Iso in the preparatory group houseplants. Drawing from nature. Independent work of children

Summary of classes in kindergarten: In the world of indoor plants for children 5-7 years old.

Author: Nersesyan Naira Igorevna, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 144", Voronezh
Purpose: Kindergarten teachers, teachers primary school curious parents. The outline is suitable for classes with children 5-7 years old.
Target: Name the plant and its main parts. Take good care of your plants.
Tasks-Expand knowledge about indoor plants.
-Give an idea about the reproduction of indoor plants.
-To develop the skills of research activities of children 5-7 years old in the course of joint activities.
- To cultivate respect for nature.
- Develop curiosity, diligence.
-Teach how to draw houseplants.
-Improve plant care skills.
- Familiarize yourself with several types of indoor plants.
-To expand the knowledge of pupils on ecological culture.
preliminary work Creation of a subject environment aimed at developing children's interest in plants, the presence of demonstration material: pictures and posters from the series<<Houseplants>>. Video material - for display on the screen.

Lesson progress

caregiver Guess the riddles:<< Дышит,растет, а ходить не может>> (Plant).
Purify the air
They create comfort
Green on the windows
Bloom all year round. (Indoor plants)
What will we talk about today? (About indoor plants).
A glass of water covered
Hedgehog mitten. (Cactus)

A bush grew in a tub,
And wide and thick:
Leaf like leather
tightly folded,
elderberry trunk,
Like rubber. (Ficus)

Leaf with a hump, groove,
Has thorns, but can't hurt

But heals us at any hour. (Aloe)

There is a pot on the window
In him most wonderful flower,
purple, graceful,
Enticing aroma! (Violet)

caregiver What other indoor plants, besides the above, do you know? (Kalanchoe, feces, fern). Show a picture?

caregiver Indeed, these plants are grown only indoors, because most of them are native to hot countries where all year round summer. A person creates about the same conditions in winter as in summer. But why?
Children All conditions are created so that the plants do not die, do not freeze in winter.
caregiver Remember what is necessary for plants?
Children Plants need soil, light, heat, air, water.
caregiver There are five helpers of plants, like five fingers on a hand. Do plants need soil?
(Yes, they grow in pots of earth).
Why are indoor plants placed on the windowsill? (They need light to grow.)
Why are indoor plants not taken outside in autumn and winter? (They need warmth).
What other condition do plants need to grow well? (Plants need air to breathe.)
What should be done to make it easier for them to breathe? (In order for air to get to the roots of the plant, you need to loosen the earth, you need to wipe the dust from them).
What is the fifth condition for plant growth? (Water is needed - they must be watered regularly).
Let's see how the flower grows.

Children name the main parts of a plant (root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit with seeds).

There are a lot of indoor plants, let's get acquainted with a few more of them.
Up the steep wall
Cast on concrete
centipede crawling,
Carry leaves with you. (Ivy)

In turn, on the screen, the children look at pictures of plants, repeat complex names with the teacher and remember (geranium, coleus, begonia, gardenia, agave).

Physical education minute
A sunflower grows in the yard.
A sunflower grows in the yard
In the morning it reaches for the sun. (Children stand on one leg and stretch their arms up.)
Next to him is a second, similar,
He also reaches for the sun. (Children stand on the other leg and again pull their hands up.)
We turn our hands in a circle.
Don't accidentally hit a friend!
A few laps ahead
And then vice versa. (Rotation of straight arms forward and backward.)
We had a wonderful rest
And it's time for us to sit down. (Children sit down.)

caregiver How to properly care for indoor plants? (Water, loosen, spray, dust, wash). Let's always take care of our indoor plants together. (Children water the flowers, wipe the dust, spray with the instructions of the teacher)

For fixing proper care they watch video material for plants, the educator comments

caregiver Look at all the pictures and draw your houseplant.

caregiver From all the drawings, choose the most expressive and most accurate.

Educator Kuznetsova I.A.

1. Program content:

Target: Visual tasks:

Technical tasks:

Educational tasks:

2. Material for the lesson:

3. Teacher preparation:
- making a summary
- preparing material

4. Preliminary work:

Methods and techniques:

5. The course of the lesson.

Yes, that's right, a plant.

- Spotted begonia.

- Sansevier.

- Stem and leaves.
- What is her stem?
- Straight and thick.
- What colour is he?
- Light green color.
What shape are the leaves?
What are their edges?

- It doesn't have a stem.

What shape are the leaves?

- By color.

- In the form of a sheet.

* by color.

