How to glue a tree. Glutinous, casein and vegetable formulations. Preparation and gluing of wood surfaces. Glue types. What glue to glue what How to glue plastic to a wooden surface

For covering wood with veneer (single-layer plywood), SYNTHETIC JOINER'S glue is most suitable, since it forms a completely colorless seam. You can use casein glue. Polyvinyl acetate adhesives are less suitable due to low water resistance, and bone glue is simply inconvenient to work with; moreover, it forms a dyed seam.

If glue is applied to both surfaces - both to a wooden product and to plywood - then the plywood will immediately curl into a tube, and when straightened, the junctions of the individual plywood sheets will disperse and small cracks will appear near them. Therefore, only the surface of the wooden product is smeared with glue and dry plywood is applied to it. It is pressed for 40 minutes with a load so that the pressure in the seam reaches 6-8 kgf / cm2. The joint is fully cured within 6 hours.

When using “SYNTHETIC JOINERY'S” glue, which, as we have already said (see p. 132), is a two-component one, you can not mix the resin and hardener in advance, but apply them to the product separately: first a layer of hardener solution, and then a layer resins. After that, dry plywood is applied and pressed down with a load. An adhesive seam is formed that is strong enough, but fragile. It withstands action cold water, but in warm (60 ° C) it quickly collapses.

PVC decorative films and laminated paper decorative plastic it is best to glue to the tree with rubber adhesives "ELASTOSIL-2", "88N", "KR-1", "Zh-3" and "DUBOK" glue based on polyvinyl butyral.

It is useful to grind the underside of the film with a thin emery cloth and degrease with gasoline. Glue is applied to both surfaces to be glued, a film or plastic is applied to wooden product, carefully “squeezing out” air bubbles from the seam, and apply a load for 20 minutes (about 3-4 kgf / cm2). If you use "DUBKOM", then after applying the glue until the bonding surfaces are joined, an exposure time of 2-3 minutes is needed. The seam is completely cured in 10 hours (with the exception of the ELASTOSIL-2 glue, which is finally cured after 3 days, and the OAK glue - after 1 day).

When gluing with ELASTO-SIL-2 glue, it is absolutely necessary that the surfaces to be glued be absolutely dry and that no moisture gets into the seam during setting.

Fabrics are firmly glued to wood with "POLYVINYL ACETATE" glue, "BF-6", "OAK" and "UNIKUM". However, the adhesive "POLYVINYL ACETATE" and "BF-6" have disadvantages: the first is characterized by low water resistance, the second forms a seam painted yellow.

When gluing with polyvinyl acetate glue, the fabric and wood are smeared with glue and a small load is applied for 10 minutes. After 12 hours, the seam is completely cured.

Glue "BF-6" is also applied to both surfaces, but in two layers. The first layer is dried, and then the second is applied to it. After that (when the second layer is not yet completely dry), the fabric and wood are applied to each other and the glue line is ironed through the wet rag with a hot iron until the rag is completely dry. When using UNIKUM glue, instead of ironing, it is enough to simply press the seam for 2 hours with a load.

You will definitely take this trick into service if you did not know it before. It will be about how to very reliably glue plastic or plastic parts with ordinary instant glue, using one small secret, which increases the strength of the connection of two parts by more than 10 times.

What is the trick?

So, the secret is that around the seam of the parts to be glued, we will apply ordinary soda with superglue. The result is a strong thickening around the seam.
The fact is that cyanoacrylates, which make up the glue, interact with soda. They interact, and are not the usual filler. When these two components are mixed, instant reaction and the most durable composition is obtained, with which it is quite possible to glue not only plastics, but also metals. Peculiar similarity cold welding. Secondary adhesive alone does not have half the strength if used alone. No wonder everyone did poorly and fell apart. But with the use of this technology, this will no longer be the case.

It will take

  • Any super or second glue.
  • Baking soda.

We glue plastic

Let's get started. I broke off the bushing into which the screw is screwed. And, accordingly, I will now restore all this.
At the beginning, everything is as usual. Lubricate the place with glue.

At one and at the second detail.

Let's connect them.

Now the soda comes into play. When the parts come into contact, excess glue is squeezed out, it must be sprinkled with plenty of soda.

After 5 seconds, the excess can be blown away.

Then pour plenty of superglue around the crack and then again fill it with soda.

We blow off the excess again.

We repeat the process one more time.

Sprinkle generously.

As a result, a strong influx formed around the sleeve, which will securely hold everything.

