Methods for laying ground tape under commercial linoleum. Antistatic linoleum: specifications and reviews. Linoleum prices

Linoleum has been and remains one of the most popular finishing materials for the floor. There are several reasons for its popularity: relatively low price, speed of laying and a wide specification of types of linoleum.

You probably know that linoleum produced by industry is strictly classified according to its purpose and application. And the first division of linoleum into household, semi-commercial and commercial. Household linoleum is designed for apartments, houses and other premises with low traffic. This linoleum has a lower abrasion coefficient. According to its characteristics, commercial linoleum is produced specifically for high traffic areas (gyms, offices, shops) or special-purpose premises.

In this article, we are interested in commercial linoleum for special premises. It is logical that such linoleum is called: commercial special-purpose linoleum.

Types of special purpose linoleum

Speaking of special-purpose linoleums, we are faced with two concepts that contradict each other at the household level. It's linoleum and electricity. However, it is the interaction of linoleum with electricity that distinguishes special commercial linoleums.

There are three types of special commercial linoleum: conductive linoleum, electrically dissipative linoleum, antistatic linoleum. The types of special linoleum differ in their electrical resistance.

  • Conductive linoleum (10 6 Ohm). Ten to the sixth power of ohm;
  • Current-dissipating linoleum (10 6 -10 8 Ohm);
  • Linoleum with antistatic properties(10 9 ohms). Ten to the ninth power of Om.

We will analyze the features of special linoleums using the example of the characteristics and purpose of conductive linoleum.

Conductive linoleum and its characteristics

The task of conductive linoleum is a quick tap electric charge from the surface of the linoleum to the grounding system. For these purposes, the reverse side of the conductive linoleum is covered with a special conductive layer, often graphite.


Conductive linoleum is used in special-purpose rooms:

  • Server rooms;
  • Automatic telephone exchanges;
  • Computer data centers;
  • Scientific laboratories;
  • high-precision production;
  • Medical offices with x-rays, tomography, procedural, operating rooms.

Features of laying conductive linoleum

In conclusion, I will list the features of laying a special conductive linoleum:

  • Conductive linoleum is laid on a very well leveled base;
  • For laying conductive linoleum, you do not need a special conductive adhesive. This fundamentally distinguishes it from current-dissipating linoleum. By the way, for laying current-dissipating linoleum, you also need a copper mesh under the linoleum;
  • To drain the electrical charge, a flexible grounding bus is laid under the current-carrying linoleum, which is connected to the room's grounding system.

Conclusions and prices for linoleum

Antistatic linoleum, although it belongs to special ones, it is widely used in household and office space. The cheapest linoleum in this line.

Electrically dissipative linoleum used in rooms with large quantity electrical equipment (server rooms). Middle price segment.

Antistatic linoleum with copper strips - view floor covering made of polyvinyl chloride, which helps to reduce static electricity on the floor surface. Used in laboratories computer centers, medical research rooms and other premises where electronic equipment is used that is sensitive to external electrical influences. Consider its varieties and properties, laying methods and some price aspects.


PVC is insulating material. Like many others polymer materials, it tends to accumulate static electricity. To reduce this property, it is necessary to use a coating with a fairly low resistance and grounding elements.

In the case of commercial PVC coating, metal tapes are most often used for this. The high conductivity of the metal (usually copper) helps to dissipate static currents. For improved grounding, antistatic modern linoleum with copper strips is laid on a special adhesive, which also has high conductivity.


Such linoleum is sold in rolls or in the form of slabs. The technology of laying antistatic linoleum is similar to laying a conventional PVC coating:

  • floor leveling- any floor covering is placed on flat surface. This is especially important in rooms with expensive electronic devices- the unevenness of the floor can lead to the formation of folds in the coating, which is fraught with possible damage when moving the equipment;
  • Linoleum cutting - the roll is cut, depending on the size and geometry of the room;
  • The connection (the metal base is connected to ground) is the only way that laying antistatic linoleum differs from the usual one.

For fixing, conductive adhesive for antistatic linoleum is used.

