Wooden window decoration. Platbands for plastic windows: finishing windows with plastic platbands. Types of decorative flashings

Putting platbands on the windows with your own hands is the easiest and cheapest way to give the exterior of the house an individuality and express its character, which has survived from antiquity to the present day, see fig. In the old days, an illiterate newcomer, guided by the architraves, could find the dwelling of the necessary master, specialist, official, office or hot spot. In our time, the functions of window trims are predominantly decorative, but the patterns on them have not lost their significance, see below.


Architraves on the windows of the dwellings of the peoples who practiced mass wooden architecture appeared simultaneously with the windows “glazed” with fish bladder and mica. Initially, their purpose was purely functional: to cover the insulation and wind insulation - caulking - in the gap between the window and the frame.

Architraves with sacred patterns were first noted among the ancient Celts, but the true flowering of the art of creation carved architraves associated with the unification of the resurgent Rus' under the rule of Moscow and the overthrow of Mongolian yoke; Russian masters in wood carving knew no equal. The Bolsheviks wrote down the architraves in the remnants of the philistinism and declared a war of destruction on them, but at present, artistically designed window architraves are experiencing a rebirth.

This article is intended, as far as possible, to satisfy the reader's demand for how to make beautiful trims on windows with your own hands, how to give them artistic expression and install them in place.


Types of structural design of window platbands are shown in the photo. Overhead platbands (pos. 1) are attached to the wall; plug-in, or box-shaped (pos. 2) - to the slopes of the window opening of windows (this is better) or in the window frame (worse). Overhead platbands are placed on the windows flush with the wall; inserted - on windows in niches.

According to the possibilities of isolation and protection of the window insulation, the platbands are divided into framing (pos. 3) and portal, pos. 5. The platband-portal is often supplemented with a visor. The platband-frame practically does not protect the window insulation/seal from blocking and is placed on windows from the inside or on windows overlooking a canopy, for example, on a veranda.


Traditionally, the installation of platbands is carried out by fastening to a wall or window slopes. Now for this it is best to use self-tapping screws (4.2-6) x (80x150), if the wall is not wooden - in propylene dowels. Attachment points are placed as evenly as possible at the rate of 1 point per 5-7 square meters. dm surface of the clypeus, outlined by its outer contour. When attaching to slopes, the attachment points are placed in a row with a step of 150-300 mm (depending on the mass of the casing, which, in turn, depends on its artistic execution, see below) along the center line of the protruding part of the bearing (base) wall. Holes with fastener heads are either hidden in the tie of the upper levels (see below), or they are puttied and painted over with the main tone.


In modern houses, insulated from the outside and sheathed with siding / clapboard, windows are often flush with the base wall, otherwise the window will sink into the wall altogether. In this case, there is nothing left to fix the casing, except for the window frame. In such a case, the so-called. telescopic architraves, but quite reliably they will hold only on windows in reinforced frames designed for regions with a harsh climate; frame material - reinforced PVC or modified wood (see below), does not really matter.

All the "telescopicity" of the platbands comes down to installing them on additional elements cut in place, rigidly connected to the window frame. The most reliable are the platbands on the groove extensions, on the left in fig. Telescopic architrave systems with a groove in the frame (for example, on the right in the figure) are not intended for outdoor installation: a gust of wind can break the architrave, breaking the frame at the same time.

If the window frame is modern wooden or PVC with a groove for the key, telescopic architraves can be installed to such a window without removing it. If a PVC window with a wall with an inaccessible base surface is not intended for installing a trim, then there is no other way out than to remove the window, put a box under the trim in the opening, attaching it to base wall, and reinstall the window. In this case, the platband box must have grooves that fit into the places where the window anchors are attached.

Wood for architraves

Painted, carved and slotted platbands wooden platbands (see below) are made from high-quality straight-grained pine or larch without knots. The thickness of the boards is from 30 mm. Knotty spruce is not good: outside, the knots will soon outline under any coating, and there they will begin to fall out.

Carved architraves require wood that is suitable for carving - fine-grained, viscous, fairly dense - and resistant to outdoor conditions. The best species for this are oak and beech, but they are quite expensive. Linden, alder and aspen are suitable after 2-fold impregnation (the first impregnation - until seepage through) with a water-polymer emulsion; oil, silicone and mineral (borax solution) impregnation from decay does not increase the viscosity and surface strength of wood. Birch is absolutely unsuitable: from the outside, no impregnation will save it from being attacked by fungi.

Note: a magnificent carved platband is very simply obtained from the cheapest plywood, twice impregnated with a water-polymer emulsion. For more information about plywood trims, see the end.

Shield for platband

Sometimes one board is not enough for the desired width of the casing, but fastening 2-3 boards into a shield with steel fasteners in this case is a gross mistake. The wooden shield on the steel outside will soon split, then the fasteners in the gap between the casing and the wall will rust and crumble. But it is also impossible to assemble boards into a shield for a casing in a furniture way without additional reinforcement, because a cabinet or table is not designed to withstand strong winds, rain and snow. They rally the shields from the boards for the platband. see also fig. below:

  1. A plastic film is spread on a table or workbench with a 3-fold margin along the width of the future shield;
  2. The boards are folded into a bag on a film and glued with PVA or waterproof wood glue;
  3. When the glue sets, the package of boards is wrapped with a film;
  4. Plywood cheeks are placed under the package in the film and put on it;
  5. The package with cheeks is tightly wrapped with a linen cord;
  6. Pairs of wooden wedges are knocked under the turns of the cord so that the cord is pulled as tight as possible;
  7. After 2-3 times of complete drying of the glue, the cord, cheeks and film are removed;
  8. From the underside (back side), the shield is additionally reinforced by stuffing 40x20 bars laid flat across the boards.

Note: boards are assembled into a package, observing the rules for alternating the orientation of the layers of wood, like furniture panels, see on the left in fig.

Not a tree

Wooden unpainted platbands do not look good on any non-wooden wall, even if its material imitates the colors of wood well. In such cases, it is better to either put simple PVC platbands complete with the window (on the left in the figure), or more expensive polyurethane platbands, the rest of the pos. in fig. Polyurethane platbands can imitate external stucco and painted multi-level cut-out platbands (on the right in the figure); the latter option can be prefabricated on glue from elements purchased separately.

Arts are different

Artistically designed window trims can be made, firstly, framed (pos. 1 in the figure below) or in a salary, pos. 2; functionality, i.e. window seal protection, both are the same. The platbands in salaries are the most informative and sacrally significant, which we will discuss below. Frame platbands, in addition to functionality, are mainly decorative.

From the point of view of woodwork, frame platbands, in order of increasing complexity, are divided into:

  • Cut-out - boards or shields are cut along the figured contour, pos. 3.
  • Slotted, pos. 4 - a pattern is cut out in the board / shield. They are relatively rare, because. fragile.
  • Slotted multi-level, pos. 5, up to 5 or more levels - sawn patterned modules are attached to a solid plain or cut-out base. In addition to strength, multi-level platbands are good because powerful fasteners to the wall are hidden in the tie of the upper levels, and the upper levels themselves can be fastened with small, inconspicuous fasteners.
  • With overhead relief details, pos. 6. In our time, technologically, they may turn out to be simpler than cut ones, because. on a tree it looks quite appropriate acc. painted purchased polyurethane relief.
  • With low convex thread, pos. 7 - they look great, but very laborious, you need to choose a lot of wood.
  • With low depressed thread, pos. 8 - the complexity is less, but the work is more difficult, because very difficult to correct visible flaws.

