How to make a warm floor from stove heating. How to make heating in the bath in winter - options for effective heating systems. Heating system installation

The properties of warm air are such that it rises, so it can be hot in the bath, but the floor will remain cold.

Such differences are uncomfortable for many people, so you can make a floor heating system, which is widespread today.

It is easier and more expedient to make a warm floor in a bathhouse from a stove than to use electric floors. After studying the material of the article, it will be possible to find out the features of the system and installation methods.

General information about the system

The water in the pipes of the water circuit will be heated from the stove

For a warm floor in a bath, the installation of a boiler will not be required, since the heating will take place from the stove. To do this, a heat exchanger from a metal tank should be made above the firebox.

From it it will be possible to lay water heating on the floor in those rooms where it is necessary. Additionally, you will need to install a pump to circulate water in the pipes.

Since it will not be possible to install a volumetric heat exchanger in the furnace, an additional accumulator tank should be placed near it and connected to the heat exchanger using steel pipes. To reduce heat loss, insulation is laid on the floor, which can properly reflect it and the rooms will have the required temperature.

The main problem with a water heated floor from a stove is the inability to adjust the temperature. For heating, it is recommended to heat the floor up to 40 degrees, but in the bath the water heats up more and you will need to additionally install a mixing unit.

To protect the floor itself from moisture, a standard cement-sand screed is used, and tiles are used as flooring.

Before installing the system, you need to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons, which are shown in the table:

Advantages Flaws
1 No electromagnetic radiation unlike the electrical system. In winter, it is necessary to drain the water so that the pipes do not break from frozen water or the stove must be constantly heated. The best option is to change the water to antifreeze.
2 Ecological cleanliness and harmlessness to health. A lot of heat is required to heat the battery tank, making the stove less efficient for its primary purpose.
3 Comfortable conditions are maintained in the bath, the floor remains warm. To heat floors in several rooms, a large coolant should be installed, which will increase the warm-up time.
4 Profitability.

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Underfloor heating can be made using several types of materials and devices, which are presented in the table:

Name Advantages Flaws
Concrete screed is ideal for a bath. Filling is simple and does not require special skills. It saves money on building materials, and due to cement, the floor will be resistant to moisture. It will be possible to use the floor a month after pouring, and if the pipe is damaged, you will have to remove the entire screed to be able to determine the place of the leak.
Polystyrene boards are easy to use. Each plate already has a layer of foil to reflect heat, and they are also equipped with places for fixing pipes. It is necessary to carry out additional pouring of the screed.
Heating pipes in wooden floor. High maintainability. Accurate calculations are needed to determine the laying of the pipeline.

For thermal insulation of the system, you can use any thermal material: mineral wool, expanded clay, polystyrene and other types.

Device and preparation of the floor

A concrete screed is poured over the laid materials and pipes

The warm floor in the bath from the stove according to the scheme is made of the following layers:

  1. A layer of waterproofing that will protect the floor covering from the collection of condensate.
  2. The heat-insulating layer will allow you to save the heat that can pass through the floors.
  3. A reinforcing mesh is laid to protect the insulation.
  4. A layer of reflective materials with foil that will reflect warmth into the room.
  5. The pipeline, which is laid in the form of a spiral, for uniform heating of the area.
  6. Screed for leveling the surface with a small inclination to the drain.
  7. Laying the final floor covering.

If the floor will be laid on open ground, then a pillow of gravel and sand should be poured in front of the waterproofing layer, and a layer of expanded clay should be laid. Expanded clay will additionally perform a heat-insulating function.

Before any work preparation is necessary. For the floor that will be heated from the stove, you should prepare the base and make a drain. The work is done as follows:

  1. It is necessary to remove the soil between the foundation, under the washing room and tamp the surface. In the wall, you will need to first lay a pipe to drain the water into the sewer.
  2. A backfill is made of sand and gravel 15-20 cm high, after which the pillow is rammed.
  3. The base is insulated with expanded clay. The layer of material is 15-20 cm depending on the climate.

When preparing the surface, you need to remember about the slope for the drain.

