Curtains for the bay window in the kitchen. Curtains for a bay window: types, design, colors, decor, bay window shapes. Bay window decoration in the kitchen

Bay windows - parts of buildings protruding beyond the plane of the facade, first appeared in medieval fortresses and castles. In the Soviet era, they became one of the architectural signs of the Stalinist Empire style. There was no place for them in the typical “boxes” built under Khrushchev, but today ledges on houses, glazed around the entire perimeter or with piers, are back in fashion. They make the appearance of the building individual, allow you to increase inner space, improve its illumination, and the bay window curtains make it possible to regulate the intensity of the natural light flux and create a cozy, private atmosphere in the room.

Bay window curtains: basic selection rules

The revival of fashion for bay windows began in 1979, with the advent of a series of new buildings p44t. Previously such architectural solution was inherent in historical buildings, Stalinist buildings and private houses with individual layouts. Apartments in houses new series, with a bay window in the layout, have become a longed-for dream for many residents of the USSR. Moreover, bay windows were mainly equipped with kitchens. They made it possible to expand the functionality of this workroom, to successfully combine a cooking area with a fairly spacious and very comfortable dining area on its area.

Bay windows can be round, rectangular or multifaceted, both single and multi-storey. You can choose a suitable bay window by clicking on this link: bay windows for curtains

Today, rooms with a bay window, of various geometric shapes, configurations and sizes, panoramic or partially glazed, around the entire perimeter or with piers, are not uncommon. The design of the bay window began to play one of the main roles in creating a comfortable and beautiful interior.

The decision how to decorate a bay window with curtains is made depending on geometric shape the opening itself. So, with a polygonal or trapezoidal shape of the protruding part, it is more convenient to hang separate curtains for each part. When the protrusion is arranged in a semicircle, the curtain for window decoration may be solid.

The architectural design of bay windows is different, but the basic recommendations for choosing curtains for them are about the same. Experts advise:

  • Bay windows are often the only openings in a room for ventilation and light, and curtains should not interfere with this.
  • The design of curtains for a bay window should match the interior design of the room, that is, high-tech style curtains are out of place in a classic room.
  • When purchasing curtains for bay windows, you need to decide on the design concept: make them an accent that highlights this part of the room as a separate zone or as a background for the rest of the situation.

Curtains for a bay window should match the tone of the walls, the color of the furniture, if you want to create a feeling of a single space, or be contrasting, unusual in texture, if you want to emphasize the role of a bay window.

Bay window curtains for the kitchen

The advantage of a kitchen with a bay window is the ability to divide it into several zones, each of which performs its specific function. It can be a working, dining and even a recreation area. When choosing curtains for a kitchen with a bay window, you need to take into account the specifics of this room: high humidity, an abundance of greasy fumes in the air, and the need for regular ventilation.

Based on this, it is desirable that the curtains in the kitchen meet the following requirements:

  1. Simple care. Curtains on the windows in the kitchen should be easy to wash and dry quickly.
  2. Special impregnations. Fabrics treated with water- and dirt-repellent compounds do not require frequent washing and last longer.
  3. Laconic cut. In complex and lush draperies, dust, dirt and greasy fumes accumulate, so such curtains in the kitchen are undesirable.

To design a window in the work area best solution there will be lifting canvases (Roman or rolled) up to the window sill. If in the protruding part of the room is located dinner Zone or a recreation area, openings of two or more windows can be decorated with long canvases of medium density with not very voluminous folds. To facilitate the ventilation of the kitchen, each window or sash is recommended to be designed separately.

If the room does not need complete shading and the privacy of a translucent tulle in the kitchen on the bay window will be quite enough. It perfectly passes air, therefore, if the geometry of the ledge allows, you can hang one common light curtain. It will perfectly isolate each of the zones, will not “eat” a single centimeter of precious space and will make the room more comfortable with a light airy partition made of muslin.