*by structure and number of leaves
*according to the fit and size of the pot
*by color


Abstract of a drawing lesson in preparatory group"Drawing from nature of indoor plants."

Educator Kuznetsova I.A.

Topic: Drawing from life indoor plants.

1. Program content:

Target: Drawing houseplants: sansevera and speckled begonia from nature.
Visual tasks:
- Learn to draw indoor plants from nature.
- Correctly convey the structure of two indoor plants: speckled begonia: straight stems, 4 leaves on the right, 5 leaves on the left; sansevera: 5 long, erect leaves.
- Transfer the size of the pot less than the plant.
- Learn to choose the right colors for the stem, leaf, pot, close to nature.
Technical tasks:
- To consolidate the ability to sketch the pot with a simple pencil.
- Strengthen the ability to draw with gouache paint different colors, mix them on the palette to get the desired color.
- Strengthen the ability to work with a palette.
Educational tasks:
- To cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards indoor plants of a corner of nature.
- Strengthen the ability to compare your work with nature.
- Develop memory and visual control.
- Independence in drawing from nature.
- Learn to analyze the work of his and his comrades.

2. Material for the lesson:A4 album sheet - white, gouache paints: green, yellow, white, brown - for a pot; palette, brush, rags; 1/2 can of water, pencil, eraser. Indoor plants: sansevera, speckled begonia.
Musical accompaniment of Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers";
song "Silk tassel" - about magic flower- Y. Chichkova.

3. Teacher preparation:
- making a summary
- preparing material

4. Preliminary work:
- Conducting the game "Find by description"
- Riddles about indoor plants
- Carrying out observations of indoor plants in a corner of nature
- Drawing houseplants with a pencil
- Learning to dance to the song "Silk Tassel"

Methods and techniques: riddle, questions for children, observation, clarification, comparison, game reception, conversation, individual help, reminder, assessment, praise.

5. The course of the lesson.

Guys, now I will ask you a very interesting riddle, and you listen to me carefully and try to guess:
“Breathes, grows, but cannot walk.”
Yes, that's right, a plant.
And today we will talk about indoor plants.
- There are two houseplants in front of you.
- What is the name of this plant?
- Spotted begonia.
- What is the name of this plant?
- Sansevier.

Let's talk about these plants.
Let's look at the structure of indoor plants.
- What parts does the speckled begonia consist of?

- Stem and leaves.
- What is her stem?
- Straight and thick.
- What colour is he?
- Light green color.
What shape are the leaves?
What are their edges?
- Oval-shaped leaves, slightly pointed at the end.
- What color are the leaves? What else is on the leaves?
- The leaves are light green with white dots (specks).
- And now let's look at the sansevier.
- How is this plant different from the 1st plant?
- It doesn't have a stem.
What color are the leaves of sansevera?
- Green colour with yellow veins.
What shape are the leaves?
- The leaves are linear, erect, pointed at the end, the edge of the sheet is even.
- How do sansevera leaves differ from speckled begonia leaves?
- By color.
- The speckled begonia has white speckles, while the sansevier has yellow veins.
- And how else do sansevera leaves differ from speckled begonia leaves?
- In the form of a sheet.
The speckled begonia has oval-shaped leaves, while the sansevera has elongated, elongated leaves.
How are these two plants similar to each other?
These two plants have leaves, these plants grow in a pot.
- Well done, guys, and now let's play a little with you.
(I turn on the song “Silk Tassel” to the children and the guys and I move to the music).
- And now, the guys, sat down at their tables, and listened to me carefully.
We talked about indoor plants, discussed their structure, and now we will draw them.
(I turn on the music of Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" for children).

I learn to compare my work with nature.
Learn how to properly place all parts of the plant.
We draw plants brightly, in full sheet.
I'm doing a partial show on my sheet.
I encourage children to be independent.

Guys, look at our plants!
(I draw the attention of children to the most beautiful, neatly executed plants and the closest to nature).
Guys, find speckled begonia similar to nature:
*by structure and number of leaves
*according to the fit and size of the pot
* by color.
- Find a sansevier similar to nature:
*by structure and number of leaves
*according to the fit and size of the pot
*by color
I give a differentiated assessment of children's work.
Showing the work that I liked.

Current page: 5 (total book has 11 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 8 pages]


100% +

Lesson 12. Drawing from nature "Rowan branch"

Software content. To form the ability to convey the characteristic features of nature: the shape of the parts, the structure of the branches and leaves, their color. Strengthen the ability to beautifully arrange the image on the sheet. Practice painting with watercolors. To fix different methods of drawing with a brush (with the whole pile and the end). Learn to compare the drawing with nature, to achieve greater image accuracy.

