Design options for a children's room for a boy. We create a functional design of children's rooms for boys Design a room for a boy 8 10 years old


A separate room for a 10-year-old boy is not just a part of an apartment or house allotted to him, but a personal space in which he is comfortable, where he can relax and gain strength.

Design should not only contribute to a pleasant pastime, but also meet certain rules.

What should be the nursery of a child of 10 years old?

Interesting and inspiring ideas in the video:

It is unlikely that fanciful styles will be appropriate here, rather practical functionalism. It is especially relevant, where the abundance of flowers or decorative elements will lead to a visual reduction of the room.

Tip: laconic forms of furniture and accessories will make the room more spacious.

Such a room for a teenager no longer looks completely childish.

For sure, the child will want to participate in choosing the design himself, reflecting his current hobby or favorite characters in the design.

Still, it should be borne in mind that this is a place in which the child will have to study and relax, so you should avoid flashy colors that will interfere with concentration or relaxation.

Tip: walls in neutral shades: gray, beige, milky will create an emotionally calm atmosphere, and you can add brightness with the help of individual color accents: for example, a bright sofa, table, shelving or.

At the age of 10, boys are already quite mature and conscious, so there is no need to choose exclusively practical materials and furniture. You can put a carpet with a long pile on the floor without fear that it will quickly deteriorate.

A slate board and bright accessories will create a stylish and modern interior.

If the child does not want to part with his favorite toys, find a place for them. You can also place one or two children's photos there.

Choosing furniture

A children's room for a boy of 7-10 years old should be as functional as possible. After all, there should be a place to sleep, and to meet friends, and a workplace.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows, then it is worth highlighting separate zones in it:

  • for study and work;
  • for sleep;
  • sports corner or hobby area.

AT small room they can be combined with multifunctional solutions. For example, such as:

  • …loft bed. Under it, a desktop, a separate sofa or a wardrobe can be located.

  • …. Such furniture will help to significantly save space, leaving space for games. Before buying, think about what kind of bed you are going to buy: after 10 years, boys begin to grow actively, and soon the child will need.

  • … dresser steps, which, in the case of using a loft bed, will also become a convenient storage for things or even a place where you can sit with a book or laptop.

Tip: Many manufacturers offer modular nursery systems that can be modified to fit the space available.

Often, school-age children are very busy with their studies and various additional activities. Therefore, the Swedish wall or horizontal bar is very desirable for the boy's room, so that in between lessons he can do a warm-up. Even if the child does not go in for sports professionally, it will give him the opportunity to throw out excess energy, relax after class. It is better to install a sports corner even during the repair, so that it fits organically into the overall interior.

Decor and accessories

To make a children's room for a boy not only comfortable, but also cozy will help decorative elements. If the owner of the apartment has an interesting hobby or hobby, it is quite possible to reflect it in the interior by decorating the walls of the bedroom with posters of your favorite athletes or actors. If you love crafts to decorate baby's room.

The design of a children's room for a teenager is a process that cannot be imagined without his participation. After all, soon the child will turn into an adult with personal hobbies and tastes. But while a teenage boy lives with his parents, he has to reckon with their views on the interior. How to make sure that not only the child likes the room, but also corresponds to the rational ideas of parents about a comfortable and functional living space?

Children's room for a teenager: choose the right style

Where does the design of a room for a teenager begin? After consulting with a teenage boy, one specific style should be used. A room for a teenager, completely designed in one of the current styles, will certainly not leave him indifferent. Many designers believe that hi-tech, loft and Scandinavian style. But it is important to take into account the personality of the owner of the room and be sure to consult with him when choosing a design style. Here are some ideas:

