The best varieties of blackcurrant. Overview of high-yielding blackcurrant varieties with large berries. The best varieties of blackcurrant

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White currant

Over the past 20 years, Poland has come out on top in the industrial production of blackcurrant berries. A dark concentrate was made from this currant for coloring products in the food industry - this is more useful than using chemical dyes.

Large-fruited varieties of black currant

  • - This is a breeder scientist with a capital letter. In love with currants, before releasing the variety into production, she tested it for a dozen signs. All varieties of T.P. Ogoltsova have complex resistance to fungal, viral diseases and bud mites. She always achieves in her varieties a high content of vitamins and antioxidants, plasticity in different zones, resistance to drought and heat. Gives importance to the beauty and size of the bush, self-fertility (pollination without bees). Its varieties usually produce tasty large-sized berries. Until now, in my garden, her Zusha, Lazybones, Exotica are champions in the combination of all these signs.
  • from A.A. Astakhov from the Research Institute of Lupine (Bryansk) - Gulliver, Nara, Sevchanka, Selechinskaya;
  • Expect that your landings will take up a lot of space. The bush is vigorous, sprawling. A very productive variety, from one bush you get more than 3 kg of berries. It belongs to the most large-fruited of all late-ripening varieties. If you are looking for the best blackcurrant varieties for the Moscow region, then consider that your search is over.​
  • Nestor Kozin;
  • curiosity;
  • At first, blackcurrant was used by man as a medicinal plant and only in the 15th century began to be used as a dessert berry. Already in the 19th century, Europeans began to breed the best varieties of black currant, and now it is difficult to find a summer cottage and a garden where this berry would not grow.

Will please with the taste of the following varieties: White Fairy, Belaya Potapenko, Belyan

Early varieties of blackcurrant

But now all these farms are going bankrupt - currant prices have fallen 10 times. The farmers from Turkey are to blame, who began to grow black carrots and make a concentrate with carotenoids and anthocyanins from it. Such a concentrate is many times cheaper - compare the prices for carrots and currants. And food industry now he adds not currants from Poland, but carrots from Turkey to dark-colored juices.​

It is most intensively consumed when the bushes come out of dormancy, when the buds open. And by the time of flowering, its consumption is halved and remains at the same level for two to three months, until the berries ripen. After harvesting, by the beginning of leaf fall, the intensity of nitrogen use increases again - it is needed for the development of roots and is stored in wood for the winter. In addition to nitrogen currant bushes from flowering to filling berries require

  • ​Unmatched for outstanding yields of large, sweet and sour, pear-shaped fruits that do not flake or rot until September.​
  • I could not say the same about the largest-fruited varieties Vigorous, Pygmey and Selechenskaya, fashionable for that time. Yes, their berries were the largest, but not aligned in the brush: at the beginning - large, then - very small. In addition, the bushes were sick, falling apart, it was difficult to adapt to our climate.
  • From L.N. Zabelina (Altai) and the Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia named after Lisavenko (Barnaul) - Vigorous, Late Altai, Hercules, Crane, Black Stork.
  • Probably, everyone is most interested in sweet blackcurrant varieties for the Moscow region. Large tasty berries will become a favorite delicacy of the whole family. This variety was bred by the National Academy of Horticulture of Belarus. This is a real find for amateur and industrial gardening. Bushes very quickly enter the fruiting phase, already in the second year after planting seedlings, you will pick berries. This is the highest indicator of precocity of all that exists today. Plants do not care about winter frosts, however, late frosts can destroy some of the flowers and significantly reduce the yield. The variety is resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew and anthracnose. The bush is quite large, sprawling and very productive. Like all large varieties of blackcurrant, it suits the Moscow region very well, while each bush can provide the gardener with 4 kg of magnificent berries. The variety is mid-season, the fruits have excellent taste.
  • Tisel.
  • Exotic;
  • In order to choose the right blackcurrant variety for planting on your site, you must take into account that they differ in frost resistance, ripening period, berry size, yield and much more. In order to decide which varieties of blackcurrant suit you best, you should familiarize yourself with their main characteristics.
  • But also
  • Gennady Fedorovich, thanks for the article, the following question remained unclear to me - how to deal with fallen leaves, clean it up or not, and if you clean it up, then when to do it in spring or autumn.
  • potassium
  • After a story about old and new varieties, about their authors - outstanding breeders, let's talk about the agricultural technology of this beloved by many berries. Agricultural technology in the arid south and in the rainy Non-Chernozem region is different, so I will only talk about my experience. Currant has features - for example, a very high early maturity: rooted cuttings, and after 2-3 years you harvest. This is its advantage, but there is the same disadvantage: diseases from neighboring infected gardens fly to currants with the wind, with pests - first of all, glass, mites, viruses and pathogens of fungal diseases, so old bushes are a hotbed of diseases.
  • More than 20 years have passed. Now the assortment has changed significantly. Among amateurs, the industrial varieties of T.P. Ogoltsova are gradually disappearing, and

Dessert varieties of black currant

Then other varieties from all over Russia appeared:

  • When choosing blackcurrant varieties, you need to look at reviews only if the person is talking about growing currants in your area. If he is at least 150-200 km away from you, his opinion and advice may be of little use for your dacha and the blackcurrant variety that you want to grow. As you can see, a lot depends on agricultural technology, but a lot also on regional affiliation, which affects many other factors.​
  • His homeland is the city of Orel. This is an early maturing variety that is great for desserts and fresh consumption. The berries are large, sweet, thin-skinned, very tender and tasty. The bush is easy to handle, compact, upright. It is distinguished by good winter hardiness and resistance to powdery mildew, as well as a kidney tick. This is a fast-growing, self-fertile and productive variety, from each bush you can get up to 3 kg of excellent berries. If we talk about the best varieties of blackcurrant for the Moscow region, then it is necessary to include the early-ripening Exotic variety and the late-ripening Effect in its list.
  • Almost all dessert varieties of blackcurrant are early and medium ripening berries.
  • Nara;
  • By different characteristics the following groups of blackcurrant varieties are distinguished: dessert, early and late, large-fruited and small-fruited.
  • blackcurrant
  • Tatyana. Why are the leaves removed, because this is a breeding ground for pests and diseases, so they must be removed in the fall. However, this is not always the case, but only with the abuse of mineral supplements and a minimum of organic matter in industrial gardens. Imagine my garden, every year I add organic matter as mulch from above after leaf fall. From below, hundreds of worms and other spider bugs rush to the damp, fallen leaves covered from the light. The leaf passed through their stomach no longer contains pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The leaf is eaten, leaving bare eggs and cocoons of pests. They do not lie for a long time, they are eaten by ants. beetles and other predators. thus, coprolites and beneficial insects accumulate, and pests and diseases disappear.​
  • I do not like to tilt branches from old varieties for rooting. Before propagating and planting a variety in the main garden, I check it for diseases. To do this, in the summer I choose the most healthy shoots with strong growth and cut ten green cuttings from them. They take root easily, in separate beds under a non-woven material that retains moisture and protects against flying pests. In autumn, I do not select all seedlings, but only three out of a dozen, but with the best growth - they are known to be free from viruses and fungi. I plant them in the garden.
  • varieties from A.A. Astakhov from the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine (Bryansk)
  • YuUNIIPOK (Chelyabinsk) - Sybil, Pygmy, Venus, Sudarushka; ​

It doesn’t matter what kind of blackcurrant (Bagheera, Pygmy, Dove, Gross, Titania, Lazy, Veloy, Zhemchuzhina or others) you choose for your dacha, be sure to read our material, where we talked about growing blackcurrant, its reproduction, boarding and care. This information will help you correctly determine the place and soil for planting a bush, choose a good seedling, learn how to properly form a bush, how to deal with currant pests, and so on.

