Types of roofs of country houses. What are the types and shapes of roofs of houses - from simple to complex. Shed roof house design

The roof is a significant item in the budget for building a house. Different types of roofs are radically different in design from each other, which affects the cost of construction, which can be quite affordable or, on the contrary, cause a shock. The type of roof and the angle of inclination of its slope also affect the possibility of arranging the attic and shape the appearance of the whole house.

Different types of roofs of private houses have a configuration of varying degrees of complexity, starting from the simplest - flat and ending with complex combined structures.

Flat roof , the device of which belongs to the least complex, and, therefore, the most attractive solutions from a financial point of view. Floor elements laid on load-bearing walls, in fact, are the roof. Typically, a flat roof has a slight slope (up to 3%) to drain rainwater.

A pitched roof is a general concept for roofs that have inclined planes, the basis of which are rafters and sheathing. This category is presented in several versions.

A shed roof is a kind of intermediate solution between a flat and a gable roof. Relatively simple design, typical for the construction of outbuildings and country houses. It, like a flat one, consists of one slope, but differs in the angle of inclination, as well as in a separate ceiling and roof structure. A shed roof allows you to conveniently equip the area on the second floor, which is not limited by slopes, as is the case, for example, with gable roofs, and, as a rule, provides the same amount of space as on the first floor. Recently, they are often used in large houses, where the area allows you to create several blocks with roofs located at different levels.

The device of a shed roof depends on the size of the building and the expected angle of inclination of the slope. Below are the most common designs:

  1. Rafter construction - the rafters rest on the outer wall. This kind of wooden roof structure is simple to implement and does not create high costs. It can be performed on buildings in which the span of the walls does not exceed 6 meters.
  2. Rafter construction with struts - an inclined beam strengthens and stiffens the frame. With its help, you can make a roof on a building with a span of walls up to 7 meters.
  3. Truss structure with a trussed truss - this kind of roof structure can be used on roofs with a span of up to 12 m. The wooden structure is additionally supported by pillars, which provide it with greater rigidity.

Gable roof

A gable roof is a structure with opposite slopes connected in a ridge. A characteristic feature is the presence of triangular pediments of the side walls covering the roof in planes perpendicular to the ridge. There are main types of gable roofs - symmetrical (when the sections are equal and inclined at the same angle) or asymmetrical.

This design is characteristic of traditional architecture, but is also present in modern, minimalist buildings, primarily due to simplicity, which affects the convenience and reduction in construction costs. In houses where the roof slope is 35 - 45 °, an attic is usually equipped. A gable roof has many advantages, among which the most important are:

  • due to the possibility of adapting the attic for residential purposes, they receive additional space;
  • a simple design facilitates the construction of a house, and also allows you to easily add a garage or a shed to the building;
  • a large and simple area facilitates the arrangement of the roof;
  • when carrying out roofing work on a gable roof, little waste of materials is obtained, so the choice of coverage is unlimited;
  • this type of roof also ensures efficient removal of snow and rainwater.

It is also important for the building that, thanks to the strong slope, the ventilation between the roof and the wind insulation is much easier than in the case of other types of roofs.

The hip roof is a four-pitched structure, where two of the four slopes are trapezoid-shaped, and two more are triangles. It is these triangular slopes that are called hips, which gave the name to the design. The slopes, converging to a short ridge, are usually inclined at one angle. The truss structure uses beams and double tightening. This design is recommended for one-story buildings, which give beautiful proportions. Despite the presence of an attic, the reasonable arrangement of the attic in this case is not an easy task. The interior design is hampered by numerous bevels. Usually, the functionality of the attic is improved by increasing the angle of inclination of the slope, but in the case of a four-slope design, little can be achieved by this. The best solution is to install skylights that will visually increase the volume of the room.

A hip roof is more expensive and more difficult to implement than a gable roof. Implementation is hampered, in particular, by the angles at which the planes converge. This is a job for highly skilled roofers. Also, roofing work requires the use of solutions that increase the cost of construction. When using sheet roofing, a lot of waste remains, so it is better to use piece roofing materials, which will reduce losses. Having mounted a reinforced truss system, you can even use ceramic tiles. The hip roof has subspecies.

The semi-hipped roof is characterized by bevelled corners and truncated triangles located on the end walls. It is a good option for investors looking for a way to get rid of the monotony.

Similar designs are typical for regional architecture. They can be found, in particular, in the mountains.

The truncated triangles of the semi-hip roof reduce the surface of the roof and strengthen the edges of the frame, thereby protecting the house from strong winds. The optimal slope angle of such a roof is 35°, which allows water and snow to drain away without limiting the choice of roofing.

Installation of such a roof is simpler than a hip roof and only slightly more complicated than a gable roof. At the same time, it looks aesthetically pleasing and has a comfortable attic, in which an attic can be equipped. However, special attention should be paid to the careful implementation of thermal insulation at the joints of the slopes.

A hipped roof is a specific type of hip roof, which is used in buildings that have a square or regular rectangle at the base. They do not have a ridge, their slopes converge at one point, forming the so-called ridge knot. Visually, this design resembles a pyramid. It looks great as a cover for a one-story building built in a classic style.

Hip roofs are often used as cover for free-standing garages, farm buildings, shops. Sometimes they are used as a cover for turrets and other elements in more architecturally complex buildings. However, it must be remembered that, although they are visually attractive, the cost of their implementation is always more than in the case of conventional gable structures.

Traditionally, a multi-gable roof is a roof formed by a variety of combinations of gable roofs. It consists of many planes of different sizes, shapes and angles. Most often they are triangular or trapezoidal, sometimes rectangular. The roof is beautifully presented, but has too many construction complications. To drain water from the entire surface, it is necessary to install additional drains and downpipes. The complex shape of the roof affects the increase in its value. A large number of slopes is associated with a large consumption of roofing material. At least the purchase of a large number of ribs, valleys and a ridge will be a significant expense. A large number of bends also affects the increase in the weight of the roofing. This, in turn, is due to the need for a more powerful and more stable truss system. All jobs require highly skilled craftsmen. In addition, a multi-gable roof looks good on a large building standing on a large lot. In a small area, this is rather impractical - it will visually reduce the entire territory.

An example of a broken roof is a mansard roof - this is a structure in which each slope consists of two parts: the upper one with a smaller angle of inclination and the lower one with a larger angle. A sloping roof can be two - or four-pitched. The use of this design improves the performance properties of the attic - the usable area increases. A sloping roof most often has a lower inclined plane at an angle of 60º, and an upper one of about 30 °; layered rafters are used in the rafter system. As a roof, it is best to use flexible tiles.

The disadvantage of this option is a more complex and difficult to implement design, as well as the need for very careful preparation of the coating. Leaks may occur at fracture sites. Also, the complexity of its implementation lies, in particular, in the appropriate arrangement of the rafters. In any case, it is better to entrust the installation to specialists.