Step by step installation instructions

Heating the floor in the bath due to the heat of the stove is a profitable step

The arrangement of houses with underfloor heating systems, as a rule, allows us to heat the rooms of our apartments. But hidden heating units can also be used to create maximum comfort in places like steam rooms, saunas and baths. And how to make a warm floor in the bath from the stove, the scheme in which plays an unimportant role, you will learn from our article.

System features

Due to the fact that not a boiler, but a furnace will be used as a heating installation, from above, above the furnace, a heat exchanger should be arranged. As a rule, for these purposes, the most common tank made of stainless steel or any other metal is used, which is not prone to corrosion upon contact with moisture. You can also take the register from the pipes. There is no fundamental difference in this. From the heat exchanger installed above the furnace for underfloor heating, pipelines are laid to those rooms where this is necessary.

In order for the “waste” coolant to be able to return to the exchanger again, a small circulation pump unit will also be required. Without it, the design will be able to fully function, provided that the oven is located below the level of the floor surface. In addition, pipes of a non-standard diametrical size for such heating blocks will also be required. So, for the device of a hidden heating block, which will be powered from the furnace, you need to purchase pipes Ø24 mm, while when laying the pipeline in standard conditions, a pipe Ø16 mm is used.

Organization Chart

The main feature of the stove floor heating system is the impossibility of adjusting the temperature regime.

The recommended temperature of the structure under such conditions is 40 ° C, while the furnace will supply practically boiling water to the main, which is not acceptable for the coolant. Therefore, in such cases, it is desirable to equip the system with a mixing unit, through which the hot water from the furnace and the cooled source from the "return" will be mixed.

Since it is not possible to install a large heat exchanger in the furnace, an accumulator tank should be installed near it, which is connected to the heat exchanger by means of steel pipes.

Warm floors in the bath is desirable to do in all rooms

Design pros and cons

Before answering the question of how to make water heating from a stove, let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of such an installation.

So let's start with the positives:

  • the absence of electromagnetic radiation, as happens when arranging a room with electric floors;
  • environmental Safety;
  • the possibility of creating camphor temperature conditions in the steam room;
  • profitability (not only does the installation of electric floors cost several times more, you also have to pay considerable bills for electricity every month);
  • exclusion of the appearance of fungal infections and mold;
  • preventing the appearance of cold drafts, since the energy from the heating element will begin its smooth upward movement, evenly heating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire steam room.

As for the shortcomings, they include:

  1. The need to drain the heat source from the system in the winter season, which will prevent a pipeline rupture due to an increase in the volume of frozen water.
  2. A considerable amount of energy is expended on heating the battery tank, which causes a decrease in the efficiency of the furnace.
  3. Simultaneous heating of several rooms, for example, a steam room, dressing room, shower room, etc. large volumes of coolant are required, which significantly increases the time for its complete heating.
  4. The inability to install leaking floors in the bath room. As a rule, many baths are equipped with such systems, which makes it easier to drain excess fluid. In the case of underfloor heating, this is categorically impossible, because all the insulating and thermal insulation materials will completely get wet and will not be able to fully fulfill their purpose.

VIDEO: Kamenka stove with floor heating in the steam room

Tips for arranging floor heating blocks in the bath

To organize an efficiently operating heating unit in the steam room, it is necessary to adhere to several important recommendations that were proposed by experienced professionals working in this field of activity.

It looks like a "pie" of a water-heated floor

Concrete screed

A concrete screed base is the best option for flooring a bath room, because it allows you to significantly save on materials, but at the same time it has high moisture resistance due to the use of cement.

At the same time, it is possible to use such a floor only after the solution has completely solidified. As a rule, this can take from two to four weeks, it all depends on the conditions in the room itself. In addition, if the line is damaged, it is extremely difficult to localize the place of leakage, which requires the complete dismantling of the screed.

Polystyrene boards for thermal insulation

As a heat-insulating material, it is best to use special plates based on polystyrene. They are equipped with a reflective metallized layer and have special internal grooves for easy media stacking.

