Show us new grouting equipment. How to choose a tool for grouting, types of tools: grout gun, rubber spatula and others. Width of grout joints

The grout gun is the most handy tool, with the help of which the gaps between finishing elements are filled. It is suitable for working with any materials: natural or artificial stone, paving and tiles, brick, concrete.

A special gun is used to fill the seams of ceramic tiles. This grouting tool helps make the job easier and faster. There are 2 types of pistols:

  • for grouting stone joints;
  • for grouting tiles, ceramic (clinker) tiles.

All tools of this type are plunger-type, equipped with a special simple mechanism for squeezing out the mixture. Various models differ in several ways:

  1. material for manufacturing parts;
  2. color scheme structural elements;
  3. volume of the container for the mixture;
  4. number and type of attachments included in the package.

Any gun for grouting clinker tiles and stone consists of several elements:

  • a housing in which a container for the mixture is installed;
  • one or more nozzles;
  • plunger mechanism with piston;
  • handles.

The plunger mechanism consists of:

  1. metal pusher;
  2. seal in the form of a solid rubber ring;
  3. piston;
  4. springs.

Professional and semi-professional equipment is equipped with a mechanism that provides enhanced feed with gentle pressure on the handles. Large models have a welded metal body that can withstand quite high pressure. All elements of such structures are galvanized, which prevents the development of corrosion. This important point, since the gun comes into contact with humid environments.

Nozzles, tube spouts and the tubes themselves for the mixture are made of high-strength plastic. This is a wear-resistant material that can withstand prolonged exposure to abrasive grout mixtures. The most popular models of tools from the manufacturers STAYER and POINTING GUN.

Grout guns are easy to use. In order to get started, you need to follow a series of simple steps.

  • fill the tube with grout;
  • install the tube into the body;
  • If necessary, put on the spout nozzle.

Then the handles of the tool are slowly squeezed, which sets the piston in motion. It is located inside the tube, in its upper part. When the handles come closer to each other, the spring straightens, which begins to put pressure on the piston, and it gradually lowers down. In this case, the mass located inside the tube is squeezed out through the spout. That's all you need to know about the principle of operation of the gun for filling joints between stones and tiles.

Putty knife

A spatula for grouting joints is a highly specialized product, represented by several types of this tool. Craftsmen know how important its shape is, on which labor productivity largely depends. The size of this tool is no less important for finishing and plastering works.

Most popular among professionals and beginners rubber spatula for filling gaps between finishing elements. These tools are made of durable and fairly elastic material. Stores sell sets consisting of two, three or more spatulas different sizes. The color can be any, but the most common are white, gray and black. The shape is rectangular or trapezoidal.

For a beginner who has no experience in finishing work, it is advisable to buy a set of spatulas. In this case, you can test each one in practice and choose the one that is most convenient and provides high productivity. The length of the rubber sheet can be from 5 to 50 cm. Such spatulas are suitable for working with any type of mixture. But applying cement grout often requires the use of a metal spatula.

A round spatula is necessary to form a beautiful seam line. Externally, this tool resembles a piece of elastic and at the same time elastic wire.

Other types of instruments

In order to do a high-quality grouting, you will need more than just a spatula. There is a set of tools and devices, each of which is designed to perform a single task. So, to apply the mixture using the slurry method, you will need a grout float with thick rubber on the bottom side.

It is not difficult to work with this tool: you take a small amount of the mixture onto the canvas and distribute it over the tiles. Moving the float diagonally up and down, fill the seams with grout. Take the next portion of the mixture and repeat the process. They do this until they get tight seams.

To make them even and smooth, you will need a special trowel for grouting. An essential accessory for a tile maker is a soft foam sponge. It washes away excess mixture and eliminates uneven seams.

Over time, the mixture between the tiles begins to darken, and fungus or mold may appear. This occurs due to the insufficiently high moisture resistance of the composition used to fill the cracks. In this case, a grout pencil, otherwise called a “grout marker,” will come in handy. And externally, the instrument corresponds to the name: it has a spout, a removable cap and a hollow body, inside of which there is a white or colored antiseptic composition. A tile marker paints grout lines in the desired color, masks stains, and disinfects.

Tile Cleaning Tools

The appearance of a tiled wall largely depends on how beautiful the seams are. There is a special mesh for grouting, which is used to grind the surface of the mixture in the cracks. A grout float is also suitable for this purpose.

