Amazing chemistry experiments. Interesting experiences for children

For the development of the child, it is necessary to use all possible means, including experiments for children, which prepared parents can conduct at home. This type of activity is very interesting for preschoolers, it helps them to learn a lot about the world around them, to take a direct part in the research process. The main rule that moms and dads should follow is the absence of coercion: classes should be held only when the child himself is ready for experiments.


Such scientific experiments will interest the inquisitive baby, help him gain new knowledge:

  • about the properties of the liquid;
  • about atmospheric pressure;
  • on the interaction of molecules.

In addition, under clear parental guidance, he can easily repeat everything.

Bottle filling

Prepare your inventory in advance. You will need hot water, a glass bottle and a bowl of cold water(for clarity, the liquid should first be tinted).

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Must be bottled hot water several times to warm up the container properly.
  2. Pour out hot liquid completely.
  3. Turn the bottle upside down and lower it into a bowl of cold water.
  4. It will be possible to see that water from the bowl will begin to fill the bottle.

Why is this happening? Thanks to the impact hot liquid the bottle is full warm air. Cooling down, the gas is compressed, as a result of which the volume occupied by it decreases, forming an environment with reduced pressure in the bottle. Water, acting, restores balance. This experiment with water can be done at home without any problems.

With a glass

Every kid, even at 3-4 years old, knows that if you turn over a glass filled with water, the liquid will pour out. However, there is an interesting experience that can prove the opposite.


  1. Pour water into a glass.
  2. Cover it with a piece of cardboard.
  3. Holding the sheet with your hand, carefully turn the structure over.
  4. You can remove your hand.

Surprisingly, the water will not pour out - the molecules of cardboard and liquid will mix at the moment of contact. Therefore, the sheet will hold on, becoming a kind of cover. The child can also be told about atmospheric pressure, that it is both inside the glass and outside, while in the container it is lower, outside it is higher. Due to this difference, water does not pour out.

This experiment is best done over the pelvis, because gradually the paper material will get wet and the liquid will drip.

Developmental experiments

There is a large number of really interesting experiments for kids.


This experience is rightfully considered one of the most exciting and therefore loved by children. To carry it out you will need:

  • soda;
  • red paint;
  • citric acid or lemon juice;
  • water;
  • some detergent.

First, you should build the “volcano” itself, by making a cone of thick paper, fastening it around the edges with tape and cutting a hole from the top. Then the resulting blank is put on any bottle. To look like a volcano, it should be covered with brown plasticine and placed on a large baking sheet so that the “lava” does not spoil the surface of the table.


  1. Pour soda into a bottle.
  2. Add paint.
  3. Drop detergent (1 drop).
  4. Pour in water and mix well.

To start the "eruption", you need to ask the child to add a little citric acid(or lemon juice). This is the simplest example chemical reaction.

Dancing worms

This simple fun experiment can be done with both preschoolers and younger students. Necessary equipment:

First you need to mix 2 cups of starch and a glass of water. Pour the resulting substance on a baking sheet, add paint or dye.

It remains only to turn on loud music and attach a baking sheet to the column. The colors on the blank will mix in a chaotic manner, creating a beautiful unusual spectacle.

We use food

To make an experiment - unusual, interesting for the baby and informative - it is not at all necessary to acquire sophisticated equipment and expensive materials. We invite you to get to know simple options available for execution at home.

with egg

Necessary equipment:

  • a glass of water (high);
  • egg;
  • salt;
  • water.

The bottom line is simple - an egg immersed in water will sink to the bottom. If you add table salt to the liquid (about 6 tablespoons), then it will rise to the surface. This physical experience with salt helps to illustrate the concept of density to the baby. So, in salted water, it is more, so the egg can stay on the surface.

You can also show the opposite effect (which is why it was recommended to take a tall glass) - when added to a salted liquid, a simple tap water density will decrease and the egg will sink to the bottom.

invisible ink

A very interesting and simple trick that at first will seem like real magic to the baby, and after the explanation of the parents will help to learn about oxidation.

Necessary equipment:

  • ½ lemon;
  • water;
  • spoon and plate;
  • paper;
  • lamp;
  • cotton swab.

If there is no lemon, you can use analogues, such as milk, onion juice or wine.


  1. Squeeze citrus juice, add it to a plate, mix with an equal amount of water.
  2. Dip the swab into the resulting liquid.
  3. Write with it something understandable to the child (or draw).
  4. Wait for the juice to dry, becoming completely invisible.
  5. Heat the sheet (using a lamp or holding it over a fire).

Text or a simple drawing will become visible due to the fact that the juice has oxidized and turned brown when the temperature rises.

color explosion

The little ones can enjoy a fun experience with milk and paints, which can be easily carried out in the kitchen.

Necessary products and equipment:

  • milk (preferably high fat);
  • food coloring (several colors - the more, the more interesting and brighter it will turn out);
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • plate;
  • cotton buds;
  • pipette.

If dishwashing liquid is not available, liquid soap can be used.


  1. Pour milk into a bowl. It should completely hide the bottom.
  2. Let the liquid stand for a while to bring it to room temperature.
  3. Using a pipette, carefully drop several different food colors into a plate of milk.
  4. Lightly touching the liquid with a cotton swab, you need to show the baby what is happening.
  5. Next, a second stick is taken, dipped in detergent. It touches the surface of the milk, delays for 10 seconds. It is not necessary to mix colorful stains, a careful touch is enough.

Then the kid will be able to watch the most beautiful - the colors begin to "dance", as if trying to escape from the soap stick. Even if you remove it now, the "explosion" will continue. At this stage, you can invite the child to participate on his own - add dye, immerse a soap stick in the liquid.

The secret of experience is simple - detergent destroys the fat contained in milk, which causes the "dance".

With sugar

For children 3-4 years old, various experiments with food will be very interesting. The child is happy to learn about the new qualities of his usual food.

For this entertaining entertainment you will need:

  • 10 st. l. Sahara;
  • water;
  • food coloring in several colors;
  • two spoons (tea, tablespoon);
  • syringe;
  • 5 glasses.

First you need to add sugar to the glasses according to this scheme:

  • in the first glass - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • in the second - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • in the third - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • in the fourth - 4 tbsp. l.

Add 3 tsp to each of them. water. Mix. Then you need to add a dye of your color to each of the glasses and mix again. The next step is to carefully take the colored liquid from the fourth glass with a syringe or a teaspoon and pour it into the fifth, which was empty. Then, in a similar order, colored water is added from the third, second and, finally, from the first glasses.

