When wallpapering, whether or not you need to prime the walls. Do I need to prime the walls before wallpapering: preparation and types of material. What wallpaper is suitable

Hi all! Walls covered with wallpaper will look perfect if they are properly prepared before finishing. Priming wall structures is an important operation, which determines how well the wallpaper will adhere to the surface and how long the finish will retain its attractive appearance. Next, we’ll look at how to properly prime walls for wallpaper.

For work you will need the following:

  • paint bath;
  • a roller (foam rubber, velor or pile) on a telescopic handle + a brush (for applying the composition in hard-to-reach places), or a spray bottle;
  • ready-made primer or dry composition and container + stirrer for self-cooking composition;
  • facilities personal protection– gloves, headgear.

Primer selection

When choosing a composition for a primer, you should focus on the material from which the walls are made, the presence of a plaster layer, the risk of fungal damage to the walls, etc.

A smooth concrete wall can be primed with a mixture of water and PVA (1:10) to create a film on the surface - it will improve adhesion and reduce glue consumption.

The same effect will be achieved by priming the walls with wallpaper glue diluted in an increased amount of water. But both of these options are not suitable for walls that require surface leveling, adhesive impregnation of the plaster layer, etc.

Manufacturers offer a wide range of primers with different properties:

  • Acrylic primer. Quick-drying, suitable for any substrate except metal (provokes corrosion).
  • Alkyd primer. Recommended for wooden walls, contraindicated for plasterboard structures and plastered surfaces.
  • Glypthal soil. Designed for metal structures. Moisture and heat resistant, suitable for the kitchen, can be used for walls made of brick and concrete.
  • Latex primer. Due to milky shade capable of masking stains. Suitable for various substrates.

Instructions for priming walls

At the base preparation stage, it is necessary to remove the old coating from the walls and inspect the surfaces to identify cracks and other defects that require elimination.

It is advisable to tap the plaster layer to make sure that it does not peel off from the base - otherwise the walls will have to be plastered again.

Cracks should be widened, primed and sealed with putty or a special compound, uneven areas should be smoothed out, and cavities should be filled with putty. A thin layer of putty over the entire wall allows you to perfectly level the surface. The primer is started after the putty has completely dried.

Carefully read the instructions for use of the selected primer.

Prepare the mixture according to the manufacturer's directions. Just shake the finished primer in buckets; the powder is diluted in water using a hand mixer or a mixer attachment on a drill.

Be sure to use gloves to avoid getting the product on your skin. It is also recommended to wear a hat under which you can remove your hair - the primer has high adhesion and is quite difficult to wash off from your hair. The floor is covered with film or paper.

The fastest and most convenient way to apply primer to walls under wallpaper is with a sprayer - liquid composition will lie in an even layer over the entire surface, including hard-to-reach corners.

If there is no spray bottle, the prepared primer is poured into a paint bath to wet the roller. It is easier to handle large surfaces with a roller; working with a brush will take much longer. The brush is used to apply the primer in corners and at joints. Apply the composition starting from the top, from the ceiling, and moving towards the center and then down.

The walls are primed in two layers with intermediate drying.

Drying time depends on the characteristics of the composition and can range from 1 to 24 hours - information is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

After waiting the required time after drying the second layer, you need to check whether the wall has dried properly. If you start gluing wallpaper on structures that still have moisture inside, they will peel off after a while.

Advice: To check for residual moisture, glue a square of polyethylene film using tape and making sure the joints are tight. After a few hours they check - if with inside condensation is observed, the wall is not yet ready and the test should be repeated.

Do I need to prime the walls for wallpaper?

Application of a special composition to concrete, plastered, wooden, plasterboard structures allows:

  • fasten the particles of the top layer material, prevent the formation of cracks, otherwise the wallpaper on plastered or puttied walls will quickly begin to peel off;
  • level by forming protective film unevenness on painted walls - traces of paint drips, strokes, stuck brush fibers, etc.;
  • ensure a high-quality fit of heavy wallpaper (non-woven, vinyl);
  • bind dust particles - they impair the adhesion of the adhesive composition to the surface of the walls;
  • mask stains by ensuring a uniform tone of the base - this is important for thin and light wallpaper;
  • protect the base from damage by fungus, which causes the wallpaper to become covered with dark spots (a primer with antiseptic additives is recommended for rooms with high humidity, with damp corners);
  • reduce consumption wallpaper glue at finishing works Oh.


Do-it-yourself priming of walls under wallpaper is a fairly simple operation. It is important to choose the right soil and thoroughly dry the walls after treatment. Ideally, primer and wallpaper paste from the same manufacturer are used to ensure full compatibility materials.

Priming the walls before wallpapering- This final stage preparing their surface for installation. Before starting priming, you need to remove the old coating from the walls, clean, plaster and putty them.

After the last layer of putty or plaster has dried, you can begin priming.

Why do you need a primer, what are the types and features of working with it?

Priming the walls before wallpapering is necessary in order to:

  • get rid of uneven surfaces before applying wallpaper;
  • fasten small particles of material on the walls, make their surface uniform;
  • increase the adhesion of wallpaper to the wall;
  • protect walls from absorption excess moisture from adhesive compositions;
  • reduce glue consumption, which means saving money; the surface of the walls can absorb glue very strongly, then you will have to apply the adhesive composition several times;
  • even out the color of the walls, this is especially necessary when gluing thin and non-woven wallpaper; the primer hides stains and smudges on the wall, and its white color ensures that the wallpaper does not acquire an undesirable gray or yellow tint;
  • ensure uniform absorption of glue; if in different areas of the wall the glue is absorbed with different intensity, then there is a risk that in some places the wallpaper will not stick;
  • preserve the ability of the walls to “breathe”, prevent the accumulation of moisture and the appearance of mold.

