Deflection analysis of a cantilever staircase structure. Cantilever staircase for a cottage. Features, types, materials. Fractures and cracks in concrete stairs

Quite often, when designing houses, the contractor has to deal with problems of saving space when placing flights of stairs and creation certain interiors. This is due to the fact that these structures are quite bulky and require a lot of space for their normal functioning.

That is why many craftsmen are interested in the question of how to make a cantilever staircase with their own hands, since a similar type of this device can help solve this problem.

At first glance, this device gives the impression that it consists of separate sections that are suspended in the air. However, it should be noted that creating a cantilever staircase requires a lot of effort.


  • This product has original appearance, which at the right approach can fit into any interior. (see also the article Interior of a hallway with a staircase in a private house - “recipes” for a cozy environment)
  • To create such a design, a minimum amount of material is required.
  • Space savings when using console devices increase significantly.
  • Creating stairs of this type is quite problematic and is associated with a lot of different difficulties.
  • When designing similar design stairs need to be made very accurate calculations and measurements, since a load of at least 150 kg must be placed on a step fixed on one side.

Before choosing a cantilever staircase for your home, you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of this device and make a decision that is ideally suited to specific conditions.


  • First of all, you need to understand that this ladder is mounted on one support. In this case, the installation instructions assume the installation of additional fasteners in the form of hanging systems, but the main load does not fall on them.
  • To solve the problems of installing consoles, two installation methods are used. The first of them involves fastening the steps during the manufacturing process of the walls. The second method is to install a supporting structure, which may look like a column.
  • After the steps are installed, cables or slings are attached to them from the other edge, which are secured to the ceiling. Thus, the result is a structure in the form of individual staircase elements, fixed on one side to a wall or column, and on the other side, suspended on cables.
  • It is worth noting that the suspension system itself begins to act as a barrier, but to increase safety, additional elements can be stretched between the slings, the purpose of which is to reduce the gaps.
  • Railings for cantilever stairs should be installed on the wall. They can be purchased in specialized stores, and the price of such products is sometimes so low that self-production It just doesn't make sense.
  • It is very important to use a water level when carrying out all work., For correct placement details in space.
  • It is worth noting that not all types of these systems are equipped with suspensions. There are completely independent products that can withstand significant weight without additional support.

When organizing suspension system it is necessary to create a certain level of tension that will support the steps in one position.
If the tension is too strong, you can loosen the area of ​​the main fixation.

Buy or do it yourself

First of all, you need to understand that the main criterion in the manufacture of flights of stairs is safety. At the same time, console devices require only high-quality elements and accurate measurements during their manufacture and installation. Therefore, such designs must be created very carefully, paying attention to even minor details.

Considering the complexity of such work, some craftsmen prefer to purchase finished products. They will definitely have correct forms, appropriate fasteners and will withstand the required load. However, installation must be carried out strictly according to the instructions, which must be included in the delivery package.

By purchasing ready product, you should make sure that fasteners are available, since not all manufacturers include them with the parts.
You should also check all elements for visible defects.


In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic. Also, based on the text stated above, you can get an idea of ​​the design and structure of cantilever stairs and methods of their installation.

At the same time, we can conclude that it is better to purchase this product in finished form, since factory parts have a large margin of strength and reliability.

Stairs are designed for communication between floors and timely evacuation of people from premises. staircase in most cases they are used to place utilities: heating mains, internal drainage risers, electrical distribution panels and electric meters.

Measures for the technical operation of stairs include the prevention of possible defects due to poor quality of design and construction: corrosion of metal stringers, deflections of reinforced concrete flights, cracks in staircase landings and steps, loosening of fences, handrails, destruction of the finishing layer of walls and ceramic tiles staircase floors.

During the operation of wooden stairs, the load-bearing elements may rot, their strength may decrease, the fastening of the railings to the bowstrings may be damaged, and the paint layer may deteriorate.

The condition of the staircase elements, the reliability of the fastening of the railings, the condition of the floors, and the painting of the walls are determined by external inspection. In case of significant corrosion of metal stringers and platform beams bearing capacity landings and staircases are sometimes checked with a test load.

