Cribs for newborns: rating of the best manufacturers, transformers. Cribs for newborns: rating of the best manufacturers, transformers Russian cribs for newborns

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated in choosing a crib, because this piece of furniture is quite simple in its functional features. However, on the market today there is an overabundance of models of terrible quality, which already in the store lose their marketable condition, fall apart, creak and peel. Knowledge will help make your choice easier the best manufacturers cots for Russian market and abroad.

Top 10 crib manufacturers

Among the large number of crib manufacturers, there are some that are especially loved by customers. The quality of their products has been repeatedly tested by young parents; such cribs are safe for babies and easy to use.

1. Gandylyan. Cribs from Stavropol nursery furniture factory Gandylyan are considered one of the best in Russia. They are distinguished by the high quality of the materials used, long service life and unique design. Most cribs are made from solid beech. Finished goods processed with high-quality and safe paints and varnishes made in Europe. Currently, the “Monica”, “Lyudmila” and “Vanechka” models are especially popular.

2. Red Star (Mozhga). Red Star is a factory with more than 85 years of history, located in the city of Mozhga, Udmurt Republic. The factory also specializes in the production of children's furniture mainly from birch, as well as in the production of educational toys from wood. Mozhga cribs are very easy to use; many of them are equipped with removable slats and silicone pads. Some of the most popular models are “Regina S-600”, “Irina” and “Agatha”.

3. Mozhginsky timber processing plant. The Mozhginsky Timber Plant factory produces the most various furniture made from natural wood. Very often, the furniture manufacturer Mozhginsky Timber Plant is confused with the Krasnaya Zvezda factory mentioned above. In fact, these are completely different companies. Children's furniture from Mozhginsky Timber Plant is also environmentally friendly, safe for children and durable. Popular models: “Alice”, “Elena” and “Piccolo”.

4. Papaloni. Despite the name with a hint of Italy, Papaloni is a Russian manufacturer of children's furniture. Only the design is Italian. Papaloni cribs are beautiful, modern and relatively inexpensive. Papaloni Giovanni and Papaloni Vinny are one of the most popular models on the Russian market.

5. Giovanni. English brand manufacturer of children's furniture with production in China. Many buyers note amazing design Giovanni models, especially Giovanni Belcanto Lux, Giovanny Fresco and Giovanni Magico.

6. Bambolina. The Italian brand Bambolina specializes mainly in the production of cribs and other premium children's furniture. One look at these cribs is enough to understand that they belong to the premium segment. The design is simply unique, excellent quality, elegance of lines. The only drawback of Bambolina cribs is their high cost. Some models: Bambolina Principessa Classic, Bambolina Tesoro and Bambolina Divina.

7. Micuna. The Spanish company Micuna produces a wide variety of products for newborns, including the production of cribs. Micuna cribs are successfully sold all over the world. The factory was founded back in 1973 in the Spanish city of Silla, and since then they have been improving the technology for making cribs from natural wood. Micuna cribs are functional, safe and made from beech and birch. Wood is treated with water-based varnishes and paints. Popular models: Sweet Bear, Dolce Luce Relax Plus, Sweet Love, etc.

8. Leander. Leander cribs are cribs from the premium segment. They are very beautiful, unique and made in Denmark. These beds will appeal to aesthetes and connoisseurs of unique things. Leander transformable beds are sure to attract attention.

9. Antel. Looking for budget option You can turn your attention to Antel cribs. The main advantage of models from this manufacturer is the low cost of cribs. Many users complain about the quality of assembly and processing of materials.

10. Fairy. In most children's stores you can find a wide selection of Fairy cribs. There are also rocking beds and transformable beds. As with Antel, Fairy cribs are a budget option.


Both among European cribs and Russian production you can find high-quality specimens that meet all your requirements. When choosing a crib, you should pay attention to the quality of its assembly, the material from which it is made, the overall reliability and convenience of the design. Expensive premium cribs are not always more comfortable and safer for a child, and his comfort and safety should always come first when choosing this piece of furniture. You should not be afraid to buy used items if they are made from quality materials and are in excellent condition. Limited budget does not mean there is no choice - there is always a choice!

A crib can be called one of the most necessary things for a newborn. The importance of this furniture attribute can only be compared with a stroller. That is why the popularity of this product does not decrease at all even in times of economic crisis.

But in order to beat competitors and offer consumers a truly high-quality product, it is necessary to carefully work not only with the image, but also to offer consumers at the same time a unique, beautiful, sought-after and quite affordable item. You should not immediately focus on luxury goods.