For priming walls before wallpapering they produce special compounds. In some cases, you can use glue to prime the surface, if this is written on the packaging. In other cases, wallpaper glue does not replace the primer.

Types of primer for wallpaper:

There are also perchlorovinyl primers, but they are used for exterior work on metal and concrete.

Most often, an acrylic primer is used under wallpaper. It is safe for health, easy to use, deeply impregnates the surface of walls, suitable for different materials, dries faster than all other types of primers for interior work.

  • It’s cheaper to use a dry primer rather than a ready-made mixture;
  • It is convenient to dilute the powder in a bucket;
  • Prepare the primer according to the instructions on the package;
  • the resulting primer must be homogeneous;
  • When working with a primer, it is advisable to apply the same layer to the entire surface of the wall;
  • It is most convenient to work with a wide brush or roller; in corners and niches you can use
    small brush;
  • For quality training walls, they must be primed twice;
  • the second coat of primer is applied when the first has dried;
  • When working with primer, you should protect your hands, eyes and body with special clothing.

High-quality preparation of walls ensures their strength, reliable adhesion of wallpaper, absence of bubbles and irregularities that can spoil the appearance of the new coating and lead to the need for its quick replacement.

Priming the walls before wallpapering will save a lot of time and money, ensure high-quality adhesion and the ideal appearance of the wallpaper.

One of popular types Interior decoration today is considered painting. But regardless of what type of coating was chosen, the base needs a primer before applying it - treating the surface with a special compound.

Usually, without this process, the service life of the repair is reduced, stains and mold may appear, and the paint may peel off.

What does priming do?

The main task of the process is to prepare the walls before carrying out other finishing work (plastering, painting, wallpapering, varnishing, etc.). The soil has all the necessary properties to remove existing flaws and prevent future ones.

The most important thing is that the mixture can improve surface adhesion. It strengthens the base and helps the coating composition (paint, varnish, etc.) adhere to it.

Prevents the beginning of shedding of the surface, which cannot be stopped by the coating. Strengthens the base and prevents the appearance of microcracks.

A primed wall's absorption properties are reduced. This is justified for porous surfaces, those that have already been plastered or puttied.

Thus, the wall will not be able to absorb a lot of coating, while savings will occur due to the fact that most of it will remain on the surface.

Priming walls before wallpapering

After the primer, it is enough to apply one or two layers of coating. This also saves financial costs.

Over time, various stains may appear through the coating. Moreover, if its layer is applied unevenly. The primer helps prevent this by creating a uniform protective film layer on the wall.

It is very important that after applying the primer the coating will lay down evenly.

The composition of the mixture protects from humidity, i.e. from the penetration of moisture inside, preventing destruction. This applies to both external and internal surfaces.

Priming also helps prevent mold growth. And special compounds not only prevent, but also destroy the process that has already begun.

It is clear that carrying out work to prepare the wall for painting will give an excellent result, which will be noticeable not only after all finishing work is completed, but also after a while.

Surface preparation

Before applying the solution, the surface should be thoroughly treated. As a rule, dust and dirt are removed, old wallpaper and paint are torn off, and pieces of falling plaster are peeled off. Mold pockets are eliminated. It is best if the wall is treated with a special solution.

Be sure to treat and remove grease stains, otherwise they may appear over time.

All roughness and cracks are cemented, puttied and cleaned.

The external or internal base must undergo a drying process for several hours or even days before priming.

Required Tool:

  • Roller;
  • Wide and small brushes;
  • Wire brush;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Spray;
  • Disc brushes for drills;
  • Spatulas;
  • Container for mixing;
  • Ladder;
  • Work gloves;
  • Protective mask.

Primer for painting

The primer is used depending on the surface being treated.

Most often, the manufacturer produces a concentrated mixture that must be diluted in certain proportions.

The produced mixtures can be divided into two main categories: adhesive - improving the adhesion of paint to the base, strengthening - for strengthening loose (porous) surfaces.

There is a so-called universal mixture that combines all necessary qualities in any climatic conditions. But it is also necessary to take into account the type of coating that will subsequently cover the surface.

All soils are based on water or organic solvents.

So, we can distinguish some types of primer for painting:

  • Strengthening impregnations (acrylic water-dispersed) with additives. The main purpose is interior work for application to cement-lime surfaces, plasterboard and gypsum plaster. It is considered universal; it forms a moisture-proof but vapor-permeable film;
  • Primers acrylic varnishes intended for deep penetration. Create a water-repellent base;
  • Primer paints (acrylic and latex) are used as a basis for acrylic and water-based coatings. Can be used internally and externally;
  • A solvent-based mixture for external and internal use designed to strengthen the surface and provide water protection. It is deeply absorbed and can be applied to plaster, previously painted and asbestos-cement walls;
  • Silicate primers are best used externally for coating concrete, plastered walls, and sand-lime bricks.

    They are used before applying silicate coating. They are perfectly absorbed, sealing microcracks;

  • Two-component epoxy paints are used internally for concrete walls. Their basis is water.

Thus, the purpose of the strengthening primer is to create a non-peeling, vapor-permeable film, and the purpose of the adhesive mixture is deep penetration without creating a film.

