have no experience, it is better to start with simpler flower bed designs. Mistakes made can be corrected by planting annual flowers between perennials.



Here are examples of decorating a garden with your own hands, using ready-made flower bed designs.


The shape of the flower bed resembles a piece of cake with a diameter of 2 meters. There is a place for such a flower garden in any corner of your garden. The color scheme of the flower bed is red-crimson and silver.

Sketch of a flower garden “Piece of Cake”

Flower garden scheme “piece of cake”

1. In the corner of the flower bed we plant dark red daylily “Ed Murray” - 3 bushes.

2. Silver leaves of wormwood “Silver Queen” will emphasize the beauty of velvety daylily flowers and create an advantageous background for heuchera - 4 copies.

3. Macedonian barkweed, variety “Mars Midget”, dark red - 6 specimens.

4. Heuchera with leaves burgundy color- 6 bushes.

5. The wide part of the flowerbed will be decorated silver leaves clean. We plant 5 copies.


If you really want to see the fruits of your labors this year, I offer a flowerbed diagram for the impatient. Its peculiarity is that all plants will require a lot of sun. The background for this flowerbed will be a fence, a blank wall or a group of coniferous plants.

Sketch of a “flower garden for the impatient”

Scheme “Flower garden for the impatient”

1. In the background of the flower garden we plant white, red and yellow stock roses.

3. The Icelandic poppy will make the flower bed even brighter with its flowers.

4. Lobelia cardinalis will lie like a red ribbon in the flower garden.

Blue-blue accents in the flower garden will be placed by:

6. Catnip.

7. Poskharsky's bell.

8. Blue catananche.

Bright red spots will create:

9. Gravilate “Feuerbal”.

10. Sedum “Matrona” will delight you with its splendor in the fall.

11. Blood-red heuchera leaves will decorate the flowerbed until frost.


You can make a continuously flowering flower garden more vibrant and expressive if you plant perennial and annual plants in it. When planning to create such a flower garden, we take the same perennials as a basis, free places Between them we plant annuals that will decorate the flowerbed with abundant and long-lasting flowering. Use of annual plants - perfect option when it is necessary to cover unsightly places in the flowerbed after perennials, for example, bulbous ones, have bloomed. It is better to start the process of creating a mixed flower bed armed with a sheet of paper and colored pencils. On the plan of the flower garden, the basis of which is perennials, between faded plants or in their place, taking into account the color scheme and flowering time, we “write in” annuals with pencils. This way you can choose the perfect combination of colors in a mixed flower bed.


Do you love everything bright? I offer you a flower garden project that will become a real decoration for your dacha. It is so simple that even a “teapot” can create it. Color range - red, orange, pink and purple tones, and, naturally, the bright green of the leaves.

In the background of the flower bed we plant the perennial heliotrope tree (1),

the middle tier of the flowerbed is formed by Sander tobacco with scarlet flowers (2)

and double bright orange marigolds (3).

In the parterre flower beds a place was given to pink New Guinea balsam (4).


Although dahlias are perennials that require special care: Digged up in the fall and stored in the basement in the winter, many gardeners really like them. Bright and expressive, dahlias will fit perfectly into a summer flower bed. The peak flowering period for these beauties is July-September.

In our flower garden scheme, a bright yellow dahlia (1) is in the center of the flowerbed, next to it are blue hybrid delphinium (2) and monarda (3). Bottom part The flower beds are allocated to Common Dubrovnik (4).

To make this flowerbed look well-groomed, it is necessary to regularly remove wilted monarda and dahlia flowers. If after the first flowering of the delphinium you remove all the flower stalks, at the end of summer it will bloom again.



If you need to make a dark corner of the garden lighter, or you are annoyed by bright flowers, you can use a ready-made flower bed scheme made from annuals, which looks very noble and sophisticated.

Only three plants were planted at the club:

smooth molucella (1), caudate amaranth (2), snapdragon (3), but they created a stunning effect.


If there is a dry stream on your site, plants are planted on its banks. You might be wondering: how to properly plant a flower garden around a dry stream to create the illusion of cool, babbling water?

