Linden which tree is coniferous or deciduous. Woody plants - larch, conifers and many others

Linden appeared on the planet about 70 million years ago, at the end of the era of dinosaurs. Fossil remains of lindens have been found in Chukotka, Svalbard, and northern Siberia. Now the genus includes, according to various estimates, from 40 to 80 species. Most of them are large deciduous trees 20-30 (up to 40) m high and 2(5) m in diameter. root system powerful, deep, with a well-defined tap root. The age limit is usually about 150 years, but sometimes there are specimens that have reached 350 or even more years. Particularly durable broad-leaved linden, surviving up to 600 years (some specimens even up to 1000). Linden is one of the main and widespread trees in the zone of deciduous and mixed forests of Europe, East Asia and North America. Toponyms (geographical names) associated with the word "linden" are widespread among the Slavic peoples - Liplyany (Serbia), Lipovets, Lipovka (Ukraine), Lipno (Poland); Lipno (Czech Republic), Lipetsk, Lithuanians (Primorsky Territory), numerous Lipovki, Podlipki and the like throughout Russia. Linden small-leaved or heart-shaped- the most resilient representative of the genus, it goes further than all other broad-leaved species to the north, reaching Petrozavodsk and Kotlas, and to the east, reaching Krasnoyarsk. It withstands frost down to -48 ° C without damage.

Improvement of greenhouse lands can be both in spring and autumn. If during the summer it was very wet, it quickly dried up, in the fall, up to 1 m2, it was necessary to mix 2-3 buckets of peat. If the earth were quickly soaked, the same sand would be poured out. In very loose soil, add clover or cobalt that has been laid for at least a year by adding a mixture of urea or ammonium nitrate. In addition, greenhouse soil should be raised annually with perennial manure or compost.

Since ancient times, mulching has been possible with sawdust. Suitable both fresh and stable for a couple of years. Improve mulch spread in lighter soils and where moisture needs to be maintained. They carry good warmth and water, but warmer and soft summers reflect the sun's rays, protecting the earth from overheating. Volatile soils decrease in winter and less heat in summer, temperature changes in daytime less so plants grow better.

Lindens are deciduous trees with simple, alternate heart-shaped leaves, sharp-toothed along the edge, with a notched, asymmetrical base and a pointed top. The flowers are fragrant, bisexual, regular, in corymbose inflorescences with a membranous leaf-shaped bract adhering to the middle of the petiole of the inflorescence. The fruit is a one-seeded nut. All types of lindens have a beautiful, dense crown, easily moldable. addition to the wonderful decorative qualities which they possess serve plentifully, fragrant flowers. Well adapted to growing conditions, resistant to pests and diseases, all this makes them indispensable in decorative plantings. Lindens are large shady trees that are fragrant during flowering and "buzz" from numerous bees. Linden gives the most abundant bribes compared to other honey plants. And linden honey has long been considered one of the best.

Sawdust must be cleaned with clean, non-germination, compost, manure or other fertilized soil nitrogen fertilizers. This mulch is a bit of a source of nitrogen. It was found that in just two years it only mineralizes 30%. Longer pine forests and sawdust are preserved. Only after a few years they will be able to enrich the soil with humus.

Mulch can be filled fruit trees, raspberries, raspberries, some vegetables. More acidic soils- carrots, parsley, parsnips, leeks, raisins, radishes, turnips, rhubarb. Especially well-healed mulch mulch, rhododendrons, azaleas and other honey-like plants, coniferous groups. In winter, they feather around strawberries.

Linden European - Tilia europaea L.

Beautiful, highly decorative tree with a tent-shaped crown, up to 40 m tall; rounded-ovate leaves with a heart-shaped base, dark green above, glabrous and whitish-gray below. Blooms for 10-17 days. The fruits are nuts with well-defined ribs. Winter-hardy. In culture for a very long time.

Large trees and shrubs, due to the lack of light, grow poorly or do not chew grass at all. Then the boundaries of the mullet and wings should match to hide the bare ground. In groups of ornamental deciduous shrubs, the area of ​​the mullet is equal to the diameter of the crown. For groups conifers sawdust spread 50 cm wider. You can mix urea or kerosene to prevent damage to rodents. Dry sawdust flower spreads in autumn, with little soil removal, and is ground or scattered in spring.

