The color scheme of the hallway in a private house. Hallway design in a private house: photos of various stylistic content. The choice of flooring

The entrance hall is the first room of a private cottage, a private area where one enters from the street. From its correct layout, convenience, interior attractiveness develops general impression about living space. How reasonable, functional, well-thought out is the design of the hallway in a private house, how cozy and comfortable it is for the owners and guests to be inside it.

Technical features of the design and design of the hallway

  1. When designing the entrance space, it is necessary to provide reliable system floor heating. Even if a personal janitor clears the driveway every day, removing snow or foliage, and from the garage, the inhabitants immediately get inside the living space, bypassing the porch, street shoes absorb the smallest particles of water. Thanks to warm floor they evaporate instantly, but dry for a long time at normal room temperature.
    For flooring, it is better to use abrasion and slip-resistant types of tiles (porcelain stoneware) of a high strength class. Remember, the entrance area is a place with one of the highest passability coefficients, which is constantly exposed to aggressive external environment(dirt, sand, dust, snow, rainwater).
  2. In addition to the lighting system, top and side light, place a regular electrical outlet below the switch. Believe me, constantly looking for the nearest power source for the vacuum cleaner, which was not originally designed here, or the hostess will soon get tired of using the device through an extension cord. Irritation from domestic inconvenience is guaranteed.
  3. The decoration of the walls of the hallway depends on the material from which the country house is composed. If it is assembled from solid logs, then cover it with something similar natural beauty- blasphemy and crime, the design of the hallway is best done in the appropriate style, further ennobling the structure of the tree with protective glazing agents. When bricks, blocks, frame technologies, the hallway can be plastered, painted, wallpapered, decorated with wood panels. But, above all, finishing materials must be practical. Wooden panels, painted to match the main color of the walls or in contrast - an option suitable for a family with children. By attaching children's drawings to the surface, it is easy to arrange a real exhibition, the incoming guests will have a great reason to start a pleasant conversation.
  4. When ordering a sliding wardrobe, it is better to prefer an individual project, filling the whole wall with the design. Hangers outerwear(especially when the inhabitants are fairly large people) occupy more space in depth than the standard 60 centimeters. Besides, sliding doors reduce the interior space of the cabinet, which reduces its capacity. An additional decimeter of internal space will somewhat narrow the passageway of the hallway, but it will provide free placement of things.
  5. At the first stage of designing the interior of the hallway, provide for the division of the entrance area into two parts: a technological vestibule and the hallway itself. Such a step dictates living in a country with a cold climate, so the vestibule (at least double door with an air gap between the canvases), a room that prevents the direct penetration of frosty street air is an urgent need.

Technical rooms often go into the vestibule - a pantry, a boiler room, a garage. Its additional role is to block the way in. living rooms a very unpleasant smell of a running car engine, reduce the noise effects of a working gas boiler, water pump, filtering equipment.

Making the vestibule small is pointless. It is necessary to place wall cabinets here (it is better to use the full height of the walls: this way more useful volume is formed, dust does not accumulate on top of the cabinets), where it is advisable to store garden shoes, galoshes, rubber boots, felt boots, seasonal clothes used when working on garden plot. Even after a short walk in the garden, pieces of earth, sand, blades of grass remain on the soles. It is better to leave these shoes inside the vestibule so as not to carry dirt into a clean house.

The size of the hallway and its content

The useful volume of the corridor is planned by the architectural project, the main decoration of the interior depends on the desire of the customer, financial opportunities and the following factors:

  1. What style is the house in: a hunting hut, a strict glass cube, a Gothic castle or a luxurious marble villa? Following the chosen style direction, the entrance space is filled with appropriate pieces of furniture, the number of used interior details is outlined.
  2. Frequency of visit: the house is intended for permanent residence, weekly visits, very rare visits? If the owners are only interested in the summer season, there is no need to plan a closed placement of winter things, you can get by with open hangers.
  3. How many people live, what are their individual characteristics, who are the owners - a solid married couple of about 50 or a young family with five children? It is desirable for a large family to provide a significant number of large storage locations, because small closet not able to hide ten constantly used sets of outerwear.