2 methods of sanding seams have been developed: dry and wet. For the first one, choose a grater with fine mesh. The seams are not wetted with water, which leads to the formation of large quantities dust. For this reason, many craftsmen prefer to use wet method grinding.

Before starting work, you need to buy a cellulose sponge needed to remove grout from the tiles. The process of using this device is simple: immerse the sponge in a container of water, lightly wring it out and clean the mixture from the tiles.

How to choose a tool for the job

The choice of tool depends on what material you will have to work with. You can use a rubber putty knife to fill gaps between tiles and stones. If you have to finish a wall from artificial brick, best choice there will be a gun. The seams are sanded using smoothers. To grout concrete, trowels with meshes are used.

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The final stage of tiling the base is filling (grouting) the joints with special mixtures to ensure the solidity of the finishing coating and the aesthetics of the cladding, part of which is the correctly selected configuration, width and color of the tile joints. Filling tile joints with grout mixture is most often done with a rubber spatula.

When choosing an angle spatula, make sure it has perpendicular sides

If the seams are wide and deep, they are filled using a construction syringe, but evenly and smooth surface The joints are then still formed with a rubber spatula. The quality of this operation largely depends on the tool used. Let's look at what a rubber spatula for grouting is, what requirements it must meet, and in general everything you need to know about it simple adaptation.

What is a rubber spatula

This tool consists of a working part - a flexible but sufficiently elastic plate 3-5 mm thick, and a handle made of rigid material. On small products used in hard to reach places, the handle is also flexible. Elastic spatulas differ from each other by the following characteristics:

  • appointment;
  • form;
  • size;
  • working part material;
  • handle design.

The main factor here is the purpose, which determines all other characteristics of the tool, so we will consider the division by purpose with a description characteristic properties each group.

Types and purposes

There are three types of rubber spatulas based on their intended purpose:

  • soft planning;
  • painting;
  • grout;
  • jointing

Soft planning

This tool is made of a strip of soft rubber or caoutchouc, secured along its entire length in a rigid handle. The working edge of such a product has a thickness of 3-5 mm, a length of 25-60 cm and a chamfer at an angle of 45 degrees on one side along the entire length. The format of the spatula with a handle is rectangle or trapezoid.

The spatula for grouting joints is most often made of hard rubber.

A planning spatula is used for smoothing wallpaper and grouting seams of large-format tiles and mosaics using mixtures on cement based. The working side of the rubber sheet is the one on which the chamfer is removed. Such a soft instrument can also be made from high-quality latex, but the price of this variety is much higher, and its use may be limited to one cycle.

Painting rubber

Tool for painting works it is also made from sheet rubber or rubber 3-5 mm thick, but the length of its working edge is 10-25 cm. The chamfer is removed from both sides of the blade, which allows you to work on both sides.

The blade of the paint spatula can be black or white. The color of the canvas indicates the material of manufacture and the degree of its rigidity. The black canvas is made of rubber and has greater rigidity compared to white rubber. The rubber sheet, due to its greater rigidity, allows the joints to be filled more tightly with grout. In addition, rubber sheets are more resistant to oxides contained in grout and cracking, which means they are more durable.

A paint spatula will help apply the plaster and give it its original shape.

The handle of a paint spatula is made of wood or plastic and resembles the shape of a brush handle. In combination with the flexible part, the product format can be triangular or trapezoidal, the handle to the working edge is located perpendicularly or at an angle of 45 degrees.

An elastic spatula can be used to fill oval surfaces and grout complex mosaic-lined substrates. Its medium size makes it a universal device, that is, convenient and productive both when grouting the surface of mosaic columns and when filling tile joints on flat bases.

For filling tile joints

The dimensions of the working edge of this tool vary from 5 to 10 cm, the format of the tool is triangle or trapezoid. The soft part can be tucked into a handle made of wood or plastic. For convenience, small-sized spatulas used in hard-to-reach places can be made from a single piece of elastic material without the use of a rigid handle. The working edge may have a chamfer, or the cross-section of the product may be made in the shape of a wedge. The color of the flexible part of the tool also indicates the material of manufacture - rubber or caoutchouc.

Rubber spatula for grouting joints

This tool is mainly used for arranging ceramic seams, although it can also be used to fill deep cracks and joints of various joints. finishing materials. The size of the device is selected based on the dimensions of the tile, and the rigidity is selected based on the depth of the joints to be filled. Small-sized spatulas are often sold in sets of 3-5 pieces, differing in format, length of the rubber edge and elasticity of the working part of the tool.

