How to combine wallpaper in the kitchen. Rules and methods for combining wallpaper in the kitchen. Vertical zoning of walls

Decorating walls with wallpaper is the most effective method make the kitchen cozy and stylish and even correct some of the shortcomings of the room. For example, with their help you can create the illusion of space if the kitchen is small. The main thing is to choose the right shade and pattern of wallpaper.

  • The main guideline in choosing the color of wallpaper for the kitchen is the color of the furniture. After all, it is the walls and kitchen furniture occupy most of the space.

Our guide will help you make your choice and give you some professional tips for combining wallpaper and furniture. Also here you will find 112 photos of kitchens with wallpaper different colors, in which you can see ready-made color solutions and ideas.

7 main rules

Whether you're planning a kitchen design from scratch or just want to change the wallpaper to update your interior, these 7 tips will definitely help.

  1. Make friends with the color wheel. When deciding on the color of wallpaper for your kitchen, you can use the designers’ favorite “tool” - the color wheel. You can buy it at a craft store or search the Internet for its online version.

The principle of working with a circle is quite simple - you need to “play” with color combinations using ready-made color schemes.

Scheme 1. Monochromatic combinations: colors from one segment of the chromatic circle are combined. That is, the wallpaper is matched to match the headset. To prevent the monochrome palette from seeming too boring, it is better to choose wallpaper with a pattern (see photo below). You can also complement the interior with contrasting accents, an abundance of light colors, or simply expressive textures/materials.

Blue kitchen with blue patterned wallpaper

Brown wallpaper without a pattern in the kitchen interior

Scheme 2. Contrasting combinations: opposite colors are combined. So, for example, you can match a blue set with wallpaper with an orange print, since in the circle blue is opposite orange. And so that the combination of contrasting colors does not seem too harsh, it is better to use complex shades (for example, besides, a blue headset can not be chosen purely orange wallpaper, and terracotta).

Scheme 3. Harmonic combinations: “neighbors” around a circle are combined. According to this principle, to green kitchen set you need to choose wallpaper of a yellow-green or blue-green hue. You can dilute this range by incorporating contrasting or neutral tones into the interior.

We have listed three main schemes, but in fact there are many more of them (the principle of triads, distant pairs, intermediate tones, etc.). Below you can see several diagrams.

  1. If there is not enough in the kitchen sunlight , then you should choose light and warm wallpaper. For example, white, cream, butter, light coral or pastel pink. Bright wallpaper clean warm colors(for example, orange, yellow, red, etc.) can also be used, but in small quantities and provided that the color of the headset is neutral. The photo below shows good example how northern and small kitchen Made lighter and sunnier with yellow wallpaper and white furniture.

  1. In the interior of a small kitchen Wallpaper works best white, perhaps with a small and not catchy pattern. White wallpaper in combination with a white set will give the effect of a boundless and air-filled space, even if it is very cramped.

White wallpaper reflects light, making the space brighter and visually expanding the walls.

Light wallpaper with a white set in a small kitchen in Khrushchev

It turns out that dark wallpaper has no place in a small kitchen? This is not entirely true. If you paste, say, black wallpaper on one wall, and cover the remaining partitions with lighter wallpaper, then you will get the effect of a deeper space, the black wall will seem to move deeper into the room.

  1. Wallpaper in cool colors (blue, cyan, turquoise) is indicated for rooms that are flooded with sunlight most of the time. Otherwise, the walls will look dull and literally “freeze” the space. However, in a small dose and in combination with a large proportion of warm shades (for example, if the floor is wooden), “cold” wallpaper is acceptable.

  1. In general, wallpaper in warm colors is most suitable for the kitchen and dining room., since they have a good effect not only on appetite, but also on communication between household members.

Wallpaper in cold colors, on the contrary, reduces appetite; against their background, food seems less appetizing. For those who strive for a moderate diet, this can work into their hands.

  1. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of color, having looked at some nice wallpaper, do not rush to buy it right away, but rather ask/order a sample for testing. The fact is that the option you liked in the store may appear slightly differently at home due to different lighting. In addition, it may simply not match the shade of your headset.

Most often, samples are provided free of charge, and online stores deliver them to your home for a fee.

Wallpaper testing is carried out as follows: the sample is hung on the wall and then simply observed at different times of the day. Ideally, it should look good in dim light, and in bright sunlight, and in artificial lighting, and with natural.

By the way, it is useful to check a wallpaper sample for compatibility with other interior elements: floor tiles, apron, furniture upholstery, etc. By collecting and laying out all the samples on one board, you will see whether your idea is successful or if something needs to be changed. Compiling such boards (also called mood boards) helps professional designers create the most harmonious combinations of colors, prints and textures.

  1. And the last, and very important practical advice. After choosing wallpaper, check that all the rolls are from the same batch, and also make sure that you have taken at least 10-15% of the material stock.

Wallpapers of the same color and article, but released in different batches, are always slightly different (due to production characteristics). The difference in shades may seem insignificant, but on the walls it will be very noticeable.