If you act carefully, colored liquids will not mix, but, layering on top of each other, will help create a bright unusual pyramid. The secret of the trick is that the density of water changes depending on the amount of sugar added to it.

With flour

Consider another interesting experience for children, simple and safe. It can be carried out as kindergarten, as well as at home.

Necessary equipment:

  • flour;
  • salt;
  • paints (gouache);
  • brush;
  • sheet of cardboard.


  1. In a small glass, mix 1 tbsp. l. flour and salt. This is a blank, from which in the future we will make paint of the same color. Accordingly, the number of such blanks is equal to the number of colors.
  2. In each glass, add 3 tbsp. l. water and gouache.
  3. With the help of paint, ask the child to draw a picture on cardboard using a brush or cotton swab, for each color.
  4. Place the finished creation in the microwave (power 600 W) for 5 minutes.

The paints, which are the dough, will rise and harden, making the drawing voluminous.

Lava lamp

Another unusual children's experiment allows you to create a real lava lamp. After looking just once, even a novice researcher will be able to repeat the experience with his own hands, without the help of adults.

Necessary equipment and materials:

  • vegetable oil(cup);
  • salt (1 tsp);
  • water;
  • food coloring (several shades);
  • glass jar.


  1. Fill the jar 2/3 full with water.
  2. Add vegetable oil, which at this stage forms a thick film on the surface.
  3. Add food coloring.
  4. Slowly pour in the salt.

Under the weight of salt, the oil will begin to sink to the bottom, and the dye will make the spectacle more colorful and spectacular.

With soda

To demonstrate to a child preschool age experiment with soda is perfect:

  1. Pour the drink into a glass.
  2. Dip a few peas or cherry pits into it.
  3. Watch how they gradually rise from the bottom and fall again.

An amazing sight for a kid who does not know yet, peas are surrounded by bubbles of carbon dioxide, which brings them to the surface. Submarines operate on a similar principle.

With water

There are several cognitive optical experiments, which, for their simplicity, are very curious.

  • The missing ruble

Water is poured into the jar, an iron ruble is lowered into it. Now you need to ask the baby to find a coin by looking through the glass. Due to the optical phenomenon of refraction, the eye will not be able to see the ruble if it is directed from the side. If you look into the jar from above, the coin will be in place.

  • curved spoon

Let's continue to explore optics with a preschooler. This easy but visual experiment is carried out as follows: you need to pour water into a glass and lower a spoon into it. Ask your child to look sideways. He will see that at the border of the media - water and air - the spoon seems to be curved. Taking out a spoon, you can make sure that everything is in order with it.

The child should be explained that a ray of light is bent when passing through water, which is why we see a changed image. You can continue water theme and lower the same spoon into a small jar. Curvature will not occur, since the walls of this container are even.

This biological experiment will help the child get acquainted with the world of wildlife, observe how a sprout is formed. For carrying out, beans or peas are needed.

Parents can offer the young botanist to moisten a piece of gauze folded several times with water, put it on a saucer, place it on a pea or bean cloth and cover with wet gauze. The task of the baby is to carefully monitor that the seeds are moistened all the time, check them regularly. After a couple of days, the first shoots will appear.

Photosynthesis process

This plant and candle experience is best for younger students who know that trees and grasses absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

The gist is this:

  1. Carefully place burning candles in two jars.
  2. In one of them put a living plant.
  3. Cover both containers.

Observe that in a jar with a plant, the candle continues to burn, since oxygen is present in it. In the second bank, it goes out almost immediately.


We catch electricity. This small and safe experience could very well be done with toddlers.

  1. One inflated balloon is placed on the wall, several others lie on the floor.
  2. Mom invites the child to put all the balls on the wall. However, they will not hold and fall.
  3. Mom asks the baby to rub the ball on her hair and try again. Now the ball has been attached.

After that, you need to tell that the “miracle” happened due to the electricity that was generated when the ball was rubbed against the hair.

Another option for the curious is the foil experiment. It is done like this:

  1. A small piece of foil should be cut into strips.
  2. Ask the baby to comb her hair.
  3. Now you need to lean the comb against the strip and watch. The foil will stick to the comb.

You can also demonstrate to the children the “Missing Chalk”. To do this, a piece of ordinary chalk is placed in vinegar. The limestone will begin to sizzle, shrink in size. After a while, it will completely dissolve. This is due to the fact that chalk, when in contact with vinegar, turns into other substances.

Experiences with preschool children a great opportunity develop their curiosity, answer many questions in a clear and understandable way. In addition, by offering kids a variety of experiments, attentive parents will help them in early age outline your own interests. And the research itself will be a great and fun pastime.

Many people think that science is boring and dreary. So says the one who has not seen the science shows from "Eureka". What happens in our "lessons"? No cramming, boring formulas and a sour expression on the face of a desk mate. Children like our science, all experiments and experiments, they love our science, our science gives joy and stimulates further knowledge of complex subjects.

Try it yourself, to conduct entertaining experiments in physics for children at home. It will be fun, and most importantly, very informative. Your child will get acquainted with the laws of physics in a playful way, and it has been proven that in the game, children quickly and easily learn the material and remember for a long time.

Entertaining experiments in physics that should be shown to children at home

Simple entertaining experiments in physics that children will remember for a lifetime. Everything you need to conduct these experiments is at your fingertips. So, forward to scientific discoveries!

A ball that doesn't burn!

Props: 2 balloons, candle, matches, water.

Interesting experience: We inflate the first balloon and hold it over a candle to demonstrate to the kids that the balloon will burst from the fire.

Pour plain tap water into the second ball, tie it up and bring the candles to the fire again. And about a miracle! What do we see? The ball does not burst!

The water that is in the balloon absorbs the heat generated by the candle, and therefore the balloon does not burn, therefore, does not burst.

Wonder Pencils

Requisites: plastic bag, ordinary sharpened pencils, water.

Interesting experience: Pour water into a plastic bag - not full, half.

In the place where the bag is filled with water, we pierce the bag through with pencils. What do we see? In places of a puncture - the package does not leak. Why? And, if you do the opposite: first pierce the bag, and then pour water into it, the water will flow through the holes.

How the "miracle" happens: explanation: When polyethylene breaks, its molecules are attracted closer to each other. In our experiment, the polyethylene is pulled around the pencils and keeps the water from leaking.

Non-popping ball

Requisites: balloon, wooden skewer and dishwashing liquid.

Interesting experience: Lubricate the top and bottom of the ball with dishwashing liquid, pierce with a skewer, starting from the bottom.