Jointing spatula

This type of tool performs the same function as a mason's steel jointer in production. brickwork– formation of grout on the surface at tile joints decorative profile a certain configuration. That is, the joints of the tiles are first filled with a grouting compound using another device, after which their profile is shaped using rubber jointing definite form with simultaneous compaction of the mixture in the joints.

How to choose the right one

The price of this device varies, depending on the size and area of ​​application, from 10 to 600 rubles. When purchasing, you should proceed, first of all, from the tasks that will need to be solved and the amount of work. If the amount of work is small, the surface to be tiled is simple, and grouting joints is not your regular activity, then you should not purchase expensive tools from well-known brands.

In most cases, you should choose a spatula designed specifically for filling tile joints with a working edge length of 5 to 10 cm. If the tile thickness exceeds 4 mm, then to better fill the joints, you should choose a more rigid tool.

Rubber spatula is designed for sealing small cracks

To grout the mosaic, you need to purchase a rubber paint spatula with a working edge of 10 to 25 cm. The rigidity of the flexible part does not matter in this case. big role, since mosaic chips have a thickness of no more than 4 mm, filling which with the correct consistency of the grouting composition is not difficult.

The comfort of the handle is determined individually, and its size or presence depends on the accessibility of the seams to be filled. It is believed that wooden handle It is inferior in durability to plastic, but wood rubs your hands less and in any case will outlast the elastic part of the tool.

When purchasing a rubber spatula, you need to carefully inspect its elastic part. Rubber or caoutchouc, when bent, should not have microcracks or holes, since at the first use they will be filled with grout, deform the working edge and soon lead to separation of the flexible part. After bending, the elastic part should immediately restore its shape without changes.

If necessary, select quality instrument it is advisable to purchase products domestic company"Zubr" or foreign companies STAYER, SPARTA or FIT, which have proven themselves well in the Russian market.

Rubber spatula, white “ZUBR”

Instrument care

The main requirement for ensuring the durability of an elastic spatula is to use it for its intended purpose and wash it after finishing work.

A rubber tool cannot be used for puttying plastered or other abrasive surfaces - this will ruin the flexible working edge after the first few movements. Do not use a rubber spatula to work with grout based on epoxy resins.

After finishing the work, the spatula must be thoroughly washed from the grouting compound with water and dried. Do not scrape to clean rubber. After drying, the rubber part of the instrument is rubbed with talcum powder or chalk.

Online store site offers to buy a tool for grouting tiles special compounds based on epoxy resins, which have become widespread due to a unique set performance characteristics. Mixtures of this type, unlike cement mortars, retain color for a long time, ensure tightness, exhibit high resistance to temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation and others negative impacts. An excellent selection of tools is presented in our catalog.

Our range

  • Spatulas. A flat-shaped grout tool with a rubber sole and a rigid handle helps you apply mixture and fill joints as quickly as possible. This is important given the short pot life of grouts.
  • Combined sponges. The structure of the product differs from the usual foam rubber: it is specially adapted for working with epoxy mixtures. Using a sponge, you can get tight, even seams in one pass.
  • Spatulas with soles made of synthetic fiber . The product is used to remove grout and perfectly removes excess mixture from both tiles and mosaics.

To buy a tool for grouting, call the company website or leave a request in the form on the website.

After completing finishing work on laying tiles, mosaics, and tiles, gaps remain. To improve the tightness of the surface, protect the base from moisture and give the finish a finished look, the tile joints are grouted. Work begins with the selection of material, tools, and surface preparation.

For finishing walls and floors use tiles, ceramics, glass, porcelain stoneware, mosaic, clinker, smalt. The gaps need to be filled - this gives the coating an aesthetically attractive appearance and allows you to create a monolithic sealed plane. Various mixtures are used to grout tile joints:

  • Cement.
  • The component composition includes Portland cement, additives, fine sand, and polymers. The mixtures are easy to work with and are suitable for final processing of tiled surfaces in living rooms and bedrooms. Two components are used - resin and hardener-catalyst. The finished paste has a short lifespan of up to 60 minutes, so the grout solution must be produced immediately.

  • Polyurethane solutions. The composition of the mixtures includes polyurethane resins in the form of aqueous dispersions. In terms of quality and properties, polyurethane sealants are similar to epoxy sealants; they have a limit on joint thickness of up to 6 mm.