Although everything has hardened before our eyes, it is recommended to let it stand for about 24 hours before using the product.

Pros and cons of the method

  • Instant curing. Even large drops freeze immediately.
  • A very durable monolith is obtained as a result.
  • Sticks to almost any plastic.
  • You can even seal holes and holes.
  • Instant curing can act as a negative factor, due to the fact that the composition cannot be poured into the center of the parts to be glued.
  • The reaction occurs with the release of heat, which in some cases can serve as a negative.
  • Unfortunately, such a composition can only be applied to the surface, but there are times when it is not possible to get there.
I especially recommend that motorists take note of this recipe, since I myself have glued dashboards and glass filters in this way more than once. Hold tight!

For carpentry needs, a fairly wide range of adhesive materials are used: various types of PVA adhesives, polyurethane compounds, epoxy resin, contact adhesive, etc. Selection of the most suitable option adhesives are produced with a focus on the following features project:

  • characteristics of the tree itself (oiliness, level of adhesion, etc.);
  • features of the loads that will fall on the seam (including shock and vibration);
  • conditions in which the product will be used (humidity, temperature changes, exposure to moisture).

You can talk about the working properties and areas of application of the main types of wood adhesives.

How to properly glue wood?

Joiner's adhesives are applied in a thin uniform layer on both surfaces to be joined. The only exception is the technology of gluing wood polyurethane adhesive: in this case, the material is applied to one of the surfaces, and the second is moistened (slightly moistened with water). Applying the composition in excess does not improve the quality of gluing in any way, but only leads to waste of material and smearing of surfaces with squeezed out excesses (by the way, this adds a headache at the finishing stage).

When gluing the thorn-groove joint, only the cheeks of the thorn and the walls of the groove are lubricated with glue. This method of gluing provides the most reliable connection: the joint is glued "tightly" not inferior in strength to the surrounding wood. Applying compound to the hangers does not improve the quality of the bonding, all you get in this case is just the appearance of excess and a waste of time, which is especially valuable with a complex multi-piece assembly.

What is the best way to apply glue?

It is important to distribute the glue over the surface of the tree in an even layer, so you should not be limited to simply squeezing strips out of a bottle or tube. For smearing, a small brush with stiff bristles is usually used. But the most effective assistant will be the simplest Toothbrush: bristles of optimal stiffness gently and evenly distribute the composition over the surface, providing an optimal adhesive layer.

Is it necessary to degrease surfaces and what is the best way to do it?

When gluing wood to wood, there is no need to degrease the surfaces. Although in some cases, for example, when working with oily rocks, this will not be superfluous. In this case, it is advisable to degrease the tree before gluing with white spirit.

When gluing dissimilar elements: wood with plastic, glass and other materials with low adhesive properties, the degreasing process is more important. Degrease only one of the surfaces, wiping it with white spirit.

How tight should the clamps be?

It is important to understand that the bonding strength does not depend on the amount of clamping force, but on the quality of the surface treatment and their accuracy of fit. It is not necessary to tighten the clamps strongly. A small amount of adhesive seeping through is a sure sign that sufficient down pressure has been created.

The use of clamps is not always advisable. When it comes to gluing small crafts, for example, wooden boxes and boxes for tightening, you can use tape or masking tape, but, again, subject to well-fitted joints.

How long does wood glue dry?

We spoke in detail about the working properties of the main types of wood adhesives in. To what has already been said, we will add that heat, dry wood and low air humidity are factors that speed up the drying process of the adhesive. Cold temperature, high humidity environment and the wood itself, on the contrary, slow down drying.

How to clean the surface of dried glue?

It makes sense to remove excess glue from the surface of the wood either while it is completely fresh, or when it has completely hardened. By rushing to sand the wetted area of ​​the wood, you are likely to get an even greater aesthetic defect when the fibers deformed by sanding dry. Hardened glue is cleaned by manual grinding (along the fibers) or cut off with a chisel.

Before application decorative finishes check if there are any soiled spots on the product. Otherwise, traces of dried glue will appear under finishing composition. For more effective detection of defects, wipe the surface of the wood with a cloth soaked in white spirit.