The methodology of the lesson. Consider a rowan branch with children, clarify its features, activating the children. Invite them to think about how best to arrange the image on the sheet. Learn how to work with watercolors.

At the end of the work, consider all the drawings with the children, offer to select best work and decorate the room kindergarten. When analyzing children's work, seek a detailed justification for the choice of a particular drawing.

Materials. A beautiful branch with a small number of branches. White paper, slightly smaller than A4, watercolor paints, brushes.

Observations of autumn phenomena in nature, examining bushes and trees, colored in autumn. application on this topic.

Lesson option. Drawing from life "Indoor plant"

Software content. To teach children to convey in the drawing the characteristic features of the plant (the structure and direction of the stem, leaves), the shape of the flower pot. To form the ability to see tonal relationships (light and dark places) and convey them in the drawing, strengthening or weakening the pressure on the pencil. Develop small hand movements (when depicting small parts of a plant). To form the ability to regulate the drawing movement by force, to successfully place the image on the sheet.

The methodology of the lesson. Consider and examine with children the houseplant offered as nature (asparagus, tradescantia), activating the children, calling them to show the direction of the stems, the shape of the pot at the board.

Ask the guys if all parts of the plant are the same in color, offer to mark where they are lighter, where they are darker; clarify how this can be conveyed in the drawing only with a simple graphite pencil. If the children do not answer, show how different pressure on the pencil conveys the tone (lighter, darker).

Hang all the finished drawings on the board, consider them with the children. During the analysis of the works, note the drawings that correctly convey the nature of the plant and tone relationships, the image is well located on the sheet.

Materials. Indoor plant (asparagus, tradescantia). album sheets, simple graphite and colored pencils.

Relationship with other educational areas. Consideration of different indoor plants, comparison, clarification characteristic features. Plant care.

Lesson 13. Application "Vase with fruits, branches and flowers" (decorative composition)

Software content. To consolidate the ability of children to cut out symmetrical objects from paper folded in half. Develop visual control over the actions of the hands. Learn to beautifully arrange an image on a sheet, look for the best option, match images by color. Cultivate artistic taste.

The methodology of the lesson. Tell the children that today they will create beautiful pictures by cutting and pasting vases, and then flowers, vegetables, fruits. Offer to remember how to cut vases. Say that in the first lesson, each child should cut out 2-3 vases of different shapes, and then in another lesson, cut out branches, flowers, vegetables, fruits, arrange and arrange them in vases so that it is beautiful.

"Smart apron"

Julia K., preparatory group

Invite each child to think and decide what color paper he will take for the background. Help to choose the right color for the background paper for vases.

At the end of the lesson, select the best works with the children and hang them in the group room, lobby.

Materials. Sheets of soft paper colored paper different shades, scissors, glue.

Relationship with other educational areas. A conversation about still life, looking at reproductions of paintings. Examining vases with flowers, branches, decorating group room, Hall.

Lesson 14. Sculpting "Girl playing ball"

Software content. To consolidate the ability to sculpt a human figure in motion (raised, outstretched arms, etc.), conveying the shape and proportions of body parts. Practice using different sculpting techniques. Strengthen the ability to place the figure on the stand.

The methodology of the lesson. Consider with the children any girl from the group with a ball in her hands, in different poses; clarify the proportions of the body and its parts.

Invite the children to remember the modeling techniques. Explain that the sculpted figure will need to be installed on a stand.

At the end of the work, consider with the children all the fashioned figures, choose the most expressive.

Materials. Plasticine (clay), modeling boards, stands for molded figures.

Relationship with other educational areas. Observations on a walk for children playing ball. Examination of sculptures of small forms.

Lesson option. Sculpting a human figure in motion

Software content. To teach children to convey the relative size of parts of a human figure and changes in their position during movement (runs, works, dances, etc.). Learn to sculpt a figure from a whole piece of clay. To consolidate the ability to firmly establish the figure on the stand.

The methodology of the lesson. Consider with children clay and porcelain sculptures depicting a person in motion. Show these poses on children.

Take a lump of clay and show the children how to shape it to get the whole figure from one piece.

Tell the children about the sequence of actions, invite them to repeat what should be sculpted, and then start sculpting. Each child chooses the pose of the figure independently.

Materials. Porcelain or ceramic figurines depicting people in motion. Clay, stacks, modeling boards.