Here is one of possible options. We fill the stream bed with large round pebbles. We paint the stones in the center blue. You can use glass beads for decoration. of blue color. All these design “tricks”, together with plants of cool colors, will create a feeling of dynamics and coolness.

Leafy bamboo (1) will give the composition a sense of volume. If there is no bamboo, we can replace it with ostrich. Hybrids of bearded iris (2) will find their place on the bank of the stream; lobelia (3) and creeping tenacious (4) will feel good next to them. Downstream, between the boulders, will grow lush bushes of Poskharsky bellflower (5), hybrids of aubrieta (6) and large-leaved brunera (7). The awl-leaved bryozoan will add bright greenery (8). The whole composition will be completed by the creeping red tenacious (9).

From annuals it will help to correctly implement any interesting idea. If you are not very good at coming up with ideas yourself or are not confident in your knowledge in the field of floriculture, use the ready-made templates given in the article. Choose the option you like and do it yourself.

Types of flower beds

Very often a flower bed is associated with this concept. In fact, it is only one of the types. There are also the following:

  • discounts;
  • mixborders (mixed continuous flowering);
  • single and group plantings;
  • color spots;
  • modular options.

There are also more complex compositions. They are usually created by professionals in gardens and parks. The article will discuss the most simple options, such as a mixed flower bed, modular and a flower bed of annuals. Diagram, photograph and short description plants will help you realize what you see with your own hands. Based on the specified types of plants, you can purchase them in the shade that suits you best, if you don’t really like the one you saw on the template.

In specialized books, magazines, and on the Internet you can find many ready-made templates different configurations, combinations of shades, types and varieties of decorative flower plants. The easiest to implement would be a flower bed of annuals. Every year you can create different compositions in the same space. Annual bushes grow faster and produce many buds. In addition, seedlings of these flower plants will cost less.

Perennials are usually planted at a fairly large distance, since after a few years the number of shoots and shoots increases significantly. If you initially plant too close, the plants will interfere with each other. Creation is more labor-intensive. In addition, in the first season, some plants may not bloom at all or produce few buds, and there will be a lot of empty space between the bushes, which will still have to be filled with annuals.

How to properly design a flower garden: basic principles

if you have ready-made diagram beds of annuals, or you want to create your own design, in both cases you will have to evaluate the space you have, the size of the area, and from which sides it will be viewed. planted in the foreground, tall ones - in the background, if the view is only from one side, and in the center - in the case of a circular inspection.

Be sure to consider how harmoniously the plant species and color shades will be combined. If you are new to this business, you should limit yourself to a small number of both types and tones. For a spectacular flower bed of annuals (diagrams and photos below) only two will be enough different types plants or even one with bright contrasting or similar colors.

The following illustration shows an example of such a solution. standard round, the height of the plants is approximately the same, which allows you to make an original design by planting salvia and tagetes according to the appropriate pattern.

In order for you to get everything exactly as in the picture, you need to carefully mark the territory. Plant better seedlings. It is worth buying plants with buds in full bloom so that you can see the color accurately.

Of course, such a flowerbed will require a lot of seedlings. If you liked the design or combination of shades, but so many planting material you won’t, just reduce the template to the scale of your flowerbed, for example, to 1 meter, and instead of the star in the center, take a second, smaller circle with four stripes diverging towards the edge. Lines can easily be made even as wide as one or two plants. Simplifying any option is always easy.

Classifications of flowering plants

Planting material can be grouped according to several criteria:

  • by height;
  • by the color of the inflorescences;
  • by flowering period.

Since we are talking about flowerbeds of annuals here, the signs listed above are the most relevant. In terms of height, plants can be carpet (up to 15 cm), border or low-growing (up to 40 cm), as well as screen or tall, which reach 2-3 meters.

As for color, it can be different not only in inflorescences, but also in leaves. The next photo shows unusual flower bed from different varieties of coleus. In the middle zone, this plant is cultivated as an annual.

This version of the flower garden looks very impressive, made even without any complex circuits with pattern. By the way, the height of the plants in the flowerbed plays an important role. You have two options:

  1. Execute flat surface from plants of the same height, as in the previous illustration.
  2. Use contrast by planting low ones around tall specimens.