AT large kitchens dense heavy curtains look organically, however, in small and even medium-sized rooms they will be out of place, they will make the interior heavier and visually reduce the space.

Curtains in the bay window for the living room

The illusion of spatial depth is created by curtains made of light material, decorated with darker lambrequins.

A living room with a bay window always looks more comfortable and elegant than without it. No wonder so many architects include it in their best designs.

What matters here is not so much the texture and color of the curtains in the hall, but how they are hung. original ways decorations of bay windows with curtains mass. Consider the most popular:

As you can see, there are many ways to decorate a bay window in the living room with curtains, and there are even more variations of them. It must be understood that all of them are feasible only under the condition.

When choosing curtains for a bay window in the living room, you should consider its size and geometry. Dense and lush curtains are out of place in a small or narrow space. In turn, in a spacious living room with a wide protruding part, complex models of two or more layers of fabric look great, with interesting finish decorated with decorative elements.

Curtains in the bay window for the bedroom

The choice of curtains in the bedroom is made taking into account the main purpose of this room - to ensure a good sleep, which requires darkness. Sunlight during the day and artificial light from street lamps at night penetrates through the spacious glazing in greater volumes than through regular windows. Limiting yourself to tulle or light curtains will not work here.

Blackout roller blinds or roman blinds, hung on the sash or in each window opening, will make it possible to darken the room completely. In a classic or romantic interior, long curtains or tulle additionally hung along the edges will organically look.

In a small bedroom, cosiness and comfortable blackout will be provided by a composition consisting of independent Roman blinds framed by long light curtains. They will allow you to freely open each sash, which is very important for the bedroom - for healthy sleep fresh air is needed.

Curtains will look elegant and aesthetically pleasing, the color of which is selected in accordance with colors general background or main accent. Layered options look great in a small bedroom, decorated in the style of a ladies' boudoir of the last century.

The most common way to decorate a protruding space in a bedroom is a traditional ensemble of curtains with a lambrequin and wide tulle. At the same time, it is better to make the cornice common, consisting of several parts connected to each other at the corners, for a bay window in a multifaceted design or solid if it is semicircular.

With the help of curtains, you can clearly outline the boundaries of the bay window, turning it into an independent zone.

As for colors, everything is as usual: there are no restrictions on their choice for spacious rooms. For a small bedroom, fabrics dyed in delicate pastel colors are desirable.

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Bay windows attract Special attention, and it is very important to arrange them with taste.

Modern architectural and design solutions often decorate our houses with bay windows - parts of the facade that protrude beyond the plane of the walls. Bay windows bring their zest to the room, add volume and give the opportunity to enjoy the view from the window even more. Bay windows can't help but draw attention to themselves, which is why it is so important to choose the right curtains for a bay window.

Decorating a bay window with curtains

The bay window is the most prominent part of the room, and you can show wild imagination in the design of the windows. Blackout curtains combined with shutters - why not?

Bay windows are in every sense an outstanding part of the interior. As if stepping outside the room, they open up a wide panorama and give way to sunlight. Curtains will help to hide from too bright sunlight and give the atmosphere a touch of charm and elegance. The design of bay windows is not much different from decorating ordinary ones, but it is worth knowing some features and tricks.

How to decorate bay windows

When choosing curtains for a bay window, you need to be guided by the peculiarity of the bay window design. It can take different forms:

  • triangular;
  • rectangular;
  • trapezoid;
  • multifaceted;
  • semicircular bay window design.

As with choosing curtains for ordinary windows, bay window curtains are selected depending on which room the bay window is located in, the area of ​​​​the room, the general style of the interior, the view that opens from the window and the boundaries of the imagination.

In a modern living room of a rather modest size, laconic light curtains will not distract from the bright accents of the interior.

