Basic rules for self-tiling tiles in the bathroom. From preparing walls to grouting: learning the nuances of proper tiling in the bathroom Do-it-yourself tiling in the bathroom

AT modern apartment tile is present in almost everyone. It is actively used in the decoration of the kitchen space, shower room, bathroom or bathroom. Without further ado, it is worth agreeing that ceramics is one of the most practical materials effectively protecting the surface from negative impact moisture . It is easy to operate and has a long service life. However, a reasonable question arises, how to lay tiles in the bathroom?

There are two ways to solve this dilemma - hire a craftsman or lay the tiles yourself. Given the rather high cost of tiles, the help of a specialist will be very expensive. In this case, it is better to think about how to properly lay the tiles in the bathroom, since the repair may not be entirely complicated if you understand it. In addition, today it is enough to purchase tools, and you can lay out the tiles with your own hands. We will need:

  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • electric drill;
  • spatula with teeth;
  • tile cutter;
  • rubber mallet;
  • microfiber or foam sponge.

Tile selection

You only need to familiarize yourself with certain features of the tiled material, which must be taken into account when laying products in the shower room. However, today, if there is a desire, this issue becomes completely solvable. Therefore, at the initial stage, it is necessary to select necessary tiles and raw materials for its installation, as well as determine the color range of ceramics and its quality.

The tile should not have any chips, cracks or other defects. The coating should be distinguished by a uniform layer without various bubbles, air pockets or streaks. It is best to take several products for inspection, after which you can draw a conclusion about the whole batch. In order to know how to lay tiles in the bathroom, you need to keep in mind that the purchased amount of tiles should be about 10% more than the required volumes.

This is due to unplanned losses during the repair. Otherwise, it may happen that when you come for the next batch of tiles, it will be slightly different from the previous one.

Such circumstances happen almost all the time, so in order to avoid unplanned losses, it is recommended to purchase a little more products than necessary.

What do you need?

You need to start the repair in order to make measurements of all surfaces on which the tiles will be laid. Decorative tiles are usually purchased by the piece, and ordinary tiles by square meters. Each product must match in size, shade, article number, and pattern. It is necessary to dismantle the outdated floor covering in the room, regardless of whether it is tile, paint, plaster or something else. Most best base on which you can lay out tiles - concrete or brick.

During the repair process, it is necessary to make the surface perfectly flat, so the walls and floor are most often primed, and then a thorough waterproofing is carried out. This will improve adhesion between surfaces, protect against the negative effects of various microorganisms. You need to glue the tiles yourself with a spatula, after which the floor screed is made. For repairs you will need:

  • primer;
  • tile adhesive;
  • grout;
  • waterproofing;
  • crosses for seams;
  • wooden or metal slats.

Laying order

Laying tiles in the bathroom with your own hands is, of course, not an easy process, but possible. The most optimal method is to create a moisture-proof layer using silicone and grout along the edges of the rim all the way to the bathtub. It is better to run in a certain sequence from the far corner of the room to the exit. This arrangement will make the space more attractive, and at the same time it is more convenient.

Laying tiles steps:

  1. We carry out the lining of everything that is above the level of the bathroom up to ceiling covering. The very first row does not need to be glued back to back, but should step back from the edge of the bathroom up to 2 mm by the thickness of the cross. Before this, for clarity, you can make a run.
  2. If you leave room for stretch ceiling, then it is also necessary for the plastic edging around the entire perimeter. Installation is made to an arbitrary height, which will make installation easier, since there is no need to suffer with fitting undercuts.
  3. After carrying out these stages, the repair continues with the laying out of the lower rows in the shower room. This order allows even without a run-up to carry out the correct laying of ceramics.
  4. The next step is the erection of a frame under the bath, which must be installed and tiled. It must be made of hard metal, and sheathed with plasterboard sheets.
  5. Tiled products have sufficient weight, so you should not save on the profile and purchase cheap thin-walled elements.
  6. At the final stage of the repair, we prime the concrete surface, glue the tiles on the floor.


How to lay tiles in the bathroom, so that everything works out correctly? In principle, everything is simple! The above tips will help you understand a rough plan of action, which may vary slightly depending on specific situation. In order to lay out the tiles, we need a special glue. Usually it is sold in powder form, which is why it must be diluted with water according to the instructions on the package.

The resulting solution is thoroughly mixed with an electric drill until homogeneous. As a result, the tile adhesive should not be very thick or too liquid. The desired consistency is obtained like a nut paste, so it is easier to apply and does not drain. A trowel with notched elements is excellent for applying the adhesive. The tile is pressed tightly, but not strongly, otherwise it may burst or crack.

Under custom sizes it is better to cut ceramics with a tile cutter.

In some cases, the use of a grinder is allowed. More delicate work is done with wire cutters or pliers. We do the run-up together with special crosses for seams. They are very helpful in laying tiles correctly. However, products do not always have correct form, so some problems may arise. Thus, the width of vertical and horizontal joints should be measured regularly.

To identify possible defects at the initial stage, it is important to check each row by level after laying out the first 3-5 tiles. Having completed the row, you need to complete the corners, and only then move to another wall, for example, the support row will be located strictly along the perimeter of the room. After that, everything is repeated anew from the place where the vertical line was marked.

It is necessary to lay ceramics with an adhesive mass strictly according to a certain principle so that the width of the tile does not exceed the desired surface. The repair is completed by gluing the bottom row, which is adjusted in length and then cut off.

Now everything is clear how to lay tiles in the bathroom! However, this is not all, since gluing ceramic products is half the battle, they must be properly processed, otherwise the repair will be considered incomplete. To do this, it is necessary to grout the joints after 24 hours. Before this procedure, it is worth getting rid of excess glue remaining or flowing out from under the tile. It is necessary to dilute a special mixture, which is applied inside the seams with a rubber spatula.

We wait about half an hour, during which time the seams will harden and it will be possible to gently rinse them with a sponge or cloth moistened with water, without washing off the solution from the gaps. The wiping cloth used must be constantly clean, which is why it must be periodically moistened with warm water. After a white coating appears, wash everything again with a clean cloth.

Stitching and cleaning

After the end of the previous stage, it is required to carefully process the seams with a special mixture. It aims to protect against negative factors in the form of moisture, fungus or mold, and also performs a decorative role. For wide gaps, grout with sand is perfect, and in some cases latex will not hurt either. This material will give elasticity and durability to the coating, although it will somewhat complicate the process.

When adding latex, the dry powder is not diluted with water, having prepared the mixture, leave it for a while. Only after it reaches it can be applied, however, it is worth knowing that it is best to make it in small portions and apply immediately.

