Handmade brook in the garden. How to make a dry stream in the country? The concept of "dry stream" and its clear advantages

In the spring, we plan to come to grips with the equipment of our dacha, or rather, bringing beauty to the site, creating landscape design. There are thoughts about the reservoir - but what about without it? Even if it's small, I think it's necessary.

From the old owners on the site, we were left with two old baths, and I remember my own publication about that (and I will be guided by it).

Now, traveling through the parks and beautiful gardens, I constantly meet artificial streams and I wanted to figure out how to arrange the same in my area. Is it difficult and how realistic in our Russian conditions.

We are lucky (at least we think so) - we have a very pronounced natural slope on the site. For garden work- this is a minus, but it opens up great opportunities for creating a beautiful landscape design.

Therefore, when creating a stream, we do not have to carry out complex excavation. But those who have a flat area will have to additionally create a slight slope in the place where the stream is supposed to be.

It goes without saying that the source of the stream should be much higher than the place where it flows into a small reservoir (we plan to make a small pond at the mouth). For those whose slope is practically not noticeable, you need to think about which direction the water will flow, so to speak, outline the direction of the flow, and then form the elevation changes.

What can be the slope

There are certain slope guidelines. It turns out that even if you make a difference of 3 cm per 1 meter, the movement of water will already be noticeable to the eye. With a smaller slope, the water will still flow where it needs to, but for a person it will be almost imperceptible.

Of course, it's nice when the stream meanders between the trees and murmurs, so it was necessary to make the height difference bigger and add natural rapids where the water would have to overcome obstacles.

The easiest option

One of the simplest options for creating an artificial stream is to make a channel from a finished asbestos-cement pipe. It can be cut lengthwise, placed on a slope, placed stones in the channel different sizes- and you will get a stream. The movement of water is carried out using a pump located in the lower tank. Through the hose coming from the pump, which we disguise as a channel or to the side of it, water will be pumped up. Here is the simplest solution.

However, if we want to get closer to the more natural, natural look stream - then you have to work hard with a shovel in your hands!

Option with ledges and small waterfalls

In order for the stream to evoke more emotions, of course, it needs to murmur and look like a natural one. Oh, now I remember the mountain streams in the Elbrus region, with the purest water and a wondrous sound, under which I so want to meditate. I want to build such a stream in my country house! What will need to be done for this?

First you need to dig a channel with a large slope, assuming several drops along its entire length, where the water will create a beautiful sound, falling from a small height. In essence, we create small artificial waterfalls (or at least one drop - in front of our patio or place of relaxation.)

The stream bed should be clean, it should not contain large stones, any sharp ledges, roots, etc., as we plan to cover it later plastic wrap. Under the film, we lay a layer of sand or clay at least 5-6 cm thick.

It is possible to make the channel and concrete, for decoration on top concrete base you can put pebbles or cobblestones on the solution. Such a channel will need to be carefully protected for the winter from moisture.

If it is not adequately sheltered from the autumn rains, the water that gets into the channel and reservoirs will freeze in winter and can break the bottom of the reservoir. From this, it will be covered with cracks, into which part of the water will go in the summer.

You can make a number of tanks, between which small waterfalls will be arranged. Water will accumulate in each next tank, and then it will fall into the next, creating a beautiful murmur. To do this, we tilt the bottom of the tank in the opposite direction from the current of the stream.

Flat stone option

You can also form ledges with the help of large flat stones, placing them at the bottom of the stream at a slight slope, directed against the flow of water.

This will also require making the initial slope of the channel as large as possible.

And this example shows that the sides of the lower tank are simply made of brick laid out in a circle, covered with a film on top. Cheap and cheerful, as they say.

stepwise variant

In order for the water not to flow down the slope, but to fall with an even more powerful sound, you will need to make a ledge that will look like a stair step in a section with a riser sinking a few centimeters. Like this:

This option is more difficult to implement, but also more effective.

How to choose a film for the bottom

I think that it all depends on how big the stream is and what volume of water circulation is planned in it. Garden supply supermarkets like Leroy Merlin have a special super-strong pond film.