It is better to let customers feel the quality of budget cribs, and then deal with more expensive products. A carefully developed business plan will be an indispensable tool.

Renting premises.

Choosing premises for a business in this area is quite a difficult matter. Since a suitable room can be based on many factors. This is the completeness of the production cycle, equipment capacity, production volumes and many other significant nuances.

For example, the technical process of making furniture includes many aspects: preparation and processing of raw materials, finishing, packaging, assembly. But you can receive already processed products to the plant and engage exclusively in assembling individual parts. But if the goal is production full cycle, then it is necessary to rent a larger area. If you build a business based on the second option, then you should think about the size of the premises from 100 to 200 m2.

It is necessary to choose exceptionally clean, well-ventilated and dry rooms. After all, the work cycle involves raw materials such as wood, and therefore it is important to adhere to certain parameters temperature regime and relative air humidity. You can choose premises either in an industrial area or outside the city.

It is also important to remember two important points. This means that the room must be equipped with electricity certain power and it is also worth considering the point that cribs are classified as large-sized furniture. Therefore, it is important to take into account the fact that for its transportation it is necessary to use large-sized equipment, which requires spacious and large passages. The cost of renting a room can be from $300.


The modern market represents a wide range of various equipment for furniture making.

The main and auxiliary units for the manufacture of cribs are the following:

1. Cutting center -8 thousand $;

2. Jointer - $3 thousand;

3. Edging machine - $4.5 thousand;

4. High power screwdriver - $2.5 thousand;

5. Drill - $2.2 thousand;

6. Jigsaw - $1.7 thousand;

7. Industrial hair dryer - $1.1 thousand;

8. Glue guns - $1.5 thousand;

9. Sheathing tool - $2 thousand.

The total cost of the equipment is $26 thousand.

But this option is considered using the example of purchasing ready-made wooden panels for cutting and designing cribs.


For quality work It is necessary to select not only professional, but also sufficiently trained personnel. A small business will need about 15 people. For the average - at least 60. It all depends on the planned scale of production. The entire staff of workers can be divided into workers according to the following specializations: welders, carpenters, painters, fabricators. In addition, there is a need for security guards, loaders and storekeepers. Also, do not forget about people who can perform the administrative part of the work. This is an accountant, manager, agent, manager. average salary workers will be about $300. Therefore, it is necessary to expect at least $4 thousand to pay for the labor of all working personnel.

Raw materials.

For the manufacture of cribs, it is necessary to use only a wide variety of tree species. Natural wood is the priority for making furniture for young children. Choose oak, birch, pine, spruce and other common tree species. Also, paints and other materials must be used as raw materials. Will be required Additional materials in the form of fasteners and other elements. You should not skimp on raw materials; it is better to offer high-quality products, but use more affordable wood. The cost of raw materials for cribs is about $6 thousand.

Due to the high competition in this industry, it is necessary to be able to competently promote your own business. The most successful experience in promoting such a business is participation in fairs and exhibitions. This is where you can find the most successful, large and permanent sales points. But to achieve maximum success, you should focus not only on promotional products.

You should also not forget about special cooperation programs for clients. By offering high quality products and loyal terms for cooperation, in return you can get a profitable client for long-term cooperation. Also, do not forget about the Internet, where you must have your own website. Advertising in magazines, newspapers, outdoor advertising, handing out leaflets will definitely attract customers. In total, you need to allocate about $350 for product advertising.

Basic costs.

The main costs include the following:

1. Rental of premises - $300;

2. Equipment - $26 thousand;

3. Raw materials and supplies - $6 thousand;

6. Additional expenses - $150.

For organization own business$37 thousand must be allocated for the production of cribs.

Profit and payback period.

Experts say that the payback of this business may occur over a period of at least 8 months. But this period is not too long, even taking into account the circumstances of high competition.

average cost cribs are $80. But simpler, budget designs costing about $45 can also be offered. As an elite version of cribs made from high-quality wood, the presence of additional functionality and a variety of colors, you can imagine products costing more than $200. If we talk about the average price for a crib, then we can produce at least 100 units per month. But more is possible.

Thus, you can achieve a net profit in six months.

Consumers and business development.

The main consumers of cribs can be both private individuals and legal entities. These are ordinary consumers and schools, kindergartens, shops, hospitals, camps, sanatoriums, boarding houses, hotels and other children's institutions. To promote your business, you can start producing other children's furniture. These are high chairs, chests of drawers, tables, chairs. You can also open your outlet or offer consumers the service of making custom furniture.