For this reason, wallpaper should always be purchased with a reserve. If suddenly there is not enough material, finding rolls of the same batch will be problematic or impossible.

How to choose wallpaper to match the color of your kitchen - gallery of photo ideas with tips

If you're in a hurry, click on the color of your headset to jump straight to reading the information you need.

For a white kitchen

Choosing a wallpaper color for a white kitchen is both difficult and easy at the same time, because absolutely any shade suits it.

  • For a traditional white kitchen, wallpapers of natural and calm flowers: blue, gray, beige, brown, blue, green, mustard, terracotta and burgundy.

  • For a modern white set, you can choose wallpaper not only in the shades listed above, but also in more contrasting, darker and pure colors. For example, it could be wallpaper in bright yellow, lime, black, purple, turquoise or hot pink.

Green floral wallpaper in a small white kitchen

Photo wallpaper will also look good in a modern white kitchen.

Our choice: We like best the combination of a white set with yellow, yellow-green or beige-yellow wallpaper. In such a kitchen, even on the cloudiest day it will be sunny.

For beige and cream kitchens

The best colors for a beige kitchen set are: white, green, beige, brown tones, as well as blue, turquoise and light blue wallpaper.

Classic beige kitchen with beige wallpaper

Beige wallpaper in the kitchen in Provence style

  • Our choice: a combination of a beige kitchen with white and blue (see photo example below), blue or gray-blue wallpaper.

For brown kitchen (wenge, all shades of wood)

If you have brown kitchen, then you can choose wallpaper of any warm shade - from vanilla to mustard. Walls of green, olive, blue, turquoise and light blue will also be a good background for brown furniture.

For blue and light blue kitchens

Depending on the color of the walls and the level of lighting in the kitchen, with a blue or light blue set it can be calm and fresh or cold and uncomfortable. To achieve a successful result, choose beige or milky white wallpaper. Wallpaper with a yellow or orange print also works well.

Our pick: We especially like the combination of a blue/blue kitchen with sand or yellow wallpaper.

For a gray kitchen

A gray set has the ability to ennoble its companions and pacify them a little. The most successful combinations of a gray kitchen will be with white, pink and yellow wallpaper.

For a green kitchen

A green kitchen will be pleasing to the eye when paired with: red, burgundy, orange, yellow, brown, blue and light blue wallpaper.

For a yellow kitchen

A yellow kitchen goes perfectly with white. This duo works especially well in dark kitchens with north-facing windows. You can also choose black and white wallpaper for the yellow set as in the photo below, soft lilac, blue, light blue, turquoise, brown, red, coral and green.

Want to do yellow stricter and more elegant? Then we advise you to choose light gray or beige wallpaper.

For an orange kitchen

Orange is one of the most invigorating and active colors, so all additional shades should balance and “quench” it. Blue, turquoise and cyan wallpaper will refresh orange kitchen, gray ones will make it more elegant, and green and white ones will bring coziness. Also combined with orange and its shades are red, yellow, pink, purple and lilac.

For red and burgundy kitchens

Nowhere does red furniture look as harmonious as in the kitchen, as this color stimulates the appetite and makes the space cozy. However, in large areas, red can be irritating, so it needs to be combined with more good-natured shades (white, green, beige) or with cool, restrained tones (blue, cyan, turquoise). Also, wallpaper in a red kitchen can have a print in yellow, orange, brown and burgundy.

For black and black and white kitchens

In fact, for a black set, just like for a white one, wallpaper of any color is suitable. But to prevent the interior from turning out too dark, it is better to use wallpaper in light colors, wallpaper with a white background and a colored print, or wallpaper in cheerful colors that can dilute the gloom of black. For example, it could be yellow, white-yellow, pink, white-green wallpaper.

Our choice: black kitchen with yellow or yellow-white wallpaper as in this collection of photos.

It will be much more difficult to choose wallpaper with a suitable shade that will harmoniously fit into the kitchen, especially if you decide to choose wallpaper for the kitchen in two colors.

The complexity of this process is due to the fact that color rendering and perception of shades are influenced by many factors: the size of the interior, the nature of lighting, layout features, style and shape of furniture. In addition, not all shades are compatible with each other, and this fact directly affects the creation of a comfortable environment in your kitchen.

Features of choosing shades

Initial The choice of colors depends on the size of the kitchen space. Spacious interiors can be decorated in both dark and dark colors, wallpaper with large and even photo wallpaper with big amount small parts: no matter what the pattern or pattern is, it will not emphasize the cramped environment.

High ceiling levels in spacious rooms can be lowered if desired: just stick them with vertical lines either along the entire room or on one of the walls.

Advice: spacious kitchen is a great opportunity For . One of the most convenient ways to divide an interior into several parts is to use wallpaper. different shades.

If the size of the kitchen does not allow the use of wallpaper of any color and theme due to its limitations, choose as many options as possible. Dark or rich shades can only be used if they are harmoniously combined with light-colored materials.

