What is a modular kitchen set. Modular furniture. What it is? Photos of modular kitchen furniture

Multi-storey buildings built in Soviet times can hardly be called comfortable. The kitchens are small and designed exclusively for cooking. This has little to do with modern ideas about comfort and hospitality. When choosing furniture, problems often arise. It is necessary to install a beautiful compact set, which would be convenient to use and at the same time leave space for the dining area. The way out is a modular kitchen. This is a great option not only for small areas, but also for spacious rooms.

When choosing furniture for the kitchen, the goal of each apartment owner is to save space. Even if the room is relatively large, you need to arrange the items so that the hostess has everything at hand. It is for such a rational placement that modular kitchen sets were created. They consist of individual elements of uniform dimensions, which can be conveniently combined with each other. If desired, the items are easily rearranged - and please, the interior looks new.

Sizes and colors of kitchen units

Having assembled the kitchen from ready-made modules, the owner solves the problem of furnishing for a long time. Every centimeter of the area is used rationally, and if necessary, you can always add, rearrange or remove any module without compromising the design of the room. For example, you can first hang only a wall cabinet and put a table, and later add other elements. In the same way, you can always remove an extra locker. The appearance of the premises will change, but at the same time remain attractive.

The main advantages of modular kitchens are that they can be installed in rooms with a non-standard layout. The owner does not have to go shopping, choosing a comfortable set for his "special" room. Sometimes it just can't be found. There is also no need to overpay for custom-made furniture, which is far from always better than the standard one, but costs several times more.

Compact placement of budget kitchen modules

In a conventional headset, it is impossible to change the position of objects, and after all, many people want at least a minimal interior update a few years after installing furniture. If the solution is standard, then this will require you to buy a whole headset again. These are expenses, nerves, time for searching.

The second option is to simply arrange the standard modules for the kitchen in a new way, order or purchase the missing sections. The updated interior will not burden the budget, and changes are guaranteed. The money you save can be invested in something more useful. It's profitable!

Another plus is the ability to do without a professional designer. For people who want to furnish an apartment as beautifully and functionally as possible, there are special design programs. If the furniture consists of sections, then you can simply go to the manufacturer's website and create your own design project online. At the same time, you can calculate the approximate cost of new furniture.

Modular furniture in a spacious kitchen

What are the challenges owners face?

Paradoxically, but spacious rooms are more difficult to furnish than small ones. This is due to the standard sizes of kitchen modules. If the room has niches or ledges, you often have to resort to professional help in developing a design project. Sections may simply "not fit" into the layout of the room.

Another urgent problem is the quality of products. Modular headsets are made from inexpensive materials, which means that you should not expect special durability and durability from them. On the one hand, buying standard sections saves money. On the other hand, you should be ready to replace them in 5-7 years.

Apartment owners do not have to rely on the creativity of furniture designers. Finishing materials are not particularly diverse, and the configuration of the sections is designed for the most common types of design. If you need something truly original and exclusive, you will have to order furniture.

Unusual solution for the kitchen-dining room

The main types of kitchen layout

Functionality is the main requirement for any kitchen set. Furniture should be located so that the hostess does not have to stretch too far or “run” extra meters while cooking. The length of the sides of the triangle "refrigerator-sink-stove" should not be too long. Designers consider the distance of 1.2–2.7 m to be optimal. There are several options for arranging furniture that allow you to rationally plan the kitchen.

Scheme: layout of the location of the headset

Option #1: straight line

The linear layout is considered convenient by most apartment owners. If the room is small, it is difficult to organize the space in a different way. The objects are arranged in a row and form a straight line. This allows the hostess to move from the stove to the sink without touching the furniture and without unnecessary maneuvers.

Another argument in favor of purchasing a linear headset is the price. Almost everyone can afford an Ikea budget modular kitchen. This is a great option for a rectangular room. A cabinet with a work surface can be placed between the stove and the sink. Wall cabinets on top and a floor cabinet solve the problem of storing dishes.

Option #2: double row placement

If the kitchen is only for cooking, and the dining room is located in another room, you can put the furniture in two rows. Such an organization of space has certain advantages for housewives who have to spend a lot of time at the stove. In addition, you can save on finishing materials, because. hanging cabinets, tables and cabinets cover almost the entire area of ​​​​the walls.

There are also disadvantages. With a two-row arrangement of kitchen furniture, the dimensions and configuration of the room change. The room looks narrow and long, it is impossible to put anything extra in it, because the space near the walls is occupied, and there is too little space in the middle.

