How to choose the right plastic windows - expert advice. Which plastic windows are better: we get acquainted with the recommendations of which company are good plastic windows How to choose double-glazed windows

The domestic window market today offers a huge number of models from plastic profiles, for the production of which different components are used. All these products are designed to solve a wide range of tasks and must be used strictly for their intended purpose. After all, their aesthetics, service life, ease of use, as well as the ability of these structures to retain heat, block street noise, and reflect excess solar thermal energy depend on the equipment of windows. Our article provides basic information about all the main components and recommendations from experienced experts who will help you choose the right plastic windows from PVC profiles.

Advantages of plastic windows

One of the main advantages of modern plastic windows is that each customer can choose a product for their individual needs. Thanks to this, buyers spend their money rationally and successfully solve the problems of creating comfortable conditions for work and living. At the same time, windows made of PVC profiles have advantages common to all types of products.


Plastic products with minimal care can last at least half a century. To do this, it is enough to carry out after-sales service, do not use abrasive and aggressive agents to clean the elements of window structures.


Provided that the installation is carried out correctly, products from profile systems with double-glazed windows are absolutely hermetic structures. They do not let air or water through. All the condensate formed inside the frames and sashes is discharged by gravity through special drainage channels to the outside.


Plastic windows are easy to manage, their opening mechanisms are practically trouble-free in operation - there is practically nothing to break in them. Active shutters open silently, do not creak during movement and do not jam. The unbalance of the opening mechanisms in the vast majority of cases is promptly eliminated by adjusting and lubricating them.

Sound and heat insulation

Even economy category models retain heat well and delay street noise. With the increase in the class of products, these properties improve.

Color fastness and practicality

Plastic windows do not fade in the sun and do not change their original color. their internal or outer surface easy to clean as the plastic does not absorb dirt.

Shape stability

Polyvinyl chloride forms strong connecting seams, does not swell from exposure to moisture, does not melt under the sun, and does not crack in the cold. Reinforced profiles do not deform during temperature changes, they tolerate external mechanical influences well.

Main technical characteristics of plastic windows

In Russia, the regulatory requirements for plastic windows are listed in industry standards. All of them are most fully displayed in GOST 23166-99. It is this document that contains information about the main operational characteristics of window structures:
  1. energy efficiency– is determined by the coefficient of resistance to heat transfer, which shows how much energy is lost through 1 m² of a window with a temperature difference of 1 °C indoors and outdoors. The higher this coefficient, the warmer the windows made of PVC profiles. According to GOST, its minimum allowable value is 0.35 m² °C / W, and the maximum is 0.8 m² °C / W.

  2. tightness- Includes water and breathability. In the first case, the standards determine at what pressure difference water will not seep through the elements of window structures. The current standards define the range from 150 to 600 Pa - the maximum value is considered the best. The second indicator informs how much air can penetrate through 1 m² of window at a pressure difference of 100 Pa. The airtightness of windows according to GOST varies in the range of 3-50 m³. In this case, the smaller value should be considered optimal.

  3. Light transmittance- measured by a taumeter, showing the percentage of visible spectrum waves passing through the windows. This parameter determines the light transmission coefficient, the minimum value of which cannot be less than 30% (k>0.3). At the same time, for regular windows It is generally accepted that a light transmission coefficient of 50% (k>0.5) is considered suitable.

  4. Sound absorption level- shows how much windows can reduce street noise. The minimum allowable sound insulation is 25-27 dB, and the optimal one is from 34 dB.

  5. Resistance- informs buyers what pressure per unit area window structures are able to withstand. According to GOST, this parameter should be 200-1000 Pa or more.
This regulatory document also provides a detailed classification of products according to their modular dimensions. According to current standards, the area of ​​one door or window unit made of PVC profiles cannot exceed 6 m², and each active sash should not exceed 2.5 m².
If the seller of windows can present not only a certificate of conformity to GOSTs, but also to RAL quality standards, then this is a significant plus. These standards were developed in Germany, and manufacturers have to comply with even more stringent requirements in order to comply with them.

What to look for when choosing windows

Plastic windows - complex structure, its operational and aesthetic characteristics depend on many factors. To order a model that is suitable for specific operating conditions, you need to learn about everything that affects the appearance and functionality of windows.

Double-glazed windows

Several of the most important characteristics of windows simultaneously depend on these structural elements at once - energy efficiency, burglary resistance, sound insulation, appearance and light transmission. Double-glazed windows have from 1 to 3 internal chambers into which argon or krypton can be pumped. The use of inert gas helps to further increase the level of sound absorption and thermal insulation of windows.
Types of double-glazed windows Individual characteristics Recommendations for use
Single or double chamber standard modification
For the production of these models, they use budget float glass with a thickness of 4 mm with good light transmission.
It is advisable to use single-chamber products for operation in regions with a temperate and warm climate, as well as in unheated country houses. Double chamber models recommended not only to increase energy efficiency, but also to improve the sound-absorbing ability of windows
In the manufacture of such models, heat-strengthened or tempered glass of different thicknesses is used, as well as triplex.
Necessary in children's rooms, recommended in living rooms, as well as in all windows on the top and first floors
Energy-saving with one or two chambers
Such models are made using special glasses that are capable of transmitting visible spectrum rays and retaining heat waves.
Promising models that help save a lot on heating and are suitable for use in all climatic zones RF
For the manufacture of these double-glazed windows, innovative glass with a combined coating is used, which works on both sides of the window - it retains heat inside the rooms, does not let solar energy from the street
Recommended for use with a large area of ​​glazing and in rooms with windows facing the sunny side
stained glass
WITH inside Invisible heating elements are applied to the double-glazed window, which do not affect the light transmission of windows and emit heat when electricity is supplied
Allows you to decorate windows and reduce the amount of incoming light at the same time
They are made using electrochromic glasses coated with a layer of crystals that can darken the window. Require voltage supply Needed to equip skylights, flat hatches for roofs, winter gardens, greenhouses, as well as other structures with a large glazing area
fire fighting
They are made using triplex and a special transparent gel pumped into the internal chambers
Mainly used in internal office and commercial premises when picking interior partitions And entrance doors
For production, glass with a crystalline coating is used, capable of changing the translucency of windows when voltage is applied.
Recommended for completing office partitions, as well as windows on the lower floors, in hotels and bedrooms

Each additional camera and triplex increases the weight of the double-glazed unit by an average of 40%. This increases the load on the fittings, so it is better, if possible, to give preference to lightweight models with similar characteristics. For example, instead of 2-chamber conventional double-glazed windows, use models with energy-efficient glass and pumped inert gas.


Automatic opening systems are designed to facilitate the operation of windows. They are indispensable for people with disabilities, as they allow them to control the opening and closing of the doors without assistance. Window automation is needed at facilities with too high openings and increased wind or snow load. It is also desirable to equip all windows integrated into the roof with such systems. Today on sale are models of drives for different designs windows that can be controlled by a switch, remote control or multifunctional central unit.


Fittings are responsible for everything related to the opening of windows. Thanks to a rich choice of mechanisms, today it is possible to find systems for all occasions.
Type of opening system
In what cases is it used
tilt and turn
Universal type of mechanism to complete all standard windows with tilt-and-turn sashes
Parallel sliding or sliding
When equipped entrance groups in wide openings, glazing loggias or balconies, as well as completing windows with multifunctional window sills
For doors, balcony blocks, economy class windows
Combined ("Accordion" or "Book")
Can be used in insufficiently wide openings instead of sliding or parallel-sliding mechanisms to equip glazing systems for terraces, verandas, entrance groups, balconies, loggias
Lifting or folding
It is mainly used when equipping high windows with lifting or folding sashes (transoms), which are located in the lower or upper part of the opening
Designed for windows with a vertical or horizontal central opening axis
When equipping structures with rising up (slider) sashes - English or Canadian windows

Devices for additional ventilation

In the autumn-winter period, it is not advisable to open the doors wide to ventilate the premises. However, the supply of fresh air is needed all year round, so it is recommended to equip the windows with additional ventilation devices. You can choose a mortise valve that is integrated into the frame or sash design, or a device. The second type of ventilation is a mechanism that allows you to barely open the window - a small gap is formed between the frame and the sash for fresh air to enter. Both recommended devices make it possible to ventilate the premises in the autumn-winter season without the risk of cooling the rooms.
For some valve models supply ventilation it is possible to equip with temperature and humidity control sensors. The use of such devices allows you to automatically ventilate the premises.

window shape

PVC profiles can be cut and welded together at different angles, as well as bent in different planes. Thanks to this, manufacturers produce not only rectangular or square, but also arched, oval, round, triangular, trapezoidal windows. Also, convex or concave models with deaf or active doors are made to order. Such designs are used for glazing openings of non-standard shape. Mainly in the under-roof space, attic rooms and dormer windows. Also, with the help of non-standard models, interior designers and architects implement original construction projects.

Design features of frames

The presence of technologies for fixing vertical, horizontal and inclined lintels inside the frames allows you to arbitrarily divide the light openings into separate segments. Their shape and dimensions are determined individually. By installing internal PVC profiles, windows are equipped with sashes and vents where the customer needs it. This technology makes it possible not only to implement standard solutions, but also to integrate rectangular leaves into triangular frames and vice versa. Thanks to this, buyers themselves form the internal content of their windows. In addition to fixing straight lintels, installation inside openings and bent profiles is also possible. This further expands the possibilities for customers.

Aesthetic characteristics of plastic windows

The appearance of windows is formed by profiles, double-glazed windows, window sills, slopes. In some cases, roller shutters, shutters, grilles or awnings are added. Since in fact windows are a typesetting constructor, any combinations are possible today. In this regard, nothing limits customers, as well as the choice of decors.


The price of windows depends not only on their dimensions, but also on the configuration and complexity of the work. It is recommended to immediately take into account the cost of installation. The most inexpensive designs are blind windows made of 2-chamber profiles with single-chamber double-glazed windows. Improving the quality and functionality of models is possible only through the use of more expensive and modern components.

Which windows are better to order

Double-glazed windows and functional fittings are used today not only for the assembly of windows from PVC profiles, but also for the production of structures made of wood or aluminum. That is, all of the listed modifications, provided that they are equipped with high-quality components, will have high level thermal insulation, sound absorption, tightness. Products made of wood and aluminum are approximately 2-2.5 times more expensive.

This difference is relevant for models of both economy and standard class. As a result, at the time of ordering best material for the manufacture of plastic, wooden or aluminum windows is selected individually according to the combination of advantages and disadvantages.