Copper tape for laying antistatic linoleum is purchased separately or comes with a coating. It should be laid after special treatment of the floor in order to reduce its resistance. To do this, use a conductive primer for antistatic linoleum.

Laying copper tape under antistatic linoleum is carried out as follows:

  • Metal strips are laid along the longitudinal and transverse joints, at a distance of ten to twenty centimeters from them so that they are in contact with each other;
  • The resulting mesh from the tape is connected to the grounding of the room.

In the absence of grounding, it is necessary to first carry out its installation.

To simplify the process of forming a metal base, in recent times often used copper self-adhesive tape for antistatic linoleum.

Varieties of antistatic linoleum

Commercial antistatic linoleum is of several types, differing in their technical characteristics and material of manufacture:

  • Actually antistatic material- according to GOST 11529-86, its volume resistance is over 10 ^ 9 Ohm / sq. m. Such resistance prevents the accumulation of high static voltage;
  • Electrically dissipative linoleum- has a resistance within 10 ^ 8 ohms. Dispersion ability electricity provided by the presence of a high carbon content in the material;
  • Conductive linoleum- has the lowest resistance, no more than 10 ^ 5 ohms. Conductivity is achieved due to graphite inclusions in the material.

The latter option, due to its high conductivity, can be used as antistatic linoleum without underlay.

Differences in material resistance determine its application. Traditional antistatic new linoleum used in rooms with a lot of fine electronics. current dissipative - better fit in the medical offices of ultrasound or MRI. Conductive modern linoleum - used in industrial premises, with a large number of electrical appliances - in factory floors and factories. High conductivity eliminates the possibility of electric shock if a person comes into contact with metal surfaces furniture, building structures and appliances.

Pros and cons

Antistatic modern linoleum, in addition to its electrical properties, has the same advantages as other types of linoleum:

  • Ease of installation- there is no need for perfect smoothness of the floor. Laying does not require special skills and additional tools;
  • Hygienic - easy to clean and wash. Moisture resistance helps prevent delamination, destruction and decay;
  • Democratic cost- much cheaper than many other types of coverage.

At the same time, it is impossible not to note the shortcomings:

  • Appearance - despite the huge variety of colors that allow it to be used in any room, it is significantly inferior in beauty to wood, parquet and laminate;
  • Fragility - sensitive to mechanical influences, which could result in damage.

Common brands

Recently appeared big choice similar products. The most common brands are:

  • Conductive Tarkett Linoleum- products of a French company that began its history in the nineteenth century with the production of felt. Currently, the company includes enterprises in all European countries for the production of a variety of flooring. Volume resistance 10^5 - 10^9 Ohm.;
  • Antistatic linoleum Forbo- has a resistance of 5x10 ^ 7 ohms. It is used in rooms with a large amount of computer equipment.
  • Armstrong is a less common brand. In addition to high antistatic properties, it has an aesthetic appearance, which allows it to be used in hospitals, cafes, schools.

Linoleum prices

Despite the price advantages of linoleum over other types of flooring, the prices for antistatic products cannot be called low. When buying the most common brands of linoleum, the price varies on average in Russia within the following limits:

  • Tarkett - 500-700 rubles ($9) per square meter, depending on the volume of the lot, region and collection.
  • Forbo - 800-1000 rubles (13 US dollars) per square meter, taking into account the same nuances.

When buying antistatic new linoleum, you must remember that the purchase of the coating itself will not end. It will be necessary to purchase copper tapes in the right amount. Their price is calculated per meter, but depends on the weight, since the price of non-ferrous metals is recalculated depending on the dollar exchange rate. Due to the small thickness of the tape, its weight is small, but it will still cost at least 450 rubles (6 US dollars) for a pack of 20 meters. The weight of such a package is approximately equal to one kilogram. Tape consumption - one package per 30 square meters.

Prices for conductive adhesive and primer

Additional costs will be for the purchase of conductive adhesive and primer.