Option #3: corner layout

What is corner modular furniture? These are suites in which separate cabinets and cabinets are designed in such a way as to take up space in the corners of rooms. This arrangement allows you to more rationally place interior elements and make it more practical.

The modules are located along two adjacent walls, so that part of the room remains completely free. At the same time, there is enough space for everything you need. In square kitchens, corner modular sets are especially convenient, because the owner of the apartment can arrange the sections so that one wall is occupied more than the second.

Option #4: U-shaped arrangement

If you have a spacious kitchen and you need to place a large number of cabinets and cabinets in it, a U-shaped layout is best suited. Thanks to this placement, you can zone the room by integrating all the necessary equipment into the furniture. The kitchen becomes extremely functional.

The U-shaped arrangement of the headset has only one drawback. There is one wall left for the dining table, because. the other three will be occupied. This is an option for those who do not have to save every centimeter of space, or those who have a dining room in another room.

Option #5: Island or Peninsula

A modular kitchen in the shape of an island or a peninsula is suitable for large spaces. The sections are arranged as follows: cabinets and cabinets are installed along the walls, and the work area or bar counter is placed in the center of the room or taken out in the form of a peninsula.

The disadvantage of the island layout is obvious: the headset takes up a lot of space, which is not always convenient. But there is also a major advantage. As a rule, such furniture is distinguished by smooth curved lines. The headset looks sophisticated and elegant. In addition, rounded corners prevent accidental injury to the occupants of the house.

Scheme: work triangle in the island kitchen

Materials for the manufacture of modular furniture

When developing projects for modular headsets, designers rely on the simplicity of forms. No extra details, ideally even the decor should be practical. The materials used to make the modules should also be as easy to care for as possible, resistant to external influences and at the same time not too expensive. Best fit:

  • MDF. MDF furniture is chosen by those who prefer environmentally friendly materials. These are boards made of pressed sawdust, sheathed on the outside with veneer, acrylic or PVC film.

  • Plastic. Plastic sets may seem too unassuming, but they are perfect for a minimalist kitchen. A big plus is the wide range of colors. It compensates for the poor choice of forms. You can choose a set of any shade. At the same time, it will perfectly tolerate moisture, easy to wash.

  • Chipboard. When buying a kitchen from chipboard, you should be very careful. For the manufacture of some types of plates, harmful raw materials are used, so you should make sure that the seller has quality certificates. If the material is environmental class E0–E1, furniture made from it is quite safe. Of the benefits - low price, wide design potential. Modular chipboard sets are beautiful and practical.

Assembling a kitchen from laminated chipboards

If the owner of the apartment likes to regularly update the interior, it makes sense to purchase a kitchen with frame facades. Such modules consist of aluminum frames, and the panels for them can be made of any materials, incl. plastic or glass. If desired, you can always replace the panels - and the headset will be completely transformed. However, often the new panels within the frames “walk”, and this can affect the appearance and functionality of the furniture.

Which design do you prefer?

The simpler the shape of the modules, the better. This expands the design possibilities. An excess of decorative elements most often only harms. When it comes to budget modular kitchens, it is better to prefer furniture in these styles:

  • Modern. Many apartment owners prefer furniture in the Art Nouveau style. The combination of clarity and smooth lines always looks impressive. Restrictions in the choice of colors simply do not exist.

  • High tech. Glass, metal, polished surfaces are the trend of recent years. High-tech modular kitchens look ultra modern. They are extremely practical and easy to use.

  • Classic. Furniture of classic shapes and colors is a choice for all times. Such headsets will appeal to people who do not want to chase fashion trends, prefer simple shapes, strive for a feeling of comfort and stability.

Classic kitchen furniture

So, what is it - modular kitchens? This is an opportunity to change the interior at your discretion. You won't have to spend years collecting money to upgrade the look of your headset. By adding, removing or simply rearranging modules, you get a new look at no extra cost. In an era of instant change, this quality is priceless.

For the manufacture of budget headsets use only practical materials. Of course, you won't have marble countertops or carved decor on mahogany fronts. But it will be easy to take care of the furniture with the help of an ordinary sponge and inexpensive household chemicals. The final choice is always yours!

This is a set of various lockers of standard sizes. The most common body material for modular furniture - This is a chipboard, lined with veneer or laminate. are of great variety. There are plenty to choose from, given the overall style of the planned interior.

