Decorative plaster in the house. Decorative plaster in the interior for unlimited design possibilities. How to cover with smooth putty

Plaster is used as the final stage of covering the walls outside the building and inside to create a colorful interior. Finishing plastering indoors is carried out in order to level the walls and prepare them for painting or decorating with wallpaper.

But, you can achieve an excellent effect without wallpapering, by creating different types of relief surface, and using a variety of plastering techniques. The surface of the walls is modeled by giving different textures while the plaster has not yet hardened - such work must be done quickly enough and have sufficient experience in plastering.

Plaster is translated from Italian as gypsum, and its composition includes such basic components as sand, lime and cement. However, for a stronger decorative effect, various granules and bulk substances in the form of stone chips, shells, pieces of mica and wood fibers are added to the plaster mixture. In addition to the colorful effect, the inclusions achieve additional perspective volume.

The base of mineral-based plaster is lime, to which particles of other inclusions are added, such as clay, marble and granite chips. This composition only helps to strengthen its strength over time, but at the same time pass steam through its surface, in order to avoid the appearance of dampness in the house. This plaster is resistant to sunlight, but is excessively bulky and has little ability to undergo structural changes.

For polymer plaster, plastic and durable acrylic resins become the connecting link, which makes it possible to disguise the surface of the wall and give it new tactile and visual characteristics. A persistent illusion is created that the wall is lined with one of the types of polished stone, or it looks and feels like a suede covering, or is no different from natural leather. In addition to this optical illusion, such plaster is resistant to temperature fluctuations, repels water and has good resistance to sunlight. The only drawback of plaster made from modern polymer compounds is that it does not allow steam to pass through well, which contributes to the appearance of dampness in the rooms.

Silicone resin forms the basis of silicone plaster, which perfectly resists various destructive factors. It is hydrophobic, does not allow steam to pass through its surface, and has a wide range of colors. The increased plasticity of silicone plaster allows it to be widely used to create relief patterns of any texture and complexity.

The basis of silicate plaster is liquid glass- it also easily takes any shape, is resistant to stains, but is already capable of transmitting steam. Silicate plaster has good fire resistance and repels moisture. But it cannot boast of a wide selection of color shades - it is produced in the form of a dry mixture with the addition of various colors.

All types of decorative plaster photos with names can take on a rough texture, but the surface of the wall is sometimes leveled and processed to give a discreet glossy shine. But relief plaster with a variety of expressive effects has a special effect in the interior. Types of decorative plaster according to the type of inclusions are divided into:

  • textured and structural, which have a relief rough surface;
  • Venetian, which belongs to the almost smooth type of plaster, but looks simply magnificent.

All types of plaster mixtures belong to an environmentally friendly type of materials and are considered reliable and highly durable.

Other types of decorative plaster photos with names, in addition to the connecting link, have inclusions of flax threads, wood and granite and marble chips. Small decorative stones are also used. This coating eliminates wall protrusions and all types of surface irregularities - there is also no need to preliminary preparation walls under plaster. It is enough just to take care of removing any residues from the walls that can flake off and dry them well. This type of plaster has high viscosity, and its additional components are flax fibers, pieces wood material, fragments of mica, crumbs of marble and granite.

This plaster works well for decorating brick, concrete and wooden surfaces— it is suitable for interior decoration work. Before applying plaster, the walls are primed with a deeply penetrating compound - to treat concrete walls, a special compound is applied, which promotes the best adhesion of the plaster layer to the wall.

Layer textured plaster it is quite hard and does not allow moisture to pass through, but air passes through such a coating freely. A layer of plaster can imitate natural stone, leather or wood. Textured plaster is one of the most popular types of decorative coatings, and is affordable.

The composition for preparing the solution is available in bags weighing 9, 18 and 50 kg in dry, ready-to-dilute form. The average consumption of the dry mixture is about 2 kilograms per square meter of wall. The dye may be in the dry mixture itself, or the wall may be painted after the plaster layer has hardened. It is not recommended to carry out external work in rainy weather and at temperatures up to 7 degrees Celsius. You can carry out texture work with a simple set of plastering tools - if professionals were not involved in the work, there are many options for designing walls in your own hands.

With the help of relief plaster, various relief patterns are formed on the wall. This:

  • “lamb”, which imitates the fur of this animal - for such a coating, stone grains are introduced into the dry plaster mixture various sizes and the coating gets grainy and uneven surface;
  • “fur coat” is also a rough surface with a fleecy structure, based on a cement plaster composition;
  • “kored” is a plaster filled with small pebbles - such a surface resembles the wood of a tree that has been gnawed by a bark beetle.

This texture in the form of vertical grooves looks very impressive.

Thin-layer plaster is created on the basis of acrylic or silicate, and marble chips and quartz elements are used as a composite component. The dry mixture looks like a granular mass of heterogeneous composition and is used for finishing external and internal premises. When applying such a plaster mortar, an almost even layer with a weak grain size is obtained, but when the layer dries to flat surface, exhibiting a peculiar optical relief. Having a good adhesion surface, this plaster adheres well to plasterboard and chipboard.