Domed and conical roofs

Domed and conical structures are associated mainly with architectural monuments. However, these types of roofs are also used in the construction of private houses, in particular on all kinds of superstructures and extensions (turrets, drums, gazebos). They are mounted over multifaceted or round structures. Rafter systems for domed and conical roofs are used hanging and layered, respectively. For the arrangement of the coating, as a rule, piece roofing materials are used.

Combined roofs

The shape of the roof depends on many factors, including regional conditions and preferences, the type and purpose of the building, the landscape in which the object should be inscribed. At the same time, homeowners and developers strive for originality. This is where combined roofs come to the rescue. Most often, such structures are found in cottage settlements. The bottom line is to combine several roof structures into one structure in order to achieve a certain aesthetic effect. Also, combined roofs are used in case of expansion of the building. So, for example, it can be a hip roof over a house, complemented by a shed roof over an attached veranda or winter garden.

The types of roofs of private houses are quite diverse both in design and in appearance. Usually there are several options that are most common for a particular area, the popularity of which is explained by the cultural customs of the people living in this territory, better adaptation to the country's climatic conditions, and the availability of building materials.

However, the continuous progress and development of building technologies allows you to create almost any form, give preference to such a design that will satisfy both functionally and aesthetically. In this article we will describe the roofs for a private house, which are most often used in Russia.

The roof is called the upper part of the structure of the house, which separates the interior from the surrounding, giving a complete and harmonious look to the building. As a rule, the roof can have a complex structure.

Depending on its shape, it consists of one or more slopes and pediments, which sew up the space between them. The rafter legs serve as the frame of the roof, which give mechanical strength, the shape of the structure.

The waterproofing coating is made of corrugated board, metal tiles, roofing felt, slate or other materials that are highly resistant to moisture.

All types of roofs of houses, due to their design and three-layer structure, perform the following functions:

  • waterproofing. All roof structures have a waterproofing finish that protects the interior of the house from the penetration of precipitation in the form of rain or snow. This is the primary task of the roof, which it copes with not only through the use of materials that do not allow water to pass through, but also with the help of the roof slope.
  • Thermal insulation. In addition to protecting against moisture, all types of roofs help protect the house from the penetration of cold. According to the laws of physics, warm air rises, which is why even a heated house gradually cools down. Therefore, thermal insulation material is necessarily used in the construction of roofs. It is laid between the rafter legs or stacked on top of them.
  • aesthetic. In the end, buildings with a properly selected roof structure look more harmonious, complete. After all, this element helps to emphasize the architectural style of the structure.

Note! During the construction of sheds, garages or other small structures, the roof does not carry a significant load. But the construction of a private house requires an accurate calculation, as well as the creation of a roof project, because it must have sufficient bearing capacity and strength.

Flat and pitched options

Types of roofing (roofs) of private houses differ significantly in appearance, design features and the cost of their construction. To understand all this variety of forms, you first need to divide them all into pitched and flat:

  1. flat

Which is laid on a strictly horizontal floor of the building. It is a multi-layer cake of thermal and waterproofing materials, laid in several layers to form a monolithic coating that does not allow heat and moisture to pass through.

The installation of such a roof usually occurs by fusing or gluing rolled waterproofing or a special membrane. This option does not allow using the space under the roof to organize an attic, and also requires the equipment of a powerful internal drainage system.

Therefore, more often flat roof structures are used in the construction of high-rise buildings, high-rise buildings and industrial facilities. You can also use bulk waterproofing.

  1. pitched

A pitched roof is a roof that consists of one or more slopes located at an angle to the base of the structure. A feature of pitched roofs is the slope of its slopes, which makes it possible to more effectively remove precipitation from its surface.

The shed option is the easiest way to block the structure, and with an increase in the number of slopes, the complexity and cost of this type of roof increases.

Interestingly, experienced builders emphasize the rationality and proven effectiveness of pitched roofs for private homes. With a relatively small overlap area, this option provides much better protection against leakage and cold. In addition, it is more aesthetic and convenient to use.

Varieties by slope

Considering private country houses, you can see that although their roofing elements have common features, visually they are very different. The slope of the roof has a significant impact on the appearance of the building.

This design characteristic is understood as the angle of inclination of the slope plane to the base of the roof. The slope can range from 1 to 60 degrees. The larger the slope, the better the water flows and the easier the snow slides off.

  • flat. Such structures are considered, the slope angle of which is not more than 3 degrees. The covering of the flat type roof is usually covered with rolled materials. They are most often used in the construction of economic and industrial facilities, multi-storey buildings. Among private houses, they are considered a rarity, so it is not possible to mount them in a limited area and on a wooden base.
  • low-slope. The slopes of such structures range from 5 to 30 degrees. They are distinguished by the most optimal ratio of costs for its construction and efficient drainage. This is the most convenient slope, which is most often chosen to cover private houses. In addition, this type of roof allows you to use almost any type of roofing.
  • Steep. If the slopes have an angle of inclination greater than 35 degrees, the roof is considered steep. A large angle guarantees effective removal of atmospheric precipitation and snow masses from the slope, however, it increases the weight and cost of the frame. Roofs of this type in the device are more complicated than low-slope ones, therefore they are used only in regions with increased snow load. They take away precipitation well, but have a high windage.

Remember! The more precipitation falls in the region where construction is underway, the greater the slope should be at the slopes. On the contrary, if the terrain is characterized by strong winds, it is better to give preference to low-slope options that help reduce the load on the frame of the ramps.

Classification by the number of rays

Analyzing the architecture of private housing construction, experts note that pitched structures are still the most in demand in Russia. Of course, these options have undeniable advantages: effective removal of atmospheric precipitation, cost-effectiveness and ease of installation and aesthetics. Pitched roofs according to the number of slopes are divided into the following types:

  1. Shed. Such an overlap consists of one slope, usually located at a slight slope to the base. The shape of the slope in this case will be rectangular or square. The advantage is the simplicity of its installation and low cost, so this option is used in the construction of garages, sheds and other outbuildings. However, if you need an attic, then this economical method will have to be abandoned.
  2. gable. Traditionally, in Russia, the most common are gable structures. Visually, they resemble a triangle with a vertex near the ridge. Such roofs consist of two inclined slopes and two gables enclosed between them. One of the varieties is the mansard roof, which has a broken geometry of the slopes, which allows you to make the most of the attic space. The truss system of a gable roof can be hanging or layered.
  3. Four-pitched (hip). Hip structures are more difficult to construct than single-slope or dual-slope, they have 4 slopes and not a single pediment. Thanks to this structure, the under-roof space will be more difficult to equip, including due to the massiveness of the truss frame.
  4. Half hip. In this case, part of the pediment is replaced by a small slope, which is smaller than usual. As you can see in the photo, this roof has two varieties: Dutch, in which the upper part of the pediment is replaced with a slope, and Danish, which has a slope in the lower part of the pediment. This structure allows you to place skylights at the front, improving the lighting of the under-roof space.
  5. Tent. Tent structures have four or more slopes. They are suitable only for overlapping square-shaped structures. For the construction of a domed house, more wood will be required for the manufacture of the truss frame, and in addition, more roofing material.

