Structural paint: types and methods of application. Characteristics of structural paint for walls Structural paint for walls types for boiler room


Structural paint for walls - relatively the new kind finishing of facades and interiors. This environmentally friendly materials, which are allowed to be used in houses and apartments, offices and kindergartens, schools and hospitals, sanatoriums and holiday homes.

Structural paint is often called textured, textured or relief. These names accurately characterize the main property of paints - to acquire relief and texture. Using modern paints and varnishes, you can apply three-dimensional designs and patterns to the walls: bark beetle, wave, zebra, checkered, wicker, etc. Walls painted with texture mixtures may resemble concrete, natural stone, brickwork, velvet or leather.

Structural mixtures are suitable for finishing different surfaces:
asbestos cement;
oriented strand or fibreboards;
plastered and unplastered bases.

Applying structural paint is not particularly difficult, so if desired, everyone can master the technology of its application.

Texture paints are increasingly replacing decorative plaster, wallpaper, fake diamond and other types of finishing.

The reason for this popularity lies in the advantages of the material:
it is easy to apply;
dries quickly;
does not fade when exposed to sunlight;
does not absorb moisture, dirt and foreign odors;
easy to clean;
does not wear out, does not lose its original appearance;
tolerates repeated cleaning with household detergents;
resistant to open flames, sudden changes in temperature and frost;
supports natural air exchange between the wall and the environment;
can be used in rooms with high humidity (kitchens, bathrooms, saunas, baths);
suitable for both indoor and outdoor use;
does not contain toxic substances and allergens, therefore it is safe for people, warm-blooded animals and other fauna;
does not require careful preparation of the base for painting;
perfectly hides bumps, scratches, potholes and other minor defects;
creates a durable and elastic coating that does not crack or come off the wall over time.

Before applying the texture suspension to surfaces painted with acrylic or other paint and varnish material, it is not necessary to remove the old coating - the composition adheres well to most types of substrates.

Manufacturers building materials They produce base mixtures and colors for them - special coloring pigments, with which the texture mixture can be given about 1,000 shades. Walls on which structural paint has been applied can be repainted in a different color using acrylic-based paints and varnishes.


Structural suspensions differ from each other in composition and type of application. Thus, mineral based on cement and lime are more often used for finishing facades. Silicone and vinyl can be applied to any substrate except home or garden furniture. Paints based on acrylic resins are universal - they can be used to paint any surface.

Designers often use paints with a rough effect in the interior. This coating resembles tanned animal skin, and the room looks warm and cozy. Some texture varieties contain special additives that give the treated surface a resemblance to velor, suede, granite or marble.


Preparing walls for painting is carried out in several stages:
1. Level large differences in height, putty cracks, joints and voids more than 2 mm deep.
2. Wipe off dust, degrease greasy surfaces - wash with dishwashing gel or wipe with acetone, solvent, white spirit.
3. Areas covered with mold are dried and treated with an antifungal agent.
4. Apply a layer of primer and wait for it to dry completely. Most often, primer paint is used, tinted in the same shade as the structural paint. This ensures high adhesion of materials and ease of subsequent structuring.


Apply structural composition big is best paint brush(with a roller), a roller with a short coat, a spatula or a stainless grater. The wall to be painted must be visually divided into small segments and processed one by one.
Since textured suspensions are structured within 20-30 minutes after application to the wall, you should not cover an area larger than 1-1.5 square meters at a time. m.

To create the desired relief, you can use various devices:
foam sponge;
a brush with hard bristles;
metal or plastic spatula;
rectangular trowel;
relief grater;
paint roller with structuring attachments (nap, rubber or leather);
stencils and stamps.

To prevent the base being painted from showing through, the paint layer should not be made too thin, and the pressure on the working part of the tools should not be too strong.