How the "miracle" happens: explanation: And the secret of this “trick” is simple. To save a whole ball, you need to know where to pierce - at the points of least tension, which are located at the bottom and at the top of the ball.


Requisites: 4 ordinary glasses of water, bright food coloring, cabbage leaves or white flowers.

Interesting experience: We add food coloring of any color to each glass and put one leaf of cabbage or a flower in colored water. We leave the "bouquet" for the night. And in the morning... we will see that the cabbage leaves or flowers have become different colors.

How the "miracle" happens: explanation: Plants absorb water to nourish their flowers and leaves. This is due to the capillary effect, in which water itself fills the thin tubes inside the plants. By sucking in the tinted water, the leaves and color change their color.

The egg that can swim

Requisites: 2 eggs, 2 cups of water, salt.

Interesting experience: Carefully place the egg in a glass of plain clean water. We see: it drowned, sank to the bottom (if not, the egg is rotten and it is better to throw it away).
And pour into the second glass warm water and stir in it 4-5 tablespoons of salt. We wait until the water has cooled, then lower the second egg into the salt water. And what do we see now? The egg floats on the surface and does not sink! Why?

How the "miracle" happens: explanation: It's all about density! The average density of an egg is much greater than the density of plain water, so the egg "sinks". And the density of the saline solution is greater, and therefore the egg “floats”.

Delicious Experiment: Crystal Candy

Requisites: 2 cups water, 5 cups sugar, wooden sticks for mini skewers, thick paper, transparent glasses, saucepan, food coloring.

Interesting experience: Take a quarter cup of water, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, boil the syrup. At the same time, pour a little sugar onto thick paper. Then dip a wooden skewer into the syrup and collect sugar with it.

Let the sticks dry overnight.

In the morning we dissolve 5 glasses of sugar in two glasses of water, leave the syrup to cool for 15 minutes, but not much, otherwise the crystals will not “grow”. Then pour the syrup into jars and add multi-colored food coloring. We lower the skewers with sugar into jars so that they do not touch either the walls or the bottom (you can use a clothespin). What's next? And then we observe the process of crystal growth, we are waiting for the result in order to ... eat!

How the “miracle” happens: explanation: As soon as the water begins to cool, the solubility of sugar decreases and it precipitates, settling on the walls of the vessel and on a skewer with a seed of sugar grains.

"Eureka"! Science without boredom!

There is another option to motivate children to study science - order a science show at the Evrika Development Center. Oh, what's not here!

Show program "Fun Kitchen"

Here, the kids are waiting for exciting experiments with those things and products that are available in any kitchen. The kids will try to drown the tangerine; make drawings on milk, check the egg for freshness, and also find out why milk is useful.


This program contains experiments that at first glance seem like real magic tricks, but in fact they are all explained with the help of science. The kids will find out: why the balloon over the candle does not burst; what makes an egg float, why a balloon sticks to a wall... and other interesting experiments.

"Entertaining physics"

Does the air weigh, why does a fur coat warm, what is common between the experiment with a candle and the shape of the wing of birds and airplanes, can a piece of fabric hold water, can an eggshell of a whole elephant withstand these and other questions, the kids will receive an answer by becoming a participant in the show " Entertaining physics" from "Eureka".

These Entertaining experiences in physics for schoolchildren can be held in the classroom to draw students' attention to the phenomenon under study, while repeating and consolidating the educational material: they deepen and expand the knowledge of schoolchildren, contribute to the development of logical thinking, and instill interest in the subject.

It Matters: Science Show Safety

  • The main props and Supplies purchased directly from specialized stores of manufacturers in the United States, and therefore you can be sure of their quality and safety;
  • Children's Development Center "Eureka" non-scientific shows of toxic or other materials harmful to children's health, easily breakable objects, lighters and other "harmful and dangerous";
  • Before ordering scientific shows, each client can find out a detailed description of the experiments being carried out, and, if necessary, sensible explanations;
  • Before the start of the science shows, the children are instructed about the rules of conduct at the Show, and professional hosts make sure that these rules are not violated during the show.

For many students, physics is a rather complex and incomprehensible subject. In order to interest the child in this science, parents use all sorts of tricks: they tell fantastic stories, show entertaining experiments, and cite the biographies of great scientists as an example.

How to conduct experiments in physics with children?

  • Teachers warn not to limit acquaintance with physical phenomena only by demonstrating entertaining experiments and experiments.
  • Experiments must necessarily be accompanied by detailed explanations.
  • To begin with, the child needs to be explained that physics is a science that studies the general laws of nature. Physics studies the structure of matter, its forms, its movements and changes. At one time, the famous British scientist Lord Kelvin quite boldly stated that in our world there is only one science - physics, everything else is the usual collection of stamps. And there is some truth in this statement, because the whole Universe, all planets and all worlds (supposed and existing) obey the laws of physics. Of course, the statements of the most eminent scientists about physics and its laws are unlikely to make a junior schoolchild throw away his mobile phone and enthusiastically delve into the study of a physics textbook.

Today we will try to bring to the attention of parents some entertaining experiences that will help to interest your children and answer many of their questions. And who knows, maybe thanks to these home experiments, physics will become your child's favorite subject. And very soon our country will have its own Isaac Newton.

Interesting experiments with water for children - 3 instructions

For 1 experiment you will need two eggs, regular table salt and 2 glasses of water.

One egg must be carefully lowered into a glass half filled with cold water. It will immediately sink to the bottom. Fill the second glass warm water and stir in it 4-5 tbsp. l. salt. Wait until the water in the glass is cold, and carefully dip the second egg into it. It will remain on the surface. Why?

Explanation of the results of the experiment

The density of plain water is lower than that of an egg. That is why the egg sinks to the bottom. The average density of salt water is significantly higher than the density of the egg, so it remains on the surface. Demonstrating this experience to the child, you can see that sea ​​water is the ideal environment for learning to swim. After all, the laws of physics and in the sea, no one canceled. The saltier the water in the sea, the less effort is required to stay afloat. The most salty is the Red Sea. Due to the high density, the human body is literally pushed to the surface of the water. Learning to swim in the Red Sea is pure pleasure.

For 2 experiments you will need: a glass bottle, a bowl of colored water and hot water.

Warm up the bottle with hot water. Pour hot water out of it and turn it upside down. Set in a bowl of tinted cold water. The liquid from the bowl will begin to flow into the bottle on its own. By the way, the level of tinted liquid in it will be (compared to the bowl) significantly higher.

How to explain the result of the experiment to the child?

