Pasting wallpaper on the wall. Professional wallpaper sticker technology. How to properly trim excess

Roll wallpaper Over the many years of their existence, they have become perhaps the most common type of decoration of walls and ceilings. But such popularity does not mean that everything is clear and simple with wallpaper.

Vinyl wallpaper does not allow air to pass through well, but lasts much longer than paper wallpaper.

Especially it concerns modern types wallpaper, such as, for example, embossed vinyl wallpapers. To make a good and beautiful room, it is not enough to know the composition of the glue or the properties of the polyvinyl chloride coating. For a high-quality finish, you need to study the rules for gluing vinyl wallpaper.

Materials and tools for wallpapering

Experienced craftsmen can even stick wallpaper to the ceiling alone, not to mention pasting the walls. But for this, experience and the corresponding properties of the material are not enough. For successful gluing of vinyl wallpaper and experienced craftsmen, and beginners in the construction business will need following materials and tools:

  1. Vinyl wallpapers. When calculating their area (number of rolls), a certain supply of material should be provided in case of unexpected damage to the finish itself.
  2. Wallpaper glue. It is selected taking into account the characteristics of the wallpaper and the conditions for gluing it.
  3. Special spatula for wallpaper (roller). Ideally smoothes the surface of pasted wallpaper, effectively removing excess glue and air from underneath it.
  4. Stationery knife (cutter). The perfect tool for cutting wallpaper fragments to the required size.
  5. Metal ruler. With its help, it is convenient not only to mark stripes, but also to make minor trimming of the edges of the wallpaper.
  6. Building level.
  7. Graphite pencil. Used for marking wallpaper strips. The use of a ballpoint pen, marker or felt-tip pen for these purposes is undesirable, since their liquid fillers may appear on the front side of the wallpaper. And this is ugly and very noticeable, especially if you glue, for example, white wallpaper to the ceiling.

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Some general rules for gluing vinyl wallpaper

Despite wide application wallpaper in repair and construction work, many take on finishing without knowing well how. And although this operation is not difficult, you should understand some rules in advance.

Before pasting the room, the electricity must be turned off in order to avoid a short circuit or electric shock to a person. Therefore, work should be carried out during daylight hours.

First of all, you should remember the main thing - vinyl wallpapers are glued only end to end. Due to the increased thickness of such wallpaper, overlapping the sticker will lead to the formation of rough, unsightly seams. In addition, the glue does not saturate the top polyvinyl chloride layer well, so the overlap gluing will be fragile.

Overlapping gluing (and even then situational) is allowed only when the last strip of wallpaper in a row is attached to the wall. As a rule, it can be glued end-to-end to the previous strip, but it is almost impossible to do the same with the next, closing strip. In this case, the glued fragment should extend its edge onto the already glued strip by about 4-5 cm.

After this edge forms a noticeable bulge with the edge of the glued strip, a cut should be made along this bulge with a stationery knife for both strips. Then the edges of the strips are carefully turned outward, the trimmings are removed, after which the resulting edges are again carefully glued to the wall.

As already mentioned, after applying glue they can increase in size. Once dry, the wallpaper will shrink. If at the time of installation they are stretched in order to accurately adjust the edges, noticeable seams will certainly appear later. Therefore, the glued strip should be applied loosely to the joint of the previous strip, carefully creating the overall pattern.

You can only glue vinyl wallpaper to the ceiling if you have an assistant.

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How to glue vinyl wallpaper: sequence of actions

Before you start gluing wallpaper on the ceiling and walls, you should prepare the surfaces. For this purpose, the remnants of old wallpaper, dirt, and mortar deposits are removed, and potholes and cracks are filled with putty. Then the walls and ceiling are primed.

The wallpaper is cut into equal strips along the height of the room, and the length of the sections should be 5-10 cm longer. It is recommended to cut so many fragments at once so that there are enough of them for the entire area to be pasted.

Using a level, draw a vertical line on the prepared wall. It will become the starting line from which gluing will begin. The process itself should begin from the corner, but if vinyl wallpaper is applied to the ceiling, then it should be glued from the window towards the interior of the room.

In accordance with the instructions attached to the wallpaper rolls, apply glue either to the wall or to the back - paper - side of the wallpaper. It is recommended to glue the strips in such a way that while one piece of wallpaper is being applied to the wall, there are always 1-2 strips in stock so that they have time to be sufficiently saturated with glue. As for cases where the adhesive is applied to a wall or ceiling, it should only be applied to the area equal to the area one lane.

The starting wallpaper strip is carefully fixed strictly along the drawn line. To do this, the master will have to climb a stepladder, since the strip is adjusted along the beacon line from top to bottom. After laying the starting strip, it is carefully smoothed with a spatula or roller. If you glue wallpaper to the ceiling, you need to hold it with your hands for a while.

All subsequent strips are glued to the previous ones end-to-end and in such a way that the overall pattern of the panel is not disturbed. Each individual piece of wallpaper must be ironed with a spatula, which removes excess glue and air. In this case, you should be especially careful to walk along the seams with a roller.

