Energy saving electric heating boiler. What is the most economical heating in a private house

The use of electric boilers is one of the options for organizing a heating system in the absence of a centralized gas supply. However, all the advantages of electric heat generators - environmental friendliness, safety, no need to build chimneys and storage facilities, are canceled out by the high cost of electricity. Therefore, when choosing an electrical apparatus, one of the main issues is the efficiency of its use of an energy carrier.

Let's look at some of existing ways economical use of electricity with electric heating.

Models of highly economical heating elements

If the user prefers traditional heating elements, then his choice should be on models with multi-stage power control and the possibility of installing a programmer. Such equipment includes an economical boiler with high efficiency(about 99.4%) Polish-made KOSPEL EKCO.L1z.

This device can be used both for radiator water heating and underfloor heating systems. In combination with a boiler indirect heating installation performs not only heating function but also provides residents hot water sanitary purpose. Ideal for buildings where chimneys are not possible or for safety reasons it is forbidden to use open fire e.g. at gas stations. The units of the KOSPEL EKCO range are suitable for space heating for intermittent use.

Significant energy savings are achieved thanks to the 6-stage power selection. The operating mode of the unit can be controlled in two ways:

  • Manually - while required level power or temperature is selected using the front panel of the machine.
  • Automatic - in this case, using the programmer on which the room thermometer is installed, different temperature regimes are set for different times of the day. The weekly programmer can be used.

Attention! Energy savings are also provided by a multi-tariff meter that takes into account night-time operation and a shutdown delay function. circulation pump after switching off the boiler by the command of the temperature sensor.

The cost of an apparatus with a power of 8 kW is approximately 900-1000 dollars.

Features of the use of economical electrode units

When deciding which electric boiler is the most economical, consumers are increasingly exploring the possibility of using a less traditional, compared to heating elements, electrode heating apparatus. The efficiency of the electrode assembly is shown by the following figures:

  • Used for heating housing construction with an area of ​​50 m 2 electrode apparatus with a power of 3 kW consumes 0.5-0.7 kW/h.
  • A 3-kilowatt heating element will be able to heat a room with an area of ​​only 30 m 2, while consuming 1.2-1.4 kW / h.

The same situation is observed when using three-phase installations.

The heating of the coolant in such units occurs due to the ionization process, which consists in the decay of the coolant molecule into positively and negatively charged ions. The movement of ions occurs with the release of a significant amount of heat.

The efficiency of the operation of electrode devices is achieved due to the following factors:

  • The heat carrier is heated without an intermediary, for example, a heating element, so the inertia of this process is much lower than that of heating elements.
  • Application in modern automation devices.
  • Smooth start.
  • Simplicity of design and use of modern materials in their production.

The cost of a 9-kilowatt Geyser electrode assembly manufactured by Galan (Russia) is approximately $500.

An obstacle to the widespread use of electrode boilers is a number of their serious shortcomings:

  • The transmission of electric current directly by the coolant significantly increases the risk of electric shock.
  • Significant leakage currents are the reason for the impossibility of using in combination with such an RCD unit - a residual current device.
  • The electrolysis of the coolant leads to a change in its chemical composition and, consequently, electrical conductivity. Also, electrolysis causes the appearance of electrolysis gases that air the system. Such gases, depending on the chemical composition of the coolant, can be toxic.
  • The coolant must be carefully prepared for electrical conductivity.
  • it heating equipment requires qualified service.

Therefore, the user must carefully weigh all the pros and cons when buying an electrode device.

Attention! The efficiency of a heating system of any type can be significantly increased with the help of proper insulation premises and competent organization of the heating system.

The role of automation in ensuring high efficiency of the electric unit

important role in providing high efficiency electric heating system plays right choice control devices. Automation can be mechanical or electronic.

Attention! Especially the effect of using programmable automation is noticeable when people are not constantly in the room.

Heating your home in winter is a prerequisite for comfort. Consider a question that is often of interest to owners of cottages and private houses that are not connected to gas supply - the feasibility of using an electric boiler to heat your home.

Electric boilers for home heating

Modern electric boilers are different power and configuration.

This option, when the dwelling is heated using an electric boiler, occurs in the absence of gas supply in the area.

The heat supply with an electric boiler is remarkable in that it provides stable heat and at the same time maintains a constant air temperature in the room. The heated air is evenly distributed throughout the rooms of the dwelling, gradually warming up the walls, furniture and floors. A special function of the designs of electric boilers is the presence of temperature control, taking into account power consumption.

Electric boilers are not the most economical heating system.

