Is it possible to make horse manure in the fall. For which plants horse manure is especially useful, and for which it is better not to use it. Horse manure - benefits and harms

Horse manure is the most valued organic fertilizer by gardeners. By fertilizing their plot with it, the owners solve many issues - top dressing, preparation and loosening of the soil, heating greenhouses and greenhouses. What properties horse manure has as a fertilizer, how to use it on the farm, when and in what cases it makes sense to apply it, and in which it is better to refrain - will be discussed in this article.

Characteristics of horse manure

What is the value of this type of fertilizer? First, you need to understand what properties it has. Let's start with the useful ones.

What is good horse manure:

  1. Horse manure has a low acidity, thus, it is not an acidifier of the soil and nourishes the plants without harming them.
  2. It perfectly cultivates fertilized soil - loosening heavy soils and retaining moisture on the lungs.
  3. A well-known property is the ability to warm up in the process of decay.
  4. Compared to cow and pig droppings, this has fewer weed seeds.
  5. Comparing with the droppings of other animals, it should be noted that in the horse more content organic substances such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium.
  6. It is able to give its nutrients to the soil for a long time, so it can not be applied in the same place every year.

Things to keep in mind when using horse manure

First, you need to be careful when using fresh horse feces. This is due to the fact that when applied to the soil, the manure will begin to overheat and can burn the roots and stems of plants.

Important! “…care must be taken when using fresh horse feces.”

There is also such a feature - organic compounds that are in fresh litter are not accepted by plants and certain chemical reactions must occur (during overheating) in order for them to be absorbed.

Thirdly, and this is also a feature of fresh manure - it contains a large number of weed seeds, mycelium and eggs and larvae of insect pests.

When overheated, ammonia is formed on the soil surface, which has a detrimental effect on plants - especially young ones. When stuffing greenhouses and greenhouses (enclosed spaces), only rotted fertilizer should be used.

That is, in general, it is better to use already rotted fertilizer, or use fresh fertilizer with precautions.


So, horse manure is an excellent fertilizer, but it must be applied on certain rules. In general, several types of this fertilizer are distinguished according to the degree of decay, and they must be used in different ways.

fresh horse manure

As already mentioned, its use directly on the beds can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, this type is best applied to the soil in the fall, so that it has time to at least a little overheat during the winter season. Then its composition will be more easily absorbed by plants. If there is no time to wait so long, then fresh litter can be used to feed pumpkin crops, shrubs (raspberries, roses).

Partially rotted horse manure

The manure that is traded in the spring near orchards and orchards will be exactly like this, it is the waste accumulated during the autumn and winter from horse farms. This fertilizer can be considered prepared for use on farms. It can be used for stuffing greenhouses - trampled down soil from below, then a layer of manure, from 20 to 30 cm from above fertile soil. It is also suitable for incorporation into the soil by ordinary digging.

It is also used to feed the root system of bushes and trees - here you need a small amount of litter (from a bucket to half) to evenly scatter around the tree trunk or the base of the bush and carefully dig it up on a “half bayonet”. Less commonly used as mulch - in this case, you need to prepare a mixture with sawdust and carefully level it around the plants.


This is horse manure, completely rotted and the most valuable for crop production. All processes of formation of useful nutrients finished in it. When rotting, the maximum number of weeds and pests died in it. This in itself is a nutrient substrate for growing plants.

The note! "Must... completely rotted and most valuable for crop production."

It can be used:

  • for making as a top dressing in the ground when planting seedlings;
  • for fertilizing large areas during autumn and spring digging or arable land;
  • for feeding during plant growth in spring and summer;
  • for the organization of fertile layers in greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • for growing mushrooms;
  • for feeding domestic plants.

As can be seen from the above, the longer horse manure is stored, the more valuable it is. How to store it correctly so that it does not lose its qualities and eventually turns into the most valuable fertilizer - humus?

Manure storage options range from a simple fenced-in manure pile to state-of-the-art concrete mulch.

Here it is worth noting the basic principles of storage, which will ensure the safety of the litter and its transformation into humus.

  1. Do not make a hole for storage - in order to avoid flooding the entire mass with rain.
  2. In order for the stored volume not to spread around the district, you need to make a fence.
  3. The base must be rammed.
  4. On the resulting base, put a layer of peat or soil with a layer of at least 30 cm. This layer will absorb slurry.
  5. Next, a layer of manure is applied and compacted. This is necessary for right processes overheating.
  6. Another layer of peat or soil is laid on top and compacted.
  7. It is not necessary to use a film in this whole construction, either for the bottom base or for protection from above. During decay, manure will begin to heat up and simply destroy the film. From above it is better to make a canopy for protection from the weather.

