Interior doors articles information. Interesting facts about front doors. What affects the cost of an interior door

The need to protect your home has existed since time immemorial. Historically, people saw iron as something so hard and durable that they could protect themselves. Throughout the history of mankind, the technologies for manufacturing door structures, as well as the materials from which they were made, have changed many times. We will talk about such ordinary entrance metal doors, but as it turned out with a huge number of interesting facts and non-standard history.

Fun Fact #1: In 2010, in Zurich (Switzerland), archaeologists discovered an entrance door that is about 5,000 years old. Thus, this find is the same age as the British Stonehenge. According to scientists, the door structure has survived to this day due to the fact that at that time the harsh climatic conditions forced people to build their houses around the lakes, and this required strong wood.

Interesting fact #2: the oldest wooden door, still in operation, is located in Westminster Abbey (UK). It is reliably established that it is made of oak, cut down in the 11th century. Thus, the approximate age of the door structure is about 10 centuries.

Interesting fact #3: all over the world, metal entrance doors are divided into 13 security classes. And if doors of 6-7 security classes are found everywhere in bank vaults, then the door steel system Security class 13 is only in Fort Knox (USA). Fort Knox is the repository of US gold reserves. The steel product, which reliably guards the gold reserves of the United States of America, weighs 22 tons and has a thickness of 1 meter. It is made of seven layers of steel, and was cooked using a secret technology.

Interesting fact number 4:
the tallest door in the world is located in the spacecraft workshop in Florida (USA). It has a height of 140 meters, and 45 minutes is the approximate time of its closing / opening.

Interesting fact number 5: the heaviest door system is rightfully considered metal structure installed at the Lawrence Laboratory in California. Its weight is about 320 tons, and its thickness is almost 2.5 meters. And although it seems that with such a mass only remote opening / closing is possible, but thanks to special door hinges the system is also opened manually.

Interesting fact number 6: the fastest closing door products are installed in laboratories that work with explosives. In case of danger, they close in 0.3 seconds. Such a high speed is provided by nitrogen compressed to 1000 atmospheres.

Finding a reliable front door can be tricky, as the dilemma often comes down to price versus quality. From right choice construction depends on the safety of not only property, but also the owners of the premises.

First, you need to decide on the material of the door. AT modern world wood will not provide adequate protection, so there is only one choice - metal. Finishing is a matter of taste, but do not forget that the door will become a kind of "calling card" of the home. Examine the photo of the entrance doors, so as not to miscalculate with the appearance.

Secondly, good door will provide sound and heat insulation, which is especially important in northern latitudes.

Entrance door design

When selecting safety features, you can focus on the principle “the more the better”, but this can lead to an unjustified increase in the price and weight of the structure. Also pay attention to the ratings of entrance door manufacturers in your price segment.

The door frame is made in one piece, including a threshold, or U-shaped without it. Thresholdless design provides a lower level of security and is used in economy class doors.

The metal part made of cold-rolled steel is more expensive than hot-rolled steel, but of higher quality: the design is durable, light and strong.

The door from a steel corner is the most a budget option, however, is easily deformed. In a private house or entrance without an intercom, this option is the last thing you should look at.

A square profile with installed stiffeners and a steel sheet of at least 2 mm will provide higher strength. This design can be installed in a private house.

The door leaf must be made of steel sheet with a thickness of more than 1.8 mm. Purchasing a door that is too thin is not in your interest, no matter how tempting the price may seem: opening it is easy.

A high-quality door necessarily has vertical and horizontal stiffeners. A heater is placed between them. The more ribs, the better, but this will affect the weight of the structure. They must be evenly distributed to ensure proper reliability.


The choice is between overhead hinges mounted on the outside, and internal ones installed inside the frame.

The first type must necessarily provide for anti-removable crossbars that prevent the removal of the door even with cut hinges.

Hidden hinges cannot be cut or unscrewed and are not visible from the outside. Unfortunately, there is a chance of a wedge, and then even the owner of the apartment will not be able to get home.

