Technology of production of arbolite blocks. Independent production of arbolite blocks. Components and composition of wood concrete

Arbolite, or in common wood concrete, has established itself as unique material similar in properties to natural wood, but characterized by a significantly lower price and improved thermal conductivity. Arbolite blocks gained their popularity back in the days Soviet Union and not in vain. Thanks to a number positive qualities they are suitable for the construction of walls of any buildings. The scheme for manufacturing woodblocks was undeservedly forgotten, but on present stage construction market, the popularity of these plates is gaining momentum.

Benefits of using sawdust concrete

By virtue of modern technologies, to date, wood concrete has acquired the properties of an affordable and practical building material, which meets the requirements of GOST 54854-2011 "Lightweight concrete on organic aggregates of plant origin". From here, a number of its advantages can be distinguished:

  • low level of thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to biological influences;
  • good vapor permeability of the material;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • wood concrete is resistant to fire;
  • ease of processing and installation;
  • the availability of the technology itself, the possibility of arranging the line at home;
  • economic benefit by reducing the cost of a heavy foundation, additional insulation and construction time.

The disadvantage of wood concrete blocks can be called their increased water absorption. But this problem is also solved with the help of modern penetrating vapor and waterproofing.

Arbolite production technology

The manufacture of blocks from wood concrete today can be carried out at home. To do this, it is necessary to take into account all aspects and stages of production, guided by regulatory documentation.

The technology for the production of wood concrete blocks begins with the preparation of the necessary ingredients. 85% of the raw material is wood. Wood chips, sawdust and shavings are used here. Preferred conifers wood - pine, fir, spruce, but some hardwoods are also suitable - poplar, aspen, birch. Even the presence of bark, leaves and needles is allowed, but not more than 5% of the total mass. The size of the particles is normalized by a width of not more than 5 mm and a length of up to 25 mm. Therefore, the workpiece is first passed through a crusher. It is also important to have a composition of different fractions, which will provide the necessary density of blocks.

Preparation of wood raw materials at home can be carried out different ways. You can even build a chipper yourself. However, the easiest and least expensive is to arrange with a local sawmill for the supply of wood waste, which they most often burn in vain.

In industrial conditions, special chemicals are added to the raw materials - calcium chloride, aluminum sulfate or "liquid glass". With self-production, not everyone at home may have them at hand. Then the strength of future blocks may suffer due to a large number sugar in the composition. In this case, experts recommend keeping the sawdust for 3-4 months on the street under open sky, stirring occasionally. To speed up the process, calcium oxide can be added to the embankment at the rate of 200 liters of a 1.5% solution per 1 m3.

Portland cement grade 400-500 or more is selected as a binder component. The percentage component of it is 10-15%. If necessary, plasticizers and demineralizers are added to the mixture, but not more than 1%.

Before direct mixing of the components, wood waste is poured with lime mortar with a concentration of 5-10% and aged for at least three hours. In production in a special bath, this process can take up to three days.

Mixing of all components is carried out in a concrete mixer until a homogeneous mass. There should be no lumps. The proportion of ingredients water-sawdust-cement is as follows: 4:3:3. The composition should turn out to be slightly crumbly, but retain its shape when compressed.

Getting blocks

At the molding stage, containers are used that give the arbolite blocks a standard parallelepiped size of 500x188x300 mm and 500x188x200 mm. If necessary, in plates of non-standard dimensions, special plates are inserted into the mold, thereby changing the configuration to a triangular or, for example, trapezoidal.

For faster hardening, dry calcium chloride is often added to the mixture. Filling is carried out in layers in three approaches, followed by ramming, into molds previously lubricated with lime milk. The surface of the wood block is filled plaster mortar a layer of 2 cm. The filled containers are pressed or compacted on a vibrating table. Drying is carried out during the day, provided the air temperature is above 18°C.

The disassembled blocks undergo further maturation with periodic wetting with water for at least 15 days at an ambient temperature of at least 15°C.

The manufacture of large-sized wood concrete blocks requires additional reinforcement of the slab. To do this, a reinforcing cage is placed in a half-filled form and a layer is poured concrete mortar, then the filling with wood-concrete mixture continues.

Necessary equipment

Ready-made lines for the production of wood blocks are on sale, which include the entire production cycle, as well as additional services for launching and calibrating equipment. They differ in the amount of material produced, overall dimensions, power and other characteristics.

However, if you approach the assembly at home, you will need the following equipment for the production of wood concrete blocks:

  • apparatus for making wood chips;
  • mixing station or classic concrete mixer;
  • molds of the required dimensions;
  • vibrating table.

The production of blocks from wood concrete is a process that can really be organized independently, minimizing the cost of the required equipment. The chipper can be made independently using improvised aggregates. It is also permissible to replace the vibrating sieve with manual sifting of raw materials.

Equipment for the preparation of the working solution, it is possible to replace it with a standard concrete mixer. Manual kneading in this case it will not be possible to produce without the formation of lumps and clots.

Forms, instead of ready-made ones, are made according to the scheme from simple wooden boxes of the right size. They are lined with linoleum or plastic wrap so that the solution does not stick to the walls.