The process of humus maturation will be quite long - up to 3 years, but it will justify itself by obtaining first-class fertilizer for the farm.

How else can you apply

What to do when there is no way to wait for humus? In this case, by-products from horse manure are often used for feeding. horticultural crops. You can do this in two ways.

On one's own

In order for manure to rot faster and become more valuable food for plants, gardeners accelerate the processes of decay. To do this, take fresh or semi-rotten dry manure and mix it with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Within 2-3 weeks, this mass ferments, putrefactive processes occur in it, which release all useful and nutritious substances, along with destroying the bulk of pests and weeds . In this case, it is necessary to mix this solution daily. And for a better start of fermentation, you need to take warm water.

Important! "In order for the manure to rot faster ... gardeners speed up the processes of decay."

After the expiration date, the resulting liquid can be added as a feed to bushes, trees and plants. The yield will increase as well as from fertilizing with humus.

When the owners do not have time and opportunities for such events, you can always buy fertilizers made from horse manure in specialized stores. It can be a liquid or granular product.

There are a lot of options for such fertilizers, and each has its own method of application. But most likely, these will be concentrates (liquid or in granules), which must be diluted in water and fertilized with plants. Their efficiency is high and many gardeners, hearing good feedback about this, they switch to their use, combining with traditional fertilizer.

Summing up, we can say that horse manure has been and remains an indispensable part of household plots as a fertilizer, and nothing better is foreseen.

The benefits of horse manure when growing garden trees, bushes and flowers, as well as during the vegetation of some vegetables and berries, has been proven. Horse manure as a fertilizer is used in fresh, semi-rotted and completely rotted form. Each form has its advantages as well as some disadvantages.

Feed in autumn or spring. But organic matter cannot be used if traces of fungal spores are found in it and if the soil in the greenhouse is too dense, since in this case it will destroy the seedlings.

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    The benefits of horse manure

    The simplest method of applying fertilizer to strengthen the root system of plants or to obtain high yields is the use of manure. This biological top dressing is much safer than chemicals for the garden. AT recent times horse defecation is very popular. It is classified as useful and effective organic.

    Horse manure contains:

    • nitrogen;
    • phosphorus;
    • potassium;
    • calcium and other beneficial trace elements.

    The above substances as a catalyst affect the growth and development, plant productivity, improve soil structure.

    The benefits of agricultural technology with horse manure have been proven by many years of use in agriculture. Cultures treated with animal defecation tolerate weather anomalies more easily, they develop resistance to fungal diseases.

    The advantage of this raw material is that it is lighter, drier and better degradable than the manure of pigs, cows or birds. Horse manure warms up to 70-80 ° C, gives off heat to the soil, while the cooling process is much longer. The product is able to keep warm up to two months.

    Natural fertilizer is not affected by pathogenic microflora. The soil after its use becomes loose. Manure does not contribute to soil oxidation, besides, the earth is saturated with carbon dioxide, as a result of which a normal heat and water balance is maintained.

    Types of horse manure

    Top dressing is used in different forms:

    • fresh;
    • in the half-deceased;
    • in rotted;
    • in the form of sludge.

    Each of these types has its own advantages:

    1. 1. Fresh manure. Raw manure is used to improve soil composition, as it releases nitrogen and heat. But it should be remembered that defecation burns the roots of plants. In order to prevent a negative impact, it is introduced into the soil in the fall when digging up the beds. During the winter, he manages to decompose. In this case, green spaces will only benefit. In the spring, biological fertilizer is applied to greenhouses and greenhouses for growing cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin. They love his potatoes and crops that have a long growing season. Manure is mixed with peat or sawdust, as well as old grass, ash, leaves, branches, compost in a pit for about 5-6 months. For the preparation of liquid top dressing, fresh raw materials are needed. This species is easy to distinguish, since the remains of straw and cereals are visible in the young organic matter.
    2. 2. Semi-rotted fertilizer. The color of this top dressing is darker. Half-finished animal waste has a modified structure. They feed garden plants. Used in the cultivation of cabbage, flowers, trees and shrubs. Add to the soil in a semi-liquid form when digging. In the second year after the introduction, carrots, beets, tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries and strawberries actively grow on such a site. And for roses, it is used as a mulch.
    3. 3. Overripe organics. It looks like a homogeneous black mass, lighter than fresh. Completely rotted humus fertilize the soil when planting seedlings in open ground or in a greenhouse. For two parts of the land, one part of top dressing is needed. For top dressing fruit trees this manure fits perfectly.
    4. 4. Humus. This is the last stage of decomposition of horse defecation. This form of fertilizer is the most useful. Suitable for feeding all garden flowers, bushes, trees and horticultural crops. Bring it under fruit trees. Under adult specimens, up to five buckets are required.

