Modern design of a small room. Design features and design of a small room Pencil room design

A house is an indicator of the taste and sense of style of its owner; you can know a person all your life, but once you visit his home, you will radically change your opinion about him. Coming up with a room design is not as easy as it seems: you need to look through many websites, magazines, photographs, be able to combine the ideas you see and create a harmonious combination of them. The most difficult thing is for those who develop the design of a small room: maintaining functionality without losing comfort and creating cluttered structures is very difficult. Each room has its own purpose, its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when choosing interior elements. You can always turn to professional designers, but own project will look more advantageous, less formulaic. An apartment with individuality evokes admiration from its owner - the creator. beautiful design. The rooms, depending on their size and location, are divided according to their purpose.

By purpose

Traditionally, large rooms are associated with a living room, small ones with an office or a nursery - these stereotypes are no longer relevant for a long time, getting rid of them is the most the hard part at the start of creation designer rooms. Creating a project for an apartment or one of the rooms requires technical knowledge, an innate sense of style, and knowledge of new modern trends. There is no point in blindly following fashion, but taking it and implementing it into your project individual elements quite possible. This approach will protect you from template solutions and will preserve the uniqueness and originality of the design. Increasingly, professionals, in order to avoid hackneyed interior design, turn to unusual topics or outdated trends that create a sensation in a new version, the same “loft” style. The purpose of a room is a determining factor in creating its image. Basic stereotypes, mistakes and possibilities of the type of rooms.

Room viewTraditional PerceptionModern features
Living roomthe largest room in the apartment· kitchen-living room in a studio apartment;

· living room combined with bedroom or workplace.

Kitchen· along the wall with a ventilation shaft;

· with window access.

· arbitrary location due to the presence of high-quality air conditioning;

· if there is no window - a powerful hood for large area premises.

Children'sthe smallest roomif space allows, then a room of medium or larger size - to create play and sports areas
Bedroomsmall to medium sized roompart of the office or living room dedicated to the bed
Bathroomconnection to the sewermodern equipment allows you to install a toilet or shower even on the balcony
Hallwaylarge area with a huge number of cabinetsHanger, shoe rack, chest of drawers, mirror - other decorative elements
Corridorwide, spacious, the size of a full roomlack of a corridor or minimal area for it

Living room

Living room function in different families and people, often differs significantly. This can be a place for spending time together as a family, then we make it cozy and comfortable, complement it with a spacious sofa, a fluffy rug, and a large round table. Or, the living room can be formal, in which case minimalism is popular: a sofa, a small table, big TV on the wall with an audio system. The notorious “slides” and “walls” have long lost their relevance - the capacity of such structures is small, but there are enough dust collector shelves. When choosing living room furniture or shelves dark color, it is worth choosing a high-quality antistatic agent in advance, otherwise dust will be visible on it after a few hours. A stylish living room is: pastel colors, bright accents, original catchy interior items (the main thing is not to overload, turning the apartment into a flea market). In the design of the living room, minimalism and neatness, clear lines and beautiful geometry are relevant.


A modern bedroom often turns out to be just a separate bed with little decor or photo frames overhead. At best, space is created for the bedroom in a small room. The situation is due to the fact that not everyone can afford a cottage, and in a simple apartment, even one consisting of more than 4 rooms, the space finds a more useful use. Is it possible to do without a bedroom and sleep on the sofa? It is possible, but after 5 years of this practice or if health problems arise, you will need a high-quality bed and an appropriate mattress. Modern folding sofas do not have a very beneficial effect on sleep quality and back health. Convenient and stylish option- combining a bedroom with a dressing room, which is separated by translucent glass. In the bedroom, warm colors are relevant, creating a calm but solid environment. It is popular to decorate the wall at the head of the bed with a different type of wallpaper or texture.


Kitchen interior design – design first kitchen set. Built-in household appliances look the most stylish, so before you start preparing a sketch of the kitchen, you need to know the parameters of the whole household appliances: size, power consumption, recommended distance from it to a wall or other device, cord length, hose length (dishwasher or washing machine).

Important! Before you start planning your kitchen set, you need to know the exact parameters of household appliances and the location of sockets!

Neglecting this information will complicate the installation of the headset and ruin appearance kitchens. Nowadays, more and more people are abandoning tiled splashbacks in kitchens in favor of glass, which is brighter, more impressive, and more hygienic. Designers partially support the trend by offering aprons made of wood, embossed plastic, or unusual tiles. Glass looks impressive when it has an original image on it, and not just “flowers, butterflies, horses.” An integral and convenient part modern kitchen- a bar counter, but if possible, it is better to move it, along with the mini-bar, onto an insulated balcony.


The interior of a bathroom greatly depends on its size. In a large room, it is appropriate to place large bath, shower stall, use large mirrors to decorate the walls. The design of a small bath will differ in favor of functionality. It is important not to overload the room with elements or clutter the space. A stylish bathroom gives preference to pastel colors: olive, beige, shades of gray, white, black and their combinations. The volumetric panel on the wall gave way to small decorative inserts. Small mosaic, ornaments from geometric shapes, relief, multi-level wall surfaces, stylized wood, brick and stone are trends in modern style. Good lighting plays an important role; colored lighting looks fresh. If the size of the bathroom does not allow you to combine a shower cabin and a bathtub, you can consider limiting yourself to a shower - this will save space and look presentable.