Who and why produces modular furniture

production modular furniture mainly large furniture factories are engaged, which do not have time for an individual approach to each of their clients.

Modular programs differ in the number of elements included in them. Those that include a larger number of items (over 60) and, accordingly, make it possible to create more options for compositions are made from more expensive materials. There are more democratic modular systems, combining about 30 items, and intermediate varieties (30-60 components). The more components, the more individual the interior will be, close to custom-made furniture.

Why modular furniture is cheaper

The lack of an individual approach in any case makes the products significantly cheaper . Judge for yourself:

  1. A measurer does not come to your home, who takes measurements of your kitchen, taking into account all its features, such as:
    • location of gas pipes,
    • water pipes, as well as other communications,
    • window sill size
    • wall curvature,
    • floor level,
    • the presence of a ventilation shaft,
    • other boxes.
  2. Under the received measurements, an individually-unique scheme is not made for the project of your kitchen.
  3. At a furniture factory, when sawing chipboard, your dimensions are not set.
  4. Materials, most often not expensive:. The hardware leaves much to be desired. A non-professional will still not understand how such a low price was achieved.
  5. If you assemble the furniture yourself, it will be even cheaper.

The process is as impersonal as possible. The manufacturer does NOT spend extra money and time on an individual approach. You do some of the work yourself, deciding which lockers, what size you need and where you put them. Did you play as a constructor as a child? It's the same here. Many people like to feel like designers, equipping a living space at their discretion.

In order to make this process as easy as possible, many large manufacturers make programs available on their websites in which you can pre-arrange furniture and see how the room will look after purchase. The lockers open, the color of the facades changes at your discretion or matches the color of the wallpaper, even the falling sunlight from the window can be marked. The filling of cabinets can also be selected at your own discretion. I do not like? There is an opportunity to radically change everything. Have fun arranging household appliances, flowers in vases, computers and hanging mirrors. Feel like a designer. And in the end, when you reach the optimal, in your opinion, option, the program will also give you the final price, taking into account discounts, promotions and delivery. Do you agree? Order! So, without getting up from the table, you can change the situation. Neither you nor the manufacturer wastes extra time and effort. Convenient, isn't it?

Pros of modular furniture

So the pros modular furniture :

  1. In any city you will find several representative offices of companies involved in the production modular furniture . If there is something to choose from, it's always good. Most often, these are Stolplit, Shatura, Dyadkovo, Ikea, and many others. Factories of such manufacturers are located in many large areas.
  2. An unlimited number of ways to rearrange the modules will allow you to create more and more unique compositions;
  3. When moving to a large apartment, the already purchased modular system can be easily supplemented with other elements;
  4. Designers closely follow fashion trends, which are immediately implemented, so your interior will be relevant in any case;
  5. If you are not satisfied with the overall space of the room, then with the help of modular furniture it is easy to change, and it will not be necessary to demolish some walls and build new ones.
  6. very handy if you have small children. After all, whatever one may say, the kids are growing, and at the same time, the situation in the children's room should also change. With the help of modular furniture, you can easily modernize the interior by purchasing new elements that will complement each other. This way, you don't have to throw anything away.
  7. Ease of assembly.
  8. And, of course, cheapness.

Cons of modular furniture

To equip the kitchen, it is not at all necessary to look for a ready-made kit or order it according to an individual project. It is possible to equip everything faster and cheaper: assemble it yourself from ready-made modules. In fact, kitchen furniture consists of a set of cabinets. There are not so many varieties of them - a couple of dozen. They differ in materials and finishes, and the dimensions and materials of the "base" are the same. Based on this, someone came up with the idea to make a set of cabinets in the same style and color, but different models and sizes. Due to the fact that the details are standard, the cost of such a kitchen is slightly less than the finished one and much lower than "to order". The idea gained popularity, and this furniture began to be called "modular kitchens". The factory pre-produces a number of modules, and you collect the ones you need. Though for a small-sized kitchen, at least for a spacious one. There are modular kitchens of economy class, there are middle ones. The only thing you won't see is the exclusive.

What materials are made from

Modular economy class kitchens are a great way to quickly and inexpensively furnish a kitchen. But “cheap” is a relative term. The price tag may be different. Some collections really cost a little, others seem to be similar, but have a much higher price. It's all about the materials that are used in fittings. It also significantly affects the cost.

What are the hulls made of?

