Wood chips for the block. Briefly about building a house from wood concrete with your own hands. The characteristic properties of this material are

Arbolite blocks, otherwise wood concrete, is a building material patented in the first half of the last century and successfully used in modern construction of low-rise buildings. The production is based on chips from hardwood or conifers tree. The demand and competitiveness of wood concrete among other materials is due to its affordable cost, light weight, environmental friendliness and ease of use, optimal thermal insulation performance.

Wood chips for wood concrete is the basic component and takes from 75% to 90% of the total volume of the mixture. Depending on the quality of the main raw material, its shape and fraction, performance characteristics directly depend finished material.

Chips for wood concrete according to GOST

The size of wood chips for wood concrete, the technology of creation, the percentage of initial components are regulated by the regulatory framework for the manufacture and use of wood concrete: GOST 19222-84 “Arbolite and products from it. General technical conditions".

Permissible chip sizes according to GOST:

  • length - up to 40 mm;
  • width - up to 10 mm;
  • thickness - up to 5 mm.

Chips are obtained by grinding rejected wood: tops, knots, slabs. It is preferable to use coniferous wood. GOST allows the presence of crushed bark up to 10% and needles up to 5% of general composition masses.

needle shape wood chips will increase the strength of the finished material and create an additional reinforcing effect.

In some cases, manufacturers add cotton, flax, hemp straw to the organic component. wood chips or sawdust for wood concrete. In this case, the finished material is less durable, but with improved thermal insulation qualities.

Before using the wood base for the production of wood concrete, it must be treated with antiseptic agents to prevent the formation of fungal infections during the operation of the blocks.

Buy or make wood chips with your own hands

As soon as a private developer decided to make their own wood concrete blocks, the question arises, is it more profitable to buy or make wood chips for construction blanks yourself. If you plan to build a small country house, then the purchase of finished raw materials will reduce working time and financial costs.

Specialized equipment for the manufacture of wood chips is not cheap equipment. Processing with chemicals takes time.

If a decision is made to produce wood-concrete blocks in large quantities, or to engage in construction activities, then it is more profitable to produce wood chips on your own.

The process of making chips for wood concrete with your own hands consists in a sequence of actions:

  • selection of suitable wood;
  • obtaining chips using special equipment;
  • processing chips with chemicals to remove sugars.

For independent production of chips, it is preferable to use pine that is not damaged by pests. Pine chips in more retains heat and is easier to process with chemicals.

Requirements for wood chips for wood concrete blocks:

  1. Absence of foreign impurities: stones, ice, clay, sand.
  2. Absence of rot, mold fungi, other damage.
  3. The content of tree bark is within 10%, needles - 5% of the total mass.
  4. Standard size 40105 mm.

In the manufacture of wood concrete with your own hands, the presence of sawdust up to 30% is allowed. In this case, the consumption of cement increases, and the strength of the finished material decreases. Arbolite blocks with an admixture of sawdust are distinguished by increased heat-saving properties. Used as an insulating building material.

What sawdust is needed for wood concrete? Sawdust of coniferous and hardwood wood, as in the case of wood chips. In order to purchase, it is possible to contact woodworking enterprises.

Technological equipment for the production of wood chips

The best option for obtaining chips with the correct needle shape and allowable size fraction is a woodworking shredder. Its only drawback is its high cost.

Machines differ from each other according to the principle of operation. The choice of an acceptable option is determined by the volume of production, the properties of the feedstock, the possibility of placement on the construction site, technical features processing.

Types of crushing equipment:

  1. Chipping machines of disk type. Some of the models have adjustment of the location and inclination of the knives. This makes it possible to obtain chips different size. Able to process wooden blanks of any shape.
  2. Drum-type shredders. Allows for processing wooden bars and waste furniture production, logging farms. The machines are equipped with a large-sized loading hopper into which the feedstock is fed. Then there is a drum mechanism with double-sided knives.
  3. Hammer type crushers. Are issued with one working shaft, or with two shafts. They are a rotary device equipped with hammers and chippers. Once inside, wood for wood concrete moves between hammers and special dividing plates, wedged and crushed from impacts, after which it is sifted through a sieve into the outlet compartment. The final size of the chips depends on the dimensions of the sieve cell.