Such a grout is applied with a cloth or even a brush, and then smeared with a rubber trowel over the entire surface. It is better to apply it diagonally at an angle of 45 degrees, as this allows you to most effectively fill all the seams. Only after that you can proceed to the final cleaning, where you need water and a foam sponge.

Video instruction

Before laying tiles in the bathroom, you should definitely understand the basic rules of this process in order to do everything right at once, as needed. Most of the inhabitants of our country, faced with the need for repairs, prefer to save, if not at the expense of materials, then on the services of involved specialists.

1 Highlights of laying tiles

To date, there is quite a lot of information on how to lay tiles in the bathroom. open access on the Internet, but if you are not at all confident in your ability to lay the tiles in the bathroom correctly exclusively on your own or you do not have time for this, then it may be cheaper to turn to professionals, especially since they already have everything necessary for this skills and tools.

2 Initial stage

However, with due care and a responsible attitude to the process, this skill can be mastered on your own, since there is nothing supernatural in laying tiles in the bathroom. And having done this once, later on you can fearlessly carry out this kind of work as often as you want. Moreover, in this way, you will certainly reduce repair costs by more than a third.
So, let's take a closer look at how to lay tiles in the bathroom, taking into account all stages of this process.


When starting a bathroom renovation, most people probably have a pretty good idea of ​​how this room should look like in the end. At a minimum, this applies to the color scheme and the availability of additional accessories (mirrors, rugs, etc.). As the main material for decorating the floor and walls, the classic ceramic tile for the bathroom is most often used, which has proven itself in terms of price and quality. But modern materials are not limited to tiles; as an alternative, you can always choose glass, mosaic or tiles from natural stone. In this matter, the difference lies in how much each of the listed finishing materials costs, and not everyone can afford tiling a bathroom with marble or granite tiles.

It is believed that the most popular material for finishing the bathroom is tile. masonry ceramic tiles- a complex process, but knowing some of the features, you can handle it without the help of a master. To get the perfect result, remember a few important points.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

First of all, you must decide on the direction of laying. There are a lot of masonry options: straight, diagonal, offset, mosaic. By applying this or that method, you can visually adjust the room, for example, make it more spacious or higher. Next, you need to calculate required amount material based on bathroom measurements. You need to buy with a margin of 5-10%. If you have not yet decided how to lay tiles in the bathroom, check out the features of each masonry method.

in straight rows

This is a simple and time-tested option. The tile must be laid so that it is reduced to even horizontal and vertical stripes. Start from the second row from the floor. First, draw a straight line along the perimeter of the room, along which you will fix the guides (metal slats). With a direct installation method, the bathroom will look prettier if you start from the middle of the wall, and not from the corners. The cut will not be as noticeable.

Diagonal tiling

This method will help to make the bathroom wider visually. Diagonal facing is much more difficult to perform. First, from the corner from which the laying will begin, you need to measure segments equal to the length of the tile, and connect them. Figuratively speaking, it is necessary to finish isosceles triangle. Then a diagonal is drawn from the center of the intended segment. The first whole tile is laid, then the rest. It is important that the side of each new element is strictly perpendicular to the drawn diagonal.


This type of finish is very original, reminiscent of brickwork. The tiles are arranged in horizontal rows. Each new element is indented by half or a third of the bottom one. The middle of the upper tiles will fall on the vertical seams of those below them. Be sure to follow the same thickness of the seams using crosses. You can tile the bathtub with a diagonal offset. It looks very nice.

What you need to lay tiles in the bathroom

You need to buy the following materials:

  • tiles in sufficient quantity;
  • tile moisture resistant glue;
  • grout;
  • moisture resistant primer;
  • plastic crosses (choose the thickness at your discretion).

Make sure you have the following tools:

  1. Tile cutter. Can be electric or manual. Some do not want to spend money on this device and prefer to use a grinder or diamond glass cutter.
  2. Drill with a nozzle "mixer". With its help, an adhesive mixture is prepared.
  3. Spatulas. You need a serrated, smooth and rubber.
  4. Master OK.
  5. Diamond crowns for round cuts.
  6. Sponges.
  7. Containers for water and preparation of glue.
  8. Roulette, laser and ordinary levels, plumb line.
  9. Pencil or marker for marking, rulers, building cord.

How to lay tiles on the wall

Gather everything you need for the repair. Before laying tiles in the bathroom, prepare the walls by following the instructions:

  1. Using a plumb line, determine how flat the surface is.
  2. Clean the walls of any old coating.
  3. Using plaster, level the surface. Depending on the condition of the walls, one to several layers may be needed.
  4. If the walls are completely crooked, level them with sheets of drywall. As a result, the area of ​​​​the room will be reduced.
  5. When the walls are leveled and the plaster has dried, coat them with a primer to make the tiles stronger.

Before laying tiles in the bathroom, mark the walls and calculate using the following instructions:

  1. Using a level, find the lowest point on the floor. Place a mark on the height of one tile. Using the level, make the same marks around the entire perimeter of the room, connect in a continuous line.
  2. At the level marked before, nail a wooden plank or metal profile.
  3. Using a tape measure, determine the middle of the wall. From this point, lay out the tile to the right side, inserting crosses. If the last element does not fit, move the entire row to the left to the limit. Draw a vertical line across the leftmost tile. Mark each wall like this.

How to lay tiles in the bathroom:

  1. The process always starts from the second horizontal row above the nailed plank.
  2. Mix the moisture resistant adhesive according to the instructions on the package.
  3. Apply a small amount of mortar to a notched trowel and spread over the area of ​​the wall where you start. Lean the tile against the wall, press it a little while moving it in different directions so that the adhesive mixture is evenly smeared. If it is not possible to apply it on the wall, you can cover the tile on the reverse side, both technologies are acceptable.
  4. Lay the entire row gradually, inserting special crosses into the distance between the elements, which are responsible for the width of the seam. Use a level to make sure the tile lays flat both horizontally and vertically. As a rule, in the corners there will be not whole, but trimmed elements. Then you can move on to the next row. Periodically clean the seams from the glue.
  5. When all the walls are lined, remove the bar and take care of the bottom row. Some pieces will also need to be cut.
  6. When everything is ready, knead the grout as directed in the instructions.
  7. Rub it into the gaps with a rubber spatula. Treat them with a damp sponge, and after drying - with a dry rag.

Laying tiles in the bathroom with your own hands involves cutting it. This process needs to be considered in more detail:

  1. For the procedure, you need a tile cutter or a quality glass cutter. If you are working last, then mark the piece you need. In one motion, make an incision along the tile according to the marked line. Lay it face up on the edge of the table. Press on both sides to crack the tile.
  2. If you have a tile cutter, then simply lay the tile so that the line you draw matches the marks, make an incision and press the handle of the device to split the tile.
  3. If you need to cut not a straight line, but a curved or arcuate one, then use a grinder. Drill round holes for pipes in tiles with special crowns.