After pouring the molds according to the technology, it is necessary to compact the mixture. Here, a hammer or an ordinary drill can come in handy from improvised means. The walls of the container are tapped with a hammer, and with a drill they reach best result vibrocompression method. Various devices such as a vibrating table are also used, the design of which can be reproduced independently. They reduce the labor intensity of the process and increase overall productivity.

In conditions where it is impossible to create the required conditions for drying the material, equipment can come to the rescue. drying chamber. This will significantly increase production costs, but will increase the strength characteristics of the blocks.


Prices for finished wood concrete blocks fluctuate around 4,000 rubles per 1 m3. A completely justified cost, taking into account the cost of raw materials and all the nuances of the process flow.

Prices for production lines of varying degrees of productivity and separate equipment for woodblocks are shown in the table below.

The characteristics of wood concrete deservedly draw attention to themselves if you want to build one or two-storey house. Not the last factor when choosing it is that it is quite simple to do monolithic walls and do-it-yourself arbolite blocks. Full set necessary equipment depends on where you can buy ready-made chips, or you have to make it yourself. To complete the picture, the full technology for the production of wood concrete is considered.

The main component of wood concrete

90% wood concrete consists of wood chips, so the first step is to take care of its purchase or harvesting. It is best if pine boards serve as the material for it, but it has nothing against the use of other GOSTs.

One of the nuances of the production of wood concrete blocks is the use of wood, because it natural material containing sugar compounds. If they are not neutralized, then subsequently they will react with the remaining components of the wood concrete, which will at least provoke its swelling. To avoid this, the boards, and preferably ready-made wood chips, are kept for a month in the open air.

More fast way is the soaking of wood chips in chemical solutions, which is carried out for 3 days. For their preparation, aluminum sulfate (aluminum sulfate), calcium chloride, slaked lime or liquid glass are used. These components are commercially available and easy to find in agricultural stores.

Practice has shown that the best solution is aluminum sulfate, which, after reacting with sugars, strengthens the wood concrete block. Liquid glass it is not recommended to use - it increases the fragility of the finished material.

Many recipes for do-it-yourself arbolite blocks omit this stage as well, adding neutralizing chemicals directly during the mixing of the arbolite mixture. In this case, their proportions are observed at about 3% of the total weight of the cement used.

Chip cutter for wood concrete

If a large-scale construction is being started, and it is not always possible to buy the amount of wood chips, then you cannot do without a wood chipper. This device crushes the boards into chips, which are then completely ready for use (if the wood is aged).

The principle of the device is very simple - a metal disk (usually 50 cm in diameter) is put on the shaft, in which armholes (3-4, depending on the model) are made, located relative to each other at an angle of 120 ° or 90 °. Near each cutout, at an angle to it, a knife is attached, which cuts off a piece of the board and feeds it into the armhole, after which it enters the crushing chamber, where it is brought to its final size.

The creation and operation of the chipper is clearly shown in the following video:

Despite the apparent simplicity of the design, not everyone has a self-made chipper, since for the manufacture of a shaft and a flywheel with knives, a lathe and milling machine. This equipment for processing wood concrete components will have to be at least partially ordered on the side.

If lathe is not an unsolvable question, then how to make a chipper is shown in the following diagram.

Solution preparation: proportions

There are no special secrets here - you just need to mix all the components. There is only one limitation - from the moment the kneading is completed and until the solution enters the molding container, no more than 15 minutes should pass. After this time starts chemical reaction cement.

The basic procedure for filling the mixer tank (ratio of components in buckets for one batch):

  • Chips fall asleep. If it was previously soaked in a solution, then you can not dry it - the next component will still add water. Quantity - 6 buckets.
  • Calcium chloride (or another component) is added to the water. Proportions - 2-4% by weight of cement, which will be used for mixing (1 bucket). Visually, this is about 1-2 full glasses. Everything is mixed and poured into the mixer to the wood chips and the mixer starts. One bucket of water is also taken.
  • When the wood chips are evenly moistened, it's time to add the cement. It is poured into the mixer and now we have to wait until all the chips are evenly covered with cement - all of it should become the corresponding color. The brand of cement used is 500.

Formation of wood concrete blocks

When the solution is ready, it is poured into a suitable container and now it must be used up within 15 minutes. To form and make arbolite blocks with your own hands, a lot of methods have been invented - in production these are collapsible formwork for 6-12 blocks, and at home they are usually made one at a time in home-made stencils.

One of the video production methods:

Wood concrete manufacturing technology provides for two molding options:

  • Quick stripping - after the initial setting of the cement. In fact, this is a non-stop process - the formation of a block (filling the solution into a mold), pressing (or vibropressing), stripping and sending it to dry. Together with the preparation of the solution, even one person can make 80-100 blocks per day. The advantage of the method is the speed of manufacturing new wood concrete blocks and the non-stop process.
  • Demoulding in a day - after pressure testing, the block is left in the mold for 24 hours, after which only demoulding and final drying is carried out. Making arbolite blocks with your own hands in this way can be even faster, but only if there are a sufficient number of forms in which the arbolite can be left overnight. The advantages of the method are close to perfect shape block, which, after setting the concrete, does not have the possibility of even the slightest skew.