All three types of machines have manual loading of raw materials. To ensure labor safety, it is preferable to use long pieces of wood. To load smaller material, use a shovel or other suitable tool with a long handle.

Raw wood is used to make wood chips. Only in this case, the shape and size of the fraction of the obtained product corresponds to regulatory requirements. The use of dry wood is fraught with the formation of small chips, which will require increased consumption. cement mixture.

Preparation of chips for the manufacture of wood concrete blocks

Wood raw material contains harmful substances- sugars that can increase the setting time of the cement mixture, reduce the strength of finished wood concrete blocks. The primary task of preparing an arbolite mixture is the processing and preparation of wood chips.

The main methods of processing organic filler:

Having studied the theory of how to make wood chips for wood concrete and having mastered practical skills, it is enough just to establish independent production chips for wood concrete. It is preferable to purchase initial organic raw materials from logging and woodworking enterprises. If the wood component is required to build one house, it would be wiser to purchase wood chips or ready-made wood concrete blocks from manufacturers. To obtain a quality guarantee for the purchased materials, you should contact licensed manufacturers who are ready to provide the necessary certificates and documents.

I will answer your questions out of order, but I will answer all of them.

Let's start with film. It does not change the matter whether this film is vapor-permeable or vapor-tight. If vapor-permeable, then behind it (towards the street) there should be a ventilation gap. If it is not there, then the moisture remains in the first layer of the reed. And the gap there is technologically impossible. If the film is vapor-tight, then everything is the same - moisture remains in the first layer of the reed. The fact that the manufacturers put it there, but at the same time they cannot clearly explain either its operation or its properties, indicates that the manufacturers, unfortunately, have not figured out how this design works. Farther. If, as you write, put the film from the inside. Yes, this will protect the wall from fumes from the room. But this has nothing to do with moisture accumulating in the wall due to the dew point. There are two reasons for the occurrence of moisture in the wall. One is moisture from the room (we can protect it from this with a film). And the second is the moisture that arises from the fact that the moisture condensation point (dew point) is located in the wall. This condensation occurs due to the difference in temperature and pressure, and if there is no vacuum in the structure, but there is no vacuum, then this condensation will occur, even when closed from the inside with a film. Even if the wall is "wrapped with a film" both from the outside and from the inside, condensation will still be there. because there is air inside, and there is a pressure and temperature difference. Verbose, but I hope I explained.

A vapor-permeable (breathable) wall or a vapor-tight (non-breathable) wall doesn't really make much of a difference. And in terms of ventilation too. You saw the numbers, the difference is within 15-20% maximum. It's just that, frankly, I'm surprised by the combination of non-breathing walls and clay. And I understand plastic windows, So? If a house is being built with such walls for reasons of ecology, naturalness, naturalness, then something is not logical for me :-). And if clay with wood chips is just a way to reduce the cost of construction, then it is logical.

In general, according to captives (or membranes), I would not use them at all in this wall.

On plaster walls. I have never seen this reed (straw) mat live. If you have seen how they are plastered, then fine. In fact, if they are sheared, and the fibers are perpendicular to the plaster layer, then they should hold normally. Mineral wool is based on the same principle for plastering works. For ordinary cotton wool, the fibers are parallel to the wall, and for cotton wool under plaster, they are perpendicular, so that the mixture holds better.

By dew point. I calculate for clay the thermal conductivity is 0.1 (rounded 0.095), for the reed mat the thermal conductivity is 0.7 (rounded 0.065). Dew point in the second reed layer (if counted from the outside). Therefore, all the more, it is impossible to cover it with any film. All moisture from there should be vented freely through the reeds and plaster. In terms of heat, by the way, if we count the clay at 0.1, then 300 mm is almost enough for Minsk. 300 mm of clay + 10 mm of reed, - with a margin. And 300 mm of clay + 200 mm of reed - with a large margin. But I would not remove the "superfluous" from the design, since these are the thermal conductivity coefficients "on paper", and in life, in my opinion, they have not yet been fully tested.

It seems to have answered everything, ask.

Cement-sawdust materials are a practical alternative for foam and aerated concrete, as well as brick, wood and other materials in construction low-rise buildings and baths. Material is different good properties and at the same time pleasantly pleased with the availability.