Application technology

The primer is mixed according to the instructions and the specified proportions, and it is mixed very thoroughly.

The mixtures are mainly applied to plaster, either to bare substrates (external and internal) or to drywall with a roller, brushes or spray.

It is usually applied in two layers. The second layer must be applied after the first has dried for several hours. Optimal temperature To perform work, the range is considered to be from +5 to +20 °C with humidity up to 75%.

The mixture is distributed with a roller or brushes thoroughly and evenly, without the formation of puddles.

If necessary, a puttying step should be carried out between the primer layers. This is the case if the walls have a lot of cracks and unevenness.

Before applying the next layer (putty or primer), it is important to strictly dry the previous one. If for soil this period is 2-24 hours, then for putty it is 2-4 weeks.

A day after applying the last layer of primer, you can apply decorative coating.

  • Drywall can be primed in one layer and without putty;
  • A well-absorbing soil mixture is applied in 2-3 layers;
  • Penetrating primer does not need to be applied until it is shiny;
  • Primer based on PVA glue does not perform its functions;
  • A dirty mark on your finger after running over the wall indicates that it needs to be primed;
  • A façade that is too hot from the sun cannot be primed;
  • Soil mixtures from different manufacturers cannot be mixed.

So that everything goes smoothly during, and soon after repairs under the surface paper sheets no mold has appeared, priming is carried out. How to properly prime walls before wallpapering - videos, photos and expert advice, all in our article.

Primer educational program

Why prime?

  • Firstly, the soil allows you to create solid foundation at .
  • Secondly, it holds together upper layer plaster, prevents its destruction and the appearance of cracks, which, in turn, affects the service life of the coating.
  • Of course, don’t forget about protection from pests and mold. Many formulations contain an antiseptic, which prevents various pests from developing under the wallpaper layer.

When painting a wall, primer allows you to save materials, reducing consumption several times.

And yet, is it necessary to prime the walls before wallpapering? Of course, this procedure allows you to achieve high-quality results.

Before applying the composition, thoroughly clean the surface of the walls or ceiling, remove the layer old paint, repair cracks in the plaster.

Types of primer

Solаks acrylic composition

Priming with conventional glue is being replaced by special compounds designed for processing various types surfaces.

The need to use one or another type of composition is determined by the condition of the wall, as well as the conditions in the room ( heat or high humidity).

Special primers are not used for front finishing, but failure to use them can lead to the fragility of the coating and excessive consumption of covering materials.

Today on the building materials market there are several types of compositions, which are divided into groups based on the binder and can be used indoors:

  • Acrylic.
    Can be used on almost any surface (plaster, concrete, cement, brick, wood, plywood). They have no specific odor and dry within 5 hours. Most often they are used for.
  • Alkyd.
    Best suited for processing wooden surfaces. When the material comes into contact with the wood structure, a surface is formed that is susceptible to most finishing coatings.
    Drying time – up to 15 hours. Convenient for use in country house with wooden walls.
    There are several varieties alkyd compositions: based on zinc phosphate (suitable for alkyd paints), based on zinc chromate, which has almost the same properties, but has a wider range of applications (not recommended for use on gypsum and plaster).

  • Glypthal.
    Designed for processing metal and wooden surfaces. What if you want to do it in the garage? Can only be used in rooms with low humidity. Drying time is a day.
  • Perchlorovinyl.
    Can be used for coating metal surfaces, as well as for concrete and brick covered with plaster.
    Mainly used for external works, easy to carry low temperatures. Dry in one hour (at a temperature of +20 ° C).

Performing priming

Quite often, before applying a decorative coating to a wall, it needs to be treated with a primer. There are different types of primer, so choosing one is a serious matter. In this article we will look at whether it is necessary to prime walls before wallpapering, painting and puttying, and also consider the main advantages of such treatment.

Why do you need to prime?

It is not uncommon for many people to refuse to prime their walls before wallpapering. Sometimes it really isn't necessary. For example, if the wall is smooth and strong. But if it is necessary to strengthen the surface or increase the level of adhesion, then the primer is simply irreplaceable. It can be used not only for wallpapering, but also for painting or putty. It will not only strengthen the surface of the wall, but also protect it from negative impact moisture and prevent the appearance of mold and mildew. In the case of wallpaper, the primer will increase the level of adhesion, which will ensure good adhesion of the coating to the wall.

Therefore, if the wall is loose, priming is simply necessary. If you neglect it, the wallpaper will not last long, and the base itself will begin to crack and crumble. Also, if the humidity in the room is high, be prepared for the appearance of mold, mildew and stains on the coating. Priming - necessary process and it is very important to do it correctly. First of all, you will need to select a composition for the type of surface: wood, concrete, metal or other.

Applying primer to the wall

Before moving on to the main work, you will first need to prepare a primer solution. So let's look at how to do this.