Many experts consider the combination of traditional water heating with an electric boiler to be much more economical than heating using heaters. infrared systems. We bring to your attention such a calculation, since there is a theory, but there are also practical calculations, as they say, live.

Electricity consumption for heating a small real home, whose area is 60 square meters, using systems infrared heating went out about 900 kW per month. Water-type heating of the same house (in which the heating system was reconstructed and an electric boiler was installed) at the end of the month showed an consumption of 500 kW. And this is far from an isolated example.

Stationary electric heating device

A stationary electric heater type appliance, which is designed for space heating, is offered by manufacturers in various models, which differ in power and voltage.

Heating with an electric boiler is a worthy replacement for the radiator water heating method. An important advantage over other types of heating is its relatively low price and real safety. Electric boiler:

  • environmentally friendly, it does not produce harmful emissions into the air;
  • since there is no source of open flame, it does not have a corresponding fire hazard;
  • installation of the boiler is simplified due to the fact that it is not necessary to install an additional exhaust system for exhaust gases;
  • It should also be noted that there is no need to prepare additional area for storing combustion products, as in other systems;
  • significantly reduces the cost and labor costs for the installation and installation of heating equipment;
  • during operation, electric boilers are easily controlled and practically do not produce noise;
  • boilers are also distinguished by a very high coefficient of performance (COP). In some types of electric boilers, the efficiency, provided that the heating system is properly installed, reaches 96 - 98 percent;
  • new boilers of the latest developments have an automated control system. These types of boilers do not require additional care in operation.

Thermoelectric heater in electric boilers is the main working part in the heat exchanger. The new generation of electric boilers for heating is equipped with additional devices necessary for automation - a temperature sensor, a power regulator, which in many ways makes the electric boiler easier to operate.

If in a nutshell to tell the work of an electric boiler, then it looks like this. The heater heats up the coolant (let's say it's water), which, in turn, circulates in the system, while heating the air through the pipes and batteries in the room. In cases where the natural circulation of water is problematic, forced circulation is used, by means of a pump.

Parameters of the electric boiler and its connection


A modern electric boiler has many parameters, but the most important parameter when choosing is boiler power. It is selected according to your parameters:

  • heated area;
  • wall material;
  • quality and availability of thermal insulation.

Mains voltage

We have two types of electric boilers for heating a house with a power supply of 380 and 220 volts. Smaller boilers are usually rated at 220 volts (single-phase connection), while larger boilers, about 12 kW and above, are rated at 380 volts (three-phase connection). Depending on where the boiler is located, it divided into types:

  • floor;
  • wall.


Most of the new models of electric boilers are aesthetic, compact and environmentally friendly, so they do not need to be allocated for installation and operation of a separate room.

Installing an electric boiler in the house is not a difficult undertaking. It is easily portable, if necessary, it is easy to dismantle it and rearrange it to another place, since these boilers are enough light, compact and mobile.


Installation of the heating apparatus is carried out quite quickly, boilers are mounted in cottages and private houses area up to 700 square meters. It is really possible to install the boiler with your own hands. When registering and registering, as well as registering an electric boiler, you need much less various kinds approvals and documents than, say, required for a gas-fired boiler. Nevertheless, it is necessary to know that before installing the boiler, it is necessary to get an agreement with the operating organization. In most cases, this will be Energonadzor.

Install an electric heating boiler wall view necessary with the help anchor bolts or dowels.

Accordingly, the floor electric boiler must be mounted on the floor and on a special stand. Having mounted the boiler on site, it is necessary to connect it to the heating system using adapters and couplings, observing the tightness. Before connecting to the heating system, it is necessary to shut off the water with a ball valve or other shut-off valves.

After you have connected the electric boiler to the heating system, you need to start connecting the electrical wiring. It is mandatory to install an RCD and an automatic switch of the required ratings in order to protect the boiler from possible short circuits and leakage of power to the ground.

Draw your attention to! Like any electrical installation, the electric boiler must be grounded! For your safety.

The cross-sections of the wires connected to the electric boiler must comply with the manufacturer's recommendations and withstand the electrical power consumed. After connecting the boiler to the power supply, water is drawn into the system and its operation is tested.

Buyer opinions


Of course, the heating device cannot be called the most economical, but if you do not have centralized heating and there is no gasification, this is a completely acceptable and logical solution.

Also, an electric boiler is good because it is compact and does not take up much space, besides, it is environmentally friendly and works without noise.

Buyers note its compactness that does not require installation additional pipes for the chimney. In addition, electric boilers have other advantages.

