How to install a European picket fence yourself. Euro picket fence: photo of a fence made of Euro picket fence, methods of installing a metal fence. Do-it-yourself European picket fence, detailed installation and assembly instructions. Qualities that the European picket has

At the same time, your property will not lose its individuality: many variations of the installation of such a picket fence have been developed, it is available in different sizes and colors - there is plenty to choose from. It doesn’t take much effort or special skills to install such a fence with your own hands. It will become the subject of your pride and the envy of your neighbors.

Do-it-yourself picket fence from corrugated board: step-by-step instructions

  1. Frame. It is made from a metal profile pipe with dimensions of 6 by 6 cm or 8 by 8 cm. The thickness of the pipe wall is from 2 to 4 mm. The pipes are cut into pieces of the required length depending on the planned height of the fence plus at least 1.2 m for the digging depth. Then holes should be drilled in the ground into which pipes are first lowered and then driven.
  2. The distance between the support pipes determines the height and weight of the corrugated sheet; it varies from 1.5 to 2.5 m. The voids are filled with gravel and compacted; concreting is not recommended by experts. In conclusion to the received pillars
    you need to weld horizontal logs from the same profile pipe - there can be two or three of them if the fence is higher than two meters.

  3. Ready frame need to be coated with a special anti-corrosion compound. It is available in a fairly wide range color scheme. This will not only protect your fence from mechanical impact external factors and will extend its durability, but also give it an aesthetic appearance. A picket fence made of corrugated board will fit harmoniously into overall design without falling out of the color palette.
  4. Now you can start installation the picket fence itself. You can choose pickets with rolled or unrolled edges. IN budget option The pickets are cut from a single sheet of corrugated board - this can be seen by the raw edges of the pickets and the standard pattern of the profile itself. If the pickets are made according to individual order, they are passed through a rolling machine to give the desired shape and relief.
  5. The upper edge of the euro-picket fence can be smooth, rounded, triangular, trident-shaped, arrow-shaped, etc. For low fences, you should not choose pickets with a sharp top edge, as this can lead to injury.

    Pay attention to the painting method: it can be double-sided, single-sided, polymer or powder. The picket fence is attached using metal screws at four or six points - depending on the number of horizontal logs.

  6. The appearance of a corrugated fence is largely determined by width of the gap between the pickets. Maximum distance– 5 cm. You can make a gap of 4, 3 or 2 cm. Or you can increase the gap to 8 cm (according to the width of the picket), but at the same time fasten the pickets in a checkerboard pattern on the inside and outside.
  7. Profiled Euro picket fence goes well with others finishing materials , especially with stone, brick and wood. You can first lay out the foundation, the base of the fence and the columns from red, for example, brick, and install segments of brown picket fence between them - it will turn out stylish and solid.

How much does a corrugated picket fence cost: materials and work

Prices for materials will depend not only on the number of linear meters of the fence itself, but also on the parameters of the picket fence. Pickets are produced various sizes(length from 0.5 to 3 m and width from 8 to 11.5 cm). Per linear meter of fencing you will need from 6 to 8 pickets - depending on the width of one fragment.

1 linear meter of picket fence made of corrugated board will cost from 500 to 700 rubles, depending on processing, height, and painting method. The region also plays a role: if similar products are not produced there, but are imported, the cost will be slightly higher. Now multiply the cost by the number of linear meters. Add the cost of supporting profile pipes for the frame - approximately 200 rubles. per meter Plus fastening material. And plus Additional materials for installation and decoration, if any are used: brick, stone, wood, as well as a wicket or gate. Don't forget about delivery.

If it is not indicated that it is free, you will have to pay an average of 25-30 rubles for one kilometer. – prices vary in each region and city.

Installation of a metal Euro picket fence by a team of specialists with a height of 1.5 m costs from 1300 rubles, a height of 1.8 m - from 1450 rubles, a height of 2.5 m and above - from 1600 rubles.