If glue is applied to wallpaper, then it must be coated with a thin layer using a brush. You can unfold the cut strips for gluing either on a special table or simply on the floor. Each glued strip, folded, must lie down and soak in glue for 5-7 minutes before fixing it on the wall.

Wide wallpaper is a real wonder for a novice builder. Our compatriot is accustomed to using standard canvases for wallpapering rooms. But along with this, there are wallpapers that have a larger roll width, and the approach to work in this case changes radically. Although this material from regular wallpaper not much different, but significantly reduces the effort spent on repairs due to its increased width. From this article you will learn how to glue correctly wide wallpaper, how to choose them wisely, mark the wall and paste the entire room.

What are the wide wallpapers?

Almost all Russian wallpaper products are this moment produced according to a certain standard - most developers are familiar with wallpaper 53 centimeters wide. Foreign-made wallpapers are presented in a richer assortment, but at the same time they often have a non-standard width. For example, wallpaper from Italian and German manufacturers, whose products are quite widely represented on our market, have a working width of 106 or 70 centimeters.

And the special size wallpapers that are presented in model range Belgian companies make up a collection with roll widths of 90, 100 and even 140 centimeters. A number of models from the famous French manufacturer include wallpaper with a width of 90 and 70 centimeters. If after consideration various options wallpaper, you have chosen a wide size for yourself, then you just need to figure out the question of how to glue wide wallpaper.

Wide wallpapers have a non-woven base, so they do not require impregnation with glue. To achieve the desired result, you just need to smear the prepared wall with adhesive and place a dry cut sheet on it. However, you will have to first level the surface using finishing and starting putties. If you don’t take this “little thing” into account, you will definitely end up with mismatched seams.

However, you should not think that wide wallpapers are represented exclusively by non-woven fabrics. With the same success, the canvas can be paper, light, heavy and used with other glue in combination.

Advantages of wide wallpaper

But before choosing and pasting wallpaper, it is worth talking about the advantages of the size of wallpaper chosen by the consumer, which are especially attractive to ordinary consumers. The most obvious of these advantages is that the number of seams becomes noticeably smaller when working with wallpaper of this type.

It should be noted that wide wallpapers were specially designed to achieve the so-called “seamless” effect. The number of joints between pasted adjacent strips is reduced almost by half, which makes them invisible during repairs.

In addition, the use of wallpaper custom size significantly simplifies all procedures for gluing them. It is unlikely that any of us will doubt that cutting 5 pieces of wallpaper, treating them with glue and then gluing them to the wall is much easier than doing the same with 9 pieces of standard wallpaper. Of course, the effort and time spent on repairs in both of these cases are incomparable.

The cost of purchasing wallpaper material is also reduced, because with equal quality indicators, the cost of a wide roll is less than the price of two rolls of standard size wallpaper.

Disadvantages of wide wallpapers

There are no downsides to wide wallpapers, but there are some inconveniences when working with them. In this situation, it is recommended to very carefully prepare the surfaces for pasting. If the walls are poorly aligned, then high-quality pasting will be impossible. The fact is that defects and unevenness of the walls do not allow achieving ideal joining of adjacent strips of wallpaper.

Due to the large width, it may turn out that they will not be enough total length, and to cover the last couple of centimeters of the wall you will need to buy an additional roll. Due to the fact that the number of strips of wallpaper of this type is more difficult to adjust to the width of the wall than for standard wallpaper, a certain overconsumption of material is possible.

Another limitation that significantly affects the entire work process is that wide wallpaper is best glued by two people.

How to choose wide wallpaper

The peculiarity of wide wallpaper is that it looks a little different in a roll than after pasting it on the wall. Therefore, it is better to choose them in specialized stores, where there are samples displayed on the stand.

When looking at the rolls on display, you should start from the bottom of the stand, moving to the top, and then look at the middle samples. This should be done because the human psyche is designed in such a way as to protect a person from an overabundance of visual information. The gaze best captures what is in front of the eyes. Experienced sellers know this, and they place wallpaper that is not in great demand in the middle of the stand.

If you want to perform original design housing, buy all materials from one collection - borders, wallpaper, fabric for curtains. When choosing, give preference to wallpaper that has a quality certificate. Although rumors that vinyl wallpaper is not particularly environmentally friendly are completely unfounded, it is still worth asking about the quality.

Preparing the surface for pasting

The most difficult thing in working with wide wallpaper is preparing the working surface of the walls. Preparing the surface of the walls for wallpapering with a large width should begin when the finishing of the ceiling has not yet been completed. In this case, you must:

  • Remove the covers of sockets and switches, and then seal the holes with adhesive tape, which can be easily removed after work;
  • Remove all screws, nails, dowels and plugs from the walls;
  • Completely remove the old coating from the walls, making sure that even the slightest traces do not remain;
  • Inspect everything carefully again.