  1. It is the absence of harmful substances.
  2. Easy to manage, and the ability to work offline.
  3. Any malfunction with the help of automation immediately blocks further work.
  4. The electrical apparatus for your home independently regulates the possibility of maximum heat supply so that spontaneous combustion and short circuits do not occur.


As a drawback, users note a relatively high cost compared to gas, but at the same time, compared to imported coal and a home stove, it comes out cheaper.

Electric heating boilers reviews and prices

I have an electric boiler with a capacity of 14 kilowatts that heats my house with an area of ​​140 square meters. I am very glad acquisition.

A good electric boiler, if I have a power outage, as, for example, last year, due to heavy snowfall, the electricity was turned off, so my neighbors broke down the entire heating system, even though they have a gas boiler, but electrically dependent automation, and I have everything is in order, as there is an uninterruptible power supply and a small gas generator. So I'm not dead.

Due to its compact size, I didn’t really bother with the installation site, and there were fewer problems with paperwork for registration.

There is no smell of burning, no soot and dirt. I really like. I recommend electric boilers for home heating to everyone. Thanks to my husband for installing the electric boiler.

The pricing policy for electric boilers varies depending on the power and additional devices. It is approximately from 10,000 rubles to 40,000 rubles. On average, an electric boiler for a house of 100 square meters will cost about 20,000 rubles. Consumer reviews indicate that pricing goes by the wayside when all the advantages and benefits of this installation are listed in the reviews.

Residents of many private houses and summer cottages, who do not have mains gas nearby, equip their homes with electric boilers for heating. The electric boiler works automatically and all it needs is an uninterrupted power supply. This equipment safer than solid fuel boilers or stoves as it does not emit smoke and carbon monoxide. Accordingly, such a boiler does not need to be cleaned of ash and soot. At the same time, it is quite cheap and easy to install. For him, you do not need to look for a special place where there is a hood or chimney. The electric boiler itself is easy to use and silent during operation. It can be placed on the desired temperature regime, and it will work according to the given parameters

  • heating elements
  • electrode
  • induction

The main element of the first group of electric boilers is a thermoelectric heater, abbreviated as a heating element. In addition, it has built-in power controllers and temperature sensors.

Principle of operation Such an electric boiler is quite simple: the heat exchanger of the equipment heats the water, and that, in turn, transfers heat to the room. A big disadvantage of this type of boiler is that during long-term operation scale can be deposited on its walls. This, in turn, has a negative impact on his future work.

There is also another type of boiler - electrode. As a heat exchanger, an electrode is presented in it, which transfers electricity to the coolant. Under the influence of current, water is split into ions, which pass to the electrodes of the corresponding polarity. During this process, a rapid heating of the coolant occurs.

In this boiler, the electrodes will have to be replaced periodically, as they tend to dissolve

Another modern version electric boilers are induction boilers. They heat the room at the expense of an inductor that heats the coolant. The disadvantages of this installation are the large size of the boiler and the high price.

Electric boiler selection parameters

The manufacturing technology of the induction boiler is presented in this material:

Economic models of electric boilers with high efficiency

For home heating, most people buy exactly TEN boilers. With them least hassle and they are much cheaper than induction or electrode. In addition, the electrode will often have to be replaced, which is not very profitable. Among the boilers electrical element equipment can be distinguished KOSPEL EKCO”, manufactured in Poland and having an efficiency of more than 99%. This boiler is used for radiator heating. It can also be used in conjunction with a water heater to provide domestic hot water.

The energy saving of the boiler is due to multi-stage apparatus. For models with power over 50 kW, three-phase installations are provided. There are 2 operating modes available - manual and automatic. The latter is good because special software sets the desired temperature, which varies depending on the time of day. The only drawback inherent in all boilers of this type is the periodic appearance of scale. If it is not removed, the performance of the machine will be significantly reduced.

Electric boilers of the Galan company are also popular in Russia. Inexpensive and at the same time efficient, they have 3 power levels, operate from different electrical networks, both conventional and three-phase, have a small weight and volume. Users of this boiler speak of it as a relatively economical model.

Electrode boilers are less popular among the population. Nonetheless, in terms of their efficiency, they show high rates. So, for example, they "eat" 2 times less kilowatts than the same heating element heater, while heating the area much more. The ability to save energy when using such boilers is achieved due to modern technologies. The water in the electrode boiler is heated without additional equipment(for example, a thermal element or an induction coil), so energy is consumed in smaller volumes.