How to dilute the primer

The primer can be purchased already prepared or in powder form. You can also prepare the mixture yourself from the ingredients, but we recommend purchasing a professional version. For wallpaper, you can use wallpaper glue as a primer, after diluting it with water. To dilute the solution, first open the jar and stir its contents, this will help the solution become homogeneous. Next you can pour required amount into a prepared container. To properly dilute the solution, follow these recommendations:

Benefits of primer

Priming the walls before wallpapering is extremely important stage V repair work. Therefore, you need to do everything correctly and avoid mistakes so that unforeseen complications do not arise later. The wall is primed before the putty is applied, the wall is painted or wallpaper is hung. Let's look at the main advantages of this wall treatment:

Priming for wallpaper

How to prime walls before wallpapering? This question worries many newcomers to the construction business. As mentioned above, you can use regular wallpaper glue as a primer, but it must first be diluted with water. Or you can purchase a ready-made mixture. So, let's look at the basic rules for priming a wall before wallpapering:

  • Primer can only be applied when certain temperature. It should not be less than five and more than thirty degrees. The average humidity should be seventy-five percent;

Advice! After the first treatment, wait a couple of hours to allow the solution to dry. Remember that drying time directly depends on the type of product you choose.

Primer for puttying and painting

To the question of how to prime walls before puttying or painting, the answer is as follows: the procedure and basic principles are the same as for treating a wall for wallpapering. But the primer solution itself will have to be used differently. For subsequent painting of the wall, it is better to use adhesive mixtures. They will not only improve the adhesion of paint to the wall, but also reduce the consumption of paint and varnish products, which will allow you to save a lot on material.

It is better to use an acrylic or polystyrene mixture as a primer before filling the walls. They will not only strengthen the walls, but also provide additional protection from bacteria and moisture. If you refuse to prime, you risk a lot, since the painted wall can crack at any time and the putty mixture can deteriorate.

Methods of applying material

There are several options for treating a wall with a primer mixture for wallpapering. Can be applied paint brush and a roller or purchase special equipment: a spray gun and a sprayer.

To prime the walls before wallpapering, it is better to use a regular roller. But if you need to process large volumes, it is better to purchase a sprayer. This will help save you a lot of time and effort.

Priming walls may seem like a simple task, but it is far from it. Use our recommendations to avoid complications:


Priming the wall before wallpapering is mandatory. It is also often used before painting or puttying. Priming not only strengthens the surface, increases the level of adhesion, but also additionally protects the walls. The priming methods are identical for all cases, but the types of solutions that need to be used differ significantly. The finishing process itself is not complicated; even a beginner can handle it. The main thing is to buy only quality tools and materials, because the result of the work done will depend on them. Before purchasing a primer, we strongly recommend that you consult with the seller; he will be able to give advice on what mixture to use for processing a particular coating. We recommend watching a special video to see the process of priming walls in practice:

In order for wallpaper to look impressive and stay securely on the wall, two conditions are necessary - maximum smoothness of the surface and its high adhesion to finishing material. Therefore, before you begin wallpapering, you must carry out preparatory work, which usually includes five stages: choosing a material, cleaning the walls of old coatings, treating surfaces with special antiseptic compounds, then repairing identified defects, bringing them to perfect evenness with putty and primer treatment .

Primers for walls under wallpaper are made on the basis of different materials. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake with the choice of composition, you need to familiarize yourself with their characteristics in advance.

What is a primer?

A primer or, as this composition is sometimes called, a primer, is essentially auxiliary material, but it is he who ensures the success of finishing work, including

The composition is a homogeneous liquid or thick, odorless suspension. It can be transparent or have one or another shade (most often milky), produced in a ready-made form or requiring dilution with water in a concentrated form. After absorption and drying, the composition forms a transparent film on the surface. The primer may contain organic resins and adhesives, film-forming components made on different bases - silicate, acrylic, silicone, latex and other copolymers. In addition, the solution is usually supplemented with various additives and fillers that increase the effectiveness of the material and simplify its work. The primer is also available for sale in the form of a dry powder.

Typically, primers are packaged in plastic buckets or bottles. On the packaging, the manufacturer must provide information about the following parameters:

  • proportions and method of dilution of the composition;
  • solution consumption per 1 sq. m.;
  • method of applying material to surfaces;
  • drying time of the applied solution;
  • guarantee period suitability;
  • date of manufacture.

The primer must have the following properties:

  • Large depth of penetration into the treated surface.
  • The ability to increase the adhesion of materials.
  • Properties of strengthening the surface structure of the material.
  • Antiseptic qualities - the ability to make the surface resistant to the appearance and development of various forms microflora - fungus, mold, etc.
  • Enough short period complete absorption and drying.

When choosing a primer composition, you need to take into account the application conditions that affect the effectiveness of the treatment:

  • The material of the surface to be treated is plaster, plasterboard, wood, brick or concrete, etc.
  • Humidity of the room where the primer will be applied;
  • The type of decorative finish for which the wall surface is treated with a primer - liquid or regular wallpaper;
  • The density of the wallpaper selected for the sticker.

Why is a primer needed?

Thanks to its specific properties, the primer solution is able to tidy up the surface of the walls and create a reliable basis for applying the adhesive composition:

  • Deep penetration of the primer into the structural structure of the wall material helps fill micropores and cracks, binds dust residues, thereby strengthening the surface.
  • Antiseptic additives disinfect the wall material and make it resistant to biologically aggressive environments.
Wallpaper cannot be pasted on such walls! The surface must be “treated” and protected from further development microflora antiseptic primer
  • The primer provides excellent adhesion of wallpaper glue to the wall and finishing material, preventing peeling of wallpaper at corners and joints.
  • The film formed on the surface prevents wallpaper glue from being actively absorbed into it, which significantly reduces its consumption.
  • The primer significantly evens out the tone of the wall, which is very important when gluing light-colored wallpaper.
  • The solution is able to mask small imperfections on surfaces and make them smooth, which simplifies and speeds up the installation of wallpaper.
  • After coating with a primer, the surfaces remain “breathable”, that is, capable of allowing vapor to pass through - this is extremely important for creating a favorable microclimate in the apartment.

