Interior design of a children's room for two girls. Kids Room Design Ideas for Two Girls Teenage Room Design Ideas for Two Girls


Each child needs a separate room - so he will feel safe and free. But not everyone has this opportunity. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to create the most comfortable space in one room for two girls. Thanks to the basic recommendations, you can independently think over the design of a common nursery.

Organization of personal space

Firstly, you should compare the areas of all the rooms in your apartment, and allocate the most spacious room for the nursery - this way you can place it in the common space.

It is also worth remembering the important role of design in the interior. Stylish design develops your children's sense of taste, which is best formed at an early age.

When planning a nursery, consider every detail: the age and character traits of the daughters, their hobbies, favorite shades and personal wishes of each.

The larger the area, the better, but 12, 14 or 18 square meters. m will be quite enough if you correctly arrange all the necessary zones.

1. Functional features

When creating a comfortable space for your daughters, pay attention to the following points:

  • The size of the play corner directly depends on the age of the residents: the younger, the more space for entertainment and games.
  • Schoolgirls need a storage system from shelves, and for older children it is better to provide closed furniture modules.
  • Make your storage area as compact as possible.

2. Lighting system

It is important that the space is filled with natural light - this factor favorably affects the formation of the child's psyche. With a lack of light, the child may develop more slowly, and the growth rate will be reduced. Light is an excellent stimulator of all life processes.

Make sure that the window opening allows sunlight to pass through as best as possible. At the same time, it is worth providing protection from direct rays so that classes in the working part take place in comfort - after all, the bright sun can interfere with mental concentration.

Tip: additional light sources should be provided for each workplace, as well as next to the recreation area, so that daughters can read a book before going to bed without harming their eyesight.

If the room is oriented towards the north, discard thick curtains and multi-layered draperies in favor of transparent and light textiles. A combination of light-colored tulle with blinds is also suitable. For wall decoration this case it is better to choose a warm range.

What should be taken into account first of all?

1. The nursery should not be crowded. Spacious room evokes a feeling of psychological well-being. A great option that will help not to clutter up the area is to choose a bunk bed and compact high shelving for functional filling of the interior. Remember that the center of the room must remain free.

2. Do not fill the area with excess furniture.

3. For each girl, it is best to purchase separate pieces of furniture.

4. Equip the nursery with mirrors. In this case, it is better to make one mirror in full height so the girls can see themselves dressing up before going out.

5. Don't forget the dressing room. If there is not enough space for a full-fledged dressing room, provide a special place for trying on.

Design of a nursery for two girls: secrets and subtleties

Light furniture in miniature room for two girls fit better Total. Light color allows you to organize all the necessary zones.

Against the background of a monochrome neutral finish, bright color accents in the form of furniture or decorative elements look great.

Diversity in the calm range of the interior can be made with the help of textiles and other accessories. Cold and pale shades are perfect for rooms with south-facing windows.

Find out your daughters' color preferences when planning a nursery design. Of course, you can slightly adjust their decision, but be careful in this matter, allowing the children to make their own choice.

For children of different ages, it is desirable to distinguish between a place for recreation and study. If the difference is minimal, these zones do not need to be separated.

Recreation areas are located on different tiers in height, thus occupying less area. With this placement, it turns out to use every centimeter of space with benefit.

The partition between the beds does not take up much space, separating one corner of the rest from another. Shelves can be used to store books or decor.

This arrangement of beds will provide peace of mind to your girls. Each will feel privacy, and will be able to communicate with her sister before going to bed.

Being engaged in equipping a nursery, buy high-quality orthopedic mattresses- For the health of daughters, this factor is important.

The bunk bed is the most compact version. However, the top sleeping place not suitable for small children - it is quite dangerous.

In the girls' room, it is advisable to provide a place for playing sports with special equipment or install a wall bar to develop physical skills. This will allow you to do morning exercises or take a sports break during your studies.

Neoclassical interior in neutral shades for teenage sisters.

With proper planning, children should not sit with their backs to the door doing homework. This arrangement often contributes to emotional discomfort and irritation.

Wallpaper - the most best option for wall decoration, because they are easy to glue and can be replaced if necessary. Among the large assortment for children are suitable paper wallpaper, due to the environmentally friendly properties of the material. It is better to choose an abstract drawing if it is not a photo wallpaper with a visual effect of expanding the boundaries of the room.

Tip: Be careful when choosing a finish color. Experts claim that bright walls provoke fatigue, emotional exhaustion and make children nervous. Refuse the acid range, even if your children themselves have chosen this palette.