Which windows are better - plastic or aluminum

When comparing these types of products from profile systems, there are no single universal criteria. In some cases, it is better to choose aluminum, and in others - plastic windows. It is recommended to choose structures from metal profile systems when glazing openings with a large area, partitions in office and shopping malls, as well as the construction of entrance groups. Sometimes aluminum windows are ordered for cold glazing of balconies and loggias.
Advantages of aluminum windows
Disadvantages of aluminum profile structures
Durability - products can last up to 80 years or more
Low level of thermal insulation - even insulated products from profiles with thermal inserts are inferior in this indicator to plastic windows
Structural rigidity, high shape stability of frames and sashes with low weight
Aluminum products currently imitate wooden windows worse than windows made of laminated PVC profiles.
High level of fire resistance
Aluminum well passes not only cold, but also heat, therefore, in extreme heat, apartments and houses with such windows can overheat

Which windows are better - plastic or wooden

Thanks to the use of Eurobar in the manufacture of modern wooden windows these products retain shape stability and do not crack. That is, manufacturers managed to get rid of the traditional shortcomings of such models. At the same time, as in the case of aluminum products, wooden windows are no better and no worse than plastic windows, so the choice depends on individual factors. A decisive role in this process is played by a combination of the pros and cons of products, as well as the appropriateness of the application.
Advantages of wooden windows
Disadvantages of wooden windows
They look more expensive and more elegant than products made of PVC profiles.
Requires additional protection from the street
Provides natural air exchange between indoors and outdoors
Despite modern technologies manufacturing, additional impregnation protective compounds, over time, can be affected by mold or fungus
High-quality window casings with proper care can last at least 100 years, and the durability of PVC profile frames and sashes is 50 years.
Production time is 2-3 times longer than that of plastic or aluminum structures

What are the requirements for a plastic profile

In Russia, the requirements for plastic products this category is regulated by GOST 30673-99. According to this document, PVC profiles are divided into classes - "A", "B" and "C". Class A products have the best characteristics, and class C PVC profiles have the least requirements. GOST 30673-99 additionally shows how well plastic windows can withstand exposure to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes.


used for making profile elements the plastic must retain its shape at 150 °C for at least 30 minutes - do not crack, do not swell, do not delaminate. The minimum temperature at which plastic softening is allowed to begin is 75 °C. If polyvinyl chloride meets these requirements, this means that the products can be used on the sunny side and will allow you to quickly leave the room through window openings in case of fire.

Important for the profile is the index of impact strength, which reflects the ability of PVC to resist brittle fracture. The minimum allowable value of this parameter is 15 kJ/m². Frames and sashes having such an impact strength coefficient are able to absorb energy from impacts, due to which they retain their shape unchanged and do not crumble into separate fragments under mechanical action. To prevent window plastic from being brittle, special modifiers are added to PVC during the production process. In addition, the ability of profiles to retain shape and retain heat is affected by the thickness of the inner and outer walls.

The wall thickness of PVC profiles also affects the reliability and durability of welded joints in window structures. The higher this value, the stronger the seams. The service life of welded joints with an outer wall thickness of 3 mm is approximately 50 years. As a result, for the manufacture of high-quality plastic windows, it is recommended to give preference to class A profiles.


Even when 5-chamber "A" class plastic profiles are used for the production of windows, they must be additionally reinforced. This need is dictated by the fact that PVC products deform in frost or heat - depending on the temperature, the profiles bend in different directions. As a result, gaps are formed between the active sashes and the frame, and the integrity of the assembly seam is gradually broken. Such processes entail the depressurization of windows, which can only be prevented by the installation of steel liners in the internal chambers.

All quality windows today they are made only from reinforced profiles. This requirement is contained in GOST 30674-99. According to normative document the minimum allowable wall thickness of the reinforcing inserts is 1.2 mm. Metal profiles must be made of steel with an anti-corrosion coating, the thickness of which according to GOST 9.303 is 9 microns. Reinforcing inserts are fastened from the invisible end side of the profiles using self-tapping screws for metal.

Both sashes and frames of window blocks should be reinforced around the entire perimeter.

Internal chambers and installation depth

According to modern standards, PVC profiles cannot have less than 2 chambers. Number of internal cavities in constituent elements window blocks affects both the stability of their shape and energy efficiency. Today, windows from 8-chamber profile systems have already appeared on the market. They are designed for operation in regions with a harsh climate and at facilities with a large glass area, where it is necessary to reduce heat loss to the lowest possible level. GOST 30673-99 provides a classification of profiles depending on their level of resistance to energy transfer.

The smaller the class, the warmer the windows. Increasing the number of cameras from 3 to 5 increases the cost of the product by an average of 10%. These costs are fully justified, since up to 30% of the total heat loss is lost through the frames. The cost of improving the energy efficiency of the design of a window or door block pays off quite quickly - in about 2-3 years.

The energy efficiency of PVC profiles is also influenced by the installation depth and the total thickness of the inner and outer walls. As a result, some 4-chamber windows may be warmer than 5-chamber windows. Moreover, the mounting depth depends on both the number of internal cavities and the class of the profile. It varies from 58 to 90 mm and determines the stability, energy efficiency and appearance of structures.

According to GOST 30673-99, all profiles are divided into normal and frost-resistant. The first type of products is designed for operation at temperatures not lower than -20 ° C, and the second is able to withstand frosts down to -45 ° C.

plastic color

In its normal state, polyvinyl chloride has a grayish color, therefore, in the manufacture of plastic for various products, dyes must be added to it. At the moment, two types of window profiles painted in mass are mainly produced:
  • white;
  • brown.
In addition, it is used to decorate window and door blocks. During this process, on a uniform white or brown surface of profiles under pressure and with high temperature glued plastic film. It adheres strongly to the base and can be applied on one or both sides of the sashes and frames. The laminating film is represented by a wide range of plain, fantasy, wood-like decors.

Also, when decorating PVC profiles, co-extrusion and dyeing methods are used. These technologies make it possible to give window surfaces different colors. Much more choice when painting - the entire color range of RAL. However, the best resistance to external influences and excellent aesthetic characteristics are achieved when the coating profile (plexiglass) is applied to the base by the co-extrusion method. Thanks to the use of this technology, PVC and decor are actually sintered at a high temperature into a single whole.

Polyvinyl chloride and plexiglass expand and contract equally with temperature, so this view decorative coating considered one of the most durable.

How to choose plastic windows for balconies and loggias

For balconies and loggias today both cold and warm glazing is used. Since the area of ​​these rooms is limited, it is recommended to equip the sashes sliding system opening. This will help save space, as the elements window construction will move parallel to the frame in close proximity to it. If, nevertheless, a decision is made to use hinged sashes on the balcony, it is best to install a system for opening the sashes outwards. Thanks to this, there will be enough free space inside the room.

To reduce the level of heat loss, you need to use warm glazing even in cases where the balcony or loggia is not combined with the apartment. Thanks to this solution, it will be possible to increase the total energy efficiency of internal and external window structures by at least 10-15%. If French glazing is chosen for the entire height of the opening for the loggia, the structures should be further insulated. Especially in cases where the loggia is combined with a living room. For this, it is recommended to use double-glazed windows with electric heating or an energy-efficient coating.

How to choose plastic windows for an apartment

If the apartment is located on the first or last floor, the windows will need to be equipped with elements to increase the level of burglar protection. It is also recommended to limit the view from the street with the help of reflective or stained glass windows. With further completion of the premises on any of the floors, a lot depends on which rooms will have windows installed.
Window Fitting Recommendations
Living room
Triplex in double-glazed windows on the inside of the windows, PVC profile and window sills matched to the interior design, decorative layout, micro-slit ventilation device, automatic control system for the microclimate in the room
Darkened double-glazed window with a high level of sound insulation, fresh air valve
Device for micro-ventilation, sash opening blockers, triplex on the inside of double-glazed windows with excellent heat and sound insulation, wide window sills, devices for controlling the intensity of sunlight
Double-glazed window with a high level of sound insulation, a device for adjusting the intensity of natural light
The level of noise reduction and energy efficiency of double-glazed windows is not required high requirements. Installation of forced ventilation devices and installation of a window leaf is recommended

All products with active shutters must be equipped with mosquito nets. If an animal lives in the apartment, you need to install "" models in all rooms. Such designs have a reinforced frame, mesh, fastening system, so that even a very active animal is insured against falling out of the window.

How to choose plastic windows for a private house

The choice of windows for a private house is slightly different from a similar procedure for an apartment, although the main criteria are exactly the same in both cases. The existing difference is due to the peculiarities of operation. Depending on the type of object, additional requirements are imposed on profile structures.

PVC windows for a cottage

Since at such objects there is a high risk of penetration into the house through windows, additional care must be taken about burglary protection. If in apartments this requirement applies to windows on the first and last floors, then for all cottages it is always relevant. It is also desirable to ensure confidentiality.

Unlike apartments in cottages, a window is usually installed in the bathroom. It must be equipped with supply ventilation valves and double-glazed windows with frosted glass, since the mirror coating is effective only in the daytime.

PVC windows for a wooden house

In houses made of timber or logs, you can also install plastic windows if they are made of a laminated profile. However, with this configuration, it should be taken into account that wooden walls over time, they will change color, but frames and sashes will not. In addition, during the measurement and installation of windows in houses made of timber and logs, it must be remembered that the size of the openings in such buildings may vary. This process is explained both by the possible shrinkage of the foundation and by the seasonal moisture content of the wood.

In order to avoid problems with the operation of windows associated with a change in the geometry of the shapes and sizes of openings, a casing procedure (pitting) is performed. To do this, additional frames are installed in the openings, which are able to compensate for deformations. They are mounted in a log house in such a way that they are able to move slightly from side to side. This technology allows you to save the shape of plastic windows and avoid their breakage.

PVC windows for summer cottages

If the cottage is non-residential, empty in the autumn-winter period, it is best for it to order economy class windows from a 3-chamber profile. Indeed, in such cases, a high level of energy efficiency is not required, so you should not overpay for it. In all other situations, the same criteria are applied to windows for summer cottages as for models for cottages. To ensure safety, it is recommended to install metal shutters on the openings, which are locked from the inside. Bars on the windows look better, but are inferior in efficiency.

How to choose a window sill and slope system

Window sills today are represented by several types of practical products. It is advisable to buy them together with windows, so that the team immediately installs all the necessary elements during installation. Plastic windows are best combined with window sills made of PVC, artificial and natural stone, as well as combined models made of plastic and pressed wood. Some characteristics of these products have significant differences. To choose the right window sill for a plastic window, it is recommended to study and compare the main properties of models from different materials.
Type of window sill
Plastic (PVC)
Easy installation, ability to withstand mechanical impact medium strength, can mimic the texture natural wood
There are restrictions on the width of the web, products melt after contact with objects that are too hot and cigarette ash (average heat resistance limit is 150 ° C), may turn yellow if improperly maintained
Withstand temperatures up to 180-200 °C, have a durable, beautiful laminate surface
There are restrictions on the width of the canvas and the shape of the front surface
Fake diamond
Scratches are easily removed from the surface, it has a high level of heat resistance, it is possible to make a radius-shaped window sill
It is necessary to pre-order products, it can be made on the basis of a frame made of material (MDF) with low moisture resistance
A natural stone
They look solid, have the highest thermal stability, allow you to give the front end any shape
There may be problems when inserting a ventilation grill into granite products, a low level of strength of marble window sills

Under the decor of window sills, it is recommended to choose slope systems. They are a set of sandwich panels and additional molded elements - start profile, corners, platbands. These typesetting structures made of plastic are perfectly combined with window blocks made of PVC profiles. The use of such systems allows:

  • quickly ennoble the slopes, hide all the bumps on the walls;
  • additionally insulate the walls around the frame;
  • to give the entire window structure in the opening a single style.

