Arrowroot - leaves with amazing coloring. Arrowroot: medicinal properties, signs and superstitions

Capricious arrowroot care at home requires special care. Tropicana is valued for the beauty of its leaves. Place a flower in the bedroom. He absorbs negative energy, closes it in a rolled sheet, providing a strong night sleep. It has been noticed where arrowroot lives, there are no loud scandals and major quarrels. Flower-amulet. The plant does not contain poison and is not dangerous to others.

Maranta care at home, types and photos

The low arrowroot bush is valued for the beauty of its iridescent leaves. If there is not enough lighting, the bush raises its leaves up and closes its palms, like a praying man. Hence the name - prayer plant. The back side of the leaf is red. Twice a day the flower changes its general background. In normal lighting, the leaves are located horizontally; you can look at the elegant patterned surface endlessly.

The Indians used arrowroot juice as an antidote to treat wounds from poisoned arrows. The plant itself is considered harmless.

The flexible stem cannot independently hold several heavy leaves vertically. Therefore, with age, the flower spreads along the stand or is grown as an hanging crop. You can organize support and help the plant place the leaves so that they are all in a diffused light stream.

It is clear that all the beauty of a plant is in its healthy leaves. Preserving them is the amateur's main concern. This is not at all easy, given the arrowroot’s demanding care requirements. In addition, this plant is a sissy. The flower is easily infected with diseases and is inhabited by a lot of insect pests. Types of arrowroot differ in color and flower shape, but they all have beautiful leaves.

How to properly care for arrowroot at home

A tropical plant in nature has settled under the dense canopy of trees, not far from flowing streams. Therefore, it grows in diffused light, there is always moist air from the forest substrate below, and a flowing stream creates moderate soil moisture. These are the conditions that an arrowroot flower needs to create when caring for it at home.

  1. Proper lighting is easy to create. The arrowroot can be placed in the back of the room, but so that there is enough light. The flower does not tolerate direct sunlight, but lighting is good for it. If you don't like the lighting, the leaves will tell you. In the shadows they lose the sharpness of their lines and become dull.
  2. The heat-loving plant requires a temperature of 20 - 25 degrees in summer, 18 in winter. But even a cold stand and a small draft will leave their mark on the leaves.
  3. Water the plant only with soft water room temperature. The frequency of watering depends on the condition of the soil clod. It should dry out a little on top between waterings. In winter, the plant is moistened 2 times a week, and one watering can be replaced by spraying the leaves. Moisturizing is a favorite procedure for arrowroot. To create the desired climate, there must always be a lake of water near the plant - a saucer or an aquarium. A tray with pebbles and sphagnum moss, as always, will help out the gardener where the air is dry.
  4. The plant needs to be fertilized, but in moderation. Maranta does not tolerate overfeeding, especially nitrogen fertilizers. One gram per liter of water of standard fertilizer for ornamental plants is sufficient in summer. Fertilize after watering 2 times a week.
  5. Pruning arrowroot is done in two ways. If the bush has been neglected and there are a lot of ugly leaves on it, you need to cut off the greenery at the root and put it in a dark place. Water moderately. New growth will come from the root; it is possible to correct mistakes in caring for arrowroot at home. You can cut off the leaves with cuttings and root them in the same pot to make the bush fuller.

If you follow the suggested methods of caring for a flower, it will delight you with its appearance and it will even bloom, which rarely happens at home.

It is important to know that arrowroot is transplanted in the spring, every other year. In this case, the bowl is chosen to be wide, the roots of the flower are superficial.

At this time, carefully remove damaged leaves and inspect root system, if necessary, the bush is divided for propagation. You need to divide the root carefully and care for the arrowroot like a baby. Each separated nodule should have 2-3 dormant buds. After the transplant is completed, the leaves need to be cut off and wait for the flower to revive.

Drainage in a pot consists of broken pots, expanded clay, brick chips, pieces charcoal. The bulk layer must be at least 5 cm. The substrate can be bought in a store, or prepared independently:

  • – 2 parts;
  • humus 1 part;
  • leaf soil - 4 parts;
  • sand - 1 part.

It is welcome to add chopped sphagnum moss, bark and earth from coniferous trees, charcoal crumbs with ash residue on them. The more components, the lighter the soil.

Signs of improper home care for arrowroot

The plant quickly reacts to improper maintenance by changing the type of leaves. If you study the signals, you can quickly correct mistakes and the bush will delight you with its beauty for a long time. The main SOS are modified leaves, they are:

  • turn yellow;
  • dry;
  • curl up.

Yellowing leaves indicate that the flower does not receive its portion of water through watering or leaves. But if the leaves have yellow spots, then the rays of the sun are to blame for falling on the leaf and burning it. Perhaps you have lowered the temperature unacceptably and froze the plant or exposed it to a draft.

The arrowroot plant is under the patronage of Aquarius. It promotes the resorption of blood clots, calms, and acts as a barometer. Before the rain, she lifts the leaves up.

If the arrowroot leaves begin to dry out at the edges, remember how long ago you fed the plant and what kind of water you watered it with. Hardness salts, which form scale on the kettle, also clog the ducts of the plant. Rare watering and excessive drying of the soil will give the same reaction.

The leaves are curled - the plant is cold and it has shrunk. Maranta does not have enough water, and she hides the remains from evaporation, so she twisted the leaf into a tube.