The preheated bottle is filled with warm air. Gradually the bottle cools and the gas is compressed. The bottle is under pressure. The pressure of the atmosphere affects the water, and it enters the bottle. Its inflow will stop only when the pressure does not equalize.

For 3 experience you will need a plexiglass ruler or a regular plastic comb, woolen or silk fabric.

In the kitchen or bathroom, adjust the faucet so that a thin stream of water flows from it. Ask the child to strongly rub the ruler (comb) with a dry woolen cloth. Then the child should quickly bring the ruler closer to the stream of water. The effect will amaze him. The jet of water will bend and reach for the ruler. A funny effect can be obtained by using two rulers at the same time. Why?

An electrified dry comb or a Plexiglas ruler becomes a source of an electric field, which is why the jet is forced to bend in its direction.

You can learn more about all these phenomena in physics lessons. Any child will want to feel like a “master” of water, which means that the lesson will never be boring and uninteresting for him.

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How can you prove that light travels in a straight line?

To conduct the experiment, you will need 2 sheets of thick cardboard, a regular flashlight, 2 stands.

Experiment progress: In the center of each cardboard, carefully cut out the same diameter round holes. We put them on stands. The holes must be at the same height. We place the switched on lantern on a pre-prepared stand made of books. You can use any box of the right size. We direct the flashlight beam into the hole in one of the cardboard boxes. The child stands on the opposite side and sees the light. We ask the child to move away, and we shift to the side any of the cardboard boxes. Their holes are no longer on the same level. We return the child to the same place, but he no longer sees the light. Why?

Explanation: Light can only travel in a straight line. If there is an obstacle in the path of light, it stops.

Experience - dancing shadows

For this experience you will need: a white screen, cut-out cardboard figures that need to be hung on threads in front of the screen, and ordinary candles. Candles should be placed behind the figures. No screen - you can use a regular wall

Experiment progress: Light the candles. If the candle is moved further away, then the shadow from the figure will become smaller; if the candle is moved to the right, the figure will move to the left. The more candles you light, the more interesting the dance of the figures will be. Candles can be lit in turn, raised higher, lower, creating very interesting dance compositions.

Interesting experience with shadow

For the next experiment, you will need a screen, a fairly powerful electric lamp and a candle. If you direct the light of a powerful electric lamp at a burning candle, then a shadow will appear on the white canvas not only from the candle, but also from its flame. Why? Everything is simple, it turns out that in the flame itself there are red-hot opaque particles.

Simple experiments with sound for younger students

Ice experiment

If you are lucky and you find a piece of dry ice at home, you can hear an unusual sound. He is quite unpleasant - very thin and howling. To do this, put dry ice in a regular teaspoon. True, the spoon will immediately stop sounding as soon as it cools. Why does this sound appear?

When ice comes into contact with a spoon (in accordance with the laws of physics), carbon dioxide is released, it is he who makes the spoon vibrate and make an unusual sound.

funny phone

Take two identical boxes. Poke a hole in the middle of the bottom and lid of each of the boxes with a thick needle. Place ordinary matches in boxes. Pull the cord (10-15 cm long) into the holes made. Each end of the lace must be tied in the middle of the match. It is advisable to use fishing line made of nylon or silk thread. Each of the two participants in the experiment picks up his "phone" and goes to maximum distance. The line should be taut. One brings the phone to his ear and the other to his mouth. That's all! The phone is ready - you can make small talk!


Make a pipe out of cardboard. Its height should be about three hundred mm, and its diameter about sixty mm. Place a clock on a regular pillow and cover it on top with a pipe made in advance. The sound of the clock this case you will be able to hear if your ear is directly over the tube. In all other positions, the sound of the clock is not audible. However, if you take a piece of cardboard and place it at an angle of forty-five degrees to the axis of the pipe, then the sound of the clock will be perfectly audible.

How to experiment with magnets with your child at home - 3 ideas

Children simply adore playing with a magnet, so they are ready to join in any experiment with this object.

How to pull objects out of water with a magnet?

For the first experiment, you will need a lot of bolts, paper clips, springs, plastic bottle with water and a magnet.

The children are given the task: to pull objects out of the bottle without getting their hands wet, and of course the table. As a rule, children quickly find a solution to this problem. During the experience, parents can tell children about physical properties magnet and explain that the force of a magnet acts not only through plastic, but also through water, paper, glass, etc.

How to make a compass?

In a saucer you need to dial cold water and put a small piece of napkin on its surface. Carefully place a needle on a napkin, which we first rub against a magnet. The napkin gets wet and sinks to the bottom of the saucer, and the needle remains on the surface. Gradually, it smoothly turns one end to the north, the other to the south. The correctness of a homemade compass can be verified for real.

A magnetic field

First, draw a straight line on a piece of paper and place a regular iron paperclip on it. Slowly move the magnet towards the line. Mark the distance at which the paperclip will be attracted to the magnet. Take another magnet and do the same experiment. The paperclip will be attracted to the magnet from a farther distance or from a closer one. Everything will depend solely on the "strength" of the magnet. In this example, the child can be told about the properties of magnetic fields. Before telling the child about the physical properties of the magnet, it is necessary to explain that the magnet does not attract all the "brilliant things". A magnet can only attract iron. Such pieces of iron as nickel and aluminum are too tough for him.

Interestingly, did you like physics lessons at school? Not? Then you have a great opportunity to master this very interesting subject together with your child. Find out how to spend interesting and simple at home, read in another article on our website.

Good luck with your experiments!

If you're wondering how to celebrate a child's birthday, you might like the idea of ​​putting on a children's science show. AT recent times scientific holidays are becoming more and more popular. Almost all children like entertaining experiments and experiments. For them, this is something magical and incomprehensible, which means interesting. The cost of hosting a science show is quite high. But this is no reason to deny yourself the pleasure of watching the astonished children's faces. After all, you can do on your own, I do not resort to the help of animators and holiday agencies.

In this article, I made a selection of simple chemical and physical experiments and experiments that can be done at home without any problems. Everything you need to carry them out is probably in your kitchen or first aid kit. You don't need any special skills either. All you need is a desire and a good mood.

I tried to collect simple but spectacular experiences that will be of interest to children. different ages. For each experiment, I prepared a scientific explanation (not for nothing that I studied to be a chemist!). To explain to the children the essence of what is happening or not is up to you. It all depends on their age and level of training. If the children are small, you can skip the explanation and go straight to the spectacular experience, saying only that they will be able to learn the secrets of such “miracles” when they grow up, go to school and begin to study chemistry and physics. Perhaps this will arouse their interest in studying in the future.