Note: when combining, it is necessary to maintain correct proportionality: do not overdo it with gloomy colors, otherwise the interior will look inharmonious.

Small kitchens with high ceilings can be expanded by gluing wallpaper on each surface: ceiling and top part The walls are decorated in light colors, and the lower side of the walls is decorated in cooler colors.

By choosing the right wallpaper color, you can correct the disproportionate shape of the kitchen space. On a long wall wallpaper of soft and light colors is glued (,), and short surfaces are decorated with wallpaper of a more saturated palette (, and others). This design will allow you to level out a kitchen that is too elongated.

Another key moment, influencing the peculiarities of perception of the color gamut in kitchen interior, - This nature of lighting. A room located on the north side should be decorated with wallpaper in a warm palette. Of course, combination with contrasting shades is allowed, but do not forget about undesirable color overload, otherwise the effect will be lost.

A kitchen with sufficient lighting will look cozy regardless of the color scheme.. In addition, rooms on the south side can be decorated by gluing wallpaper to the ceiling (combining it with the color of the interior).

In search of an answer to the question of how to apply wallpaper in a kitchen of two colors, important rules are often overlooked, the implementation of which can affect the success design works and the correctness of the walls:

  • It is necessary to plan the color scheme of the room in advance, taking into account the characteristics of the room and the style of the interior. The color of the wallpaper is selected after purchasing the headset and, since you will find suitable wall materials much faster and easier;
  • think about the need in advance space zoning. Wallpaper shades are selected depending on the purpose of a particular area in the kitchen: for example, in the cooking area, light wallpaper will quickly lose its appearance, and in the zone with dining table some shades may negatively affect appetite;
  • Using wallpaper of two shades that do not combine harmoniously enough, think about how to brighten up the situation: use colors that match accessories or textile materials;
  • For creating an accent on one of the walls, try to follow not only the color scheme, but also the theme of interior design: for example, panoramic scenes and go perfectly with wallpaper with plant motifs.

We combine multi-colored canvases

Due to its simplicity of execution and originality, the method of combining wallpaper of different colors in kitchen interiors is being used more and more often, and is also suitable for vintage styles, and for modern trends in design.

There are several ways to implement the planned design of combined wallpaper for the kitchen. The most popular - creating a gradual transition between different shades on the same wall or adjacent surfaces.

If you do not wish to use plain wallpaper or materials with a discreet pattern, you can choose another equally interesting way of using two colors in the kitchen interior: wallpaper with a bright or warm background color is glued in one of the zones, and the remaining zones are decorated with coverings interspersed or patterns of the same color on light or dark background.

The compatibility of such wallpaper will be ensured, and the unusual implementation of the idea will highlight the stylish effect.

It is extremely important to achieve a harmonious combination of wallpaper different color. Among the most successful ways of color combination are:

  • combining shades from one palette(for example, wallpapers of different colors are blue or Brown can be pasted on one wall or on adjacent surfaces);
  • combination of contrasting colors(soft and light colors are combined with brighter or darker shades, respecting the lighting, layout and general style interior);
  • combination of incompatible shades(usually used to create decorative paintings or panels, and the wallpaper itself is separated using a frame or special moldings).

Many photos of wallpapering two types in the kitchen show successful combination of coatings with opposite shades(for example, yellow-blue, red-black and other kitchens).

When choosing this interior design option, be careful and careful, because correct location Different wallpapers on the walls will depend on your mood and appetite. For example, it is inappropriate to use such colors to create patchwork compositions that are popular today around the entire perimeter of the room.

Wall design options

The selection of wallpaper for the kitchen in two colors should depend on the form in which you plan to place it in the space. Vertical combination is considered the most common, since it allows you to get the maximum number of benefits not only of an aesthetic, but also of a practical nature. For example, by gluing multi-colored canvases in the form of wide stripes on one wall, you visually raise the ceilings and add dynamism to the interior.

In addition to this method, vertical combination possible when gluing adjacent surfaces: the transition between colors is carried out in the corner areas of the room.

For those who do not plan to extend the height of the room, the horizontal gluing method is suitable. Realizing horizontal combination coatings in two colors, you can highlight the antique or modern style, create additional protection from contamination (for example, in the dining table area) and ensure a harmonious combination of wall design with the kitchen unit.

As a rule, wallpaper of a darker shade is glued to the lower part of the walls.

Advice: to ensure a holistic perception of the kitchen interior, cover bottom part walls at a height corresponding to the size of the furniture or the height of the window sill.

In order to zone a space or create an emphasis on one of the kitchen walls, used an accent way to combine multi-colored wallpaper. To do this, one of the surfaces is decorated with wallpaper in a bright or rich shade, and the rest are decorated in calmer and lighter colors.

Please note that combining wallpaper on adjacent surfaces is also possible with the participation of the ceiling. For example, by extending the design of one of the walls to the ceiling, you can emphasize the modern style of the interior and visually lower its level to the desired extent.

