How to grow basil from a store pot. Proper cultivation of basil from seeds on the windowsill. Growing basil from seeds at home: step by step instructions

Basil- a favorite of many spicy greens, which gives a spicy taste and aroma to various dishes, as well as healthy.

High concentration essential oils allows the use of basil for cosmetic purposes, and in folk medicine.

IN summer time it grows in vegetable gardens, household plots, and in order to serve fresh greens to the table all year round, you can grow basil in a pot in the walls of the house, it's simple enough.

Varieties of basil for growing at home

Small-leaved varieties of basil grow best at home, preferably plants that reach V no more than half a meter high.

Here are some of them:

  • marquis- mid-early variety, undersized plant up to 25 cm, spherical or pyramidal shape, green leaves, have a pronounced clove-pepper aroma;
  • Dwarf- compact bushes 10-18 cm in height, grown as aromatic herbs and as ornamental plant, sometimes green and purple;
  • Basilisk- compact bushes 20-25 cm high, leaves with a peppery-clove spicy taste and smell, early ripening;
  • Troll- reaches 35-40 cm in height, the leaves are green-purple, small;
  • Clove- medium-sized basil 35-45 cm high with a sharp clove-anise smell;
  • Philosopher- undersized bushes (25-30 cm) with purple leaves, clove aroma;
  • Spicy Globe- bushy basil with small leaves, forms sprawling, but compact bushes, has a lively spicy aroma;
  • bush minette- miniature bushes, ideal for growing in containers, tiny leaves;
  • Cinnamon- small bushes, leaves with the aroma of cinnamon; Small-leaved basil (piccolo) - the leaves are small and narrow, the taste is sweet, almost without astringency, the smell resembles allspice.

What conditions are required for growing basil

Basil has a developed root system, so for its cultivation you need deep enough and voluminous boxes, containers or flowerpots. basilica need regular watering, while good water permeability of the soil is important, so light structural soil should be used.

Be sure to have peat, humus or compost in the composition of the soil, clay will contribute to optimal water circulation, and to keep it from stagnation, you need a drainage layer for which fine gravel or expanded clay can be used.

Basil is a thermophilic and light-loving culture.

The best place to grow it is a window sill, in winter required heat will be provided thanks to the heating radiator, and if sunlight not enough, you need to organize the backlight. Important provide protection seedlings from drafts.

The best temperature for growing basil is 25
. You can keep boxes with basil on a glazed and insulated balcony, loggia, especially if their heating and lighting are organized.

If balcony unheated, and it gets colder outside, it is necessary to cover the basil with a film, protecting it from wind and hypothermia.

Optimal time for sowing or planting cuttings basilica is considered spring, March-April, then during the period active growth plants will receive enough heat and light.

If the owners have sufficient experience, containers with basil are kept in a warm place, for example, on the kitchen windowsill, the heating radiator is on and artificial lighting is provided, the planting season does not matter.

Basil cuttings

Can you grow basil at home? two ways:

  • from seeds;
  • from cuttings.

If the house or friends already have a growing basil, you can cut cuttings from it, for this, the upper and middle parts of the stem are used. You can also buy a small container of growing basil from the store, if it's fresh, it's fine to serve. source of cuttings.

The cuttings are placed in water, the roots usually appear within a week, after two weeks they can be planted in the ground. Possibly also rooting cuttings immediately in the ground, from above they need to be covered with jars or cut PET bottles, to increase the likelihood of successful rooting, add a root formation stimulator when watering.

Basil rooted quite well vegetative reproduction, and when planting cuttings or seedlings, they will quickly reach sizes that allow harvest.

But barely rooted cuttings are quite fragile, but sprouts grown from seeds are not so delicate, so sowing basil is considered more practical option., although it requires more time to wait for the harvest.

Sowing and preparation for it

Both the soil and the seeds need to be prepared. Self-prepared soil must be disinfected, heating in the oven for up to an hour, purchased in specialized stores, the soil is processed.

Directly soil before sowing warmed up to room temperature and enriched with mineral fertilizers or humic concentrate.

In the prepared soil, grooves are made with a depth 0.5-1 cm with row spacing of 10 cm, prepared seeds are sown in them, the distance between the seeds should also be not less than 7 cm.

The grooves are sprinkled with earth, the soil is moistened and covered with a transparent film or glass to preserve moisture. Boxes need to be kept in a warm place, for seed germination usually need 5-7 days.

Emerging shoots need good lighting, they must be illuminated for at least 16 hours a day.

When seedlings reached 5 cm in height, they can be transplanted into another box, more spacious and deep, or into pots, a bush from a bush at a distance 15 cm or more.

Rooted Basil Care

Bye sprouts less than 5 cm, enough watering without loosening. After rooting of strengthened seedlings once every 2-3 days the soil must be loosened, watered if the soil dries up. Watering should not be excessive, otherwise above-ground part plants can be affected by mold, fungus.

Water the basil in the morning with water at room temperature. If worth hot dry weather, watering twice a day is possible, in the morning and in the afternoon. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out from the moment one or two leaves appear on the seedlings and further with an interval about a month.

For top dressing composition is used: 10 g of a mixture of fertilizers is taken per liter of water: nitrogen (2 g), potash (3 g) and phosphorus (5 g). It is not necessary to thin out the planting if a sufficient distance is maintained between the plants when transplanting young seedlings.