Only if there is insufficient care for a moisture-loving plant, spider mites can appear on it. If the colony has not yet gained strength, the plant can be saved. Yellowed leaves should be burned along with the living creatures.

The arrowroot combines the energy of Mars, the Sun and Mercury. During the day, it absorbs the energy of aggression. The moon rules the night, and raised leaves protect the peace of the sleeper. Maranta makes a person more open and sociable. With wishes of happiness, give arrowroot to your friends!

Video about caring for arrowroot

Maranta is flowering plant of the Marantaceae family, native to the tropical parts of Central and South America, as well as the West Indies. Maranta got its name in honor of the 16th century Italian doctor and botanist Bartolomeo Maranta.
Modern botanists recognize the existence of 40-50 species and all of them have rhizomes and the natural form of perennial clumps. Arrowroot flowers reproduce well at home, grow and produce abundant flowering over an extended period of time.
In 1975, the arrowroot plant accounted for 3% of deciduous plants in Florida, and over time the number of this plant only grew (it began to be grown in greenhouses).
95 percent of the arrowroots are just two varieties produced in the nursery for use as foliage flowers - Maranta leuconeura `Kerchoviana' and M. leuconeura 'Erythroneura'. Both of these varieties are indigenous to Brazil, their varieties are not swollen at the nodes, and their roots are not tuberous.

Description of the arrowroot prayer plant and its photo

The oval-shaped leaves, which have a rich green color (which, by the way, does not leave them throughout the year), are inseparably connected to the base of the stem. The leaves droop during the day and straighten out only in the evening - hence the second name of the arrowroot flower, “prayer plant.” The following is a description of the prayer plant arrowroot and its photos from different angles.
Arrowroot is a terrestrial plant that also blooms vertically. During the dry season, there is a high probability that the rhizome of the flower will begin to dry out first, and not the foliage (as is most often the case). The stems are very branched. They have basal leaves with highly branched and elongated rod-like internodes and a small number of basal leaves (which may be completely absent).
Arrowroot flowers have three small and two large petals. Arrowroot flowers are grown at home for decorative purposes, since the plant has a tendency to quickly grow foliage and actively budding in early period of its development.
Arrowroot is used to produce edible starch. Some species, such as Maranta leuconeura and Maranta arundinacea, are grown as indoor decoration flowers in warm environments. Look at the maratanta prayer plant in the photo, which shows all the beauty of this flower for home use:

How to care for arrowroot at home

The most preferable place for the flower to grow would be a shady bed or window with bright but indirect light. A window facing east or north will work well. The arrowroot flower at home can grow well in groups of other plants that do not interfere with its good lighting. It is necessary to protect it from the hot sun, dry air and drafts, which can cause irreparable harm to it (including the high probability of stains and burns on the surface of the leaves).
The ideal temperature for active vegetative development for arrowroot at home varies from 15 to 28 degrees. In winter, dry air can create many problems for the plant. Caring for arrowroot at home comes down to organizing timely watering. One immutable rule must be observed here. The earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out or become waterlogged. How to care for arrowroot so that it produces abundant and long-lasting flowering. There are several universal rules here. First of all, when planting, ensure an optimal layer of drainage in the pot. It should be approximately 5 cm. The second condition is nutritious soil, rich big amount organics. In the poor sandy soils At home, the arrowroot flower quickly stretches and does not produce buds.
It is recommended to replant arrowroot in the fall or spring; if you wish, you can plant it in water until the new shoot begins to grow. Look at the arrowroot plants in the photo in various vegetative stages of its development:

Reproduction of arrowroot at home

The main method of propagating arrowroot at home is by cuttings (2-3 leaves) and dividing the root in early spring.
You can also grow a flower from seeds - it is usually advised to sow the seeds at a temperature of 13-18 degrees and save it during the growing season.
For planting, prepare loamy soil that should be constantly moist: you can place wet gravel in a tray. In winter, the amount of watering should be reduced, and it is recommended to dry the soil a little. It is necessary to spray the arrowroot.
If you want to get strong leaves with a rich green color, then we strongly recommend that you do not forget about fertilizing with liquid, diluted fertilizers.

Possible diseases

When growing arrowroot at home, the plant may be susceptible to various specific diseases. Correct and timely control of them allows you to grow a magnificent decoration for your home. The main types of arrowroot diseases are described below.

Complete or partial leaf burn

A symptom of complete or partial leaf burn is that the leaves turn brown completely or only at the ends. This is a transitional stage between a healthy and diseased leaf. How to avoid - avoid extremely soluble salts and excessively high temperature and light intensity. You should not use fertilizers made from superphosphate, as it supplies fluoride in doses that are toxic to the plant.


Symptom of chlorosis - young arrowroot leaves grown at increased acidity And large quantities sources of nitrogen, mainly in the form of nitrate, are very susceptible to chlorosis. This usually occurs as a result of a lack of iron entering the bush. How to avoid - use iron chelate, lower soil pH and use ammonium nitrogen sources.