Quite common in Lately became “patchwork” technique, implemented using fragments of wallpaper of different colors. Patchwork combination involves the use of harmonious, but quite bright shades.

You can glue such wallpaper not only in the form of squares, but also diagonally and in other ways, creating blanket effect on the wall surface. This option is suitable for creative individuals, as well as for those who cannot choose from several wallpapers they like.

Both patchwork and accent combinations can be implemented not on the entire wall, but only on a separate part of it. In this case, the wallpaper will create the effect of a decorative picture, and when additional use auxiliary elements(frames, moldings, borders or ribbons) will emphasize the style of the room.

can be used to decorate ledges, niches, columns, arches and partitions in the kitchen interior. In this case, such materials will act as dividers, and you will not have to implement additional ideas for zoning the space.

In addition, decorating niches, ledges and other features of the room with the help of other wallpaper will allow you focus attention on these parts of the room and demonstrate the unusual layout of the kitchen.

For those who are not looking for easy ways, it’s suitable complex combination technique. She assumes DIY colorful wallpaper non-standard forms and sizes. For example, using this technique you can divide a wall diagonally or create stylish waves across the entire surface. As a rule, wallpaper from the same palette with varying degrees of saturation is used for these purposes.

By implementing the idea of ​​combining wallpaper of different shades in the kitchen space, you can highlight the main features of your room, as well as provide additional functionality without extra costs.

A harmonious combination of shades, as well as correct selection patterns and will allow you to fill the interior with new colors and provide coziness and comfort at any time.

Renovating a small kitchen is not the easiest task. You need to choose materials that will visually make the room larger, while maintaining a feeling of comfort. In addition, it is important to consider that operating conditions in the kitchen are far from ideal - constant moisture, temperature changes, steam and condensation. In a small room all this is felt more strongly than in a spacious one.

Choosing wallpaper for a small kitchen requires a thoughtful approach

Particularly difficult to choose suitable design for walls. Many people mistakenly believe that wallpaper for a small kitchen is not the best choice. However, if it is done correctly, the wallpaper will become excellent material, both from an aesthetic and functional point of view.

The right wallpaper can visually change a room

Wallpaper material for kitchen walls

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing material for finishing kitchens - his performance characteristics. The coating must be able to withstand temperature changes and humidity well. When it comes to wallpaper, it is extremely important that you can clean off any dirt. Therefore, we recommend paying attention to: even if food particles or drops of grease get on them, you can easily remove the stain with a sponge and detergent.

Paper wallpaper is not the best reliable option for use in the kitchen. Most of these coatings are not particularly resistant to either mechanical or thermal damage. They can only be used as a decorative insert in kitchens with combined walls: for example, paper wallpaper above the dining table and tiles around the perimeter of the kitchen.

Choosing paper wallpaper, pay attention to their relief: most often this coating cannot be washed. So it's too complicated textured wallpaper It’s better to leave it for other rooms - they will quickly take on an untidy, greasy appearance.

Pay attention to the markings: wallpaper must be resistant to heat and moisture

Therefore, give preference to smooth paper, without protrusions or textured patterns.

It is much more convenient to use non-woven wallpaper in the kitchen. They look much more interesting than ordinary paper ones: outwardly their texture resembles. Unusual relief, patterns, the ability to repaint at any time. In addition, they can be washed without using harsh abrasives.

They cost more than paper ones, but are much more durable - if you do not violate the operating conditions, they will serve you for about ten years. Plus, you can update your repairs regularly.

Another significant bonus is the ability to cover the wall above the stove and sink. True, for this you need to choose paint with the appropriate marks - moisture-resistant and non-flammable.

Such wallpaper can be used throughout the entire area

An even more reliable option is vinyl wallpaper. Durable and reliable, they are easy to clean and can even be used with abrasive products. This makes them ideal for use even in the dirtiest areas of the kitchen - next to the stove. True, the cost of such wallpaper is quite high. However, it is completely justified: they are very strong and durable.

In addition, a wide range of designs allows you to choose wallpaper to suit any interior design. Plain, patterned, 3D printed...

Which palette is ideal for a miniature room?

The peculiarity of arranging small rooms is that it is extremely important to choose the right color scheme. Otherwise, you may end up reducing the already tiny area.

Give preference to light, natural tones

First of all, you will have to give up dark colors: they visually reduce the area, especially in a matte texture. Your choice is light, pastel shades. Or, on the contrary, bright colors - if balanced correctly, they can become a real decoration for a small kitchen.

Choosing the right color can visually make more spacious kitchen even in, so we recommend that you do not neglect these recommendations.

Clean is also not a good idea for a miniature room. First of all, you will feel uncomfortable in it. In addition, paradoxically, this technique only visually makes the room smaller. But you can dilute the white with bright accents - this will immediately create a feeling of light and spaciousness.

White walls definitely need accents

If you want a monochromatic interior, give preference to slightly more saturated tones - light beige, Ivory, baked milk.