Please note that due to complex shapes, the roof takes on an elegant and extravagant look. However, for the same reason, the consumption of roofing material and wood for mounting the truss frame increases, the complexity increases, and, consequently, the cost of assembly. That is why in the construction of a private house, a reliable, but rather simple gable construction is most often used.

Warm and cold ways of arranging the floor

Types of roofs differ in design as much as in appearance. First of all, we are talking about the composition of the roofing pie, which changes in accordance with the type of overlap, as well as the nature of the use of the under-roof space.

According to these characteristics, all roofs are divided into attic and non-attic. They differ according to the following criteria:

  • « Cold» the roof does not have thermal insulation material as part of the roofing cake, since under it there is an unheated room called an attic. The attic serves as an air layer, which has a thermal insulation value. The advantage of this option is its low cost, ease of installation, as well as increased insulating ability.
  • « Warm» the roof in the composition of the roofing cake necessarily has a thermal insulation material. They use such views with an attic, if a heated living space is equipped under the roof. Insulation of slopes and gable walls, which is necessarily carried out in this case, is necessary in order to keep heat in the attic, as well as to prevent condensation.

Remember that the construction of a warm roof is much more complicated than a cold one. The composition of its roofing pie includes not only thermal insulation material, but also additional waterproofing and vapor barrier, which protects the insulation from damping out.

Classification by type of roofing material

Different types of roofs have differences not only in appearance and design, but also in the roofing material used. There is no more important roof element than a waterproofing coating, which affects the service life, resistance to precipitation, and operating features. The most common varieties are:

  1. Metallic coatings. Very often, roofing materials based on corrosion-resistant metal, such as galvanized steel, are used to cover private houses. This type includes roofing corrugated board, metal tiles or just metal sheets. The advantages of this flooring option are strength, durability, high bearing capacity.
  2. soft materials. To cover slopes of complex or irregular shape, for example, hipped ones, soft coatings based on bitumen are used - roofing material, roofing membranes, bituminous tiles. They are inexpensive, light, elastic, because of which they can take any shape.
  3. Ceramic. Classic tiles have excellent thermal insulation properties, spectacular appearance, but at the same time they weigh quite a lot, and can also be used only if the angle of the slopes is steep enough.

Note! It is very important to choose high-quality, durable roofing materials when working on the roof of a house, so that the roof structure has all the necessary characteristics that contribute to better waterproofing, as well as thermal insulation of the room.

Video instruction

For any home, the roof performs a crucial role - it is the main protection against exposure to high and low temperatures, ultraviolet radiation and precipitation. High-quality execution of the main task will be ensured by competent design, including the choice of design and materials, depending on climatic conditions and the general style of the building. Naturally, every homeowner wants to receive from the roof not only significant practical benefits, but also an aesthetically pleasing completion of the facade design, complementing it and bringing individuality to its appearance.

Flat roof

This type of roof can hardly be called traditional, but recently it has enjoyed overwhelming success. First of all, such popularity is due to the emergence of such stylistic trends as modern, minimalism and hi-tech. The currents are famous for their adherence to clear straight lines. Also, such roofs owe their distribution to new high-quality materials that are able to guarantee high rates of protection against water and heat retention.

A flat coating will complete a laconic design and will look strict and spectacular, but in addition to this obvious advantage, there are several others:

– A useful area appears for organizing a sports ground, a winter garden, or a recreation area equipped with a barbecue, light furniture, pergola or other canopy;

- The space is also used for technological devices: air conditioning, water collection systems, antennas and even solar panels;

- It is easier to take care of a flat roof, and the maintenance of all appliances and objects on it is simplified;

- Laying this shelter takes less time and effort than other analogues.

mansard roof

A mansard top will not only complement and decorate the architectural design of the house, but also add square meters to the living space. This is a very convenient solution, because such a building is cheaper and easier to build another floor. At the same time, the allotted space can be safely used to create a beautiful cozy bedroom or living room.

If you're on the cusp of a roof overhaul that includes a complete replacement of materials, be sure to take the opportunity, as the costs are well worth it:

- You get additional thermal insulation - the living space retains heat much better than an empty attic or an ordinary roof. At the same time, proper ventilation should be taken care of to avoid excessive accumulation of moisture;

— Modern furniture is quite mobile and concise in order to use the resulting meters as rationally as possible. In general, for the design of the attic interior, refer to such styles as Scandinavian, minimalism or rustic - within these trends you will find many variations for arranging a comfortable and functional room;

- Extensive window openings will provide the room with abundant daylight.

With all the undeniable advantages, the attic roof obliges to pay special attention to the condition of the load-bearing walls, since they are not always able to withstand such a load.

shed roof

The design of a shed roof is a plane based on walls of different heights. The difference in the length of the bearing walls actually determines the level of slope slope.

Flat planes represent a special modern aesthetic that adds character and rigor to the whole building with its clear forms. On the other hand, if the roof in the project turns out to be quite extensive, it should immediately be taken into account that a sufficiently sharp angle of inclination is necessary for the effective removal of precipitation. Also, during the installation process, it may be difficult to provide thermal insulation.

Among the main advantages of a shed roof, the following positions should be identified:

- The roof will create an original space for design delights on the ceiling inside the building;

- A small mass allows you to choose this type of roof for a house without a foundation or with its lightweight variations - screw or columnar;

- Carrying out repair work does not involve any particular difficulties, since it is safe to be at the top of the structure;

- Installation does not require high financial costs, complex calculations and high professional skills from the builder.

Gable roof

A variant familiar to everyone, it is he who is often depicted in his drawings by young children. Structurally, a gable roof is equal-sized slopes that rest against walls and meet each other in the middle.

Symmetry gives rise to the classic geometry of lines and the harmony of practicality with visual appeal. The place under the coating forms an attic, where it is convenient to store things and install a ventilation system. The gable roof device provides a natural system for the removal of snow and water. To build such protection from the weather is inexpensive and easy enough.

As for the negative aspects of the project, the degree of slope of the roof will depend on the choice of building material. The angle can be at least 22 degrees if you choose slate or tiles, the metal version of the roof requires about 14 degrees, and the profiled sheet requires 12 degrees.

Spectacular modification of a gable roof - multi-level, creating broken lines. It is able to add originality to the architecture of the house, but also oblige to precise calculations and a professional approach.

hip roof

A hip roof is, in fact, a four-pitched roof, on which the fronts replace triangular slopes (hips). Such a device makes the structure very resistant to strong winds and heavy rainfall, and, importantly, adds originality to the architectural idea.