Although I chose the safest experiments, they still need to be taken very seriously. All manipulations are best performed with gloves and a bathrobe, at a safe distance from children. After all, the same vinegar and potassium permanganate can cause trouble.

And, of course, when conducting a children's science show, you need to take care of the image of a mad scientist. Your artistry and charisma will largely determine the success of the event. Transform from ordinary person becoming a funny scientific genius is not at all difficult - all you need to do is ruffle your hair, put on big glasses and a white coat, smear yourself with soot and make an expression corresponding to your new status. This is what a typical mad scientist looks like.

Before putting on a science show on children's holiday(by the way, it can be not only a birthday, but also any other holiday), all experiments should be done in the absence of children. Rehearse that there were no unpleasant surprises later. Few things can go wrong.

Children's experiments can be carried out without a festive occasion - just so that it is interesting and useful to spend time with a child.

Choose the experiences you like the most and write a script for the holiday. In order not to heavily burden children with science, albeit entertaining, dilute the event with fun games.

Part 1. Chemical show

Attention! When conducting chemical experiments, you should be extremely careful.

foam fountain

Almost all children love foam - the more the better. Even kids know how to make it: for this you need to pour shampoo into water and shake it well. But can the foam form by itself without shaking and be also colored?

Ask the children what they think foam is. What is it made of and how can it be obtained. Let them express their guesses.

Then explain that foam is bubbles filled with gas. This means that for its formation, some substance is needed, of which the walls of the bubbles will consist, and a gas that will fill them. For example, soap and air. When soap is added to water and stirred, air enters these bubbles from environment. But gas can be obtained in another way - in the process of a chemical reaction.

Option 1

  • hydroperite tablets;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • liquid soap;
  • water;
  • a glass vessel with a narrow neck (preferably beautiful);
  • cup;
  • a hammer;
  • tray.

Statement of experience

  1. Using a hammer, crush the hydroperite tablets into powder and pour it into a flask.
  2. Place the flask on the tray.
  3. Add liquid soap and water.
  4. Prepare an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate in a glass and pour it into a flask with hydroperide.

After the solutions of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and hydroperide (hydrogen peroxide) merge, a reaction will begin to occur between them, accompanied by the release of oxygen.

4KMnO 4 + 4H 2 O 2 = 4MnO 2 ¯ + 5O 2 + 2H 2 O + 4KOH

Under the action of oxygen, the soap present in the flask will begin to foam and lick out of the flask, forming a kind of fountain. Due to potassium permanganate, part of the foam will turn pink.

You can see how this happens in the video.

Important: the glass vessel must have a narrow neck. Do not take the resulting foam in your hands and do not give it to children.

Option 2

Another gas, such as carbon dioxide, is also suitable for the formation of foam. You can paint the foam in any color you wish.

For the experiment you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • food coloring;
  • liquid soap.

Statement of experience

  1. Pour into a bottle of vinegar.
  2. Add liquid soap and food coloring.
  3. Pour in soda.

Result and scientific explanation

When soda and vinegar interact, a violent chemical reaction occurs, accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide CO 2.

Under its action, the soap will begin to foam and lick out of the bottle. The dye will color the foam in the color you choose.

Merry ball

What's a birthday without balloons? Show the children the balloon and ask how to inflate it. The guys, of course, will answer that by mouth. Explain that the balloon is inflated by the carbon dioxide we exhale. But you can inflate the balloon with them in another way.

For the experiment you will need:

  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • bottle;
  • balloon.

Statement of experience

  1. Pour a teaspoon of baking soda into the balloon.
  2. Pour into a bottle of vinegar.
  3. Put the ball on the neck of the bottle and pour the soda into the bottle.

Result and scientific explanation

As soon as baking soda and vinegar come into contact, a violent chemical reaction will begin, accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide CO 2 . The balloon will begin to inflate before your eyes.

CH 3 -COOH + Na + - → CH 3 -COO - Na + + H 2 O + CO 2

If you take a smiley balloon, it will impress the guys even more. At the end of the experiment, tie a balloon and give it to the birthday person.

See the video for a demonstration of the experience.


Can liquids change their color? If yes, why and how? Before setting up an experiment, be sure to ask the children these questions. Let them think. They will remember how water is colored when you rinse a brush with paint in it. Is it possible to decolorize the solution?

For the experiment you will need:

  • starch;
  • alcohol burner;
  • test tube;
  • cup;
  • water.

Statement of experience

  1. Pour a pinch of starch into a test tube and add water.
  2. Drop some iodine. The solution will turn into Blue colour.
  3. Light the burner.
  4. Heat the test tube until the solution becomes colorless.
  5. Pour into a glass of cold water and immerse the test tube into it so that the solution cools down and turns blue again.

Result and scientific explanation

When interacting with iodine, the starch solution turns blue, since a dark blue compound I 2 * (C 6 H 10 O 5) n is formed. However, this substance is unstable and, when heated, again decomposes into iodine and starch. When cooled, the reaction goes in the opposite direction and we again see how the solution turns blue. This reaction shows reversibility chemical processes and their temperature dependence.

I 2 + (C 6 H 10 O 5) n => I 2 * (C 6 H 10 O 5) n

(iodine - yellow) (starch - clear) (dark blue)

rubber egg

All children know that the eggshell is very fragile and can break from the slightest blow. It would be nice if the eggs didn't beat! Then you wouldn't have to worry about bringing the eggs home when your mom sends you to the store.

For the experiment you will need:

  • vinegar;
  • raw egg;
  • cup.

Statement of experience

  1. To surprise the kids, you need to prepare for this experience in advance. 3 days before the holiday, pour vinegar into a glass and place a raw chicken egg in it. Leave for three days so that the shell has time to completely dissolve.
  2. Show the children a glass with an egg and invite everyone to say a magic spell together: “Tryn-dyryn, boom-brown! Egg, become rubber!
  3. Take out the egg with a spoon, wipe it with a napkin and demonstrate how it can now be deformed.

Result and scientific explanation

Eggshells are made up of calcium carbonate, which dissolves when reacted with vinegar.

CaCO 3 + 2 CH 3 COOH \u003d Ca (CH 3 COO) 2 + H 2 O + CO 2

Due to the presence of a film between the shell and the contents of the egg, it retains its shape. What an egg looks like after vinegar, look at the video.

Secret letter

Children love everything mysterious, and therefore this experiment will surely seem like real magic to them.

Take an ordinary ballpoint pen and write on a piece of paper a secret message from aliens or draw some kind of secret sign that no one but the guys present can know about.

