Living room kitchen design at 30 m. Kitchen - living room interior design - photos and design projects. important nuances in the arrangement of the kitchen-living room

The technique of combining several rooms into a single space is no longer new. They resort to it when the area of ​​​​the rooms does not allow to equip a full-fledged and functional room.

The most popular option for combining spaces is the kitchen-living room. It combines functional area for cooking, a cozy dining room, a place for receiving guests and for a pleasant evening with a cup of tea.

Creating a multifunctional room is not an easy task, it is worth considering many factors: think through the details in advance and decide what exactly you want to see in the end.

Furniture design, stylistic decisions and decorative elements important to consider at the planning stage. Create design projects in a specialized studio or independently in free program. It will help you get inspired big selection interiors in video:

When merging multiple areas for various purposes it must be remembered that a single space must be preserved so that the same style is maintained in everything.

A kitchen-living room of 30 sq.m will not do without competent zoning, because the area is quite large, and it is planned to unite several centers at once in one room - a kitchen, a guest room, a dining room.

8 zoning tricks

Consider the most relevant techniques.

color division

Walls can be painted different colors that are compatible with each other. Or choose wallpaper of the same color, but in one of the parts with an original print applied to them.

Use of various materials

For example, flooring. Can be used as the same cover different colors(carpets or laminate), and different materials (floor tiles and parquet).

Furniture as a way of zoning

The bar counter is ideal for zoning purposes. It can be used as an additional cooking area, a compact place for a quick snack or for its intended purpose.

A large sofa will also separate well working area from the recreation area.

Partitions and other structures

Additional items - two-level ceilings, podium, false wall, glass, slatted, translucent partitions, etc., can not only visually, but also actually partially separate areas.

Glass partition - good decision for a combined kitchen-living room with one window Then the light will freely enter all parts of the room.

Decorative elements for zoning

For example, a large aquarium installed at the junction of various zones will perfectly fit into any interior. Or wooden screen with carved pattern.


With the help of lighting, you can highlight certain parts of the room, and hide some advantageously. You can use different fixtures in different areas, which will indicate a clear boundary. For example, in the guest area there is a large chandelier, in the working area - lighting, above the dining table - a couple of pendant lamps.

7 important nuances in the arrangement of the kitchen-living room

  1. For creating harmonious interior different bridging segments are needed. As a rule, a similar manner of execution is used for this purpose in finishing works, a single style should be traced in everything.

  1. If you plan to use a lot of furniture, then it is better to use light colors in the decoration, they visually increase the space and help avoid the effect of clutter.

  1. 30 sq m is enough space for interesting accents in the interior. Kitchen set in bright colors gives the room a more modern and stylish look, makes the interior boring. The seating area in this case should be kept in soothing colors.

  1. For small apartments actual availability of additional bed in the kitchen-living room. This applies to both a place for receiving guests and a bed for a family. Folding sofa would be a practical solution.

For owners of studio apartments, this is also a necessity. For a complete and healthy sleep it is better to take a place under the bed, in such an area it is quite possible to afford it.

  1. Choice kitchen set depends on several factors:
  • how many people in the family
  • how roomy and practical the furniture should be;
  • which of the zones you want to make more.

The usual angular and linear are always win-win options.

30 square meters is the area on which you can allow a U-shaped layout of a headset or an island.

  1. Particular attention should be paid to cleanliness. It will no longer be possible to leave dirty dishes or trash. From the side of the living room, this view will spoil the whole impression of the interior. Choose easy-to-clean surfaces if you want to make cleaning as easy as possible.

  1. The smell of food and quick contamination kitchen area affects the choice of upholstery material.

The peculiarity of the combined living room with the kitchen dictates the need to choose a sofa, or rather the material for it. It is desirable that the upholstery absorb odors less and be easy to clean. Removable cover saves time it can be washed in the machine, and will extend the life of upholstered furniture.

The main dilemma that worries the owners of one-room apartments is the issue of expanding free space.

For a large living room measuring 30 sq.m. styles such as baroque, modern, classical and many others are perfect.

In fact, there is nothing complicated. See for yourself by studying some of the developments of designers, with which it is possible to visually increase the space.

Apartment redevelopment rules

Redevelopment belongs to the category of the most radical undertakings. To increase the space, you can combine the design of the living room and kitchen, or the living room and corridor. In the second case, you get a dining room.