  • Sporty style suitable if a teenager leads an active lifestyle. The children's room is equipped with exercise equipment, wall bars. Does the teenage boy prefer one particular sport? Then the main design idea is determined based on the child's hobbies. For example, a football-themed room for a teenager boy is a win-win option, thanks to which the room will become individual. An orange and black color scheme, a green mat that looks like a grass field, a poster with your favorite football player - and the sports design is ready. The room should be spacious so that the active boy feels free. The sports style is functional, so they use the most practical furniture and finishes that can withstand all the pranks of the child. A room for which a sporty style is chosen is decorated with attributes of a certain sport, for example, balls or a basketball net on the wall. Chrome parts, contrasting colors, laconic furniture - elements without which it is impossible to make this youth style. The room looks dynamic and individual.
  • African style suitable if the room belongs to a child who loves travel and the exotic. The African interior involves the use of images of animals. A picture with a lion, tiger or zebra will be appropriate. African design is a room dominated by brown and green colors in all their diversity, with the addition of bright details. Furniture should be used wicker or forged. The room, for which the African style is chosen, is decorated with textiles with animal prints. For example, the room will become more expressive thanks to the bedspread, the pattern of which imitates the skin of an exotic animal. bamboo wallpaper, wooden masks on the wall and carpet-mat on the floor complete the decor. The children's room is finished with high-quality natural materials that help to make a comfortable, but expressive teenage interior.
  • Avant-garde style - a bold design, within which bold experiments are welcome. Such teen design implies the predominance of pure colors: green, yellow, white, red, black, as well as their contrasting combinations. Avant-garde strives for originality, but prioritizes functionality. Therefore, the decor should be used to a limited extent. There is no special need for them, since the room is filled with unusually shaped furniture, decorated with bright materials. Walls can be painted in several tones at once. For example, above the recreation area - in green, and above the reception area - in red. There is a transformable, suspended or modular furniture, soft bean bags. An avant-garde-style children's room for a teenage boy is expressive and non-standard. Avant-garde is suitable if the child seeks to stand out from his peers.
  • Loft style - an ideal interior for a teenager with any hobbies: both creative and sports. The loft room is the dream of many, therefore it is almost universal. Such a children's room looks concise, but expressive due to the use of stone, brick, concrete, metal in the decoration. The loft will appeal to a teenage boy who is in love with the atmosphere of megacities. Rough invoices walls and ceilings look advantageous against the background of plastic, glass or leather furniture. This design is open to any innovation, so high-tech sports equipment and high modular bookcases will harmoniously fit into the interior. Loft implies a moderate use of decor. A picture with an urban landscape, a large clock on the wall will soften the brutal interior. A teenager will appreciate such an original color. close to loft English style. Such a beautiful design of a room for a teenager echoes the London atmosphere. The interior, designed in red-brown tones, is decorated with images of the Big Ben tower, double-decker buses, stone or brickwork.
  • Hi-tech style- this is the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btechnological progress, which will obey the entire interior of the room for a young man. Teenage high-tech design is discreet and functional, and the room is replete with reflective surfaces - polished metal or glossy plastic, glass. The room is decorated with a predominance of cold colors: gray, blue, snow-white. Such a teenager's room is easy to clean, as its design involves the use of a minimum of decorative elements. Any technique and sports equipment harmoniously fits into the high-tech interior. A teenager whose hobbies include Computer techologies, technical and scientific innovations, will appreciate high-tech at its true worth. The children's room resembles a spaceship, where the presence of every detail is justified from a practical point of view. The furniture is light, of clear geometric shapes, and the finish is as concise as possible.
  • Modern style – functional and adapted to the personal needs of a teenage boy. The design of a room for a teenager boy in a modern style does not have strict restrictions. Mostly they use restrained colors: calm shades of brown, gray, green, blue. The neutral background is brought to life through the use of bright details. The design of a room for a teenager in a modern style implies a moderate use of decorative elements. The decoration combines artificial and natural materials, which makes the modern style democratic and affordable. For example, a combination of laminate and wall panels from natural wood. The design of a room for a young man in a modern style is a design dominated by simple and clear lines.
  • Sea style suitable for a room if a teenager dreams of long-distance travel by ship. White and blue colors predominate, and the interior is decorated with a variety of ship paraphernalia: for example, a net, a steering wheel, ship models, a spyglass. Nautical style also welcomes the presence of contrasting color accents, such as brown, red or golden color. How to furnish a room for a teenager boy nautical style so that it does not look like a room intended for a child younger age? Excessive theatricality should be avoided. The marine style in the room can be created by finishing with a predominance of dark wood and shiny metal. Decor must be used with care so that the nautical room is not overloaded with decorations.
  • kitsch style suitable if a teenager prefers an extravagant interior that defies any rules. The kitsch room is a space for bold experiments. Any combination possible finishing materials, decorative elements and furniture. The teenage style of kitsch is that gaudy decoration is pushed to the maximum. The kitschy children's room is a space where neon colors are combined with gold, and innovative appliances are placed on a vintage table. A teenager can create such a style on their own. But it is better for parents to ensure that the boy complies with the measure. A kitsch-style room will turn out to be extraordinary and memorable if the teenager has a developed artistic taste.
  • Classic style. It is more often chosen when the interiors of the whole house or apartment are also designed in this style. Classic in design good way to develop in the child a sense of beauty. After all, it all started with the classics. The main rule in such interiors is to preserve natural light as much as possible. Therefore, light colors should prevail in furniture, decoration and accessories: white, beige, light gray, cream shades. They make up classic pairs: gold, silver, olive, heavenly, chocolate. This style is characterized by such decorative elements as: stucco on the ceiling, moldings along the walls, classic arches, imitated columns, gilded details of furniture or decoration, soft carpet, canopies, classic large chandeliers. Smooth lines and calm tones should be observed everywhere.