There are not only internal, but also external slope systems. They are made of frost-resistant plastic or painted steel. Such external systems protect the mounting seams well, hide defects on the surface of the slopes, and do not interfere with the window structure to “breathe”. Depending on the modification, these products do not lose their aesthetic appeal for 15-40 years.

Design features of plastic windows

Standard design plastic window - a frame divided by vertical and horizontal profile partitions (imposts) with deaf and active sashes. Such models are used for installation in vertical wall openings, they serve as the basis for more complex models.

bay windows

A bay window is a multifaceted structure that protrudes beyond the common plane of the facade. Openings in such rooms can be glazed with PVC profile windows. To do this, the individual elements of a complex system are joined to each other with the help of connecting elements (bay pipes) and form a multifaceted, completely sealed structure. Functionally, such products are no different from conventional models made of plastic profiles. With the exception of sliding and parallel-sliding systems, they can be equipped with any sash opening mechanisms and additional devices. Semicircular bay windows, depending on the area of ​​glazing, are both solid and prefabricated. Some of these modifications are suitable for equipping sliding doors.

Tape glazing

With the help of tape structures, it is possible to glaze linear openings with an area exceeding 6 m². Separate independent sections are connected using special docking profiles that can compensate for the thermal expansion of plastic. Tape glazing using PVC profile structures is best suited for horizontally elongated openings on loggias, terraces, verandas. Such multi-sectional systems are equipped with both hinged and sliding mechanisms opening.


This type of window structures is designed to be integrated into the roof. equipped with deaf and active doors, they can have a flat, convex, domed or pyramidal shape. For their manufacture, reinforced profiles and double-glazed windows are required, as well as a system automatic control opening and closing windows. These structures are considered universal, as they are suitable for installation in any roof - metal, tiled, concrete. Skylights are mainly integrated into flat roofs, but their installation is also possible on pitched roofs.

Winter gardens and greenhouses

Such products are a complex combination of vertical, horizontal and inclined glazing. The construction of such structures is possible only with the use of reinforced profile systems, since during operation they must withstand high wind and snow loads. For better ventilation active sashes with a remote control system are necessarily integrated into the roof of winter gardens and greenhouses. Since the total area of ​​such structures is usually quite large, it is recommended to complete them with energy-efficient double-glazed windows to reduce heat loss.


Although roof windows are not complex structures of several independent elements, they are fundamentally different from conventional PVC profile models. Because these products are designed to be integrated into pitched roofs, they have a reinforced structure, improved waterproofing. The roof window casing prevents water from running into the interior even when the sashes are open. Experts advise equipping them with heated double-glazed windows to melt snow, and electric drives for remote control sashes.

How to choose a manufacturer of plastic windows

It is important not only to choose high-quality and suitable components for the manufacture of windows, but also to decide on the manufacturer. This is not so easy, since there is a possibility of running into scammers or a low-liability company. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
  1. Preference should be given to manufacturers who for a long time do not change the addresses of points for receiving orders.
  2. The company must have a showroom with all product samples. Moreover, for each type of profile, fittings and all other elements of window structures, the manufacturer is obliged to provide certificates of conformity.
  3. It is better to trust those companies that additionally provide window installation services, provide guarantees and after-sales service.
  4. You can not deal with those contractors who promise to make everything in 2-3 days or refuse to conclude a formal contract.
  5. A small office without a showroom should alert the buyer - this is how one-day firms collect an advance payment for orders within 2-3 weeks and disappear.
Today, services for the manufacture and installation of PVC profile structures are provided by manufacturers and dealers, who can be confidently called responsible contractors. When choosing between them, in most cases it is better to give preference to responsible dealers, although manufacturers still enjoy great prestige. This is explained by the fact that dealers always have a wider assortment, and they also have more well-equipped teams of installers, an extensive network of offices. Moreover, their prices are almost always the same as those of manufacturers.

Production time

On average, the full production cycle of plastic windows, taking into account insurance against force majeure, is about 2 working weeks. However, in summer and early autumn, manufacturing and installation can sometimes be expected up to 2 months. This is due to the fact that manufacturers have too many orders during the high season, so they are forced to shift the dates. To reduce the waiting time to 5-7 days, it is best to schedule an event for the winter. Especially during the period of low customer activity, virtually all manufacturers and dealers provide good discounts. Thanks to this, you can save not only time, but also money.

window installation

Properly performed measurements, well-chosen components, high-quality manufacturing of structures do not guarantee good performance windows, if their installation was performed with violations. Installation work must be carried out taking into account the requirements set forth in GOST 30971-2012. Compliance with this technology ensures that the windows will fully comply with the specifications declared by the manufacturers.

Life time

In studying this issue, one must take into account the fact that different elements window structures are designed for different periods of operation. For example, the service life of frames and sashes made of high-quality PVC profiles today is 40-50 years, and double-glazed windows remain sealed for 20 years. The durability of fittings is the same as that of double-glazed windows - about 20 years or 20 thousand full cycles (opening / closing).

It is also worth paying attention not only to the durability declared by the manufacturer, but also to warranty obligations. If they do not exceed 3-4 years, then the windows are probably of poor quality. Responsible manufacturers now offer a 5-10 year warranty - the time until the first replacement of sealing circuits - because they are confident in the durability of their products. In order for the windows to last as long as possible, it is recommended that they be serviced every 6-12 months.

The cost of plastic windows

The minimum price of a window with a single-chamber double-glazed window and tilt-and-turn fittings, excluding the cost of installation, is about 2,100 rubles per 1 m². However, such basic models are no longer popular because they are obsolete. Today, there is an increase in demand for energy-efficient windows of a new generation from a multi-chamber profile (from 5 chambers) with heat-saving double-glazed windows. Their minimum price is about 3800-4000 rubles 1 m².

What to consider when ordering plastic windows

During the direct order of plastic windows, the buyer receives a lot of information in the process of communicating with a consultant or measurer. Some of the information is secondary, and it prevents some clients from concentrating on the main thing. Here are the main points to consider first when placing an order:
  1. For the European part of Russia, the best configuration option is a 5-chamber “A” class profile and energy-efficient double-glazed windows with a heat-saving (selective) coating.

  2. If the windows face the noisy side of the street with heavy traffic, care must be taken to additional sound insulation structures. To do this, it is better to choose 2-chamber double-glazed windows with different glass thicknesses. This design is the most effective at absorbing noise.

  3. Products for a children's room must be equipped with shockproof glass and blockers for accidental opening of the wings. In other cases, you can optionally use the recommendations from the table published in our article.

  4. When windows are exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, it is better not to use a dark profile for their manufacture. He accumulates more thermal energy and deformed due to overheating.

  5. Although the standards allow a minimum thickness of steel liners of 1.2 mm, it is recommended to reinforce structures metal profiles with wall thickness from 1.5 mm.

  6. To ensure safety, it is advisable to equip windows on the first and last floors not only with triplex from the outside, but also with reinforced anti-burglary fittings.

  7. It is best to protect yourself from excess sunlight double-glazed windows with multifunctional glass will help, which in summer do not give interior spaces overheat and retain heat in winter.

  8. If the window sill is planned to be used as a multifunctional surface (table, shelf, stand), it is best to equip the window with sliding sashes. In surfaces that have a large width and protrude far beyond the radiator, you need to embed special ventilation grates to circulate warm air.

  9. A universal option for opening the sashes - tilt-and-turn with a micro-slit ventilation device.

  10. Big windows with high or heavy sashes, as well as attic models and skylights, it is recommended to immediately equip automatic systems opening.

These 10 practical tips will help you order windows that will be comfortable and will not cause problems during operation. Such products will be able to keep warm in winter, protect from heat in summer, protect from noise and ensure safety. While searching for the best option for completing plastic windows for residential or commercial premises, many customers are interested in the opinion of friends and colleagues. In most cases, it's a waste of time. Only experienced experts have the necessary information, which in any situation is guaranteed to allow you to choose high-quality windows from PVC profiles.

Window seller with 17 years of experience Litvinov Oleg Nikolaevich: “In order for the consultant to be able to select the most suitable windows, the buyer needs to formulate his requirements as clearly as possible. At the same time, the customer does not need to be ashamed to name the budget he expects. Indeed, in this case, the specialist can quickly find the best option. If the proposed price does not suit you a little, you should not save money - it is better to wait 1-2 months to accumulate the missing amount. After all, the simplified version of the configuration chosen for the sake of economy will not be able to fully solve the tasks. pvc window pvc profile window installation Window production Fittings Double-glazed window

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 17 minutes

Plastic windows are on the crest of popularity. They are comfortable, high-tech, attractive. But the abundance of models with different characteristics confuses the uninformed buyer. To choose plastic windows, you need to pay attention to every detail of the structure - the profile, double-glazed windows, seals and fittings - and listen to the opinion of experts.

How to choose the right profile

Speaking about the profile, they often draw an analogy with the skeleton of a window. This complex structure made of plastic and metal has several cavities - chambers - separated by airtight partitions. Their number affects the strength of the window, the ability to retain heat. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is used for the manufacture of window profiles.

Reasons for using this type of plastic:

  • ability to withstand adverse conditions;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • cheapness;
  • environmental Safety;
  • preservation consumer properties for a period of at least 50 years;
  • reliable sound insulation.

The usual color of PVC is white, but there are multi-colored profiles, as well as laminated ones for different types of wood.

After examining the plastic, you can determine how well the window frame will serve. Qualitative PVC - absolutely smooth, monolithic, homogeneous material. The presence of spots, granularity eloquently indicates a fake.

Profile classes

The quality of windows is determined by the thickness of the outer part of the contour and internal partitions. According to this indicator, profiles are divided into 3 classes:

  • Profile A is ideal for residential buildings: the thickness of its external walls starts from 2.8 mm, internal - from 2.5 mm.
  • Profile B - suitable for heated and unheated rooms. It has a thickness of outer walls from 2.5 mm, internal - from 2 mm, windows from it are less adapted to loads.
  • Profile C - called object, used in rooms without heating. These windows often do not have opening sashes. The wall thickness is not standardized, but usually it is less than that of other types of profiles.

