Life story. Short stories funny and interesting from real life people

My name is Alena, I'm 22 years old. I want to tell you my story.
Before, I always thought that happiness is when you have a lot of money, a job you love, you constantly fulfill your desires, but it turns out that happiness is something else that I did not notice. My story begins when I graduated from medical school and went to work in a medical organization. I just finished studying new job, new friends, new stage in life, but it turned out that the beginning will begin at another moment. After working for about six months, I began to notice that my health was deteriorating. I told my older sister about this, and she sent me for examination. My elder sister she raised me from the age of 12, after my mother died of cancer. My father loaded himself with work and left for another city, just sent us money. Now I understand that I demanded the impossible from my sister, something that cannot be replaced and made up for - this is maternal love. Only 6 years later I realized that my mother had died. Apparently it was a shock. I couldn't accept it. I have the most wonderful, beautiful, kind sister in the world. Thank God for giving it to me. During the examination, I suspected something was wrong, the doctors delayed the next appointment for 40 minutes. No matter what thoughts I had in my head. When a doctor approached me and began to tell me that I needed an expensive operation and urgent treatment, he said something about 2-3 years, to be honest, I remember everything vaguely. Expensive operation, where to get this money? That is, in order to live, we need to pay. When I left the office, I told my sister that I just needed a rest. I left work. I began to sit at home and think about everything. At first I felt anger, rage. I could not understand in any way, for what, why, where justice is. Then I cried, for so long. Then came calm. I began to see the world differently. How? When I get up in the morning, I look at the sky, it is so beautiful, as if for the first time I see it, when it rains, I see raindrops as if in slow motion. It feels like God himself stopped time so that I can see and remember this beautiful world. I asked for forgiveness from everyone whom I could offend at least something, I don’t know why, but it became easier for me. Once I could not hold back my tears and burst into tears in front of my sister. I had to tell her everything. Her eyes became so sad. And the question arose of what to do if we do not have such huge money. I even thought about going to work, just so that I would have enough for a ticket to the sea, to see the sea, the waves, a beautiful sunset and sunrise, and leave without pain. I began to understand that happiness is when you have people whom you love and who love you, the least you need is love. Once walking around the city, I came across a lottery stall. So small that more than two people can't fit in there. I bought lottery tickets, and before I left, the woman who sold the lottery tickets grabbed my hand and said: you think your luck has turned its back on you, but it's not. And she let go. Of course, when I got home, I forgot about this woman, but the most amazing thing was that the tickets I bought won a huge amount. I have never seen such money. Naturally, I had an operation abroad, I bought myself a house in Russia, and my sister and dad abroad, and I still saw the sea. It's not to be forgotten. When you are there, you feel as if you are on another planet, it is beyond words, it must be seen. And now, now I am healthy, rich, I understand what happiness is. It turns out that fate has been preparing a huge gift for me and my family all this time. This is an incredible gift of fate. I wrote this story because I want to tell you that it is love, it is those who love us and whom we love, that make us happy.

Real stories from the life of women blog readers about domestic tyranny. Your stories are accepted into the category! How did you meet your tyrant husband, how did your relationship develop, what feelings and thoughts bothered you, and of course, how did you manage to get rid of the tyrant and recover from painful dependence on him? Read, discuss, consult, share experiences!

Some women, disappointed in domestic suitors and experiencing financial difficulties, see salvation in marrying a foreigner, believing that there are different men and more opportunities. But, instead of a heavenly life, they often fall into the arms of a domestic tyrant. Marina shared...

Using the example of this life story, one can trace a fairly typical pattern of how a woman gets into a situation of domestic violence and what happens to her next. Here you can see all the mistakes made by women who become victims of a domestic tyrant and remain in destructive relationships. After the story we...

A woman asks for help to decide on a divorce. She describes terrible life with her tyrant husband, who mocks her, but something prevents her from filing for divorce ... This happens often. No matter how terrible our situation is, they prevent us from deciding to change it ...