Economy class kitchen furniture is made of (LDSP). It has one advantage: low price. But this material does not respond well to high humidity. After a few years near the sink, stove, oven, microwave, it begins to swell and flake off. To slow down the process, all problem areas can be smeared with a neutral silicone sealant (not acrylic). It is obligatory to seal the countertop in those places where you will cut holes for the sink and the installation of a faucet, the outlet of the filter faucet for purified drinking water. Your kitchen will not be ideal for long, but such processing will extend this period of time.

Modular kitchens of average cost are made with MDF facades. Please note that in this case the body of the cabinets is also made of chipboard and only the facades are made of MDF. So, too, one should not flatter oneself about the durability of such furniture. There may be another problem: inexpensive MDF facades are finished with a thin material, very similar to paper. At joints in places of intensive use (frequently opened doors), this material begins to peel off. It's also not a very bright prospect. But, if you can choose, MDF is still better. It does not swell from moisture and does not warp, due to the elasticity of the material, the facades can have more decorative forms.

What are facades?

Facades of cabinets can be finished with different materials:

In general, these are all types of facades that are equipped with modular kitchens. Some are used in budget sets, some in medium prices. The only material from which modules are not made is wood. It's almost always custom made.

Types of cabinets in modular kitchens

Modular kitchens are distinguished by a large variety of cabinets of different sizes and types, but decorated in the same style and color. From them, as from a designer, you can assemble kitchens that differ in appearance and size. This is convenient, because at minimal cost it allows you to choose furniture that meets your needs, fits in size to your kitchen, no matter what size they are.

By installation type

First of all, kitchen cabinets are divided according to the type of installation. There are wall (suspended) and floor. These are traditional modules that everyone has long been accustomed to. When compiling your headset, it is better to immediately look for a pair - floor and hinged of the same width, since only with the same width they look normal.

Most of these options are ordinary floor and wall cabinets.

Please note that some modular kitchens have a line of floor cabinets without countertops. This allows you to assemble the cabinets, fasten them one to the other, and only after that cover them with a common worktop without seams. Agree, it is much more convenient and practical - there are no cracks in which dirt clogs.

Situations where there are only floor cabinets are rare. Basically - under the window or if household appliances are fixed on the wall - a microwave oven or something similar. Situations in which only hanging cabinets are needed are more frequent. This is usually above the stove, if above it does not require connection to the ventilation system. In this case, long hinged cabinets are needed. They have a smaller than usual height and a greater width. The height is “reached” by the hood, and the width is needed large, since the standard width of the stove and hood is about 80 cm.

Cabinet-pencil case and cabinets for the island kitchen - new types in modular kitchens

There are also cabinets, pencil cases and free-standing cabinets. They belong to more modern types of furniture. The cabinet-pencil case is installed on the floor, but it is so high that it ends at the same level as the mounted wall cabinets. Due to the large number of shelves and drawers, it has a large capacity, it can stand next to the refrigerator or on the opposite corner, balancing the composition.

Freestanding cabinets are needed in modular kitchens for island-type suites. They are joined to each other, covered with a common countertop. Can be a work or dining table. Often the island table serves as a separator of two zones at.

By type

Modular economy class kitchens are made up of elements of different designs. Linear sets are made up of ordinary cabinets. They come with drawers and doors. Drawers can be different in height: wide and narrow. In one cabinet, one above the other, there can be two, three or four drawers. The old combination - a box on top and a door at the bottom - is not very common today, but you can find it if you wish.

For kitchens in the form of the letters L, T and P, corner elements are required. They are of two types: trapezoidal and L-shaped. Trapezoidal have a great depth in the corner, but to use this space, retractable structures are needed, otherwise, in order to get into the corner, you will have to almost completely "dive" inside. but retractable designs are not cheap. If the budget is limited, this area can be used to store overall items that are not used very often.

Corner L-shaped pedestals are distinguished by an unusual folding door. Access to the farthest corners is easier here, since the depth is less. There are two types of such cabinets:

Extreme kitchen cabinets are called end cabinets. They are open type - with shelves, or closed - with doors. Modules with shelves do not look as “heavy”, but you can’t put anything functional on them. They are rather decorative. If there is enough space in the kitchen, you can take end open wall cabinets and put decorative elements on them.

End cabinets are desirable - they have a rounded shape and there will be less bruising

If the kitchen is small and you need to gain space, it is advisable to put cabinets with doors and use them for their intended purpose. Another plus of this solution is that you will have to clean less. All horizontal surfaces in the kitchen have to be wiped often, and in the open version there are a lot of them.