Another stunning cultivar showing the highest resistance to winter frosts. It can grow even in Siberia, it is not afraid of winter thaws with a subsequent drop in temperature. Drought-resistant, can go without watering for a long time. Resistant to most diseases such as powdery mildew, anthracnose, rust and thorn. The bush is compact and very productive, it can produce up to 5 kg of berries. Fruits taste with pleasant sourness.


Fall planting is always best

- for example, Litvinovskaya, which takes 1st place at all exhibitions in Moscow in terms of size, taste and quality of berries. In addition, this is the only fairly winter-hardy Astakh variety in my area. It is worth noting the Dar Smolyaninova variety - a record holder for the combination of the most important qualities: very large and at the same time very sweet berries, with high yields and disease resistance.

The best varieties of blackcurrant for the Moscow region: reviews, description, photo

​VSTISP (Moscow) - Mystery, Openwork, Vologda;

Instead of an introduction

Choosing blackcurrant varieties for the Moscow region

Today we are considering the best varieties of blackcurrant for the Moscow region. Reviews of gardeners become a good help when choosing, as they convey the personal experience of people. All varieties presented in the article have the highest ratings, amateurs and professionals praise them for their excellent harvest, large tasty fruits, and unpretentiousness. But I would also like to note such a variety as Sudarushka. It will appeal to those who love a very sweet berry. Bred in Chelyabinsk, it is relatively winter hardy. In severe frosts, you need to additionally use a covering material. But this inconvenience is compensated by the yield - one bush gives up to 5 kg of fresh currants. Mid-season variety, its tasting score is 5 points.​

Zhemchuzhina - early ripening (in early July), berries weighing up to 6g, very sweet, bred in Siberia.

Varieties of blackcurrant with large berries for the Moscow region


These include:

The effect is the choice of most gardeners

According to amateur gardeners, the sweetest of the varieties black currant are A student, Nina and Bagheera. Of those grown personally, I especially liked the large-fruited and complex-resistant Yubileinaya Kopanya and Venus, Selechenskaya and Belarusian Sweet also have an excellent taste, but these two varieties are not large-fruited and not resistant to diseases.

Valery. Now in Moscow there are no problems with the acquisition of new products. Search the PX website for currant lovers, there are hundreds of them. There are annual exhibitions with tastings in the society of nature explorers. For Moscow, Orlovsky and Bryansk varieties are perfect. I don't send cuttings. Medicine feeds me.

Currant Belarusian sweet

in a ratio of 1.5:1. With the insufficiency of these elements in the early spring period, many defective flowers are formed, the growth of shoots slows down, and in autumn the plants enter a dormant period prematurely. Knowing this, agronomists recommend mineral supplements during the season.​

Sort Exotic

planting in the spring.

Veloy, Leningrad sweet

Outstanding large-fruited and sweet Ural and Altai novelties have appeared, for example

Variety Sudarushka

VNIIS named after Michurin (Michurinsk) - Bagira, green haze, Constellation, Black Pearl; Sverdlovsk SSS - Slavyanka, Romance, Rhapsody. ​


Each of us is interested in large varieties of blackcurrant, and you can’t argue with that, because it’s always more interesting to harvest a quality crop than trying to find berries among the greenery. But here it is worth considering one point - all large-fruited blackcurrant varieties, well, at least most of them, were bred not so long ago, which means that it is very difficult to accurately characterize each seedling and the correct conditions for growing it in a bush. Therefore, we give summer residents advice on how to choose the right currant variety in order to receive good harvest, and not continuous losses due to the loss of time for useless care and the wrong choice of seedlings.​

Currant Vigorous

Bred in the city of Bryansk and received recognition from many gardeners in the country and neighboring countries. This is a large-fruited variety that requires very good care, the highest fertility of the land. The harvest will depend on this. Relatively winter-hardy, feels better during drought, well resists spring frosts. Immune to powdery mildew and a number of other diseases. The bush is small, upright. The berries are very large, for which gardeners love this variety. The taste is sweetish with a pleasant sourness. This is one of the best large-fruited varieties. Do not forget that not only berries are useful. Be sure to harvest fresh currant leaves for the winter to drink in winter tasty tea, which will support immunity.

Black Boomer - early ripening (in early July), the berries are very, very large (5-7g) and sweet, very loved by children.

The best varieties of blackcurrant for your summer cottage


Beauty of Lviv;


Plants don’t feed me either ... There are many novelties, but everything disappears. I am typing in Yandex site PX. The first thing that opens is EMPTY CHALLENGES Got it....​ I have great experience organic top dressing, and I know: I need to create living land on the berries, then the roots, in symbiosis with soil living creatures, will take everything they need from organic matter.

Although the currant grows along the banks of the rivers, it does not tolerate stagnant water in the garden, does not like both dense clay and sandy soils, and does not like the shade of trees. I take this into account. Currant roots are superficial, their bulk is at a depth of 15-40 cm and does not go beyond the crown. Therefore, if annually pour loose organic matter along the projection of the crown with a layer of up to 10 cm, then

Early varieties of blackcurrant

varieties from Zabelina, Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia named after Lisavenko (Barnaul)

It was interesting to conduct variety tests, to adapt these varieties to my conditions. But I have listed only the most outstanding varieties from our best breeders. Varieties from different places had and different character: endured differently harsh winters, reacted differently to a rainy summer, but all responded well to organic top dressing. Most of these acquisitions are still bearing fruit for me. Well, how to part with varieties

Mid-season varieties of black currant

Try not to consider the newest blackcurrant varieties.

Bred in the city of Barnaul, well adapted to the conditions of Siberia and central Russia. The plant needs good care, be sure to fertilize every year. Resistant to frost of any intensity. Relatively resistant to common diseases (powdery mildew and others). The bush is quite compact, medium-sized, semi-spreading. This is the most large-fruited of all late-ripening varieties. The berries are very beautiful, black and shiny, with a characteristic sourness. Regularly collects excellent reviews from gardeners, however, the cooler the climate in which you live, the smaller the berries will be.

Late varieties of blackcurrant.

Raisins - early ripening, large berries with sweet and fragrant pulp, tasting score - 4.7 points. Differs in high and regular productivity.


very valuable culture. You can not only use its berries, but also leaves, twigs. There is a benefit in everything.

First, about Yadrenaya. Across the country, many varieties are sold under the name Vigorous. It is not a fact that a seedling of this particular variety will be bought. Vigorous shows itself as well as possible only here in Altai. And even our severe frosts are not afraid of her. If grown in the right place. Currant does not like open spaces, she needs places where the snow can completely cover the bushes. And in the spring, do not melt quickly. Then the harvest will be provided every year plentiful. When your neighbors collect a berry from each bush one by one, that is, a dozen from this bush, and eight berries from this piece, yours will treat you with buckets of berries. Vigorous - sour currant. But currants are used differently. For food, let grow varieties with very sweet berries. And for jam it is suitable with more sourness. It is better to dry the most fragrant one in order to enjoy the smells of winter.

