Device for grouting seams with your own hands. Which rubber spatula for grouting is more convenient to work with? Professional trowel work

Grout between tile joints carried out at the final stage of the device. Work should be carried out after the drying time has elapsed. adhesive composition(indicated by the manufacturer).

Tools: Small spatula, rubber spatula, sponge, bucket, mixer (nozzle), drill
Expendable materials: Grout, water, sanitary sealant

The seams must be dry and completely free of adhesive residues and other contaminants. Seal before starting masking tape surfaces and elements adjacent to the cladding - to protect them from contamination by the grout.

Solution preparation

Quantity grout mixture determined based on the width of the seam, the size of the tile and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cladding. As a rule, the mixture consumption table is given on the commercial packaging with grout (see Table 1).

When grouting joints between mosaic tiles, especially if the mosaic cells are thicker (more than 5 mm), the mixture consumption may significantly exceed the nominal value. Be careful and always purchase material with a margin.

Table 1. Approximate consumption of grout mixture

Tile size, cm Seam width, mm Approximate consumption of the mixture, kg / m2
5*5 2 0,5
5*5 3 0,7
10*10 2 0,4
10*20 3 0,4
15*15 3 0,4
20*20 5 0,5

To prepare the solution, pour a measured amount of clean water into a container. cold water. Pour the mixture into the water in small portions and mix thoroughly. Small amounts of mortar can be mixed by hand using a small mixing bowl. Mixers are used to prepare a significant amount of grout. Be careful when adding water - too much water can cause discoloration of the grout.

IMPORTANT: Prepare exactly as much solution as you can use during the working time of the mixture indicated on the package. Remember - the material loses its plasticity very quickly and it becomes inconvenient to work with it.

Grouting sequence

Grouting is usually done in three steps:

  1. Filling the seam with mortar;
  2. Formation of the contour of the seam;
  3. Surface cleaning.

Seam filling

Immediately before starting work, lightly dampen the surface of the tiles with a spray bottle.

To enlarge working time grout mixture - the material should be periodically moistened with a spray gun, while thoroughly mixing the mixture.

Forming the contour of the seam

A straight seam is the easiest to form. This method of grouting is effective on large areas, as well as on small tiles. The direct seam technique is most preferred when grouting mosaic tiles.

The formation of seams is carried out using sponge floats.

Execution of work

Dampen the grater and wring it out thoroughly to remove excess moisture. After that, running the sponge surface over the tiles at a 45 degree angle to the seam lines, remove excess grout from the surface of the cladding.

For final cleaning of the surface, you can use a sponge dipped in warm, clean water.

Conditions for applying the method

A prerequisite for the use of the straight seam method is the special configuration of the tile ends. The ends of all tiles must be even (without rounding).

Tiles with a straight end, as a rule, are made of porcelain stoneware.

Disadvantages of the method

A significant disadvantage this method grouting is rough appearance seams - i.e. their uneven width. However, the manifestation of such a defect largely depends on the qualifications of the master.

The round seam method is used if facing tiles have pronounced fillets (fillets) on the upper end faces.

Most often, fillets are present on tiles.

Tiles, due to the softness of the clay, cannot be cut and processed during the production process without the formation of microcracks. To eliminate these defects, the faces are processed and acquire a rounded contour.

Quite often, to create an additional decorating effect, chamfers are used - bevels along the edges of the tile.

Fillets and chamfers do not allow the use of sponges for grouting the seam - in this case, the seam will be too rough.

For the device of round seams, special rubber spatulas are used.

The contour of the seam obtained with their help looks aesthetically pleasing, and also reliably protects the facing seams from moisture.

Execution of work

A seam previously filled with a flat trowel (or the flat side of a rubber trowel) is carried out with the round side soaked in water. The design of the spatula also allows the processing of fillet welds.

Formation of narrow seams

To form narrow seams (1-1.5 mm), special round spatulas should be used.

This tool is rarely available in retail, however, it is quite easy to make it yourself - from a round cord with a diameter of 6.5 mm, used to power computers and other household electrical appliances.