Special materials are used to grout tile joints if the tiles are laid on a complex surface or are exposed to aggressive environments. In this case, silicone sealants, heat-resistant solutions, and compositions with furan resins are used.

Important: A high-quality mixture, in addition to the main binding component, must contain impregnations, additives, minerals, latex or other fillers that improve operational properties composition.

Tools for work

In the building environment, grouting ceramic or other tiles is called jointing. The master’s task is to evenly fill the gaps with the prepared solution. To grout ceramic tiles with your own hands, use the following tools:

  1. Stirring the solution is done with a drill with an attachment or a construction mixer.

2. To fill gaps, you need a set of rubber spatulas; for epoxy compounds, use a hard rubber tool.

3. Buckets or other containers in which it is convenient to stir the grout mixture, a tank with clean water.

4. Preparatory work and cleaning of tile joints is carried out paint brush, knife, special solvent.

5. If a two-component epoxy-based compound is used, grout the joints tiles perform with a foam sponge.

Since the substances included in the mixtures belong to the category of chemical components, you need to work with gloves, preferably using a mask or respirator. To remove excess mass, keep a dry, lint-free rag on hand.

Surface preparation

An important advantage of pastes on any basis is good adhesion to any surfaces.. This is true when the surface being processed is completely free of contamination. Therefore, before applying grout to the tiles, you need to remove dust and debris. How to prepare for grouting:

Some solutions set better on a slightly moistened surface, but these conditions do not need to be met when grouting ceramic tile joints with two-component mixtures. To avoid scratching fragments of the cladding, the glue can be removed with a wooden stick rather than a sharp blade. If you need to sand seams on a porous surface, craftsmen recommend covering the joints on both sides masking tape so that less grout gets on the tiles - it leaves stains on the porous material.

Attention: The joints can be grouted no earlier than 8-24 hours after laying the tiles. The time indicator depends on the drying speed of the tile adhesive.

Preparation of the solution

To simplify the work of grouting tile joints with your own hands, you can purchase a ready-made mixture. The shelf life of such compositions is limited, and the cost is much higher. If dry powder is used, then depending on the chosen product (cement, epoxy, polyurethane based) you need to mix the components or dilute them with water in the proportion indicated on the package:

  1. Dry grout is diluted with water or hardener in a clean container using a drill with an attachment.

2. The tool must be turned on at low speed and mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed.

It is important to strictly follow the proportions specified by the manufacturer, otherwise the composition will lose its beneficial features. Grouting of joints is carried out on a prepared surface, and you should simultaneously grout 1-2 squares of tiles and immediately clean the surface of excess mass. Liquid cement mixture can be stored for 12-24 hours, and epoxy compounds are produced within 45-60 minutes.

Application of mixtures

Before grouting the seams of ceramic tiles, you need to allow the time necessary for the adhesive to completely harden. The drying speed is affected by the component composition of the adhesive, temperature and humidity. environment . When using cement grout, the joints are pre-moistened with water to better adhesion

  • , and epoxy solutions are applied to dry joints. How to grout tile joints:
  • The gaps can be additionally treated with an antiseptic or antifungal primer.
  • When grouting tile joints on the floor with your own hands, apply the mixture with a wide spatula in a diagonal direction. You can use a tool for jointing on the wall smaller size
  • , filling gaps from top to bottom.
  • If the spatula no longer fits into the joint, it means that the gap is completely filled with mortar and there are no voids in it.
  • After grouting the joints on the floor and wall with an area of ​​1-2 m2, they begin shaping and jointing.
  • The plastic grout is trimmed with a piece of cable of the appropriate diameter, and the excess mass is removed.

When working with epoxy compounds, the seams are formed with a sponge or trimmed with a finger. The tiles are immediately cleaned, and when the product hardens, clean it with a special solvent. If after jointing there are still problem areas(lumps, pits), they are carefully sealed with fresh paste.

Note: The grout should be a fraction of a millimeter below the tile level. You need to form beautiful joints with a damp, clean sponge so as not to deform the joints with the remains of grout that has dried on the foam rubber.

After grouting the tile joints with your own hands in the bathroom or kitchen, the facing material must be cleaned of any remaining mixture before the paste has completely dried. A suitable cleaning method for this is using a damp foam sponge or a clean rag. Excess cement mass is removed 20-30 minutes after filling with the solution. When working with two-component compounds, the surface must be cleaned immediately. Recommendations from the experts:

3.You can prepare solutions with the addition of lemon juice, vinegar, and toothpaste.