Pastel shades are perfect here

Black and other dark shades can also be present, but they should not dominate. For example, such tones can be used as a pattern on wallpaper or tiles - subtle and unobtrusive. They will emphasize the depth of the light shade and make the room more elegant.

Dark colors can be a good accent

In small kitchens, excessive variegation should be avoided: two, maximum three shades. Do not try to combine several self-sufficient shades at once - such decisions are best left for spacious premises.

There shouldn't be too many bright colors

In general, monochrome, plain surfaces are much more suitable. As for patterns and prints, we should talk about them separately.

Using pictures

It should be admitted that not everyone likes plain surfaces. Sometimes you want to add some color, decorate the room with some kind of pattern or print. This is more difficult to do in a small kitchen than in a large one. However, if you approach the matter with caution, then everything is real. The main thing is to show common sense and do not try to place several painted surfaces in one room at once.

Prints and wallpapers should be used carefully.

First of all, let's talk about patterns. Here you have to stick to the spirit. Large, bright and massive paintings are not your option. It's better to focus on fine lines, graceful designs. It is better to give preference to tones that contrast with the background - this will give the surface volume and make the kitchen visually larger.

Choose graceful patterns

And remember that patterns should not be applied throughout the kitchen - it is better to use them as an accent. For example, leave three walls monochrome, and decorate the one above the dining room with a beautiful pattern. Or you can decorate your apron this way.

Don't overdo it

It is not necessary to use abstraction. Fruit, floral, coffee motifs look very appropriate in a small kitchen - use everything that has to do with food. Many vinyl wallpapers are decorated with beautiful 3D prints. This could be an image of cherries, lemons, apples - any fruit. Therefore, choose those that you like and that are in harmony with the color scheme of your kitchen.

Fruits are always a good idea in the kitchen.

The main thing is not to overdo it. If you decorate all the walls in this way, you will not get, but the semblance of a fruit store - it is unlikely that this is exactly the effect you are planning to achieve.

Wallpaper with images of coffee beans or silhouettes of coffee cups looks good. In our opinion, it is better to combine them with other coatings in beige and light brown tones. This will create a cozy atmosphere. This solution is ideal for country or cafe style.

Floral wallpapers are also worth attention. However, remember that it is extremely important to pay attention to their quality: if the print is unclear, the impression will immediately deteriorate and the repair will not seem very fresh.

Bright accented wallpaper with ornaments should be used with extreme caution in a small kitchen. If you overdo it with their quantity, you risk visually greatly enlarging the room. You shouldn't glue them on all the walls at once. Add a small colorful accent - this way you will achieve an original appearance and avoid the effect of overload. It is best to place such wallpaper above or opposite the dining table.

Photo wallpaper should be glued to a maximum of one wall

Important: Avoid large ornaments. It will make the room heavier, which is unacceptable for a small kitchen.

Classic striped and checkered wallpaper will suit almost any type of interior - inside and out. The main thing is to choose the right colors. However, all elements should not be too large - small checkered patterns, thin stripes. Please note that in this design the cage of contrasting colors will ripple - this can be too tiring for the eyes. Therefore, use soft, pastel shades or finish only a small part of the wall in this way.

Geometric figures suitable for any interior.

Vertical stripes They will visually make the kitchen taller and the horizontal ones wider. Therefore, think carefully about what effect you plan to achieve.

Brickwork- not the most trivial solution for a small kitchen. It is better to choose wallpaper that imitates not too large bricks in light colors. However, also classic terracotta shade it looks very beautiful if you use it correctly - for example, stick it in combination with white walls.

Brick should be used carefully

Wallpaper with 3D prints and photo wallpapers can give your kitchen a simply stunning look. It is important, however, to choose the right pattern. For example, a city view or a landscape decent quality greatly expands the kitchen.

The print should be in harmony with the interior.

But abstract prints or complex, multi-component paintings, on the contrary, visually clutter the room. Glue such wallpaper on one wall - otherwise the effect will be far from intended.

Method of combining different colors

You've probably noticed that we often suggest using a particular type of wallpaper on just one wall or even part of it. A similar method of combining wallpaper various colors and texture can work to your advantage if you want to visually enlarge a small kitchen.

It is important to combine colors harmoniously

However, there are some subtleties here:

  • IN small spaces A combination of shades that are close in color segment looks best - smooth transitions expand the space.
  • Avoid using more than three primary colors in the interior. In a small kitchen such a technique is unacceptable.
  • Do not allow dark shades to dominate - they will make your kitchen smaller.
  • Make sure that all shades belong to the same thermal segment: do not mix cold tones with warm ones and vice versa.

In addition to color combinations, you can experiment with combinations various materials. However, remember that too textured walls are not the best choice for a small kitchen. You will simply get tired of wiping dust and dirt from them. In addition, the space will be visually smaller.

Ways to visually increase space

The right choice of wallpaper for a small kitchen will help you significantly increase the space, at least visually. Use our ideas or write your own in the comments!

The easiest way is to hang light wallpaper with a glossy texture. Due to their reflective functions, such walls seem to move slightly apart from each other.