In bulk purchases, conductive adhesive for linoleum will cost an average of 4,000 rubles (50-55 US dollars) for a package of 12 kilograms. The consumption of such glue is about 400 grams per square meter.

Conductive primer - the average cost is 350 - 550 rubles (5-7 US dollars) for a package of 10 kilograms. Consumption - 100 grams per square meter.

It must be remembered that the websites of the main suppliers, as a rule, indicate Wholesale prices. When buying one bucket of glue or primer, their cost can be much higher. In addition, the price must include the installation of grounding, which may not be in the apartment. It is better not to engage in such installation on your own - it is better to entrust work with electricity to a specialist.

Laying the coating itself also seems easy only at first glance. Cut the rolls evenly, adjust the joints to each other, having previously correctly laid the substrate, only the master can avoid uneven coatings. This is especially important when laying linoleum in public and industrial premises and doctors' offices.

When planning to lay a new coating, it is necessary to take into account all these nuances and add to the repair budget an amount equal to the cost of materials for work various masters. Such costs will still less cost for other types of coatings. Savings will be achieved through less work to level the floor surface and cheaper coating material.

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Pretty harmless in ordinary life static electricity, which causes slight discomfort, in some areas of production is serious problem. The sensitivity of electronics to static charges results from errors in calculations and measurements to failure in the operation of equipment of important objects. Antistatic linoleum acts as one of the security measures in such industries. Immediately I would like to draw your attention to the antistatic linoleum Smaragd Classic FR, information about it is presented at the link to the site

Types of antistatic linoleum

Depending on the required level protection against static, according to European standard EN 14041, there are three types of floor coverings:

  • Antistatic linoleum (ASF). The voltage of the body located on such a floor covering should not exceed 2.0 kV (tests were carried out at a temperature of 23 ° C and relative humidity air 25%). Linoleum is laid on regular glue. Antistatic linoleum is called insulating and is used in computer classes, offices, call centers;
  • Dissipative linoleum (DIF) with a vertical resistance not exceeding 10⁹Ω. The electrostatic charge arising at any point of such a floor covering is dissipated over its area and becomes safe. Linoleum acquires current-dissipating properties due to the addition of impurities - carbon filaments or carbon particles, and its installation requires a special conductive adhesive. Current-dissipating linoleum is used in X-ray rooms, ultrasound and computer diagnostics rooms, server rooms;
  • Electrically conductive (conductive) linoleum (ECF) with a vertical resistance not exceeding 10⁶Ω. A sufficiently low resistance allows the resulting charge to be instantly removed from the surface of the coating. Linoleum acquires such characteristics as a result of graphite additives, which look like a black mesh. Electrically conductive linoleum is accompanied by the obligatory presence of grounding and is used in rooms with highly sensitive equipment and electronics (scientific laboratories, operating rooms, automatic telephone exchanges).

Features of laying antistatic coating

Antistatic flooring is laid on ordinary glue, but requires careful preparation of the rough surface, which should be as even as possible. This requirement applies to all categories of linoleum of this specificity.

Laying of electrically dissipative linoleum is carried out on a special conductive adhesive, which helps the coating to get rid of static electricity. In this case, grounding is not necessary, but desirable.

But laying electrically conductive linoleum is much more complicated and consists of several stages. A copper tape in the form of a grid is first attached to a flat rough surface and connected to the ground loop. A layer of adhesive with conductive properties is applied on top, on which linoleum is laid.

What is the difference between caring for antistatic linoleum?

Such floor coverings require regular cleaning, as accumulated dirt reduces their antistatic performance. It is forbidden to use for cleaning various mastics, polishes and rubbing, which are good insulators. As a result, the floor loses its electrically conductive properties. As detergents degreasing compounds and mastics with conductive properties are used.


  • Strength (residual deformation less than 0.1 mm);
  • Wear resistance (abrasion is not more than 20 grams / sq.m);
  • Thickness not less than 2 mm;
  • Surface water absorption is not more than 0.5g/
  • Electrical resistance 10⁶-10⁹Ω;
  • Electrostatic parameters less than 2kV;
  • Thermal resistance.