In order for the leaves to grow more actively, the plant grows in breadth, you need to pinch off the upper shoots, pinching the tops begin after the appearance of 4-6 leaves.

During the flowering period the ovary of flowers is left only if the basil is grown for seeds, the buds of plants grown on the leaf break off, flowering should not be allowed. Then the leaves will be more fragrant, and the plant will not fade longer.

More detailed instructions on growing basil at home you will find on the video:

Harvesting basil

Indoors, basil grows quite slowly, and the leaves should not be cut until the bushes reach at least 10 cm in height. To replenish the supply of fresh herbs for the table, it is enough to periodically break off or cut off the tops of the shoots from different bushes, several leaves each.

As a result, basil it will be better to bite, to give lush greens that can be used as needed without tearing the main plant. If you need to stock up a lot of greenery for the future, the stem is cut closer to the base, so that only 4 bottom leaves. New leaves will grow from their sinuses.

Thus it is annual plant will produce green for a long time.

Potential Problems When Growing Basil

Basil is a plant that is resistant to diseases and pests, but it also has there are weaknesses. Pests such as slugs and snails, as a rule, do not threaten basil growing at home on the windowsill. Weeds in the treated soil also rarely appear.

And here gray mold And fusarium home-grown plants can also be affected, usually due to soil overflow. In this case, the affected leaves break off, if the disease has struck the stem, the plant must be uprooted, so that neighbors do not get infected. The soil is sprinkled with ashes and loosened so that the ashes penetrate deep into the soil.

Basil of any variety and type can be grown on the windowsill. This plant has purple or green hues, small or large leaves and a pleasant smell. In order for it to be accepted at home, it must be placed in a warm and sunny place, provide good watering, fertile soil and good drainage. In the article we will tell you how to grow basil on the windowsill, give advice on care, watering.

To grow basil on a windowsill, provide it with all the necessary conditions for full growth.

Before this procedure, take into account the following points:

  • Pick up suitable grade basilica;
  • Prepare the ground;
  • Soak the seeds;
  • Choose containers for growing plants.

The best varieties of basil to grow on the windowsill

There are hundreds of types of basil in nature, but only a few of them are used for food. For home growing give preference to undersized and decorative varieties. Choose the best option for you, depending on the qualities of the plant.

Popular varieties include:

  • Clove aroma - basil with a spicy and strong aroma. Such basil is used everywhere: in conservation, in the form of seasonings for a meat dish, they are used fresh. Plant height - 20-25 centimeters, but there is dense foliage. It is found on the balconies and window sills of the hostesses.
  • Thai queen - dark green leaves. In growth goes up to fifty centimeters. Grow both indoors and in the garden. Read also the article: → "".
  • Osmin - plant small size, bronze color. It is dried or consumed fresh.
  • Marquis is a plant with small foliage and small size.
  • Dwarf - the lowest among the varieties of basil. Reaches a maximum of twenty centimeters in length. It has a sharp and spicy taste and rounded leaves. Colors range from green to purple.

Basil "Dwarf" - a good option, for growing on the windowsill.

Preparing soil and seeds for sowing

Soil from the garden is suitable for basil, but it should be fertilized with mineral fertilizers. It should be light and fertile. Remove all roots and weeds from it. If possible, buy special land for planting ornamental crops- this is amazing.

Tip #1 Such soil does not need to be fertilized. An earthen substrate is perfect - a mixture of biohumus with coconut fiber.

If you have the time and desire to create a fertile and light soil, then pay attention to the following components.

Composition variant Name of constituent components Norm
1 Humus


2 parts
2 Earth

fresh compost

1 part
3 Humus 1 part
4 Peat




Potassium sulfate

2 parts

3 g/1 l of water

1 g / 1 l of water

2 g / 1 l water

(moisten the soil with a mixture of these solutions)

As for seeds, they should be bought in a special store. A prerequisite is soaking the seeds in a solution of manganese before planting. You need to keep them there for 4-6 hours.

Soak the seeds in a weak manganese solution before sowing.

Container for planting basil

In order for basil to grow comfortably on your windowsill, find for it wooden box, plastic container or flower pot. Depending on quantity planting material, is selected and the number landing tanks. Take care of the holes through which excess moisture will escape.

The process of sowing basil

After all this, you can start sowing basil. Plant the plant in a large container, if you plant it in a small one, you will have to, then dive. Do not plant seeds deeper than two centimeters. there should be a distance of 8-10 cm between the seeds. The earth should be moist and pass through the drainage. Expanded clay, pebbles, white bricks or shards may lie at the bottom. Keep a distance of at least fifteen centimeters between each seed.

Tip #2 After sowing, cover the containers with oilcloth until sprouts appear. This will happen within five days, at a temperature of +23 to +26 degrees.

Plant care and watering

Seedlings should be carefully looked after so that they grow and form faster. Important milestones are:

  1. watering;
  2. temperature maintenance;
  3. top dressing;
  4. pruning;
  5. correct lighting.

The plant should be watered every day, and the best is in the morning. If the days are hot and the soil dries out quickly, then evening watering can be added. Daily watering - not recommended due to the risk of burns. Watering is carried out only with settled and warm water. So that an earthen crust does not appear from frequent watering, loosen the soil once every seven days. Thanks to this manipulation, the root system is enriched with oxygen.

