Calculation of the opening for interior doors. How to independently correctly determine the width and height of swing and sliding doors? Ways to adjust the parameters of the opening

This article provides an example of calculating a doorway and a table of the main doorways. Based on this example, you will learn how to calculate any doorway.

To learn how to calculate a doorway, you need to know the standard dimensions of doors.
Main door sizes: 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 mm.
The width of the most common interior door is 800 millimeters. Doors to the kitchen 700 mm (600 mm may not be enough for modern furniture). Double-leaf doors to the living room are assembled from two 600 mm each or two 700 mm each.

Calculate the doorway

We calculate the doorway for a door with a width of 800 mm. Add the width of the door frame, the gaps between the frame and the door. The width of the gap is from two to four millimeters. We need an average value - 3 mm. The leaf of door frames is made from natural wood, or from pressed sawdust. Therefore, the thickness may vary slightly. The difference is five to ten millimeters. To calculate the doorway, we will take the maximum thickness of the box - 40 mm. Subtract a quarter. (40 - 10 = 30)

Dimensions taken into account when calculating the doorway:
30 - the thickness of the door frame leaf.
3 - the gap between the door and the frame.
15 - void for mounting foam.
800 - the width of the door leaf.
2000 - the height of the door leaf.

Calculate the width of the doorway:
30 + 30 + 3 + 3 + 15 + 15 + 800 = 896 (round up to 900 mm).

Calculate the height of the doorway with the threshold:
It is important to remember that for doors with and without a threshold, the difference in the height of the doorway is 10 millimeters, since we will leave the standard gap under the door - 20 mm.
30 + 30 + 3 + 3 + 15 + 2000 = 2081 (round up to 2080 mm).
For a door 800 mm wide, a doorway 2080 mm high and 900 mm wide is needed.

Let's check whether the platbands will block the doorway:
The minimum width of the casing is 60 mm. Let's add a platband on each side, taking into account the minimum distance from the door to the platband (5 mm).
60 + 5 + 60 + 5 + 800 = 930 millimeters.
30 + 3 + 60 + 5 + 2000 = 2098 millimeters.
Therefore, taking into account the maximum thickness of the door frame and the minimum width of the casing, our doorway will close.

The wardrobe door is a simple mechanism only at first glance. To make and install it yourself, it is not enough to buy everything you need. It is necessary to correctly measure the connector and calculate the necessary indicators. This will take time and patience. The correct calculation is half of the positive result, a guarantee of successful service and the maximum benefit of the structure.

How to calculate the size of the door leaf for a sliding wardrobe

First of all, such indicators as the height of the opening and its width are measured. Be sure to measure with a level so that there is no slope of the guides - if they are not adjusted, then the sashes can roll.

The height of the slats themselves, along which the canvas will move, is about four centimeters.

First you need to determine the height of the ceiling (standard height 2500 mm) and subtract 4 centimeters of clearance for the rails - the resulting value will be the height of the door leaf:

  • Door H = 2500 - 40 = 2460 mm

After determining the height, the width is determined. It will depend on the type of handle being installed, of which there are two main types: open (opens from the side where the hook is located) and closed (the same everywhere). For this reason, the width will be different.

The width of the door leaf is also calculated depending on the number of door leaves - when their dimensions are determined, it is taken into account that they are overlapped so that they can open freely in all directions. If the cabinet has 2 wings - there will be one overlap, out of three - two, four - here are the options: two or three overlaps. It is clear that the width depends on the number of door structures. For example, if there are 3 two doors in the closet, the sum of their width should be approximately 2 centimeters more than the size of the opening (due to overlap).

The apparent length (L) + overlaps is the desired indicator, which must be divided by the required number of wings:

  • L (open) \u003d (2300 + 10 * 2) / 2 \u003d 1160 mm.
  • L (closed) \u003d (2300 + 15 * 2) / 2 \u003d 1165 mm.