In addition, you can not only purchase it, but also make it yourself at home without purchasing expensive equipment, and if the main component is present - sawdust or chips, then this makes wood-cement products even more profitable.

Pros and cons

Arbolite blocks are not a new material, but until recently it was not widely used, which is more than surprising, given its excellent performance characteristics.

To positive features include the following properties:

  • Excellent thermal insulation performance. Sawdust concrete houses, like a thermos, keep warm in winter and cool in summer. The use of wood concrete eliminates the need for thermal insulation of the walls, which, accordingly, saves money on construction.
  • Absolute naturalness. All building materials are of natural origin. They are non-toxic and do not emit microparticles hazardous to health that provoke allergies and diseases.
  • Strength. In the segment of porous materials, wood concrete has a good structural strength, which allows it to be used as a material for load-bearing structures of buildings not exceeding three floors in height.

  • Incombustibility. In the manufacture of concrete particle blocks, synthetic additives are used to ensure good fire resistance of the material. It is able to withstand temperatures of around 1200°C for 2 hours without igniting.
  • High vapor permeability. The porous structure allows free penetration of fresh air into the house, which creates a comfortable, non-stuffy atmosphere. In addition, vapor permeability allows moisture that has entered the wall to evaporate, thereby preventing its accumulation and dampening of the walls.
  • Temperature difference resistance. The material is resistant to freeze and thaw cycles, does not break down during the seasons when the frozen wall begins to heat up.
  • Acceptable price. Arbolite blocks are somewhat more expensive than aerated concrete, but they can be used as a material for load-bearing structures of low-rise buildings and not resort to the help of bricks and similar materials, which reduces the cost of the structure as a whole.

  • High sound insulation. The porosity of the material provides significant sound absorption, reducing both incoming and outgoing noise.
  • Easy handling. The material is easy to cut, drill and other processing methods without cracking and chipping, retains structural integrity under mechanical stress.
  • Recycling. The main part of the mass of wood-cement materials is shavings or chips, which are waste products of the woodworking industry. Even in the absence of its own source of raw materials, it can be purchased at a low price and used to create building materials, which will reduce its already low price.
  • Ease of use. The blocks are quite voluminous and at the same time light, the walls are created quickly and without significant expenditure of physical strength.
  • Durability. Provided that the wood concrete blocks are protected from moisture ingress, they will serve for many decades without destruction from drying out, corrosion and other sluggish processes.

In addition to the positive aspects, arbolite blocks have some disadvantages:

  • Long production. Once poured into a mold, the material must cure for three months before being used in construction.
  • Weak moisture resistance, high moisture absorption. Most wood-cement blocks are afraid of moisture and at the same time actively absorb it. Water protection is the main task for those who want to use cement-bonded materials in construction.
  • Limited wood species as a raw material.

Application technology

When constructing the outer wall of a building using wood concrete, to prevent the penetration of moisture, a brick or concrete plinth is equipped with a height of at least half a meter from the blind area. For the same purpose, the departure of cornices for facade walls must be at least half a meter obligatory installation systems of removal of storm and melt water.

  • The seams between the blocks should be 10-15 mm thick.
  • Arbolite blocks are often used for laying only the inner layer for the purpose of insulation.

  • When using cement particle blocks as a material for door and window lintels required reinforcement.
  • Density and class of blocks by brand:
    • M5- 400-500 kg / cu. m, B0.35;
    • M10- 450-500 kg / cu. m, B0.75;
    • M15- 500 kg / cu. m, B1;
    • M25- 500-700 kg / cu. m, B2;
    • M50- 700-800 kg / cu. m, V3.5.

Arbolite blocks are eaten by rodents, so you need to reinforce the wall with a mesh in the pest access zone or combine masonry with other material.


The main component of the building material is sand, as well as cement and chips (chips). Cement affects strength, machinability and some other performance characteristics. The brand of cement used to create blocks must be at least M400.

The increased content of sawdust enhances the noise-absorbing and heat-insulating performance of wood concrete blocks. Wood chips must be thoroughly dried before use..

With an increase in the proportion of sand, strength increases, but the thermal insulation of the material decreases. Also, in the manufacture, chemical additives are used that enhance various qualities.

For example, a component that increases the fire resistance of the material is almost always used. In addition, a substance that repels rodents and other pests can be used.