If there is only one window in the room, it is necessary to place a working area. Even a few artificial sources will not replace natural light. And the sleeping place, on the contrary, is better to place away from the window so that the morning sun does not disturb the sleep of your girls.

Parallel arrangement of sofas is a common layout method that is great for square rooms. The only negative is the lack of privacy.

If the daughters cannot find a compromise and decide which wall color to choose, you can combine two shades in one area. The main principle is harmonious combination two colors.

Tip: for small rooms choose furniture with storage compartments where you can put bed linen and other things.

The neoclassical interior does not look boring due to multi-colored textiles, the shades of which can be changed if desired. corner option placement of beds significantly saves space, freeing up usable space.

Even if your children are not yet in school, workplace it is still necessary - for developing modeling and drawing.

Take care and provide roomy shelving, comfortable chairs, special pencil cases or cabinets for textbooks, books and other school attributes. For additional lighting, use desk lamp with a swivel mechanism that allows you to independently direct the flow of light.

Tip: thanks to the rolling models of furniture, the space can be transformed by moving objects to the right part, if you need to increase the playing area.

The door to the room must be closed so that the sisters can retire and tell each other about their secrets. This opportunity allows children to feel psychologically protected.

Tip: if your daughters are afraid of heights, the second tier is absolutely not suitable for sleeping.

Bright posters and pictures look good against a calm background.

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The design of a children's room for two girls is a rather responsible matter for the happy parents of two princesses at once. The environment, especially if it is a personal space, has a huge impact on the formation of personality.

The most difficult task facing parents is to strike a balance between the following aspects:

  • their desires and abilities;
  • the size of the room;
  • compliance of the situation with the age characteristics of children;
  • each sister's idea of ​​what design should be comfortable for her.

The importance of the latter aspect cannot be underestimated, since a room that does not correspond in any way to the dreams of a child will not cause a desire to play in it, and sometimes even just to be. It will not be difficult to take into account the wishes of the girls. For example, you can assign one of the sisters to choose the color of the furniture for the room, and the second to decide on the design of the furniture or common style children's.

In order not to end up with an unpleasant surprise in the form of a palette of incongruous colors or mixing different styles, it is enough to limit the choice of children to several options.

Zoning as an important aspect of space organization

The main areas of the children's room

Each room that performs several functions needs their competent distribution. This is especially true for children who need versatile development and the acquisition of important skills, love of sports and healthy habits.

The nursery includes three mandatory areas:

  • sleeping area- cozy, but simple and not overloaded with many details.

Soft diffused light, the absence of bright decorative elements and the presence of neutral, calm tones that promote relaxation are preferable. It is better to remove beds from sources of drafts, radiators, sockets, mirrors (many children are afraid to sleep in front of a mirror) and electrical appliances.

Place the sleeping places closer to the window, girls usually really like this, of course, provided that the window overlooks a quiet courtyard. Double bed - no the best choice in the interior of a children's room for two girls.

If space allows, organize an individual bed for each child.

  • Game Zone- provides for the presence of elements for active games, educational toys, music and video devices, sports equipment.

Ideally, the zone should occupy a fairly large space, which is especially true for children aged 3 to 7 years.

  • Working (training) zone- should include elements that help increase efficiency and concentration: bright light, the presence of sockets for a computer, separation from other areas by partitions or color.

All this will create a serious corner for classes, in which there must be a written and computer desk for each child (provided that by age he needs it), a bookcase or shelves for books.

It is not always possible to limit yourself to the standard three zones.

For children aged 7 to 12, zoning into at least 4 zones is preferable, which, in addition to those mentioned, also includes a quiet rest area. After all, in addition to sleep, study and active games, the child needs a place to practice creativity.

It is useful when girls have their own hobby - collecting, music, singing, modeling, beadwork, knitting or other types of needlework. The creative development zone must be organized in such a way that the sisters can, without interfering with each other, do their favorite thing and feel encouragement from their parents.

If the girls have not yet decided on their favorite pastime, hang for them on one of the walls a few sheets of drawing paper that can be painted. This will serve not only as a great way of self-expression, but also as an addition to the design of the nursery. Another option is a magnetic board or board with chips and markers for notes.

So, almost any interior design project for a nursery for two girls provides for a distinction between these 3-4 zones.

For girls, unlike boys or children of different sexes, it is more correct to choose a uniform zoning scheme, when approximately the same space is allocated to each of the zones. An exception can be made only for preschoolers, by canceling or combining with the creative zone a working zone in which there is no urgent need before school.

It is important to understand that it is impossible to abandon traditional zoning without harming children, most spending time in their room. Competent zoning is the key to effective development and productive rest, as well as an additional factor for acquiring discipline and organization skills.