Simple light wallpaper will make the kitchen larger

Use prints wisely - for example, photo wallpapers with city views and landscapes look good on a free wall. However, it is extremely important that the drawing is of high quality - otherwise the effect will be blurred.

Print can expand a room

You can hang mirrored wallpaper on one of the walls. Not only are they some of the trendiest, but they also make a room look a lot bigger. However, there is one serious drawback - most likely, you will have to wipe them regularly, since any dirt is visible on the mirror surface.

Take advantage of wallpaper patterns: vertical lines and patterns will raise the ceiling, and horizontal lines will visually expand the room. This technique is very good if the room seems disproportionate.

Work with patterns

Try to choose not too bright colors for patterns - this will make the space seem airier, which means the kitchen will look larger than it actually is.

Very unusual idea worthy of attention - wallpaper with print... kitchens! A high-quality design that visually continues the room looks great, and the kitchen seems twice as large.

Experiment with prints

True, in order to realize such a plan, you will have to spend a lot of money - the wallpaper will have to be made to order, and the design must exactly match the real picture. Therefore, be prepared to shell out quite a bit of money.

By the way, this idea is a godsend for housewives who are not too neat. If the drawn half of the kitchen is in perfect order, then you will have to carefully monitor the real one, otherwise the contrast will seem too striking.

What to look for when purchasing

Whatever wallpaper you choose, you should pay close attention to the purchasing process itself.

It is very important to choose high quality wallpaper
  • First of all, remember that good Construction Materials are rarely cheap. Explore the assortment of online stores and read our article, where good brands. Are they offering you something much cheaper? Most likely, the wallpaper will fall off in the first month or the colors will lose saturation.
  • Do not purchase wallpaper in markets or dubious stores. Storage conditions are not always observed there, which means you risk purchasing damp goods.
  • Take careful measurements before purchasing and be sure to take a roll in reserve. No matter how carefully you glue the wallpaper, there is always a risk of ruining something in the process.
  • We decided to buy embossed wallpaper? Carefully inspect each roll: scuffs and scratches may appear not only during operation, but also due to manufacturing defects. It will be difficult to exchange such a roll.
  • Study the specifications carefully. Not every coating is suitable for use in kitchen conditions.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in choosing wallpaper for a small kitchen. To better decide on the choice of wallpaper for a small kitchen, we suggest you look real photos examples.

Decorating the interior of the kitchen so that it looks beautiful, stylish and modern is the natural desire of everyone who starts renovating an apartment. As a rule, wallpaper is chosen to decorate the walls in the kitchen. How to combine wallpaper in the kitchen correctly and what textures are best to choose - a few practical recommendations.

There are many types of wallpaper, differing from each other in appearance, material and quality characteristics. These include:

  • paper;
  • non-woven;
  • vinyl;
  • washable vinyl;
  • glass wallpaper;
  • fabric.

Each type of wallpaper has its pros and cons, strengths and weak sides. Before starting a kitchen renovation and deciding on a wallpaper combination, you need to choose the right wallpaper for the kitchen.

Types of wallpaper (video)

What wallpaper is suitable


The good thing about paper wallpaper is that it is absolutely safe for health and does not emit into the air. harmful substances. However, they cannot be washed and if they become dirty, the wallpaper can be considered hopelessly damaged. Such wallpaper in the kitchen, where there is a constant risk of drops of water or food getting on the walls and where there are frequent changes in humidity and temperature, is not very appropriate. Much the same can be said about fabric wallpaper.


Vinyl wallpaper is beautiful and practical. They can be easily wiped with a damp cloth, and washable ones can even be washed. On to the cons vinyl wallpaper This includes the fact that they do not “breathe” and can release polyvinyl chloride into the air, which is considered potentially harmful. It is better to avoid such wallpaper in the bedroom and in the nursery, but in the kitchen they are more than appropriate. It is easy to remove dirt from them.


Non-woven wallpaper is breathable and resistant to high temperatures and fire, easily tolerate wet cleaning, do not fade in the sun, are hygienic and do not absorb dust. In addition, they are convenient because they can be repainted in a different color, changing the interior as soon as you get tired of it. They can also be successfully used in the kitchen.

Glass wallpaper

Glass wallpaper is resistant to any dirt, water, and temperature. They can be safely washed with detergents. They are resistant to damage, breathable and do not attract dust. Their main advantage for the kitchen is fire safety. They are also quite appropriate here, especially with the right combinations of materials.

All about glass wallpaper (video)

Why combine wallpaper?

Wallpaper is chosen in different textures, patterns and types in order to solve practical and aesthetic problems.

Using a combination of materials you can:

  • do functional zoning premises, visually highlighting the recreation area, dining area, work area;
  • visually combine or, on the contrary, separate the kitchen and living room spaces when combined into a studio;
  • hide wall defects;
  • play up the layout and disguise its shortcomings - for example, make the kitchen in the form of a pencil case not so narrow and dark;
  • visually make the ceilings higher or lower;
  • give the interior dynamics;
  • place accents and draw attention to certain walls and niches.