In the spring, the sawdust is absorbed into deeper intermediate or low places where water is sprayed so that the soil starts up faster. Only improved nitrogen-rich sawdust improves the soil: clayey sawdust becomes cleaner, and sandy sawdust is more bulky. Pine, bark, and other wood compost is best for pine trees.

  • After 3-4 years, good compost is formed.
  • Peat is an organic fertilizer that cleans the soil.
  • They can be distributed more in clayey or clay soils, less in the sand.
The produced granules are cylinders with a diameter of 6-25 mm and a length of several centimeters.

It has a number of decorative forms, of which are interesting: pallida- a beautiful, highly decorative tree with a tent-shaped crown, rounded ovate leaves with a heart-shaped base, dark green above, bare and whitish-gray below and a variety Euchlora - with a spreading crown and gray bark, covered with cracks. The leaves are elongated, with a tooth at the top, asymmetrical, dark green, serrated along the edge. Effective in single landings on the open lawn.

It has low moisture content, low ash content and no a large number of other harmful elements in the environment, as well as high energy value. Simple, clean and safe to use one of the cheapest fuels compared to other fuels, no pollution environment convenient for transportation and storage. Pellets are one of the cheapest types of fuel. The price of heat per unit is cheaper only for firewood, but the comfort of its use is incredibly lower.

One of the most important factors for the efficient functioning of the heating system is the quality of the combustible fuel. As long as the boiler with pellets is properly heated, no one thinks about the parameters of the purchased pellets, the main criterion for selecting fuel pellets in this case is the price of fuel. The user evaluates the quality of the granules only if the granular boiler is accompanied by certain difficulties: for example. excessive fuel consumption, high ash content, ash shrinkage or the like.

Large-leaved linden - Tilia platyphyllos scope.

Naturally grows in the forests of the western part of Ukraine, in the Caucasus, in Central and Southern Europe. Very widespread in culture.

Tree up to 40 m tall, with a dense, broad-pyramidal crown, with reddish-brown, fluffy, rarely bare, young shoots. Leaves up to 14 cm, round-ovate, green, hairy above, with tufts of hairs in the corners of the veins - below, on petioles 2-6 cm long. The leaves bloom two weeks later than the small-leaved linden. The flowers are yellowish-cream, larger, but in smaller numbers in the inflorescence (2-5), blooms two weeks earlier than the small-leaved linden. The fruit is an almost spherical, ribbed, felt-pubescent nutlet with a thick shell.

Minimum requirements for wood pellet producers

Comparison of Wood Pellets Certification Standards

The absence of intact additives and impurities in the color of pure wood. . The second group contains slightly longer granules. Permissible high ash content up to 1.5%. Other parameters are similar to group 1.

The third lowest group contains pellets with higher ash and dust content. Such criteria are consistent with biomass bead standards. The negative aspect of the Swedish standard is the excessive calorific value. In addition, this speed is relatively easy to determine the degree of beads. However, everything points to the fact that it is the Swedish norms that will determine the European standards.

Grows relatively fast. Winter-hardy for the Moscow region. You can plant from the latitude of St. Petersburg and to the south. More demanding on soil fertility, tolerates drought better than linden small-leaved, stable and more durable in urban environments. The application and areas of use of this species are similar to small-leaved linden.

One of the most popular varieties is Fastigiata - with a narrow pyramidal, dense crown height, slender trunk and red-brown shoots. The leaves are large, round-oval, green, lighter and fluffy below. In autumn - yellow. The flowers are yellowish-cream, larger than those of the small-leaved, but in smaller numbers in the inflorescence. Separate place is occupied by Shpalernaya linden for its special crown shape.

However, given the cost and reality of such studies, these studies are ordered only for very large purchases and only if requested by the wholesale buyer. Often, thus, tested beads are loaded onto the ship. Samples are taken randomly from a batch of finished granules and tested in an accredited laboratory. Of course, such a procedure is unrealistic in the case of a low cost purchase.