When working with texture paints, you need to consider a few more nuances:
1. Apply the composition to the wall from top to bottom.
2. During breaks, cover the bucket or cuvette with paint with a lid or plastic wrap so that the material does not dry out prematurely.
3. Facade works carry out in dry and relatively windless weather at air temperatures from +5 to +30°C.
4. When painting internal surfaces, take care of ventilation.

It is advisable for two people to decorate a room or facade - one person distributes the textured mixture over the wall, and the other structures the painted surface with available tools. If necessary, the wall can be painted in 2 layers, but the second layer should be applied only after the first layer has completely dried.

The use of painting to decorate walls and ceilings is a very popular solution, allowing you to get a seamless, beautiful finish in a fairly short time. The so-called is distinguished by its special beauty. “textured” paints, the application of which is somewhat different from conventional material.

Textured paint refers to a homogeneous material in the form of a dense mass white. This substance is most often produced on the basis of acrylic, which gives it excellent characteristics and opens up ample opportunities for use. By introducing various pigments into the composition of such paint, one can achieve one or another shade of the surface. As for silicate and silicone compounds, they are less common due to their high cost and susceptibility to fungi and mold.

Textured paint

The advantages of the material include:

Textured paint

The disadvantages of finishing usually include some difficulty in its application (compared to conventional paint) and the effect of clogging the room, which occurs due to the formation of a waterproof film on the surface being finished.

According to the type of decorative effects created, textured paints are divided into the following types:

  • Mizuri. In addition to acrylic, the substance contains modified starch, which makes it possible to obtain both a structural and smooth effect when applied. This or that texture depends on the laying tool used.

    Textured paint "Mizuri"

  • Marseille wax. With this paint you can achieve a very believable imitation natural stone and balsa wood. Like Mizuri, Marseilles wax can produce a smooth or textured effect. To be fair, it is worth noting that in this case it will not be possible to obtain a completely smooth surface - the small depressions will still remain after smoothing. To protect against moisture and increase decorative qualities A layer of wax is applied to the dried surface.

    Textured paint “Marseille wax”

  • Atacama. The material has outstanding external qualities: The finish plays with numerous colors when viewed from different angles. This effect is achieved thanks to the quartz sand included in the paint and special metallized additives that form a reflective layer. In appearance and when touched, the finish creates a velvety feeling.

    Textured paint "Atacama"

  • Relief. Acrylic components in in this case strengthened quartz sand and a number of other substances, which makes it possible to create pronounced patterns. For creating smooth surface relief paint doesn't fit. It is this finishing option that is considered the most striking representative of textured paint.

    Textured paint “Relief”

This stage is very similar to preparing for application usually water-based paint. However, due to the greater viscosity of the textured composition, the strength requirements for the base in this case are an order of magnitude higher.

Operating procedure:

  1. Preparing the premises. Carrying out repair activities of this type is accompanied by the formation large quantity dust and dirt. Therefore, it is recommended to completely empty the premises of all furniture and decorative items, remove chandeliers and lamps. Those items that cannot be removed due to their size should be moved to the center of the room and covered with film. Also, the entire floor area is covered with polyethylene (if the final floor finishing has already been laid).
  2. Rip off old decoration. The walls and ceiling (if it will also be finished) are cleaned of all old finishing. Ideally, bare panels or plaster should be left. All fragments of the rough base that do not hold well and vibrate when touched must be beaten off with a hammer or pick. The cleaned surface is thoroughly impregnated with primer.
  3. Plaster, putty. After the primer has dried, a leveling layer of plaster or starting putty is applied. As a rule, the walls are leveled with plaster, and the ceiling with putty. At this stage, it is important to achieve visual smoothing of all irregularities, for which you can use the rule and beacons. If the base is mostly level, immediately carry out finishing putty(in 2-3 layers).
  4. Grinding. After waiting for the last layer of putty to dry completely (this usually takes at least a day), sanding is carried out using painting sandpaper (No. 120-140). If you intend to use it in the future decorative paint, which forms a texture, when grinding you can be lenient with minor scratches: They will not be noticeable on the finished surface.
  5. Finishing primer. A very important stage, since it is important to achieve the most uniform thickness of the primer layer over the entire application area. Otherwise finishing will contain irregularities. It is recommended to use acrylic impregnation as a material, coating the base with it in 1-2 layers. The pause for drying one layer is approximately 6 hours.

