Two-level stretch ceilings. Features and recommendations for selection. Features of construction and design: two-level stretch ceilings Two-tier stretch ceilings

A two-level stretch ceiling is a simple and convenient option for zoning a room. It helps to disguise utility lines and provides sufficient lighting in the room. In addition, suspended cladding is extremely bright and very beautiful decoration interior

In this article I will tell you in detail how to install a two-tier ceiling from PVC film yourself. I will not forget to remind you about the mistakes that you will need to avoid.

How to choose a canvas?

Stretch ceilings are made from a film made from polyvinyl chloride. Moreover, it can have different textures: matte, glossy, satin. The colors and patterns on the film are also varied. It is fixed to a frame made of metal profiles.

After installation, the material forms a flat, smooth and seamless plane. However, in reality this polymer coating consists of several firmly welded panels.

Two-level ceilings look especially good in large and high-ceiling rooms. In them you can not restrain your imagination and arrange a covering of a complex, bizarre shape.

Important benefits

  1. Recreating a flat ceiling surface. In most cases, the floors in apartments are uneven, with significant differences in height.
    To get rid of this problem using the usual method - by plastering and puttying the ceiling, you will spend a lot of time and effort. A stretch ceiling will perfectly level the base surface. At the same time, you don’t have to spend money on additional building materials and remove mountains of garbage.
  2. Labor costs for installation tension covering with your own hands are relatively small. In addition, such finishing has such an important advantage as speed of installation. You will spend one or two days on it.
  3. Possibility to hide communications: electrical wiring, telephone, TV cables, ventilation ducts etc.

  1. Highly aesthetic appearance. This beautiful finish appeals to most people, regardless of differences in their tastes and preferences.
  2. 2nd level stretch ceiling is universal. You can choose a variety of shapes and colors to suit any interior style.

  1. Moisture resistance and flood protection. IN apartment buildings There are frequent accidents, as a result of which those living above flood their neighbors below. By installing a two-tier ceiling structure, you will protect the room from such danger.

The polyvinyl chloride film will retain water and will not allow it to pass through. All you have to do is drain the liquid into a basin or bucket through a small puncture. And then re-stretch the sagging fabric using a heat gun.

Disadvantages that need to be mentioned

  1. Comparative fragility of the coating. If you touch the panel with any object with sharp edges, you can damage it - pierce or scratch it.
  2. I do not recommend installing ceilings made of polyvinyl chloride material in country houses and cottages. But subject to your seasonal residence there is no heating in them in winter. Under influence low temperatures the polymer fabric will become unusable.

IN in this case I can recommend you to use a fabric version of a stretch ceiling. Textiles are not afraid of the negative effects of extreme temperatures. Therefore, it is the optimal solution for cladding ceilings in an unheated house.

  1. Quite a high price. Tensile structure and especially a two-tier one - the thing is far from cheap. However, the significant cost of such cladding is compensated by its long service life and high level of aesthetics.

If you assemble such a coating yourself, you will significantly reduce its price.

What to consider when designing a two-level suspended ceiling

It is the film stretch ceiling that is best suited for arranging complex two-tier structures. The polymer fabric is flexible and plastic. Therefore, it makes it possible to implement the most daring design solutions.

Thinking what yours should be stretch ceiling Level 2, consider two determining factors.

This is your desired aesthetic and stylistic outcome, as well as functional features coverings.

  1. With the help of a two-level ceiling, you will be able to hide uneven ceilings, as well as provide the room with effective and impressive lighting.

  1. You can zone the space of a room without much expense. For this purpose, you will use a combination of different shapes, colors and textures of the polymer sheet. This way you will be able to divide the room into separate functional areas, as well as visually expand it.

  1. When choosing the color design and configuration of a two-tier suspended ceiling, take into account the overall style of the room's interior.
    For example, if it is minimalist in layout, design and colors, you should not install a bright ceiling with a complex configuration, elaborate waves and curls. This design will “crush” the room with its appearance, as it will look much stronger than the other elements of the interior.
  2. Separately, I would like to say about panels with photo printing and 3D images. I don’t argue – such a design looks impressive and original.
    However, excessive emphasis on the ceiling unusual shape and with a bright color design will draw too much attention to it. This situation may be advisable only in large and high-ceiling rooms.

If you want to use a stretch fabric with a pattern, be sure to take into account the ability of the glossy coating to glare, that is, to strongly reflect light. Try, whenever possible, to mount the material with images on the top level two-tier ceiling.

Preparing for work

Put suspended ceiling follows at the final stage of construction, when all its dusty and dirty stages are completely completed.

Requirements to consider

Before installing a suspended ceiling, consider:

  1. Frame profiles can be attached to brick, concrete, wood, plaster and ceramic tiles.
    Make sure the base ceiling is strong. If it crumbles, sand it first and then prime it.

  1. It is not forbidden to install a two-tier film ceiling in a room with household equipment, furniture and other room utensils. However, please note that the interval from ceiling covering to the top of the interior items should not be less than 0.7 meters.
  2. Be sure to draw a diagram electrical wiring, installation of lighting fixtures and communications where the suspended ceiling will be installed. This will be useful for subsequent repairs.
  3. High-quality installation film construction possible only with a certain heat transfer electrical appliances, built into the coating. The equipment should not heat up too much.