Depending on the size and geometry of the bay window, you can choose one of the usual options for decorating it:

  • Separate canvases are hung on separate cornices for each window or sash, which together form an ensemble. This design design is most often used when the room cannot boast of spaciousness, and bright light comes from the street. In this case, blinds, pleated blinds, roller blinds and Roman blinds are perfect. They are quite dense, adhere to glass, retain direct sunlight, are practical and concise, and a wide palette of colors, textures and patterns allows you to fit into any interior. Also, this option is well suited when the sashes and windows need to be opened frequently, for example, in the kitchen, on the balcony.

An ensemble of bright roller blinds with the same bright thick curtains creates a mood and places emphasis on the most important thing.

  • The window does not require strong darkening, and lightness and airiness suggest itself in the design of the room. In this case, usually on one or more cornices, suitable French or Austrian curtains, which romantically fall on the windowsill in waves, more restrained Roman curtains, light tulle. This composition can be complemented by simple curtains on the sides;

A nursery for little smart girls should be light and tender, and roller blinds coupled with light tulle here is most welcome.

  • The bay window is decorated with a classic curtain ensemble of tulle, curtains on the sides and a lambrequin. This option will be a win-win in a room where there is enough space. The density of the tissue may depend on the amount of incoming light;
  • Bay window curtains are combined, and a harmonious composition of diverse curtains is obtained. For example, roller or Roman blinds are fixed on each sash, and a beautiful curtain appears in the foreground. This option will allow you to play with light: gently scatter it around the room or block the path, creating a muffled effect.

The choice of design for a bay window is not subject to any special rules, and it all depends on the overall appearance of the room. You can experiment, combine different colors, density, texture.

The main trick when choosing the color and style of curtains for a bay window remains unchanged - you need to determine one thing: they must fit neatly into the interior, gently completing the style and not drawing special attention to themselves, or it should be on them main focus in room design.

Bay window curtains can be the main decor item in the interior, but at the same time they must be combined with the rest of the textiles in the room.

It is important to remember that dark and thick curtains are more suitable for spacious rooms, while curtains in light pastel colors will add volume and airiness to the room.

Idea! If the bay window is in spacious room, you can arrange a recreation area there, decorating it with unobtrusive curtains. You can also specially order a sofa in the form of a bay window, where it is good to gather with friends for pleasant conversations.

Short bay window curtains create a cozy seating area and overlook the garden, while plants on open window sills make you feel like you are in a small greenhouse.

Curtains for a bay window in the interior

The bay window can be in any room: in the living room, in the bedroom, in the kitchen, in the study, in the nursery. The choice of curtains, their shape, color, structure, fabric largely depends on this, because each room has its own nuances.

Light curtains on the bay windows in the office create a working atmosphere and do not distract attention from business.

Decoration of bay windows in the living room

The living room is a place of pleasant meetings and friendly gatherings, and the bay window creates a special atmosphere filled with comfort and light. The living room, as a rule, boasts of spaciousness, and therefore this is the place to embody even bold ideas, emphasize your taste, without clamping down on design ideas.

The curtains in the bay window for the living room can be multi-layered, they should not hide the sunlight, but carefully play with it. Thick curtains gathered between the openings, curtains made of weightless fabric around the entire perimeter, sophisticated French, elegant "Austrian", modest roller blinds, playful Roman blinds - any combinations and combinations are possible. The whole composition, in addition, will be complemented by lambrequins and all kinds of decorations: tassels, fringe, satin ribbons, lace, braid. The main thing is to observe a sense of proportion and not overload the bay window. Light and air should flow through a cunning ensemble of curtains and create a mood.

Light gently enters the living room thanks to well-chosen curtains.

"Classic troika" made of light tulle, thick curtains and lambrequins with fringes can play in a new way in the performance of unusual colors.

Bay window curtains in the kitchen

The bay window in the kitchen is a great layout. The precious space of the kitchen is enlarged, and there is always the opportunity to dine while looking at the panorama outside the window. However, when choosing curtains for a bay window in the kitchen, there are some nuances.