Hinges of heavy, massive doors should have support bearings to facilitate opening and closing.


The use of two locks at once will significantly increase the reliability different design: lever and cylinder. One of the advantages of the approach is that in the event of a breakdown of one lock, you can temporarily use another. If possible, install a custom-made lock.

When installing the front door, make sure that the lever lock of the “crab” design is correctly mounted - otherwise it may jam.

The cylinder lock should be additionally reinforced with an armor plate. If the design implies a latch from the inside, this is another layer of protection.

An important point: the locks should not be closer than 25 cm to each other in order to minimize the chances of cutting them out with a grinder at the same time.


Perform heat and sound insulation, as well as protection from odors. Doors equipped with seals fit more tightly to the porch and close more quietly.

Rubber is not without reason considered best material: it is durable, hardy, endures various influences. If necessary, the seal can be easily replaced with another one. Fixation takes place on the adhesive strip.

Some magnetic seals are too strong, which can make it difficult to open the door.

AT apartment building one layer is enough, in private, at least two are needed to protect against the cold.


Commonly used foam, polyurethane foam and mineral wool. It should fit snugly against the stiffeners and the frame. cavities metal profiles are also insulated.

In a private house, polyurethane foam will better cope with the role of insulation, in an apartment - basalt wool. Styrofoam is commonly used in alliance with mounting foam, which fills the resulting gaps.

Price segment

Of course, not everyone can afford an option that fully meets all requirements. We offer you to figure out how to choose the front door in different price categories.


Budget models are usually made in China, but there are also from domestic manufacturer. The price varies between 7-10 thousand rubles.

The design provides for one sheet of steel up to 1 mm thick with a thickness door leaf 6-7 cm. Stiffeners do not include additional reinforcements. Finishing is made of MDF or plywood. They can provide attractive appearance, but the safety of such a door is rather questionable.


The price can be 10-20 thousand rubles. Along with the cost, the quality of the construction also increases. The door of the middle segment performs a better protective function.

Includes 2 sheets of steel with a thickness of more than a millimeter, the sheet itself is more than 8 cm. There are additional seals and thermal insulation. Locks are equipped with protection against opening. You can choose from a variety of finishes more options.


The next price segment includes doors costing from 20 to 30 thousand. They provide maximum safety and reliability. They can be called the best entrance doors to the apartment.

Locks on the door receive enhanced protection, there are anti-removable hinges and additional stiffeners. With a web thickness of 8-10 cm, use steel sheets up to 2 mm. Be sure to have good sound and heat insulation.


This category includes doors more expensive than 30,000 and made according to custom order. Their main difference from the doors of the upper segment is a higher quality finish made of natural wood or stone, the presence of forging.

This also includes armored doors, the thickness of steel in which can reach 5 mm. They will withstand even a strong blow.

Some models have the ability to control using the remote control.

Photo of entrance doors to the apartment

August 15, 2019

When it comes time to choose the right doors for your home or facility, you begin to realize that it all depends on your needs. Some factors are out of your control, such as certain standards and regulations.

August 15, 2019

Choice of front door important decision, especially when it comes to commercial, commercial or public buildings. We must not forget that the front door is the face of not only the building, but also that public organization or the idea that this building represents.

July 16, 2019

Self-assembly of interior doors - not so difficult task as it might seem at first glance. As they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. This process requires special skills and abilities and, if desired, you can perfectly cope with it.

July 16, 2019

Such doors are the standard of beauty and durability for all doors and wonderful decoration your house. These doors are a great replacement for both interior and exterior doors, creating an elegant beauty at a reasonable price. affordable price and offering good quality.

July 16, 2019

A layman living in a large apartment building is often interested in the issue of protecting his property. Someone puts bars on the windows, someone double doors, but probably the most reliable way of protection is steel, or as they say, armored doors.

June 17, 2019

Modern interior doors are considered a full-fledged art object that adds aesthetics to the room. They easily continue the fantasy ideas of designers, they are able to focus on themselves the entire interior.