Professional tricks for flawless bonding

A tape clamp is an excellent assistant in matters of gluing on a mustache. This clamp evenly distributes pressure on all corner connections, guaranteeing perfect gluing without corner deformation and other defects. The absence of a tape clamp is no reason to refuse the ideal gluing of mustache joints. When gluing large surfaces at home, it is advisable to use a gear distributor. If desired, it will not be difficult to make it with your own hands, for example, from an unnecessary plastic card. Use masking tape to protect the surface from extruded adhesive. Plastic covers used as gaskets will prevent unpleasant surprises in the form of dents in the fixation points. Ribbon and quick clamp will become your assistants when gluing dimensional projects at home.

Often, we need to glue broken or cracked plastic items, from the temples of eyeglasses to the bumper of a car. It may also be necessary to glue a hook in the bathroom or a holder for a garden sprayer. The essence of the gluing process is the dissolution of the surface layer of two workpieces and the formation of a plastic layer from this solution, common to both parts. After hardening, the parts form a single whole, or, as they say, "stick together tightly."

Determine the type of plastic

in order to reliably glue plastic, first of all, you need to find out what kind of plastic the object is made of. Knowing the plastic, you can choose the most suitable adhesive for it.

All manufacturers put recycling symbols on their plastic products - this is the well-known Recycling Triangle - a triangle with arrows on the sides, symbolizing reuse materials.

The triangle contains numbers from one to seven. Often the numbers are supplemented by an abbreviation. According to these designations, the type of plastic is determined.

What does the marking on plastic mean?

  • PET low pressure polyethylene or polyethylene terephthalate. It is mainly used for packing or packaging food products. It is produced in the form of a film, bags or transparent containers for liquid and bulk goods, as well as drinks.
  • HDPE compacted low pressure polyethylene. It is used for the production of shrink film and packaging bags.
  • V (PVC) polyvinyl chloride - non-food plastic, used to make strong and durable items such as household buckets, frames plastic windows, linoleum.
  • LDPE Low density polyethylene high pressure. It is used in the production of bottles for drinks and dairy products, packaging bags, toys, pipes for cold water.
  • PP polypropylene. Plastic is chemically inactive, heat-resistant (up to 150 °C), is most widely used in the production of medical products, heat-resistant dishes and household utensils, toys, pipes and fittings for hot water, and much more.
  • PS polystyrene. Also food grade plastic, made from it disposable tableware, household utensils, cases kitchen appliances. If it is foamed, it forms an excellent porous heat insulator - foam used in everyday life and in construction work.
  • O Other (other) - materials that are not intended for recycling, for example, with inclusions of metal, paper or other substances). This also includes plastics that do not belong to one of the six groups.

PS - polystyrene

To reliably glue plastic, you need to carefully consider the markings on the product and select an adhesive designed for polymers of this group. There is another way to determine the type of plastic - a small piece of it must be set on fire. Each type burns with a characteristic smell and type of flame. For reliable application of this method at home, you need to gain considerable experience.

Glue marking

Glue tubes are also marked, it's a pity that the notation does not always match the symbols in the triangle on the plastic product. Most often, the following symbols can be seen on the tube:

  • PC-polycarbonate (used to cover greenhouses and sheds).
  • ABS is an acrylonitrile copolymer.
  • PP polypropylene.
  • PPMA organic glass for general use.
  • PE is a well-known polyethylene.
  • PVC is another friend - vinyl, or polyvinyl chloride.
  • PS - polystyrene.
  • PA 66 - polyamide.
  • PUR polyurethane.

If you are not an expert in organic chemistry, then most likely, further study of labeling at home will not be successful. It is better to read in the user manual, which must be attached to the tube, which plastics can be glued with it.

Types of adhesives

The variety of plastics used in everyday life corresponds to an equally wide variety of manufactured compositions and methods of their application.

How to glue plastic

To dissolve the surface layer of the material, it is necessary to destroy the chemical bonds between the molecules. For this, special substances are used - strong solvents. Each solvent is suitable for its own group of plastics, and may not even leave a trace on a material from another group. At the heart of each adhesive composition is such a solvent. In addition, the composition may include:

  • a hardener that promotes its drying;
  • filler - dissolved molecules of the substance for which the adhesive is intended.

One of the strongest solvents is dichloroethane. It is used to glue polystyrene and plexiglass.

Depending on the method of application, the funds are divided into several groups:

  • liquid;
  • contact;
  • reactionary;
  • hot melt adhesives.


Liquids are widely used in everyday life, they are easily and simply used at home for gluing plastic with a porous structure. They are available both on the basis of an organic solvent and on water based. They are applied to surfaces that are pressed against each other for a time sufficient to evaporate the base. After that, the adhesive layer hardens, forming a connecting seam. PVA glue is a typical example; it can be used to glue not only linoleum, but also wood at home.