Installation of communications in a wooden floor

Installation of a sauna stove on a wooden floor and installation of a line in a wooden floor structure is also possible. But in this case, it is necessary to carry out an accurate calculation, with the help of which it will be possible to determine the locations of the holes in the logs for laying the coolant. But with regard to maintainability, such systems are much better than those that are mounted in a concrete tie-down structure.

Stages of installing a water heating floor

The efficiency of its work and, accordingly, the comfort in the bath room depends on how correctly and accurately you can assemble the water heating unit.

So, the floor heating installation in the bath looks like this:

  • the first layer is a rough screed, thanks to which it is possible to exclude possible distortions and irregularities of the decorative floor covering;
  • next comes a waterproofing sheet, which prevents the accumulation of condensate during operation of the element;
  • we lay heat-insulating material on top of the waterproofing material, which will allow us to direct all the energy into the heated room, eliminating all kinds of heat loss;
  • the fourth stage is the laying of a reinforcing mesh that protects the layer of insulating sheet;
  • next, you need to install a metallized substrate, which will reflect the energy into the room, not letting it into the wall and interfloor ceilings;
  • the sixth stage - laying the line, which is better to be laid according to the "Snail" scheme, thanks to which the heating of the surface is more uniform

  • a finishing screed is poured over the pipeline with a slight slope towards the drain hole;
  • the final touch is the laying of a decorative coating.

As you can see, floor heating from a stove is easy to arrange in a bath room. This method will allow you to save money on the purchase of a heating boiler, electricity costs. As a result, the bath will have a favorable microclimate and a comfortable floor.

VIDEO: Heated floors in the bath from a wood-burning boiler

What is a warm floor and how convenient it is today is known to everyone. Is it a bathroom or bedroom. What if you make a warm floor in the bath from the sauna stove?


Such a design exists and has long established itself from the most positive side. This does not require any additional electricity. Water acts as a heat carrier, and it is heated by ... a stove.

Pros and cons of installation

This design has the following advantages:

  • electromagnetic radiation will not have its negative impact, which is inevitable when using electrical energy;
  • this design is completely safe for the environment;
  • helps to heat the room more evenly;
  • saving resources;
  • fungus and mold do not receive a favorable environment for reproduction;
  • there is no risk of drafts, because the entire steam room is heated evenly.

Let's move on to the disadvantages:

  • the bath is not heated all the time and there is a risk of pipes freezing, which can lead to failure of the entire system, so there is a need to drain water from it every time;
  • the heat exchanger consumes a lot of energy that it takes from heating, therefore, if there is no proper power reserve, the room may take longer to heat up;
  • the volume and time of water heating will depend on how many adjacent rooms need to be heated;

Before construction

We will give some simple tips that will help you build a similar system at home with your own hands. Such a system fully justifies itself if the stove is fired with wood.

The choice of floor design

Experts recognize the concrete screed as the optimal material for the floor in the bath. The benefits are:

  • cement has high moisture resistance;
  • simplicity of the device;
  • cheap materials.


  • the breakdown can be eliminated only after complete dismantling;
  • otherwise it is impossible to localize the place of the accident.

In addition to concrete, you can use a wooden floor structure. Holes in the lags are provided in advance in order to carry out the necessary communications. This design, unlike concrete, will make it easy to carry out repairs without dismantling the entire floor.


To prevent heat loss, the design of the warm floor must be carefully insulated. For this, polystyrene plates are used. Special internal gutters will allow you to make the installation as convenient as possible, and the metallized coating will reflect heat back into the room.

Other nuances

  • Irregularities and distortions of the floor will not matter if you make a rough screed.
  • Condensate will not accumulate if a layer of waterproofing is laid.
  • All energy will be directed to the room and heat loss is maximally excluded, thanks to the thermal insulation layer.
  • Thermal insulation will be protected by a mesh for reinforcement.
  • Thermal energy will not be lost due to the metallized substrate.
  • The snail arrangement system will ensure optimal heating of the heating circuit.
  • The slope to the drain must be provided by arranging a finishing screed. Slope control is carried out using the building level.
  • Decorative coating will give the floor a finished look. Any material that is not contraindicated in the underfloor heating system can be used.