Tip #3 Provide the optimal allowable temperature regime on the balcony for good growth basilica is +22 - +26 degrees.

As for top dressing, once every two weeks, basil should be fertilized with complex mineral fertilizers. Complexes for vegetables are suitable for this plant. Complex mineral fertilizers contain:

  • Phosphorus;
  • Potassium;
  • Nitrogen;
  • Calcium.

You can use the following complexes:

  • Nitrophoska;
  • Ammophos;
  • Nitroammophoska;
  • calcium nitrate;
  • Diammophos;
  • Potassium monophosphate.

Application rates are indicated in the table.

Item No./ Item Fertilizer name Norm
1. calcium nitrate 3-5 g diluted in 1 liter of water
2. Nitrophoska 4-6 g diluted in 1 liter of water
3. Ammophos 3-4 g diluted in 1 liter of water
4. Diammophos 2-3 g diluted in 1 liter of water
5. Nitroammophoska 3-5 g diluted in 1 liter of water
6. Potassium monophosphate 3-5 g diluted in 1 liter of water

They also use Agrolife or Rostom as top dressing. Agrolife is poured on upper layer soil, in the amount of one teaspoon, Growth is diluted in water in the proportions of 1 cap: 2 l. If there is biohumus, then it is added to the soil. When transplanting, the plant is fed with the following composition: 3 g wood ash, superphosphate 3 g, ammonium nitrate 2 g. It is recommended to dilute everything in one liter of water.

Tip #4 Cut off the first basil greens in a month, this will promote the growth and strengthening of the plant. If you pinch off the top, the basil will bush.

Lighting and additional illumination of the basil

The plant loves light and warmth. If you decide to start growing basil in the autumn, winter period, then provide it with additional lighting. In winter and autumn, the days are short, and these hours are not enough for the plant to grow, so if you want to get good harvest, should make an effort. Get a special lighting device, a lamp. Light the plant from 15 to 20 hours a day, if this is not possible, then your crop is at risk. In this case, start sowing in early March, when daylight hours increase. There should be no draft, because the basil can not stand it.

If there is not enough sunlight in winter, use additional lighting.

Harvest and use

When harvesting, pick only the tops, and the plant will not produce color and will continue to branch. If the plant blooms, then it will have to be pulled out. It remains in the case when you need to collect the seeds. Basil can be dried or used fresh. It is added to pickles and to various dishes. In a glass container, the dried plant can lie up to 5 years. It is not recommended to store in plastic and metal. If you want to keep it fresh, then use the refrigerator for this.

  1. Choose a spacious and wide container for planting basil.

Plant plants in large pots.
  1. Keep an eye on watering. Avoid excessive soil moisture and dryness.
  2. Place the plant boxes on the sunny side.
  3. Do a splitting of the top, for the growth of the plant.
  4. Feed your basil every two weeks to improve the quality and growth of the plant.

Answers to questions about growing basil at home

Question number 1. Does basil get sick if you grow it on a windowsill and how to prevent these diseases?

Yes, the plant is sick, both in open ground and when grown on a balcony or windowsill. It is affected by Fusarium and gray mold.

  1. Fusarium is dangerous fungal disease that affects the plant at any age. Basil leaves turn yellow and the stem is thin. The root system is rotting. The plant dies instantly, if appropriate measures are not taken, the disease will spread further. Fusarium appears due to excessively humid air and soil. Also, the infection could already be present in the soil or seeds. To prevent disease, it is advised to treat the seeds before sowing and do not water the plant excessively. If the disease manifests itself, then the affected plant is pulled out, and the rest are treated with Fundazol.
  2. Gray mold is a microscopic fungus that infects the plant when waterlogged. In this case, the plant withers, fades, and spots appear on the leaves, in the form of burns. For preventive purposes, monitor the ratio of moisture, light and heat. Spray the plant with special preparations. At the first signs of illness, remove damaged leaves, stems and burn them.

Question number 2. What varieties of basil, besides "Osmin", "Thai Queen", "Clove Aroma", "Marquis" and "Dwarf", are grown on the windowsill?

Popular varieties of basil:

  • "Anise aroma" - such a name because of the bright anise flavor. It flaunts with its branched stems and spreading crown. It grows up to 50-60 centimeters.
  • "Broad-leaved" - basil with large green leaves. Used fresh and dried.
  • 'Yerevan' has purple leaves and matures quickly. Twenty days later they are already eaten.
  • "Lemon flavor" - due to the citrus aroma, it is widely used to flavor dishes, but the variety is rare.
  • "Basilisk" - peppery-clove smell and taste. Early maturing. Grows up to 25 cm in height.
  • "Philosopher" - purple foliage and clove aroma. Grows up to 30cm.
  • "Troll" - small purple-green foliage. Grows up to 40 cm.

Question number 3. How to care for rooted basil?

With sprouts up to 6 cm, they do not loosen, but only water the plant. Then once every four days the soil is loosened. Water once a day, but if the soil is too wet, do it less often. Remember that with an excess of moisture, diseases appear: Gray mold and Fusarium. Feed with complex mineral fertilizers every 3-4 weeks.

Question number 4. How is basil divided by ripening time?