The kitchen is, first of all, delicious smells of food, but also stuffiness, steam and possible stains from grease, oil, tea, coffee and other products. That is why curtains in the kitchen should be as water-repellent as possible, durable and should not collect dirt.

If the bay window is in the working area, it is better if the length is not lower than the window sill. This is done for reasons of practicality - so the canvas will not interfere when moving around the kitchen and when cleaning. Roller, Roman, English curtains are ideal for this.

Short Roman blinds are versatile and fit harmoniously even in a Provence-style kitchen.

For a bay window in the dining area or seating area, you can give preference to long styles: it can be classic curtains combined with light tulle or even French and Austrian curtains.

A bay window is an original architectural solution, a rounded protrusion at the end of a room or an entire wall, which some residents mistakenly consider to be problematic for decoration. Sometimes such a plan is made at the outer part of the wall of the living room, replacing the balcony, but the bay window can also have balcony doors. This is one of the ways to increase usable area apartment or house, and due to several windows, the room has additional natural light. However, many windows on one wall require competent design of a bay window. Tulle, curtains, awnings or blinds - what to choose?

Features and benefits of bay windows

A bay window is not at all a new word in architecture; houses with protruding "window galleries" have been used since time immemorial. Some cities still have houses built by the Germans over 70 years ago that have bay windows. And this version of residential buildings periodically comes into fashion, especially when building a loggia adjacent to the room. When architects and designers want to do something original, they turn to bay windows.

The convex geometry of the wall with several windows looks very noble, and with the appropriate design of windows original curtains the hall or living room looks almost like a palace boudoir. The bay window has several shape options:

  • polyhedron;
  • triangle;
  • semicircular;
  • trapezoidal;
  • rectangular.

And the design of a bay window is not an easy creative task. If you approach the design of such windows with imagination, then the spectacular design will favorably emphasize the overall beauty of any room:

  • living room;
  • dining room or kitchen;
  • winter garden;
  • home cinema;
  • fireplace room;
  • billiard room;
  • bedrooms;
  • teen or nursery room.

A distinctive feature of the bay window is a row of windows, at least 3, and it is important to arrange them harmoniously in order to:

  • protect the room from excess direct sunlight on the south side of the house in summer;
  • keep warm in winter time;
  • allow enough light to enter the room.

The only drawback is that bay windows will “pull” a lot of fabric onto themselves, and these are additional costs. But with a creative approach, you can decorate the windows in an original way, and not spend a lot on fabric. For example, under the hi-tech style, minimalism or Japanese stylist, Roman roll or flat Japanese screen canvases are used.

The dining room does not need heavy curtains at all. And in romantic bedroom a lot of fabric with draperies, ruffles, ruffles, tie-backs with satin ribbons or braid with fringe or tassels will only decorate the situation.

Bay window design ideas

It is important to decide what the curtains should be in this room, then you can:

  • sew them yourself;
  • make to order in the studio or privately, using the advice of professionals;
  • offer to make the master according to the selected sketch for bay windows.

Attention: The choice of style for bay windows should be based on harmonious combination with the overall design of the room and its functionality. Curtains can favorably emphasize the overall idea or bring disharmony and level it!

A successful idea is often suggested by the curtain fabric itself or tulle. But on the other hand, nothing is more inspiring than the best designs. Excellent design options for curtains for bay windows can be invented using special rounded or ceiling cornices, from which light fabrics flow down very beautifully. Quite a few original ideas It is also offered for ordinary windows, in rooms with a rectangular perimeter.

And the bay windows themselves can be quite original:

  • arched;
  • square;
  • inclined (mansard);
  • oval or round;
  • triangular or trapezoidal;
  • solid bay windows, forming a convex part of the wall only with the help of a window structure.

Non-standard windows are made to order, so they cost an order of magnitude more expensive. At the same time, the glass of the bay window can also be varied, for example, on the 1st low floor, the bay window can be glazed with frosted, stained glass, mirror or corrugated glass. This will eliminate the obsessive feeling of "peeping in the windows" from the side of the street and the need to use curtains. In this case, you can limit yourself to hanging a beautiful transparent tulle on the windows.