Own mini-laboratories major manufacturers pellets can greatly facilitate investigation procedures. Such laboratories could make an arbitrary selection of several important criteria, in particular pellet calorific value, ash content, density and moisture content. For such laboratories, about 25 thousand will be required. Euro investment from the manufacturer. Analysis of laboratory results gives the manufacturer a powerful additional tool to control raw materials and technological processes, allowing granular buyers to quickly and correctly assess the quality of the product they are buying.

Linden small-leaved or heart-shaped - Tiliacordata Mill

It grows wildly throughout almost the entire European part of Russia, in Western Siberia, Crimea and the Caucasus, in Western Europe.

Tree up to 30 m tall, with a compact oval crown and a slender cylindrical trunk. The upper branches of the crown are usually directed upwards, the middle branches are almost horizontal, the lower ones, especially in edge trees, hang down. Leaves up to 6 cm, heart-shaped, with a retracted apex, dark green above, glabrous, sometimes shiny, bluish on the underside, on petioles up to 3 cm long; in autumn they take on a beautiful light yellow color. The flowers are small, yellowish-white, fragrant, 5-7 in inflorescences, with a characteristic light green bract. Flowering lasts 12-17 days. The fruits are spherical or oval nuts without ribs.

Agrogranules are another type of biofuel

Agrobiosis plays one of the most important roles among biofuels. Agrobiomes are readily available, widely available and constantly renewable - used as one of the first human fuels and are still widely used today. The definition of biomass in the European Union states that biomass is part of biodegradable products, waste from the agricultural industry, forestry and related industries, as well as biodegradable industries and household waste.

Comparison of fossil fuels and biofuels

Biomass can be used for energy purposes in several ways. Direct biomass burning biomass for liquid fuels to produce biomass for gaseous fuels. Estimating the energy of biofuels against the background of traditional fuels is primarily related to calorific value, humidity, ash content and concentration of volatile substances. A comparison of these features is shown in the table below.

It is distinguished by high shade tolerance, high frost resistance, is sensitive to drought, is moderately demanding on soil conditions, more or less tolerates urban conditions, and retains dust well. It perfectly withstands crown molding and is one of the most important tree species, most widely used in regular style gardens and parks. Suitable for making hedges. It tolerates transplant well. Valuable honey plant. Propagated by seeds, layering, shoots, cuttings, grafting. Coppice ability is preserved until old age. Durable, lives up to 400 years or more. In culture for a very long time. The best companion of oak and maple.

Energy features of traditional fuels and wood Source: Energy and environmental assessment wood biomass against the background of traditional fuels”. Characteristics of plant biofuels. Source: self-development based on various sources.

The disadvantage is the high moisture content of the biomass and the low energy density. These shortcomings cause some technical problems, hinder transportation and storage. In addition, the storage of crushed biomass can have negative consequences due to the increased microbiological activity of the substance. Different kinds biofuels also differ in terms of the melting point of the ash during the combustion process.

Decorative forms: Green Globe - with a compact oval crown and a slender cylindrical trunk. The upper branches of the crown are usually directed upwards, the middle branches are almost horizontal, the lower ones, especially in edge trees, hang down. Leaves up to b cm, heart-shaped. Greenspire - with a compact oval crown and a slender cylindrical trunk. The upper branches of the crown are usually directed upwards, the middle branches are almost horizontal, the lower ones, especially in edge trees, hang down. Leaves up to b cm, heart-shaped. Roelvo branches are folded in the shape of a heart, which gives the tree an impeccable look at any time of the year. The flowers are large, yellow and bright, with a very strong and pleasant fragrance.
The variety is unpretentious, ideal for urban plantings. Not susceptible to many diseases and pests.

Ash melting point from different types biofuels. Pasteur O. "Analysis of technical problems associated with the production and use of fuel pellets from agricultural waste." The use of biofuels of agricultural origin requires the use automatic systems flue gas cleaning in burners.

Reproducibility of raw materials; combustion does not cause additional emissions of carbon dioxide, since the amount of these gases released during combustion is equal to the amount consumed during plant growth; combustion reduces emissions of other greenhouse gases: sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides; the remains of burned ash are characterized by a useful mineral composition and can be successfully used as fertilizers; an increase in the use of biomass is directly related to a decrease in economic activity Agriculture and lower unemployment rates in rural areas; use of polluted and less fertile lands. The idea of ​​using biomass for energy purposes has its supporters and opponents.