How to glue wide non-woven wallpaper if the walls are not very smooth? In this case, it is necessary to carefully level the surface with a dry mixture or cover the walls with plasterboard. The latter technique makes it possible to perform internal thermal insulation, and this has great value If there is mold on the walls, you cannot glue wallpaper on such walls until the fungus and the causes of its occurrence are completely removed.

Primer of walls for wide wallpaper

On smooth walls Before pasting, it is imperative to apply a primer, which will close the numerous microscopic pores. Its use will save the adhesive mixture, in addition, the glue will not be too absorbed into the wall, thereby ensuring the strength of the wallpaper. According to the rules, good adhesion of the base to the surface is recommended; this is precisely what is ensured by the primer, removing all dust from the walls.

By the way, if you spread glue on unprepared walls, some of it will be absorbed very quickly, and you won’t be able to complete the task properly. Before you begin gluing the wallpaper, the primer must dry completely.

If you use foam or other borders when finishing, you should note that they need to be installed on the wall before wallpapering. In the process of work, you will need a wide brush for applying glue, a special rubber roller, a long ruler, a pencil, a plumb line, scissors, a stationery or construction knife, as well as cotton rags.

Pasting wide wallpaper

When purchasing, it is recommended to check the compatibility of the selected adhesive and wallpaper. It is necessary to pay attention to the group of wallpaper, because according to the accepted classification, the material is divided into light, dense and heavy wallpaper. When working with non-standard wallpaper It is customary to apply glue only to the wall, but check the instructions to be sure.

How to glue wide vinyl wallpaper so that the joints are less noticeable? Work must be started from the window and carried out in the direction of the incident light. When joining panels, it is imperative to maintain the design and pattern. It may take more than one roll of wallpaper, but the result is worth it - the wallpaper will look like a solid canvas on the wall.

In principle, the method of covering walls with wide wallpaper is no different from the method of working with standard wallpaper. Just like regular wallpaper, wide wallpaper should be glued starting from the middle and from the top. If some irregularities do appear, then you just need to make a small cut on the edge of the wide wallpaper and overlap the edges of the cut on the wall.

When gluing meter sheets, it is convenient to use two stepladders, because with such an organization of work, good alignment of the strips along the surface of the walls is ensured. In addition, no additional movements of the partners who glue the sheet are required.

How to glue wide wallpaper: step-by-step instructions

  1. First, you should measure the length of the wall and calculate the number of whole strips that fit on it.
  2. It is imperative to mark the first canvas, starting from the window and moving deeper into the room. At a distance of 105 centimeters from the corner, you need to draw a vertical line to the floor using a plumb line, pencil and ruler. In case the vertical angle does not match, leave one or two centimeters.
  3. An important point is wallpapering in the corners, so give special meaning this procedure. It is better to leave an overlap at the corner, which will later be covered by a panel on the opposite wall, but will not create an unsightly gap.
  4. After this, you should cut the required number of whole strips for one wall with a small allowance in length. Coat the wall well with glue to the width of the panel, going beyond the marked line.
  5. Start pasting together with an assistant. One person should hold the top edge, climb onto a stepladder and place the cut close to the ceiling line, a previously drawn horizontal line or border and to the marked vertical, the coincidence of which is adjusted by an assistant.
  6. Smooth the material to the wall, displacing any air bubbles that have arisen, moving from the middle to the edges. Remember that you should not try to stretch the wallpaper horizontally, because after drying it will create a gap and the wallpaper will return to its original position.
  7. The following canvases must be placed close to the previous ones, without gaps or overlap.
  8. As a rule, it is not possible to get the exact number of whole strips per wall, and the last of them has to be cut off vertically. The panel on the next wall should be applied exactly from the corner, blocking it. Exposed glue at the joints is wiped off with a clean rag.
  9. Excess wallpaper can be trimmed only after the canvas has dried, since otherwise the sheet may shrink in the corners, uneven gaps will appear near the floor and near the ceiling, which cannot be masked.

Taping inconvenient places

When using non-standard wallpaper, it becomes much more difficult to paste difficult places in the room: corners, behind the radiator and areas above openings. But it is easier to glue the ceiling with wide wallpaper, since two people still take part in this process, and the number of sheets will be significantly reduced compared to standard wallpaper.

To paste wide wallpaper behind the radiator, you will have to cut the roll into small pieces. The best option- cut several pieces from one canvas, which is intended for pasting a flat part, fortunately, the width allows this.

When pasting an inconvenient place, difficulties arise that are associated with matching the pattern. If you can still guess the dimensions, then it is quite problematic to achieve a matching pattern. This procedure requires some design skills and experience and may not work the first time.

It is best to purchase non-woven wallpaper, because you can move it on the wall within ten minutes after sticking it on. However, under no circumstances should you take adhesive compositions, which contain additives for faster drying. This glue is intended exclusively for experienced workers.

How to glue non-standard wallpaper alone

Contrary to popular belief that only two people need to glue wide wallpaper, this job is quite feasible for one person. After all, the average width of the material is 106 centimeters, and the span of a person’s arms reaches at least 150 centimeters. That is, you can easily join the seams and perform alignment.