Helminthosporium leaf spot

The causative agent of helminthosporium leaf spot poses a constant challenge for arrowroot growers using soil in which the flower is constantly moistened for a long time. First, tiny rashes appear, which are very small in size - they give the leaves a mottled appearance. In the most severe cases scattered lesions merge and form large areas irregular shape. Infection requires at least six hours of spore germination in soil with high humidity. Many varieties of arrowroot are very susceptible to this pathogen. How to avoid - Provide a minimum amount of moisture on the leaves, which helps reduce the severity of the plant disease. This can best be achieved by eliminating air watering or watering in the morning, which will ensure the leaves dry quickly. Plants that are watered in the evening remain wet throughout the night, allowing many fungal spores to germinate and become infected.

Root knot nematode

Symptoms of the root knot nematode - most often stunted arrowroots with small leaves are affected. Inspection of roots affected by this disease reveals knots on the roots that give it a beaded appearance. How to avoid - can help here efficient processing soil.

Types of arrowroot

Currently, mainly two types of arrowroot are used for growing at home. This is a prayer plant that is known by the botanical name Maranata triflora. On sale this type may also be offered under the name arrowroot tricolor. This species has several varieties and types of flower bud. The second type is two-color arrowroot, which is distinguished by its richness of colors and splendor. decorative properties. Below are photos of arrowroot flowers various types And brief description each variety.

Arrowroot tricolor (prayer plant)

Arrowroot tricolor is a cultivar of flowering plants in the family Marantaceae, native to the rainforests of Brazil. It's variable perennial can have heights and widths of up to 30 centimeters. Evergreen oval-shaped leaves are 12 centimeters long. They have the habit of lying down during the day, and are in an upright position in the evening and at night - hence the common name "prayer plant".
The specific epithet leuconeura means " white mold", referring to the leaves.

Arrowroot tricolor is well known as indoor plant in regions with a temperate climate, requiring a minimum temperature level of 15 degrees Celsius. In hot climates it can be grown as a ground cover in damp and shady areas.
Variety Erythroneura the bush is richly red in color with a bright middle, lower and lateral vein. The leaves can be light green-yellow or greenish-black. The flowers of this variety have purple with an image.

Variety Kerchoviana is a spreading plant that grows and forms a clump when it matures. The individual stems are very vine-like in appearance and usually grow along various walls and surfaces. Since the stems do not have tendrils and therefore do not climb vertical surface. The leaves are almost oval in shape, seven centimeters long, including petioles, and three centimeters wide. The petiole is about a third of the length of the leaf blade. The upper surface of the foliage is variegated and satiny - usually in two rows with five dark green leaves. The bushes sometimes produce prominent, mostly white flowers.

Arrowroot two-color

Arrowroot bicolor pretty rare plant, which sometimes still appears in trade. The bush lacks tuber-shaped roots, but does not have swollen stems at the nodes. The leaves do not vary in size, shape and are dark green with light green patches at the top between the midrib and margin. Bottom part leaves have a purple color.

Maranta gibba

Maranta gibba is a plant species native to Mexico (Campeche, Chiapas, Jalisco, Morelos, Oaxaca, Quintana, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz, Yucatan), Central America, northern South America (Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname) and the island of Trinidad. Since some times it has been naturalized in the Lesser Antilles.
The flower has ovoid leaves. Flowers are in the shape of a panicle.

Arrowroot reed

Arrowroot reed grows in tropical regions. It is cultivated for the production of starch obtained from the rhizome. Some doctors use the flower as an important medicine.
It is a perennial plant 60 centimeters long with small, white flowers and fruit the size of currants. Rhizomes are dug up when the plant reaches one year of age, or when it grows more than 30 centimeters in length and 19 mm in diameter. They are yellowish-white, segmented and covered with loose scales.

Arrowroot is widely cultivated in many tropical countries and is considered natural view for Jamaica, Bahamas, Bermuda, Netherlands Antalya, India, Sri Lanka, China, Mauritius, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Florida, Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

The flowering arrowroot plant of the Maranthaceae family grows, reproduces, and long time blooms at home. Arrowroot received its name in honor of the botanist and Italian physician Bartholomew Maranta, who lived in the 16th century. Today there are about 26 species of this plant, which is valued for its miniature size and very beautiful large leaves. An exotic ornamental plant requires certain care, the features of which we will discuss in this article.

Maranta: general description, types, photos

The homeland of the exotic flower is the tropical part of the South and Central America and West Indies. miniature plant grows up to 30 cm in height and is distinguished by tuberous roots, erect or creeping shoots and broad oval leaves growing on petioles. Depending on the species, the leaf blade is decorated with brown eye-shaped spots, two-row spots or bright stripes along the central vein.

On the upper side, the background of the leaves can be dark green, light green or even reddish. The bottom side is very different in color from the top. Located on leaves color combination The spots and veins are very reminiscent of the leaf patterns of decorative codiaum. The plant blooms with white and light lilac flowers in spring or summer.

The arrowroot flower is known to many because, under favorable growing conditions, its leaves are unfolded, and if the plant lacks light or moisture, the leaves fold into closed rosettes and stretch upward. In this regard, the flower has a second name - “Praying Grass”. Thanks to this, there is a belief that a prayer flower grown in the house can protect the family from conflicts, create a favorable atmosphere and cleanse it of negative emotions.

Types of arrowroot

At home, two types of arrowroot are most often grown. These are arrowroot tricolor, known as tricolor and arrowroot bicolor. But many lovers of plants from the Marantaceae family also grow other types of this tropical flower.