When arranging a very small stream, I think you can just use the largest garbage bags (they are just huge and dense). In general, there is a choice for every occasion and for every wallet.

Some more photos for inspiration

These ponds were photographed by me in the center of Mantaka Chia "Tao Garden" in Chiang Mai.

This is just an example of a lotus pond.

And in this decorative pond two artificial streams flow at once! It was very pleasant to sit near him and listen to the murmur, amplified twice.

An interesting idea is a waterfall lost in a flower bed.

An example of a pond wall design.

Artificial streams in the park amaze with their variety of design solutions.

Fresh cheap and simple idea

To implement it you will need:

  • plastic bottles of 5 or 6 liters,
  • black polyethylene film
  • pond pump or hose pump
  • plastic basin

And also - pebbles or gravel in order to overlay and support the channel of plastic bottles.

You probably already guessed that the stream bed will be made of plastic bottles cut across, which will first be cut off top part and bottoms. The channel laid out in this way is covered with a film, the pump is installed in the lower tank, made of plastic bottle wrapped in black film.

Along the contour, the stream bed is covered with gravel or decorated with pebbles. As a lower reservoir, we use a plastic basin, into which we immerse the pump, and hide the hose with water coming from the pump into the same pebbles and bring it to the “source of the stream”.

Here is such an uncomplicated and completely collapsible version of an artificial stream for the winter, and there ... fantasize yourself! It's so exciting.

Every gardener can make speeches in the country with his own hands. This does not require financial investments and the use of heavy equipment. Do-it-yourself decorative stream is made using a simple technology using improvised materials. This article talks about how to make a decorative stream quickly and ensure an uninterrupted supply of water. Before you make a stream with your own hands, study the device of this artificial reservoir.

The stream in the garden looks cute, but before you start enjoying its gentle murmur and admiring the birds that the water will attract, you need to carefully plan everything, think over not only the location of the stream and the shape of its banks, but also the design of its beginning and end. If we forget about poetry for a while, then a stream is a water "band" flowing between its beginning and end (source and mouth).

Where can an artificial stream "flow" from? From under a large boulder or a crack in it, a pile of stones, a picturesque bush will also come up, a waterfall can also be the source, technically this is just a disguise of a hose in order to give the impression of a natural source. The end of the stream is most often a pond, it can also disappear under a large stone or a group of stones, under which there is a reservoir with a pump. You can arrange one or both ends of the stream so that they are “lost” in the garden. Of course, the stream is man-made, but it is quite possible to make it "natural", natural in appearance.

The device of the stream in the country and in the garden

First of all, the arrangement of the stream is his project, then its transfer to nature. Be sure to draw the lines of the stream, its beginning and end on the plan, then transfer it to nature with a hose, changing its configuration until it seems ideal to you from all possible viewpoints. If you don’t know how or don’t like to work with plans on paper, you can immediately try to “draw” it on the ground with the help of pegs and construction tape.

And then, to ensure the device of the stream in the country - dig a bed of the stream, tamp the ground, lay (or fill the bed with a small layer of sand), then lay a black pond film, cover it with gravel or pebbles, carefully pour water, spread the stones on the shore, hide the edges films and plant plants in the right places. Naturally, hostas, Siberian and marsh irises, loosestrife, astilbes, swimsuits, marigolds, ferns, sedges, etc. will look natural on the banks of the stream.

To carry out the water cycle, the arrangement of a stream in a garden involves the use of an electric pump, with the help of which water will be supplied from the mouth to the source through a well-disguised hose. In the most natural way, the stream will flow where there is a difference in height, but it is quite possible to arrange it on a flat area.

Before starting work, you need to purchase all the necessary materials:

  • 0.5 mm or 0.8 mm thick black PVC film or much stronger and more reliable, although more expensive butyl rubber (EPDM membrane), they can be glued and repaired with special tapes and adhesives if necessary;
  • sand or geotextile as an underlayment and shock-absorbing material;
  • submersible pump, which will be placed in the lower storage tank; the longer the stream, the louder its sound is planned, the more power the pump needs;
  • hose;
  • stones for decorating banks and channels;
  • plants for planting near the stream and in the channel itself.