How to lay tiles on the floor with your own hands

This process is less complicated than the previous one. Here is a step by step guide on how to lay tiles on your bathroom floor:

  1. Clean the surface. To make it even, apply a self-leveling mortar or cement screed. When the composition dries, prime the surface.
  2. Before laying floor tiles in the bathroom, it is necessary to make markings after leveling. Find the middle of each of the walls, put marks. Connect with perpendicular lines. So you divide the floor into four separate sectors. It is better to start from the center, but some prefer to lay from the door or from the most visible area of ​​​​the bathroom.
  3. Apply a little glue to the floor area with a comb. First, lay out a square of four tiles. Then lay out the longest row along one of the lines. Apply a level every two or three tiles to make sure there are no deviations.
  4. Insert crosses into the gaps.
  5. When the entire whole tile is laid out, trim.
  6. So you figured out how to lay tiles in the bathroom on the floor. It remains only to pull out the crosses and wipe the seams.

Video: laying tiles in the bathroom

The bathroom space is very demanding in relation to the building materials used. High humidity, temperature fluctuations, steam and poor natural air circulation lead to premature wear of coatings, the appearance of mold, fungus and bad smell. Therefore, for bathroom renovations, moisture-resistant finishes are used, in particular, ceramic tiles.

With its help, the walls and floor of the bathroom are lined, creating a reliable and durable waterproofing layer. In this article, we will tell you how to start laying tiles so that the final result is pleasing to the eye and lasts a long time.

Features of using tiles

Tiles are most often placed on the floor and walls of the bathroom to protect the concrete base from water damage or the formation of fungus. This coating creates a durable waterproofing layer that is highly resistant to aggressive chemicals.

In construction stores you can find tiles of any color, size and surface topography from inexpensive collections of Belarusian production to products of Italian masters. To finish the bathroom, you will need tiles on the floor, walls, as well as, at the request of the customer, decor and borders to create more complex compositions. Laying tiles has the following features:

  1. Before, the surface to be coated is carefully prepared. The old, worn-out coating is removed down to the concrete base, and then leveled. Since the seams between the tiles do not hide, but emphasize the curvature of the walls.
  2. Laying should not start from top to bottom, as in other rooms, but vice versa. Professional masters first veneer the floor of the room, and only then the walls.

Note! When planning repairs in the bathroom, they first calculate the required number of tiles. To do this, the room is measured, the surface area is calculated, and then divided by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone tile. Please note that often the size of the tile that is laid on the floor is different from the wall. In order for the material to be enough for trimming and fitting according to the pattern, 10-15% is added to the amount obtained in the calculation.

Sequence of work

Most homeowners, when planning a bathroom renovation, wonder where to lay the tiles first. In most rooms professional builders they work “from top to bottom”, that is, first of all they veneer the ceiling, then the walls, at the very end the floor. The bathroom does not use this technology..

In order for the laying of ceramic tiles to turn out to be even, you first need to set the floor to a level. If you start facing from the wall, then it will turn out to be a curve, and it will be problematic to join the floor with it. is done as follows:

  • First, the old coating is removed from the surface of the floor, walls and ceiling of the room using scrapers, spatulas or a grinder with a flexible grinding disc.
  • With the help of moisture-resistant concrete, the walls are leveled, and the floor is poured with a leveling screed. Acrylic putty is used to seal small defects.
  • Then a waterproofing layer is created, for which the walls are treated liquid waterproofing, and the floor is rolled.
  • First, the floor tiles are laid, not forgetting to check that the laying is correct using building level.
  • They cover the floor with a protective film, and then move on to tiling the walls of the bathroom.

Important! When tiling the floor, its level rises due to the thickness of the tile, as well as due to the layer of tile adhesive, in general, it can become 2-3 cm higher. This explains why experienced craftsmen Do not start facing the bathroom from the walls.

Types of layouts

The traditional shape of ceramic tiles is rectangular and square. However, manufacturers also produce other models; decorative tile elements have the greatest variety of sizes and shapes. In order to understand how to place tiles on the surface to be tiled, a layout diagram is created, and then markings are applied indicating the location of the rows. The type of layout depends on the shape and size of the tile, it is selected so that the coating looks the most impressive. There are the following ways of laying tiles:

Experienced craftsmen carefully measure the surface before laying tiles, calculating the number of rows, the number of elements in each row. Based on these indicators, a suitable layout is determined, and then markings are applied using a laser level.

Floor cladding

Before tiling the floor, the surface is thoroughly cleaned and leveled. The next stage of work is the creation of a waterproofing trough, which serves as protection against leaks in case of pipeline breaks, washing machine malfunctions or bathroom overflows. To do this, use liquid or roll waterproofing. On top of this layer, the floor is primed to increase the adhesion of the tile adhesive.

Tiling begins:

  • From the farthest visible angle. This is the place where the eye of a person rushes when entering the room, where the decoration attracts more attention. To understand where this corner is, you need to stand at the front door and look ahead. If this place is a bath, shower or other plumbing equipment, this method is not suitable.
  • From the threshold. When laying tiles from the threshold, installation starts from the corner located on the wall with the front door to the room. This method allows you to make a visible section of the floor without cropped elements. It is suitable if the plumbing is located on the opposite wall.
  • from the center mark. This method is used when facing large bathrooms, in which plumbing and furniture are placed around the perimeter, and in the middle there is a free floor area. In this case, the room is measured with a laser ruler, and then the central point is found, from which the laying begins.

Important! There is an easy way to determine whether to start laying from the middle of the row or from the beginning. To do this, measure the length of the row, and then divide this value by the width of the tile. If the remainder when dividing is less than half, then you need to start from the beginning of the series. This method helps to save material and also makes the layout more accurate.

Wall covering

The technology of wall tiling has its own characteristics, on which the final result of work and service life depend. finishing material. Professional masters begin to glue the tiles from the bottom up to get an even coating. Contrasting grout for joints makes small flaws in the cladding noticeable, so it is better for beginners to use a grout that matches the tile.

The laying technology is as follows:

  1. Laying tiles on the wall begins with 2 rows. To do this, measure the height of one tile from the floor and draw a line at this level. For convenience, the craftsmen temporarily attach a metal profile or a wooden lath in this place, set strictly according to the level.
  2. First lay the first two tiles in a row, and then the first tile in the next tier. Plastic crosses are laid between the tiles, which make the seams even.
  3. At one time, the glue is applied to a small area up to 1 square meterso that it does not have time to dry.
  4. Periodically, the correct installation is checked with a building level in order to correct the shortcomings until the glue has set.
  5. Lay out the first row last. Before laying, the temporary metal bar that was used as a level is dismantled.
  6. After the glue dries, the plastic crosses are removed, and then the seams are rubbed with a special grout.

