What to do if the cork panels are swollen. Do I need to repair the parquet after flooding, what to do after flooding. How to care for cork flooring

Among consumers, the use of environmentally friendly building materials during repairs is becoming popular. Finishing work not an exception. Cork materials have been used for decorating walls, ceilings and floors for a long time, in addition, cork is an excellent building material meeting the requirements fire safety, soundproofing and thermal insulation. It is noteworthy that the use of cork in repairs is environmentally beneficial on both sides: a person receives safe material that does not cause allergies and does not contain harmful chemical substances, and cork oak, from which cork material is harvested, is able to recover on average in 10 years. Since the average lifespan of a tree is 200 years, the tree continues to grow and develop. Today I will tell you more about cork panels for walls, how to choose and install them correctly.

Pros and cons of cork panels

Like anyone finishing material, the cork also has disadvantages, which cannot be ignored, since ignorance of these nuances can cost the buyer too much, directly and figuratively. The disadvantages of cork panels include:

  • Price. Of course, high price due to the complexity of the extraction of material, the lack of chemical elements, which makes the panels safe and almost exclusive.
  • Instability to mechanical impact. If you choose cork flooring, heavy furniture can leave unsightly dents in the floor. When it comes to wall panels, it is important to ensure that no furniture rests on the walls, this is easier to do than in the case of flooring.
  • Abrasives banned. Caring for cork panels is not difficult, but we must not forget that abrasive components can ruin the cork once and for all. Carefully study the composition, or choose products that are approved for use on cork.
  • Increased humidity. If there are cork decor elements in the apartment, it is important to monitor the humidity of the air. At high humidity cork panels begin to swell, the practical qualities deteriorate, the panels become unusable.

But, despite the shortcomings, the material is popular, and this is easily explained. The advantages of cork panels, in addition to the mentioned natural environmental friendliness, include the following aspects:

  • The material has heat-insulating and noise-absorbing qualities. If there are children in the house, their games will not disturb the neighbors, and you will be calm, the children will not be cold on the floor.
  • The cork does not absorb the smells of the apartment, even installed in the kitchen, it will not start to smell like dishes that have ever been cooked in the room.
  • The cork is easy to care for, the coating is antistatic and does not attract dust. In the presence of contamination, it is permissible to use a damp cloth, strongly wrung out, and cleaning agents that do not contain abrasive particles.

  • Cork panels are durable and strong, the coating will serve you for more than one year, it will look like the first day after the repair. Despite the instability to prolonged mechanical stress, the cork tends to recover with short-term pressure. This happens due to the high shock-absorbing characteristics.
  • The coating is not afraid of corrosion. The development of mold, rot and other harmful problems on the cork is impossible due to the anti-condensation properties.
  • Cork panels are refractory material, regardless of their origin. They are not dangerous to install in a residential area; when heated, the panels do not produce hazardous fumes.
  • Installation of cork panels is simple and affordable even for a beginner in the construction business. The installation of cork panels on walls and floors can be handled without resorting to the help of specialists.

Types of cork panels

Cork material in appearance is not only panel (sheet), but also rolled. Such material is similar to wallpaper and is glued to the wall according to the same principle. In addition to the appearance, there are several classifications of cork panels.

  • According to the field of application, the panels are divided into technical (used as a substrate for insulation and noise insulation), adhesive (have an adhesive base or are installed on a special glue for cork), and floating (there is a lock on the panels, as in the case of a laminate, the panels are fastened together into a single sheet).
  • Cork panels differ in cost. Consisting of 100% cork veneer, they cost more than specimens consisting of cork chips. The markets also have an average price category, which includes both chips and veneer.

  • The thickness of the cork panel indicates the composition and scope. For walls, panels are used, with a thickness of 2 to 8 mm, they consist of 100% cork. Panels up to 2 mm consist of a chipboard layer coated with cork coating - this material is used for room decor.
  • Depending on the design solution consumer can choose different coverage cork panels. From raw natural panels, to lacquered or painted. When choosing painted panels, carefully read the composition so that the benefits of cork are not spoiled by poor-quality paint.
  • The decorative properties of cork panels, in addition to coloring, include inclusions of metallized or glass chips, appliqué or drawing.