Arrowroot tricolor (tricolor). The decorative foliage plant is a bush, the dimensions of which are 30 cm in height and width. The pubescent leaves reach 12 cm in length and have an oval shape. The background of the upper side of the leaf blade is dark or light green. The leaf pattern consists of red veins and dark green spots along the side veins and light green spots along the central veins. The leaf blades below have a crimson color and pink veins. Tricolor arrowroot blooms with flowers of a light lilac hue.

Arrowroot two-color. This rather rare plant is distinguished by the fact that it does not form roots. Its leaves, up to 15 cm long, are distinguished by short petioles, wavy edges and an oval shape. On the green background of the leaf blade there are brown spots on top. The leaves are covered with hairs below and have a reddish tint.

Reed arrowroot. Ornamental plant is a slightly tall shrub more than a meter. Its tuberous roots are thick, and the long leaves are ovoid in shape and grow up to 25 cm. The leaf blade, pointed at the top, is dark green below and covered with hairs. In spring or summer, white flowers appear on the plant.

Maranta Kerkhoven. The herbaceous perennial, 25 cm high, is distinguished by short leafy roots, oval leaves up to 15 cm long and white-veined white flowers. On top, the leaf blade has a bright green background, on which there are dark green spots and white stripes along the central vein. The bottom of the leaf has a shade changing from red to bluish.

Maranta: home care, photo

Maranta loves diffused bright light, so it is advisable to place the flower on a windowsill or next to windows facing the east or west side of the house. IN summer time year the plant is a must shaded from direct midday sunlight. Otherwise, the leaf blade will decrease in size, the contrasting pattern will fade, and the leaves will curl. In winter, the flower requires additional lighting, which can be provided using a photo lamp.

Humidity and temperature

From the end of May until October, arrowroot should be kept at home at an air temperature within +21-+26 degrees. In autumn and winter, the temperature should be reduced to +18-+23 degrees. Temperatures below +12 degrees have a detrimental effect on the plant. Temperature changes and drafts can lead to the death of a flower.

Arrowroots growing in the house retain their decorative properties at moderate air humidity. However, when caring for a plant it is necessary Spray the leaves with warm, settled water two to three times a day.. To increase the air humidity around the flower, you can take the following actions:

  1. Place the pot on a tray with wet pebbles, expanded clay or peat. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the roots do not come into contact with the filling.
  2. Place a container filled with water or a humidifier near the flower.
  3. On hot days and in rooms with working radiators, arrowroot can be washed in the shower, after covering the soil in the pot with polyethylene.

If the air in the house is too dry, the pattern will no longer be distinct, the leaves will lose their tone, and their tips will begin to dry out.

Watering and fertilizing

In spring and summer, plants are watered abundantly with settled water at room temperature. In autumn and winter, the plant is watered only after the top layer of soil has dried. When caring for arrowroot, you need to keep an eye on so that no water remains in the tray. Water flowing down after watering must be drained immediately.

Arrowroots are fed every two weeks. For this purpose, mineral and organic fertilizers for decorative foliage plants that should be alternated. Bait solutions are added only after watering the flower.

Soil and replanting arrowroot

The soil for growing arrowroot can be prepared at home by mixing in equal parts:

  • leaf soil;
  • humus;
  • peat.

A little pine soil and charcoal are added to the resulting earth mixture.

The soil may have a different composition. To prepare it use:

  • garden soil - 3 parts;
  • coarse sand – 1 part;
  • peat – 1.5 parts.

Very little charcoal is added to this earthen mixture.

When caring for arrowroot at home, once every two years the plant must be replanted into larger pots. The flower grows slowly, therefore it does not require frequent transplants. Transshipment is carried out in March or April into new pots, which should be a couple of centimeters larger than the previous ones. Drainage must be poured into the bottom of the pot.

Arrowroot: reproduction

At home, the plant is propagated by cuttings or division.

Propagation by cuttings

To obtain cuttings in late spring or early summer, a part with two to three leaves is cut off from a young shoot. The segment should be approximately 7–8 cm long. The cutting is placed in a container with soft water at room temperature. It should take root in about a month, and then it can be planted in a pot with peat. To create a greenhouse effect and better survival rate, the petioles are covered on top with a transparent container or plastic bag. Caring for them involves keeping the soil moist.

Reproduction by division

When replanting a plant, an adult bush can be divided into 2–3 parts. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the roots. The cuttings are planted in individual pots filled with peat. The flower is watered, placed together with the pot in a plastic bag and tied loosely. Such the mini greenhouse should be kept in a warm room. The bag is removed after the young leaves appear. Before they appear, caring for the plant consists of daily ventilating the soil and keeping it moist.

Possible problems when growing arrowroot

In cold rooms and with frequent heavy watering, the roots and stems of the plant begin to rot. It urgently needs to be moved to a warm place without drafts and watering reduced.

Dried leaves with sticky cobwebs indicate that the flower is affected by spider mites. If the plant is not treated, the leaves will begin to fall over time. From spider mite get rid of folk remedies or using special chemicals. As folk remedy A daily infusion of garlic, dandelion, yarrow or onion is used. If this does not help, then the plant is treated with Aktelik.

Dry tips and yellowing foliage most likely indicate that the flower needs moist air. In this case, the leaves need to be sprayed more often and other methods of increasing air humidity at home must be used.

