Russian-made floor-standing gas boilers: overview, prices. Russian-made gas boilers

In the article, we will conduct a small investigation of the current market for gas heating boilers. We are interested in who and under what brands domestic gas boilers heating and what are their features against the background of import proposals.

Evaluation of functionality and quality

Let's start with the bad.

I would very much like to start with rave reviews about domestic manufacturers; however, according to experts, in terms of quality, fault tolerance, functionality and level of service, gas boilers are divided approximately like this:

  1. The first echelon is the Germans and the Swedish CTC. Impeccable quality and the implementation of all technological innovations in the shortest possible time.
  2. The second tier is Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovakia, France. Good product without specific problems. Often, not inferior to the first-tier manufacturers in terms of reliability, but with a slightly worse level of service and somewhat more primitive technologically.
  3. The third echelon is the products of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Alas.

However, on Russian market domestic boilers are the leaders in sales. Paradox?

Not at all. They are reliable enough not to frighten the owners with the danger of fire or explosion. But the main thing is not this. They are cheap compared to European products.

Example? Please.

Let's take two with a closed combustion chamber with a capacity of 24 kW:

  • Neva Lux 7224 - 18,400 rubles.
  • Vaillant TurboTEC Plus VUW 242/3-5 - 45,000 rubles.

And now let's ask ourselves, what would a buyer who is far from the intricacies of work and maintenance of boilers prefer, seeing absolutely identical characteristics in front of him?

There is no need to think that there is total darkness and horror in domestic production. Yes, neither in terms of convenience, nor in terms of the level of service and maintenance, Russian gas heating boilers can compete with the same Vaylent or Buderus. However, for the most part, these are quite solid products that honestly work out their value.


Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant offers three main lines of boilers:

  • Economy with automatic own production ZhMZ. Price - from 11000 to 16300 at the prices of an official dealer.

Please note that depending on the markup of the seller, the actual retail prices can vary greatly.

All boilers of this line are non-volatile (and, therefore, equipped with ignition from a piezoelectric element) and differ in thermal power. The coolant is water or antifreeze with natural or forced circulation. Fuel is natural gas. When changing nozzles and igniter, it is possible to switch to liquefied gas.

  • "Universal" with SIT automation has a price range from 12,200 to 23,250 rubles. And here we see non-volatile boilers with piezo ignition; and here the price tag depends on the thermal power.
  • In the "Comfort" series we see Mertik Maxitrol automation and, again, non-volatility (which means a pilot burner and piezo ignition), the ability to switch to liquefied gas in boilers with a capacity of up to 29 kW inclusive and a spread in thermal power from 11.6 to 63 kW, and prices from 12200 to 82400.


This is a company that was the first in Russia to launch the production of gas heating equipment. On this moment it owns a large part of the market (of course, in comparison with other domestic producers).

A thoughtful study of the site of this manufacturer can bring the reader the following discoveries:

  • Boilers are produced under three brands: Siberia with Italian SIT automation and power from 11.6 to 35 kW; RGA (boilers also equipped with Italian automatics, but already in the power range up to 17.4 kW) and AOGV - boilers with automatics of our own design. The power range and they have 11.6 - 35 kW.
  • It is possible to heat a cottage using bottled gas, but it is recommended by the manufacturer only if the boiler power is not higher than 18 kW.
  • All boilers, except for Siberia Spaсe Design, can do without natural circulation, which makes the boilers completely energy-independent.
  • The instruction strictly prohibits the installation of boilers with your own hands. Which, in general, is correct: safety takes precedence over cost savings.

In the photo - AOGV boiler with a capacity of 17.4 kW.

Factory Conord

And these boilers are made in Rostov; however, we can see them under the quite logical Conord brand.

What will please us with this product?

  • Completely steel coppers and with a pig-iron heat exchanger are issued.
  • The power of steel boilers is in the range from 8 to 31.5 kW. Cast iron power - 16, 25 or 33 kW.
  • All boilers are positioned as completely non-volatile, which means the same piezo ignition and a constantly burning igniter.
  • The price tag pleases the economical buyer: steel boilers cost no more than 20,000 rubles, boilers with a cast-iron heat exchanger with a power of 25 kW - 28,000.
  • All boilers are equipped with atmospheric burners (without pressurization), which the manufacturer verbosely emphasizes as an advantage.

However: let's not be unfair to the manufacturer.
Three decades of experience in the production of gas equipment in any case commands respect.
In addition, Conord guarantees the operation of its boilers at a line pressure of less than half the nominal pressure, which is usually what devices with forced draft burners can boast of.