Types of wood-cement materials

Depending on the added wood filler, wood-cement materials of various sizes and structure are obtained. The result is also affected by the type of binding component.

Among the many options, the following widely used types can be distinguished:

  • wood concrete;
  • fibrolite;
  • sawdust concrete;
  • cement particle board;
  • xylolite.


This is a material with a high content of wood chips, water, a binder component - mainly Portland cement - and chemical additives for various purposes. For the manufacture of used wood industry waste from hardwood and coniferous species. An alternative is flax or hemp fire, chopped straw, chopped cotton stalks and similar raw materials.

It is divided into two main classes: building and heat-insulating. In the second, the percentage of the wood component is increased, but the strength is reduced.

Wood concrete is used to create products for any purpose:

  • blocks for distillation of external and internal walls;
  • floor slabs;
  • floors and coatings;
  • large wall panels.


This building material is produced in the form of boards based on chip waste and a binder. According to the parameters, the raw material for wood filler is shavings 35 cm or more long and 5 to 10 cm wide, ground into wool.

On the next step mineralization of wood filler with potassium chloride occurs, it is moistened with water in a certain proportion and kneaded cement mortar, and then pressed into plates under a pressure of 0.4 MPa. Then the heat treatment and drying of finished products takes place.

The material is of two types: heat-insulating and insulating-structural.

The characteristic properties of this material are:

  • strong roughness– determines its high adhesive properties with finishing materials;
  • fire safety- the material does not burn with an open flame;
  • high thermal insulation performance- thermal conductivity is only 0.08-0.1 W/sq. m;
  • ease of processing- sawing, drilling, driving dowels and nails is carried out without any problems;
  • moisture absorption in the range from 35 to 45%;
  • susceptible to fungal attack at humidity above 35%.

sawdust concrete

This material is similar to wood concrete, but it does not have such strict criteria for wood filler. The material is so called due to its composition - it consists of sand, concrete and sawdust of different fractions. In addition, this material may contain lime and clay, and the percentage of sand may exceed that of wood concrete. Thus, at the same density, the strength of sawdust concrete is less.

As a result, the weight load-bearing structure from sawdust concrete will be more than that of wood concrete with the same class of structural strength - M. The heat-insulating properties of sawdust concrete are also inferior to wood concrete.

The main advantage is the price of the material - this is also indicated by consumer reviews, which, in the absence of special requirements makes it more beneficial to use.

In addition, the strength of sawdust concrete is inferior to wood concrete, but significantly exceeds the strength of other porous block materials not woody.

Cement particle boards

Such a material belongs to a widespread type, is made from a wood-chip mixture mixed with water, cement and mineral additives, followed by dosing, molding, pressing and heat treatment.

To characteristic features material include:

  • frost resistance;
  • incombustibility;
  • biological inertia.

This material is used in prefabricated housing construction. Scope - facade and interior work.

The uniqueness from other wood-shaving materials lies in the high moisture resistance of the boards. The disadvantages of this material include relatively big weight- 1.4 t / cu. m, which makes it difficult to work with them above the first floor. The second disadvantage is the weak elasticity, due to which, with a slight bending of the plate, it breaks. On the other hand, the plates are resistant to longitudinal deformation and are used to reinforce the frame.


Refers to sand materials based on magnesia binder and wood waste: sawdust and flour. The composition contains finely dispersed minerals: talc, marble flour and other ingredients, as well as alkaline pigments. Used in the production process high pressure(10 MPa) and a temperature of about 90 ° C, which provides special strength during hardening.

Such plates are mainly used for the manufacture of floors.

Xylolite features include:

  • high compressive strength depending on the specific type (from 5 to 50 MPa);
  • excellent resistance to impact loads - the material does not chip off, but is pressed in;
  • high noise and heat insulation properties;
  • incombustible;
  • frost-resistant;
  • moisture resistant.

How to make blocks of cement and sawdust with your own hands, see the next video.

Two kilometers from Lake Naroch, 20 years ago, a unique type of settlement for Belarus appeared - the ecological village of Druzhny. By its very existence, it proves that high-quality and budget housing can be built from the simplest materials: wood, straw, wood chips and clay. And this option for solving housing issues in the countryside may well become an alternative to construction in agro-towns.

