Cauldron of pestilence - error codes and their meanings. Error codes for Mora boilers Error codes for Mora gas boilers

Water heating and heating technology Czech-made Mora brings warmth and comfort to the homes of many users. The devices are designed for a long service life, during which breakdowns may occur. The Mora gas boiler is prone to malfunctions, so we will designate typical problems trademark. You will learn how to deal with breakdowns yourself.

Features of operation

Wide model range allows even the most demanding buyer to choose equipment to suit their taste. "Mora" presents wall-mounted, cast-iron boilers, powered by gas, electricity, combined, and indirect heating.

Let's focus on gas single-circuit and double-circuit boilers. Mora Top is available in three variations:

  • "Meteor" line. This double-circuit boilers flow type. The removal of combustion products is carried out forcibly, as is the injection of combustion air. Models are equipped with a burner with a modulated flame.

  • Series "Titan". Conventional open combustion chamber. A chimney vent is required. Security sensors installed. The “Anti-freeze” mode is built-in: when the temperature drops to +5 degrees, heating is activated.

  • Sirius line. This is a complex technique. Here you will find single-circuit and dual-circuit models, with open and closed camera. They consume electricity economically - no more than 1–2 kW.

If there is a malfunction, an error code appears on the Mora Top display. Its value indicates the cause of the failure.

Error codes for Mora gas boilers

If you notice a code on the display, reboot the device. Do the symbols light up on the screen again? Then start looking for the reasons for their appearance.

Fault code Meaning Reason for appearance DIY repair
E0 The technology doesn't work.
  • No gas supply.
  • The burner does not fire.
  • The pump is not working.
  • Open the gas valve all the way.
  • Inspect the burner and its nozzles for blockages. Clean them with a brush.
  • Diagnose the circulation pump. If damaged, replace the element.
E1 The boiler is not functioning. The switch does not close. There is not enough water in the system:
  • The heating filter is clogged.
  • The circulation pump is broken.
  • Incorrect pump adjustment.
  • Air accumulation in pipes.
  • The switch is faulty. Wiring problems.
What to do:
  • Clean the filter.
  • Set the pump to position 2 or 3. Repair.
  • Bleed air from the system using taps. Restart the product using the ON/OFF button.
  • Check wiring and replace switch.
Error E2 Extinguishing the burner.
  • Problems with gas fittings, supply disruption.
  • Burner clogged.
  • The ignition electrode is broken (displaced).
  • The transformer has failed. Contacts have weakened.
  • Incorrect network connection.
  • The traction sensor is triggered or malfunctioning.
  • Boiler shutdown due to overheating.

Twist gas tap. Then press RESET.

Carry out diagnostics and cleaning/replacement:

  • Burners. Cleaning from soot and soot.
  • Electrode. Place the part in place (3–4 mm from the burner).
  • Ignition transformer. Tighten up your contacts.
  • Plugs in socket. Reverse its location.
  • Traction sensor. Inspect and clean the chimney.
  • Thermostat, its circuit and contacts.
E3 Thermal sensor is open. The equipment does not work for hot water supply and heating. Incorrect operation of the heating temperature sensor. Monitoring the condition of the sensor wiring. Its connections to the control board. Installing a working element
E4 The contacts of the DHW temperature sensor are open. Actions are similar to E3.
E5 Problems with the security module.
  • Device overheating.
  • Emergency thermostat defective.
  • The chimney shaft is clogged.
  • Pressure switch faulty.
  • The tube connecting the pressure switch and the fan is broken.
  • Failure of the fan to perform its functions.
  • Diagnostics of the thermostat and its circuit to the control unit.
  • Cleaning the smoke exhaust shaft.
  • Installation of a new switch, repair of the circuit, tightening of contacts.
  • Checking and replacing the tube.
  • Diagnostics of fan parts: motor, wheel bearing, its wiring to the main module.

The following codes are typical for Mora Electra models:

  • 01 – pressure decrease.
  • 02 – the system is overheating.
  • 03 – reserve.
  • 04 – the thermostat is faulty.
  • 05 – EEPROM memory unit is not working correctly.
  • 06 – RAM+RTC memory fault.
  • 07 – control problems.

These problems can be resolved by checking and repairing the components. There are other errors that indicate minor faults:

  • 08 – the boiler is operating normally, everything is fine.
  • 09 – DHW temperature sensor has failed.
  • 10 – the external thermometer has failed.
  • 11 – the cascade line is broken.
  • 12 – the modem gives a bad signal.
  • 13 – heater insulation is damaged.