Note: on pos. 8 shows a casing with the so-called. pillow carving - the corners of the protruding fragments are smoothed. The platbands with pillow carvings look almost as luxurious as those with a convex one, but they are almost as labor-intensive.

As for the colorful decor, the platbands can be painted, pos. 3, unpainted lacquered, pos. 4, or natural look, pos. 7, painted in different colors by levels, pos. 5, 6, and painted entirely, pos. 8. Almost exclusively carved platbands are painted, and natural - from especially resistant wood species (bog oak, etc.)

About the sculpture of architraves

In general, platbands with sculptural carvings, high (round, semicircular) and low, see Fig., could not be mentioned in an article with the tag “do it yourself”. Anyone who knows how to cut wood like that does not need explanations on how to make and put a window trim. But there is one point, little known to experienced craftsmen.

MDF - have you heard? In fact, this is tracing paper with MDF, medium density fiberboard, medium density wood board. The well-known fiberboard is low density fiberboard, low density wood board. And there is also HDF, high density fibreboard, high density fibreboard, which is little known in our country due to its relative high cost. All these materials are quite environmentally friendly, because. obtained by hot pressing wood pulp without synthetic binder, the difference is only in the temperature and pressure of the press.

So, HDF, firstly, subject to 2-fold impregnation with a water-polymer emulsion, is resistant to outdoor conditions. And in terms of viscosity and density, it is suitable for fine wood carving, but it is much cheaper than wood species for artistic carving and is produced in large, absolutely homogeneous slabs. HDF cuts not as well as walnut, but quite similar to oak and beech.


A complete set of elements of the Russian casing frame is shown on the left in the figure; the names of its parts are also given there. In specific products, certain modules may be absent, because. they overlap in importance.

The teremets with a kokoshnik and an apron have the main sacred meaning; the informative and functional load is carried, as a rule, by heads and overhangs. A tympanum with an apron usually protects from evil, and a kokoshnik with a frill, robes and a window sill are talismans that attract good. Specific figures for both were in old Rus', not only in every village, but almost in every house. In common for good, there is a circle with radii, rays or wings (the Sun), a bird (the firebird is the heiress of either the phoenix or the simurgh), the horse is a symbol of prosperity and social status, and the fish is the original positive symbol of Christianity. Universal charms from evil - a stylized floral ornament based on useful plants.

Note: the wing, as part of a bird that carries it in the sky, has the same sacred meaning as a bird. The Winged Sun is a good messenger. The Christian six-winged seraphim is nothing but the pagan winged Sun with an angelic face.

In the European-Oriental tradition, the universal symbols of goodness are the cartouche and the medallion. The medallion, of course, is the Sun, and the cartouche is either a stylized tree of life, or the phoenix bird is on it. Both do not contradict both Christianity and ancient Slavic beliefs. In Rus', they even undertook to combine the cartouche with the medallion, for which the teremets of the casing was cut, on the right in fig.


In the city highest value they had a talisman on a tympanum and a kokoshnik, they were from damage, the evil eye, etc. The templates of the upper amulets of the window trim of a city house are given in fig. The top one has a cartouche, stylized birds, fish (the tails are clearly visible) and at least 12 other positive elements visible to a knowledgeable person.

The lower one is more for adherents of primordial beliefs. There, in a stylized solar circle, there is some ancient Slavic deity. Which one is not quite clear, but definitely good. Good tramples evil in the form of a snake: note that the lower elements of this board are not symmetrical.

In the countryside, and even more so in the forest, it was considered necessary to protect oneself equally from the upper (evil eye, slander, etc.) and lower evil: creeping reptiles and forest evil spirits. The platbands with a weighted or heavy apron were called to help in this, equal in height or greater than the upper amulet. An example of the upper and lower boards of the architraves-shore with a weighted apron of a village house is given in fig. You can try to decrypt it yourself.


Ornaments of window frames are usually built on the basis of the so-called. rapports - elements that are self-adjoint in one direction, forming a linear seamless pattern, on the left in fig. By changing the size and number of rapports, you can quickly develop a slotted casing for any window. Combining only 2-3 rapports, it is possible to get a wide variety of patterns; stencils of several types of fully conjugated rapports are given on the right in fig.

The rapports of the pattern do not have to be completely matched with each other, this will make the pattern visually more complex and effective. For example, the pattern of the top row on the next. rice. is built by flipping "upside down" each subsequent fragment relative to the previous one. The rapports of other ornaments in fig. are conjugated either along broken or curved lines (marked in red).

Note 5: decorating the corners of frame architraves with end elements common to rapport lines often turns out to be difficult, there just isn’t enough space at the corner. In such a case, follow. rice. templates of isosceles ends of the ornament are given. Turned by 45 degrees, linear ornaments can also be built from them. These details are best cut out of plywood, see at the end.


If you want to make unique carved architraves for yourself, then the main difficulty along the way is the selection of a tool. In addition to flat chisels of 5, 10, 16/18 and 24 mm (pos. A in the figure), you will need oblique ones of the same widths, but always in pairs - right and left, pos. B. Corner chisels will be enough 6, 12 and 18/24 mm at an angle of 90 degrees, pos. IN.

Much more semicircular chisels, pos. G: to start with 4, 8, 13 and 16 mm normal, with a gutter depth equal to its width. 4 and 8 mm chisels will also need deep ones, the so-called. U-shaped, and 13 and 16 mm are also sloping.

For fine artistic carving, you will also need curved chisels-clucarzy normal, sloping and angular at 60 degrees, pos. D1, D2, D3. For pillow carving, you can not do without reverse cranberries for smoothing corners, pos. D2a. The minimum required sizes are marked on pos. D red.

You need to look for chisels for wood carving in art stores, but buying all the initially necessary randomly will be very expensive. It is better to immediately take a set for woodcarving, but not for a fine sculptural one of 40-60 items (pos. E), it will not cost less, and at first it will simply be incomprehensible to you what to do with most of these tools. You need to take a set for beginners from 12-15 items, pos. Well, it will only be necessary to buy knives-jambs at 90 and 60 degrees (shown by arrows in pos. E). With tools from such a set, it will be possible to ennoble cut-out overlays and make rather thin geometric carvings, see Fig.:

Note: if you have the opportunity to use a manual milling machine for wood, then a cut-out or slotted platband can be significantly improved visually by putting a figured chamfer along its edge with a shaped cutter - mug, see fig. on right.


The worst packaging plywood after 2-fold impregnation with a water-polymer emulsion becomes suitable for medium-level artistic carving, and after painting with water-dispersion paint and varnishing acrylic varnish it turns out to be resistant on the outside, like an oak tree. But more importantly, the strength of plywood, unlike boards, is almost equal in all directions. Required for the platband minimum thickness in 30 mm it is 5 layers of plywood and 5 levels of trim decoration. In this way, it is possible to make plywood platbands, visually almost as good as the masterpieces of the masters of the past; compare left and center in Fig.

Antique carved platbands, modern plywood platband and jigsaw machine for cutting plywood

However, it will take a long time and inaccurately to cut so much plywood with a manual jigsaw, and a joiner's electric jigsaw for such thin lace is unacceptably rude. We need a jigsaw machine, it is also a stationary electric jigsaw, on the right in fig. Branded jigsaws are expensive, but those that are not inferior to them can be made with your own hands from a manual electric jigsaw (which does not deteriorate from this and remains suitable for basic work), an old sewing machine, and other methods, see for example. track. video.

Video: homemade jigsaw for woodcarving

Note: sewing machine machines are the safest and may not be electrified if the machine is foot operated. In this case, the frequency of the file moves is regulated elementarily without any electronics: you just need to jerk your feet more or less often.