Methods for zoning a room

Experts offer two ways to divide the space of a room into zones:

  • Individual zoning- very convenient for girls of different ages, when you have to take into account the difference in the daily routine, interests, hobbies, studies and other areas of life.

For example, it is almost impossible to create a common play area for sisters, one of which is a teenager, and the other attends a kindergarten.

When distributing zones, think over how the girls will interact: for example, the younger sister should not interfere with the older sister’s studies by playing games, and the older sister should not interfere with her sister’s sleep by watching movies or listening to music.

  • Creating common areas in a roomperfect option for sisters-girlfriends of approximately the same age, with a lot of common interests and activities.

This is especially true for a small children's room, when a small space does not allow enough space to create two options for each zone.

The easiest zoning option is division color accents. Usually for girls of approximately the same age this is enough, but if you have desire and imagination, you can use other methods:

  • Stationary partitions are complex and simple structures made of drywall and wood.
  • Screens - not only ceiling, but also floor, they are especially relevant for the design of the sleeping area. Sisters will like an almost weightless delicate airy screen or a screen in the form of a spectacular theater curtain.
  • Medium-height furniture is practical and very convenient, dividers can be shelving for toys and books, built-in wardrobes, sports accessories and even a piano. But this method of separation is more suitable for zoning. large space: not less than 14 m2.
  • Horizontal zoning - implies the design of one of the zones on a kind of podium (multi-level floors) or vertical separation: a sleeping area on top, a place for games and activities below. The main thing is to ensure the appropriate safety of the surrounding space with this method of zoning.

Rules for choosing furniture for a children's room

When choosing furniture in a room for 2 girls, you must adhere to several important rules:

  • Materials must be environmentally friendly, non-flammable and low maintenance. The best option is solid wood. For beds, be sure to purchase high-quality orthopedic mattresses.
  • It is necessary to pay close attention to the safety of interior items: regardless of the age of the children, all furniture must be stable and with rounded corners.
  • In order to avoid conflicts, try to adhere to a policy of equality: each of the sisters should have an individual bed, a writing (computer) table or a table for modeling and drawing, a chair or armchair, a bedside table. The wardrobe can be purchased one for two, but the number of shelves should be the same for each of the sisters. The choice of different interior items for each child is more appropriate in the design of a room for children of different sexes.

  • In case of a lack of space, the design of a nursery for two girls will only benefit from the use of multifunctional furniture that will free up space for other areas: folding or roll-out beds; bed, retractable from the closet; bunk beds or folding sofa, folding tabletop for desk. Such designs are very convenient for sisters with a significant difference in age: for example, a multifunctional sofa can be a sleeping place for an older girl, and during daylight hours serve as a place to relax and play.
  • If possible, purchase mobile furniture - on wheels. This will allow you to quickly and easily, literally in a matter of minutes, make a rearrangement that women of any age simply adore.

  • Do not forget about the carpet, children love to play or just lie on the floor. It is better to give preference to a warm carpet of non-staining color with a short pile, which is easy to care for.

Choosing lighting and expanding space

The design of a children's room for two girls implies the presence of space and light, which are essential for harmonious development child. For a nursery, it is better to choose the brightest and sunniest room in a house or apartment.

If there is not as much sun and light as you would like, first of all, you should abandon heavy and dark curtains, strict blinds, heaps of furniture at the windows - everything that prevents daylight from entering. You can also compensate for the lack of space and light with the help of light shades of furniture, curtains and bedding.

Visually expand and brighten the room with large pictures in pastel colors. The level of lighting also depends on the zone: in the sleeping area, the light should be diffused, in the play area it should be brighter, the study area should be lit with the highest quality and moderately bright so that the child does not spoil his eyesight during classes.

Do not forget about such a lighting device as a night light. It is necessary for most children up to 5 - 7 years. You can abandon standard solutions and entrust the function of additional night lighting to luminous elements in the form of stars, butterflies, flowers, bows and other charms so loved by little princesses.

Children will especially like this design. preschool age. Luminous elements can be hung in the sleeping area, decorate them with wallpaper, curtains, a canopy or a screen near the bed.

Convenient and functional option for children - lamps with the ability to adjust the brightness or individual light sources for different areas. This is very important for two girls of different ages: when the younger one goes to bed, and the older one needs to do homework at this time.

The color scheme in the room for two girls

Girls love pink and purple, as everyone knows, but you should not be limited to two standard colors. It is wiser to choose a delicate shade from the pastel range and diversify it with bright decor elements.

It can be as bright hearts, ruffles, stars, animals and flowers on curtains, wallpaper and bedding - for preschool sisters, as well as bright furniture for older children.