Svetlana asked a question that many women ask when the relationship does not suit them and it seems (or does not seem) that something is wrong with a man: is he a tyrant or not? Often a woman really needs to get an answer to this question in order to stop having illusions on ...

The heroine of this story put the question in the title: how could I deceive myself? She managed to find and analyze her mistakes and successfully get out of a destructive relationship with a domestic tyrant. I highly recommend reading her experience to anyone who is in the same situation trying to get rid of…

Interesting short funny stories from people's lives - this is exactly what will always be in demand among readers. Any person likes to laugh at what happened in the life of another. Funny stories can cheer you up at any time of the day. It is known that what was taken from life will amuse for more than one year. And laughter, as you know, prolongs life!

Holidays with friends already involve telling all sorts of funny stories. Many of these gatherings end up on the Internet. If you want to read a collection of very funny life stories, welcome to our site!

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Have you heard the tale of the Crane and the Heron? We can say that this story was written off from us. When one wanted, the other refused, and vice versa ...

Real life story

“Okay, see you tomorrow,” I said into the phone to end the conversation, which lasted more than two hours.

One would think that we are talking about a meeting. Moreover, in a place well known to both of us. But it wasn't. We were just making arrangements for... the next call. And everything looked exactly the same for several months. Then I called Polina for the first time in four years. And I pretended that I was just calling to find out how she was doing, but in fact I wanted to renew the relationship.

I met her shortly before graduation. We were both in a relationship then, but a spark really ran between us. However, only a month after we met, we broke up with partners. However, we were in no hurry to get close. Because on the one hand, something attracted us to each other, and on the other hand, something constantly interfered. As if we were afraid that our connection would be dangerous. In the end, after a year of mutual study of each other, we became a couple. And if until that time our relations developed very slowly, then since we became together everything has been spinning at a very fast pace. A period of strong mutual attraction and dizzying emotions began. We felt that we could not exist without each other. And then ... we broke up.

Without any clarification. Simply, one day we did not agree on another meeting. And then none of us called the other for a week, expecting this act from the other side. At some point, I even wanted to do it ... But then I was young and green, and didn’t think of doing it - I just took it and took offense at Polina because she so easily abandoned our reverent relationship. So I decided not to force myself on her. I knew what I was thinking and doing was stupid. But then he could not calmly analyze what happened. It was only after some time that I began to really understand the situation. Gradually I realized the stupidity of my act.

I think we both felt like a good match for each other, and just started to fear what might happen next to our "great love". We were very young, we wanted to get a lot of experience in love affairs, and most importantly, we felt unprepared for a serious, stable relationship. Most likely, we both wanted to “freeze” our love for several years, and “unfreeze” it one day, at one fine moment, when we feel that we are ripe for it. But, unfortunately, it didn't work out that way. After parting, we did not completely lose touch - we had many mutual friends, we went to the same places. So from time to time we bumped into each other, and these were not the best moments.

I don’t know why, but each of us considered it our duty to send a caustic sarcastic remark after the other, as if accusing us of what had happened. I even decided to do something about it and offered to meet to discuss "complaints and grievances". Polina agreed, but ... did not come to the appointed place. And when we met by chance, two months after that, she began to stupidly explain why she then made me stand pointlessly in the wind, and then did not even call. Then she again asked me for a meeting, but again she did not appear.

The beginning of a new life...

Since then, I began to consciously avoid places where I might accidentally meet her. So we didn't see each other for several years. I heard some rumors about Polina - I heard that she was dating someone, that she left the country for a year, but then returned and began to live with her parents again. I tried to ignore this information and live my own life. I had two novels - as it seemed, very serious ones, but in the end nothing came of them. And then I thought: I'll talk to Polina. I couldn't imagine what went through my head! Although no - I know. I missed her... I really, really missed her...

She was surprised by my phone call, but also pleased. We talked then for several hours. Exactly the same the next day. And the next one. It's hard to say what we discussed for so long. In general, everything about a little and a little about everything. There was only one topic we tried to avoid. We were the topic...

It all looked as if we, despite the years that had passed, were afraid to be honest. However, one day Polina said:

“Listen, maybe we can finally decide on something?