The platbands on the windows perform not only an aesthetic function, they protect the house from dust and serve as insulation, so their installation is recommended in a wooden house. We will tell you how you can make cashiers and carvings with your own hands.

A bit of history

Charming symbols were used on the platbands

So, the decoration of the platbands is amazing. They depicted symbols with wired properties. Our ancestors gave them great value. But unfortunately, for a long time the art of creating architraves was forgotten. And a lot of useful information is lost. Today, many craftsmen restore this craft with great difficulty.

Manufacturing technologies

As mentioned above, the Russians attached great importance to magical properties wood. Moreover, these properties were different for different tree species. Even the place and conditions in which the tree grew were taken into account.

The traditional old way

Therefore, in the old days there were a great many signs. If, for example, a tree grew at a crossroads, then the objects that were made from it will not bring any benefit.

From the drawings of the ornament, one can determine from which province this or that master came. At the same time, the principles of working with wood were different everywhere. Views on wood too, for example, deaf, sculptural, invoice, slotted.

Traditional wood carving methods

Over time there was a mixture of styles. This gave the buildings a special originality and uniqueness. Many examples of ancient carpentry art can be found in museums, and in some places buildings have been preserved that have delighted with the beauty of their architraves for many centuries.

Modern methods

Today, modern craftsmen work not only with wood, but also with synthetic materials. For example, PVC, metal, plywood.

You can't argue with that. Modern technology can work wonders. Many companies offer a wide variety of trim options from a variety of materials.

You can buy budget or expensive. This is a matter of taste and financial possibilities.

But not everyone is happy with this option. Therefore, there are firms that individual project with every customer. At the same time, you will be offered a lot of catalogs, sketches, so that you can choose a casing to your taste, color and pattern you like.

When ordering, both the size of the window and the color of the facade of the house will be taken into account, and after that you will only have to admire the beautiful frame of your window.

But the fact is that no machine will transfer the warmth of the human soul to its product. And many people now understand this. Therefore, those who appreciate real carpentry art are happy to turn to carpentry workshops. Of course, the cost of the carpenter's work is quite expensive. Prices for these types of services start at 5000 rubles, but it's worth it.

Thread types

Carved platbands - rich window decoration

From ancient times, four main types of carvings on platbands have come down to us.

  1. Flat thread. When performing this type of thread, lines are cut along the contour of the pattern. As a rule, such a carving is combined with other types, the ornament is diluted with wedge-shaped cuts. There are two options for this type:
    • Geometric. As the name implies, its elements have a characteristic geometric shape. It is performed as follows: with a knife - a jamb at a certain angle to the surface with pressure, an incision is made. The cut is made on the other side. Despite the seeming simplicity, and only a couple of tools are needed to perform such a job, it will not be possible to acquire such a skill right away. This will take two months. Moreover, such work is very responsible, it is very difficult to correct mistakes. contour. To perform this view, the outline is drawn with a notch line. The thickness of the groove may vary depending on the ornament. In order to make this type of carving, you will need the following set of tools: chisels, cutters, the main requirement for them is that sharpening must be done strictly at different angles.
    • Flat carving. This is a somewhat more complex type of carving. The edges of the pattern are processed in a special way, giving the ornament a relief look. In this case, the depth of the pattern becomes the same as the depth of the background. The main elements are plant motifs, animals. Such an ornament is considered one of the most complex. He demands more various tools. Let us dwell on three varieties of this type of thread:
      • With curved lines. When performing this type of work, the contours of the pattern are rounded. On the side of the groove, there is a weaker collapse, it is stronger on the side of the background.
      • With cushion background. When performing this technique, the edge of the notch, which is closest to the pattern, is made rounded, while the background is chosen sloping. The bulge becomes like a pillow, hence the name. You can perform a slight lowering of the surface to be treated.
      • With selected background. The main secret of this technique is the fully selected background, at equal depth around the pattern. The master strives to create the impression that all the details of the pattern are pasted.
  2. Slotted thread. A very openwork is created on the surface of the tree. This is achieved due to the fact that the background is almost completely removed. Such a platband resembles a beautiful, lightest napkin. The workpiece is attached to a wooden or fabric base. In this case, contrasting colors are selected. This type of pattern is considered overhead. We can say that this type of carving is the most difficult, and only a professional can do it. Saw carving can have a very rich set of themes. It can be as simple geometric figures, and elements depicting people or animals.

For this type of equipment, a slitting brace, a mini-hacksaw, a jigsaw are useful. Perhaps a drill with a feather nozzle will come in handy. The finishing of the slots should be the thinnest, so it is done only by hand. To do this, use chisels, cutters, jambs.

Combination various kinds carving allows you to create a real work of art. Due to the high level of skill required, it is rarely tried on in practice. Although individual elements can be used to decorate facades.

Photo gallery: window trims - do-it-yourself templates (stencils)

How to make wooden carved platbands for windows with your own hands

In order to learn how to make platbands, you have to study for a long time. If you have at least basic skills with a hacksaw and a drill, then you may have a chance to do this job.

Platbands can be made independently

It may not be possible to immediately execute the platband with slotted thread, but here's a simpler one perhaps.

Necessary materials

Wood is needed to make a platband. Choose one that is famous for its long service life. However, it should not be too hard. Tree species such as oak or beech are unlikely to be useful. You will have to prepare a small supply and be patient, as the work will be long and painstaking.

The best material for a beginner joiner would be birch or pine. How good are they. The wood itself, of course, is harsh, but the cuts are beautiful and neat. If you plan to add overhead elements to your pattern, then an apple or bird cherry tree is well suited for this.

After you have finished your work, you should impregnate the casing with a special composition. To do this, you can purchase varnishes or impregnations. Stain will help emphasize the beauty of the wood texture. If you make small mistakes, it is not scary that they can be masked with paint, white or sky blue. Ordinary, usually white or sky blue.


It depends on what kind of thread you are going to make. Depending on the complexity of the pattern, you will need either only the most necessary, or a complete set of tools.

Choose the degree of difficulty based on your skills and experience in similar work. For example, in order to make the simplest openwork ornament, you do not need the skills of a professional carpenter. And if you connect fantasy, then you can turn any minor flaws into a pattern element.

If you are inexperienced, do not choose patterns that have a lot of small elements and a lot of details. The idea of ​​​​the drawing should be clear to the viewer, but it will take you a lot of time to create a complex pattern, and you just need angelic patience.

One of the necessary tools for making platbands is a drill

main stage

To work, you will need a drill, drills, preferably several sizes, a jigsaw, manual or electric, sandpaper, drying oil and wood.

  1. The first step is to clean the surface sandpaper, preferably to absolute smoothness. Now blanks are being made for the side connection. This can be done in two ways. If the cut of the end part is made at an angle of 45 º, then this is called "tongue and groove" or "half-tree".
  2. If you don't have great experience, then take a pattern with large elements to begin with. You can apply the contour directly to the tree.
  3. If drawing an ornament is difficult for you, prepare a stencil with which you can transfer the elements of the ornament to the working board.

Video: we make a carved simple cashier made of wood

Work with your soul, the tree is alive, and if it feels your love, then the work will turn out amazing. And if you like this work, then you can perform real miracles of carpentry. Gained experience is always valuable.

Who knows, maybe our wise ancestors were right in protecting their homes by installing carved architraves on the windows.

October 14, 2016
Specialization: master in construction drywall constructions, finishing works oh and laying floor coverings. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

Carved architraves on the windows in a wooden house have been a traditional option for decorating houses for several centuries; earlier, one could even judge the wealth of the owners by them. Nowadays there are many modern materials, but wood products have not lost their relevance and are still popular.