If you don’t manage to do everything smoothly the first time, don’t despair. You can always remove the canvas, coat the wall with glue again and repeat the process again, taking into account the mistakes made and watching how to glue wide wallpaper in the video. And, of course, remember that everything should take place indoors, where there are no drafts. Doors and windows can only be opened every other day.

Finally, I would like to present to your attention a few simple, but useful tips, which can be useful when covering rooms with non-standard wallpaper. You should prepare in advance all the necessary arsenal of tools that you will need to complete the gluing work. This way you can avoid wasting time during work and save money. cash. If necessary, leveling pads can be used aluminum corners, which are carefully puttied.

But it’s not enough to know the technique of sticking wide wallpaper; you also need to understand how to stick wallpaper in an original way in order to end up with a spectacular interior. For these purposes, several types of wallpaper of different shades and textures are usually used simultaneously to add variety to the design of the room. Even novice designers should know that combining wallpaper can hide the shortcomings of a room's layout and highlight its advantageous aspects.

For example, horizontal alternation can visually reduce the height of the room, while vertical alternation can expand narrow passages. Methodology " accent wall» helps highlight the main piece of furniture. Wallpaper inserts are an independent decoration of the interior.

Thus, subject to the rules and recommendations described above, wide wallpaper will advantageously decorate your room, and as a result you will get an incredible effect seamless coating. If there is a desire, meter wallpaper can be of any color and any texture, from the most different materials. When choosing a roll, be sure to pay attention to the recommendations regarding application and characteristics of the canvas.

Today we will show you how to hang wallpaper in an apartment with your own hands. Moreover, we should not forget that we live in the 21st century, which means we will learn to glue modern wallpaper with normal glue.

Paper wallpaper is the most affordable option

The most affordable option. Paper - environmentally friendly pure material and allows air to pass through well, but such wallpaper can only be used in rooms with low humidity. They cannot be washed, and their strength is quite low.

There are smooth paper and structural wallpaper. Smooth - made entirely of paper with a printed design; structural ones are made by applying thick paint to paper using screen printing; they can be single-layer or multi-layer. Multilayer ones are stronger and better hide minor surface defects. Structural ones often have a variety of embossing, which is formed by extruding a pattern relief roller. Despite the fact that in general they are not moisture resistant, they are also available “for painting”, with a water-repellent composition applied to the surface.


Vinyl wallpaper benefits due to its moisture resistance

They are produced by applying PVC to a paper or fabric base, followed by the application of a pattern or embossing.

The main advantage of this type of wallpaper over paper is its moisture resistance and, accordingly, the possibility wet cleaning. In addition, vinyl is stronger and lasts longer, does not fade in light and does not change color under the influence of the external environment.

Foamed vinyl wallpaper imitates decorative coverings

There are also foam vinyl wallpapers. They have a very pronounced texture, mainly imitating decorative coatings (for example, “bark beetle”), due to this they can completely hide minor surface defects.


Vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing is particularly durable

Vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base is even more durable. An additional advantage of this type is that, as a rule, the glue is applied to the wall rather than the canvas, which is much more convenient.

This wallpaper is breathable and hypoallergenic

Non-woven fabrics are made from textile or cellulose fiber based on a polymer binder. Breathable, hypoallergenic, not afraid of water. They reinforce the surface quite well, which, by the way, also applies to the previous type. The glue is also applied only to the wall.

These wallpapers are the longest lasting

In simple words, this is paper + vinyl, but silk threads are interspersed into this vinyl using a special technology, which increases strength and their ability to withstand the effects of aggressive environments (this is the longest-lasting wallpaper), and also gives a very solid appearance.

Fiberglass wallpaper has a whole list of unique properties

A special type made from glass fibers of varying densities and thicknesses. Such wallpapers have unique properties. Firstly, they do not burn, and therefore do not emit harmful combustion products. Secondly, they are made from natural ingredients: quartz sand, limestone, clay. Thirdly, they are very durable, it’s not for nothing that their main purpose is painting fiberglass- surface reinforcement. Fourthly, they are super durable. Fifthly, glass wallpaper “breathes”. Sixth, they can be repainted up to 20 times without losing the relief of the design.

There are also textile, natural, liquid and photo wallpapers. We will not consider them due to their not particularly high consumer popularity.

How to choose the right glue

Modern wallpaper adhesives, as a rule, consist of modified starch and/or methylcellulose, antifungal additives and sometimes PVA and an indicator - a substance that turns a color when interacting with water. Accordingly, when the glue dries, it becomes colorless again.

Cheap glue for paper wallpaper and the so-called universal glue most often contain only starch; more expensive varieties already contain an indicator and antifungal components. It should not be used for gluing heavy types of wallpaper, such as vinyl. It is applied to the canvas, which after application is left for several minutes to soak.

“Vinyl” adhesive is most often made from methylcellulose. It has significantly greater adhesive ability than starch. This glue is applied only to the canvas, after which you need to wait a while until it is saturated - usually 10 minutes.