To the features structural plaster include its excellent breathability and resistance to various atmospheric conditions. Such a dry mixture is produced in packages weighing 9, 18 and 50 kilograms, and the finished solution is applied to a clean, dried surface treated with a primer, which penetrates deeply into the inner surface of the wall. At least 3 kilograms of dry mixture are consumed per square meter of wall.

During plastering work there should not be high humidity and the temperature drops below 7 degrees. Structural relief is achieved different ways, and using tools such as a smooth spatula and a roller - sometimes the structured surface is created with a special sprayer. For example, to obtain a wave structure, plaster with large grains is used, and it is applied with a spatula in a circular motion.

Such properties of structural plaster allow its use for finishing bathrooms - facades, doors and gates can also be successfully finished with it. The new surface is resistant to damage and directed impacts - it can be used without fear of damage.

For interior work, a dry mixture is selected that is diluted with water - it does not give off an odor and hardens quickly enough.

Special skill is required when applying Venetian plaster - this multi-layer coating, originally from the romantic city of lovers, is made by adding marble chips and slaked lime to a dry mixture. During the construction of buildings and the use of marble for their decoration, many small pieces remained, and in order not to waste the goods, they began to be used as a material for wall cladding.

Externally, the coating looks like marble, or made of precious onyx, so it should be done by an experienced plasterer. Apply a solution of Venetian plaster with a rubber spatula and apply the thinnest layer - each layer requires complete drying. The dry mixture is quite expensive, and the work of creating a plaster layer is quite painstaking, but the effect of translucent matte layers justifies all the effort. Most often, Venetian plaster is used to recreate a classical and antique style - it looks especially impressive in the Baroque style.

Different directions of movement of the spatula and methods of applying plaster allow you to achieve a matte and glossy surface of the walls. In addition to stone surfaces, Venetian plaster can imitate the shine of precious metals - thus achieving the effect of expanding the room and complex reflection of light on the wall surface. The dry mixture is produced in bags of 8 and 16 kilograms, and color can be added to it. Before plastering work, the wall must be dry, clean and treated with a deep-action primer, and before priming it must be reinforced and puttied. If the technology for working with Venetian plaster is not followed, cracks may appear, which will then be difficult to get rid of. Often, this coating is used as a basis for bas-reliefs, frescoes and complex panels.

More and more new types of interior surface finishing are presented by modern manufacturers. These include:

  • colored plaster, based on acrylic and marble chips - it is characterized by water-repellent properties and hardness. Diversity color range presented in more than fifteen shades - the solution is applied to a dry, cleaned surface in one layer. The solution can be applied to the outer and inner surfaces with equal success, but in order to prevent the formation of joints that will be noticeable, the plastering process should be carried out from corner to opposite corner.
  • roller plaster is characterized by a filler of organic origin various sizes— when applied, channels are formed that are located in different directions. Decorative patterns are formed by applying the mortar to the wall with a wide spatula, and then rubbing it with arbitrary movements in a circular and horizontal motion. With roller plaster, the color is often added to the dry mixture, or painted after the solution has hardened.
  • latex plastic so convincingly imitates the structure of polished stone, its gloss and shine that you can make a mistake in determining the surface texture even by touching it. The finished plaster resists cracking and repels water, making walls easier to clean. And colors that are similar in tone are ground in the solution, without over-stirring - then the structure of the stone is formed, imitating relief structures. Before applying the plaster, the walls are puttied and treated with a deep penetration primer.
  • The wet silk relief convincingly imitates this precious fabric on the walls - mother-of-pearl particles in the dry mixture demonstrate the shimmer of silk and all its color possibilities. This plaster is produced in a few, but extremely spectacular colors - the coating is available in white and golden colors, has the color of ripe garnet and metallic silver and bronze shades. This coating is moisture resistant, which allows it to be washed and cleaned; therefore, this type of plaster is most often used for the kitchen.
  • The sea breeze technique allows you to apply translucent colors with a slight pearlescent tint to the walls. This effect is achieved by the fact that the plaster contains fine-grained river sand - the play of colors in such plaster is achieved by randomly applying the solution, followed by thoroughly rubbing it on the wall. The main colors when using this technique are golden, white and garnet tones; among the metallic colors, bronze is used, but the most spectacular is the chameleon shade, which can change colors depending on the lighting. The use of plaster using the sea breeze technique is most often used in design interior

The excellent technical qualities and wonderful color effect of decorative plaster have captivated many designers due to the richness of color and variety of texture. This type of coating stands out clearly among other materials for interior decoration, and its irresistible qualities win larger number admirers.

Plaster in the interior exhibits all its positive properties:

  • it hides all the irregularities and defects of the wall surface;
  • adheres well to all known building materials for walls and ceilings;
  • It has high ability absorption of odors and pronounced resistance to sound and noise effects;
  • has an original and unique design, and goes well with other decorative items;
  • does not require special treatment of the walls, but is characterized by remarkable durability and strength;
  • retains heat well, but creates an obstacle to the penetration of moisture and frost;
  • good plasticity makes it possible to process surfaces of any complexity and give the coating any shape;
  • By plastering the walls, an environmentally friendly, practical and durable coating is achieved that is resistant to mechanical stress.

The quality of a decorative coating directly depends on the condition of the tools used to produce it. All of them must be free of coating defects and free from cracks or nicks.