As natural gas remains the cheapest and most popular view energy carrier used for heating buildings and structures, boiler equipment for its combustion is in steady demand. Among a wide range of such equipment present on the market, Russian-made gas boilers occupy a special place. They take first place main secret success - low cost, accessibility for all segments of the population.

Advantages of boilers from Russian manufacturers

The first thing to note is the attractive price of the products. Any gas boiler of European or South Korean production is significantly more expensive and this is a decisive factor. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the production of gas boilers in Russia is becoming more and more high-tech, using the latest technical solutions.

Equally important are the features and conditions of gas supply inherent in Russia and the CIS countries. Practice shows that imported installations often work unreliably or cannot function at all under these conditions. While manufacturers of gas boilers in Russia adapt their products to the following factors:

  1. Insufficient gas pressure in the line. The phenomenon is observed in remote areas with a large length of the gas pipeline and the presence of many consumers on it.
  2. Low gas pressure due to wear and tear of obsolete equipment of gas control points.
  3. High contamination of the gas with various impurities and corrosion products from old metal pipes.
  4. The increased content of water vapor, which, when burning fuel, causes destruction metal elements heating installation.

Most of the gas boilers manufactured in the Russian Federation are able to operate in conditions of unreliable power supply or its complete absence. This plays a big role when choosing a unit for remote regions, where gravity heating systems are often used. In the most simple models Russian manufacturers of gas heating boilers use, which further reduces their cost. Water heating installations, the price of which is slightly higher, are equipped with imported automation elements. However, their number is minimal, safety automation details ensure product compliance regulatory documents and no more. Of great importance is also the cost and ease of maintenance of equipment.

The qualifications of most gas service specialists allow them to carry out maintenance and repair of domestic boiler plants of a simple design. For this reason, the repair of high-tech products from abroad can be a real problem, given the prices of spare parts.

Gas heating units manufactured in Russia have their drawbacks:

  1. Relatively short service life.
  2. Low build quality of products and materials used.
  3. Absence a large number useful and important options that provide comfortable conditions operation for the homeowner.

The most popular Russian manufacturers of gas boilers that deserve attention are the Zhukovsky plant (Zhukovsky), the Conord plant (Rostov), ​​the Gazapparat plant (St. Petersburg). To get acquainted with their products, it is worth swiping short review each of them.

Products of the Zhukovsky plant

This manufacturer has been producing boiler equipment for about 40 years. In the series of gas boilers for heating private houses, there are more than 30 models sold under the brands AOGV, AKGV and KOV. Most of them are produced in three trim levels:

  1. Economy - the minimum configuration, which includes Russian-made security automation.
  2. In the configuration of the Universal, foreign-made security automatics are installed.
  3. The Comfort package, in addition to foreign automatics, is additionally equipped with overheating protection, improved thermal insulation of the case and an indicating thermometer.

The range of thermal power of manufactured units for the home is from 11 to 68 kW. Household Russian gas boilers of the ZHMZ enterprise, for the most part, have a design that works without power supply. It includes a cast iron heat exchanger and a single-stage burner that operates at atmospheric pressure. The ignition method in the budget and medium configuration is manually, in the Comfort version the igniter is ignited using a piezoelectric element. AKGV modifications have an additional DHW preparation circuit for household needs.

Heating installations Conord

Under the CONORD brand, Russian gas boilers with a steel heat exchanger and an atmospheric gas burner are sold. The units are installed gas valves two types of security:

  • Italian-made SIT automatic valve;
  • thermohydraulic valve.

The range of heating units includes 21 models covering the power range from 8 to 30 kW. Some of these models are equipped with a DHW supply circuit with a flow heat exchanger. All modifications are equipped with a traction control sensor, at the signal of which the automatic valve shuts off the gas.

Under the DON brand, a Russian-made floor gas boiler of a combined type is produced. These are 2 models with a capacity of 20 and 40 kW with a steel combustion chamber, in which an atmospheric burner is installed if it is required to work on gas. Without it, the unit burns wood or coal and is completely independent of electricity.

Boilers manufactured by the Gazapparat plant

Under the Neva Lux brand, you can purchase an inexpensive wall-mounted Russian gas boiler of this enterprise located in St. Petersburg. Products are not much inferior to foreign counterparts, since they have a wide range of options and safety and automation functions. The heat exchangers in the units are steel, there are modifications with a flow heat exchanger for the needs of hot water supply. The air supply method is forced, by a fan - a smoke exhauster through a coaxial chimney.