With too much sunlight, arrowroot leaves may turn white. So that they acquire their decorative color again, the flower is placed in a shaded place. If this does not help, then the plant must be fed during the growth period.

Arrowroot cannot be called an unpretentious indoor plant. In order for a tropical flower to please its owners for a long time and decorate the house with its decorative leaves, it requires constant attention and care according to all the rules.

At home, arrowroot is quite unpretentious and does not require special attention, although certain varieties, for example, tricolor or tricolor arrowroot, are more difficult to grow.
The basis for success in arrowroot care is the right combination moderate lighting, sufficient watering, light soil and high humidity

If you need a reliable plant indicator of light and humidity in your home, then get yourself an arrowroot. It will also serve as a living barometer, promptly predicting bad weather and rain.

Arrowroot, like its close relatives calathea and stromantha, has the amazing ability to turn its leaves towards the light. And at night she raises them up, which is why this flower is often called “praying grass.” Therefore, by looking at it, you can judge the amount of light falling on it.

For example, if your arrowroot leaves are always raised up, then this means that there is very little light in the room. The mechanism of motility of arrowroot leaves has been well studied. At the base leaf blades There are special pads that are filled with water, ensuring their rotation.

However, it is not always clear why arrowroots produce these strange movements. Obviously, in their homeland they grow in the lower layer of tropical rainforests, so they need to capture as efficiently as possible the small amount of light that breaks through the tightly closed crowns of trees.

Arrowroot in nature ( Maranta leuconeura)

At night, arrowroot lifts its leaves so that accumulated dew flows into the base of the plant. Perhaps for the same purpose she folds the leaves before the rain.

The arrowroot will very quickly tell you about excess light and heat by curling its leaves along the central vein. In this case, he must be provided urgent help by placing it in a darker place. However, young leaves always appear in a curled state and only then straighten out.
But if almost all the adult leaves curl up at the same time, this will be a symptom that the flower is overheated in the bright sun and needs shade.

However, of course, these amazing features are not the greatest value of arrowroot for the gardener. Its most attractive quality is its original, eye-catching colors. In addition, it can be called quite hardy and does not require special attention, at least in comparison with other members of the family.

Externally, arrowroot is usually a medium-sized, squat bush, without a pronounced stem, no more than 30-45 cm in height. About 20 of its species are known. The most common at home is white-veined arrowroot ( Maranta leuconeura) and its numerous varieties: tricolor arrowroot or tricolor ( var. tricolor), Kerkhoven ( var. kerchoveana), m. black or Massanzha ( var. massangeana).

Maranta Kerkhoven is quite hardy, and usually does not need careful care, so it can often be found even among inexperienced gardeners, as well as in various institutions and offices.

Maranta Kerkhoven ( Maranta leuconeura var.Kerchoveana)

However, now a variety of white-veined arrowroot - tricolor arrowroot ( var. tricolor), which has an extremely bright appearance. Red veins stand out on its dark, velvety leaves, and along the main vein there is a series of light spots merging with each other.
Despite his small size Overall, this variety looks unusually impressive and immediately attracts attention. Its other name is arrowroot fascinator or red veined.
Caring for this variety is fraught with some difficulties compared to the white-veined form. However, the stability of this variety, in my opinion, is still higher than that of calathea. The tricolor arrowroot has another rather strange name - “red herring ridge”. It’s even difficult to explain why it is compared to a herring.

Arrowroot tricolor ( Maranta leuconeura var.tricolor)

Finally, it is impossible not to mention the so-called black arrowroot Massange ( var. massangeana) with a very dark leaf blade, decorated with light silvery veins and a light central stripe.
In indoor floriculture, this variety is quite rare, since it is the most delicate and demanding compared to other varieties. In general, it is more compact than other representatives of the species. At home, another species is sometimes grown - reed arrowroot ( M. Arundinacea).

Maranta black ( Maranta leuconeura massangeana)

Arrowroot reed ( Maranta arundinacea)

Also in collections of house plants you can occasionally see bicolor arrowroot ( Maranta bicolor), which from a biological point of view is also a separate species.
However, in indoor floriculture it is found infrequently and is usually confused with Kerkhoven's arrowroot. They are similar, but M. bicolor does not form tubers and its leaves are purple on the reverse side.

Arrowroot two-color ( Maranta bicolor)


For a long time it was believed that the homeland of most arrowroot is the tropical forests of the New World, in particular Brazil, where it is found as ground cover plant. However, based on the results of DNA analysis, many researchers are inclined to believe that this plant genus has an African origin. There is no common point of view yet.

The discoverer of arrowroot is Father Plumier, who named it in honor of the 16th-century Italian physician, physiologist and botanist Bartolomeo Maranta. Later an American planter and statesman W. Houston found it near the city of Santa Cruz and for the first time sent seeds to Europe.

Bartolomeo Maranta

Soon, the unusual flower captivated the inhabitants of the Old World with its originality and beauty, taking its rightful place in greenhouses, winter gardens and greenhouses.

Arrowroot is also used for other more prosaic, applied purposes. For example, from the rhizomes of m. reed they make special kind arrowroot starch ( arrowroot), used as an alternative to corn starch as a thickener for jellies and puddings, in various soups, stews and sauces, for the production of baby food.
Archaeological excavations in Northern and South America, showed that arrowroot was actively cultivated for the production of starch 3000 BC.