Types of applying decorative plaster differ in their own technique to give walls special expressiveness and new artistic properties.

To apply Venetian plaster, which requires a special multi-layer design, the work is carried out with spatulas made of stainless material of various sizes. The base of the plaster layer is applied with the widest spatula, and the gaps should not only remain, but also become an important component in the compositional design.

The initial layer is made wide and completely devoid of symmetry.

All layers that are applied to the base should cover the faded layer with a brighter color, and vice versa, try to press the bright layer more so that it becomes less expressive. To achieve color shifts, each layer can have its own shade that is similar in color. Each layer is dried, leveled and sanded; an ironing process is carried out to give a glossy surface. And, for additional shine, the finished layers of plaster are coated with varnish or special wax. The transparency of each layer gives the wall surface an effect of volume and depth.

Plastering decorative types of textures with a relief pattern is carried out somewhat differently - it does not require special processing and. It is enough just to remove old layers, wash and dry the walls. In the next step, the wall surface is treated with a primer, which has deep penetration properties and an antibacterial composition, which prevents the appearance of fungus and mold. Prime the wall covering a day before the start of plastering work and make sure that the primer layer is completely dry.

The plaster solution is applied to the wall surface with a wide spatula with a soft surface, then a relief is quickly made over the wet plaster. To obtain different textured surfaces, tools such as spatulas of various shapes, rollers, sponges and various stencils are used. The formation of relief is carried out immediately from one wall to another in order to achieve a uniform surface without visible seams.

Decorative plaster types and methods of application are carried out using special knowledge - in order to apply structural plaster with high quality, you need to remember that the main plastering tool is a trowel made of stainless steel. The layer of plaster should not be much larger than the size of the composite grains, and after application the layer of plaster is left to set for 2-3 minutes. After that, smooth the layer of plaster in a circular motion with a plastic trowel. In this way, a uniform distribution of the granules that are in the solution is ensured, and the excess mass is removed from the trowel with a smaller spatula. To ensure that the joints are not visible, they plaster and make a relief surface, working quickly from corner to other corner. If the coloring layer was not added to the dry mixture, then painting is carried out no earlier than 10-14 days after plastering.

Strength and resistance to various damages allows you to completely ignore the walls in the first year after the coating was applied. The plastered surface of the walls does not absorb dust and unpleasant odors, and also repels water, so the walls can be easily cleaned with any detergents on a neutral basis. The walls can be washed off dirt with a soft rag and sponge, but not with metal scrapers, hard brushes or pumice.

To ensure that the plaster of the walls pleases the eye for a long time, it is covered with wax and glaze agents, which increases the waterproofing of the walls, and for Venetian plaster it provides additional shine. The wax composition focuses attention on the depth of the relief, while simultaneously increasing their protection from dust, moisture and mechanical impact. Wax components are selected in a silver-white shade with a mother-of-pearl effect and with a yellowish translucent tint. The wax coating is applied in a double layer with a spatula, sponge or brush, and after drying, polished soft cloth. This coating will respond positively to cleaning with detergents, but chemical solvents cannot be used for it.

Glazing is a translucent coating that allows you to acquire additional volume and emphasize the contours of the plaster relief. It may have different metal surfaces that shimmer in the light, or may simply have White color, which emphasizes the texture of the plaster. The glazing agent is applied with a brush, sponge, or a special mitten to fully treat all the depressions of the relief. Thanks to such means, relief plaster will last longer and maintain the hardness of its surface.

If you need to remove coating from a wall, you can use various methods.

If you are tired of the color, you can simply repaint the coating. When another version of plaster is planned, the top layer is removed down to the concrete base. In the case when you want to replace the textured surface with a smooth one in order to paste wallpaper, it is simply puttied, removing all textured irregularities.

Decorative plaster completely changes the appearance of the room and has several types. The textured dry mixture contains mineral chips, mica and other inclusions, which, when applied at random, produce a stunning effect. Structural plaster looks like a granular mass that consists of various inclusions and produces a relief pattern after drying. Thinner Venetian plaster is applied in layers and sealed with sealants for protection and added shine. Almost smooth surfaces with shimmering colors are provided by modern plastering materials, and plastered surfaces need to be washed with simple detergents.

Decorating walls with decorative plaster can be considered one of the most interesting and variety of options finishing. And even if the price of such a coating is higher than for painting water-based paints, or wallpapering, but it is more than compensated for high level aesthetics and durability of the material.

We will talk about what decorative effects are most popular today, how different compositions differ, and how interior plaster is combined with other types of coatings. The video in this article will introduce you to the technology for performing certain options. decorative plastering.

All types of plasters that differ from ordinary leveling screeds in color or texture are called decorative. And if twenty years ago they were used mainly for exterior decoration of houses, today interior plaster with a decorative effect is incredibly in demand as a material for interior works.

Preparation of base substrates for decorative plastering is carried out in the same way as for leveling. To determine the thickness of the soil layer, the walls are hung, using a level and a cord, the marks of all architectural elements are verified. The first, thickest layer of plaster is called primer.

Creating Effects

All subsequent layers are called covering layers, and depending on the type of plaster, there can be quite a lot of them: from two to seven or eight. If the base base is flat, for example, the surface is covered with plasterboard, or it concrete wall in a panel house, you can start immediately with the covering layer.