Main types of primers

All existing primers can be divided into three categories - by solubility, by the material on which they are made, and also by purpose.

Based on the type of solubility, primers are divided into:

  • Organic solvent-based primers made from alkyd resins (glyphthalic), polyurethane and latex.
  • Water-soluble primers, deep penetration. These include acrylic, latex, silicate and silicone compounds.
  • Mineral materials produced on the basis of lime, gypsum and cement.
Type of primerPurpose of material for application to surfacesDrying time (hour)
AlkydMetal, concrete, reinforced concrete and wooden surfaces10 ÷ 14
AcrylicPlaster, wood, chipboard, fiberboard, brick.2 ÷ 4
PolyurethaneAbsorbent and non-absorbent, including heavily dusty24
SiliconeConcrete, plaster, lime-sand4 ÷ 5
LatexPlaster, plasterboard, brick, wood, concrete and aerated concrete, as well as other porous surfaces.1 ÷ 2
SilicateLimestone, concrete, mineral, etc. Cannot be applied to gypsum-containing substrates.24
MineralPlaster, concrete, brick.24

High-quality wall preparation will be ensured if all materials for it are manufactured by one manufacturer. They, having good compatibility, with each other, will give an excellent final result.

Classification by purpose of primer mixtures:

  • universal water-based;
  • specialized - anti-corrosion and antibacterial;
  • deep penetration - up to 10÷15 mm;
  • antifungal;
  • insulating;
  • concrete contact.

To cover walls for wallpapering, the following primers are most often used, sold in finished form or requiring dilution:

Selecting a primer based on consistency

The primer can also be divided into covering or deep, that is, according to its property, it remains on the surface of the wall, creating a film and leveling out defects, or it penetrates deep into the structure and strengthens it. Therefore, it is worth understanding what is the best consistency to choose a primer - how it will work will directly depend on this property.

Primers are produced in the form of liquid transparent and thick white solution. Each of them has a specific purpose, its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Deep penetration liquid solutions are designed to strengthen the outer layer of the wall and bind dust. Some of these primers contain special substances that can extinguish alkalis.

The positive qualities of liquid primers include their affordable price and ability to penetrate the wall structure 25% deeper than thick ones.

The negative qualities of such solutions are their transparency and possible uneven application, since it is difficult to apply layers without overlapping. As a result, the surface will have glossy and matte areas, which means that they will differ slightly in adhesive ability.

  • Thick white primers are intended not only to strengthen the wall surface and bind dust - they are able to cover small flaws in the wall, creating smooth surface. Some of these primers also contain antiseptic and alkali-killing additives.

The positive properties of thick primers include their ability to fill surface micropores with the formation of a white substrate underneath. decorative finishing. In addition, the composition can even out the heterogeneity of the porous surface, bringing it to ideal smoothness.

The only downside to using a thick primer is its significantly lower penetrating ability compared to a liquid one.

From the above we can conclude that, no matter what composition the primer is purchased, it is better to choose its thick version, as it creates ideal conditions for gluing wallpaper.

Experienced craftsmen most often use both options - the first layer is a deep-penetrating liquid primer, and the second is a thick primer, which brings the surface to perfection.

How do different types of primers work?

To make the right choice, you need to know how different types of primers work when applied to the surface of walls.

This type of primer is made using polymer binders based on styrene-acrylate dispersion. Acrylic primer is well suited for preparing interior surfaces for finishing work. The material does not produce sharp unpleasant odors, dries quickly enough and is suitable for application under any type of wallpaper.

At the same time, such a primer makes the work easier and gives the walls the qualities necessary for further finishing:

  • The hygroscopicity of the surface is reduced.
  • The appearance of new cracks is prevented.
  • The service life of the decorative coating increases.
  • The film formed by the soil can protect the surface from mechanical damage(this is especially important for drywall), and also make it resistant to temperature changes.
  • The consumption of adhesive composition is significantly reduced.

The concentrated composition is very easily diluted with water without loss of its qualities.

Acrylic primer depending on your physical qualities can be divided into five types:

  • With the effect of deep penetration into the structure of the wall - it is usually used for “weak” and porous surfaces.
  • Adhesive, enhances adhesion decorative material with a base.
  • A universal composition used for any type of surface and giving it high moisture resistance. Used for interior work.
  • An impregnating primer that can level loose surfaces or smooth out small imperfections on them.
  • A special solution designed for a specific type of material.

Acrylic primer is usually applied in one to two layers, depending on the condition of the surface, using paint roller. Hard-to-reach places, such as corners and areas around radiators, are treated with a soft brush with artificial bristles.

The surface dries out two to four hours after applying the composition, after which it will be possible to proceed to wallpapering the walls.

The advantage of this type of primer is its versatility, since it is suitable for treating surfaces of any quality, even dilapidated ones.

If you plan to glue the wallpaper on a wall lined with plasterboard, the primer is applied twice - before covering it with putty and already on the putty surface. This way preliminary preparation the wall will not allow the future removal of wallpaper, when it is time to replace it, to remove it along with the cardboard layer of gypsum plasterboard, thereby preserving the surface unharmed.

Old wallpaper will easily come off a wall treated with acrylic primer after treating it with warm water or a special product, without damaging the putty layer.