Note! Complex layouts of tiles with decor are best left to the masters, as they can correctly calculate and perform installation so that the tile looks beautiful and even.

Video instruction

By nature, a person is arranged in such a way that he cannot stay in the same atmosphere for a long time, as this begins to negatively affect his general physiological and mental state. The same atmosphere has been boring to the eyes for many years and no longer causes the necessary pleasant sensations. It is at such moments that we begin to think that it is time to change something. The easiest option is to renovate your home. But when it comes to prices for various materials and services, there is a desire to do all the work yourself.

The bathroom is considered the most difficult place for self-repair, as in this room it is necessary to take into account many features, including high humidity, temperature changes and many other points. And now it seems that you figured out the ill-fated plumbing and learned by heart the structure of the water seal, when it comes time to bring the bathroom into external order. The most common finishing material is tile, and it is when laying it that a number of questions may arise. Let's figure it out together how to lay tiles in the bathroom most common problems, and we will also find their solution.

Most people who first encountered tile make a series of common mistakes and they must be completely eliminated, since even a small error can lead to great disappointment.

Typical mistakes:

  1. Choice of tiles. Every resident of our country is trying in every possible way to save even on repair work. That is why, first of all, we pay attention to the cost of a particular product. Cheap tiles can attract with their appearance, but first of all, you need to approach the issue literally from the other side, namely, pay attention to the back surface. On budget products, it is usually smooth, which cannot achieve the necessary adhesion even when using high-quality fasteners. You also need to pay attention to the symmetry of the products and in no case should you purchase cladding from different batches, since the tile may simply differ in appearance.
  2. Consumable building materials. When choosing a primer, glue, grout and other mixtures, carefully study the packaging and pay attention to the date of manufacture. Expired products lose their properties and it is not possible to achieve the desired result. It is also not worth saving on this point, since too cheap mixtures simply may not support the weight of the tile, and since all work will be done in the bathroom, pay attention to the fact that all materials have moisture-proof properties and, if possible, antiseptic additives. The latter will prevent the occurrence of fungus and other harmful bacteria.
  3. Surface preparation. In the case of laying ceramic tiles, it is necessary to bring the work surfaces to a perfectly even state. There are many different ways to do this.
  4. Measurement errors. When using tiles as the main finishing material, it is strongly not recommended to carry out work "by eye". Even the simplest building level will save you from possible distortions in the future.
  5. Installation sequence. Think carefully about all your work from start to finish. Do not lay tiles from a nearby corner or from a floor that already has tiles. If the floor has not been previously prepared and has even small bends on its surface, you are guaranteed a defeat in the wall cladding.
  6. Rough connections. Nothing can spoil the appearance of the cladding more than distortions at the joints. Before you put the tile on the glue, carefully determine the final location of its location, and also make sure that there are no chips on the material itself.
  7. Grout. This mixture is used to hide the seams between the tiles. No need to wait until the mixture is completely dry, as it will be quite problematic to remove the excess.

Important points when facing the bathroom

The process of laying tiles in the bathroom is quite simple, and if you are faced with such a task for the first time, we recommend that you follow the following tips.

If you want to save on ceramic tiles or fixing materials, this is a bad idea. You should not be led by marketers and buy a beautiful and cheap dummy, which after a while will simply fall off the walls.

Tip 2. A clean and even surface is the key to success

It is possible to achieve ideal results without having skills only on the condition that the working surface is prepared as much as possible for laying finishing materials. So, if you notice any unevenness on the floor or walls - do not spare putty, cement or primer. spend everything further work It is possible when the solution completely hardens.

The building level will greatly facilitate the process of laying tiles, and also help to do the right thing. It checks for:

  • surface evenness;
  • correct laying;
  • evenness of corners in the room, as well as corner joints.

To save time, you can use laser level, which takes measurements in several planes at once.

If specialists can lay tiles both from the ceiling and from the floor, then for people who have encountered this task for the first time, it is much easier to lay the slab in the direction from the floor. Although each master works according to his own scheme, the principle is approximately the same:

  1. First, we check with the help of the level the evenness of the angle between the wall and the floor.
  2. Next, we measure at the bottom of the wall starting from the floor, a distance that is equal to half the tile.
  3. This gap must be maintained around the entire perimeter of the wall, therefore, using a level or wooden lath draw a horizontal line.
  4. The first row of tiles is laid out with an edge along the drawn line.
  5. On the next step, cutting the tiles to the level of the floor, lay the lowest row and complete the laying of the base. At the same time, a neat appearance will be preserved, since the cropped part will be hidden either under the baseboards or behind the appliances that are located in the bathroom.

To maintain an equal distance between the seams, it is recommended to use special plastic crosses. On the market you can find products with a wide variety of widths, but 2.5 millimeters is considered the most acceptable.

As already mentioned in the very first rule, any surfaces should be as smooth as possible. Achieving the ideal at first is quite difficult, but worth a try. In order to lay the tiles on the floor, you need to do the following steps:

First, we measure the perpendicularity of the floor and walls.

  1. We divide the floor into squares and determine the sequence of laying the finishing material.
  2. Start finishing works you need to start from the most noticeable corner and gradually move towards the center of the room.
  3. The remaining gaps are eliminated with cut tiles.
  4. When laying tiles on the floor, it is also advisable to use plastic crosses.

It doesn't matter if your bathroom has straight coals or the room has custom shape- joints at the corners should be even. That is, there should not be any visible chips and bevels that will spoil the whole picture. To do this, when laying the corners, you need to use undercut tiles, and all the irregularities of the seam that catch your eye are hidden using a special profile or grout.

In order for the tiles to be fixed as well as possible on the work surface, it is necessary to use a special notched trowel. At the same time, distribute the adhesive composition evenly over the entire surface, starting from the center.

In this case, the size of the spatula tooth is very important:

  • for mosaic tiles a spatula with teeth dimensions of 4 x 4 mm is used;
  • for tiles up to 20 x 30 cm, use a spatula 6 x 6 or 8 x 8 mm;
  • tiles 30 x 30 with a thickness of up to 1 cm - 10 x 10 and 12 x 12 mm;
  • a spatula with a tooth height of up to 20 mm is used for laying large-sized tiles.