In case of minor breakdowns of Mora Proxima and other models, the ALM LED diode blinks on the panel with a frequency of 1 Hz. At the same time, the equipment works, but with glitches.

Serious problems are indicated by the constant illumination of the yellow LED ALM light. The heater does not work, all functions are disabled.

Other problems

During operation, malfunctions occur that are not displayed on the display; their description cannot be found in the instructions. Therefore, we will tell you what to do in such a situation:

  • The control LED does not light up on the panel whether. Make sure there is electricity flowing to the part. Install a working light bulb or switch.
  • The heater does not start. The ignition electrode does not work, the circuit is broken. Check the tightness of the contacts between the electrode and the VN output. If you hear sparking sounds when starting, you need to check the connection to the ignition and ground wires.
  • Burner runs for 50 seconds. Problems with fuel supply. Conduct diagnostics of the valve, remove accumulated air.
  • The burner lights up and goes out. At the same time, the “unlock” light is on. The diameter of the nozzles does not correspond to the instructions. Gas supply is cut off. Clean or install new injectors.
  • Safety valve prevents starting j. The diode on the panel lights up (insufficient heating). Add water to the system.
  • No DHW heating . Three way valve broken Replace it.
  • There is no heating in the boiler that is connected to the boiler. Adjust the temperature, diagnose the temperature sensor, replace it if it malfunctions.
  • Smoke fuse blocking. Clean the chimney duct (sometimes gusts of wind interfere with normal operation). Unlock the fuse by holding the TS button of the network module.

Modern gas boilers are quite complex technological equipment. With proper care and proper handling, the gas boiler will serve for a long time without any failures. However, even the most expensive and functional equipment has its own resource, after which it begins to appear. various kinds malfunctions.

Knowing the main causes of problems and how to eliminate them, you will be able to repair your gas boiler with my own hands. This is a very painstaking, responsible, but in most cases relatively uncomplicated work.

First of all, it is necessary to establish why any malfunctions may occur in the operation of gas heating boilers. A number of different factors can lead to problems.


Modern gas boilers are equipped by various means automation. These products, in turn, are powered by electricity. And, despite the fact that it is already the 21st century and systems for using alternative sources energy, the problem of stability of power grids remains relevant for many regions, especially for remote villages and all kinds of holiday villages.

A sudden shutdown or a strong surge in electricity is one of the main enemies of any modern gas boiler.

To avoid all the associated troubles, buy a high-quality stabilizer in advance. Do not spare money to purchase this device - cheap models are of little use, so it is better to immediately allocate funds to purchase a good stabilizer from famous manufacturer. Rest assured, if the automation breaks down, you will spend much more money on its repair and replacement.


Often used at home wall models gas boilers. Such devices are simultaneously responsible for heating the premises and for cooking. hot water.

The design of wall-mounted boilers includes a flow-through heat exchanger. Low-quality hard water with various inclusions - main enemy gas boiler heat exchanger. Moreover, under the influence of low-quality water, the heat exchanger can fail in just one season.

To prevent such damage, install special filters. Best option– a complete water purification system. With it, your boiler will work for as long as possible, and using purified water is much safer for your health.

Installation errors

Any knowledgeable person will tell you: installation and piping of gas heating equipment should only be carried out by qualified specialists.

Even the slightest errors at the stages of installation and connection of equipment can lead to irreversible consequences. For example, incorrectly performed piping in the case of a cast iron gas boiler with a power of more than 50 kW will lead to the fact that when low temperatures the unit will simply crack.

Therefore, if you are not an experienced gas installer, entrust the installation of the boiler to professionals - this way you will save yourself from many problems in the future.

Weather conditions

Adverse atmospheric conditions can also lead to many different problems. During frosty winters, people turn the heating on almost all the way full power. This leads to a significant decrease in pressure in the gas pipeline system. As a result, boilers cannot reach their full potential.

You will not be able to solve this problem on your own - you still cannot explain to your neighbors that their actions are only aggravating the situation. As a solution to the problem, you can install an additional boiler that runs on a different fuel.

Is it worth repairing the boiler yourself?

A modern gas boiler is a complex and potentially dangerous system. The main danger of such units is the risk of a gas explosion in case of improper handling of the equipment or untimely elimination of various problems.

For maintaining the operation of the gas boiler optimal level Various types of automation respond. An inexperienced user is often unable to understand its structure. Therefore, to resolve serious problems, it is better to immediately invite specialists.