The consumption of acrylic primer may vary - it depends on the component composition, the material of the walls, the quality of the surface, their porosity, etc. On average, consumption ranges from 150 to 250 grams per square meter.

Latex is a natural component obtained from the sap of the rubber tree. It has the qualities necessary for finishing materials, such as waterproofness, elasticity, strength, and good resistance to stretching and compression.

Natural material is quite expensive, and today in building materials A synthetic substance is used that has the properties of natural latex. It is also used in the production of latex primers. This type of primer is most often an opaque liquid substance, which, when dried, creates a thin film on the wall surface, ensuring good adhesion of the wall to decorative materials.

Latex primer applies evenly to surfaces and dries quickly, but has a lower adhesive ability compared to acrylic material. The primer is used to strengthen loose and crumbling wall surfaces - drywall or old plaster, and helps improve their waterproofing qualities.

Latex primer - perfect solution for loose surfaces

Latex primer adheres well to wood and fibreboards, any types of concrete and a natural stone and is excellent for damp rooms, as it creates conditions for surfaces to withstand dampness.

Prices for acrylic latex Tury

Tury Latex acrylic

The average consumption of this material is 350÷500 grams per square meter.

Alkyd primer

The alkyd type of primer has the properties of paint, forming on surfaces different types film. This composition fits perfectly on wooden and concrete surfaces, filling the pores of the upper layer of the material structure. This prevents wood from swelling and moisture from penetrating into concrete walls.

Alkyd primers make surfaces moisture-resistant and resistant to mold or mildew colonies. Often this type of material is used as a base for a second latex or acrylic primer layer or for acrylic-based paint.

Alkyd compositions do not have the qualities of deep penetration into wall materials, but they perfectly prepare surfaces for further processing. They are often used to coat reinforced concrete structures - making them more susceptible to finishing decorative materials. In addition, the primer perfectly blocks rust from metal inclusions that may be in concrete slabs. Over time, rust can appear through the pasted wallpaper and ruin the entire appearance decorative finishing.

Can't secure alkyd primers plastered, gypsum or, so this must be taken into account when purchasing this material.

Alkyd primers are produced in metal and plastic packaging, ready for use. The material is applied in one or two layers with a roller and brush, the layer thickness can be 1÷2 mm.

If it is necessary to dilute the thickened primer, use xylene or white spirit.

The alkyd primer consumption is 100÷150 grams per square meter. Complete drying of this material usually occurs 24 hours after its application at a temperature of at least 20 degrees.

It should be noted that this material has a very affordable price compared to other primers. You can use such a primer under wallpaper only as a last resort, and it is better to use primers made on other bases, which will strengthen the surface of the walls and create higher adhesive qualities of the surface.

Universal primer

This type of primer is suitable for strengthening all types of surfaces, including dilapidated and crumbling ones. The universal primer is based on acrylic copolymers with the addition of resins that enhance the quality of the material. This primer is diluted with water and has the property of deep penetration into the structure of the materials being processed, making them moisture-resistant and adhesive to any finishing materials.

The best choice- universal primers

The universal primer is suitable for treating walls both outside and inside the room, increasing their resistance to various types of influences and increasing the service life of the decorative coating.

This primer is well applied to foam and aerated concrete walls, plasterboard sheets, reinforced concrete structures and other surfaces.

This composition is also applied in one or two layers, and its consumption is minimal and amounts to only 100÷120 grams per square meter of area.

Priming with wallpaper glue

Some craftsmen believe that before wallpapering it is enough to treat the wall with casein-based wallpaper glue. Of course, you can use it, but such a treatment, which does not have the properties of a primer, will not be able to solve the problems of strengthening the surface, increasing its moisture resistance, acquiring antiseptic qualities and smoothing out small flaws.

Priming with glue does not require any special skill - just dilute the adhesive composition correctly, according to the instructions, wait until it sits, and then apply it to the surface of the walls using a roller. In order for the wallpaper to stick well, you need to wait about a day, and only then start gluing decorative canvases.

Other wallpaper adhesives can be used to cover walls. In some of them, the instructions even provide recommendations for maintaining proportions when mixing it with water for priming surfaces.

If you decide to use this particular option for preparing the walls, then when choosing an adhesive you should pay attention to the instructions for use. It should indicate that the composition can be used as a primer. If there is no such clarification, then it is better to abandon this idea, since such processing can negatively affect the decorative material. In this case, formulations on a different basis should be considered.

The average consumption of wallpaper glue for priming walls will be 70÷100 grams per square meter.

PVA glue as a primer

PVA is universal glue, and it is used for many needs, including construction work. It has been used as a primer since Soviet times, since back then it was simply impossible to find a real primer composition on sale. The glue is a dense emulsion white, produced on a polyvinyl acetate base, it is non-toxic and has no unpleasant odor.

When making a primer for wallpaper from it, chalk, gypsum, drying oil or alabaster are often added to the composition - these components are designed to increase the strength of the primer and help fill and smooth porous surfaces.

Making a primer from PVA glue can be called an economical way, but this composition has one serious drawback that can seriously spoil the appearance of the decorative coating. The fact is that over time it tends to change color from white to yellow. This yellowness may appear through light colors thin wallpaper stains, and then you will have to completely change the entire finish.

PVA glue is diluted with water in proportions 1:2 to the consistency of liquid kefir. This process must be carried out in a warm room and with active stirring.

The primer needs to be prepared in small portions, otherwise it quickly loses its adhesive qualities. After producing the finished primer, the next portion is made.