Before use textured paint, you must carefully read the attached instructions. It contains information about drying time, preparation procedures and application recommendations. This type of material is usually sold in plastic buckets.

Textured paint

The consistency of the structural composition is characterized by decent density, so before application, add a little water to it and stir with a drill with a mixing attachment. It is important not to overdo it with water, because... a substance that is too liquid simply will not stay on the base (this is especially true for the ceiling). According to the recommendation of experts, the volume of added water should not exceed 1/10 of the total amount. As practice shows, usually an average of 4% is enough for stirring.

Adding water to textured paint

If, according to the design idea, the surface to be painted should have a different color (not white), the corresponding pigment is added to the paint composition. It is best to entrust this procedure to professionals in the store where the material is purchased. When tinting paint yourself, it is important to be very careful when introducing the pigment substance in small portions.

Adding colored pigment to textured paint

After each serving, you need to pause to stir and check the resulting shade. If its intensity is insufficient, the procedure is continued further. Checking the level of color intensity is carried out by applying a stroke of paint to the wall (you can use a hairdryer to speed up the drying of test strokes). Best quality Pigmentation is achieved by using a color from the same company as the paint.

Mixing colored pigment with paint

Moving directly to painting the prepared base of a wall or ceiling, you will need competent organization of lighting. The fact is that the visual perception of the finished textured surface largely depends on the angle of incidence and light intensity. Therefore, in order to achieve the required decorative effect, it is important to create the same lighting conditions that will be in the room during its operation. The material for painting must be brought into the room about a day before the start of work.

Textured paint can be applied in several ways, depending on the specifics of the final result:

The high decorative characteristics of textured paints provide wide scope for creative imagination.

A number of options for additional decoration of the surface of textured paint are used:

  • Trowel. If you have enough work experience, you can achieve the creation of full-fledged artistic compositions on the ceiling or walls. Most often, the brush stroke technique is used for this: instead of a brush, in this case the artist holds a trowel.

    Applying paint with a trowel

  • Stencils, sponges, stamps, etc. To create a uniform surface for additional decoration, you can use pre-selected stencils or sponges. The print is applied to the still raw material, so in such cases it is better to work together: one person applies the paint with a roller or spatula, and the other then applies additional prints to the surface.

    Applying paint with a sponge

  • Graters, scallops. They are used to scratch the surface (this technique is typical for creating the “Marseilles wax” texture).
  • Azure. Using this material, the painted surface of the ceiling or walls is decorated additional effect. It can be shine, gloss, mother-of-pearl, etc. This will require a two-layer application of the glaze using a short-nap roller or paint brush. A pre-moistened and wrung-out natural sponge is also often used. Having dipped it in mother-of-pearl azure, decorate the base using circular movements. To increase the clarity of the resulting pattern, the sponge is pressed harder and rolled.

To protect adjacent surfaces from paint, the boundaries of the area to be finished are glued masking tape. If you lack experience, it is not recommended to immediately take on the design of open areas of the ceiling or walls. It is better to choose for preliminary training a place on the wall that will later be covered by a cabinet. Given the thickness of the textured paint, it takes several days to completely dry.

How to apply textured paint: instructions with photos and videos

Structural (relief) paint is a relatively young type decorative finishing surfaces. It is a dispersed mixture containing inclusions of elements of various structures. Use this method decoration began quite recently, however, it has already gained great popularity due to the relatively simple technology of application and excellent results. Many appreciated the originality and effectiveness of the coloring composition, as well as the practicality and environmental friendliness of this material.

Structural paint has unique property allow steam to pass through, ensuring the perfect balance is maintained temperature regime and humidity, making it ideal for use in internal works. At the same time, this composition is extremely resistant to external environment, so the paint can be safely used for facade and exterior work. The service life of this coating is up to four years.