The worse the geometry of the blocks, the thicker the cement joints will be between them, which form cold bridges. To reduce thermal conductivity, the blocks are given a zigzag shape, which breaks such a bridge, preventing direct heat outflow.

To form blocks, a special machine or stencils are used - all this equipment for wood concrete blocks can be done by hand.

Using the machine

Both devices can be used in any of the methods, but their machine is often made for quick demoulding, in order to increase the pace of production. Their undeniable advantage- this is a block pressing on a vibrating table. The forming process itself is simple and the equipment can be trusted by workers with minimal training.

Semi-automatic machine operation on video:

  • The finished mixture is poured into a measuring container (1), which moves on the guides (2), pouring the solution into the mold (3).
  • A cover (5) of the press is installed on top of the solution (its height can be adjusted with pins (6) for people of different heights) and pressed down with a lever (7).
  • After pressing, the vibrating table (8) is switched on. It works for 20-30 seconds and automatically turns off (you can use the simplest time relay) - you can’t ram it longer, because then the cement will be shaken off to the bottom of the block.
  • The lever is folded back (9), the cover of the press is removed (10) and the mold is lifted up (11), for which the pedal is pressed.

The finished wood concrete block can be taken to dry (12). After 2-3 days, it will gain sufficient strength for transportation.

To use the formwork method in a day, the mold is made collapsible and removable, and the top cover can be fixed in it with latches or in another convenient way. After tamping, the block is removed directly from the mold and sent for settling.

Arbolit using a stencil

Two main types of molds are used - in the form of a box without a bottom and top, as well as a collapsible one, in the form of two letters "G", which, snapping around the bottom, form a rigid box covered with a lid. It, in turn, is also fixed with separate latches that are cut into the side walls.

Regardless of which mold is used, the basic algorithm is as follows:

  • The box is being prepared for filling the arbolite mixture. The through is placed on a hard surface (1), covered with cellophane (so that the block does not stick), the whole box is wetted from the inside.
  • The first layer of the mixture is poured, compacted, the second layer is added on top, if necessary the third and covered with a lid. (2) oppression (weight or something suitable) rests on the through box, at the collapsible top part fixed with latches (3).
  • If you have a puncher at hand, then you can walk along the lid with it, this will replace the vibrating table.
  • Depending on the technology used, formwork is stripped or the form is left to stand.

If a through box is quickly demoulded, then first it rises up (4), then the oppression is removed and the cover is removed. The block is sent for drying along with the base on which it was formed.

Briefly about the main

The production of high-quality wood concrete at home is not an out of the ordinary task. The only serious difficulty may be the search for a chipper. In extreme cases, it can be made or ordered, but if there is a place to buy ready-made wood chips, then this problem is removed.

The wood chips used must be exposed to the sun for about a month to neutralize organic matter inside her. You can use for the solution and get wet.

There are two main ways to strip the finished blocks. To choose the right one, it makes sense to make trial blocks and compare the results.



Marketing research .
Sales of products.


Arbolite production technology.

Arbolit or, as the people say, “sawdust concrete” is made from cement, sawdust (wood chips or straw), sand by mixing them into a solution and naturally drying the material in special forms. To increase the strength of the manufactured blocks / bricks, they are subjected to shrinkage on a special vibrating machine.

It is thanks to its operational qualities that Arbolit has gained such popularity as an affordable, inexpensive building material. At first sight simple technology the manufacture of such a building material is tempting in terms of starting a business. However, you should always remember that any business consists of many little things, without which it is impossible to achieve a successful result. Therefore, the selection of raw materials in this production plays an important role. For example, the sand must not be “washed” so that the blocks do not shrink during production.

Cement is purchased last and stored in sealed packaging until the very beginning of production, because it is very hygroscopic and even being in a dry room without moisture, it will absorb it from the air and will not be suitable for production if a little time is spent on outdoors. And finally, wood chips (straw, sawdust). Rather, its condition and size. If the plant component is wet, then in such a “brick” such negative processes as rotting, decomposition, the appearance of insects, etc. will develop.

About the size, it should be said that the smaller the size of sawdust (chips, straw), the stronger such a brick can be after drying. This by the way is his positive feature- to slightly restore shape after mechanical shock, and also not to crack. After all, what smaller sizes particles in such a material, the more of them will fall into the volume of such a brick, and thereby the area of ​​the seized surface between the components will increase. To summarize the above a little, it turns out that the size of such particles should be as fine and small as possible, and they should be very dry.

Alternative option to reduce the moisture content of the organic component is the use of lime. Organics are kept in solution for several days. This option is economically justified only in small-scale production, or in production “for oneself”, and does not allow reducing costs and overheads. For serial production of wood concrete blocks, it is necessary to additionally have a special machine for the production of chips and drying.

location for production.
A huge role in choosing a place for production is played by the location of sources of raw materials and their availability. Such production belongs to the class of raw materials and energy-intensive, therefore, for a successful start on the market, such components as sand, wood chips (sawdust, straw) ideally should not have a “shoulder” of delivery, or the “shoulder” should be very small. Be free whenever possible. Free sand mining in district centers or near villages is not uncommon.