The rigidity of the structure allows it to practically not change over time, as well as to create overhangs on each side of it, which additionally protect against adverse weather conditions. There are also varieties of hip roofs - half-hip and hipped. The slopes of the latter are connected at one point; it is perfect for square and rectangular buildings.

Some difficulties you may encounter:

- The complexity of the roof involves painstaking calculations and measurements, a long and difficult installation;

- High price;

- The attic space is small, and therefore not always suitable for creating an attic;

- In the case of the existence of an attic, its windows will directly interact with precipitation, which can lead to moisture leaking inside. This trouble can be leveled by covering the openings before the rain, but this is not always convenient.

Multi-gable roof

It is constructed in the form of a set of polygons, combining several gable parts. This results in a non-trivial and attractive roof. In terms of design and execution, the roof is quite complex.

The building for the installation of this top must have a multi-level or square shape. A multi-gable roof completes houses with an intricate layout, including an attic.

The main advantages include the following properties:

- Strength and durability. The rafter system is perfectly balanced, which allows you to carry heavy loads;

- Possibility to organize free space or attic;

— Pleasant and interesting appearance along with practicality. The sharp slopes of the slopes minimize the influence of the external environment, water and snow do not stagnate on the roof surface.

In general, the disadvantages are that the construction will require serious professional experience, special attention to detail, as well as serious financial costs for materials.

roofing material

After selecting a suitable design for your future roof, you need to decide on the materials that will form its basis. Among the wide selection that is provided by the modern construction market, we have collected the most popular of them:

Ceramic tiles. The material has proven itself as well as possible in any climatic conditions. The roof for a private house made of tiles has a beautiful shape and texture, is reliable during use, does not require frequent maintenance and is incredibly durable. If the laying of the roof was of high quality, then the service life can be more than a hundred years.

Porous clay reduces thermal conductivity, but it is this property that can lead to the absorption of water, which, when frozen, will destroy it. To avoid such troubles, cover the ceramic roof with glaze, so that the quality does not decrease even in the most severe climatic conditions.

metal tile- this is one of the most modern options for roof cladding with a slope of 12-15 degrees. A beautiful imitation of a clay analogue is reliable and durable, is not afraid of snowfall or sunlight, and therefore is incredibly popular.

Metal decking also a fairly common material for roofing. A rich color palette will give the appearance of the house an elegant and attractive appearance. Qualitative characteristics, functionality, as well as low prices make it possible to use the material for a variety of finishing works: wall cladding, production of fences and gates. Thus, there is a good opportunity to implement a single architectural concept.

bituminous slate, also known as ondulin, is made from cellulose fibers and impregnated with bitumen, resins, pigments and mineral additives. Ondulin is environmentally safe, inexpensive, practically does not absorb moisture, and is resistant to alkalis and acids. In addition, the material has high sound insulation, has a wide range of color variations and is easy to install, and can also be used on curved surfaces.

At the same time, the bituminous coating burns out in the sun and is characterized by an increased fire hazard. Summer heat and winter frost make it difficult to move on the roof. But it is fair to say that many of the highest quality modifications smooth out or even completely eliminate these shortcomings.

And finally, we highlight sheets of tempered glass or double-glazed windows for the manufacture of a separate part of the roof. For example, a canopy over a veranda, a greenhouse, or even a kitchen or living room. The idea is certainly interesting, since the coating will become a real highlight and decorate both the exterior of the house and, of course, the space under the roof. Glass withstands high loads from moisture, snow and wind.

Houses, like people, have their own soul and face, which reflects their inner way. And most of all it affects the roofs. They are the first to catch the eye, therefore they are the hallmark of the house and its owners. If the roof is well-groomed and elegant, made with love, it means that peace and prosperity reign in the house, and its inhabitants live in comfort and coziness. Roofs for small houses, thanks to newfangled trends and modern technologies, have become real masterpieces of design art.

Features of one-story buildings

Before talking about the roofs of one-story houses and their arrangement, let's find out the essence and peculiarity of low buildings. In recent years, the construction of low-rise cottages has become the most popular option for private housing construction, due to many advantages:

Video: projects of small private houses

Roof options for one-story houses and their device

Based on the characteristics of low-rise buildings, roofs are accordingly selected for them. They should be light so as not to weigh down the shallow foundation. Uncomplicated in form - complex broken structures will not fit into the architectural appearance of a low house, unless it is a roof with an attic.

Under one roof there is a one-story house with an attic and two garages

But at the same time, roofs must be beautiful, stylish, durable and, most importantly, perform their functions perfectly:

  • protect the house from bad weather;
  • withstand snow and wind loads;
  • withstand sudden temperature changes, solar radiation, chemical attack and combustion.

The structure of the roofs of one-story buildings does not differ from the structure of the roofs of high-rise private houses. They also consist of two blocks:

  • bearing part - truss system;
  • building envelope - roofing.

These component roof links are dependent on each other. If the rafter system is installed with violations, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to lay the covering material correctly. And this is fraught with big problems, up to the failure of the supporting structure. And vice versa - with poor installation of roofing, the use of low-quality materials, at least roof leaks are inevitable. Which will entail dampness in the under-roof space, rotting of the rafters, the appearance of mold, fungus, etc. That is, repairs are inevitable and it will result in a considerable amount.

For one-story buildings, conventional gable roofs are preferable - the most reliable due to their design, since they have only two planes and one joint. However, many developers are not satisfied with the simplicity of the forms. I want something special, original even for a small house. And here architects came to the rescue. They brought stylish elements to the structure of roofs for one-story houses, making them worthy of admiration.

Powerful rafter legs are extended far beyond the wall and rest against a monolithic fence, the ramp also serves as a canopy for a large terrace

The basis of any roof is the truss system. It is individual for each form and has its own design features. It will be much easier to choose a suitable roof frame if you have an idea in advance what types of load-bearing roof systems are used in the construction of one-story houses. Especially when they plan to build a roof on their own.

Shed roofs

Roofs with one slope are simple and economical designs. They attract with the ease and speed of construction, as well as the minimum consumption of building materials. If earlier such roofs were the lot of outbuildings, garages, verandas, today they can often be seen over residential buildings of modern, minimalist and high-tech lovers.

Shed roofing can give expressive dynamics to the architecture of high-tech houses

Despite the simplicity of the upper structure of buildings, there are many more options for arranging such roofs than it seems. This may be a classic rafter system - the rafter legs rest on two opposite walls of the building, different in height, through the Mauerlat. The support can also be a concrete reinforced belt, arranged in advance during the construction of walls or the upper rows of log (wooden) boxes.

The truss system for a shed roof has several device options

An interesting system is based on one side of the wall, and the other on the support in the form of beams. The upper parts of the rafters are attached to the load-bearing wall or through steel brackets to the wall itself, and the lower parts are attached to the beams. This is exactly what they do when they build sheds or extensions. Roofs can overlap the extension along with the main building, or they can look like separate roofs.