The same requirement applies to climate control, fire extinguishing and ventilation systems.

Do not use light bulbs that get very hot in lamps.

They can cause the film to sag and even melt.

  1. Extremely permissible level power for incandescent light bulbs and fluorescent analogues is 60 W.
  2. For 12 Volt halogen light sources, the maximum power should be 35 W. For analogues at 220 Volts, this figure should be 20 W.
  3. For installation of point LED lamps for 12 Volts, use 11.5 Volt step-down transformers.

Necessary tools

Before work prepare:

  • hammer drill for fixing frame profiles to the walls;
  • screwdriver for screwing in self-tapping screws;
  • gas or electric heat gun for heating the room and PVC sheet;
  • pencil, marking and building level(laser, bubble or hydraulic) for marking the structure;
  • step ladder for high-altitude work;
  • special spatulas and spatulas for tensioning and fixing polyvinyl chloride film in baguettes.

Materials needed

Below are the basic materials and design elements you will need.

  1. Aluminum or plastic molding of ceiling, wall or connecting type. It is needed to fix the canvas to the frame or ceiling.
  2. Tension fabric, already cut to the size of the ceiling (and reduced by 7 percent for tension). If you choose the harpoon method of installing the coating, then it should be bordered around the perimeter with a flexible plastic harpoon.
  3. Decorative strips that mask installation gaps between the film and the walls.

  1. Metal profiles for arranging the frame of the second tier.
  2. Drywall, if you are going to make an additional level out of it.
  3. Plastic dowels and screws.

Installation of a two-tier ceiling

Before installing the suspended ceiling, you should install a frame for it from metal profiles.

Frame arrangement

Please note that the plane of the stretch ceiling must be exactly horizontal.

  1. Using a laser level, place marks in each corner of the room. Next, beat off a solid line along them using a cord and pigment. It will indicate the level of installation of the frame for the second tier of the ceiling.

  1. Attach U-shaped profile strips along this line using dowels and a hammer drill. Mount the same guides along the ceiling along the previously marked line.
  2. The configuration of the box can be straight or wavy, curvilinear.

To fix the profiles along a curved path, their shelves must be trimmed with metal scissors in increments of 4 centimeters. Do this so that the bar can be bent to the desired curvature.

  1. Screw the lowers made from pieces of rack profiles to the guides fixed on the ceiling. The lower ends of the racks should be located with the wall planks at the same level (horizontal).
    Together, these profiles form the lower plane of the two-tier structure. Attach the racks in increments of 0.25-0.3 meters.

  1. Mount a box from a couple of pieces of rack profiles and guide strips. Screw them with self-tapping screws for metal, so as to form a structure similar to a pipe with a rectangular cross-section.
  2. Fix this box to the already mounted lowers. Carry out fastening work with small self-tapping screws (they are called “bugs”) using a screwdriver.
  3. To wall profiles this design secure with a load-bearing (wide) profile.

Be sure to maintain an exact correspondence between the verticals and horizontals of the frame. Check the angles using a bubble level.

  1. As described above, collect all load-bearing structure around the perimeter of the room.
  2. You will then screw the mounting baguette for the PVC film onto the box.

I want to warn you that the polymer fabric, as it cools, will create a strong tension. Based on this, the frame design must have a high level of strength sufficient for such a load.

Installation of plasterboard level

The next stage of installing a two-tier ceiling is laying the electrical wiring necessary for installing lighting and lining the frame with gypsum plasterboard sheets.

  1. Cut pieces of drywall to the required size and mount them on the box. Fix the gypsum board to the frame with self-tapping screws.

  1. Once you have installed all the drywall, reinforce all corners using perforated corners. You can fix them using gypsum-based putty.

  1. Next, fill all joints and screw holes. When the putty has dried, sand the plasterboard layer with fine sandpaper.

  1. Then mark the locations of the built-in lighting fixtures. After that, cut holes for them using a drill bit - a “crown” or “ballerina”.
  2. Next, prime the surface of the tier and cover it with the paint of your choice or cover it with wallpaper.

The second level of the suspended ceiling is ready. Next, you can begin installing the tension fabric.

Fixing the film

Now let’s talk about how suspended ceilings are installed. The panel itself can be attached to baguettes using three methods: glazing bead, wedge and harpoon.

The last types are the most common:

  1. The harpoon fastening system is the most popular due to its ease of installation and the need for special skills to work with it. In this case, a harpoon hook is factory welded around the perimeter of the canvas. It serves to tension and fix the film in baguettes.

Since the harpoons are attached during the production of the panel, it is very important to accurately measure the dimensions of the ceiling. I recommend that you take into account that you need to order the film in dimensions that are 7-10 percent smaller than the overlap area.

  1. The wedge method of fixing the panel is more technologically complex.

It requires certain work skills:

  • however the method has one important advantage, namely versatility, since there is no harpoon around the perimeter of the film. Thanks to this, you do not have to adhere to the exact dimensions of the canvas. It is possible to retighten it many times, change the tension, cut off the excess;
  • you can quickly remove and return the tension covering, fixed using the wedge method, during repairs or in case of leaks;

  • When choosing a wedge fastening system, the film often has an area larger than the ceiling itself. Based on this, first measure the canvas accurately and, after stretching it, trim off the excess.

The glazing bead system for fixing the coating is similar to the wedge method. But here the canvas is attached to the baguettes using a special tape. This method guarantees good film tension.