And if you have a wooden house, then the facade should definitely be decorated with a beautiful frame, I will tell you what types it is, and you need to choose the option that suits best.

Types of platbands

I will only talk about wooden products, since it is not serious to put plastic trim on a house made of wood, it's like clinging cheap stickers to expensive car: although they are beautiful, they will spoil the impression in any case.

There are several product options, I will not say that one of them is worse or better, each type fits a certain style of the structure and it is important to choose the best solution in each case.

Option 1 - finished products

The industry produces standard platbands, the surface of which can be of different configurations:

Form Description
straight slats The simplest option, which is high-quality processed planks with perfectly even corners. Such products are well suited for wooden houses in modern style, the clarity of the lines allows you to well emphasize the beauty of the tree, and at the same time the frame does not look outdated
Elements with rounded edges Such products are often used inside houses and apartments when decorating doorways, but they can also be used outside if they are suitable for decoration. In this case, you just need to determine the optimal width of the elements so that the trim looks the best.
Semicircular products This option differs in that it is a convex surface, which is well suited in cases where you need to imitate a log or beam. Products should be chosen carefully, since on oval elements all flaws are very visible. Again, this design is more suitable for modern buildings.
Figured platbands The most interesting of the standard options, the surface in this case is not straight, but figured, and the profile can be very different, as well as the width. This is a kind of compromise for those who do not like other products, but the simplicity of even elements is also not very pleasant.

Another plus is the ability to manufacture original products to order, their price will be higher, but you will get a non-standard frame.

As for the workflow, it is simple, because you buy finished goods and you can put them to work right away. The advantage of this option is that the platband can be used both as an external and as an internal one, while the rest are intended only for use on facades.

The instruction for the work looks like this:

  • First of all, you need to take measurements to determine how many elements and how long you need. It is better to write down all the data, especially if there are a lot of windows, since you can confuse something and in the end it turns out that you do not have enough material, or, conversely, there is too much of it;
  • When buying, keep in mind that products come in a standard length (usually 2.2 meters), so you need to calculate how many elements you need, because waste is inevitably generated during work and sometimes there can be a lot of them. Most often, pine products are sold, but if finances allow, look for a larch trim, it is much more durable;

When choosing, pay attention to the surface: it should not be damaged, blue and other defects. Also, the material must be dry, if it is wet, then the casing will deform subsequently.

  • The work begins with the preparation of the elements, the dimensions of each are once again precisely measured, after which, using a special device called a miter box, the casing is cut at an angle of 45 degrees. So you get perfectly matching joints, which will significantly improve the appearance of the frame;

  • Further, I recommend applying a protective coating to the casing, it is better to do this before installation, as you will be able to process the elements from all sides. In addition, you will not be afraid to stain the walls and the window, which is also important. Can be used with both paint and special formulations, which will not hide the structure of the wood, the main thing is that they are weather-resistant;

  • The prepared platband can be fixed at the place of its installation, this is best done with the help of finishing nails, they are almost invisible and may have different colors to match your coloring. Products are simply exposed and nailed to the end to drive a nail and not damage the tree, use a hammer.

Option 2 - the simplest home-made platbands

If you are looking for an inexpensive and authentic frame for your country window or you love simplicity and natural lines, then this type of product will come in handy. Such products are made by hand and can be of the following types:

  • The simplest option is an unedged board with one uneven side, the material is cleaned of bark, polished, and unique elements of an unusual shape are obtained. It is possible in this way to make a platband from an edged board, cutting out irregularities on one side in random order, as a result you will get a very authentic and original design for the window;

  • The second option is even simpler: a board is taken and a frame is made with curly ends, they are simply cut as shown in the photo below, and you get a stylish frame. To enhance the effect, you can artificially age the material with sandpaper or burn it with a burner, so the products will look more impressive;

  • Another interesting solution is to create a stencil and cut one side in a certain way. You can create any profile and transfer it to the material, and then cut it out with a jigsaw, everything is very simple, but you will get the original frame for the windows.

As for the workflow, it consists of the following steps:

  • First you need to find a board of a suitable size and configuration for you, the thickness of the elements can be small, there will be no load on them. Of course, it is best to have processed elements on hand, but simple board, it will have to be polished independently;
  • Manufacturing will not take much effort, you either need to decorate one side, or even cut curly ends. Then the surface is carefully processed with sandpaper, as a result, perfectly smooth elements should be obtained;
  • As for the decorative coating, it can be paints and varnishes, the surface can be pre-aged with a plastic or wire brush, which is placed on a drill, it removes soft layers, leaving a textured surface. It is better to apply the protective composition in two layers to ensure maximum reliability;

  • Fastening is carried out using finishing nails, their length and number depend on the thickness and weight of the elements. The main thing is to choose the right color so that the fixation points are not visible at all after the work is completed.

Option 3 - slotted platbands

This solution is very different from the two above, both in appearance and in the complexity of manufacturing. This option looks many times more interesting and original, this is a traditional solution in a folk style, which is not suitable for any window.

As for such a casing, I cannot help but note the huge variety of options that you can implement, because you can use ready-made templates, or you can draw your own, your imagination is limited only by the complexity of the work. Too fanciful ornaments are much more difficult to realize, remember this.

Let's figure out how to make such skillful products with your own hands. Do not be afraid, for all the seeming pretentiousness, you will cope with the work without much difficulty. The main thing is to have everything you need at hand and be patient, the manufacturing process may not be complicated, but it takes a lot of time.

We need the following:

  • A board of the required length and width, it is better to take already processed options to simplify your work;
  • Electric jigsaw - this will be our main working tool, in addition to it, stock up on fine-toothed cutting blades so that the quality of the thread is as high as possible;

  • We need a drill with a drill in order to drill holes into which a jigsaw will be inserted and figured cutting is carried out. special requirements no, the main thing is that the drill should be wider than the jigsaw blade;
  • To make patterns, we will need either ready-made patterns or home-made options, they must be of the required scale so that you simply transfer them to the material without unnecessary troubles.

The workflow looks like this:

  • First of all, you need to prepare workplace, the board should be stably located at a convenient height so that you do not have to work with a jigsaw with one hand and hold the workpiece with the other. You can use clamps or just press the element with something heavy, decide for yourself which is better, based on the working conditions;
  • Then you need to pick up a pattern, you can find ready-made options on the Internet, you can draw them on a computer, enlarge them to the desired scale and print them. They can be drawn on paper, or they can be cut out of cardboard - if you will be making a lot of elements, then this option is preferable;

  • An important point of the work is the transfer of the pattern to the tree, if you have a cut pattern, then there is nothing complicated, but if on paper, then you need to decide how it is more convenient to markup. You can put ordinary carbon paper under the sheet and simply circle the drawing - you will get an accurate markup, and if you don’t have carbon paper at hand, you can pierce the paper so that you can then draw a pattern on the tree point by point;
  • When the markup is over, you can get to work, all the elements that are located along the edge can be cut out like this, but the patterns inside require a different approach. In the place where it is more convenient for you to start cutting, holes are drilled, after which a jigsaw blade is inserted there and the pattern is cut out, the main thing is to be careful, monitor the accuracy of the lines and, if necessary, correct them;

  • When the element is completely cut out, it is the turn of bringing the casing to perfection. Sandpaper is taken, and all cutouts are polished, the edges are rounded and the surface is leveled. As a result, you should get a finished element on which there are no protruding wood fibers;

  • Then I recommend applying a protective coating to the casing, it is better to do this before installing it, and not after. Coloring can be either monophonic or multi-colored in order to highlight individual parts of the pattern more clearly;
  • Fastening can be carried out both with the help of finishing nails and on dowels. This option is done like this: chopsticks are taken, a hole is drilled under them in the casing and in the window frame. After that, the dowel is well lubricated with PVA glue, inserted into the frame, and then placed on window frame, as a result, the structure is securely fixed and there are no outside fasteners at all.