System features

Due to the heat exchanger installed above the furnace, hot water will enter the system, cool down in the process of passing through it and return already cold again to the heat exchanger. There, the sauna stove with floor heating will heat it up again and the whole process will be repeated.

A small circulation pump will help us return the chilled water back to the heat exchanger. Due to the circulating energy of the coolant, uniform heating of the room will be carried out.

You will have to lay a pipe with a diameter of at least 24 mm, which will reduce the resistance when the coolant moves. As a standard, for the system, a pipe with a diameter of 16 mm is used, but this will not work for us.

The heating system provides for the use of a coolant with a temperature not higher than +40 0 C. We will need to cool the water to the desired temperature, since almost boiling water will come out of the heat exchanger, the temperature of which impossible to regulate.

Installation scheme

Manufacturing instructions

Now let's look at how to complete each step with your own hands. It is almost similar to the design in the house, but it also has its own specifics. Step-by-step instruction:

Operating rules

Operation does not require much effort. It is enough to follow a few simple rules:

  • During winter, drain the system every time.
  • The operating pressure in the system must be constant.
  • Malfunctions in the operation of the pump and valves must be eliminated in time.


Electric and infrared heated floors can serve as a good alternative to a water-heated floor. Let's analyze them in more detail.

Electric underfloor heating

Similar in essence to water floors. The electric heating cable that replaces the heating circuit is the main distinguishing feature of these floors. All other processes proceed in the same way.

The system requires the installation of an additional machine and thorough waterproofing. On the other hand, a heating circuit gasket, a pump and a heat exchanger are not required. If in the previous case we did not have additional costs (with sufficient boiler power) for operation, then we will have to pay a lot for electricity.

There are two types of heating cable: with one core and with two.

The benefits are:

  • the floor is easy to manufacture;
  • a water circuit for heating will cost more;
  • installation of such a heating system does not take much time;
  • The thermostat allows you to easily set the desired heating temperature.

Minus: high energy consumption for heating.

Such a system can be used not only in the bath, but also for underfloor heating in the house.

Infrared heated floors

The existing bath room raises the feasibility of implementing a water-heated floor into a big question. In this case, the infrared floor comes to the rescue. It does not require the removal of the old coating. A thin film with a heater is easy to lay on any base. The device of the final screed in the bath room is also not necessary.

The most durable, safe and economical solution would be a water heated floor. This is when it comes to building from scratch. In an existing sauna, an infrared floor is the most optimal solution.

When choosing an underfloor heating system in a sauna room, you should take into account the material of the floor covering, the planned costs and the desired durability.

With an electric floor, not everything is so simple. Electricity tariffs in each region are different. Somewhere it will come in handy. This design is especially relevant in the case of using an electric heater.

In this case, additional power consumption for a warm floor will not be a problem, since you still have to provide for an additional 380V line. And its advantages can be used to the full.

Choosing which option to use is not so easy. Each of them will have its advantages in one situation and disadvantages in another. Only based on the specific situation, you can make the right choice.

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In order to maintain a comfortable temperature regime in the main rooms of the bath and provide hot water, it is important to properly organize heating in the bath from a stove located in the steam room, or use alternative sources. At the same time, each owner of the bath will be able to make an autonomous heating system on his own, without involving third-party help.

The need for additional heating

The classic option for heating a steam room for bath procedures is a brick or metal heater. At the same time, additional equipment is used to maintain the set air heating temperature both in the steam room and in other rooms.

It is impossible to provide fast and uniform heating of the dressing room and rest room from the sauna stove.

And if in the summer this does not cause problems, then in the winter a similar situation can lead to a decrease in comfort when organizing a bathhouse holiday. In this case, all the heat produced will be accumulated in the steam room, and other rooms of the bath will remain unheated.

Installation of additional heating equipment will ensure the maintenance of a comfortable temperature necessary for a long stay in the dressing room.

Heating stove-heater

For small-sized baths, the traditional heating option remains the current option. In this case, it is enough to purchase or manufacture a heating unit of the required power.

