Which door to put in the bathroom: types, materials and standard sizes. Which doors are best to install in the bathroom and toilet? What kind of doors can be installed in the bathroom?

  • or recoil systems. To open the door you just need to push it to the side door leaf, mounted on special wheels and rails. Such designs allow you to save free space, but at the same time they do not fit well, which does not provide proper heat and sound insulation.
  • . According to customer and expert reviews, this type of interior door is not the best option for installation in a bathroom or toilet.
  • Rotary. The newest type of interior door. Thanks to special fittings, the canvas unfolds in doorway along the axis and moves tightly towards the wall.

  • Locking devices with handles for doors to the bathroom and toilet

    Having decided to buy doors to the bathroom and toilet, you need to pay attention not only to the material and method of opening, but also to the fittings: hinges, handles and locking mechanisms. The door leaf must close securely and tightly so as not to let heat out of the room and not interfere with the comfort of privacy when performing hygiene procedures. Let's look at several main types of modern fittings used for the bathroom and toilet.

    This video will help you install the door yourself.

    When choosing a bathroom door, several important points are taken into account. Wooden canvas is afraid of moisture, but this drawback is solved by applying an antiseptic impregnation or varnish coating. Glass is appropriate in any interior; it is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. Plastic doors are durable, practical, inexpensive, and resistant to detergents, but they are not suitable for every interior. When buying a door, you should choose canvas (unless the interior requires something else), since scratches or chips are not so noticeable on them.

    Previously, high thresholds were made in bathrooms so that if water overflowed, it would not enter the room and spoil the decor. But this solution is not suitable if there are small children and elderly people in the family. Now the market offers special devices that prevent water overflow, as well as automatic systems that turn off the water supply system in the event of an overflow.

    Leading manufacturers, models and prices of doors for bathrooms and toilets

    A huge number of models of interior doors on the market from the most different manufacturers complicates the selection of a suitable design. Let's look at leading Russian companies.

    The Sofia company is widely known not only to Russian but also to foreign consumers. The products of this brand are distinguished by functionality and a wide range of decor. The manufacturer offers not only standard door models, but also the ability to order custom sizes.

    The company producing interior doors Onyx, founded in 1997, relied on mass production without compromising the quality of its products. The factory is equipped the latest equipment and uses advanced European technologies, which has allowed it to become competitive. The company also has a separate production site that produces exclusive products according to non-standard sizes and design drawings.

    During its existence, the Ulyanovsk Dariano factory was able to develop unique technology production and offers a wide range of models for the most. The company's products are distinguished by high quality products and affordable prices.

    Manufacturer Model Parameters (H×W), mm. Peculiarities Average cost (as of June 2018), rub.

    Sofia Light Light oak

    Almost every room in our house is equipped with doors. For ordinary living rooms their choice does not present much trouble, however, for the shower it is necessary to select models that meet the specifics of the room. Bathroom and toilet doors are constantly exposed to high humidity. Therefore, interior ceilings must be installed with suitable performance characteristics.

    They must be able to withstand temperature changes, lack of ventilation, negative impact steam, as well as microorganisms. At the same time, doors to the bathroom and toilet must maintain their appearance and perform their direct functions. In addition, it is better to choose interior floors so that they take into account the overall design of the apartment. An additional requirement for doors in the bathroom and toilet is good sound insulation and the ability to retain heat indoors.

    The main parameter by which it is better to choose bathroom doors is the material. It is by this criterion that the main conclusions can be drawn regarding the performance properties of the product. In addition, based on the raw materials, the price of the door to the bathroom and toilet is determined. It may be low or affordable to few, however, the main requirement for any model is its high quality. After which the decision is made to purchase doors for the bathroom and toilet.

    What kind of ceiling is better to install? Hidden products are definitely not suitable for a shower room. Modern technologies in their mass of bathroom and toilet doors make it possible not to have any technical contraindications. The installation of doors to the toilet and bathroom is carried out smoothly, quickly and without any contraindications.

    But at the same time, the practicality of the material, design, as well as its service life can vary significantly. Why is it necessary to know the advantages and disadvantages of doors to the toilet and bathroom, i.e. Which interior flooring is better to choose?


    Bathroom doors made of glass allow you to give the room a very original look. This material is not afraid of direct contact with water or constant exposure to moisture, as well as temperature changes. Glass doors to the bathroom and toilet do not deform over time, maintaining their position in the structure. This raw material is an environmentally friendly product that does not allow fungus or mold to appear.