Below are my instructions for installing stretch film, that is, the first level of a two-tier ceiling. Please take into account that competent technology installation of such a structure requires the preliminary drawing up of its exact drawing.

It should show the dimensions of all its elements.

The film should be cut and sewn only after measuring the room:

  1. Fixing tension material to the frame or plasterboard box, provide reliable fastening baguettes The tightness of fit of the profiles to the structure being installed must be high. Please note that the fulfillment of these conditions will depend appearance and durability of the suspended ceiling.

  1. Before installing the PVC sheet, it must be heated to +60-70 degrees. Do this with a heat gun or a large construction hairdryer. When heated, the film will become more elastic and can be stretched.
  2. The room itself in which the tension fabric will be installed must also be heated. But up to a temperature of +40-45 degrees.

  1. When the panel heats up, first secure it with a spatula in one of the corners of the room. Then fix it to opposite side. And only then attach the film to the remaining corners.

I warn you right away that in the last of them it will be the most difficult to fix the canvas. However, do not be nervous, do everything carefully and do not damage the film.

  1. Next, tighten the covering into baguettes. Do this in increments of 8-10 centimeters. Thus, fix the panel with a spatula around the perimeter of the entire ceiling. At the same time, pull it evenly.
  2. Trim off the excess film if you chose the glazing bead or wedge fastening method.
  3. Warming up the panel with a hairdryer, straighten out all the folds and wrinkled strips on it.
  4. When the film cools to natural temperature, it will stretch. Thanks to this, the coating will be absolutely smooth and even.

  1. Next, along the perimeter of the tier, mask the technological gaps with decorative tape.

  1. Lastly, cut holes in the film for lighting. To protect the canvas from heated lamps, stick thermal insulation rings onto the holes.

If the lamps are placed inside the space between the base and suspended ceilings, then they will not touch the film. Therefore, she does not need to be protected from them.


As you understand from the article, it is quite possible to install a two-level stretch ceiling yourself. With relatively low labor and time costs, you will decorate your home beautiful coating, which will hide all the imperfections of the ceiling. The video in this article continues this theme. And you can ask questions in the comments.

A two-level suspended ceiling with lighting is understood as a hanging system for decorative purposes. It consists of profiles made of metal or plastic, decorated with elastic fabric.


Two-level stretch ceilings have enormous potential for creating a unique atmosphere in the finished room. With their help, you can implement numerous design ideas. Modern systems of this type may generally contain fabric or PVC film. For reliable fixation of the material, it is provided frame construction, consisting of a durable aluminum or plastic profile.

Thanks to the two-level ceiling, it is convenient to achieve the effect of expanding space when zoning rooms. By using satin and glossy fabrics, your home can be made lighter and more comfortable. Despite their versatility, two-level stretch ceilings are used most often in the hall.

Installation work

Installing a two-level structure will require some experience in construction work.


The advantage of any suspended ceiling system is the ability to hide irregularities and flaws in the rough foundation. Unlike painting or wallpapering, in this case there will be no need for careful leveling of the concrete floor.

Preparatory activities are carried out as follows:

  1. Freeing the room from unnecessary things. Any ceiling decoration requires free access to its entire area. Perfect option– completely remove all furniture from the room. Objects that are too bulky to remove can be moved to the center by covering them with waterproof film. Also, chandeliers, lamps, cornices and all other elements need to be removed from the ceiling surface.
  2. Cleaning the base. If whitewash or paint was used as an old finish, it is advisable to remove it. The fact is that further shedding of small particles can damage the tension fabric. Ideally, you should clean everything down to the concrete slab. This procedure is carried out with a durable scraper.
  3. Sealing joints. In some houses, the ceiling does not consist of one solid slab, but several. The connecting sections between them begin to crumble over time. The same goes for corners. All these areas must be sealed with a new solution, after removing the old one. It is most convenient to use a starting putty such as Rotband or Isogypsum as a mixture. The tools you will need here are a set of spatulas and a plastic mixing container.
  4. Applying primer. The impregnation used forms a moisture-proof layer on the ceiling, which subsequently prevents the development of fungus and mold. Acrylic primers have proven themselves to be excellent in this regard. deep penetration: The liquid is poured into a plastic bucket and applied with a brush or roller. If there are already traces of mold on the ceiling, additional treatment of the affected areas with a special antiseptic is carried out.
  5. Laying communications. It should be taken into account that upon completion of the installation of the two-level stretch ceiling structure, access to the rough base will be closed. Therefore, all necessary electrical work The laying of wires and cables must be carried out at the preparation stage.

During this procedure, a lot of dirt and dust usually arises, so it is advisable to further protect the walls, floor and windows plastic film. You should also ensure that you have work clothing and breathing protection.

Development of an installation diagram

During preparatory activities A diagram of a two-level stretch ceiling is being drawn up. The main task is to determine the installation points of the lamps.

Considering the specifics of the system, it is best to use two levels of backlighting:

  1. Main. Includes traditional chandelier and light fixtures.
  2. Local (hidden). Organized using LED strips and built-in spotlights.