When constructing shed roofs of extensions and sheds, the upper parts of the rafters are attached to the wall

As a variation of this option, both sides of the rafter legs rest on the strapping of the beams.

In another version of the construction of the truss system, both sides of the rafter legs rest on the strapping of the installed beams.

With walls of the same height for the construction of a shed roof, one wall is built up. But it will be faster and more reliable to use in this case construction trusses made of wood or metal, factory-made or made independently.

The use of construction trusses greatly simplifies the construction of a pitched roof.

It should be noted another type of truss system, which is used in order to transfer the load from the walls to the floors. In this case, support posts are installed that support the rafters and rafter legs.

To reduce the bearing load on the walls of the house, support posts are used.

And the latest trend in architectural fashion for shed roofs of low-rise buildings - the truss system rests directly on the ground - a bright and bold design. Such a roof certainly will not go unnoticed.

A catchy design element of a one-story house was a dynamic shed roof, which rests against the ground with a truss system.

Video: do-it-yourself shed roof

If we talk about unusual pitched roofs, then there are:

  • undulating forms of the roof;

    The roof of a one-story cottage has a non-trivial shape of a wave running ashore - this emphasizes the ultra-modern design style

  • arcuate;

    A beautiful little house with an arched wooden roof and spectacularly curved beams - an example of what can be done with wood as a building material - no limits to fantasy

  • sawtooth structures - for those who are looking for a way to fill their home with warmth and light, as well as visually increase the interior space;

    A sawtooth shed roof is a great option to fill your home with natural light and visually expand its interior space.

  • green shed roofs, especially relevant for buildings near highways or large industrial enterprises, since they not only look picturesque, but purify the air and absorb noise;

    A green shed roof will give an extra charge of vivacity, add vitality, increase stress resistance and improve heart function.

  • roof-stairs for one-story long buildings;

    The house in the UK harmoniously blended into the surroundings, thanks to the naturalness of the forms and smooth tonal transitions of the color scheme.

  • canopy roofs - very practical - the curvature of the slope can be bent, taking into account the climatic conditions of a particular area;

    The curvature of a shed roof canopy easily adapts to the weather conditions of any region and the architectural style of the house

  • refracting roofs, passing into the facade.

    Shed roof refracting and passing to the facade - a stylish trend that came from Europe

Of course, so far, many of them look like exotic because of the unusual ultra-modern shape. But time will pass, new shed structures will appear, more unusual, and the current ones will decorate private houses with might and main.

Video: unusual roofs of private houses - ideas for construction

gable roofs

Despite the mass of options, gable roofs for low houses remain the most popular, because:

  • such designs look expressive and neat;

    A special highlight is the external chimney inherent in Victorian-style houses

  • have a clear and uncomplicated truss system;

    The gable roof truss system is simple and easy to install

  • they are distinguished by simplicity and frugality in arrangement, as well as reliability in operation;
  • provide good ventilation, uniform heating of the attic space and rapid melting snow, which is especially valuable for buildings in the northern regions;
  • make it possible to use any materials and, if desired, equip the under-roof space with respect to the angle of inclination into a utility room or into a full-fledged residential attic.

    A one-story cottage with an attic and a multi-level gable roof looks impressive and soundly

In addition, gable truss systems are quite diverse, due to which the forms of gable roofs sometimes turn out to be simply fantastic.

Amazing and marvelous roof shapes are obtained thanks to unusual options for the construction of the truss system.

Photo gallery: houses with gable roofs - a fairy tale in reality

The gable hip roof of a one-story cottage is decorated with various stylish elements. Modern execution has created a charming Tudor one-story house with a gable roof. A thatched roof can be given any, even the most intricate and fantastic look. The Japanese often create original, witty, sometimes bizarre forms of houses and roofs that captivate with simplicity and intricacy. A distinctive feature of English houses with an attic is a large slope of roof slopes and several asymmetrically located gables.

The nuances of one-story houses with a gable roof:

  • the arrangement of the under-roof space affects the height of the truss system, which requires reinforcement of the rafters, which means an increase in the cost of construction;

    Under a gable roof, you can equip a residential or non-residential attic

  • the slope angle of the slopes depends on the size of the house itself and also affects the height of the structure;
  • the presence of gable windows complicates the structure of the roof and increases the cost of its construction;
  • when installing the roof, special care is needed in the calculation of roofing units - chimneys and ventilation shafts.

    The arrangement of the gable roof truss system has various options

Video: original house design with a roof

Four-pitched roofs

Roofs with four slopes are characterized by increased reliability. They are durable and resist the wind very well.

A one-story house with a four-slope roof and a large open veranda is distinguished by its stability and original appearance.

Four-pitched roofs are made in the form of:

  • tent construction, where all 4 slopes are combined at one point;

    The hipped roof is suitable for houses in the form of a square or a regular polygon

  • and hip (semi-hip), consisting of two slopes in the form of a trapezoid and two triangular, connected by a ridge beam.

    An interesting idea for a modern country house - an asymmetrical four-slope thatched roof in tandem with a corrugated wooden facade

Hipped four-slope roofs are economical in the consumption of wall materials due to the absence of tongs (pediments). However, they have a complex support system and problems with fitting roof decks. Hip roofs look the most successful, especially on one-story houses that are large in area. Such structures give the buildings solidity. In addition, hip roofs are more profitable than hip roofs in terms of the use of roofing materials. Their only drawback, as well as half-hinged structures, is the complexity of roofing.

The truss systems of a four-pitched roof are more complicated than those of a gable roof

When choosing a four-pitched version, you need to pay attention to such a factor as the slope of the roof. The angle of inclination of the slopes allows you to freely remove precipitation from the roof, therefore it is a significant criterion for the aesthetic appearance of the roof, its safety and strength. Its permissible value is from 15 to 65 ° and depends on:

  1. From the climate of a particular area. If the house is located in a region with heavy rainfall and snow, then it is advisable to make a roof slope of 45 °. A smaller roof slope is suitable for houses located in dry areas. A sloping roof with a slope angle of up to 30 ° is suitable for areas with frequent gusty winds.
  2. From covering material. For roll coatings, the slope angle is provided in the range of 5–25 °, piece - at least 15 °, and overall roofing materials such as metal tiles and slate are laid on roofs with a slope of 25 ° or more.
  3. From the presence of an attic room. Here, it is especially necessary to accurately calculate the angle of inclination so as not to underestimate the usable area and, conversely, not to overestimate it and get unused space under the ridge. The optimum angle of inclination is 38–45°. With a slope of less than 30 °, it is better to make an attic.

An increase in the angle of inclination of the roof means an increase in the length of the rafters and the area of ​​the rafter system. That is, a greater consumption of materials and more expensive construction.