Between the tiles, as a rule, there is a half-empty space, which is processed using grout. To achieve maximum effect, follow these recommendations:

  • before applying the grout, moisten the seams with water;
  • tiles, in the place where the grout is applied, must be perfectly cleaned of residues of glue, putty, etc .;
  • do not mix a large amount of the solution, as it will only be usable for the first 20 minutes;
  • a spatula or grater during grouting must be kept strictly at a right angle;
  • all seams should be filled as tightly as possible, the presence of voids is unacceptable;
  • after the grout is applied, you can wait 5-7 minutes and wash off its remnants.

And finally, the main rule - never rush during any type of work, as you may be unpleasantly surprised at the end result. Even professionals prefer to work with small areas, since it is easier to notice and eliminate almost any error on them. Appreciate your work and the time spent on it, and the result will make your loved ones admire you and will delight your eyes for a long time. If you doubt your abilities, you can safely turn to the masters for help.

For the bathroom, tile is an excellent choice for floor and wall covering. It can be ceramic, and porcelain stoneware or other types of material are often used. It is important to choose it correctly, as well as carefully study how to lay tiles in the bathroom, which will allow you to ensure the perfect result even without experience. Laying ceramic tiles is a simple process, if you know about all its nuances. Laying tiles in the bathroom has many advantages. These include the durability of the coating and its resistance to scratches , ease of maintenance and resistance to heat and humidity . It is allowed to lay even tiles in a wooden house. The resulting coating will be durable , hygienic and beautiful . The disadvantages include costly installation, but if you do the tiling in the bathroom with your own hands, then the disadvantage is completely eliminated.

Before the process, it is important to decide how to lay out the tiles in the bathroom. Various types of layouts can be used. The choice depends on the size of the room, the material chosen and the skills of the person performing the process. The correct layout of the tiles in the bathroom allows you to visually increase the limited space or hide the flaws of the entire room. Tiling a bathroom is allowed in several ways:

  • direct layout for ceramic tiles. This method is considered one of the simplest and most commonly used. Every person who does not have work experience can lay ceramic tiles in this way;
  • diagonal method - laying tiles diagonally is quite difficult. This technology of laying ceramic tiles is ideal for square rooms. The method is considered ideal if there are curved or slanting walls. This tile layout is suitable for a small bathroom. The disadvantages of the method include the fact that it is almost impossible to complete the process perfectly without experience. Therefore, if it is planned to install ceramic tiles using the diagonal method, then it is advisable to pre-train;
  • checkerboard pattern - bathroom tile layout options include this method. It involves the formation of a classic design of the room. For this, ceramic tiles are laid, presented in several colors that differ from each other. This method is considered the best solution for a square room;
  • with an offset - this method can beautifully lay out the tiles, so the room will look really unique and unusual. Laying tiles in the bathroom with this method assumes that any row is formed with an offset in relation to the previous row. Therefore, the seams do not connect to each other. This option is considered ideal for a rectangular room.




If the room has a low ceiling, then it is advisable to choose a rectangular material, and also choose a direct technology for laying tiles in the bathroom. Thus, the ways of laying tiles are numerous, so the choice is based on the wishes of the owners of the room, on their abilities, as well as on the parameters of the room itself.

How to prepare a solution

Laying tiles in the bathroom is carried out using a special adhesive solution. It is sold either as a dry mix or as a ready-to-use solution. The second option is purchased for one small surface, and since it is supposed to put the material on all surfaces of the room, it is advisable to purchase it in a dry form.

The quality of the masonry directly depends on the correct preparation of the adhesive solution.

The adhesive is presented on the market in several versions produced by different companies. As a rule, they have minor differences, so the choice is made easier. Difficulties usually arise during the process of preparing the solution before laying. Consider the recommendations of experts:

  • tile adhesive is prepared immediately before the work itself;
  • the optimal amount of water is added to the dry mixture, and it is advisable to focus on the recommendations from the manufacturer on the packaging of the material in this matter;
  • the adhesive composition must have an optimal consistency and uniformity;
  • it is recommended to stir it with a perforator equipped with a special nozzle, since it is difficult to handle the process manually.

If installation is planned pvc tiles, then a special solution is selected for it. After preparing the mortar, it is important to make sure that it is similar in consistency to thick sour cream, so it should not drain from the tiles, but it should not be difficult to stretch it.

For thorough mixing of the glue, it is best to use a construction mixer.

Technology of laying tiles in the bathroom

Before laying tiles in the bathroom, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. If a beginner is engaged in work, then it is advisable to carefully study the tutorial that teaches how to properly lay tiles in the bathroom.

Everything is also prepared in advance. necessary materials and tools for the job. Most often, an additional threshold is laid in the bathroom, separating the room from other rooms. If planned PVC installation tiles on glue, then the laying technology is being studied rubber tiles. It is practically no different from laying other tiles in the bathroom.

Room preparation

Initially, preparatory work is carried out. To do this, all interfering elements are removed from the room, and plumbing is also dismantled. If you plan to lay tiles in the bathroom on the floor and walls, then these surfaces are prepared.

It is desirable to clean the room itself well, and also arrange all the elements for work in such a way that they are convenient to use in the process. Measurements of the premises are made, determining the amount of material needed for work. If wood was used to lay out the walls, then it is covered with antiseptics, after which a layer of plaster is formed.

Before starting work, the bathroom must be emptied

Tools and materials

Laying ceramic tiles requires a significant amount of preparation different elements. These include the following materials:

  • direct material for forming the coating, and it can be ceramic or some other, since it is often necessary to mount PVC tiles;
  • glue, and it is desirable to choose a high-quality mixture so that the laid material holds firmly and for a long time;
  • grout intended for joints, and its color must correspond to the created coating;
  • a container used for the preparation of glue;
  • a notched trowel that ensures high-quality distribution of glue over each element, so it will never be too much or too little;
  • rags to remove excess glue;
  • a tile cutter, grinder or other tools are used to cut the material;
  • a corundum block is used for turning the edges;
  • if you plan to make a threshold in the bathroom, then it is purchased necessary element;
  • , will allow you to form the same, even and beautiful seams.

It is necessary to make calculations in advance to determine the required amount of material. Then laying out the coating will be easy, and there will be no stops or problems.


Dismantling of the old coating

If repairs are not being carried out in a new building, then you usually have to deal with the presence of an old coating on the walls and on the floor of the room. Therefore, before laying tiles in the bathroom, it is necessary to remove the old material. The steps depend on what coverage you have to work with:

  • the old tiled coating is removed with a perforator tuned to shock mode, it is important to always use goggles and gloves;
  • paint is removed with solvent compounds or tools;
  • if there are OSB boards, then it is possible to mount the tiles on the OSB board, since laying the tiles on the OSB is really easy.