  • Scandinavian style. This is a great option if the task is to create a universal room for a boy of any age, without special efforts and budget costs. This style will fill the room with light, space and comfort. In addition, it is very clear, concise, practical and very popular lately. It should be dominated by natural shades and accessories. For example, it is better to cover the floor wooden materials light shades. As a budget alternative, linoleum or wood-like laminate is suitable. Walls can be painted in classic white, wallpaper with floral or geometric patterns, or lining can be used. Thematic stickers, slates, paintings or photos will help to refresh plain walls. Furniture should be as functional as possible, concise and always made from natural materials. Flokati, homemade wigwam tents, striped rugs, two-color pillows are suitable as decor.

  • Constructivism. Perfectionist teenagers will appreciate it well. It will inspire them with clear lines, geometric shapes with a combination of sharp and right angles. This style does not accept a riot of colors: the main shades in the finishes should be plain and not flashy. It is allowed to dilute them with minimal bright details, for example, in the details of furniture or textiles. Most often it is a black and white, or gray-black palette with occasional splashes of red, yellow or green. More than three shades should not be used. In the choice of finishing materials, constructivism is close to a loft: brick, reinforced concrete, glass and plastic are suitable. Looks good wall volumetric decor in the style of 3D and a combination of geometric shapes different sizes and shades.

  • Minimalism. He does not tolerate disorder. Otherwise the whole concept is lost. First of all, it is necessary to provide functional furniture strict lines and a compact, retractable storage system: for example, a sofa bed, a table-cabinet or a bed built into the closet. The shape of the furniture should be rectangular or cubic. It is better to keep a palette for a nursery in this style in neutral shades of gray, white, black, light brown or beige, wenge ... - 2-3 shades are enough. Instead of bright accents, it is desirable to use original accessories: for example, an abstraction on the wall or a designer floor lamp. The main lighting is often hidden in the ceiling and complemented by a few strict lamps.

Layout of a teenager's room: allocation of functional areas

To make the room of a teenage boy comfortable for sleeping, entertaining and studying, you need to take care of the presence of several functional areas. The design of a room for a teenager includes three main zones, each of which has a specific meaning.

  • Sleep zone includes a bed or sofa bed, bedside table or a shelf. men's room does not imply drawing attention to the sleeping area. The main thing is that the bed is comfortable, consistent with the height and weight of the teenage boy.
  • Work zone intended for study and intellectual hobbies. There is a computer table and a chair here. The working area is located as close as possible to the window, but it also needs artificial lighting. Useful in the work area will be a shelf for books or a spacious rack.

  • Rest zone plays the role of a mini-living room. If a teen room- small, and there is no way to place a sofa or armchairs in this area, then replace them with poufs. Also, a warm carpet in a teenager's room can become a place for friendly gatherings. The room in this zone is equipped with audio or video equipment, musical instruments, an easel ... The choice is dictated by the hobbies of a teenage boy.
  • Sports zone. It is very important for the sports development of a young man. And even if there is not much space in the room, you must definitely consider at least the presence of a horizontal bar, wall bars or a punching bag in it. It is desirable to place them closer to the exit, away from the sleeping and working areas.

The plan of the teenager's room, if necessary, includes other zones. For example, if a boy cannot imagine his life without a sports corner. The main thing is that the room is adapted to his needs and hobbies.

Among the many ways of zoning, the most optimal ones will be: a bookcase with books, a sofa back, a carpet, wall decor (for example, you can use photo wallpapers in the recreation area), lighting (it is minimal in the sleeping area), textiles. One thing can act as a space delimiter: an armchair, an easel, a vase or a coffee table.

A room where there is no decor at all will look boring. But the men's room, unlike the women's room, implies moderate decoration. The optimal solution, thanks to which the room does not lose its usable area, is a functional decor. For example, replace ordinary wallpapers with photo wallpapers with images of your favorite movie characters or athletes. Also, the teenage room will be transformed if it is decorated with an unusual chandelier or spotlights.

Poster, photo, clippings from magazines, posters - the room where the young man lives is unthinkable without it. To prevent such decor from spoiling the wallpaper, fasten a sheet of plywood or chipboard to the wall, cork panel. On them, the boy will be able to glue any decor, be it a poster or a favorite photo. This idea will help to keep the wallpaper on the wall for a long time. But the best decor that the children's room will perfectly accept is an item that the boy made with his own hands. So the room will become truly individual.

A good idea for creating a stylish and useful decor is a full wall map. This is especially true for schoolchildren and students. Firstly, it is easier to master geography with it, and secondly, it is usually dominated by calm blue-green and brown tones which are good for learning.

Photo wallpapers and photo collages - great idea for any style of interior, which will allow you to quickly and effortlessly emphasize the individuality of the owner of the room, his hobbies and temperament. In loft, kitsch and avant-garde styles, graffiti will look good, from which a teenager will simply be delighted.

If a child likes astronomy and space, then the ceiling of his room can be decorated in the style of a starry sky. Today, there are various techniques and finishing materials that allow you to imitate a real night sky.