And you can take ready-made sawdust from a sawmill, where they are production waste. If some of the components are missing or difficult to access, then you need to take a more balanced approach to choosing a place for future production. The perfect place when choosing, one should consider a small regional center (where there is cheap labor) located on a forest terrace (where there are deposits of ordinary free sand), or next to a sand pit and a working sawmill (for access to sawdust), a convenient transport interchange (for the delivery of blocks and transportation cement with lime). If the construction of a microdistrict is planned nearby, the construction of private houses is underway, then there is every chance for a successful business project.

If you have decided on the choice of the future place of production, you should think about the very organization of the technological process.

Organization of business - workshops for mini-production of wood concrete.

Attention! We recommend starting your own business for the production of wood concrete blocks, not on your own, but under a franchise! Since in this business there are many pitfalls on which you will leave more finances and psychological fatigue than with the support of professionals with a promoted brand!

If the business is planned not as a one-time business, but as a long-term business, a production facility should be considered. Placement will be built from its construction ideology production line, supply, storage of raw materials, storage of finished products. Requirements to production premises the following: insulated non-residential premises up to 5-6 meters high, and 25 by 10 meters in size. Bundling can be done mineral wool or foam, to support optimum temperature(up to 15-20 degrees Celsius) in winter period. This is necessary for uniform drying of the finished brick blocks.

Glazing of the room should be at the level of 5-7% of the area of ​​​​the fence (the total area of ​​​​all walls). Must have at least two lock chambers: for receiving raw materials and shipping finished blocks and one entrance / exit for personnel. An easily assembled hangar, an old brick shed, a cowshed can be adapted for production, as long as they meet the above requirements.

The room must have a protected (grounded) 380 volt power supply line that can “withstand” several three-phase electric motors that operate simultaneously. This requires laying the appropriate section of electrical wiring for at least three / four consumers (electric motor). Due to increased fire hazard(the presence of drying, dry chips or sawdust with straw) the premises must correspond to the category fire safety type A or B. That is, to be equipped with special sensors against fire, automatic fire extinguishing.

It is recommendatory in nature to place a button to call the fire brigade of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in case of fire. Also, in especially dangerous places, the room is equipped with fire hydrants and fire extinguishers (foam and acid). In the work area of ​​the personnel, the room is equipped with a special vestibule lock, which, in the event of a fire, cuts off the open flame and allows the personnel to leave the room.

We figured out the requirement for the room a little, now it’s worth highlighting one of the important components production process equipment or production line.

Each machine, as well as in general, the entire production line is responsible for one production task. Each machine can be made by hand to reduce the cost of the production process and facilitate operation. However, for large series, such a line is not suitable due to low production capacity.

Let's dwell on each in more detail.
Chip cutter.
A chipper or an industrial chipper (straw, sawdust) is a drum chipper, in the drum of which several tool steel knives and so-called hammers are installed on the axis for automatic supply of raw materials for grinding (old boards, branches, wooden slabs, etc. ).
The knives and hammers themselves are surrounded around the perimeter by a special perforated inner drum, through which the finished chips are spilled. The outer drum made of sheet steel serves as protection against spillage and scattering of wood chips. The drum is mounted on a frame with three-phase electric motor and belt drive starting device(start button and a set of capacitors). After the initial preparation, the chips are dried either naturally or in a special dryer.

Dryer for wood chips.
Drying is the second operation after the chipper to prepare the chips for the finished condition. The high performance characteristics of the wood concrete block depend on its quality. Visually, drying is a double drum with a diameter of about 2 meters. The outer drum is perforated and warm air is supplied through it for drying from a heat gun through a flexible non-flammable sleeve or asbestos pipe. The inner drum rotates and mixes the chips, and also does not allow ignition from the flow warm air. The volume of drying allows for one day shift to prepare (dry wood chips) for 90-100 blocks of wood concrete. The higher the consumption of the heat gun (optimally up to 3 kW), the faster the drying process will take place.

Mortar mixer.
The mortar mixer is next in the production cycle. The mortar mixer for the production mixture of wood concrete is a cylindrical vat with a side vertical system loading the components of the arbolite solution and lower system unloading the prepared mixture.

An engine up to 5 kW is located vertically above the mortar mixer with a gearbox with a small reduction ratio (optimally 20:3, 10:1.5) and a system of blades (blades) mounted on them for mixing the mixture. The volume of the vat is calculated based on the required production capacity of the day shift. Mini production means batches of up to 500-1000 pieces. finished wood concrete blocks in one shift. For such a volume, a vat of up to 5 cubic meters is required.

Depending on the density (brand) of wood concrete blocks, the raw mixture is prepared in the following proportions. Wood concrete density grade 5 (density 300-400 kg / cubic meters). By volume, the composition of the mixture: one part of cement, sand is not added, sawdust - 15 parts by volume, lime 1.5 parts. Wood concrete density grade 10 (density 600-700 kg / cubic meters). By volume, the composition of the mixture: one part of cement, one part of lime, 1.5 parts of sand, 12 parts of wood chips. Wood concrete density grade 15 (density 900-1100 kg / cubic meters).