When the children read what is written there, say that it is a big secret and the inscription must be destroyed. Moreover, magical water will help you erase the inscription. If you treat the inscription with a solution of potassium permanganate and vinegar, then with hydrogen peroxide, the ink will be washed off.

For the experiment you will need:

  • potassium permanganate;
  • vinegar;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • flask;
  • cotton buds;
  • ball pen;
  • paper;
  • water;
  • paper towels or napkins;
  • iron.

Statement of experience

  1. Draw a picture or an inscription on a sheet of paper with a ballpoint pen.
  2. Pour a little potassium permanganate into a test tube and add vinegar.
  3. Soak a cotton swab in this solution and swipe over the inscription.
  4. Take another cotton swab, moisten it with water and wash off the resulting stains.
  5. Blot with a tissue.
  6. Apply hydrogen peroxide to the inscription and blot again with a napkin.
  7. Iron with an iron or put under a press.

Result and scientific explanation

After all the manipulations, you will get a blank sheet of paper, which will surprise the children very much.

Potassium permanganate is a very strong oxidizing agent, especially if the reaction occurs in an acidic environment:

MnO 4 ˉ+ 8 H + + 5 eˉ = Mn 2+ + 4 H 2 O

A strong acidified solution of potassium permanganate literally burns many organic compounds, turning them into carbon dioxide and water. Acetic acid is used to create an acidic environment in our experiment.

The product of the reduction of potassium permanganate is manganese dioxide Mn0 2, which has a brown color and precipitates. To remove it, we use hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2 , which reduces the insoluble compound Mn0 2 to a highly soluble manganese (II) salt.

MnO 2 + H 2 O 2 + 2 H + = O 2 + Mn 2+ + 2 H 2 O.

I propose to see how the ink disappears on the video.

The power of thought

Before setting up the experiment, ask the children how to put out the candle flame. They, of course, will answer you that you need to blow out the candle. Ask if they believe you can put out a fire with an empty glass by casting a magic spell?

For the experiment you will need:

  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • glasses;
  • candles;
  • matches.

Statement of experience

  1. Pour soda into a glass and pour vinegar over it.
  2. Light some candles.
  3. Bring a glass of soda and vinegar to another glass, tilting it slightly so that the carbon dioxide produced during the chemical reaction flows into the empty glass.
  4. Carry a glass of gas over the candles, as if pouring them over the flame. At the same time, make a mysterious expression on your face and say some incomprehensible spell, for example: “Chicken-burs, mur-plee! Flame, don't burn anymore!" Children must think it's magic. You will reveal the secret after the enthusiasm.

Result and scientific explanation

When baking soda and vinegar interact, carbon dioxide is released, which, unlike oxygen, does not support combustion:

CH 3 -COOH + Na + - → CH 3 -COO - Na + + H 2 O + CO 2

CO 2 is heavier than air, and therefore does not fly up, but settles down. Thanks to this property, we are able to collect it in an empty glass, and then “pour it” onto candles, thereby extinguishing their flame.

How it happens, look at the video.

Part 2. Entertaining physical experiments

strong jean

This experiment will allow children to look at the usual action for them from the other side. Place an empty wine bottle in front of the children (it is better to remove the label first) and push the cork into it. And then turn the bottle upside down and try to pop the cork out. Of course, you won't succeed. Ask the children if there is any way to get the cork out without breaking the bottle? Let them say what they think about it.

Since the cork cannot be picked up through the neck, it means that one thing remains - to try to push it out from the inside out. How to do it? You can call the genie for help!

The genie in this experiment will be a large plastic bag. To heighten the effect, the package can be painted with colored markers - draw eyes, nose, mouth, pens, some patterns.

So, for the experiment you will need:

  • empty wine bottle;
  • cork;
  • plastic bag.

Statement of experience

  1. Twist the bag with a tube and put it into the bottle so that the handles are outside.
  2. Turning the bottle over, ensure that the cork is on the side of the package closer to the neck.
  3. Inflate the package.
  4. Gently begin to pull the bag out of the bottle. A cork will come out with it.

Result and scientific explanation

As the bag inflates, it expands inside the bottle, expelling air from the bottle. When we begin to pull out the bag, a vacuum is created inside the bottle, due to which the walls of the bag wrap around the cork and drag it out with them. This is such a strong gin!

To see how this happens, watch the video.

Wrong glass

On the eve of the experiment, ask the children what happens if you turn a glass of water upside down. They will answer that the water will pour out. Say that this happens only with the "correct" glasses. And you have a “wrong” glass from which water does not pour out.

For the experiment you will need:

  • glasses with water;
  • paints (you can do without them, but this way the experience looks more spectacular; it is better to use acrylic paints- they give more saturated colors);
  • paper.

Statement of experience

  1. Pour into glasses of water.
  2. Add color to it.
  3. Moisten the rims of the glasses with water and place a sheet of paper over them.
  4. Press the paper firmly against the glass, holding it with your hand, turn the glasses upside down.
  5. Wait for a while until the paper sticks to the glass.
  6. Remove your hand quickly.

Result and scientific explanation

Surely all children know that we are surrounded by air. Although we do not see him, he, like everything around him, has weight. We feel the touch of air, for example, when the wind blows on us. There is a lot of air, and therefore it presses on the earth and everything that is around. This is called atmospheric pressure.

When we apply paper to a wet glass, it sticks to its walls due to surface tension.

In an inverted glass, between its bottom (now at the top) and the surface of the water, a space is formed filled with air and water vapor. The force of gravity acts on the water, which pulls it down. This increases the space between the bottom of the glass and the surface of the water. At constant temperature, the pressure in it decreases and becomes less than atmospheric. The total pressure of air and water on the paper from the inside is slightly less than the air pressure from the outside. Therefore, water does not pour out of the glass. However, after a while, the glass will lose its magical properties, and the water will still pour out. This is due to the evaporation of water, which increases the pressure inside the glass. When it becomes more than atmospheric, the paper will fall off and the water will pour out. But you can't bring it up to this point. So it will be more interesting.

You can watch the progress of the experiment on the video.

Gluttonous bottle

Ask the children if they like to eat. Do they like to eat glass bottles? Not? Bottles are not eaten? And here they are wrong. They don’t eat ordinary bottles, but magic bottles are not even averse to having a bite.

For the experiment you will need:

  • boiled chicken egg;
  • a bottle (to heighten the effect, the bottle can be painted or somehow embellished, but so that the children can see what is happening inside it);
  • matches;
  • paper.