System arrangement

Installation activities may only begin after the primer and sealed areas have completely dried. To speed up the drying procedure, it is recommended to use ventilation. The humidity level in the room should not exceed 75%, with an average air temperature of +24 degrees. It is this microclimate that most contributes to the correct straightening of the stretched fabric, preventing its shrinkage. While the room is drying, you can start developing a sketch of a two-level ceiling, with a clear indication of the configuration of each level and the location of the main lighting.

The finished drawing of a stretch ceiling in two levels is transferred from paper to the base. To apply curved lines, it is best to use a plastic profile. This structural part can be easily bent, without damage to smooth transitions. Having completed the process of creating a drawing for setting levels, you need to decide on the height of the lower level of the stretch ceiling. The optimal figure is at least 15 cm.

If there are unevenness and differences on the floor, it is most convenient to use laser level. With its help, each of the walls is marked with marks for the attachment points of the profile, over which an elastic fabric or film will be stretched. The areas where lamps and chandeliers are located are equipped with wooden pads, allowing you to adjust the level. Finishing installation work At these points, using a soldering iron, holes are made for the lamps. To install them, special brackets are used, and decorative inserts are used to close the holes.

Plastic frame

Installation of a frame for a two-level stretch ceiling includes several stages:

  1. Fixing wooden blocks on which the future profile will be attached. Dowels are used as fastening elements. Strictly speaking, we are talking about a simplified version of the frame. There is a possibility of using metal U- and C-shaped profiles to create it, but in this case you will need some experience working with such elements. Beginners are recommended to choose wooden blocks, when installing which a step of 20-30 cm is used.
  2. Installation of plastic profile. The previously applied markings serve as a guide. For fixing to wooden blocks, ordinary wood screws are used. Connection of profile ends The system includes special plastic adapters, which are also fixed to the pads. To close the plastic profile from below, use a corner flexible perforated insert. She is being fixed polyurethane glue. Thanks to this, the lower plane of the system is free of sharp protrusions, which often cause tears in the elastic fabric.
  3. When installing a two-level stretch ceiling structure, you should in every possible way avoid any damage to communication lines or fire alarm. Cable channels are used to protect the wiring. There is also an option for fixing the wiring to the ceiling using special brackets. The sections of the frame that come into contact with the cable are equipped with small cutouts.
  4. The task of the plastic profile is to determine the height of the lower level of the system. Its fixation should be as reliable as possible (the normal point load is at least 15 kg). Such a safety margin can even withstand flooding from above, which sometimes happens in multi-story buildings.
  5. In areas of contact between the plastic and the wall, the corner parts of the profile must be cut off. For this, a grinder with an emery sheet is most often used. regular file. This ensures a smooth slope towards the wall. It is very important to achieve a smooth contact point: rough transitions must be avoided. The contact point is equipped with a metal profile with a harpoon - this line will also be formed with a tension fabric.

Metallic profile

Upon completion of the installation of the plastic elements, they move on to the metal profile. The place of its fixation is the perimeter of the walls at a previously specified height. A laser level is used for this. You only need to use the profile that is included with the stretch ceiling. This element is specific in that there is an elastic pressing insert inside it (in other words, a harpoon). Thanks to the insert, the edges of the fabric stretched over the frame are secured. Dowels are used to fix the profile to the wall.

Equipped with another metal profile plastic element on the side where there are no bars. After this, all prominent fastener heads are masked using a light color. masking tape. If this is not done, they will be visible against the background of a white two-level stretch ceiling. This is especially true for bright sunny days, or when all the lamps are burning.

Selecting a canvas

The design of two-level stretch ceilings suggests the possibility of using two types of fabric:

  1. PVC film. A durable material characterized by elasticity, moisture resistance and low cost. In case of contamination, the film can be washed with a sponge and soapy water.
  2. Polyester fabric. Inferior to film in terms of moisture resistance, surpassing it in decorativeness. No heating is required during installation (unlike PVC). The fabric allows air to pass through, so the effect of a closed space does not occur. It is mainly used in two-tier stretch ceilings in the hall.

Two-level systems can be equipped with several materials at once. It often happens that a glossy PVC film is used to furnish the first level, thereby achieving a visual expansion of the space. The 2nd level stretch ceiling can be decorated with textured satin-like fabric. This combination looks very beautiful, which explains its popularity when implementing design ideas.

The final choice of material for the canvas depends on the taste of the customer. In specialized stores you have the opportunity to independently evaluate the parameters of materials, deciding on shades and texture. It is possible to order photographic film based on an individual design. Depending on the complexity and quality, the cost of production is determined.

As for the combination of a two-level stretch ceiling and a plasterboard base, this solution is not very practical. The exception is the forced zoning of premises of a large area. In this case, the rigid base must be equipped with an aluminum frame made of C-shaped profiles.

Installation of tension material

First of all, the lower level of the structure is arranged, and then the upper one. Let's figure out how to stretch a stretch ceiling and what the sequence of actions is.

Installation procedure for a 2-level stretch ceiling:

  1. The straightening of the PVC sheet is accompanied by blowing with a gas heat gun. When using polyester fabric, this procedure is not necessary.
  2. The straightened canvas must be fixed at a height of 1.5-2 meters with special rubber clothespins. To achieve complete removal of all folds, the film from below is once again blown with a gas gun. Despite the increase in air temperature in the room, opening windows is prohibited.
  3. The tightening procedure must begin from the plastic profile, from the corner section. In this case, you will need a plastic spatula as a tool. The edges of the material are put on the protrusions, pushing into the harpoon. Reliable fixation of the canvas is ensured by special inserts. Proceed in a similar manner in each of the corners. This is followed by another blowing with a heat gun.
  4. After waiting for the film to cool, it is attached along the perimeter of the two-level stretch ceiling. It is important to achieve uniform tension, otherwise ties will appear. The areas where the canvas is fixed to the plastic profile are decorated with reinforced tape: in these places, the profile for the upper level of the stretch ceiling is attached to self-tapping screws.
  5. The installation of the second panel is completely identical.