Euro picket fence. Reviews

  • “The aesthetic appearance of the fence will be much better if you apply a little imagination in the process of working with corrugated sheeting - as with any other building material. And you will be original and inimitable. After all, corrugated sheeting can be chosen in any color, width and height. So, corrugated sheets and your creativity can create such beauty that will delight your eye and serve faithfully for decades.”
  • “Corrugated sheeting for a picket fence is a very good and non-standard idea. It is clear that such a fence not only looks more beautiful, but will also last much longer than a wooden one. A very useful note is that when choosing the decorative shape of the upper edge of the profile, we must not forget about the height of the fence - although both children and pets can get hurt.”
  • “It’s just a blank fence 2 meters high - it’s somehow closed, it protects you from the living world, like in a monastery or prison. And a picket fence made of corrugated board adds lightness and pleasant variety; not all neighbors have such a fence. As a gardener, I think the main advantage is that personal plot not only protected, but also well lit and ventilated. And it’s decorated very beautifully and originally.”
  • “I installed the fence segments with solid corrugated board, interspersing them with segments of corrugated picket fence. I also laid out the brick pillars with my own hands, it was enough trouble with such a fence. But the fence spans themselves, made of corrugated sheets or picket fences, are, in principle, quite simple to install; anyone can do it, if only they have the hands and the desire.”

Install a picket fence made of corrugated board- it’s a simple matter, but for some it may seem boring and tedious. In this case, contact a specialized company. You will have to pay more, but you will receive in the shortest possible time a brand new European fence, manufactured and installed according to your individual sketch.


A fence made of metal Euro picket fences can be installed with gaps of different widths. Euro picket fence is stylish, creative and practical.

When talking about a picket fence for building a fence in a country house or in a private house, one usually imagines a fence made of wooden planks with a smooth, pointed or shaped upper end. Landscape design, into which such a picket fence is inscribed, most often corresponds rustic style with elements of retro and provincial comfort. Many modern materials trying to imitate wooden structures and replace them. The picket fence was not left out either. The market offers materials for fencing made of PVC and those that we will talk about today – metal ones, known as “Euro picket fence”.

A practical material - a metal picket fence - allows you to make a modern, beautiful fence.

Advantages of a European picket fence

Many summer residents have already experienced the inconvenience of continuous fences made of sheet metal profiles:

  • large areas appear that are constantly covered by the shadow of the fence;
  • Air circulation inside the solid fence is difficult. Due to lack of ventilation and overheating, many plants suffer;
  • blind fence - no best element landscape design.

All these disadvantages can be avoided if, instead of a solid fence, you make a fence from metal picket fence with your own hands.

Here are its undoubted advantages:

  • Euro picket fence has the same strength and durability as sheet metal profiles and is significantly superior to wooden structures;
  • the low weight of the picket fence makes it possible to make a lightweight frame and save money - 1 m² weighs about 300 g;
  • simplicity and ease of installation make it possible to make a front garden from a picket fence or any other fence yourself;
  • The material is easy to maintain and maintain. With such a fence, unlike a wooden one, there is no need to clean off the peeling paint every year and repaint it again;
  • plants growing next to the fence receive sufficient sun and a favorable microclimate.

Very good video about the features of the Euro picket fence:

What material is called Euro picket fence?

Profiled metal strips about 10 cm wide and 1.5 to 3 m long, specially designed for fencing, are made in the same factories where standard sheet metal profiles are made. The material is usually galvanized and painted polymer coating on one or both sides.

Euro picket profile with rolled edges

High-quality picket fences must have rolled edges. A fence made from such planks looks beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, unlike the cheap variety with sharp edges. In the first case, each part is passed through a rolling mill and shaped, and in the second, the pickets are cut from a finished sheet of corrugated board without finishing the edges.

Manufacturers are constantly offering new varieties of metal pickets to the market, in which the material, coating method, profile design and coloring change.