Option 4 - platbands with laid on thread

Another traditional solution that has been very popular for more than one century. This type of product has a number of differences from the previous one:

  • The product consists of two parts: a base in the form of a flat or figured board and carved elements that can be located both on the base and on the side of it. This design looks more expressive and voluminous, which is important for those who want to achieve the maximum decorative effect;

  • In the manufacture, many small elements can be used, which simplifies the manufacture. You do not need to cut out the entire casing, you can make a composition from several small parts, and in the end you will get just an excellent result;
  • You can use different types of wood if pine or more is taken for the base reliable option, then it is recommended to use apple or cherry for overlays. They are easy to process and with normal processing last a long time. The modern solution is to use plywood for the overlays, this option is good because you can save money, and at the same time cutting will be much easier;
  • Another solution is the arrangement of various carved elements in one product, resulting in luxurious openwork frames. The only negative is the complexity of the manufacturing process.

Window carvings of this type are made in much the same way as the above option, so I will only touch on the differences in the workflow:

  • First you need to choose the option that you will do, if the base is even, then just cut the board, if it is carved, do it as usual. The top decor can be cut from a board or plywood of small thickness, this will greatly simplify the workflow and speed it up;

If you decide to use plywood, then be sure to choose a moisture-resistant option. Ordinary sheets even with good coverage will begin to swell and warp after a couple of years.

  • All elements are carefully processed with sandpaper, after which they need to be painted. To achieve the greatest decorative effect, it is recommended to paint the base in a contrasting color to make the pattern even more expressive. Paint the parts before assembling, so as not to burn out later and not to paste over the surfaces, in such elaborate designs it is very difficult;

  • Installing platbands in a wooden house on the windows is done in any way convenient for you. You can use traditional dowels, you can use finishing nails, or you can go the easy way and use modern adhesive materials. At one time, I had to glue the casing on suburban area due to the lack of other fasteners, about 10 years have passed, everything is holding up just fine.

Option 5 - carved platbands

Without a doubt, this is the most difficult to implement, but also the most luxurious type of window frames. Currently, there are two main types of products:

  • Made by hand with cutters, these options are the most expensive, because they are made by hand from start to finish. You can make such a casing on your own only if you have some practice, you will have to master wood carving to cope with the work;

  • Platbands made on special milling machines look just great. After all, you can create any pattern or composition on the product, you just need to enter the pattern into computer program and she will bring the idea to life. Naturally, units have such equipment at home, but you can order a casing and get it in a matter of days.

As for the workflow, there is no point in talking about manufacturing, carving is the topic of a separate review or even a whole book. Therefore, we will deal with the installation, as this is an important part of the work and any mistakes will lead to damage to the expensive decor:

  • Most often, you get finished items without any coating. Often the wood structure is not closed, and high-strength protective compounds. The so-called yacht varnish is well suited, it is resistant to weathering and retains strength and reliability for a long time. It is better to carry out the processing in two layers in order to accurately cover all areas of the surface, pay special attention to the recesses and bends, the composition should get everywhere;
  • When the elements dry, you need to try them on and determine the position of each part. If the structure is assembled, then you can immediately drill holes and insert dowels into them, then grease the ends of the fasteners with chalk or something else and gently attach to the surface, there will be points on it where you need to drill holes. This markup option eliminates miscalculations and errors;
  • Lastly, the dowels and holes are smeared with carpentry glue, after which the platband is installed in its place and pressed well. This is the end of the job.


The video in this article will help you understand some important nuances themes are even better, because it is worth seeing once than reading a sheet of text. Choose the best solution and implement it, of course, few people can do wood carving, but other options can be implemented without special skills. If you have any questions, write them in the comments below the review.

October 14, 2016

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> Platbands on plastic windows- what is it, why is it needed and how to install

Hi all!

On the weekends, my family and I went to friends at the dacha, celebrated their country housewarming.

The house turned out great, only the design of the windows immediately caught my eye. The joints between the window structure and the wall were not very nicely made.

Upon arrival home, he sent his specialist to them to install the platbands.

Now the connecting seam is securely hidden, and the window trim looks decent.

Are your windows decorated the right way? If not, then read what's what, further.

Do-it-yourself procedure for finishing plastic windows

Finishing of plastic windows is regulated by standards. If we take preliminary work, then this is GOST 30971. You can see with your own eyes how the perimeter of the window is finished, where you need to apply anchor plates(Appendix B) why a vapor barrier membrane is needed.

Compliance with the norms almost guarantees that the structure will not be led by the wind, the mounting foam will not crumble, leaving the frame without support.

In fact, it is the method of fastening, and not the finishing of plastic windows, that causes the most controversy.

Concerning finishing work, then one and the same thing can be observed here.

Helpful advice!

Finishing plastic windows consists in installing window sills, slopes and platbands.

And so that it all looks beautiful. Actually, the topic of conversation today is about the decoration of plastic windows.

Upon completion of the installation of the frame, we usually see a bare span with sections polyurethane foam. As can be seen from the standards, it is necessary to cover it from the inside with a vapor barrier membrane, which is recommended if the builders have forgotten this.

Even before finishing plastic windows. This guarantees the outflow of moisture from the thermal insulation layer, and water tends to penetrate everywhere.

Have you noticed such plastic plugs on the outside of the frame? Did you think that these are mounting elements that are not related to the decoration of plastic windows? Plugs cover the holes leading directly to the double-glazed window.

This eliminates the suction cup effect caused by the presence of multiple rubber seals. Which is exacerbated by the presence of moisture inside.

How? And like this. Moisture will still penetrate inside the plastic window through the seals. As a result, it would be difficult to open the sashes, as well as to remove the double-glazed window itself if necessary.

The successful operation of plastic windows shows that these measures are useful. This means that a vapor barrier membrane, regulated by the standard, is also needed to keep the insulation dry.

The vapor barrier membrane still costs more than a film for greenhouses, so hotheads came up with the following scenario:

  • Need instead vapor barrier film for finishing plastic windows, buy polyethylene for greenhouses.
  • Then a rolling machine is taken like the one used in the USSR for hand laying asphalt. This is such a shaft of a decent diameter, freely rotating on the grips of a long handle.
  • The shaft in our case is made of a flat log. For example, you can try to find a suitable log in the store and saw off enough of it so that it is not difficult to roll.
  • The cylinder is seated as uniformly as possible with small, sharp nails. It is done like this. It is necessary to drive in nails row by row and bite off with tongs at an acute angle. That work, also do not forget that you only need to leave a small spike on the surface.
  • The resulting unit (do not forget about the handle) rolls polyethylene for finishing plastic windows.

The essence of this invention is as follows. Everyone knows that the vapor barrier membrane still passes water. Yes, yes, just the speed of penetration is very limited. This is what it's for.

As we said, moisture will still penetrate everywhere. As a result, thermal insulation loses partially or completely its abilities. There are also a number of other negative factors.

If we tightly seal a layer of mineral wool, then condensate will surely fall inside when the temperature drops. All this will rot (bacteria are everywhere too). Nothing good will come of it.