The size and interior design of a children's room depends on the age of the children, their number, if there are more than 2, then the difference in age and gender. If the children are small and same-sex, after a short period of time each of them will need personal space, their own workplace. Workstations should be located on different sides of the room or, if there is a long table along the window, then at a sufficient distance from each other. Every year a child needs personal space more and more, and this also needs to be taken into account when designing a nursery. You shouldn’t openly make a “children’s room” by gluing wallpaper with cartoons and making everything framed with trains - after a couple of years, an “adult” child will not want to live in a room “for kids.” To save space, designers resort to tricks: bunk beds, beds that pull out from each other, podiums with pull-out beds. All this will free up space for exercise, active games or a sports corner.


Stylish hallway - minimum cabinets, maximum functionality. This does not mean that you need to give up built-in furniture - it is quite appropriate if the space of the room allows, but if the hallway is small, it is better to limit yourself to the basic elements: a shoe cabinet/shoe rack, a hanger for outerwear, shelf for hats, ottoman, mirror, rug, small decorative elements. Personal photos in the hallway and corridor look inappropriate; if you want to decorate the walls, paintings or panels are more suitable. Traditionally, furniture in the living room is chosen in a dark color, but white or milky will look more impressive and will not require too much maintenance. Small details, such as a plate for small items and keys, an umbrella stand, a hanger for a handbag, and a vase will add comfort and individuality. It is better to make the color of the walls in the corridor light due to the lack of lighting in this part of the apartment.


A workplace is one thing, but a full-fledged office is quite another. In most cases, the office involves following the office style, but for creative people there may be a more comfortable room with bright colors, bean bag chairs scattered on the floor and intricate interior design elements. A classic office should create a working environment, set the tone for work, and be suitable for business negotiations. The work space should not resemble a museum - it must be stylish: elements made from natural materials, combinations of dark and light colors, interactive or simple board. Large personal photographs look inappropriate on the walls; it is better to use modern painting. Shelving and cabinets are a necessary part of the work process. You should not decorate your office excessively; this is, first of all, a place where you should be comfortable working.

By size and shape

Traditionally, rooms vary in size, shape and functionality. By size: large, medium, small. Shape: rectangular, square, L-shaped, round, quadrangular, polyhedron. The most common are square and rectangular. Of particular interest are rooms of unconventional shape. The first impression is that this will complicate the creation of a design project, in fact, the structural features of the room themselves suggest what and where it is better to place. If there are an abundance of corners, we hide them with built-in cabinets and shelves, leveling the space, achieving the correct geometry of the room. When designing a trapezoid room, we adhere to the same rules, or we emphasize the features of the room and arrange the furniture so that the trapezoid is clearly visible in the center. A quadrangular room with irregular angles other than 90 degrees requires adjustment with furniture and wallpaper with an abstract volumetric pattern. We don’t hide inappropriate walls, but emphasize them – highlight them with other wallpaper or texture.

Small room design

Developing a design small room you need to learn to save space without compromising general style. Can be used hanging shelves, window sill, stylized as a workplace. Transformable furniture, for example, a wardrobe that transforms into a bed, will significantly save space. If a small room is L-shaped, it can be zoned into a rest area at the far end, and a work area closer to the door. When it is impossible to separate the work area and the bed, multi-sized colored pillows will help out, forming a cozy sofa from the bed. It would be appropriate to use a podium or loft bed. The design of a very small living room is much more complicated than a large one, but with the right approach you can get a unique, stylish part of the apartment. There are several ways to visually increase space:

  • decorating a wall with photo wallpaper with a three-dimensional pattern or another texture and type of wallpaper;
  • the advantage of light shades with elements of bright or dark color;
  • high-quality lighting;
  • V rectangular room traditional curtains are used to cover the window; in square ones, blinds or roller blinds are used.

Middle room design

Designing a medium-sized room gives you a lot of possibilities and options. In this topic, it is more appropriate to talk about how to make part of the apartment stylish. We use either catchy wallpaper and calm pastel furniture, or we make neutral walls and give free rein to our imagination in decorating the room. The second option is a win-win and does not require special knowledge and skills. An average square room can be divided into two rectangular sectors; built-in wardrobes with large patterns, voluminous panels or paintings on the walls, drawings with glow-in-the-dark paint would look appropriate. In matters of interior design for a medium room, you can resort not only to using shelves, but also hanging cabinets. Give preference to expanding the bathroom to the size of an average room and organizing a real home beauty salon. Such a bathroom will be very stylish and impressive.

Large room design

When creating the design of a large room, you can use two options. The first option is minimalism. If in big room living room, a huge sofa and a massive armchair and table would be appropriate. Small details will get lost in such a space and will look out of place. If part of the apartment is very large, it would be reasonable to divide it into several interconnected zones. This could be a living room separated from the bar by a bar counter, or zoning based on interests: decorative partitions, separating the TV viewing area from the hammock, sports complex or play area. It is better to emphasize zones with different types of textures or color combinations. A large room is suitable for organizing a large living room and two smaller sectors: for preparing food and for organizing meals. Large areas must be well lit, so external wall made completely glass.