The burners used in Neva Lux boilers can change operating modes at the command of the controller. The power range of produced wall-mounted boilers is from 10 to 35 kW. Automation and control components are made in Europe, which makes the operation of the heating plant economical and reliable. The set of boiler automation functions is as follows:

  • burner flame control;
  • traction control;
  • circulation pump;
  • pump protection function against jamming in the summer;
  • fan speed control;
  • touchscreen;
  • automatic electric ignition;
  • possibility of programming for 7 days.


When choosing a boiler for your home, you should pay attention to the products of Russian enterprises. The disadvantages of gas boilers are smoothed out by low cost, bringing the price-quality ratio into line, that is, Russian products honestly work out the money spent on them. Some of them, in many respects, began to approach European or South Korean counterparts.

When choosing a boiler for heating, there are a number of points that you should pay attention to, especially since there are many companies on the manufacturer's market that offer such a product. Russian-made wall-mounted gas boilers do not differ in their characteristics from foreign ones, but at the same time they are much cheaper.

When choosing such a product, it is worth considering such points as further installation methods, power, room dimensions and a number of other points that you may need, especially since now there are a number of products that can work not only as heating boilers, but also as a device for water heating.

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Characteristics of devices for fuel materials

According to heating materials, boilers can be:

  • Solid fuel.
  • Gas.
  • Electrical.

Solid fuel boilers are mainly used for large rooms and larger private houses, for example, for small apartment such a device cannot be used. Solid fuel boilers mainly need separate rooms in which it can accommodate and work without harming the inhabitants of the house.

Gas boilers can be the most different sizes and have a number of additional features. Such a boiler for heating can be placed in a small bedside table even in the smallest apartment. The gas boiler can be for one circuit or two. So the device for one circuit will be used only for space heating, the device for two circuits can not only heat the room, but also serve as a means for heating water.

Electric boilers according to the type of gas, they can work on one circuit or on two. But you need to pay attention to the amount of costs. The good thing about using electrical equipment is that there are no emissions.

Power selection

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The power of the boiler itself must be chosen, starting from the size of the room. There are a number of mathematical calculations in which you can accurately determine the power required for your premises. To accurately calculate the required power, one must take into account only the area itself, but also pay attention to the height of the ceilings.

If the ceilings are too high, the power of the equipment for high-quality heating should be greater.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the magnitude of the heat loss of the room itself. This indicator is measured depending on the insulation of the room. Thus, a well-insulated room for heating can use much less money and the required boiler power can be sufficient up to 70 W/m2.

The second point that you should pay attention to when choosing a double-circuit apparatus is the power when heating water. When heating water, you need a unit with a capacity of 24 W / m2. Gas boilers with such power are among the most popular of all types of domestic production.

Choice of equipment: single circuit or double circuit

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The choice of a heating boiler depends on the needs that you need to satisfy. If the supply of warm water to the room is not possible, or if such supplies do not suit you, then when installing the heater, it is recommended to pay attention to double-circuit gas boilers.

Russian wall-mounted gas heating boilers are often used in apartments. Such devices have good power and can work efficiently in small rooms, in addition, they do not require separate rooms for their installation and are completely safe for residents of the house.

Wall-mounted double-circuit gas boilers of domestic production include a reliable water heating system for space heating, and also have a built-in boiler that can heat water for heating without additional external devices. home use. The advantage of double-circuit boilers of domestic production is that they are compact enough for small spaces, which is very convenient for use in the apartment.

Single-circuit units, both domestic and foreign, can heat water only for heating purposes.

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Varieties of boilers for the removal of combustion products

According to the methods of removing combustion products, gas boilers can be divided into:

  • Chimney.
  • Turbocharged.

Chimney gas boilers when removing combustion products use natural extracts. To install such a unit indoors, you must have a high-quality chimney in the room. As for many apartments in our country, and especially in houses that are more than twenty years old, there is no way to guarantee the high-quality removal of combustion products from the device.

Initially, such houses were not intended for the installation of individual heating devices. Thus, when using chimney boilers, there is a possibility of exhaust emissions entering the living space. Such boilers in their work use open chamber combustion, which in turn requires a large amount of oxygen in the room. Therefore, they are also not recommended to be installed in a residential area, but a separate boiler room is required.

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In this connection, Russian-made factories offer users to choose turbocharged boilers. Turbocharged units operate with a closed combustion chamber. In addition, the positive aspects in such devices are that the removal of combustion products is forced, which guarantees the high-quality removal of carbon dioxide from the living space using the built-in fan.