Helped all over the world

The Germans, who first visited our country in the early 90s, were so impressed by the scale of environmental and economic problems that they had the idea to help families who lived in the contaminated territories move to more favorable regions of Belarus.

The first houses in Druzhny on Naroch began to be built by a group of German volunteers in 1993. Land for a settlement for migrants was allocated by the authorities in the Myadel district of the Minsk region. There was also an agreement with the chairman of the local collective farm, who wanted to attract labor force to your farm.

When choosing materials for construction, the Germans focused on their environmental friendliness and availability in this area. With the shortage of everything at that time, including building materials, there was practically nothing to choose from. But wood, straw and clay were in abundance.

Yuri Suprinovich

From the Belarusian side, the International Charitable Public Association Ecodom (in 2014 it was renamed EcoStroitel) also took part in the project “A House Instead of Chernobyl”. Its representative Yuri Suprinovich says that then, according to the goals of the project and the existing material base, it was necessary to choose a construction technology that would allow people to build a house without any special skills. As a result, a German frame house with walls filled with a mixture of straw and clay was chosen as the model.

Volunteers from Germany came to build the first houses. Among the German volunteers were specialists who performed two tasks: they supervised the construction and taught the rest of the technology: now he probably lives in Druzhny more specialists in adobe construction than in the whole country.

At first they built houses with straw filling, later they switched to wood chips: it turned out to be easier to work with, the material itself is just as cheap and affordable.

The combination of free labor of volunteers and the low cost of “grassroots” building materials made it possible to build 14 houses by the official opening of the ecovillage in 1997 (now there are 31).

In order to move from a radiation-contaminated area to a clean one and receive free new house applicants were selected. One of the main criteria is the desire to contribute to the construction of the village.

“My family and I moved here from the Khoiniki district in 1994,” says Valentine, one of the earliest eco-settlers. — We saw an advertisement in the newspaper, which said that a German charitable organization would build houses on Naroch for migrants from contaminated areas, and there would be a selection among those wishing to resettle. We did not count on something much, but the letter was written. Two weeks later the answer came: come.

Valentin's family was among the first eight who passed the selection. But only two of them remained here. The rest got scared and refused to move.

“They can be understood,” Valentine says. - We arrived here on March 20, 1994, and here open field. It is now here the road, trees, houses, and then it was slush, dirt, a collective farm ... Many looked at all this and immediately left. Because it was not clear whether there would be a kindergarten, a school, a shop, a job. It was a difficult moment. This is not the same as coming to Minsk and they gave you an apartment.

The settlers first built their houses, then helped others. The collective farm paid them wages as builders.

We were told that the houses would be built of mud and straw. We thought that the straw would be only for the bundle, and the rest would be clay to make it stronger. But everything turned out to be wrong. First, clay is mixed with water in a concrete mixer, “sour cream” is obtained. It was poured into a dug hole 3 × 3 m and straw was added, which was brought by the collective farm. And all this was mixed up and trampled underfoot. Then the straw in the clay was thrown onto wooden decks so that it flowed around, dried up. Then she was sent to the formwork, fixed on wooden frame, rammed. Immediately, to be honest, I did not believe that something normal would turn out. But when the formwork was removed, I saw that the walls were even and neat. And now 22 years have passed - nothing has rotted. I also remember that everyone was afraid that the mice would stretch the straw. But they are not in the walls. It's nonsense that someone will gnaw through the moves there.

Clay and straw inside the wall of one of the first houses: after 20 years it is dry inside, there are no mice

Valentin said that they worked side by side with the Germans at the construction site. Our people were greatly impressed by their technical equipment.

- In 1993, German carpenters arrived, so they had so many tools - for all occasions. We have never seen such things: circular saws, tools to spike the details of the frame ... They were immediately afraid to take it into their hands, before that only axes and hand saws knew. Then the Stihl chainsaw was first seen!

Valentin says that he made the first repair two years ago - he repaired the facade.

Previously, the facades were sheathed with clapboard. Now many are changing it - in 20 years the paint has peeled off them, in some places the wood has begun to rot. But the walls themselves are in excellent condition. They are insulated and plastered. In the first houses clay plaster applied without reinforcement, so it cracked in some places - greased it, and we live on. I decided not to change the staircase that the Germans made for me, even though it creaks. Then in the 90s it was not possible to find dry lumber, so it was assembled from raw boards. Well, she creaks, but it's not scary. The second floors are minimally insulated - only 15 cm of straw and clay between the rafters. I had to warm it up over time. But this is in our first homes. Now they are building warm attics. But what no one in the village will complain about is the dampness. Always in our homes normal humidity- at least heat it, at least keep it in the cold.