Rectangular rooms

Room rectangular shape requires adjustment and visual expansion of space. This effect is achieved with the help of long voluminous curtains; their waves remove excess length, hiding disproportion. Empty walls filled with square panels, adjusting the height. Dividing into zones is an effective solution for a rectangular shape: on the side of the window we make a work area, and closer to the entrance there is a bedroom. If a large room is intended to be a living room, then the part farthest from the entrance will be equipped as a work area or bedroom. When zoning, it is not necessary to clearly separate zones - by color or partition; it is enough to leave a small free space or highlight one of the areas with a rug, and visually this part of the apartment will be divided. Shelving in the back of the room, podiums, combination different types wall and floor coverings will help visualize the length and make it more comfortable.

Square rooms

The design of square rooms is more difficult than with rectangular ones, especially if it small size. A large square can be zoned into 3 parts: bedroom, recreation area, working space. The square part of the apartment is more suitable for the interior of the living room; its inherent minimalism will be appropriate. If design is necessary for a very small square, you will have to prioritize and make do with the essentials: a sofa, small interior details, a TV on the wall. Square kitchen loses to a rectangular one - you lose useful space for the kitchen unit and gain an extra one in the center of the room. Square room ideal for office design: strict lines and the ability to create ideal proportions will come in handy. Wall panels and paintings must be chosen rectangular, lengthening and visualizing the space.

Room styles

When choosing the style of a room, you need to follow it impeccably. By mixing one style with another, we risk getting bad taste. Modern styles offer a solution for every budget and taste. With a limited budget, you can create a stunning room design in a loft or minimalist style. Traceable The general trend preferences in the interior of a combination of light colors and bright elements. The individuality of a room is given not by the chosen style, but by the elaborate details of the interior. The style depends on the purpose of the room.

Important! The styles of rooms in the same apartment should be close or identical!

For the kitchen they often use Provence, Scandinavian style, rarely minimalism. For the living room, loft, hi-tech, avant-garde are relevant. The bedroom can be made in eco-style or hi-tech. When choosing the style of a room, you need to take into account the general style of the apartment or house. There are the following types of interior design of rooms:

  • High tech. Characterized by the predominance of black and red colors in the interior and bright red, turquoise accents. It is distinguished by emphasized minimalism and strict lines.
  • Vanguard. It manifests itself in an abundance of bright details and interior items when decorating floors and walls in pastel colors. Reflected in broken lines, asymmetry, light abstractionism.
  • Eco style. The name speaks for itself - an abundance of plants, natural materials, lack plastic windows and synthetic carpets.
  • Scandinavian style. Characterized by a predominance of white, shades of brown and gray colors, wood and imitation brick finishing.
  • Loft. A subtle combination of simplicity and minimal renovation with designer pieces from unwanted, unusual old items. In the style we can see: a panel made from “aged” boards, open fireplace in the form of a bowl. The direction was supposed to be a solution in the interior of attic rooms, but now the execution of this style is more solid and expensive.
  • Minimalism. The owner of an impressive cottage can afford this style. By allocating a significant area for a centrally located bed or sofa, you can create a unique design, but at the expense of functionality.
  • Provence. This style creates a doll-like interior and is popular in kitchen design. Stylized antique elements, vintage wallpaper, dishes on the shelves, artificially aged materials are a reflection of the sophisticated Provence style.

Ceiling decoration - types of ceilings

The ceiling is a noticeable part of the room, it is difficult not to pay attention to it, so it must be perfect. There are not many ceiling options, and if the electrical wiring runs along the ceiling, then there are only two of them: plasterboard or tension. You can combine these two options or do mirror ceiling. Currently, suspended ceilings and plasterboard can be of any color or with photo printing. Stretch ceilings may differ in texture: matte or glossy. Matte is used in large rooms, glossy in the bath and toilet. A leveled ceiling can simply be painted - it looks high-quality, solid, but not always durable. Decorating the ceiling in a room involves maintaining the overall style of the room, and color combination. Looks win-win white ceiling, but quite ordinary, you can add modern notes with the help of interesting lamps with original patterns or lighting.

Wall decoration - types of materials and wallpaper

The choice of material for the walls of the apartment depends on the room: in the corridor we choose a denser, wear-resistant texture. In the bedroom and living room we give preference to more delicate materials. This type of finishing such as painting can be used for the corridor or rooms with low temperature conditions: pantry, veranda, basement. Wallpaper amazes with its variety of types and colors. Often wallpaper comes in two styles at once: plain and with a pattern on the same background. Paper is an economical option, not inferior in style and quality to expensive wallpaper. Non-woven wallpaper is easy to apply to walls - only the wall is smeared, which allows you to paste the wallpaper quickly and evenly. Vinyl wallpaper is known for its durability and good performance. Glass wallpaper, tiles, decorative plaster, stone, decorative panels - will allow you to create a unique style.

Floor decoration - types of floor coverings

A popular floor covering is linoleum - durable, unpretentious to use, and easy to repair. In second place in popularity is laminate, which is considered natural and requires a perfectly flat floor when laying and maintaining the distance to the wall. If the corner sways in one place, there is a high probability that when the humidity of the room changes, the floor will rise and it will have to be disassembled and filed. Ceramic tile durable, requires professional installation and is fireproof, suitable for bathtubs, toilets and islands near the kitchen work area. The disadvantage is a cold surface in the absence of floor heating. Cork floor coverings are natural, wear-resistant, suitable for bedrooms. Polyvinyl chloride - fire-resistant high-quality coating, will last up to 30 years, has an elegant relief. The stone covering is durable, but heavy and cold. The self-leveling floor looks impressive - it provides a wide range of design possibilities.