In general, among the Indians, arrowroot was considered primarily medicinal. For example, an antidote was made from its roots to treat a person wounded by poisoned arrows. This is probably why reed arrowroot is also called - arrowroot, which translated from English means “arrow root”.

For us, arrowroot has become an indispensable decoration for apartments and houses, delighting with the rustling of leaves in the evening and amazing attractiveness.


At home, flowering usually occurs in the summer and quite often. True, the flowers are discreet, very small, white-lilac in color. At the same time, some unpretentious flower growers like the delicate, refined inflorescences of arrowroot.


Arrowroot can be safely classified as a group of shade-tolerant plants. The best location for it in summer would be a north, east, or west window. In any case, be sure to protect the flower from direct sunlight. Therefore, it can even be placed on a shelf next to the east window.
In winter, it is better to place the pot closer to the light; some fans even use additional lighting using fluorescent lamps. With a lack of lighting, arrowroot leaves become smaller and the shoots become very elongated.

As mentioned above, in the bright sun the arrowroot curls, however, if you move it into the shade, it straightens out. Over time, excess light is reflected in the color of the leaves: they become pale and even yellowish.

In nature, arrowroot lives in damp areas near water bodies and wetlands, so in summer it needs frequent regular watering. If you water rarely, then after a while the plant wilts and may dry out.
However, it should be remembered that excessive hydration is also very dangerous. It can lead to rotting of the root system, especially if the plant is grown in heavy soil or in the cold. In winter, the frequency of watering should be reduced.

Water for moistening should be at room temperature; try to avoid getting it on the leaves, because this can lead to fungal infections. The water should be drained from the pan.


In the summer, arrowroot is fed approximately once every two weeks with fertilizer for ornamental foliage plants, in a lower concentration than recommended in the instructions. You can use Kemira-Lux after diluting the usual dosage. It is best for the fertilizer nutrient ratio (NPK) to be 3:1:2.

In winter, if the plant continues to grow under normal lighting conditions, it should be fed approximately no more than once a month with fertilizer diluted by half. If the plant is dormant in winter and shows no signs of active growth, there is no need to fertilize it.

Additional care for arrowroot

Many gardeners completely prune aboveground part arrowroots in spring. After some time, the bush grows back.

It is better to wipe the plant dry soft cloth without moisturizing it.

Over time, the shoots become too long, so they are cut off 1-2 times a year. Most gardeners do not recommend tying shoots to various supports and ladders, but on the contrary, it is advisable to direct them horizontally. Therefore, arrowroot is often grown in hanging baskets and flower pots.

The arrowroot has its most charming appearance at a young age. Apparently that's why in Lately It is becoming fashionable to completely cut off all its shoots in the spring.
On the pages of magazines, flower growers say that approximately 1-1.5 months after complete pruning, arrowroot usually returns to its original condition and size, and young leaves look brighter and fresher. You can try to root the cut shoots in water and thus get new plants.

Some owners cut off the arrowroot completely in the fall and place it in a dark place for the winter, watering it very rarely. This method will be necessary if the plant has dried out greatly over the winter, for example, if it was located next to heating devices. Even if your plant has dried out or withered under the bright summer sun, do not rush to throw it away. The fact is that arrowroot has powerful roots with tuberous thickenings and can recover even after complete pruning.

However, according to the recommendations of most reference books, arrowroot does not require mandatory “wintering” at all and can grow and develop well throughout the cold period of the year. This usually happens if the pot with the bush is in bright natural light or additional lighting is used.


Arrowroot needs very high air humidity. IN natural conditions growth this figure is about 100%. Of course, it is difficult to ensure such a level of humidity in the room. Spraying will also be undesirable, because... water leaves lime stains on the velvety surface of the plant. In addition, drops of water can become a source of fungal infections.

Calcareous spots on arrowroot leaves

You can humidify the air around the flower using a very fine spray. In addition, you need to place the plant in a bowl with wet sand or expanded clay. It is useful to spread moist sphagnum moss on the soil surface. In general, a wide variety of ways to increase humidity in a room are suitable. The most successful will be the cultivation of arrowroot among the same moisture-loving tropical plants. Especially suitable in this “company” would be cyperus in a bowl with water.

For many gardeners, wonderful and in an original way The maintenance of arrowroot was its placement in a florarium. In such conditions, an optimal level of humidity is created. In addition, you need to water the plants much less often, and perhaps not even water them at all.

At the same time, from my own observations, I can say that arrowroot, especially the most common variety of the arrowroot variety, are not so demanding on air humidity. Even though they need her elevated level However, they also adapt to dry air. In my opinion, arrowroot is still less demanding on humidity than calathea.


Arrowroot is thermophilic and best temperature for it +20-26 0 C, in winter the temperature should not fall below +16-18 0 C. Arrowroot tolerates temperature changes extremely poorly. Therefore, it is not recommended to take it outside or onto the balcony in the summer. Drafts have a negative effect on it.


Main collateral successful cultivation arrowroot is a loose, breathable substrate. Heavy soil is contraindicated in this case. You can use ready-made store-bought substrates for arrowroot. Optimal level acidity is approximately pH=5.5-6. To grow a plant in peat, you must first add a little dolomite flour to it.