Staircase defects and causes of their occurrence

Stairs are divided into primary and secondary according to their purpose. They consist of flights and platforms located in the staircase, and are:

    stone (from natural and artificial stone);

    concrete and reinforced concrete;

    metal and wood.

Depending on the number of flights within the height of one floor, staircases are divided into one-, two- and three-flight.

Common defects in stairs made of natural and artificial stone are fractures of treads and steps, cracks on individual steps, cracking of steps, disruption of the continuity of a flight of stairs, divergence of steps of an external staircase due to exposure to low temperatures. The causes of these damages lie in improper laying of steps, mechanical stress on them and natural wear. Loosening of staircase railings is often observed due to weakening of the sealing of their posts. Incorrect installation of steps on external stairs, when the slope of the steps is directed towards the seams of the joints, leads to their freezing in winter and breaking.

In concrete and iron concrete stairs ah, there are kinks and cracks, weakening of the sealing of cantilever (hanging) stairs, damage to the cladding, as well as potholes and breaks in them; deformations of reinforced concrete structures and exposure of reinforcement under exfoliated protective layer; deformations of stringers; fractures of monolithic staircase landings; weakening of concrete of external stairs; fracture spalling and surface peeling. Cracks appearing in the compressed zone of stairs reinforced as double-support beams indicate a weakening of the cross section, and when the edges of cracks in the concrete are painted, this confirms the insufficient load-bearing capacity of the concrete in the compressed zone. For external stairs, moisture and alternating freezing and thawing can cause great harm. Therefore, denser concrete with greater frost resistance and appropriate selection of aggregate, quality and quantity of cement are used for them.

Wooden stairs are characterized by damage from mechanical influences, exposure to fungal diseases and insects. Wooden stairs cannot be designed for evacuating people both inside and outside the building, as they have a low fire resistance limit.

The following defects and damages are observed in metal stairs: excessive deflection of load-bearing elements; cracks and fractures of connecting elements; deformation of steps; excessively smooth surface, unsafe for walking; protrusions of connecting elements; corrosion of all or part of steel structures; abrasion and polishing of the surface of the steps.

Metal ladders for the most part find limited use, mainly for servicing technological platforms and as evacuation ladders in case of fire. Excessive deflection of the stringers of stairs indicates their insufficient rigidity and errors in design, and the presence of corrosion indicates shortcomings in protection against it during the operation of stairs.

The cantilever staircase is one of the most widespread types of structures that are popular and new in all markets of the country.

The cantilever version is the most effective, well-thought-out engineering design, which creates a state of weightlessness for the steps. They are located vertically to the wall, where one end of the step lies arbitrarily, and the second crashes into the wall.

The basis of the structure is load-bearing without stringers or bowstrings. In such models there is no support, which does not clutter up the area of ​​the rooms and creates wonderful interior. These unusual systems often attract attention and have a wide field for the designer’s imagination when it comes to decoration and lighting. For designing houses with a small area, cantilever-type stairs are best suited: this will solve the problem of saving space and will allow sunlight get into the room.

Consoles in design works

The cantilever design makes an indelible impression; it looks light and frozen in space.

At design work it is considered irreplaceable and easily fits into any interior or exterior.

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When compared with other types, console systems are the simplest for installation and de installation work, in terms of design. If it is necessary to replace the steps of a staircase, you can dismantle the damaged steps without removing the entire structure.

He will tell you how to install beacons under plaster.

Nowadays it is becoming popular to decorate country houses, offices with high-tech stairs. This option takes the form of powder-coated metal plates or consists of polished stainless steel.

Construction steps in HI-Tech style are made from valuable species trees such as oak, ash and beech, or can be replaced with porcelain stoneware material.

A staircase in this style can also be made of metal and concrete in combination with glass, plastic, or various artificial material. These are models open type, they are simple and have a decorative, somewhat sloppy, appearance, as all fasteners are on the surface, which gives the design a modern style.

Before installation staircase design it is necessary to study the installed one.