By the way, if you are not at all confident in your abilities, use tagetes (marigolds). It has established itself as a very unpretentious plant, and its height ranges from 15 - 20 cm to meter tall varieties.

How to choose shade combinations

If you decide to create flower beds from annuals, their patterns can be very simple, in the form of any geometric figure from one species or variety of plant and a border (contour) from another. The next photo shows a spectacular contrasting option with coleus. A bright red-brown shade creates a laconic finish to the flower garden.

A flower bed can be built on a combination of shades that are close in spectrum. The following diagram and photo demonstrate just such an option.

The main part of the flower bed is occupied by flowers pink shade(3). Ageratum, petunia or begonia will look good. Tender ageratum was chosen as a border violet shade(4). The center is decorated with taller lavender (1), the color of which is in harmony with the previous ones, and red salvia (2).

Such a flower bed will be spectacular even small size. The flowering period of the selected plant species is long, so your masterpiece will delight you all summer.

How to choose the right plants for your flower garden

If you yourself decide to develop your own flower bed designs from annuals, for beginners you should choose unpretentious plants small assortment. For Middle zone The following are suitable for Russia:

  • tagetes (marigolds);
  • petunia (it is better to plant seedlings, since it is difficult to grow from seeds yourself);
  • ageratum;
  • salvia;
  • cineraria;
  • begonia;
  • annual lavender.

Even one type of plant can have many varieties and a variety of colors. Below is an example of how to easily make it from one taget beautiful flower bed.

The same applies to any of the listed plants.

Simple annual flower bed designs for beginners

If you have already had a bad experience of organizing a flower bed, when everything turned out completely differently than planned, and using marigolds seems too simple to you, you want to prove to yourself that you can do something more, use the following template.

There is nothing complicated here. Mark a rectangle, oval, circle or other shape on the ground with an outline and a main part. Plant different varieties of begonia (petunia, ageratum) in these two elements.

Buy strong, quality seedlings from a reliable supplier, space the plants at the appropriate distance and care for them properly. Don't hesitate to ask the sellers necessary information for caring for seedlings.

Flowers from annuals

This flower garden is a strip (usually more than 40 cm wide) that is located along a building, lawn, path. A simple option for organizing such decor is shown in the following diagram and photo.

If you want to do more a budget option, make a border. It is usually made less than 40 cm wide and, accordingly, will require less

With such a border, anyone will look good, even the most simple flower bed from annuals. Schemes of a continuous border or ridge that decorate the perimeter of a lawn or other area can be made not only in the form of stripes, but also divided into squares, rectangles, and diagonal guides. The choice depends on your capabilities.

The simplest and reliable method— carefully plant plants of the same variety in a line (in one or several rows). This way you will definitely not confuse the varieties of planting material and will spend less time. In this case, the result will please you.

Continuous flowering bed of annuals: diagram

When organizing the territory of the site and decorating it with colorful decor, you want the beauty to please you as much as possible. The next photo shows a spectacular mixborder or mixed flower bed. Organized in May-June, it will decorate your site until frost.

It is very convenient to use diagrams of flower beds of annuals with a description of the flowers, although you should not limit yourself to exactly those varieties and options that you saw.

You can choose a specific color scheme, as in the template, and use the plants that you like best or are cheaper.

The photo above shows an embodiment of part of the previous scheme, although it can also be used to create a completely different decor, for example, from different varieties of ageratum or petunia, salvia and lavender.

Modular flower garden

Ready-made designs for flower beds made from annuals are convenient because you can roughly imagine the result. If you think that complex compositions are beyond your capabilities, use the idea of ​​a modular flower garden. An example is shown in the following illustration.

The meaning of such a flower bed is that any geometric figure certain size(module). The easiest thing is to choose a square. All elements can be the same, for example 40x40cm, or be a certain number of times larger (80x80, respectively). These modules are filled not only with colors, but some may consist of decorative tiles, gravel, lawn grass. It’s easy to organize such a flower garden small area With minimal costs and the best result.