Calculation of components

For closed and open handles, measurements are taken individually:

  • The handle is the side frame of the door, with its help the door leaf opens.
  • L handles = H doors
  • Track - top and bottom - the top rail, thanks to which the canvas is fixed in a vertical position.
  • Track (top and bottom) = H of opening
  • Frame - pulls the door at the top and bottom.
  • L top/bottom frame = L doors - 50
  • An insert is an external facade: a mirror, glass.
  • H inserts = H doors - 60, L inserts = L doors - 40

As for the inserts: here it should be remembered that the standard web width is 4 mm (glass or mirrors) plus an auxiliary seal (plywood or chipboard sheets).

If the insert is without glass, but simply a dense material is used - (suitable sizes 10-12 mm) you can do without a sealant.

During installation, you will also need the following details:

  • Rollers (upper and lower, 4 each);
  • Self-tapping screws for a hex key (sold with rollers).
  • Brakes (4)
  • Mirror seal (silicone);
  • Pile dustproof;
  • Self-tapping screws (4.5 * 60) 8-10 pieces.

A very important note - the dimensions of the guides should be 2 cm less than the opening H to facilitate installation. If we are talking about cabinet furniture, then the length should be with a margin, because during installation it turns out that the length of the upper and lower rails is different.

Assembly and installation of sliding wardrobe doors

You need to assemble the structure on a flat table or on the floor, after leaning against something (wooden beam).

General assembly algorithm:

  • File a profile;
  • Fill the upper frame (gently tap with a rubber mallet);
  • Stuff the bottom frame;
  • Align the horizons (protrusion of the insert 7 mm);
  • Handle installation (7 mm indent);
  • Put on the handle and side handle;
  • Pull the frame;
  • Screw in the screw at the top;
  • Installation of rollers and seals;
  • Installation of mirror inserts.

Inserts with a coating (film) at the edges should be rounded, if they are at a right angle - the film may be damaged.

Installation algorithm:

  • We insert the sash into the installed upper guide mechanism.
  • The rollers are installed in the lower track.
  • The door is adjustable horizontally and vertically.
  • Set the remaining parts: from farthest to nearest.
  • If the front is skewed: adjust with a wrench (hexagonal) screw the roller. In the direction of the clock - raise, against - lower.

Useful information about the calculation and installation of the sliding wardrobe door leaf:

Sliding interior doors

Recently, double-leaf interior sliding structures have gained great popularity, the main advantage of which is space saving.

You can install them yourself, for this you need to purchase:

  • Door leaf.
  • Sliding mechanism.
  • Pens.
  • Castle (if necessary).

Already this set is enough for installation. To make the new interior doors look more attractive, you should think about replacing other details:

  • Door frame (required rail).
  • Platbands.
  • Plank for sliding system.

Installation begins with the preparation of the door leaf: first, a small slot is made in the center with a grinder (it serves as a stop for the doors), rollers are screwed on all sides, a lock is installed, handles are attached. Then you need to install the sliding mechanism in the doorway. Pay special attention to the length of the guide rail, if necessary, adjust to size, calculate the correct installation height.

The canvas thanks to the rollers can be easily installed in the guide.

A rubber stop, upper and lower limiters are attached to a three-millimeter gap.

It is advisable to carry out work after replacing the door frame: it is made of rails, reinforced with foam, and trims are installed. If the interior doors are with a lock, then a bar is placed in place of one of the platbands, where part of the locking mechanism will be located. The box can also be decorated with stone, laminate, according to the design of the room, so that the interior doors look harmonious.

Interior doors are an important element in any room. In addition to practical applications, they play a key role in interior design. Already at the initial stage of repair, it is necessary to think about installing a door block. Therefore, it is useful to clarify in advance the size of the opening for the interior door. Based on the parameters, it will be easier to choose the design of the door block.

There are standard sizes of interior doors. It is these kits that most often leave the conveyors of large manufacturing enterprises, make up the assortment of online stores and showrooms of specialized salons.

The width of the door leaf in accordance with Russian standards is presented in several versions and ranges from 55 to 90 cm. The height can be 190 cm for blocks with narrow leaves (55–60 cm), and 200 cm for the rest. European manufacturers supply the market with products that are 60, 70, 80 or 90 cm wide and 200 cm high.