Disadvantages and advantages of consoles

This system is well suited for installation in offices, country cottages, one-room apartments, while creating two-level interiors. The advantage is that it fits compactly into a room of any size, and also, if the staircase is installed in a residential building, you can safely walk along it barefoot, since the steps do not touch the floor and will not be cold.

Please note that installation of such a design requires the presence of solid wall made of concrete or brick. If there is any doubt about load-bearing structures walls, you should refuse to install consoles.

The disadvantage of cantilever stairs is considered to be their high cost: this is preceded by transportation from abroad, taxes and insurance policies. Disadvantages also include the lack of professional installers of consoles, since these models are considered a novelty in the markets, know-how that interior designers, but not builders, know about.

Read about the technology of facade insulation with foam plastic.

When installing, it is necessary to carefully calculate the area and perform the installation work exactly. If you properly study all the installation basics, you can install such a system without fear for your safety.

There are several types of unusual cantilever structures:

  • Screw options suitable for homes or office buildings with a small area. The screw console is a reliable, safe, screw-shaped design. This model has a stunning look and takes smallest area indoors, as the steps stretch upward in a curved direction. For greater convenience and safety, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.
  • Glass– an almost weightless structure due to its transparency, made of durable glass coating. Can also be considered a wonderful decoration element and used in two-story country houses, and it is attached inside stone wall and at the same time quite durable.
  • Marching– simple to implement, it can be placed either directly along the wall or turned at an angle, depending on the height of the room. If the room is low, you can use one strip; if the building is tall - staircase interconnected and installed at the desired height and the right level, it is attached at one end to the wall, and at the other to the floor.
  • Khrebtovaya- This is an option consisting of several elements interconnected. The spinal model is lined up along the wall and completely repeats all the wall bends. Since steps of this type are sinuous and easily fit into any room, thanks to rotating structures you can create different geometries.
  • Pantry– a practical model made of wood, designed for installation in two-story houses With small area, a ladder with drawers for storing shoes and other things, which is unusual and convenient, and most importantly - you can achieve original way storing little-used items.
  • Curved– this design is steep, curved, laid out with plates perpendicular to each other, not very convenient to use and not safe.

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For external use

If the room has two entrances, then outdoor stairs with connecting elements. Can be embedded external staircase during construction or add it later. Stairs for outdoor use quickly lose their quality and become deformed under the influence of weather factors.

External systems are divided into several types:

  • entrance;
  • located between floors;
  • terraced

Installation and maintenance

For installation operations with the console, two methods must be used: The first method is to strengthen the steps when creating a wall, and the second method is used to install a load-bearing base in the form of columns. After installing the steps, cables are added to them, which are attached to the ceiling. With this installation, the appearance of a separate element of the staircase is created, one side of which is mounted on the wall, and the other is supported by suspended cables attached to the ceiling.

For complete safety, it is recommended to install some tension elements to cover cracks and gaps. Railings for consoles are purchased separately and mounted in the wall. During all installation work, the evenness and accuracy of placement of all necessary elements, this can be done using a water level or tensioning a nylon thread, as well as using the most accurate level meter - a laser.

Console installation techniques are not always used suspended structures, and therefore there are independent elements, which can support the weight without major fasteners. Their care is individual, depending on the selected material from which the cantilever staircase is made.

You will find all the information about calculating the weight of corrugated sheets.

A high-tech staircase is usually made of the following materials: glass, wood, steel, concrete, reinforced with a metal frame, block, laminated panels. But it is installed with your own hands only if the wall is being built from scratch, when the builder plans in advance future design consoles instead of a regular staircase. This knowledge gives the installer the opportunity to conscientiously complete the construction of a reinforced wall.

Cantilever stairs You can look at the photo and choose the option you want.

The structure is mounted during the construction of a wall, when the free edge can extend into the room by 800 mm, and by at least 200 mm the step must be firmly embedded in the wall. To improve fastening, you can create a bowstring - tension on cables or iron strands of steps to the ceiling. Very profitable option for small country houses, attics, children's rooms, attics - this is a spiral staircase on one thick rod, which is protected on the sides by simplified railings.