Small room design for a teenager

Spacious Vacation home is not accessible to everyone, so the problem of lack of space is still relevant. To make a small room comfortable, you need to choose multifunctional furniture for its arrangement. Folding bed or a teenage sofa bed, a shelf-rack above the table, drawers under the bed, a bed on the podium, under which storage systems are located ... A small room requires any non-standard solutions. But in order for a small room to be comfortable, do not forget to evaluate these solutions for functionality.

The optimal color scheme, thanks to which a small room will seem larger - all light shades. The interior will be enlivened by bright details. A teenager who has a small room at his disposal insists on contrasting colors? It is better to dissuade him, because the small room will look even smaller.

Small room rectangular shape it will be more harmonious if you use all its space. For example, narrow rack located along the smaller wall. An elongated room will benefit from having hanging furniture in it, including at the top of the walls. Symmetry and the arrangement of all furniture along long walls should be avoided.

Color and light design

If the room is average or large area, any color is allowed. A small room will look better in light colors. The easiest way is to leave the walls white. This will improve daylight and allow you to visually expand the volume of a small room. But so that white does not seem boring, several bright accessories can be placed against its background.

Do not forget that the color of the room affects the psychological state of the child. A bright room excites the nervous system, energizes. A room dominated by dark or rich shades is a space where a teenager feels confident and calm. A room in light shades sets up an optimistic worldview, a teenager feels flexible and mobile.

According to the recommendations of the designers, the most optimal shades for decorating the walls of a teenager's room are the basic ones: light gray, beige, white. They easily fit into any interior style and can be easily combined with any other palette of furniture and accessories.

Colors that any teenager will react favorably to are blue, brown, light blue, green, purple. The children's room looks original, where gray is combined with bright colors: light green, orange, yellow. Shades of red are also appropriate. But this color scheme should be implemented with caution. It is better to draw only individual details in red. The red room awakens anxiety and aggression.

AT spacious room where daylight is not a problem, you can safely experiment with the palette, trying combinations such as: gray-green, gray-white-orange, brown-orange, graphite blue and yellow with khaki.

Light design is important not only for the children's bedroom to be comfortable. Thanks to multi-level lighting, the room is further divided into functional areas. spot lighting over a bed, a desk, a chandelier hanging low over a sofa or armchair... This lighting design will create cozy atmosphere. It is convenient to use adjustable lights, dimmers or motion sensors.

Particular attention should be paid to lighting the working area. For right-handers, the light should fall on the left, and for left-handers, on the contrary, on the right. The light in the working area should not be too bright either, because of it, the eyes get tired quickly. Therefore, it is better not to place the table in front of the window, place it sideways, given the direction of daylight.

The room where a male teenager lives is not the best place for multilayer curtains on windows. Such a design of the window space prevents the free passage of sunlight. Also, dust accumulates on multi-layered textiles, which a teenager is unlikely to clean often.

But hanging translucent curtains is also not worth it. The teenager should be able to close the windows tightly so that the room becomes a secluded space with a calm environment. The men's room looks more harmonious with Roman blinds, roller blinds or blinds.

Floor, wall and ceiling decoration

Finishing the room is the most important part of its interior. What are the best solutions to make the room look stylish, and the teenager approves of them?

  • Floor decoration. If the boy prefers an active lifestyle, and the room serves as a gym or gym, then it is better to refuse tiles and linoleum. Universal option floor covering will become quality laminate or wooden plank. If tile is selected, then you need to make a “warm floor” system. Otherwise, the room will be uncomfortable. If necessary, the room is additionally zoned using a different floor finish. For example, the bed is installed on the podium. If the child is prone to allergies, you need to abandon carpets and an abundance of textiles in the room.

  • Wall decoration. The room will be transformed if, instead of ordinary wallpaper, one of the walls is decorated with photo wallpaper. The image should match the hobbies of a teenage boy. One accent wall will also be appropriate, which should be decorated with a different material. Since a teenager will probably want a poster and a photo to decorate the wall, it is better to choose a plain finish. For example, wallpaper for painting. On such a wall, the pictures look harmonious. Ordinary wallpapers it will turn out to revive with the help of special vinyl stickers or decorate them with a stencil.

  • Ceiling decoration. The room where a teenager lives will look equally harmonious with both a single-level and multi-level ceiling. If the interior is expressive, then it is better to do the usual stretch ceiling matte structure and white color. If the room is concise, then the ceiling can be of an unusual shape and color.

What kind of furniture to use?

In order for the room where the teenager lives to be comfortable, it is important to choose the right furniture for her.