Curtain design

Curtains are an integral part of the design of the room, you have to limit yourself to blinds or roller blinds, but it’s hard to resist the number of full-fledged stylish curtains. Classic curtains are often used, but curtains such as Roman curtains find their place in apartments and houses: they are distinguished by airiness, delicate shades, and horizontal folds. Austrian curtains They are distinguished by the presence of laces for lifting them and the predominance of expensive shiny fabrics in the design: cambric, silk. London curtains reflect a chic English style: graceful waves reminiscent of the Roman style, distinguished by high costs of materials and type of assembly. The design of a small room does not exclude the presence of curtains: you can choose them of the required length and color. Curtains with photo printing are popular - such an interior element will allow you to adjust the visual perception of the size of the room.

IN modern projects In houses and apartments, a bedroom less than 15 meters or a living room less than 25-30 meters is considered small. Numerous magazines devoted to interior design, being mostly translated, also often discourage readers with such “measurements”, and yet many still huddle in small apartments ah with bedrooms less than 10, and living rooms less than 20 meters, and they are considered normal. And even if they don’t, they still have to live in exactly these conditions. However, which room is considered small is a controversial question. Here you can use the principle: if there is not enough space, then something needs to be changed. And if changing an apartment is a unrealistic option for most, then it’s worth playing on the design field. The rules are quite simple.

Color: a large palette for a small room

A combination of two or three colors is considered optimal for a small room. The first color (lightest) is called the base color. This is the main tone of the walls and ceiling. It doesn't have to be White color. For a well-lit room, cold ones are suitable pastel shades, emerald-. For a dark room, it is better to choose warm and neutral shades: pale yellow, beige, pink.

Attention! Some colors have cool and neutral or warm and neutral undertones. You cannot combine them with each other. For example, you cannot paint one wall light emerald (cool neutral) and the other pea (warm neutral) color. The same color principle applies when choosing the color of all other elements, furniture and textiles.

The second color is complementary. It could be more bright shade the base background and a moderately contrasting color with it. One of the walls or part of it can be painted with this paint. Large furniture and other significant interior details will look good in this design. An additional color serves to give the room depth and sets off the base color in the main details. The difference in tones makes the space look voluminous.

The third color is the brightest. This can be a dark accent (even black) or very bright, which is reflected in small details: photo frames or paintings, rugs and other small things. As a rule, these are small touches to the overall picture of the interior, pleasing to the eye, but not attracting a lot of attention.

Oddly enough, they are the most capricious elements in the design of a room. WITH bright details It's very easy to overdo it or place it incorrectly. Can be adopted main principle: large elements - in the distance and in the depths of the room, small ones - on the side, at the entrance.

Games of light

What can you do to visually increase the space of a room with the help of light?

  • install as much as possible . A niche arranged in the form of a soft corner on the windowsill - great idea for a compact living room;
  • use: if you hang it opposite the window, the amount of light will double, and simply mirrored shelves or cabinet doors will also create a good spatial illusion;
  • zone lighting: large bulky lights in the middle of the room, yes - spotlights above the sofa or chair, above the bookshelves or at the head of the bed;
  • spotlights located in a row not only highlight a particular area with light, they visually lengthen the room - this can also be used;

  • modern, laconic design of lamps and lamps instead of pompous, deliberate chandeliers - what is needed for a compact room;

  • glass furniture and objects: depending on functional purpose small room, traditional wooden doors It is quite possible to replace them with glass ones and even use transparent partitions.

  • ceiling

It is unacceptable to do this in a small room multi-level ceiling or paint it dark colors that absorb light. Optimally – white or the lightest colors Smooth surface. You should also avoid contrasting edgings at the junction of the walls and the shelf.

If there is a need to visually increase the height of the ceiling, then it can be painted the same color as the walls. Merging into a single whole with the walls, the ceiling will seem higher.

Another traditional solution is vertical stripes (but not too bright and frequent). Wallpaper or striped curtains will successfully cope with this task.

In addition, if the ceiling is covered with glossy PVC film, it will also appear higher. Use this trick.


To avoid reducing an already small space due to incorrectly selected furniture, you need to follow a few simple rules.

1) Measure seven times - buy once. That is, before going to a furniture store, carefully measure the room, the free space in it, calculate and think about where and what will stand. In a store, furniture doesn’t seem as big as in an apartment, so it’s easy to be tempted to buy the wrong thing. It’s like with a New Year’s tree: in the market it seems small, but in the apartment you can’t get around it.

2) For seven troubles - one sofa, or more simply - multifunctionality. An indispensable option for a small room is transformable furniture. A sofa that can be converted into a sleeping place, always with a drawer for storing linen, is what you need. Or modular furniture in the form uniform design, consisting of a table, a chest of drawers, convenient shelves and a staircase leading to the second floor to the bed.

Alternatively, such furniture can be children's cubes, from which it is easy to assemble a bookshelf along the wall and a table with chairs for guests.

Today, quite often in small children's rooms they install bunk bed. And really, what could be better for modest square meters?

If something is difficult to find in a store, you can always make it to order. It may be an order of magnitude more expensive, but believe me, later you will appreciate the convenience of such furniture.