By volume, the composition of the mixture: one part of cement, 0.5 lime, 2.5 parts of sand, 9 volume parts of sawdust. Wood concrete density grade 25 (density 1200-1300 kg / cubic meters). By volume, the composition of the mixture: one part of cement, lime is not needed, 3 parts of sand, 6 volume parts of sawdust. In all brands of finished wood concrete, water is added in such a way that the consistency of the solution is brought to the level of "sour cream", as the people say. Therefore, for each case, the volume of water is first selected experimentally on an experimental series, and then measured according to the finished volume.

The molding dispenser of arbolite bricks is a replaceable form for filling the volume of such a "brick". The form itself is made of steel with handles on the sides and upholstery inside the form (film, linoleum at worst) and removable top and bottom covers. The form may look like several “bricks” in several rows, and their number in the form directly depends on the volume of production.

Vibrating table.
The size of the vibrating table also depends on the size of the molding dispenser.

The vibrating table is a steel table commensurate with the dimensions of the dispenser, which is spring-loaded and connected to the frame (the main heavy table). A three-vane motor up to 1.5 kW is mounted on the frame, on the axis of which an eccentric is mounted (a load with a displaced center of gravity). When turned on, systematic vibrations of the upper part of the table occur. Such manipulations are necessary for better shrinkage of arbolite blocks in the solution molds and the exclusion of mechanical and external shortcomings of the blocks after removal of the mold. Drying blocks.
Drying for finished blocks of wood concrete is necessary for the speedy drying of the blocks and getting them presentation. The dryer itself should be located after the dryer for chips, from which hot exhaust air would come. IN summer time it is enough for drying to use an open area near the working room under a roof or a canopy from the rain.

Bunker for cement and sand.
Bunkers for cement and sand are made of cold-rolled sheet in the form of conical square or rectangular containers with a narrowing at the bottom for the supply of raw materials to the supply line.
Raw material supply lines are needed for the convenience of work and are a conveyor with a rubber belt. The length of the tape overhang is set based on the conditions and dimensions of the production line.

Recruitment of personnel to work with the production line. One unskilled specialist is capable of producing 90-100 raw blocks per day shift on the production line. Therefore, if a small volume of production is expected, then it is enough to hire one hired worker. Which will sequentially perform production operations. If the production volume is more than 100 blocks per day, three to five hired workers should be hired. All employees are required to take firefighting training courses and know how to behave in case of fire in a hazardous workplace.

Marketing research.
Holding marketing research starts before production. Market research for finished products begins with the selection of the so-called target audience. Or in other words - to whom we will sell.

Wood concrete is not suitable as a material for large construction sites due to the low compression characteristics of this product, as well as due to the small amount of products produced. Arbolit and its production are carried out on the basis of the corresponding GOST. However, GOST can be modified to fit your needs. high requirements to finished products to gain a competitive advantage.

To gain an advantage over competitors, you should think about the production of wood concrete blocks that do not require plastering. And immediately lay in the blocks raw materials for production along with plaster or a special block around the entire perimeter, which will prevent the penetration of moisture. The second direction can be the simultaneous coloring of blocks in the form of multi-colored paint at the request of the customer, or to make several special forms with ornaments and simultaneous coloring. Promising direction the use of wood concrete can become winter greenhouses.

Arbolite will fit perfectly into bearing walls, floors, arched structures greenhouses. Due to its excellent thermal insulation properties and low price, wood concrete can easily compete with traditional building materials.

The main target audience for which such blocks can be offered are private traders who build their own houses, small contractors that carry out the construction of cottage villages and eco-houses. Not limited to the target audience of residential buildings, the production of SAFs (small architectural forms), quickly erected shops, sheds, farms, etc. should also be present in marketing research.

As a rule, such people are very well versed in the intricacies of construction, and private traders are quite well-read and informed from construction forums. Therefore, a person who will offer such a specialized material should be able to explain the advantages of wood concrete blocks, their benefits over other materials (high mechanical performance properties, heat resistance), and most importantly, the price.

It is the price, along with quality, that sometimes plays a paramount role, especially when you consider target audience buyers, which belongs to the economy class. The price should be at least 15-20% (and preferably more up to 35-40%) lower than the same class of building material. To achieve this price, it is necessary to reduce overhead costs and the cost of finished products. Here, the prices and costs of raw materials, which were mentioned above, come to the fore.

When calculating the advantages of wood concrete, it is necessary to calculate the heat loss of a wall insulated with foam plastic, mineral wool or other insulation and a similar wood concrete wall without additional costs for insulation. Skillfully and intelligibly explain to potential customers the difference and benefits between a wet and ventilated facade. Arbolite must be additionally plastered - this imposes additional operating costs.

Perhaps a good marketing ploy would be to sell such blocks at cost. The purpose of such sales is to recruit customers with finished houses from arbolite.
Accumulation of ready wood concrete houses lead to an increase in the popularity of such material. After all, ready warm house and a good customer review is sometimes worth more than the widest advertising. And "word of mouth", communication through specialized forums has not been canceled.

To date, there are several problematic issues related to advertising. And it is the right advertising company that can solve these issues. Firstly, wood concrete or wood concrete blocks still have a low ability to be recognized by the population. Therefore, the advertising campaign should start from scratch and be directed to the general public. It may be worth building a small advertising house/cottage on the territory of the exhibition or expo center. If funds allow, make several such houses and transport them from one place to another.