  • Each subsequent layer can be applied only after the previous one has completely hardened - and this is at least a day. The thicker the layer, the longer it takes to dry. It takes a significant amount of time to complete this work, but this is perhaps the only drawback of this type of finishing.

  • To obtain relief or texture, the covering layer can be processed not only in a plastic state, but also after hardening. It depends on what kind of effect you want to get.
  • All mixtures intended for decorative plastering contain plasticizing additives, and the resulting effect often depends on the type and fraction of the filler. Manufacturers offer us both ready-to-use solutions and dry mixtures, which you need to tint yourself and dilute with water to the desired consistency, as prescribed in the instructions.

  • Relief plasters in the interior are made using various rollers (see Rollers for decorative plaster and creating a relief surface), hatching and any available items (comb, cellophane, brush, metal brush, etc.) on an unhardened screed. There are many techniques, and, in general, the performer’s imagination is not limited by anything.
  • There is a so-called Italian finishing, in which the first coating layer is applied to the ground, leveled, and before it hardens, a second layer is sprayed with a long-bristled brush so that the lower surface is slightly visible, and then lightly smoothed with a metal float.

The color of the solution, in this case, may differ by a couple of tones, or even be contrasting, and the resulting effect depends on the exposure time of the spray. The result is approximately the same as in the photo above.

This plastering technique is not particularly difficult and allows you to do the work yourself.

Mechanical processing of covering layers

Textured processing of hardened screed is a more complex decoration option. Rusticized plaster looks very interesting in the interior. Rust is a recess, groove, recess, whatever you call it.

  • Initially, this technique was used only for finishing facades, but it also looks gorgeous indoors. With the help of rustications, you can even create an imitation of brick or stone masonry or boards on the surface.

  • In this case, the covering layer is made quite thick: it is leveled, carefully compacted with a wide wooden block, and then smoothed with a trowel. This screed hardens for almost a week - it is moistened with water several times a day, dried for a couple of days, and only then the processing begins.
  • The direction of the recesses is marked with a dye cord, and then the rustications are filled. To work on a plastic layer, a metal ruler and a hammer are enough. If the screed has half lost its plasticity or has completely hardened, a rustic cutter is used to texture the wall.
  • Using trapezoidal slats, you can get an imitation of sawn wood natural stone. Decorating all the walls in a room with such a relief is quite labor-intensive, and it doesn’t make sense. But the emphasis placed on one wall immediately attracts attention and incredibly improves the visual perception of the interior as a whole.

  • There is also a technique for processing the covering layer, called “sgraffito”. This finishing option is performed by applying two or more layers of color, followed by cutting out the design with a special tool. The outline of the image can be applied artistically or using a stencil.
  • When sections of the top covering layer are cut out, the bottom layer of a different color is exposed. If a significant area of ​​the screed is removed, a 3D relief is obtained that looks like an applique. But there is another option: the covering layer is removed only inside the contour of the design, and then it turns out to be deeper.

  • A similar decor is also performed on one wall, in a ceiling coffer, or, for example, when finishing plasterboard niche. The plastering solution is selected depending on the design of the design. The covering layer is most often a cement-lime mortar, where colored or white sand is present as a filler.
  • It can be quartz, or it can be a product obtained by grinding some natural stone. In non-machined screed mortar, colored cement can be used as a binder.

There are many variations in the processing of covering layers. It looks very beautiful, but not everyone can do something like this on their own.

Artificial marble effect

One of the most popular options for decorative plaster is imitation marble. This effect is called “artificial ironing marble”, since at the final stage, the top covering layer is polished with a hot iron.


  • This type of plaster is created from large quantities screeds: spray, two layers of primer and several covering layers. In short, this is how it is done.

The base is cleaned, notches are made on it, and the soil is filled with lime-sand mortar. The thickness of this layer is between one and a half to two centimeters, and it takes at least two days to harden.

How is marble imitation made?

The first covering layer contains: fatty lime paste, marble sand with a fraction of 0.5-1.5 mm and water. It is leveled, smoothed with a metal float, and minor defects are puttied.

  • The second layer of coating is applied half an hour after the first has set. The composition of this layer is similar to the previous one, with the only difference being that the fraction of marble chips here is smaller: 0.2-0.6 mm. If you need to get colored marble, then the necessary pigments are added to the solution.
  • These two layers must be ironed. That is, liquid cement paste is applied in a thin layer to fresh plaster, and then carefully smoothed with a spatula. This is done to increase the strength and water resistance of the plaster.

  • If cracks have formed in the second layer, they are expanded and puttied with a solution intended for the third covering layer. It uses not marble sand as a filler, but finely ground powder.
  • At this stage, the screed is allowed to dry for 24 hours, and then covered with a special emulsion. The emulsion contains lime milk, laundry soap and talc. All this is boiled for two hours, then filtered and pigment is added. The emulsion for tinting the main background and marble veins is prepared separately.
  • First, an emulsion of the main tone is applied, and when it is absorbed into the surface, the veins are drawn with a thin brush or pen. They do this several times, let the emulsion dry, and after it stops sticking to your hands, they begin to iron the surface.