Ways to adjust the parameters of the opening

According to the standards, the opening for an interior door should be several centimeters wider than the box on the sides and top. During the construction of private housing, builders can make doorways both in accordance with accepted standards and according to individual sizes. In multi-storey residential buildings, the project provides for standard sizes for doors and openings. When reconstructing old houses, quite often they encounter a situation where the doorway does not fit the standard size. It would be problematic to change the size of the finished door if it does not fit the parameters, since there is a risk of spoiling the decorative design of the canvas. It is financially unprofitable to order a product according to individual sizes. Therefore, fitting the opening is a more rational solution.

In what cases will it be necessary to change the size of the doorway to install new interior doors?

  1. The doorway is narrower and lower than the canvas of the product. In this case, an expansion of the opening for the interior door is required. If the wall is made of brickwork or concrete, use a puncher and a chipper. It is more difficult when the wall is made of plasterboard on profiles. You will have to disassemble part of the wall to the next profile rack. After that, install a new profile according to the desired dimensions, and again sew it up with GKL sheets.
  2. The doorway is larger in width and height, and you need it to meet standards. In this case, the opening for the interior door acquires the desired dimensions as a result of narrowing. If the difference in the size of the opening and the door leaf is large, then, as a rule, additional brickwork is made for walls made of brick and concrete, respectively, profile and sheets of plasterboard are used for drywall. With a slight discrepancy, you can use sheets of drywall, planted on glue.

The issue is much easier to solve if the opening under the interior door does not correspond to the parameters of the box in depth. In this case, use an additional board of the desired width.

Doorway calculation

For an accurate calculation, the following measurements of the door unit will be required:

  • sash width and height;
  • thickness and depth of the box;
  • platband width;
  • threshold height, if any.

The calculation takes place according to the following scheme: door leaf size + box size + mounting gap x 2 (from 1 to 2.5 cm on each side).

We calculate the parameters for a door 200 * 90 centimeters and a box thickness of 2.5 cm.

The width is folded as follows: door width 90 cm + box thickness 2.5 cm * 2 = 5 cm + gap between the hatch and the door leaf: 1.5 cm * 2 = 3 cm.

Total: 90 cm + 5 cm + 3 cm = 98 cm.

Opening height without threshold: leaf height 200 cm + floor offset 1 cm + box thickness 2.5 cm + 1.5 cm mounting clearance = 205 cm.

Total: 200 cm + 1 cm + 2.5 cm + 1.5 cm = 205 cm. If the design provides for a threshold, add the thickness of the box again.

Builders usually make the size of the opening 8 cm larger than the door. If a small gap remains, it is filled with mounting foam and hidden with a casing.

The standard depth of the door frame is 7.5 cm. Since the opening parameters do not correspond to these figures in all houses, manufacturers can understaff the door blocks with an additional board, due to which the depth of the box will increase. In the opposite situation, when the wall thickness is less than the box, you will have to cut off extra centimeters from the box or choose a sliding door design, for which the dimensions of the doorways are not so important.

Calculation of a doorway in a building under construction

If calculations are made in a room with a rough finish, it must be taken into account that as a result of finishing work, the parameters may change due to the flooring:

  • when laying linoleum - by 1 cm;
  • laminate flooring - 2 cm;
  • laying porcelain stoneware or tiles - up to 5 cm.

It is necessary to make significant adjustments in the calculation if it is necessary to install a warm floor. In the case when two types of flooring are connected at the junction of the threshold, the junction is closed with a presser foot, which will require an additional few millimeters of height.

  • To achieve high measurement accuracy, they are produced at different niche heights. If there is any doubt about the correctness of the calculations, you should call the measurer.
  • It may happen that the door leaf is larger than the allowable size and needs to be cut. This procedure is not suitable for all door panels. In most cases, doing it yourself is impractical. This job requires professional equipment.
  • To install structures that do not need a box and platbands (compartment, rotary, pendulum), strict alignment of the gap around the entire perimeter is required.
  • When installing interior and entrance blocks in a new building, the installation gap is made a little larger with the expectation of shrinkage.