The sleeping area should be decorated exclusively in calm tones so that the child can relax in such an environment.

When choosing a color scheme for a design, look at the following colors: light olive, apricot, blue, soft pink, mint, pistachio, ivory and baked milk, greenish yellow, light green, beige, peach, vanilla, golden.

From the point of view of child psychologists, these are ideal shades for a nursery.

If the height of the room is at least 2.5 m, glossy will look very stylish. stretch ceiling allowing you to visually expand the space. Having coordinated the design with the sisters, you can turn an ordinary ceiling into a night or morning sky, painting it in dark blue with golden stars or delicate azure with snow-white clouds.

The latter option will help visually expand the space and add light to the room.

Attention should be paid to the psychological aspect of colors: for example, red in a nursery is unacceptable, as it causes excitement and even aggression. It can be used exclusively for melancholy and passive babes in need of stimulation, and only in the play and work areas.

If you want bright accents, it is better to use yellow, orange, lilac or hot pink.

With purple and blue colors, especially in bright versions, it is important not to overdo it: psychologists say that their abundance can tire and overwhelm children, and sometimes even cause depression.

Finishing touches in the design of the room

Cute “girly” accessories will help to revive and complete the room:

  • For babies, it can be lamps, Stuffed Toys or even essentially useless little things - in the form of favorite flowers, animals, cartoon characters.

  • For older girls - photos, proper names, lined with bright and possibly luminous letters, drawings or crafts in beautiful frames.

  • For teenage girls - posters with stars, favorite audio and video CDs.

When planning a space, one should not forget that in a few short years the design will lose its relevance, as children grow rapidly. Try to decorate the nursery so that its elements are universal - for example, give up "children's" furniture, preferring classic models.

Give the room baby look decor elements will help - pillows, bedding, curtains, curtains, stickers, funny pictures.

They can be easily removed and replaced with new ones, depending on the age of the owners of the nursery and without prejudice to overall design rooms.

In order for the sisters to learn how to keep their territory in order, organize storage for their things and treasures. Apart from spacious closet, you can use bright boxes for toys (girls will be delighted if they are on wheels), racks or multi-level shelves of different sizes.

If one of the girls is older, place her organizers and storage at a level that the youngest cannot reach.

This will avoid many conflicts, because it is not always possible for a small child to explain that you cannot take certain things that are within his reach.

Be sure to organize a space for older girls to “beautify” - it’s convenient if each sister has her own mirror. You can use one for two, but it is desirable that girls can see themselves in it from head to toe. In addition to the opportunity to show off, mirrors will add space and light to the room.

Decorating and furnishing a child's room is not an easy task, where it is important to consider age features and desires of children. No matter how old the child is, every daughter should have her own space. A well-thought-out interior of a children's room for 2 girls of different ages is a multifunctional room with competent zoning, a special atmosphere and aesthetics. Each age has its own characteristics, and the decor of the room for a baby, schoolgirl or teenager should reflect their interests.

Every child should have their own space.

When choosing the design of a children's room, it is important to take into account the age characteristics and desires of children.

The room should be multifunctional and with competent zoning

Small-sized city apartments do not make it possible to give each daughter a separate bedroom, so you have to combine the interior of a nursery for girls of different ages in one room. They have different needs and interests, and existence in the same area sometimes brings problems.

Some children have a heightened sense of ownership, while others allow them to sleep on their couch, use their own things, toys, gadgets and utensils without argument. These are two extremes - daughters need to be taught that no one should invade personal space. It is not permissible to use other people's things without permission or to take them by force from a weak or younger person. And the zoning of the room interior for 2 girls of different ages is directly related to such upbringing.

In small apartments, you have to combine design for two girls

Some children have a heightened sense of ownership, this must be taken into account

It is important to teach daughters to negotiate for a comfortable coexistence in one nursery, for example, to distribute the time for classes on a shared piano or room simulators. It is more difficult when one wants to sleep, the other wants to listen to music or play the violin. The problem is that a small space simultaneously performs several functions in the interior of a bedroom for two girls:

  • game;
  • wardrobe;
  • study;
  • sports section;
  • needlework workshop;
  • living room for friends and girlfriends.

Attention! Some children care about their status among their peers, and the design of a bedroom for two girls is important to them, where they can invite their classmates or girlfriends. In bad weather, it will be interesting for them to play together in a well-equipped children's room in computer game, solve puzzles, showcase outfits or handmade.

Advice! It is important to consult both daughters on what will be the design project of the children's room for two girls, if they have well-established tastes.