Decorative stream: photos and rules of care

The photos of the decorative stream presented on this page show all the splendor of the flowing water:

Photo gallery

However, to maintain this beauty, timely care is required. The rules for caring for a stream include the following measures: in the spring, it is advisable to drain the water from the reservoirs using a drainage pump (by the way, think in advance where you will drain it in the spring), then you need to thoroughly rinse the stones with a strong jet from a hose and fill it with a new clean water, adding a little (a couple of buckets) of the old one, so that the biodynamic balance is established faster.

You can not wash the stones, but then they become covered with silt, become dark. After a couple of days, you can start the fish. In summer, you need to remove leaves that have fallen into the pond from the pond, feed the fish, remove green algae with a net or hands if they appear, sometimes you have to clean the pump if it is clogged with silt. At the end of September, you need to transport the fish to the aquarium, turn off the pump, wash it, dry it and clean it for winter storage in dry room. Water from the pond does not descend, the hose remains in the ground.

It is not known who first came up with the idea to make an artificial stream, but this idea itself is simply ideal in its simplicity. Everyone can build a stream in the country with their own hands. Everything will turn out beautifully if you follow the advice of experienced craftsmen exactly.

For this job you will need:

  • submersible pump;
  • water hose (for a stationary stream, you will need metal-plastic pipe, for the seasonal option, you can use a reinforced rubber hose that is used for irrigation);
  • crushed stone;
  • shovel;
  • polyethylene film;
  • concrete;
  • boulders or pebbles;
  • lumber;
  • hammer and nails.

Proper design

Artificial streams are best suited to areas that have an uneven surface.

We start building an artificial stream in the country with site planning. First, decide on the location of the artificial spring and reservoir. Water will circulate from the reservoir through a hose system to the source of the stream. From the outside, it will seem that the spring really beats out of the ground. And only you will know exactly how all this beauty works.

From the source of the stream to the reservoir, make markings by setting pegs and pulling a cord over them. AT vivo streams are rarely straight, so try to give the direction of the curve as natural as possible.

This is easy to do, since the existing plantings of the building can simply be surrounded by a stream bed. If your yard is uneven, then it's bad for the lawn, but perfect for a man-made stream. Indeed, in this case, you can provide it with a waterfall. The murmur of water will give the summer cottage a special aura.

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Digging the foundation and preparing the channel

According to the existing markup, you have to dig a pit. We will not talk about dimensions (width and depth), since there are no specific canons of construction here, and each master independently chooses these parameters based on overall design garden plot. It is advisable to carefully measure the resulting pit to ensure a certain slope. It will be enough for you to provide a height difference of 5 cm for every 2 m of the stream length. Due to the fact that the water will be continuously supplied by the pump, its movement will be ensured anyway, but such a forced flow of water will seem unnatural to you. It is better to bring the structure of the stream on the site with your own hands to the most natural parameters.

Place a pillow of river sand (about 5 cm) on the bottom of the stream and cover it with a film.

Such a measure will not allow water to freely penetrate the soil, the site will not turn into a swamp over time. The edges of the film should protrude to the surface along the stream, occupying a distance of 30-40 cm on both sides. Concrete up to 10 cm thick will have to be poured over the film (in the inner part of the pit). When concreting, do not forget to provide a height difference. At the same stage, you can place artificial stone barriers at the bottom of the future stream.

Concrete must dry for at least two weeks. It is desirable that it sets evenly, so it should be covered with a film. In the meantime, this process lasts, you can work on hoses, a pump and electrical wiring.

It is good if all the supply pipes and cables are invisible to an outside visitor. Electrical wiring can be run plastic pipe, veiling it under any structure (for example, under an arch).

The water pipe will be placed underground. There is no need to provide a certain depth that prevents the pipes from freezing, since for the winter period the electric pump is removed from the reservoir, and the pipes are freed from water. It is enough to place them under the turf layer.