    The taste of root crops improves if they grew on soil fertilized with horse humus. Radishes and onions lose their bitterness.

    How to properly fertilize plants?

    For autumn fertilizer, manure is laid in the ground with a layer of 50 cm. Then this layer is covered with straw, covered with soil up to 30-35 cm thick. Per 100 sq. m enough about 700-800 g of raw materials. Ready compost is required much less: 100-200 g of products per 100 square meters. m.

    They introduce natural fertilizer during digging, since the nitrogen present in its composition quickly evaporates.

    When spring feeding crops, take 4-6 g per square meter of land. Together with fertilization, the soil is disinfected with potassium permanganate ("potassium permanganate"). Two days before sowing seeds, cover the beds with plastic wrap so that the earth can warm up.

    Cooking liquid remedy as follows: for 10 liters of water, take about 2 kg of ready-made manure, add up to 1 kg of sawdust, then insist for two weeks. The composition is stirred regularly. The resulting mass is filtered and 1 liter of infusion is poured into 10 liters of water and used for top dressing in a ratio of 1 to 6. For irrigation under the root, 1 kg of manure per 10 liters of water is used.

    Natural fertilizer for potatoes

    Fresh manure is brought in in the fall to the land on which it is planned to grow potatoes or tomatoes. Since the growing season of the tubers is long enough, you can fertilize the soil in the spring. This requires five kilograms of humus per square meter.

    You can pour rotted fertilizer directly into the hole, mixing it with the soil. In such holes, the tubers grow large.

    A ten-liter bucket holds about 7-8 kg of organic matter or 5 kg of manure mixed with sawdust.

    Top dressing for indoor and garden roses

    Re-feeding is carried out during the flowering period after watering. Do not fertilize before rain, as useful material will be washed out of the ground. Best time days for the procedure is early morning or late evening, since during these periods there is no solar activity. Moisture should have time to soak into the soil, and not evaporate under the rays of the sun.

    Fertilizer for berry crops

    Horse manure is suitable for nutrition garden strawberries and strawberries. Apply manure, which was infused for a day.

    When planting garden berries, dry manure or rotted top dressing is introduced into the hole on suburban area. It is permissible to water the plants with a solution prepared from 10 parts of water and 1-2 parts of manure. Up to three buckets of dry horse fertilizer can be poured per square meter.

    Aisles of raspberries, currants and other bushes and berries are recommended to be mulched with a ten-centimeter layer of humus.


    To save useful elements should ensure proper storage humus prepared from horse manure. There are two ways:

    • hot;
    • cold.

    The second storage option is considered optimal. With the cold method, there is more nitrogen in the manure and it does not overheat. To do this, limit the access of oxygen. Therefore, horse waste is stacked in dense layers.

    They dig a hole in the country and build a fence. Also, top dressing is prepared in bags. Branches, straw, old leaves and other organic matter from the garden are placed at the bottom of the recess. The first layer is at least 20 cm. The second - from manure - should be no thinner than 15 cm and up to 1.5 m wide. To prevent external negative impact, horse defecation is covered with twenty-centimeter peat or earth. The height of the pit is 1 m or 1.5 m. For the winter, it is covered with a film. During storage, overdrying or waterlogging of the prepared fertilizer should not be allowed, as these processes have a detrimental effect on the microclimate of raw materials.

    If a this method is not suitable for use, it is possible to purchase fertilizer in granules. Granular products are of better quality. They dissolve easily in water. Ready-made liquid concentrate is also widely used as a top dressing.

    The hot method allows you to store the litter in a loose state in a heap. Air enters it freely, which contributes to active growth microflora. Fertilizing is being prepared for about six months, while losing half of the nitrogen contained and the same amount of mass.

    When should you not use natural fertilizer?

    There are several reasons why horse manure should not be used. The main ones are:

    1. 1. There are fungal spores in the material. They will subsequently destroy horticultural crops.
    2. 2. The soil in the greenhouse is too dense. Methane and hydrogen sulfide released by manure will negatively affect the root system of plants.

    Potatoes can become infected with scab, so the product should be administered with caution. Do not overdose.

Often, from gardeners with considerable experience, you can learn about the benefits of horse manure. But people who do not understand deeply in this topic will not be able to understand the merits of fertilizer. However, there is no doubt that this fertilizer is excellent as a dressing for warm beds, and also has many advantages over other varieties of manure.

Speaking about its benefits in the fall, it is worth noting that, compared with the cow, it:

  • Dry
  • Light
  • Contains large amounts of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus

Due to its properties, horse manure quickly gives off heat and is easily heated. It contains a small number of weeds, which is obvious advantage in front of the cow.