Therefore, I do not dig the earth, but

Any soil will become suitable for the growth of this crop

  • - Lucia, Ruslan, Zoya, Mirror;
  • Vigorous
  • Choose only adapted varieties, in the second, third and higher generations.
  • We have presented you the most popular blackcurrant varieties for the Moscow region (with photos and descriptions). This information will help you find exactly the one that will grow on your site and delight with fresh berries every year. In order to provide a family with a harvest, you only need a few bushes.​
  • Legend - very early ripening (at the end of June), large berries (up to 3.5 g) are considered the most delicious among early varieties. The bushes of this variety are highly productive.
  • Sevchanka;

Comfort - very unpretentious in cultivation;

Varieties of currants for giving (video)

There is a lot of vitamin C in currant berries.

Blackcurrant in organic farming

Hee ... so I ask where to buy and what, so as not to be mistaken again. Life is short for experiments. I ask everyone for advice. I still have almost all currant seedlings disappear. I don't know what is growing. I took it from friends. No results! I buy currant berries at the market. For that, I have evergreens growing. Decided to rebuild. Cut down the hazel and pine trees and plant an orchard. For now, I can only dry cones from fir trees
I mulch all the time

How I searched for successful varieties

. Currant is not an apple tree, it loves the annual deepening of the root neck - then it grows as a bush, and not as a bare stem: sprinkled buds in spring give powerful zero shoots. Timely cutting out old three-year-old branches, you will always have a young bush.
​YUUNIIPOK (Chelyabinsk)​
Which has berries larger than cherries, or
  • Buy only strong and high-quality planting material, regardless of the currant variety.
  • Absolutely everyone loves blackcurrant, from a child to an old man. Absolutely everyone loves a blackcurrant, from a child to an old man, and therefore we propose to consider the best varieties of blackcurrant, from which you can choose a fragrant bush for growing in the country.
Lazyman is a blackcurrant variety of the latest ripening (late July - early August), but the berries are very large (up to 6g) and sweet, great for use in desserts.
  • Sybil.
  • Sanyuta;
  • There are a lot of currant varieties. There are large-fruited varieties, there are very sweet ones.

It would be better not to cut down the pines. We have a garden neighbor. surgeon, head of department. Him Botanical Garden in miniature, divided into two zones - the old "cottage" and a new area with pine trees, on which there are almost no cultivated plantings, but there is a recreation area .. The undergrowth was removed, something was planted around the perimeter, but he did not cut down a single pine and birch , and his advice - "You need to plant only what grows well on the site." We have sandy soil, a reservoir of 50m. Only tomatoes grow well. Everything else requires strength and money, does not grow, but suffers. Manure (not rotted) and mineral fertilizers from the second year I don’t bring in so that the currant does not become watery and tasteless. The roots that are superficially located in organics do not like flat-cutters and choppers, so the whole family takes 1-2 times at the beginning of summer. Blackcurrant grows near my porch and in a large garden. - A gift from Ilyina, Hera; Sibylla Try to observe as much as possible the agricultural technology for the plant that you have identified for planting on the site. Various varieties of blackcurrant are famous for their taste, and therefore it is almost impossible to choose the only one for your dacha. We offer an alternative method - choose the sweetest and largest blackcurrant varieties, but several at once, plant them in the country and see which one is most suitable for your growing conditions. Having studied agricultural technology, having tasted berries of all varieties and having determined which currant suits you the most, you will be able to choose the best variety of black currant. , Kozatskaya, Jubilee Kopanya, Suite Kyiv, Vernissage, Sanyuta, Chereshnevaya, Amethyst, Chernecha, and Russian - Orlovskaya Serenade, Gift of Smolyaninova, Charm, Rakhil, Muravushka, Selechenskaya-2, Pygmy, Venus. These varieties include those which have a tasting score of berries above 4.5 points, they are divided into sweet and sour and sweet.
Large Litvinova - a very vitamin variety;

Why You Shouldn't Trust Marketers

Sweet varieties include
My soil is primitive sand. But there is a box 1.5x1.5x1.5 with hatches at the bottom of the walls, in which I “grow” compost, pouring earth food waste and greens. In addition, I bring free perennial humus soil from the community center. It is clear what my beds are made of. I cut currant branches from friends, and then root them first in water, then in the ground. I plant in pits 0.8x0.5 - I hold the seedling and fill it with earth. I water thoroughly and mulch. Periodically I water under the root ... The currant turned out not Michurin, but normal. Gennady, I read your entire article from beginning to end. She got me interested. I have 5 currant bushes. Of these, 3 are black. One bush grows for about 5 years, others only 2. I don’t know what varieties. But, while the berries are medium, fragrant. No pain, I'm happy. More and more crops every year. I take care of the bushes, as I know, but after reading your advice, I realized that it was not entirely correct. You need to feed better. It’s good that you explained what to feed, otherwise you don’t want to lose the aroma. A neighbor grows a yoshta bush - very large berries, but the aroma is not the same. And I even cut off the branches and tear the leaves at the end of the summer - I dry it for tea. weed out all the weeds with our hands Close to home
Sverdlovsk SSS

The best currant novelties of the last 15 years

Whose bushes are characterized by unprecedented productivity, or Do not forget about watering, fertilizing, pruning and shaping bushes. Of course, you will also need to focus on the region, because among the hundreds of varieties offered, not everyone will be able to develop normally on your site. Therefore, we recommend that you ask the sellers for which regions the seedlings are intended, where they were grown and how long they acclimatize at the point of sale. Thus, you can choose blackcurrant varieties for the Moscow region, the Urals, Siberia and even Ukraine.​
Very tasty sweet and sour blackcurrant berries of any variety can be used both fresh (as a separate dessert or in combination with ice cream) and processed (compote, juice or jam). Centaur; Cherry; "Belarusian sweet" I also have sweet varieties of currants: "Raisin" is an early berry, sweet can hang on branches for a long time, drying becomes like raisins. "Vigorous" - very large with a quail egg, sweet, fruitful branches bend under its weight. "Perun" is also a sweet variety, but the berries are not very large, "Dobrynya" will be larger than those of "Perun", the berries are sweet, oval, easy to assemble, but for maximum yield requires attention and fertile soil, good feeding. And immediately we lay them out like mulch under a bush, this attracts earthworms. I water it if it doesn't rain for a couple of weeks. I am not against mineral supplements if there is no good organic matter. But that's not my topic; I will only say: I only land - Good Jean, Pilot. I have Ural and Altai varieties turned out Lazy Harvest on time and store it properly.​ Landing on their garden plots blackcurrant bushes, you will provide yourself and your family with a complex of necessary vitamins and minerals. Perun;
Anniversary Digging. ​,​ Currant is one of the favorite berries of gardeners due to a wide range species, health benefits, as well as a refined and unique taste, which is sour, cloyingly sweet, watery and sweet. According to gardeners, the most delicious varieties of currants are white and red of the following categories:

Secrets of blackcurrant farming

do not abuse nitrogen and do not forget about lime, potassium and phosphorus
The sweetest and largest varieties the most winter hardy On which large brushes of sweet berries hang until September, capable of competing with grapes, or
Naturally, it is advisable to study the descriptions of blackcurrant varieties before buying, but it is much more important to follow these tips of professional summer residents who have been successfully growing currants for several years. Many of you will now wince. Whether it's sweet raspberries, why do we need this black fine sour meat! In fact, you are wrong, modern blackcurrant varieties for the Moscow region make it possible to get a very large, tasty and infinitely healthy berry. Today we will talk in detail about what kind of shrub to choose for your home garden.
​Mriya;​​The newest large-fruited variety blackcurrant is Vigorous, bred in Siberia. Very large berries (up to 7.8 g) ripen in mid-July, but are considered very sour. The disadvantage is that the bushes of this variety must often be rejuvenated and it does not reproduce well. Redcurrant:. In the past, I have successfully fed shrubs on poor soil by locally applying OMF with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus in holes along the crown perimeter. But my 40 years of experience in growing currants says: in pursuit of the harvest, in pursuit of the size of the berries, with the abuse of mineral water, we always lose taste, and - both the earliest and very late. The strawberries have not yet departed, and the children are already starting to compete a little, who will find the sweetest and largest currant berry - and so on until September. If a child (and an adult) constantly puts unwashed berries from a bush in his mouth, he simultaneously receives very useful and necessary live fungi and bacteria for the body, and he develops an intestinal microbiome that protects the body from harmful microbes. And in fresh currants, moreover, there is not only vitamin C, as in concentrates, but hundreds of biologically useful active substances, which are not in store products.​ . For example​ Raisin The characteristics of blackcurrant varieties are very important, because it is on them that you can choose a bush that suits your requirements, but then you have an even more difficult task - proper cultivation a plant that will require certain skills, efforts and time from you. We recommend reading the article about red currant.​
So, the best varieties of black currant, which we will briefly describe to facilitate your choice. Having a small summer cottage, we are very limited in time and area, which means we cannot plant one variety after another, selecting the one by elimination, which will be the most efficient. Modern breeders offer variety of varieties blackcurrant for the Moscow region, and it is very difficult to choose among them those that you like the most. According to the register, there are more than 170 species. Therefore, let's define the criteria that should be followed.​ ​Selechenskaya and Selechenskaya-2;​ These varieties include those whose berries ripen in the second half of June - early July:​,​Ural souvenir I managed to grow the largest and most delicious berries only on living, organic-rich soil

Why and how much organic matter do currant bushes need

in the garden
Good genie , whose berries can be eaten from a bush at least every morning, and it will not get bored indefinitely ... We have always planted currants, all forty years of gardening. She grew up with all the neighbors, and there was nothing easier than asking for layering or rooting a green cutting from the bushes you liked. But disappointment quickly came. The early varieties include the following blackcurrant varieties: Selechenskaya, Brown Far East, Aleander, Karachinskaya, Vigorous, Overtyura, Exotica. The first indicator is productivity. The characteristic of the variety must contain at least 3 kg of berries. This is not so much, but if 5-10 bushes grow on the site, then the harvest will be quite sufficient. The second thing to pay attention to is frost resistance. Despite the fact that the climate in this region is milder than in many other areas, in winter the temperature can drop by up to 40 degrees. The third indicator is resistance to late spring frosts. And finally, the last thing: blackcurrant varieties for the Moscow region should be quite self-fertile, that is, even under bad weather conditions, when insects practically do not arrive, they should tie about 60% of the crop. Nadia; Yarynka - the very earliest variety; "Bagheera" Meat red
​.​I try to grow- very early, with large tasty berries, belongs to the group of varieties most resistant to bud mites and powdery mildew.
At this time, I re-read all the monographs about currants and realized that there are amateur (sweet and large) varieties - and there are industrial ones (for machine harvesting). The latter are characterized by high productivity, simultaneously ripening berries with a dense skin and easily separated stalks; all the berries on such bushes are aligned, of medium size.
Berries from neighboring bushes were small, low-yielding. The bushes are infected with bud mites, as a result - with viruses. In wet summer, plantings were completely covered with powdery mildew. Neighbors loved to share the secrets of folk methods to combat these diseases, and we sprayed currants with everything that was recommended, but the result was zero. ​

Tatiana Solyakina, Tomsk

Gennady Raspopov, Borovichi

But that's not all: we need varieties with large and sweet berries, with a good dessert taste. And finally, what is also important is the high content of vitamin C, which is so necessary for obtaining excellent medicinal jam. Based on the above, we need to choose the most suitable varieties for your garden.​

Valery, Moscow


Gennady Raspopov, Borovichi


Valery, Moscow


Vera, Biysk

early sweet

Valery, Moscow

If a variety starts to get sick or gives low yields, I throw it away, I never treat it. I have a lot of varieties, new items for testing are constantly appearing, there are beds with growing new seedlings. By constantly rejuvenating the bushes and planting more and more disease-resistant varieties, I can

The currant from the gooseberry family was "tamed" by man relatively recently - only about 500 years ago, when the time of cultivation of pears and apple trees is calculated for thousands of years. By the way, the Moscow River was once called Smorodinovka because of the growth of these shrubs along its banks. Today, the "young" culture can be seen in any garden plot.

Breeders tirelessly offer us new hybrids, taking into account the maturation periods for various climatic zones. When breeding them, attention is also paid to the size and taste of fruits, the length of the brush, the formation of bushes, their resistance to cold and disease.

Important criteria for achieving an “ideal” currant are also its vitality, self-fertility, and productivity. At the same time, they are guided by the domestic experience of manual harvesting for fresh and frozen consumption, for preparations (jam, jams, drinks, etc.)

And foreign selection is designed mainly for the mechanized collection of raw materials, regardless of their size, weight for industrial processing.

The popularity of black fruits is explained by its number of advantages over red and white ones, namely:

  • higher saturation of all above-ground parts essential oils. They are contained in special glands densely located on the underside of the leaves. Therefore, the whole plant has a pronounced aroma, extreme fragrant
  • the content of ascorbic acid here prevails several times more than in fruits - "relatives" of a different color. By the way, even green berries have 4 times more nutrients than fully ripe ones. Isn't that why our children love the ripened currant so much? ...
  • the fruits are less acidic and not as watery as compared to other fruits of these plants. Therefore, the volume of juice prepared from them will be about 10% lower than from lighter berries.
  • high frost resistance, which is very important for the cold regions of our country
  • the possibility of reproduction not only by bushes, but also by cuttings, layering.

Blackcurrant is also distinguished by its high demands on soil moisture, vulnerability to various diseases, and damage by pests. At the same time, it requires constant formation, competent thinning of branches of different ages.

Many of these varieties can bear fruit for up to 30 years with proper care ( right choice soil and planting sites, pruning, watering, loosening, fertilizing, etc.).

Climate features, soil properties in different places affect the development and fruiting of the bush, This has crucial when choosing seedlings. After all, only 50 of the more than 200 varieties available can be successfully grown in different regions central, central strip of Russia.

One of the important criteria for choosing gardeners is, first of all, the ripening time, namely:

  1. Early. Their flowering begins in the first half of May and ripe berries appear by mid-June. These include Summer Resident, Dikovinka, Dubrovskaya, Heiress , Pygmy, Mermaid, Selechinskaya-2, Black Boomer, Exotic, Spherical, etc.
  1. Medium varieties bloom from mid-May, and ripen by the end of July. These are: Bagheera, Belarusian sweet, Vologda, Dobrynya, Daughter, Zhuravushka, Izyumnaya, Katyusha, Mermaid, Sadko, Selechinskaya, Black Pearl and a number of others.
  1. mid-late ripening in the second decade of July reach Bagira, Barrikadnaya, Venus, Vologda, Zhemchuzhina, Green Haze, Emerald Necklace, Titania, Jubilee Digging, Orlovsky Waltz and a number of other varieties. It is them, most often, chosen by gardeners, summer residents. After all, thanks to the warm, sunny weather, the berries accumulate the maximum amount of useful substances, vitamins.
  1. Late varieties here are perhaps the smallest group. They bloom from the second half of May, and the berries ripen in the first decade of August. Due to the very long growing season, they are most exposed to damage by pests and fungus. The most popular are such varieties as: Arcadia, Late Altai, Lazy, Mila, Tatyana's Day, Vigorous.