Structural paint gives surfaces a relief shape and creates additional protection from mechanical or atmospheric influences. In addition, the structural composition has excellent adhesion to the surface, so this coating is successfully used for decorating walls, a variety of walls, from concrete to wood.

The advantage of structural paint is the wide range of colors of the coloring composition; choosing the right shade will not be difficult. And, of course, the undoubted advantage is the unique individual design surfaces when working with this material.

One of the disadvantages of using structural paint is the relatively high cost of the coloring composition. Although, the technology of its use allows covering the surface with only one layer of paint, which will undoubtedly significantly reduce required amount coloring composition for work.

Using structural paint to decorate a room is quite simple. It is not necessary to have special professional knowledge in painting.

To decorate the surface, in addition to the coloring composition, you will need:

  • metal brush,
  • Master OK,
  • maklovitsa,
  • putty knife,
  • rollers with fur or foam attachment.

The decorating process consists of a number of sequential actions. First, prepare the surface for applying the painting composition, then prime it and, if necessary, apply a layer of acrylic paint of the desired shade. Then the coloring composition is prepared, thoroughly mixed and tinted in the appropriate color. Only after this can you proceed to applying paint to the surface. Let's consider the nuances of using structural paint in the decorating process.

Preparation for painting begins with surface pretreatment. Despite the fairly simple application of the coloring composition itself, it is necessary to pay attention Special attention preparing the base for decoration. Otherwise, the service life of the coating will be significantly shorter.

Applying structural paint to a wall

Surface preparation

If the surface was plastered without reinforcement, then it would be a good idea to completely remove the plaster layer. If the plaster layer has a strong adhesion to the wall, there is no need to remove it completely; it is enough to remove poorly adhering areas of the hardened mortar. In addition, peeling and flaking paint should be removed, for which you can generously moisten the surface with water, and after a while dry the area with a construction or regular hairdryer. Water that gets into microcracks in the paint layer will swell the old coating when it dries, which can be easily removed with a spatula or wire brush.

It is allowed to apply the coloring composition to old layer paint, however, in this case the entire surface must be treated with a grinding machine or sandpaper, and the old layer should turn out matte.

If there are minor defects on the surface, there is no need to eliminate them. Structural paint can cope with this task, since the decoration process creates a relief pattern. In case of significant unevenness, the base should be puttied.

Applying primer

To ensure high adhesion, the surface should be thoroughly primed. A layer of primer in this case will not only remove small particles of dust and dirt, but also provide a high-quality base. To prime the surface, it is more convenient to use a foam roller, and hard to reach places can be treated with a brush.

Acrylic can be used as a primer material. It is simple and easy to use, unpretentious and affordable.

The primer performs a very important function in protecting the subsequent layer of structural paint from physical, chemical, mechanical impact and, at the same time, increases the service life of the coating and saves material.

Deep penetration mixtures are also suitable as primers. It is best, according to experts, to use special primers.

You should begin directly applying structural paint to the surface only after the primer layer has completely dried, after about 2-3 hours.

Preparing the premises

Before painting works in the room, care should be taken in advance to ensure that there are no drafts, direct sunlight should not fall on the surface, and optimal temperature In order for the paint composition to dry properly, the temperature in the room should be from 25 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Before use, the coloring composition must be thoroughly mixed; if the consistency of the paint is too thick, you can dilute it with ordinary water or a special solvent. Also on at this stage the coloring composition is tinted, giving it the desired shade.

You need to apply paint to the surface in a thick layer, at least two centimeters; it is thanks to the wide layer of paint that the surface will subsequently acquire an exquisite relief shape. It is preferable to paint the surface with a spatula.

It is important to remember that the structural composition is applied to the wall in no more than one layer.

The coloring composition must be applied evenly to the surface. If a large surface area is being decorated, it is advisable to apply the material along planes. In this case, the surface of the plane must be painted completely in one go. If not used this method, then there may be a discrepancy in the color scheme on the surface being painted.