German pellet boiler

By the way, in almost all the houses of immigrants, in addition to the modern water heating system, there are also stoves. Just in case.

Now the houses in the village are heated by natural gas. But the public house, also known as the "office" and the house of creativity in combination, is heated by a pellet boiler with automatic feed. Valentin says that 3 tons of pellets are purchased for the season. The heating system has solar collectors that work in tandem with the boiler. Thus, the house is heated, and hot water always is.

There are not as many children in the village as before - they grew up and left. But the local house of children's creativity is not idle. Valentin says that many families have adopted adopted children. Clubs have been set up for them.

public house ecovillages

Valentin is looking after common home, serves wind farms, which stand on a hill near the village. He is not going to leave Druzhnaya.

- The houses passed into our ownership after 10 years, before that we did not have the right to sell them. It was believed that if you lived here for so many years, it means that you got accustomed. Most of the settlers stayed here. And I took root, although I sometimes go home. I can say that here better people live. There are many drunkards, there is practically no work ...

There are houses for sale in the village of Druzhnoy, but there are no options for a penny.

- The houses here are excellent - all communications, large plots, near Naroch. A neighbor recently sold it to someone for a dacha for $26,000.

New settlement in Stary Lepel

A similar settlement appeared in the Vitebsk region - in the village of Stary Lepel.

— Representatives of the local authorities came to Druzhny — they liked this model of the settlement, and in 2001 they invited them to their place, allocated a site, — says Yury Suprinovich. — By this time, the legislation had already changed, new requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings under construction had appeared. Therefore, new houses additional insulation built.

All of our built public buildings– an outpatient clinic in the village of Zanaroch and a social center for the rehabilitation of the disabled, are heated by pellet boilers and solar collectors. This increases the initial cost, but further exploitation they pay for themselves.

Photo from www.oekodomstroj.by

Yuri says that mineral wool or expanded polystyrene - materials are not environmentally friendly, and there were no others on our market at that time. Focused on Europe. There were already options from flax fiber, reed, cork, hemp, ecowool.

As a result, we decided to make reed insulation - there is plenty of it in the country. In addition, it is a constantly renewable resource. This is how the first Belarusian production of reed slabs appeared.

“We learned how to harvest reed ourselves and now we use it as thermal insulation in our houses. The most interesting thing is that we did not come up with anything new - even in the USSR there was a building material called "reed". Today, the enterprise "EcoDomStroy" provides not only our facilities with reed mats, but also exports them, uses them in the insulation of houses by orders of the population

Reed is harvested in winter on the ice on Lake Naroch. There is a special self-propelled harvester for this. locals they also have additional earnings, harvesting and selling cane to the manufacturer.

Reed plates are made on special German machines. They are very old, 1948 release.

"I know what I'm building"

Wood chips and clay are now being built not only according to social programs. They are also ordered privately. One of these houses is currently being erected on the banks of the Vileika reservoir.

Its owner, Vyacheslav Makushinsky, heads the Belarusian-German society "Children's Rehabilitation and Health Center" Nadezhda ". He told the site that he is familiar with the technology and, in his opinion, it has proven itself well.

Vyacheslav Makushinsky, Head of HICC "Nadezhda"

- I first got acquainted with this technology during the construction of two guest houses in the institution that I manage. We built the first house frame technology with walls filled with ecowool, the second - with clay and wood chips. That's why I already have practical experience and construction and operation of such houses. When I decided to build myself, the choice was predetermined. It was important for me that the materials were as natural as possible. Ecowool too natural material but already converted. And clay, wood chips, wood for the frame - all these are exclusively natural materials.

Now the builders are busy filling the walls with a mixture of wood chips and clay. She is mixed into big concrete mixer- at a time you can cook up to 0.8 cubes in it. The construction wheelbarrow delivers the mixture to the workers, who pour it into buckets in buckets. removable formwork and ram. In total, 7 builders are involved in the construction.