The procedure for performing work is similar to the one above. A spatula (wire) soaked in water is drawn along the joint filled with grout, forming an even and smooth contour.

Professional trowel work

For professional and regular performance trowel work on large areas, special sets are used, consisting of a container, dehumidifiers (grids and rollers), as well as several graters and sponges of different sizes.

In addition to the aesthetics of perception, the grout provides an equally important protective function, covering the end edges of the tiles, which are most susceptible to the damaging effects of moisture and microorganisms.

Don't forget, even quality cladding will not be durable if its seams have significant defects - potholes and bumps. The surface of the joints should be as uniform and smooth as possible.

The device of expansion joints

The expansion joints created during the cladding are filled with a special sanitary sealant, which is selected from the catalog (in accordance with the shade of the grout).

The sealant is applied with a gun. The seam is formed with a finger dipped in water or a small one.

Surface cleaning

After the composition has dried (see instructions), excess grout is removed with a dry cloth. To remove significant dirt, a flat wooden (plastic) scraper or spatula can be used.

IMPORTANT: Moisture-resistant grout modifications can be cleaned using a damp cloth or sponge.

Non-moisture resistant types of grouts should be additionally treated with a special impregnation to increase their water-repellent properties.

When grouting after tiling, two significant results can be obtained. Firstly, a harmonious surface is created that will fully comply with the design ideas. Secondly, the possibility of mold and mildew is neutralized, and general pollution is also reduced. Naturally, the work must be carried out in compliance with certain rules.

There is a certain period that must be waited before taking the necessary measures. Yes, grouting ceramic tiles carried out one day after laying the material. Much depends on the glue used. Why can't we wait longer? There are several reasons for this:

  1. On the second day, the mixture used for lining retains a little elasticity. This means that it will be easy to remove when cleaning the seams. Subsequently, you will have to make much more effort.
  2. The moisture remaining in the solution contributes to better adhesion. Of course, it is possible to wet the gaps additionally. But this can lead to some disadvantages: it becomes liquid and less elastic. Working with such a mixture is much more difficult.
  3. Open seams get dirty quickly. Small particles of dust and dirt quickly get into open holes and clog them. This leads to the fact that it becomes much more difficult to apply the solution.

It becomes extremely clear that such work must be done on time. Then it will be possible to get a coverage that will meet all the necessary requirements.

Grouting after laying ceramic tiles is carried out after a day

Solution preparation

For work, you can use a ready-made mixture, which is sold in construction stores. It just needs to be mixed well before use. There are also dry solutions, they have to be diluted in advance. For cooking you will need the following:

  • Water room temperature. She is allowed to settle beforehand so that possible inclusions settle to the bottom of the bucket.
  • Mixing container. It should be comfortable to work with, and also be larger than the intended amount of the mixture. It should be borne in mind that the amount of material being prepared must be such that it is used up before drying begins.
  • Spatula or trowel. This tool is essential for kneading. Of course, you can use a drill with a mixer attachment, but given the small amount of mixture being prepared, this will be a pointless exercise. It is better to do everything by hand to get the desired result and not to collect the solution from the walls of the container.

Grout mortar is best kneaded with a spatula or trowel

The cooking process looks like this:

  • Each grout for tile joints contains instructions from the manufacturer. It indicates the amount of water needed to prepare the desired volume of the mixture.
  • Water is poured into the mixing container. Next, a small part of the material is poured. Now you should mix the composition well. If it turns out too dry, then more water is added, or vice versa.
  • All components must be diluted to a pasty state. After that, the grouting solution is left for five minutes. Then the stirring is repeated.

It turns out a homogeneous substance, which has sufficient viscosity and elasticity. She is very comfortable to work with. But after a while, the properties will begin to deteriorate.

After mixing all the components, a viscous and very elastic mixture is obtained.

Grout technology

It should be borne in mind that grouting tiles with your own hands is carried out in several stages. The area of ​​continuous work should be two square meters. This is how you get everything done right. Of course, when there is enough experience, the process is much faster.

Before grouting tiles, prepare essential tool: rubber spatula, grater, rags, sponge, spatula for forming a seam (smoothener).