Two-level ceiling lighting

To determine the points of the holes for the lamps, press the canvas with your hand, feeling for bars or plastic rings. Cutting is not suitable in this case: burning is necessary. To do this, you can use heated rounded reinforcement. The main thing is to achieve melting of the edges, otherwise the film will tear. Cutting can only be used in combination with a special plastic thermal ring glued to the site of the future hole. To cut a hole along the inner contour of the ring, there are usually no problems.

After this, you can begin fixing the lamps using hangers. Decorative inserts are used to disguise attachment points. If necessary, power supplies and circuit breakers are attached to the floor slab. During the implementation of this procedure, the voltage on the electrical panel is turned off. There is an option for illuminating a stretch ceiling using LED strips installed behind the ceiling cornice. Such lighting allows the use of color changes and a remote control unit.

2-level plasterboard ceilings will allow you to simultaneously solve several problems: disguise utility lines located under the base ceiling base, hide flaws and shortcomings draft ceiling, divide the room into functional zones, install original lighting. The main disadvantage of such structures is that suspended ceilings take away the height of the room. However, with the right design, the decorative composition will match the interior.

2-level plasterboard ceilings for the hall photo

Preparing for work

Before installing a 2-level plasterboard ceiling, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • room height. A two-level system will reduce the spatial dimensions of the room. If the distance from floor to ceiling is only 2.5 meters, you will have to look for another finishing method;
  • accents. Lighting devices installed in the lower level of the structure will help visually divide the room into separate zones. Perimeter lighting of the box will visually raise the ceiling;
  • humidity. It is better to avoid using plasterboard in finishing bathroom ceilings. But, if you decide to install a gypsum plasterboard hanging system, choose a material marked moisture-resistant.

The installation of a two-level plasterboard ceiling requires drawing up a detailed design drawing on a sheet of paper. Without a drawing there is no point in starting work. There is a possibility of getting not only ceilings that do not meet expectations, but, even worse, a crooked structure.

Sketches of plasterboard ceilings

Once the drawing is ready, make several copies of the drawing. You may make adjustments as the work progresses, and final version The project of a two-level ceiling will differ from the initial one. To draw up a drawing, use a compass, ruler, or protractor to accurately reproduce a small copy of the design. Based on the plan, it will be possible to quickly apply markings to the ceiling, exactly repeating the geometry of the figures that are supposed to be made.

The plan must indicate:

  • center of the room;
  • sizes of decorative boxes;
  • radii of circles, their location in relation to the designated geometric center of the ceiling;
  • if a complex curve is used in finishing, the line is built based on the combination of circular arcs. At the same time, the center and radius of each circle are also indicated in the drawing;
  • The position points of the built-in lighting devices are marked, and the diameters of the holes that will need to be made in the drywall for the lamps are indicated.

When work with the plan is completed, draw a diagram of the location of utilities in the space between the decorative ceiling and the base base.

These include:

  1. distribution box locations;
  2. types of cables, wire cross-section;
  3. options for connecting devices;
  4. cable routes;
  5. air ducts;
  6. hoods;
  7. ventilation grates.

A frame project is drawn up separately decorative ceiling, where the location lines of load-bearing and ceiling profiles, attachment points for hangers, “crabs”, and position relative to the frame of gypsum board sheets are marked. And finally, materials and components are calculated.

Frame project for a two-level plasterboard ceiling

When purchasing drywall and frame components, increase all received figures by 3-5%. It's connected with possible errors at the calculation stage, making changes to the ceiling composition during the course of work, damage to parts during installation.

Drywall needs to be purchased 7-10 days before sheathing. Sheets are placed in horizontal position in the room where the suspended ceiling will be installed, so that the material adapts to climatic conditions and took the correct shape.

Required Tools

To install a two-tier plasterboard ceiling, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • hammer drill for drilling holes in concrete floors;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • building level;
  • tape measure and pencil or marker for transferring the drawing to the base base of the ceiling and the first tier of the structure;
  • metal scissors for cutting profiles;
  • upholstery cord;
  • a stationery knife with a sharp blade for cutting plasterboard;
  • hammer and pliers.

To finish the structure you will need sickle tape, primer, putty, fine-grained sandpaper, a construction float, and spatulas (wide and narrow).


Any tiered ceilings begin with the assembly of a frame base from a galvanized metal profile. Lined with plasterboard and wooden frame, but then the finishing will cost more, because wood is more expensive than metal. But in terms of performance and strength metal profiles better. Their additional advantages are fire resistance, corrosion resistance, and long service life.