How to choose cork panels

The criteria for choosing cork panels for walls are determined by the installation area and designated purpose. Before buying, consider a few important points:

  • The installation location of the cork panels affects the thickness of the material. For a bedroom or a children's room, choose no thinner than 4 mm, such panels will successfully cope with sound insulation and heat retention.
  • If you plan to install cork panels in the bathroom, look for an option with a waterproof base.
  • To decorate the walls in the living room or study, a panel thickness of 2 mm is sufficient. It does not make sense to purchase a thicker material, and the cost will differ several times.

  • Decide which decorative technique is preferable for the room, clean cork without inclusions, or with the addition of decorative elements.
  • Pay attention to the cost of panels in terms of required amount. If you want to save money, choose panels that include cork veneer and crumbs; by adding crumbs, the panels will be cheaper, but they will not yield in quality.
  • Choose the size of the cork panels for the walls, it depends on the dimensions of the room. For small room square panels with a side of 60 cm are suitable, choose a larger size for finishing a spacious room.

Installation of cork panels for walls

Before proceeding with the installation of cork panels, bring the materials into the house and leave them indoors for a day. This secret will help to avoid deformation of the panels during installation. During this time, you will have time to prepare necessary tools for installing cork panels on the wall. You will need:

  1. dispersion adhesive or specialized adhesive for working with cork;
  2. stationery knife,
  3. Attach the panel to the lines, outline the perimeter with a pencil. Apply glue to the wall, if you are working with thick panels, apply glue to the base of the panel as well. To speed up the process, draw and apply glue on 4 panels at once, then by the time you finish working with the fourth panel, the glue will already stick on the first one, it can be glued to the wall.

  • Attach the panel to the wall, press firmly and hold for a few seconds. Smooth the surface with a roller to level the hitch.
  • After gluing the adjacent panel, go over the seams with a roller so that there is no height difference.
  • It will take two days to dry, after which the work is considered completed.

Working with cork panels is simple and interesting, the result will delight you and your family for years. Step-by-step instruction given in this article will help you choose quality material and not make mistakes in its installation.

Cork wall coverings surprisingly harmonious with their natural decorative effect and rare practicality. Elegant and comfortable, they give solidity and sophistication. interior decoration premises. Excellent performance and a wide range of collections allows you to use these coatings in the living room, bedroom and kitchen, as well as in the head office.
One type of wall cork is a decorative cork in rolls, the usual size of which is 1000×500×2mm. The basis of the coating is pressed cork chips, on which decorative cork veneer is then applied. their linear dimensions and specifications roll stopper does not change from year to year. It is easy and simple to work with it, it is elastic and resilient, combined with all types of finishing materials.
When testing rolled cork coatings, no swelling or sticking was observed during various studies: the effect of constant humidity and alternately humidity and heat. However, in practice, as in this case, often the opposite happens - a little soaking and an expensive cork coating exfoliated and blistered.
The defective “cut” must be dried before gluing on a flat flat surface, preferably by pressing it with a large flat sheet. Most often, the cork coating dries evenly. If bubbles remain during drying, then, unfortunately, it cannot be glued - defects will be visible.
If you bought 2 mm cork wallpaper (not on paper basis), then it is best to glue them on a special adhesive composition"KORK", which is ideal for self-adhesion, which will avoid mistakes, as it allows you to correct the canvas, unlike contact adhesive.
Of the contact adhesive compositions, you can use NOVOPREN, which is recommended for cork coatings. Before use, the adhesive must be mixed well, then, using a brush, roller or spatula with rare teeth, apply to both surfaces to be glued. Surfaces must be pre-cleaned of dust and dirt, be sure to be dry and not loose. After applying the glue, you need to wait 10-20 minutes for it to be absorbed - it was not sticky to the touch. Having connected both surfaces, with force and evenly press the cork coating, avoiding the appearance of air bubbles. We recommend tapping the edges of the plates with a rubber mallet to better contact with the wall, if there are adhesive residues on the surface of the plates, they should be removed immediately with a rag. The glue strongly seizes immediately, therefore, after the connection, it is impossible to make correction of the plates. Full bonding time from 30 to 60 minutes. The adhesive is highly resistant to heat. Approximate consumption of the adhesive composition is 200g/m².
For gluing cork, you can also use BUNITEX P-55 glue or some other special adhesive.

Added: 06/07/2012 11:41

Forum discussion:

Tell me, please, what should we do, we bought cork wallpaper without a base and accidentally wetted one cut with water - it swelled in places. Will the bubbles go away when it dries? And is it possible to glue them on glue for heavy wallpaper?