On your own, you can try to eliminate only visible damage and various contaminants that have led to the failure of the pipe, chimney and other parts of the boiler.

There are a number of typical problems that, in most cases, you can fix yourself. Problems will also be listed, in the event of which you can only protect yourself until a specialist arrives.

If there is a distinct smell of gas or smoke in the room, immediately turn off the boiler and leave the room, opening it for ventilation.

Call a specialist immediately. Trying to solve a gas leak problem on your own without the necessary skills is extremely dangerous and unwise.

Flame sensor failure

If the combustion sensor or gas supply pipe is broken, turn off the boiler, close all gas valves and allow the unit to cool completely.

After some time, return to the room to check for the smell of gas. If everything is fine with the draft, try turning the boiler on again. If there is no traction, immediately call a repairman.

Boiler overheating

Overheating is one of the most common problems with modern gas boilers. The reason for this may be a malfunction of automation equipment or a clogged heat exchanger.

Automation repairs cannot be handled without the appropriate knowledge.

You can clean the heat exchanger yourself. The most common materials for the manufacture of heat exchangers are copper and stainless steel. Cleaning them usually isn't a problem, but still be careful.

To clean the heat exchanger, simply remove it and thoroughly clean it with a wire brush. In the case of a copper heat exchanger, it is better to replace the brush with a metal sponge used for washing dishes.

Charge fan malfunctions

The problem with fans is their bearings. If your boiler fan stops developing the set number of revolutions, try to fix the problem as soon as possible.

To do this, remove the back of the fan, remove the stator and lubricate the bearings. Machine oil is perfect for lubrication, but if possible it is better to use a higher quality carbon composition with heat-resistant properties for this purpose.

An interturn short circuit can also cause problems with the fan. Only a specialist can cope with troubleshooting this problem. Submit the stator for repair to replace the winding, or immediately replace the faulty unit with a new device.

Chimney problems

Often, various problems in the operation of a gas heating boiler are caused by excessive clogging of the coaxial chimney.

Remove the chimney and thoroughly clean all its components of soot. This way you will not only return the previous level of efficiency of the unit, but also significantly increase the efficiency of the boiler.

Wall mounted gas flow heating boilers MORA are designed for heating rooms with heat losses of up to 18 or 23 kW.

Standard boilers are used for space heating, and can also be adapted to heat domestic water in an attached storage water heater.

Combination boilers serve both for heating and for heating domestic water.

The combustion products in boilers of this type are removed into the chimney or using a fan (“Turbo”)

Combination boilers

Standard boilers

Boilers with combustion products exhaust

down the chimney

"turbo" - version C 12

Boiler installation. Commissioning

When installing, commissioning and servicing the boiler, it is necessary to observe certain rules, established by state regulations and requirements of the manufacturer. The user must carefully study the “Operation Manual”, “Warranty Card” and subsequently follow the rules set out in them.


To install the boiler, as well as for its further safe and economical operation, it is necessary to have a professionally completed project for the entire heating system. The boiler can only be installed by a specialized service organization authorized by the manufacturer. To operate the boiler, only the type of gas indicated on the type plate of the product can be used. An installed and assembled boiler must not be moved to a new location. The boiler must be installed so that the socket for electrical connection of the boiler is located in accessible place. If it is necessary to interfere with the operation of the boiler, be sure to remove the plug from the electrical outlet. The boiler is designed for mounting on a wall made of non-combustible material. There should be no objects made of flammable materials on the boiler itself or at a distance of 100 mm from it.

Main Dimensions

MORA 5118, 5122

MORA 5120, 5121, 5124, 5125

MORA 5119, 5123


Commissioning of the boiler can only be carried out by a specialized service organization authorized by the manufacturer, which has a permit (license) from the relevant State Supervision Services.

When putting the boiler into operation, a specialist from an authorized service organization must do the following:

    check the tightness of connections

    adjust the boiler (if necessary)

    check all boiler functions

    familiarize the User with the rules for servicing and caring for the boiler

    warn the User about the need to comply safe distances from the boiler to walls made of flammable material, and how to protect them

Description of the boiler operation

Heating - with connected room thermostat

The boiler will start working when it receives a signal from the room thermostat about a decrease in temperature in the heated rooms.
After receiving the signal, the pump accelerates and the gas fittings open the flow of gas to the main burner. Heating water flows from the pump to the heat exchanger, where it is heated and then enters the heating system.
The heating water temperature is recorded by the heating water temperature sensor. Heating of heating water continues until the boiler is turned off when the desired (set) temperature in the heated rooms is reached.
Thus, the process is repeated as long as the boiler is connected to the electrical network.
The heating water temperature is set to the maximum value.