Unlike standard frame houses, which are built from lumber of technical drying of a small section, timber is used for these frames natural humidity with a section of 120 × 120 mm. After they are filled external walls and the roof is mounted, partitions will be erected inside from ceramic brick. Thereafter construction works stop until July next year: the house should dry out by this time, the wood chips should shrink. That is, such a frame house cannot be built in one construction season.

For the construction of this house of 130 squares, without attic floor, it took 25 cubes of wood chips. Clay was “mined” right on the site when they dug a hole under autonomous septic tank. At first glance, the technology is simple and looks attractive in terms of financial costs: clay and wood chips are much cheaper than gas silicate.

“If a person has a desire to save money on building a house, then you need to do a lot yourself or with the involvement of volunteers - relatives, friends,” says Yury Suprinovich. - Then the benefit is really obvious, since the wages of builders will be practically zero. If you invite a construction company, then at a price a house made of wood chips and clay will come out no cheaper, and maybe even more expensive than a traditional house. During the construction, a lot of manual labor, and it is not cheap.

Knowledge and experience can be obtained completely free of charge. It is enough to be a volunteer in the construction of such houses.

Yuri Suprinovich says that compared to agro-houses, the construction of which was financed by agricultural enterprises, houses using German technology were somewhat cheaper. And this is without saving on the quality of finishes and the level of equipment of internal engineering systems. For example, a ready-to-live-in house of 130 square meters in Old Lepel cost about 50 thousand dollars (without landscaping the adjacent territory).

Cement and sawdust blocks

In the production of products for construction, mixing of cement and wood chips is carried out. The technology is affordable and does not require the use of special equipment. Independent production of blocks from sawdust can significantly reduce estimated cost construction and do-it-yourself preparation of material that is environmentally friendly. The increased performance of products made from Portland cement and sawdust allows the construction of residential buildings, cottages, as well as outbuildings. For correct application material, it is necessary to study the characteristics, recipe, get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages, as well as master the technology for manufacturing products from cement and wood waste.

Sawdust concrete blocks - characteristics

Sawdust blocks are a lightweight building material. They are a type of concrete products characterized by a reduced specific gravity. Due to its unique properties, the material is in demand in the construction industry.

Arbolit is a lightweight concrete based on sawdust and high-quality cement.

Differs in the following characteristics:

  • thermal properties. In buildings based on sawdust concrete blocks, it is easy to maintain a comfortable temperature regime;
  • environmental safety. Sawdust blocks are made from raw materials of natural origin;
  • increased margin of safety. Sawdust concrete blocks ensure the stability of the buildings under construction;
  • fire safety. The manufacturing technology and the components used ensure the fire resistance of the concrete composite;
  • high vapor permeability. The structure of the array contributes to maintaining a favorable humidity of the room;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations. Chip and cement blocks withstand repeated freezing cycles followed by thawing;
  • affordable price level. Using building blocks based on cement and wood chips can significantly reduce the estimated cost of construction.

Depending on the specific gravity sawdust blocks are divided into the following types:

  • heat-insulating, characterized by a density of 0.4–0.8 t/m3;
  • structural, the specific gravity of which is 0.8–1.2 t/m3.

High specifications ensure the popularity of products made on the basis of cement binder and sawdust.

Sawdust concrete belongs to the category of light materials

Sawdust and cement blocks - advantages and disadvantages

Sawdust blocks have the following advantages:

  • increased degree of sound insulation. Sawdust-concrete composite absorbs extraneous noise, which allows you to feel comfortable indoors;
  • harmlessness to others. During the operation of products made on the basis of environmentally friendly natural raw materials, no harmful substances are emitted;
  • fire resistance. Sawdust and cement blocks do not ignite when exposed to temperatures up to 1100 ° C for two and a half hours;
  • ease of processing. The material is quickly processed by the tool, retains its integrity under mechanical action;
  • accessibility. Chips are a waste product of woodworking enterprises, they are distinguished by an affordable price;
  • ease of laying. Building blocks, characterized by an increased volume with a small mass, allow you to quickly build walls;
  • long service life. Good quality and waterproof products are durable.