Relationship with other educational areas. Observation of the movements of children on a walk, during games. Examination of sculptures of small forms.

Lesson 15. Drawing "Dad (mother) walks with his child in the park (along the street)"

Software content. To consolidate the ability to draw a human figure, to convey the relative size of a child and an adult. Learn to arrange images on a sheet in accordance with the content of the picture. Exercise in drawing a contour with a simple pencil and then painting over with colored pencils.

The methodology of the lesson. Remind children about the proportions of the figures of an adult and a child, their ratio in size. (The teacher shows the proportions and ratio on himself, taking a child by the hand.)

Clarify the sequence of work with the children: the figures must first be drawn with a simple pencil, and then carefully painted over. Direct the attention of children to the use of different pressure on the pencil when painting.

When examining and evaluating the work, pay the attention of children to the transfer of the ratio of figures in size, to the technique for making drawings.

Note. It is important to direct the attention of children to a creative solution to the topic: you can draw mom, dad, and children. You can also offer to create an illustration for the work of S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa", but the program tasks remain the same (instead of an adult and a child, children draw ordinary person and Uncle Stepa).

Materials. A4 paper, simple graphite and colored pencils.

Relationship with other educational areas. Observations during walks and excursions. Looking at illustrations in children's books.

Lesson 16

(collective composition)

Software content. To teach children to create by collective efforts a simple scene from fashioned figures. To consolidate the ability to sculpt a rooster, chickens, chickens. To achieve greater accuracy in the transfer of the main form, characteristic details. To form the ability to collectively think about the location of the birds on the stand.

The methodology of the lesson. Remind the children that in the summer at the dacha they saw chickens, roosters, chickens. Recall briefly the content of the story by K. D. Ushinsky "The Cockerel with the Family."

Invite the children to think about who and how to sculpt; to distribute who will fashion which birds. In the process of work, pay attention to a clear transfer of form, parts, proportions, etc.

Modeled figures are placed on a common stand.

Materials. Stand for collective composition. Clay or plasticine, stacks, modeling boards.

Relationship with other educational areas. Reading and retelling the story of K.D. Ushinsky "Cockerel with his family" Conversations about summer impressions, about poultry.

Lesson 17 Drawing "City (village) in the evening"

Software content. To teach children to convey in the drawing a picture of the evening city, color coloring: houses are lighter than night air, multi-colored lights are burning in the windows. To consolidate the ability to draw up your idea, to arrange the image compositionally on the sheet. Develop aesthetic feelings (colors, compositions). Learn to evaluate the expressive solution of the topic.

The methodology of the lesson. Invite the children to remember what the city is like in the evening: how it is lit, how the houses look. Discuss color solution drawing. Remind about the diversity of houses (proportions, location on the street). Invite the kids to get to work.

When analyzing finished works direct the attention of children to the choice of drawings that are interesting in composition (houses of different proportions, successfully placed on the sheet), in color (the color of the evening city is expressively conveyed).

Materials. Dark paper, watercolor paints, gouache, brushes.

Relationship with other educational areas. A recommendation for parents to watch with their children a picture of the evening city. Examining illustrations.

Software content. To teach children to decorate a sheet of paper with a large branch with curls (a typical main element of painting decorative items). Learn to use various familiar elements to decorate a branch (flowers, leaves, berries, arcs, small curls). Develop multidirectional movements, ease of turning the hand, smoothness, unity of movements, spatial orientation on the sheet (decoration of the branch with elements on the left and right). Develop a sense of composition. Continue learning to analyze drawings.

The methodology of the lesson. Show the children on the board 2-3 options for drawing a branch-curl with a smooth continuous movement (horizontally, vertically, diagonally). Then invite all the guys to show this drawing hand movement in the air. Suggest that you first practice drawing a branch-curl on paper (prepare halves of landscape sheets in advance). When the child gets a curl, give a sheet of paper on which the drawing will be performed.

Put all the finished drawings on the board, invite the children to choose smoothly, seamlessly drawn and beautifully decorated curls, explain their choice. Ask a child to compare the selected drawing with his own, to note what is better in his drawing, and what is in the drawing of a friend.

Materials. Simple graphite and colored pencils, strips of paper (20 × 10 cm).

Relationship with other educational areas. Examination of folk patterns.

Lesson 19. Drawing "Late autumn"

Software content. To teach children to convey in the drawing the landscape of late autumn, its color (lack bright colors in nature). Learn to use different materials to create an expressive drawing: gouache, colored wax crayons, a simple graphite pencil. To form an idea of ​​​​neutral colors (black, white, dark gray, light gray), learn to use these colors when creating a picture of late autumn. Develop aesthetic sense.