Immediately before applying the grout, it is necessary to prepare the necessary tools and rubber gloves

The next steps are:

  • When unglazed tiles are used, they are pre-wetted. This is done with a sponge, which helps water penetrate deep into the joints. But this must be done very carefully, it is impossible to prevent the occurrence of streaks and the formation of excess moisture. When the material is glazed, this process can be skipped.

    Advice! It is better not to use tile sponges that are used for washing dishes. There are other options, they are sold in departments for car service.

  • The pre-prepared mixture is applied to the grater for grouting. The tool is placed at an angle of thirty degrees to the surface and they begin to move it diagonally. This method is used due to the fact that when performing a horizontal or vertical movement, it is not possible to apply the composition evenly.

When applying grout to a tile, move diagonally
  • The procedure for grouting tile joints requires some effort. It is necessary to press on the grater so that all possible voids are filled. You can also use a rubber spatula to work. But then the process will take much longer. After all, you will have to press the solution in small portions throughout the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork. The spatula is great for hard-to-reach places and corners.

    On a note! Corners are a very prominent place that gets noticed a lot. Therefore, work in such areas must be done very carefully.

  • Having filled all the gaps in the selected area of ​​​​work, proceed to the grout using the dry method. To do this, clean the grater from the remnants of the mixture and place it at an angle of eighty degrees to the surface. And again, all movements are performed exclusively diagonally. This makes it possible to remove excess composition. It happens that unintentional removal of the mortar from the seam occurs - then the mixture is applied again.
  • The surface is left for fifteen minutes. During this time, you can overwrite another area. Now it's time to use wet way. To do this, the sponge is moistened in water, and very abundantly, and they begin to drive it diagonally. But before proceeding with these manipulations, they check that the putty is no longer removed from the seam. You have to experiment a little first.

  • Coming next stage. It resembles the previous one, but the differences are that the sponge is well wrung out. And the movements should be circular. Excessive pressure should be avoided. After all, this way you can remove the grouting material. It must be remembered that the sponge must be constantly rinsed and squeezed well.

    On a note! Such a process can quickly spoil the sponge, turning it into a useless thing. Therefore, you should have a spare product.

  • Sealing between tiles is not finished. Next, it's time to use special tools to form beautiful gaps between adjacent elements. It is convenient to use a special spatula, it looks like a small round stick. When the procedure is completed, the next turn of the sponge comes. It is led parallel to the seam - erasing all unnecessary. It is possible to obtain a rounded seam. If this is not required, then the gaps are simply leveled flush with the tiles.

  • A special round spatula allows you to create beautiful seams

    It seems that do-it-yourself grouting of ceramic tiles is coming to an end. In fact, it should be borne in mind that the event is quite long and requires further continuation. Now it is necessary to wait for the moment when the suture material dries sufficiently, and it will be possible to begin to remove the remaining excess, which will be everywhere present on the front side of the product.

    For work, an irreplaceable sponge is used, which is well washed and squeezed. With quick movements, it is carried out over the surface to the length of an outstretched arm. Each successive pass must be parallel to the previous one. If everything is done correctly, then in this way it is possible to remove all the remnants of the solution. Of course, it will be difficult to do this completely, but it is not necessary. The main thing is to remove large excess from the tile, which will dry quickly.

    Removing excess grout on tiles


    Sealing - required process, which is performed immediately after the completion of the trowel work. It is needed to give the seam increased strength. This will protect it from the effects of various chemical substances and water. The choice of material is approached with all care. For work it is better to use compositions that are completely transparent. They are made from silicone.

    On a note! This solution has a rather specific smell, similar to ammonia. Therefore, it is better to perform work in a respirator.

    The sealing process makes the seam more durable

    Before sealing joints protective compounds, are determined from next steps, which will be focused on the type of ceramic product:

    • Glazed material. All activities must be carried out very carefully. Such a surface is very easy to damage or even completely spoil. Therefore, the work area is additionally pasted over with masking tape. And for work, sealant is used in tubes, which is applied with a special gun.
    • Products without glaze. Many craftsmen advise covering the entire surface with a protective compound, including tile. Of course, you will get a layer that will protect it from various influences, but this will spoil the whole appearance. In addition, there is a high probability that such a layer will peel off.