Surface decoration

The next stage is one of the most enjoyable for implementing design ideas. Using a fur roller or brush, you need to give the coating your own unique pattern or design. Creative thought is absolutely unlimited here. Creating a unique pattern on the wall using a roller has its own characteristics, for example, the technique of applying a pattern to the wall can be longitudinal, transverse and even combined.

You can give the surface a “scratched” relief using metal brushes or combs. If you want to create a finer and more graceful relief, just moisten the fur roller or brush with a little water first.

In a word, at this stage you can safely experiment with various techniques for imparting patterns and designs to the surface.

The coloring composition thickens very quickly and will begin to dry within half an hour, so you need to create patterns or designs on the surface right away.

By the way, it will take eight to twelve days for structural paint to dry completely, after which it can be cleaned, washed or exposed to other influences.

When applying the coloring composition with a roller, a number of conditions must be met. Firstly, the number of rollers must be at least three, and two rollers must be the same size, and one slightly smaller. Two tools are involved in the process of surface decoration different sizes. Secondly, the tool must be completely immersed in a bath of paint and cover the surface with vertical lines from top to bottom. And finally, the material should be applied gradually, first with a large roller, and then, if it is necessary to correct defects, use a smaller roller.

Final stage

Finally, you need to check the uniformity of the applied layer of paint; if it is too thick, then a clean roller will be useful here, with which you can remove excess paint from the surface.

After creating a relief pattern on the surface, the coating can be modified, namely, removing the sharp edges of the textured surface with a brush or spatula.

Naturally, to obtain an ideal result, you should use a coloring composition from one batch in order to maintain a uniform tone throughout the entire surface, and when diluting paint with water, it is important to use the same source or composition.

There is another technology for painting surfaces with a structural coloring composition. It consists of using a sprayer as a tool for applying material to the surface.

The advantage of this technology is the ability to regulate the particle size of the coloring composition, as well as the intensity of supply and paint consumption.

Coupled with a magnificent textured effect, the use of a spray bottle gives an impressive result. Another advantage of using this method is the possibility of its easy use for both interior and exterior work.

If the device is properly adjusted, then when painting you will get a perfect layer of paint without drips. The distance from the spray gun to the surface to be painted should be from 50 to 70 centimeters, in this case the particles of the dye will fall evenly on the surface.

With a smaller distance, the paint layer may not lie evenly, and the material consumption will increase significantly. If the distance from the surface to the sprayer is too large, some of the dye will simply settle on the floor. The movements of the spray gun should be smooth without jerking, and you should not linger in one area for too long to avoid drips.

When painting a surface outdoors, you should also remember that exposing structural paint to direct sunlight will shorten its service life. The freshly applied coating should be protected from drying out, exposure to excess moisture and low temperatures, for this you can use a blanket made of foil or mesh.

Structural paints give the surface a unique texture, at the same time protecting it from atmospheric and mechanical influences and allowing you to realize the most daring creative ideas for interior decoration.

Video about structural paint

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Structural paints and varnishes- capable of giving the treated surface a special structure and texture, due to the presence of a special structuring filler in the composition. Also, such paints can be called structural.

Walls should not be smooth and monotonous! The desire for originality and individuality has been evident in human nature for many centuries. This applies to all aspects of his life and is the driving force of development and progress. Over the past few years in the area interior decoration premises, this trend has become especially obvious. After a period of gray monotony, people increasingly began to use various colors, textures, original ways of decorating your home.

Painting walls with structural paint perfectly hides unevenness and defects. This results in a stable, abrasion-resistant and mechanical damage. What is structural paint for walls, how to apply it, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this type of finishing, we will look at in this article.