Rich color palette allows you to build a fence to suit every taste

Currently, the most popular form of Euro picket fence is with a rounded top edge. The second common top shape is a horizontal cut. In this case, the upper end of the fence is additionally covered with a horizontal bar. The tops of the blanks can be made in another shape. Sometimes they have sharp notches. This is only permissible for fences over 2.5 m high. On low guardrails, sharp tips can cause injury without providing effective protection.

The horizontal strip covers the top edge of the metal picket fence

Euro picket fences are also distinguished by the method of connection to the frame: there are open and closed fastenings. In the second case, the hardware is not visible on the surface of the pickets.

Manufacturers provide additional service– they can cut according to the stated size.

Base and frame

In order to make a picket fence with your own hands, you should start by installing support posts. Depending on the climatic conditions and the composition of the soil, they have to be dug to a depth of up to 1.5 m. The holes can be made with a gasoline or hand garden auger. For reliability and stability, the pillars are filled with crushed stone and filled with concrete. The tops of the pillars are protected from moisture with suitable caps or plugs.

After the solution has set, the installation of the frame begins. As a rule, it is made from a profile pipe by welding. Sometimes purlins are assembled using bolted fastenings.

Before proceeding with the installation of the picket fence, the posts and frame must be primed and painted in the color of the metal profile. If the supports are made of wood, the underground part must be coated bitumen mastic and wrap it in roofing material, and sharpen the upper end so that the water drains.

Installation of Euro picket fence

The pickets are attached to the frame in accordance with the intended design using screws matched to match.

White fence slats require the use of white screws

The total cost of the fence, the cost of its manufacture and design depend on the method of placing the slats, their height and the size of the gaps between them:

  • the maximum distance between adjacent planks should not exceed 5 cm;
  • each picket is secured with 2 self-tapping screws to the top crossbar and 2 to the bottom;
  • To maintain equal distances between the pickets, you can use the following technique. Having decided on the distance between adjacent planks, you need to choose the appropriate size wooden block. By placing it between the planks during the fastening process, the accuracy of installation is controlled;
  • those who do not like the gaps between the pickets can make an opaque fence by placing the slats in a checkerboard pattern alternately on both sides of the purlins. The result is a continuous ventilated fence with an original volumetric design.

Selection of fasteners

To connect the frame structure of the fence in those places where welding is not used, bolting is used. Self-tapping screws are used to hang Euro picket bars. To protect the polymer coating, hardware is screwed through placed plastic or rubber rings. Self-tapping screws must be galvanized and painted in the color of the fence.

Fastening a Euro picket fence with self-tapping screws to a frame made of a profile pipe, painted to match

A little about the disadvantages

Despite complex design profile, which has many stiffening ribs and fractures, the European picket fence is not the most durable material. It takes a little effort to apply mechanical damage paint layer or wrinkle the surface. It is enough to hit it with a shovel, lean a bicycle unsuccessfully, or hit it with the corner of a garden wheelbarrow or mower. They are afraid of the European picket fence plates and the pressure of snowdrifts.

Dark horizontal strips metal picket fence favorably emphasizes the whiteness of massive racks

By the way, despite the prefix “euro-” the material is widespread not in Europe, but in the CIS countries. IN European design meet beautiful fences using a metal picket fence located horizontally between the fence posts.

Choosing a fence for a site is not an easy task - it needs to be reliable, durable, and beautiful. A fence made of metal picket fence (euro picket fence) meets all these requirements. Climbing on it is problematic - not the same rigidity. Breaking it is “boring” - usually, those who like to misbehave limit themselves to bending a couple of slats. Beauty, of course, is a subjective criterion, but such fences look better than the same solid one. In addition, they are not so susceptible to wind loads, which allows saving on support poles. An additional plus is that they are breathable. In general, a good option.