Important: To prevent the room from looking “wild,” you should not use expensive and cheap types of wallpaper in the same room.

How to combine wallpaper correctly

The combination of wallpaper in the kitchen should obey general rules, which are used in design.

The interior looks most organic when it is based on the use of materials of the same quality and approximately the same thickness. If the selected wallpapers differ significantly from each other in thickness, an unsightly scar will appear between them. You will have to use additional devices and materials in order to hide it from view.

It is important to choose the right color. Wallpaper can complement each other in color, being in one color scheme or contrast with each other. The combination of plain and colored wallpaper looks very interesting, while the color of plain wallpaper can be repeated in the motifs of the patterns on the wallpaper.

Important: A combination of wallpaper with different patterns can be used if available. good taste. This is a very complex combination and it’s easy to slip into kitsch. The kitchen will look flashy and tasteless. The only patterns that can be easily combined with each other and with other patterns are stripes and checkered patterns. Geometric and abstract designs also go well together.

Motifs on wallpaper and their color scheme goes well with the motifs and colors of furniture, interior items, and textiles.

Bright colors are best combined with muted ones.

Vertical combination

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen in the form of vertical stripes different textures and colors allows you to solve the problem of a low ceiling. Also, this combination is ideal for visually expanding the space - this solution is good to use in narrow kitchen cabinets, in small kitchens.

Here you can combine wallpaper with patterns with plain, contrasting color wallpaper. A combination of contrasting colors helps balance the lengths of the sides of the room.

You can apply the principle of asymmetry and alternate stripes of different colors and different widths. This technique helps to visually shorten one of the sides and bring the room closer to square.

Using a vertical solution, you can get rid of the monochrome interior.

Important: Win-win combinations of contrasting colors are black and white, blue and yellow, white in combination with any other color and pattern, yellow and blue, green and yellow. Combinations of black and red, gold and red, black and purple look more dramatic and compelling.

Horizontal combining

You can wallpaper the kitchen in a different way, making the top of the room one color and the bottom another. Very often, dividing a room horizontally is used when it is decided to combine wallpaper with other materials - tiles, cork, wood and bamboo panels, decorative plaster.

As a rule, the lower part of the room takes up 1 part, and the upper part accounts for 2 parts of the wall height. This is considered the most optimal proportion, pleasing to the eye. It looks quite harmonious when the border between the wallpaper runs along the line of the window sill. If the ceilings in the apartment are high, then the lower part can be made two-thirds the height of the wall.

It is better to place plain wallpaper on top, and patterned wallpaper on the bottom. If contrasting color plain wallpapers are combined, then a lighter tone on top is more appropriate. If you combine wallpaper with a pattern, it looks more harmonious on top small drawing, and from below - large. In principle, if a different design is conceived, you can do exactly the opposite, but this will require more taste and precise adherence to all proportions.

Only with horizontal division can you safely use materials of different thicknesses and textures. For example, wallpaper and cork or wallpaper of different textures. In this case, the joint can be masked with a molding, border, or wooden plank, which will play the role of a separate decorative element.

Vertical division using cleaning materials or decorative plaster It’s logical when you want to protect the lower part of the walls, which most often suffer from scratches, dirt and splashes.

Accent on the wall

Looks very interesting in kitchen pencil cases color accent on one wall, which is covered with wallpaper in a contrasting color or with a pattern. In general, highlighting one of the walls with color immediately makes the interior bold and memorable. But such a step also requires a lot. Highlighting one wall without supporting color in another part of the room will make the interior inharmonious. Therefore, when choosing the color of the wallpaper, you need to support it in furniture or textiles.

Using an accent on the wall, you can also highlight various parts of the kitchen - niches, columns. Particularly interesting will be the color highlighting of columns, ventilation ducts and other structural protrusions. They often try to hide them. Meanwhile, when it is impossible to get rid of them, it is better to focus attention on them and turn them into decorative element room, in its zest, and not an annoying design flaw.

Art to the masses

Patterned wallpaper and photo wallpaper can be used to make the kitchen interior original and unique. With the help of such wallpaper, the kitchen turns into an art object.

In this case, you can make original posters from wallpaper on the wall, placing them in frames.

The combination of several types of wallpaper on a selected wall, folded into a kind of patchwork or patchwork pattern, looks completely unusual. However, such work is quite labor-intensive and requires great care. In this style you can decorate a kitchen in an ethno style.

Options for combining wallpaper in the kitchen (video)


Combining wallpaper in the kitchen is a fun and rewarding activity. As a result, you can get an interior that you definitely won’t find anywhere else.

Examples of combining wallpaper in the kitchen (photo)

Since the kitchen is a specific place with difficult conditions, its wall coverings must meet all standards and requirements for environmental friendliness, wear resistance and safety.

In this article we will take a detailed look at what wallpapers you should use and how best to combine them.

Why is it necessary to combine?