  • Ironing allows you to perfectly smooth the surface and achieve the shine that is inherent in polished marble. This is a rather complex process: the irons are heated on a brazier with charcoal, first gradually increasing and then decreasing the temperature.
  • When they are not heated enough, the emulsion will stick, and if overheated, cracks may appear. If the film is accidentally damaged, this place is puttied and ironed again. Then, the decorative layer dries for two weeks, after which it is washed and degreased with white spirit or turpentine.

At the final stage, the surface is coated with special wax and polished. As you can see, this is not an easy job, and it is easy to guess that such a high cost of marble plaster is due precisely to the complexity of its implementation.

Craquelure and colored plasters

The decorative effect of the coating is not always created by the performer, although, of course, not without his participation. There are many plasters on sale that are designed to create a specific effect, and can even be tinted by the manufacturer to a specific shade.

For those who do not have the skills for such work, but do not want to resort to the services of expensive specialists, this the best way out out of position.

Bark beetle

The most affordable and easiest to use is bark beetle plaster, which imitates the surface of a tree eaten away by a beetle. This effect is achieved thanks to coarse-grained stone chips in the mixture. “Wormholes” are created when the trowel moves across the surface in one direction or another.

“Bark beetle” – plaster in the interior

  • This plaster is applied to a leveled and primed surface. The plaster is mixed and applied to the base to the thickness of the filler fraction. Excess mortar is removed, and while the screed retains its plasticity, a pattern is formed. The first layer dries within 24 hours.
  • By the way, such plaster is tinted not only in bulk, that is, by adding pigment to the solution, you can simply paint the covering layer. This way there are more possibilities for decoration, because the range of paints is much wider than pigments. The surface painting method is much better, and here's why.

  • Difficulties in tinting a mixture in mass arise because it is almost impossible to obtain the same shade in different batches. It would be necessary to mix a large volume of solution at once, and it is not a fact that it will be possible to work it out until it sets alone.
  • The first covering layer is painted with a darker shade of paint, the second is made lighter. Thus, the depressions on the surface formed due to the movement of the filler stand out in contrast. The finished coating can be further decorated.

  • Using a film stencil fixed to dried plaster masking tape, paint is applied with a sponge. In this way you can not only create decor, but also visually zone the room. This type plastering is carried out both over the entire area of ​​​​the walls of the room, and is used as an accent on one wall or ceiling.

Decorative plaster can be combined with any other type of finish: wallpaper, wood paneling, panels, brick texture. You can see one of the most successful examples of this combination in the picture above.

Antique decor

All types of plasters that create the effect of antiquity are called craquelure. By and large, these include the same “bark beetle” mentioned above. But if wormholes are created as a result of mechanical action on a plastic screed with a tool, then the effect of cracked plaster is created using a completely different technology.

  • Colored mother-of-pearl is applied as the first layer and allowed to dry completely. The second layer is a craquelure varnish-activator. It dries in half an hour, after which you can apply the textured mixture tinted in the mixture. Thanks to the varnish, the covering layer that has not yet set begins to crack right before our eyes.

  • There are other techniques for achieving the craquelure effect. For example, this: the first layer is colored plaster tinted in a dark shade. Then, while it still retains its plasticity, a composition of a lighter shade is applied in chaotic short strokes.
  • For cracks to appear, the plaster is not allowed to harden naturally, but is forced to dry using construction hair dryer. The number and size of cracks depend on the thickness of the coating layer and its drying time.

To make it more decorative, cracks are covered with colored varnish, enamel of a different color, or a glazing compound with a pearlescent sheen. After drying, the surface is sanded until glossy. Ultimately, the resulting coating is also very similar to marble, as we see in the photo above.

Decorative plaster can radically transform a home. Moreover, it can be combined with other types of cladding, painted in different colors, apply any structures.

Varieties by composition

Floral patterns, ceiling stucco, antique stonework, Venetian, large waves - all this and much more can be created from textured plaster.

The material goes on sale not only in white, but also in any other color, in dissolved form or in the form of dry mixtures. Each type has its own composition, preservatives, and fillers. The appearance of surfaces depends on them.

The structural nature of the coating makes it possible to create different patterns and effects. It doesn't matter whether it's a ceiling or a wall, a bathroom or a kitchen, a living room or a bedroom, a nursery or a hallway. Color or combinations thereof, texture or pattern are the exclusive prerogative of the master who works with the mixture. The main thing is that everything is combined with the style, and does not look pretentious and provocative. Based on their composition, the following types of textured plaster are distinguished:


Mineral - most often used in the kitchen and bathroom

It is based on cement and is sold in powder form. Endowed with excellent resistance to moisture, suitable for any surface. Can be used in the kitchen and bathroom.


Silicone - fits easily on any surface

This is a ready-to-use mixture and does not need to be diluted. fits well and easily on absolutely any surface, be it wallpaper under plaster, old uneven walls or brick. It has good moisture resistance, suitable for corridors, halls, bathrooms or kitchens. It can be used even on unprepared surfaces.


Acrylic - has good coverage

Liquid material, can be used immediately after opening the package anywhere. It has uniquely good covering ability and high decorative properties. Recommended for decorating living rooms, bedrooms, and children's rooms. The advantage of this material is a wide range of colors. Polymer plaster is similar to this type.