Metal inserts play an important role - they increase the strength of the structure. Therefore, such windows are sometimes called metal-plastic.

air chambers

  • Three-chamber profile- the most commonly used. Suitable for regions with a temperate climate, where the temperature in winter does not fall below 30 ° C. Standard Width- 5.8 cm.
  • Four- and five-chamber profiles are more expensive and weigh more. Their installation is justified only in cold regions, where they will keep the heat indoors even in the most severe frosts. They are also chosen for windows that face a busy road, due to their higher sound insulation.
  • Single and double chamber products are popular due to their low price. But it makes sense to install windows from such a profile only in the south of Russia, where there are no cold winters.

This is interesting! The thermal conductivity of a profile with 7–8 chambers is lower than for products with a smaller number of chambers: numerous baffles negate the insulating properties of the air in the chambers. A wide profile with a small number of chambers, it will retain heat better than a narrow multi-chamber one.

External chambers, thanks to special holes, also serve as condensate drains. They do not affect the quality of thermal insulation, they do not spoil the aesthetic appearance of the structure. On the contrary, the absence of technological holes indicates a low quality: such a window will last less than the standard period.

IN Lately Window structures are becoming widespread, in the chambers of which the air is replaced by foamed heat insulators. They retain heat even better, but the price becomes significantly higher.

Frost resistance

Another profile parameter is frost resistance. It should not change its properties when low temperatures. A frost-resistant profile that is suitable for the domestic climate should be marked "M". The degree of resistance to adverse conditions can also be seen in the passport.

Profile width

For standard windows, the profile width (installation depth) ranges from 50–80 mm. When it does not exceed 60 mm, the number of cameras in the frame is usually 3, and at 70 mm - 4-5. Large thickness allows the use of more durable fittings, additional soundproofing and insulation contours, thick double-glazed windows.

Read about which windows are better, plastic or wooden.

Informative video about the secrets of choosing a PVC profile:

Expert tip: for the middle lane, a 3-chamber profile is more than enough. It makes no sense to overpay for multi-chamber products that are positioned as warmer: you will not notice the difference. It is better to choose a class A profile, class C in residential premises is unacceptable. And you always need to remember that the quality of the assembly and installation of the window more important than parameters profile.

We deal with double-glazed windows: the type and number of glasses, marking, distance frame

A double-glazed window compared to traditional window glass is a complex design. This is a block of glass, hermetically bonded to each other. The space between two sheets of glass is called the chamber. It should not be confused with those included in the profile.

What determines the heat and sound insulation of a double-glazed window

The ability to retain heat and keep out noise depends on:

  • From the thickness of the double-glazed window. For home, apartments will do double-glazed window with a thickness of 32–44 mm.
  • From the number of cameras. Usually a double-glazed window consists of 3 glasses and 2 chambers between them. For harsh climates or houses located in places with high noise levels, three- and four-chamber packages are produced. Single-chamber are suitable for arranging balconies, loggias, gazebos.
  • From the width of each double-glazed chamber. The larger it is, the better the insulation characteristics. However, after 24 mm, an increase in thickness no longer improves the positive properties of the product.
  • From filling the chambers. An inert gas pumped between the panes reduces heat loss, protects against noise and ultraviolet radiation. Argon retains 50% more heat compared to air, krypton - 2 times more than argon.
  • from glass thickness. If you put 5 or 6 mm outer glass in a window facing a busy street instead of the standard 4 mm, the sound insulation will increase, but not significantly. Glasses of different thickness will not resonate with each other.
  • From the type of glass. It makes sense to choose a more expensive material, but with additional useful properties. Reflecting infrared rays, low-emission glass keeps the house warm in winter and cool in summer.

Advice from Mr. Build. Sometimes it makes no sense to spend money on extra glass: you can put single-chamber double-glazed windows on the external block of the balcony, and it will protect you from noise and cold indoor unit. For comparison: full glazing of a 3-room apartment with three-chamber double-glazed windows will cost 75,000 rubles, and if you put single-chamber packages on the balcony, the total cost will drop to 71,250 rubles.

Glass types

To obtain low-emissivity glass, a thin metal film is deposited onto it.

  • K-coating - a film of tin, reduces heat loss by 25% in a single-chamber double-glazed window.
  • I-coating (i) - a layer of rare earth metals, retains more than 30% of heat. It is installed only from the side of the room, the coating is turned inside the chamber, since it is unstable to mechanical damage. Often labeled E-low.

Due to such glasses, a single-chamber double-glazed window approaches the thermal insulation properties of a two-chamber one and can even exceed them.

If you listen to the recommendations of experts in the field of energy saving, then the best choice in terms of heat preservation will be a double-glazed window filled with an inert gas and having one glass with a special coating. Thermal packages will help save on heating in winter and on electricity due to less frequent use of air conditioning in summer.

Consider an example. Ordinary double-glazed windows for a private house cost the owner 150,000 rubles. In winter, you have to pay 8,000 rubles for heating. per month, and in the summer, due to the operation of the air conditioner, you need to pay 600 rubles more for electricity. per month. If the owner of the house had installed thermal packages, he would have paid 180,000 rubles for them. But at the same time, heating costs would decrease to 4,800 rubles. per month, and for air conditioning - up to 420 rubles. It turns out that thermal packages pay off in two years, and then they bring benefits.

It is practically impossible to break glass laminated with triplex. Glasses reinforced with special metal or polymer meshes have the same quality.


  • Energy-saving i-glass was invented quite by accident. Japanese scientists have been doing research into the development of protective equipment against radiation and found that some metals applied to glass reflect heat. At first, this technology was used in space development, and now it is also used in the manufacture of double-glazed windows.
  • Scientists still have not been able to explain one amazing phenomenon. After 39 years of operation of a plastic window, the outer wall of the profile becomes thinner by 0.75 mm. Not a single version explaining this fact has yet been recognized as sufficiently reliable.
  • Laminated triplex glass was also created by chance. The famous French scientist Edward Benidictus dropped a glass flask on the floor. It cracked, but did not shatter into pieces. And the reason for this was a mixture of cellulose nitrate, which solidified on the walls of a burst flask and created a layer that prevented the glass from disintegrating.

Insulating glass labeling, tables

The structure of a double-glazed window can be understood by the marking, which indicates the thickness of the glass, the width of the chambers, and the type of coating. For example, the designation 4-12Ar-4-12 Ar-4I stands for:

  • double glazing;
  • glass thickness - 4 mm;
  • the distance between them is 12 mm;
  • inner glass I-type;
  • the chambers are filled with argon.

The following tables will help you choose the ratio of the parameters of double-glazed windows.

The frame between the glasses sets the distance between them, which ranges from 6 to 24 mm. They make frames from aluminum, steel, plastic. Distance frames made of stainless steel or plastic conduct heat to a lesser extent and do not allow the formation of a cold bridge, therefore they are considered the best option.

The second function of the frame is moisture absorption. It has an absorbent inside that absorbs liquid, preventing windows from fogging up in winter, and there is a perforation on the surface.

Rules for choosing double-glazed windows

To choose reliable double-glazed windows, you need:

  1. Make sure that there is a marking with the manufacturer's logo, date of issue and information about the components. Her absence is a cause for serious suspicion.
  2. Inspect glass for chips and cracks.
  3. Check the quality of the seal. There should be no traces of liquid sealant along the bar that regulates the distance between the panes. The outer layer of the product should look even and neat. Sagging, cracks indicate the unreliable quality of the package.
  4. Using a tape measure, determine the accuracy of the geometry. The difference in measurements along the diagonals (more than 3 mm) proves that the parameters of the double-glazed window do not meet the standards. The thickness of the package, which is measured with a caliper, cannot differ from the declared one by more than 1 mm.
  5. Measure the offset of the glass planes with a square. A deviation greater than 1 mm indicates non-compliance with the standards.
  6. Determine the transparency of the glasses, the presence of water and steam in the chamber.

Decorative and functional elements

To give the window a more sophisticated look, so-called shims are used (see photo).

They can vary in color, thickness, be located between the glasses or on top of them.

A convenient addition to the window design can be built-in blinds. It is located directly in the double-glazed window chamber, and is controlled from the outside. But such a system has a serious drawback - the impossibility of maintenance and repair.

Read about choosing blinds for plastic windows.

It is much more profitable to order all additional fittings and accessories at once: this way you will not have to pay for their delivery and installation, which will cost from 1,300 rubles.

Which double-glazed window is warmer?

This table shows how the level of thermal insulation of a double-glazed window increases with an increase in the number of glasses and the thickness of the chambers:

Double glazing formula Reduced heat transfer resistance coefficient, m 2 × ° С / W

Please note: from the point of view of heat saving, a single double-glazed window with I-glass is superior to a conventional two-chamber one.

Double-glazed windows for residential premises: minimum and optimal parameters, price comparison

The formula of a double-glazed window suitable for an apartment or house located in middle lane Russia:

  • Minimum parameters: double-glazed window 4-10-4-10-4. This generally accepted standard with good sound and heat insulation characteristics.

Tip: if you live in a quiet area, it will be more profitable to order a single-chamber double-glazed window with I-glass. It is not as good in terms of sound insulation, but retains heat significantly better than the standard two-chamber version (see table below).

  • Optimal parameters: double-glazed window 4-16Ar-4-14Ar-I4. It has all the necessary additions: wide chambers of different thicknesses for better protection from noise, filling with argon, energy-saving glass.

Expert tip: Seal life can be extended by regularly (twice a year in the off-season) cleaning and lubricating with silicone oil or glycerine.

What accessories to choose?

Fittings for heavy, constantly opening and closing windows must be durable and reliable. Otherwise, the handles will break, and the doors will sag and seize. The brands Winkhaus, Siegenia Aubi, Roto, G-U, Maco have earned the trust. For the manufacture of fittings, high-grade steel with an anti-corrosion coating is used. Polymers are allowed only for plugs, decorative covers.

The best fittings are those that can withstand 50-60 thousand cycles and have a 10-year warranty. The cycle is 4 actions: opening for ventilation, closing, swing opening with subsequent closing.

When buying, you should choose adjustable fittings that will allow you to open the sash as far as you need, and special stoppers will prevent involuntary slamming. Owners of private houses, apartments on the ground floor, cottages prefer windows with anti-burglary devices that will prevent intruders from entering. Optionally, accessories are supplemented with details that provide:

  • slot ventilation;
  • turn restriction;
  • functioning of the microlift:
  • sash tilt in several positions;
  • child access restriction and other functions.

Expert Tip: Only choose hardware with the features you need. Make sure that the extras you pay a lot of money for (high-quality European fittings are expensive) are really what you need. For example, anti-burglary devices are unlikely to be useful on upper floors.