Older girls are interested in personal comfort, exquisite decor and their own dressing room. But a children's room is, first of all, a bedroom or a place for a good rest. Small children are interested in hide-and-seek and outdoor games, they need more free space.

Excess furniture, tightness and a pile of unnecessary things in the children's room are unacceptable! If the room is small, you can install a multifunctional module, a bunk bed or a “transformer” that folds out into two sleeping planes.

It is important to teach daughters to negotiate for comfortable coexistence in the same nursery.

It is important to consult both daughters on what will be the design project of the children's room for two girls, if they have established tastes

For older girls, their own space is important

Features of zoning a children's bedroom

Preschoolers do not have to allocate a study area, you can get by with a comfortable table or expand the window sill to the size of the tabletop. Under good lighting, girls can learn to read, do needlework or play board games. Teenagers do not need a place to play, it is better to allocate a corner for modern equipment. The thoughtful design of a room for two teenage girls is different from the interior for babies large quantity functional zones.

The recreation area should have as little light as possible, so a canopy is appropriate above the bed. He creates favorable microclimate, in the summer protects against mosquitoes (if made according to the principle of a mosquito net) and helps to fall asleep without being distracted by external movement. Only if one bed is equipped with such a canopy, for sure, another child will want to have something similar. But keep in mind that this accessory will not organically fit into every interior of a nursery for two girls.

Preschoolers do not have to allocate a study area, you can get by with a comfortable table or expand the window sill to the size of the tabletop

Teenagers do not need a place to play, it is better to allocate a corner for modern equipment

The boudoir is only suitable for a bed, and when the children sleep on the sofa, an armchair-bed or "loft" on model furniture is used. And for zoning a place of rest, other methods of differentiation are used:
rope curtains;

  • thread curtains;
  • transparent tulle;
  • color differentiation;
  • mobile partitions;
  • light furniture such as whatnots or racks.

The sleep zone in the design of a children's room for 2 girls can be designated using multi-level ceiling- "starry sky" or space. Children love to fall asleep looking at the incredible decor on the ceiling.

AT play area arrangement is subject to the desires and preferences of children. Many accessories can be made with your own hands, involving the children themselves. Storage places for toys can be designed as hiding places in a fairy forest or drawers - the floors of the buildings of the "emerald city".

Girls attending art school need a creative space. It can be marked with portraits of composers, famous performers or artists. For young athletes, it is necessary to equip a sports corner with exercise equipment.

You can make zoning using a two-level ceiling

In the play area, the arrangement is subject to the desires and preferences of children

The interior and decor of a children's room for two girls should reflect their hobbies

The place where schoolgirls learn lessons does not need to be zoned if it is properly furnished with shelves. The main feature is a multifunctional table that can accommodate a PC or laptop, compartments for textbooks and books.

The interior and decor of a children's room for two girls should reflect their hobbies. If their hobbies are more mundane, for example, children's shopping for little fashionistas, an impromptu fitting room can be distinguished. For those who like to show off with a microphone, equip a small stage in a free corner. For fans of the Barbie doll, arrange an exhibition on one of the walls with shallow shelves that do not take up much space.

Choosing the color of the girl's bedroom

Of course, it is advisable to consult with the children - to find out what they themselves want. Traditionally pink and red are for girls, blue is the color for boys. But it is not the best solution when choosing a wall background in a room design for two girls of different ages.

Before deciding on colors, it is worth consulting with children.

Girls are best in bright colors.

For example, the youngest daughter to taste Orange color, and the older girl rejects him without options. It is important to consider their wishes, but be guided by other arguments:

  • warm colors are preferred on the north side to compensate for the lack of sunlight; on the south side of the house, cold and dark tones with a cheerful pattern are better;
  • solid light walls in pastel shades are appropriate to compensate for the excess of colorful patterns (curtains, sofa upholstery, carpet covering, large soft toys bright colors);
  • sharp contrasts in the quality of zoning tire the optic nerve if the older one wants to make the black half of the room, the younger one - the yellow or red part;
  • black and white design of a children's room for two girls without bright emotional accents will load children's perception;
  • all of the same shade is also not an option, even if it seems like a good choice to parents, the minds of children should switch to objects of different colors.

The general background should be the same - white, milky, lemon, beige, blue or lilac. But it must be in harmony with the shades that will complement the personal space of daughters of different ages. At the same time, it is important to consider how various colors affect the subconscious.

The color in the interior should be in harmony with the rest of the shades.