Many people are attracted to using PVA as a primer because of its affordable price, ease of production of the composition and environmental cleanliness material. But if high-quality expensive wallpaper is used for finishing, then it is better not to risk it and use professional primer solutions.

Prices for different types of primer


How to properly prepare walls for wallpaper

Before applying the primer, it is necessary to carry out the walls preparatory work. So, if there is still old wallpaper on the walls, you need to start by removing it.

Removing old wallpaper

There are several ways to remove old wallpaper covering off the wall:

  • Using a spatula, use it to pry up dry wallpaper and tear it off in small pieces. This method is the most unsuccessful, since the work will take too long, and part of the plaster or putty applied to the wall may separate along with the paper.
Removing wallpaper “dry” is a long and tedious task
  • The second option is to wet all covered surfaces with very warm water several times. In this case, the wallpaper will move away from the wall and be removed from it much easier. But it will take at least one day to really saturate all surfaces in the room with water.
  • The third option is to expose the finishing material to hot, moist air. An iron with a steam function or a special tool used by builders is quite suitable for this.

However, because of one repair, probably no one will spend money on such a device, so some companies offer services for performing such work. Their implementation today costs approximately from 35 to 60 rubles per square meter of area. The price depends on the difficulty level of removing the old coating.

Today, several companies offer such products. The method and proportions for diluting the composition can be found on the packaging, and such a bottle will be quite enough for a large room.

Usually the solution is diluted in a bucket, then it is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on all the walls from which the old decorative coating needs to be removed. The time that you need to wait after finishing applying the composition is also indicated in the instructions.

After this period, you can proceed to removing the wallpaper. For this you will also need a spatula, but not to scrape dried paper off the wall, but simply to pick up the corner of each of the canvases. The wallpaper will easily separate from the surface in one piece.

First coat of primer

After removing the old decorative material, there will definitely be flaws underneath that need to be eliminated. If the depressions and cracks are large, they may have to be widened and sealed with putty, and if the defects are widely scattered throughout the wall, it will have to be completely plastered. However, before applying repair compounds either to identified defects or to the entire wall, they must be treated with a deep penetration primer.

The work is carried out using a roller, which is dipped into a primer compound poured into a special bath. The solution is carefully applied to the surface, starting from the bottom of the wall and gradually rising up to the ceiling. Using this technique you can significantly save on primer, since if you start application from the ceiling, then most of The liquid collected with the roller will end up on the floor.

Tidying up the surface of the walls

After the surface is primed and dried, all cracks, “sinks” and recesses are sealed using a spatula. If necessary, the entire surface is plastered.

Leveling the wall with plaster

Sometimes too large surface defects do not allow limiting minor repairs or applying a thin layer of putty. How to do it correctly is in a separate publication on our portal.

If only minor repairs to individual sections of the wall are sufficient, and it is possible to do without plastering the entire surface, proceed to puttying work. The main task is to make the surface for wallpapering as even and smooth as possible.

Prices for mixtures for leveling walls and ceilings

Mixtures for leveling walls and ceilings

Priming prepared surfaces before wallpapering

  • When puttied smooth walls will be well dried, proceed to priming them for gluing a decorative coating.
  • For work, a roller with a long handle and a “coat” of velor, short pile or foam rubber is prepared, as well as a tray tray into which the primer composition will be poured.
  • If it is necessary to dilute the solution to the desired consistency, this is done in a plastic bucket, from which it is convenient to pour it in portions into a tray, approximately 0.5 ÷ 0.7 liters each.
  • The roller is dipped into the liquid, then the excess must be squeezed out of the roller on the corrugated surface of the bath to prevent unnecessary loss of material. Then you can proceed to applying the composition to the walls. As mentioned above, the process is carried out from the bottom up.
  • This is how they are processed large planes walls
  • Next, take a brush, preferably with artificial soft bristles, and use it to process all hard to reach places– corners, areas under windows, near pipes and heating radiators.
  • It is very important to cover the entire surface with primer, without skipping individual areas, otherwise the wallpaper will move away from the wall in these places.
  • If necessary, the surfaces are covered with another layer of primer solution, after the first one has completely dried.
  • Having completed the priming work, the walls need to be thoroughly dried at room temperature within 24 hours. In the characteristics of some primers, the drying time is specified at 2 ÷ 4 hours, but still, in order to avoid creating unexpected problems with the finishing material, it is recommended to postpone wallpapering for 24 hours.
  • After this time, experts advise carrying out another test, which will help to obtain a high-quality and durable decorative coating. Wallpaper should be glued to a well-dried wall surface. To find out the degree of their drying, take a piece of dense polyethylene film approximately 100x100 or 150x150 mm in size and stick it tightly to the wall using pieces of masking tape. A hermetically sealed space should form under the film, and the film remains in this position until the morning. If in the morning it turns out to be dry inside, you can safely move on to wallpapering. If condensation has formed under the film, then you should wait some more time and allow the walls to dry completely.

So, the process of applying the primer itself is quite simple. The main thing is to make the right choice of materials, and, relying on the developed technologies, to carry out all the preparatory work. Only in this case will the primer be effective, and the wallpaper will lie perfectly on the surface of the walls and will not peel off over time.