There are early, middle, late and transitional varieties.

  • The early ones include: "Yerevan", "Basilisk", "Clove aroma".
  • To the middle - "Anise aroma", "Lemon aroma", "Marquis".
  • To the later ones - "Broad-leaved".

Question number 5. Why cover the basil with a film before germination?

For fast shoots, should be provided maximum warmth and light. By covering with a film, you will provide good heating for the seeds, which will sprout within 4-5 days.

For faster germination, cover the seed pots with plastic wrap.

4 Common Grower Mistakes

  1. When growing basil on a windowsill, choose ornamental and undersized varieties. Tall people should not be preferred. They will take up a lot of space and will obscure each other. You will not be able to provide them with full-fledged conditions for growth and development on a balcony or windowsill.
  2. Immediately plant the plant in large containers. They need enough space to grow. If this is done in small pots, then they will have to be transplanted. A transplant for a plant is a stress from which not all seedlings survive.
  3. Do not sow seeds close to each other. In the future, they will have to be seated again or thinned out.
  4. Do not pluck basil at the root. This should be done from the top. With such a break, the plant will not bloom, and this will improve its growth.

A bunch of herbs, including basil, feel great on outdoors and we enjoy growing them in our garden. But it is still warm outside and the weather is conducive to this, because with the onset of cold weather this opportunity will disappear. But what if you move the herbs indoors and plant them in a container on the windowsill for further growth? I think it's a great idea! How to grow basil on a windowsill, you ask? Very simple. It can be both seeds and a plant that has already grown in the garden.

To do this, it is enough to know the basic secrets of growing this annual and create it the necessary conditions at home:

⦁ a spacious window sill, preferably on the sunny side, windows facing south or southwest are ideal for this. If the windows face the other side of the world, or not on the sunny side, take care of additional lighting for the plant. Place the lamps at a distance of 40 - 45 cm, highlight at least 10 hours a day to make up for the lack of sunlight;
⦁ basil is thermophilic. Protect the plant from drafts.

⦁ watering is plentiful, but the plant does not accept waterlogging, therefore, the more drainage holes there are in the container, the better. Make it a rule to water the plant every other day, before checking the soil. It's completely unscientific, but it works. Place your finger on the ground and if it is wet, refrain from watering. Dry? Water a little;
Fertilizer is an important part of care, with it the plant will delight you with its intensive growth. Once a month will be enough;
⦁ before you start pruning, let the plant acclimatize and at first use only grown leaves for food. As soon as the plant gets stronger, you can pinch the young shoots by 5-7 cm. This will stimulate the growth of the plant and give it a branched shape.

Important! If you are transplanting a finished plant from the garden, then do it before it blooms. After all, if the plant goes into color, it will stop producing new tasty leaves. Therefore, keep an eye on the flowers and if they appear, just pinch them.

Basil growing from seeds

Basil is one of the easiest herbs to grow at home, even without the slightest skill for it. Since basil is an annual, it grows quite quickly, and if you follow the basic growing conditions, you can enjoy fresh leaves within a few weeks after sowing.

Video - Growing basil from seeds

Important! Optimal time for sowing seeds - the beginning of March.

basil seed prices

basil seeds

Step by Step Guide to Growing Basil from Seeds

Step 1. Prepare the soil. Fill the container with soil (a mixture of peat and humus 2: 1), add water. Mix well. The soil should quickly absorb moisture, be fertile and light.

Step 2. Fill the seedling cassettes 3-5 cm below the top with moistened soil.

Step 3. Plant several seeds at once in each cell, in case some of them do not germinate.

Before sowing, it is better to disinfect the seeds by placing them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for a couple of hours.

Step 4 Sprinkle the seeds with dry soil. Planting depth is not more than 1 cm, as the seeds are very small.

Step 5. Moisten the top coat with a hand-held flower sprayer. If suddenly, any of the seeds appear on the surface, gently deepen it back into the ground.

Step 6. Close the container plastic lid, or cling film. Put in a warm place, every day check the soil moisture and the appearance of the first shoots.

Important! Basil germinates very quickly and the first sprouts can hatch in 7-10 days.

Step 7. As soon as the first sprouts appear, remove the lid or film. Add extra lighting to encourage growth and avoid stretching seedlings.

Planter box prices

seedling boxes

Further care at home

After the seeds have hatched, it is very important to take care of them properly. Use the following general recommendations for this:

Watering seedlings

The frequency of watering depends on the humidity of the room. If the room is dry and warm, increase watering. Try to water the soil at least once a day, in the morning. Monitor the general condition of the soil, if top part the soil will remain constantly moist, without drying out, this can lead to mold and rotting of the sprouts.


Basil is sun-loving and loves well-lit places, at least sunbathing should be at least 6 hours a day. At the stage of active growth, seedlings need an additional source of light. On average, they should receive 12-16 hours of daylight, for this, position the seedlings 10 cm below the light source. As it grows, increase the distance.

Air circulation

In order for a plant to grow and develop healthy, it needs good air circulation. So, the soil will be ventilated and dry out, thereby avoiding the appearance of mold. Watch for planting density. With a strong thickening, it is better to remove a few plants by thinning them out. Loosen the soil every three days, giving more oxygen to the roots.

Important! Do not forget to turn the container towards the sun, thereby allowing the plants to grow and develop evenly.