Advantages and disadvantages of structured paint

An ever-expanding offer of popular finishing materials that allow you to organize unique interior, allows us to choose from their huge range. Finishing methods that have appeared on the market: structural pastes, plasters and paints, masses with special effects give unlimited possibilities for creative interior design, which is a modern alternative to wallpaper and smooth walls. Most of these products can be used by hobbyists on their own, but some (eg. Venetian plaster and travertine) require sufficient experience in the field of interior decoration, so they are applied by professionals.

Modern product, which combines large decorative possibilities and simple application - these are undoubtedly decorative structural paints. They are available in different types structures that differ in the degree of dispersion. Color palette includes modern tones, allowing you to choose colors in accordance with the latest trends and interior design features. Structural paints are acrylic paints with special fillers. Using this type of finishing requires relevant experience, so if you are not confident in your skills, then it is better to entrust such work to a professional. This type of coating has its advantages and disadvantages, which are worth analyzing before purchasing structural wall paint.


  • Structural masses are easily applied to almost any surface. These can be plastered and unplastered walls, drywall, concrete or painted walls, which do not need to be cleaned of the old coating.
  • The surface should not be completely smooth.
  • Structural paints mask almost any wall imperfections.
  • The application of this coating is similar to the application structural plaster. But paint is much cheaper than plaster.


  • The disadvantages include, first of all, the prices of structural paint for walls. It is 10 times more expensive than regular one.
  • Some users also claim that it is difficult to remove from the wall if necessary. Typically this will require sanding.
  • It is also difficult to care for such a wall, since the sponge or fabric clings to uneven surface.
  • This surface may have sharp edges in some areas that can scratch or damage items.

Preparing the wall - work order

  1. Before applying structural paint to walls, as a rule, there is no need to fill small voids and cracks or perform putty and leveling; only large defects should be eliminated. However, some options for such coating still require an optimal surface, so in this case the wall must be prepared.
  2. Surface cleaning. Then you should wipe off the dust and degrease. Instead of a special drug, you can use liquid detergent for dish washing.
  3. Treat the walls cleaned in this way with a primer. It is advisable to choose primers recommended by the manufacturer - thanks to them, the coating will adhere better to the surface. Leave the primer to dry.

Applying structural paint to the wall with a brush and roller

When painting, you should not dip the brush into a bucket; it is better to pour the paint into a paint tray and dip the brush in it. In addition, structural wall paint can be applied with a roller or trowel. When painting, be sure to stir the paint regularly, otherwise particles of sand or other types of fillers will quickly fall to the bottom and the work will not give the desired decorative effect. Coloring should be carried out at temperatures above 5 degrees Celsius.

Structural coatings are great idea for room design. With them, the interior acquires nobility and individual character.

Application stages

Before use, be sure to read the instructions provided by the manufacturer on the product packaging.

  1. Structural paint can be immediately ready for use; it just needs to be mixed. If this is done poorly, the structure will be uneven, since the filler particles will be distributed unevenly over the surface.
  2. Prepare your tools:
    • brushes;
    • painting tray;
    • rollers;
    • rollers;
    • spatula;
    • sponges;
    • templates

Structural paint for walls - video

As they say, it is better to see once than to hear or read a hundred times. Therefore, before you get started, it’s worth looking at what options for using this finishing material manufacturers offer us. Below are options for how structural wall paint can be applied, application methods, and video examples of application.

Structural paint covers uneven walls and has a complex structure. This type of coating allows you to decorate walls with color, giving the design extraordinary designs.

Structural coating may appear as shadows on the wall. The pattern depends on the application method - it can be an imitation of cracks, dots, lumps or spiral relief bulges.

You can come up with different patterns and combinations of colors and patterns. This way you can decorate part of the apartment or a selected wall.

This decorative coating will look elegant in every room.

First of all, such a coating will fit very well into modern-style interiors.

How to calculate consumption?

Consumption can be assumed at the rate of: liter per 3 square meters, despite the fact that the consumption of ordinary paint is: liter per 9-15 square meters. When the mass has dried, you can also apply a protective matte varnish to it, or, to emphasize the effect, a glossy varnish. The second option will result in the illuminated wall sparkling with relief.