  • A bed with drawers, which is used to store bed linen, will be the best option. Don't forget the orthopedic mattress. After all, the young man continues to grow. Alternative idea - bunk bed, where below is a working place, and above is a sleeping place. For a teenager to sleep soundly, do not change the bed for a teenage sofa bed. This option will be uncomfortable.
  • If the room is small, then instead of a closet it is better to make a spacious chest of drawers with drawers. After all, the boy is unlikely to focus on replenishing the wardrobe. Outerwear can also fit on a horizontal hanger. A built-in wardrobe is suitable if the room is medium or large in size. One convenient closet will accommodate all the things of the child.
  • Ergonomic table and chair are essential. After all, a teenager spends a lot of time at school or a computer. The table should be equipped with a podium for the monitor, a pull-out shelf for the keyboard. It is better to arrange the room so that the table is located as close to the window as possible. The best option is light falling on the table from the front or left. It is better to choose a chair with adjustable leg height. After all, the boy continues to grow, and the interior must be adapted to this.
  • In the recreation area, you can place one or two comfortable and compact chairs. If they are of an unusual shape and bright colors (for example, a chair in the shape of a soccer ball), then they can become a stylish accent and a separator of functional areas.

  • A shelf or one large rack near the work area is also needed. On them, the young man will be able to place all the books, magazines or his awards. The shelf should be placed low above the table, so that the necessary thing can be taken without getting up.
  • If the space of the room allows, then a special showcase can be placed to demonstrate awards, cups and diplomas. So the teenager will have an additional incentive to fill all the shelves of the closet.

Finally, useful advice: if you want the owner of the room to treat it carefully, keep it clean and tidy, then the best way is to involve him (at least partially) in the process of working on the project. You can let him choose the color of the wallpaper or furniture, hang his favorite photos, drawings or posters on the wall. The more efforts a young man makes to ennoble his living space, the more respectful and careful he will treat him.

Creating a children's room design is a series of endless dilemmas and solutions to difficult issues - it is necessary to correlate the possibilities of the room (its size and shape, layout) with the age of the child, his needs and interests, choose safe and environmentally friendly materials and furnishings, but take into account that new renovation not far off, because your child's addictions are changing. How to not only stay within financial estimate for a small reconstruction or a global renovation, but also to please the wishes of the child, not to go against his opinion and requests? In this publication, we will try to find answers to all these questions in relation to the boy's room. We hope that the 100 best photo design projects for children's rooms for boys different ages will help you to be inspired by your own accomplishments and create the interior of your dreams.

Criteria for choosing a nursery design for a boy

Of course, the main factor influencing the design of the children's room is the age and height of the baby. Obviously, the age of the child determines not only the composition of interior items, but also the very concept of design. Of course, there are things that every child needs, regardless of age, such as a bed that matches his height. But otherwise, the decor of the children's room can vary greatly.

In addition to age, the concept of designing a nursery is influenced by such important factors as:

  • room dimensions - small room difficult to place even minimum set interior items, and in a spacious nursery, you can literally organize a center for development, sports and creativity;
  • the location of the room relative to other rooms of the dwelling, the number of door and window openings- weight these factors affect the layout of the interior;
  • the location of the nursery relative to the cardinal points, the level of natural light - affect the choice of color palette and the number of lighting fixtures;
  • the temperament of the child, the level of development, hobbies and interests - affect the color schemes, the set of furniture, sports equipment (if there is room for them) and additional interior elements;
  • financial capabilities of parents - the range of finishing materials, furniture and decor in modern stores is presented in an incredibly wide range prices, it is obvious that for each family it is important to find the best option for repair costs and at the same time comply with the requirements of safety and environmental friendliness, aesthetics of the end result.

Design of a room for a boy from birth to 2-3 years old

Most of the design projects of rooms for newborns, which we see on foreign (and Russian) sites, are most often presented in pastel color scheme. Delicate light shades literally envelop all surfaces - from wall decoration to textile design. bed. And there are many reasons for that. At first, the child does not care what material it is made of carpet covering what quality the walls are covered with wallpaper or whether it is possible to break a chandelier by throwing a ball at it. The main thing for the baby is a favorable atmosphere in the room where he is - sufficient temperature, humidity and light. Parents make the first repairs in more for myself.

Growing up, the child begins to explore the world outside the crib and hands of parents. And in this case, it is already necessary to make sure that the furniture does not have sharp corners, the shelves are screwed to the walls, and the interior elements do not have decor that the child can tear off and try to swallow. The main requirements for the interior at the age when the child begins to move independently can be safely called safety factors. As storage systems, it is best to use open shelving. The fewer door fronts on the lockers, the less reason for the child to get injured. Of course, it is not recommended to use storage systems with glass inserts in the doors. If the storage system model contains drawers, then it is necessary to equip them with limiters.