Choose the way to open

Window designs differ on this basis:

  • Deaf - are placed in rooms that do not need ventilation, or are combined with opening doors.
  • Rotary - allow the doors to open in one direction.
  • Tilt and turn - have two ways of opening: they turn inside the room, and can also recline, which is important when the apartment has Small child or the window sill is full of flowers. This is a rational option for a kitchen that requires regular air exchange. With a combination of folding and swivel mechanisms, it is convenient to ventilate the room at any time of the year.
  • Expert tip: In a wide window, there is no need to make all the sashes open. The price of such a window will be unreasonably high. Usually one moving element is sufficient.

    Consider an example of balcony glazing. A tilt-and-turn door costs 12,500 rubles, a tilt-and-turn door costs 11,200 rubles, a pivot window costs 10,750 rubles, and a blind window costs 5,900 rubles. If the inner window and two outer ones are swivel, and two more outer ones are tilt-and-turn, you will have to pay 67,150 rubles for everything. And if you make the inner window and three outer ones deaf, and only one outer one - tilt-and-turn, full balcony glazing will cost much less - only 44,900 rubles.

    Which manufacturer of plastic windows is better?

    Competition and strict control in the window market forced out frank marriage. But experts unanimously lean towards large manufacturers. They have equipment that is not available to smaller companies, so the products have more high quality. Specialists have learned to cope with unwanted linear expansion of PVC, low coefficient of elasticity, improve resistance to temperature changes. Additives and stabilizers for these purposes are strictly controlled and do not harm health.

    Which firm to choose?

    List of the best manufacturers window profile based on ratings and reviews.


    Leads in the number of sales, in all ratings in the top three. The technical base allowed the company to finally stop the production of low-grade products, only class A profiles are produced. Window models are diverse, durable, known for their reliable noise and heat insulation, tightness, and equipped with a rubber seal that is not afraid of frost. Disadvantage - expensive.


    The company uses environmentally friendly plastic, the windows are durable, with good performance noise and heat insulation, cope with temperature changes in the range from -50 to +50 ° C, do not fog up. Disadvantages: high price, over time, the plastic develops a yellowish tint.


    Products are distinguished by environmental friendliness, a wide range, durability, sound and heat insulation that meets the requirements of the time, and frost resistance. Disadvantages: reduced leaf height, higher cost than other brands.

    We recommend that you pay attention to Rehau windows from the BLITZ New profile with an installation depth of 60 mm. This is an energy-saving, affordable and high-quality solution. Three-chamber profile, with the possibility of installing double-glazed windows up to 32 mm. Retains 30 times more heat than wooden Soviet frames. Noise reduction up to 40 Rw dB and great looks.

    High-strength sealed profiles for any climatic conditions made of perfectly white plastic. All bearing walls are made according to RAL class A, the declared service life is up to 45 years. The company's factories are located in Germany, Poland and Belarus.


    Windows of different types, attractive, inexpensive. Durable, adapted to the Russian weather. Disadvantages: no quality management certificate, rather weak fittings, a chemical smell emanates from the sealant.

    LG Chem

    The combination of decent heat and noise insulation characteristics and professional design. Glossy plastic, reasonable quality-price ratio. A relative disadvantage is the recent entry into the market of the central part of the country, which affects its popularity.


    The windows have a deformation-resistant design, designer finds and a large selection of reliable and hermetic models attract buyers. Disadvantages: heavy profile, built-in blinds break after several years of operation.

    Russian windows

    Russian plastic windows are cheaper than foreign ones. But this does not mean low quality. Usually domestic manufacturers use German technology. The cost is more affordable due to cheap energy resources and labor. This should also be remembered when choosing.

    For example, the Russian company Kaleva works according to the scheme full cycle: From window design to installation. This is an infrequent case. For more than 20 years, the Panorama company from St. Petersburg has been operating on the plastic window market. Its PVC profiles are distinguished by quality, the right balance of rigidity, reliable insulation, and aesthetic appearance.

    What profile for plastic windows did you choose?

Window blocks with a wooden frame are almost everywhere now being replaced by plastic counterparts. Plastic is cheap, durable, looks more presentable and easier to maintain. But how to choose the right PVC windows for your apartment or Vacation home so that they serve well for many years. We tried to collect all the recommendations of experts on this issue, so that it would be easier for you to make a choice.

  • What characteristics should be taken into account

    Compared to wooden structures, PVC windows do not need constant tinting, they better isolate noise from the street, last longer and have higher thermal insulation performance. However, pick up plastic in the store window block should be done carefully. On the one hand, there are a lot of design nuances in this product itself, and on the other hand, you can easily run into a particularly cunning seller who wants to earn extra money on a buyer who is poorly versed in this topic.

    An example of high-quality production of plastic windows can be viewed at this link from the manufacturer "FACTORY OF BREATHING WINDOWS" - a premium partner of the REHAU brand.

    What to look for when choosing a plastic window

    When choosing a plastic window, you need to look at:

    • the number of air chambers in the double-glazed window and profile;
    • type of tilt-and-turn mechanism;
    • quality of fittings and seals;
    • wall thickness PVC profile and its total width;
    • the presence / absence of a reinforcing insert.

    Each of the above parameters affects the final price of the window. At the same time, the purchase of an expensive block with a multi-chamber profile and a thick triple-glazed window is not always justified. Here it is necessary to build on the climatic conditions of the region where the house stands.

    Casement system options

    Often, a budget option with a simple design is more than enough. Here, it’s like a drainage pump for dirty water - an inexpensive and low-power unit will be enough to pump it out of the basement of the cottage during flooding, and for regular cleaning of the cesspool in the toilet, you will need a more powerful model for slightly different money.

    The quality of the profile of plastic windows

    The basis of the design of all plastic windows is a PVC profile. According to the norms, both primary and secondary (recycled) polyvinyl chloride can be used as a material for its manufacture. The first option is considered better. In the second case, more various plasticizers and additives are added to the plastic so that the plastic product meets the requirements of the standards in terms of impact and strength characteristics.

    It is impossible to distinguish between virgin and recycled PVC profiles on your own “by eye”. Outwardly, they are absolutely identical. Here it remains only to study the certificates provided by the window manufacturer, and rely on his good faith. According to GOST, a plastic window frame should last at least 20 years. However, most manufacturers claim a service life of 40 years. But there is one nuance here.

    According to European PVC profile standards for thickness outer wall are divided into three classes:

    1. "A" - thickness not less than 2.8 mm.
    2. "B" - thickness not less than 2.5 mm.
    3. "C" - the value is set by the manufacturer.

    The thicker the wall, the stronger and more reliable the frame structure. Ideally, you should choose profile "A" with a thickness of 3 mm or more. A window sash made of it is less prone to warping when sagging. But if the option marked "C" is offered, then you need to be as careful as possible. Plastic windows made of thin-walled profile (wall<2,5 мм) рекомендуется брать только для нежилых помещений.

    Another point is the usual and frost-resistant performance. In the manufacture of the second profile, special additives are added to PVC. If windows are taken for a dwelling in a cold region, then it would be most correct to look at just such blocks marked "M".

    Number of air chambers

    Inside, the profile is made hollow, divided by vertical partitions into several air-filled segments. The more of them, the higher the thermal insulation characteristics of the frame and the less heat loss. At least two such cameras are made. However, in Russia, three-, four- and five-chamber profiles are most often taken for the manufacture of plastic windows. They are more suitable for our climatic conditions.

    Residents of megacities, in addition to the number of cameras, should also take care of the soundproofing of the window

    At the same time, with an increase in the number of these cameras, the price of a window unit also increases. However, the more vertical walls inside, the thicker and stiffer the profile is. If the sash, due to the large window opening, turns out to be very wide and high, then it is better to initially choose a window with a five-chamber frame for it.

    With an increase in the number of cameras in the profile, the total weight of the block also increases. In panel and brick houses, this point is not so relevant. Concrete concrete and brick walls are designed for fairly large loads, calmly withstanding everything. But for a cottage made of timber or SIP panels, it is not worth buying a heavy multi-chamber window. Here it is recommended to do with a three-chamber option.

    With three, and preferably even two sections, you should take a lighter frame for glazing the balcony in the apartment. Extra weight on the balcony railing is completely unnecessary.

    Profile width

    The profile width is determined by the number of vertical chambers. The more of them, the more plastic partitions inside. The wider the PVC profile is obtained. Plus, its width is also affected by the dimensions of the chambers (each window manufacturer determines this parameter for itself) and the presence / absence of reinforcement inside.

    Typically, the thickness of the profile ranges from 58–90 mm. If it is thinner, then it will not be able to withstand a double-glazed window even in two glasses. And options are more widely used only at industrial facilities and in the construction of winter gardens. In most cases, products with a width of around 70 mm are selected.

    Types of reinforcing profile

    Reinforcing insert

    To make the profile more durable, a reinforcing insert is laid in its middle chamber. It is made of galvanized steel, which is not subject to corrosion. The reinforcing insert can be of any shape in cross section.

    In this case, the closed version has greater rigidity than the open U-shaped one. However, the more steel, the heavier the window block comes out. Here, when choosing it, you will need to think in advance about lifting up to the apartment and installing a plastic window. Excess weight affects not only strength, but also the final cost of the product itself and the installation work.

    What is the difference between square and U-shaped profile

    The thickness of the steel profile in the reinforcing insert should be within 1.2–2 mm. If the manufacturer of the window structure used thinner steel, then this is not reinforcement, but a snag. Such an insert will not actually give rigidity to the frame, but you will have to pay for it.

    The choice of sealant for plastic windows

    After the frame profile, the second most important criterion for choosing a PVC window is the seal on the sashes. If it is initially of poor quality, then the window unit will not last long. In a couple of years, you will have to call the craftsmen to replace this sealing "gum", otherwise the drafts in the house will not let you live in peace.

    The sealer is responsible for:

    • soundproofing (tightness of the cover of the sash);
    • thermal insulation (no drafts);
    • protection of locking and rotary fittings from dust and moisture.

    The seals used in the production of windows differ in the material of manufacture, color and cross-sectional shape. Some of them are more resistant to abrasion, others to frost, and others to deformation and delamination from prolonged pressing.

    Types of window seals

    In order to make the right choice here, you should carefully study the features of the sealing gaskets available on the window market. And there are a lot of them, at first glance, even a gas generator for a home is easier to choose. However, everything is not so terrible.
    There are four main types of window seals:

    1. TPE (TEP, thermoplastic elastomer).
    2. Silicone.
    3. Rubber.
    4. EPDM (ethylene propylene rubber).

    TPE seal

    The most common is TPE seal. It is the cheapest among competitors. The composition is a modified polyvinyl chloride. At strong negative temperatures, this material “hardens”, losing elasticity. And in the heat, on the contrary, it softens.
    The thermoplastic elastomer is characterized by high permanent deformation and low resistance to UV rays. Plastic windows in the fall are usually transferred to the "winter mode" with a stronger pressing of the sashes to the frame. Unlike other analogues, after such compression in the winter, the TPE sealant does not completely return to its shape in the spring. As a result, after five years it has to be changed.