The basil that we see on the pages of magazines and websites is bushy and beautiful. But it won't grow that way on its own. If the basil is not cut in time, it will stretch up and not give the desired result. The key to getting a beautifully branched bushy plant, with big amount leaves to harvest is the right way to cut it early and pinch it later. It is better to do this when the plant grows to 15 cm, and it has four or five true, and not cotyledon leaves. After the new shoots grow by 10 cm, the procedure can be repeated.

Transplanting young basil

If your plant has outgrown its pot, you can transplant it into a larger one. Lack of nutrients, soil and water will negatively affect the growth of basil and its appearance. In addition, such a plant is more susceptible to infections and pests.

During the main growth phase, basil is transplanted twice. For the first time, after the plant has a few true leaves, it can be transplanted into a pot with a diameter of 10–12 cm.
As the basil grows, it will need to be repotted one more time for it to reach its full potential and produce a powerful growth.

The main signal for transplanting basil will be the roots that have sprouted through the drainage holes.

Video - Timely picking of basil

Basil varieties

There are many varieties of basil, each with its own flavor, each with its own uses both in cooking and in cooking. medicinal purposes. Basil belongs to the mint family and is very similar to it in appearance. appearance. The most popular type of basil used in cooking is sweet basil, but some people like to cook with lemon basil, clove basil, or cinnamon vanilla flavored basil. On this moment There are about 150 varieties of basil. But we will consider the most common varieties found in our mini-gardens.

Important! For pot growing, choose low-growing branched or lettuce varieties.

The most common cultivar, with medium, rounded, pale green leaves and a sweetish taste. Most often found on supermarket shelves and used to make pesto, tomato sauces and marinades.

Genoese basil

A classic Italian basil with very large dark green leaves. It is somewhat similar to sweet basil, but has a stronger and more pronounced taste and the leaves are flat and pointed. Widely used in Italian cuisine, and for making pesto sauce. Feels great in indoor pots.

Often found in Asian cuisine for sesame noodles and Thai chicken. It has dark pointed leaves of medium size and has a spicy aroma of licorice. It is worth noting the fact that this variety of basil retains its flavor at higher cooking temperatures compared to other varieties.

purple basil

Has a bright, maroon color big leaves and has a peppery-clove flavor that perfectly saturates vinegar or oil, and also gives a beautiful color to dishes. Grows great in pots.

It has a more delicate leaf color than the predecessors listed above, but has a truly unique lemon aroma. A great addition to fish or poultry dishes, grilled vegetables, as well as desserts and teas.

It has a mild peppery aroma, with a tart, slightly salty taste. A great addition to spicy meat and poultry dishes, pastas and cheeses.

caramel basil

It has a rare fruity-caramel aroma and for this reason it is an excellent flavor for drinks, vinegars, marinades and is used as a culinary additive to desserts.

Basil application

It is only at first glance, basil is a common and fast growing herb that serves only as a condiment. In fact, a variety of flavors and aromas has a much wider range of applications.


Culinary use, one of the most popular uses for basil, is refreshing and versatile. It can spice up a pasta sauce or salad, spice up a cocktail or dessert.

Important! For the strongest basil flavor, add fresh basil leaves towards the end of cooking (although this may vary depending on the recipe).

⦁ Basil goes well with olive oil, garlic, lemon, rosemary and thyme - and, of course, tomatoes. Basil and tomatoes seem to have been made for each other, they complement each other so harmoniously;
⦁ Dried basil can be easily added to almost any dish, it is used in many cuisines of the world, it emphasizes the depth and flavor of dishes. Does not compete with other herbs, but gives its piquancy. In addition, when dried, all useful material plants;

Important! The shelf life of dried basil is no more than two years, in a cloth bag, without access to sunlight and humidity.

⦁ Italian cuisine simply idolizes this plant, and its menu is full of recipes and ideas for using it in food, for example, in tomato sauce, or vinegars. But The best way to use it is definitely pesto sauce. A mixture of basil, garlic, nuts, cheese and olive oil is one of the most versatile seasonings;
⦁ You can make oil for salads, for this you need to chop fresh leaves and mix with good olive or vegetable oil;
⦁ When freezing leaves, first dip them in olive oil or vegetable oil;
⦁ good in combination with oregano and rosemary.

And while many tend to associate basil with Italy and other mediterranean countries, it actually originated in India, and was brought to Europe via spice routes in ancient times. In Hindi, this herb is known as Tulsi, which means "Holy Basil". It still occupies a special and important place in Ayurveda, it is not for nothing that it is also called the “elixir of life”.


Basil leaves have antibacterial, antiviral and immunodeficiency properties that improve the overall health and wellness of the body.

⦁ basil is rich in antioxidants, has anti-cancer and anti-viral properties;
⦁ it is believed that it has a calming effect on the stomach;
⦁ soothing tea from dried basil leaves, helps with coughs and colds;
⦁ steam inhalation with dried basil leaves relieves headaches, for this, add a tablespoon of dried basil leaves to two cups of boiling water in a container (pot, deep plate), cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam for 5-10 minutes;
⦁ basil essential oil is antibacterial, and basil oil drops often help with ear infections;
⦁ regular consumption of juice, as well as tea, normalizes blood sugar levels;
⦁ reduces stress and irritability.