Location: linden is one of the most shade-tolerant species, occupying one of the last places on the color scale of M. K. Turovsky, second only to fir, spruce, beech and hornbeam. It grows in moderately rich soils with good drainage. Thanks to these properties, the tree easily takes root under the canopy of other species and, under certain conditions, can replace them. In the middle lane for planting exotic species ( Japanese, American) it is better to use warmer and drier southern slopes, since they are all more thermophilic than linden heart-shaped.

Usage: lindens are one of the main species widely used in green building in gardens, parks and forest parks. Spectacular in the alley, ordinary street plantings and single. However, in roadside stands, trees suffer greatly from salt, trampling, and species with heavily pubescent leaves from dust. Such adverse conditions they are affected by pests and diseases. If dimensions garden plot allow you to plant a linden alley and even an array, then the most suitable for this are well-proven centuries-old experience in growing linden heart-shaped and linden broad-leaved. When planting 1-2-meter seedlings, it can be expected that the alley will "look" in 10-15 years. Linden is one of the best soil-improving species. Linden leaves contain a large amount of calcium, due to which, when they decompose, the physico-chemical properties of the soil improve and, ultimately, its fertility increases. Fallen leaves, in addition to calcium (3%), contain 1.3% potassium, 2% nitrogen, 0.5-1% sulfur.

Partners: perfectly combined with oak, rowan, maple, ash, etc.

Linden is a deciduous tree with simple, alternate heart-shaped leaves, sharp-toothed along the edge, with a notched, asymmetrical base and a pointed top. The flowers are fragrant, bisexual, correct. The fruit is a one-seeded nut.

All types of lindens have a beautiful, dense crown, easily moldable. In addition to the excellent decorative qualities that they possess, abundant, fragrant flowers serve. Well adapted to growing conditions, resistant to pests and diseases, all this makes them indispensable in decorative plantings. Linden is one of the most shade-tolerant breeds.

Lindens are large shady trees that are fragrant during flowering and "buzz" from numerous bees. Linden gives the most abundant bribes compared to other honey plants. And linden honey has long been considered one of the best.

Linden American or black - Tilia americana L.

The homeland of the American linden is the eastern part of North America.

Linden American reaches a height of up to forty meters. A tree with dark, almost black bark, with a broadly ovoid crown, bare, green shoots. The leaves are broadly oval, up to twenty centimeters long, pointed at the top, heart-shaped at the base, sharp-toothed. Abundant flowering falls in the second half of July. The fruits are spherical nuts, without ribs. It grows relatively slowly, shade-tolerant, undemanding to soil conditions, tolerates drought well, and is quite frost-resistant.

An extremely ornamental linden, distinguished from others by large leaves and flowers collected in small inflorescences with a long bract. Looks good in alley and single plantings.

It has several decorative forms:

vine (f. ampelophylla) - with large lobed leaves;

large-leaved (f. macrophylla) - with very large leaves, more than 20 cm long;

pyramidal (f. fastigiata) - with a narrow pyramidal crown.

European linden - Tilia europaea L.

Distributed in Western Europe.

Beautiful, highly decorative tree with a tent-shaped crown, up to 40 m tall; rounded-ovate leaves with a heart-shaped base, dark green above, glabrous and whitish-gray below. Blooms for 10 - 17 days. The fruits are nuts with well-defined ribs. Winter-hardy.

Has a number of decorative forms:

vine (f.vitifolia) - with large 2 - 3-top, unequally toothed leaves;

split-leaved (f.laciniata) - having leaves of various shapes, from palmate to pinnate.

Both forms are winter-hardy. Very effective in single landings on an open lawn.

European linden has a variety "Wratislaviensis". Its young leaves are golden yellow, then turn green. This is luxurious tree, whose young growths create the effect of a golden halo around the crown.

Felt or silver linden - Tilia tomentosa Moench.

Wildly grows in the forests of the southwestern part of Ukraine, the southeastern part Western Europe, the Balkans and Asia Minor.