    Glass door

    Separately, it is worth noting that such doors to the bathroom and toilet can be installed for their sound insulation, as well as their high ability to retain heat.

    From the point of view of mechanical load, the material perfectly withstands all the requirements. These bathroom and toilet doors are made using tempered glass, which is highly durable. Thus, it will be very difficult to break it, especially at home. Which glass doors for bathrooms and toilets are best? The first thing you need to pay attention to is its combination with the main design of the house. After which you can select various models

    • based on their color, type, shape or structure. Bathroom doors are available in a wide range. Glass models are:
    • tinted;
    • varying degrees of transparency, matte;
    • with a relief pattern or coating;

    and also with a mirror surface. Read also:

    Sliding doors for the bathroom

    In addition, products with inserts in the form of wood, mosaic, plastic, metal and sandblasted patterns can be used. Separately, it is worth noting that the entire composition should have a general design appearance for the entire room. Each glass bathroom and toilet door is unique and inimitable in its own way. They bring a feeling of weightlessness and lightness to the space, so the entire interior seems more elegant.

    Glass doors for the bathroom and toilet visually increase the space, making it more spacious. In addition, glass models retain access to natural light into the shower room. This is especially acute in rooms that are not equipped with windows or do not have access to them. The door to the bathroom and toilet made of glass is easy to maintain, just wipe it periodically by special means and a regular cloth. The only drawback of the products is high price. Which model is still worth paying attention to?


    Plastic bathroom doors are well suited for rooms with difficult operating conditions. These models are not subject to rotting, do not deform over time, and also easily withstand the effects of aggressive environments in the form of temperature changes or steam. The plastic door to the toilet and bath has a whole list of advantages:

    • hygiene;
    • ease;
    • reliability;
    • practicality;
    • durability.

    Plastic doors

    In addition, plastic doors for bathrooms and toilets are distinguished by their high sound insulation, as well as reliable heat retention. Caring for the products is quite simple, they are easy to clean, and are resistant to aggressive components included in cleaning products. It is worth noting separately that plastic doors to the bathroom and toilet retain their original appearance for a very long time. Model data using modern technologies can imitate any material.

    Diversity color scheme plastic doors for the bathroom and toilet are also quite widely available on the domestic market. In terms of aesthetic properties, PVC products are an order of magnitude inferior to models made of glass or natural materials such as wood. But at the same time, their low cost, long service life, and ease of maintenance have resonated with many consumers. What other door can be installed on the bathroom and toilet?


    Doors for bathrooms and toilets made of wood always fit almost any design. If you choose wood, it will reciprocate your feelings, as its performance characteristics speak for themselves. Bathroom doors made of wood are often a rather specific solution, because pure wood is resistant to high humidity, contact with water, and exposure to steam. As a result, the material begins to deform and becomes unusable.

    Wooden door

    However, there are different types of water-resistant rocks that will fit perfectly into the design of the room and will last for many years. Which model is better to choose? Bathroom doors made of ordinary wood with classic installation will require careful weighing, since without additional protection It is not recommended to leave them. You need to calculate all the pros and cons, take into account all the nuances, and then choose which ones wooden crafts better bet.

    Choosing doors to an apartment is an important and integral stage of renovation. If, when purchasing interior flooring, they rely mainly on external attractiveness, originality of color scheme and decorative finishing, your own taste and wallet, then when choosing a door for a bathroom and toilet, the most important criterion becomes operational properties. This is due to the fact that in addition to external beauty, compliance with the overall design of the room, and the quality of the fabric, the door to the bathroom must be moisture-resistant, withstand temperature changes and the accumulation of condensation. In addition, the product must maintain the privacy of the room.

    Material selection

    Regardless of whether you choose an interior door or a bathroom ceiling, the types of products differ in the material from which they are made.

    • Solid wood;
    • Veneer;

    • Ecoshopon;
    • Laminate;
    • Plastic (PVC);
    • Glass.

    A popular type of material for door production is MDF panels. They are universal: suitable for any room, available in a huge variety color options, can be decorated with glass or mirror inserts. The advantage is an acceptable average price and high resistance to external influences. Among the disadvantages, the tendency of MDF to accumulate moisture is often cited, but the presence of sufficient ventilation in the bathroom will not allow the ceiling to deform due to this. For the bathroom and toilet, a facade of a product with a laconic finish is usually selected that does not distract attention from the main design of the room (tiles, plumbing, furniture).