Video: finished four-pitched roof - overview

Chalet roofs

Distinctive properties of chalet structures are high reliability, the use of exclusively natural materials and large sizes.

Chalet roofs feature large overhangs

You need to understand right away that such a roof cannot be cheap. This is a wide gable structure, most often wooden, with large overhangs, powerful rafters and roof beams, protruding 1.5–3 m beyond the surface of the walls. In addition, it is gently sloping, with a wide opening angle and a small distance to the ground. As a result, the drain under such a roof is not mounted. Thanks to this structure, she showed herself perfectly in the most extreme conditions.

Massive wooden beams supporting the roof attract attention - the design looks unusual and tempting

Advantages of a chalet roof:

Although the roof of the chalet looks impressive and heavy, it does not create particularly strong pressure on the foundation.

Therefore, this design is well suited to low-rise buildings with a shallow base and it is easy to do it on your own. It is only necessary to observe the traditional size of the slopes. The easiest way to arrange a chalet:

  1. Attach a strapping to the ends of the beams, which will hold the bottom row of roofing.

    The rafters are taken out far beyond the walls - this is the peculiarity of chalet-style roofs

  2. Consoles are installed on the side walls. They perform a supporting function and, moreover, decorative.

    For chalet-style roofs, powerful consoles are installed along the perimeter of the side walls to support the rafters.

The architectural feature of the house in the style of a chalet is a roof that hangs heavily over the walls, which gives the appearance of the house an extraordinary beauty.

Chalet style is a brand that has passed through time and won the hearts of many today's homeowners.

Video: chalet-style houses and roofs

hip roof

The key features of hip roofs are the presence of dormer and dormers. They provide natural ventilation of the under-roof space and a high level of illumination. However, you need to understand that with equal house sizes, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hip structure will be larger than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gable roof - construction will cost more, but the result is much more effective than the gable version.

If we compare the varieties of roofs of one-story houses, then buildings with a hip roof are among the first - even small-sized houses under a hip roof look much more expensive and more spectacular than the gable version

The most common options for hip roofs:

  • half-hipped (Dutch) construction - built on the principle of a broken attic, with the only difference being that the lower half-hipped roof has 4 slopes;

    The hip roof may have hanging or layered rafters.

    Advantages of a hip roof:

    • has a rigid structure, therefore its deformation is unlikely;
    • resists gusty winds well;
    • large eaves protect the foundation and walls from flooding and are often used as canopies over terraces;
    • visually makes the facade of the attic house lower.

    Disadvantages of the hip design:

    • complexity and high cost;
    • reduction of the attic space, which is especially inconvenient if you want to equip the attic;
    • dormer and dormer windows, on the one hand, provide additional lighting, and on the other hand, in case of insufficient tightness, they are able to pass moisture.

    The hip roof for one-story houses has become a kind of standard, especially in the steppe, forest-steppe zones and hilly areas with an abundance of strong winds.

    Sometimes the design with a bay window is deliberately increased to the second floor, but the roof of the extension with a hip roof of the house is not broken.

    This version of the roof will cost a lot, but it will last for decades, perfectly protecting the house from natural negatives.

    Video: metal hip roof

    Multi-gable roofs

    In recent years, multi-gable structures crowning one-story buildings have become increasingly common. The difference between such roofs is the complexity of their construction, which entails decent financial costs, but houses with multi-gable roofs look graceful and eccentric.

    Among the variety of roofs, the multi-gable roof is considered the most complex and expensive design, but this does not stop those who want to decorate their home with a graceful impressive roof.

    Any configurations and sizes of buildings are suitable for the multi-gable option, however, it is easier to build such roofs on rectangular and square buildings.

    Video: rooftops

    Multi-gable roofs are made not only to protect the building from bad weather, but also for their beauty, original catchy design. Often, such structures are used as part of combined complex roofs, for example, they are installed in attics to get additional lighting.

    Such a roof requires a lot of effort and effort, but it will greatly decorate a private house, make it stunningly attractive in appearance.

    Multi-gable roofs are gable or multi-pitched with various slopes. The latter create a cruciform shape on the surface of the house.

    Advantages of multi-gable roofs:

    • strength, reliability and long service life;
    • volume and beauty due to increased design potentials;
    • additional living space, well lit and ventilated.

    The disadvantages include:

    Before creating a multi-gable roof, you should initially calculate your own financial capabilities, since this design is the most expensive.

    Video: house roof device - what you need to know

    It is impossible to predict in advance which type of roof will suit a particular house, just as there is no universal project. Developers put forward their own requirements, desires and preferences. We can only say that when designing a roof yourself, look at all the options. Consider the nuances in order to choose a solid, aesthetic and stylish roof in proportion to your capabilities.

During the construction of a house, such an important detail of the entire structure as the roof is of great importance for the aesthetic perception of the building and protection from unpleasant weather conditions. A variety of types of roofs, depending on the form factor, type, dimensions, as well as design features, require appropriate building materials and complex calculations of loads on various elements of the roof structure.

To answer the question, what are the forms of the roof, consider some of them. Depending on the angle of inclination, roofs are distinguished into two main categories:

Flat roof

Flat roofs - the angle of inclination for such roofs is usually 2 - 3 degrees, if we correlate this angle with the horizon. The use of such roofs in the construction of private houses can be found very rarely. This is due to the fact that maintenance of roofs of this form becomes problematic. During rainy periods, water stagnates on the roof, and in the winter season, the accumulated snow will need to be removed independently.

Apparently, due to these reasons, these types of roofs in private construction are not widespread, although they may have some positive aspects. When erecting this type of roof, you can significantly save on building materials, and use the resulting additional area to good use by arranging a recreation area for your loved ones and guests or a small beautiful garden.

pitched roof

Pitched roofs - these types of roofs are very practical to use, usually the angle of inclination for such roofs can start from 10 degrees or more. In the winter season and during rainy seasons, precipitation does not accumulate on it, snow or rainwater calmly leaves along the slopes through the drainage systems. It is for this reason that the use of pitched roofs has gained such popularity in private construction.

What are the roofs of houses with pitched surfaces? To answer this question, consider some types of roofing of this type:

  • lean-to;
  • steep gable;
  • gentle gable;
  • broken (attic) gable;
  • half-hip four-slope;
  • tent four-slope;
  • hip four-slope.

One of the most convenient in construction are shed roofs, in which the slope is no more than 4 - 6 degrees. Such roofs are mainly erected in garages, sheds and other outbuildings. It is quite easy to install shed roofs, but they are still rarely found in suburban or summer cottage construction of residential buildings, mainly this type of roof is used for outbuildings.

If it becomes necessary to use an attic space, then a mansard roof is built, which can be gable and have broken lines of the roof contour. The hip roof is very practical to use; these types of roofs cope well with various types of loads, including wind ones. But this type of roof is not as easy to install as the previous ones. Much more building materials are spent on its construction and a competent team of professionals is required so that everything is done very accurately and correctly. Next, we will take a closer look at the different types and designs of roofs.