3) Simplicity. No monograms, carvings, excessive curvature or lush decorations. Furniture should be as simple as possible (but not necessarily mediocre) in shape. Playing with color is acceptable. The sofa or chairs may well be contrasting, but not so much as to attract all attention. In any case, it is better to place bright furniture in the back of the room, away from the entrance.

4) – an excellent replacement for chairs. Hospitality in the house comes first, even if the house is just a very compact apartment. And here, an excellent solution would be to use an idea from the east, when pillows and soft carpets replace sprawling sofas and chairs. Surely dear guests will not remain indifferent after a mysterious tea ceremony on pillows around a cute tray instead of a table.

Thick covers in original colors and knitted patterned inserts on pillows will add their own zest and originality to the interior of a small room. Additional decoration for the covers can be fluffy tassels, funny pom-poms, or just cute bows made of satin fabric. But where to hide such pillows? One way or another, they will need very little space, unlike chairs. Alternatively, you can attach decorative ribbons to the chairs or place them on the sofa. Thus, even the smallest room will become a favorite and cozy corner for household members.

5) Scrape along the bottom of the barrel. Look in all corners. If you can really look into them, then consider that a couple of meters of valuable space have been lost in the room. Corner furniture: shelves, cabinets, tables will save space and accommodate many necessary things.

6) Naturalness. A small room may not only have little space, but also little air. Furniture from natural wood, upholstered in natural fabrics and materials, objects made of glass and - The best decision. Less plastic, primitive synthetics - and the space of a small room will be not only beautiful, but also healthy.

Textiles: softening the interior

Textile elements in the interior of a small room can help make it more comfortable. The main thing here is moderation and a minimum of decorations. Give preference to light shades, straight, flowing, translucent, without bows, lambrequins, ribbons, tassels and other “palace” decorations.

A good solution is Chinese curtains. They are laconic and fit well into almost any non-specific interior.

Choose plain-colored bedspreads, without large patterns, frills or folds. The same goes for decorative pillows.

Carpets in a small room are a difficult issue. If you can refuse them, that’s good. If the carpet in the room is an island of comfort and warmth, and the owner cannot imagine himself without it, then you should carefully approach the choice. Small neat rug original form, texture and design, for example in the form of a flower, harmoniously combined with the overall interior can become a real highlight of a small room. In a small room it is better to put a carpet in light colors, with a small and discreet pattern or without it at all. If the room is narrow, then you can pick up a striped rug and lay it in strips perpendicular to the long wall. This will visually expand the room.

A small room is always associated with a lack of space. Poor planning can result in a cramped and cluttered appearance. But this is easy to fix. Even the smallest and most uncomfortable room can be made comfortable and functional with the help of these simple tips and photos of examples. In addition, you have a great opportunity experiment and create your own unique interior. And for the room of your beloved children, read it, even if it is small.

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2. Curtains. If in a small room big windows, then it is better to hang curtains at the edges, then they

DIY apartment design. How to furnish/arrange a small room beautifully and compactly with photo examples.

will appear even larger. Choose long (floor-length) curtains and tulle in the same color scheme as the walls. Give preference to light, flowing fabrics that do not weigh down the space and do not draw attention to themselves. If possible, replace thick curtains with gauze tulle. This will allow maximum light to enter the room.

3. Make the most of your space. Each piece of furniture, especially in a small room, should have its own purpose. Try to make the most of it. For example, furniture wall– an excellent option for those who live in a one-room apartment. It does not take up much space and combines several types of furniture at once: a wardrobe, a bookcase, a chest of drawers, a TV stand, a minibar, shelves for souvenirs, photographs and other small items.

4. Multifunctional furniture. It is not necessary to take a radical approach to the issue - to purchase a bed that turns into a wall, or a table that folds into a coffee table, especially since such innovative ideas from designers are not cheap. The most common and affordable way save space - this is a sofa bed. At night it's a comfortable double bed, which gets ready in the morning full sofa where you can receive guests. In addition, there is usually space under the sofa cover for bed linen, blankets and pillows.

5. Reflective and transparent surfaces. Mirrors and other reflective interior elements can also visually enlarge a space and make a room brighter through reflected light. It is advisable that the mirror be located opposite the window. A closet with large mirrored doors or a wall with mirror tiles visually double the room. Transparent interior items made of durable plastic, less often glass, (for example, tables, chairs) allow you to visually expand the space. Furniture with transparent legs creates the effect of lightness and soaring. These simple ways allow you to effectively furnish a small room in an apartment or house.

6. Zoning of the premises. To make the room more functional, divide it into zones. For example, you need to separate the work area from the sleeping area. Use various combinations flowers, divide the space using screens, curtains or bookshelves. Use different light sources to create the illusion of two different rooms. Arrange furniture around the room so that it is accessible and you can easily move around the room. Remember: the more floor space is free, the more spacious the room will seem.

7. Avoid clutter. This is especially noticeable in small space. Do not “clutter” the room with unnecessary things. Determine your priorities: get rid of what you don't need, hide what will be useful someday in cabinets and drawers, and for those things that you use constantly, determine the most accessible places.

8. More light. Natural and artificial light have the ability to expand space. Even if the window is large, try not to cover it with curtains. If the room is not on the sunny side, you can use built-in light sources around the perimeter of the room. Choose a small chandelier; a large one will look ridiculous. A transparent ceiling chandelier is the best option. See the article on rooms, this will help to achieve a visual increase in space and better arrange a small room, the photo examples below clearly demonstrate this.