    Doors are environmentally friendly solid wood. Despite the rather high cost, such models are very popular: they are durable, reliable, visually attractive, and do not require additional finishing or elaborate decorations. Larch, oak, and beech are suitable for use in the bathroom. Pine is excluded: due to its low resistance to moisture and temperature fluctuations, such a canvas will quickly swell, deform and become unusable.

    The above types of wood, coated with wax or varnish, acquire moisture-repellent properties and are quite suitable as ceilings for bathrooms and toilets. To maintain the visual appeal and increase the service life of the door, it requires careful care.

    An alternative wooden doors are veneered panels. Veneer is thin sheet wood glued onto a fiberboard canvas, while maintaining the natural color and structure of the wood, the structure itself becomes lighter, and the price is lower. Due to its natural origin, veneer is very sensitive to moisture and temperature changes. Most manufacturers of veneer doors do not recommend using such structures in rooms with humidity more than 60% and a maximum temperature above 35 degrees Celsius.

    Eco-veneer, unlike its natural counterpart, is an artificial material that only imitates the pattern and relief of wood. In fact, it is a multilayer plastic, characterized by wear resistance, impact resistance, and moisture resistance. This material is perfect for the bathroom. A door made of eco-veneer does not require complicated maintenance and can withstand changes in temperature and humidity conditions. Besides, a clear advantage There will be a lower cost compared to natural veneer.

    Not all laminated doors are suitable for the bathroom, but only those in the production of which a special durable polyvinyl chloride film with a thickness of more than 0.5 mm or double-chrome laminate was used.

    Such canvases are inexpensive, easy to install, and easy to maintain. Cheaper products are covered with cellulose and impregnated with resins, which is not environmentally friendly, short-lived and absolutely not moisture resistant.

    An excellent option for the bathroom would be plastic door or a door made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It is light, durable, non-flammable, and due to the substances included in the plastic, it is resistant to mold and mildew. Among other things, it does not absorb moisture and is resistant to condensation. To increase the elasticity of the material and prevent deformation, plastic doors are equipped with an aluminum profile. It is a mistake to believe that the color range of plastic products is limited: today the range is quite wide, and options with glass inserts are also possible.

    Stylish element interior design can become glass doors. Despite their high cost, their advantages are obvious: they are elegant in appearance, have high environmental friendliness, moisture resistance, and wear resistance. As a frame for door design can be used aluminum profile, has rigidity, does not allow deformation, and is resistant to corrosion. When choosing such a door, you should pay attention to the external surface coating, which would protect against condensation. If there are children in the family, the glass door must be strengthened using armor film.

    A glass door is perfect for a shower niche in a bathroom. As a rule, they are made from heat-treated glass. A special charm can be given to a glass product by various color pigments used in the manufacture of the canvas, decorative textured film or varying degrees of dullness and translucency.

    Not only a designer, but also a simple craftsman will be able to create a unique and at the same time practical and comfortable interior with a glass door without much difficulty.


    Doors to the bathroom and toilet differ in their design features. It is worth dwelling on the advantages and disadvantages of various models.

    • Swing. Well-known classic swing structures have a number of positive qualities: standard sizes, ease of installation, huge selection of finishing options, affordable price. A separate issue is the use of a threshold that increases heat and soundproofing properties doors. Significant disadvantage There may be a lack of free space. If saving space in the apartment is priority, you should take a closer look at other options for interior flooring.

    • Sliding and coupe. Sliding doors and compartment doors are essentially similar: when opened, they move to the side. The difference is that the coupe has one leaf, and the sliding structure consists of two halves. Sliding systems on casters will stylishly and originally complement the interior of the room, saving space near the bathroom. But when installing doors of this type, it is necessary to ensure that there are no sockets, shelves or hooks along the wall. In addition, the impossibility of installing a threshold for such structures is a critical drawback, because it reduces heat permeability and sound insulation.

    • Folding. Ergonomically organize narrow space A folding door near the bathroom will help. They are available in two versions: "accordion" (3 or more parts) or "book" (two parts). This design solution does not require free space either near the door or near the wall; however, when folded, the design leaves a fairly narrow space inside the doorway for entering and exiting the room. This is due to poor sound insulation and the rare presence of high-quality models of such doors in retail outlets.