Gluing takes place in two stages:

  • the surfaces to be glued are lubricated with a thin layer, which dissolves the surface layer of plastic, softening it and facilitating contact with another surface;
  • after a few minutes, the parts are pressed against each other with force, the softened layers are mixed, the solvent evaporates and a seam is formed.

This is how Moment, BF-2 and others work. They can glue polystyrene and other plastics at home. They contain toxic substances, so you need to work in a well-ventilated area and avoid getting drops on the skin or mucous membranes.


One-component reactive agents dissolve the bonded material very quickly and harden just as quickly. These are famous brands, like Sekunda, Superglue and their analogues. The seam is strong and rigid.

Two-component consist, respectively, of two components stored separately from each other:

  • hardener;
  • fixer.

The components are mixed immediately before use and applied to surfaces where the mixture hardens to form a joint. The basis is epoxy or polyester resins. The seam at home is very durable. characteristic feature is that the full hardening takes a long time, and the seam gradually increases both strength and brittleness.

Hot melt adhesives

This group includes substances that exhibit their properties when heated to 110-120 ° C. Requires a special glue gun With heating element. Differs in accuracy of drawing. In addition to plastic, they can glue wood, fabric, paper at home.

How to glue plastic tightly at home

After the type of plastic has been determined and the appropriate substance has been selected, one should:

  • thoroughly degrease the surfaces to be bonded. To do this, use alcohol, a degreaser or a soap solution (only laundry soap);
  • to more reliably glue objects, you need to increase the wettability. To do this, treat the surfaces with a velvet file or thin sandpaper;
  • mix two-component reactive substances only after completion of the preparation of parts;
  • do not use brushes with natural bristles;
  • apply enough adhesive so that when pressing the workpieces, the excess does not squeeze out beyond the gluing zone.

The parts should be pressed in such a way as to exclude their displacement in the plane of gluing relative to each other.

How to achieve maximum effect when gluing plastic parts

So that gluing plastic at home gives maximum effect, follows:

  • accurately determine the material and select the appropriate adhesive for it;
  • carefully follow the instructions for use;
  • wait the set time for the seam to gain strength and do not try to use the product ahead of time;
  • for outdoor work or for objects used in conditions high humidity, you need to choose a waterproof brand;
  • despite the declared heat resistance of the adhesive, the parts themselves may not survive this temperature;
  • if there is no marking on the product, then you can try to drop a drop of adhesive in an inconspicuous place and see if the material dissolves.

Epoxy glue gives one of the strongest bonds and is compatible with many types of plastics.

What affects the reliability of bonding

The reliability of the seam is affected by a number of conditions. All of them are important, and failure to follow one of them can lead to the fact that the glued at home will fall off, despite the observance of all the others. So:

  1. Compliance of the material of the product and the adhesive composition.
  2. Correspondence of the type of adhesive composition with the magnitude of the forces that the connection will experience. Equally important is the direction of these efforts. So, compounds that give rigid seams are not suitable for repairing, for example, shoes - after all, the sole will bend and twist during operation, despite the fact that the tensile force will be small. At the same time, this composition can successfully glue, say, a hook to glass, and hang tens of kilograms on it.
  3. Compliance with the technology of application. Everything is important here - and how many seconds or minutes it is necessary to compress the surfaces, and how to degrease them, and how much to keep the parts pressed against each other. All this depends on the properties of a particular “plastic-glue” pair, is described in detail in the instructions and must be followed verbatim. A one-second deviation in dwell time or early use of the product may result in secondary failure.
  4. The mechanical part of the process. It is important to thoroughly clean the surface of dust and roughen it. In addition, the direction of pressing the parts to each other must be perpendicular to the surfaces to be glued. It is impossible to allow mutual displacement of parts after pressing - this will also lead to failure.

Gluing plastic tightly is not so easy. Carefully following the simple rules by the home master will allow you to get strong and durable connections. The main thing is not to forget about safety precautions: do not inhale the vapors of the adhesive composition and prevent it from getting into food, on the skin or mucous membranes. In case of accidental swallowing, you should immediately consult a doctor, be sure to take the tube with you.

Adhesive for PVC

Repair it disaster, which comes suddenly, and then, according to the law of meanness, cannot end in any way. you only wanted to do redecorating, and ended up with the need to glue sewer or water pipes. For accurate installation of facade structures, laying tiles on the floor, as well as connecting a wide variety of PVC structures, special adhesives are used for such materials.