Installation pricesantistatic and conductive linoleum:

Room area up to 50 sq.m. 290 r/sq.m.

Room area from 50 to 200 sq.m 220 r/sq.m.

Room area from 200 sq.m 200 r/sq.m.

Installation of copper tape 50 r / m.

Our specialists have great experience laying antistatic and conductive linoleum. We have worked with Gerflor MIPOLAM, Tarkett Acczent Mineral AS and Armstrong

Foundation preparation before laying antistatic and conductive flooring, it is carried out in the same way as when laying commercial linoleum. The surface prepared for installation must be clean, dry, durable (corresponding to the M100 brand strength), not crumble or peel off under slight loads. The base of the floor is checked by the rule and it should not have deviations of more than 2 mm per 2 meters. If there are more irregularities, we recommend leveling the floor with a finishing leveler or sanding it. Grinding is carried out by our company using Columbus surface grinders with steel disc with tungsten chips. Before laying antistatic and conductive pvc floor coverings(Tarkett, Gerflor, Armstrong), the substrate surface must be treated with a conductive, high dispersion primer, such as Forbo 041 Europrimer EL.

Copper tape backing.

A copper tape is glued to each roll so that the floor has a conductive potential. We usually use Forbo 801 copper tape. When laying rolled antistatic linoleum, Forbo 801 copper tape is glued under each roll along the entire length, so that the tape is in the middle of the sheet. Next, strips of copper tape are glued across the glued strips. Such a current-carrying potential from Forbo 801 copper tape removes the current charge from about 10m of the surface. In rooms where the floor surface area does not exceed 40 m2, two current-carrying potentials should be implemented. All potentials carried out must be earthed to the busbar by an electrician.

Preparation of antistatic and conductive linoleum for laying.

Before laying, linoleum must be brought into the room within 24-48 hours. It must be stored vertically! If in this room If more than one roll is used, it is necessary to check that the rolls are of the same color and from the same lot. The edges of the canvas must be even and not have creases.

Laying order.

If the room is small, then cut rolls of antistatic or conductive linoleum are laid out in advance without glue on the floor. The edges of the canvas are cut along the wall. We wrap linoleum to the middle of its length. Then, on the base of the floor, using a notched trowel A2, Forbo 523 adhesive (Forbo), conductive, is applied. After the glue dries a little (the finger sticks, but does not leave a mark on the finger), the linoleum is unwound over the entire surface and ironed using rollers weighing 50 kg or more. We turn off the non-glued side and apply glue, etc. The left overlap of the material, approximately 15-30 mm, is cut off with a linocut and rubbed with a lapping hammer. We also grind the entire perimeter with a hammer. After that, the glue needs to dry (24 hours), after which we produce hot welding seams of antistatic linoleum. Connect the leads of the copper tape to ground.

Our advantages:

We use for laying antistatic and conductive coatings professional equipment. Everything - starting with rollers and grinders and ending with a rusticated blade of the highest European level, which ultimately allows you to work quickly and efficiently.

Our specialists:

Use copper tape and special primer

Uses hot welded seams

Can stick linoleum with a plant on the walls

Can stick linoleum on walls and ceiling (for medical facilities)

Our works:

Yekaterinburg, Pavlov's Clinic, laying Forbo conductive linoleum, with a plant on the walls

Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Children's Polyclinic. Borodina, Surgery.

Revda, Eye microsurgery

Ekaterinburg, Eye Microsurgery, Belinsky, 111, Laying antistatic linoleum with a plant on the walls

Antistatic linoleum - a group of floor PVC materials, which prevent the formation of static currents and residual voltage on their surface when a person walks with simultaneous contact with various electrical appliances. The use of this type of flooring is regulated by GOST 11529-86 and GOST 6433.2-71. Linoleum with antistatic properties is recommended for installation in laboratories with a large amount of measuring instruments, offices, computer classrooms and other areas where there is a risk of residual stress on the surfaces of furniture and equipment.

Antistatic linoleum can compete with traditional and rubberized coatings.