It is important to study everything in detail in order to be successful.

After dismantling old coatings, it is important to determine the evenness of the existing bases. It is allowed to lay ceramic tiles on a base that does not have perfect evenness, but this will lead to a significant consumption of expensive glue, so this solution impractical.

Dismantling the flooring

Removing old tiles

Removing old paint

Surface leveling

After cleaning the wall and floor, it is important to measure their parameters, for which a plumb line and level are used, as well as a square. Alignment is carried out using plaster, which allows you to get a perfect flat surface, so laying tiles with your own hands is not difficult. You can learn more about how to do it here.

The alignment process consists of the following steps:

  • a primer is applied;
  • beacons are set according to the level;
  • plaster is applied, distributed between the beacons by the rule.

The above method is suitable for walls, and for the floor it is usually sufficient to use self-leveling compounds. Their use does not require significant efforts, and they also dry quickly, so the direct laying of tiles in the bathroom with their own hands will soon begin.


Self leveling compound

Where is the best place to start

If you plan to mount tiles in the bathroom on all surfaces with your own hands, then work begins with the walls, and then you can move on to the floor of the room.

Wall laying

Place the material on the walls from the bottom up. It is allowed to install elements on the floor from different places:

  • from a distant visible angle;
  • from the place where the threshold in the bathroom is located;
  • from the center, for which the correct measurements are initially taken.

The choice depends on the wishes of the owner.

From the center

We put the material

How to lay tiles in the bathroom? This process is considered difficult, but laying the tiles in the bathroom is allowed on your own. Do not assume that the process is too simple, since it is important to take into account many nuances:

  • in order to decide how to beautifully arrange the element, it is recommended to first put it on a dry one to see how the laid material will look like;
  • marking is applied that determines how to place the tile so that during the laying process you do not have to be distracted;
  • direct work begins, allowing you to decorate your floor or walls;
  • it is best to place tiles on a concrete base in small areas;
  • before laying the tiles in the bathroom further, it is necessary to check the evenness of the already made section with the help of a level, and if necessary, adjust the height by adding or removing glue;
  • when answering the question of how to tile the bathtub evenly, the obligatory use of special crosses located in the corners of the elements is taken into account, which ensures the formation of beautiful, identical and even seams;
  • glue is usually applied directly to the walls and floor, as this ensures that the laid out material will hold firmly and for a long time;
  • if installation is carried out on walls, then a special glue is selected, which is characterized by fast setting;
  • protruding glue is quickly removed with a plastic spatula;
  • if you have to lay tiles in the bathroom in hard-to-reach and difficult areas, then it is cut with a tile cutter or other suitable tool;
  • after the creation of coatings, a threshold is set in the bathroom.

Thus, having learned how to lay tiles, this process will not take much time. This results in a beautiful and bright finish.

Surface marking

Floor laying

Wall laying

When laying tiles, special crosses should be used.

How to cut material

It is important to figure out not only how to lay the tile yourself, but also how to cut it, since this is usually always required during the work process. For this, select different materials, and examples of work are presented as video tutorials.

Most commonly used:

  • electric tile cutter - provides fast and high-quality cutting. The tool is equipped with a diamond wheel, and water is supplied to the cutting site, so the cut will differ high quality and cleanliness;
  • manual tile cutter - is the most popular. How to cut elements with it? The element is laid in the right place, after which it is cut with effort according to the pre-applied markings;
  • roller glass cutter - is considered not a very convenient way, but is often used for plaster tiles or other types of material. However, it is not suitable for thick ceramics, as it will not do the job;
  • grinder - the method is available, but a clean and even cut is not provided.

Thanks to high-quality cutting, it is possible to make a beautiful lined even the most difficult area in room. We reveal more details here, in full detail.

Roller glass cutter


Manual tile cutter

Electric tile cutter


How to tile a bathtub to make it look beautiful and unique? To do this, after the direct installation of the coating, grouting is certainly performed. A special grout is used for this, ideally suited to the coating in terms of color and other parameters.

Thus, it is not difficult to make a high-quality and beautiful tiled flooring in the bathroom if you carefully understand all the parameters and nuances of this process. By doing the laying of tiles in the bathroom with your own hands, significant savings are provided. Money, as specialists request substantial fees for their work.


The cost of the services of professional tilers is not always affordable, so many owners try to lay tiles in the bathroom with their own hands. How to properly finish and avoid mistakes, step-by-step instructions and videos will tell you.

For the successful completion of all work from surface preparation to grouting, you will need:
  • tape measure, level, chalk;
  • tile cutter or grinder;
  • notched spatula;
  • drill with mixer nozzle;
  • brush;
  • plastic crosses or matches;
  • trowel;
  • foam sponge;
  • microfiber cloth;
  • putty;
  • tile adhesive;
  • waterproofing composition;
  • grout;
  • polymer film and adhesive tape.

To carry out tiling work, you will need a number of tools

To finish the walls and floor in the bathroom, tiles are traditionally used, which are immune to high humidity. Before purchasing, you should measure the floor area, as well as the height and width of each of the walls separately, in order to calculate the coverage area.

Our special will make it easy to calculate the required number of square meters of material required for finishing. In addition, you should take into account the number of running meters of curbs and the number decorative elements if they are to be used.

Another important point, which you should pay attention to before buying is the shape of the tile. If the laying will be done by hand, it is better to opt for products in the form of a square or a rectangle, since it will be much easier for a non-professional to lay them than a complex polygonal tile.

Before buying tiles and starting work, check the dimensions of your bathroom and make calculations

There are many options for laying tiles (), the most common of which are the rectangular (traditional) and diagonal methods. For beginners, it is better to choose the first option.

Also, another important point that you should pay attention to in advance: the presence of "". "Warm floor" is laid directly on the screed before applying the tile adhesive and, accordingly, before laying the tiles.

Surface preparation

Wall finishing sequence

Finishing always begins with laying tiles on the walls. At the same time, it does not matter where exactly the laying itself will begin: from the corner, from the floor or from the bath.

  1. A level line is outlined - a reference point for even rows of tiles. The contour is drawn with chalk strictly horizontally, going around the entire bathroom around the perimeter, while a laser or hydraulic level is used for beating.

    Marking the wall for tiles

  2. The adhesive composition is being prepared - the powder must be diluted according to the instructions so that the consistency is not too liquid, but not thick either. It is most convenient to stir the composition with a drill with a special whisk nozzle. For beginners without experience, you can not knead the adhesive composition, but use a special mastic on the walls.