There are wallpapers that require applying glue to both the canvas and the wall. Usually these are very dense vinyl with a non-woven backing. The composition of non-woven glue is identical to that for vinyl. The difference is that here it is not applied to the canvas, but only to the wall, although there are rare exceptions.

The same glue is suitable for glass wallpaper; it is usually written on it “for heavy wallpaper“, but there is also a separate class specifically for glass wallpaper, although, of course, the composition there is still the same, it’s just that the concentration of MC in such glue is higher, as a result of which the mass turns out to be thicker.

For wallpaper borders a special ready-to-use glue is used; this is indicated in its name. There are also special ready-made adhesives for joints and other problem areas like outside corners. But they are rarely needed.

Tools and accessories.

Before we start gluing, we should have this on hand:

  1. Wallpaper.
  2. Wallpaper glue.
  3. Stationery knife.
  4. Bubble level (or plumb line).
  5. Wide and narrow brushes (or roller instead of wide).
  6. Wallpaper spatula or roller.
  7. Roller for joints.
  8. Polyethylene film.
  9. Bucket.

Work equipment

Preparing the wall and wallpaper

Before pasting wallpaper, you need to tidy up the surface. Ideally, it should be plastered, sanded and primed. But what if there is already old wallpaper or, even worse, paint hanging where we are going to work?

The old ones definitely need to be removed. Any available means are suitable for this, but it is best to take a spatula. If you can’t scrape the wallpaper “dry”, you can wet it - preferably with very hot soapy water, almost boiling water, or wet it and then warm it properly with an iron (through a rag) or a hairdryer.

After the old ones are removed, it is necessary to refine the surface of the wall: repair holes and cracks; if the wall is uneven, putty all over it and sand it.

It's another matter if the wall was covered with paint. The water-based emulsion is washed off quite easily with the same boiling water and soap, but oil paint you will have to sand it with a coarse abrasive mesh or sandpaper.

When the surface is prepared, it will need to be primed, preferably with a primer deep penetration, and this must be done shortly before gluing begins, ideally on the same day, in order to prevent dust from settling on the wall again. If you don’t want to buy a primer, you can use a weak solution of wallpaper glue instead.

So, the walls are prepared, it’s time to calculate the amount of material. To do this, we measure the perimeter of the room and its height. Per roll - 10 linear meters; if the ceiling height is specific room less than 2.5 meters, from one roll we get 4 pieces, if more than 2.5 meters - only three + quite large waste. Divide the perimeter of the room by the width of the canvases; standard values widths: 53, 70, 106 cm. We get the number of stripes, round them up big side, and now you need to divide it by the number of strips in one roll: 3 or 4, and round up again. We get the number of rolls. If we only have 3 stripes coming out of one, we don’t have to include the width of the window and door into the perimeter - the trim will go there. But if we have wallpaper with a pattern, then it is better to take into account the entire perimeter. It would be nice to do all these calculations while simultaneously marking the walls into stripes.

The gluing begins from the window (this way there will be potentially less waste and the shadow will not interfere), it is advisable to walk around with a tape measure and number each future canvas on the walls. When the walls are prepared, the materials have been purchased, you can cut them. Wallpaper without selecting a pattern can be cut for the entire room at once, but with selection, it is better to cut strips as you work. We do this on the floor, having previously spread plastic wrap.

There must be plastic film spread on the floor

We place the sheets with the pattern down, measure the ceiling height + 5 cm for reserve with a tape measure, bend, fold and cut with a sharp stationery knife. On each piece, mark its top with a pencil so that you don’t get confused later and glue it upside down.

We've cut it, now we need to prepare the glue. Looking for it on the packaging required amount water for a specific type of wallpaper, pour that much into a bucket. Next, we begin to slowly pour the glue into the water, pour it in a thin stream, stirring everything vigorously. Usually, after mixing, you need to let the glue sit and swell for an average of 5-10 minutes. After this time, it is ready for work.

Process technology

The work site is ready

So, the cut strips are in a stack on the floor, the glue is ready, we can start working. To apply the glue, use a wide brush or long-haired roller. We remember that for paper and vinyl wallpaper, glue should be applied to the strips themselves, and for non-woven-based coatings - directly to the wall. Let's assume that our wallpaper is vinyl, we smear the strip with glue, leaving no gaps, Special attention We pay attention to the edges. After the entire canvas is covered with glue, it must be carefully folded with the edges towards the middle, as in the picture, so that it is properly saturated.

This is how you need to fold the wallpaper

If we previously studied the lesson about plastering slopes, then these same window slopes ours are even and clear - in this case, we begin to glue the strip directly along them. If the quality of the slopes leaves much to be desired, then we should draw a vertical line using a plumb line or level at a distance from window opening, equal to the width of the canvas minus 3–5 cm. That is, we will get a small overlap on the slope. We use this option in our example.

Line for first sheet

We take the soaked cloth and stand on a chair or table. Carefully, slowly, fold back the top edge and unstick it.