What is a metal picket fence

A metal picket fence is made from a sheet of galvanized steel. A relief is formed on the sheet, after which it is cut into picket strips and covered protective compounds, paints. The resulting strips are of a certain height. Usually the height is from 150 to 180 cm. To complete the fence, you also need support posts (usually 60*60*2 mm), bowstrings (two or three crossbars that go between the posts) and fasteners.

Types, shapes, profiles

The thickness of the metal of the Euro picket fence can be from 0.4 to 1.5 mm. The most common is made of steel with a thickness of 0.5 mm. The width of the picket is from 80 mm to 128 mm, the length is up to 2 meters.

P and M - shaped profiles of a metal picket fence

There is a metal picket fence with different profiles: P (rectangular), M-shaped and semicircular. M-shaped ones have more ribs and therefore have greater rigidity. But there are also U-shaped ones, in which grooves are formed in the “back”. In this case, it is already difficult to say which of them will be tougher. Most likely, the latter, especially if it has rolled edges.

Semicircular ones also have greater rigidity, but are more difficult to form and usually have a higher price. For greater strength, along long side additional grooves may also be formed.

In general, the more grooves-stiffening ribs, the better the bar’s resistance to bending along its length. But as the terrain becomes more complex, the price becomes higher. Since it is quite large in itself, you usually have to look for a compromise. In any case, the bar should withstand your attempts to bend it.

What to look for when choosing

When you choose a metal picket fence, it is advisable to look at the lot offered to you in person. The thickness of the metal may be stated to be the same, but in practice it turns out that the edge of a strip from one batch can be bent with a finger, but with another batch this trick is not possible. And this is from one manufacturer. The issue is the quality of the metal batch, and it is rarely stable.

A rolled edge, several layers of protective coatings - these are the signs of a good metal picket fence

Also, be sure to pay attention to the edges - it is better if they are rolled. Firstly, it has a more attractive appearance, secondly, the picket fence is more rigid, and thirdly, the sharp edge is curved and it is impossible to get hurt. The disadvantage of a picket fence with rolling is one - more high price, as special equipment and additional processing time are required.

If we talk about the products of specific companies, then the Euro picket fence Grand Line (Grand Line), Barrera Grande, Nova, TPK Center Metalroofing, FinFold, UNIX (Unix) are popular.

Painting methods

It is also worth understanding the painting method. There is an iron picket fence with double-sided and single-sided painting. When one-sided, the back side is covered with a layer of primer without painting. Has, accordingly, grey colour. A metal picket fence painted on one side, the inside of the area is gray. It's not so bad - it doesn't catch the eye. If you are not satisfied with this option, either buy it with double-sided painting, or paint it yourself. Paint is taken “for roofs”, choosing the appropriate shade. Note that brush-painted metal looks... not very good. If you have a spray gun, the appearance will be good, although not ideal.

This is what the “wrong side” of a metal picket fence painted on one side looks like

You should also take into account that there are two types of painting of metal picket fences:

  1. polymer coating;
  2. powder paint.

The first method is much more reliable, since the application technology requires special equipment and strict adherence to technology. As a result, such a picket fence can withstand increased mechanical influences. Even if a scratch appears in the coating (although you have to try), the metal does not rust, since there are still protective coatings that prevent rust from occurring.

Polymer coating is the best choice today

Powder coating, in theory, is no worse. But only if it was done according to the rules: applied to primed metal protective covering, and on top of it - powder paint and baked it in special chambers. But the point is that you can apply paint in the “garage”, and you can somehow burn it there. The result will just be completely different. In addition, there are ready-made sheets of Chinese origin. In them, paint is applied in the workshop, but often directly onto an unprimed steel surface. It is impossible to determine all these nuances externally, and after the slightest scratch rust appears. So the polymer coating is more “safe”.

What can a metal picket fence look like?