    Preparation of tile adhesive

  3. Tile adhesive is applied to the wall with a wide notched trowel.
  4. Tiles are being laid along a previously drawn line - the standard tile layout involves laying from the second row from the floor, while the very first row is skipped at this stage (you can lay it along the wall without mortar).
    Crosses or matches are placed between the tiles so that the distance between the rows and adjacent tiles is the same. For laying in difficult places, the tile is cut with a grinder or a tile cutter, the corners can be carefully broken off with pliers.

    Laying tiles according to the markup

    Attention! Laying should be done carefully, not pressing the tiles against the wall too hard, so that it does not crack.

    If the tile is very small size, it is better to start laying not from the corner, but from the middle of the wall. This will leave an equal amount of space around the edges, which means it will be easier to fit the edge tiles, because you will not need to cut very thin strips. Places for sockets and switches are recommended to be left empty in case the wiring moves a couple of centimeters so that you do not have to dismantle and then install new tiles in these places.

    Keep the seams straight

  5. After the masonry is slightly strengthened, the protruding excess adhesive composition is removed with a sponge. Upon completion of all the above works, when the tile is completely dry, that is, after about a day, it is performed). The crosses are removed, and the seams are rubbed with a special moisture-resistant grout, which is matched to the color of the tile, using a trowel with a rubber base. The remaining putty is carefully and at the same time very carefully washed off with a damp sponge.


Features of laying floor tiles

Before laying, the surface must be leveled with concrete screed or leveling compounds, having previously laid a layer of waterproofing. After absolute drying, the dewy floor must be carefully primed and marked.

Advice. To obtain perfectly smooth lines, two or more laser levels can be used.

In general, the sequence of work is generally similar to laying tiles on walls, with the difference that laying on the floor usually starts from the middle of the room in order to avoid a large number edge cuts.

Attention! Laying tiles on the floor is carried out from the wall opposite to the front door.

The adhesive mixture for floor tiles is most often used flexible, standard or special - the appropriate option is selected based on the material of the selected tile and the type of base.

Before laying tiles, the floor surface must be leveled and debris removed.

The flexible mixture is recommended for laying on fiberboard and chipboard sheets, on wooden floors, as well as on concrete, iron and other substrates. In this case, do not immediately apply the entire mixture to the floor surface so that it does not dry out.

Another important point: to grout all the joints formed between the floor tiles, putty with the addition of sand should be used, while for jointing small joints between tiles on the walls, a putty that does not contain it in its composition is required.

Applying floor tile adhesive


Following the instructions given, it is quite possible to cope with the decoration of the bathroom on your own, that is, without the help of a professional tiler. The main thing is not to break the sequence of work, to be extremely careful, to meticulously measure the horizontal and vertical lines of all sequentially laid out rows of tiles.

How to lay tiles with your own hands: video

Laying tiles in the bathroom: photo

The main type of flooring and wall decoration for wet rooms (bathroom and kitchen) is ceramic tile or tile. In our article, we will tell you how the tiles are laid, how the surface is prepared, and what tools are needed for the job.

According to experts, the laying of tiles should be carried out on a pre-leveled base. There are several ways to remove the old coating, the use of which depends on the type of finishing material. If the plaster on the wall is fixed with wooden shingles, then such a layer must be removed completely, and then the solution should be leveled along the previously leveled beacons.

In the case when the finish is made of tiles, such products are removed completely, after which the surface is cleaned of adhesive residue. Preliminary stage work is cleaning the seams and wetting the material. Approximately two or three hours later, you can start dismantling works. The tile needs to be slightly hooked with a chisel, while the tool is recessed into the mortar joint after several hammer blows. All elements of the coating are removed in a similar way.

If the surface of the wall was previously treated with paint, then such a layer must be removed before plastering. The dismantling of paint and varnish products is carried out using a grinding disc, which is installed on the grinder. Whitewashing is removed from the wall with a special scraper or a metal spatula. Old wallpaper is removed from the wall completely, after which the base is cleaned of adhesive residue.

After the dismantling of the old coating, the base is cleaned sandpaper and polish. Next, the accumulated construction debris is removed from the surface (a soft, damp cloth is usually used for this purpose). To improve the adhesion of tiles to the base, a primer is used. Such a composition is applied with a paint brush or roller, it not only improves adhesion, but also prevents the appearance of mold on the wall.

After dismantling the old finish, it is necessary to assess the damage to the base layer. On the surface there may be bulges and small dimples, cracks and chips, roughness, as well as slopes directed in different directions. Surface leveling technology will depend on the nature of the damage. So, with height differences of up to 6 centimeters, plaster is used on the base of a cement-sand mortar. With an increase in these indicators, it is recommended to use gypsum boards.

To begin with, consider the technology of leveling the base using plaster. First you need to clean and degrease the base layer, and only after that proceed to the main work. If the height differences are within 1 centimeter, then there is no need for alignment, since the adhesive mixture will completely block this gap. If there are significant differences in the upper and lower parts of the wall, a fishing line or cord is pulled along which beacons will be installed.

Next cook cement-sand mortar and apply it in the intervals between the beacons. The mixture can be spread with a spatula or a special plaster ladle. Next, the solution is leveled with a rule and wait for drying. After that, the surface of the wall in the bathroom is treated with an antiseptic and a primer.

The second leveling method is the use of drywall sheets. Installation of such products must be carried out from the bottom up. Depending on the type of base, sheets of moisture-resistant drywall can be fixed with a gypsum mortar or on screws that are screwed into a pre-prepared frame made of a metal profile. When all products are installed, the joints are sealed with putty, after which the coating is treated with a primer.

Particular difficulties with surface preparation arise when laying tiles on a wooden floor. To begin with, the base must be treated with a special primer in several layers. Then they apply plaster mesh and level the base layer with a solution. Use wood flooring experts do not recommend for laying tiles. This is due to the fact that such material under layers of glue and tiles loses the ability to breathe. In the future, a fungus will appear on the wood, which will significantly reduce its service life.

Necessary tools and materials

First you need to choose the right ceramic tile in a hardware store. When buying, you need to pay attention to the stability of the product in relation to the influence of humidity (materials of class 1 or 2 are suitable for the bathroom). The strength of the tile is also important, in this case the most durable class 5 products are needed. The calculation of the tile is carried out according to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls or floor, plus 10-20% for the margin.

Before carrying out repair work with your own hands, you need to prepare the following materials and construction tools:

  • ceramic of the selected color and texture;
  • plastic crosses to maintain the same size of the seams;
  • tile adhesive;
  • polyethylene film or mastic for waterproofing the floor;
  • mixture for preliminary leveling of the base;
  • rule;
  • building level;
  • sheets of moisture-resistant drywall;
  • metal profile and self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • putty for final alignment walls;
  • primer;
  • tile cutter;
  • Bulgarian;
  • electric drill;
  • rubber mallet;
  • metal beacons;
  • instruments for measurement and control (plummet, tape measure, level).