Organic fertilizer ranks first in terms of yield increase, beating cow, pig, goat, chicken, sheep and rabbit. When entered into heavy soils, it can loosen them, and if it enters the lungs, it will increase their water-retaining effect. In addition, when using it, the soil will not acidify.

Horse manure is useful in any form except fresh

Fertilizer composition

The composition of this waste product contains trace elements and substances necessary for plants:

  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Cobalt
  • Urea
  • Molybdenum

Unlike other fertilizers, this one has a looser and more porous structure, which makes it convenient to apply to the soil. Experts recommend using it in greenhouses and greenhouses.

This is due to the fact that the waste product releases a large amount of heat and makes it possible to grow vegetable crops in short time.

Due to the small amount of nitrogen, the effect in the first year is not so noticeable. However, in the future, the benefits of using this fertilizer will be much more noticeable.

The composition of natural fertilizer is rich in minerals useful for plants

How to put it into practice

If you know how to properly fertilize with horse manure, you can certainly be considered an expert in the agricultural field. However, it is worth highlighting in more detail the types of this fertilizer and its scope:

  1. fresh. This species is highly discouraged from being added to the soil. This can provoke the oppression of plants and even the complete destruction of their roots. AT fresh contains many elements unnecessary for the garden: worm eggs, weed seeds and fungal spores. The most favorable time for application is autumn, after digging the garden. This is due to the fact that winter period it will break down to spring planting and will benefit the planted plants.
  2. half-rotted. This stage is used in two ways. Firstly, during digging, it is added to the ground, and secondly, it is mixed with and fertilizing for plants is obtained. This type of manure is usually fed with flowers and horticultural crops (cabbage, zucchini and cucumbers).
  3. rotted. By this stage, the manure has lost half its weight compared to its original weight. When added to the soil, the calculation is used: ten kilograms of manure per square meter of land.
  4. humus. This stage is final. At this stage, it is the most valuable and can be used as a top dressing for absolutely all horticultural crops and flowers.

When not to use for plants

Undoubtedly, horse manure has many benefits. However, it cannot be used thoughtlessly, either in pure form or in granular form.

  • It is extremely important to observe the frequency of addition to the soil. Too much can harm plants.
  • Due to the fact that horse manure can remain in plants in the form of nitrates, harmful to human body, you should not apply it later than two weeks before you start harvesting.
  • When applying horse manure for potatoes, you need to be especially careful: slop can be transmitted through fertilizers from untested stables
  • Directly under the root system itself fresh manure cannot be entered
  • you see mold or fungus, this fertilizer does not have the ability to warm up and is not suitable for use in greenhouses
  • the soil in the greenhouse is too dense. In this type of soil, methane and hydrogen sulfide will be released, adversely affecting plants.

Only rotted manure or humus can be applied under the root system of plants.

Rules for storing fresh manure in the garden

Do not forget that it is extremely important to properly store organic fertilizer. If stored incorrectly, nitrogen will enter into chemical reaction with oxygen, which is contained in the air, and, turning into ammonia, will evaporate. That is why, horse manure must be stored in a place where there is minimal contact with air.

The most commonly used storage method: they dig a hole in the ground, fill it with fertilizer, leaving at least ten centimeters to the edge. After the gap is covered with straw or sawdust. Next, the pit is covered with a film and pressed tightly with heavy objects. If this procedure occurs in the summer, then additional water should be poured.

Another way is to store compost heaps. At the same time, the layers are laid with weeds, fallen leaves, peat, as well as other plant organic matter. This method can be considered one of the best, since the released liquid is absorbed by the organic layers and saved.

The waste product described earlier has long been considered best view top dressing, it is useful for all types of plants, especially in processed form and granules. Experienced people involved in the cultivation of vegetables already for a long time, believe that horse dung is the best option when choosing a fertilizer. In this case, the harvest will always be good, especially potatoes and tomatoes grow well. Previously, farmers were skeptical about the choice of this fertilizer, but after trying it once, they realized that the crop is much better, and the fruits themselves are much larger.

Useful crops growing on the garden or garden plot, need fertilizer and top dressing. Today there is a wide range of different products for excellent harvest and increase soil fertility. Let's consider one of them.

Horse manure is a catalyst that has a positive effect on plants, as it is rich in useful minerals. The substance contains nitrogenous compounds and other minerals.

Horse manure is of great benefit in the garden, because it has a high decomposition rate. Fertilizer has advantages over cow dung due to its heating and heat retention properties.

Regular use of horse manure as a fertilizer improves the structural properties of the soil. The soil fertilized with manure becomes looser, its air-water balance normalizes.

Types of horse manure

There are several types of useful organic matter. Each of them has its own recipe for preparation and scope.