There are times when a family acquires (inherits) a finished building, where the dimensions of the hallway cannot be changed. Then it is worth applying decorating techniques that allow you to identify the advantages of the room and disguise the shortcomings.

small cramped hallwayLarge uncomfortable hallway
  • Use mirrors (place them opposite each other to create the illusion of a mirror suite - the space will move apart, it will seem larger)
  • Plan for shallow lockers for small items, and for shoes - vertical loading systems equipped with folding doors
  • Provide bright overhead light (dim light reduces the size of the room). Properly designed lighting is an important component of successful design.
  • Place closed shelves (mezzans) of greater depth around the perimeter of the upper part of the walls than other storage systems. They do not make the space heavier, the design is much higher than the line of the human eye.
  • Highlight any corner of the room by placing a hard chair there. Visually, it will make the technological-passage space cozy, and it will be more convenient to put on shoes while sitting.
  • Provide horizontal surfaces (under-mirror consoles, free-standing tables) where you can put your bag, drop gloves, put keys, then you won’t have to look for them in the morning before going to work
  • The original umbrella holder can become the central art object around which the interior is built. With an individual order of this item from a talented craftsman, you can get a real work of art

Varieties of hallway planning - how to beat them

An interior designer's nightmare is a hallway with many doors opening into it. In relation to private housing construction, this is rare, but there are individual cases. How to overcome a serious problem by improving the overall impression of an unsuccessfully planned room with design tools? In pursuit of the goal of reducing the number of door panels, leave, where possible, open openings, decorated with the same platbands as others internal doors. Use the space between them to accommodate mirrors or ceiling-height closed shelving. Given the optical effects, the room will appear more voluminous, and the presence of a significant number of storage systems will add functionality.

The design of the hallway bordering the kitchen or passing into it is not the best good option planning of a private house, because street dirt that is present in one room (even fanatical clean people have it) instantly gets to where the food is being prepared. From the point of view of sanitation and hygiene - a violation of all possible norms.

The entrance hall, the threshold of the hall - the center of the house, where other rooms converge with rays, is made out as an annotation of the picture that the guest will see when he takes the next step. Apply the same decorating techniques, finishing materials, colors for two rooms, use an identical floor covering, creating the illusion of flowing from one space to another. In order to emphasize the importance of the hall, the crossroads of all home paths, complement it with interesting details (paintings, ceiling lights, lamps, parquet panels, carpet).

A hallway with a window is a rarity. It is individual construction that provides such an opportunity for planning, the main thing is to make the right decision by developing a project with your own hands. Windows can frame the doorway, be above the door, cut through the walls. The presence of a light opening is a plus family budget: You can reduce your electrical energy consumption somewhat by using natural light. Decorative living plants will decorate wide window sills or special shelves, make the room joyful, warm, cozy.

What style to choose for the hallway?

You can sort out among the variety of styles by calling on the help of a professional interior designer, looking through specialized magazines, television programs by analyzing practical advice friends who built their own "fortress", or following their inner instinct. For example, it is quite possible to implement the following ideas:

  1. A brutal wooden entrance hall in the hunting-Old Russian style is suitable for a wooden house: forged lamps, massive benches, chests, visible fixtures, rough leather, stained brushed wood, flooring made of thick wooden planks (their imitation when connected to a water or electric heated floor).
  2. Italian classic style: floor made of marble slabs or porcelain stoneware that recreates natural stone, light plastered walls, mirrors that expand the space, bringing it closer to a square, the use of columns, wide ceiling cornices. On the floor, it is possible to arrange a centrally oriented symmetrical pattern, complex mosaics, bringing the atmosphere of a genuine Roman atrium.

Attention: it is especially important to provide rich lighting that fills the space, as an analogue of the bright Italian sunlight.

  1. Modern style: simple lines, calm forms of furniture, no frills, pretentious elements that make cleaning difficult, neutral colors of finishing materials, closed cabinets, clearly defined mirrors, graphic lamps.

Hallway: Feng Shui Secrets

Feng Shui is a Chinese teaching about the improvement of the hearth, attracting vital positive energy, preserving family happiness, maintaining material well-being, recommends refusing to place a mirror in the corridor opposite the front door. This is due to the fact that favorable energy, getting inside the hallway, is immediately reflected from the mirror surface and goes back without lingering inside your home. To believe this principle or not - everyone decides for himself, but what if it works? For the same reason, it should not be placed on the same line front door with stairs leading to the upper floors. When designing a cottage, move it a little to the side or turn it around otherwise, then the positive energy will stop escaping higher, it will be able to fill the lower rooms first.

Competently executed interior of the hallway is calling card the owner of the house. It is by the design of this room that guests judge the owners and their house as a whole. The entrance hall in a private house should not only be attractive in appearance, but also cozy, as well as comfortable and functional. In this article, we will give the basic information that is important for creating the interior of a hallway in a private house.

Features of the formation of the interior

When designing a hallway, it is important to build on the design of the rest of the house and make it compatible with them. Therefore, the repair of the hallway is postponed until the interior of the remaining rooms is created.

