Getting started with a new laptop. How to start a new laptop. Seven important things to do immediately after buying a new laptop

In order to be able to use any computer, it must have an operating system. Sometimes, it happens that it is already installed on the purchased computer, but then you overpay for the license, which is not profitable. That's why buy a computer or laptop is better without OC, it will come out much cheaper. Installing the operating system is quite simple, and now almost everyone can do it. However, you need to follow a few simple recommendations that are within the reach of everyone.

Logical drives during installation

When you install Windows, be sure smash hard drive with at least 2 partitions. On one will be Windows itself, and on the other everything else.

When the system is already installed, you should make a small setting. More precisely, open the properties of the drive on which the system is installed, and check that in the tab " General» there was no check mark on the item « Allow file contents to be indexed».

It is also advisable to download and install the program Advanced System Care. She will quickly tune system and optimize it.

Driver installation

After installing the system, you can already use the computer, however, it will not work well. Why? Yes, because without drivers all PC devices will not be able to function normally. You need basic:

  • On the sound card to hear sound in games, music, and more;
  • On the video card. This is the most important driver for a gaming computer, because you most likely have a powerful gaming card installed, and without drivers it is of no use.

However, in addition to this, there are a bunch of other small drivers that are also needed. Often, complete with a video card, the motherboard comes with disks on which there will be all the necessary firewood, but their versions may outdated. Therefore, it is better to look at the manufacturer, for example, video cards and go to official site where to download the latest driver for your model. Now the two main developers of video adapters are AMD and NVIDIA.

However, in order not to suffer, it is better to download the program driver packsolution, which itself will find and install everything, the main thing is that there is an Internet connection. Also, if you installed drivers manually, then you can check if you have all the drivers, and you don’t need to go into “ Task Manager».

Main programs

Well, the system is installed, working, but that's not all. We will need additional programs so that we can perform a range of daily activities. You need:

  1. Virus Protection, in Windows 10 it is quite good, but it is recommended to install a good, free antivirus 360 Total Security.
  2. Program for video viewing– KMPlayer
  3. In addition to watching the video, you probably like listen to music then install winamp or Aimp.
  4. To watch the video and play on the Internet - Adobe Flash Player.
  5. For Internet access- install any of the modern browsers - Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Opera.
  6. For archiving/unzip files - WinRar.
  7. If you are working with documents, be sure to install packageMicrosoftoffice.
  8. Well, it's over, in order to play online games, you need Skype, although now it is better to use Viber, as well as Telegram. Any of these messengers is superior to Skype at times.

Backup setup

It will not be superfluous to make a backup copy, so that in which case, you can roll back the system. Need it right tune, and then a fresh backup will be automatically created regularly. To do it.


This article will tell you what to do after buying a laptop. It’s better, of course, to do all this immediately after buying a laptop, but if it didn’t work right away, then you can do it after a while

Let's start

When you first start the laptop, you must enter your name, specify the name of the laptop, select the language ...

Then it will take about 15-30 minutes for the laptop to install proprietary utilities and drivers:

There will be a reboot at the end of the installation process. When installing utilities and drivers, it is recommended not to do anything on the laptop.

The first step is to fully charge the laptop, and then work offline without recharging until the battery is completely discharged (the charge level is about 5-10%). These operations serve to calibrate the battery. They are recommended by many laptop manufacturers.

Create disks for system recovery

Complete with laptops Acer usually do not go recovery discs. It is assumed that the user will create them himself. How to create them will be described below:

We launch a proprietary utility Acer eRecovery Management, press Setup -> Create a New Password and set a password that should not be forgotten, since it must be entered during automatic system recovery using eRecovery and pressing ALT+F10(as an option, you can specify it in the field Hint- prompt)

Click the button burn disc (burn disc in the Russian version) at the bottom of the window and get into the disc burning menu:

Here, first click on Factory Defect Disc (Create a disc with factory default settings in the Russian version of the program), and then on ( Create a disk with an archive of drivers and applications in the Russian version of the program). For the first one you need two DVDs, for the second one - one DVD disc:

It is better to put the recorded discs in a safe place (in a laptop box, for example). Let me explain what those disks are for:

Two Factory Defeault Discs are used to restore Windows Vista with all the programs and drivers that come with the laptop. To restore, you need to boot from the first disk, then the installation process will begin. To boot from the disk, you need to go into the BIOS (press F2 at boot), in the menu Boot and put the IDE CD in the first position (using the F5 and F6 keys), save the settings and exit the BIOS.