When choosing any of these options, it is important to remember that all berries have the same composition of trace elements, vitamins, and excellent therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Their specific gravity, glucose level, degree of sweetness or acidity of currants are influenced by seasonal factors.

Note! The soil conditions of the places where varieties grow, the weather of a particular year / month can also affect these indicators.

The specificity of the currant is that most of its varieties are capable of pollination with their own pollen, that is, they are self-fertile. This is reflected in the number of their ovaries, the formation of fruits in comparison with plants with free pollination.

Among the varieties with 50% self-pollination are large-fruited Azhurnaya, Dachnitsa, Temptation, Pygmy, Nara, Sevchanka and many others. A good indicator (from 30 to 50% self-fertility) have Binar, Golubichka, Dar Smolyaninova, Debriansk, Temptation, Selechinskaya-2, Sudarushka, Tamerlane, Vigorous, etc.

Therefore, to increase the yield of large berries, it is recommended to plant several bushes from different varieties nearby.

When choosing currant seedlings for central Russia with low winter temperatures, it is important to take into account the structure of its infertile, acidic soil.

And the achievement of a positive effect suggests that when planting it must be “ennobled” with fertilizer, liming, etc. This increases the fertility of the soil, allows you to achieve the required degree of neutral or slightly acidic reaction (pH from 5.0 to 5.5).

  • Based on practice, many gardeners consider the best early varieties for the climatic conditions of the Moscow region, such as Dachnitsa, Zhemchuzhina, Raisin, Nara, Nester Kozin, Pygmy, Selechinskaya, Black Boomer, Exotica. The productive, self-fertile, winter-hardy Moscow also feels good, native to the region.
  • Among the varieties with average terms ripening worthy of attention Belarusian sweet, Detskoselskaya, Dobrynya, Dubrovskaya, Izmailovskaya, Katyusha and others.
  • Ideal for the suburban climate late varieties, like: Lazy, Vologda, Daughter. It is characteristic that they painlessly tolerate low winter temperatures and remain resistant to pests and diseases.

A characteristic feature of these options is that they are adapted to the specific climate of the region: drought resistance, spring sudden changes in air temperature.

Climatic conditions in all regions of the Urals are much more severe than in the central part of Russia. In winter, the average temperature here is strong wind can reach from -20°C to -40°C, and in summer up to +35°C.

Therefore, when selecting large-fruited black currants, it is recommended to dwell on cultivated seedlings that take into account such features. In order to avoid massive damage to ovaries and flowers during spring frosts, varieties with different terms their blooms.

We offer you to get acquainted with the most hardy plants that can develop and bear fruit even in fairly cool areas. Here you can focus on the proposals of zoned varieties from breeders from Sverdlovsk and other specialists.

  • Among the early varieties of flowering and ripening of berries, we advise you to pay attention to the Ural Chant, Dobry Dzhinn, Sibylla. Along with this list, the “old” assortment is also worthy of attention, namely: Gross, Pygmy, Memory Michurin, Gift to Kuzior, Spherical.
  • An intermediate option may be one of the best varieties recent years with early and medium aging Pilot.
  • Mid-late varieties are represented by Fortuna, Globus, Dashkovskaya, Venera, Sudarushka bred in this region, as well as by Siberian breeders - Prestige.
  • Of the later species, Bagheera, the local Slavyanka, the Siberian Vigorous, and the Ukrainian Beauty of Lviv have proven themselves well.

In the vast Siberian expanses with its climate and soils, local and European selections with different ripening periods can take root well. It is natural that seedlings with increased frost resistance of the Far Eastern, Altai, and Ural selections occupy a worthy place.

They are bred specifically for the Northern, Northwestern, Far Eastern regions. However, the latter develop somewhat more slowly at first and begin to grow normally, like their counterparts from Europe, only in the second year after planting.

The best large-fruited varieties here are considered to be highly resistant to hard frosts, unpretentious growing conditions.

  • Those wishing to plant currant bushes with early ripening large berries can use seedlings raisin, Selechinskaya, Sibylla.
  • Among varieties of the middle period ripening large-fruited black currants showed themselves well: Brown Far Eastern (another name is Brown Tabor), Hercules, Globus, Lucia ,
  • Adapted to Siberian growing conditions late-ripening large, sweet useful berries. These include the following varieties: Altai late, Arcadia, Bagheera, Venus, Lazy, Mila, Perun, Tatyana's Day.
  • Admirers super large black berries with their uniform distribution throughout the brush, seedlings with different maturation periods are selected. Among them are Globus, Dobrynya, Large-fruited Litvinova, Romance, Pygmy, Selechinskaya, Sibylla, Vigorous. It is characteristic that the roots of bushes and cuttings remained undamaged even with May frosts down to -10°C.
  • For those who, among all indicators, prefer abundant harvest we recommend Gross, Summer Resident, Friendly, Raisin, Lazy, Ussuri, Vigorous. And the most resistant against diseases, pests are considered such varieties as: Globus, Gulliver, Gross, Sevchanka, Sibylla.

"Hits" varieties of large-fruited blackcurrant:

Bred by Siberian breeders and recognized as one of the world leaders among medium-ripening berry varieties. The bushes are sprawling, low-growing, medium thickened. Its plum-shaped fruits with a diameter of up to 3 cm weigh over 6 g, have a refreshing taste, reach up to 8 pieces on a long brush.

They have a dense pulp of sour taste with a refreshing aroma. Able to produce a high yield of up to 12 tons per hectare. The bush needs systematic rejuvenation. It has a relative resistance to diseases.

It is characterized by a spreading bush of medium height and rarely growing leaves. Rounded black berries with a hard skin weighing up to one and a half grams with a "pearl" sheen reach a diameter of up to 7 cm.

It is characterized by high winter hardiness, early maturity, productivity, moderate resistance to diseases.

This large-fruited variety is characterized by stable fruiting, a high content of healing vitamin C, pectin. Well suited for manual and mechanized fruit picking in mid-July.


Which is also called the Swedish queen with Russian roots. After all, the variety was selected in Sweden by crossing the Altai dessert with Kajaanin Musta-Tamas (Musta Tamas).

It has a tall bush up to 1.5 m, from which you can collect up to 5 kg of large berries. The weight of each sweet and sour dense fruit out of 20 on one brush reaches up to two grams. You can feel their dessert taste and wine aroma already at the beginning of July.

The advantages of Titania include its adaptation to the coldest climate, resistance to diseases and bad weather, a rich harvest without complex agricultural technology. Due to these properties, the variety is used as a base for further selection. For example, in Poland, Tisel is removed with its help.

It occupies a worthy place among the varieties of early ripening. The bush is slightly sprawling, medium-sized, rather thickened. Very large, round, medium-dense berries weigh up to 2.5 g and contain a lot of sugar and ascorbic acid.

This high yielding variety cold-resistant, but not afraid of hot seasons. Belongs to plants that need intensive care, fertile soil.