    It becomes clear how to use grout and protective compounds. Sometimes it is believed that such work does not require compliance with many of the steps described. You can apply the mixture and quickly form a seam. But the result will be rather deplorable. Therefore, only strict adherence to all technological processes– a guarantee of reliability, quality and attractive appearance.

    VIDEO: how to properly grout the seams on the tile

Clinker tiles were invented in the first half of the 19th century and are tiles in the form of ceramic stone. It is made from fired clay, and its first production was established in Holland.

The tile turned out to be strong enough and they began to use it as a building material in those countries where mining natural stone was insufficient to satisfy the need. They began to pave roads, sidewalks with it, use it in the construction of a house, as well as for their decoration.

Currently, clinker tiles are made from special slate clay, which has elevated temperature melting. In addition, impurities such as salt and carbonate must be completely removed from the clay. To color or give it additional properties, various metal oxides are added to the composition.

Process heat treatment occurs from 36 to 48 hours with maintaining a temperature of more than 1300 degrees. But the result is excellent. The tile is baked completely and evenly. In addition, it acquires water-repellent properties, it is very durable, does not change its color under the influence of UV, is resistant to aggressive environments, and, most importantly, it is environmentally friendly. Naturally, such properties of the tile make it very popular. building material.

The use of clinker tiles in the construction of a house and landscaping

It is lined with pools, facades of houses, sidewalks and roads, and much more. For example, it is very expensive to build a house from facing bricks. You can even use a used brick and overlay it with “brick-like” clinker tiles.

This material is used both for outdoor and for internal works. The use as a cladding in the bathroom has the advantage that the foot practically does not slip on wet floor. She has proven herself well for facing fireplaces and stoves.

Works on laying clinker tiles

In order for the beauty of this material to be fully revealed, it must be properly laid. It is very important to achieve beautiful and even seams. No matter how beautiful the material is, but clumsily laid, it does not create the appropriate look.

The use of grout or, as it is also called, a fugue, in addition, aims not only to improve the appearance, but also to provide protection from moisture ingress under the coating, while preventing the growth and spread of mold. This applies to indoor work.

If the tiles are laid outdoors, it is important to protect them from moisture, so that when freezing, the tiles do not swell after the “freeze-thaw” process.

Of course, there is also a purely aesthetic purpose - you can choose different colors grout so that the color of the tile looks good. There are still situations when you need to align the edges of the tile, which sometimes has small irregularities. A fugue can help hide this.

For work, use special tools for grouting tile joints. They are of two types: a tool for grouting clinker tiles and a tool for removing grout from tile joints.

Tile Grout Tool

The first tools are needed in order to apply the mixture between the tiles and compact it well. The quality of the work depends on how tight the seam is. For a tool such as a mason's jointing, a grout that has a semi-dry appearance is used. It is used to work with tiles in the form of bricks, since with this tool a seam with a slightly rough structure is obtained, as it should be with real brickwork.

Use narrow thin spatulas to level the seams and a spatula or trowel made of either plywood or sheet metal.

Grout tool - special trowel for applying semi-dry mixes

Of course, only competent and experienced specialists use this method. The disadvantage is that you can only get two colors of grout - gray and beige.

There is also such a type of grout application - this is the application of a composition that has the density of store-bought sour cream, which is then leveled and compacted with a special grater with a rubber sole. After drying, the residues are removed either with a special tool for removing grout from the tile joints or with a special sponge, placing it on the edge at an angle of 45 degrees. Usually, if the grout good quality, it is easily removed from the tile. If the grout Bad quality or it was not removed on time, they use special means, with the help of which the tiles are cleaned of dirt.

The process of working with liquid composition grout.

Of course, the price of such a composition is high, especially considering the waste, but it is quite versatile and durable in use.

Finally, a gun is also used on the masonry to apply the composition, diluted to a pasty state. At the same time, excess composition does not stain the tile, which is especially important for vertical application.