9. Small furniture for a small room. Avoid bulky interior items, especially if they do not carry a functional load. You can discard large armchairs and replace them with equally comfortable chairs. Small folding table useful both for receiving guests and for a home office. Replace the luxurious corner sofa with a more modest one. It is no less comfortable and takes up much less space.

Now our website for do-it-yourself apartment renovations recommends visually designing projects for arranging rooms. Thanks to recommendations for compact arrangement of small rooms, you can create comfort in your apartment.

Articles about how small room make a great multitude appear larger than it really is. And, nevertheless, after reading many of them, I also wanted to speak out on this matter.

At the same time, move away from the standard cliché: “10 tips on how to change a room.”

In general, to begin with, it would be nice to decide what we are talking about! What room can be considered small?
Is your room really small, or does it just seem that way?

Let's look at an example.
Let's say we have a room with an area of ​​9 sq.m.
Of course, this is very little if we want to place a bedroom or living room in it. It's also a bit cramped for a teenager's room.
But for a kitchen with a small dining area this is quite acceptable. Also, it is quite possible to place an office or even a nursery for a preschool child in it using proportionate children's furniture.

And if these 9 meters went to the bathroom, then the unfortunate “ ONLY 9 meters"magically transform into chic" WHOLE 9 meters».

Thus, any room can be small if the desired set of functions that this room should perform is disproportionately large in relation to its area.

In addition, you will have to take into account additional factors: the configuration of the room, which sometimes matters more than the area, as well as ceiling height and lighting.

Well, last (but not least) is the room’s permeability.

Obviously, in the general case, the bedroom (without additional functions) has less traffic than a kitchen or children's room, for example. But if this room has the only balcony in the apartment, on which things that are very necessary for the household are stored, then its traffic capacity increases significantly.

So, the first thing to do is:

- try to initially distribute the functions and proposed areas in the most logical manner so that they correspond to each other.
- if possible, reduce the number of functions assigned to one small room.

Unfortunately, this is not always possible, and yet, before shedding tears, trying to “shove in what you can’t fit in,” think: is it possible to make a competent redevelopment of the apartment as a whole in order to logically redistribute the space. Or maybe it’s worth swapping the bedroom with the living room or children’s room? Or will you be able to find a place for a wardrobe not in a tiny bedroom, but in the hallway, or in another room?

If the room has already been selected and is not subject to change, you should pay special attention to the arrangement of furniture in it.

In mathematics, “the sum does not change by changing the places of the terms.” But when planning a room, the opposite is true. It’s changing, and how!

The so-called "first impression".
That is, what first catches our eye when we enter the room. What do we see first of all? That's right, the front wall (opposite the entrance) and the “red corner” (diagonally from the door). Accordingly, it is these zones that require special treatment in design.
Do not overload them with bulky objects and things that have lost their aesthetic appeal; be careful with small details (all sorts of open shelves with vases, photos, ducks...)

But on both sides of the entrance there is a “dead zone” (especially on the side of the door hinges). Here you can easily hide both a massive wardrobe and an ugly rack that for some reason you don’t dare send to the landfill.
- Zoning. Another controversial topic for small rooms.

There are many pictures on the Internet, the room is divided into zones using a plasterboard partition, a shelving unit or a sofa placed across the room.

It should be remembered that these solutions are not suitable for small rooms and not only make them even smaller visually, but often make it very difficult to use each of the zones for their intended purpose.

An exception may be a narrow, and at the same time disproportionately long room. But even in this case, you should use only mobile pieces of furniture, low chests of drawers or through shelving that let in light in order to maintain the overall volume.

Also, different ones will look inappropriate in a small volume. architectural excesses. Artificially created niches made of plasterboard, arches, columns, multi-tiered ceilings of strange shapes.

First of all, let's decide on the style.
It’s better to say goodbye to “palace” styles right away. A luxurious Louis XIV bed will lose all its luster if you somehow miraculously managed to stuff it into a 3x3 m cell. And, alas, it will never give you the feeling of a royal bedroom.
Of course, it is most suitable for small spaces minimalism, with its laconic, ergonomic forms.

But not everyone is a fan of this style. In this case, you can turn to a universal and much more comfortable style. contemporary

or graceful Provence.

For the bravest we can offer eclectic solutions. For example, a grandmother’s table can easily get along with glossy cabinet fronts.

Equally important is the process of selecting certain furniture models that can reduce the congestion of the room.

The general selection principle is simple:
- There shouldn’t be a lot of furniture. Leave only what you need.
Numerous, even small items can create a lot of clutter in any room.
- Massive products should be abandoned in favor of lighter, more elegant models.
- In general, light furniture looks lighter than dark furniture.
- Numerous cabinet drawers of different colors and sizes, and even with any designs, patterns and panels will not add beauty, but will only fragment your small room.
- Built-in or free-standing cabinets, but with smooth, smooth facades, attracting as little attention as possible.
- We choose a bed without a footboard.
- The sofa is simple in shape, low. The upholstery is preferably plain, not bright, not colorful. It is advisable to avoid combining colors and wide wooden armrests.
- Choosing to use non-standard furniture. Products made to order can be adjusted as much as possible in size and shape to the given circumstances.
I will pay special attention to various transformers.
- Folding bed.