Video: tips on the correct selection and use of wallpaper primer

Before gluing wallpaper on the walls, be sure to prime the surface. The process of applying paint or coating will become easier if the walls are primed before gluing wallpaper according to all the rules. You should not look for advice among friends and neighbors, because each case is unique. Taking into account the existing features of the wall and the functional purpose of the room will help you avoid many common mistakes. It is worth taking into account the type of material that is planned to be placed on the wall.

Rhetorical question: is it necessary to prime the walls before wallpapering?

You can often hear even from the lips of qualified builders that primer for walls is not as important as putty. There is some common sense in this, but first it’s worth delving into the details.

You can refuse the primer only if construction and installation work is planned in a new house where there are no signs of defects. This happens extremely rarely, so you still need to prime the wall.

In addition, the volume and type of materials used are determined by the functional component. Simply put, suitable for a basement or warehouse a budget option mixtures that have not so attractive characteristics.

Generally speaking, walls are primed before gluing or painting for several reasons:

  • After applying the solution, the wall will become smooth and dry, which will strengthen the adhesion between the wallpaper and the surface;
  • No traces of cracking of the bottom layer;
  • A properly selected primer will prevent moisture from being absorbed into the wall structure;
  • A correctly selected building mixture allows the wall to “breathe”, which eliminates the possibility of mold formation;
  • The load-bearing capacity of the outer part of the wall is enhanced;
  • The warranty period for the wallpaper is increasing.

Priming the walls before wallpapering is a mandatory process in a building of any age. Improvement load-bearing capacity, increased adhesion, reduced likelihood of mold formation - only a small part of the benefits that will become obvious after surface treatment.

Preparatory stage: how to prime walls before wallpapering

To begin with, it is worth inspecting the planned scope of work. The presence of old paint, nails, wallpaper and other debris is simply not acceptable. You need to carefully remove all this and only then start working. On next stage the surface should be properly puttied.

It is important to remember that the wall should dry for at least 15-16 hours. If all of the above steps have been completed, then you can pick up the primer.

Before you start priming, you need to thoroughly clean the wall surface of old wallpaper or paint.

At the first stage, you need to dissolve a sufficient amount of impregnation in a bucket of water. A small strip is moistened with its contents, on top of which a primer is applied.

The further procedure is as follows:

  • Remove traces of dust with an aqueous solution;
  • After applying the first layer of primer, the surface dries for at least 5 hours;
  • If everything is done correctly, the wall will not become a magnet for dirt, not to mention the fact that its resistance to external physical influences will improve.

Increased caution must be exercised when you need to work with a surface on which there have been several layers of wallpaper and paint. First, all this needs to be removed using a metal spatula and a solution of water. If we talk in general about the direct application of primer to the wall, then the procedure is performed only after removing traces of previous contamination.

Non-standard situations or how long does it take for the primer to dry before wallpapering?

Individual walls are not going to give up without a fight, so in this case it is imperative to use heavy artillery. This list includes a chemically active solution, which can be found at a hardware store. It is used to remove hard to remove traces of paint and old wallpaper. Based on the information provided on the packaging, it is not difficult to independently determine what dosage to choose.

It is diluted in a bucket of warm water, after which you need to thoroughly treat the wall with a slightly moistened sponge.

After this, you need to let the surface dry for 30-35 minutes. This is enough time to properly prime the wall.

The primer can dry in different ways, so this should be taken into account when priming walls.

In addition, it is important to remember a number of important nuances:

  • Moistened traces of old wallpaper and paint should be removed using a sharp spatula;
  • To remove glue, a special liquid must be used - bleach, which can be purchased at a construction and repair supply store;
  • If you plan to treat a wall in the kitchen or bathroom, where moisture traditionally accumulates, you need to make sure there are no traces of mold;
  • If they are found, it is necessary to treat the surface with a special solution, otherwise the mold existing in the corner will appear on the layer of new wallpaper.

It is not always the case that a person spends as much time processing a wall as originally planned. Traces of mold, hard-to-remove wallpaper or paint residues all require special attention. Under no circumstances should you leave even a small amount of the previous layer on the wall, otherwise you won’t be able to use the new wallpaper for more than 1 year.

The final stage: what to prime the walls with before wallpapering

Once all unwanted marks have been removed, you need to re-inspect the wall surface. Only after this can you start working. In order for priming to proceed quickly, you need to decide in advance about the need for insulation. If the room is not warm enough and there are no plans to install additional radiators, then you can use plasterboard or plywood.

In order to quickly and efficiently prime the walls, you should prepare materials and tools for work in advance

Among other things, you can repair existing traces of deformation with polystyrene foam. This will not affect the cost of the work, but will allow for better placement of the putty.

Experienced builders have developed some recommendations to simplify the task for beginners:

  • Before you start priming the walls, you need to seal masking tape switches and sockets, otherwise they will be damaged during operation;
  • Breeding construction mixture allowed only in a deep bucket;
  • Stir everything for 5-7 minutes until a homogeneous consistency is formed;
  • A construction mixer or drill with a special attachment is used for this;
  • It is recommended to treat each section of the wall with a wide soft brush;
  • The layer should be spread so that it lies evenly;
  • Before applying the second layer, as mentioned earlier, it is necessary to allow the surface to dry thoroughly.

Priming walls before wallpapering (video)

Consistency and methodfulness are the key to success at the stage of priming the walls. The solution is always diluted in a deep bucket until a homogeneous mixture is formed. When applying it to the wall surface, you need to make sure there are no irregularities. Do not forget that it is imperative to protect the floor and surrounding objects from accidental ingress of construction mixture, which will be extremely difficult to clean.