    Single and double seals for windows

    Among the advantages of thermoplastic elastomer:

    • cheapness;
    • incombustibility due to the presence of additives;
    • ease of welding (easier installation);
    • a variety of colors (any pigment can be added to PVC).

    Due to the ease of welding, TPE is very convenient to use on automatic lines. Therefore, manufacturers of plastic windows choose it so often. When selling a newly made window block, this seal looks pretty decent. However, after a few winters it often has to be changed, but this is already a problem for the owner of the house.


    Silicone (silicone rubber) is characterized by durability and elasticity, as well as high resistance to temperature changes and compression. Its two main disadvantages are high cost and susceptibility to rupture from the slightest tension. On the window, it can last 20-30 years. But if, when opening the sash, the silicone seal is accidentally hooked and pulled away from the profile, it will easily break.

    Features of silicone seals

    Silicone is not very popular. This is the most expensive of the four options. However, if desired, it can be ordered from most manufacturers of window units. But one must be prepared in advance to pay 2–2.5 times more per linear meter of such a sealant than for analogues.


    Rubber is similar in strength to silicone, but is much cheaper. Its main disadvantage is susceptibility to cracking from heat and frost. As a result, the seal, and behind it the window, lose their tightness. However, such a rubber gasket can be easily and quickly replaced on the frame. This is a gasoline electric current generator for a private house, with an initially wrong choice, it will be problematic to change. And it is quite possible to change the rubber sealing pad on the window frame without any problems with your own hands.

    Rubber seal on the frame

    EPDM seal

    EPDM is the best choice among available gaskets in terms of price and quality. This synthetic rubber is more expensive than its rubber counterpart, but it is much superior in performance.
    Among the advantages of EPDM are:

    • low sensitivity to UV rays;
    • resistance to temperature changes (quietly tolerates from -60 to + 1000С);
    • low residual and irreversible deformation;
    • durability of 50-60 years;
    • good elasticity;
    • strength to mechanical stress.

    The EPDM window seal will not harden in the cold and will not fade in the sun. Its only significant disadvantage is the impossibility of welding. This rubber gasket must be fastened along the entire perimeter of the plastic window sash without breaks along the length. As a result, installation is more complicated and costs a little more. But if you need quality at an affordable price, then there is only one recommendation - to take EPDM.

  • Today, there are a huge number of window products on the market. What plastic windows belong to the category of the highest quality and how do high-end products differ from cheap fakes? When choosing plastic windows, you need to be guided by the main characteristics and reputation of the manufacturer. The cost of products does not always correspond to its quality, since sellers often unreasonably overestimate the price. Also, do not overpay for those design features that you will not need in your conditions. What you need to know about plastic windows in order to choose a quality product?

    The main characteristics of plastic windows

    Plastic windows consist of the following elements:

    • window block and frame (profile) made of PVC;
    • double-glazed windows (glass chambers);
    • sealant;
    • window fittings.

    Each component has technical characteristics on which the performance of the window as a whole depends. Let us dwell in more detail on what indicators each of the elements should correspond to.


    High-quality PVC windows are produced under the control of ISO 9001 and have a corresponding certificate.


    The profile made of high quality polyvinyl chloride is resistant to mechanical, chemical and thermal influences. Its service life is 50 years.

    What indicators define a good PVC profile? Before choosing a manufacturer, read the main characteristics of the product.

    • Profile width. It all depends on purchasing power. The wider the profile, the better and warmer it is. One caveat: a wide profile should have more stiffeners, otherwise the strength of the product will suffer.
    • Number of thermal insulation chambers. For good thermal insulation, it is better to choose a profile with at least 5 chambers. In areas with very low winter temperatures, it is better to consider options where the chambers are filled with an inert gas.
    • Reinforcement. For rigidity, the PVC profile is reinforced from the inside with steel inserts. A solid contour is more durable, but if heat-insulating properties are a priority, then it is better to install windows with an open contour - they are warmer.
    • The country of origin of the profile. German products are traditionally considered to be of high quality. But often such windows are produced in Russia using German technology. In this case, the price should be lower.

    How to choose a double-glazed window?

    A double-glazed window is chosen in accordance with the requirements necessary for your conditions. Here are some designs of double-glazed windows:

    • single-chamber - two glasses;
    • two-chamber - three glasses;
    • three-chamber - four glasses.

    An important detail is the thickness of the glass and the distance between the glasses. The larger this value, the better the heat and sound insulation characteristics of the window. On average, the optimal glass thickness varies around 4-5 mm (the outer one can be thicker than the inner one), and the distance between them is about 10-16 mm with a total thickness of at least 30 mm.

    In addition, the cost of the window will be higher if glass with advanced features is installed:

    • energy saving;
    • armored;
    • sun protection;
    • reinforced;
    • hardened;
    • self-cleaning.

    Profile color is traditionally white. If you choose poor quality PVC, it can fade in the sun and acquire a yellowish tint. In addition to white, you can put windows in other colors. In this case, the paint is applied to the surface of the profile or added directly to the plastic mass during the manufacturing process. There is an option like lamination - a painted film is glued onto the profile.

    What is a sealant?

    The sealant plays a significant role in thermal insulation and participates in the drainage system, ensuring the tightness of the window. It should go along the perimeter of the valves and fit snugly on both surfaces. The following materials are used for its production:

    • rubber;
    • silicone;
    • special rubber;
    • rubber-plastic.

    The material must be elastic, soft, but resilient, resistant to external influences. It is better to install a seal made of ethylene-propylene-thermopolymer-rubber (EPDM).

    Choosing accessories

    Fittings provide opening of the window sashes. Putting good fittings means extending the life of the window as a whole and protecting yourself from unpleasant surprises. The opening mechanism can be simple - rotary, or more complex - tilt-and-turn; with slotted opening (winter ventilation). High-quality fittings are made from high-strength grades of alloy steel. At the request of the client, anti-burglary fittings, handles with a lock and a lock, hidden linings against drilling can be installed on the windows.

    Good fittings are resistant to corrosion, have a smooth ride and an optimal ratio of metal and plastic in the design.

    The leading manufacturers of fittings for plastic windows include the following companies:

    • Siegenia-Aubi;
    • Roto;
    • Maco;
    • Winkhaus.

    window design

    The cost of PVC windows directly depends on their design. There are rectangular and square windows, you can put profiles in the form of arches and semi-arches, hinged and sliding models, with fixed and opening doors. Large windows are mounted from several glasses, to give strength, separating them with aluminum profile bars. Modern manufacturers are ready to fulfill any whim, of course, for your money. The more non-standard window you want to install, the more opening and turning mechanisms it has, the higher the final cost of the product will be.

    Manufacturers and prices

    Which manufacturers are considered the best? In Russia, about ten companies producing PVC windows have proven themselves well. Products of both domestic and foreign production are in demand. All of them occupy their niche in the price-quality ratio, which makes it easy to choose the right option.

    • VEKA profile, Naro-Fominsk district, Gubtsevo village. The products have been awarded the German quality mark, and production control is carried out under the auspices of European technologies. The undoubted advantages of VEKA windows include stable quality and a wide range of products. The disadvantages are the high cost, which is determined not so much by the quality as by the brand.
    • REHAU profile, Gzhel. Today, the company is the leader in the Russian sales market in terms of the number of products produced. Advantages of the REHAU profile: high quality and manufacturer's guarantees, a wide range of products. The disadvantages include the high cost of products.
    • Profile KBE (KBE), Voskresensk. Another German company engaged in production in Russia. At the same time, along with the high quality characteristic of the first two manufacturers, the KBE profile today has a slightly lower price, which is explained by successful marketing moves.

    These manufacturers occupy leading positions in the plastic window market. In addition to them, the following firms are included in the top 10 with varying success.

    • SALAMANDER profile, Türkheim, Germany. Pros: European quality control, dealer control by the manufacturer, profile design. Cons - the cost of production.
    • Profile "Mont Blanc", Elektrostal. The advantages include: low cost, large assortment, product quality. Cons: No ISO certification.
    • Profile Kaleva, Moscow. Pros - excellent design, full production cycle. Cons - no quality management certification.
    • Profile Proplex, Podolsk. This is a Russian company that has created a full production cycle. Advantages of the profile: low cost. Disadvantages - outdated designs, lack of international certification.
    • Profile Deceuninck, Belgium, branch - Protvino.
    • SOK profile, Syzran. The company does not have its own profile, but manufactures it at the plant of the Profine concern (KBE). Windows are characterized by traditionally high European quality, but a small selection and unreasonably high cost of finished products.

    In general, to the question “which windows are better to install?” there cannot be a clear answer. It all depends on the conditions in which they will be used. For residential premises, for areas with low winter temperatures, more expensive designs are chosen, and in other cases, you can save on the number of cameras and double-glazed windows, fittings and glass characteristics. Before installing windows, they determine for themselves the characteristics that they must meet, and turn to leading manufacturers with a good reputation and all relevant quality standards documents.

    Probably, no one needs to prove that plastic windows with double-glazed windows have long and firmly taken a leading position in the competition with old wooden frames in terms of their performance. Advantages - in almost all respects, from thermal conductivity and sound absorption to maximum ease of use and aesthetics.

    Owners of apartments and private houses of old buildings, at the slightest opportunity, try to replace imperfect wooden structures with modern windows. At first glance, there are no problems with this, in any region there are many large and small firms working in this field. But can everyone be trusted, and are the windows offered for purchase equal? Alas, in this segment of the construction business there are many "pitfalls", and the external similarity of the windows does not at all indicate their identical quality and operational characteristics. Therefore, before making a final decision and signing an installation contract, it is necessary to clearly understand how to choose PVC windows so as not to be disappointed in them after a few months.

    Such windows entered the everyday life of Russians relatively recently. But even during these 15 ÷ 20 years, like, probably, any outlandish novelty, they managed to “acquire” a whole bunch of mythological rumors, both immoderately extolling their qualities and unfairly attributing non-existent vices to them. First, let's try to clarify this issue.

    What they say about PVC windows, and is it really so

    • There is widespread the opinion that the installation of plastic windows with double-glazed windows completely solves the issue of thermal insulation - they completely block the path to the cold.

    Alas, not everything is so rosy. Create a completely thermal light-transmitting construction is very difficult, although high-quality double-glazed windows and a reliable sealing system can significantly increase the thermal resistance of a window. However, any window construction is also assembly seams, which always serve as “cold bridges” to some extent.

    What can be said with confidence in this matter is that the level of room insulation with the installation of high-quality plastic windows will increase significantly.

    • The next “myth” is that air is completely pumped out of the space between the glasses, a vacuum is created there.