The methodology of the lesson. Recall with the children, asking them questions, which is typical for late autumn (it rains, sometimes it snows, the leaves almost flew around, the trees darkened, bend from strong wind, often moving across the sky dark clouds). Talk to the guys about using in drawing different materials. Offer to start painting.

At the end of the work, consider the drawings with the children and choose the most expressive ones, where it is immediately clear that late autumn is drawn. Make a border out of children's drawings and hang it in the lobby.

Materials. Album sheets, colored wax crayons (if they are not available in kindergarten, other materials can be offered: a simple graphite pencil, watercolor paints, gouache of different colors, whitewash).

Relationship with other educational areas. Observations on walks, memorizing poems about autumn. Examination of reproductions of paintings, illustrations (emphasizing the diverse solution of the plot, coloring).

Session 20. Drawing by concept "Draw what was the most interesting this month"

Software content. To teach children to select the most interesting from the impressions received; to develop the desire to reflect these impressions in the drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw with pencils, paints. Learn to express your idea most fully by means of drawing, to bring what you have started to the end. Develop imagination.

The methodology of the lesson. A few days before the class, individually or with small groups of children, talk about interesting things in their lives. Think with the guys about how you can draw it.

"Petrushka is dancing at the festival"

Nikita D., preparatory group

During the lesson, help those who will find it difficult to choose a topic. To direct the attention of children to the most complete solution of the plan.

At the end of the work, hang all the drawings on the board, ask the children to tell about the most interesting images.

Materials. Simple graphite pencil, watercolor paints, white or colored paper light tone(optional) A4 format.

Relationship with other educational areas. Within a month, track the most interesting events in the life of children in kindergarten, at home (conversations with children, parents) in order to know well what each child can be reminded of if it is difficult for him to choose a topic; sometimes discuss how it would be nice to draw it.

Lesson 21. Drawing "We are going to a holiday with flags and flowers"

Software content. Learn to express impressions of the holiday, draw the figures of children in motion (the child walks, raised his hand with a flag, etc.). To consolidate the ability to convey the proportions of the human figure. Continue learning to draw the contours of the main parts with a simple pencil and paint over beautifully with colored pencils. Learn to convey holiday color in the drawing. Direct to search good location figures on the sheet. Develop aesthetic feelings (colors, compositions).

The methodology of the lesson. Remind children what a walking child looks like, consider children standing with their hands up, with flags and flowers. Clarify the proportions of the human body.

During the lesson, it is easy to remind about the need to draw with a simple pencil, only the main parts, without drawing the details. Follow the accurate coloring of the drawings. If necessary, invite one of the guys to remind the rest of the rules for painting. Guide children to convey the festive flavor: everything is bright, elegant.

During the analysis of children's work, invite the children to note interesting drawings that convey a colorful picture of the holiday.

Materials. Album sheet, simple graphite and colored pencils.

Relationship with other educational areas. Observation of the movements of children in music and physical education classes. Holiday talks. Examining illustrations depicting children in motion.

Class option (for kindergarten in countryside). Drawing "Harvest Festival in our village"

Software content. To teach children to convey holiday impressions: smart people, decorated houses, cars carrying the harvest. To consolidate the ability to successfully arrange images on a sheet, to convey the figure of a person in motion.

The methodology of the lesson. Recall with the children how the harvest festival was held in the village, what a joyful mood everyone had.

Talk with the guys about who plans to draw what picture about the holiday. Remind that the images should be placed all over the sheet and offer to get started. Encourage interesting additions.

Consider all the drawings together with the children, emphasize their diversity and beauty.

Materials. Paper white or colored in soft tones, slightly larger than A4, gouache paints, brushes.

Relationship with other educational areas. A tour of the festively decorated village, looking at illustrations, talking about the holiday.

Lesson 22. Application "Festive round dance"

Software content. To teach children to compose an image of a person from the details of the application, to find a place for their work among others. To learn, when gluing figures on a common sheet, to select images that are successfully combined in color. Develop a sense of composition and color.

The methodology of the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, clarify the children's ideas about the shape of the parts of clothing and the human body, their location, remember the cutting techniques.

Invite the children to pick up bright paper to cut out elegant dresses - then the round dance will turn out beautiful.

Each child cuts out and glues one figure in an elegant dress, then a collective composition is made from the figures.