- Bed-podium.

- Pull-out beds for children.

- Sofa bed for the living room.

- Table transformer.

- Workplace - secretary.

They will help you save space in your room.
After we have dealt with the furniture, we smoothly move on to color design.
Here, I probably won’t say much new. All articles recommend using white, light shades and cool tones.

And it really works!
White color tends to reflect light particles, so the room seems not only larger, but also higher and lighter.

Light cool tones They visually move the surface away from us and expand the boundaries of the room. While the warm tones of the surface bring closer.

“What should we do now, do everything white, like in a hospital”?
- Well, firstly, the interior will not seem sterile and boring if you use various textures in contrast. Combine brick and shabby wood with lace and silk, and fur with the shine of glass or glossy facades.

- Can be used various shades of neutral tones

- Or add a small amount to the interior contrasting note.

But that's not all!
If you prefer rich colors, you can use any of them. Even black. At the same time, the walls and floor, as well as all large objects in the room should be the same color. Shades, saturation and textures may differ.

You can use this technique, for example, if you need to place a large, solid, dark-colored sofa in a small room that you just can’t refuse.
Since the color of the sofa will be close to the color of the walls, it will no longer look as bulky as before.

Now, what should definitely be avoided when decorating small rooms:
1. Sharp color contrast

2. Abundance of different colors.

They are often advised to be used to expand space.

In principle, this is how it is. Perspective works best in this regard. But most people don’t even realize how difficult it is to choose the right image that suits your interior. One of yours: “ I liked this picture so much- is clearly not enough.
It is necessary to take into account both the plot and the color scheme, the size and geometry of the panel (square, rectangle (regular or very elongated in length or height), the proportionality of the picture, the horizon line and the correct angle for viewing.

It may happen that the treasured picture turns out to be alien to your interior.
You can spoil the impression
-wrong angle

- inappropriate image or

- disproportionately close-up.

Of course, the better the room is lit, the more spacious it seems.
That's why:
- Try do not block the flow of light, placing tall cabinets nearby.
- Dense replace curtains with air curtains, translucent curtains.
- If the layout allows, You can hang a mirror opposite the window, which will reflect the flow of light.
- Also, if window slopes wide enough, they can be used too make mirror.

In general, we’ll talk more about mirrors later.

One of the keys to success is uniform lighting.
The only question is how to achieve this.
Usage built-in spotlights on the ceiling is not always justified, and not always appropriate.
Firstly, this is still a type of technical lighting. Without restrictions, it can be used in the hallway, bathroom, dressing room and to illuminate the kitchen front.
Beautiful stylish models are also suitable for living rooms in the style of minimalism and hi-tech.

Secondly, the ceiling will need to be lowered.
The most win-win solution would be to add to the main lamp additional lighting scenarios.
- Sconces, table lamps, floor lamps.
- Glass cabinet lighting and paintings always create intrigue in the room, and
- LED Strip Light, stretched along the perimeter and hidden behind the ceiling cornice, will not only visually raise the ceiling, but also contribute to a soft, intimate atmosphere.

In addition to its direct function
- reflect your person,
There may be several more roles for him in the interior:
- Mirrors reflect light, positively affecting illumination.
- The magic of reflections allows increase space .
- They themselves can serve decorative element .

Therefore, when hanging a mirror in one place or another, first decide which of these functions is a priority.
1. In the first case, the mirror is hung so that it is as convenient for you to use it as possible. If we are talking about a large mirror, there must be an approach to it in order to see yourself in full height. In this case, the light should fall from the side or from above, but not from behind.

And this will happen if you hang a mirror on the wall opposite the window.
2. But the window will be reflected in the mirror, this will give you a beautiful perspective and a well-lit room.

For this purpose, if for some reason you don’t really like mirrors, you can use glass or glossy surfaces, metal or mirror mosaic.
Also, instead of one large mirror, you can hang several small ones at a sufficient height. They'll also reflect light, but you won't have to bump into your full-length image all the time (for those who don't like that)
3. If the task is to increase space with the help of mirrors, think about what and how your mirrors reflect. It is unlikely that the reflection of an empty bare wall in narrow corridor, or a mess piled up in the corner.

4. When you hang mirrors solely “for beauty,” then you need to choose a place for them as if we were hanging a picture or other element of wall decor. Considering composition, style, shape and color.
- But you shouldn’t hang different-sized and multi-colored pictures and other decorations all over the walls and free corners.
- Also, you shouldn’t hang open shelves with books and various “stuff” everywhere.
In the end, I wanted to summarize all of the above and focus on the main points.

- Properly distribute the area of ​​the apartment.
- Do not overload small rooms with unnecessary functions.
- Try to find the most rational arrangement option.
- Avoid “extra” architectural elements.
- Choose the appropriate style.
- Reduce the amount of furniture.
- Avoid bulky models.
- Use custom furniture made to your measurements and various transformers.
- You should not split up the room with different sizes of furniture, facades of different colors and shapes, numerous shelves, paintings, etc.
- Make a choice in favor of homogeneous surfaces without drawings or patterns.
- Avoid sharp contrasts and colors.
- Try to select all finishing elements in the same color scheme; the only difference can be in shades and textures.
- Give preference to white, light shades and cool tones.
- Try to fill the room with light.
- Organize uniform lighting and different lighting scenarios.
- Properly use various design techniques aimed at visually expanding the space: photo wallpaper with perspective, mirrors, glass and glossy surfaces.
I will be glad if my article helps you.