The calculation of the power of the equipment is determined by the formula: 1 kW of power per 1 sq. m of premises. To ensure a comfortable stay of visitors in the steam room, an additional reserve of thermal power from 35 to 55% is taken into account.

The popularity of the heating heater is due to the following advantages:

  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • availability of operation;
  • using available fuels.

Giving preference to the sauna stove, do not forget about some of the disadvantages of the device:

  • impressive dimensions and weight;
  • inability to automate the process of space heating;
  • high fire hazard;
  • formation of fuel combustion products.

Modern heaters run on wood, electricity, liquid and gaseous fuels. The choice of a suitable option depends on the financial capabilities and technical capabilities of the equipment.

To ensure efficient heating of the room, the heating of the bath from the stove in the steam room is done as follows: the firebox is placed in the dressing room, the heater in the steam room, and the tank with warm water in the washing department.

Heating by furnaces with heat exchangers

At the design stage of heating equipment with a heat exchanger, the following data are taken into account:

  • the dimensions of the building and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises;
  • design features of the furnace;
  • weight of heating equipment;
  • number of heat exchangers;
  • coolant volume;
  • length and diameter of the chimney.

The following options for connecting heating equipment using pipes are possible:

  • to the expansion tank for hot water supply in the washing compartment;
  • to heating radiators installed in functional rooms;
  • to hot water supply and water heating system in the main premises of the bathhouse and residential building.

Heating furnaces are equipped with internal and external heat exchangers. The inner element is located in the furnace, the outer element is located around the chimney.

Electric heating system

Electric heating is the simplest and most affordable option for organizing an autonomous bath heating system. When organizing it, it is worth considering the electrical wiring diagram, the total load on the network and the cross-section of wires for high-quality installation work.

The electric heating system provides for the use of the following types of equipment:

  • electric stove-heater;
  • electric convectors;
  • infrared film;
  • electrical heating cables.

Modern electric boilers of low power are equipped with automation capable of maintaining a given temperature regime in bath rooms. To heat the bath, it is allowed to use induction, electrode and stepped boilers with heating elements.

The electric heater for a bath can be used as the main and additional source of heating. If possible, it is most convenient to use electric convectors. As in the case of boilers, convectors are equipped with thermostats to maintain the optimum temperature in automatic mode.

The electrical system can be operated all year round without the need for preparation and storage of fuel material. A significant drawback is the high consumption of electricity.

Gas heating system

When connected to a gas main, heating a bath with gas is the fastest and most efficient version of the system.

The system has two implementation options:

  • traditional heater equipped with a gas burner;
  • gas boiler with installation of heating radiators and water pipes.

The undoubted advantage of such heating is the absence of unpleasant odors, the formation of soot and soot. At the same time, gas equipment has a compact body, low weight and does not require much space during installation. The power of a standard boiler reaches 45 kW, which is enough to heat a room up to 280 square meters. m.

Water heating system

A practical and affordable way to organize bath heating in winter is to install a water system.

Water is used as a heat carrier, gas, electricity, liquid and solid fuels are used as fuel, a furnace or boiler is used as heating equipment.

Water heating provides for fast and uniform heating of bath rooms with the ability to automatically maintain the set temperature.

There are the following options for arranging water heating:

  1. Radiator heating. Provides for laying pipes along the walls, to which water radiators or convectors of the appropriate size and power are connected. Hot coolant from the boiler moves inside the system, providing space heating.
  2. Floor heating. Its principle of operation is similar to that in the previous version. The only difference is that the installation of pipes is carried out in a concrete base after its preliminary insulation and waterproofing. This design is of a non-separable type, therefore, it requires compliance with the installation technology.

Underfloor heating system

Modern floor heating systems are represented by electric and water. Water floors are an economical and affordable way to heat rooms, requiring high-quality installation, since it is quite difficult to repair such a system.

To heat a rest room, dressing room or washing room, it is enough to install underfloor heating. All work can be done by hand. To do this, it is necessary to select pipes of a suitable diameter, calculate the operating resistance of the heating circuit and the required pump power, taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Underfloor heating can be combined with radiator, electric and air heating.