Definition with design

First of all, before planning the design of the hallway, it is important to note the functional load that will be assigned to this room. Therefore, you must first answer the following questions:

  1. Are there any plans to add storage space for seasonal items in the hallway or is there a separate dressing room in the house?
  2. How many seats do you need to make the process of putting on shoes as comfortable as possible? This criterion depends on the number of people living in the house.
  3. To what extent does the desired goal coincide with the actual dimensions and possibilities of the premises?

After answering these questions, an approximate picture of the room that you want to see in the end will already be presented in your head. Based on the presented image and dimensions of the room, it is best to depict its design in the form of a project on your own on a sheet of paper or using a computer program.

Room style

Each owner of suburban real estate chooses the style of the hallway at his discretion. For example, in order to show their high status and excellent taste, they choose classic interior premises. All surfaces are decorated in pastel shades of the warm spectrum. For accents in the room, brighter curtains or carpets are purchased.

Those who wish to complete the hallway using soft curved lines can be advised to consider such a style as modern. It is a combination of natural and modern.

Brutal natures will like it country style country filled with home comfort and warmth. Its distinguishing features are rough finishes and plain surfaces. No romantic motives and flower decoration in room. Usually, wood is used as the material for finishing the room.

Minimalism is a modern popular trend that is liked by those who are used to keeping order in everything and not oversaturating the interior with unnecessary details. All the essentials in simple design This is the basic rule of minimalism.

Creative individuals can afford a loft-style hallway. If the room has high ceilings and a large area, then this direction will emphasize its advantages as well as possible. As materials for finishing the hallway, those that imitate natural stone or brick are used. A large amount of light is a fundamental criterion for style.

Choice of finishing materials

Already with finished project hallway premises can be worked further. At the next stage, it is important to select and purchase those finishing materials that will be involved in the repair.

Wall decoration

The entrance hall is a room in which all surfaces are especially susceptible to external influences. Moisture or dirt can get on them, so you should choose a finishing material that can withstand such a situation. This is especially true if there are pets in the house.

If wallpaper is chosen, then in no case should you buy paper or textile for this room. Washable fabrics are the best option. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that no special cleaning products are required to care for them, as this will be an additional expense when cleaning.

The most popular for wall decoration in the hallway are the following materials:

Floor finish

The floor in the hallway is also constantly under increased load due to the fact that in this room they walk in shoes, leave roller skates, skates, scooters, and put heavy bags. As a coating, it is imperative to choose the material that can cope with such influences and for which it will be easy to care for.

A clear favorite for decorating the floor in the hallway of a private house is linoleum. Such demand is explained by low cost, durability and ease of maintenance. Yes, and for any design in the room, you can now choose linoleum, since its assortment is diverse.

It is important when buying this material to pay attention to the thickness, as it is one of the main selection criteria. Too thin linoleum with excessive susceptibility to mechanical damage will quickly become obscene.

Another popular material for decorating the floor in the hallway of a private house is laminate. But it requires careful selection. It is chosen for the hallway only the type that has the maximum indicators of wear resistance and moisture resistance.

Important! To prevent moisture from entering between the fragments of the laminate, a moisture-resistant grout is used.

Tiles for a private house - a unique flooring option that combines strength, reliability and aesthetically attractive appearance. Usually porcelain stoneware is chosen, which has higher strength characteristics and is less prone to slip than other types of this material. If the budget allows, then you can perform flooring stone tiles, which will give a noble look to the hallway in a private house.

As for walls, for the floor is performed combined finish. So, at the entrance they lay out tiles, and then laminate or linoleum. There is no need to save on creating a hallway design, because, otherwise, you can get surfaces that will quickly lose their quality and appearance.

Ceiling in the hallway

For the ceiling in this room, the following options can be used:

room color palette

Hallway - a room for which there is no certain rules color design. The value here is only the individual attitude of the owner to a particular color and the desire to see it in the hallway.

Some like it bright colors, attracting attention, and someone wants to see their hallway in soothing pastel colors. Regardless of this, it is worth maintaining the design so that it echoes the interior of other rooms in the house.

Advice! For visual magnification spaces are used glossy surfaces, and for spacious hallways it is better to choose matte.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the walls are slightly lighter than the floor, but darker than the ceiling. This approach will only decorate the hallway and give it volume.

Looks great in the hallway black and white interior. It combines style and elegance. If the owner sees this room only as bright, then adding cheerful orange, green or yellow accents would be a good option. Such elements will give a charge of vivacity and good mood for the whole day.