Blocks made from these materials are widely used in the construction of houses, cottages, outbuildings

Along with the advantages, the material also has weaknesses:

  1. Long production cycle. Acquisition performance characteristics occurs within three months from the moment of pouring into the molds.
  2. Increased moisture absorption. Sawdust concrete needs reliable moisture protection from all sides.
  3. The ability to use wood chips only from certain types of wood. Sawdust with a low sugar content is used, the decay process of which affects the strength of the material.

After evaluating the advantages and analyzing the disadvantages, many developers prefer products based on cement and wood chips.

Making blocks from sawdust and cement with your own hands

The production of blocks from sawdust involves the following steps:

  • Procurement of raw materials for the manufacture of sawdust-concrete products. The presence of the necessary materials in the construction warehouses allows you to purchase all the components before starting production.
  • Preparation of the necessary tools or equipment for mixing. You can use a concrete mixer to prepare the composition in increased volumes or manually mix in a container with shovels.

The undoubted advantage of sawdust concrete is that it can be made by hand.

  • Mixing of components in accordance with the recipe. The use of concrete mixers for automation improves the quality of mixing, productivity, and improves the quality of sawdust concrete.
  • Pouring the solution into molds. Wooden containers of a collapsible type are used from boards 20 mm thick, lined with plastic sheets or metal.
  • Drying sawdust concrete in vivo. The acquisition of operational hardness and evaporation of moisture occurs within 90 days after the molding of sawdust-concrete products.

The composition of the blocks

Sawdust blocks are made on the basis of the following ingredients:

  • Portland cement;
  • sand
  • clay or slaked lime;
  • wood chips;
  • water.


Waste is used in production various kinds wood:

  • pines;
  • fir;

For the manufacture of wood concrete, it is precisely clean wood chips (wood particles), and not bark or leaves that are required.

  • poplars;
  • ash;
  • birch;
  • beech;
  • oak;
  • hornbeam;
  • larches.

results Vote

Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


The optimal filler is chips obtained during processing coniferous trees. The increased concentration of resin in softwood chips protects the material from rot.

Accelerated hardening is characteristic of pine. Products from pine sawdust can be used 40 days after molding. A long curing occurs in sawdust concrete from oak chips or larch. Products from these types of wood can be used for the construction of walls no earlier than 100 days after molding.

The preparation of wood raw materials allows to increase the strength characteristics of sawdust concrete, fire resistance, reduce the absorption of moisture by the material and includes the following steps:

  1. Soaking the wood fraction in milk of lime.
  2. Drying in a natural or forced way.
  3. soaking in liquid glass dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:7.

The preparation of the working mixture is based on the purpose for which the building material will be used.

Separation of chips on a sieve with cells from 10 to 20 millimeters ensures the uniformity of the filler.


The proportions of the components used are determined by the density of the material.

For example, to prepare a composition with an increased density, per ton of wood chips, you will need:

  • cement - 1 ton;
  • lime - 0.25 t;
  • sand - 2.5 tons.

The ratio of components is adjusted empirically, depending on the humidity.

Mixing components

Perform the mixing process in the following order:

  1. Prepare the necessary materials in the required quantities.
  2. Mix dry sand with M300 Portland cement.
  3. Add sawdust and lime, mix evenly.
  4. Add water in portions, stirring the solution to the desired consistency.

An important nuance in the manufacture of blocks is that the mixture of cement and sawdust must be dry before kneading, that is, after aging, the chips are dried

Performing a trial batch allows you to adjust the recipe before starting work. The elasticity of the prepared solution when compressed in the palm of your hand indicates its readiness. When scattering a lump, the volume of liquid should be increased, and when squeezing water, it should be reduced. Properly prepared solution begins to harden an hour after mixing.

sawdust size

When deciding on the size of the organic fraction, remember:

  • sawdust size is not a determining factor in the manufacture of sawdust concrete;
  • the use of homogeneous wood chips improves the quality of products.

Chip and cement blocks - scope

Scope of use of sawdust concrete:

  • construction of garages, outbuildings, cottages, residential buildings;
  • insulation of the main walls of houses and basements;
  • construction of various types of fences;
  • arrangement of internal partitions.

Summing up

Independent production of blocks from sawdust and cement allows you to build buildings with comfortable conditions at low cost. strength, fire safety and ecological cleanliness sawdust concrete provides the popularity of inexpensive building material. The article will help to understand the characteristics of the material, the advantages and disadvantages, the features of the technology.