Laminate flooring is one of the most popular flooring today.

It is used in the arrangement of premises of all types:

  • residential;
  • office;
  • public.

Such popularity this material due to many positive characteristics inherent in it, in particular, deserves mention:

  • ease of installation;
  • high aesthetic qualities;
  • low price;
  • excellent performance.

Despite this, bloating of the laminate is quite often observed, which leads not only to a deterioration in the aesthetic properties of the room, but also causes certain inconveniences. In this article, illustrated with a photo, we will take a closer look at what to do if the laminate is swollen.

Note! Our tips will help you understand how to fix a swollen laminate with your own hands.

Do not panic - all problems are solvable

And although the price of such a floor covering as a laminate is not so high, however, this is not a reason to immediately start replacing it if there are certain defects on its surface.

Defects can manifest themselves in different ways:

  • bloating;
  • irregularities;
  • waves.

In such situations, it is important to know why the laminate is swollen and only after that proceed with the elimination of defects. Do not panic and try to immediately replace the flooring. You can do without such drastic measures.

The main causes of damage to the coating

So, let's figure out why the laminate swells.

There can be several main reasons for this negative “effect”:

  • installation errors;
  • the material itself is of poor quality;
  • spilled on the floor a large number of water.

Why the laminate is swollen is easy to determine by the features of the manifestation :

  • ripple effect occurs when incorrect installation when there was no gap between the walls and the coating;
  • swelling at the joints, slight swelling is typical at high humidity of the coating.

Advice. Complete replacement of the coating should only be done if it has been found out that the floor defects are due to the poor quality of the laminate. In other cases, it is quite possible to eliminate irregularities.

How to level laminate

In this section, we will look at how you can fix the situation if the laminate is rearing up for one reason or another.

It's all about the water

First of all, let's figure out what to do if the laminate is swollen from water. Perhaps this is one of the most popular causes of damage to the coating.

There can be a great variety of options for excessive moisture:

  • a dropped cup of tea;
  • inverted vase with flowers;
  • too intensive wet cleaning using a lot of water and so on.

It doesn't matter what exactly caused the damage to the coating, it is important to understand how to eliminate the swelling of the laminate so that it again pleases with its magnificent aesthetic properties.

Advice. To prevent such damage to the coating, it is recommended to periodically treat it with paraffin wax or polishes that repel moisture.

In some cases, after moisture has evaporated, the floor becomes even again, acquires its original appearance, but such a “trick” is possible only with expensive high-quality materials that do not absorb moisture like a sponge, but are still able to repel it at least a little.

To rid the floor of excess moisture, you will have to disassemble the laminate, since most often water collects under it. If this is done immediately after you have spilled a large amount of water, then the laminate will not have time to rear up.

The second option is to replace damaged panels, but this is not always effective and rational, especially if the flooring has been used for several years before, since the coating has lost its natural color and even if you buy panels of the same brand, they will stand out from the general background.

Advice. In this case, you can do it differently. Remove some of the panels that are under some furniture, for example, under a table or cabinet, and rearrange the damaged ones, and replace the damaged ones with panels of a different shade - they are still not visible under the furniture.

Mounting errors

The second common variant of the occurrence of errors on the coating is errors during its installation. Most often this is expressed in the fact that the installer did not leave space between the panels and the wall.

This is due to the fact that over time, the coating expands and, resting against the wall, begins to rise, waves form on it.

  • remove skirting boards;
  • mark the laminate so that after trimming between the wall (including the plinth) and the flooring there is at least one and a half centimeters of free space.
  • cut off excess areas of the coating;
  • install skirting boards.

Advice. Another reason why there may be problems with the quality of the coating is the installation of door locks on the laminate. If you need to install such a device, it is better to cut a small hole in the coating.

How to prevent bloating

First of all, it is necessary to adhere to the coating installation technology, which is not as complicated as it might seem. The main thing is to fit each tiles strictly butt-to-butt, to keep the distance between the tiles and the wall along the perimeter of the room - about one and a half to two centimeters.

This will prevent bulging later when the laminate expands. If you are laying this coating in the bathroom or kitchen, be sure to treat it by special means that repel moisture.