Room furnishing

The main thing that should be in the hallway is a suitable storage system. For the hallway country house often choose furniture from unpainted wood or MDF. It must be suitable for the design of the main design of the room.

If the hallway space in a private house is not spacious, then you should consider the corner option. Such a closet will help to hide all things at the same time, without taking up much space. In its lower part there are shelves for shoes, in the middle - hangers for coats and other outerwear, and on the side or top there may be shelves for arranging those things that are usually stored folded or accessories.

Again for small room choose furniture you need light, better white color that does not obscure the visually precious square meters. This technique is usually used for a narrow corridor.

Dark-colored storage systems are used only in those private houses where the hallway has an impressive area. Moreover, if preference is given to dark furniture, the walls should be light so that a gloomy room does not turn out.

It is also important to place seating in the hallway, as here you constantly have to put on shoes. A pouffe, a bench, a built-in sofa can be used as a seat.

In private houses, the hallway furniture contains cabinets or chests of drawers, in which it is convenient to store some things. In addition, accessories can be placed on their surface that will give individuality to the room.

If the hallway is so modest in size that it is not possible to place a closet in it, a floor or wall hanger can play its role. Now available a large number of their varieties, so choose suitable model won't be difficult.

A mirror is not only an interior decoration, but also an important functional detail that should be in any hallway. Moreover, the mirror is the best assistant if you need to visually expand the room.

Advice! Placed opposite each other, two mirrors will create the effect of perspective and give the hallway volume.

Another element of the hallway decor that performs an important function is an umbrella stand. In our country, such baskets are rarely installed, but the right color and style of this item will dilute the interior of the hallway and give it a twist. And on a rainy day, it will be impossible to forget an umbrella, as it will always be in sight.

If the entrance hall in a private house has a window opening, then it should not be ignored either. When designing a window in the hallway, you should choose those materials of tulle, blinds or roller blinds that will be easy to care for.

It is important to plan the location of each piece of furniture, as the same type of activity will be performed daily, and this is best done in comfort.

light in the hallway

The illumination of this room in a private house plays an important role. Definitely, we can say that bright lighting will be the only right option for this room.

The types of light sources depend on how the hallway ceiling is finished. If it is stretched or hinged, then this is a built-in system, and if another type of finish is chosen, then it is quite possible to choose a chandelier that matches the style and several sconces. Do not forget about the lighting of cabinets and mirrors.

For a small hallway, bulky lamps and chandeliers are not used, and for a spacious one, it is quite possible to choose a large vintage model of a lighting fixture. To expand the space in a narrow corridor, lighting is always directed in one direction. Before placing the lamps, it is important to calculate in advance their number and location in the room so that they illuminate the hallway in a private house as much as possible.

Manufacturers offer a variety of types of lighting fixtures that not only perform their main function, but also decorate the room. The assortment includes various products for any budget, which will allow you to decorate the hallway with the right costs.

The theater, as you know, begins with a hanger, the house, no doubt, with the design of the hallway. Entering almost any country house, the guest finds himself in the interior of the hallway. And in this room, the very first impression is formed not only about the house itself, but also about its owners. Many things influence this: not only order and cleanliness, but also originality and thoughtfulness of solutions, style, comfort and convenience of the room. Designers recommend paying no less attention to the decoration and furnishings of the hallway than to other parts of the house.

This room is rarely large, because almost no one spends enough time in it. Rather, it serves as a kind of gateway, a kind of transitional stage between the street and the house itself.

However, this part of the house is his essential element. In a private house it has characteristics. Often it is larger than a similar room in a city apartment, and has a more specific purpose.

In a private house, the entrance hall is a protective barrier against bad weather and street cold, an obstacle to snow and rain getting inside.

hallway with panoramic windows and doors

Here is a significant part of shoes, clothes and hats, including seasonal storage. Usually this part of the house is equipped with deep and roomy ones that can hide all the necessary property.

Often this room also takes on the role of a terrace in a private house. For this you can use interesting ideas or . The entrance hall can be connected to a real terrace, making up one room.

In order for this part of the dwelling to cope with the duties assigned to it, and to meet all the wishes of the owners of the apartment, they should carefully choose furnishings and material for the hallway.

Hallway in the house: finishing materials

First, the owners of the house should decide on the general style and theme of the design of this room, only after that they can take care of choosing the right materials.

In this zone, a significant role is usually played not by a fashionable print on wallpaper, or an improved way of laying parquet, but by the wear resistance and strength of materials, their ability to maintain their original appearance and be easily cleaned of dirt.