    This statement is not true. In fact, the air is partially pumped out, creating an area of ​​low pressure inside. This is necessary for better sealing - external atmospheric pressure presses the glass as tightly as possible to the seals. It also gives the effect of increasing heat and soundproof qualities. By the way, for the same purposes, some manufacturers use the practice of pumping inert gases into this space, which creates a special, “layered” atmosphere inside the double-glazed window, which effectively dampens sound waves.

    • How to treat the statement that the installation of double-glazed windows gives absolute suppression of noise from the street?

    You can't believe it completely either. To a greater extent, the design of PVC windows “cuts off” high frequencies, but low-frequency noises, which propagate, including through vibration, alas, find their way. So, if construction equipment is working outside the window, or a busy highway passes nearby, then noise cannot be avoided.

    Manufacturers are constantly working to improve the design, but have not yet been able to completely solve this problem.

    • The closed PVC window gives complete tightness of the room.

    This is another persistent misconception. With a high-quality multi-level sealing system, we can talk about the impermeability of the window for drafts, for exit warm air from the apartment, but it's still far not tightness.

    • Another erroneous opinion - the wider the glass is placed on the double-glazed window, the better the window.

    The distance between the panes is not a value taken “from the ceiling”. There is a complex system of thermal calculations, which gives rather paradoxical results - an excessive increase in this distance leads to a sharp decrease in thermal insulation qualities. In the production of windows, they adhere to optimal values, proven by theory and practice: for single-chamber double-glazed windows, the maximum thickness should be 24 mm, and for two-chamber - 44 mm.

    • The principle is far from always justified that when choosing a window it is not necessary to be limited in the thickness of the profile and the number of air chambers in it: "The thicker the profile, the better the window is, of course."

    To argue in this way is tantamount to assert something that a large sledgehammer is much better and more useful than a conventional hammer, because each of these tools has his own purpose. Of course, the number and dimensions of the air chambers of the window profile directly affect the thermal conductivity and sound insulation. But everything should be reasonable and in due measure. An increase in the number of cameras is, inevitably, an increase in the dimensions and weight of the entire window structure, difficulties with its delivery and installation, and a rapid increase in prices. There will be no point in paying extra money for a “super-sophisticated” design, if, according to the climatic conditions of the region, the purpose of the room in which it is planned to install windows, and its location, it is enough to limit itself to no less high-quality in execution, but more “budget” option.

    • You can often hear that plastic windows violate the normal ecological balance in an apartment.

    Well, firstly, polyvinyl chloride , Although and synthetic material, but it is absolutely safe for human and animal health. Suffice it to recall that it is actively used for the manufacture of medical containers and devices, food utensils, water vessels, etc. And secondly, if you look around even with a cursory glance around you, you will definitely see polymer products, from household appliances to furniture. But they “sin” for some reason, only on PVC windows.

    • Statements about the increased fire hazard of such windows are untenable.

    Yes, of course, PVC is a combustible material, but its thermal decomposition temperature is much higher than that of wood - wooden windows will light up faster. Moreover, if there is no open flame, then PVC is more likely to melt than go into fire. As for the substances released during combustion, they are certainly toxic, but carbon monoxide released during the combustion of wood is no less dangerous.

    • The service life of PVC windows is short - another widespread delusion.

    Everything depends on the quality of the profiles, double-glazed windows, fittings used for their production, on the professionalism of the assemblers and installers. Agree that an ordinary wooden window, made by a "crooked" carpenter, even from selected materials, will not last long.

    If a really high-quality PVC window was chosen, it should be guaranteed for more than a dozen years without losing any performance characteristics. Of course, the owners must follow the rules for its use and regular maintenance.

    • You can meet the opinion that plastic windows impoverish the design with their standardized appearance, they can spoil the exterior design of the house or the interior of the premises.

    This assertion does not stand up to scrutiny. People who have never been interested in the existing variety of PVC can say so. In reality, you can order a design of the most bizarre forms, with one-sided or two-sided plastic lamination, which will give the window the desired color or an interesting external texture - under precious woods, under metal, etc. In a word, there are more than enough opportunities to fit a window into the intended design.

    Options for choosing PVC windows

    First of all, for those who do not know this, the general scheme of the plastic window device:

    It would seem that everything is simple and obvious, but almost any element of this design requires special attention.

    The figure below shows schematically the main criteria for choosing a PVC window model.

    Now about each of these parameters - in more detail.

    Type and quality of the profile

    The very first and closest attention is paid to the design and quality of the profile - all the operational characteristics of the window and its durability depend on it.

    • The material of manufacture - it must be high-quality polyvinyl chloride, durable and absolutely inert to any atmospheric influences. The thickness of the outer walls of the profile is at least 3 mm. Some manufacturers practice, in order to reduce the cost of production, the manufacture of profiles with a wall thickness of, for example, 2.7 mm. It would seem insignificant, but the rigidity and wear resistance at the same time deteriorate sharply, and there is no need to talk about the long service life of such windows.

    For regions with severe winters, you should choose a profile made of PVC with increased frost resistance. Usually this is indicated by the additional index "M" on the label.

    • The number of air chambers - the thermal insulation characteristics of the window largely depend on this parameter.

    The number of chambers is calculated according to the width of the profile. If there are horizontal jumpers dividing the cavity into several vertical compartments, then these are not considered additional chambers. The minimum number of cameras allowed by the standards is two, but, as a rule, there are no such products due to their lack of demand. Typically used for residential installations T pex - or five-chamber profiles.

    Three-chamber profiles, with a total thickness of about 58 ÷ 60 mm, are certainly much cheaper. It makes sense to buy them if the climate of the region is not characterized by harsh winters, or if the window will be installed, for example, for glazing a loggia or balcony. They are acceptable in the kitchen or on the south side of the building, provided that the house has efficient heating and general thermal insulation.

    For the main part of Russia, where January frosts below -20 degrees are considered commonplace, it is better to purchase a high-quality five-chamber profile with a total thickness of over 70 mm - its resistance to heat loss is much higher. True, you will have to pay more for this.

    There are other varieties - with four or six chambers, but they are rare and, as a rule, have a specific purpose.

    • The presence and type of reinforcing insert. According to existing standards, all profiles longer than 800 mm or having a coating other than white must necessarily have a reinforcing insert. However, leading manufacturers equip all their products with such a structural element. This reinforcement will create the necessary rigidity and stability of the window structure, prevent deformations associated with thermal expansion, which will significantly increase the service life.

    As a reinforcing insert, a profile of corrosion resistant galvanized steel with a thickness of about 1.2 - 2 mm. If a thin material is used, for example, 0.5 mm, or if it does not have anti-corrosion protection, then this can be considered a fiction - neither rigidity nor durability can be expected from such a window, and the insert is made only to “blur” the eyes.

    The reinforcing insert may have a closed or open profile. Of course, with its closed form, the strength characteristics are much higher. However, this affects the total mass of the window structure and, of course, its cost. It is possible, for small windows, to confine oneself to a profile with high-quality U-shaped reinforcement, however, if the means and installation conditions allow, it is still better to give preference to closed ones.

    But if pseudo-reinforcement made of two flat metal inserts placed closer to the edges of the profile, then it is better to refuse this option right away - there will be no resistance to deformation, for example, to bending or twisting.

    • The “appearance” of the profile is also of considerable importance. The usual technology for decorating windows is the use of special laminating films, which can be selected from the proposed catalog. At the same time, it is possible to perform one-sided or two-sided lamination, and the outer and inner surfaces can be finished with different textures. .

    The design of the shown profiles is the same, the decoration is different

    There are profiles dyed in mass at the production stage, when pigment compositions are introduced into the initial mass. Profiles with acrylic coatings applied by co-extrusion are of good quality - an additional protective and decorative layer is obtained, which at the same time becomes inseparable from the PVC base component. Another exterior finishing technology is the application of colored acrylic lacquer to a white surface.

    • When choosing, the manufacturer of the profiles is very important. It hardly makes sense to contact an unknown or already notorious manufacturer - you can find a lot of examples when such windows disappointed their owners already in the first year of operation. If you have already decided to go for a replacement, then it is better to give your savings for really high-quality products, which are accompanied by manufacturer's warranties.

    You can safely purchase REHAU, KBE, VEKA + profiles. Quite trustworthy LG-Chem, MONTBLANC. In the category of premium windows, DIMEX and THYSSEN are traditionally the leaders. Several domestic companies have emerged trying to keep up with foreign manufacturers in terms of quality, for example, SOK (Samara window structures), DI FENCE or PROPLEX. It will never be superfluous to go to the official website of the manufacturer and get acquainted with the features of the product - the raw materials used, the technology, the variety of models provided by the guarantees. Well, when ordering, you should not hesitate to demand documents confirming that the profiles are really a brand, and not a cheap fake.

    Prices for a popular line of windows

    Choosing a double-glazed window

    The area of ​​the glazed area of ​​the window is always many times greater than the space occupied by the plastic profile, so the value of the quality of the double-glazed window cannot be overestimated.

    The design of double-glazed windows is, in principle, the same for all models:

    1 - glass, at least 4 mm thick.

    2 - air chambers formed between the glasses.

    3 - distance frames that provide the same distance between the glasses.

    4 - drying backfill (silica gel or other material with increased hygroscopicity). The main goal is to maintain optimal humidity conditions in the chambers.

    5 - sealing adhesive composition, collecting all the elements into a common structure.

    What are the main criteria for choosing a double-glazed window:

    • Thickness and quality of glass. Most models use 4 mm thick glass. In the event that the windows face the street with an increased noise level, it makes sense to consider installing external glass with a thickness of 5 or 6 mm. This will significantly increase the soundproofing qualities, since glasses of different thicknesses will never resonate.

    Glass must be tempered, having undergone special heat treatment after cutting it into the desired size. At the same time, tempered glass in no way loses its light-transmitting abilities and any other qualities. But on the other hand, firstly, it significantly, by 5 ÷ 6, increases its strength characteristics, resistance to both shocks and bending or compression loads. Secondly, even if accidentally broken, it will crumble into small fragments of almost regular shape without sharp cutting edges.

    An even safer option is laminated glass - triplex. They can withstand even a directed blow, resist a burglary attempt, and in case of destruction they do not shatter into fragments. In addition, such glasses are much less susceptible to microvibrations, which means that they dampen sound vibrations more effectively. True, the price of such double-glazed windows is quite high.

    There are glasses with internal metal reinforcement. Recently, there has been a growing trend in the popularity of glasses with electromagnetic protection. It can be a metal mesh or conductive film, which are connected to the ground loop. This measure helps to prevent the impact of external electromagnetic radiation, to prevent leakage of information transmitted over radio frequencies.

    • The number of chambers and their width.