Silicate - contains liquid glass

Also available in ready-to-use form. Contains liquid glass. Has excellent adhesive properties. It fits well and masks unevenness. Can serve as a basis for structural types of plaster.

Textured varieties

Any type of decorative plaster can be used to create smooth surface or act as material for creativity. They are used to make relief compositions and patterns, from simple to the most complex, including panels for decoration.


Graphite - contains sand (sand concrete)

Thin-layer concrete containing sand (sand concrete). It can be used to create wood coverings, porcelain stoneware, leather, decorative stone and fabric. It is also used to create volumetric or floral motifs. Even monumental images can be recreated from it. The material is very good for decorating walls in the medieval style.


Flock - very popular plaster

Decorative finishing designed to recreate a soft structure similar to natural fabric. Very popular. It is used to decorate children's rooms, bedrooms and other rooms where a warm atmosphere and comfort is considered a priority. The mixture consists of multi-colored acrylic flakes. This main feature flock plaster. With it, you can alternate areas of different colors with each other. In this case, no joints are formed, the coating looks solid. This feature of flock plaster allows you to decorate, for example, children’s rooms in different colors easily and naturally.


It is considered the queen among other types of plaster. Most designers use it in their projects. It is used to imitate translucent marble tiles, rocks and other textures. The composition of this mixture has a unique visual depth. It is suitable for any premises:

  • children's;
  • living rooms;
  • hallways;
  • kitchens

It can be combined with your favorite other materials and finishes.

Stone chips are a cladding method that also deserves attention

I believe that this method of cladding also deserves attention. Stone chips from fine to medium fraction (0.5-5 mm) in a special binder can work wonders. The manufacturer can use marble, granite or quartz as the base (stones). This coating can be stylishly finished:

The clear, cold appearance of the coating in combination with another type looks simply gorgeous.

Bark beetle

Despite the fact that the bark beetle is used mainly for finishing facades, it can also be found among passers-by in some apartments. In a room covered with bark beetles, a pleasant atmosphere will always reign, conducive to relaxation and tranquility. The coating is endowed with high strength indicators, lasts a long time, and does not lose its original appearance throughout its entire service life. practicality, durability. I can say that those who use it are chasing two birds with one stone and successfully catching up with both.


Africa looks quite expensive

Covering imitating snake or crocodile skin. Possessing a special decorative effect, it is often used in interior decoration, emphasizing the ethnic flavor. It looks quite expensive. The top is covered with glitter, paint or wax.

Marseille wax

Used by designers to create a rocky, antique masonry or sandstone look. The color scheme is light sand. Such elements complete the interior, adding coziness and warmth to the room. It is usually used to decorate doorways or certain sections of walls.

Silk effect

An amazingly beautiful type of plaster, reminiscent of silk with unobtrusive designs and patterns. They look chic in the interior and give a rich tactile sensation to the touch.

Silk plaster is considered the queen in the decorative plasters sector. It always looks expensive, chic, aristocratic, no matter where it is used. A special charm is the shimmer of rays in daylight, from which it is difficult to take your eyes off.

It should be in harmony with the style, not irritate, not tire. The fundamental choice of color palette is based on four groups:

  • Fresh. They give transparency, purity and spirituality.
  • Warm. They calm loved ones, and add coziness to the room, making them ready to relax.
  • Saturated. Have high percent coloring matter.
  • Calm. Soft colors, most often with shades of gray. This decision brings balance and peace to the home.

How and what kind of plaster can be used in kitchens?

Having made a revolution in the kitchen and bathroom, refusing to glue wallpaper for painting and ceramic tiles, you will make them super fashionable, stylish and unique. This room is considered to have an extreme climate in the house, so for the kitchen it is advisable to choose acrylic-based synthetic compositions. Only they are able to withstand temperature changes, are resistant to the formation of fungal formations, and allow air to pass through well.


It is advisable to cover the top layer with wax or paint, this way it will last longer without losing its appearance and will simplify the care of the coating.

Look at the photo to see how your kitchen or bath can be transformed if you choose decorative plaster as a finish. And it doesn’t matter what it will be:

  • Venetian silk;
  • bark beetle;
  • velvet, classic travertino;
  • marble;
  • microcement.

Gypsum mixtures cannot be used as a base for these rooms. They are afraid of high humidity and do not meet hygienic requirements. Because they actively absorb moisture, they swell, losing their integrity. In order not to have to redo the repairs, and in the near future, you simply need to abandon them.

Venetian decorative plaster is especially popular in kitchen decoration.

It is used to create styles such as:

Here they use discreet smooth textures.

  • Smooth, patterned surfaces that subtly cover the walls are best for a small hallway.
  • To visually enlarge the space, it is better to take as a basis decorative plaster of light colors with a smooth or finely granulated texture and a discreet design or pattern in the center.
  • Any relief visually creates volume, therefore small area the rooms will be hidden.
  • In combination with the Venetian, you can use gold-colored stucco, however, if this does not contradict the style of the project.
  • For large hallways and halls, I recommend choosing Venetian. This way your space will sparkle in a new way, it won’t look like ordinary room, but like a real palace or main entrance.