I would like to note that the right adhesive for PVC is almost one hundred percent guaranteed to obtain a strong and reliable connection. How to choose an adhesive in order to obtain an elastic, water-impervious and invisible seam? To do this, you need to understand the most important thing. What types of glue exist, what do they consist of, how to glue such materials correctly?

Any composition that is intended to glue such products contains

How to glue?

polyvinyl chloride, which is highly soluble in tetrahydrofuran or methyl ethyl ketone. Such compositions usually consist of two components, to which various useful additives are added that increase positive traits main composition. As the composition hardens, the solvent evaporates and the chains of molecules intertwine. Thereby providing strong and reliable connection of material.

What you need to know to choose a quality adhesive for PVC?

It is important to understand that all modern adhesives are divided into groups depending on where their scope is and what material they are intended for. glue. Starting any repair work, for example, gluing PVC materials, experts recommend using special formulations. When choosing an adhesive to work with such materials, it is necessary to carefully study its composition and properties, for example, setting time. They usually set in about four minutes at room temperature. should also be indicated on the packaging. finished products all the basic and important characteristics for work. For example, is important information How to properly apply and store adhesive residue.

Surface preparation and bonding process

Typically, surface preparation takes place in several main stages:

For large surfaces, the bonding time must be increased.

How to glue plastic to a tree, what would be tightly?

It is also important to remember that the amount of adhesive should be only as indicated in the instructions. If there is more glue than necessary, it will leak out. Thus, violating the aesthetic appearance of the newly pasted surface, and can also spoil the material you bought.

Further processing and security measures

About a day after you have applied PVC adhesive, it is advisable not to touch the surface. It is also necessary to protect it from exposure to the sun, temperature changes and other physical and mechanical influences. All pasting work must be carried out in a room with good ventilation, using protective equipment. If something is still not clear to you, then we advise you to watch a video that will tell you in detail how to properly glue such materials.

You can glue plastic with other materials or with plastic with special glue. Technologies are developing, this also applies to the variety of adhesives, now there are big choice. Some adhesives are used to bond plastic to plastic, others are for metal or glass. In order to secure the two various material, it is necessary to select the appropriate adhesive composition. If the adhesive does not match the materials, they may become sticky or crack over time.

Glue with epoxy

What plastic is difficult to glue

To determine the type of plastic, you just need to look at the special markings on the product. On the plastic you need to find a triangle of three arrows following one after another. An index letter will be indicated next to this triangle. Usually on the tube of glue there is an explanation for what purpose it is used. In addition, attached detailed instructions from which this information can be obtained.

If there are letters PS on the plastic, or the number 6 is simply indicated, then the plastic is called polystyrene. For polystyrene, it is best to use epoxy glue or plastic cement. These two options will help glue the plastic together or with most other materials. Many people wonder how to glue plastic to plastic. Again, pay attention to the labeling.

Most of the plastics used in Everyday life or in the production of simple things, they are quite simply glued by any good glue. And there are types of plastic that simply do not stick together, they are easy to recognize.

If next to the triangle or inside it are the numbers 2, 4, 5 or the designations HDPE, LDPE, PP, UMHW, this type of plastic is called polypropylene - it is extremely difficult to glue. Such plastic can be glued to any other material using Weld DP 8010 adhesive. This material quite rarely they try to glue something together, so the assortment of glue is small. With Weld DP 8010 glue, you can glue plastic to film, metal and glass.

If you want to stick a sticky film on plastic, then you do not need additional fixation. Try to carefully treat the surface of the plastic with alcohol to degrease. Try not to touch the plastic with your hands, so as not to stain the surface. Smooth surface plastic cannot provide a stable and durable mount.

How to improve grip

To increase grip, it is necessary to go over the plastic with a sanding sheet, then the surface will become rough and will hold better. Best to choose sandpaper no more than 200 grit. Do not try to sand the plastic for too long, you only need to create a rough surface.

Take epoxy glue, spread evenly with a thin layer.

This adhesive is suitable for most materials, you just need to read the instructions and properly treat the surface.

How to glue

Ideally, apply the selected adhesive with a brush to the plastic and other surface. If you are going to glue plastic to glass, then the layer of glue on the glass should be greater than on the plastic. A similar situation with wood, do not spare the glue. If you need to connect two plastic products, then a lot of glue is not needed.

How to glue plastic?