The curtains themselves for bay windows also differ in shape, sewing method and style:

  • Japanese shielded;
  • French or "marquis" with draperies;
  • Roman short;
  • Austrian (with pickup);
  • multi-layered English;
  • with lambrequins;
  • with grips, etc.

It is impossible not to mention the functionality of a room with bay windows. For example, multiple draperies are appropriate only in the living room and bedroom, and Japanese flat curtains can be made from washable fabric, which will be very convenient in a kitchen or dining room with a bay window.

On the south side of the house, you need to think about light filters or blinds in summer period. In winter, heavy warm or multi-layered curtains are appropriate on the north side. And for a home theater, opaque curtains for bay windows are appropriate, which are appropriate for daytime movie screenings.

Curtains for a number of bay windows can be:

  • the same on all windows;
  • different, hung symmetrically;
  • alternating through one.

For example, a lambrequin can decorate only the central window, and heavy curtains - only on the side windows, but they all have a common tulle. On a semicircular bay window, one continuous transparent tulle is often used as a single canvas, mounted on a ceiling cornice. Very nice also look on the bay window iridescent thread curtains- a continuous cascade, which fluctuate with the slightest movement of air flows.

Bay window cornice

The best way to choose a variety of curtains is to use ready-made ideas, which are visible on ready-made examples. Do not forget to buy a special cornice for the bay window. However, there is an opportunity to show your own imagination and embody the most daring undertakings.

Competent registration of any window begins with the competent choice of eaves. It must meet certain requirements:

  • in shape correspond to the line of the wall with bay windows along the ceiling;
  • have secure fastening, capable of holding a large mass of curtain fabric in 2-3 layers;
  • have a reliable design that will not deform under heavy weight;
  • a single curtain should move freely in both directions along the baguette line for a sufficient distance, so hooks and tucks that cling to each other are out of place;
  • fixing tips at the edges must be securely fastened;
  • compliance with the style of the interior.

Tip: Ceiling cornices look the most advantageous, but they are inconvenient to fix, so it is better to entrust it to a specialist with a special tool to fix it securely!

Special bay window cornices come in different shapes and lengths, but they can be adjusted.

1. A round baguette is very convenient for eyelet curtains.

2. Closed decorative baguette more suitable for multilayer curtains with lambrequins.

3. A string cornice is not appropriate for a bay window, because it cannot be bent.

4. Plastic tubular cornices gradually sag in the center under the heavy weight of the curtain fabric, although they can be bent on special equipment on request.

5. The required curvature is easiest to give to a metal tubular cornice.

Tip: To correctly determine the curvature of a bent cornice, it is enough to make a drawing that indicates the distance to the extreme points of the cornice and measure the distance from the center of this line to the middle of the bay window. All this is drawn with a compass - this should be the drawing of your bent cornice.

Attention: For a rounded bay window, they usually buy 2-strip cornices - for tulle and curtains. Tulle is sewn in one piece for all windows, and this is beautiful, but not convenient for frequent opening of bay windows. Therefore, for ventilation, only extreme windows with vents are used. At the same time, decorative curtains are sewn on each window separately and beautifully decorated with tiebacks.

The material and color of the cornices must match overall design rooms and windows. Under white plastic windows it is better to take the same cornice, under the wooden ones - according to the texture of the wood. If the cornice is not visible, then it is better to buy a reliable and cheap tubular metal one. Such a cornice also fits perfectly into apartments decorated in a modern style - with large quantity chrome parts, lamps and accessories.

Tip: For greater decorativeness, consider lighting the bay window cornice in advance. The white LED strip along the ceiling cornice looks very noble, which illuminates the falling curtains and the pattern from above. ceiling tiles. On an uneven ceiling, this should not be done, otherwise the slightest flaws will be obvious!