Basil leaves and essential oils have been used for cosmetic purposes since time immemorial. This natural remedy is enriched with antioxidants and nutrients very effective and time tested.

⦁ soothes redness of the skin, acts against acne and pimples;
⦁ natural remedy for skin infections;
home remedy from insect bites;
⦁ has an anti-aging effect;
⦁ natural treatment for dandruff and dry skin;
⦁ remedy for hair loss.

Important! Drinking plant juice, as well as adding it to face masks home cooking beneficial to the health of your skin and hair.

Useful properties of basil and contraindications

From basil, we usually use the leaves, which are especially rich in tannins and essential oil. In addition, it is an excellent source of iron, calcium, potassium and vitamin C, which are extremely beneficial for health. Basil also contains small amounts of magnesium and manganese.

Table. The nutritional value basil for 5 g. greens

*Percent Daily Value based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Basil is a popular spice and ornamental plant. You can grow it not only in the open field, but also at home on the windowsill. Following the tips from our article, you can grow this fragrant culture with your own hands from seeds.

We will tell you how to properly care for basil and harvest it in summer and winter, as well as how to cultivate a crop in a city apartment.

Every owner can grow basil from seeds personal plot. Bushes will provide you not only with fragrant spice, but also decorate the site with their decorative leaves.

Because the this species more common in warm climates, its landing in our country has some features, which will be discussed below.


Depending on the variety, the leaves of the culture can be of different colors, from light green to purple. It is better to harvest in late July or early August, since by this time the most essential oils accumulate in its leaves and the plant acquires a particularly rich aroma. What this plant looks like, you can see in Figure 1.

Figure 1. External features of the basil

For culture, well-lit areas are selected in light, moist and fertile soil. If the soil is too heavy or too saturated with moisture, the root system of the plant will begin to hurt, and the bush will die.

In addition, it is undesirable to leave it in the same place. long time. It is best to transplant every year, and return the culture to its original place no earlier than after 5 years. If this condition is not met, the plants will be more susceptible to Fusarium.


Growing from seeds begins with site selection. It should be well lit by the sun, and the soil should be moderately moist. This condition also applies to planting through seedlings.

Note: Excessive soil moisture will lead to root rot and plant death, regardless of the growing season.

Another prerequisite is to ensure a stable temperature regime. Young sprouts can die even from weak frosts or sharp temperature fluctuations. Therefore, a bed with seeds or seedlings must be covered with a film. In addition, seedlings are transferred to open ground not earlier than June, when stable warm weather is established.

It is desirable to fertilize the site with a mixture of humus, compost and peat. Landing is carried out in the evening, after which the soil is well watered with warm water.

Growing from seeds

The easiest way to grow greens from seeds is by first germinating seedlings in a pot. Stronger plants are then easier to transplant into open ground.

You can even grow basil from seeds on a windowsill.. For this you need(picture 2):

  1. Fill pots or boxes with a nutrient substrate based on soil, peat and humus.
  2. Moisten the soil with a mixture of water and mineral fertilizers. This will speed up seed germination.
  3. Sow, deepening the seeds by only 1 cm.
  4. From above, the container is covered with a film or glass. This will help retain moisture and maintain the optimum temperature.

Figure 2. Cultivation of a plant from seeds on a windowsill

Shoots appear within a week, but they cannot be immediately transplanted into the garden. First, you should wait for warm weather. Secondly, the plants must get stronger before transplanting. In the process, the seedlings are watered regularly, without waterlogging the soil.

When sowing directly into the ground, the soil is treated with growth stimulants, and the bed is covered with a film. Even if planted in the summer, the culture needs enough heat for germination (about 25 degrees). Shelter can be removed only after the appearance of sprouts.

Growing Basil from Seed: When to Plant

An important issue is the time when it is worth planting when growing from seeds. If the spice grows in an apartment, sowing can be done at any time of the year. With open ground, the situation is a little more complicated.

Both seeds and seedlings are planted in open ground no earlier than the beginning of June. This is due to the fact that young plants can die even from a minimal decrease in temperature. The bed must be covered to maintain an optimal microclimate.

Growing methods

Basil is grown in several ways: by sowing seeds in open ground and through seedlings. Also, this plant can be cultivated in a greenhouse or even at home on a windowsill.

Regardless of the method chosen, the plant must be provided with an optimal temperature regime, therefore, both seeds and seedlings after planting in the garden must be covered with a film or mulch.

Growing a crop on a windowsill and in a greenhouse has some differences, so let's look at these methods in more detail.

How to grow basil on a windowsill

Cultivation from seeds on the windowsill will only be successful if you choose the right soil, choose a place and provide the crop with an optimal microclimate.

At home, planting can be done by seeds or cuttings. Young shoots take root well. To do this, small branches are placed in a glass of water, and after 2 weeks the first roots appear and the culture is transplanted into a separate pot. You can cut the first greens after 2-3 weeks.

How to grow basil from seeds on a windowsill? It should immediately be noted that the process of cultural development in this case it will take longer, but the bush will also bear fruit much longer than when grown by cuttings.

Note: A plant grown from cuttings blooms much earlier than a plant grown from seeds. After the appearance of flowers, its leaves become unsuitable for harvesting greenery.