Profile frame

To build the frame of the decorative ceiling and cover the structure you will need:

  • two types of profiles: guide (UD) and (CD);
  • special connectors for extending the CD profile;
  • direct hangers or brackets are used to attach the CD profile to the ceiling;
  • spring hangers are used in cases where the length of the direct hanger is insufficient. For example, second level decorative design planned to go very low;
  • two-level connectors. Designed for joining CD profiles located on different tiers of the structure;
  • “crabs” for joining ceiling profiles at the same frame level;
  • corner connectors. They are used to connect CD profiles at the corners of the room. Connectors are also used for joining ceiling profiles at the same level;
  • dowel screws, anchor bolts, self-tapping screws, metal screws;
  • lamps, if plasterboard ceilings with lighting will be installed;
  • GKL sheets. Most often, sheets with a thickness of 9.5 mm are used for cladding. If an arch or a complex curved structure is to be installed, choose gypsum board with a thickness of 6.5 mm. It is also used for covering the second tier. It is not recommended to purchase 12 mm thick material for covering the frame under the ceiling due to its too heavy weight.

Photo of a two-level gypsum board ceiling with lighting

There are two ways in which you can make a two-level plasterboard ceiling:

  • the first, when the 2nd level of the decorative ceiling is installed without installing the 1st. This installation method suspended structure Can only be used on a level base. The lamps are placed in the frame or on the side of the frame;
  • the second, when both the first and second tiers are made of plasterboard. This installation method is used in rooms with uneven ceilings, or in the presence of finishing that cannot be properly leveled with putty, or it is necessary to disguise communications located under the rough ceiling.

Usually, the first level is installed first, and the frame elements for the 2nd level are already attached to it. Or, first, a box is installed, to which a guide profile is then attached to finish the main area of ​​the ceiling surface. The location of the lamps can be any.

They decide which option for installing a decorative 2-level ceiling to choose, based on the spatial dimensions of the room, the presence or absence of utilities, and the quality of finishing of the base base.

DIY installation of a two-level plasterboard ceiling

You can install a two-level gypsum board structure yourself if you follow the instructions and follow the installation technology.

Preparing the ceiling for finishing

Before starting work, it is necessary to remove all furniture, equipment, houseplants. Anything that cannot be removed is moved to the center of the room and covered with plastic film to protect it from dust and dirt. Removed from the rough ceiling old finishing, deep cracks and cracks are sealed with putty or a mixture based on sand and cement, and the surface is primed.

Markings are applied on the walls for the first level of the decorative structure using a square, laser and profile levels.

Marking using a meter and level

First, find the bottom corner in the room and, starting from it, draw an even horizontal line around the perimeter. Points are placed on the ceiling at the places where direct hangers are attached, then parallel lines are drawn along which the ceiling profiles will be mounted. Please note that the profiles must be located at the joints of the plasterboard sheets.

If the ceilings in the room are uneven, you first need to level the markings horizontally, and then proceed according to the plan. The distance between the hangers is 60 cm, between the profiles – 40 cm. Choose the direction of the profiles yourself. Professional builders often advise installing profiles towards window openings, citing the fact that the seams on the plasterboard ceiling will be less noticeable.

How to make from plasterboard, do-it-yourself installation.

Frame installation

UD guide profiles (28*27) are attached along a horizontal line to the walls using dowel-nails every 30-40 cm. To do this, sealing tape is glued to the back side of the guide, the plank is applied to the wall, and fixed with dowel-nails. At the corners, the profiles are inserted into each other and fastened with self-tapping screws.

The next step is to attach the hangers. If you don’t have ready-made elements, make them yourself from the PP 60*27 ceiling profile. To do this, measure the distance from the base ceiling to the bottom edge of the UD profile, cut pieces from the ceiling profile 1 cm less than the measured distance. From the end of the profile, cut off the side flanges by 2.5 cm, and make a tongue from the back. Screw the hangers to the ceiling profile using self-tapping screws, and only then fix the PP 60*27 to them. Or immediately install the hangers to the rough ceiling surface. Then attach the CD profile to the hangers, the edges of which fit into the guides. Extension of the ceiling profile is done using connectors.

If you plan to install a round structure on the ceiling, first draw a sketch. And then, according to the drawing, the guide profile is bent and fixed to the ceiling. To bend the bar, notches are made on the reverse side. The gap between adjacent notches is determined by the curvature of the line. The steeper the bend, the smaller the distance left between the cuts.

After this, a nylon thread is pulled under the structure, which is used to regulate the evenness of the frame for the first level. Leveling is carried out using adjustable hangers. The distance from the ceiling to the bottom edge of the profile must be the same in all areas of the structure. The ceiling and guide profiles are fastened together with self-tapping screws.

Sheathing with plasterboard

The photo shows the frame and the first row of gypsum boards installed

First, the frame is sheathed with whole sheets of material. The remaining space is measured, the drywall is cut to required sizes. The ceiling profile strip should be located at the junction of adjacent gypsum board sheets. The pitch between the screws is 25-30 cm. The screws are screwed into the drywall so that the head of the screw enters the sheet 3-5 mm. Subsequently, these recesses will be filled with putty.

In those places where the sheet was cut, a chamfer is made, cutting off part of the material from the gypsum board sheet. This is necessary in order to ensure better adhesion putty mixture.

Surface marking

Installation of the second level when installing 2-level plasterboard ceilings also begins with markings. It is carried out as follows:

  • From the first level on the wall, the height of the second tier is set aside and a dot is marked;
  • a horizontal line is drawn along the perimeter of the room from this point;
  • outline the contours of the second level.