Preschool room

The main requirement for a preschooler's room is the maximum provision of a child's leisure. Depending on the boy's temperament and his hobbies, these can be sports activities, creativity in various directions, or just active games. Obviously, for this it is necessary to free up as much free space as possible. Built-in furniture models of loft beds come to the rescue, allowing you to save the useful area of ​​​​the room. If the size of the nursery allows it, be sure to equip it with sports equipment - a wall bar, a small horizontal bar, a punching bag or a whole sports and gaming complex will be of great help in the physical development of the boy.

It is in the rooms for preschool boys or primary school students that thematic design options are most often used. Hobbies for any characters of cartoons, fairy tales, comics or just one of the topics allows parents to show their design skills and not be easy to decorate a standard children's room, but to create a truly unique small world as part of a room for sleeping, relaxing, doing creative work, sports and acquiring new skills.

For example, the marine theme and the motives of adventure romance, the spirit of travel, are close to many boys. For parents, the convenience also lies in the fact that you can use the entire palette of many favorite shades of blue ...

Children's room for a schoolboy

Your boy already has a full-fledged workplace (a written and, most likely, a 2 in 1 computer desk) even at the stage of preparation for school. But this does not mean that toys will completely leave his life, and therefore from the children's room. In storage systems, it is still necessary to take into account the presence of toys, books, stationery, sports items and, of course, clothes and shoes.

Experts recommend using height-adjustable furniture to create an uncomfortably comfortable and practical, but ergonomic workplace. There are many tables on sale, the height of which is adjustable. Chairs or chairs are equipped with similar systems. computer chairs. It is important that the back of the child has the right support - the modern child has to spend a lot of time doing homework.

A schoolboy can already not easily express his opinion when drawing up the design of his room, but also take an active part in the choice of all interior components. Maybe your child will not be very interested in a finishing materials store, but he will probably want to express his preferences in choosing a color palette, interior themes, choosing furniture, textiles for decorating greasy places and windows, choosing carpeting.

Teenage Boy Room Design

Decorating a teenage boy's room is a joint project between the parents and the child. It is important to take into account the wishes of the son in the choice of colors, general concept design, furniture and decorative elements. After all, it is the children's room that most often becomes a haven of calm, rest and relaxation for a teenager with a difficult rhythm of life. Of course, the possibilities of the room itself (its size and layout) and the financial budget of the family for repairing the nursery will largely determine its appearance, but it is important to try to find a compromise between the wishes of the son and the resources of the parents.

During adolescence, growth spurts often occur with boys, when literally in one summer the child grows several sizes of clothes. In this regard, experts recommend purchasing furniture, which is called for growth. Full-length bed, desk, chair or armchair with maximum height adjustment, easy-to-use storage systems.

Actual design ideas for a boy's room in 2018

The design of the children's room, of course, has its own specifics. To maintain what is called "purity" of many stylistic trends is quite difficult. And some interior styles are not at all suitable for the design of a children's room. For example, it is difficult to imagine a room for a boy in the style of minimalism, because the children's desire to surround themselves with many interesting objects and the very concept of this style are not compatible. But many trends in the design of living spaces can still be used when creating design projects for children's rooms.

The modern style of interior design strives to maximize possible use environmentally clean materials. The use of safe for humans and environment materials has always been relevant, but recently it has become truly total. For the design of a children's room, this trend is as relevant as for any other, because no parent would voluntarily use toxic, harmful materials for surface finishing or as a raw material for the production of furniture in their child's room.

The use of safe eco-friendly materials often acts as the basis of the concept of the entire design of the room, often leaving behind questions of aesthetics, practicality and even cost. For example, cork floors or wall panels do not look luxurious, but they are an excellent heat and sound insulating coating for surfaces with the highest level environmental friendliness.

The use of natural materials is inevitably associated with an increase in the cost of a project for a global renovation or a small alteration of a children's room. But in most cases, you can find a worthy compromise on interior design with any budget size. For example, the use of natural fabrics to decorate a bed and drape window openings is available to almost everyone.

Another recurring trend in the world of interior design has been the use of Scandinavian motifs. The use of sustainable materials, the abundance of white, wooden surfaces and the use of contrasts to create a certain visual impulse - all these design tricks can be successfully used in creating the interior of a children's room for a boy. The design turns out to be light, but at the same time cozy, practical, but attractive in appearance, expensive, but safe and environmentally friendly.

As mentioned above, another trend in the design of children's rooms is the use of the so-called "growing furniture". After all, the furniture in the children's room is subject not only to the requirements of practicality, environmental friendliness and ease of operation, but also to ergonomics. It is important that the child's sleeping and working place (a desk, a computer desk or a corner for creativity) correspond to the age and height of the child.

Color trends for a boy's room

If we talk about the most popular colors for decorating a boy's room, then they are neutral colors. White color and all its shades are perfect for finishing small spaces. A light and fresh image can be created even without experience in the field of interior design, in small room and with minimal skills in combinatorics, because white is easy to combine with any color solutions. But in the weather, for a clean, weightless image, it is important not to get carried away with white, diluting it with bright accents and warm tones, otherwise the room risks becoming like a hospital ward.