You can like metal fences or not, because there is no dispute about tastes. But in terms of practicality, they certainly outperform. Once installed, you won’t think about the fence for years afterwards. It does not need to be painted for it to look decent, since good quality the paint lasts for years without visible changes. And this is one of the important factors that make you think about installing such a fence.

On a strip foundation

With clinker brick foundation and pillars

Installation methods

There is a single-row and double-row (double-sided, checkerboard) method of installing metal picket fence strips. With a double row, the slats are placed on both sides of the bowstring, and so that they overlap each other by at least a centimeter. Therefore, the distance between the slats should be slightly less than the width of the picket fence. With this installation, the planks on linear meter 55-60% more fencing will be required. But the fence turns out to be practically invisible - only from a certain angle can you see a small part of the area. And this despite the fact that the fence will not be continuous and all the “delights” of a solid fence will not affect you.

Most often, the planks are mounted vertically, but there are also horizontal method installation - it can also be single-row or double-row. A horizontal fence looks more “exotic”. When installing the planks in two rows (double-sided), the result is completely opaque.

The disadvantage of this installation method is that special pillars and intermediate pillars are needed that will provide the required structural rigidity. Another nuance: planks are usually produced up to 180 cm in length; longer ones will have to be ordered, and this costs additional money. So you will either have to install poles more often, or overpay for a non-standard size.

Dimensions and distances

When installed in one row, the gaps between the planks may be different. The exact distance is chosen arbitrarily, depending on how “transparent” you want to make the fence. Most often, the distance between the pickets is 35-50% of the width of the strip. But this is not a rule; there are both smaller and larger gaps.

When installing “checkerboard”, if you do not want your yard to be visible at an angle, the slats should cover 50% of the width of the picket fence or more. If visibility is not important, you can place them so that the edges overlap by only 1 cm.

The height of the fence is selected depending on the wishes of the owners. If you want the yard to be as closed as possible from prying eyes, the length of the plank should be from 180 cm. Taking into account the fact that they will be slightly raised above the ground, this is enough to ensure that the vast majority of people will not be able to look into your territory.

If you don’t care whether something will be visible through the fence or not, you can take both 1250 mm and 1500 mm. In the first case, the fence will end somewhere at the chest level of passers-by, in the second - at eye level or slightly lower (see the figure for an approximate layout), and this is without a foundation.

The span width of a vertical metal picket fence is 200-250 cm. It is at this distance that the pillars are dug in, then two or three crossbars are secured between them. These cross members are called “logs” or “strings”. For a picket fence up to 150 cm high, two crossbars are sufficient; for taller ones, three are better.

Types of Fills

There are several more types of filling spans (distances between support pillars). The easiest way to install is a direct method - this is when all the planks are the same length. On top of such a fence you can put a U-shaped bar made of the same material (sold in the same place as the European picket fence). In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, it also covers the metal cuts, which increases the service life of the fence.

All “waves” require cutting most of the planks to a certain distance. One “wave” per span is made in increments of 50 or 25 mm. With a pitch of 50 mm, the height difference between the shortest and longest slats is significant, but the fence looks more openwork. In the case of a “wave” with a step of 25 mm or with a “double wave”, the difference is smaller. Upper bars are installed much less often here, but they can also be installed. Only at the point where the “wave” breaks will you have to cut the sidewalls and bend them.

Features and installation rules

When installing a metal picket fence in Middle lane In Russia, it is recommended to install poles from profiled pipes 60*60 mm (60*40 is possible). For crossbars, it is more convenient to take the same profiled pipe, but with a cross section of 40*20 mm. In this case, the fence will definitely withstand wind and snow loads.

When installing, the installation step of the pillars is 2 meters. If there are two crossbars, then they are attached so that there is 25-35 cm to the edge of the bar. With a picket height of 150 cm or more, the distance is 30-35 cm, with shorter ones - 25 cm. But, with a fence height above 1.5 m, it’s better to make three lags, and not only in regions with strong winds. It’s just that with two lags it turns out too long distance between the fasteners, which makes it easy to move the slats apart.