And most importantly - get only high-quality material. Its difference from poor quality is significant! And it is expressed, in particular, in the fact that it does not absorb moisture so much and better tolerates the influence high temperature. Naturally, the price will differ, but it is better to invest in good stuff, which will please you for many years, rather than constantly changing the coating, which will ultimately lead to even more costs.

In conclusion

By adhering to the rules and tips above, you can not only protect the coating from moisture, but also quickly return it to its perfect appearance if the laminate is still swollen.

In the presented video in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

Just like any flooring, products made of solid or agglomerated cork are subject to gradual wear, fading, that is, aging for all signs. To prolong its service life, three basic rules: neatness, proper care of the cork floor and timely restoration of the surface.

Decorative and protective finishing products are made from the bark of an oak tree that grows in the Mediterranean countries. It is carefully removed from the tree, then in special units it is crushed into small crumbs - granulate. Then it is mixed with thermosetting resins, in special heat-pressing machines, the process of forming sheets takes place. It turns out the so-called agglomerate in plates, from which they produce:

For premium-class laminated or adhesive products, veneer is not used, but veneer - thin layers of solid cork bark.

According to the recommendations of the manufacturers, the floor of glued tiles with a clean surface after installation should be protected with 3 layers of polyurethane or acrylic lacquer. This is necessary because cork is a soft coating, resistant to abrasion, abrasives and damage. In addition, from water floor material may swell, crumble.

In some cases, buyers choose special oils or waxes that impregnate or rub the coating. The advantage of these products is that they do not create a polymer film on the surface, the floor remains warm and pleasant to touch, protected from direct sunlight. But the disadvantages still outweigh. Oil-wax composition:

To be fair, we note that lacquer coating also not protected from scratches, chips, haze, etc. Therefore, over time, restoration will be needed for him.

How to care for cork flooring

In order for the floor to serve for more than one year, retain its aesthetics and integrity throughout the entire operational period, manufacturers have developed a number of recommendations and rules for caring for coatings made of solid or agglomerated cork.

The main "enemy" floor coverings it is not foot traffic that is considered, but an abrasive - fine street sand. When entering home, each person carries solid particles on their soles. They constantly scratch the coating, damaging its surface layers, small scratches and other signs of wear appear. Therefore, manufacturers insist on compliance with preventive measures:

  • Conduct daily wet cleaning. It is better to use a vacuum cleaner for this.
  • Use for cleaning brushes with coarse bristles, abrasive detergents or aggressive household chemicals.
  • Leave water spilled on the surface for a long time.
  • Avoid sudden changes in temperature and humidity. Optimal conditions operation: t=+15 - +30 °C, f=45-65%.

For cork floors, you need to use a special series of care products, including:

All products are divided into washable and indelible, for manual or machine processing. It is highly undesirable to use them for other purposes, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the coating, and irrevocably.

How to restore a cork floor

If the varnish coating is noticeably worn, has lost its luster and transparency, you can restore it yourself or invite specialists to do this work. The methodology includes the following steps:

  1. Thorough grinding of the surface with fine abrasive grit up to 220 units. For this purpose, apply Grinder or regular sandpaper for manual processing.
  2. Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner and damp soft cloth.
  3. Application of primer and varnish in 2-3 layers in accordance with the instructions. Intermediate drying between layers - at least 6 hours.

If repair of a local area is required due to significant damage to the tiles, then first of all you need to look for a material that is suitable in color and structure. The problem is that cork is a natural coating, so in different batches, as well as due to constant exposure sunlight planks will vary in tone and pattern, sometimes significantly.

Adhered tiles are difficult to remove, so they actually have to be removed piece by piece. The base must be leveled and primed before installing a new coating. Funds are selected based on the type of base. For screed it cement-sand mixture or quick-drying cement, for plywood, chipboard - wood putty, etc.

Another type of problem with cork coverings- peel-off strips. The reason may be an incorrectly selected composition, a violation of the laying technology, and even a floor heating system. In any case, the peeled off tiles must be removed, cleaned and dried. The base is cleaned, glue is applied with a notched trowel and the plank is glued into place.

slats cork laminate– damaged elements are cut out with circular saw and removed with a chisel with a hammer. A spike is cut off at the new plank, a carpentry adhesive or PVA is applied around the perimeter, inserted into place and loaded for at least a day.

So, caring for and restoring a cork floor is not too complicated and time-consuming processes. They should not be neglected if you want the floor to serve successfully for many years.

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