The bottom line is that the excess moisture will gradually evaporate through the vapor barrier membrane. And the new water will no longer penetrate in such a volume as to cause any negative consequences.

Ordinary perforated polyethylene will let water through large portions. Outside, it will be atmospheric precipitation, and people live in the room, breathing, throwing out steam.

Why does Malysheva say that in winter we have low levels of relative humidity in our apartment?

Steam leaves concrete buildings under the influence of heating systems.

Have you ever wondered how he does it? Right! Through concrete walls and other paths.

As a result, polyethylene passes water well in places - namely water, not steam - but otherwise creates a sealed storage. The liquid will be stored inside, looking for a way out and not finding it.

On the inner surface of the polymer, condensate will also accumulate in drops. In general, this is not the best solution to save on such trifles as a vapor barrier membrane. But for the most stubborn, let's give an example.

So imagine:

  1. Rain is coming. The drops fell behind the trims of the plastic windows and got to our leaky polyethylene.
  2. It's like trying to hold water in a sieve. Through small holes in the film, moisture will rush inward.
  3. Mineral wool (polyurethane foam to a much lesser extent) is perfectly saturated with liquid. Then the rain will pass. But moisture will remain inside. We believe that there is no need to explain how difficult it is to dry cotton wool. Who does not believe, let him try to wash the mattress in his bathroom. And then in the comments he will share his impressions about how - willingly or not - cotton wool was dried in it.

The difference between a vapor barrier membrane is that it does not let water through. Quite quite. Steam - yes, but not a drop of water.

So, any finishing work begins with the fact that the presence of a vapor barrier membrane is checked.

If this step is missed, then you need to fill in the gaps in the knowledge of construction with your own actions.

We also mention that the applications polyurethane foam also does not exempt from the need to install a vapor barrier membrane, but we will save a joke on this for another time, because the review is too long.

Installation of slopes and platbands of a plastic window

We would also like to add that in order to install a vapor barrier film, sometimes you need to slightly cut off the excess mounting foam. So! The first is placed starting profile. Most of all, it looks like the old Russian letter G.

That is, unlike the modern one, another stick hangs down from its end, about a third of the distance to the base. So.

With semi-cylindrical screws, this profile should be screwed with the long side outward along the perimeter of the window. The upper face of the letter G lies on the border of the window, forming a beautiful joint.

Under the other edge of the slopes you need to put a crate. Along the perimeter of the inner part of the window opening, a small thickness of the rail is nailed. What is the value in centimeters?

Choose from two considerations:

  1. When mounting on dowel-nails, the tree should not crack.
  2. The hold-down screws used for mounting will enter here at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. The thickness and width of the rail should be just enough for this. Again, no cracks.

The next step is to install the slopes in place. Their inner end, adjacent to the room, is usually bifurcated under the F-profile.

It is customary to fill the gap with a glazing bead or a piece of plastic for greater strength and more rigid fastening.

The slope is inserted into the starting profile, then the opposite end is screwed onto the crate. The places of the corner joint will be closed by platbands. In fact, this is an F-profile, which must be slipped down the slope with the middle border.

For this place, where there are self-tapping screws, it should be cut off by 20 - 30 mm. Carefully insert the platbands.

It remains to seal the corners with sealant. Silicone glue is placed in a thin stream in all corners, the excess is removed with a plank or directly by hand. Finishing of plastic windows is not finished yet.

The window sill remained, and many rightly consider it the main part of the whole work.

self-respecting company building materials always creates training videos on the use of products. So the buyer immediately sees what is being charged for, and is more willing to spend money.

As for window sills, the Werzalit company tried here. They offer as many as three options for interior decoration.

We do not exclude, however, that there are others:

1. The first method is based on the use of ordinary cement. While the solution is being prepared, you need to level the window sill. One end of the profile sits under the window, the other hangs over the wall.

This is a separate conversation, because many do not like this position of the window sill. An adult man may well break the profile if he sits down. That is why Werzalit limits the maximum overhang of the window sill to ten centimeters.


Werzalit limits the maximum overhang of the window sill to ten centimeters.

In each place you need to put just enough so that the window sill stands horizontally. It is recommended to use only hardwood impregnated with antiseptics for this.

Cement is applied not entirely, but in large cakes. And opposite each inside window sill fastening plates of intricate configuration are attached.

For a day (minimum), the window sill is pressed against the upper part of the window opening with special spacers. In everyday life, this is replaced with good, weighty bricks.

2. In the second case, the installation is carried out completely with glue. Moreover, the bases of the planks should stick to the window opening, and between the planks you need to anoint.

It turns out a fairly solid construction, and after drying, the gaps can be filled with mounting foam or heat-insulating material. In the training video, it is generally recommended to lay mineral wool.

3. Installation on steel consoles is also carried out with glue.

This was an overview of how plastic windows are finished.

source: remvizor.ru

Carved plastic platbands on the windows with a photo

Plastic platbands on windows have a number of advantages over wooden ones: they do not rot, do not dry out from time to time, and are not affected by fungus.

The functions are the same as those of wooden ones: to close the joints of the window frame with the wall, to prevent the penetration of moisture into the mounting gaps, to increase the heat-insulating and sound-insulating characteristics of windows.

Carved plastic window trims (see photo) are most often used for PVC windows, but can also be used for wooden structures: their color, design and texture are very diverse, from ordinary white to dark, colored, various wood imitations: oak, walnut, ash, wenge, etc.

You can choose the material to match the facade (for example, if the facade is lined with siding), or make the windows contrast.

The main thing is that the new elements do not violate the stylistic unity of the facade.

Helpful advice!

For example, on the windows of a log house, a white PVC trim will be out of place.

But the product with the texture of wood and made as a carved wooden casing will perfectly fit into the design of a log building. Photo best solutions see below.

PVC trim for windows is not the only solution - there are also polyurethane trim. This material is light, resistant to temperature extremes, moisture and other vagaries of the weather, aesthetic and plastic.

Polyurethane platbands do not have to be straight, they can be made on a round porthole window.

Polyurethane platbands are often used not by themselves, but as part of general design facade: polyurethane can be used to make "stucco" bas-reliefs and other decorations.

There are platbands made of dense foam. But due to their fragility, they are practically not used.

Window platbands can be overhead and telescopic: the latter are a kind of constructor (often complete with extensions), where all the elements are joined together by ready-made locks.

They often use a plastic trim for slopes.

Plastic platbands for plastic windows are fastened with self-tapping screws, nails, synthetic adhesives. In the absence of locks for fastening the elements to each other, their ends are cut off at 45 degrees.

There are removable products: in this case, metal fasteners are installed on the windows and trims are snapped onto them. It is very convenient if you want to change them from time to time.

Or there was a need to replace the damaged one.

On outbuildings can be attached with double sided tape. But this method of fastening is not very reliable and will not withstand strong winds.

The shape of the platbands for plastic windows are flat (the most common option - see photo) or profiled, for example, convex.

The profile can be symmetrical and asymmetric, curvilinear and combined, it can contain various combinations of corners and bulges.


Shaped platbands can be used both indoors and on the facade.

Plastic platbands on windows usually do not have a very high coefficient of thermal expansion. Plastic does not get wet and does not swell from water. Installation is quite simple and does not require the creation of large technological gaps.

source: enoza.ru

Plastic windows - products are very functional and reliable. But in some cases, when the window is installed flush with the wall, the question arises of how to ennoble the joint between the window frame and the wall itself.

Even with very quality installation the seam always remains. And this problem can be solved by platbands for plastic windows.