The material is collected along with bedding of hay, straw or other crop residues. The best time to lay manure is autumn. It is better to apply it after digging the site, because if you put fertilizer on the plants, it can burn the roots. By spring, the organics will finally decompose and release right amount nitrogen to feed planted vegetables in their summer cottage.

How to apply fresh horse manure?

After winter, the fertilizer is suitable for greenhouses and laying for potatoes. Fresh faeces are allowed to be mixed with straw. You can also make a liquid top dressing based on horse manure for plants.


It is used for making before planting horticultural and horticultural crops. Excrement has a dark hue and breaks down with little impact on them. external factors. After making a two-year-old on a fertilized area, it is good to plant onions, beets or carrots. The above type of horse manure is suitable for mulching roses.

well rotted

The substance is a composition of a homogeneous dark, almost black color. In a mixed mass, it is used to feed seedlings. The use of rotted horse manure is necessary for planting tubers or garden plants. It is also laid to the roots of fruit trees, especially apple trees.


This species is the last stage of organic decomposition. It takes several years to get it. Humus is used as top dressing for all crops on the site. A sufficient amount of concentrated humus from horse manure improves the growth of garden plants and their taste qualities. The substance is suitable for creating mulch.

liquid horse manure

The composition is prepared from fresh excrement by mixing them with water in a ratio of 1:7. Plants absorb organic matter from the soil, while replenishing the lack of nutrients.

Concentration active components liquid horse manure is higher than that of dry, so before starting top dressing, you should read the instructions so as not to harm the plantings.

Horse manure in granules

Since not every region has stables and horses, a special form of fertilizer has been created that is used during spring planting. Due to the compact packaging, the top dressing in this form is well stored and transported.

Positive aspects of granulated manure:

  1. suitable for indoor plants;
  2. in a small volume laid many important elements;
  3. does not contain toxic impurities and pathogenic bacteria.

Before laying, the granules are filled with water and kept at room temperature. After stirring and pouring to the root of the culture.

How to prepare horse manure yourself?

If it is possible to collect and properly store excreta, you can dig a hole in the garden or make a fence on small area. For the formation of useful mass, layered bookmarking is important. The first layer is peat. Peat absorbs slurry and moisture, keeping beneficial features substances. The second is organic matter itself, the third is sawdust, leaves, grass and earth. It is necessary to form layers taking into account the amount of available fertilizer. The height of each layer is no more than 20 cm. In the cold season, the pit is covered.

How to fertilize plants with horse manure?

To increase volume and taste harvested crop in the country, you need to know for which plants it is useful to use horse manure, and the rules for laying it.

General information

After harvesting, fresh organic matter is laid out in a small layer on the soil and covered with straw. The norm for 1 m2 is up to 800 g. After that, the garden is plowed up to avoid nitrogen loss. In spring, fresh or overripe fertilizer is used for plants with a long vegetative period.

In the greenhouse, excrement is placed under the ground (up to 4 kg per 1 square meter). "Live" top dressing can be prepared from horse manure with sawdust for 10 days. The mass is regularly stirred and diluted with water before watering. Before laying out, the earth is watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for the purpose of disinfection.

Consider how to fertilize with horse manure certain types cultures and how much substance is taken in a particular case.

Potato fertilizer

Organic is ideal for growing tubers. Fertilize better in autumn, after digging, so that by spring fresh manure will turn into half-rotted.

It is allowed to add horse manure for potatoes directly to the hole, provided it is mixed with the ground. Harvest with such top dressing is larger. Proportions for application - 5 kg per 1 sq. m.

How to fertilize roses with horse manure?

Bushes are fed in the fall with simultaneous hilling. They also make horse manure mulch for flowers. The material protects the roots from the cold and retains moisture in the spring.

Trees and shrubs

Fertilizers can be applied under the root in liquid or usual form. Fresh manure is distributed around the fruit plant and the soil is dug up. Also, the substance is diluted with water and small grooves are made at the roots. After soaking the infusion, the pits are buried.


Useful berries are best fed during the flowering and fruiting season. It is recommended to use fertilizer in liquid form when watering. Dry horse manure is infused in 100 liters of water, mixed and fed to the culture. 1 liter of concentrate is taken per bucket of water.


A heat-loving plant requires the organization of heated beds or growing under a film.

Horse manure as a fertilizer for cucumbers is applied as follows:

  1. Raw materials are mixed with straw in equal proportions.
  2. After a few days, if there is a slight haze over the mixture, it is necessary to make a bed and compact the organic matter.
  3. Cover the resulting trench with a film, after adding water.
  4. Sprinkle with soil no earlier than a day later.

After the described preparations, you can proceed to disembarkation.


Tomatoes are best planted in soil prepared in the fall, as fresh excrement releases a lot of nitrogen, which leads to excessive growth of the vegetative mass. Seedlings can be fertilized at home using horse manure in granules ("Orgavit"). Ready granular particles are dissolved in water, mixed and added during irrigation.