When repairing, it is necessary to pay due attention to the installation of interior doors. Of course, there are certain standard dimensions, but in order not to have to destroy the wall or change the already selected canvas, it is necessary to study all the nuances. In this case, it is important to correctly calculate the dimensions of the opening, to know the standard and features of different types of structures. In the modern market, you can find domestic and foreign products, it is important to remember that GOSTs are different.

GOST web size indicators

The parameters of the door leaf must be taken into account when calculating the opening. Doors and frame have standard sizes approved by the state.
GOST table of interior linens:

Type of roomWidth cmHeight cmDepth cmkitchen702007Bathroom, bath55-60190-2005-7room802007-20Living room (double door 120 (two canvases)2007-20

If repairs were previously carried out, the walls were leveled or dismantled, the depth may not correspond to the above data.

The market offers a wide range of doors and components from domestic and foreign manufacturers. Most often, products have a height of 200 cm, a width of 60, 70, 80 cm (less often 190 by 60, 70.80 cm). The thickness of the door frame starts from 15 mm to 45 mm. Knowing the standards and dimensions of the doorway, you can choose the best option. There are situations when ignoring the parameters ends with an expansion of the opening or the return of a newly acquired canvas.

When buying a canvas from a foreign company, you need to carefully study the dimensions because their standard is somewhat different.

Formula for measuring a doorway

If it is necessary to make an opening, but the issue has not yet been resolved with the door, it is necessary to take into account the following points in advance:

  • Canvas dimensions: height and width, thickness.
  • Door frame dimensions: width and thickness.
  • Platband width.

Calculation example:

  • tight

Height (H dv) - 200 cm

Width (W dv) -70 cm

  • Box

Thickness (T to) - 3 cm

  • Mounting gap (Mz) -1 cm

Door block (Bd) - 2 cm

  • Threshold height (V p) - 2 cm

The formula for calculating the width of the doorway:

W dv + 2 * T k + Mz + 2 * Bd \u003d 70 + 2 * 3 + 1 + 2 * 2 \u003d 81 cm

The formula for calculating the height of the opening:

In dv + V p + 2 * T k \u003d 200 + 2 + 2 * 3 \u003d 208

Conclusion: for a door leaf 200 by 70, a doorway 208 by 81 is required.

Opening depth: standard 7.5 cm, so manufacturers make door frames for this value. If the canvas has already been purchased: you will have to make a box individually, wider - use an extension. Therefore, it is better to do the calculations in advance.

Algorithm for measuring the size of the doorway

To correctly measure the size of the opening, you must follow the sequence of actions:

  • Measure the height from the floor to the top (if the opening is not even, you need to measure in the narrowing area), to the middle of the casing.
  • Width - from the middle of the left to the middle of the right casing (taking into account the narrowing).
  • Depth is measured at the top, middle and bottom (to find the widest value).

A positive result depends on the accuracy of the measurements.

Table for calculating doorways standard:

Width cm Height cm Room view Standard
62 — 65 195 — 197 Toilet, bath 55*190
67 – 70 195 — 197 Toilet, bath 60*190
67 — 70 205 — 207 Toilet, bath 60*200
77 – 80 205 — 207 Kitchen 70*200
87 – 90 205 — 207 Room 80*200
97 – 100 205 — 207 Room 90*200
127 — 130 205 — 207 Living room (double doors) 2*60*200

Parameters of the frame and door leaf

The dimensions of the interior door frame must correspond to the dimensions of the leaf, taking into account the gaps.

The frame should be proportional to the thickness of the wall. If there is free space, use extensions that cover the gaps.

Dobor - these are racks around the perimeter of the box to expand the door frame.

The main element is still the doors themselves. The standard is defined based on the following parameters:

  • The height of the interior door leaf: 190-200 cm. Sometimes an individual approach is needed. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the gap between the base and the floor so that the canvas opens and closes freely.
  • The width depends on the room.
  • Thickness - different (depending on the requirements of the manufacturer), standard - 4.5.

Features of double doors

For a living room, a good solution in interior design would be to install double-leaf interior doors. Attention, when calculating the dimensions, double the values.