Heating system from a heating main

A private bath can be directly connected to the central heating main. To organize a similar option for heating the bath, you will need to install an additional circuit.

The connection of the circuit to the heating main is carried out in accordance with the design documentation and permits obtained from the relevant authorities.

The choice of such an option is fraught with some difficulties:

  • the likelihood of accumulation of groundwater in places where pipes are laid;
  • the need for additional insulation of the heating main;
  • the need for professional installers.

Alternative and mixed heating options

Alternative options for heating the bath are becoming in demand. These include the following types of equipment:

  • heaters - ceramic and infrared;
  • boilers - pyrolysis, pellet, diesel, long burning;
  • baseboard and ceiling heaters.

In cases where the bath is rarely used, a good option is to equip a mixed heating system: a wood-burning stove combined with electric heating; pellet boiler with electric convectors. One type of equipment provides space heating for bathing procedures, the other - hot water supply and additional heating.

Combined bath and house heating system

If the residential building is connected to a central heating system, it is recommended to install auxiliary equipment for heating the bath.

Thus, the heating main from the house to the bathhouse is a practical and economical way of heating residential and functional premises.

In this case, the connection of the bath to the heating system from the house is carried out through insulated pipes laid underground. In the bath, they are connected to heating radiators or convectors installed in all functional rooms. A sauna stove is used to heat the steam room and the washing department.

With a small distance from the heating equipment installed in the house to the bath room, heat losses in such a system are insignificant.

In this case, the heating main of a residential building can be used for additional heating of the bath, helping to maintain a comfortable temperature regime in the winter. This will eliminate the possible freezing of sewer, water pipes and buildings.

The choice of a suitable heating system depends on the design features of the bath and the financial capabilities of the owner.

Some owners prefer traditional electric or wood-burning heaters, which provide gentle and even heating of the premises. Others choose combined systems or advanced heating technologies.

But if you know how to make heating in the bath, following the rules and recommendations, the operation of the building is possible throughout the year under any climatic conditions.

There are many options for how to make a warm floor in the bath. Thanks to the variety, everyone is able to find exactly the option that best fits into a particular situation.

For example, you can install underfloor heating in the bath from the stove, or, alternatively, use electrical counterparts. Each option has its own characteristics, both in terms of characteristics and in terms of installation work.

This article will consider the most popular types of underfloor heating:

  • water;
  • cable;
  • infrared.

The issues of warming wooden floors in a bath or sauna will also be touched upon.

The question of whether such a heating system is necessary for a room where the temperature will already be high seems superfluous. Before you wonder how to properly make a warm floor in a bath, you need to understand what advantages it gives:

  1. Extends the service life. Since the steam room is a place of high humidity, the risk that wooden surfaces under its influence will begin to rot or develop a fungus is great. Dry and hot air flow from the floor solves the problem of dampness by regularly drying the room.
  2. No drafts. Like any building, a bathhouse can be blown by the wind. To ensure that the air does not walk around the room and does not provoke a cold among visitors to the steam room, an infrared warm floor in the bath will be especially useful.
  3. Extra comfort. Stepping on tiles or wood at a temperature that is pleasant for the human body is something that is often lacking in baths. Especially when it comes to separate buildings outside the walls of the house.
  4. Maintaining the bath in good condition.

Regular heating with the help of the floors will save the steam room from premature destruction, and it is not at all necessary to use the stove.

All of the above must be taken into account, however, it is necessary to indicate the features of such a heating system:

  1. Price. Even the most budget solutions will require significant costs.
  2. Installation features. Each type of underfloor heating has its own characteristic requirements and moments. If you ignore them, then there is a risk of failure of the entire system.
  3. Repair. Replacing or repairing any part of the system is difficult. So, in the vast majority of cases, the need for repair means the mandatory removal of the upper floor covering and screed.

In addition, some types may require communications, as well as significantly increase the cost of utilities.

Bath: preparation before installing underfloor heating

As a rule, wood is widely used in baths as a floor covering. This is due to the fact that it has a lower thermal conductivity and the temperature of the floors in such cases remains comfortable.