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Decoration of the stream with decorative elements

And now you need to think over the details and arrange the stream. First, equip the bottom of your stream. Here you can use various materials. If you are convinced of the transparency of the water in your artificial stream, then place natural natural pebbles or large river sand. When organizing a sandy bottom, it is recommended to alternate this material with crushed stone or small stones- boulders. Firstly, it will be beautiful, and secondly, the stones will prevent the sand from washing away towards the reservoir.

Along the banks of the stream, do-it-yourself is also made out with the help of boulders and landings. It can be reminded like alpine slide, and natural stream middle lane. In the first case, you use the maximum number of boulders and landings coniferous plants, in the second - any flowers that love moist soil. If the stream is located in the garden, then several blueberry bushes can be planted near it. Get the atmosphere of the Kola Peninsula. And in combination with Karelian birch, blueberries and mosses will look simply gorgeous near the stream. Suitable here are ferns planted mixed with roses, or any planting option that you personally like. Over time, natural aquatic plants may appear in the reservoir and at the bottom of the stream: lilies, reeds, water lilies. With such living decorations additional measures may or may not be needed.

So, we make a stream in the country with our own hands

You will need:

large pump, water connection and adapters, PVC putty, cement, 45 x 75 cm tank with lid, circular drills, waterproofing, geotextile, water foam sealant, gravel, stone, decorative boulders, drill, manual rammer, level, 2-wheeled wheelbarrow without sides. (about material for the construction of garden ponds and other reservoirs)

1. Mark out the stream bed using a garden hose, then paint along it. Also mark the locations of the upper and lower reservoirs, waterfalls, and large decorative boulders.

2. Dig a hole for the top tank 0.6 m wider than the tank diameter and 15 cm deeper. To frame the edges of the tank and banks, lay the first layer of stones with the flat side up so that the next layer is more stable. Using a rubber mallet, compact the soil and gravel around the rocks. Dig a hole for the bottom tank. Place boulders around the edges of the top reservoir and the top of the stream that is above ground level.

3. We complete the work with the lower tank. Drill holes in the tank with drill bits different sizes. Coat the hose adapter with putty and cement, insert into the pump.

4. Lay a layer of geotextile and waterproofing in the lower tank, releasing the material 60 cm beyond the edges of the tank. After installing the pump tank, insert the pump into it, connect the water supply and check if it reaches the top tank. Connect the hose. Lay the stone and cover the tank with a lid.

5. To create cascades at each height difference, dig or, conversely, build a ledge to the height of the water fall. Starting at the bottom of the stream, dig a channel 0.6-1 m wide, 15-20 cm deep. Then dig shallow reservoirs under the waterfalls to slow down the flow of water.

6. Lay out the banks with stones 15 cm high. Fill the gaps between the stones of the upper falls with a mixture of soil and gravel. Then tamp the soil around the top reservoir and bed. Align the ledges of the waterfalls horizontally.

7. At the bottom of the stream, start laying geotextiles and waterproofing, starting from the lowest point, releasing the material 0.6 m beyond the channel. At the base of each waterfall, the material should sag a little so that the stones installed later do not break the stretched waterproofing. Place decorative stones at waterfalls, placing an additional piece of waterproofing under each heavy boulder.

8. To shore

the streams were not washed out, fill the gaps between the stones with a mixture of soil and gravel. Lay the geotextile and waterproofing in the top tank, covering the stone banks by 0.6 m. upper layer rocks around the top tank.

9. After you have placed decorative stones in the waterfalls, install flat stones through which water will flow. Apply Expandable Pond & Waterfall Foam Sealant to the underside of the overflow stones to secure them to the waterproofing. Insert smaller stones into the gaps between the stones of the overflow of water and the boulders of the shore.

10. Fill with gravel the voids around the stones for overflow A of the water so that the water overflows only from above, then take a garden hose and let the water run down the channel. Fill leaks with foam.

11. Lay stone steps in the center of the channel for the convenience of crossing the stream. Cover the areas of uncovered waterproofing with gravel.