In most cases, such boilers for space heating require the installation of separate pipes that will be led from the room to the street. Often a coaxial pipe is used, in such a pipe there is to direct the air supply. Exhaust hot gases are discharged through the inside of the pipe.

On the inside, air is supplied to the combustion chamber. A positive point when installing such a device is the absence of a chimney, for them it will simply be enough to bring a large pipe through a hole in the wall to the street.

Types of boilers by installation methods

By installation methods heating appliances can be divided into:

  • Wall.
  • Floor.

Domestic gas wall-mounted boilers are very popular for small rooms and apartment buildings. The bulk of these gas boilers is divided depending on the materials from which it is made. The production of wall-mounted units is carried out using a copper heat exchanger, while in the production of floor-standing equipment, a cast-iron heat exchanger is used.

The positive aspects when using a copper heat exchanger is their weight, namely the weight of such equipment will be about thirty or forty kilograms. The light weight of such a device will allow you to place it in a small room. In addition, the power of such devices is up to 35 kW, this power is quite enough for a small apartment or even for a medium-sized house.

But there is a small minus in the production of such devices, their service lines are limited, more information on the service line is provided by the manufacturer himself. A positive point in the production of such equipment is their compactness, in such a small device a pump can fit, expansion tank, security group and more.

Floor-standing gas boilers with a cast-iron heat exchanger, despite the longer service lines, require the purchase of many additional, auxiliary elements for installation and further work. You should also pay attention to the weight and dimensions of the device.

The weight of equipment with a cast-iron heat exchanger can be up to one hundred kilograms, and some devices can exceed one hundred and fifty kilograms. Such units take up a lot of space, require installation in a separate room.

The positive point is high-quality and long-term heating.

Profitability of wall-mounted boilers of Russian production

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Among modern gas appliances, the bulk has an efficiency of eighty-nine percent to ninety-three. In addition, the problem of heat loss during heating can be solved by insulating the room itself. If the issue of saving is significant for you, then at the time of heating it is worth installing temperature sensors. Among the many Russian-made equipment, there are a number of, enough, economic options.

For example, when using a temperature sensor for gas equipment, you can set two heating modes, one of which will be aimed at heating the room when there are residents in it, and the second option is more economical, which, at the time of the absence of residents of the house, will simply maintain a certain temperature regime , and before the return of the owners will raise the temperature in the room.

Russian-made gas boilers have additional functions, using which you can set such heating modes. In addition, you can set an economical heating mode at the time of sleep. When using such modes of space heating, the savings can be about thirty percent.

Using automation in wall appliances

Safety in the production of devices such as gas boilers for space heating has great importance. When developing gas boilers high level safety can be ensured by using the self-diagnostic system. The self-diagnosis for gas boilers can independently turn off the power in such cases as a flame hit, no or insufficient waste disposal during combustion, water overheating, a change in water pressure, insufficient fuel supply or unstable power supply.

Such a security system is needed, especially for wall-mounted heating boilers, which can be placed in a residential area where people are constantly present. Such devices can be found in Russian manufacturers. In addition, Russian production allows such devices to independently resume their work after the stabilization of the situation, or you can set the settings in such a way that users will need to turn it on again. Such security systems are aimed at the complete safety of people.

New types of boilers

Recently, the production of new generation devices has begun in Russia. Such an invention was condensate wall boilers Russian production. A positive aspect in the creation of such products is a high level of efficiency. The efficiency level of Russian-made wall-mounted gas units can be one hundred and ten percent.

They are made of stainless steel, can work for a long time. Compared to conventional gas boilers, their service lines have doubled or even tripled. This result was achieved through the use of high-quality stainless steel. Stainless steel wall-mounted gas boilers, with their compact dimensions and low weight, can provide the user with operating power up to 100 kW.

There is only one drawback in the production of such wall-mounted gas boilers; it is necessary to remove processed products from such a device for heating into the sewer.

Choice between domestic and foreign manufacturer

If you have decided on the basic requirements for a wall gas boiler for space heating, the next step is the choice of the manufacturer. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the cost of a foreign-made product. The bulk of foreign-made equipment was created using a large number of electronic devices. The negative point of such a manufacture is its after-sales service.

So, for example, if a malfunction occurs, you will need to call the wizard to remove the problem.

Wall-mounted gas boilers that are designed for heating foreign-made premises require constant diagnostics and programming. Thus, for the maintenance of such a product, it is always necessary to have a master who can come and fix the problem at any time.