If the wall is not rigid enough or you want to install the stairs in an old house, then you should definitely use a welded one metal carcass or pipe, on the basis of which they will be attached beautiful tree, glass or other step options. The frame crashes into the wall, serves as a support, and the finishing (plastic, tempered glass or wood) just rests on it. Drywall or other finishing wall material will help hide the imperfections of the wall.

All types of materials from which the console can be made must be well cleaned from dirt and dust. Wooden steps can be coated with a layer of varnish from time to time, followed by sanding with wool or felt cloth, and the wood can also be polished to extend the life of the product and to add shine and gloss to the steps.


This video shows the simplest cantilever staircase.

  1. When choosing a cantilever staircase, you need to weigh the pros and cons of this technology and select this type of staircase exclusively for your home or office conditions.
  2. During installation suspended base, you need to choose a certain level of tension that will hold the ladder in one direction.
  3. If the tension is too strong, the main fastening system should be loosened.
  4. At the time of buying finished stairs It is worth checking for any deformation of the steps, and also pay attention to the fastening structure, since in some kits it may be absent.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Among interfloor stairs console ones are the most effective. After all, most often it seems that the structure is floating in the air, the steps seem to be holding up on their own, without support. But this, of course, is an illusion. In fact, such an engineering design as a cantilever staircase is painstakingly thought out, and installation is carried out with all possible care.

Moreover, unlike traditional wooden stairs on stringers or bowstrings, this design does not block light flows and does not limit the space that falls into the field of view. The benefit is not only visual, but also practical, because often the area of ​​​​the room does not allow the installation of support pillars. And modern interior solutions do not tolerate clutter, since they prefer simple and sweeping lines, and the structures themselves are light and transparent.

What are the design features of cantilever stairs?

The main support for the steps, even the most massive ones, of this unusual staircase are brackets fixed in the wall. Auxiliary support can be provided by ceiling ties, which are not always used. The handrail, necessary for comfortable and safe movement, runs along the wall.

They usually try to make the fencing of stairs with cantilever steps less noticeable. In radical options, they do without railings at all. However, this is rather an extreme, designed for an external effect and complicating practical use.

In their pure form, cantilever steps are rarely installed; for reasonable reliability, they usually resort to combining cantilever brackets with other support units.

What are the construction steps for cantilever stairs?

Since the construction of a cantilever staircase is a complex, responsible, and time-consuming task, its foundation is laid at the stage of planning and creating the project. This is necessary for several reasons.

  1. The material from which the walls will be built must be taken into account. For example, the brackets are inserted into a brick base at least 200 mm deep and in such a way that each one is pressed down by ten rows of masonry (this is with a flight width of 800 mm). And if brick or hollow blocks are used, the embedment depth increases to 400 mm. Attaching a cantilever staircase to a wall made of aerated concrete - a rather loosely porous material - will have to be reinforced where the steps are embedded with mortgages.
  2. There are also certain requirements for the steps. Not just any kind will do, but only those made of hard elastic materials, for example, cantilever stairs made of concrete are often found.

If the question arises about building a cantilever staircase with your own hands in an already finished building, then it is important to know the characteristics of the walls. Installation is possible on brick and concrete walls, in this case, you can use another type of fastening, namely anchor.

What is a cantilever-type staircase with anchor installation?

Fastening with anchors will require special welded brackets on which ready-made platforms are supported. Every separate element attached to the wall with anchor bolts - four or more. Components for cantilever stairs of this type are bolts with a diameter of 10 mm or thicker, with a length of at least 150 mm. The width of the march cannot exceed 700-800 mm. This method applicable after complete completion of the main construction.

There is also a method of attaching steps, which does not depend at all on the quality of the walls and is possible in any building. Its essence is the construction of a powerful metal frame welded from channels/profile pipes. The structure is made up to the ceiling, located close to the wall, and tied to the upper and lower ceilings. The step supports are welded (or bolted) to the frame posts. The frame itself can be hidden behind masonry/cladding.