The first canvas is applied like this:

We apply it to the line on top and glue the edge along it, after which we press the rest of the canvas against the wall with our palm - just to hold it in place. Then we take a wallpaper spatula or roller (a spatula is more convenient, but it can ruin some types of wallpaper, read the instructions) and begin to expel excess glue and air from under the canvas from top to bottom, from the middle to the edges. As soon as we do this, we go down and unstick the remaining parts of the canvas. Here the window sill will interfere with you and me. You need to cut a strip under it right away; To do this, you must first remove all excess glue above the level of the window sill, take it and hold it bottom part canvas at this level (it is better if an assistant does this) to create a right angle. And carefully, slowly, along the fold line using a metal spatula sharp knife cut through the wallpaper in the corner:

Bend the sheet at the windowsill

The process of trimming a window sill with a spatula

After this, we lower the lower part of the canvas to the floor. Now you need to cut a small vertical. We do the same thing, drive out the glue to this level, press the corner tightly with a metal spatula and cut it:

We need a cut to get the glue out

And, having expelled all the glue and air from under the wallpaper, we do the same under the windowsill:

We carry out the same actions under the windowsill

All that remains is to trim off the excess using a spatula under the ceiling and near the floor. If the angle between the wall and the ceiling is too shallow or simply uneven, then there are two ways out of this situation. The first is to trim the wallpaper, stepping back a couple of centimeters from the ceiling, thereby leaving a white stripe near the ceiling (of course, it must be painted in advance). The second is to close this corner ceiling plinth, but it costs money, and it needs to be glued. But we will assume that our angle is clear and trimming did not cause any problems. That's it, the first strip is pasted. All that remains is to wipe the canvas with a wet sponge or rag to remove possible traces of glue on the surface.

The front page is ready

Excess wallpaper in window opening should be trimmed only after the canvas has completely dried, otherwise you can scratch not only them, but also the corner, accidentally cutting off the paint from it. Our next canvas falls on internal corner. Professionals usually glue the entire sheet there, but for a beginner this task can be very difficult. Therefore, here we can recommend first cutting the sheet lengthwise into two parts so that the left one extends onto the adjacent wall by about 5–7 cm. Pasting such a sheet is not a problem.

Pasted sheet on inner corner

Now about the wallpaper seams. Basically they are rolled with a special narrow plastic roller. Sometimes manufacturers warn against using it; in this case, you have to carefully smooth the seam with a spatula or, even easier, with your fingernail, but this is rare. So, we stuck the second strip, kicked out the glue, wiped it with a cloth, now we combine the joint at a distance (vertical) of 30–40 cm, forming a tiny overlap - we rolled it with a roller, the seam in this area becomes almost invisible, wiped the wallpaper and the roller with a cloth again - there should be no glue left. We roll again, and so on, until the roller stops getting dirty with glue. We combined the next 30–40 cm and rolled it, and so on to the very bottom.

You should not press hard on the roller - you can push through not only the canvas, but also the putty underneath.

At the end, we wipe the wallpaper in the joint area again with a wet cloth. The right side of the canvas can be dealt with in two ways. You can glue it butt to the left. If before this we cut the sheet lengthwise with a sharp blade (not hanging, of course, but on a hard surface), then, as a rule, this joint will be completely invisible. Another option is to glue the right side overlapping up to the corner, and then cut through both layers at a distance of 3–4 cm from the corner. This method guarantees an invisible joint, since the path of the knife blade on both layers is completely identical. But it is only suitable for wallpaper without a pattern.

An ideal seam looks like this

We try to control the verticality of the edges of each subsequent canvas with a level (using laser level this is done easily and pleasantly). At the outer corners they do the same - make an overlap of 5–7 cm on the adjacent wall and glue the next panel end-to-end or overlapping with a cut.

We apply wallpaper to the outer corner

Thus, we reach the door and stop.

Here we are at the door

We will start gluing the next sheet again from the window. We already know how this is done:

We also glue the next sheet from the window

And again at the door

Now you need to cut out the wallpaper, 10 centimeters wider than the unpasted distance, and glue it over doorway overlap with two side panels, then cut through 2 layers (along the dotted line in the figure):

Joining strips above the door

We remove the excess and admire the perfect seams. All we have to do is do the same above and below the window. First, we glue full-width panels end-to-end:

Only the area under the window remains uncovered

And then the rest, just like above the door, cutting through both layers.

The room is almost ready

The next morning, carefully use a knife blade (namely, a blade, without a knife) to cut off the excess on the slopes. I advise you to do this not in a zigzag, but simply by moving the blade along the plane of the slope, tilting the blade at an acute angle to the wallpaper.

Trimming the excess in the window opening

That's it, we are happy with the result:

All that remains is to be happy with the result

Video: DIY wallpapering

In the example, vinyl wallpaper was considered, but other types are glued in exactly the same way, with the only difference being the method of applying the glue. Good luck with your renovation!

The question of how to stick wallpaper on a wall is not difficult. If you comply the right technology, then there will be nothing complicated in this process. In order to hang wallpaper well, you don’t have to have any special skills, and it won’t take much time.

Hanging wallpaper yourself does not require additional skills or a lot of time.