Don't make the room too bright

Most girls like pink

  1. Many girls like the pink color, but it has many shades - the delicate shade of tea rose petals is appropriate in the design of a small nursery for two girls, the color "fuchsia" is appropriate only in the details of the decor.
  2. Red is an emotional color that encourages action, but it should not be used in the nursery of overly active girls who have trouble shutting down before bed.
  3. Lemon or yellow base tone is a good solution for a children's bedroom, especially in a room where there is little daylight, its "intellectual" property is used for phlegmatic, dreamy or slightly inhibited children.
  4. The pronounced “warm” property of orange shades can be safely used in the design of a room for 2 girls on any side of the house, but if you don’t want too bright colors, choose a delicate peach or apricot tone.
  5. You need to be careful with the choice of greenery - “green melancholy” with an admixture of gray is of no interest to anyone, and “green apple” is considered a very positive color.
  6. Blue and blue is great for the bedroom of active girls, it is considered an aristocratic color, but subconsciously it calms and immerses in reflection.
  7. Lilac and purple shades small children do not perceive, but teenagers often like it, however, it is contraindicated for girls prone to mysticism, depression and loneliness.
  8. Gray is not the best choice in a room design for two teenagers, but gray-blue or gray-lilac wall backgrounds are great for white, blue and pink furniture.

Neutral tones are more preferable, which will not distract from classes.

With color, the main thing is not to overdo it

Keep in mind that a crystal white background is suitable for a cold range, milky for a warm part of the spectrum. Children with poor appetite are advised to choose wallpapers with “appetizing” shades and patterns. Preference is given to:

  • cream;
  • caramel;
  • chocolate;
  • yellow;
  • orange
  • raspberry color.

Not only color is important, but its saturation and proportional relationship with companion colors. When delimiting part of the room, the older girl is given darker shades, the younger - light.

Themed room design ideas for 2 girls

The design idea can be inspired by anything, for example, children's toys and books, Park Güell in Barcelona or the scenery of the Little Mermaid cartoon.

All this can be reflected in the author's design, if you decide to independently decorate the interior of a bedroom for two girls of different ages. Not only mothers, but also fathers sometimes create whole scenery, for example, copying the tower from the fairy tale about Rapunzel.

The girls' room can easily be turned into a fairytale forest where Thumbelina got lost, and the characters of the fairy tale are soft toys and decor.

Design ideas can be inspired by anything, such as children's toys and books.

The design of the room can be done in one color scheme.

You can decorate the walls with interesting paintings

The gingerbread house is suitable for sweet-toothed babies, who always have everything “in chocolate”. You can not only choose from catalogs suitable wallpaper, but also to make unique decor from foam and plaster.

Achievement room - why not an idea for daughters who are fond of sports or ballroom dancing, music or painting? It is easier to motivate children through the interior of a nursery for 2 girls.

We select the type of lighting

The degree of illumination should be determined by the general needs of children and the amount of natural light. Local lighting and ceiling chandelier - important elements design of a children's room for girls of different ages.

The brightest lighting should be in the study area, where schoolgirls do their homework. Original lamps can be part of the decor. Phosphorescent paint or glowing stars on the ceiling, depicting the night sky, they will relieve children of the fear of the dark.

You can draw a picture on the wall

The degree of illumination should be determined by the general needs of children

In the recreation area, a soft glow should not tire the eyes. It is better to choose a slowly fading lamp or a sconce with a switch at arm's length. But all the lamp in the children's room should be as safe as possible.

  1. ceiling chandelier
    Typical "children's" design, matte bulbs, energy-saving with "yellow" light
  2. wall sconce
    Plafond is flattened as much as possible, better from unbreakable materials, convenient switch
  3. floor lamp
    Stable, reliable, the wiring is hidden as much as possible so that running children do not stumble
  4. Ceiling lighting
    Diode tape around the perimeter is a great option, unattainable for a child, plus turned diodes
  5. night light
    Placed higher above the bed, relieves fear of the dark, helps to sleep peacefully
  6. Luminous decor objects
    For older students, a convenient addition to lighting or as an original decoration

Additional sources also include luminous perforated vases, aquariums, geometric design objects and cabinet furniture lighting. You should not save on the child's vision, but it is important to teach him how to use electricity as needed.

See our gallery of photo examples for original ideas for decorating a nursery.

When not one, but two little princesses grow up in a family, sooner or later the question arises of allocating personal space to them. But the desires of children and the possibilities of parents do not always coincide, so most often girls become roommates. And this is more of a plus than a minus: a common space can teach them to be friends, negotiate among themselves and distribute responsibilities. At the same time, each of the girls will have the opportunity to retire in their own personal corner. The site for mothers, the site offers you its help in the question of what should be a children's room for two girls.