Foreign-made wall-mounted gas boilers are not adapted for heating our premises and for the domestic gas supply system. In connection with this, it makes no sense to buy equipment in Russia, which will be much more expensive and rather capricious. Therefore, many experts recommend buying domestic gas appliances for use in Russia by Russian manufacturers.

When choosing Russian-made gas boilers, you can get full advice throughout Russia, find good master, who can not only install your device, but also carry out further maintenance and such a gas appliance can last much longer. In addition, wall-mounted gas appliances in Russia are in greater demand than abroad, and therefore much more attention is paid to their development. Such units are adapted for heating homes and apartments in Russia.

If you opted for a foreign-made product, then you should take into account the permanent problems with the supply of gas and electrics that exist in Russia. Therefore, you should pay attention to wall-mounted gas units, which, after power-up, can resume their work on their own, such are wall-mounted gas boilers for heating Russian-made premises.

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Gas boiler manufacturers

In Russia, there are many manufacturers who make high-quality wall and floor gas appliances for space heating of any power.

Among them:

  • OJSC Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant;
  • ZAO Rostovgazapparat;
  • OOO Zavod Konord;
  • JSC "BMZ-Vikma";
  • JSC "Borisoglebsk boiler-mechanical plant";
  • OAO SEZ "Energochast";
  • JSC "Krasny Kotelshchik";
  • OJSC "Borinskoye";
  • JSC "Neva Lux"

These manufacturers have won many wonderful awards, which they received not only in Russia, but also outside the country. Such units can have many functions, while they have good power, long service life and are not demanding in operation. These manufacturers are among the best in the manufacture of wall and floor gas appliances for heating apartments and houses.

Producer "Neva Lux"

One of these manufacturers is OJSC Neva Lux. The manufacturer offers big choice wall-mounted gas boilers for heating any premises, these gas appliances can be used both for heating small rooms of houses or apartments, but also in production for heating work spaces.

In addition to high-quality production, the company also offers to inspect the premises by engineers who are ready to select the most suitable wall-mounted gas boiler for home heating for the user. Then the company carries out the installation of the gas unit and further maintenance. Providing engineering advice enables the user to choose the best suitable option, which will be able to conduct high-quality space heating and lead to the lowest possible costs.

For construction companies and co-owners of apartment buildings, as well as new buildings, it is proposed to organize the installation of a heating system per apartment using wall-mounted gas boilers.

The Neva Lux company is one of the most famous in Russia and produces the highest quality wall-mounted gas boilers for heating, according to consumers.

Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant

Another manufacturer of wall and floor gas boilers for space heating is the Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant. This plant has been operating for more than forty years, and during that time a lot of gas appliances have been produced that have been operating in the homes and apartments of citizens of the federation for a long time. The power of gas boilers can range from eleven kW to sixty-eight. In this connection, such a gradation allows the use of their gas boilers for heating the most different rooms.

The equipment that is produced at the Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant has good automation. Such automation allows wall-mounted gas boilers to provide the necessary level of user safety.

Devices of this manufacturer are divided into three types:

  • Economic.
  • Universal.
  • Comfort.

Thanks to this, it is possible to choose a wall-mounted gas unit for heating any room. In addition, the latest combustion systems are used and the efficiency of these devices is at least eighty-nine percent.

LLC Zavod Konord

This plant produces heating systems not only for residents of the country, but also works with foreign buyers. Wall-mounted gas boilers Conord use special technologies in the manufacture of wall-mounted gas heaters. This is achieved with the help of an enlarged magnesium anode. In addition, this technology avoids overheating. Thanks to the use of such technologies, wall-mounted gas appliances from this manufacturer are popular not only in national market but also outside the country.

OAO Krasny Kotelshchik

This is an open joint stock company, which was created on the basis of several separate plants that have been working on the production of heating systems for a long time. At the moment, this plant is one of the largest in the territory. Russian Federation.

The plant produces a lot of goods under the order of foreign partners. It has many quality marks and distinctions, and most importantly, all goods are produced on the basis of GOSTs.

The choice of heating system is very important. The first thing you need to pay attention to when making such a choice is your safety. You can achieve this by choosing a heating system that has automatic diagnostics. Also, do not forget that the output of combustion products must be carried out with high quality. After that, when choosing heating systems, do not forget that it is necessary to calculate required power. Choose the device that best suits your needs.