There are two ways to attach the planks: with self-tapping screws and with rivets. Self-tapping screws and rivets are installed on both edges of the strip on each of the crossbars. That is, if there are two crossbars, 4 screws/rivets are needed for each strip; if there are three, then 6 fasteners are needed per picket fence. You can, of course, attach it to one self-tapping screw or rivet on the crossbar, installing it in the middle. But in this case, pushing the picket fences apart with your hands is as easy as shelling pears - and there is no need to climb over the fence.

It’s faster to install this way, but it’s a “purely decorative” fence

Which type of fastener should I choose? Self-tapping screws are easy to install - this is their advantage. But they also unscrew easily, which, under certain circumstances, can be a disadvantage. Rivets take longer to install, but they are also much more difficult to remove. What to choose? On the front part of the fence or if the fence is left unattended for a long time (for a seasonal visit), it is definitely worth installing rivets. Of course, if the attackers set their sights on it, they will also be able to remove the rivets, but this will be more difficult. When installing a fence between neighbors in houses permanent residence, it is quite possible to attach a metal picket fence with self-tapping screws.

How to make it yourself

As you probably noticed, metal picket fences are produced using almost the same technology as corrugated sheets, and the sheet costs less. Therefore, many people have the idea to make a picket fence by dissolving the corrugated sheet into strips. In principle, this can be done if you are able to cut strictly along the line without any noticeable deviations. But for cutting you need to use metal scissors - punched or hand-held. Under no circumstances should you cut with a grinder, as it burns the protective cover. So the work ahead will not be easy and will take a lot of time. If this doesn't scare you, you can try it.

What is the disadvantage of a homemade picket fence made from corrugated sheets? Everything is obvious: the edge is rarely even, since it is difficult to do it manually. In addition, the cut is unprotected and may begin to rust. You can, of course, coat the sections with primer/paint, but in order for all the layers to adhere properly, an absolutely clean surface is required. That is, the cut areas must first be removed from dust (not so difficult, but it takes time), then also degreased. Only in this case will the protective coating be of truly high quality.

It is advisable to roll the edges - this will give the homemade picket fence greater rigidity, because additional reliefs are rarely formed on the profiled sheet. It “holds” its shape due to its size and alternation of waves.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

A fence made of metal picket fence is very relevant in our time, since it differs from other fences in that you don’t need to spend a lot of money on material and buy necessary tools. This fence has become relevant because it performs the function of protection (the construction of this fence is very easy, but penetration through it is not so easy, since the distance between the bars is close, there are sharp tips), decor, ease and duration of use.

Making a fence from a metal picket fence with your own hands will give you great pleasure, since you not only save money, but also feel great pleasure from the physical labor done.

To build a fence, you need to think about all the details: starting from the perimeter of the fenced area, its appearance, the amount of building materials and ending with calculating the duration of the work.

Required Tools

To make it easier to understand how to build a metal picket fence with your own hands, you can look at the photos in our article or watch a video that will help in this useful and enjoyable activity. To build a fence you won’t need many tools, but the essentials here will be:

  • tool for working with soil. You will need it to install posts to support the fence. You will also need a drill or a regular shovel (for digging holes);
  • welding machine (for installing transverse lags to which the pickets will be attached). Welding will be the most the best option for this job (cheap, cheerful and reliable);
  • screwdriver (needed when installing a metal picket fence for the frame). You can also get by with a screwdriver here, but this will give you unnecessary worries;
  • an auxiliary small tool that all owners should have in their arsenal and will be necessary for installing a metal picket fence.