You can plant tomatoes according to a scheme similar to the case with cucumbers. It is better to fertilize during the blooming of the brushes in the evening.

Biofuel for the garden

Horse droppings are an organic source of heat, with the use of which it is advisable to grow plants that do not like the cold. Its fermentation temperature is +30 °C.

How to "warm up" a bed for cucumbers?

Consider why you need to use horse manure in a greenhouse.

There are several ways to equip a greenhouse. Simple - digging a shallow trench and laying organic matter in it. Soil is placed on the material, disinfected with potassium permanganate, ash is added and a culture is planted. Under the film, the plant gives rapid growth and large fruits.

Mulching with horse manure

Using excrement as mulch solves several problems:

  • enrichment of the structure and nutrition of the soil;
  • moisture retention;
  • protection from weeds and pests.

It is important to remember that some plants can be fertilized with dry horse manure or rotted manure. Flowers are mulched, especially bush, near-stem areas of fruit trees, vegetables.

How to store horse manure?

cold way

Priority storage method: this way the substance loses less nitrogenous compounds. For manure, it is necessary to prepare a recess in the ground or make a box, on the bottom of which dry grass or pieces of bark are laid. Cover the spread excrement with soil. AT winter time additionally cover, monitor the humidity of the substrate.

hot way

AT summer time horse manure is stored in an open pit. Raw materials must be regularly loosened and holes made with a pitchfork, where water is introduced.

This method does not allow long-term use of organic matter, as it loses some of the nitrogenous compounds due to the fact that it is in open space.

Organics are not applied in the following cases:

  1. fungus on the ground (prevents organic matter from generating heat);
  2. using horse manure for fertilizer is dangerous in areas with dense soil, as it will slowly decompose and release hydrogen sulfide, which negatively affects plants;
  3. during the planting of potatoes, summer residents must comply with the established proportions, since improper feeding leads to infection of the tuber.

Treatment with horse manure

Traditional medicine successfully practices therapy using horse excrement. Since the material has a powerful warming effect, various mixtures are made from it and used in the form of compresses. To reduce pain in the joints, infusions are prepared from fresh horse manure, which subsequently need to be diluted hot water in a ratio of 1:1. When a comfortable temperature is reached, the diseased limb is lowered into the pelvis and held for 6 minutes.

Considered organic fertilizer - natural product the life of horses. Subject to the rules of its bookmarking, the result will appear already for the next harvest season.

Some gardeners and gardeners are faced with the following problem. That when horse manure is introduced into the soil, they observe that it is not as useful for plants as it is painted on most forums and sites. The thing is that horse manure is not useful for all plants. In addition, the technique for applying fresh manure and humus from it also has a number of differences. So let's start in order.

When applied to the soil, horse manure acts almost immediately. But in the first year of application, there will be no noticeable increase in yield, since there is practically no mineral nitrogen in horse manure. But the next years, the harvests will please you. Contained in horse manure organic matter will decompose and increase soil fertility.

Horse droppings are very beneficial for all cucurbits. Zucchini, cucumbers and pumpkin grow on soil fertilized with horse droppings like yeast. Because, the soil from it becomes warm almost to the entire depth of the root layer of these plants. And as we all know root system these plants are superficial.

What plants are bad for horse manure?

It is immediately worth noting under which crops horse manure cannot be applied. These are: carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, turnips, horseradish, celery and parsley. Manure cannot be applied either from autumn or from spring. Although they can be grown in areas where manure was introduced under the crops preceding them. You can not make manure when growing asters, this leads to fusarium wilt.

And how the introduction of horse manure will only benefit. These are zucchini, cucumbers and cabbage. As well as planting peonies, roses, lilacs, clematis and dahlias will thank you with generous flowering for manure application.

The chemical composition of horse manure. Horse manure contains up to 71.3% water and 25.4% organic matter. Nitrogen contains 0.59% of which 0.09% is ammoniacal nitrogen. Phosphorus 0.26% and potassium 0.59%. Calcium 0.21%. The acidity is 7.9 ph. And the ratio of nitrogen to carbon is 21, which is the ideal ratio for rapid decomposition.

Horse manure contains such trace elements as magnesia in the amount of 0.14% of the manure weight. For example, 100 kilograms of manure contains 1.4 grams or 1400 milligrams. In addition to it, there is boron in the amount of 140 milligrams, cobalt 7 milligrams, copper 110 milligrams, zinc 670 milligrams and molybdenum 15 milligrams.

The data are averaged and can vary by 2 times, both up and down. The content of trace elements in manure depends on what kind of feed the animal was fed.