Selechinskaya is resistant to powdery mildew damage, but to a lesser extent - harmful insects.

Dessert variety of Ukrainian selection with a medium-late ripening period. More than 20 berries can be placed on its long brushes up to 11 cm. The pygmy is considered a favorite of summer residents for the attractive taste of fragrant, sweet fruits.

Very large round berries have few seeds in the pulp. These weakly sprawling bushes with thick and strong stems painlessly endure strong winter frosts and hot summers.

Differs in high productivity, self-fertility, resistance to anthracnose and powdery mildew. Growing problems with this variety include some susceptibility to disease (septoria) and bud mite damage.

It is a variety with medium maturation of super-large berries. A medium-sized, upright bush is compact and capable of generously bearing fruit up to 3 kg. Oval, glossy black fruits with an elastic dense skin have a fragrant sweet and sour taste.

Characterized by high winter hardiness, medium resistance to spring frosts and aridity, precocity, sufficient yield. In summer and spring, it needs intensive care.

Dobrynya is not subject to powdery mildew diseases, but can be damaged by other fungal diseases and pests.

It is one of the leaders of dessert varieties with early ripening of large berries. On a straight bush up to 1.5 m high, large rounded fruits grow matte black fruits with a sweet taste. And at the end of July, after reaching full ripeness, they do not crumble, and when wilted, they resemble raisins. Thanks to these exclusive qualities, she got her name.

This variety is winter-hardy, tolerates drought well, abrupt changes in the external environment. It is characterized by resistance against fungal diseases, kidney mites, and ash. The disadvantages include poor rooting by cuttings.

Belongs to the varieties of the latest ripening dates only by the beginning of August. They ripen as the last hello of summer, when the bulk of the plants cease to bear fruit, which is reflected in its name. However, the long wait for the harvest is fully justified.

Powerful tall sprawling bushes with thick leaves grow very large sweet berries. They have a rounded shape, black-brownish color, pronounced taste and aroma of medium density pulp.

It also attracts with its high frost resistance, ability to withstand various diseases, pest damage. These are septoria, anthracnose, terry, columnar rust. However, it has poor resistance to powdery mildew.

Problems include also unfriendly fruit ripening, yield instability.

Ukrainian selection pleases with its brilliant super- large berries weighing up to 7 g. They ripen evenly, have a one-dimensional shape, sufficient pulp density, exquisite aroma, high level sweets.

Brushes with fruits that do not crumble after full ripening on the stalks of powerful branches outwardly resemble bunches of grapes. This unique variety children are very fond of, because this is one of the very first summer sweet berries.

In terms of yield, the Black Boomer can compete with many currant varieties and is very undemanding to care, resistant to diseases. According to many gardeners, these qualities have gained fame not only as a magnificent variety, but have also become a new era in the development of such a culture.

Belongs to varieties that ripen quite early. Here, currant bushes are medium-sized, slightly sprawling with straight, not very thick branches. Rounded berries of uniform size reach a weight of up to 1.5 g, have a sweet and sour taste.

A feature of the variety is the ability to bear fruit without abundant watering and even without it. Already in the second season of its growth on a young bush, you can collect about 1 kg of berries, and then up to 3 kg even in the driest times.

In the constellation of its merits, along with the early terms of simultaneous ripening, the size and quality of the fruits, others can be named. This is a good resistance to diseases and pests, high self-fertility and winter hardiness. Vulnerability - weak resistance to kidney mites.

Belongs to early varieties and requires good light and high soil moisture. It has tall trunks with curved thick olive-greenish shoots with densely growing leaves. Hence their exactingness to maintain a large distance between neighboring plants (from 1.5 to 3 m).

At proper fit, with proper care, one bush can produce more than 3 kg of very large berries round shape with a weight of more than 3 g each. Brilliant fruits with medium-density pulp have an excellent taste with a slight sourness, which many gardeners like. From the time of flowering to the full ripening of currants, it takes up to 70 days.

Gulliver is resistant to severe winter colds and spring frosts, diseases and bud mites.

The "brainchild" of Dutch and Russian breeders. When breeding a variety, emphasis was placed on its ability to withstand above -35 ° C. They managed to achieve high yields of several undersized, sweeping bushes.

Very large sweet berries Summer residents with good taste data, with abundant ripening in early July, can bend branches to the ground. To avoid this, it is advisable to use props in a timely manner. It is characteristic that when ripe, the berries crumble. Due to the uneven ripening of the fruits, it is possible to extend the harvest time. The variety is also interesting for its increased resistance to infections, tick attacks, and sharp temperature fluctuations.

With an average ripening time of berries, it has sprawling bushes with a height of up to two meters. Bagheera enters the time of abundant fruiting already in the second year after planting. This is one of the few fruit shrubs that do not begin to shed their leaves with the onset of winter.

Rounded large fruits weighing up to 3 g, with an attractive glossy black color, have juicy, tender flesh, covered with a dense peel. Up to 7 pieces of sweet fragrant berries are collected in knots on 2-3 racemes, forming a massive and rather picturesque bunch. The presence of a sufficient number of them allows you to collect up to five kg from one bush. The variety is adapted to cold and heat, has an average resistance against pests.

It comes from Scotland and belongs to mid-early varieties with fairly large berries that ripen together, weighing about 4 g. The fruits have an excellent dessert taste with a predominance of sweet notes over sour ones. Even after full ripening, they remain on the branches and retain their aroma and taste.

Only in extreme heat can such berries look like dried. Fruiting begins from a height of 15-20 cm of the trunk and ends at the top of a vertically directed bush.

Achieving high yields is possible in the second year after planting more than 5 kg, and in the third - more than 10 kg.

The main condition for care is competent pruning, soil fertilization during planting and development of the bush, watering and other subtleties of intensive agricultural technology. The variety is very frost-resistant and can withstand powdery mildew.

With medium early ripening of large fruits. The variety has strongly spreading bushes and moderate density of somewhat wrinkled convex leaves. Rounded berries of sweet and sour taste with a maximum weight of about 2.5 g form brushes up to 10 cm long on petioles. The one-dimensionality of fruits with a small number of seeds is one of the advantages of Gross. It has an average yield of about 4 kg per bush.

This self-fertile variety tolerates winter cold well, is quite resistant to various diseases and pest damage. The variety is intended for universal use, both fresh and cooked.

We hope that our article will help you choose your "format" of large-fruited blackcurrant! Experience satisfaction from your diligence, enjoy, benefit for the soul and body!

In order to choose right sort this useful berry in order for the seedlings to take root and bear fruit well, several important points. You need to know that they differ from each other in frost resistance, ripening period, yield and fruit size. Therefore, before planting blackcurrant, you need to learn as much as possible about it so as not to make a mistake in choosing. And only after that choose a suitable variety with the highest fertility, productivity, with large sweet berries.

It is best when choosing, to see what you like already fruitful, to taste the berries. After that, it remains just to purchase this particular planting material. You can go the other way: buy seedlings you like, suitable variety at experienced gardener or in a garden society. After that, study the description, characteristics of the variety, rules of care.

Blackcurrant has many varieties with different characteristics. For example, there are dessert varieties, early or late. There are small-fruited and large-fruited currants. Today, the focus of our attention is blackcurrant, large-fruited varieties. It is about these varieties of berries popular with gardeners that we will talk with you today. We note right away that berries weighing from 1.5 g are considered large.