Structural wall paints can become a real interior decoration. They look similar to using decorative plaster, but this product is cheaper than plaster, but more expensive than regular paints. This is also a great way to disguise wall imperfections and uneven plaster. Thanks to the use of this coating, you can get an interesting and unique surface. To cover the walls, it is better to seek the help of a professional, but if you have enough experience, you can try applying structural paint yourself.

IN Lately painted walls have become a favorite again. But regular paint- this is no longer interesting. There are now formulations with different effects. They are called decorative wall paint. Can be used in both living rooms, and in technical rooms. Different compositions, different properties.

What is decorative wall paint and methods of applying it

Decorative paint is a paint that creates some visual effects. This group does not include ordinary opaque monochromatic compositions. Only those that are at least somewhat different from them. These compositions reproduce different natural materials. Silk, velvet, plush, sand, natural stone, leather, velor, etc. They are sometimes called decorative paints, since they are not just a background, but an independent decorative element.

Decorative wall paint with a silk effect is a decorative element in itself

Most often, decorative paint is applied as usual - with a brush, roller or spray gun. If the texture itself is “rich”, this is quite enough. The walls already look unusual. In this case, they are just background. Beautiful, unusual, stylish, but background.

Rollers with embossed relief - easy and simple to obtain unusual decor walls

To obtain more interesting surfaces, special application techniques are used. The simplest ones are relief rollers. They break up the monotony of paint by adding relief. There are other methods too.

  • The applied paint is rubbed off. So you can get wet silk or plush from “silk” paint.
  • Partially wipe off the paint with crumpled paper, a sponge, a piece of fur, plastic or metal notched spatulas, metal wool, etc.
  • They go over the top with a semi-dry roller or a hard brush with darker or lighter paint.
  • Apply to the painted piece plastic film, crumple it up a little and remove it.

Some ways to get creative

In general, there are a lot of options. This process is completely creative and there are a lot of variations. And the result can be very different, even if you use the same paint.

Decor paint effects

As already said, decorative paint for walls reproduces certain textures natural materials. In this case, they often talk about paint “with effect”. For example, with the effect of silk, sand, stone, leather, etc. There are many options and variations, and you can get lost in specialized catalogs. It will be a little easier if you have an idea of ​​what you can find and what it might look like.

As you can see, the list alone is impressive. And also different colors The same effect will look different. This is due to the fact that the components and fillers differ. And the difference is sometimes significant. In general, it is usually difficult to decide. But know that whatever you choose will be interesting.

Decorative paint for walls with the effect of silk and silk threads

Many manufacturers have wall paint that looks like silk. If there are at least several decorative or interior paints, then one of them is silk. The look is very sophisticated and delicate. Suitable for living rooms, bedrooms. In terms of performance (acrylic can be washed with a brush), it can also be used in the hallway, but if you are satisfied with such a “refined” look of your hallway.

When choosing, pay attention to the base. Security is important for housing. Most best option— silk-effect paint based on water-based acrylic dispersion. It is relatively inexpensive (when compared with silicone, for example), washable, does not fade and can be painted in all colors. Many decorative paints are made on this basis. To obtain paint with a silk effect, add special type mother of pearl and pigment.

This is what interior silk paint looks like on a wall

Paint consumption is average, you will have to paint in at least two layers. This is for low absorbency or pre-priming. The absorbent surface will require three coats exactly. And paint is not cheap, so it’s better to prime it. If the paint is based on acrylic dispersion, then we use acrylic primer. But better than that one same company as the paint. There will be no problems with product compatibility.

The disadvantage is that the surface to be painted must be flat. Almost perfectly flat. The second point is that if you want to get “exclusive”, you need to master the application technique. You can, of course, just roll it out with a roller. It will work out well too. But it could be more interesting.