Read also:

When a newborn appears in the house, parents try not only to provide him with everything he needs, but also to surround himself with the best important things. When preparing a room, the first thing you usually choose is a crib. Despite the opinion of some experts who believe that babies should sleep with adults, most modern doctors still advise purchasing a crib for newborns.

When purchasing, it is important to choose a model that is ideal for your family. The best products have a number of advantages that others do not have. What benefits does choosing a good crib give to a newborn and his parents?

  • The baby has his own cozy corner, in which he feels comfortable and protected.
  • Peace of mind for adults. Being in another room, you know for sure that the child is safe.
  • The newborn sleeps on his own bed linen and pillow, which reduces the risk of skin dermatitis and other allergic manifestations.
  • Transformable beds allow a child to sleep in them until adolescence, which significantly saves money.
  • Additional elements (canopy, sides, etc.) make the bedroom more comfortable and can perfectly fit the crib into the interior.

The children's goods market offers a variety of models to choose from, differing in price and functionality. Its durability and even the health of the child depend on the quality of the crib. Experts advise paying attention to the materials used in production, because the baby should not breathe chemicals. Our rating will help you choose a high-quality crib for newborns that is optimal in cost and other characteristics.

The best inexpensive cribs for newborns

If family budget limited, you can consider economy class models. They may not be as functional as more expensive cribs, but this will only be an inconvenience for the parents, not the baby. Many inexpensive models, mainly from domestic producers, made of fairly high quality, equipped with wheels and a rocking mechanism, ensure safety and comfortable sleep for a newborn baby.

3 Fairy 304

The most convenient mechanism
Country Russia
Average price: 6177 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Fairy crib occupies a leading position in the ranking for a reason. It is made from solid birch - environmentally friendly and natural material. The model is also equipped with a very convenient mechanism. With the help of the "auto-wall" you can lower one side with one hand, without applying special effort. This distinguishes the model from all similar ones. If desired, parents can make a door on one side so that the baby can get in and out of the crib himself. To do this, you need to remove several removable strips. An additional plus is that there are plastic linings on the sides so that the child does not gnaw the tree or get a splinter on himself. Short women point out that the side walls are too high as a minor drawback.



  • Made in only 1 color option;
  • no drawer for storing items;
  • incorrect assembly instructions.

2 LEL (Kubanlesstroy) Buttercup AB 15.0

Best quality
Country Russia
Average price: 7770 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The “Buttercup” crib for newborns is made in classic style, will fit perfectly into any interior. Equipped with wheels and runners for swinging. Solid beech is considered a material of the highest quality and has good wear resistance. Italian paint and varnish coating not only gives a sophisticated look, but also does not harm health. The crib combines quality, comfort and all the most necessary functions. Two slats are made removable so that an older child can independently climb into and out of the crib. Judging by the reviews, parents are completely satisfied with this model.


  • height adjustment in 3 positions;
  • lowerable front wall;
  • 7 color options;
  • high quality materials.


  • no storage box;
  • the price is above average for a model with such functionality.

1 SKV-Company 12011х Berezka New

Affordable price
Country Russia
Average price: 4098 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

“Beryozka” is a classic crib that has everything you need. The design of the model will suit any interior; it also goes well with any accessories (canopy, pockets, etc.). The mechanism allows you to lower the front wall and adjust the height level. Simple and tasteful – that’s what buyers say about this model. Also in the reviews they note the high quality and durability of the product. Many people emphasize the immediate response from the manufacturer in the event of loss or breakdown of components - bolts, fasteners and other parts can be received by mail.


  • presence of wheels;
  • wide choice of colors (6);
  • 2 height positions;
  • the ability to lower the wall;
  • high-quality body made of natural wood (birch);
  • swing runners;
  • optimal price.


  • lack of storage box;
  • the ability to use the motion sickness mechanism only after removing the wheels.

The best cribs for newborns: price-quality

If the amount allocated for the purchase of a crib for a newborn is not too small, but you consider it inappropriate to spend extra money, it is worth considering optimal options in terms of price and quality ratio. Some are relatively inexpensive cribs They are not inferior in quality to expensive premium models.

3 Gandylyan Anastasia (universal pendulum)

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 12,400 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Crib with pretty simple design equipped with all the necessary functionality. It is easy to rock the baby to sleep thanks to the pendulum mechanism. For convenience, you can remove the side and front walls, then access to the baby will be provided from both sides. The crib is easy to assemble and remove some parts. There are several height positions. The crib is made of natural wood, and the box is made of chipboard, which some users consider a disadvantage. Many parents in the reviews note a high-quality pendulum - it is very easy to move, smooth, and quiet.