Send advertising booklets and product examples to all nearby supermarkets within a radius of at least 100-200 km and agree on the conditions for distributing your products. At first, trade even at zero. Come up with a catchy advertising slogan, for example: "arbolit is not an aibolit, I'm used to winning in everything." Conduct several demonstration performances with amateurs on advertising. It is worth considering a dealer network or using the services of local marketers throughout the country. Use standard dealer advertising and promotion programs in the field.

Separately, it is necessary to develop the direction of trade via the Internet. The online store opens up opportunities to trade with the whole country, even without local representation. Here, only the solution of the issue of transport logistics for the delivery of blocks directly to the construction site or to the place indicated by the client is important.

The second problematic issue is the impossibility of producing arbolite blocks in large volumes, at the beginning of the article an alternative way to reduce the cost of such blocks by reducing the cost of raw materials is indicated, a good advertising company can indirectly help in this matter.

The third issue is the low competitive supply in the production line market. It is precisely because of the small number of promotional offers and the undeveloped production base (namely, fully automatic lines without human intervention) that there is no possibility of a sharp reduction in the cost of blocks.

And finally, the fourth problem is a sufficient weighty initial investment to advertise this business project.

Sales of products.
At first, it is better to organize sales of products via the Internet on specialized sites, forums, or your personal specialized website. And do not start production until at least one order is received, otherwise it will be a waste of money and finished products will not be in demand. As orders are loaded, it is possible to organize a small warehouse of finished products and hire either a railway wagon for transportation (with a shoulder of more than 500 km) or a truck (with a shoulder of up to 500 km).

If you plan to initially sell by dealer network then you should organize warehouses with finished products each dealer. In order to promptly meet the needs of customers. However, this way significantly increases the size of investments in this kind of business project.

Investments and payback in mini production.
Direct investment in the production of wood concrete, the lion's share is spent on the production line. The price of the middle line for the production of wood concrete ranges from 50 thousand rubles to 500 thousand. This price does not include adjustment, delivery and installation of this equipment, which will cost another 50 to 100 thousand rubles.

For the full operation of the production line, it is necessary to have a supply of raw materials for more than 1 month of operation, based on the requirements for products. Spending on raw materials at current prices is at least 600 thousand rubles. You can save on raw materials if you deliver it in the form of waste (sawdust, wood chips) or make it yourself.

As technological progress moves forward, more and more new materials for building houses with their own hands appear. If earlier it was limited to wood, stone or brick, today there are different kinds concrete, which are superior to other materials in terms of characteristics. One of these materials is wood concrete. This is a unique material that combines the advantages of both concrete and wood. Its composition is quite simple, and you can prepare a solution with your own hands. It is noteworthy that it can be used as ordinary concrete, by pouring the mixture into the formwork, and can be made in the form of blocks, for ordinary masonry. Arbolite blocks can be bought at a specialized store, or you can prepare a solution with your own hands by making blocks from the finished mixture.

All you need is to know the exact composition of the wood concrete, the proportions for mixing the mixture and the technology for its preparation. Let's look at everything in more detail.

Arbolite block - what does it consist of

Arbolite, from which arbolite blocks for masonry are formed, consists of 3 main components:

  • aggregate;
  • mineral binder;
  • chemical additives and water.

By combining all these elements, an arbolite solution is obtained, which is subsequently used to form blocks. The composition is quite simple and everyone can make the material for their own purposes. The material itself is light, so the blocks are ideal for tubs. Their advantage, in comparison with gas blocks and foam blocks, is a large strength limit. They are resistant to cracks and impacts.

Despite the fact that the main component is sawdust (chips), wood concrete is highly valued and is not inferior in performance traditional materials. On the contrary, arbolite blocks retain heat well and create a good microclimate in the room.

organic aggregate

The lion's share in the composition of wood concrete blocks is occupied by wood chips. This is the main material that is included in its composition. Such an organic aggregate can be easily purchased for little money. It is worth contacting a local sawmill where there is woodworking waste and agreeing with the workers. Predominantly used coniferous trees and hardwoods. Fir, pine, spruce, aspen, beech, birch and poplar are ideal for making wood concrete mortar out of them. You can also use a flax bonfire.

Most often, wood filler is used: crushed wood, shavings with sawdust, in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2, wood chips, shavings and sawdust, in a ratio of 1:1:1. All proportions are measured in volume. For example, if you need to achieve a ratio of 1: 2, then 1 bucket of sawdust and 2 buckets of shavings are taken. Sawdust is easily replaced with flax bonfire or hemp stalks, this will not affect the composition.

What are the requirements for a placeholder? First of all, it is important to choose the right size. Large sawdust is not recommended, because when the products come into contact with water, they may increase in volume. As a result, the block may collapse. If too small particles are used, then the consumption increases. cement mixture. The recommended particle size is 15 or 25 mm long and not more than 2-5 mm wide. Raw materials should not have leaves and other impurities.

Warning ! Larch and freshly cut wood of any species are not added to the composition of arbolite solutions. It is forbidden!