It is very easy to prepare your own substrate. For example, you need to take 4 parts of leaf soil, 2 parts of peat, 1 part of humus soil and 1 part of sand. Another way: 2 parts of leaf soil and peat and 1 part of sand. To make the substrate loose, you need to add a little charcoal, or sphagnum moss, coco soil or pine bark (pieces about 0.5 cm in size). Some gardeners recommend adding light soil from a coniferous forest.

Experience shows that it is undesirable to use a substrate with perlite, because it contains fluorine, which has a negative effect on the plant. Be sure to use drainage.


Arrowroot does not grow so quickly as to require very frequent replanting. Usually it is replanted once every 2 years. Shallow, wide dishes are best suited for growing. If we don’t want the bush to grow too much, then when replanting, we can lightly trim the roots.

It is not advisable to compact the soil too much around the roots during replanting.

During the first month after transplantation, fertilizers are not applied and the plant is carefully protected from bright sun, drafts or temperature changes until it begins to grow and forms new leaves.


Although white-veined arrowroot does not cause big problems for gardeners, some varieties may still suffer due to wrong actions host and various diseases.

What difficulties may arise when maintaining this plant? It often happens that its leaves curl. Most likely this is the influence of extreme heat and too bright light in the room or insufficient watering.

Also, with excess light, the leaves often become pale. In this case, it is sometimes possible that brown spots– burns.

It happens that arrowroot turns yellow (chlorosis), usually this is due to insufficient acidity of the soil and its salinity. In this case, it is worth watering the plant with slightly acidified water.

Brown tips and tops of leaves, when a transitional yellowish area between healthy and dead tissue is clearly visible, indicates an excess of light and too much high temperature. Exactly the same symptoms can appear with an excess of fertilizers, especially phosphorus.

Brown leaf tips and leaf drop are most often a symptom of low humidity. Sometimes low humidity causes the growth of arrowroot to slow down and even stop.

If moisture gets on the surface of the leaves, they may become infected with fungal infections. First, very small weeping spots are detected, which then turn yellow, and then necrosis (death) of these areas develops. To get rid of the infection, it is necessary to use fungicides.

As a result of growing arrowroot at low temperatures and high air humidity, shoots and roots may rot and leaves may fall off.

Spots on the leaves are most often an indication of improper watering or poor substrate. For example, spots may appear if the plant is not watered for a long time and then it is heavily moistened. At the same time, the soil could become quite dense and poorly aerated.

Drying of young leaves is usually associated either with uneven watering, when the soil has time to dry out completely, or with the appearance of pests. If new leaves appear immediately withered, this may be due to the plant being grown in too hot sun. At the same time, both the pot and the soil become very hot. Plant roots and leaves may die.

Any problems with the arrowroot, such as yellowing or slow growth, could be signs of pest infestation. To detect them, you need to carefully examine your pet. The most common pest in this case is the mealybug. It is easy to notice by the white cotton-like coating on the leaves and especially in their axils.

If the air is too dry, spider mites may settle on the plant. Many gardeners do not notice it immediately; only the drying tips of the leaves and the general depression of the plant indicate the presence of the pest. You can usually recognize a mite by small yellow dots on the leaves - its bites; later, very thin cobwebs usually appear in the bases and axils.

Often on the soil surface you can find small midges that fly up at the slightest touch - fungus gnats. These are not very dangerous pests, but they also need to be dealt with.

A very unpleasant and difficult to remove pest is the scale insect. Its signs are brown scales on the leaves and their petioles, as well as a shiny, sticky coating on the plant.

Sometimes thrips settle on arrowroot, the presence of which can be determined by moving silver stripes.

In general, a sign of malaise is the lack of movement of leaf blades. If your plant suddenly stops folding leaves, this indicates its illness or extreme unfavorable conditions content.


Most often, arrowroot is propagated by simply dividing an overgrown shrub during transplantation. The bush is carefully divided into two or more parts. Each “section” is planted and initially kept warm under a plastic bag to increase humidity.

Propagation using cuttings is desirable if the plant has formed sufficiently long shoots. Cut off shoots with three to four leaves just below the node closest to the bottom of the stem. The length of the cutting is approximately 10-12 cm. It is best to root the cuttings in the spring in a mixture of peat and sand, covering the top of the vessel with a plastic bag or glass.

Many gardeners easily root cuttings directly in water, which it is advisable to change daily. In order for the cutting to take root, there must be a small (at least 2 cm) piece of stem at its base. Rooting usually lasts 4-6 weeks. When roots about 2.5 cm long are formed, the cutting can be planted in a permanent substrate.

Cuttings rooted in water can be planted


Arrowroot is a non-poisonous plant. Even if your favorite cat feasts on it, no unpleasant consequences there will be nothing but the suffering of the plant itself.

My arrowroot story

I had to grow both white-veined and red-veined forms. Both varieties seemed to me to be relatively easy to care for plants, not picky and hardy. I wouldn't say that they need very much high level humidity.

Moreover, the white arrowroot grew at my work; practically no one cared for it, however, it looked quite healthy and pretty.