We use high-quality vinyl wallpaper in the hallway

No matter how much design experts love light and pastel colors for visual magnification space, here it is better to stop your choice on other shades. Otherwise, the hour is not even, the creamy beige will turn dirty brown, and the pearl will turn into gray. When choosing wallpaper for the hallway, you should not try to save money. Cheap paper covers will quickly get dirty and erased, thin budget ones will wave or tear. Quality walls this is perhaps the most important step.

The impression of the room as a whole will depend on how correctly selected and used finishing materials. After all, the walls in this part of the house are in constant contact with clothes (often wet or snowy), water, dirt and the hands of the inhabitants and their guests leaning on them. Therefore, the coating for them should be not only stylish and beautiful, but durable, resistant, easy to clean.

Floor in the house

The most suitable materials for the floor are tiles with suitable properties..

The same laminate has different resistance classes, and for the floor in the hallway, which is more than often in contact with moisture, a moisture-resistant material is preferable.

It concerns and floor tiles, it must also be special, able to withstand increased loads.

Such a tile should not be slippery, therefore, when choosing it, one should be guided not only by design, but also by functional characteristics.

What should be the ceiling in the hallway of a private house?

It should harmoniously combine beauty and attractiveness with ease and accessibility of care. Whitewashing and painting, which are well known to everyone, can be considered as a simple and economical method of putting the ceiling in order, but first it must be qualitatively leveled.

Often in modern dwellings a suspended ceiling is mounted from standard panels or plasterboard layers.

It allows you to organize an interesting and original spot lighting, giving the room a special charm and comfort.

Usage stretch ceilings allows you to choose not only suitable color but also texture and pattern. Such a coating is very practical and rational.

Hallway furniture

AT modern interior the presence of space, an abundance of air is valued. And even more so, the hallway is not a place where a lot of furniture should be located. Of course, it should not be empty either.

Shoe cabinets and shelves, clothes hangers, shelves for small things - this is what is functionally necessary for this room.

Elegantly austere, emphatically artsy or neutrally ascetic, whatever it may be - the interior of the hallway emphasizes the atmosphere of the whole dwelling, and determines its style.

To add coziness to this room will help to place a compact cozy sofa or a comfortable banquette there. This solution is not only functional, but also very beautiful.

It is difficult to overestimate the role in creating a special atmosphere of the room. This also applies to the hallway in the house.

For a small room, it may be quite sufficient to place two or even one source of muffled, dim light.

It is not recommended to use bulky lamps and chandeliers here: they will look much more harmonious and spectacular Wall lights placed in parallel. Instead of them, various led strip and lamps.

Decor in a frame house

A lot of decor in the interior of the hallway- not too good, and experienced designers offer to use the necessary and functional items.

It can be Wall Clock, several paintings or panels, a mirror in a beautiful frame, a vase of flowers. After all, the task of using decorative elements is not to divert attention to many objects, but to emphasize the general style of the room.

hallway in wooden house - not just a room that forms an idea that entered it, about the whole house. This is an important and necessary corner of the living space for comfortable life. Its spectacular and stylish atmosphere can set the tone for the mood, make life more positive and comfortable. The design of such a room in a private house is both a difficult and very exciting task.

If, when deciding on it, one is guided not only by the beauty and decorativeness of the design, but also by its versatility, then an ordinary entrance hall can be turned into a full-fledged and comfortable room. She will delight her owners every day, at the same time causing pleasant surprise and admiration of the guests at home.

How do people usually perceive the hallway? For most, the entrance hall is a place where residents of a private house spend a short time, which is used only for storing various wardrobe items - outerwear, hats, shoes, etc. This attitude often makes this part of the house an uncomfortable cluttered barn. Remember that all your guests start their journey from this very place, here they begin to evaluate the status of the hosts.

It can be quite difficult to choose the right design for a hallway in a private house. Firstly, the corridor room is poorly lit due to the fact that it has no windows. dark corners - best places for nuisances such as insects and pollution. In addition to outerwear, accessories are stored in the hallway, which should always be at hand. It can be keys or an umbrella.

The room that is assigned to the corridor is usually small, but must meet many rules. Each family tries to use it according to their individual needs. There are a huge number of styles created specifically for hallways, you could notice this from the photos that the proposed design projects of the Internet are saturated with.

Modern designers are trying to offer best options hallways in private homes, while maintaining the functionality, comfort and beauty of the room - an example in the photo

long hallway

If a long narrow space is allocated for the corridor, it is advisable to divide it into a hall and a hallway. To visually distinguish between zones, different finishes, color schemes or a door partition are used. If you are leaning towards the first method, use linoleum or tiled flooring for the hallway, and carpet or parquet for the hall. A multi-level floor is great, which will separate the hallway with several steps.