Looking ahead, I’ll say that for successful recovery, there should be only TWO partitions on the laptop’s hard drive (not counting the hidden ones, although their presence is not necessary) - C: and D:. C: must be primary ("primary"), and D: must be logical ("logical"). Disk size C: - at least 20 GB. When recovering from these disks, as well as when recovering from hidden partitions (ALT+F10) ALL information from drive C: IS ERASED. Disk D: will remain untouched.

Driver & Application Backup Disc is used when Vista is installed from a disc. Naturally, there are no Acer utilities, no bundled software, or even drivers for a laptop in the standard distribution of Windows Vista. On the Driver & Application Backup Disc it's all there. There are distributions of proprietary Acer utilities, there are distributions of software that comes with the laptop and drivers for the laptop.

Note: if you have deleted hidden partitions and Acer eRecovery does not want to burn discs, then do not despair. For example, if the laptop came with Windows Vista Home Premium, then there should be a piece of paper with the Windows serial number on the bottom. If you want to have licensed Windows on your laptop, then just get any disk with the Windows Vista distribution kit, run the installation and enter that code from the piece of paper on the bottom during installation. In this case, Windows will be licensed, will be activated and receive updates. Drivers can be found on this site.

Everything related to Acer eRecovery is discussed in this forum thread:

Create images of hidden partitions

Having finished with the disks, you can start creating images of hidden partitions. The laptop hard drive has one or two hidden partitions. They serve to automatically restore the system with all drivers and programs. To restore it, you need to press the key combination ALT + F10 when booting the laptop. Acer Aspire 5920 has two hidden partitions, because in this laptop the manufacturer has implemented the IOArcade technology - launching the media center without booting Vista. For its work is a hidden partition with a volume of 3 GB. The vast majority of Acer laptops have only one hidden partition. - PQ Service several gigabytes. Acer Aspire 5920 has 10 GB.

It is mandatory to create images of hidden partitions

To create images of hard drive partitions, we need a program Acronis True Image. The version used in this article can be downloaded from these links: /

To create images, the functionality of the demo version will be sufficient. I recommend version 10, although later versions can be used.
During the installation process, you will need to fill out a small form, the laptop must be connected to the Internet at this time.

Run the program, click Try Now!(demo version though)

Choose Backup- that is, creating partition images:

Specify what we will do backup disks:

Choose only one hidden section. The hidden NTFS partition is responsible for the IOArcade technology - launching the media center without loading the OS. On some laptops, Acer has not implemented this feature and there will be no NTFS partition, you can skip the steps below for this partition. Your partition sizes may vary from those below:

Click OK:

Specify the name of the image of the hidden partition and where to save it:

Choose to create an image of the entire partition:

Choose the default settings:

Specify comments to the image. This is not required. You can specify the exact size of a partition and its partition name, e.g. The exact size can be found on the last tab with a button Proceed in field size:

Click Next and we get the following:

To start creating the image, click Proceed:

After finishing press OK:

Now we repeat similar operations for another hidden section PQService . But this time we use the maximum compression and splitting the image into parts for burning to DVDs. Do not rename parts of the image! The size of this section for different Acer laptops may differ from the size in the screenshots.

Choose again Backup:

Select the PQService section. It is he who is responsible for automatic system recovery:

Specify the name of the image and where to save it:

We choose to create a full image of the partition:

Select manual mode:

Set the maximum compression level on the tab Compression level:

Specify how to split the section image on the tab Archive Splitting:

You can also enable checking the partition image for errors on the tab Additional Settings:

Specify comments to the image. Although this is not required.