Bonfire flax

A full-fledged filler added to the solution is flax fire. Since it contains sugar, chemical additives are required. To improve the quality of the finished mixture for blocks, the fire is pre-treated with lime milk, in the proportion: 200 kg of fire for 50 kg of lime. Then everything is aged for several days in a heap, after which everything is ready for the production of wood concrete. Thanks to this technology, cement consumption is significantly reduced. For 1 m 3 wood concrete, 50-100 kg of cement is required.

Important ! If flax fire is used in usual form, then hemp stems require some processing. They need to be crushed first.

Due to the fact that organic waste contains substances that water soluble, among which resin acids and sugar, this prevents good adhesion between the particles. To eliminate sugar, wood chips need to be exposed to air for 3 or more months, or treated with limestone. In the second case, the mixture is aged for 3-4 days. The contents are mixed 2 times a day.

Mineral binder

There is no way you can make a solution with your own hands without an astringent component. It makes wood concrete blocks durable and suitable for masonry. Portland cement grade M400, M500 or even higher is used as a binder.

Its consumption depends on the type of aggregate, particle size, brand of cement, characteristics, etc. To get a little bearing on the flow, you can determine the consumption in this way: a factor of 17 must be multiplied by the required brand of wood concrete. For example, you need to prepare a solution, grade 15 (B1). In this case, 255 kg of cement will be required for 1 m 3 of wood concrete.

Chemical additives

The properties that wood concrete blocks have are directly dependent on chemical additives. Their use is mandatory in any case, no matter in what climate the work is performed. Thanks to additives, the aggregate can be used without aging, because they neutralize sugar and other substances, which improves the quality of the finished blocks.

As such additives can be used:

  • liquid glass (sodium silicate). Closes all the pores in the wood, so moisture will not get inside. Used after sugar removal;
  • slaked lime. It breaks down sugar and kills microorganisms in sawdust;
  • aluminum sulfate. Great for breaking down sugar. Thanks to the component, the composition gains strength faster;
  • calcium chloride. Kills all microorganisms and gives the wood anti-rotten properties.

Sulfuric acid aluminum and calcium chloride are considered the best additives. The proportions of additives are 2-4% by weight of cement, or from 6 to 12 kg per 1 m 3. Additives can be combined with each other.

Proportions for wood concrete blocks

To make wood concrete blocks with your own hands, it is important to know not only the composition, but also the proportions. The ratio of all components among themselves is as follows: 4:3:3 (water, wood chips, cement). Chemical additives - 2-4% of the total mass.

To make 1 m 3 wood concrete with your own hands, from which masonry blocks will be made, you will need:

  • 300 kg of wood waste;
  • 300 kg of Portland cement;
  • 400 liters of water.

Calcium chloride or another chemical is added to the solution. This is a classic composition that can be easily made with your own hands. All that is needed: a concrete mixer or a large mixing container, buckets, shovels, forks (for manual mixing) and all the components of wood concrete. The work process is as follows:

  1. The filler (wood chips) is poured into a container and moistened with water. Then the adhesion to the cement will be better.
  2. Then, cement with additives is gradually added. The contents are thoroughly mixed in a concrete mixer or with your own hands, using a fork.
  3. It is time to add water in which chemical additives are already dissolved. Everything is mixed up again.
  4. Both cement and water need to be added not immediately, but little by little, in small portions. So the mixture will be easier to mix and the components will be better connected to each other.
  5. After the mortar is made, it must be placed in prepared molds so that they take on the form of masonry blocks.

This is the composition and proportions of the mixture of wood concrete blocks that you can do with your own hands. All that is required is to be careful and strictly follow the instructions for its preparation. Below is a table that will help you figure out what brands of wood concrete are and what are the proportions of the components for its preparation.

What mortar is used for masonry

This is a logical question. After all, if wood concrete is a specific material, then maybe a specific solution is required for laying wood concrete blocks? No. Arbolite blocks are placed on ordinary cement mortar, which anyone can do. It consists of cement, sand and water. The ratio of components is 3:1. Water is added until the solution reaches the desired consistency. This mixture is ideal for laying blocks with your own hands.

So, knowing the composition, proportions and technology of mixing the arbolite solution, you can make blocks for your purposes.

How to make wood concrete blocks with your own hands?

When choosing a material for building a house, many developers prefer blocks, the use of which allows to reduce the construction cycle. The building material used is subject to requirements for environmental friendliness, strength, thermal conductivity and soundproofing properties. Gradually, interest in wood concrete, made from wood chips mixed with cement, is increasing. By making wood concrete blocks with your own hands, you can significantly reduce the overall level of costs. Let us consider in detail the features of the technology.

Chip blocks - advantages and disadvantages

The performance characteristics of wood concrete are determined by the following points:

  • properly selected components;
  • the ratio of ingredients in the mixture;
  • compliance with technological requirements.