Bay window blinds

Blinds - hit modern interiors, although designers have proposed them for living spaces for a long time. For bay windows, they are the best fit, especially with an excess sunlight from windows on the south side of the house.

Remember that the blinds are:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

For each variety, special cornices are needed, especially for bay windows. And if the bay window is trapezoidal with 4 windows, then 3 plastic cornices are enough, closing along the edges. A bent plastic cornice of a rounded shape, as for curtains, will have to be ordered individually.

For the design of bay windows, as a rule, only vertical blinds. You can pick up dense decorative fabric ribbons or plastic ones. Make sure that the long cornice has a special reinforcing element that maintains the desired shape.

Blinds are convenient because you can hang them on a solid ledge and control them with one hand movement. But you can decorate each window separately, or place the blinds only on the central window, as a light filter, and remove them for the winter as unnecessary.

If you wish, you can look for special bay window blinds with a ready-made cornice of the curvature you need. Them robust design will last for many years without causing additional trouble for the care and maintenance of bay windows.

Some ideas for making DIY curtains for bay windows

If the bay window shape and dimensions window openings do not cause fear that you will not cope with their design on your own, then we offer you to show your creative initiative and make curtains with your own hands.

So, if there is already a cornice that matches the interior design and window material, then the only thing left is:

  • choose the type of curtains that best matches the overall style concept;
  • calculate the total volume of fabric with a margin for drapery and allowances for seams;
  • buy fittings for fastening (special eyelets, ribbons, Velcro, etc.), which can be advised in a fabric store or needlework;
  • measure and cut the fabric, finish the edges with a blind seam, sew on a fringe or braid, if required by design;
  • the final stage is to iron the fabric and steam at the seams so as not to pull;
  • hang tulle and curtains and decorate with tiebacks or other decorative decorations.

Tip: To decorate the bay windows in the nursery, you should not use long heavy curtains. Multi-layer heavy curtains are used only for the living room, bedroom and office in English style. It is better to hang blinds in the greenhouse and on the balcony, and it is better to sew light curtains with decorative details in the kitchen.

Decorative features of some curtain designs

1 Lambrequin - original decorative ornament, which will ennoble bay windows, even if they are curtained very modestly.

2. A solid curtain on a common cornice looks very elegant, especially from transparent lightweight fabrics with a sheen.

3. French curtains"marquis" - the aristocratic decoration of your bay windows with a lot of sagging draperies, but they look out of place and theatrical if they do not fit the overall style. They are beautiful, but not practical, they are difficult to wash and iron, so it is better to use where the windows do not open or where there is a minimum of dust - on the highest floors.

4. Heavy curtains made of velvet or thick curtain fabric are best placed on separate cornices so as not to burden the design. They will be easier to open, remove, wash and iron.

5. Light thread curtains - modern decoration a bay window that looks very original, especially in combination with good lighting and little air movement. It is better to buy ready-made ones, although doing it yourself using a creative approach is also good. Only they should not resemble a Christmas tree rain or a cut curtain of oilcloth in the bathroom.

6. Austrian curtains - short roller blinds, with a ruffle along the bottom edge, cute and practical, fit perfectly into classic interior, including in the kitchen and dining room, in the nursery and the teenager's room. It is only important to choose the right fabric.

7. Roman blinds - perfect solution for bay windows for each window separately. They easily fold up, forming elegant folds.

8. Stained glass inserts at the top of the windows go well with sheer tulle or side curtains. The stained-glass windows in the upper semicircle of the arched windows look just great, they are easily combined with different types curtains or horizontal blinds on each window separately. Instead of expensive stained glass, you can use a similar self-adhesive film.

9. Custom designed decorative curtains will cost a lot more, but they can add a stunning effect to your interior. This involves intricate draperies, asymmetrical details, and additional embellishments. Sometimes with their help, against the background beautiful parquet and elegant furniture in historical style, you can create a stunning palace interior in an urban living room or bedroom!