After cleaning, carefully inspect the condition of the seams. If necessary, prepare a new portion of the mixture and smooth out the deformed joints. Final processing done the next day - polish the ceramics with a dry rag and saturate the seams with colorless silicone sealant. It prevents the formation of fungus and mold, and additionally protects tile joints from moisture.

On video: The best way grouting tiles

Dry cleaning

In the process of grouting joints in the bathroom or kitchen, even with the most careful application of the paste, excess mass is formed. If cement grout is used, the remaining substance can be wiped off with a dry rag after drying. Some craftsmen polish non-porous tiles with a grater with a rubber nozzle. Epoxy and polyurethane compounds are removed immediately before the mixture hardens.

With the dry cleaning method, particles of dried paste are not allowed to fall on the seams. Use a grater to work diagonally, constantly cleaning the tool from hardened pieces of grout. Relief tiles are cleaned with an old toothbrush. At large volume work and application epoxy mixtures, professional builders use electric monobrushes with removable felt discs.

For processing joints flooring Cement or epoxy mixtures are used. Compositions resistant to mechanical damage, are not subject to abrasion. To increase service life, after grouting joints floor tiles the joints are coated with silicone sealants - not necessary, but reliable. The technology for grouting joints on the floor between porcelain stoneware tiles is practically no different from processing vertical surfaces with your own hands:

  1. Prepare tools - a set of spatulas, a drill, construction knife, grater, foam sponges, container for mixture and water, rags.
  2. Remove the fastener crosses, clean the floor, and “sweep” it with a paint brush.
  3. Prepare the solution: add the cement mixture to water or latex, gradually mixing.
  4. If you are using a drill, you need to turn the tool on at 300 rpm so that there are no air bubbles in the paste.
  5. Before applying cement grout, the joints are moistened for better adhesion of the composition to the base of the floor.

The further process is to fill the gaps between the tiles. Grouting of floor tiles at the seams is done diagonally, and you need to start work from the far corner of the room, moving towards the entrance to the room. The mixture must be rubbed in with pressure, completely filling the voids between the fragments of the floor covering. After preparing the base, grouting the tiles in the bathroom with your own hands is done as follows:

  1. A square meter of tile is wetted at the joints, but there should be no drops of water.

2. Use the grout prepared for the joints between the tiles to fill the gaps, gaining required quantity mixture onto a spatula.

3. Some craftsmen rub in the composition with a special grater, others use a spatula - it depends on the tile (porous, textured).

After treating one or two squares of the flooring area, the area is cleared of grout warm water or by special means. You can use a construction bag (cone) to fill the solution. The required amount of paste is placed in it and squeezed into the gaps, smoothing the mixture with a grater or spatula. After 15-20 minutes, go over the seams with a damp sponge to level the mixture and complete the jointing. While the composition dries, begin processing the next square. If used epoxy material, knead the paste in such an amount to produce a solution within an hour. The seam is considered ideal if it is recessed relative to the joints of the tiles and has a smooth structure.

Differences from grout on walls

There is no significant difference between how to properly grout tiles on the wall and on the floor. The technology remains unchanged, and the work is performed in the same order - drying the tile adhesive, preparing the surface, preparing the solution, applying the mixture, cleaning the tiles from excess grout. Minor differences in operation:

  • The floor composition should be more resistant to mechanical damage.
  • On the wall, grouting the tile joints is done vertically from top to bottom; it is more convenient to work with a spatula.
  • The floor covering is processed diagonally; you can use a spatula, grater, or construction bag.

After the mixture has completely dried, you can treat the seams with silicone sealant. The transparent substance reliably protects the grout from moisture absorption and gives the composition dirt-repellent properties. The tube of sealant has a nozzle or brush for easy application.

Width of grout joints

A controversial issue that professional builders do not give an exact answer to is the width of grout joints. Need to be guided simple rule– a wide gap between the tiles reduces solidity and mechanical strength coating, but visually gives the surface strict geometric lines. Recommendations from the experts:

  1. The length of the tile on one side is less than 10 cm - the seam is 1-3 mm.
  2. The size of the material is more than 10 cm on the side - the joint will be 2-8 mm.
  3. For clinker tiles, it is correct to grout joints of 8-15 mm.
  4. Between small fragments of the mosaic you need to leave 1-3 mm.
  5. Extruded tiles with large edges (up to 30 cm) are grouted with joints 4-10 mm thick.