Statement of experience

  1. Peel off the shell of the boiled egg. Who eats eggs in shell?
  2. Set fire to a piece of paper.
  3. Throw the burning paper into the bottle.
  4. Put the egg on the neck of the bottle.

Result and scientific explanation

When we throw burning paper into the bottle, the air in it heats up and expands. By closing the neck with an egg, we prevent the flow of air, as a result of which the fire goes out. The air in the bottle cools and contracts. A pressure difference is created inside the bottle and outside, due to which the egg is sucked into the bottle.

For now, that's all. However, over time, I plan to add a few more experiments to the article. At home, you can, for example, experiment with balloons. Therefore, if you are interested in this topic, add the site to your bookmarks or subscribe to the newsletter. When I add something new, I will inform you about it by e-mail. It took me a lot of time to prepare this article, so please respect my work and when copying materials, be sure to put an active hyperlink to this page.

If you have ever done home experiments for children and put on a science show, write about your impressions in the comments, attach a photo. It will be interesting!

Ministry of Education and Science Chelyabinsk region

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GBPOU SPO "Kopeysky Polytechnic College named after. S.V Khokhryakova»




Educational - research work

"Entertaining physical experiments

from improvised materials "

Head: Yu.V. Timofeeva, teacher of physics

Performers: students of the group OPI - 15


Physical experiments increase interest in the study of physics, develop thinking, teach how to apply theoretical knowledge to explain various physical phenomena occurring in the world around us.

Unfortunately, due to the overload of educational material in physics lessons, insufficient attention is paid to entertaining experiments.

With the help of experiments, observations and measurements, relationships between various physical quantities can be investigated.

All the phenomena observed during entertaining experiments have a scientific explanation, for this they used the fundamental laws of physics and the properties of the matter around us.



Main content

Organization of research work

Methodology for conducting various experiments

Research results


List of used literature



Without a doubt, all our knowledge begins with experience.

(Kant Emmanuel - German philosopher 1724-1804)

Physics is not only scientific books and complex laws, not only huge laboratories. Physics is also interesting experiments and entertaining experiments. Physics is tricks shown in a circle of friends, this funny stories and fun craft toys.

Most importantly, any available material can be used for physical experiments.

Physical experiments can be done with balls, glasses, syringes, pencils, straws, coins, needles, etc.

Experiments increase interest in the study of physics, develop thinking, teach how to apply theoretical knowledge to explain various physical phenomena occurring in the world around us.

When conducting experiments, it is necessary not only to draw up a plan for its implementation, but also to determine methods for obtaining certain data, to independently assemble installations and even design the necessary devices for reproducing this or that phenomenon.

But, unfortunately, due to the overload of educational material in physics lessons, insufficient attention is paid to entertaining experiments, much attention is paid to theory and problem solving.

Therefore, it was decided to conduct research work on the topic "Entertaining experiments in physics from improvised materials."

The objectives of the research work are as follows:

  1. Master the methods of physical research, master the skills of correct observation and the technique of physical experiment.

    Organization independent work with various literature and other sources of information, collection, analysis and generalization of material on the topic of research work.

    To teach students how to apply scientific knowledge to explain physical phenomena.

    To instill in students a love for physics, to increase their concentration on understanding the laws of nature, and not on their mechanical memorization.

When choosing a research topic, we proceeded from the following principles:

Subjectivity - the chosen topic corresponds to our interests.

Objectivity - the topic we have chosen is relevant and important in scientific and practical terms.

Feasibility - the tasks and goals set by us in the work are real and feasible.


The research work was carried out according to the following scheme:

Formulation of the problem.

The study of information from various sources on this issue.

The choice of research methods and practical mastery of them.

Collection of own material - acquisition of improvised materials, conducting experiments.

Analysis and generalization.

Formulation of conclusions.

During the research work, the following physical research methods were used:

1. Physical experience

The experiment consisted of the following stages:

Understanding the conditions of experience.

This stage involves getting acquainted with the conditions of the experiment, determining the list of necessary improvised instruments and materials, and safe conditions during the experiment.

Drawing up a sequence of actions.

At this stage, the order of the experiment was outlined, if necessary, new materials were added.

Conducting an experiment.

2. Surveillance

When observing phenomena occurring in experience, we turned Special attention on changes in physical characteristics, while we were able to detect regular relationships between various physical quantities.

3. Modeling.

Modeling is the basis of any physical research. During the experiments, we simulated various situational experiments.

In total, we have modeled, carried out and scientifically explained several entertaining physical experiments.

2. Organization of research work:

2.1 Methodology for conducting various experiments:

Experience No. 1 Candle behind a bottle

Devices and materials: candle, bottle, matches

Stages of the experiment

Put a lit candle behind the bottle, and stand yourself so that your face is 20-30 cm away from the bottle.

It is worth now to blow, and the candle will go out, as if there is no barrier between you and the candle.

Experience number 2 Spinning snake

Tools and materials: thick paper, candle, scissors.

Stages of the experiment

Cut a spiral out of thick paper, stretch it a little and put it on the end of the bent wire.

Holding this coil over the candle in an updraft of air will cause the snake to spin.

Devices and materials: 15 matches.

Stages of the experiment

Put one match on the table, and 14 matches across it so that their heads stick up and the ends touch the table.

How to lift the first match, holding it by one end, and with it all the other matches?

Experience No. 4 Paraffin motor

Devices and materials:candle, knitting needle, 2 glasses, 2 plates, matches.

Stages of the experiment

To make this motor, we don't need electricity or gasoline. We need only ... a candle for this.

Heat the needle and stick it with their heads into the candle. This will be the axis of our engine.

Place a candle with a knitting needle on the edges of two glasses and balance.

Light the candle at both ends.

Experience No. 5 Thick air

We live by the air we breathe. If that doesn't sound magical enough to you, do this experiment to see what other magic the air can do.


Protective glasses

Pine plank 0.3x2.5x60 cm (available at any lumber store)

newspaper sheet



Let's start the science magic!

Put on protective glasses. Announce to the audience: “There are two types of air in the world. One of them is skinny and the other is fat. Now I will perform magic with the help of greasy air.

Lay the plank on the table so that about 6 inches (15 cm) protrudes from the edge of the table.

Say: "Thick air sit on the plank." Hit the end of the plank that protrudes beyond the edge of the table. The plank will jump into the air.

Tell the audience that it must have been thin air sitting on the plank. Again, put the plank on the table as in point 2.

Place a newspaper sheet on the board, as shown in the figure, so that the board is in the middle of the sheet. Smooth out the newspaper so that there is no air between it and the table.