  • Plaster that imitates brickwork or decorative rock.
  • For interiors in the pop art style, three-dimensional drawings made in bright colors are best suited.
  • Picturesque paintings, against the backdrop of decorative plaster, will complement the image and add elegance to the classic style.
  • The delicate colors of textured plaster walls are the best way to enliven a Provencal-style hallway.
  • The Venetian with the effect of wet silk looks gorgeous in the interior of the corridor. It can be safely combined with glass, wood or metal.

Corridors and hallways are deprived of a source of natural light, so they need to use a light palette and bright colors. It would also be correct to use mirrors in them, especially if they have a small usable area.

Natural, muted tones will help create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility in living rooms and corridors.

Ways to decorate living rooms

Here, when planning renovations, we set ourselves two main tasks - to create comfort and convenience, conducive to rest and relaxation. Apparently that's why the choice finishing material for wall surfaces is a very important and difficult task.

  • Decorative plaster in a living room design project may well serve as the main finish. It can also be combined with stone panels, wood, and paintable wallpaper.
  • Here is a living room, where not only the wall surfaces are plastered, but also the ceiling, framed with stucco. No one can argue with the fact that it looks original and chic.
  • If the goal is to visually increase the usable area, then you should use a mixture of light colors, even better with a good reflective effect.
  • With Marseilles wax plaster you can make such ornaments and imitation wooden coverings, as well as imitation brickwork and stone.
  • To recreate the elegant, exquisite interior choosing a living room Venetian plaster with a silver or golden sheen.

The development of modern technologies is reflected in construction industry. Today, along with traditional, conventional types of wall and ceiling decoration, the use of decorative plaster is gaining popularity. The theme is fresh and unconventional; due to this decor, the interior becomes special. We understand the main nuances of this material, study its advantages, disadvantages, varieties, current color solutions and design.


Decorative plaster is usually understood as a finishing plaster material. Its main distinctive feature is texture. Unlike the rough starting coating, which is a preparatory layer and leveler for plaster, the finish in question has a soft and delicate texture.

Decorative variety for interior decoration coatings are intended for decorating walls, ceilings, ledges, niches, columns and other design features premises.

The main component of decorative plaster is the binder. In addition, the composition includes various additives that determine the decorative and performance qualities of the plaster mixture. This is a separate type of plasters that is not applied for leveling. This material is an alternative to classic and liquid wallpaper, painting, wall panels, plasterboard, laminate, and other wall and ceiling cladding.

Decorative plaster is characterized by high plasticity. It is convenient and comfortable to use. A characteristic feature of this finish is the presence of relief. It makes the plaster material special. The pattern is beautiful and matches fashion trends interior compositions and almost always individual. These factors determine the relevance of using decorative plaster instead of conventional cladding.

Such mixtures differ from the starting varieties in that they do not shrink after drying. If the application technology is followed, they will not crack or fall off the surfaces. Most of these mixtures have an ecological basis. Therefore, they are harmless to the human body.

An interesting nuance is the fact that decorative plaster can be made independently from ordinary putty. The composition is quite simple and does not require large financial costs.

They can be used in any room of the home. Decorative plaster coatings can decorate walls and ceilings in the living room, bedroom, children's room, hallway, corridor, office, home library. They are applicable in decorating space glazed balcony or loggias. In this case, the mixtures can be painted in any color; they can be supplemented with additives (for example, marble chips, mother-of-pearl or silver).

Advantages and disadvantages

Decorative plaster used to decorate the interior has many advantages.

  • It is produced using modern equipment from high-quality raw materials. Due to this, it has high performance characteristics.
  • She is aesthetically attractive. Any interior looks stylish, beautiful and appropriate with such decor. At the same time, the pattern of textured plaster does not limit the number of furniture parts.
  • Regardless of the type of print, it is expressive. At different designs This decor fits into the interior of the home according to the chosen style direction.
  • Decorative cladding based on plaster has different shape release. You can choose the option that is convenient for you, taking into account financial opportunities and your own preferences.
  • Such decoration can be a stylish accent or a complete decoration of the interior of the room. With its help you can zone the space of the room.

  • Decorative coating can bring the desired mood into the interior. With its help you can make the room stylish and cozy.
  • Due to the shade used and the specific effect of the material, you can visually increase the height and width of the walls and erase the clear boundaries of the ceilings.
  • Textured plaster mixture simplifies surface finishing. It allows you to approach the decoration of space creatively, revealing its full potential.
  • Decorative plaster is compatible with other finishes. You can combine it with wallpaper, wall panels, sheathing and even tension fabric inserts in plasterboard structures that extend onto the wall.
  • This is a durable material. It is resistant to negative factors environment, temperature changes and sunlight. With careful care and use, it will last more than 10 years.
  • Plaster mixtures are varied. Due to different additives, they differ in a certain effect. This fact allows you to create the desired pattern on the coating layer without the help of specialists.
  • This material has thermal insulating properties. It additionally insulates the floors on which it is applied.

It is impossible not to mention the disadvantages of decorative plaster.