Types of door opening

On hanging cabinets, the doors can be hinged or lifting - on elevators. Lifting ones are safer - you won’t hit your head on an open door. But the mechanism costs a lot, so cabinets with lifting doors are more expensive. So you will rarely meet economy-class modular kitchens with such doors - their cost is above average.

In floor-mounted kitchen cabinets, doors can be ordinary - hinged, or sliding, which move to the side when opened. They are good if the distance between two parallel lines of cabinets is small. But the guides along which the doors move need regular maintenance - they become clogged with dust and debris. In addition, only half of the cabinet is accessible at one time. To get to the second, you need to move both doors to the opposite side.

Dimensions of cabinets in modular kitchens

Modular economy class kitchens are distinguished by the fact that the elements are made in different sizes. The same cabinet can be in several sizes. This is precisely what this form of release is convenient for: due to the large number of variations, you can assemble a headset of exactly the length or depth that you need.

The width of the cabinets are:

There is no single standard, because manufacturers make the width different. Some sizes are more common, some less common, but you can dial the desired length of the kitchen wall. You just need to arm yourself with a piece of paper and a pencil, put the required dimensions of kitchen furniture. Having chosen a cabinet, subtract its length, choose the next one. And so on until the required set is reached.

The depth of the cabinets is not very diverse. Basically there are such instances:

There are also different cabinet heights. As a rule, she is selected according to the growth of the hostess. It is convenient if the countertop is 20-30 cm above the level where the hands of the hands lowered down end. Floor cabinets in modular kitchens come in the following heights: 700-750; 800-850; 900-950 mm. Occasionally you can find intermediate options.

Economy class modular kitchens: cabinet selection procedure

Kitchen furniture is changed in two cases: during a major overhaul or, if necessary / desired, to replace the old one. What would seem to be the difference? Big. If repairs are to be made, you can first choose a kitchen, then change the layout of the water and sewer pipes for it, move the sockets to the right place, rearrange the stove, etc. In this case, you can select the functionality you need from the elements of a modular kitchen, without being particularly attached to anything.

Another approach to the selection of modules if the repair does not provide for global work. No one will carry a sink and a gas stove. And this must be taken into account. First of all, then a kitchen plan is drawn with dimensions, the installation site of the sink is determined on it, you draw a stove, a refrigerator. All that you are not going to move. Draw all elements to scale. For example, you can use a leaf in a box and take two cells as 10 cm. It will not be difficult to draw, to put down dimensions too. After devices that no one will move are plotted on the plan, the algorithm for selecting modules is as follows:

  • Choose a sink table.
  • If available, choose corner cabinets.
  • Decide on the dimensions of cabinets for built-in appliances.
  • Decide if you need end cabinets and what sizes they will be.
  • The remaining free space is filled with line cabinets, choosing their width and functionality.

This algorithm allows you to assemble a piece-by-piece modular kitchen according to your size in just a few hours. Only you will need to first measure how long along each wall.

In the recent past, furniture sets for the kitchen were produced in a strict package. And in place had to be arranged as it will turn out. But, of course, perfection was impossible to achieve. The kitchen was not comfortable and functional enough.

Many craftsmen began to remake and finish the elements themselves. But not everyone is able to create convenient additional modules with their own hands.

And the furniture industry turned to face the consumer. Now the collections of any factories consist of modular sets.

Constructor for your kitchen

What is a modular kitchen set? This is, in fact, a constructor for adult fun. Each collection contains different elements of the set, which can be selected separately, choosing exactly those that are suitable for a particular kitchen space..

It doesn't matter where you plan to buy furniture - in a salon or an online store. Everywhere you can first get acquainted with all the options for completing a particular set, choose the modules that suit you in size and functionality, choose the color and favorite kitchen facades.

Now there are many videos - assistants in the form of programs for selecting a complete set of a kitchen set. It is very easy to work with them. On the websites of online stores there is always an instruction that will tell you the procedure, and in the salons - a sales assistant, and often a designer, are ready to help you. The main thing is to measure your kitchen well, and then select elements and facades for the kitchen.

Main parameter

The most determining parameter in the selection of headset elements will be their width. Of course, such parameters as price, color, composition are also very important, but the main thing when choosing is to fit all the elements successfully into the kitchen space.
Please note that for different manufacturers, the step of changing the width of the lockers is different.