To start the image creation process, press Proceed:

After the end, we get something like this message and click OK:

As a result, there should be 2-3 files on the D: drive: one image file of one partition (it may not be on some models) and two parts of the image of the second hidden partition - PQService. These images MUST be burned to another computer or to DVDs.

Do not rename image files!

Disks made by the eRecovery utility and disks with disk images must be placed in a safe place (for example, in a laptop box). Only when images of hidden partitions are made and they are written to DVD or another computer, you can start manipulating partitions, XP settings, etc.!!!

If you rushed and accidentally erased hidden partitions without making their images, then

BIOS update

First, download the BIOS archive from the Acer website. The archive contains everything you need to update the BIOS, as well as instructions (usually in the Readme.txt or install file). The archive may also contain a text file describing changes in this BIOS version.

There are two ways to update the BIOS:

1) from Windows. In this case, the program that updates the BIOS is launched from under Windows. This method is simple, but there is a small chance that the system will freeze during the update and, even worse, the firmware will be damaged. Then you will have to restore the BIOS using a Crysis flash drive. How to do it is described in this material:

2) from under DOS. This method is considered more reliable, but you must first create a bootable USB flash drive with DOS, and then copy the file with the firmware and the flash driver itself to it. The firmware procedure from under DOS is usually well described in the firmware manual. How to create such a flash drive is described in this material:

Consider an example of firmware from under Windows for an Acer Aspire 5920 laptop. The procedure for flashing your laptop model may vary significantly.

We express questions about updating the BIOS in this forum thread:. Before that, it's worth reading the topic. The most common upgrade errors are well described there.

So. Let's start. Download the BIOS updater from Phoenix from here: / , it should also be in the archive with the BIOS.

Download the version for 64-bit OS from this link: /

Then we unpack the contents into a folder, unpack the xxxxxxxx.WPH firmware file into the same folder and run SwinFlash.exe from the folder where the BIOS was unpacked:

In the lower window, specify the path to the file with the firmware, and in the upper window, specify the name under which to save the current BIOS
Before flashing, you must close all other programs, the laptop must be powered from the mains and the battery must be charged.
Click on the button Flash BIOS. After a couple of minutes, the BIOS will be flashed and the laptop must be restarted.

If after reading this material you still have questions, then we express them on ours. I rarely reply to comments.

Edited: FuzzyL- September 15, 2013
Reason: Material version 2.0

The article will tell you what you need to do immediately after you bought a new laptop.

Having bought a new laptop or PC, ordinary users still do not clearly understand what exactly they should do next. Initially, when a brand new modern beautiful laptop is on the table, it is very pleasing to the eye, and this can really be called a pleasant event.

But after a while, not very pleasant circumstances can happen. For some reason, the laptop does not work at all as we would like it to. Even there are suspicions that the product is defective.

So what, exactly, is the point? How is this problem solved? In today's review, we will talk about 7 important things that you need to do immediately after buying a new laptop so that there are no problems with its performance.

Seven important things to do immediately after buying a new laptop

First: check and install Windows updates

It doesn't matter what operating system is installed on your new laptop. Let it be, let's say, Windows 10". The important thing is that no matter what laptop is and no matter what OS is installed on it, nevertheless " Windows» regularly needs constant updates.

Your laptop was clearly not made an hour ago, but updates " Windows are issued quite frequently. Therefore, after you have bought a new laptop, the first thing you do not hurt to immediately update the operating system. This is done quite simply:

  • We go to " Start»
  • Next, we go to Options»
  • We find the item Updates»
  • The factory may have set the laptop to automatically update. If so, then the update process in this step will start on its own. If this does not happen, click on the " Check for updates". And that's all. Then you can close all open windows and calmly go about your business or work on your laptop. The updates will download and install in the background. You just need to restart your laptop afterwards.

First: check and install Windows updates

A restore point is the general state of your operating system at the current moment. For example, if your laptop worked fine yesterday, then some problems may occur with the operating system tomorrow. To fix this, you need to sort of roll back the OS to its earlier working state. That is, use a restore point created in the past. This point captures all the settings and configuration of the system at one time or another.