Application of the composition with a gun

Then a certain time is maintained, which is indicated in the instructions. It must be remembered that each manufacturer gives its own recommendations for the use of grout. After the specified time, the excess is removed, and the seam is leveled with a special tool for grouting clinker tiles.

Aligning the seam with a tool

Again, the quality composition does not leave streaks. True, special substances are added to the composition that make the grout more plastic and convenient when using a gun, which increases its cost, but there are many shades for application and it is easy to work with such a composition.

To do all this work, you need good tool, which it is advisable not to make from improvised means, but to buy in specialized stores.

To buy a tool for grouting tiles, you need to know what composition you will work with. If this is a composition for continuous application, then only a grater is needed, which has a rubber sponge on the bottom, and the body can be made of plastic, wood.

For example, it might be like this:

Buying a set of tools for grouting clinker tiles is simple, the main thing is to make sure that they will work well. To do this, it is better to buy a tool in person, and not through an online store, if possible. The trowels themselves for leveling and filling the seams are better to take Polish ones - both the quality is good and the price is not sky-high. True, for a pistol you will have to pay an amount of 3,500 rubles. But the cost of the work will quickly pay for the cost of a good tool.

Grout gun

Works with laying corrugated tiles

In addition to the long-known clinker tiles, which have a great advantage over other types of ceramic tiles, designers, together with technologists, have released such a type of cladding as porcelain stoneware tiles with a special surface that has the form of convexities and concavities in the form of a pattern.

Types of application of corrugated tiles

When laying, a single pattern is obtained, and in the manufacture of such tiles, the edges are aligned, polished, so the seams remain almost invisible. In addition, it is very convenient for laying on the floor in the bathroom or kitchen, as the bulges prevent slipping. After additives were invented that prevent dirt from lingering in the tile pattern, its use received a new round.

Laying corrugated tiles

After laying the tiles on the surface, it needs to stand for a day. it optimal time, since there is still some moisture left under the tile, which will work well for better adhesion of the grout to the tile. Since the composition does not need to be used in a creamy state, it is better to use the grout in the form of a semi-dry and pasty mixture.

The best tool for grouting corrugated tiles can be called either a gun or a spatula, it depends on the size of the surface to be treated.

Applying a fugue to the seams when laying corrugated tiles

After that, all seams are smeared with a special soft cloth or a special grater with bottom from a sponge (not to be confused with foam rubber, this is different).

The next step, without waiting for complete drying, with the help of a tool for removing grout from the joints of the tiles, we remove all unnecessary, wipe. This tool is called a jointer and is used specifically for this purpose.

Tool for removing grout from seams.

You can simply do without this tool, just use cardboard for cleaning in the course of work, then a soft cloth and, after a while, rinse.

If you need to update the grout to provide additional antifungal properties, you can use different electrical appliances eg dremel.

Removing old grout with a dremel.

We clean the place of work with a brush and a rag and apply the desired new composition.

It remains to analyze in detail what tool is needed for this.

Grout mixing tools.

The easiest option is to knead the grout in buckets that sell grout with hydrophobic properties. Sold in paper bags.

You can stir by hand, with a trowel. The shoulder blade should be long and rectangular. With this shape of the tool, it is easier to stir and get it from the bottom. A narrow metal spatula is less productive.

Stirring the grout by hand, with a trowel.

Often the videos show stirring the grout with a drill or screwdriver.

Possibly at low rpm. But it's another one additional tool. Which needs to be washed, stored, bought, transported. The time gain is small. Except in the case of grouting tiles on the floor in the supermarket.

At this stage, another important tool is needed - a brush for washing the trowel and bucket.

If you leave it without flushing (there are many such advisers) and just, then, knock to sprinkle it, then everything will not fly off. AT new grout(and a different color) pieces of old dry grout from a bucket will come across.

Cleaning grout tools with a brush and water.

Tool for applying grout between seams.

Spatulas for grouting were considered separately. The best was for grouting epoxy grout Litokol. It mixes well. It is convenient for them to work in corners, thanks to sharp edges. This is the opinion of the majority who have tried it in work. Those who did not do this are still rubbed with a narrow piece of rubber.