Heating - without room thermostat

The pump runs constantly. The operation of the boiler is controlled by a control and regulation unit in accordance with the heating water temperature set by the User using the control knob on the boiler panel

Heating of domestic water (combined boilers)

Heating of domestic water has priority over heating of heating water.
The flow of water through the domestic water flow fuse will introduce the boiler into the process of heating domestic water when the 3-way controlled valve changes the direction of movement of the heating water, and it passes through the secondary heat exchanger, and from there back to the pump. The heated heating water in the secondary heat exchanger heats up the service water.
After the end of the selection of warm domestic water, the boiler will automatically switch to the heating process.

Heating of domestic water (standard boilers)

Boilers intended for heating can also be used to heat domestic water in a MORA storage water heater. The storage water heater is connected to the heating system, domestic water is heated by warm heating water ("WATER-WATER" system).
When installing the boiler together with a storage water heater, it is necessary to use a three-way valve with an internal microswitch, as well as room thermostat- these elements are supplied upon additional request.

Security systems

Safe operation of the boiler is ensured by the following elements:

    Heating and utility water flow sensors- will not allow ignition of the main burner if there is insufficient water flow.

    Emergency thermostat- will close the gas supply to the boiler if the maximum permissible water temperature in the heat exchanger is exceeded.

    Backdraft fuse (boilers with combustion products discharged into the chimney)
    If a blockage occurs chimneys(even partial), which will contribute to the entry (leakage) of combustion products into the room, then the backdraft fuse will register an increase in the temperature of the surrounding space and cause the gas supply to the main burner to close.
    The boiler can be put back into operation by re-igniting the pilot burner only after the fuse has cooled down, i.e. after approximately 10 minutes.

    Pressure switch (boilers with exhaust of combustion products "TURBO")
    If the combustion product discharge pipes become clogged (even partially), or fuel combustion deteriorates (it will be lower established norm) under the influence of a decrease in fan speed (voltage drop in the electrical network), or the fan will not work, then thanks to the pressure switch the boiler will not turn on so that combustion products do not accumulate in closed chamber combustion.

The backdraft safety device or pressure switch must be functional during boiler operation and their functions must not be affected by anything (for example, a change in position).
If the backdraft safety device or pressure switch fails repeatedly, contact an authorized service organization to troubleshoot the problem and perform an operational test.

Boiler operation

Control Panel

The control panel in boilers MORA 5118, 5120, 5121, 5122, 5124, 5125 is located in the lower part of the boiler behind the casing and will be accessible if the casing is lifted up approximately 100 mm.

ON/OFF button
When you press the "ON/OFF" button, the boiler turns on or off. When the boiler is turned on, the button will light up.

Heating water temperature adjustment knob
Designed to set the required heating water temperature in the range from 30 to 80°C. If the room thermostat is functioning, the heating water temperature is set to the maximum value.

"SUMMER-WINTER" mode switch (installed only on combination boilers)
When the switch is set to the "WINTER" position, the boiler is prepared for operation - heating heating water or domestic water.
When the switch is set to the "SUMMER" position, the boiler is only ready for the process of heating domestic water. This mode is mainly used in summer period when there is no need to heat the premises.

Shows the temperature of heating water leaving the boiler.

For boilers MORA 5119 and 5123
- thermometer installed on the boiler casing
- the "ON/OFF" button and the heating water adjustment button are located on the left, under the boiler

Preparing the boiler for operation

When preparing the boiler for operation, you must do the following:

    check the water pressure in the heating system

    open the inlets and outlets of heating water (or utility water) - (valves under the boiler)

    open the gas supply to the boiler

When putting the boiler into operation, a qualified specialist from an authorized service organization must:

    Check the pump mode - it should be set to stage 3.

    Start the boiler according to the instructions

    Check the pilot burner flame

    Extinguish the pilot burner flame - after 5-7 seconds the main burner should go out

    After the pilot burner goes out, check the response time solenoid valve in the gas fittings - after 40-50 seconds a characteristic click should be heard.

    Check the function of the boiler switching to reduced power

    Perform burner control:
    check the main burner, the flame should only be near the outlet openings,
    check the stability of the flame along the entire length of the burner plates.

Starting the boiler

The boiler is a fully automatic device. The main burner is ignited automatically by a signal from the boiler automation system from the ignition burner, which is constantly burning. The pilot burner is ignited manually. As additional equipment You can install piezo ignition on the boiler.