Say again: "Thick air, sit on the plank."

Hit the protruding end with the edge of your hand.

Experience No. 6 Waterproof paper


Paper towel


A plastic bowl or bucket that can be filled with enough water to completely cover the glass


Lay out everything you need on the table

Let's start the science magic!

Announce to the audience: "With the help of my magical skill, I can make a piece of paper stay dry."

Crumple up a paper towel and place it in the bottom of the glass.

Flip the glass over and make sure the wad of paper stays in place.

Say some magic words over the glass, for example: " magical powers, protect the paper from water. Then slowly lower the inverted glass into the bowl of water. Try to keep the glass as level as possible until it is completely under the water.

Take the glass out of the water and shake off the water. Turn the glass upside down and take out the paper. Let the audience feel it and make sure it stays dry.

Experience No. 7 Flying ball

Have you seen how a person rises into the air at a magician's performance? Try a similar experiment.

Please note: For this experiment, you will need a hair dryer and adult assistance.


Hairdryer (must be used by an adult assistant only)

2 thick books or other heavy objects

Ping pong ball


adult assistant


Set the hair dryer up on the table with the hole that blows hot air.

To install it in this position, use the books. Make sure they don't block the hole on the side where air is sucked into the hair dryer.

Plug in the hair dryer.

Let's start the science magic!

Ask one of the adult viewers to be your assistant.

Announce to the audience: “Now I will make an ordinary ping-pong ball fly through the air.”

Take the ball in your hand and let it fall on the table. Tell the audience: “Oh! I forgot to say the magic words!”

Say the magic words over the ball. Have your assistant turn on the hair dryer at full power.

Gently place the balloon over the hair dryer in a jet of air, about 45 cm from the blowing hole.

Advice for a Learned Wizard

Depending on how hard you are blowing, you may need to place the balloon a little higher or lower than indicated.

What else can be done

Try to do the same with the ball different size and masses. Will the experience be equally good?


1) Experience No. 1 Candle behind a bottle


The candle will gradually float up, and the paraffin cooled by water at the edge of the candle will melt more slowly than the paraffin surrounding the wick. Therefore, a rather deep funnel is formed around the wick. This emptiness, in turn, lightens the candle, that's why our candle will burn out to the end..

2) Experience number 2 Spinning snake


The snake rotates because there is an expansion of air under the action of heat and the transformation of warm energy into motion.

3) Experiment No. 3 Fifteen matches on one


In order to lift all the matches, you only need to put one more, fifteenth match on top of all the matches, in the hollow between them.

4) Experience No. 4 Paraffin motor


A drop of paraffin will fall into one of the plates placed under the ends of the candle. The balance will be disturbed, the other end of the candle will pull and fall; at the same time, a few drops of paraffin will drain from it, and it will become lighter than the first end; it rises to the top, the first end will fall, drop a drop, it will become easier, and our motor will start to work with might and main; gradually fluctuations of the candle will increase more and more.

5) Experience No. 5 thick air

When you hit the plank for the first time, it bounces. But if you hit a board with a newspaper on it, the board breaks.


When you flatten a newspaper, you remove almost all the air from under it. At the same time, a large amount of air on top of the newspaper presses on it from great strength. When you hit the board, it breaks because the pressure of the air on the newspaper prevents the board from rising up in response to the force you applied.

6) Experience No. 6 waterproof paper


Air occupies a certain volume. There is air in the glass, no matter what position it is in. When you turn a glass upside down and lower it slowly into water, air remains in the glass. Water cannot get into the glass because of the air. The pressure of the air is greater than the pressure of the water trying to get inside the glass. The towel at the bottom of the glass stays dry. If the glass is turned on its side under water, the air in the form of bubbles will come out of it. Then he can get into the glass.

8) Experience No. 7 Flying ball


In fact, this trick does not contradict gravity. It demonstrates an important ability of air called Bernoulli's principle. Bernoulli's principle is the law of nature, according to which any pressure of any fluid, including air, decreases with increasing speed of its movement. In other words, at a low air flow rate, it has a high pressure.

The air coming out of the hair dryer moves very fast and therefore its pressure is low. The ball is surrounded on all sides by a low pressure area, which forms a cone at the hair dryer opening. The air around this cone has more high pressure, and prevents the ball from falling out of the low pressure zone. The force of gravity pulls it down, and the force of air pulls it up. Thanks to the combined action of these forces, the ball hangs in the air above the hair dryer.


Analyzing the results of entertaining experiments, we were convinced that the knowledge gained in physics classes is quite applicable to solving practical issues.

With the help of experiments, observations and measurements, the relationships between various physical quantities were investigated.

All the phenomena observed during entertaining experiments have a scientific explanation, for this we used the fundamental laws of physics and the properties of the matter around us.

The laws of physics are based on facts established by experience. Moreover, the interpretation of the same facts often changes in the course of the historical development of physics. Facts accumulate as a result of observations. But at the same time, they cannot be limited only to them. This is only the first step towards knowledge. Next comes the experiment, the development of concepts that allow qualitative characteristics. In order to draw general conclusions from observations, to find out the causes of phenomena, it is necessary to establish quantitative relationships between quantities. If such a dependence is obtained, then a physical law is found. If a physical law is found, then there is no need to set up an experiment in each individual case, it is enough to perform the appropriate calculations. Having studied experimentally the quantitative relationships between the quantities, it is possible to identify patterns. Based on these regularities, a general theory of phenomena is developed.

Therefore, without experiment there can be no rational teaching of physics. The study of physics and other technical disciplines involves the widespread use of the experiment, the discussion of the features of its formulation and the observed results.

In accordance with the task set, all experiments were carried out using only cheap, small-sized improvised materials.

Based on the results of the educational and research work, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. In various sources of information, you can find and come up with many entertaining physical experiments performed with the help of improvised equipment.

    Entertaining experiments and home-made physical devices increase the range of demonstrations of physical phenomena.

    Entertaining experiments allow you to test the laws of physics and theoretical hypotheses.


M. Di Specio "Entertaining experiments", LLC "Astrel", 2004

F.V. Rabiz "Funny Physics", Moscow, 2000

L. Galperstein "Hello, physics", Moscow, 1967

A. Tomilin "I want to know everything", Moscow, 1981

M.I. Bludov "Conversations in Physics", Moscow, 1974.

ME AND. Perelman "Entertaining tasks and experiments", Moscow, 1972.



1. Presentation "Entertaining physical experiments from improvised materials"

2. Video "Entertaining physical experiments from improvised materials"