  • height adjustment;
  • several colors to choose from;
  • suitable for newborns and children up to 3 years old;
  • possibility of removing the backrest;
  • Convenient drawer for clothes and other items.


  • average chipboard quality;
  • complicated assembly and unclear instructions.

2 Red Star Elisey S717

Best price/quality ratio
Country Russia
Average price: 17,600 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Russian-made crib has an exquisite design that will make even the simplest interior special. Graceful curves durable material, protective linings - all this is about the Elisha model. There are two colors to choose from. Made from natural wood (birch) and treated with good paint coating. All materials are harmless to the baby's health. The longitudinal pendulum mechanism will allow you to rock your baby quickly and comfortably. Compared to models from other manufacturers, this mechanism is completely silent. The side wall lowers, but the child himself will not do this - first you need to loosen the fastening.

  • several bottom height positions;
  • presence of a large drawer;
  • removable side and front walls:
  • beautiful appearance (carving, rhinestones).
  • not detected.

1 Papaloni Giovanni

The highest quality materials
Country Russia
Average price: 14880 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The crib from the luxury line Papaloni has stylish design and the highest quality of materials used. It has a smooth, beautiful surface and silicone pads, which makes the baby’s stay in it especially comfortable. Wooden frame made in 6 colors. Pendulum mechanism – distinctive feature this model. Made from solid beech. Suitable for both newborns and older children (up to 4 years old). At the bottom there is a very spacious drawer for storing children's things.


  • 4 height positions;
  • removable wall;
  • there is a large storage box;
  • body and natural wood.


  • wears out quickly and begins to creak;
  • fragile rods;
  • incorrect assembly instructions.

The best transformable cribs for newborns

Transformable cribs are becoming increasingly popular in the children's goods market. This is due to their functionality. Such models are at the same time a cradle for newborns and a crib for older babies, a changing table and a chest of drawers, and in some cases even a table with chairs. The variety of transformers is amazing. Round or oval shapes, various colors, and all this in combination with a beautiful bed linen or, for example, a canopy, makes any room especially cozy and comfortable for both the baby and the parents. But the main advantage of such models is their compactness. Transformable beds take up minimal space in the bedroom, especially when they are used for newborns.

3 Fairy 1100

Most bright design
Country Russia
Average price: 9700 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.2

The Russian-made transforming bed is the most budget-friendly in the ranking. Convenient to use for newborns - everything you need is at hand. The model is multifunctional - equipped with a chest of drawers, a changing table and a drawer. Compact dimensions and unusual bright design make this crib ideal for any room. The manufacturer offers a variety of colors and combinations to choose from (white-blue, pink, green, wenge, etc.). About the model prevail positive reviews- many people like it good quality, spaciousness and at the same time compactness at a low cost of the product. But there is also some negativity - there are complaints that the pendulum mechanism flies out and creaks.


  • convenient design (the ability to install the chest of drawers from any side);
  • removable back;
  • several height positions;
  • motion sickness mechanism;
  • protective pads.


  • sharp edges unsafe for children;
  • incorrect operation of the pendulum mechanism.

2 SKV-Company 83003х

The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 10850 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The crib model 83003x has unusual design. It is made in Art Nouveau style and will fit perfectly into a room with modern renovation. Equipped with a comfortable chest of drawers, a large and spacious drawer for things and a changing table. The size of the sleeping place itself is standard (120x60). The transforming bed is made in both typical and creative shades (a combination of several at once). Special silicone pads protect the baby. The backrest is lowered, the bottom is fixed in several height positions. The presence of a transverse pendulum mechanism allows you to quickly and comfortably put your child to sleep without rocking him in your arms.

  • reliable mechanism for motion sickness;
  • high quality of materials used;
  • multifunctionality;
  • Excellent value for money and quality.

Among the minuses, some users in the reviews complain about not the best quality, lack of parts and fastenings upon delivery, and the inability to fully fix the pendulum mechanism. From this we can conclude that manufacturing defects are not excluded.

1 Valle Allegra

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 11,799 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A simple and comfortable transformable crib is equipped with everything necessary for newborns. The set includes a changing table and a chest of drawers with three drawers (two closed and one open). Valle Allegra is also comfortable to use due to the presence of two drawers for storage. Suitable for older children as well. It has standard size sleeping place. Despite the functionality, the presence additional places It takes up very little space for storing children's things and a changing table, so it is suitable for small rooms and small apartments. The manufacturer offers several of the most popular colors to choose from.