Planting a plant at home is carried out as follows(picture 3):

  1. The seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours. Sowing can be carried out immediately in large pots, where the bush will be all the time. You can also sow seeds in a large box, and pick seedlings as they grow.
  2. substrate you can take any, but it is better to use biohumus with coconut fiber in a ratio of 1: 2.
  3. To the bottom of the pot lay out a layer of drainage, then pour the substrate, moisten it and sow the seeds in shallow holes or grooves (no more than 2 cm).
  4. The container is covered from above film, glass or ordinary plastic bag. Shelter is removed after the appearance of the first shoots.

Figure 3. The order of sowing seeds

Further care includes periodic watering. It is also necessary to provide plants with heat and light. To do this, the pots are placed on the southern window, and in winter and autumn they extend the daylight hours with the help of fluorescent lamps.

It is best to plant several bushes with seeds, and then propagate them with cuttings. So you can constantly get fresh herbs.

The author of the video will tell you how to sow seeds and grow basil seedlings.

Growing in a greenhouse

In winter, the crop can only be grown in a heated greenhouse due to the sensitivity of the crop to low temperatures. The plant perfectly coexists with other herbs, herbs and tomatoes, and thanks to the design features closed ground less affected by diseases and pests.

Features of growing in a greenhouse include the preliminary harvesting of seedlings (Figure 4). IN further landing is done like this:

  • Soil selection and preparation- it is better to use light and loose soils fertilized with rotted manure.
  • Landing can be carried out by seedlings or seeds. In the first case, the growing season is significantly reduced, and harvesting can be carried out earlier.
  • seedlings planted in shallow, pre-moistened furrows at a distance of 15 cm from each other.
  • Watering carried out once a week. In winter, you need to maintain a stable temperature (not lower than 15 degrees), and in summer, with a strong increase in temperature, ventilate the greenhouse.

Figure 4. Growing and diving seedlings

Greenery harvesting begins when the bushes reach a height of 20 cm. It is advisable to cut the leaves gradually so that the bush is more branched. After the end of the growing season, the bed is fertilized with slurry or liquid solution chicken manure. Examples of growing this greenery in a greenhouse are shown in Figure 5.

Landing and care at home

At home, you can grow not only seedlings, but also a full-fledged bush. So you will provide your family with fresh herbs even in winter.

Figure 5. Features of growing crops in a greenhouse

Planting a basil is carried out like this:

  • Prepare containers - both individual pots and large boxes are suitable. Small seedlings from boxes are later transplanted into larger containers.
  • We lay a broken drainage at the bottom ( broken brick or expanded clay). It should fill about a third of the pot.
  • From above we pour a nutrient substrate, consisting of light loose soil and coconut fiber. We moisten the earth.
  • We sow the seeds in grooves, about 1 cm deep, sprinkle with a small layer of soil and water.
  • From above we cover with a film or glass, and put in a well-lit place.

Under these conditions, sprouts appear within a week, and after a few more weeks they turn into full-fledged bushes. During this period, it is important to provide plants proper care: water regularly, but moderately, maintain a stable temperature at +20 degrees and periodically loosen the soil. If the culture is growing slowly, you can apply a liquid mineral top dressing.

The advantage of growing this crop at home is that in a city apartment it is much easier for plants to provide proper care.

For more information on growing basil at home, see the video.


The leaves of the plant are used as food. They are cut during the entire growing period, immediately after the formation of bushes about 20 cm high (Figure 6). However, harvesting is stopped after flowering begins, since during this period the leaves lose their rich taste and aroma.

Figure 6. Harvesting greenery

To prolong the fruiting period, it is grown from seed, not seedlings or cuttings.

Types and varieties of basil

There are about 150 varieties of culture, but the most popular are fragrant, purple and lemon. Let us consider in more detail the last two varieties, since they differ from others in the color and aroma of the leaves.

Basil purple: growing from seeds

The variety differs from others in rich purple leaves (Figure 7). They have a delicate taste and pleasant aroma, which is why it is this plant that is most often used to prepare sauces for meat dishes.

Figure 7. Features of purple basil

Growing a purple variety from seed is no different from the conditions required by other species. It is planted with seedlings or seeds in open ground, and the bed is covered to maintain a stable temperature and humidity.

You can also cultivate the plant in a greenhouse and at home. the main thing is to maintain a stable temperature and regularly water the bushes, avoiding stagnant water.

Lemon basil

Lemon basil has one characteristic feature: its leaves have a rich lemon flavor and aroma. Because of this, it is highly valued as a condiment. In addition, the plant has decorative properties. The culture forms a lush sprawling bush that will be a beautiful and useful addition to the garden (Figure 8).

Figure 8. External features of lemon basil

Plant cultivation also requires some care. The culture is warm and photophilous, therefore, well-lit areas without drafts are chosen for planting. It is better to sow not with seeds, but with seedlings. In this way, lemon basil will reach maturity faster and grow into a beautiful bush with fragrant leaves.

Fresh fragrant basil is the most popular and exquisite spice used in cooking. In order to enjoy fragrant greenery all year round, many housewives grow basil on the windowsill in the cold season. Basil is a versatile seasoning that pairs well with fish and meat dishes. Fresh spicy greens can be added to salads, marinades, sauces to give a unique taste and aroma. Basil contains many useful vitamins and minerals, as well as phytoncides and esters, widely used in medicine. Basil is an unpretentious plant, therefore, under the right conditions, even an inexperienced housewife will be able to grow this spice at home.