To install a metal picket fence with your own hands, you must be provided with the following materials:

  • Pipe with a cross section of 60 x 60 mm (profiled). The design of this fence has a fairly low weight, so this section is quite suitable for you and can withstand wind loads.
  • Profile pipe with a cross-section of 20 x 40 mm (needed for installing longitudinal logs, thanks to which metal pickets will be attached).
  • Metal pickets (produced at enterprises from steel with a thickness of 0.5-2.0 mm). The metal is coated on top with a special layer that protects against corrosion, and then painted with powder paints.
  • Galvanized self-tapping screws (for attaching metal pickets to the frame).

Instructions for installing a metal picket fence

When you have collected all the tools and materials, you can begin installing a metal picket fence:

  • draw on paper a project for your future fence, since based on your drawings you will carry out the construction process;
  • we install the frame (this is exactly why we need a shovel or drill). We dig holes, the depth of which is 1000-1500 mm (depth of soil freezing), in pre-marked places.

It is necessary to maintain a distance of about 2.5 meters between the pillars, as the structure will not be stable. It is advisable to make the holes for the pillars in the corners deep (they carry a large load) and lay crushed stone and sand on the bottom. The length of the pillars must be calculated so that after you install them, the pickets are 100-150 mm higher. You should start the installation with the pillars in the corners and then fill the supports with a solution of cement, sand, crushed stone or simply ready-mixed concrete from the mixer. With the help of a beacon cord stretched along the entire length of the longitudinal logs, you take welding machine and weld along the length of the frame profile pipes. Prime the welding areas. Afterwards, paint the structure and proceed to final stage installation

Assembling a fence from a European picket fence with your own hands is quite simple. This is one of the types of barriers that stands out for its attractiveness, long service life, high quality. Made from durable galvanized metal, the Euro picket fence is made in the form of profiled flooring, which is factory cut into individual elements. Through processing with polymers metal surface is not fenced negative action environment, does not require additional coloring and special care.

Fencing at the dacha

Features of the Euro picket fence

The main criteria when choosing building materials for fencing construction are durability, reliability and strength.

Eurostalker is relative the new kind fences that meet all the above requirements.

Village installation option

In addition, even an inexperienced person can choose the design of a European picket fence and assemble the fence. The variety of ways to install a picket fence will help turn an ordinary fence into an original structure in a personal garden or in a country house.

Installing a picket fence has many benefits that explain the popularity of this material.

Near the road

Description of the main advantages:

  1. Large selection of products (by shape, width, height, color).
  2. Attractive view.
  3. Ease of installation.
  4. High reliability.
  5. Wide functionality (can be used for zoning personal territory, flower beds, flower beds, fencing general purpose buildings).
  6. Used for construction of different shapes, combined with traditional materials(stone, concrete, wood).
  7. The fence does not require any special care in the future. Material is being processed special compounds, which are highly resistant to atmospheric conditions, so there is no need to paint this fence.

Near a private house

Also, as a main advantage, it should be noted that low price picket fence, in contrast to alternative building materials. The cost of fences most often does not exceed $35 per square meter.

The European picket fence has few disadvantages. To begin with, construction will cost a little more, unlike a wooden picket fence. But in the end result this fencing is cheaper because metal structure no need to treat with an antiseptic and regularly paint.

Option for front garden

In addition, during installation, special fasteners equipped with a press washer are used, since conventional fastening with self-tapping screws will not be able to firmly fix the metal sheet.

The photo shows a metal fence.

Metal picket fence

Types of slats

There are the following types of Euro picket fence:

  1. "Econova". Unlike its analogues, this type of fence has a lower cost due to the smaller width of the pickets, up to 100 mm, and the number of ribs - up to 14. The height can vary depending on the order of the fence and, as a rule, is made within 1-2 m. Slats installed in increments of 2–10 cm. Installation can be done in a checkerboard pattern. The picket fence is most often used for fencing country houses and dachas.
  2. "Nova". The width of the pickets up to 120 mm with 15 edges makes it possible to apply various patterns and create a rigid and reliable fence. The protective polymer layer is 20 microns, which prevents the formation of corrosion. There is a matte and glossy finish. It can be installed to fence off dachas or used for protective fencing during the construction of various structures.
  3. “Barrera” retains all the properties of a European picket fence, but is distinguished by a special method of painting. Special powder coating contributes to the emergence protective film on the surface of the leaf. The special shapes of the top create a wide range of picket fence choices, and manufacturing in sections simplifies the installation of the fence. The width of 85–130 mm with a size of 1.4–2.2 m allows you to install the picket fence in 2 rows without a gap. In this case, the profiled sheet can be attached evenly or in a semicircle to a brick or metal base.
  4. "Light-M". The width of the picket fence is 75 mm with 5 ribs, allowing the structure to be light in weight. The fence is installed in one row with a gap of 2–10 cm, or a checkerboard is used. Due to its low cost, in addition to the standard use for fencing country houses, it is also often installed as a temporary structure for fencing construction sites.

Varieties of design

Before you make a fence on your property, you also need to decide on a design option:

  • “convex arc”, the fence is installed in spans, the top of the sections along appearance looks like a convex arc;
  • “wave”, the fence is distinguished by a wave on each section;
  • “herringbone”, the installation pattern of the fence is standard, and the picket fence itself in the upper part resembles the shape of a spruce;
  • “concave arc”, installation is carried out in sections, which are made in the form of a concave arc, with the middle parts of the picket fence being the smallest in length;
  • “peaks”, the top is made in the shape of a peak. Each section has 5–6 of these outlines installed;
  • “trapezoid”, a section curved in the shape of a trapezoid;
  • “canyon”, the installation of this metal picket fence occurs in sections, with each picket from the beginning of the sheet being made smaller by one centimeter and, starting from the center, the pickets increase in size again;
  • “pyramid”, the top of the plank looks like a pyramid;
  • “ladder”, made of strips of longer and shorter lengths, alternating with each other;
  • “wings”, the top of the picket fence is similar to the wingspan.


Preparing for installation

Before preparing to install the fence, it is recommended to watch a training video on how to make a fence from a European picket fence with your own hands and which supports are best to choose for installing the structure.

Read also: Installation of a fence made of Gitter mesh: price, photo, do-it-yourself installation of 3D welded sections

On preparatory stage construction work The area needs to be cleaned, then a drawing is taken or a sketch of the future fence is drawn and the area where the structure will be installed is marked.

All bushes, stumps, old parts of fences and other objects that may interfere during construction are removed. Then, when the perimeter is cleared, you need to divide total length on sections of 2.5 m, one established mark is a column, which is installed later.

DIY fence installation diagram

When the number of sections and columns is precisely determined, the required amount of building material is calculated. Why you need to decide how close to each other you need to install the slats.

If you carry out installation with a gap that is equal to the width of the plank, then the total area is divided into two, so you get the required amount of building material for one section.

This figure is then multiplied by the number of sections to obtain the total amount of material.

So, the gate will be the same height as the installed sections. If a gate of a different size is required, the parameters are calculated separately.


For information on how to make a fence from a metal picket fence, read the link.


One of the main advantages of a European picket fence for a summer residence is its convenience and ease of installation. The picket fence can be installed on one side or on both sides of the fence, which significantly increases the choice of design.

For self-installation You don't need any special tools, just a screwdriver. As a rule, the installation of a picket fence is carried out with a gap of 5–6 cm. Since the windage of this fence is less, unlike a profiled sheet, then wind load on the fence is insignificant, and construction will not require a structure strip foundation. Step-by-step instruction The installation of a European picket fence looks like this.

Installation of pillars

If a profiled pipe was chosen as a support for the fence, then it can be used of any cross-section; as a rule, the dimensions chosen are 50x50, 60x60 or 70x70 mm, the walls must be at least 3 mm thick.

Drawing for installing poles

The requirements for Euro-picket support pillars are not as stringent, in contrast to a fence made of corrugated sheets. They are most often not concreted in the ground.