The functions of the platband on plastic windows

The main function is to connect two mating surfaces in such a way that the appearance of the wall, along with the windows, looks complete.

In addition, the platband closes the connecting seam from the effects of external negative factors: moisture, direct sunlight.

To a certain extent, the platband also protects against temperature changes. But it depends on the material from which it is made.

Well, the last function is decorative. Although many put this feature in the first place. But it all depends on the material and shape of the platband.

What are the platbands for plastic windows

The simplest options for platbands are flat. This is the most common and a budget option. The advantage of such platbands is the simplicity of their installation, ease of production.

If no frills are required in decorating plastic windows, then flat platbands are installed.

Profiled platbands differ from flat platbands by the presence of outer surface a certain bulge. Moreover, this surface can have a different profile, both symmetrical and asymmetrical.

The profile can be made not only in the form of a curved surface, but also have various angles. It can have a complex, combined profile, where rounded surfaces and corners are combined.

Architraves of shaped type having a relief surface from outside.

Helpful advice!

The relief on the surface of the architraves can be quite complex. And these architraves can be made of wood or imitate wood.

Carved platbands are real works of art made of different varieties tree. Although, by and large, carved wooden architraves do not always look beautiful with plastic windows and do not always fit into the style of the house.

Materials for the manufacture of platbands for plastic windows

One of the most common materials is sheet-type plastic. Basically, plastic is used for the manufacture of flat platbands. Plastic can be monolithic or have a structured interior.

Plastic perfectly tolerates temperature changes, humidity, direct sunlight. It can be produced with different colors, which makes it possible to choose platbands for plastic windows to match the color of the walls.

What is very important, the plastic has a low elongation coefficient. Due to this, with a temperature difference, plastic platbands do not begin to deform.

And it is not required to leave large thermal gaps during installation. Due to the fact that plastic does not absorb water, its deformation from swelling and other similar processes is excluded.

The second version of the platbands from artificial materials- these are platbands made of PVC or polyurethane. Compared to conventional plastic, the use of PVC or polyurethane makes it possible to make architraves not with a flat surface, but with a profiled one.

Or to receive platbands having a complex external configuration by casting or pressing.

The platbands for plastic windows are made of polyurethane, imitating carved platbands made of wood. In this case, the drawing can be quite complex.

PVC and polyurethane perfectly tolerate changes in humidity, react little to heating in direct sunlight, and are resistant to low temperatures.

Platbands of this type can be used for installation both indoors and outdoors.

The next material used for the production of platbands is MDF. Usually these are flat platbands or profile-type platbands. Basically, such platbands are used for indoor installation.

The fact is that with all due respect to MDF, this material does not tolerate the serious changes in humidity that can be observed during outdoor installation. If you install a platband made of MDF on the street, its service life is drastically reduced.

Another option for the material of the platbands is dense foam. The advantages of such a casing are lightness, high thermal insulation, resistance to moisture and frost. However, foam platbands have very low mechanical strength.

The most expensive are platbands from natural wood. They can be flat, profiled, shaped. In addition, they can have carvings on their surface, obtained both by machine and by hand.

It is the hand-carved platbands that have the highest cost.

Profiled platbands for plastic windows are somewhat cheaper. This is due to the fact that the main operations for creating a profile are performed on machines.

In the same way, shaped surfaces on wooden platbands are made on the machines.

Wood has some disadvantages. If the finish is not correct, moisture can penetrate into the wood structure.

Over time, this moisture can cause warping or cracking when it dries.

Moreover, wooden architraves do not always match the style of plastic windows. It is rational to use them only if the house is made of wood, and not of other materials.

Methods for attaching platbands to plastic windows

Platbands on plastic windows can be mounted in various ways. The most common fastening with mounting elements to the wall or to the frame of a plastic window.

In some cases, fastening with adhesives is used.

There are removable platbands for plastic windows, which are fastened with special latches. According to the principle of operation, such latches resemble buttons on clothes. Attached to the window frame metal elements, on which the platband snaps into place.

Another way to attach the platband is with double-sided construction tape. But such fastening is possible if there are no serious wind loads.

source: gennadiy.info

Do I need platbands for plastic windows

The first and, perhaps, the main purpose of overhead strips, which are better known as flashings or platbands on plastic windows, is to decorate mounting gaps.

Far from always (and, to be honest, almost never), it is impossible to install a window in such a way that there are no bumps, cracks, gaps and other “production costs” that are obtained between the frame and the wall.

Moreover, some of these gaps do not appear immediately, but over time, due to the natural shrinkage of the building.

Accordingly, in order for the installation to look completely finished, and the window to look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, it is easier and cheaper than other types of finishing work (plaster or drywall), just install a ready-made frame (slope system) and, as my grandmother says, “cover the shame” .

But, this is not their only, so to speak, duty.

In addition to a purely decorative function, platbands serve as an additional barrier to drafts, moisture and dust that try to penetrate from the street into the room, using the most microscopic cracks and holes.

And with this, by the way, flashings prolong the life of windows.


So do not hesitate - platbands for plastic windows are needed.

Platbands are used for both interior and exterior decoration, they can be in the form:

  • flat;
  • rounded;
  • curly;

and according to the method of fastening there are:

  • waybills;
  • telescopic;

V Lately they also produce platbands with a cable channel in which you can hide the wire from the air conditioner or internet wiring.

Installation of platbands

Before installing the platbands, the window opening must be carefully leveled (cleaned and sanded the remains of the mounting foam) and checked with a level so that the corners are straight and the joints are perfectly even.

Fastening of overhead platbands on plastic windows is carried out using special glue, "liquid nails" or screws (self-tapping screws). Panel joints with window frame handle silicone sealant so that they are completely sealed.

This work is delicate, requires special skills, therefore, in order not to damage the thin bar, it is better to entrust the installation to specialists.

Telescopic ones have an additional protrusion (builders call it a “wing”), which is located at a right angle to the plank plane.

This protrusion is inserted into the groove of the box and, as a result, a complete closure of the joint is obtained.

Such a mounting system is called hidden, since there are no fastener caps or decorative plugs left on the front side.

Trim care

Platbands do not require any special care. The conditions are the same as for the PVC profile: use a soft cloth or a regular sponge and liquid detergents (paste products may contain abrasive substances).

When washing glass, do not use any harsh chemical solutions (these are those that contain acids or solvents), as they can also damage the plastic.

Where can I buy

As a rule, PVC architraves can be bought in the same company where you place an order for the manufacture and / or installation of plastic windows.

They are classified as accessories, but platbands are not a prerequisite for installing a window, they can be included in the order, or they can be bought and delivered separately.

You can order cash individual sizes manufacturers or purchase from their authorized representatives.

The standard sizes are:

  • Length: 2200 mm
  • Width: 40, 50, 60, 70mm

Just like the PVC profile, the platbands for plastic windows can be white, colored or laminated.

source: vibiraem-okna.ru

Plastic platbands and methods of their fastening

Platbands are intended for decorative registration of a window or doorway.

Platbands are not at all obsolete, as many people think, an element of decor. These overlay strips allow you to hide the various gaps that form between the wall and the frame.

Even significant defects that have become noticeable, for example, after shrinkage of the building, can be hidden with their help.

Frames installed on the windows give them a finished look.

The shape of the platband can be any: flat, rounded, figured (carved).

Currently, the building materials market boasts a wide variety of overlay strips made of different materials:

  • veneer;
  • steel and aluminum;

If the house is wooden, then the architraves should be made of wood (exclusive carved). If the house is stone or brick, then frames made of natural or artificial stone will perfectly decorate it.