Tool for applying grout into the seams.

Tools for eroding grout and cleaning tiles.

For this stage of work, you need to have two tools:

Spatula for cleaning grout from tiles and a piece of soft foam rubber. The beauty of the seam depends on these tools.

The professional spatula is made of high quality plastic and porous cellulose. Another such tool may be called a “rubber-coated plaster grater”.

There are many analogues. You can't call them otherwise. The problem of the designers of such devices is that they do not overwrite the tile and do not understand the main property of this tool. Outwardly copying, they want the product to be a success.

Spatula for removing grout from tiles.

The main difference between such spatulas ( in photo 1-3 ) - soft foam at the base. Often with small pores. It does not collect the cooled grout well and quickly clogs with the mixture.

Also, the foam is quickly erased, but often it doesn’t come to that, because it falls off the handle. If you buy such a tool, then the whole technology is perceived as nonsense.

With a piece of foam rubber - not everything is simple either. If you take the first one that comes across, then it will last for 2-3 working days. It quickly crumbles and turns into a rag. To blur the grout on the tile, with such foam rubber, you have to press harder. This causes cavities in the seam.

I felt the difference by accident, having bought a piece of pink foam rubber at the market. It is more expensive.

Pink furniture foam.

The whole trick is in the density and rigidity of this material.

Foam rubber is made for various needs. The cheapest is packaging or soundproofing. This is the one most often used for blurring. It quickly clumps into a ball and does not absorb water.

Furniture foam must be used Pink colour. It has more density and rigidity. It does not wrinkle after repeated squeezing. Such material lasts a year, without loss of quality.

Thickness also varies. From 20mm to 100mm.

Optimal - 40 mm. With a greater thickness, it is necessary to rinse more often and more thoroughly. The grout stays in the middle of the thick piece and hardens. With a smaller thickness - poorly collects water.

Pink foam rubber 40 mm thick.

Is in furniture production denser foam - of blue color. There was no such experience.

Below is information about the classification of foam rubber for furniture. There detailed explanation why the packaging material loses elasticity:

If pick up the right tools and use them correctly, there is no need for a round spatula to form a seam. The latter has a drawback - smearing grains of paint along the seam (for some grouts).

Tools for cleaning tiles from plaque.

it final stage in grinding work. On it must be removed from the lined surface white coating, which appears after the cement grout dries.

You can use a simple dry cloth. It will work. But if I imagine the evolution of this tool with me, then there will be such a chain.

Work gloves > burlap > piece of towel > felt mitt.

The last option turned out to be the most effective. Such gloves are used in welding work. Sometimes they are given the name "welder's gloves". The pile removes plaque well and will never scratch the tile. One glove lasts a long time.

You can also use a more rigid version. Scotch Bright sanding sheets for hand sanding. This material has many options for implementation. It is necessary to use products that do not contain abrasive material.

They are good for removing hardened grout in pits and a deep pattern on the tile.

Felt gloves.

It is necessary to carry out cleaning from plaque after the seam has completely dried.

Dry tiles after grouting.

In this condition, as in the photo, it is too early to wipe the plaque. Seams are raw. By removing plaque, you smear the grout over the tile again. Can you wash again? clean water with foam. The next day, there will be less plaque and it will be easier to remove it. The more dilutions of cement grout with water, the weaker it is.

Epoxy grout tools.

To apply epoxy grout, you can use all of the above tools.

Only, in this case, some become disposable. The pores on the spatula for washing and foam rubber are clogged with drying epoxy mixture. They lose their performance. With significant volumes, one set is not enough, you have to change.

Tiler's bucket - is it necessary for grouting?

Tiler bucket.

This tool has recently appeared on the Russian Internet market. In Western YouTube, he was seen five years ago.

The main advantage of a bucket for grouting tiles (his know-how) is rollers for cleaning porous material on a grater from grout.