When choosing a roof and its type, all factors must be taken into account. Don't just look at life characteristics or other practical considerations, but also consider what look and shape your roof will have in terms of aesthetics and artistic value.

For example, a mansard roof not only looks aesthetically beautiful due to its broken shape, but it is also very practical to use. If there is a heavy snowfall, then the snow masses will not linger on such a roof.

What are the types of roofs? Let's look at them in more detail.

The most popular types of roofs of houses today

The popularity of a particular type of roof is often explained either by the ease of its creation, or by an economic factor, or by the climatic conditions of the area. We will briefly talk about what roofs are and why they are so good and popular today.

Gable roof

It is not at all surprising that this particular type of roof comes first. Even in ancient times, our ancestors built houses, namely, with gable roofs, and only then Western trends came to Russia, such as mansard or domed roofs, as well as hip roofs.

This is one of the most popular and comfortable roofs for private houses. A roof with two slopes resting on walls of the same height and forming a space in the form of a triangle (gables) is sometimes called a "gabled roof". The installation of such a roof is much more complicated than the construction of a pitched roof, but the choice of roofing material for it is simplified. It is not inferior to it in functional characteristics: it also easily copes with snow, rain, and wind. In terms of design, a gable roof looks much better than a shed roof.

hip roof

hip roof

Hip roofs already have 4 slopes, of which two are trapezoidal, and two are triangular.
This type of roof got its name from the word "hips", which means triangular slopes, which are located on the front side. During the construction of such a roof, beams and double tightening are used. In addition, the mandatory equipment of drains for each slope follows, the slope of which is usually made up to 45 degrees. Only a sufficiently steep slope will be able to divert both water and snow, as well as withstand strong gusty winds. The construction of hip roofs requires a lot of labor, as a rather complex truss system is used.

Half hip roof

Half-hip roofs are another type of hip roofs, which differs from the hip roof in that it has a truncated triangular slope, usually located higher than trapezoidal slopes. Its only drawback is the high consumption of material for covering those sections of the roof that are adjacent to the roof ribs.

Mansard roof or broken

Also applies to gable roofs with broken lines of slopes. Such kinks increase the area and volume of the attic, which is commonly called the attic. The pentagonal shape of the gables of the mansard roofs attracts the eye of almost all passers-by. To build such a roof is not very difficult. However, during construction, you are unlikely to do without the insulation of your attic.

The cost of a roof is approximately 15 to 20% of the total cost of building an entire house. Creating an attic under the roof is the most economical option for obtaining additional premises. Therefore, it is very appropriate to slightly increase the cost of the attic, which will give you another full floor. And there you can arrange summer bedrooms and lounges for young family members and guests.

But why does an attic increase costs compared to building a simple attic? This is due, of course, to the need for roof insulation, living quarters require this. Additional injections will be required, and due to the inevitable complication of the roof structure with an attic, there cannot be struts and stretch marks that would be located in the living rooms themselves. For these purposes, they came up with such a shape of the roof (in the form of an attic) with braces and racks above the ceiling of residential premises.

The presence of an attic floor makes it necessary to place a layer of thermal insulation under the roof, and therefore a multi-layer roof appears. Heat-insulating material with an inner lining is usually attached to the rafters (to the inside), and a sheathing is mounted on the outside and a direct roof covering is laid. In this case, it is necessary to strengthen the truss structures due to the multi-layer roof. This can be done by increasing the number of rafters, while reducing the distance between them. A successful solution to this problem can be considered the use of metal truss structures.

One of the important positive aspects of the mansard roof can be considered that the arrangement of the attic can be done later, since the space of the resulting attic will no longer require major complex work.

If you have a desire to save money, but at the same time build a two-story mansion, then we recommend that you take a closer look at the mansard type of roof. This is a great option!

Flat roof

Previously, in private housing construction, flat roofs were not popular. But recently, interest in flat roofs has grown again and is in the field of view of modern architects and designers. Flat roofs have unique features due to their flat surface. On such a roof, you can set up a flower garden, arrange a sports ground or a small pool. This solution is especially suitable for areas with a warm climate. Although in central Russia you can apply this roof option if you use a special system of removable canopies. They will be able to protect the desired part or the entire flat roof from annoying precipitation.

There are many different types of such canopies, but transparent glass structures are especially attractive. They provide additional light to the upper rooms of your house, you can use special lights for evening lighting. And here you can find a great place for solar panels and water heaters, if needed.

The advantages of flat roofs include low construction costs, as the cost decreases due to the reduction in the total roof area and the absence of complex rafter structures.

Many do not dare to build such roofs, fearing problems with drainage. But you should not be afraid of this, the installation of drainage systems from a flat roof is no more difficult to perform than the creation of a storm sewer. And the roof itself should have a slight, barely noticeable slope, so that the water that appears can flow to the drains. Drainage systems are usually organized outside and inside the house.

Many people find it convenient to combine storm drains with the internal sewers of a building, but do not forget to take into account the level of rainfall in your area.

The disadvantages of a flat roof include a problem with thermal insulation. It can be difficult to cope with the strong heating of residential premises in the hot season, but it is not difficult to create a cold protection system (as in the version of the mansard roof).

If in a pitched roof the "heat exchanger" is an attic, then in a house with a flat roof it is necessary to create it in a special way. Most importantly, know that between the ceiling of the living rooms and the roof of the roof there must be ventilation, in whatever form you like. Create a small ventilated attic or special ventilation ducts that are best placed under the roofing material.

Less popular, but no less interesting types of roofs of houses

In this section, we will consider what types of roofs are still, in addition to the most popular and widely known among the population of our country. This group represents the types and designs of roofs of unusual and beautiful forms, but requiring practical skills to create them. What are the forms of the roof of the original structures and where they can be used, we will briefly present further in the text.

shed roof

shed roof

A characteristic feature of this type of roof is that it has a truss system that rests on walls of different heights, and since one wall is slightly higher than the other, a slope is formed due to this. Such roofs are quite easy to erect, and to cover them, you can use inexpensive and reliable materials, such as ondulin, slate, roofing material. The convenience of such roofs is obvious, precipitation does not accumulate on them, flowing smoothly in the direction of the slope. Therefore, it is quite clear to understand where it is necessary to install drains for water, providing the building with reliable dryness.

The truth and the flaws are obvious. One of the most important is that the room will be without an attic. Today, it is very rare to see private houses that would have a pitched roof.

hipped roof

Usually it has four slopes of identical triangles that converge to one upper point. If you like houses in the shape of an equilateral polygon (for example, a square), then a hipped roof will help you out, which looks like a tent and looks great. However, it is not easy to mount such a roof, it has a very complex truss system.