For some, this parameter changes after 5 cm and you can pick up modules of different widths, for others, all cabinets come only with certain sizes, for example:

  1. 45 cm;
  2. 60 cm;
  3. 90 cm

You should always pay attention to this parameter, especially to assess the possibility of installing the selected built-in equipment in the headset.

lower tier

Consider which cabinets are located in the lower tier of the kitchen set. They are called cabinets or floor modules. Such cabinets are used for storing kitchen utensils and for installing built-in appliances.

The depth of the lower tier is usually 60 cm. They are located under a common kitchen worktop.

There are the following types of cabinets:

  1. standard, cabinet with kitchen shelves for storing pots, pans, products;
  2. retractable option, more convenient to use, since mesh shelves with items stored there can be pulled out;
  3. cabinet under the sink;
  4. special cabinets for built-in appliances.

Advice. Household appliances designed to be built into modules have a fairly large power.
It is advisable to lay a separate cable for its connection. This must be done in advance, before the installation of cabinets from the kitchen set.

Upper tier

Consider what are the modules of the kitchen set of the upper, suspended tier. The width of this tier is narrower than the lower one and is 40 cm.

The upper hanging row is completed from the following types of lockers:

  1. ordinary, with shelves and facades, for storing dishes;
  2. open, open-type shelves for decorative dishes and other decorations;
  3. for drying dishes, such a cabinet is equipped inside with drying metal shelves;
  4. for built-in appliances, rarely used, mainly for a microwave oven.

Advice. Open decorative shelves are very convenient to use, easy to reach, easy to remove the necessary items.
But do not get carried away with them, as dust and soot can accumulate on open shelves.
You will waste a lot of extra time in the cleaning process, grinding all the items and the shelves themselves.
So a couple of open shelves for a modern kitchen is enough.

Column or pencil case

This is the name of high cabinets, which are also present in sets of kitchen sets. They are available in different sizes and for different purposes. It remains only to choose the one that suits you.

Here are the main models of pencil cases:

  1. for embedding refrigerators;
  2. with various sliding and simple shelves;
  3. combined, with shelves and built-in appliances (microwave, oven) installed at eye level.

Advice. It is advisable to choose a built-in refrigerator at the same time as kitchen furniture, so as not to make a mistake with the dimensions.
It should be borne in mind that for a normal level of air circulation, you need to leave a gap of several centimeters and do not put the refrigerator close to the wall.

Making the end of the kitchen row

Such modules decorate the facade and round the corners. They are floor and wall, as well as in the form of pencil cases. Most end cabinets have a curved facade, open or glazed shelves.

The face of the kitchen

Sections of the article:

In the kitchen, most housewives spend the longest time. For this reason, it is important to make this space more comfortable and functional.

But besides this, everyone wants to give the kitchen style and attractiveness. However, for this it is worthwhile to correctly approach the choice of kitchen furniture.

At this time, modular kitchens, which consist of individual elements, are very popular. Such products have a number of advantages. Among them, in particular, the following should be highlighted:

1. The buyer can purchase the required number of headset modules. It is allowed to buy even one design, which will be an excellent addition to existing furniture.

2. There is no need to wait a long time for the chosen kitchen, because there are always ready-made products in stock. All this greatly simplifies the procedure.

3. The facade and size of the modular kitchen is selected on an individual basis. In this case, the features of the premises and the preferences of the buyer are taken into account.

4. Some time after the purchase of such a kitchen, it is possible to change. To do this, you just need to rearrange the furniture modules. As a result, the situation will change and the outside of the room will look different.

The advantages of this furniture do not hurt to include its easy installation and transportation. This will certainly be of interest to those who are used to frequently changing their place of residence.

It is better not to opt for cheap models of modular furniture, since for their manufacture, most likely, not enough durable material was used.

Such kitchens usually have standard sizes, and they do not always correspond to the size of the doorway in the room. This is especially true for rooms with a non-standard layout. In this case, you have to make furniture in the kitchen to order.

Even though a modular kitchen is made from only a few materials, its appearance can vary. It is sold in a variety of styles and colors. All this makes modular furniture very interesting and attractive.

After studying all the advantages and disadvantages, you can start choosing a headset. Before giving preference to any particular option, you need to decide on the installation location.

Thus, it will be possible to preliminarily find out the dimensions of the future structure. In addition, if necessary, you can always order the manufacture of such furniture according to an individual project. As a result, it will be possible to get beautiful, practical and comfortable furniture, and properly equip the space in the kitchen.