The operation of the electrode boiler is accelerated due to smooth start and modern automation. Among the electrode boilers, one of the most popular is " Geyser"Galan" company with a capacity of 9 to 15 kW of domestic production, the cost of which is about 12 thousand rubles. At the same time, the price range of such equipment varies from 3.5 to 15 thousand rubles. The product line also includes boilers " Hearth", less powerful than " Geyser". And the Vulkan boilers are the most productive, their power reaches 50 kW. All boilers of this manufacturer operate silently, have high performance (from 98%).

These models have all the above advantages of the electrode boiler. The main disadvantages, due to which many are afraid to purchase innovative electrode cats, is risk of electric shock. In addition, for such a unit it is impossible to use the installation emergency shutdown. If you need to replace the electrode, you will have to constantly turn to the help of professionals.

Among the induction heating boilers, one can single out the brand " SAV» domestic production scientific company INERA. Their products have a fairly high price (from 30 thousand to 160 thousand rubles). The cost depends on the power of the purchased boiler (from 2.5 to 100 kW) and the estimated heating area. But at the same time, it has a number of advantages. The efficiency of the electric boiler of this company is 99 percent. It is equipped with a starting (automatic) relay. The principle of operation is the same as for conventional induction units.

Video instruction for installation of an economical boiler Galan

The undeniable advantages of such a boiler are fast heating, high fire safety, no connectors, due to which leakage often occurs. At the same time, the boiler works even at low power, which other types of boilers cannot. Unlike conventional heating elements, scale cannot be deposited on such boilers. And what is very important, the performance of such a boiler does not decrease over time. And their service life reaches 25 years and more.

Variety of boiler brands

What criteria should be used to evaluate a gas boiler for a home when purchasing equipment for a local heating system, you will learn from this article.

Efficiency of gas boilers

First of all, it is necessary to understand how the thermal energy of the burning fuel is distributed. The energy carrier for a gas boiler is natural or liquefied gas, while the calorific value of any of these fuels must be within regulatory requirements- only in this case the heating unit will be able to generate heat in accordance with its passport indicators.

The calorific value of gas is a value indicating how much heat is released during the combustion of a unit volume of fuel. The heating unit directs the bulk of this energy to heat the coolant in the building system, i.e., to heat the house. The greater the percentage of energy will be used to solve this problem, the better.

The efficiency of a heat generator (expressed as a percentage) is an indicator of exactly what part of the heat of combustion of the energy carrier is used to heat the house. The higher the efficiency, the more efficiently the fuel is used, the less it is required to maintain the heating system in normal mode.

Efficiency and economy depend on each other

In turn, the more fully the fuel is used and the lower its consumption, the less money is spent on the purchase of an energy carrier. Thus, the efficiency of the boiler is directly related to its efficiency.

During the combustion of gaseous fuels under normal conditions and with a sufficient supply of oxygen, CO 2 (carbon dioxide, also known as carbon dioxide) and H 2 O (water) are released.

Thermal energy obtained as a result of gas combustion is consumed:

  • for heating the coolant;
  • on the evaporation of water vapor obtained during combustion;
  • goes down the chimney along with flue gases.

The most economical gas boilers differ from the rest in that the absolute maximum of thermal energy is directed to heating the house, while losses in the last two items of the list are minimized.

Combustion chambers and burners

The efficiency of a heat generator operating on natural or liquefied gas usually is 90-95%, for premium units this figure can reach 98%.

To a certain extent, the efficiency of the device depends on the characteristics gas burner with which the boiler is equipped.

When choosing a heat source, you should pay attention to the type of combustion chamber of the unit - it can be open and closed:

  • air enters the open combustion chamber from the room;
  • air enters the closed chamber from the street through a coaxial chimney, and is blown by a fan.

Obviously, in the second case, the combustion process takes place at a higher oxygen supply, due to which the fuel burns out almost completely, giving off thermal energy to the maximum. This not only reduces the amount of flue gases, but also increases the efficiency of the boiler.

The burners themselves are of two types - with step and smooth adjustment, thanks to which you can change the power of the unit. The most inexpensive units are equipped with a single-stage or two-stage burner.

If the gas boiler is equipped with an electronically controlled modulating burner, it is able to save energy as much as possible. This is due to the fact that the degree of heating of the coolant is smoothly regulated depending on the real needs of the house for heat. This is one of essential conditions reducing fuel costs during the heating season.

Attention! It makes sense to install an efficient and reliable gas unit with a modular burner and forced air supply to the furnace as part of a heating system with individual microclimate control in each room. It requires serious investments at the stage of purchase and installation of equipment, but in the future the system pays for itself due to serious savings in energy resources.

A little more about the efficiency of boiler plants

This indicator depends not only on the characteristics of the furnace and burner device, but also on how thermal energy is transferred.