  • convenient pendulum mechanism for motion sickness;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • equipped with the necessary pieces of furniture (chest of drawers, drawers, changing table);
  • optimal cost.
  • made from poorly processed chipboard;
  • parts differ in color;
  • the drawers are smaller in size than the base.

The best transformable beds for newborns on wheels

Transformable beds have a number of important advantages compared to simpler models. Their functionality makes child care easier and more convenient. And the ability to adapt to the age and growth of the child allows you to significantly save on the purchase of new beds as the baby grows up. Transformers on wheels are especially comfortable cribs, because... they can be moved around the room without much effort, they can stand in any place and room. Such models are especially relevant in large houses and apartments.

3 Nuovita Nido Magia (5 in 1)

Good value for money
A country: Italy (produced in Russia)
Average price: RUB 21,357.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The transforming crib differs from its analogues by the presence of a pendulum mechanism, which makes it even more functional. The body is made of natural wood (beech). The number of color options is amazing: from bright blue to classic dark wood. Parents can choose the shade they like, which will fit perfectly into the bedroom or children's room. Transforms from a cradle for newborns into a side bed, sofa or playpen. In the reviews, users note that among models with similar characteristics, this crib is distinguished by its low cost and high quality of materials and workmanship.

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • beautiful modern shape;
  • high-quality case;
  • removable back;
  • Possibility of attachment to an adult bed;
  • good harmless enamel.
  • not detected.

2 Stokke Sleepi Mini

Best quality
Country: Norway
Average price: RUB 34,990.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Crib for newborns beautiful and modern round shape won a leading position in the ranking. Made in several colors to choose from: white, light or dark wood. Material: well processed natural wood. All components are made perfectly. The peculiarity of the model is that by adding an additional section it can be increased in length and made oval. The size is large enough - a child will be able to sleep in it until the age of seven. Then the crib can be easily disassembled into three parts, turning into a table and two semicircular chairs. Despite all the described advantages, many users believe that the price is completely overpriced.


  • wheels with brakes;
  • compact dimensions;
  • modern form and design;
  • multifunctionality;
  • there are no sharp corners;
  • Possibility to lower the backrest.


  • high price.

1 Azzurra Design Gemini (transformer)

Unique model for twins
Country: Italy
Average price: 65550 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

A comfortable transformable crib for happy parents of twins. The backs and walls are made of natural wood (beech). The crib is equipped with high-quality wheels with a stopper. Due to its large dimensions (131x131x108 cm), it is mainly suitable for fairly spacious rooms. Unlike other transformer models, this crib does not have a changing table or drawers for storing baby clothes. But with an additional set, one wide bed can be turned into two separate beds if necessary. The length of the mattress is quite large - 120 cm, so a child can sleep in this bed for up to four years. The model is not the most popular only for the reason that the birth of twins is not such a common occurrence.


  • natural wood (beech);
  • stylish appearance;
  • possibility of dividing into two beds with an additional set;
  • wheels with stopper;
  • two levels of bottom height.


  • there are no drawers for storing linen or a changing table;
  • high price.

The best premium cribs

People with above-average incomes begin to pamper their first long-awaited child from the first days of his life. For particularly discerning and wealthy buyers, we have also selected several interesting options. These are very beautiful, high-quality, but expensive cribs.

3 Bambolina Perla

Crib for little princesses, decorated with Swarovski crystals
Country: Italy
Average price: 89,900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A unique transforming crib from an Italian manufacturer is a luxury from the first days of life. At first, it serves as a cozy cradle, and when the child grows a little, it transforms into a comfortable bed. The oval shape without sharp corners and the soft eco-leather coating make it absolutely safe for the baby. On the outside, the soft white walls are decorated with exquisite Swarovski crystals. Wooden elements Made from high quality processed beech.

Ease of movement is ensured by self-centering wheels - the crib can be moved effortlessly in any direction. IN included two mattresses of different sizes - for a cradle and a crib. Parents consider this model the most comfortable for the child - it is soft, safe and very comfortable. A large number of reviews are based on its appearance - this is a real miracle for those who strive for harmony in the interior.


  • soft walls;
  • safe materials;
  • transforms from a cradle to a crib;
  • two mattresses included;
  • stylish appearance.

Among the shortcomings, buyers note only the high price.

2 Baby Italia Dalia

Extremely easy assembly and high quality workmanship
Country: Italy
Average price: 54,900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A rectangular crib of a standard design looks quite ordinary, but is made of surprisingly high quality. For its production, natural, well-processed, sanded wood, coated with safe paint, was used. The model is available in several colors - white, light or dark wood. Reliable wheels are equipped with a stopper; for easy storage of children's clothes there is a fairly spacious drawer. The design is very durable, but at the same time it is extremely easy to assemble - even from this parameter of the product one can conclude that it is of high quality. Even a girl can assemble a crib. Young mothers like that it lowers very easily and silently side wall- in their opinion, this is very important so as not to wake the child.