Therefore, it is better to create a restore point in advance when your " Windows» works stably. In principle, the OS does this automatically with every update, but it also doesn't hurt to do it manually just in case. To do this, follow the instructions:

  • Near " start» in the search bar, type « Create a restore point»
  • The search engine will find the appropriate section, go to it. A system window will open, in which on the tab " System protection» you will first need to click on the button « Tune", then check the box" Enable security system" (if this option is not already enabled by default) and click on " OK».

Second: create a restore point

  • Then click on the button " Create". The process of creating a restore point will go, it should not take too long. As a result, the system will notify you about the successful completion of the operation.

Second: create a restore point

Display settings are also a must when buying a new laptop. No matter how fancy your video card and cool monitor are, if the settings are set incorrectly, you will see, for example, a blurry image and small text on the screen. Of course, this is not very convenient.

If you encounter such a problem, then you can fix it as follows:

  • Go to " Options»
  • Then go to " System»
  • Next we go to Screen»
  • Here you can click on the blue dot "Define” so that the system automatically determines the optimal resolution for your screen.

Third: configure the display settings

  • After that, you can do other settings. For example, using the two sliders that are visible in the screenshot, you can adjust the text size and screen brightness. Customize these settings for yourself so that you can work comfortably on your laptop in the future. The screen resolution can also be adjusted in " Additional screen options».

Third: configure the display settings

If the device is mobile and able to run on batteries, then very often users are faced with a very common problem. For example, when a laptop or gadget is quickly discharged. In this case, users remain dissatisfied with the laptop manufacturer, although it is highly likely that the user himself is to blame.

The fact is that with non-economical indicators assigned in the settings, the power supply will indeed be heavily consumed. In order to avoid such excess consumption and the device does not quickly discharge, you need to set lower values ​​​​in the power settings.

For this:

  • Type in the search engine " Power supply» and go to the found point
  • In the window that opens, check the box next to the option " Balanced» (power plan). This action will automatically set the optimal parameters at which the power consumption will not be too high, but the laptop performance will remain at a normal level.

Fourth: set up the power supply

  • Through the menu on the left side of the window, you can go to additional settings, as seen in the screenshot.

Fourth: set up the power supply

Fifth: set the default browser

Usually, " Windows"suggests your browser as the default browser. But, it is known that users most often use their favorite browsers for a long time, for example, “ Firefox" or " Google Chrome". If you are one of those users, then do the following:

  • Go to " Start»
  • Then in " Options»
  • Go to " System" and in " Default apps»
  • Next, click on " Microsoft Edge" to replace this browser with any other. Of course, the browser you like beforehand must be pre-installed in the system.

Fifth: set the default browser

Sixth: touchpad setup

Unlike a regular desktop computer, laptops have a so-called touchpad that replaces a mouse. Moving a finger along this panel, we set in motion the mouse cursor on the screen. Many users say that this is not very convenient and therefore they use a regular mouse.

But if you learn how to use the touchpad, then this will create the greatest convenience for you. In addition, carrying a mouse with a laptop and using it everywhere is not comfortable. By learning how to properly configure the touchpad for yourself, you will not experience any difficulties.

To do this, do the following:

  • Go to " Start-Settings-Devices-Mouse-Touchpad". Here, customize the touchpad for yourself. The main thing is that there is no delay when moving the mouse cursor on the screen.

Sixth: touchpad setup

Seventh: install an antivirus

Any digital device with an operating system should have an antivirus program. Especially if you often go online. Your laptop may later store important information: documents, passwords, e-wallets, personal photos, and so on.

In any case, all this must be protected from possible actions of intruders. The operating system itself must be protected, as viruses can disable the entire laptop if they hit " Windows».

Which antivirus program should be installed on a laptop is up to you. We cannot recommend anything specific, as each antivirus program is good in its own way. But the antivirus must be installed, you should not regret paying extra money for it.

Video: What to do when you bought a new laptop and does not accept Windows 7 or XP?