This innovation allows you not to wet your hands and work without rubber gloves. Prevents cement from corroding the skin. There is nothing more useful in that set. There are disadvantages:

  • The first drawback is the grater that comes in the kit. It has a soft foam cover. This is one of the first three options in the photo above.
  • The second inconvenience is the bucket itself. As a container, it is comfortable and roomy. But this is another container that needs to be moved, stored, bought. The most balanced review of the grout bucket is here:

It is not in vain that there are attempts to combine the idea of ​​cleaning with rollers with existing containers for working with tiles:

  • Use a small bath for cleaning.
  • Adapt a simple roller for rolling wallpaper.

A device for squeezing a grater.

Roller for cleaning rubber grater.

Tools for grouting large areas.

A set of such a tool in the video below:

It uses a mixture somewhat thinner than usual. Due to this and repeated, repeated movements on the tile, the filling of the joints is achieved. Still there, the grout is “soft” - it hardens for a long time and is easily washed off with a foam rubber sponge.

Second interesting experience– use of a “butterfly” mop, with a mechanical spin when grouting large areas of tiles, on the floor. Its advantage is that the foam nozzle is covered with fleecy microfiber, which makes the mop absorb water, but with a hard surface. The flat surface does not wash out the grout in the joints. With such a mop, even quickly hardening mixtures can be washed.


Sometimes the grout does not match the color or is not applied professionally. In such cases, there is a desire to change it. The method of removing old grout from the joints depends on the type of grout applied.

If the grout is of class “CG2”, with increased resistance to abrasion, then it can only be removed mechanically:

Grinder or DREMEL mini drill. The latter is more convenient.

Tools for removing old grout.

When working with a grinder, it is necessary to pass the cutting wheel along the center of the seam, without touching the side edges of the tiles. Remains at the edges, then easily removed with a knife, with replaceable blades.

Grouts Ceresit, Sopro, - soft. They can be cut with a knife or a special scraper.

If the knife can only scratch the seam, then this is most likely Mapei's grout or similar in class. Scraper disadvantage:

  • There is a danger of making a chip on the tile.
  • On hard grout, it is not enough for a long time, and in some cases it is useless.

Knife Disadvantages:

  • On not exactly laid tiles, corners may be chipped.
  • In some cases, it is useless to apply.

Below is a collection of videos (playlist) “How to remove old grout”:

Grouting or, as professionals call this process, jointing is possible without a special tool. In very small areas, you can get by with your fingers or a piece of wiring. However, if you value your time, nerves and you are completely reluctant to get your hands dirty, we advise you to purchase a special jointing spatula.

What are spatulas?

There are a lot of options for rubber spatulas - some are produced by companies involved in the development building tools, some come with grout. Take the first one that comes across, if only the rubber one is not the best best strategy because, having saved on the purchase of a quality tool, you will lose on a lot of time.

Let's start the review with the most popular look rubber spatulas - a tool with a trapezoidal rubber working plane and a comfortable plastic handle. The width of such a spatula is usually small, in the range of 50 - 150 mm. Produce them all and sundry, so you run the risk of running into not quality tool. The rubber part should be moderately elastic and resilient, but not soft. It is convenient to work with such a spatula in any position and even in very cramped circumstances, for example, when you need to get your hand under furniture.

However, due to the small work surface in open space, it loses out to wider options. However, such a tool should be in the arsenal of any tiler, and it will be quite enough for.

Productive but not very handy spatula for grouting joints in the form of a rectangle, top part which is made of plastic or wood, and the lower one is made of dense rubber. Due to the small height of the rubber part, it turns out to be quite rigid, despite the large width. though experienced craftsmen rarely acquire such an instrument - firstly, hands get dirty, and secondly, for a long time holding it is uncomfortable, fingers get tired. The width of the spatula is quite small - about 50 mm.

More convenient option rectangular spatula - wide trapezoidal. It is convenient to hold it both with one hand and with two, and due to the wide working part, it very quickly copes with large volumes of work. Such a tool will especially help out when it is necessary to seal the seams in the mosaic. Be sure to purchase a corner spatula - as the name implies, it is designed for sealing seams in the corners. However, it is often used for sealing joints between tiles. decorative stone, in curly mosaics. It does not have high performance, but it is very maneuverable!