12. Fill the bottom reservoir with water and turn on the pump. Pour water over the stream until the water coming from the pump is clear. Insert the pump hose into the upper reservoir. Trim the exposed waterproofing and adjust the water flow by moving the stones.

Device garden stream do it yourself - tips

  1. On light soils, it is better to lay the channel in the ground. If the soil is too heavy, the stream will have to be raised on a stone base.
  2. For a continuous flow of water, a slight slope is sufficient - 5 cm per 3 m of the stream. In order for the water to flow faster, the slope must be steeper.
  3. When planning the volume of flow, first determine how much water should be contained in the lower and upper tanks when the pump is turned off. Plan the volume at the rate of 20 liters per 0.1 sq. m of flow (76 cm wide x 7.5 cm deep). In our case, the volume of the lower tank is 150 liters, the upper one is 900 liters.
  4. To make the water in the stream murmur, make a waterfall 5 to 10 cm high. The greater the height difference, the louder the murmur of the water. In addition, you can make several waterfalls.
  5. Falls should be visible from your veranda, patio, or house window. If you enjoy listening to the sound of running water at night, it might make sense to place a stream under your bedroom windows - you can always turn it off if it bothers you.

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Many summer residents dream of making their garden exotic. And what is required for this? good option will organize a stream on the site with his own hands.

Creating a stream with your own hands is not at all difficult, it is done in the same way as a reservoir using a special form and film.

It is very important to make an accurate marking of the passage of water. This is the most First stage construction. You can make a stream in the country winding, passing through various obstacles, in the form decorative stones, shrubs, etc. The natural look and smooth lines are the most important attributes of the stream.

You can not adhere to such rules and replace the tortuosity with clear, even lines. Paved paths and patios are perfectly combined with straight-line streams. But you need to consider that this style makes the stream look like a kind of ditch lined with lush or compact shrubs that grow freely.

It is also very important to determine in advance the presence of receiving reservoirs or waterfalls in the stream. The pond into which the stream flows, as a rule, is characterized by smooth rounded bank shapes and planted plants hanging over the water. Very often, streams are arranged in places of high-rise drops next to the stone stairs that connect the garden tiers.

Along its bends, the stream may include islands that are open to the sandy bottom, and shoals if it flows through flat terrain or on a gentle slope. A stream in the country will seem mountainous if you make steep banks or cliffs for it. Free fall of water is a very beautiful sight.

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Plant selection

After the stream is ready, proceed to decorative design nearby space. Plants that can tolerate high humidity help to achieve harmony with common style and will perfectly complement the lawn carpet, stone slides, mixborders that decorate the site.

Moisture-loving shrubs, such as white sod, viburnum, hydrangea, and perennials, such as male shield, fern, ostrich feather, astilba, are ideal plants for decorating the sources of streams. The choice depends only on the location of the stream. Perennial plants are best planted in flat areas.

Note. If not planned, then the mouth of the stream should be deepened. For the circulation of water flows, it is better to use a deep container or a suitable shape. In fact, a small film reservoir is built with your own hands very simply and easily.

Plants are planted for camouflage building materials, with the help of which the channel is made (film or plastic trays). Plants that grow well both on land and in water at shallow depths are suitable for this (cuckoo flax, crowberry, rugs from low-growing moss, naumburgia racemose or marigold).

Naturalness is achieved by landing perennials groups. Such plants include: Siberian iris, most varieties of astilba, magnificent geranium, cuff, hostas and ferns. Steep stone banks will look great if they are decorated with loosestrife, periwinkle, placers of golden marsh violets, spleenwort or goose onions for flowering in spring.

It is very important to choose the right pump, calculate the diameter of the pipes, and make high-quality waterproofing.

But this is only the visible part. It is also very important to take care of cleaning the pump for the winter period in the room, cleaning the filters and, of course, cleaning the water.

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Along the handmade stream

High banks with drained soil make it possible to plant undersized horizontal cotoneaster and creeping spirea, belonging to the conifer family.

If the stream, according to the project, will wind between tall trees that create a shadow, then it can be decorated with crow, rogers and aruncus. They should be planted in such a way as not to disturb the line of water movement, otherwise the stream in the area will be divided into segments, which will lead to a deterioration in its appearance.