Comfortable conditions and a cozy atmosphere in a room where two hostesses live at once can be created using various design techniques and proper arrangement of furniture. But the main idea that parents should adhere to when designing a common nursery is to search perfect design, which would combine the preferences of both girls, the size of the budget allocated for repairs and the parameters of the room.

Features of the design of a nursery for two girls

Parents should undertake repairs with a clear understanding that girls, regardless of their age, will coexist together for years to come. Therefore, the design of a room for two girls should not contain even the slightest hint of inequality between them, even if a teenager and a preschooler share the room.

It is much easier to highlight equality if there is a small age difference between girls. Parents in this case should make sure that the furniture, lighting fixtures, decor elements and even the size of the shelves match.

When there is a decent age difference between girls, their interests differ greatly. In this case, the common space of the children's room should have a single style, but the personal space of 2 young residents is designed taking into account their age, preferences and hobbies.

Each one's own corner

Even sisters who are close friends sometimes want solitude. What can we say about cases when the rhythms of life of 2 girls are completely different.

How to allocate each of them an island of personal space in a common room, while leaving a loophole for communication? In this case, the design of the room small area for two girls, it involves the use of such zoning elements as canopies over the bed, shelving, light movable screens and curtains.

Zoning a common room

In addition to personal space for each of the girls, parents should provide a place for games, study and sleep. With a small difference in age, these functional areas are combined.

And if a high school student and a preschool girl share a room, the play and study areas should not intersect so that the girls do not interfere with each other.

sleeping area

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows, then it would be better if each of the girls had their own separate bed. Here are a few options for how these can be placed around the perimeter of the room:

  1. To opposite walls or corners. Such a reception will become a necessity if a children's room is allocated for two girls with a significant age difference.
  2. At right angles or parallel to each other. Sisters who communicate closely with each other will have the opportunity to "chat before bed." At the same time, parallel standing beds must be separated from each other by a bedside table or bedside table.
  3. With dividing wall or shelving. So the girls will not be able to interfere with each other, if, for example, one wants to sleep, and the other wants to read a book before going to bed.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is modest, it is worth taking a closer look at design solutions allowing the use of precious square meters with the utmost rationality:

  1. Folding chairs.
  2. Roll-out beds.
  3. Folding bed-shelves.
  4. Loft beds.

A small children's room for two girls will become more comfortable if canopies made of light airy fabric are hung over the beds - a textile element that also plays the role of a kind of partition.

Play area and recreation area

Little girls of the same age need a place equipped for games: you can select a whole corner of the room and build a mini-house there with a table for tea parties or a wigwam. Nearby there should be places for: shelves, boxes, drawers, hanging baskets.

She will be glad if her parents give her a place to read: an ottoman or a hanging chair.

It’s great if the room has a place for a sports corner: not only boys need it.

Work zone

In order to competently equip the study area, as a rule, only schoolchildren need it, the site site suggests adhering to the following rules:

  1. It is better to place the desktop as close as possible to the window - the source of daylight. As an option - a study-loggia.
  2. If both girls attend school, then each needs a personal one.
  3. Tables can be placed along the wall at some distance from each other, at right angles and against opposite walls.

Parents need to equip the surrounding space with shelves for textbooks and school supplies, as well as take care of lighting.

Storage locations

When the room is small, one compact but spacious closet (compartment or built-in) is enough, equipped with shelves, a chest of drawers, a bar and big mirror. A teenage girl with her extensive wardrobe will need a barbell, and a little princess will have access to the lower shelves with compartments and drawers to store toys and clothes there. It will be better if the shelves and compartments are signed.

Girls of the same age should be allocated an equal number of storage spaces. And if the quadrature of the future nursery allows, you can put a wardrobe for each girl separately.

The room must be equipped with additional shelves and racks for textbooks and toys, accessories and personal belongings of each of the hostesses.

Color solution

After the style is chosen, it is necessary to resolve the issue with the color of the walls. We suggest considering three options:

  1. Girls should choose the shade that both of them like.
  2. Decorate the walls in the girls' favorite colors, but make sure they go well with each other. For example: light green and orange, pink and fresh greens, pale blue and lemon, vanilla and turquoise. The walls can be painted so that the shades alternate or divide the room in half with the help of flowers. And you can look for wallpaper in two colors in the children's room for girls.
  3. Choose a light neutral shade for wall decoration to visually expand the space of the room. It is he who will become a clean canvas on which bright decorative elements will appear. This approach allows you to quickly adapt to the changing preferences of girls with age.

A common wall can be glued, the drawing on which both girls will like. For example, a flower arrangement above the headboard of parallel beds.