Photos and videos tell you how to make a cantilever staircase yourself. However, architectural supervision is desirable. When constructing a “floating” staircase, you must remember that each step must withstand a repeated load of at least 150 kgf. This is applied to the hanging edge - that is, the end that does not rest on anything. In addition to this weight, you need to take into account the weight of the railing, if any.

As a rule, console stairs are not sold ready-made, but are made to fit specific premises taking into account the wishes of the owners.

DIY installation video of a cantilever staircase

Cantilever staircases, this representative of the family of interfloor staircases, are the most spectacular. Sometimes it seems as if her steps are floating in the air. But this is just an illusion; in fact, it is a painstakingly thought out engineering design.

Traditional wooden staircase on bowstrings or stringers, with its massive pillars, obligatory risers, turned balusters and wide handrails, creates a feeling of solidity, but at the same time blocks the light flux and limits the field of view. In other words, it requires a lot of free space. Modern interior styles do not tolerate such extravagance: designs should be light and transparent, lines should be simple, sweeping.

1. The main support of this unusual staircase is cantilever brackets, auxiliary support is ceiling strands. The design has retained its visual lightness, despite the fact that its steps are quite massive, and thanks to the handrail running along the wall and the rope fence, it is very convenient and safe to move along it

In response to requests from designers, new types of staircases appeared - cantilever, suspended (on cords), bolted, spinal (on a central stringer) and combined. Probably, the dream of fans of minimalism and high-tech style is fully embodied by console models, in which there are no unnecessary parts - only steps, and attached to a support (wall, pillar, column) with just one end, while the other “floats” freely in the air. They try to make the fencing of such stairs as inconspicuous as possible, and in radical versions they do without railings at all. But it should still be noted that such extremes are rare and are intended more for demonstration than for practical application. And you rarely see cantilever steps themselves in their pure form - usually this fastening is combined with other support units.

As a rule, cantilever staircases are not sold ready-made; they are made according to the dimensions of a specific room and taking into account the requirements of the home owner. When fulfilling such orders, European companies take one of their catalog models as a basis and use factory components, making a minimum of changes to the design (thanks to this, their products are consistently different high quality). Domestic companies They produce mainly piece goods.

1-4. The cantilever principle is widely used in the manufacture spiral staircases. Their attachment to the pole can be done so that the step does not require any additional support. The pillar will have to be made more massive, but then neither a bowstring nor a stringer will be required.
5. Typically, the steps are strung on a central pillar, placed spaced between the floors, and clamped using spacer bushings.
6. Bolts and miniature wall brackets are used to add rigidity to the structure.


Building a cantilever staircase is a complex and time-consuming task. Its foundation must be laid at the stage of erecting the walls of the building (or at least before interior decoration), because each step must withstand a load of at least 150 kgf applied to its suspended, that is, not supported by anything end (and this is in addition to the weight of the railing!). Such high strength can be achieved in different ways.

Sealing the steps. During the construction of the wall, the ends of the steps are embedded into it to a length of at least 200 mm (with a maximum march width of 800 mm). This is only feasible if the masonry is made of bricks or fairly heavy (for example, solid expanded clay concrete) blocks, and it is necessary that each step be pressed down by at least ten rows of masonry. When using porous ceramic and hollow expanded clay concrete blocks, as well as slotted bricks, the depth of embedding must be increased to 300-400 mm, which is not always possible with the thickness of the wall.

When building with aerated concrete, you will have to strengthen the embedding site of each step with embedded elements made of heavy concrete. Not just any steps are suitable either, but only those made from very hard and elastic materials, such as reinforced concrete. However, they are quite easy to decorate using wood overlays, laminated panels, natural or artificial stone. Or you can leave the steps in their original form - you can’t find anything better for a loft-style interior. Sealing the brackets. Sections are embedded into the wall to a depth of 250-300 mm profile pipe up to 1 m long, leaving outlets equal to approximately 2/3 of the length of the step. At the same time, the requirements for the wall are not reduced at all, but the steps can be made of engineered solid wood, as well as materials based on wood composite (chipboard, MOR). The fact is that in this design they are no longer self-supporting, but are supported by steel brackets. Metal parts, as a rule, are hidden in grooves or holes milled (drilled) in the steps.