Furniture is also used to divide the space. Place a mirrored closet, complement the hall area with a wall shelf with a pull-out pouffe. If there is enough free space in a private house, complement the interior of the hallway with a small table and chair. For decoration, use accessories (figurines, flower vases, family photos in a beautiful frame, etc.) interior, so the interior of the corridor should be combined with the overall style of your private home. You can choose your own design long corridor in a private home, their photos can be found on many websites.

In the photo - the design of a spacious hallway

wide hallway

If you have allocated a wide room for the hallway, follow the following rules. The floor covering must be reliable (thickened linoleum or tiles are suitable), for walls in a private house it is used decorative trim hallway or washable paint. Allocate this zone with different color schemes, multi-level floor or ceiling, finishing materials.

Photo of the design of a wide hallway - contrasting shades and materials of various textures were used

To add light to the hallway, it is not recommended to use bright lighting fixtures directly above the door. Use 2-3 lights throughout the hallway to create a soft, subdued light. As an option - a small chandelier, wall sconces, spotlights. Consider how to arrange pieces of furniture to make the corridor cozy. Outerwear, bags, hats and other little things should be placed in the closet. You can put a beautiful figurine or a lamp on the chest of drawers. Complement the interior with one or more nightstands, soft finish will allow you to sit on them. In a wide corridor, sometimes even a grandfather clock with a pendulum is installed, which creates a relaxing and relaxing atmosphere. You can easily find design photos of the work of interior designers of such hallways in the public domain. Such a hallway will look even more impressive with a staircase if there is a second floor.

Small entrance hall in a wooden house

The small space of the corridor does not really help designers to feel inspired and unleash their indefatigable imagination. But even such restrictive frames will not become a big obstacle to creating a comfortable and interesting environment. The flooring here is selected more based on practical needs, rather than aesthetic preferences. Because it is in this place that the inhabitants of the house almost always wear shoes. Perhaps the best option is ceramic tiles, which will last a long time and are easy to wash. You can choose and linoleum, which is commercial and domestic. The latter is suitable for kitchens and rooms in which there is no heavy load on the floor. For the hallway, household linoleum is not laid, unless, of course, you want to constantly change the coating. Commercial material is more durable, easily withstands sharp studs, heavy boots, wheels loaded travel suitcases. Such linoleum is found in shops, offices and similar premises.

For walls, the best solution is to finish with painting, it will look aesthetically pleasing and will not cause problems in removing dirt. In choosing colors, rely on personal preferences, but you should not choose too light materials. Finishing and color will highlight the corridor area in an interesting way. Some use small pieces of furniture to fence off the hallway. You should not do this, because you will once again emphasize the crampedness and limited dimensions of the room. Better finish the floor and walls with other colors or materials. Look at the photo, how you can distinguish between zones in the proposed way.

In the photo - a variant of the design of a small hallway using different materials and colors on the floor and walls

Another important point in the competent design of a small hallway is lighting, which can immediately change the situation. The light should not be too bright or dim. Therefore, it is recommended to install a ceiling lamp that will provide soft light near the cabinet and door. In this case, the boundaries of the hallway will move apart a little, and it will not look too cramped. An indelible impression is left by the design options for the hallway with a staircase to the second floor.

Interior of a corridor with a staircase in a private house

If your house has a second floor with a staircase, which is located right in the hallway, then it should be in harmony with other interior elements. The stairs can truly decorate the first floor, it will be the highlight of your corridor.

There are a huge number of options for structures for lifting to the upper floor. A staircase that has everything is called a marching staircase with two stringers, steps and risers, railings, as well as filling. The staircase leading to the second floor can be designed in the classic version with oak carvings, steel construction, etc. The entrance hall looks much simpler with a staircase in which there are no risers. Such structures are usually metal with wooden or stone steps, they often belong to the techno and baroque styles.

The design of the corridor with a staircase to the second floor of a private house with glass treads looks amazing. The overall impression of the interior of the hallway will depend on how the staircase looks. And the chosen design will affect the functionality. If the hallway has small dimensions, then under the stairs to the second floor they often build in or install various shelves or even a spacious closet. A wall or floor hanger, a beautiful mirror and a small armchair or ottoman will complement the design of the hallway with a staircase in a private house.

This version of the hallway in a private house can be decorated in classic or English styles, country or even Provence. The interior of the hallway with stairs to the second floor will definitely help you create a pleasant environment.

Corridor accessories

When creating a corridor design, professionals recommend using metal, stone, forged and glass products. It depends on the taste, the chosen style and the financial situation of the owners. But it is best to refuse textile decorations.