Usually the second level is made in the form of a geometric figure or a curved line. To make marking easier, you can pre-make a template. All that remains is to trace the outline of the pattern on the ceiling.

Installation of frame base

The frame is mounted from the UD guide profile along the outlined lines. For bending, cuts are made on the slats.

Now you need to lower the frame to the required length. For this:

  • the CD profile is cut to the required length;
  • “tongues” are cut out from one side of the scraps, cutting off the side parts of the profile. This will make installation work easier;
  • the segments are inserted into the UD profile fixed to the ceiling and walls with the flat side;
  • the pieces are fixed with “bugs” (special self-tapping screws for installing drywall). On straight sections of the structure, the distance between the screws is 50-60 cm; on curved sections, the step is reduced, fixing sections of the profile every 20-30 cm;
  • Now a guide profile is attached to the bottom of the hanging sections using “bugs”.

To make the frame for the remaining part of the structure, cut to the required length ceiling profile, one edge is inserted into a guide mounted to the wall, the other is pressed against the side of the frame. Fasten the bar with self-tapping screws on both sides.

The resulting frame is covered with plasterboard.

On a note! At all stages of assembling the frame, be guided by the drawings so that the lintels of the ceiling base do not fall into the installation site of the lighting device.

Before you begin installing the arch, calculate the design parameters and mark the place from which it will begin. Also decide what the radius of curvature will be.

Interroom arch with wiring

The arch is attached to a metal frame base made from a rack profile cut with metal scissors.

The procedure for installing the arch is as follows:

  • make the front side of the structure;
  • install the end parts of the decorative element;
  • the workpiece is fixed to the frame with self-tapping screws.

Curvilinear areas on the ceiling

Because arches and others curved structures are represented by curved surfaces; the thinnest plasterboard (6.5 mm) is used for their covering. However, in terms of price, this type of gypsum board will be more expensive, so craftsmen, in order to save on finishing, use the following methods with which they can bend the material:

  • dry option, when the edge of the sheet is fixed to the frame and bent with force until it accepts the required form. Then the sheet is screwed onto the other side of the frame base using self-tapping screws;
  • using cuts on the side of the sheet that will be convex on the finished arch. The cuts are made at equal intervals, the distance between them is determined by the required bending radius. The smaller the radius of curvature, the smaller the distance left between the cuts. A hacksaw or milling cutter is used to make cuts. Subsequently, the cracks are sealed with putty;
  • the wet method is used to ensure a soft bend of the arched model. First, using a needle roller, process the side of the sheet that will be concave. Then this surface is generously moistened with water, the other side remains completely dry. The sheet is bent to the required curvature and fixed to the profile with self-tapping screws. After 24 hours the material is ready for finishing.

Cutting off part of a sheet of drywall

To ensure that working with plasterboard does not take much time, use the following recommendations:

  • cut the material with a sharp construction knife;
  • It is convenient to cut large sheets if they are leaning against a wall with a slight slope. It is more convenient to cut small canvases (up to 60 cm wide) on a flat horizontal surface;
  • Make cuts only on the front side of the material;
  • if the area of ​​the room being finished is large, purchase sheets measuring 3.6 m; in compact rooms, use plasterboard 2.5 m;
  • Before cutting a piece, carefully measure the dimensions of the element so as not to “grab off” too much.

Plasterboard ceiling before finishing

After the installation of the two-level ceiling is completed, the result of the work is checked. If everything is in order, proceed to finishing the finished structure. Dry putty mixtures are used to putty and level the decorative ceiling:

  • The ceiling is primed with a deep penetration compound, paying close attention to the joints between adjacent sheets and the recesses from self-tapping screws. The primer will improve the adhesive properties of the putty and protect the ceiling from mold;
  • Prepare the solution according to the instructions. It is advisable to use a construction mixer for mixing. Then the mass will be homogeneous and without lumps;
  • First, the recesses from the screws and seams are sealed with the composition to prevent rust and level the surface. A sickle mesh is applied to the joints, and a layer of putty is applied on top with a small spatula so that the mixture covers only the tape;
  • then they putty the entire ceiling using a wide spatula;
  • after the first layer of the mixture has dried, the surface is rubbed with fine-grained sandpaper, attached to a construction float;
  • the next step is to apply a thin layer finishing putty, again left to dry;
  • re-sand and level ceiling surface, primed.

Now the structure is ready for final finishing using any of the selected methods (painting, wallpapering, decorative plaster).

But such careful preparation plasterboard ceiling only required before painting. Wallpapers and decorative plaster will mask minor flaws and shallow cracks.

Such designs will help transform the room beyond recognition. For example, by setting the levels to different heights and by selecting lighting fixtures that suit the interior, you will be able to divide the room into functional zones. Or use a figure on the ceiling to highlight interior items (a bed in the bedroom, a closet, a nightstand, etc.).

Illuminated ceiling

Built-in lighting will create a cozy and romantic atmosphere in the room. The best option will become LED Strip Light. In addition to the fact that soft light will emanate from the device, such lighting will visually lift the ceiling space if you place the tape around the perimeter decorative box from gypsum board.