If you are using a cement thinner, put two plastic pieces together with a small layer of glue between them. Apply mortar around the edges of the plastic so that the joint line is completely covered.

Objects must be fixed so that they are pressed against each other. If items square shape, and you can put them on top of each other, then you should do so. Use duct tape if you can't press two items together.

After applying the glue and fixing, try not to disturb the items for 24 hours, after this period you can start using them less than fully. Any glue differs in composition and its properties, so after 24 hours the fastening in most cases will not be as strong as possible. It is worth protecting the object from the effects of temperature differences, the glue may not grab in the best way, thereby weakening the contact.

How to glue plastic pipes

To glue plastic pipes, it is necessary to process them on both sides, which will be connected. Using a sanding sheet, erase a small layer at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from the beginning of the pipe. Do exactly the same procedure with the second piece of pipe. Once the pipes are ready, connect them and apply cement thinner. This solution will take a firm hold due to the fact that you have processed the pipes.

Such fastening of pipes is much more reliable when compared with any type of glue. Cement solvent will not lose its properties and strength over time. Adhesive from water can begin to corrode.

So, if you find a marking on the plastic that shows what kind of plastic you are using, then you need to contact hardware store. In the store, the consultant will tell you which glue is better to use for different surfaces. The information in this article is superficial.

There is a situation when identification signs are not found on the plastic, in which case you can buy universal glue. By universal, I mean epoxy, it can bond any type of plastic if handled properly. No glue can stick two objects or parts together long time if the surface is not prepared. Do not ignore this information, it will significantly improve the quality of work. If you buy expensive glue, then the packaging will indicate that the surface requires pre-treatment.

What not to use

Now they began to actively use glue on silicone base. Such adhesives, at first glance, seem very convenient and practical, but the reliability of the connection leaves much to be desired. If you need to connect the parts for a long time, then you should avoid this option.

Glue types. What kind of glue to stick

How to match transparent glass adhesive with other materials

Often there is a need to glue glass to another material with your own hands for a decorative or household purpose.

Than you can firmly glue plastic with other materials

But through clear glass droplets of glue are always visible, which adversely affect decorative qualities. To avoid this, you need to use transparent glue on glass.

glue requirement

Transparent glue has a different composition and properties, therefore, before choosing a composition, it is necessary to determine a number of requirements:

Varieties of transparent glue and applications

The following compositions of transparent adhesives are most often used in everyday life:

  • cyanoacrylate,
  • silicone,
  • silicate,
  • polyurethane.


This transparent glue is almost universal. It can bond glass to wood, metal or plastic. With it, you can fix the desired item or stick the decor. This adhesive composition has the following qualities:

In terms of its strength characteristics, it surpasses many fasteners and is considered "cold welding".

Many Moment transparent adhesives are made with cyanoacrylates.


Transparent silicone glass adhesive is used when a sealant is needed. Silicone adhesive is suitable for bonding glass to metal, wood or plastic, forming a strong, almost imperceptible bond. But it has one drawback - silicone glue polymerizes within a day.

If you need fast gluing, then you should choose not silicone, but another transparent glue, it is better to take Moment.


Transparent adhesive based liquid glass waterproof, durable and has the qualities of a sealant. They can glue almost everything, from wood to metal. It is suitable for gluing large surfaces, as well as for gluing decor.


If you need a sealant and moment at the same time, then you should pay attention to durable polyurethane adhesive. Transparent adhesive for glass and metal of the polyurethane group allows you to quickly obtain a strong connection when gluing. It is used in the repair of automotive glass and in other areas where the resistance of the adhesive seam to various loads is required. In terms of strength, only cyanoacrylate composition can be compared with polyurethane sealant.

How to glue glass

The process of gluing glass with other material with your own hands occurs in the following way:

  • Both surfaces are cleaned of dirt and carefully polished. At home, it is recommended to use for this toothpaste and a brush. If you plan to connect with end joints, then you need to carefully polish the joints. The video shows how the surfaces are polished.
  • After the bases are polished, washed and dried, a transparent glue is applied to one of them, usually on a smaller one. For example, if it is necessary to glue glass decor, then the glue is applied to the decorative elements.
  • The surfaces are connected, and excess glue is immediately removed with a cloth soaked in white spirit or other solvent suitable for the glue.
  • After connecting the surfaces, the product is left until the transparent glue polymerizes completely. The time depends on the composition of the adhesive.

To glued transparent glue glass kept for a long time on any surface, it is necessary to take into account all external conditions that will affect the finished product when choosing a composition.