Unpack your computer. It may include the following equipment:

  • The system unit is the main device of the computer. It connects to a monitor, mouse and keyboard.
  • Monitor - You can use an old monitor (if it suits you).
  • Mouse and keyboard - choose the one that suits you best (price, quality, speed, ergonomics, etc.)
  • Speakers - sometimes they are built into the monitor.
  • Printer - usually it is purchased separately.

Install the system unit so that there is free space around it for free air circulation and cooling of computer components with its fans (usually located on the back of the case, but can be installed on the front, top and side surfaces). Do not install the system unit between drawers or inside a cabinet (in this case, make sure that there is enough free space between the walls of the drawers/cabinet and the system unit).

Connect the monitor to the system unit (connector on the rear surface). Monitors are connected to DVI, HDMI, VGA connector.

  • Also plug the monitor into an electrical outlet.
  • If you have a discrete graphics card, connect the monitor to it, not to the built-in (integrated) graphics card. The connector for connecting a monitor to a discrete video card is located on the rear surface of the case (below the built-in card connector).
  • Connect a mouse and keyboard. Almost all mice and keyboards connect via USB. Some mice and keyboards connect to PS/2 connectors (located on the back of the case at the top and are color-coded to match the color-coding of the keyboard and mouse connector).

  • Connect speakers (speaker system). Connectors for connecting the speaker system are located on the rear surface of the case and are color-coded. If necessary, connect the speakers to an electrical outlet.

    • Read on for more information about installing computer speakers.
  • Connect the system unit to an electrical outlet, and preferably to a voltage stabilizer or an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). This will help protect your computer from power surges.

    • You may need to toggle the power switch on the power supply to the "ON" position. The switch is usually located near the power cable.
  • Turn on the computer by pressing the corresponding button on the front surface of the system unit. If you bought a computer with a pre-installed operating system (Windows or Linux), then it will boot; otherwise, you will have to install the system yourself.

    • Read for more information about installing Windows.
  • Connect your computer to the network (internet). You can use a wireless connection (if your computer has a wireless network card), or you can connect to a router or modem via Ethernet.

    • Read on for details on setting up a wireless connection.
    • If you want to connect via Ethernet, connect an Ethernet cable to your computer and to your router or modem.
  • Download operating system and software updates. This is necessary to ensure the security and stability of your computer.

    • Read for information about updating Windows.
    • Restart your computer to complete the update process.
  • Details Updated on 01/24/2017 11:55 AM Posted on 09/05/2013 10:10 AM Posted by nout-911

    First launch of the laptop

    When purchasing a portable computer, you need to check with the seller whether this laptop was turned on earlier. If a first run laptop was not produced, the device must be turned on in a special way.

    Initially, it is necessary to clarify whether the operating system is supplied with the laptop or not. This will depend on first run laptop. One of the general rules for starting a new laptop, regardless of having an operating system installed, is that the laptop battery must be inserted in the laptop and the laptop must be connected to the mains. By connecting to the electrical network, the risks of turning off the machine during the installation of the operating system are minimized.

    If the operating system is already installed, the laptop should be connected to the network and press the power on. After switching on, the installation of the OS should start, the distribution kit of which is located on the hidden partition of the hard drive. It is necessary to carefully monitor all steps of the installation of the operating system. If an activation key is required during installation, it can be viewed on the bottom cover of the device. Do not power off your laptop until the OS installation is complete.

    If the laptop was purchased without a pre-installed operating system (either with Linux or DOS), the first time you start the laptop, you must install your preferred OS. Having purchased its distribution kit on a CD, you need to connect the laptop to the mains, turn it on, wait for Linux or DOS to load, and then insert a Windows disk (if there is no optical drive, you can boot from a flash card). Next, you should restart the portable computer and go into the BIOS, set it to priority boot the OS from an optical drive or flash card, then you need to save the changes. After installing Windows, you need to turn off the laptop from the power.

    The installation of any operating system, as well as the necessary programs for work, can be performed by the masters of our 911 service - - you only need to give the necessary instructions and recommendations - the rest is up to us!