  • Italian production;
  • natural, high-quality materials;
  • very quick and easy assembly;
  • convenient wheels with a stopper;
  • classic design;
  • spacious box.

Based on reviews significant shortcomings could not be found. Some users complain about a synthetic smell, but such complaints occur in isolated cases, which suggests that they were unlucky enough to purchase a fake.

1 Baby Expert Abbracci By Trudi

Orthopedic basis for health from the first days
Country: Italy
Average price: 90870 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Beautiful, very sweet white crib, made from natural beech. It has classic design– rectangular shape, slatted walls, solid backs. For convenience, there is one fairly spacious drawer for storing baby clothes. The back is decorated with a cute image of a bear; an additional canopy can be purchased. There are runners for quickly rocking the baby and wheels with a stopper for easy movement of the crib. Due to the rather large dimensions (82x139x120 cm), a child can sleep in this crib up to 4-5 years old. The front wall can be lowered if necessary.

In the reviews, users note very Beautiful design, reliability, naturalness and hypoallergenic materials. Parents who, from the first days of a child’s life, take care of his child’s health in the future, are among obvious advantages highlight the orthopedic basis.


  • Beautiful design;
  • orthopedic base;
  • availability of a security certificate;
  • natural materials;
  • convenience for the child and parents.

The only drawback that can be found in this model is the very high cost.

Many parents prefer to take care of a strong, safe and beautiful crib for their baby even before his birth, focusing mainly on appearance and following fashion. What should a truly high-quality and comfortable crib be like?


The first safety rule: the vertical bars of the crib are located at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other to prevent parts of the child’s body from getting stuck in them. The second rule: the bottom of a good crib has at least two positions, and in the lower one the distance from the bottom to the railings should be at least 65 cm. This will protect the growing baby from accidentally falling out of the bed.

Environmentally friendly materials

Best material for a children's bed - natural wood, preferably alder, birch, maple or beech. The wood must be perfectly smooth, without chips or cracks. The crib can be coated with non-toxic varnish. There are also cribs made of chipboard, MDF, plastic and metal, which can also be safe, which is easily confirmed by a hygiene certificate.

Crib type

Classic models - rectangular shape, closed with sides on 4 sides. They are divided into rocking chairs with wheels and cribs with a pendulum mechanism. In addition, there are models with a built-in chest of drawers, which can be transformed into a regular bed if necessary. U different options has its advantages and disadvantages. Parents will have to decide for themselves which type is more suitable for their baby.

Nuances you may not know about:

  • imported cribs often have dimensions different from the standard 120x60 cm;
  • when choosing a bed with a pendulum, make sure that the swing mechanism has stoppers;
  • a slatted bottom is better than a plywood one, because promotes better air exchange;
  • the drawer under the crib must have a lid, otherwise things will gather dust;
  • Some cribs are equipped with a mechanism for a lowering or removable front wall, which is convenient for a growing baby.

The best manufacturers of cribs

The most sophisticated and “status” cribs are Italian ( Pali, Bambolina, Feretti), German ( Wundermöbel, Geuther), Japanese ( Micuna). They are distinguished by excellent quality materials, a variety of colors and design finds. True, a rare model of these brands costs less than 20 thousand rubles, so they never gained wide popularity in the vastness of our country. At the same time, functionally, European and Japanese models may differ noticeably from others, for example, in the number of bottom positions, design options and colors. Parents decide for themselves whether to pay for a fashion brand and uniqueness. Among inexpensive imported options, Polish cribs attract attention Valle, which combine a nice European design with a reasonable price.

Domestic cribs are varied and set an example the best combination prices and quality. The undisputed leaders are brands Red Star(Mozhga) and Lel(Kubanlesstroy), which offer stylish and practical solid wood models in a huge assortment at reasonable prices (from 6 to 17 thousand rubles). While less known to consumers, but also very good, are cribs from domestic brands. Noony Wood And Papaloni. Cheaper options (from 3 to 6 thousand) are inferior to the leaders in quality of materials and design, but are also safe for babies and convenient for parents. These are the manufacturers Antel, Briciola, SKV.

And now “Price Expert” offers to get acquainted with the best cribs for babies.