Often you can also find tiles: then a concrete screed is used as a base, which cools the tiles cool.

In order to insulate warm floors in the bath with your own hands, it is enough to take care of an additional layer of heat-shielding material in advance.

It can serve as:

  • felt;
  • glass wool;
  • expanded clay;
  • Styrofoam.

If we are talking about wooden floors, then the insulation is located between the lag, and on top it is covered with a layer of waterproofing. The role of the latter is often played by a special waterproofing film. Before laying all of the above, it is also necessary to make a vapor barrier layer using:

  • ruberoid;
  • glassine;
  • special film with a minimum thickness of 0.2 mm.

To make the concrete floor in the bath warm, the insulation is placed between two layers of concrete. In order to save space, the latter is made thinner than the base one.

It is important to note that the logs and other elements of the subfloor must be treated with water-repellent and antiseptic preparations.

Underfloor heating: a brief overview of the types

Today, the warm floor in the rest room of the bath is a common occurrence that has already become an integral part of comfort. Especially when it comes to tiles, not wood.

To ensure surface heating, the following types of floors can be used:

  • water;
  • electrical cable;
  • infrared;
  • air.

At the first stage, the choice should be guided by the financial situation and the requirements of the sexes themselves:

  1. Water. A perfectly flat surface is required. You will have to buy additional equipment to control the temperature. Quite an expensive view, albeit self-sustaining.
  2. Cable. They consume a lot of energy, so you should make sure that the current wiring can handle the voltage. Cheaper than water.
  3. infrared. They do not have any specific requirements. Accessible.
  4. Air. Very expensive to install.

More details about all types, except for air, which is too expensive, later in the article.

Water heated floors: features and installation work

Before you make a warm water floor in the bath, you must:

  • make sure the mounting surface is level;
  • think over the way of laying pipes;
  • select pipe material.

At its core, such a floor is an analogue of a conventional heating system, only sewn into the floor: a heat transfer fluid moves through the pipes, which is heated by a boiler or stove.

Water often acts as a coolant, but if the bath is not heated additionally, then it makes sense to use antifreeze. This will avoid freezing of the liquid inside the pipes and, accordingly, the risk of their rupture.

A warm water floor in a bath has the following advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • profitability;
  • ensuring gradual natural heating;
  • no electromagnetic radiation.

It is important to remember that it is rather problematic to make a water-heated floor in a bathhouse with your own hands, since this is a multi-stage process that requires utmost attention. The slightest mistake can lead to incorrect operation of the system.

In particular, the pattern according to which the pipes are laid is carefully selected:

  • snail;
  • snake;
  • double snake.

The distribution of heat also depends on which scheme of the water floor in the bath will be chosen. For a bath, a snail is preferable, since it is it that provides uniform heating of the surface, while a snake cannot give this: gradually cooling down along the way, the heat transfer fluid may not heat some parts of the floor.

Most often, in order to heat warm floors in a bath from heating, the system is connected to a classic heating circuit, which means to a boiler, but the bath allows you to replace it with a stove.

This is appropriate if the steam room itself is a separate building.

In order to organize a water-heated floor in a bathhouse from a stove, it is necessary to install a metal tank above it - it is in it that the water for the entire system will be heated.

There is an option for the location of the tank and below the floor level, however, in both cases there is a need for a pump: it will ensure the correct circulation of fluid in the pipes. Heating the floor in the bath from the stove is a somewhat long process, so a separate wood-fired boiler is often used. Regardless of the method of heating water, the procedure for installing the floors themselves does not change:

  1. Surface leveling. The base on which the pipes will run must be flat. If we are talking about logs and wooden floors, then special openings for pipes are made in the necessary places.
  2. Thermal insulation. To increase the efficiency of heat transfer, a layer of heat-insulating material is placed under the system.
  3. Installing the mounting surface. Most often, this role is played by a special heat-insulating mat with bosses, between which a flexible pipe is laid. However, the fastening can also be carried out by other suitable means.
  4. Pipe laying. It is important to bear in mind that there should not be sharp turns in the turns.
  5. Connecting and checking the system. This step checks to see if there are any leaks.
  6. Screed and laying flooring.