One of the most decorative lindens. Felt or silver linden can have a height of up to thirty meters. A tree with beautiful silvery foliage and a remarkably regular, naturally wide pyramidal or oval crown. Looks great in an alley, single-row street planting, in groups and singly. The leaves of this linden are noteworthy, rounded, up to twelve centimeters, dark green above, slightly fluffy at the beginning of development, whitish-felt on the underside, on felt-pubescent petioles, with bright sunlight the edges of the sheet are folded over, revealing a silvery, underside. During this period, the linden is fabulously beautiful. It blooms later than small-leaved linden, in the second half of July for ten days. The flowers are very fragrant.

It grows quite slowly. Shade-tolerant, more thermophilic, tolerates city conditions well, is highly drought-resistant, and is not damaged by insects. Very valuable breed for the southern regions of Russia, where other types of linden grow poorly.

"Brabants". Slow-growing tree up to 20 m tall with a dense narrow crown. The leaves are dark green above, snow-white below, felted, on pubescent petioles. Thanks to this contrast, it looks very beautiful, especially when the silvery underside of the leaf is visible, for example in windy weather. Leaves are yellow in autumn. Flowers yellow, fragrant.

Linden ordinary - Tilia x vulgaris Hayne = Tilia x intermedia

Natural hybrid of small-leaved linden and large-leaved linden (T. cordata x T. platyphyllos). In many respects it is similar to the first, but it blooms two weeks earlier than it, grows faster, is frost-resistant, tolerates urban conditions well, cuts and molds well. Larger foliage and dense broad-pyramidal crown give it decorative look. Deserves the widest distribution in landscape gardening, for landscaping streets, boulevards, alleys and group plantings.

Abroad, especially in Germany, one of the hybrids is popular - common linden "Pallida" (T. x intermedia "Pallida"). It is valued for its regular, wide-pyramidal crown and very straight trunk. Sometimes this linden is called "imperial". The plant is winter-hardy in conditions middle lane Russia.

Lindens are one of the main species widely used in green building in gardens, parks and forest parks. Spectacular in the alley, ordinary street plantings and single. Perfectly combined with red oak, swamp oak, beech, mountain ash, liquidambar, maples, ash trees, skumpia, etc.

Small-leaved or heart-shaped linden - Tilia cordata Mill.

It grows wildly throughout almost the entire European part of Russia, in Western Siberia, the Crimea and the Caucasus, in Western Europe.

Small-leaved linden can have a height of up to thirty meters. A tree with a compact oval crown and a slender cylindrical trunk. The upper branches of the crown are usually directed upwards, the middle branches are almost horizontal, the lower ones, especially in edge trees, hang down. Leaves up to b cm, heart-shaped, with a retracted apex, dark green above, glabrous, sometimes shiny, bluish on the underside, on petioles up to 3 cm long; in autumn they take on a beautiful light yellow color. The flowers are small, yellowish-white, fragrant, 5-7 in inflorescences, with a characteristic light green bract. Flowering lasts 12 - 17 days. The fruits are spherical or oval nuts without ribs.

It is distinguished by high shade tolerance, high frost resistance, is sensitive to drought, and is moderately demanding to soil conditions. Withstands excellent crown molding and is one of the most important tree species most widely used in regular style gardens and parks. Suitable for making hedges. Durable, lives up to 400 years or more.

Large-leaved linden - Tilia platyphyllos Scop.

Naturally grows in the forests of the western part of Ukraine, in the Caucasus, in Central and Southern Europe. Very widespread in culture.

Large-leaved linden reaches a height of forty meters. A tree with a dense, broad-pyramidal crown, with reddish-brown, fluffy, rarely bare, young shoots. Leaves up to fourteen centimeters, round-ovate, green, hairy above, with tufts of hairs in the corners of the veins - below, on petioles 2 - 6 cm long. The leaves bloom two weeks later than the small-leaved linden. The flowers are yellowish-cream, larger, but in smaller numbers in the inflorescence (2 - 5), blooms two weeks earlier than small-leaved linden. The fruit is an almost spherical, ribbed, felt-pubescent nutlet with a thick shell.

Grows relatively fast. Winter-hardy for the Moscow region. You can plant from the latitude of St. Petersburg and to the south. It is more demanding on soil fertility, it tolerates drought better than small-leaved linden, it is stable and more durable in urban conditions.