    Don’t forget about the decorative qualities of bathroom doors. To ensure a harmonious combination with the interior of an apartment or house, you can use mirror or glass inserts to decorate the door leaf. A bathroom is not complete without a mirror, and if you place one on the door, you will be able to visually expand the usually cramped bathroom space.

    When choosing an all-glass door, it is logical to use a frosted or tinted panel to ensure the privacy of the room. Matte folding doors also look original.


    It is a mistake to believe that the dimensions of the doorway to the bathroom are not particularly important. Undoubtedly, the bathroom is one of the rooms with complex performance characteristics. Constant temperature changes, high humidity, accumulation of condensation and steam, as well as a number of other negative factors negatively affect finishing materials, including the door frame. The protection of residential premises from the spread of dampness, microorganisms, and mold depends on its quality, so it is necessary to pay due attention to the competent selection of the size of the interior flooring to ensure quality home care. In accordance with accepted standards, the dimensions of interior openings must differ in the same dimensions. The height of the product is 2 m, and the width can be different: 60 cm, 70 cm, 80 cm, 90 cm. Wider doorways are non-standard according to GOST.

    Narrow openings (60cm) are typical for typical Soviet buildings of the Khrushchev type. In new buildings, most often the width of the doorway is 70-80cm, taking into account the installation needs of residents household appliances, plumbing, metal and decorative elements that simply cannot “fit” into narrower openings. Installation of modern plumbing equipment such as a shower or Jacuzzi, often requires more wide door(80-90 cm).

    The use of canvas wider than 90 cm is justified only in exceptional cases of design ideas in large spacious houses. IN standard apartment such a wide door overlap disrupts the comfort and overall harmony of a small bathroom.


    To create a harmonious design of a living space, you need to carefully choose the color of the door panels. It is generally accepted to install all interior ceilings in an apartment of the same color. This approach is classic: plain doors will not disturb the aesthetics of the room, they will succinctly fit into general style and will not attract undue attention. It is allowed to use two shades of doors in the interior, but for the toilet and bathroom you should in any case choose the same colors.

    • Over many years of use in bathroom design, white doors have proven themselves perfectly. They are universal for any size room: in small apartments or spacious houses, snow-white doors will create an atmosphere of cleanliness, freshness and neatness, harmonizing with the color of the plumbing. Due to the fact that white color does not form clear contours and seems to radiate with light, a feeling of comfort is created in any area.

    • Coated doors are considered one of the most attractive and in high demand. amber oak. Among the huge range of door designs, they have an elegant aristocratic design and will fit into various style solutions.
    • Ideal for modern interior door dark color. Against the overall light background of the bathroom decoration, a wenge-colored door will become an expressive accent. Attractive models with glass or mirror inserts will add a touch of luxury to even the most neutral design. A solid door leaf in black or dark brown shades will help organize the space, making it more geometric and laconic.

    • Helps create a mood colorful door. It is appropriate to bring a touch of dynamism and brightness to the bathroom design, because this is where the mood for the whole day occurs in the morning and moments of relaxation in the evening. A bright element will help cheer you up and lift your spirits. The strict design of the bathroom allows you to experiment: sea wave, bright crimson, turquoise - the shade chosen to your taste can be successfully integrated into the overall idea. Double door – perfect choice, if you are confused by the question of how a rich door will look in the corridor. On the one hand, the facade complements the interior of the bathroom, and on the other, the corridor.


    After choosing a color, you can think about additional decor for doors. The finishing can include inserts made of wood, plastic, metal, glass, or in the form of a mosaic and sandblasted pattern. Each door to the bathroom and toilet can be unique and inimitable in its own way. At making the right choice they will add a sense of elegance and sophistication to the space.

    Connoisseurs of non-standard solutions in apartment decoration will be interested in the use case hidden doors, with the help of which you can distract attention or completely hide from prying eyes any room, including a bathroom. Inconspicuousness is achieved thanks to the ability to process the facade side to match any texture, style and color of the walls of the room. You can easily apply plain paint or part of a landscape to such doors, or cover them with wallpaper (rolled, washable, paintable, photo wallpaper).

    The option of finishing with tiles is possible if the entrance to the bathroom is located on the side of the tiled kitchen. A similar solution applies to veneer and other decorative materials. A secret door will fit harmoniously into a minimalist style room, because it does not stand out against the background of the walls or looks only like a decorative element.