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The St. Petersburg company ComfortBaby was the first in the country to market transformable cribs without corners “6 in 1” with a motion sickness mode. Depending on the age and height of the child, they can take the form of a cradle, playpen, sofa, chair or table. Director of the company Ivan Bakurov told the Five’O’Clock project about how Instagram helped make a breakthrough in sales, how ComfortBaby is going to conquer “cold” regional markets and how show business stars are helping to sell cribs.

Ivan Bakurov, 29 years. Born in Krasnoyarsk, lives in St. Petersburg. CEO companies ComfortBaby, specializing in the production of furniture and bedding for babies. The main hit of the company is the Smart Grow “6 in 1” transformable bed with a motion sickness mechanism. ComfortBaby production facilities are located in Poland and St. Petersburg. The company employs 31 people.

« Instagram was like an atomic bomb explosion.”

We started together - me and my partner from Germany. I immediately took my wife (now she is a creative director) as my assistant so that she could help me understand female psychology. It was a background, parallel project, and at first we didn’t believe in it too much: the momentum was not serious.

There were no borrowed funds. Although we were looking for an investor until last year, it turned out that we had to give up half of the business for a decent amount. We were counting on the European market - I didn’t believe in the Russian one. Why? Our people are not ready to pay a lot of money for children's products. And in the first months this was the case: in Germany we sold 30-40 cribs per month, and in Russia – 4-5.

Everything was heading towards switching entirely to Europe, but then something happened to us Instagram. Everything changed immediately, it was an explosion of an atomic bomb. We were noticed, orders came in, and I realized that we can develop here without leaving anywhere. It is clear that it would be cheaper to launch immediately in Europe, but I live in St. Petersburg, I wanted to stay. We sold the first large batch, earned 2 million rubles - things went well.

ComfortBaby currently has over 84,000 followers on Instagram.

We invested 150,000 euros in production together with the Polish side. Now the main facilities are located in Poland and St. Petersburg. When they decided to produce additional products - not just cribs - they transported equipment from a clothing factory from Cheboksary to St. Petersburg. In Moscow and Belarus there is a little outsourcing, in Germany there is a lot.

Why did you choose Poland? This is the optimal country for everyone involved in production wooden products: in terms of materials, in terms of personnel - everything is excellent there. In Russia it is very difficult to get a person to work well for average money.

We probably could have found one or two more production sites in Poland or Russia to hedge our bets and pledge good foundation for growth. Then we would have avoided many problems and costs and completed orders faster. By and large, we underestimated our product.

“The motion sickness mechanism was knocked out of us by our clients”

In 2009, I bought a radius wardrobe at a astronomical price ($1,700), and a couple of years later, when my son was born, a crib for 6,000 rubles, which broke on the first night. The further I went, the more disappointed I became with domestic products, and the idea of ​​combining several things into one did not leave me.

We understood that the first product should be driving force business, the locomotive of sales. We researched the market and assessed the competition: transformable cribs with rounded corners were practically absent in Europe. There were only 3-4 brands. Then we tried to do something of our own - original form, with other sizes and other colors. In general, release a product of a different tone. At first it was a “3 in 1” model, then “4 in 1”. Now it’s “6 in 1”, but it’s already obvious that “9 in 1” is just around the corner.

The most expensive thing to produce are semicircular bed frames. To bend wood correctly and accurately, a heat press and almost jewelry work are required. You need your own technology, experience, time and ultimately more money, but the quality is better than that of veneer and glued wood. Moreover, everything technical details were already known to our Polish partners, there was equipment. In production we use solid beech, willow, cotton, satin, bamboo, silk. Fillings include synthetic winterizer, and for mattresses, Holcon and holofiber.

How did the motion sickness mechanism appear? It was literally beaten out of us by our clients, expectant mothers. And we came up with an idea. There were “pendulums”, but not for transforming cribs, not for models different sizes. We were the first to produce pendulum cribs that can “grow” with the child. This is a joint development of domestic and foreign design laboratories - we essentially combined two different projects into one. The result is a product that absolutely everyone likes, because it has maximum functionality - the crib can be customized for every age and the process of motion sickness can be regulated.

1.5 million rubles were invested in the development of the “pendulum bed”, the work lasted 8 months, 100 products were manufactured for the first batch.

The best sellers are the Smart Grow “6 in 1” crib, changing table, mattress and mattress covers, designer bedding set, side cribs, sheets. In Europe, the main hit is the snow-white Smart Grow “6 in 1” with 3 in 1 mattresses. In Russia it is mandatory with a pendulum; without it they charge less. A model with external control will appear soon; it will be possible to change motion sickness modes from the remote control and later via Wi-Fi. In Germany, for example, no one wants to sleep on mattresses with coconut shavings, but in Russia, on the contrary, everyone loves them.