The mouth of a do-it-yourself stream can be planted with a tail, and a water ranunculus is suitable for places with a calm, slow flow. In such places, it will slowly circle around the water surface. In case the stream passes through the lawn, transitional creeping stunted plants are needed, such as coined loosestrife or creeping tenacious.

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Building a stream with your own hands

Scheme of the flower garden around the stream: 1 - bamboo-leaved grass, 2 - bearded iris hybrids, 3 - lobelia, 4 - creeping tenacious, 5 - Poskharsky bell, 6 - shaving hybrids, 7 - large-leaved bruner, 8 - awl-leaved bryozoan, 9 - creeping tenacious red-leaved, 10 - arundo.

For work, you need a little:

  • submersible pump;
  • polyethylene film or concrete;
  • pipe for water supply;
  • decorative stones;
  • plants;
  • shovel;
  • a hammer;
  • solution container.

Practical part.

  1. Location selection. First of all, to create a stream, you need to select appropriate place. In reality, there will not be much choice, because the stream of the summer cottage should be located near a pond or other garden reservoir, from which water will be pumped. An outside observer will see the final composition in the following form: from a beautiful spring that gushes out of the ground, water ends up in the bed of a stream, along which it moves, flowing into a pond. In fact, no spring simply exists, and water is supplied from a pond! The perfect place for the mouth of the stream suburban area is a slope having a slope of 30-45°. Water through it can descend into the pond by gravity. Of course, this is not necessary, since the flow will in any case be provided by the pump, however, its speed on flat horizontal sections will be low, in contrast to the slope.
  2. Digging a ditch to the required depth. Usually, the depth of a do-it-yourself stream fluctuates between 0.25-0.50 m, and the width reaches 1-1.5 m. Having decided on the appearance of the future stream, they begin to create a ditch. Its dimensions depend on the materials for the manufacture of the bottom and walls of the structure. This will be described in more detail below.
  3. Creation of a stream bed. After the ditch is ready, proceed to the most important thing - the creation of the original channel. In order to do this, you first need to get rid of all stones, roots and other debris, and then the surface is well rammed. All subsequent work depends on the material from which the channel will be made. For these purposes, it may be suitable waterproofing film or concrete.
  4. If selected the simplest option- film, then first you need to arrange in the groove sand cushion 50 mm thick, and flooring is made on top of it nonwoven fabric such as butyl rubber. After that, it remains only to gently lay the film on the resulting surface.
  5. If preference is given to concrete, then the work process is a little more complicated. To begin with, in the groove it is necessary to arrange with your own hands a pillow of gravel and sand 250-300 mm thick, cover it with PVC film and lay a layer of concrete 150 mm thick on the surface. It follows from this that the choice concrete pavement requires deepening the groove by 0.4-0.45 m from the design value in the clear. Accordingly, the width also increases.
  6. Making the appearance of the stream with your own hands. Many may think that the production of the stream is over, but it appearance unnatural. Need to hide everything artificial elements so that they are not visible even under a close look. First you need to pay attention to the bottom. A real brook never has a smooth, smooth surface. In places of the channel with a weak current, flat pebbles are laid on the bottom. small sizes, for example, pebbles. Where the current is faster, it is better to decorate the stream with large unhewn stones. To create the effect of a waterfall, flat stones laid on the bottom of the stream will help. The banks of the new stream also need to be decorated. This can be done with boulders and small stones that have irregular shape. Stones are selected in different sizes and shapes and stacked in groups or separately.
  7. Entering the system and connecting the pump. The stream will flow into the reservoir, and it is in this place that a submersible pump should be located, which will help the water flows circulate in a given direction. The apparatus must be capable of required intensity movement. Considering the fact that water flows from the spring at the source of the stream, polypropylene hoses must be connected to the pump, which are easy to install and relatively frost-resistant. The source also needs to be decorated, otherwise the supply hose will be visible. This can be done by hiding the hose behind a large boulder or by building a kind of grotto from several medium-sized stones.