  • It's really durable. However, it does not provide significant mechanical loads. A strong impact will cause chips or scratches.
  • Not every composition is durable. Sometimes this requires covering the interior plaster with varnish. water based, having previously diluted it with water.
  • Good material with a special effect is expensive. If you add to this special trowels with the desired relief, the finishing can cost a hefty sum.
  • Caring for a textured surface is not easy. You cannot simply vacuum the surfaces to rid them of dust. Removing contaminants will also be problematic.
  • The consumption of decorative interior plaster is higher than its classical counterparts. At the same time, defects are possible, so the material will have to be purchased with a reserve.
  • This finish does not tolerate hackwork. If you delay the work process, the pattern in all areas will be different. In this case, the layer of the applied mixture may also differ.


All existing species decorative plaster can be classified according to the form of release. On modern construction market Interior plaster products for interior work today are presented in the form of a powder mixture and finished mass.

The first option requires pre-mixing the composition with water. room temperature in the right proportions. In the second case, it is a mass that does not need dilution. Often it is already colored, which is not the case with its dry counterpart, which has predominantly a base color. However, this factor gives it great advantages, allowing coloring of any degree of intensity.

The composition of interior plaster can be of several types.

  • Mineral based on cement. It is characterized by plasticity, suitable for finishing mineral types of bases.
  • Acrylic, named after the main component (acrylic resin). Suitable for any type of floor, has high viscosity.
  • Silicate, made on the basis of liquid glass. Breathable universal plaster.
  • Silicone, modification based on synthetic resins. One of the best varieties for finishing interior floors.

Colors and design

The color solutions for interior plaster are varied. They can be limited by two factors: the degree of illumination of a particular room in the home and its square footage. Otherwise, everything depends on taste and a creative approach to the design of walls and ceilings.

For the ceiling they try to choose white and ivory shades. Recently, bleached gray, decorated with silver glitter, has been added to them.

For walls, using a white tint is impractical. Beige and marble tones are popular here. However, not all so simple: When choosing a color, you should rely on the chosen style and its business cards. For example, if a loft style is chosen, the color of the finish imitating brick or stone will resemble natural material. That is, these are gray, mustard, brick tones.

If you need to show unity with an ecological style, choose beige and sand tones. In some lines there is stylization made in pinkish, gray-blue and even blue tones. Popular colors, in addition to white, are green, olive, and blue. Black color is not able to fully convey the beauty of the relief. However, it can be used in minimal quantities (for example, for drawing).

Decorating plaster is a special issue. Let’s make a reservation right away: the design of interior plaster can be done in two ways. In the first case, this is the creation of a relief pattern by pressing through an uncured plaster layer. Here textured rollers are used, wrapping them with clothesline, cling film, the use of crumpled newspaper, a special trowel, fingers, molding, stencils and other devices.

In another case, the decoration is more complex. First, the first decorative layer is performed. Then, in the right place, a three-dimensional pattern is made by applying the mass. He may have different size, relief and theme. Such drawings are created by professionals with artistic and sculpting skills.

Often shells or paints are used for such decoration, covering the created pattern with them. The topics vary. This could be a painting from ancient times, a floral or plant composition, stylized ornaments, the effect of three-dimensional sculptures. It all depends on the chosen design direction.

Selection and use

Let us outline the main aspects of choosing decorative plaster for decoration certain interior taking into account the main branches of design.


Classic, neoclassical, classicism, Italian style need elements of solemnity. Preferred light shades and inclusion of gilding in the finish. Large relief is not needed. Venetian and Versailles plaster will do. You can depict elements of gypsum stucco.

It would be appropriate to use textured rollers: applying relief will make the interior stylish.


Minimalistic or elegant modern tendencies need unobtrusive demonstration of coatings. For example, for minimalism, relief is not necessary at all. If we consider modern modernism, gloss is needed here. Small relief, unusual texture, simple design - these are the main criteria for choosing a design.


For finishing, it is better to mix plaster of two shades. This will give the coating individuality.


Scandinavian, English, African, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and other interior styles are distinguished by their characteristic features and approach to decorating walls and ceilings. For example, history is more important than ever for oriental interiors. Such coverings can be decorated with relief calligraphy in the form of poems, fanza roofs, and sakura branches. If we take the Arabic direction, here you can recreate the texture of an aged surface and depict on it a motif from the fairy tales of Scheherazade. There are a lot of options: it all depends on the capabilities of the performer.

Vintage and environmental

It all depends on the general concept of the chosen interior. If this is an abundance of wood, you should not repeat it in the shade of plaster. It is better to make it expressive using the technique of contrasting tones. In this case, bark beetle plaster and board texture are appropriate.

For Baroque and Rococo styles it is important to show luxury. You need Versailles or Venetian plaster in two shades. The presence of silver will create a special effect. If you consider an interior in the spirit of Provence, you need simplicity and a matte texture; for country style, you can use textured rollers.


When choosing interior plaster, the size and type of room in an apartment or private house matters. For example, for a spacious living room, various patterns and even large paintings covering the entire wall are appropriate. If the room is small, it is better to use the drawing technique in the form of a panel. For a special effect, you can arrange the plaster pattern in a frame made of baguette.

If you plan to decorate your bedroom, it is better to choose simple patterns. There is no need to create complex paintings here. This can create emotional stress. It is better to decorate this space with an imitation of aging; a Versailles finish in light colors is suitable. If you want to highlight the headboard area, you can accentuate this area by covering the remaining walls with wallpaper of a similar color.

When using a pattern on a plaster surface, a print on the wallpaper is undesirable.