Multi-gable roof

Multi-gable roof

A standard roof of this type (also called a valley roof) has a very complex structure: a large number of external ribs and valleys (internal corners) at the junction of the slopes. When erecting such a roof, be sure to contact specialists with experience in its installation. A multi-gable roof is used for the construction of polygonal houses, which have many different outbuildings and side attics.

dome roof

Dome-shaped roofs usually cover only part of the building, rarely the entire structure. During its construction, a frame of curved elements is used, and both soft materials (stekloizol, roofing material, bituminous tiles) and flexible materials (galvanized steel or plastic tiles) are used to cover the roof. Some lovers of the old and unique style even today decorate their “castles” with domed roofs of various sizes.

spherical roof

The construction of a spherical roof is becoming a little more popular in recent times. Arbors are usually placed under this type of roof, as well as other types of buildings (stadiums, cathedrals and churches), which also have a roof or a domed type. Therefore, it cannot be said that this type of roof has no application at all.
But still, it loses very significantly to such types of roofing as a gable roof, or a mansard.

green roof

At the green roof, natural soil and planted greenery are used as roofing, while plants grow on the same well-groomed

"Green" roof

soil. The green roof has all the positive properties of flat roofs, but when created

eliminate its main drawback (difficulty with ventilation) with the help of a special ventilation gasket. This gasket not only limits the growth of plant roots, but also allows you to save the water necessary for the life of green spaces. In addition, which is also important, it also serves to aerate the root system of the green lawn.

It can also be considered a plus that a green roof is a very unique phenomenon for almost any area in our country. The popularity of flat roofs will undoubtedly grow from year to year along with the development of the latest technologies in this direction. If you have a desire to be the owner of a house with a "fashionable" roof, then create your dream with a beautiful comfortable flat green roof.

Types of roofing in terms of coating materials

Having decided on the type of roof - mansard, gable, and perhaps domed, it is necessary to select the appropriate materials that are best suited for each type. What are the roofs, and what material they are covered with - we will try to answer these questions in this section.

Common today are the five most applicable types of roofing in construction - rolled, from materials based on various mastics, typesetting types (sheet), and also membrane. Let's consider them in more detail.

Roll roofs

To make this type of roofing, special bituminous and polymeric materials are used, in which the base is cardboard, fiberglass. In the process of manufacturing such materials, special modifiers are added, which then give the entire material water resistance, heat resistance, and other useful properties. It can also be noted that these additives protect the material from cracks, which of course has a positive effect on their service life.

Roll roofing

When installing such a roof, the roll is unwound and laid in several layers, usually from 3 to 4. But they are not just laid, but glued together with mastic or melted onto each other.

This type of roofing would be versatile, easy to install, very inexpensive, but it has some drawbacks. This material does not have a very attractive appearance, this material can be prone to decay. Therefore, often such roofing material is most often used to cover sheds or other utility rooms, which are usually made with a shed roof.

Membrane roofs

This type of roof covering has a very high resistance to punctures or various types of stretching. Membrane coatings are used for laying on roofs with slight slopes. You can cover the roof with this material quite quickly. And excellent protective properties will allow you to keep the roof in its original form for a long time.

Roofing from sheet roofing materials

This type of roofing includes more modern types, such as metal tiles, artificial slate, made of bitumen and corrugated cardboard sheets.

  • Artificial slate can be found on many roofs, it is a sheet of asbestos cement, has a wave shape that can be painted in a variety of colors. The paint, of course, is very adorning, this type of coating, the material acquires a beautiful appearance. Good performance under temperature extremes can also speak in favor of this coating. And the service time is quite long and can be up to 40 years.
  • Metal tile is a very popular material today, it can be observed on various types and shapes of roofs, whether it is a hip roof or a mansard. These are galvanized sheets that have a special decorating polymer coating and this coating reliably protects the roof from most types of adverse weather conditions.
  • Bitumen-cardboard sheets - made from pressed cardboard, which is impregnated with bitumen. The thicker the outer layer, the longer this type of coating will last. Such sheets were also included in the "people" under the name "Euroslate". Its main advantages are ease of working with this material, fairly good elasticity. But in terms of service life, this material loses to the rest. Euroslate "lives" on average 30 years.

Roofs from piece roofing materials

Roof tiles

The main and main representative of the piece material, you can safely call ceramic tiles. This material is still very popular, although it has already “knocked” several thousand years. Until now, it can be seen on all forms and types of roofs. The performance characteristics of this material are very high. Ceramic tile does not require constant maintenance, meets environmental characteristics, is a soundproof coating. And also has the ability not to accumulate static stress, as in other materials.

Well, the most important feature of this material is its unique durability. In one of the Western countries there is even an ancient castle, which is many hundreds of years old, and it still stands under a tiled roof, safe and sound.

They say that the disadvantage of ceramic tiles can be called high weight. But on the other hand, it is this quality that allows a roof with such a coating to successfully withstand heavy snow and wind.

To date, ceramic products are gradually being replaced by similar ones from concrete and various mixtures of cement and sand, which are included in the final product. Such analogues may be easier for laying work, but they significantly reduce the life of the material.

Let us briefly mention such a type of material as flexible tiles. It is made of fiberglass, and sometimes cellulose or asbestos cardboard is also used. The inner side is covered with a layer of self-adhesive rubber bitumen, and the front part consists of fine mineral chips. The weight of this cover is very small. And the most important advantage is that it can be easily quickly replaced without resorting to dismantling the entire coating.

Roof made of sandwich panels

Sandwich panel device

It is impossible not to mention such material as sandwich panels. It arose with the recent rapid development of "rapid building" technology. They are made of 2 sheets of steel, as well as one layer of insulation. The panels have very good strength characteristics and, according to manufacturers, can even compete with other materials in terms of resistance to temperature changes, ranging from -50 to +50.

Such panels will look good on roofs of various types and types, but mainly they are used in the field of office construction of buildings, retail space, hangars. If desired, such panels can be safely painted in any color, which, of course, improves the aesthetic appearance of buildings made of this material.

Basically, such panels, due to their modularity, have proven themselves in the construction of sheds, utility rooms for household equipment, but you can also find houses made according to this sandwich panel fashion that came to us from the west.

With the help of sandwich panels, it is quite easy to build the roof of a building, while indoors it will be comfortable and warm in winter, and in summer there will be a pleasant coolness. The disadvantages of this material, perhaps, include only a relatively short service life, only 30 years.

When gathering and preparing for the construction of a roof, it is necessary to think through everything to the smallest detail, types and structures of the roof, design and high-quality protection, with or without an attic. And of course, it is necessary to decide on the choice of suitable materials so that the appearance of the roof pleases the soul and eyes!

So, it has long been known that each house can give much more information about its owner than he will tell about himself. The walls of the house, and especially its roof, will tell not only about prosperity, but also about the tastes of its owners. Keep this in mind when choosing a beautiful, comfortable, and most importantly, suitable roof for your future home.