7, 8. A fence made of laminated tempered glass (7) has a significant mass, so it is almost never supported on steps, but attached to the floors. Such railings can become additional support for the march, and the main load is taken by steel brackets attached with anchors to the wall (8)

Please note that to implement projects with pinched and embedded consoles, you should only contact leading construction companies, and architectural supervision is a prerequisite for success. Fastening with anchors. The method is applicable after completion of the main construction, but will require welded brackets with support platforms. Each such element is secured to the wall with four or more anchor bolts with a length of at least 150 mm and a diameter of 10 mm. The requirements for the material of the enclosing structure in this case are very strict: neither the porous block nor the slotted brick will hold the anchors (or, in order to reduce the force of pulling out, the supporting platforms will have to be greatly increased).

9. Creating more and more original architectural forms is becoming an excellent way for manufacturing companies to demonstrate the skill of their engineers.


If the wall does not have the necessary strength, this is a serious obstacle to the construction of a cantilever staircase. But still surmountable. We will describe a method for attaching steps, which can be implemented in almost any building before starting finishing works. Its essence is the use of a powerful welded metal frame made from a channel or profile pipe. The structure is made up to the ceiling, the entire length of the flight, placed close to the wall and tied to the upper and lower ceilings. Welded to the posts (or bolted) cantilever supports for steps. The frame is then hidden using plasterboard sheathing or lightweight block masonry.

Most complex type cantilever staircase - with brackets welded (screwed) to a single steel string, which is attached to the ceilings using powerful support platforms and anchors. To prevent the bowstring from twisting under load, it itself must be a complex welded truss with longitudinal, transverse and diagonal stiffening ribs (like a tower crane boom). And yet, even a well-thought-out and well-made console (except for one embedded in the wall) does not allow you to completely get rid of the unsteadiness of the steps. First of all, the stairs should be safe and comfortable, but what kind of comfort can we talk about if you feel deflections and backlashes at every step? We have to look for ways to strengthen the structure.

10-12. High-tech style corresponds to products made of aluminum, glass and plain laminated panels (10.12). Solid wood steps with chrome railings emphasize the eclecticism of the interior (11)

Console help

The engineers' task is to create a not too noticeable, but sufficiently reliable support for the second end of the steps. For example, you can rigidly connect all the treads to each other using supports and thus transfer the load to the floors. Volts are hidden bolts used in conjunction with spacer bushings. In the case of a cantilever structure, each pair of steps is connected with just one such bolt (and not two, like a typical bolt), located at the hanging edge. Since the main load is borne by wall mount, the bolts can be made miniature and disguised as fencing parts or hidden inside risers. On the other hand, the use of bolts makes it possible to significantly simplify and reduce the brackets: for each step, a pair of rods with a diameter of 30-40 mm and a length of 400-600 mm, embedded in the wall at 80-160 mm, is quite sufficient.

Fastening the steps to the ceiling with ties is no more difficult than a bolt connection. You just need to purchase stainless steel cables 8-10 mm thick and install screw hooks that allow you to select the slack of the strands - lanyards. Stairs with hanging mount they look even more airy than the bolts.

15. Glass steps always require bolt support, since they only allow the use of short wall brackets.
16. Only the most experienced specialists undertake the design and construction of reinforced concrete stairs.


1. Wrong choice of method of fastening to the wall - for example, an attempt to firmly attach with anchors to masonry made of slotted bricks, porous or hollow blocks.
2. Unreliable fastening of brackets to the wall - incorrect choice of the diameter of steel anchors or the use of plastic dowels instead. As a result, over time the steps become loose.
3. Using too thin (less than 3 mm) metal for brackets or frame. This leads to twisting of the load-bearing parts.
4. Installation of steps on brackets (brackets in the wall) without the use of damping pads. The sound of footsteps will be transmitted through the wall to other rooms.
5. Installation of too heavy railings, such as cast or forged, supported on the steps.