Self-made blocks from wood chips have several advantages:

  • low level of thermal conductivity. The heat-conducting properties of wood concrete are comparable to wood. In a building made of wood concrete with standard width walls, a comfortable temperature is maintained with minimal heat loss;
  • sufficient strength. The material withstands compressive loads up to 5 MPa, as well as bending forces up to 1 MPa. Arbolite retains its integrity with uneven shrinkage of the structure, it is able to restore its shape;
  • freeze resistance. Performance characteristics stored for 30–50 deep freeze cycles. The frost resistance of the material is quite high;

Let's immediately determine that wood concrete and sawdust concrete are different materials with different characteristics

  • improved soundproofing properties. wood chips, which is a filler, effectively absorbs external noise. This allows you to reliably soundproof the room, providing comfortable conditions for residents;
  • small weight. Using lightweight wood concrete products with increased dimensions, it is possible to erect the walls of a building in a limited time. In addition, due to the light weight of the walls, the load on the foundation is significantly reduced;
  • ecological purity. The use of environmentally friendly components for the manufacture of wood concrete eliminates the release during operation harmful substances. The material is absolutely harmless to others;
  • usability. The material is easily processed with household tool. There are no problems when drilling, cutting, and the need to use reinforcing meshes when plastering walls is eliminated;
  • slight shrinkage. The value of the indicator does not exceed 0.6%, which confirms the preservation of the geometric dimensions of the walls under the action of the load. Block building material retains its dimensions after drying;
  • low cost. The use of inexpensive woodworking waste, which accumulates at specialized enterprises, makes it possible at low cost to produce the number of blocks necessary to build a house.

Along with the advantages, . Weak sides:

  • increased hygroscopicity. The moisture absorption of wood concrete reaches 85%. Should take care of reliable waterproofing foundation of the building, as well as careful plastering of the walls from the inside and outside building;

The characteristics of the arboblock are not bad. Pluses still need to add light weight, large size and good ability to absorb sounds

  • structural changes of the arbolite array during heating. Despite the fact that wood concrete does not ignite under the influence open fire, at elevated temperature the material loses strength due to smoldering wood chips;
  • increased dimensional tolerances. Deviations from standard sizes caused by the manufacture of molds for wood concrete blocks with their own hands. As a result, the need for plaster increases.

The disadvantages include an increased interest in building materials from rodents, as well as the possibility of the development of microorganisms with a reduced concentration of lime.

Do-it-yourself arbolite blocks manufacturing technology

The production process of products from wood concrete is similar to the technology for manufacturing products from lightweight concrete. Observing the technology and choosing the right recipe, you can make ordinary blocks, as well as non-standard arbolite slabs with your own hands. Developers are attracted by the simple recipe and the availability of components. However, there are a number of nuances.

Ingredients used

Do-it-yourself arbolite blocks are prepared from the following ingredients:

  • Portland cement marked M400. Binder must be crumbly and fresh to combine the components of the mixture into a common array with the necessary strength;
  • special additives. Calcium chloride, silicates, aluminum sulphate, lime or calcium nitrate are used as mineralizers. They reduce moisture absorption, and also prevent the development of microorganisms;

Arbolit refers to lightweight concrete, the technology is almost standard, with the exception of some nuances: the need for pressing and the use of not an ordinary gravity concrete mixer, but a forced

  • wood chips. It is used as a filler, must be cleaned of foreign matter, dried and have certain sizes. The aggregate is also treated with lime to prevent decay;
  • water. The use of purified water is recommended. Moisture is gradually absorbed by the filler, and it is saturated with mineralizers included in the mixture.

The quality of building materials is affected proper preparation raw materials. Woodworking waste should be soaked for 4-7 days, stirring regularly. This allows you to reduce the sugar content in the raw material.

Component ratios and product dimensions

By changing the concentration of components in the working mixture, it is possible to manufacture products for various purposes, differing in density:

  • heat-insulating, with a specific gravity of 0.5 t/m3;
  • structural, the density of which is 0.5–0.85 t/m3.

With an increase in the specific gravity, the strength characteristics increase, according to which the classification of products is carried out.

The cement must be dry and fresh. Chips - a certain size

Thermal insulation blocks corresponding to class B0.75 are used for thermal insulation of main walls and include the following ingredients per 1 m3 of solution:

  • chips - 0.18–0.2 tons;
  • portland cement m 0.25–0.3 t;
  • water - 0.3–0.35 t;
  • calcium chloride - 8-10 kg.

results Vote

Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Structural blocks marked B 2.5 are the most durable. They are used to build walls of one-story and two-storey cottages, private houses, country and outbuildings.

To obtain one cube of the working mixture, the components are mixed in the following quantity:

  • woodworking waste - 0.25–0.33 tons;
  • cement - 0.35–0.4 t;
  • water - 0.4–0.45 t;
  • mineralizers - 10–12 kg.

The sizes of wood concrete blocks are regulated by the standard.

With a constant length of products equal to 60 cm, the remaining dimensions may vary and are:

  • thickness - 20 and 25 cm;
  • height - 10, 15, 25, 30, 40 and 50 cm.

In the manufacture of products, the dimensions specified in the regulatory documents should be observed.

Any drinking water is allowed, but not technical, without pollution

Sequence of operations

The technology provides the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Crushing and drying of the filler.
  2. Weighing the ingredients.
  3. Preparation of the working mixture.
  4. Form filling and tamping.
  5. Extraction of finished products.
  6. Settling products for 2 weeks.

To set the composition, work should be carried out at a temperature not lower than +10 degrees Celsius. When mixing components, remember that chemicals are first mixed with water and then added to the working mixture.

Form for wood concrete blocks

For the construction of internal partitions and the construction of capital walls, you can make various forms for wood concrete blocks with your own hands.