As for GOST: the standard is a width of 120 to 150 cm. This range allows you to get a convenient, full-fledged and functional design. Thickness - 4.5 cm.

Details about measurement and installation:

If the opening does not correspond to the specified value and cannot be expanded, the following is necessary:

  • One leaf is in a fixed position and is used as needed.
  • The width of this leaf: 1/2 or 1/3 of the width of a standard interior door.
  • The second is a full door.

Both options have a big plus in functionality: they improve patency: it is easy to bring in and take out furniture.

As for the height: if the opening is larger than the specified standards (size: 200-210 cm), a special fixed bar is attached at the top.

Maximum web dimensions

The widest standard doors are 90 cm. Only a limited number of manufacturers produce products of such dimensions. In new buildings, such parameters of the interior door frame are not used, because the design looks ridiculous or cumbersome. Still, these sizes are found:

  • In "Stalinka".
  • In offices.

The most popular material for interior overall (and not only) canvases: MDF.

When installing entrance and interior doors, as well as replacing them, it is necessary to take into account a lot of different factors that will affect both the installation process itself and subsequent operation. Everything is important, from the side in which the door will open, ending with the presence of a threshold. But, perhaps, the most important point will be the measurement and calculation of the installation size of the opening.

doorway standards

Regardless of whether repairs are being carried out indoors or whether a new house or apartment is being finished, the standard dimensions of doorways must be taken into account without fail. The main parameters of the opening are, in principle, standardized, however, many door manufacturers may deviate from the standard by a small amount. To avoid unpleasant moments that lead to an increase in the cost of repairs in general, it is imperative to know the exact size of the opening, otherwise a situation may arise when you have to order doors of a non-standard size, and this, of course, is more expensive.

Today, the manufacturer will offer several sizes of doors and door frames. The most common door size in height is 2 meters, and the width can be 60, 70 or 80 cm. However, it is not uncommon to find finished doors 190 cm high and, for example, 550 mm wide. At the same time, the thickness of the door frame can be from one and a half to 5 cm.

You need to pay attention not only to this, but also to many other points that will appear already when examining the doorway. local. First of all, you need to pay attention to such things:

Knowing these nuances, you can easily choose and install both interior and exterior doors.

How to calculate a doorway

Calculation and installation of the doorway. will pass without complications in the case when the box most closely matches the size of the opening. If the box is significantly smaller, it is not a fact that you can securely fix it in the opening, but even worse when it turns out to be larger. In principle, this is not a catastrophic situation, but you will either have to expand the opening or order new doors, which is absolutely useless.

To correctly calculate the size of the opening, you need to know only a few parameters. First of all, you need to know the height and width of the door leaf itself, know the thickness of the door frame and its width and the width of the platbands. An example of the calculation is shown in the diagram in several versions, but for accuracy it is necessary to take into account the mounting gap of at least 2 cm around the entire perimeter.

Box thickness and possible problems

Now it's worth talking about the thickness of the door frame. In typical houses that are built from the same panels or even bricks, the wall thickness is in principle standardized - it is a stable 75 mm. Based on this size, almost all manufacturers make the thickness of the door frame just that. But if this is not taken into account, then you will have to install an additional expander, or vice versa, saw off part of the box, which not everyone can do at home.

If you do not exactly adjust the thickness of the box to the thickness of the walls, then installing the platband can be either difficult or completely impossible, which will necessarily affect the appearance of the door group as a whole. To avoid errors, it is necessary to measure the thickness at least at three different points, and if the size is not too different and is within the standard, then you can do without ordering a custom design. Otherwise, either the installation of extensions or the longitudinal sawing of the box shines.

An additional timber can also be useful in the case when the walls are not too pleasing with ideal geometry, which is quite often found in panel and brick high-rise buildings. If it is not installed, then the casing, like a blueprint, will repeat the curvature of the wall, which is undesirable, since this will spoil both the overall door composition and the interior of the room as a whole.

So you can avoid mistakes and install the doors quickly and efficiently without unnecessary nerves and misunderstandings. Good luck with the repair and high-quality doors!