Between products irregular shape leave a large gap (up to 12 mm) so as not to draw attention to the geometry of the products. The seams on the floor can be made wider than on the walls. To restore the old coating, you can re-process the joints. This applies to cement grouts, which are susceptible to cracking if the technology for preparing and applying the solution is violated. Old seams are treated sandpaper, carefully clean out dust and grout residues, cover with fresh mixture. In some cases, it is more convenient to restore tile joints by painting. To completely replace the sealant, a special cleaner is poured onto the old grout. When the grout softens, it is removed with a joint compound. After cleaning the gaps, you need to grout the ceramic tiles again, adhering to the technology described above.

Finishing tiles using grout mixtures requires care and skill. Not all craftsmen will be able to get the grout right the first time. impeccable quality. It is important to carry out the work gradually, filling small areas walls or ceiling so that mistakes remain possible to correct. The result of painstaking work will exceed the expectations of the master - after grouting the joints, the tiles acquire a beautiful visual effect.

Simple methods for grouting tile joints (2 videos)

Types and methods of grouting tile joints (20 photos)

The final stage when laying ceramic tiles or artificial stone is grouting joints with a spatula, which gives the surface a complete aesthetic appearance and also protects the joints between separate elements from moisture ingress and the development of harmful microorganisms.

Modern grouts differ in color design, thanks to which they can be selected in such a way that they match the external design of the rest of the surface. Spatula for grouting joints between tiles, will become the right choice, usage of this instrument allows for better filling of seams. If you are wondering what tools are used to lay tiles on the floor, then this one will help you.

Why should these tools be chosen correctly?

A spatula for grouting joints is a specialized device, the configuration of which is designed in such a way that this operation can be done quickly and efficiently. Its main difference from the painting analogue is its greater length, so working with it is easier and faster. It comes with plastic or wooden handle, due to which it has a relatively light weight, which also makes it possible to significantly simplify the work.

Another difference is that its fabric is quite thin, and it has a rounded shape at the end, so it can be used to quickly give the seam a curly shape without using additional devices for this. Typically, the canvas is made from rubber, but sometimes other materials are used.

Best Spatula Configurations

A tool with this configuration is convenient and practical when grouting joints between tiles. They are convenient for mixing grout, and at the same time, due to its flexibility, the product does not damage the container in which the mixing is carried out. For this reason, the possibility of foreign objects getting into it is minimized. Soft rubber allows you to fill the joints tightly with grout, and ensures that there are no air voids left inside the composition, leading to a decrease in the quality and strength of the joints, and as a result, a reduction in the service life of the tiles.

The most popular types of these tools:

- toothed;
- rubber.

Notched spatulais an auxiliary tool for working with ceramic tiles, decorative stone and others facing materials. Its main purpose is to optimally evenly level the glue over the surface of the floor or wall. It is more advantageous in comparison with the even varieties of these tools, since the geometry of the layer is smooth. Thanks to it, you will be able to avoid future problems such as: the formation of voids between the tiles and areas with an excessive amount of glue, which will be a consequence of poor quality work.

Device of a notched spatula.
At its edges there are cells with a square cross-section. For this reason, the distance between the teeth is always known; it is equal to the height and width of the teeth. It also has a comfortable, streamlined handle, making it easy and pleasant to hold, thereby facilitating the work process.
Serrated tools are classified by tooth length and are available on the market in wide range. Buying spatulas with teeth of four to five millimeters will not be very justified, since the adhesive applied to almost any wall is more than six millimeters thick. To level completely crooked walls, use tools with a tooth length of 12 millimeters.
Rubber spatula.

This tool can be of three types: soft, painting and trowelling.

Soft rubber spatula.

The material used to make this tool is technical rubber, so it is highly flexible. The work takes place from the chamfer side. The tool has a comfortable handle and is sold sharpened.
The scope of its application is wide, it is Finishing work– smoothing wallpaper, sealing seams between tiles.
Why is a rubber spatula better than its competitors?

Using this tool you can create a smooth arched surface, it is suitable for grouting joints stone tiles, because when deformed, it does not spoil the material at all.
What is a paint spatula?

As a rule, it has a black color, because the material for its manufacture is canvas of this color. Its main advantage is that it bends perfectly, so it can adapt to any type of surface. Usually it is sold even without a handle, but simply as a piece of rubber of a rectangular or trapezoidal shape.