How to decorate a bedroom for 2 teenage girls?

The design of a bedroom for girls of about the same age should be made with symmetry in mind. Sisters need the same set of furniture: beds, tables, chairs, bedside tables and even ottomans should be 2 copies. But the closet can be one, but roomy, where the shelves and drawers are distributed in half between the neighbors and signed.

If the room is divided according to the principle - each girl has one wall, then above the beds or desktops you can place additional places storage and shelves for textbooks.

Parents are obliged to take into account the opinion of their daughters when choosing furniture and wallpaper.

Even if their interests do not coincide, it is necessary to find a "golden mean" - choose furniture of the same modification of the same manufacturer, but in different shades. So it is worth doing with wallpaper, lamps, racks, bed linen, rugs and even pillows. In this case, the room will maintain a single design style.

Children's room for girls of different ages

The age difference greatly affects the nature of the relationship between the sisters, because their interests vary greatly. That's why the best option to ensure comfortable living conditions in a common area - this is to place sleeping places at the maximum distance. The baby needs an afternoon nap, and the schoolgirl can return from lessons by this time, so this separation helps the girls not to interfere with a friend.

And if the eldest daughter decides to leave her parental home over time, then the nursery should, without global alterations, turn into a room only for. Therefore, it is worth thinking about acquiring not a separate bed for the eldest daughter, but a transforming sofa, which after her departure can easily be turned into a relaxation area.

Designing a room for two teenagers with their own views, likes and needs is a challenging and interesting task. President Mobility shares solutions.

The task of parents is to provide each child with a personal area for sleeping, storing things and creating. For meetings with friends, table hockey and video games, it is worth organizing a common space in the form of a small table with a sofa or armchairs and poufs.

To choose the design of a room for teenagers, look at the photos of the interiors together.

Decorating a room for teens: fashion trends in design

For teenagers, not only the presence of their own room matters, but also how it looks.

In 2016, to create a boring environment, designers recommend placing catchy accents:

    • eco-style elements: jute rugs, wicker chairs, carved shelves and stools made of wood, decorative items made of stone and bamboo;

  • illumination: volumetric letters with illumination, art objects with built-in lamps. Suitable for a room of two teenagers, designed in the style of a loft, glamour, or rock and roll;
  • tropical motifs: animalistic and vegetable patterns, wooden blinds, bamboo chests of drawers, ceiling lights with fans and canopies over the beds;
  • texture materials: brickwork, forged and knitwear, a combination of tweed, wool and satin, a combination of glass, wood and ceramics. Complex combinations look organic against the background of neutral colors and simple shapes;
  • elements imitating gold, silver and copper: metal binding of furniture, frame lighting device, embroidery on textiles, a frame for a mirror;
  • patterns: dots, stripes, graphic flowers, ombre effect.

Room for two teenage girls

For creating comfortable conditions in the room of two teenage girls, the following items will be required.

  • Beds with orthopedic mattresses and a large upholstered headboard or sofas.
  • A wardrobe, or rather a built-in wardrobe, as things become more and more with age. Conditionally divide the space in half so that each girl gets an equal number of drawers, shelves and hangers.
  • Dressing table with mirror and ottoman that can be used together.
  • Workspaces with chairs, additional lighting and furniture for storing school supplies and books.
  • Chest of drawers, cabinet or shelves for small things and items that decorate the room: for framed photographs and vases, for travel souvenirs and gifts from friends.
  • Textiles: bed linen, pillows, bedspreads, blankets, curtains and rugs.

The choice of style for the room of two teenagers depends on their preferences. You will have to look at a lot of photos to understand what both girls like. As a guide, we recommend looking at the "female" styles: Provencal, bohemian, glamorous. Universal directions - modern and eclectic.

Room for two teenage boys

Guys need fewer things than girls. It is enough to purchase a high-quality bunk bed or separate sleeping places, a storage system for clothes and shoes, as well as large tables or a common work surface that will fit 2 computers and leave free space for doing homework, reading books and drawing.

The choice of room style for two teenage guys depends on their hobbies. The main thing here is to surround children with favorite objects.

Let's give some examples.

  • The musicians' bedroom resembles a recording studio: there are records, audio equipment, instruments and posters of your favorite bands around.
  • The travelers' room is a combination of shades of the sea and sand with wood imitating the deck. The walls are hung with geographical maps and flags, there are globes, spyglasses and photos of different countries on the shelves.
  • The athletes' dormitory is a repository of cups, medals and equipment.

If you are designing a room for two teenagers of different sexes, choose a neutral palette as the base colors. Otherwise, be guided by the preferences of children.