Materials. big leaf paper for collective composition, colored paper, scissors, glue.

Relationship with other educational areas. Dances and round dances at music lessons, leisure evenings, Everyday life and on holidays.

Lesson 23. Application "Fish in the aquarium"

Software content. To teach children to cut out the silhouettes of objects that are simple in shape. Develop hand-eye coordination. Learn to pre-prepare pieces of paper of the required size for cutting out images. Learn to achieve a distinct form. Develop a sense of composition.

The methodology of the lesson. Clarify with the children the shape of the body of the fish, invite each child to circle the fish (toy) along the contour, then draw the contour in the air, looking at the toy and explaining which part it depicts.

Then recall that in the process of cutting the fish, you must carefully monitor how the scissors cut. Offer to choose paper for the fish in beautiful colors and shades that go well with the background.

Materials. A4 paper in pale blue, pale green or lilac (optional) for the aquarium, paper of different colors and shades, scissors, glue.

Relationship with other educational areas. Observations in the corner of nature, fish care.

Lesson 24

Software content. Develop an interest in creating illustrations for literary work. To form the ability to choose an episode that I would like to convey in the drawing; create images of a fairy tale (forest, forest glade, river and its banks; birds gathering in flocks, flying in the sky; fox, hares, hunters, Gray Neck). To fix the techniques of drawing with paints, painting over the drawing with a brush, sanguine; use simple pencil for sketches when drawing complex figures (fox, hunter, etc.). To arouse interest in the drawings, the desire to consider, talk about them.

The methodology of the lesson. Start the lesson with a conversation with the children: “Do you remember the fairy tale“ Gray Sheika ”that was read to you recently? Who wrote this tale? The Russian writer Mamin-Sibiryak was very fond of nature, observed its phenomena, the life and habits of animals and birds. Let me remind you how the writer describes in a fairy tale the gathering of birds to fly away to warmer climes: “The first autumn cold, from which the grass turned yellow, led all the birds into great alarm. Everyone began to prepare for the long journey, and everyone had such a serious, preoccupied look. Yes, it is not easy to fly over a space of several thousand miles ... "

You can also read this passage: “The cold autumn wind tore off the dried leaves and carried them away. The sky was often covered with heavy clouds, dropping a fine autumn rain. In general, there was little good, and that day they were already rushing past a flock of migratory birds ... "

After reading these or other passages from the fairy tale, invite the children to remember why the Gray Sheika duck could not fly away with her flock; to tell what happened before the moment when the hunter appeared, what Gray Sheika did, how the fox behaved, how the duck met the bunny and other episodes. If children find it difficult to describe the events of a fairy tale, you can again resort to reading the lines in which the author describes the course of events. For example: “It was in the morning. The hare jumped out of his lair to feed and play with other hares. The frost was healthy, the hares were warming themselves, stabbing paws on paws. Although it’s cold, it’s still more fun.” Or from the scene near the polynya with the fox: “I missed you, duck… Come out here, if you don’t want to, I’ll come to you myself… I’m not arrogant. And the fox began to crawl carefully over the ice to the very hole. Gray Sheika's heart skipped a beat. But the fox could not get close to the water itself, because the ice there was still very thin.

Do not read much at the beginning of the lesson. You can read some passages from the fairy tale while the children are creating pictures to recall the images of the fairy tale. At the end of the introductory conversation, ask the children how this story ended.

Invite the children to start drawing. Approach each child, observe the work, help in case of difficulties, give advice. If one of the children needs to clarify their ideas about the objects and phenomena depicted, he can consider the illustrations prepared in advance on the teacher's table.

Put the finished drawings on the board or spread out on shifted tables. Consider them with the children, mark the most expressive solutions (the duck is well drawn, it is conveyed how the fox crawls carefully, real winter is depicted, etc.). Invite the children to talk about their drawings. From children's drawings, you can make a book and put it in a book corner.

Note. A lesson on the theme of this fairy tale can be carried out in a different way: invite children to create a collective composition in the form of a panorama. One subgroup of children depicts a forest (winter or autumn). Another subgroup draws the horizontal part of the panorama: the river, its banks. The characters of the fairy tale (ducks about to fly away, Gray Neck, hares, fox, hunter) are molded by children of the third subgroup. Modeled figurines are set on a panorama. The created composition should be reviewed and discussed with the children.

Materials. Album sheets (or slightly larger paper), gouache paints, watercolors, sanguine, palettes, brushes.