In this case, it is important to ensure that there is no bias. The pump will cope with the water supply, however, the excess pressure created can quickly disable the entire system. Such a warm floor in the bath under the tile and under the wooden floor is suitable. The system will equally cope with heating.

Electric cable floor: characteristics and installation method

This heating system is based on a heating cable. The device of warm electric floors in the bath is completely safe, since there will be no direct contact with moisture.

The cable itself can be:

  1. Single core. It has more electromagnetic radiation, both ends of it must be fixed on a thermostat.
  2. Two-core. Less electromagnetic radiation, the second end is not attached to the thermostat.

In general, it is almost impossible for an ordinary person to notice the difference in the work of these two types.

Before you make an electric floor in the bath, you need to decide on the installation scheme. Since there is no heat loss along the entire length of the cable, a snake is most often used - it is easier to lay it.

It is important to note that during installation, not only the standard 5 cm from the wall and 10 cm from other heat sources should be observed, but also the step between the turns. Each manufacturer has its own requirements for this. You can see the specific numbers on the packaging.

The installation procedure itself is simple. A special mesh is often used as the basis for fastening, but you can get by with adhesive tape. Following all the rules, the cable is laid over the entire required floor area.

It is important to remember that it is better to avoid placing the cable in the area where the furniture will be placed.

If you follow all the steps step by step, you can install the electric heated floor in the bath with your own hands. However, to connect it, it is recommended to use the services of professionals.

The undoubted advantages of such a system include:

  • full temperature control;
  • the ability to heat the bath at any time;
  • fast floor heating.

However, it must be recalled that such a warm floor consumes a lot of electricity. For this reason, it is unlikely to be suitable if the bath is planned to be used very often.

Infrared floor: what you need to know about it

It is easiest to make the most heated floor in the bath when it comes to infrared floors. Initially, this view was developed so that it could be easily mounted in any conditions. Such a floor is also called a film floor: special heat-conducting inserts are located inside the transparent material.

The advantages of such a system include:

  • affordable cost;
  • simple installation;
  • precise temperature control;
  • if one plate fails, the others will continue to work.

Do-it-yourself installation of underfloor heating in a bath must begin with thermal insulation. In principle, this type of underfloor heating can be laid on any surface, since there are no requirements for this.

The rolls are rolled out over the entire area of ​​​​the room, after which they are connected to the thermostat and to the general power supply.

You can make heated floors in the bath in a day, which is also a nice feature of this electric heating system.

On top of the film is directly flooring. The device of a warm floor in a bath under a tile or a tree is possible to the same extent, although the tile is preferable - it conducts heat better.

Heated floors in the bath: what else should be mentioned

One of the integral parts of the steam room is the drain. Most often, it is the warm floor in the bath with a drain that poses the greatest problem, since the combination of these underground systems is sometimes quite problematic.

This is especially true for water floors, which do not tolerate slopes. The latter are necessary for the correct functioning of the drains. So how to be?

In the case of electric or infrared floors, everything is simple, since they are not susceptible to slopes, and it is also easy to organize the space for the entrance of the drain pipe: it is enough to ensure the isolation of such systems from each other. A warm floor in a sink in a bath can be easily organized even if a water type of heating system is used.

Pipes are laid on a flat base, preparatory work is being carried out to bring drain water into the tank (that is, a pipe is placed). After that, the surface is poured with a screed and a slight slope is made. Of course, the uniformity of heat distribution will be slightly disturbed, however, taking into account the angle of inclination, the losses will be insignificant.

Summing up all of the above, it should be said that choosing the right warm floor in the bath is an important step. How long it lasts depends on how much you have to spend on its maintenance and whether such a heating method will even pay for itself.

From the point of view of economy, water and infrared floors are most preferable, since they consume little, and their efficiency is no worse than that of cable ones. In terms of cost, film floors are the undisputed leader, since if you calculate all the costs of preparatory work, they require the least investment.