Such windows will acquire a well-groomed, elegant look and become a bright element of the facade of the house. Decorative window slats made of artificial sandstone look great. They will retain their beauty for decades.

However, PVC platbands (made of plastic) are the most popular and inexpensive today. They are fastened with nails, self-tapping screws, screws, special glue.

To avoid damage, installation work must be done carefully. If you do not have the skills of such work, then it is better to contact experienced professionals.

PVC slats are available in various colors, so it is easy to match them to any interior of the room.

According to the method of fastening, platbands are:

  • telescopic;
  • overhead.

Telescopic slats have a protrusion (wing) located at right angles to its plane. This protrusion enters the groove of the box, due to which a complete closure of the junction is achieved.

After installing a plastic window, installation of slopes is always required. Having installed the top panel in the mounting profile, we bend the casing onto the wall and fasten it to the wall with screws. We also install side panels.

And finally, apply silicone sealant to the corner joint.

Frames for windows and doors with a cable channel are also currently being produced. They have a channel inside in which you can hide telephone, computer, television wires, which usually hang in garlands.

In addition, nails are not needed for their fastening, so there are no decorative caps, nail heads or screws on the front side. The platbands have hidden system installation.

Beautiful things are the weakness of every person, and if they are made with their own hands, pride in oneself overwhelms the senses. It is to such creativity that woodcarving can be attributed. How original and unique your house looks with carved architraves, where the owner put a particle of his soul into the work.

What is a cashier? It looks like a decorative overlay and is mounted with outside windows and is an ornament where a decorative technique is used.

It can be:

  1. Plants showing unity with nature.
  2. The sun, located on the kokoshnik, personifies energy and life.
  3. Earrings indicating the hospitality of the owner of the house.
  4. The cross, symbolizing the harmony between the spiritual and material world.
  5. A bird that speaks of the unification of all times.
  6. A snake representing fertility and wisdom.
  7. Wings, confirming strength and power.

Platbands are different in style, material, shape. They are the completion of construction, which emphasizes the individuality and style of the home. And at the same time, they perfectly mask all the flaws of the opening (slit).

Application area

Widespread use of framing around various openings has found itself in doors and windows. The location of the slats can be both on the outside of the street and indoors.

Basically, platbands of the same type are installed, but the thread may differ. And at the same time, a common theme is preserved. For example, in a children's room, the plank will be with a bunny. Flowers are carved around it. Then in the kitchen a bear cub should also be framed with the same flowers.

Now plastic double-glazed windows are considered a brand. Some people manage to put a wooden plank on them. In this case, you need to paint it in White color or choose a double-glazed window made of wood.

planks around window opening perform some functions:

  1. Combine all the buildings in the yard into a single style.
  2. Reduce heat loss.
  3. Protect from dust and litter, moisture, draft.
  4. Increase sound insulation.
  5. I emphasize the uniqueness of the residential building.
  6. An opportunity to express the traditions of the region, family, country.
  7. The ability to visually stretch and expand the house.
  8. They complete the building.
  9. Close the mounting seams.

In the days of our ancestors, homeowners firmly believed that window slats were not only beautiful and original look, but also were protection from the evil eye and evil spirits. Therefore, they paid close attention to their manufacture, and tried to perform only in a unique form.


The product can be a colorful luxurious carving or have a modest shape. The lower part of it is called a “towel”, the upper one is called a “kokoshnik”.

If we consider the platbands by material, they can be from:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • foam and polyurethane;

By form:

  • drop-shaped;
  • curly;
  • semicircular;
  • flat;

Before starting work, it is worth stocking up on templates or stencils of carved platbands, without their help it is impossible to achieve an excellent result. And to perform your work without them is available only to a master who has been working on wood carving for more than one year.

You can get stencils for today freely - these are in stores, magazines, and the Internet.

They can be applied to any pattern that the customer or the master wishes. Contours of plants, figurines of animals, ornaments of geometric lines and figures are very popular.

The style of the product can be different, and here the most unusual fantasies of the performer are realized.

How to do?

Photoshop stencils

Stencils are made in different ways:

  1. With the help of a graphic editor. The desired image is found and processed in Photoshop. Every computer has the Paint application, it is used for editing, coloring and drawing. By visiting this page, you can design personal images ranging from simple to complex projects. It is possible to add text and various elements to existing picture files.
  2. Photocopies. A picture is selected that you really liked and when copied, it immediately increases to the desired size. The second option is to scan and print the sample on a printer.
  3. By hand. It uses the technology of scaling (copying) and by cells (linear scaling).

Thread making

We make a template from cardboard, the size should be natural. A personal template is made for all elements of the drawing.

Now, you need to lay it on the board and circle the outline with a pencil.

We outline the places for the holes. Let's say you need to cut a leaf. To begin with, a hole is drilled, then a leaf appears with a jigsaw. Following the holes, we make all the internal patterns, then move on to the external ornament.

There is a copying method for drawing a picture. Here we use carbon paper. We trace the drawing through it onto the board and get a pattern on the wood.

Required tools:

  • sandpaper of various numbers;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • a set of chisels;


  1. We make the pattern the same on all windows. To do this, use a stencil or sketch.
  2. We place the drawing on the workpiece correctly, where we place all the elements not across the fibers, but along. That will not allow the thread to crack.
  3. We paint over the slotted areas with a pencil.

Wood carving is done in two ways:

  1. Invoice. In this option, we use a thinner workpiece, then the work is simplified. Here we make separate elements, which we will then fold on a single board.
  2. slotted. In this case, we make a cut through, we get a kind of lace, which is exquisite and beautifully frames the window.

Platband installation

Creating a beautiful product is one thing. But properly fixing it to the window is another.

Aesthetic appearance, and long service life closely depends on the quality of installation of platbands.

There are two ways to mount on wooden windows:

  1. Through spike. The method is simple and not very reliable. Spikes should be installed in places where they will be invisible. This provides additional moisture protection.
  2. Silent spike. The spike goes into the casing. Whereas a hole is drilled in the frame for it. It is necessary to lubricate the spike with glue and bring it into the groove. Fastening is considered difficult, but it is more reliable than the first method.

Fastening to a plastic window is carried out with liquid nails, in order to avoid violating the integrity of the structure.


  1. We take measurements from the window.
  2. Choose a type of wood and dry it well. The choice of width and height does not play big role for carved platbands, the main thing is that the thickness is 3 cm. This is if the thread will be slotted, for the invoice - 1 cm.
  3. We process the tree with sandpaper, starting with coarse-grained, and at the end with zero.
  4. Cut out stencils.
  5. We take a simple pencil and apply a drawing or pattern on the front side of a wooden surface. We paint through the cuts.
  6. Let's start cutting out the pattern. Let's start right away with through holes. Where the jigsaw will enter, it is advisable to use a drill for a more accurate cut.
  7. The holes are carefully processed with sandpaper.
  8. To remove dust from blind holes, use a vacuum cleaner.
  9. When using overhead thread elements, we fasten them to nails without caps. And, for reliability, let's go through the glue on the back side.
  10. Now take a damp rag and wipe the pattern until the area is completely dedusted.
  11. The finishing operation will be considered a stain, with which we will tint the platband or cover it immediately with varnish.

  1. If you are just starting to work on a stencil on a platband pattern, you should choose a simpler pattern with large shapes. The smaller the drawing, the more complex it is. It is good to try elements of the pattern from through holes.
  2. Open elements are cut with a jigsaw.
  3. Beech, larch and oak are expensive and difficult to work with, but they have a long service life.
  4. The easiest to process is a material such as linden.
  5. The material most commonly used is pine.