You can wash it with detergent (not abrasive), a rag or a brush. This cleaning does not affect the appearance. In the sense that it is not getting worse. Where the walls are frequently touched, “glossy” areas may remain. If you want this type of finish in your hallway, consider a varnish finish. But this type of paint “breathes”, so if you varnish it, you will lose this effect.

Each company that produces silk-effect decorative paint has a slightly different appearance. Some have multiple options. And not colors, but textures

If you think that silk effect paint looks the same from all manufacturers, you are mistaken. They use different additives, resulting in slightly different surfaces. This type of decorative paint is popular, so some have several paints that give different textures. There are also different application techniques. With their help, you can get different types of surfaces: classic, wet and crushed silk.

Sand or sand dune effect on walls

The composition of sand-effect paint includes binders, solvents, antiseptics, and crystal dispersions. When applied, we get shimmer, and after drying the texture appears. At different techniques applying we get different type- dunes, dunes, sandy overflows.

The effect of sand and sand dunes is created using special decorative wall paint

The paint is easy to apply and no special techniques are required. Due to the pronounced texture, minor wall defects are hidden. So the requirements for the surface are not so stringent.

Application and operation

The paint is easy to apply; no complicated techniques are required. Unless you want to have not just “sand”, but dunes. But to create such an effect, special compounds are required.

It is not possible to wash sand effect paint with a brush. Gentle cleaning with soft attachments on the vacuum cleaner. And keep in mind that if you touch a wall painted with sand effect paint, the relief will crumble. But this is invisible and does not affect the appearance. The surface is initially heterogeneous, the relief simply changes slightly. The view does not suffer from this. The service life is up to 10 years, which is not bad at all for paint.

Please note the availability of hygiene certificates for this type of paint. The binder is not always harmless. So having certification and a certificate from the sanitary inspectorate about the amount of substances released is simply necessary.

Structural paint with sand for decorative plaster

Both paints with effect natural stone look about the same

Very good operational properties copy. Has very good adhesion. Very smooth surfaces - such as plastic - require a primer. The rest can be painted immediately. Apply with a spray gun or using special roller(from the same company). Appearance depends on the method of application. After the roller, a surface with clearly defined “stone” flakes remains. After the spray gun the surface is smoother.

This stone-imitating paint is easy to use and durable. It can even be washed with a brush. For Rust Oleum application additional protection(in the form of varnish) is not required, and Siberia in areas heavy pollution It's better to varnish it. The paint is repairable. If you get a bald spot or a chip somewhere, you need to moisten a piece of sponge with water, squeeze it out and dip it in the paint, apply it to the desired place and wait until it dries.

There are also stone paints in cans. But you are unlikely to use them to paint walls. Perhaps for a panel or some kind of decoration. It's too expensive.

This is what the stone paint “Alatyr stone” looks like

Another type of surface is provided by paint with the effect of burnt stone Alatyr-stone. It is also called “liquid granite”. Apply by spraying through a spray gun. There are single-color and multi-color options. Less shiny than the ones described above. Positioned as resistant to cracks and ultraviolet radiation. After drying it must be varnished.

Decorative paint for walls in the interior: photo

Seeing what effect paint looks like on a piece of cardboard or on a screen is one thing. But imagining how it will look in the interior is completely different. To make the task easier, we have collected several photos of interesting interior solutions. As a recommendation: if you are going to cover all the walls, look towards very light shades. Bright and dark are used to decorate accents. This accent walls, dedicated zones. In general, see for yourself.

Through one color another “shines through” - one of the techniques

And someone grey colour calls it boring. We need to play him right

Bright color - only on one wall. It is also repeated in some small details or has . In this case, the second option is chosen - floor color

Different application techniques give different looks. Here we use chaotic movements with a narrow spatula on a freshly painted surface

This is the result of rolling with a relief roller. Non-standard

Cracked effect old paint. Very interesting, but requires an appropriate interior

Ordered chaos. This can be called the principle of drawing these lines

Triple effect: silk, two colors and stripes

This can be done from paint with mother-of-pearl, silk effect or velvet/velor, metallic