    For creative housewives who always want something special, you can suggest decorating the bathroom door yourself using the decoupage technique. This is the best option for those who like to do handicrafts, but do not want to overpay for expensive decor. Interesting pictures or patterns are cut out of paper, most often from napkins, to form a panel, which is then glued onto the surface to be decorated. The resulting picture can be complemented by decoration with available materials such as beads, beads and the like. With a certain amount of imagination, perseverance and skill, you can create a real masterpiece that will surprise and delight guests and household members with its originality.

    Which one is better to choose?

    Considering the characteristics of the premises, to prevent the formation of condensation, mildew and mold, it is worth thinking about ventilation. If natural ventilation is not enough, you can provide special grilles in the door leaf itself or (a less desirable option) install them after. Additionally, a hood is often installed in the bathroom to provide air exchange: warm air comes out, and a cold one takes its place.

    When choosing which door to install in the bathroom, you need to know that correct opening and closing is guaranteed only when purchasing the product complete with a frame. If you gravitate towards choosing a hinged door, which is characterized by the complete absence of a bottom guide, remember the need for high-quality fittings, because the comfort and safety of using the structure directly depends on it.

    Remember that the undoubted advantage in the form of ease of installation of this type of retractable door may not be so valuable, given the fragility of the system as a whole. If you use standard ones for the bathroom interior doors, supposedly simplifying the task of choosing, you can significantly overpay after 3-4 years, when an ill-chosen canvas that does not meet the characteristics of the room becomes unusable and will have to be changed again.

    For fans of stylish, unique interiors who choose mirrored doors for their bathroom, we remind you that they can not only be flat, but also have a round shape. You can emphasize the uniqueness of the room design by using a design in accordance with the geometric features of the bathroom doorway.

    Well-known manufacturers and reviews

    There are many manufacturers, domestic and foreign, represented on the interior flooring market. Among the Russian companies the following stand out:


    A well-known factory that has been making doors for over 20 years, has a large number of awards, is one of the recognized leaders in its industry. The production uses modern high-tech equipment to produce quality doors in accordance with high international standards. Judging by the reviews, buyers agree that despite the high cost, it is still worth buying Sophia doors, because you don’t mind paying for excellent quality, durability, and beauty.


    High-quality and inexpensive doors, produced in Penza for more than 20 years, have won their niche among leading companies. Being full-cycle manufacturers (from logging to door installation), the company also offers warranty and post-warranty service for its products. Due to the low cost at good quality interior ceilings from the Dera company are in demand and deserve positive reviews from buyers. Beautiful design and wide selection are also noted by customers, but production times are often delayed and delayed.

    "Alexandria Doors"

    Manufacturability and an innovative approach are the main operating principles of this company. Products manufactured at the factory in Ulyanovsk meet European standards quality. Door leaves are made from natural and high-quality materials. Impeccable quality, sound insulation, compliance with contract terms - these are the advantages noted by buyers of these doors.

    At the same time, the installers’ work is not always competent and sometimes their careless attitude towards clients is disappointing.


    A door according to your individual design can be manufactured at the Volkhovets factory. Production is located in Veliky Novgorod. Quality, the widest range with an adequate pricing policy, it helps to popularize the doors of this company among buyers. Buyers of the Volkhovets company are not always pleased with the attitude towards clients and the quality of installation, but in general there are no complaints about the doors themselves. Choose a reliable dealer - and the pleasure of your purchase will be complete.

    Foreign companies offer avant-garde developments and, thanks to the use innovative technologies in production, are in demand among buyers.


    An Italian factory that produces doors of exceptional quality and unique design. High-quality glass doors from Italy will add zest to your home. luxurious interior premises, becoming its main attraction. The company's clients are delighted by the skill and unsurpassed quality in working with glass doors and partitions. Amazing style possibilities of shapes and patterns, stunning the imagination, attract the happy owners of Italian doors.

    Via Plast

    Manufacturer from Ukraine, specializing in the production metal-plastic structures. Plastic doors, produced in accordance with high European quality requirements, have a unique style and design. The company offers products of various models, sizes, shapes and shades. The organization of the company's production process keeps pace with leading European manufacturers. There are not many reviews about the doors of this manufacturer; in general, customers who write about the company more often are dissatisfied with the service and, in fact, have no complaints about the quality of the products.