Boiler ignition sequence

    Set the gas valve control knob (located under the boiler casing) to the “pilot burner ignition” position. Keeping the handle pressed in this position, manually light the ignition burner (if there is an additionally installed piezo ignition, press the piezo ignition button several times until the ignition burner lights up);

    After igniting the pilot burner, continue to hold the gas valve button (approximately 5-7 seconds). Then release and make sure stable combustion pilot burner;

    turn the gas valve handle into operation mode. The boiler is ready for operation;

    turn on the "ON/OFF" button - the button will light up. In the "Winter" mode, the main burner will light up; in the "Summer" mode, the boiler will start working if hot water is drawn off.

Decommissioning of the boiler

Long term
Long-term decommissioning of the boiler is carried out during maintenance and repair:

    unplug the power cord from the socket

    close the gas and water supply taps


    move the ON/OFF button to the "OFF" position

    leave the power cord plug in the socket

    Leave the gas and water supply taps open

Prevention. Maintenance. Safety precautions when operating the boiler

    Before starting operation, the User is obliged to carefully and thoroughly study the “Operation Manual.”

    Any manipulations or operations with the boiler that do not meet the requirements of the Operating Manual are unacceptable.

    Installation, commissioning, preventive inspections and troubleshooting must be carried out only by trained specialists from a service organization authorized by the manufacturer, which has the necessary state approvals and licenses. Information about all manipulations and operations with the boiler must be entered in the “Warranty Card”.

    During operation, the User must periodically monitor its operation.

    MORA gas boilers should not be used for purposes not specified in the “Operation Manual”.

    The boiler must be turned off if work is being carried out in the room where it is installed that could change the environment (for example, working with paints, adhesives, etc.). The boiler can be turned on and used only after such work has been completed and the room has been thoroughly ventilated.

How safe are Mora-Top boilers? Boilers Mora-Top equipped with all necessary elements ensuring the safety of their work:

Without water flow or if there is no water in the heating system, the burner will not turn on.
Without sufficient DHW flow and sufficient pressure in the heating system, the burner will not turn on.
The burner flame is controlled using a thermocouple, which prevents gas leakage.
If the chimney is clogged, thanks to the backdraft fuse, the boiler prevents combustion products from entering the room.
If the fan malfunctions, ignition will not occur; the manostat will prevent the boiler from starting (Turbo version).
Electronic regulation and a temperature limiter in the heat exchanger will prevent overheating of the water and heat exchanger when emergency situation, taking the boiler out of operation.

MORA boilers, like other boilers, require boiler maintenance for trouble-free operation; if the unit stops, then.

A single-circuit boiler differs from a double-circuit boiler. The question is what? It is certain that single-circuit gas boilers have only one heating circuit. In other words, this means that a single-circuit boiler is intended only for heating houses. To organize a hot water supply system, it is necessary, in this case, to use a hot water boiler, which is purchased additionally (a list of recommended boilers is given in the description of each single-circuit boiler), or a gas water heater, which is installed separately. Unlike the first, double-circuit gas boilers have two circuits, one circuit is intended for heating, the second for heating domestic water (). This means that a double-circuit boiler is used for both heating and hot water supply. Boilers are both wall-mounted and floor-mounted, with open camera combustion and closed, atmospheric gas burner and a forced-air burner. Let's look at what a floor-standing gas boiler with an atmospheric burner with an open combustion chamber is.
A floor-standing cast iron gas boiler with an atmospheric burner is heating device, intended for heat supply of objects for various purposes. Depending on the power and number of installed boilers, these can be apartments, cottages, multi-apartment residential buildings, administrative and industrial buildings and structures. Heat exchangers can be steel, copper or cast iron. The heat exchanger of the MORA-TOR floor-standing boiler is made of high-strength gray cast iron. Cast iron boiler heat exchangers, unlike steel ones, are not subject to low-temperature corrosion and have high thermal conductivity. It should be noted that the atmospheric burners of MORA-TOP floor-standing gas boilers are simple and reliable in operation, operate almost silently and consume very little electricity. When developing MORA-TOP boilers, it was possible to ensure maximum resistance to pressure changes in gas networks and operation at low gas pressure.
Wall-mounted gas water heater. What is it? Wall-mounted gas water heater (boiler or geyser) is a device designed for preparing hot water. The energy source of a gas water heater is gas. There are two types of gas water heaters - instantaneous and storage. In case instantaneous water heaters cold water enters, passes through a heat exchanger, heats up and hot water comes out. IN storage water heaters for heating cold water it takes some time. After heating, when the tap is opened, this water enters the water distribution network, gradually being replaced in the tank cold water. When the supply of hot water is exhausted, it takes time again to heat a new portion of water. gas water heaters more common and easier to use. The flow principle of operation ensures the high efficiency of this device, since gas is consumed only at the time of water collection. What is a wall-mounted gas boiler? A wall-mounted gas heating boiler is a heating device intended for heating houses and apartments and for hot water supply to premises for various purposes. Natural gas is most often used as an energy source for a gas heating boiler, less often methane or propane - butane. Gas wall-mounted boilers MORA have expansion tank and a circulation pump, which eliminates the need for their additional purchase and installation. Mora-Top gas heating boilers are compact in size and beautiful design, thanks to this, the devices can easily fit into the interior of a kitchen or bathroom.