Bay window - part of the room, taken out of the plane of the wall. It can be rectangular, round, or multifaceted. FROM German language this word is translated as a lantern, since the design resembles the side of this object.

The bay window is one of those architectural elements, the fashion for which returns all the time. This is due to the fact that it gives the building an unusual interesting shape, highlighting it against the background of the monotonous others. The bay window also serves as an interior decoration of the room, and its practical function is that it significantly improves the lighting of the room.

Modern bay windows are characterized big windows, or solid glazing. But to emphasize the beauty of this architectural element, you should choose the right curtains. Suitable for bay windows different types curtains:

  • Classic, which consist of tulle and curtains with a lambrequin. This type window decor looks good in a room that is not overloaded with decor. To update the situation in the room, it is enough just to change the lambrequin;
  • Austrian- hide the unsightly appearance and flaws of the window. They create an atmosphere of celebration and luxury in the room;
  • French- make the design an accent of the room thanks to decorative scallops. This option of window decor is suitable for large rooms- hall, living room;
  • Roman- these canvases protect the room from sunlight and go well with classic and modern curtains. Tulle or taffeta curtains are the perfect complement to daytime drapes;
  • Pleated- practical, easy-to-install curtains that give the windows an original look;
  • Japanese- strict panel structures, which are installed on each section of the bay window separately;
  • Kisei- flowing light and spectacular curtains made of threads that do not weigh down the structure.

On a note: various design curtains, colors and a variety of patterns will allow you to choose suitable design for windows of any complexity.

The choice of curtains for a bay window is carried out according to the following criteria:

  1. Desired level of lighting in the room;
  2. Compatibility with interior design;
  3. Individual preferences of the owners of the apartment, house.

Options for draping bay windows with curtains

Bay windows can be designed in several ways:

  • Each section is curtained separately - this will visually raise the ceiling in the room. But this option only suitable if the construction windows are separated wall partitions. Decoration with curtains is made symmetrically to the central part of the bay window;
  • The whole structure is draped with a single curtain. This visually expands the room. The tulle curtain in this case occupies the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe windows. From above it is supplemented decorative curtains with draperies;
  • A combination of a common curtain is used with curtains separate for each section of the bay window. Sliding curtains are most often used as a general curtain, and pleated, roller, Austrian, or Roman curtains are used as separate ones;
  • Drapery of windows is used along with the side parts of the walls adjacent to the bay window. This technique allows you to visually expand the space of the room.

Important: it is better to curtain a small bay window with light curtains without a large number decor and voluminous folds. A large extension will be decorated with a lush curtain with frills, pickups and throws.

Types of cornices for bay window curtains

Curtains for this architectural element are hung on standard cornices. They are installed separately on each wall of the ledge, or one common curved plank is used.

On a note: a common cornice makes it possible to freely move the curtains across the entire width of the structure.

For bay window curtains, you can use the following types of cornices:

  • With a barbell- decorative ceiling or wall tubes, which are used for hanging curtains on rings, decorative loops, eyelets. To decorate a bay window, two or more cornices will be connected to each other. The movement of the curtains along the rod is possible when they are hung on rings with a gap;
  • Rail- flexible structures made of aluminum or plastic profile. Curtains move along it due to the fact that they are hung on special hooks, Bottom part which (wheels) pass through the groove in the profile. Models with an external rail are more flexible and practical, while models with an internal rail have an attractive appearance, since all elements are hidden. The curtain on the rail cornice moves freely along its entire length. The design control can be both manual and remote;
  • Tire- cornices with special rotary elements, with the help of which the required bending angle is formed. They may have one, two or three rows. Such cornices are attached to the ceiling or wall using brackets;
  • Flexible lifting- are used for hanging and adjusting curtains of lifting type (Austrian, French, Roman). They can be mounted both on the wall and on the ceiling. The curtain is attached to such a cornice using adhesive tape, one part of which is fixed to the top of the curtain, and the other to the front side of the cornice. The lifting height of the canvas is regulated by hooks that hook on its lower edge and are connected with a cord to the control mechanism.