Large-fruited varieties

A lot of such varieties have been bred over the years of breeding. There are already familiar, well-known, and there are recently bred. Let's list the most popular of all:

Very high-quality, high-yielding, large-fruited varieties are considered: Krasa Lvova and Dobrynya. And the Comfort variety is distinguished by unpretentiousness, unpretentiousness when grown.

Interesting, loved by gardeners are: Sanyuta, Cherry, Yubileinaya Kopanya. A large number of vitamins contains currant varieties Large Litvinova. Its berries are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the brush.

If we talk about super large-fruited, then here we can recommend varieties: Vigorous, Pygmy, Sibylla. Well take root and bear fruit: Globus, Romance, Selechinskaya and Dobrynya.

A new, modern large-fruited variety - Vigorous, which was recently bred by breeders in Siberia. Differs in especially large fruits - almost 7,8 g. The berries ripen by mid-July, they are well removed from the bush, they are perfectly stored during transportation. The shrub has a high winter hardiness. The disadvantages include the sour taste of the fruit, as well as the need to often rejuvenate the bushes. In addition, reproduction may be difficult.

Large-fruited, sweetest, vitamin currant

The minimum content of acids, the maximum content of useful sugars is distinguished by Belarusian sweet. This is a variety not very familiar to our gardeners. But it is worth planting in your area. Also very sweet berries are distinguished by: Excellent student, Nina, Bagheera. The berries of these shrubs contain almost 11% natural sugars. Therefore, they are extremely good as a dessert.

The most vitamin berries are in the Muravushka variety. At least that's what experienced experts say. It is from this currant that the most vitamin compotes are prepared, the healing juice is squeezed out, and five-minute jam is brewed for the winter (the recipe is on our website). Also, the advantages of Ant include the fact that its leaves remain green almost until the very frost. Therefore, many gardeners form a beautiful green hedge from shrubs.

Large-fruited, very sweet, useful variety Exotica is considered. The weight of one berry reaches, on average, 3.5 g. Some gardeners grow berries the size of a cherry, or even larger. With their size and taste, the fruits of Exotica resemble Isabella grapes. Another advantage of this variety is its resistance to diseases and pests.

In addition, I would like to draw your attention to the very high-quality vitamin varieties of currant Venus and Raisin. Venus is especially good for children and the elderly, as well as for anyone with dental problems. Its berries have a very thin, delicate skin and excellent taste.

At the same time, both varieties have a fairly high resistance to diseases. Raisin currants do not fall off the branches after ripening. The berries dry up right on the bush, resembling raisins in their appearance. Hence the name.

If speak about large-fruited currant early ripening, it is worth stopping at the Sibylla variety. It was bred by breeders of the Urals. The weight of Sibylla berries is usually 5 g. They are tasty, full of vitamins, great for processing. The advantages also include high productivity and winter hardiness.

But the most delicious among the super-large-fruited varieties of black currant is the Incomparable variety. The berries are tasty, sweet, filled with vitamins, ripen early, and their weight reaches 7.5 g. The bush is resistant to heat, has high frost resistance. Incomparable - one of the most favorite varieties among gardeners. It is also widely used for industrial production.

When choosing the right blackcurrant variety, you need to remember that most large-fruited super-large-fruited varieties need additional watering. This is especially important in dry summers. In addition, if your site is located on light sandy soils, choose drought-resistant varieties: Nara, Perun, Dobrynya. The variety Izyumnaya and Gulliver tolerates dry summers well.

Large currants have always been a priority for gardeners, because the amount of the crop depends on the size of the berries. But, nevertheless, varieties with high adaptability to different climatic conditions, giving not only large, but also sweet berries. Thanks to the achievements of modern breeding, there is plenty to choose from - today there are about two hundred domestic varieties and hybrids of blackcurrant. What varieties of blackcurrant with large berries are suitable for a temperate as well as a cold Siberian climate?

For the middle lane

The vast territory of Russia is located in several completely opposite climatic zones, so it is impossible to choose a universal currant variety suitable for growing in any region. AT middle lane The country is dominated by a temperate climate, and theoretically any variety of European selection can give a good harvest here, but practice shows that the best results, nevertheless, can be achieved when planting zoned varieties. For this region, this list is simply huge, so the most promising large-fruited varieties will be presented below. different term maturation.

summer resident

Variety Dachnitsa is the most suitable not only for the Middle Strip, but also for the entire European part of Russia. It was bred not so long ago, in 2004, but has already firmly established itself in garden and summer cottages. This variety is the dream of any summer resident. The bushes are short, compact, beautiful round shape, with attractive corrugated leaves. The berries are quite large (average weight 2.5 g, maximum - 5 g), oval, dark blue in color, with a thin skin and an unusual sweet and sour taste (sugar 9.3%).

Ripening is early, but uneven, which allows you to harvest for a long time in several stages. Of the advantages of currants, one can note excellent winter hardiness, because the variety was bred with the participation of the Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia and passed variety tests for resistance not only to cold, but also to diseases such as anthracnose, powdery mildew, rust, as well as the most dangerous currant pest - the bud mite .


A very sweet blackcurrant with large berries, sometimes larger than cherries. Belongs to early varieties (ripens in early June), self-fertile, with excellent winter hardiness. The bush is vigorous with straight stems and large light green corrugated leaves. It has good immunity to powdery mildew, but is often affected by anthracnose.

Exotic berries are rounded, one-dimensional, weighing 3.5-6 g. The skin is thin, black, shiny. The pulp is tender, with small seeds, a pleasant refreshing, slightly sour taste (sugar 8.9%). Thanks to the dry separation, the berries are well stored and transported. The yield of the variety is low - about 1 kg / bush.

Selechinskaya 2

A new improved variety based on currant Selechenskaya-1. Differs in early ripening, long fruiting and excellent yield - 4-5 kg ​​/ bush. Plants are tall (up to 1.5 m), erect, rather compact. The fruits are large (4-6 g), even, rounded, remain on the branches for a long time and do not crumble. The skin is black, shiny. The pulp is fragrant with soft seeds, excellent dessert taste.

Unlike its predecessor, Selechenskaya-2 is not susceptible to fungal diseases, tolerates severe frosts and drought without problems, and is extremely rarely affected by bud mites. It is unpretentious in care, can grow in the shade, therefore it is suitable for any region of Russia.


The largest and sweetest black currant among late varieties. Ripens by mid-August, does not crumble for a long time. The bushes are undersized, compact in size, the leaves are dark green with a grayish tinge. The berries are round, weighing up to 4 g, sweet and sour (sugar 7.2%), with a small amount of seeds in the pulp, universal purpose.

This variety is often cultivated in industrial scale, because it has good winter hardiness, as well as immunity to anthracnose, terry, bud mites. Among the shortcomings can be noted instability to powdery mildew. Productivity is good - up to 4 kg / bush.


It is considered the most successful variety in domestic breeding for growing in the middle lane. It has a fairly high immunity to powdery mildew and anthracnose, which is very important for mid-ripening currants. Also, plants tolerate drought, severe frosts and sudden spring frosts well, while maintaining the ability to bear fruit abundantly.

Dobrynya is a large-fruited and very tasty blackcurrant. The berries are round, slightly glossy, weighing 5-7 g, excellent dessert taste. In fertile soil and subject to agricultural technology, the yield can reach 4 kg / bush.