Horse droppings are used both for plant nutrition and as a biofuel. In fresh form, it is recommended to introduce it into the soil only in the fall. In the spring, it can only be used in the form of liquid dressings.

This kind organic fertilizer begins to decompose at a temperature of about 80 degrees, and the processes of decay are much faster than other types of manure. And in the end, this fertilizer has the loosest structure.

How to feed tomatoes and cucumbers with horse manure.

Horse manure can be applied before digging the site in autumn period not only for cucumbers, but also potatoes, zucchini and pumpkin. Contribute this species fertilizers at the rate of 5-6 kilograms per square meter. Manure does not need to be buried deep into the soil. Because for its processing by soil microorganisms into humus, oxygen is needed. That's why optimum depth manure incorporation into the soil is 15-20 cm.

Horse manure is also suitable for the preparation of liquid dressings in a ratio of 1 to 10. That is, for 1 kg of manure, pour 10 liters of water. And we insist within 3 days. To feed the plants, the resulting infusion is diluted with water in the ratio of 1 liter of infusion to 2 liters of water.

With this infusion, you can feed not only tomatoes and cucumbers. But all plants, with the exception of those plants whose names are placed at the beginning of the article. For them, manure top dressing is undesirable in any form, not dry, not liquid.

Many gardeners have noticed that if a container with fermented horse manure is placed in a greenhouse where cucumbers are grown, then their growth will noticeably accelerate.

Manure goes well with peat, sawdust, foliage, straw, grass. The best is compost with peat. But affordable option remains manure and straw.

It turns out that the best option for fertilizing tomatoes with horse manure is one-year-old compost from horse manure, green grass and straw chips. It rots quite quickly due to the high nitrogen content in green grass and straw chips, which take on a large proportion of nitrogen to decompose carbon.

If this compost substrate is spilled with a preparator Trichoderma Veride 471. This will speed up the composting process and additionally destroy the harmful microflora.

How to feed strawberries with horse manure.

Both fresh manure and rotted manure (humus) are used for top dressing. But with fresh you have to be very careful. Overdo it a little, and foliage will grow violently on your berry bush, and you may not see the berries.

Fresh manure is laid out in the aisles in the fall. During the winter, it will overheat and in the spring will give the plants the necessary nitrogen. It is recommended to apply no more than three kilograms of manure per square meter.

When planting strawberry bushes, you can use humus, moreover, diluted, and add it directly to the wells. It is clear that this fertilizer works more efficiently.

Organic fertilizers applied in early spring, will lead to an increase in the yield of strawberries. But during flowering and during the fruiting period, top dressing is not recommended.

In early spring, before the buds start to grow, horse manure for strawberries is applied in liquid form.

It is done in such a way that the container is filled by a third, filled with manure and filled with water. The whole thing is well mixed with a wooden stick.

The size of the container depends on your needs, for example, 1 liter of concentrate is needed for 1 square meter of strawberry planting. That is 50 liter barrel enough concentrate to water 50 square meters of strawberry plantations.

This concentrate should be allowed to ferment for a week in order for the excess ammonia to disappear.

Then 1 liter of concentrate from the barrel is mixed with 10 liters of water, and strawberries are poured over them at the rate of 1 liter for each plant. You can also shed the aisles with this liquid.

For those gardeners and gardeners who do not have access to horse manure. There is also liquid.

With it, in general, everything is simply necessary, just dilute the concentrate with water in the proportion indicated in the manufacturer's instructions and water the plants.

And if you have horse humus, then it’s worth mulching strawberries with them; this is for strawberries - additional drainage and baking powder near the roots. If it is mixed with peat, then it retains water and organic matter dissolved in it well.

Do not forget that an excess of any fertilizer, including manure, is harmful to plants.

How to feed roses and other flowers with horse manure.

For roses, as for any other plants, organic top dressing is important. On manure, roses literally bloom.

When fertilizing roses with manure, they have:

  • a powerful root system develops;
  • more strong and healthy shoots with large leaves grow;
  • many buds appear;
  • Large, richly colored flowers bloom.

Positive properties of horse manure:

  • Structures the soil. Clay soil becomes loose, and sandy soil becomes compacted.
  • Increases plant resistance to pests and diseases.
  • Does not clog the soil weeds because it contains few weed seeds.
  • It warms up well, while emitting carbon dioxide.

Fresh use of horse manure is dangerous. It can burn the roots of roses. To prevent this from happening, prepare the infusion. Pour one bucket of manure with ten liters of water. And then wait a few weeks.

When using, once again dilute one liter of infusion in a bucket of water. The color of the liquid should match the color of weak coffee. Rose bushes are mulched with half-rotted manure. It keeps warm.

Many rose growers write on the forums that, despite the warnings, they successfully used fresh manure. But it is not known whether it was really fresh, or still a little overripe. Maybe that's why everyone gets different results.