Before you start gluing wallpaper on the wall, you need to carefully check the quality of the material. In this regard, the following must be taken into account:

  1. Rolls of the same article must have the same lot number.
  2. Before you start marking and cutting the material, you should check it for defects.

Defective areas should not be cut out of the roll; it is better to exchange the entire roll in the store; the buyer has every right to do this. All materials and putty (everything that is used to prepare walls for gluing) must only be on water based. And only in this case can you count on high quality work. To apply wallpaper you will need the following tools:

  1. Tape measure (you will need it to measure ceilings and walls).
  2. Brush for applying glue (a wide paint brush will do).
  3. Roller for joints (if the wallpaper is fleecy, then a roller is not needed).
  4. Smoothing roller.
  5. Wallpaper scissors and wallpaper knife. You need to choose the sharpest knife, then the paper will not tear.

How to properly prepare a wall?

In order to stick wallpaper well, you should pay close attention to the preparation of the wall.

Preparing walls for wallpapering includes removing old coatings, leveling and sanding.

If we are talking about replacing wallpaper, then first of all you need to remove the old ones. In this case, it is recommended to use a narrow spatula, and the old wallpaper should be pre-moistened with water. To do this you need to use a brush. It happens that there are various cracks and chips on the walls, all this needs to be carefully puttied. It is very important to prepare the putty well, and you must follow the instructions on the packaging of the material. This material is applied with a wide spatula.

Then the walls must be thoroughly sanded. To prevent the formation of stains on the walls that may appear as a result of interaction concrete surface and glue, the walls should be covered water-based paint. If wallpaper is pasted on a smooth surface, then such a surface can be given a certain roughness; this is done using sandpaper.

Before you stick wallpaper on the walls, you need to pay attention to whether the label says “counter sticking.” Such material should be glued in a special way, following the instructions.

Rules for wallpapering

How to work with difficult areas?

How are textile wallpapers applied to walls?

Textile wallpaper - expensive, quality material and requires the most thorough preparation of the surface before gluing.

If you plan to cover the walls with textile-coated wallpaper, you need to be very careful. This material is different good quality And at a high price, so the preparation of the walls should be more thorough. As for the surface of the walls, it must be perfectly dry, clean and smooth. If there are unevenness on the walls, then you need to get rid of them exclusively with gypsum putty. Before you start gluing wallpaper, you need to thoroughly coat the walls with water-based paint. You can also use a special lining made of waste paper, which is very convenient and has increased efficiency.

Textile wallpaper on a paper basis is glued as follows:

  1. Pieces of the required length are measured and then cut with scissors.
  2. The top of each piece must be carefully numbered, and all pieces are hung on the wall in numerical order.
  3. It is necessary to make sure once again that there is no contrast between the individual pieces in color and in the relief of the surface material.
  4. Pieces of wallpaper should be laid out on the table with the back side up, and then an even layer of glue should be applied, which should not be thick.
  5. It is necessary that the paper base is thoroughly saturated with glue, so the pieces of wallpaper covered with it must be put aside for about 5 minutes. After this, the wallpaper is glued to the wall, everything is done joint to joint. You need to start this process from the top, the piece is smoothed out, using a rubber roller. As for the length of the overlap, it must be at least 5 cm.

Modern textile wallpaper Most often they are produced on a non-woven basis, so they are much better than paper ones. They do not get dirty or stretch, and have a denser base, so you can adjust the wallpaper without the risk of damaging it. They are very easy to care for as they only require dry handling. To do this, use a soft brush or vacuum cleaner. If spots appear small size, then you can easily get rid of them using a damp, but not wet, sponge.

Greetings, dear readers of our blog “Do it yourself with us”.

Continuing the topic overhaul apartment today I want to describe in detail the process of how to properly glue wallpaper on walls with your own hands. Where do you need to start? What nuances and features should be taken into account in the work? What issues should you pay special attention to? It would seem that the question is not very difficult, but how many misunderstandings, disputes and disagreements arise when we begin the process itself.

Preparing the walls

First of all, let me congratulate you! How about what? With the fact that if you are interested in the issue of wallpapering, then the dirtiest, hardest work in the repair has already been completed. And you did it!!! Hundreds of kilometers spent shopping, looking for wallpaper, are already behind us. And here they are, the most beautiful in the world, rolled up in tight rolls, lying neatly against the wall!

But don’t rush, you have everything ready, and someone just needs to re-glue the wallpaper without affecting everything else. Therefore, we begin the process by removing all the old wallpaper. To do this, we carefully tear them off the wall; if the glue that holds them in place is weak, the work will go like clockwork, but if the wallpaper is glued well, you will have to work hard.

Correct wallpapering - diagram

If the old ordinary paper wallpaper are difficult to remove, then we moisten them with water, simply rolling them with a wet roller or brush. Leave for 10-15 minutes and then carefully remove. Well, the most Hard case, when the wallpaper is covered with a waterproof film on top, the so-called “washable” wallpaper. The only mechanical removal method that can help here is using a spatula. We remove them by prying them up with a spatula, trying to touch the wall as little as possible.