“No thanks,” I replied immediately. “I don't want to disappoint you again.

There was silence on the phone.

“If you are afraid that I will not come, then you can come to me,” she finally said.

“Yeah, and you tell your parents to put me out,” I snorted.

Rostik, stop it! Polina began to get nervous. “Everything was so good, and you're ruining everything again.

- Again! - I was outraged in earnest. “Maybe you can tell me what I did?”

“Probably something you won’t do. You won't call me for a few months.

“But you will call me daily,” I imitated her voice.

Don't turn things upside down! Polina screamed, and I sighed heavily.

“I don’t want to end up with nothing again. If you want to see me, then come to me yourself,” I announced to her. “I’ll be waiting for you in the evening, at eight o’clock. Hope you come...

“As you wish,” Polina hung up the phone.

New circumstances...

For the first time since we started calling, we had to say goodbye in anger. And most importantly, I now had no idea if she would call me again, and would she come to me? Polina's words could be interpreted exactly as an agreement to come, and a refusal. However, I was waiting for her. Cleaned up my studio apartment, which I didn't do very often. I cooked dinner, bought wine and flowers. And he finished reading the story: "". Every minute of waiting made me even more nervous. I even wanted to give up my rude behavior and intransigence in the matter of the meeting.

At fifteen past eight I began to wonder if I should go to Polina's. I didn’t go just because she could come to me at any moment, and we would have missed each other. At nine o'clock I lost hope. Angrily began to dial her number to tell her everything I think about her. But he did not finish the job and pressed "Hang up". Then I wanted to call again, but I thought to myself that she might consider this call as a manifestation of my weakness. I didn't want Paulina to know how worried I was that she didn't come and how hurt I was by her indifference. I decided to spare her such pleasure.

I went to bed only at 12 o'clock at night, but I could not sleep for a long time, because I kept thinking about this situation. On average, every five minutes I changed my point of view. At first I thought that only I was to blame, because if I hadn’t been stubborn like a donkey and came to her, then our relationship would have improved, and we were happy. After a while, I began to reproach myself for such naive thoughts. After all, she would have put me out anyway! And the more I thought about it, the more I believed it. When I was almost asleep… the intercom rang.

At first I thought it was some kind of mistake or a joke. But the intercom kept ringing persistently. Then I had to stand up and say:

- Two o'clock in the morning! – angrily barked into the phone.

Needless to say, I was surprised. And how! With a trembling hand, I pressed the button to open the door to the entrance. What will be next?

After a long two minutes, I heard a call. He opened the door ... and saw Polina sitting in a wheelchair, accompanied by two orderlies. She had a cast on her right leg and right hand. Before I could ask what happened, one of the men said:

- The girl herself was discharged by own will and insisted that we bring her here. Her whole future life apparently depends on this.

I didn't ask anything more. The orderlies helped Polina sit on a large sofa in the living room and quickly left. I sat down across from her and looked at her for a full minute in astonishment.

There was complete silence in the room.

“I'm glad you came,” I said, and Polina smiled.

“I always wanted to come,” she replied. Do you remember the first time we agreed to meet, but I didn't show up? Then my grandmother died. The second time my dad had a heart attack. It seems incredible, but it's true nonetheless. As if someone didn't want us to...

“But now, I see, you did not pay attention to the obstacles,” I smiled.

“It happened a week ago,” Polina pointed to the cast. - She slipped on the icy pavement. Thought we'd meet when I was well...but I thought I just need to put in a little effort. I was worried about you...
I didn't answer and just kissed her.

Send your interesting stories to [email protected] marked "To section Interesting stories from people's lives.

Sometimes, in order to find yourself, you have to find yourself in unusual conditions. Break free from the shackles and try to breathe deeply. But the taste of life can only be felt if a person himself understands that something is going wrong. He is cramped, he is suffocating from the eternal race for something. Only if you want to change your life, it will work. And the case will help.