Decorate the windows with small curtains. Free place can be supplemented with indoor flowers. This will create a cozy picture and help get rid of the mustiness of the room. Add positive emotions and aesthetics will help unobtrusive pictures or collages from your family photos.

Design styles for the hallway

What is customary to start with - functionality or the main mood of the room? Those who are just starting to arrange their homes are probably concerned about this issue. Modern designers offer four best styles, which are used to decorate the hallway in a private house.

  1. Retro style. Today, many people decorate rooms with the help of antique gizmos. For this purpose, artificially aged pieces of furniture are used, as a rule, they are chosen in white and cream shades. Instead of a large and roomy closet, install a chest from the past or an antique chest of drawers with several levels. Smooth outlines should be in harmony if you use polka dots, stripes, checks or nature prints. Such an interior will be complemented by photos in retro style, framed in designer frames.
  2. Scandinavian style - has two main features. Namely, rigor and functionality. To achieve this, they lay a chic floor covering and do not use any other types of finishes at all. All furniture is clearly selected in one color scheme and belong to the same style.
  3. Country style - great for a hallway in a country house made of wood. It is characterized by simplicity and comfort, so it is not difficult to implement such a design. And over time, this will make the living space even more charming. When choosing a wardrobe for the hallway, pay attention to the rough massive options with two doors. Brick walls are most suitable for this style. Alternative option can become an imitation of wood. Instead of metal hangers, hang cast iron hooks, and put a carpet of soft fabrics on the floor.
  4. Modern style - has cardinal differences from all the above options. Smooth outlines, the use of metal and glass materials, refined carving - all this is characteristic of the Art Nouveau style. Wall wallpapers are selected with floral prints, which are desirable to be repeated on other interior elements (pillows, chair or chair upholstery, curtains).

After studying the photo of the interior design of the hallway, you will choose your exquisite design style, while taking into account your aesthetic tastes and financial potential. For example, the design of the hallway in the Art Nouveau style is much more expensive than the design in the Scandinavian style.

The theater begins with, and the apartment and the owners are judged by the pictures. To make it comfortable, beautiful and functional, you need to carefully work out the design of the hallway in a private house. A photo of ready-made solutions can be a starting point for development own project. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the possible options so that it is easier to choose your own.

Read in the article

What style to choose for a hallway in a private house

Layout of hallways in private houses

The placement of individual items and inside any room is determined by the order and ease of use. When planning a hallway in an apartment or a private house, you should first of all focus on the purpose of this room. To do this, it is necessary to consistently answer the following questions:

  • How many people can be in the lobby at the same time? How will they be located?
  • Is it worth allocating space? How much space is required for this purpose? Do you need a storage room?
  • Do the dimensions of the corridor of a private house allow you to place everything you need?
  • The hallway will have its own own design or it will become part of the common.

After the answers to the questions posed are received, the layout of the hallway can be developed and repairs can begin. A photo of a hallway in a private house will allow you to appreciate turnkey solutions so that you can design your own.

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Finishing material for wall decoration in the hallway: photo options

For wall decoration it is permissible to use various materials. The choice depends on the stylistic design of a private house, financial capabilities and personal preferences. The most popular are:

  • Vinyl. Such material allows wet cleaning, which is quite important for the walls of the hallway of a private house. A variety of patterns and colors allows you to choose suitable option for any design. High strength at an affordable cost makes the material optimal for any family;

  • Liquid wallpaper. The unique characteristics of the material will be appreciated by the owners of hallways with openings of the original configuration and numerous niches. With the help you can form a durable coating on any surface. Protective lacquer coating will give additional strength to the decorative layer;

  • Decorative plaster. The material is easy to apply. Durable. Does not need special care. For a hallway with any design, you can choose the right color and pattern;

  • . A universal solution for any hallway, requiring certain material and time costs. Before application paintwork the walls are properly prepared: and puttied. It is possible to apply on;

  • . Made from or. Easy to install and easy to maintain. Available in the form of sheets, tiles or rails. They have sufficient strength. Given the operating conditions, it is worth choosing moisture-resistant models for the hallway. Photos of wall decoration options in the hallway of a private house indicate that the panels are often combined with other materials, for example;
  • natural materials, which should include the tree and . Such decoration of a private house is quite expensive, and therefore not available for every family. To reduce the cost, natural finishing materials are combined with other types.

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Thanks to our publication, you will learn the types, advantages and disadvantages of the material, how to choose the right color, size and texture, as well as how to lay the stone with your own hands.