June 17, 2019

Like it or not, stains eventually appear on all doors, whether they are metal or wooden. The most noticeable are stains on the handle or on the bottom of the door, which makes it untidy.

June 17, 2019

Economy class steel doors popular with people who want to quickly and efficiently close the doorway without focusing on the finish. They are popular and are considered the most frequently ordered.

May 19, 2019

The current market is represented by a huge variety of building materials. And the times of standard interior design, fortunately, have already sunk into the past.

May 19, 2019

Nowadays, one of the frequent problems is noise, it is very difficult to find a place where you could hide from the sounds around you. The soundproofing of the doors important point, guaranteeing comfort and silence in your home.

May 19, 2019

Today on the market building materials available various options insulation of entrance doors. modern material can be placed between layers of plywood, in panels, while the door will remain light and warm.

April 18, 2019 Tambour doors

The demand that tambour doors enjoy, according to many experts in this business, has two main reasons.

April 18, 2019

Metal doors are by far the most reliable protection for property located indoors.

April 18, 2019

Now many refuse to install swing interior doors in their apartments. Such doors not only reduce visual space, but also often interfere with free movement around the apartment.

March 17, 2019

March 17, 2019

The vast majority of owners very often lose sight of such a detail that the bathroom door is not only a rather original design detail.

March 17, 2019

A durable, reliable and high-quality front door is not only an excellent protection for your home from uninvited guests, but also an indicator of the owner's amazing taste, wealth and style.

06 February 2019

The issue of protecting private property is always quite acute, regardless of where the owner lives - in the Russian outback, in high-rise buildings or a private house.

06 February 2019

Metal doors are installed not only in residential buildings, but also in industrial and commercial premises, preventing intruders from entering the protected area.

06 February 2019

Entrance doors form the very first, but, nevertheless, quite an important opinion about homeowners. Therefore, it is necessary to demand from steel doors not only reliability, but also beauty.

December 16, 2018

A metal front door, as well as any other product that is part of the housing, needs care, but caring for the front door, as a rule, comes down to banal cleaning of its surface and periodic lubrication of fittings.

December 15, 2018

Recently, it has become fashionable to put front doors made of solid pine. Such doors are reliable in use, affordable and have an attractive appearance. Despite being cheap

December 14, 2018

One of the leading companies in the manufacture of interior doors, of course, is the company "Ocean". She entered the market in the distant two thousandth year. Since those years, the company has established itself as one of the leaders in Russia

November 17, 2018

November 17, 2018

If it is necessary to install entrance doors with double-glazed windows, buyers tend to find a reliable company, so that the quality of the goods is the best, and the installation is carried out by the company's employees. This makes sense for two reasons.

November 17, 2018

We produce different types doors to the vestibule. Our customers can order MDF tambour doors with installation. The specialists of our company will create doors according to individual dimensions and sketches.

August 11, 2018 Bleached oak entrance doors

Wood textures organically fit into popular interior concepts and landscape design when designing facades. We offer to order entrance doors in bleached oak color.

August 10, 2018 Black front doors

We bring to your attention a simple, but spectacular option entrance equipment to the apartment, office block, private cottage, administrative office or commercial building.

August 08, 2018 Metal entrance doors with glazing

A decorative viewing window instead of a standard peephole in a private house is a stylish and functional design element entrance group. We will produce metal doors with glazing on request.

Doors have great importance in a person's life, we can say that this is the very part of the house with which a person contacts most often. Here we mean, first of all, active contact. Of course, speaking of doors, you must immediately separate the interior and entrance doors on the sides, as they perform slightly different functions, which has been mentioned more than once on the pages of our website.