Currant Venus has been the undisputed leader among gardeners and farmers for more than a decade due to the perfect combination in one variety of the most important qualities for this crop:

  • high yield - up to 5 kg / 1 bush;
  • resistance to a number of fungal diseases, including powdery mildew;
  • the ability to self-pollinate;
  • excellent adaptive abilities - plants tolerate severe frosts and prolonged drought equally well;
  • long (3-4 collection) fruiting;
  • belonging to the dessert direction - the taste of this berry is super-sweet, very rich, without any sourness.

According to the ripening period, it belongs to mid-season varieties, however, in the southern climate it can produce early harvests. The purpose of the fruit is universal.

For Siberia

Siberia is considered the coldest region of the country. The local climate is very diverse: from continental with hot summers and frosty winters (Western and Eastern Siberia) to very severe with winter temperatures below -50 °C. However, this vast region is famous for its breeding achievements and is the birthplace of many promising varieties that produce not only large, but also very sweet currant berries. Below are large-fruited and sweet varieties of blackcurrant, bred and zoned specifically for this region.


Mid-season variety with very high frost resistance. It shows the best results in Eastern and Western Siberia, it is often used for breeding other winter-hardy varieties as an example of valuable varietal qualities. Bushes are very compact. The berries are round, rather large - 1.2-1.6 g. The peel is dense, intense black color. The taste of the pulp is rich, slightly sour (sugar 10.3%).

"Friendly" is highly resistant to bud mites, rust, but susceptible to powdery mildew. Of the advantages of the variety, it should be noted the excellent transportability and preservation of berries due to the dense skin and dry separation. The average yield is about 2 kg / bush, but this is good for this region.


Despite belonging to the Altai selection, the winter hardiness of this currant is average. The shoots withstand fairly severe frosts in winter, but the buds and flower primordia cannot endure even minor sudden frosts in the spring. The disadvantage of the variety is also low resistance to bud mites and septoria, but it should be noted high immunity to rust and the ability to self-pollinate.

In terms of maturation, Zoya is ahead of the previous variety and has a high yield, which significantly depends on weather conditions- on average, from 1 bush it is possible to collect up to 3 kg of berries, maximum - 7.8 kg. Fruiting early, harvesting is carried out in 2 stages. Berries of medium size - 1-1.2 g, black-violet in color, covered with a slight wax coating, slightly sour taste. The main purpose of the variety is technical processing.


This variety is a development of the Altai fruit and berry station. Its winter hardiness is higher than the previous variety - there is a higher resistance to cold of flower primordia, while the vegetative system (stems) needs shelter for the winter. Also, Biya currant is resistant to bud mites, moderately to septoria, rust, powdery mildew and anthracnose.

The bushes are vigorous, sprawling, with powerful, slightly curved shoots. The berries of this variety do not differ in large size (0.7-1.2 g), but the return of the crop occurs amicably and massively. The yield, as in the previous case, depends on weather conditions and varies between 3.5-9 kg per bush.

blackcurrant care

In general, blackcurrant is quite unpretentious. If the planting was carried out in accordance with all the rules of agricultural technology, then standard care measures are sufficient for its successful fruiting.

Whichever varieties you choose, they will thank you with an excellent harvest if the bushes are planted in a good sunny place with moderate humidity, on loose fertile soil of neutral, slightly acidic or slightly alkaline acidity, and the bed will be clean throughout the season.

Most varieties have good immunity to disease, but factors such as excessive moisture, the proximity of weeds and insufficient nutrition can lead to the development of pathological processes and weaken the plant.

To prevent this from happening, the area between the bushes must be cleared of weeds in time, and the soil loosened.

In the spring, as a preventive measure, the bushes can be treated with copper-containing preparations (Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate), or pour boiling water well - this procedure not only destroys fungi and pest larvae, but also increases the adaptive properties of currants.

As for watering, adult bushes need them only in hot weather when there is no rain. Young seedlings should be watered regularly until they take root, but one should not forget that currants do not tolerate excessive moisture.

Like any berry culture, currant responds well to top dressing, in particular, organic. Compost or humus, 0.5 buckets under a bush, is usually applied after flowering, and in late autumn, before wintering, the trunk circle is covered with a layer of humus. In early spring, plants need nitrogen - this element can be provided to them by urea (30 g / m²), or saltpeter (80 g).

For regular fruiting and maintaining the health of the bush, currants must be cut annually. The norm for an adult bush is the presence of 15-20 strong fruiting shoots. Pruning should be done in early spring, before bud growth has begun, or in autumn, after the leaves have fallen. Old (more than 5 years) lower branches, as well as damaged and weak shoots leading to thickening, are subject to removal. During spring pruning, the tops of the shoots are shortened by about 2/3 of their length.

By performing these simple activities, you can get an excellent harvest of berries, and choosing the most large-fruited variety will allow you to achieve record results.

In this video, the expert will share valuable tips on growing blackcurrant in the country, caring for the plant and protecting it from harmful insects.

Do not buy foreign varieties of blackcurrant. Well, where, how, and in the selection of this culture, we are ahead of the rest. Our varieties are the largest and sweetest. Therefore, do not chase exotic names, but plant our varieties.


No matter how many experts say that a variety should be chosen according to frost resistance, ripening period, disease resistance and yield. All the same, we give preference, and we will give the most large-fruited varieties.

Specialists consider large-fruited varieties to be those in which the size of the berry exceeds 1.5 g. But this is not enough for us.I want even larger ones, and there are such varieties!

The most large-fruited variety is the Vigorous variety bred in Siberia.Its berries reach record levels of 7-8 g and ripen in mid-July. However, the variety is smaller in the south, and its berries are considered very sour. The disadvantage is that the bushes of this variety must often be rejuvenated, and it also does not reproduce well.


  • Beauty of Lvov;
  • Dobrynya;
  • Comfort - very unpretentious in cultivation;
  • Sanyuta;
  • Large Litvinova - a very vitamin variety;
  • Cherry;
  • Anniversary Digging.


Early varieties are those whose berries ripen from mid-June.

The earliest of all recognized variety Yarynka. In addition to it, early varieties:

  • Overture;
  • In love with Mlieva;
  • Mriya of Kyiv;
  • Dove;
  • curiosity;
  • Nara;
  • summer resident;
  • Heiress;
  • exotic;
  • Nika;
  • Sevchanka;
  • Sybil.


To the most delicious varieties include those berries that are rated at tastings above 4.5 points. They can be divided into sour-sweet and sweet. Almost all dessert varieties have early or medium ripening. Dessert varieties include:

  • Centaur;
  • Perun;
  • Selechenskaya;
  • Selechenskaya-2;
  • Nadia;
  • Venus;
  • Orlovsky waltz;
  • Sweetheart;
  • Ben Lomond;
  • Nestor Kozin;
  • Tisel.


The sweetest and largest varieties have proven themselves:

Pearl- an early variety with very large berries weighing up to 6 g, and the berries are very sweet. However, the variety was bred in Siberia and it is not known how it will behave in other regions.

Black BMW- the best variety for children. The berries are very large 5-7 g and sweet, ripen early - early July.

Raisin- an early variety with a large berry stands out from other varieties with a high and regular yield.

Legend- a variety of very early ripening forty, is considered the most delicious among the early varieties. The berries are large, weighing 3.5 g each. A wonderful variety, including its high yield.

Lazy person- a blackcurrant variety of the latest ripening period (late July - early August), but the berries are very large (up to 6 g) and sweet, great for use in desserts.

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