As you can see, the design of a flower bed of annuals can be the simplest, and the flower garden will turn out to be quite impressive. The main thing is to correctly determine the height of the plants, the combination of shades, as well as the timing of flowering. Choose any option you like and implement it on your site.

Every housewife who has her own land plot, is trying to decorate it with flower beds. Most often they are located next to gazebos for relaxation or directly near the entrance to the house. In order for her to have a well-groomed, attractive appearance, you need to have some skills. But it is not necessary to contact a professional designer; with some effort, you can design your site yourself.

First of all, you need to decide what exactly you want to create. If you have chosen country style, then the flowerbed can be decorated with old painted tires, decorations from an old bicycle, etc.

They are popular and distinguished by their sophistication of composition with decorative trees And coniferous shrubs. First of all, they don't need special effort care, and secondly, they look great all year round. If you choose this option, you should take into account that such plants require an acidic environment.

To prepare the soil, fallen pine needles, a small part of peat and turf soil are used. Then the resulting mixture must be poured into a pre-prepared depression with a layer of 50 cm. Plant close conifers don't, they will grow in the future. It’s better to complement it with boxwood, rhododendron or Erica. For a finished look, the edges of the flowerbed will also require decoration.

Another interesting option- a flowerbed of perennials. Quite a lot of planting schemes have been developed, where the location, color scheme, and flowering period are interestingly selected.

With proper care, such compositions do not require annual planting of new flowers. Using the suggested tips, your site will look presentable for several months a year.

A flowerbed of continuous flowering is an ideal solution for a formal flower garden

When you plant a flower garden at the entrance to your house, you want it to always look attractive. The ideal solution will create a flower bed of continuous flowering.

To successfully create such a flower garden, you need to take into account several rules:

  • Both perennial and annual flowers should be planted in the flowerbed. And even bushes.
  • It is necessary to select plants with approximately the same requirements for humidity, light and watering.
  • There should be no aggressor plants here (ornamental foliage, loosestrife, periwinkle). Perennials that are easily inseminated (lupine, poppy, aquilegia) are also undesirable.

The next step in creating a flower bed of continuous flowering will be a plan diagram on paper. By drawing a plan, we determine its contours. We also make a list of perennials and their location.

Here is an approximate list of perennials by season:

Spring: snowdrop, crocus, scilla, pushkinia, muscari, chionodoxa, hyacinth, tulip, narcissus, primrose, hellebore, saxifrage, daisy, hazel grouse, anemone, liverwort, erantis.

Summer: here is the most big choice various perennials: aquilegia, delphinium, poppy, lily, kupena, chamomile, daylily, peony, aquilegia, hosta, carnation, lychnis, rudbeckia, iris, phlox, cornflower, monarda, cinquefoil, sedum, spurge, bell, heuchera.

Autumn: chrysanthemum, perennial aster, helenium, goldenrod, sunflower, coreopsis.

You can also identify groups of out-of-season plants that are attractive for a long time. These are primarily coniferous plants, spruce, mountain pine, juniper. This also includes ornamental grasses, such as blue fescue, maned barley, and miscanthus. All kinds of ferns are also decorative all summer long.

The final list depends on the size of the future flower bed. But even if the size is large, there is no need to plant a large number of different perennials; it is better to have a few of them, but each will occupy a larger area. This way we will avoid excessive diversity, which will significantly complicate the perception of the entire flower garden at once.

We will divide the resulting list of plants into two groups:

The first is plants that have a short growing season. It's mostly spring bulbous plants. In their place, annual flowers should be provided. It is very good to plant plants that form a large green mass from one root.

The ideal option for such a plant is petunia. It can be planted a little away from the place where the bulbs are in the ground, and as it grows it will completely cover it.

We will include all the remaining perennials in the second group - they will not spoil the appearance of the flowerbed after flowering.

Having decided on the list of perennials and their characteristics, we begin to place them on our plan. To do this, number each one with a serial number starting from one and so on. It’s even fashionable to cut out rectangles or circles from paper and number them. Then lay them out on the plan, trying them on various options arrangement of plants.