The wallpaper has been removed, it is necessary to remove all the plaster, which does not hold well and practically falls out on its own, and to cut out the cracked and falling out seams. All areas of depressions, depressions and irregularities that appear must be puttied and subsequently primed after cleaning.

If you decide to level your walls, then after applying the finishing layer, do not forget to prime it. It is very important! Otherwise, when wallpapering, the walls will become dusty and crumble, which will lead to poor adhesion of the wallpaper to the wall. A worse than that, when applying glue to the wall, the plaster may begin to roll off. Use special mixtures sold in stores for this. And if you want to save money, you can use simple PVA glue, 2 cups of glue per bucket of water (from personal experience, excellent primer).

The whole point of preparation comes down to making the walls as smooth and even as possible. Take the time to inspect your walls. Remove all adhered specks and other small debris, as after wallpapering they will appear and will be unsightly. You should be especially careful in this regard when gluing thin wallpaper.

The walls must be strong, clean and dry.

We dilute the glue according to the instructions on the package. I used Quelyd "Special Vinyl" adhesive for vinyl and textile wallpaper.

It is diluted: 1 package per 4-4.5 liters of water and is designed for 6 rolls. To dilute, use a suitable container, measure the required amount of liquid into it and, stirring continuously, add dry glue.

Let it disperse a little for 15 minutes, then mix thoroughly again and you can glue the wallpaper.

We glue wallpaper beautifullyalong a straight wall in any room of the apartment

Step 1. We close all windows and doors to prevent drafts.

Step 2. We calculate how many vertical stripes we can fit on one wall. To do this, measure the length of the wall and divide the resulting size by the width of the wallpaper.

My wall length was 3.7 m (3700 mm), and the width of the wallpaper was 0.54 m (540 mm). Total 3700/540 = 6.85. Thus, I have 6 whole stripes and one with an undercut on my wall.

We cut 7 strips according to the height of the room plus 50 mm. for trimming from above and below.

Similar calculations can be made for the other three walls and wallpaper can be cut for the entire room at once.

Step 3. We mark the vertical line for the correct orientation of the first strip.

We retreat from the edge of the wall (I walked from the passage, yours may be from the corner) 500 mm (the distance is slightly less than the width of the strip, so that later, if the corner of the room is a little “cluttered,” you can correct it by trimming the first strip) and put a mark. To mark the vertical line of the strip stickers, we use a plumb line (you can just use a thread with a weight tied to it) or a building level.

We apply a plumb line to the wall and combine it with our mark made earlier. Mark a vertical line and connect the points with a straight line. Thus, we have a line from which we will begin gluing the second strip. We do not touch the first strip (near the aisles or in the corners) for now; we leave the outer strips of one wall for last. I used the same marking technology for .

Step 4. Apply glue to the wall the width of the strip and to the strip of wallpaper, evenly distributing it over the surface using a brush or roller.

Step 5. We glue 1 strip (or rather, we will have a second strip from the edge of the wall or corner, but we are not gluing the first one yet). To do this, starting from the top, carefully apply the strip to the wall. We align the edge of the strip with the drawn vertical line and, using a wide roller, carefully roll the strip to the wall, squeezing out the air trapped between the wall and the strip.

Step 6. We mark the extra length of the strip.

We slightly tear off the strip from the wall and carefully cut off the excess.

This operation can be done without tearing off the strip, but using a stationery knife to cut off the excess. Ultimately we get this picture.

In the future, the joint between the wall and the floor will be covered with a plinth. How to install plastic skirting board You can read it in detail with your own hands.

Step 7. We repeat all the procedures for applying glue to the wallpaper and the wall, and glue the second strip. Only now we join the edge of the strip to the already glued first strip.

Sometimes there are situations when the ceiling is not perfectly level, and you have to trim the top of the strip a little. To do this, we extend the glued strip slightly upward, creating an overlap on the ceiling.

Using a roller, we roll the strip, and using a utility knife or scissors, we cut off the excess wallpaper so that the upper edge of the strip fits exactly into the corner.

We cut off the excess at the bottom, finally roll the glued strip, rolling it with a wide roller with movements from top to bottom and towards the edge of the strip, as if drawing a Christmas tree with a trunk in the middle of the strip. Using a narrow roller, we roll the seam between the strips and the upper and lower parts of the strip adjacent to the ceiling and floor.

We get this picture.

Step 8. Similarly, we glue all the entire strips to the end of the wall.

Step-by-step instructions for proper operation with wallpaper

Video: how to stick vinyl wallpaper yourself

Thanks to everyone who read the article to the end. Please note that here I have fully described the entire process of how to hang wallpaper with your own hands in accordance with my experience and ideas of this process. Surely there will be people who dedicated this large quantity time, have extensive experience and professional skills. Please write about your little tricks, secrets and features on how to glue wallpaper correctly in the comments. Help people who want to gain knowledge on this issue. After all, as they say, the more you give in this life, the more you receive in return.

Sincerely, Ponomarev Vladislav.