PVC coating with antistatic properties - what is it?

If we consider specifications linoleum in general, then each type of it has an antistatic effect. Any PVC coating called insulating. However, materials are capable of accumulating some charge on their surface, and therefore they are not traditionally mounted for additional protection from free currents.
To ensure an adequate level of safety, the coating in its composition must have:

  • carbon additives - they are present both throughout the material as impurities, and in the form of an interlayer. Additives can dissipate charge. The current, having reached the carbon layer, stops there, is redistributed and, having reached the ground, leaves the contour of the room;
  • graphite inserts - such a commercial linoleum is able to instantly remove a free charge from a room, and therefore its installation is appropriate in rooms with a lot of electrical equipment.

Floor material classification:

  • traditional antistatic linoleum- its resistance must be at least 109 ohms. A prerequisite for the use of such a coating is that voltage above 2 kilowatts should not form on its surface. Its installation is appropriate in computer classes, a variety of service rooms;
  • current dissipative commercial material with a resistance of 106-108 ohms - its antistatic characteristics are provided by carbon additives. This commercial floor material relevant for x-ray rooms, offices;
  • conductive with resistance up to 106 Ohm - graphite inserts are responsible for the distribution of the charge and its removal from the room. The material is recommended for use in industrial buildings.

The difference between materials is not only in structure and resistance, but also in laying. Installation of the first type is carried out in the traditional adhesive way. For the full use of the second, you need a copper tape or mesh and a special, conductive glue.

Tarkett - modern flooring

Among all manufacturers of floor coverings that protect against free charge, the international brand Tarkett and its commercial linoleum stand out. The technical characteristics of the company's product comply with TU No. 5771-021-54031669-2009.
Tarkett antistatic linoleum and its main types:

  • traditional products with increased protection against voltage and current - the ACCZENT MINERAL AS line;
  • current-dissipative commercial linoleum line GRANIT SD;
  • conductive material - TORO SC range.

The traditional product of this brand is sold in rolls of 15 m or 20 m. The first is enough to cover 60 square meters, the second - 80 square meters. The material has on its surface an additional protective covering PUR, it is slip-resistant (R9), its wear resistance meets the requirements of the "T" group. Differs in moisture resistance. In addition, other technical characteristics of the coating of this brand differ depending on the line. Antistatic linoleum must be accompanied by a certificate of conformity when selling, which confirms its originality.

Laying antistatic flooring

Laying antistatic linoleum is somewhat different from installation similar material With ordinary properties. From the correctness installation work in the future, the characteristics and protective properties of the coating completely depend, and therefore the laying of antistatic linoleum should be carried out by professionals.

Stages of work:

  • surface preparation. Antistatic linoleum is demanding on the evenness of the surface, like any other floor covering. AT this case the distortion of the horizontal coating should not exceed 2 mm per 1 sq. m. Any surface (if necessary) is leveled, dried, degreased, treated with an antibacterial primer. Installation of the material involves the use of special primers that increase the resistance of the surface to electric current;
  • cutting material - before installation, antistatic linoleum must stay in the room for at least a day so that its structure adapts to the temperature and humidity conditions of the room. Then it spreads out on the floor in the room. It is cut according to the contour and geometry of the room. Then it is rolled back into a roll;

  • conductive glue and strip - a mandatory attribute (according to GOST 6433.2). The strip can be self-adhesive, but in most cases it is mounted on glue. The main function of conductive auxiliary elements at – creation of a diverting potential. The tape is laid in increments of 20 cm, the distance from it to the wall should also be 20 cm. The end of the tape is connected to the ground;
  • direct installation. As soon as the adhesive for the conductive strip has gained the desired strength, the installation of the floor covering is performed. The adhesive is applied to the back surface of the material using a notched trowel. The decorating layer is laid from the middle of the room. Glue is applied as the roll unwinds. After one roll has been spun, it is carefully aligned.

Depending on the initial characteristics of the materials used, a room where a commercial flooring material with antistatic properties has been installed can be used after 24 hours.