At the first stage, the heat received in the combustion chamber heats the water jacket of the unit. Then the flue gases and the remaining thermal energy pass through a heat exchanger made of steel or cast iron, due to which another part of the thermal energy is spent on heating water. The remaining heat, together with flue gases, escapes into the atmosphere through the chimney.

If you measure the flue gas temperature at the outlet of the pipe, you can evaluate the efficiency of boiler equipment. In a heater with low efficiency, the temperature of the gases at the outlet pipe reaches (or even exceeds) 200 degrees - this means that a significant part of the thermal energy is irretrievably lost, that is, a decent percentage of the fuel is wasted. Gas heating boilers can be considered quite efficient if the temperature of the flue gases at the outlet of the pipe does not exceed 150 degrees. For an economical boiler, this figure will be about 100 degrees.

Outgoing flue gas parameters

The lowest temperature for combustion products is for condensing gas boilers. This is achieved thanks to design features unit, where a system is provided for the selection of heat obtained during the vaporization of water. As mentioned above, water is released during the combustion of gas fuel, and then evaporates - and part of the received thermal energy is spent on this evaporation. Condensation colas differ from classical gas units in that they take this energy back by condensing water vapor.

The condensing model is equipped with a cylindrical type burner, which is mounted inside a stainless steel heat exchanger, made in the form of a coil with coils located very close to each other. The coolant circulates through the coil. The water vapor generated during chemical reaction combustion, passes through the coil, since it has no other way, and condenses on its surface. In the process of condensation, the steam gives off heat to the coil.

When determining which gas boiler is the most economical, you should pay attention to condensing boilers, since the temperature of the combustion products at the outlet of the pipe is the lowest - only 45-70 degrees, while the efficiency is 98%.

What to choose: condensing or conventional boiler?

As already mentioned, efficiency and reliability condensing boiler is beyond doubt. But it should be noted that sellers of such equipment often mislead buyers by declaring that the efficiency of a condensing heat generator is more than 100%. They add to the base indicator of 98% the “percentage of efficiency” obtained due to the condensation of water vapor - that is, the thermal energy that the unit takes back, initially spending on converting water into steam.

A photo of a condensing boiler

Any literate person who studied physics at school knows that the efficiency of equipment cannot exceed 100%. The condensing unit is able to minimize heat loss, but cannot increase the amount of heat energy obtained by burning gas. Thus, the real efficiency of the condensing heat generator does not exceed 98%.

However, when choosing a gas-fired heating unit, it is important to consider the following:

  • condensing boilers are more economical than conventional ones, but are significantly more expensive due to their more complex design;
  • maintenance of a traditional gas unit (flushing the heat exchanger, etc.) can be done by hand, technically there is nothing complicated in this, and certified specialists are required to clean the condensing boiler.

If you are looking for an economical gas boiler among conventional units, it is important to understand that savings when buying equipment in the future can result in increased repair and maintenance costs.

Don't Forget to Estimate Installation Costs.

For example, a floor-standing gas boiler with open cam combustion requires installation in a designated area with a fire-resistant finish. In addition, a foundation and a vertical chimney are mounted for it.

And the model with closed camera combustion can be installed in any convenient place and lead the chimney through the wall.

Compact gas boilers are hung on the wall and take up a minimum of space - this is the most convenient option.

Please note: it makes sense to opt for a non-volatile boiler only if it is not possible to provide power to the equipment. Such models have a relatively low cost, but do not make it possible to save fuel.

How to make the right choice?

Compare the following indicators:

  • Efficiency of the unit (indicated by the manufacturer in the product passport);
  • temperature level of combustion products at the exit;
  • design features of the heat exchanger (the more turns, the more heat energy the flue gases will have time to give off);
  • the quality of the thermal insulation of the water jacket of the boiler (it is important that there are no unnecessary heat losses);
  • type of combustion chamber;
  • burner type (smooth adjustment is the ability to switch the boiler to the most economical mode of operation relative to specific conditions).

The installed heating boiler for a private house must be properly adjusted, this must be done by specialists. Practice shows that it is not worth further saving on the invitation of experienced professionals to adjust the heating unit - even the slightest deviation from optimal modes functioning of the nodes lead to the fact that the operation of the boiler becomes less efficient and more fuel is spent.

The choice you made will not disappoint you if you take into account all the recommendations. But it should be understood that an economical boiler will meet expectations only if the house is well insulated, selected best option heating system, fuel with the correct characteristics is used.

No matter how high the performance of the boiler unit, it requires regular preventive cleaning - accumulated pollution reduces the power of the boiler and provokes excessive fuel consumption.