Of course, we talk about necessity for a reason. Yes, you can decorate it in one color, but a well-chosen one combines significantly and has a very beneficial effect on the overall atmosphere in the room:

Important! Traditionally, designers advise highlighting the dining area more. So, if you want to highlight some kind of accent, try to make it the wall near the table.

Criteria for selecting wallpaper for combination

When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen that you plan to combine with each other, you need to pay attention not only to the appearance of the coatings and their compatibility, but also to certain characteristics, which we will tell you about below.

1. Moisture resistance. Wet cleaning in the kitchen - this is a very common practice, since during the cooking process drops of oil, juice, and other liquids may get on the walls, which we will need to wash off. Therefore, wallpaper for the kitchen should tolerate moisture well and not crumble after the first cleaning. This requirement is met.

2. Density. The kitchen is where you spend a lot of time. And - in motion. In such a situation, it is unlikely that it will be possible to protect the wallpaper from damage for a long time. Therefore, wallpaper should be dense, because density is practically synonymous with its durability.

3. Light fastness. If you want your combination of wallpaper in the kitchen interior to remain stylish and neat for a long time, then you need to select wallpaper that will not fade in the sun. The kitchen is a bright place, full of light. This means that the sun will definitely negatively affect the colors of wall coverings if they are not light-resistant.

4. Material. Never buy. No amount of cheapness or a design you like will save you from their fragility and impracticality. The same applies to wallpaper from natural materials. and, of course, look very impressive, but know: they absorb odors! But for the kitchen this is simply unacceptable.

5. Texture. Don't try to cover your kitchen with embossed ones! Even the cleanest housewives will collect dirt and grease in small recesses on the wallpaper. The wallpaper will quickly deteriorate and become covered with a coating that even cleaning cannot destroy.

6. Fire resistance. The kitchen is exactly the room in our house that is the most fire hazardous. Modern high-quality canvases are impregnated with special materials, due to which they have increased fire resistance. Don’t spare money - choose just such wallpaper, because perhaps someday they will be able to save your life.

Rules for combining wallpaper in the interior

It is important to know that there are several universal rules for combining wallpaper for the kitchen, which should be followed regardless of the parameters of the room:

  • combine wallpapers of the same quality. Don’t expect that you can save money on the dining area by purchasing paper wallpaper there, while decorating the work area with more expensive vinyl or non-woven waterproof coverings. This combination will look ugly and too tasteless;
  • combine wallpaper of the same width, if you don’t want to struggle with joints for too long;
  • take into account general form kitchens: Wallpaper simply owes to technology;
  • bright colors and balance with neutrals, and if you use it, make sure not to overload the atmosphere of the room.

Combination methods

There is a huge variety of variety of options combining wallpaper in the kitchen. The choice of the most suitable one depends on the parameters of the room itself, the style direction and the desires of the owners.

We will consider only the most common combinations, photos of which will definitely inspire you to achieve your own goals. You can also look at the selection and the possibilities of combining them.

Vertical zoning

Helps to visually increase the height of the ceilings and balance out an overly elongated, narrow kitchen. Vertical zoning can be symmetrical (the stripes are glued equally on both sides) or asymmetrical (they are glued in any order). The first option is more conservative and traditional, the second helps to fill the interior with dynamics.

Horizontal zoning

This technique should be used in rooms with high ceilings, as horizontal zoning can visually shorten the walls. alternate either through a strip, or, which is much more common, divide the wall into two zones, which are pasted over different wallpapers. The junction between the zones is decorated with a border.

Accent wall

If you are sure that there is enough space in your kitchen, you can focus on. She is pasted over with bright, unusual wallpaper with a pattern, and the rest of the walls remain neutral. Suitable for this option. They also need to be selected based on the criteria of practicality and moisture resistance, and also pay attention to the plot of the drawing itself.

For the kitchen, which is logical, images of food or utensils are more suitable. As a last resort, you can use neutral photos of plants and flowers: daisies, poppies, lilies, but try not to overuse heavy, very detailed images, because they can distract you from the main thing - the process of eating.

Advice: To check very simply and quickly whether a color will promote appetite, you can simply pay attention to its name. If there is something “edible” in it, then you can safely take it. For example, colors such as lingonberry, lemon, tomato, blueberry, and so on are definitely suitable for the kitchen.

Same type and density.

Choosing wallpaper combinations for small kitchens

If decorating large kitchens is a real freedom for your imagination, then in order to choose the right combination of wallpaper in a Khrushchev-era kitchen, you will need all your strength and knowledge in the field of combining wall coverings.

In conditions small area you just need to familiarize yourself with some secrets and subtleties that will help you hang wallpaper in an original, stylish and, most importantly, functional way.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with several useful tips for kitchen design combined wallpaper and the most successful combinations of colors and shades.

Achieving a beautiful and harmonious combination of wallpaper is a serious task that requires attention, but is by no means impossible. A little diligence, attention and creativity - and you will be able to create a unique, inimitable design.