Relationship with other educational areas. Reading a fairy tale by D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak "The Gray Neck", a conversation based on a fairy tale.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Educational areas: Artistic creativity, Cognition, Communication, Socialization, Health.

Purpose: to continue to develop the ability to correctly position the drawing on the sheet, draw with paints.

  1. Anchoring elementary representations about indoor plants: the plant has a stem, leaves; the plant is planted in a pot with soil. To consolidate knowledge of the names of indoor plants; be able to distinguish indoor plants from garden plants.
  2. Strengthening the ability to care for indoor plants.
  3. Education of independence, goodwill, desire to help.

Dictionary: indoor plant, garden flowers, watering can, flowering plant.

preliminary work: conversations about indoor plants; caring for indoor plants: watering, loosening the earth in a pot, rubbing the leaves.


  • A parcel box containing a photo of a houseplant with a question mark in a flower pot;
  • Houseplants;
  • Tools for caring for indoor plants: a watering can, sponges for wiping, rakes and sticks for loosening, a napkin for hands;
  • Chlorophytum offshoot;
  • Pot, earth;
  • Cards with the image of indoor plants and garden flowers;
  • Fairy Hero;
  • Didactic game"Plants";
  • Gouache paints in brown and green, brushes, cups of water, White list paper, coasters for brushes, napkin.

Lesson progress

Children are in the group:

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
Moved, stirred
It flew up and flew away.

On the table is a parcel box (on the box is a sticker with cartoon characters), which contains a photograph of a houseplant with a question mark in a flower pot. Fairy Star sits nearby.

Educator: Guys, look, we received a package. Star Fairy, do you know where she came from? Does not know. Who do you think this package is from? And I don't know. Want to see what's in it? But to find out what's in the box, you need to solve riddles.

  • Without arms, without legs, but moving,
    Breathing but not speaking
    Eats, but no mouth. (Plant.)
  • They grow on the windows - they bring joy to people. (Indoor plant.)

Educator: Guys, did you guess what's in the package? (Indoor plant.)

Children open the box, and there is not a living houseplant, but a photograph of a houseplant with a question mark in a flower pot.

caregiver: Fairy Star is also interested in what it is. Where she lived, there are no indoor plants. And she lived in a store. There were many interesting things around, but they were inanimate things. What is sold in the store? FZ does not know how to take care of flowers at all and asks us to teach her. Can we help? Let's see together with the Federal Law what are the room and garden plants. (Show pictures.)

Didactic game.

Educator: Guys, what kind of plants do you know, except for indoor ones? (garden.) Can you tell them apart? On one chair is a flower bed, on the other is a flower pot. On the floor are cards with a picture of a rose ( garden flower) and indoor flower in a pot. Boys collect images of an indoor flower in a pot, and girls collect roses in a flower bed.

Talk about indoor plants.

Children go to a corner of nature.

Educator: Children, look how many houseplants are in our group. What do you think these plants are for? (To be beautiful.) What else are indoor plants for? (Plants purify the air.) That's right, to be beautiful - a person decorates his house with houseplants. But they not only delight us with their beauty, but also purify the air from dust and dirt. Many houseplants smell good.

Guys, you already know that each plant has its own name. What names of indoor plants do you know? (Children name the plants of a corner of nature and show them.)

Guys, what needs to be done so that the houseplant is always beautiful, does not wither? (Care for a houseplant.) Let's tell the Federal Law how we care for plants.

Labor activity.

Educator: Guys, we recently put Chlorophytum sprouts in a glass of water. Why did we do this, Vasilisa? Look at the roots of the little sprout of Chlorophytum! It's time to plant it in a pot. We will put earth for indoor plants there, make a small hole and plant a sprout in it. We fill it with earth at the base and pour water over it. The plant has not yet grown strong, so we will take care of it every day. It will definitely grow! Let's give FZ a lot of Chlorophytums so that the air in her room is fresh and clean. Sit at the tables, make friends with the leg of the chair with the leg of the table, straighten the backs. I will show you how to draw a houseplant - chlorophytum. First we will draw flower pot brown paint, and then the flower itself is green.


Our delicate flowers
The petals are unfolding. (Smooth opening of the hands.)
The wind breathes a little
The petals sway. (Waving hands over head.)
Our scarlet flowers
Close the petals (Smooth lowering hands.)
Sleeping quietly
They shake their heads.

Get to work. Lisa painted the flower very carefully, Katya did it beautifully, etc.


Guys, you drew beautiful flowers. FZ says to you: "Thank you!". So what flower was in the package? How will we plant flowers? Why do we grow plants at home?