    The largest German company for which the production of doors is one of the areas of development. Our own high-tech developments are used to manufacture high-quality products. Rehau doors are presented in both classic and modern design, high quality and reliable, they will serve you for a long time and provide comfort and ease of use. The well-known company has no shortage of reviews; the quality of its products has been valued by customers for many years.

    Comfortable, reliable, practical – these are the main characteristics of German designs.

    Successful examples and options

    New and unusual material door manufacturing (composite) is unique in its characteristics. It can also be suitable as a ceiling for a bathroom, because the material used to make the frame of the product is a durable, dense polymer that is impervious to moisture. Currently, it is more often used for the manufacture of entrance doors.

    • By correctly approaching the renovation of a bathroom in a Khrushchev building, you can create a cozy, harmonious room that meets your needs and individual taste.
    • White door in the bathroom, combined with white furniture and sanitary ware, will give the room a feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

    • A stylish frosted glass door will add individuality and chic to both small room, and a spacious bathroom.

    The process of renovating a bathroom is quite expensive, since it requires a complete update of the water supply, sewerage systems, plumbing equipment, tiles and much more, in particular, the installation of a new door structure. Despite all its apparent simplicity, such a task as selecting a bathroom door requires special attention.

    Owners who do not have practical renovation skills often have a question about which doors are best to install in the bathroom. Knowledge of the main types of structures and their characteristic features will help you understand the variety of products on the market.

    For correct selection the canvas needs to take into account the following characteristics:

    • the material from which the product is made;
    • appearance;
    • price factor.

    The market offers the widest selection of metal-plastic, wooden, glass door panels, as well as laminated ones made from MDF. Each of these types of products has its own pros and cons.

    When an apartment is undergoing luxury renovations, it is advisable to order bathroom doors individual project in advance. Our specialists will help you select and install a unique door unit that is ideal only for your home.

    Custom-made doors will complement any interior

    The first thing you should pay attention to is that the structure should not be exposed to dampness, since this can cause it to change its dimensions, and this is unacceptable. Also, bath doors must be resistant to temperature changes and protected from the formation of fungi and mold.

    Often the choice is made difficult by a lack of experience. Price also plays an important role. However, an expensive model will not necessarily be the best. A door should be purchased only when you have a clear idea of ​​the appearance of the interior as a whole. It is recommended to install door blocks designed in the same style in all rooms.

    To add special chic to the bathroom interior, manufacturers offer various options artistic design of door blocks. This can be a stained glass insert, frosted glass with a pattern or photo print.

    A symmetrical pattern on the glass will harmoniously complement the laconic design

    The selection of accessories is limited only by personal preferences - these can be classic bolts and handles of various shapes and colors. You can also install so-called knobsets - rotary knobs with a lock.

    Description of solid wood door panels

    These are the most expensive designs. The main feature of lumber products is the ability to “breathe,” that is, to absorb water in conditions of high humidity and release it into dry air. This ability of the product often leads to its deformation. This problem can be successfully solved by applying a paint coating to the surface of the canvas.

    In bathrooms, the use of solid wood door blocks is allowed, provided that the integrity of the protective layer is maintained. Therefore, installation of doors is carried out only after applying antifungal agents to the product, coating with tinting compounds and finishing varnishing.

    Doors in separate bathroom It is advisable to choose in the same style

    The frame is mounted in the wall using anchor bolts and polyurethane foam. Without anchors, the door frame will become deformed and will prevent closing.

    It is important that wood products are more susceptible to swelling, so it is necessary to leave mounting gaps between the frame and the door.

    Wooden blocks require timely restoration of the paint layer. Maintaining products made from solid wood or laminated veneer lumber in proper condition is very expensive.

    The most inexpensive type of door is considered to be made from coniferous species. Such blocks are covered with stain and varnished. It must be borne in mind that products made from cheap lumber tend to absorb moisture much more strongly than those made from hard rocks wood such as oak, mahogany, beech, hornbeam, or maple. However, the cost of these paintings is much higher. Often, in order to give a more noble and rich look to the product, they use this tricky technology - a door block made of cheap coniferous trees is covered with veneer of valuable types of wood.

    Metal and glass elements are often used to decorate door panels. To avoid unnecessary problems When cleaning, we recommend that you avoid such decorations.

    Glass door and its characteristics

    Glass doors to the bathroom, photos of samples of which are presented in the gallery of this article, look appropriate in the bathroom design and are very functional in use. They are not susceptible to fungal infection and are very hygienic. Glass products have high light transmittance.