In textiles, the margin is three times greater than in the production of cribs. You can’t earn much on transformers in Russia due to the large import component (35% of the price goes to cover duties). In Europe, our Smart Grow costs less, but the margin is higher there.

“We will build a federal dealer network»

We are a manufacturer and seller, so the client can buy any product first hand - on our website or from official dealer. Now we want to build a federal dealer network - something between regional offices and franchisee partners. This will be one franchise per region. The partner ensures the search and equipment of a warehouse or store, bears all expenses, and we, for our part, guarantee regular deliveries and stable profits.

In essence, we will simply be suppliers. The franchise price will vary. Within 1 million rubles, but there is a second option - a franchise for an existing business, without an entrance fee. In the first option, our responsibility is greater, but it is also possible.

The launch of the ComfortBaby project cost 1 million rubles. Now the company's annual turnover is 100 million rubles.

I think that cities where we do not have large wholesalers will respond: the megacities of Siberia and the Far East. If you look at the ComfortBaby shipment map, this is mainly the European part: Moscow, Tver, Saratov, Vladimir. They give about 70% of orders, Siberia and Far East- 15% each. In the CIS they are well represented in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus.

In Russia, the issue of buying a crib and, in general, anything for children is decided by a woman, a mother, but in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, everyone must first “ask their husband”, seek advice ( smiling). But in general there is no big difference in business.

“We wanted to do a joint project withSwarovski"

Our audience is modern mothers 20-35 years old who actively use the Internet and gadgets, follow fashion and new products. Businesswoman, housewife - in different ways. One day a girl came to the office in a Rolls-Royce Phantom to pick up a crib that cost 20,000 rubles. I remember that after that we even wanted to do a joint project with Swarovski, because such an audience is ready to pay both 150,000 and 200,000 rubles for cribs. Negotiations began, but Swarovski eventually refused - they are positioning themselves for a different audience, and the whole theme for newborns is not about them.

The core of our audience is pregnant women, a very specific contingent ( smiling). If something is a little wrong, the order is a little delayed, they react immediately. The loyalty of such an audience is always less than that of another.

Just a couple of years ago everyone was very reasonable, cautious, comparing everything and finding out. Such, you know, smart mothers ( smiling), they spent a lot of time searching the desired product. Now everything is much simpler: I looked at several manufacturers’ Instagram feeds and you can already draw the first conclusions, it’s already clear what you want to buy.

Previously, all clients without exception wrote reviews: how they first chose a crib, then waited for it, then assembled it, and now they can tell what their impressions were. It was quite an event.

“We have warmed up this market”

We strive for Stokke level ( Norwegian manufacturer of oval transformable cribs). Let's go after him. In some ways, by the way, it is even more successful - in marketing, for example. We have warmed up this market better. After we entered the market, their sales increased significantly. We are often offered to develop a similar mechanism for Stokke, but we refuse. They can invent their own system, but the trick is that our mechanism is suitable for all models. You see, the mechanism is still long and complicated, and most importantly, there are no guarantees that you will assemble something really interesting.

In St. Petersburg there is a company called SleepWell - this is a secondary brand of the Fealta furniture factory, which does everything. They produce products similar to ours. But, in my opinion, they simply take advantage of the fact that when we do not have goods in stock and we cannot quickly fulfill a customer’s order, they quietly offer customers their own. When we have inventory again, their sales stop.

And then there's Ellipse Bed, good guys. We can say we are friends. They appeared around the same time as us, maybe a month later. At the same time, they have their own “pendulum”, their own technology, different dimensions, configuration. These are not those who copied us one after another and passed them off as their own, but there are plenty of them.

We have a section “Our Star Clients”, where celebrities, including Vladimir Presnyakov, Pavel Volya, Anfisa Chekhova and Olga Buzova, recommend cribs and publish personal photographs. The stars were contacted through Instagram. Mostly my wife found pregnant celebrities. They were offered to purchase cribs at a discount (for some free) of up to 50%, some agreed, others basically paid the full price. I can say that the effectiveness is colossal. There are more customers than we can serve.

In general, you need to be careful with such advertising, because due to the lack of goods in stock, customers begin to monitor the market and find your competitors. It turns out that not only did you not receive the money, but you also did free advertising another company.

Before such promotions, it is better to have a written budget and sales plan. This is exactly what we are doing now, moving from emergency work to planned work. Although this is extremely difficult to do in Russia, it is impossible to predict more than three months here.