The soil for planting rose bushes is best prepared in the fall. Manure will take longer to decompose in the ground and will saturate it with nutrients more. On one square meter fertilized land, one bucket of manure is scattered. Then he digs to the depth of one spade bayonet. It is advised that the fertilizer should overripe better, after a week, dig the ground again.

How to feed trees and bushes with horse manure.

In nutrition fruit plants There are two periods during the growing season:

  1. From the beginning of the spring growing season to the end of shoot growth;
  2. From the end of shoot growth until late autumn.

Especially much is needed for perennial plantings of nitrogen, which is used for vegetative growth and fruit formation. With a lack of nitrogen, the color of the leaves changes from light green to light yellow with orange and red hues. The size leaf blade decreases sharply, the growth of shoots weakens. The number of flowers and fruits is sharply reduced. The fruits become small and brightly colored. In addition, early leaf fall is observed.

Nitrogen uptake during the growing season is uneven. Its greatest amount is required during the period of increased growth of leaves, shoots and fruits. In autumn, the need for nitrogen is significantly reduced.

An excess of nitrogen has a harmful effect: the survival rate of seedlings decreases, the maturation of perennial shoots is delayed, the winter hardiness of plants decreases, and the keeping quality of fruits worsens.

Fruit crops need nutrients most of all in the first half of summer, so the main amount of fertilizers is applied in late autumn and spring, and less in summer, and the main amount of nitrogen fertilizers is given in spring and in the first half of summer.

In manure, nutrients are in the form of organic compounds and are not directly absorbed by the roots. It takes at least two months for them to turn into a digestible form.

Unlike, and are inactive. And they remain in the soil where they were brought in, and are not washed out with water.

Therefore, manure, phosphorus and potash fertilizers it is better to bring in the fall for digging or early spring. Can only be applied superficially nitrogen fertilizers, which dissolve well and penetrate into the deeper layers of the soil.

The effectiveness of any fertilizer increases significantly if they are applied to the zone of the greatest distribution of roots. To do this, they dig up the soil, and in a soddy garden, fertilizers are applied into the furrows or about 15 holes are dug around the circumference of the crown at a distance exceeding the projection of the crown by 0.5 meters.

After fertilization, the wells are filled with water and covered with earth. Nice results give solutions of fertilizers, which are watered near the trunk circles or poured into furrows or holes.

We fertilize currants, raspberries and gooseberries with manure.

For currants, raspberries and gooseberries, the most effective method the introduction of horse droppings turned out to be the autumn mulching of the soil around the bush. In the zone of greatest occurrence of roots.

Any manure can be applied from fresh to rotten. Since the growing cycle is over and there is a danger that the young roots of these shrubs will somehow suffer.

The height of the mulching layer can be increased up to 15 cm. It is necessary to carry out such mulching after autumn leaf fall. And you should not carry out this procedure more than once every three years.

This is the most The best way raspberry, currant and gooseberry fertilizers, proven by more than one generation of gardeners. With melting snow most of Nutrients from manure are introduced into the soil in the bush nutrition zone. And most importantly, not immediately, but gradually over many months. In addition, the soil microflora is activated, decomposes organic substances and develops valuable forms of humus in the deep layers of the soil.

Horse droppings - fertilizer for mushrooms.

The process of preparing the substrate: Horse droppings are shaken with a pitchfork and moistened with hot water. Add 1-2 kg of ammonium sulfate or urea. Based on 1000 kg of dung. After that, let the manure brew for 10 days. After 10 days, the manure is again shoveled and lime or chalk is poured into it. In a ratio of 1:6 (5-6 kg of lime is spent per 1 ton of manure). Again, you need to let stand for 8 days. After eight days, you need to shovel the substrate again and add 6 kg of gypsum and 1 kg of superphosphate. This completes the substrate preparation process.

One tip - do not forget to compact the sidewalls so that everything does not spread. Ripened humus should have a sandy tint and crumble. In this case, you will not hear the smell of ammonia. This fertilizer is distributed over the surface with a ball of 30-35 cm. It is advisable not to make a bed on sunny place. The resulting substrate is laid quite tightly and begin to grow mushrooms.

Horse manure is best stored cold. Then it will lose less nitrogen, will not overheat, and organic matter will decompose evenly.

The cold method differs from the hot method only in that during the cold method of storage, the layers of manure are compacted, and during the hot storage method they are not compacted.

If you have not a very large amount of manure at your disposal since autumn, then the best option keep it until spring without losing ammonia and other useful components. The following storage method is possible.

We take polyethylene film and spread it on the ground, put manure on it and cover it all with a film on top. To prevent erosion of this heap by precipitation.