Features of the choice of curtains and cornices for bay windows

How to arrange a window opening to make it a decoration of the interior of the room? This can be done with the help of properly selected curtains. Their choice is based on the characteristics of the room.

In modern homes, you can often find a corner or semicircular bay window. One side this design allows you to improve the lighting of the room, give it volume, and on the other hand, it presents certain difficulties in design.

To make the room look harmonious, it is necessary that the shape of the curtains and the bay window match. If the design is triangular, or trapezoidal, then each plane can be decorated with a separate curtain. It is better to arrange a semicircular bay window with a solid curtain that moves along a flexible cornice.

How to choose curtains for a bay window

Curtains are selected taking into account the purpose of the structure. If an unremarkable view opens from the window, it will be hidden by blinds, roller blinds. They look strictly and restrained, so they are suitable for such rooms as a living room, an office. For the bedroom, it is better to choose a more romantic option, for example, awnings.

Remember: bay window curtains occupy a large area, so they attract attention. This should be remembered when designing the design.

Do not curtain the windows with too massive canvases that will make it heavier. This option is only suitable for the bedroom. Also in this room there will be appropriate day-night curtains.

For the living room, it is better to use a combination of light tulle and lambrequin curtains, which will decorate the opening, but will not block it. You can add zest to the design by forming beautiful draperies, suspensions and weights, decorating it with tiebacks, decorative cords.

Properly selected curtains will emphasize the decoration of the interior and set the tone for the entire room, while unsuccessful ones can negate the entire effect of the repair. Therefore, when choosing them, you should be guided by several rules:

  • The bay window can be the central element of the interior, or a secondary fenced-off niche;
  • In order for more sunlight to enter the room, and you can admire the view from the window, the opening is curtained with a translucent tulle. Thick curtains are used to darken the room, which will limit its illumination;
  • Effectively decorate the bay window without overloading the design, Japanese curtains and kisei.

Advice: bay window curtains should be in harmony with the decoration of the room, the general decor, focusing on the design itself. Textiles, matched to the tone of the upholstery, will unite the whole composition, and canvases of a contrasting color will draw attention to the unusual shape of the structure.

The design of the bay window in each case is made individually, taking into account the peculiarities of the layout of the room, the illumination of the room, and the wishes of its inhabitants.

Video: Simple and Charming Curtains for a Bay window

If your house is decorated with a bay window, this architectural solution imposes special aesthetic obligations. The aristocratic elegance of architecture should also be emphasized in the interior. The interior design of bay windows is a task of increased complexity. But our selection of three dozen photographs, introducing a variety of options decorative solutions, will help soar your imagination.

Decorating a bay window in a room

Bay windows are semicircular, triangular, trapezoidal, angular. Glazing can be either standard (from the height of the window sill) or from the floor. The valves are sometimes separated by piers, but often used and panoramic glazing. Naturally, all these features leave their mark on the choice of curtains and accessories.

When choosing curtains for a bay window, one should take into account not only the style and palette of the interior, but also architectural factors:

Bay window decoration in the kitchen

Kitchen bay window - architectural feature several standard apartments(P-44T, 44-M, P-44K and some others). There are bay windows in the kitchens in the cottages. The choice of curtains for them depends on what area you are going to place near the window - a working or dining room.

If inscribed in the bay window work zone not worth buying long curtains. The best option— lifting curtains. During cooking, you can lift them, protecting them from steam and splashes. It makes sense to choose models from fabrics with protective impregnations.

Often, a dining area is located in the bay window - this is a romantic and elegant solution. Both French or Austrian curtains, as well as classic long curtains, will fit well into the decor. When choosing fabrics for straight curtains, consider the size of the kitchen: less room, the lighter and airier the material should be.