    Double-glazed windows are single- and double-chamber. A single-chamber version is two glasses separated by a certain distance. The total thickness of such a package is in the range from 24 to 30 mm. Usually I choose such a design according to the same principle as the number of cameras in the profile - for the southern regions or for unheated premises.

    Two-chamber, respectively, have three glasses and two air or gas layers between them. The thickness of such packages is usually from 32 to 44 mm. Thermal insulation and noise canceling the quality in this option is certainly much higher, so for living quarters it is best to choose it.

    Find out and also review the causes and solutions in our new article.

    In a two-chamber double-glazed window, various glass layout options are possible. So, they can be of the same thickness and installed at the same distance from each other. To provide increased sound insulation, if necessary, it is better to choose a different scheme - the cameras have different widths (spacers are used, for example, 6 and 16 mm), and the outer glasses are thickened. When passing through such a "pie", sound vibrations are damped most effectively.

    • Special energy-saving technologies in the design of double-glazed windows.

    In order to significantly improve the thermal performance of double-glazed windows, reduce the cost of heating in winter and air conditioning in summer, special technologies have been developed. First of all, this concerns the application of a film coating on glass or low emission sputtering based on silver ions. Depending on the technology used, there are k-glass i - glasses. The first ones are much easier to manufacture and, accordingly, cheaper. The latter have more impressive energy-saving characteristics, but their production is more difficult, which, of course, is reflected in the price.

    Such coatings in winter reflect the heat flow back into the room, preventing it from cooling out through a large window area. At the same time, they prevent the free passage of hard solar radiation into the apartment in the summer, keeping it as cool as possible.

    The marking of such double-glazed windows is usually given by a formula indicating the thickness of the glasses, the type of coating (if applied) and the distance between them. For example, the designation "4i-10- 4 – 10 – 4 i" says that this is a two-chamber double-glazed window, with a glass thickness of 4 mm, a distance between them of 10 mm, and the outer and inner glass, in addition, belong to the i-type.

    Even more effective in terms of heat preservation are double-glazed windows that do not have rarefied air, but the injected inert gas (usually argon or krypton). The special molecular structure of these gases significantly reduces the coefficient of thermal conductivity. For example, in comparison with the usual one (with the same other characteristics), a double-glazed window with argon gives a significant increase of 5% to energy saving. And if a combined scheme is used, then this figure is even higher: on a double-glazed window "4 - 16Argon-4i" we can talk about an increase of 10 ÷ 12%. Even more impressive will be the results on double-glazed combined double-glazed windows.

    There are glasses with a special sun protection layer, which is especially important in summer for rooms oriented to the south or southwest, especially in regions with a hot climate. True, such glasses usually have reduced and light-transmitting ability.

    Scheme of the window and a set of fittings

    When the buyer has to decide how he sees it and according to what scheme it should work. Basic principles works are shown in the figure:

    The main schemes of the "work" of the window

    Schemes can be used both individually and in a certain combination, for example, rotary opening plus folding for ventilation.

    You should consider the number, shape and size of all glazed areas. Many owners are often tempted to have one large glazed sheet for the entire opening area. However, it must be taken into account that this is a very heavy load. on fasteners. In addition, the larger the window area, the greater the likelihood of resonant transmission of sound waves, and therefore - lower soundproof quality. It is more expedient to distribute a large area into several sections, separated by imposts.

    The correct and easy operation of a window directly depends on the quality of the fittings used in it, and the issue of its choice is of paramount importance. In no case should you purchase products with plastic elements - they do not stand up to criticism, they never have certification and will last for a very short time.

    Fittings must be exclusively steel (preferably alloy steel), so that it can withstand several dozen daily cycles of work over the years. At the same time, it must be perfectly fitted, so that any member of the family can easily open or close the window.

    The quality of fittings is the key to reliable and long-term operation of the window system

    When choosing, you should pay attention to reinforced fittings with anti-burglary characteristics. It has several degrees of security, and the most reliable one can withstand even the impact of a powerful power tool.

    If there are young children in the apartment, you should take an interest in locking systems so that the child cannot open the window on his own. These can be removable handles with plugged sockets for them, special hidden push-button latches, swivel function limiters, mortise or overhead locks, etc.

    One of the types of "children's" locks - the child will not be able to open the window at a dangerous distance

    There are also additional fittings, which, for example, provide a stepwise opening of the window, prevent its arbitrary slamming in a draft, prevent improper closing of handles, etc. The fittings also include all handles, decorative overlays and other items of external decor.

    Self-respecting companies involved in the production and installation of plastic windows usually use high-quality fittings from leading European manufacturers. The undisputed leaders in this market segment are MACO, ROTO or SIEGENIA-AUBI.

    Video: high-quality fittings for PVC windows

    Prices for fittings for pvc windows

    PVC window fittings


    Another important criterion for choosing PVC windows. A lot depends on this “frontier” - the maximum possible tightness of the closure, thermal and sound insulation, protection of the fittings from dust and dirt getting into it, which can cause its abrasive wear.

    In window systems, one or more (up to three) sealing circuits can be used. Depending on the location, they are external, internal or intermediate. In addition to sealing the moving part, the sealing elements must be located on both sides of the installed double-glazed window.

    Seals can have a different cross-sectional profile. They are made of rubber, silicone, special rubber or composite polymer compounds. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, both in terms of reaction to low temperatures, and in terms of resistance to abrasion and deformation loads, cracking, delamination, etc. It is believed that the EPDM composite composition (translated into Russian having the complex name “ ethylene-propylene-thermopolymer-rubber"or EPTK).

    How to choose a window installer company

    No less, and perhaps even decisive, is the choice of a company that should assemble and install windows. There are a lot of offers for such services, and it is important not to fall for the hook of unscrupulous performers or even amateurs in this matter.

    The quality of a window is not only proven materials, but also the professionalism of the craftsmen of the company involved in its assembly and installation.

    You should never "buy" at clearly underpriced prices - most often they are offered by one-day firms, and there will be no one to present claims for quality in a year. It should definitely alert if this organization, for example, does not have an office, and all negotiations are conducted only by mobile phone. In this case, as a rule, the contract is proposed to be concluded at the customer's home.

    If, during a telephone conversation, you are asked to independently measure the window opening to place an order, hang up immediately, without getting involved in any discussion, as there is not even a smell of professionalism here.

    A reputable company must demonstrate samples of the profiles and double-glazed windows it uses in its office - usually split window models are installed for this. Even a list of questions that a competent manager will ask can say a lot. In order for the window to turn out to be of really high quality and to fully perform its functions, the manufacturer must evaluate a lot of information:

    • The series of the house, the material of the walls - most likely, the installers have already had to deal with similar apartments and they have developed the best options.
    • Customer's wishes for window configuration. Not all the "whims" of the owner of the apartment can be implemented, and the manager's task is to find a compromise solution, both in terms of "deglazing" and in terms of the operation of the valves.
    • Be sure to take into account the direction of the windows to the cardinal points, the location of noisy driveways or vice versa, quiet courtyards. This will make it possible to more accurately determine the number of profile chambers and the type of double-glazed window.
    • As a rule, issues on the installation of ebbs and window sills are solved at the same time, sometimes it is immediately planned from PVC. Almost certainly, the installation of a mosquito net, a regular consignment note or a roller shutter type will be offered.
    • A serious company will always meet a good customer and make him a significant discount if several windows are purchased and installed at once.
    • It is possible that the list of company services also includes innovative solutions, for example, a ventilation system built into the profile.

    Only modern, but experienced enterprises can satisfy the listed requirements. One of the leaders in the niche under consideration is the company "Window Factory". Its competitiveness is determined by many clear advantages:

    • the presence of own production, which allows maintaining acceptable prices for the company's product and services for customers;
    • experience in the field of 14 years;
    • warranty customer support for 5 years after the completion of the order;
    • friendly customer service system.

    In addition to being customer-oriented, the company has strengthened its position as a leader through the production of innovative products, bringing to life completely new, "attentive" windows to the requirements of the customer.

    The first technology installed free of charge on products from the "Window Factory" is called SmartBox III. It is represented by a supply valve responsible for climate control, located in the upper part of the window. The valve consists of:

    • special curtain, selected according to the wind load;
    • adjustable position switch.

    Using SmartBoxIII technology, even with the windows closed, you can enjoy fresh air, while:

    • without releasing room heat;
    • while maintaining sound insulation at the original level.

    The appearance of the structure when installing the valves is not violated.

    The second innovative product of the Window Factory is heat-saving windows.

    The thermal effect of the structures is achieved by applying a special pollination to the glass, which, while remaining invisible to the eye, makes significant changes in your life:

    • keeping heat 40% more efficient than multifunctional glass and 97% more intense than ordinary double-glazed windows;
    • in summer, it reduces the degree of penetration of natural heat from the street, keeping the room cool, while letting in 30% more light;
    • in winter, it retains heat inside the apartment, keeping a comfortable temperature on the windowsill, on average + 6 ° C higher than that for a standard double-glazed window;
    • reduces the risk of condensation from temperature differences;
    • saves money spent on heating without releasing heat, which is especially important for private residential buildings.

    If desired, the thermal package can be supplemented with tinting to create a cozy and private atmosphere. For safety-conscious clients, the Window Factory offers the possibility of installing tempered glass.

    The PVC profile of double-glazed windows from the "Window Factory" is represented by individual REHAU designs that have passed all stages of quality control. The fittings of the products are represented by the Titan AF line, which provides the following advantages:

    • prevents rapid wear of structures;
    • provides anti-burglary resistance;
    • enhances sound insulation;
    • allows you to choose the intensity of ventilation.

    By choosing the innovative offers of the Window Factory, you maximize the efficiency of the installed double-glazed window, creating the most comfortable atmosphere at home.

    A lot can tell and the impression of the visit of the measurer. It's not even about his appearance and demeanor (although this sometimes creates a certain opinion). If the master limited himself to two or three measurements and spent no more than five minutes on this, most likely, you should refrain from further contacts. A professional approach involves an assessment of at least 10 ÷ 12 parameters, and usually takes even up to half an hour. In no case should you pay money for taking measurements - this service is not paid and, again, does not oblige the customer to anything yet.

    Only when a detailed project is drawn up in the company's office that completely suits the client, with all the drawings and diagrams, a list of materials and an estimate for assembly and installation, you can sign a contract. At the same time, it is imperative to stipulate the maximum allowable terms for the completion of all work, the responsibility of the parties for failure to fulfill obligations, and a number of other important points.

    So, you should pay special attention to whether the delivery of windows, lifting them to the floor, dismantling old frames, garbage disposal, and the use of consumables (for example, mounting foam) are included in the estimate payable. Often, inexperienced customers fall into such "traps" of unscrupulous firms, who then, during the installation of the window, face the need for additional costs that are not specified in the concluded agreement.

    And, finally, another video with tips on choosing PVC windows.

    Video: how to choose the right plastic window