The heating equipment market is saturated with products of the most different quality And price category. Russian-made gas boilers successfully cope with their task and are worthy competitors to foreign counterparts. Many outdoor gas domestic heating boilers have much more low price than foreign units with the same operational characteristics. And it attracts consumers.

Quality plus functionality

Judging by the opinions of experts on gas equipment, if we evaluate the quality, durability and the possibility of trouble-free after-sales service, then all gas units can be arranged in the following hierarchical order:

  1. German and Swedish multi-fuel boilers are leading in terms of workmanship and technological innovations - with software and compact but efficient heat exchange units.
  2. In second place are Italian, Spanish, Czech, Slovak and French units, which are quite a bit short of the market leaders in terms of equipment.
  3. Third place experts assign heating boilers Russian production and Ukraine.

However, consumers do not seem to agree with this conclusion, since domestic gas boilers are the undoubted leaders in terms of sales. And the secret here is simple: they are not difficult to operate, reliable, not expensive, especially when you compare prices with European products of this line.

So, for example, if we compare two-circuit units with closed cells combustion with a capacity of 24 kilowatts: Vaillant TurboTEC Plus VUW 242/3-5 and Neva Lux 7224, the second option costs almost 2.5 times cheaper. If our consumer, who does not like to call service workers, but tries to figure everything out himself, will choose, then what will he prefer? Of course, an inexpensive analogue that produces the same power, albeit not as beautiful and not equipped with cutting-edge software.

Which domestic manufacturers are better

Among domestic manufacturers Let us consider for comparison with foreign analogues and for clarity of the quality of the model of the following enterprises:

  • Zhukovsky machine-building;
  • Rostovgazoapparat;
  • Concord (also Rostov-on-Don);

You can often see gas in stores floor standing boilers Russian-made SEZ Energozapchast, Borisoglebsky KMZ, Kirov Plant.

All of the listed manufacturers deserve attention and try to produce units of different price categories, taking into account the realities of operation of the units in the conditions of the Russian winter.

Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant

It is noteworthy that the automation for their boilers at this plant is made by themselves. This applies, for example, to the units of the main Economy series. Prices for devices may differ from dealer to dealer, but they are still not high and are available to a wide range of consumers.

The boilers are non-volatile, that is, they do not need electricity for operation, they are equipped with piezo ignition, you can choose a boiler of the required thermal power. As a coolant, ordinary water or antifreeze is suitable for them. As for the method of circulation of the coolant, it also does not play a role - you can connect the circuit with both a natural and a forced system.

They are designed to run on natural gas, but if you change the nozzles and igniter, you can also transfer to liquefied gas.

A series of boilers "Universal" is equipped with SIT automation, also with piezo ignition, there are cheaper and more expensive models, depending on the power capabilities.

Mertik Maxitrol automation is built into the Comfort units. The spread in prices for boilers of this series is explained by the fork of thermal power - from 1.6 to 63 kilowatts. They don't need electricity. Boilers that produce a heat output of up to 29 kilowatts can be adapted for liquefied gas.

It is very convenient for the consumer to have detailed and clear instructions for the operation of boilers, which accompany all models of the plant.

What Rostovgazoapparat offers

This is the oldest factory for the production of gas-fired heating boilers.

and among domestic producers are distinguished by the fact that they are most boiler market.

Boilers are produced under several brands:

  • Siberia. It has an Italian SIT control unit. Power characteristics range from 11.6 to 35 kW.
  • RGA. Same automation. Power up to 17.4 kW.
  • AOG. They have automatic equipment of their own production. Power 11.6 - 35 kW.

What does the Rostov plant Conord produce

A Russian gas boiler with a cast-iron heat exchanger can be bought under the Conord brand.

The power of steel units is from 8 to 31.5 kilowatts, cast iron - 16.25.33 kilowatts.

They have constantly burning igniters with piezo ignition, boilers do not need electricity. The units are not expensive, slightly different in price towards increasing equipment with a cast-iron heat exchanger.

The units have naturally aspirated atmospheric burners. The plant has extensive experience in the development of gas heating equipment and consumer requests have been carefully studied. The manufacturer positions the performance of its units at gas pressure in the main pipeline less than half of the nominal. And this, as a rule, is the prerogative of boilers with a pressurized system.


Considered, of course, not all products of Russian manufacturers. However, from the above, we can draw conclusions.

For heating a private house, the Russian gas boiler is quite suitable in all respects, although it cannot boast of a level of service like that of German and Swedish branded units.

However, our boilers are made to last, look solid and work out their price. If the design, which was inherited from the last century, was slightly corrected, it would be very good.