Gray color in the trend is not the first season. Its neutrality and versatility attract designers and their clients from all over the world. Only at first glance, shades of gray may seem boring to use when designing a children's room. For example, in a boy's room, you can achieve very beautiful combinations of gray with shades:

  • blue and cyan (turquoise);
  • mint;
  • pistachio;
  • olive (mustard);
  • yellow;
  • orange.

Blue color is very often associated with the design of a boy's room. Many shades of this color can create interesting images of the premises - from light, bright and cool to contrasting, dynamic and energetically charged. A rich range of shades of blue gives us the opportunity to choose combinations to create the optimal picture of the interior, depending on the desired end result (the child's temperament, his character, activity level).

Children's room for two boys

Organize several full-fledged functional areas within one small room It's not easy for two boys at once. But given the fact that the problem of organizing sleeping and working places, sectors for leisure and creativity within small spaces for many years, designers have accumulated a certain amount of techniques and ways to optimize usable area rooms of various sizes. The use of bunk structures is one of the most common ways to save space. However, it is not always about the organization of two beds. In some cases (usually when boys with a big age difference live in the same room), it is more expedient to “raise” one of the beds to the upper tier, and organize a workplace or a spacious storage system under it.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe children's room allows you to install two beds parallel to each other - this perfect option for organizing sleeping places, because they will be accessible from almost all sides. AT narrow room beds can be installed parallel along the walls and limited to one cabinet or chest of drawers between them. In a room that is square or close to it, you can set the beds perpendicularly, taking one of the corners.

In addition to the difficulty in organizing sleeping places for two boys within a room of medium and small sizes, problems also arise when installing jobs - written or computer tables. Depending on the age difference between the guys, you may need either two full-time jobs or one desk for the older child and a small corner for creativity and activities for the younger. Least Quantity free space will require a simple console that can be attached to the wall or lean on one support.

661 988 Dix https://www.pngDix 2018-01-16 15:08:50 2019-01-10 10:16:56 Boy's room - design 2019
All photos In the photo: Equipping the workspace in a room with a football theme in the decor

Large modern corner table with drawers and a couple of shelves illuminated by LED strip - it's almost like a mini-office. And its main decoration is the leather armchair of the Italian factory Visionnaire.

18. Vintage desk by the window

All photos In the photo: Nursery in the attic of a house made of timber

A white vintage desk can easily cope with the role of a workplace for a schoolboy. And you can complement it with a chair on wheels that suits the design.

19. Long table in the room for two boys

All photos In the photo: Bedroom interior design for two boys

22. Multifunctional sports module

All photos In the photo: Boyish children's room with a Swedish wall

A multifunctional sports module in the colors of the interior, installed in the corner of the room, looks organic, does not dominate the space and is perfect for a teenager.

23. Swedish wall with rings and crossbar

All photos In the photo: A colorful room for a Carlson fan in the Garden Quarters residential complex

Light Swedish wall of white color - the best choice for the baby's room. It is safe, functional and will look good even in a classic interior.

24. Metal sports mini corner

All photos In the photo: Modern bright nursery in juicy green tones with a sports corner

A mini-corner with a Swedish wall, a crossbar and rings looks advantageous against the background of a multi-colored fresco and is great for designing a children's room in modern style.

25. Full-length sports corner with safety mats and a basketball hoop

All photos In the photo: View of the sports area in the nursery in the style of the film "Finding Nemo"

Ladders, handrails, a crossbar, a gladiatorial net, rings, safety mats and a basketball hoop - this sports corner is perfect for a teenager living in a large room.

Spectacular decor in the design of a children's room for a boy: photos of fashionable novelties

How to make the interior of a children's room for a boy bright and interesting? Add spectacular details to it!

26. Door in the form of a telephone booth

All photos In the photo: Red door stylized as an English telephone booth

shaped like a London phone booth the door in the photo is the main contender for the role of an art object in the interior design of a children's room for a teenage boy.

27. Panoramic photo wallpaper or fresco

All photos In the photo: Car-themed children's design project (BMW)

A panoramic mural in the colors of the interior depicting a car rushing through London at night will become one of the main decorations in the design of a car-themed children's room.

28. A bicycle as an element of decor in a room for a teenage boy

All photos In the photo: Stylish design white brick wall in the nursery

accent wall from white brick with posters and a bicycle suspended at a height of about a meter, which now does not have to be put away for the winter in a closet, looks stylish and attracts increased attention.

29. Ropes, ropes, cords

All photos In the photo: Marine theme in the nursery with an attached loggia

Rugs woven from ropes of blue and white, and window decor from ropes in the design of a children's room for a boy, decorated by Anzhelika Prudnikova in a marine style, look brutal and masculine.