I purchased a tricolor arrowroot in a store (I would like to note that it is now one of the most common plants in flower departments). For several years, arrowroot grew very successfully for me and looked very attractive. It should be noted that I immediately placed it on a stand next to the east window, which is very dark, because... grow in front of him tall trees.
Under these conditions, the leaves became bright and very contrasting. I have seen the same variety with a much paler color. I think this is due to growing in brighter light. Unfortunately, my pets did not survive the months-long renovation of the apartment, which only the most resistant plants survived. In general, arrowroot, although not a picky plant, in my opinion, still needs at least minimal attention.

If on vacation

As is already clear from the above, arrowroot is not the hardiest indoor plant. Perhaps, if you leave for a period of less than a week, after watering it, sprinkling the surface of the soil with wet expanded clay and placing the flower in a bowl with wet expanded clay or sand in the shade, it will be able to survive.
But leaving the plant unattended for a longer period is undesirable.

The article uses materials from the following resources:, photo authors - Joao Medeiros, Maja Dumat, Ahmad Fuad Morad, Tanaka Juuyoh;, user - Februarysept.

I have long heard that arrowroot is considered a home amulet. She absorbs all the negative energy in the house. I decided to test it for myself - I took cuttings from a friend and started growing tropical beauty on your windowsill.

Maybe I really believed it, maybe arrowroot really works as a talisman, but there really are fewer quarrels and scandals in the family. I placed the flower in the bedroom, and now I feel that my sleep is stronger, and I get better sleep.

Being perennial grass, arrowroot has tuberous roots. Straight or creeping shoots grow from the tubers. They develop oval, wide leaves on thin petioles.

The color of the leaves depends on the variety - usually green color with different light or dark shades with spots and bright veins. The bottom of the sheet can be a contrasting color.

Arrowroot is an unusual flower because it curls its leaves under unfavorable conditions. If they are deployed, then the plant is comfortable and well. As soon as they begin to fold and stretch, this signals a lack of moisture and light.

It is this property that gave rise to the name “Praying Grass” among flower growers, as well as the superstition that a “praying flower” will save the house from negativity and conflicts, and will bestow calm and peace.


Flower growers have the most popular varieties They consider arrowroot to be two-colored and arrowroot to be three-colored. But besides them, there are very spectacular and highly decorative species.

Arrowroot two-color

This arrowroot is distinguished by its two-color color - the upper plane of the leaf is bright green, the lower plane is pink. The leaf petioles are light pink with small fluff.

Arrowroot tricolor

The second name is tricolor. This is a perennial bush, an adult specimen of which can reach a height of 30 cm and the same width.

Tricolor leaves are oval, growing up to 12 cm, green above with a pattern of red veins, crimson below. Tricolor arrowroot blooms with delicate light purple flowers.

Maranta Kerkhoven

The height of adult representatives of this species is no more than 25 cm. Leaves no more than 15 cm grow on short shoots. They have an oval shape, white veins. The leaves of Kerkhoven are bright green on top with dark green spots, and red-blue on the bottom.

Features of care

Maranta needs certain conditions and special care. Only then will the flower be comfortable, and its decorativeness will amaze everyone around it.

Choosing a place

Maranta loves light, but it must be diffused. For growing, it is recommended to choose window sills facing the West or East, where there is sufficient light and no direct sun.

If arrowroot is placed in a place with a lot of sunlight, the leaves may begin to curl and shrink, and the pattern on them will become faded. In winter, it is better to additionally illuminate the arrowroot with a lamp, for example, a fluorescent one.


From late spring to autumn, the flower should be kept at a temperature of 21-26 o C. In other months optimal temperature 18-23 o C. If it drops below 12 o C, the plant may not survive.


The air for arrowroot needs to be moderately humidified. With increased dryness, the foliage will not be as decorative, the pattern will not be clear, and the tips will dry out.

The plant needs daily spraying with warm, settled water.


To moisten the soil, use only water at room temperature that has stood for several days. Maranta loves moderate watering. Over-watering and over-drying should not be allowed.

Before watering again, you should check that the earth ball is dry. After watering, there should be no water left in the tray. It is important to drain excess water. Fertilize with complex means once every 10-15 days.

The soil

To plant or replant, take ready-made universal soil from the store, or prepare it yourself, combining it in equal proportions:

  • Humus;
  • Peat;
  • Leaf soil.

Then a little charcoal and pine soil should be added to this soil substrate.

There is another option. The soil mixture includes peat (1.5), garden soil (3) and coarse sand (1), as well as some charcoal.


Fortunately for some gardeners, frequent replanting of arrowroot is not required, since it grows quite slowly. Most often it takes 2 years from replanting to replanting using a larger pot.

When replanting, the plant is simply transferred to another pot, filling the empty spaces with a new one. earth mixture. The right time– March and April. We must not forget about drainage.


To get new plants, gardeners use:


Experts advise carrying out this process in May or June. For this:

  1. Cut a cutting (7-8 cm) with a pair of leaves from the shoot;
  2. Place in a glass of warm soft water;
  3. Within a month, roots will grow from the cuttings;
  4. Plant in a container with peat;
  5. Cover the top of the shoot with a jar or place it in a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect;
  6. Periodically, the soil needs to be ventilated and moistened.

Root division

It is better to divide an overgrown bush when replanting. Do this with care and caution as the roots are fragile. The plots are planted in containers with peat. After the sprouts create a greenhouse until new leaves appear.

Maranta - not simple, but very beautiful indoor flower. If you follow everything important conditions and the requirements for caring for it, it will decorate the interior of the house for many years.