    Typically the design is a glass insert in a frame made of aluminum or other metal. Such a door block would be very appropriate in a modern style.

    Stylish glass sliding door

    When purchasing a structure, inquire about the availability of a quality certificate. You need to pay attention to the level of glass resistance to mechanical damage. This material is perfect for use in bathrooms, although it also has a number of disadvantages.

    In conditions of high humidity, the door leaf fogs up and condensation appears. This is not a design flaw, but a more aesthetic issue, since stains will remain on the glass even after drying. In addition, water flowing down will collect on the floor.

    Even given its significant thickness, glass remains a fragile material. In order to increase operational safety, the plane is covered with a protective film.

    A glass piece of such thickness is already quite difficult to damage, and if such a situation does arise, the fragments will not fly apart. You can also regulate the level of illumination in the bathroom with tinting films.

    This material is quite demanding in routine maintenance. It is recommended to wipe the glass door panel daily or be content with the not entirely neat appearance of the bathroom door. Fortunately, you can use absolutely any detergent to care for the surface of the product.

    Laminated MDF door leaves Most budget option are door blocks with a laminated coating. Such models of bath doors will harmoniously fit into the interior classic style . These are lightweight and durable products. The plane of these canvases is finished with a protective film, usually with imitation. Over time the frame door block is deformed, the necessary play between the canvas and the box disappears, which prevents closing. This is due to the fact that inner part the frame adjacent to the doorway is not covered with a protective layer and is susceptible to dampness, despite insulation. However, there are other disadvantages. The laminating layer is short-lived - any accidental scratch can irreversibly ruin the appearance of the product. The coating simply peels off over time due to increased humidity in the room.

    Laminated doors are indistinguishable from wooden ones even to the touch.

    Door leaves made of MDF are also covered with a more wear-resistant layer of plastic. This is an environmentally friendly and durable material that does not contain harmful compounds and is absolutely safe. The door covering imitates not only the appearance of natural samples. The material also feels virtually no different from the original.

    PVC Bathroom Door Block

    Blocks from metal-plastic profile. They perfectly imitate external qualities similar samples from natural materials. The price of such products is relatively low, which is an advantage. PVC bathroom doors have a number of positive qualities:

    • material not subject to external influences - plastic and aluminum - is not at all afraid of dampness, it does not rot or deform; the durability of the metal-plastic profile is ensured by the material’s immunity to fluctuations in temperature and humidity;
    • wide selection of colors and textures; Using PVC films, you can get an excellent imitation of any type of wood;
    • require minimal care, just occasionally wiping them with a damp cloth, and cleaning with cleaning products is required very rarely.

    Glazed door panels will add sophistication to the interior

    Such doors are usually equipped with an insulating layer, which becomes an additional positive characteristic. However, the presence of a PVC door block will require good ventilation in the bathroom, since their sealed design prevents the free movement of air.

    Blind and glazed blocks

    The door leaf can be solid, paneled (in the case of PVC construction, the sandwich panel plays the role of the panel) and glazed. To ensure privacy, it is recommended to use stained glass inserts, matting, and gluing tinting films to the glass - both colored and one-way mirrored. Photo printing, sandblasting and much more can be used. Such a variety of decor options will allow you to fully express your creativity.

    A decorative insert will make a blank door not so boring

    Classification by opening method

    Typically, bathrooms are equipped swing doors but they require large area to open. Along with them they are used sliding systems, which take up only a little space along the wall or are placed in a specially equipped niche, but they do not provide proper sound insulation. The same applies to folding doors and so-called accordions. As a rule, the optimal design option will still be a swing door. But, in the end, it’s up to you to choose which door to put in the bathroom.

    An unusual solution for the bathroom - an accordion door

    Having understood the variety of different materials and designs, you can easily understand how to choose a door to the bathroom. Interior photos of samples of possible variations will help you make the right choice. .


    For the longest and most successful operation of the door unit, several conditions will have to be met. The bathroom must be equipped with a good ventilation system, since water vapor must be quickly removed to avoid the formation of condensation on the ceiling, walls, and door surface. After all, the humidity in the bathroom is higher than in any other room. When correct established system air exchange, the door leaf will last much longer.

    As you can see, a competent choice of a door block for a bathroom can be made by carefully studying general classification doors on the market and purchase a model to suit your needs.