When the plan is ready, then, most likely, some places will remain completely empty. Annuals will help us here. Among the annuals, it is better to choose unpretentious ones, such as high and low marigolds, annual asters, petunias, nasturtiums, and annual dahlias.

All these perennials have low maintenance requirements and come in a variety of colors. This will allow you to select plants that will organically combine with existing perennials.

Then you can proceed directly to preparing the site. It is better to do this in late summer or early autumn. The area must be carefully dug up and all weeds removed. Allow the soil to settle for about a week and begin planting rhizomes and perennial bulbs.

If not all plants are available, then planting them can be postponed until spring. But then it is advisable to mark those plants that have already been planted with signs.

in spring next year we plant annuals. It is better to plant them as seedlings, so that they can be planted in their designated places required quantity copies.

A flowerbed of continuous flowering will open in full glory only after a year, when all the perennials have taken root well and grown a good root system.

The best decoration for a summer cottage is a hand-made flower bed. To create a flower bed that will please the eye and where everything will be in harmony, you need to work a little.

Make a plan to act on. Select your flowers carefully, taking into account bloom time and location. It must be protected from strong wind and the sun. After choosing a location, we prepare the soil by clearing weeds, removing the top layer of soil and fertilizing it. It’s good to add black soil, sand, loosen it and make drainage.

One large flower bed often looks better than several small ones, but this is a matter of taste.

Take a simple shape, preferably round or oval, or irregularly shaped, but without corners, unless you are a specialist designer, otherwise you may get an unexpected result. Perennials work best. Annuals are planted for novelty.

Flowers are planted from small to large, so that the large ones are in the center, or in the background if the flower bed is against the wall. In the color scheme, stick to a harmonious transition so that it does not hurt the eyes. Everything is good in moderation! A little bright accents, usually, warm colors, and the rest is a background of cold colors.

Add white flowers, they dilute the colors, and black ones enhance warm colors. Use the principle of maximum diversification. One flowering period is undesirable, as it may result in a variegated picture.

If you want to make a flowerbed into a slide, then pour soil about half a meter high in the center, and the lower level is about 10 cm from the crushed stone. After a couple of weeks, the ground settles, then you can start planting flowers.

More and more popular. They give maximum naturalness to the landscape. The philosophy of creating such slides requires correct placement all elements. For summer cottages, low-growing varieties of trees and shrubs are used. Bright plants are planted separately, and background plants are planted in small groups. The hill is planted from above. In height - from low to high. All plants are sprinkled with pebbles and watered thoroughly.

The surroundings of the flowerbed are no less important than the flowerbed itself. Various hedges, trimmed bushes, stones, etc. are used for decoration. For decoration, you can also use various vases and figurines, of which there are plenty on sale.

Painted crushed stone is perfect for compositions with juniper. Weaving from branches has become fashionable.

Today, options for flower beds arranged directly in tires have become popular. Read about it here.

You can make a flower bed in a stump.

Old household items will come in handy in the flowerbed more than ever! - it’s fashionable and relevant. But before you place the utensils on the site, bring them to decorative look: clean, open with varnish... The main thing is that there is no chaos in the flowerbed or area where flowers and shrubs grow.

How to make a flowerbed with your own hands from old chairs

There are several ways to decorate a flowerbed fencing. Wooden fencing has some disadvantages:

  1. firstly, it quickly becomes unusable;
  2. secondly, it can become a haven for aphids and mites.

Wooden fencing

An alternative could be plastic mesh. This is a fairly budget option, although not very durable. It is not recommended to use it if the soil on the site is loose and the curb will quickly collapse. The use of decorative or natural stones. The only disadvantage of this solution is the cost, but appearance It will delight not only you, but also your guests for a long time.

It is advisable to use a galvanized metal border for fencing. It is durable and less expensive. The main thing is that you like the end result of your efforts.

Floating flower beds - a new hit in landscape design

Flowerbeds - streams

Original flower beds photo

Mobile flower beds

Vertical flower beds

Hanging flower beds photo

Compositions in the form of butterflies

Flowerbeds - umbrellas

Read about it here.