30. Night-clouds - a spectacular element of decor

All photos In the photo: A room with white nightlights in the form of clouds

Volumetric clouds at the head of the bed are illuminated by LEDs and can function as nightlights. Such a non-trivial decor will look good in the design of a nursery for a boy, pasted over with wallpaper depicting balloons.

Actual furniture in the children's room for a boy

The "highlight" of the interior of a children's room for a boy can be not only thematic decor, but also original bed, closet or sofa. The main thing is to choose the right furniture.

31. Car bed for fans of Formula 1

All photos In the photo: Stylish car-shaped bed in the nursery

The car bed is the best furniture for a child's room, the little owner of which dreams of becoming a Formula 1 pilot.

32. Cabinet with photo printing

All photos In the photo: Wardrobe with photo printing in the nursery for a newborn

The bright image printed on the facades of the cabinet by photo printing will undoubtedly decorate the interior of the nursery. And it is better to entrust the choice of picture to the child.

All photos In the photo: A room for a teenage boy with a salad-colored sofa

The design of a children's room for a teenage boy will only benefit from the presence of a bright modern sofa, as in the photo. This and color accent and a comfortable place to relax and chat with friends.

35. Yacht bed with original shelving

All photos In the photo: Design project for a nursery in a marine style in the Dolina Residential Complex

The bed in the form of a yacht is interesting in itself, and the original shelving, resembling a steering wheel, turns it into a truly unique piece of furniture.

So let's sum it up. To create a cozy and stylish children's room for a boy, you need quite a bit: desire, imagination and original decorating finds, of which there are so many in projects.

When decorating a room for a boy, you should give preference to modern interior trends, abandoning classical concepts. After all, girls will like restrained romanticism more, and interesting forms, dynamism and high technologies are valued among boys.

F-1 Formula Racing Kids Room Design

What to consider when designing a nursery

When choosing a concept for arranging a boy's room, pay attention to such factors:

Basic colors suitable for a boy's room

Traditionally, lilac and pink are considered girlish colors, and therefore they are usually avoided when decorating a room for boys. Otherwise, there are practically no restrictions, especially since experts recommend not being limited to one tone within the nursery, but combining several tones.

An example of a combination of 3 colors

Important. The age of the child must also be taken into account. Delicate pastel shades are suitable for crumbs, for younger students - bright and clean colors, and combinations of blue and gray.

Muted turquoise, pastel brown, gray, white, blue, milky- all these are ideal shades for a boy of the first years of life. At the age of three, more saturated colors will be required - you can ask your child about his preferences, but show your imagination, because multifaceted shades are better than pure colors. If the tone is common throughout the space of the room, then the child may experience discomfort. That's why the classic blue replaced by a sea wave tone or a precious sapphire, yellow - by corn or orange, green - by herbal or pistachio.

Light beige colors in a children's nautical style

With the help of color, you can advantageously zone the nursery. To do this, the appropriate combination of colors is selected - neutral (light gray, beige, milky), pure (blue, red, green, yellow) and a harmonious unifying shade.

Dark blue and brown

The palette will depend on the level of natural light - for sun room a cold combination "white-red-blue" is suitable, and for shaded- “brown-yellow-milky”. And for those who find it difficult to decide on a color, you can choose white as a background, and then “paint” it with colored splashes - posters, textiles, soft toys, frames for crafts.

Basic themes for baby boy design

In general, there are many - with a modern assortment, it will not be difficult to choose accessories, textiles, photo wallpapers or interior stickers with your favorite cartoon characters, race tracks or motorcycles.

But there are four themes that have already become classics in the design of boyish nurseries:

  1. . Maps, sailboats, pirate ships, the sea, treasures and tropical islands - all these themes are perfect for a boy who dreams of traveling. The main color of the room is blue, and its traditional companions are red and white. And don't forget about themed accessories - a clock in the shape of a steering wheel, a globe, flags and ropes. And for storing toys, let there be an “iron-studded” chest.
  2. Natural theme. This design is considered neutral. It is suitable for children whose interests are too variable to be embodied in decoration. The dominant shades are natural tones - yellow, green, blue and beige. As for accessories, they will be as natural as possible - these are photographs of landscapes, the Sun, various exotic animals. Ornamental plants and an aquarium look good in such a room.
  3. Decor with a "technical" bias. That's what will surely captivate any researcher - planes and trains, space shuttles and cars, motorcycles and incredible designs of the future. The shades here can be any, because the main decor is technology and bright pictures. Also, the child will like non-standard furniture - for example, a bed in the shape of an airplane or a typewriter.
  4. Sporty style suitable for those who cannot imagine a day without training and are inspired by famous boxers, athletes, football players. Bright colors are welcome here - they should match the colors of your son's favorite team. Of course, in the athlete's room it is desirable, a shelf for awards and hang posters with idols.