Drywall is used to create multi-level ceilings in any room:

  • in the kitchen they are more often chosen geometric figures. A circle is usually mounted in the center, and rectangular elements are installed at the edges;
  • For the bedroom it is preferable to use curved lines. Sleeping area are distinguished using a decorative niche, which acts as the second tier of the structure. For a small bedroom, a two-level ceiling with a built-in LED strip is well suited;
  • hanging in the children's room multi-level ceiling mounted to delimit space. With the help of levels we distinguish workplace, play area. Each area of ​​the child’s room should be well lit with devices suitable for the interior style;
  • difficult in the hall plasterboard construction on the ceiling will decorate the interior. Boxes made of square gypsum plasterboard or rectangular shape. Highlight separate areas You can use spotlights or LED strip.

During the installation process, it is important to be attentive to all, even seemingly insignificant, nuances. You can install a two-level gypsum board ceiling in a few days, and you will use the structure longer. Therefore, carefully approach the choice of design and design of the future ceiling, and when purchasing materials and components, give preference to proven brands.

Vieo how to make a 2-level ceiling from plasterboard (gypsum plasterboard)

Stretch ceilings are an excellent alternative to whitewashed or wallpapered surfaces. They hide well all the shortcomings of the rough foundation and communication. Installing suspended ceilings does not take much time, and during the work there is practically no dust generated. Therefore, they can be installed without even renovating the entire room. Among other things, this finishing method is durable - the average service life of tension ceiling structures is 15 years.

Now there is a wide selection of paintings - different colors, textures. If you want a more unusual and sophisticated design, you should pay attention to 2-level stretch ceilings.

Preparation for installation

To work you will need:

  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • glazing nails;
  • pencil and eraser;
  • graph paper;
  • nylon thread;
  • drywall;
  • blocks of wood;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • dowels, screws.

It is more difficult to create a 2-level stretch ceiling than a single-level one. It will take more time and effort, but the result will be much better. In this case, the tension fabric itself is tensioned last. Before starting work, you need to remove furnishings from the room so that they do not interfere. It is also necessary to take into account that in order to stretch the fabric, you need to warm up the room to 70 degrees, and remove all objects that could be damaged by such a temperature.

First, measure the height of the corners of the room. From the lowest of them, 5 centimeters are retreated downwards and a glazing bead nail is driven in. Then, focusing on this mark, mark the perimeter of the entire room.

2-level stretch ceilings can have the most different design, therefore, they must draw up a sketch of the future surface. It is advisable to do this on graph paper or a squared notebook sheet, and not on whatman paper. This makes following the created sketch more convenient.

Then you can order the tension fabric. A 2-level stretch ceiling can be matte or glossy. A design that combines fabrics will look great different textures and shades. Most often, preference is given to white tones - such a surface looks as if it had been perfectly plastered.

When the canvases are delivered, installation of the ceiling can begin. First, another 5-6 centimeters are retreated from the level of the thread and another one is pulled in parallel. If the level 2 suspended ceiling does not touch any wall, then there is no point in marking it. The outline of the second level is made with a marker or chalk. Then wooden blocks of the required height are attached along the drawn line (usually 10 centimeters, but the difference in size between the walls must be taken into account). If a rounded corner is to be created, then it is necessary to use drywall - this material can be given any shape, but it will still be attached to the bars.

Next, we begin to lay out the electrical wires. Typically, 2-level suspended ceilings combine two types of lighting fixtures - a regular chandelier and spotlights. It is best to install spotlights on the second level of the structure. It should be taken into account that the power of the lamps should not exceed 50 watts.

Installation of a two-level ceiling, detailed video:

Installation of a stretch ceiling

To work you will need following material and tools:

  • perforator;
  • profile;
  • dowels, screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • PVC sheets;
  • harpoon mount;
  • heat gun;
  • decorative plinth;
  • spatula with a rubber tip.

The profile is installed along stretched lines, with the exception of those places where the ceiling will not come into contact with the wall. In these places wooden blocks Both profiles are attached to make it possible to join the two tiers and fix the panels.

Afterwards the room is heated with a heat gun. A 2-level stretch ceiling is installed only after the material has warmed up to 65-70 degrees. It is most convenient to work if several people are involved in this at once - while the canvas is stretched around the perimeter of the room, someone warms it up using a heat gun. They do the same with the second tier. When working with a gas heat gun, you must follow safety regulations.

When the canvases are stretched, excess material is tucked under the profile with a special spatula with a rubber tip. At the end of the work, all seams are hidden with plinth.

Design two-level ceilings It can be anything, but the most important thing is to correctly draw a drawing of the stretch ceiling and take the dimensions of the room. Only in this case the design will turn out beautiful, as in the photo. It is not recommended to make more than two levels - the height of the room will be significantly reduced, and it will seem smaller than it actually is.

Such ceilings help to get perfect flat surface and mask all defects in the primary ceiling. You can also use them to neatly hide all wiring, air conditioning pipes and air ducts. The combination of two-level ceilings with lighting will help to visually zone the space of the room, designating individual zones. Great for studio apartments and living rooms.

Our technologies

Competitor technologies

We carry out installation using specialized aluminum structures, pre-manufactured in production according to custom sizes in compliance with all standards and tolerances. We give a 25-year guarantee on such ceilings, the average service life is 50 years!

Companies that make "cheap" offers use hand-assembled structures. These structures are assembled on site from available materials: timber, plywood, plastic. The reliability of such structures is questionable; the average service life is no more than a couple of years.