Planning a “Khrushchev” building, without a doubt, is not as interesting as designing a two-story cottage or a luxurious country house. But it is precisely in such small-sized apartments that he lives most of population. And only a small part of design companies agree to work with such limited space: it is inconvenient, not always practical, and costs an order of magnitude cheaper than furnishing luxury apartments.

We will share ideas for decorating small apartments, as well as designing interiors for small rooms in this article.

Interior design for a small apartment

The task of the designer who has taken on the design of a Khrushchev apartment is to rationally use every millimeter of space, not to overload the apartment and, at the same time, equip it with all the interior items necessary for life.

Much, of course, depends on the purpose of each room, but the general principles of organizing the interiors of small apartments are unchanged:

  1. Free up the space in your apartment to the maximum.
  2. Do not clutter the apartment with small parts and unnecessary furniture.
  3. Install only the most necessary interior items in the room, use transformable furniture and mini-versions of appliances and special equipment (front-facing washing machines, mini-refrigerators, etc.).
  4. Fill small apartment light, both daylight and artificial.
  5. Try to visually expand the boundaries of space and raise the ceilings in the apartment.
  6. Use plain textiles of a simple cut, without frills, ruffles or complex embroidery. Do not drape the apartment windows, replacing the usual curtains with transparent tulle, Roman shades or compact blinds.
  7. Choose sliding structures doors or abandon them altogether, replacing the interior with light partitions.

To make it clearer, you need to consider each point of these rules in more detail and familiarize yourself with photos of the interiors of small apartments made by professional designers.

Attention! The interior of the “Khrushchev” should be harmonious, but in no case should this harm the functionality of the apartment: each room is equipped with all the necessary items and furniture.

Interior styles for a small room

Ideas for decorating a small-sized home are primarily based on style. Today, there are many trends and styles of interior design known, but not all of them are suitable for decorating a “Khrushchev” or a room of limited area.

Important! The least suitable interior for a small room is classic style. All the ruffles, flounces, tapestries and velvet will become just a collection of dust and an unnecessary clutter in an already cramped room.

The most suitable styles for the interior of a small room are modern. This group includes:

  • high tech;
  • minimalism;
  • modern style;
  • loft.

A small room will also look good in some ethnic interior design styles, for example:

  • Scandinavian interior with a predominance of white shades and maximum amount of light;
  • Japanese traditional interior with minimal furnishings and little decoration;
  • cozy Provence is suitable for the interior of small kitchens and cute bedrooms.

In general, we can say that interiors with a minimum number of details, clear lines and plain walls are suitable for small apartments.

Color influence

The main goal of a small room interior planner is to expand the space, create the illusion spacious room. Not all shades of the color palette are able to cope with this task. The optimal solution is white and all pastel shades, such as beige, pinkish, light gray or muted blue.

This doesn't mean that everything in a small room should be monochromatic; you just need to avoid large prints, bright patterns and lots of small parts. It is best to paint the walls with plain paint or cover them with wallpaper without a pattern.

Advice! At the same time, textures in the interior of an apartment are not prohibited; on the contrary, designers recommend decorating the interior of a small apartment with various surfaces (stone, wood or leather). This will make the monochromatic painting more interesting and deep.

There is a rule of three colors, which is perfectly suitable for the interiors of small rooms:

  1. The interior should use one basic shade, in which most of the walls of the apartment, ceiling and floor are painted.
  2. It is allowed to install furniture of the same color as the base, but a slightly different shade.
  3. Small details, textiles and decor are made in two other colors, contrasting or close in gamut to the main tone.

If you look at the apartments whose photos are posted on the pages of design publications, in almost every picture you can see these three colors, on which the entire composition is built.

Attention! Only experienced specialists or people with exceptional taste will be able to decorate the interior with a large number of shades.

The peculiarity of light tones lies in their ability to distance objects, blur boundaries, and smooth out clear lines. A room in light shades seems larger and more spacious, so the walls of a Khrushchev building should definitely be light and monochromatic.

Ideas for decorating ceilings in such rooms mainly involve using the same light colors. If you need to hide the line between surfaces, it is recommended to paint the ceiling with paint whose tone is one unit different from the color of the walls.

More options for the apartment ceiling: glossy tension structure or a multi-level ceiling with lighting around the perimeter. These techniques allow you to visually raise the ceiling and make the room more spacious.

The floors in a small apartment can be either dark or light - it depends on the wishes of the owner. Only thresholds and various jumpers on the floor covering will have to be abandoned - they “eat up” precious space.

Advice! If laminate, parquet or boards are laid on the floor of a small apartment, it is better to lay each element diagonally, starting from the corner opposite the entrance. In this case, there will be more waste and you will have to tinker with cutting the boards, but the room will gain a few visual centimeters.

Regarding uniformity flooring, there is no clear answer here. It has been noticed that in redesigned studio apartments it looks better to have different flooring in each zone (tiles in the kitchen, carpet in the bedroom, parquet in the living room), but in a small apartment separated by doors it is better to lay the same flooring and, if possible, hide the joints.


Small apartments require special furniture - the usual sets simply will not fit in this interior.