What is in this section

In the section "Doors and everything about them" is collected a large number of articles that are devoted to door structures. Our site is no longer young, so we can boast of a serious assortment of articles, including an assortment that concerns doors. By the way, we have a search for this without much difficulty, you can find the information you are interested in on any type of door, both interior and entrance. We talk a lot and thoroughly about steel and wood entrance doors, as well as about door construction less commonly used, such as plastic doors and doors from aluminum profile. Interroom doors are presented in our section no less than entrance doors. Anyone can find information on wooden, plastic and other interior doors that are only used in the world. When writing articles, we take into account the fact that modern doors, moreover, this applies to doors of all types, they have a rather serious cost, and therefore their purchase is a very responsible matter. Each time, pointing out the positive or negative aspects of a particular type of door, we approach this with the utmost responsibility by checking the information, including in practice. And if we talk about the installation, as well as the repair of doors, then all the articles that relate to these topics are written by our specialists, who have installed hundreds of door structures with their own hands.

Door - business card dwellings.

We invite you to get acquainted with interesting facts about this familiar part of any home.

1. One of the first in the history of mankind

It is believed that Swiss maple doors were the very first in the history of mankind. And although they are already twenty-four centuries old, they can still be used now - they are perfectly preserved (perhaps the mild climate and good ecology of Switzerland are the reason for this). Doors were installed in lakeside houses. They are very dense, well protected houses from cold and wind.

2. Portal of the Baptistery of St. John the Baptist

Westminster Abbey (UK) is another address of a magnificent ancient door. The door is oak, still in operation. This door is twenty centuries old.

3. Doors are not only made of wood

Most doors were made of wood, but archaeologists have also found stone and iron doors. As experts say, nothing has changed since then: the doors are still made of wood and iron.

4. Open the door and escape

The great Chinese commander Zhuge Liang saved the city from enemies by simply opening the gates. The invaders did not dare to enter, because they were sure: since people are not afraid to close the doors, the city is full of warriors. But, according to legend, Zhuge Liang was the only warrior in the city.

The famous French philosopher Michel Montaigne did the same. At a time when the Catholic Wars were raging in France, he was able to protect his house from thieves by simply opening the doors of the dwelling. The robbers thought that since the doors were open, it means that the house was robbed and the owners had nothing to protect.

5. Why Ireland has a lot of colored doors

Bright Irish doors - part of the local color and memory of historical event. After the death of Queen Victoria, a decree was issued that all doors should be painted black as a sign of mourning. The freedom-loving Irish, in protest, painted the doors in all possible colors except black.

Multiple door records

1. The heaviest door - weighing 321.4 tons - is located in America at the National Laboratory in California.

6. The most unusual door

2. The most unusual door is the Tanaka door, which consists of vertical bars. They have built-in sensors. When a person approaches the door, sensors determine the contours of the body and the bars move away.

3. The highest doors close the assembly hangar of the Kennedy Space Center, owned by NASA. There are four of them, the height of each is 139 meters. For comparison, the height of the Statue of Liberty in New York is 93 meters.

5 most unusual doors

1. "Sports" door.
A door with a built-in ping pong table called the Ping Pong Door. I wanted to play table tennis - you just turn the door in horizontal plane, bet on the latch and play as much as you want. By the way, you can make such a door yourself if you cut out the central part of the door with a saw and install hinges with which the door will turn and take a horizontal position.

2. Door for writing.
You can turn the usual, for example, kitchen door into a slate board. Notes under the magnet on the refrigerator - this is already last century, no style, no comfort, but on the slate there will always be by the way a small list of products for some dish written down. By the way, instead of a slate board, you can use rough dark glass. Now decorative lining on the door is in fashion, so there can be a great variety of options.

3. Solar door light + air.
Inside the door there is a built-in movable plate on which the holes are located. There are also holes in the door frame. They may or may not align with the holes in the inner plate. If you are short of air and light, you can use a simple latch to move the plate inside the perforated door.

4. Door-ladder.
This the door will fit for those who love secret passages, who work with valuables at home and do not want to take risks. If you raise this ladder up, then a passage will open to the room below, for example, in the basement. However, if there are problems with lifting mechanism and