The choice of flooring

For a hallway in a private house, you should choose practical and. Most often, preference is given to:

  • . This material occupies a leading position among floor coverings laid in the hallway. Affordable cost and ease of care make linoleum the best option for the hallway in any style. Provided that preference has been given to material of a suitable class;

  • . It must have a sufficient level of moisture and wear resistance. In the photo of the interior design of the hallway, you can see ready-made solutions;

  • . The most durable and reliable option. Differs in the increased cost. Able to harmoniously fit into the interior of the hallway, regardless of the chosen design. Instead of ordinary tiles in the hallway, porcelain stoneware is most often laid.

If it is difficult to give preference to a particular material, it is worth considering the possibility of laying several at once. Often, tiles are laid directly at the entrance of a private house, and then laminate or linoleum.

Advice! Don't skimp on flooring. Given the operating conditions, a cheap finishing material will quickly lose its appearance.

The choice of materials for finishing the ceiling

The hallway ceiling can be:

  • . It can be used to form a smooth flat surface that does not require special care. Installation work are complex and involve the use of special equipment. It is quite difficult to independently perform the installation;

  • Suspended. Depending on the chosen design, the mounted structure can be single- or multi-level. However, due to their design features take up space, which can become a serious obstacle when designing a long corridor;

  • Decorated by direct finishing. You can decorate using various materials, including whitewashing, ceiling tiles or decorative.

Attention! The use of whitewash or paintwork material requires careful preparation of the base.

Choosing color combinations - basic rules

Chosen for finishing the corridor, it can be the most diverse. Everyone prefers a particular option, based on how much he likes a particular shade. It is important to remember that each of us is in the hallway every day. Based on this, it is worth giving preference to calm shades, since it is these colors that evoke an association with comfort and peace.

Advice! To visually expand the space, give preference to glossy finishing materials and choose wallpaper for the walls that is a few tones lighter than the floor.

The interior of the hallway, decorated in black and white, looks very organic. With proper selection of materials, it will be easy to care for a white surface.

Photo furniture for the hallway: interesting options

Given the purpose of the hallway in a private house, first of all, you should pay attention to the available ones. Even the corridor area is small, you can pick up suitable furniture for the hallway. A photo implemented projects indicate the availability of various options.

AT country houses a headset made of unpainted wood is often preferred. It can be used by the clothes of all family members.

Corner systems allow you to intelligently manage all the available space. They are relevant for hallways not large area. Often lower part use by placing a zone on top on which you can sit down.

For small hallways the preferred option would be a white headset. Even with large linear dimensions, it will not look so impressive. Photos of furniture in the hallway are a good demonstration of this effect.

Dark-colored furniture should be chosen with an impressive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hall of a private house. When working out the design of such a room, the color scheme of the headset is chosen at will. The walls should be made light, and the floor should be close to the furniture.

To make it convenient to put on shoes in the corridor, it is worth providing a special place for sitting. It should be placed at a sufficient height.

If the place in a private house allows, an installation or chest of drawers would be appropriate. They can be used to store various things. Outside surface will be an ideal place to place decor items.

If it is difficult to allocate a place for installation, you should pay attention to the hanger. She will be able to "fit" into the design itself and will be used to store outerwear.

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In the article, we will consider in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the design, materials and fittings, the average cost, the secrets of proper placement in the hallway and recommendations for caring for furniture.

The right lighting device for the hallway

The lighting of the corridor of a private house is mainly influenced by the decoration of the ceiling. If preference is given to a hinged structure, most often a built-in one is mounted. At the same time, they must achieve a bright corridor.

It is also worth refusing to install a large ceiling lamp in the hall small size. For such rooms, wall products and a multi-level system are the preferred option. A large vintage one will be appropriate only in a large area corridor and on a fairly high ceiling.

Advice! To visually expand the space of a narrow corridor, direct the lighting in one direction.

When developing a lighting plan, it is imperative to take into account the purpose of this room. However, you should not focus solely on the functionality of the hallway design. A photo of modern ideas will tell you possible directions for implementation.

Decor items for the interior of the hallway

Various items can be used for decoration. When choosing a product, you should focus on stylistic design specific premises and the entire private house.

Often used in the design of the hallway. The photos of the examples below show that by choosing a beautiful edging pattern, frame and installation location, you can add expressiveness to any room.

Carpets are especially popular. In this case, the functional purpose of the room should be taken into account.

Acceptable only as an element of window decoration or if you plan to create the illusion of a window opening. Curtain material should be easy to clean.

The elements of decor should also include sconces and. With their help, you can add a feeling of comfort and coziness.

In the presence of natural light, it would be appropriate to place living