3 340

Love is submissive not only to all ages, but also to circumstances. The second half can be found where you do not expect it at all. For example, falling down from a high cliff. It seems that everything, life is before your eyes, but it turns out quite the opposite - new page, happier than before. Don't believe this happens? Read the magical story of the acquaintance of Svetlana and Pavel. The girl, going on vacation, did not even suspect what kind of trouble would happen to her. But she turned into a family.

3 809

When everything goes well and as planned, we are happy. But the streak of luck is not always the case. On life path there are sorrows, and disappointments, and losses. If you can see the positive aspects even in adversity, you are lucky. Few have this quality, but it must be developed in character, because fate usually thanks those who endure its blows, continue to move forward and look to the future with optimism.

4 910

As usual, returning from work, Lena drove into her yard and saw that someone else's car was already flaunting in her parking place. "Neighbor," Lena thought angrily. - This is his car. I parked in a different place for two years, and here on you - it was impatient to take mine!
Thus began a marathon called: "who is the first - that's the place." Literally. Those who used to return from work occupied an excellent area near the house, under the shade of trees.

3 543

Unfortunately, this topic is familiar to me firsthand. I myself once fell into a trap called "love for a married man." I am glad that I managed to get out of this triangle without other people's losses and without other people's shed tears. The tears were mine. And wasted time.
Maybe my story will serve as a lesson for someone, because sometimes they learn not only from their own mistakes, but also draw conclusions from the mistakes of others.

3 814

You can meet your destiny anywhere. Sometimes a situation that initially seemed tragic turns out happily. So, for example, it happened with the heroine of our story. She flew away from hometown to heal spiritual wounds, and to build new relationships was not in her thoughts. But fate decreed otherwise. Cupid's arrow touched the girl's heart in an unexpected place and not under the most pleasant circumstances.

3 952

Love is an all-consuming feeling. This is the most important thing worth living on Earth for. Love gives strength that a person sometimes does not even know about. If the feeling is sincere, then it is able to overcome any obstacles so that two people go their way hand in hand. Unfortunately, it often happens that people refuse love when they encounter an obstacle that seems insurmountable to them. And then they regret it for the rest of the day. If you have met your love, do not be afraid of anything. A lot can be sacrificed for her.

2 853

There is always a time and place for love. This feeling does not matter where a man and a woman met, whether they are from the same city or different. If Cupid fired his arrow, resistance is useless. If you want to become happy, start a family, then don't be afraid of anything, take risks and fight for your feelings. Not ready for change? Then, years later, do not lament that you never knew what real love, and missed my chance to test it. Fortunately, the hero of our story listened to the signs of the Universe, and now he is very happy.

3 280

Our life is full of accidents. Sometimes it takes such unexpected turns that we can only be amazed. Sometimes these are pleasant events, sometimes not so much, and often we are to blame for them ourselves. They didn’t think in time, didn’t talk to friends, family, colleagues, got scared ... Of course, you can’t predict much in life, but it’s wrong to completely relieve yourself of responsibility. Especially if it concerns your children. Their experience is your experience. In many ways, their habits and attitudes are your habits and attitudes. As they say in England, bring up not children, but yourself, they will still take an example from you.

2 902

Remember the children's game: "The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, sea figure, freeze"? Then it seemed that it was enough to take an intricate pose, and a miracle would happen - no one would guess me, I won. Try to use this childlike immediacy now. You will discover wonderful acquaintances, feelings, friendship, love. Read new wonderful stories in the "Interesting stories from people's lives" section.

7 566

How often can you hear: “If I got this job / moved to another city / married a former classmate, my life would be different. I missed my happiness." We often shift the responsibility for our fate to other people, circumstances, and continue to be unhappy. But change life in better side in our power.
Read the story of our author, Oksana Chistyakova, in the "Interesting stories from people's lives" section.

3 591

Patience in this matter is very milestone. To fulfill your desire in the best way, certain circumstances are necessary, and it takes time to form them. Therefore, you need to have patience and faith, and wait. Wait as long as necessary. Believe with all your heart and don't despair. Your despair destroys the creative forces of the universe, and faith strengthens them.