A round spatula for forming seams looks like an ordinary piece of electrical wiring, and in fact it can really be replaced with an ordinary wire. It serves for the same deepening of the seams around the entire perimeter of the installation, but you probably already guessed that the effectiveness of such a device is extremely low. By the way, such a tool is sold as a bonus only when paired with a grout.

Professional tools - from grater to seam tamping

You will hardly see these tools in the home workshop - they belong in the hands of professional tilers who do this every day and in large volumes. Let's start with a grouting spatula-grater - its design is exactly like that of a grater, but it performs the functions of a spatula, thanks to a rubber or rubber working surface.

There are a lot of variations of the spatula-grater - with a monolithic "sole", with a removable one, hard, soft. It is better to purchase such tools from well-known, trusted manufacturers, for example, Litokol or Raimondi. In these cases, you will be sure that the money spent will pay off with a very long service life - a quality tool can last up to 10 years! The width of the instruments ranges from 9 to 12 cm, the average length is 25 cm.

There are also special spatulas-distributors - outwardly they look like an ordinary mop, with the only difference being that they do not wash the floor, but “dirty”, because the process of initial distribution of the grout at the seams with its help leaves a lot of stains and streaks. However, they cannot be avoided in any case, and sometimes it is much faster to use this tool and clean everything up than to mess around with each seam separately. The dimensions of this "mop" are quite impressive - the length of the working part can reach 60 cm.

The grouting gun is an indispensable tool for sealing joints between decorative stone tiles, terracotta tiles and others. uneven surfaces. In some ways, this tool resembles a confectionery syringe. It really can be replaced, if not by the confectionery syringe itself, then by a strong bag with a cut corner. You can work with such a tool only if the grout has a sufficiently liquid consistency.

When buying a pistol, it is worth buying an expensive and quality option than to spend money on a cheap product that may not be airtight. Another interesting and useful tool in the arsenal of the master - a rammer and a seam leveler. Outwardly, it looks like a long cane with a replaceable metal tip that resembles a ball from a bearing. Its use is especially effective when laying tiles with wide joints, from 3 to 10 mm.

Well, what really distinguishes the master from the amateur is the presence of special sponges and buckets with squeezing rollers for quick and accurate cleaning of the tile surface from dirt. The grout contains sand and other abrasive particles as a filler that can scratch the tile. The use of high-quality foam and cellulose sponges reduces the number of scratches.

How to use the tools - the secrets of the process

By itself, the presence of all the above tools will not make you a master. It takes skill, and it can only be acquired through practice. However, it is much easier to master all the skills in practice, having also a theoretical background, and we will help you with this. Let's start by mixing the dry grout. This process is usually described in detail on the packaging of the grout, we will only suggest that the best containers for this process, plastic troughs, wide and shallow, will serve - earlier photographs were developed in such. The bottom of the trough must be completely flat, so painting cuvettes will not work for you.

And today, tilers use halves of rubber as a container for grouting. baby ball- although such a container is not very convenient for kneading, it is very easy to clean it from the dried residues of the mixture. To knead the grout, metal spatulas of a convenient width are usually used - these tools should only be made of stainless steel, otherwise real rust may appear on the seams over time. Mixes should be small so that you have time to use up the mixture before it hardens. The consistency of the grout is like that of a mortar for laying bricks.

Before applying the grout, the seams should be cleaned of dust and dirt. Do not try to immediately process the entire surface - work with a floor area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 1 square meter at a time. If you try to wipe all the seams at once, then it will not be so easy to align the seams and clean the surface of the hardened mixture. Moreover, working for small area, you do not have to move on an uncleaned surface.

The tile should be slightly moistened - just wipe it with a damp sponge. Thanks to this, the spatula glides better over the surface and scratches it less, and the solution is easier to smear. The rubber spatula should also be moistened, this way it is much easier to work - most often beginners make this very mistake when working with a dry tool. The spatula should be held at an angle of about 40° - this ensures optimal force. The grout should be pressed into the seams - so they will be completely filled. Voids and depressions are unacceptable, especially in the case of tiles laid outside.

tile cleaning is described in a separate article - we recommend that you read it!