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Educational areas: Artistic creativity, Cognition, Communication, Socialization, Health.

Purpose: to continue to develop the ability to correctly position the drawing on the sheet, draw with paints.

  1. Consolidation of elementary ideas about indoor plants: the plant has a stem, leaves; the plant is planted in a pot with earth. To consolidate knowledge of the names of indoor plants; be able to distinguish indoor plants from garden plants.
  2. Strengthening the ability to care for indoor plants.
  3. Education of independence, goodwill, desire to help.

Dictionary: indoor plant, garden flowers, watering can, flowering plant.

preliminary work: conversations about indoor plants; caring for indoor plants: watering, loosening the earth in a pot, rubbing the leaves.


  • A parcel box containing a photo of a houseplant with a question mark in a flower pot;
  • Houseplants;
  • Tools for caring for indoor plants: a watering can, sponges for wiping, rakes and sticks for loosening, a napkin for hands;
  • Chlorophytum offshoot;
  • Pot, earth;
  • Cards with the image of indoor plants and garden flowers;
  • Fairy Hero;
  • Didactic game "Plants";
  • Brown and green gouache paints, brushes, cups of water, white sheet of paper, brush holders, napkin.

Lesson progress

Children are in the group:

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
Moved, stirred
It flew up and flew away.

On the table is a parcel box (on the box is a sticker with cartoon characters), which contains a photograph of a houseplant with a question mark in a flower pot. Fairy Star sits nearby.

Educator: Guys, look, we received a package. Star Fairy, do you know where she came from? Does not know. Who do you think this package is from? And I don't know. Want to see what's in it? But to find out what's in the box, you need to solve riddles.

  • Without arms, without legs, but moving,
    Breathing but not speaking
    Eats, but no mouth. (Plant.)
  • They grow on the windows - they bring joy to people. (Indoor plant.)

Educator: Guys, did you guess what's in the package? (Indoor plant.)

Children open the box, and there is not a living houseplant, but a photograph of a houseplant with a question mark in a flower pot.

caregiver: Fairy Star is also interested in what it is. Where she lived, there are no indoor plants. And she lived in a store. There were many interesting things around, but they were inanimate things. What is sold in the store? FZ does not know how to take care of flowers at all and asks us to teach her. Can we help? Let's see together with the Federal Law what indoor and garden plants are. (Show pictures.)

Didactic game.

Educator: Guys, what kind of plants do you know, except for indoor ones? (garden.) Can you tell them apart? On one chair is a flower bed, on the other is a flower pot. On the floor are cards with the image of a rose (garden flower) and a house flower in a pot. Boys collect images of an indoor flower in a pot, and girls collect roses in a flower bed.

Talk about indoor plants.

Children go to a corner of nature.

Educator: Children, look how many houseplants are in our group. What do you think these plants are for? (To be beautiful.) What else are indoor plants for? (Plants purify the air.) That's right, to be beautiful - a person decorates his house with houseplants. But they not only delight us with their beauty, but also purify the air from dust and dirt. Many houseplants smell good.

Guys, you already know that each plant has its own name. What names of indoor plants do you know? (Children name the plants of a corner of nature and show them.)

Guys, what needs to be done so that the houseplant is always beautiful, does not wither? (Care for a houseplant.) Let's tell the Federal Law how we care for plants.

Labor activity.

Educator: Guys, we recently put Chlorophytum sprouts in a glass of water. Why did we do this, Vasilisa? Look at the roots of the little sprout of Chlorophytum! It's time to plant it in a pot. We will put earth for indoor plants there, make a small hole and plant a sprout in it. We fill it with earth at the base and pour water over it. The plant has not yet grown strong, so we will take care of it every day. It will definitely grow! Let's give FZ a lot of Chlorophytums so that the air in her room is fresh and clean. Sit at the tables, make friends with the leg of the chair with the leg of the table, straighten the backs. I will show you how to draw a houseplant - chlorophytum. First we paint the flower pot with brown paint, and then the flower itself with green paint.


Our delicate flowers
The petals are unfolding. (Smooth opening of the hands.)
The wind breathes a little
The petals sway. (Waving hands over head.)
Our scarlet flowers
Close the petals (Smooth lowering hands.)
Sleeping quietly
They shake their heads.

Get to work. Lisa painted the flower very carefully, Katya did it beautifully, etc.


Guys, you drew beautiful flowers. FZ says to you: "Thank you!". So what flower was in the package? How will we plant flowers? Why do we grow plants at home?