Growing basil is possible not only in the store earth mixture, but also in ordinary soil taken from the garden. Only in this case, it will be necessary to add mineral fertilizers to the soil, specially designed for vegetable crops. In order to grow basil in an apartment, you will need the following materials and supplies:

  • high-quality soil - a universal mixture is suitable for basil, which is sold in specialized flower shops;
  • seeds;
  • planting containers - if the subsequent transplantation of seedlings into pots is expected, then small plastic glasses or other unnecessary containers can be used, but if the plants are not transplanted, then the seeds are planted in large containers with holes to remove excess liquid: flower pots, plastic containers;
  • drainage;
  • watering can for watering basil;
  • water sprayer for spraying plants.

Choosing a type of basil

In nature, there are about two hundred species and varieties of basil, but only a few (no more than ten) of them are popular and used for food. For growing in pots on the windowsill of the house or on the balcony, decorative undersized varieties of basil are better suited:

  • Marquis is a small-leaved mid-early variety, a compact, decorative bush, most often of a spherical shape;
  • Clove - an ornamental green variety with a tart taste and aroma of cloves with laurel, forms a spherical bush in a pot;
  • Dwarf - short (10-20 cm) ornamental variety with a slightly sharp and spicy taste, the bush is small-leaved, spherical, sometimes green and purple;
  • Lemon - a rather rare variety with light green leaves and a strong lemon aroma;
  • Yerevan - undersized variety with purple-blue leaves, spicy taste and aroma of pepper with tea;
  • Violet - a large-leaved ornamental variety with a delicate taste and purple-violet leaves - a great decoration not only for a salad, but also for a windowsill.

You can choose a variety of basil according to the speed of ripening. Of the above varieties, the early ones include: Clove, Lemon, Dwarf.

Video "How to grow basil at home"

Soil preparation

If the cultivation of basil at home on a windowsill or balcony will take place in a ready-made universal soil mixture, then no preliminary preparation soil is not required, as ready-made mixtures already contain all the necessary fertilizers. The only thing left to do is to place a layer of drainage on the bottom of the tank, and then fill up the soil. If the land is taken directly from the garden, then before growing basil on the windowsill, it must be enriched with minerals. The soil intended for planting basil seeds should be light, fertile, with a good permeable structure. Such a soil can be prepared from the following components:

  • peat, humus and earth in equal parts - all components of the mixture must be mixed well;
  • 2 parts of humus and 1 part of coconut fibers;
  • 1 part of humus, 2 parts of peat - such a substrate must be supplemented with urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate;
  • 2 parts earth and 1 part fresh compost.

Some gardeners recommend that garden soil, taken for planting plants at home, be calcined in the oven for 20 minutes on a metal baking sheet (pallet), then fill it with complex mineral fertilizers. Growing basil is impossible without drainage - constantly being in moist soil, the plant will hurt and grow poorly. Drainage (expanded clay, small pebbles) can be two-thirds of the total soil volume, but not less than 2-3 cm.

Planting seeds in the ground

The seeds of almost all spicy herbs germinate for a long time and sprout slowly. This is due to the presence of a dense shell containing essential substances. Therefore, before planting basil seeds, you need to keep them in a warm place for some time (1-2 weeks) - warm them up, then soak them warm for a day, but not hot water. Basil seeds are planted in moist soil to a depth of no more than 1 cm. Several seeds can be sown in one hole for safety - if they all germinate, the weakest sprouts will need to be removed. If the seeds are planted in rows in long boxes, then the distance between them should be approximately 5 cm.

Care and harvest

To obtain basil shoots, heat and light are needed, so pots with planted plants should be covered with a film, placed on a windowsill or on a balcony, and make sure that the temperature under the film does not fall below 22-25 degrees. Every day, the film should be removed for a few minutes to air.

Approximately in the second week after planting the seeds, the first shoots begin to appear. At this time, the film can be gradually removed, and the temperature can be lowered to 20-22 degrees. Basil does not tolerate drafts - this must be taken into account when placing pots with seedlings on the balcony.

Basil is a very photophilous crop, and without sufficient heat and light, its cultivation at home is impossible. But how to grow basil on the windowsill if the windows of the house face north, and also in winter, when daylight hours are very short? In this case, you will need additional illumination using special lamps, or other lighting fixtures. Basil needs at least 15 hours of light daily to grow normally. If it is impossible to provide such conditions, it is better to sow the spice no earlier than February.

Further cultivation and care of basil at home consists in regular watering and loosening the soil. Young plants should be watered daily in the morning, in extreme heat, you can additionally water in the evening. Water for irrigation should be relatively warm (about 30 ° C). Loosening is carried out 1 time / 2 weeks. With the advent of lateral shoots, the plants must be fed with an organic complex mixture.

After a few weeks, the young plant will turn into a fragrant bush, from which you can harvest the first crop. For use in food, it is recommended to pluck the tops of young shoots. So the plant will branch better and will not be able to bloom - a blooming basil bush is unsuitable for consumption.

Video "Detailed information about the plant"

Informative video with useful and detailed information about the plant.