After preparing all the necessary building materials and tools, knead adhesive mixture and start the main work.

tile adhesive

When choosing an adhesive for the floor or for installing ceramic tiles on the walls of the bathroom, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Foundation type. It can be sheets of drywall, old tile or plastered surface.
  • The type of tile, as well as the water-absorbing properties of the product. The amount of mortar that the tile can absorb will depend on such parameters.
  • The thickness and plane of an individual product. The thickness of the adhesive applied also depends on these characteristics.
  • Material consumption. This parameter depends on the thickness of the layer, as well as on the quality of the alignment of the wall. On average, 5 kilograms of solution are spent per 1 m2 of usable area, but these figures can vary in one direction or another.

After taking into account all the requirements, you can go to the store to purchase glue. The building material in question can be supplied to the market as a ready-to-use mortar or dry mix. For the coating device in the bathroom, it is recommended to purchase dry building mixtures based on cement. You can prepare such a solution according to the instructions on the package.

The adhesive mixture hardens quickly, so it is necessary to prepare such a solution based on square meter usable area. Despite the fact that the basic proportions of the components are indicated on the packaging, water is poured into the container by about 65% of the specified volume, then the dry mixture is added. Next, the components are mixed until a homogeneous consistency and further addition of liquid.

Mixing a quality solution by hand is unlikely to succeed. For this purpose, an electric drill with a special nozzle, a mixer, is usually used. After the end of the mixing process, the resulting mass should stand for 20 minutes. After that, the mixture is placed on a spatula and turned over, it is necessary that it be on the tool. If the glue begins to slip, then a little more dry powder is added to the base composition and mixed.

Do-it-yourself tile laying

First, let's get acquainted with the technology of laying tiles on the floor. In this case, work must begin from the corner of the bathroom, and from the corner that is constantly in front of the visitor's eyes (this requirement also applies to the installation of the material on the wall surface). In this place you need to install entire products. Ceramic products are mounted on a pre-leveled surface. Depending on, immediately decide and lay out the tiles by numbers, so as not to get confused in the future.

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the pattern of the future floor covering. To do this, lay out a longitudinal and transverse row of products on the surface of the base, observing the thickness of the seams (plastic crosses can be installed). When using the traditional installation method, work starts from the middle of the room for large rooms or from the second row (for a small bath).

If the diagonal laying method is used for the floor covering, then at the initial stage of work it is necessary to mark the frieze and only after that proceed with the installation of whole tiles, and then cut the products into the necessary pieces. When the first row is laid, the floor plane is controlled using the building level. Cut tiles to required size or give products the desired shape, you can different ways: using a conventional glass cutter (used for wall tiles of small thickness), using a grinder with a special circle or a tile cutter.

Particular attention is paid to the joining of elements. Plastic wedges or corners are installed at the locations of the seams. During laying, the seams in perpendicular directions must match. Also keep an eye on the protrusion of the corners of the tile, to avoid the appearance of irregularities, the material is seated slightly below the set level.

At the initial stage of work, lighthouse tiles are laid in the most high points grounds. Next, at the point of attachment of the tile, an adhesive mixture is applied and the solution is leveled with a notched trowel. The ceramic product is installed in the right place, adjusting its position with a rubber mallet. Plastic crosses are installed between the tiles. Next, you need to check the horizontalness of the flooring and you can continue with further installation.

Ceramic tiles are laid on the wall surface according to a similar algorithm. In this case, the main work begins with a wall that is clearly visible to the visitor, that is, to the surface opposite to entrance doors. There are several ways to put tiles on the wall:

  • classic version butt-to-butt;
  • along the diagonal of the surface;
  • the arrangement of tiles in a checkerboard pattern.

The first laying method is considered the simplest. In this case, it is necessary to measure the size of the products, as well as monitor the alignment of the seams. Work begins from the bottom of the wall, the prepared mortar is smeared on the surface of the wall with a notched trowel, then the tile is installed and lightly tapped. The position of each product and a whole series is checked using the building level. Crosses are installed on the edges of the tiles, they are used to regulate the thickness of the seams.

When using the "staggered" laying method, products are combined in adjacent rows. In this case, the central part of the tile of the lower row is located under the seam of the tile located in the upper row. The process of carrying out such work is somewhat simplified, because the master may not follow the coincidence of the size of the material, the main thing is to achieve the alignment of vertical seams.

And another way, laying tiles diagonally is most often used in large baths. This method is considered one of the most difficult, so it is used only by professionals in their field. The price per square meter of arranged coverage is quite high. When using this method, the perpendicularity of the seams should be observed, as well as the correct fit of the tile to the corner of the wall.


According to experts, it is quite feasible. After such a procedure, the coating acquires accuracy, a complete look. The grout material prevents the appearance of mold and further destruction of the tile. For people who do not have experience with grout, it is recommended to choose quick-drying mixtures to fill their hands. In the future, the processing of seams with grout will go much faster.

For high-quality work, you will need such a tool as a container for mixing the solution, a rubber spatula, a standard paint brush and sharp knife to clean the seams from dirt, as well as a damp cloth and a few sponges. When using aggressive mixtures, protect your hands by using rubber gloves.

At the initial stage of work, they take a knife and clean the cracks from glue residue. After that, proceed to the preparation of the grout solution. To do this, pour a little water at room temperature into a clean container and add the dry mixture. The grout must be prepared in small portions so that it does not freeze.

At the next stage of work, the mortar joints are moistened with water, for this purpose they usually use paint brush. After that, they begin to apply the mixture, and the solution is placed in the seams with a flexible spatula in the direction perpendicular to the gap. The mixture must be applied quickly, but with special care, so that the material can fill the entire space. During processing, the grout residues are removed with a spatula.

At the final stage of work, when the mixture is completely dry, wipe the surface of the wall with a cloth. The purpose of this operation is to remove the residual solution. soft cloth you need to move in the transverse direction so as not to squeeze the mixture out of the seam. The sponge is used at the final stage of work, it is used to align the seams, giving them a beautiful appearance.

The cost of the work of a tile laying master

For many property owners remains topical issue about the cost of laying tiles on the floor or walls of the bathroom. The fact is that not every person can do such work with their own hands, so many users resort to the help of specialists. The cost of laying ceramic tiles will depend on many factors, such as the need to level the base (plaster or drywall boards).

In general, for each square meter of the finished surface, you will have to pay from 400 to 550 rubles. A lot of things depend on the organization or private entrepreneur who carried out the repair work.