Boiler equipment from a Czech company Mora TOP has long gained popularity among Russian users. Usage quality materials combined with modern technological solutions makes Mora equipment easy to operate and safe to use.

The company offers wide range products: wall gas and electric boilers, instantaneous gas water heaters, floor-standing cast iron boilers, various models water heaters. And if for buyers this fact is an undoubted advantage, then for service and repair specialists it is a serious burden. The large range of Mora equipment requires knowledge of the specifics of each line: individual characteristics technological schemes, nuances of connections, subtleties of maintenance and configuration. Besides deep knowledge, boiler repair Mora TOP requires modern equipment and the availability of suitable spare parts.

E-Tech Service Center will provide high-quality repairs And service any Mora boilers. Our center is part of the E-Tech group of companies, which provides services for the creation of various communications and the sale of climate and heating equipment. Therefore, our craftsmen can perform the entire range of activities: from design to repair and maintenance of systems of any complexity.

Wall-mounted and floor-standing gas boilers made in the Czech Republic are characterized by an excellent price-quality ratio. They are reliable, effective and safe. Their distinctive ability is stability when working in Russian conditions operation. They continue to produce heat steadily as the pressure drops. So that your Mora TOP gas boiler pleases you with warmth and hot water- do not forget about its regular service in a specialized center.

Features of some boiler models and possible malfunctions:

  • Meteor wall-mounted gas boilers are equipped with a high-performance copper heat exchanger that is resistant to corrosion. If the quality of the water is low or the water treatment is insufficient, deposits may form on it, reducing the power of the boiler. Our service technician recommends inspecting and cleaning work surfaces at least once a year. One more nuance - you should not build cast iron radiators into the heating system.
  • The Sirius line of wall-mounted gas boilers has the function of automatically adapting fuel consumption to current needs. Modern electronic hardware requires absolute precision in installation and configuration. Otherwise, your boiler will consume more gas than required.

We offer comprehensive services and repair of gas boilers Mora TOP. It includes diagnostics; service; replacement, if necessary, of parts and components; correction of installation errors; commissioning and other necessary activities. From us you can order both one-time assistance and long-term maintenance of wall-mounted gas boilers Titan, Sirius, Meteor, Meteor Plus; floor-standing gas boilers with atmospheric burner SA.

Wall-mounted water heating electric boilers Electra Comfort and Electra Light will delight their owners with their efficiency and ease of control. Like all heating devices of this type, they are silent and absolutely environmentally friendly. But still, sometimes repair of Mora TOP electric boilers is necessary for the smooth operation of heating equipment.

The service of Mora TOP electric boilers will allow you to maintain their high performance for the entire service life. With us you can get professional services at the most favorable prices. In addition, we guarantee their quality and efficiency.

We use an integrated approach to the repair of Mora TOP electric boilers

  • Accurate diagnostics allows you to quickly carry out all the troubleshooting work and make sure that the problem does not arise in the future.
  • When repairing and servicing, use only original spare parts and consumables guarantees absolute consistency of all system elements.
  • Final commissioning activities provide efficient work all components, including automation.

This approach ensures stable operation of the equipment for many years and maximum safety for users.

Our technicians travel to the site for repairs and service in company vehicles equipped with modern equipment and a stock of in-demand spare parts. In most cases, the work will be completed on the first visit to the site. If the breakdown requires more serious measures, they will be carried out at our repair base.

We are authorized to work with equipment from all leading manufacturers. E-Tech masters have necessary approvals and certificates for servicing liquid fuel, gas, solid fuel and electric heating boilers. For more than ten years we have been helping to keep our clients' homes warm and comfortable. We value your trust and do everything possible to ensure that you stay with us for many years to come.