To distinguish the design of the kitchen from the living room, intended for official ceremonies, use finishing materials. So, kitchen design can be emphasized ceramic tiles or linoleum on the floor. And the interior of the living room can be delimited with parquet. The same principle can be used when decorating walls.

You can divide the living room with furniture, for example, a sofa, which must be placed perpendicular to the wall.

So, the design of the kitchen may include finishing the surfaces of the walls. plastic panels, while the design of the living room is wallpapering. From the hallway, you can also create an autonomous territory at the expense of finishing and building materials.

Having decided to make redevelopment, be sure to obtain written permission for all changes from the relevant government agencies before starting repairs.

In accordance with this legislation, it is allowed to carry out the following modernization: to increase the living space by joining usable area corridor, cut through arched and ordinary doorways in load-bearing walls, provided that the entire structure is fixed, it is still allowed to arrange built-in furniture and rearrange the floor electric stove in the kitchen.

At the same time, it is forbidden to dismantle bearing walls, beams and supports, lay (walled up in the wall) racks for gas, expand utility rooms due to square meters relating to residential.

Sometimes they don't clean everything. interior doors, but only a part. For example, between the kitchen and the living room. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the doors act as space delimiters into smaller components, taking away such a valuable footage. Especially it concerns swing structures, taking the lion's share of space in the process of opening and closing.

Living room kitchen design: ideas for creativity

You can separate the living room from the kitchen using various floor coverings, for example, you can lay tiles in the kitchen, and carpet in the living room.

  1. When it is required, with low-lying surfaces of ceilings and walls, to design the design of the living room kitchen, then they resort to the following tricks: decorate the interior of the main hall by gluing striped wallpaper with their vertical arrangement; when gluing sheets tightly adjoin upper part each to the edge of the ceiling.
  2. To create volume in the interior of the hall: one surface is pasted over with wallpaper in pastel shades, and the others with rich color palette; the ceiling part is trimmed with longitudinal sheets of wallpaper directed towards the brightest surface.
  3. The kitchen room is finished with materials in a bright color scheme or with small ornaments.
  4. Laminate and linoleum selected as floor covering, laid in longitudinal stripes along the wall leading to the window. They also achieve the effect of expanding the spatial volume by laying parquet board"deck" or "herringbone". In addition, such a nuance is important here: for these purposes, it is worth purchasing narrow rather than wide panels.
  5. An increase in the size of the wall in height is achieved by tensile structure with a glossy finish. A serious lighting system is important here, which organically combines several types of lighting: decorative, basic, diffused and directional.

Interior one-room apartment with a living room kitchen, 30 sq m will look much more voluminous when each functional area is filled with bright light.

Visually increase the height of the ceiling by directing streams of light rays onto it. To achieve the greatest effect from lighting, a combination of light from above and below is used, that is, floor lamps, sconces, ceiling chandeliers.

Living room kitchen interior

The disadvantage of the living room-kitchen is the smell, which even with the best ventilation will be felt throughout the room.

The increased area of ​​​​the resulting living room kitchen provides an opportunity for experimenting with furniture and installing a kitchen set. If the space is small, then the furniture is selected compact, or better - a transformer.

It is better not to allow the arrangement of sofas, armchairs and cabinets around the perimeter of the room. The living room is most often distinguished by a soft corner, installed at a small distance from the wall and closer to the central part.

  1. For intensive use kitchen area it makes sense to put a hood with high power. Of course, you will have to put up with some noise from her work, however, impregnation with third-party smells of decoration in the interior of the hall will be excluded.
  2. dishwasher and washing machine, the refrigerator should be placed in the most remote corners of the kitchen area, which will create comfortable conditions for being in other zones of the united space.
  3. Home theater equipment is usually placed in the living room or on a special stand or hung on the wall opposite a soft sofa.
  4. The illumination of each specific zone should be present in addition to the main lighting. Such lighting can be LED cords to create soft lighting, located in special ceiling niches or under kitchen cabinets (to illuminate the work area).

With insufficient natural light, it is possible to provide for the installation of a French window in the interior.

It lets in much more sunlight than usual.

In conditions of low natural light in the apartment, it is better to abandon heavy curtains made of dense fabric, replacing them with light curtains made of lightweight materials.

Using the above design tricks, you can get a beautiful and multifunctional living room design. Try it - and everything will work out!

Today the kitchen is strictly function space, usually located at the back of the house or under all other rooms on the underground level, becomes an attractive room located in the center of the home composition. Thanks to technological advances and smart architectural solutions for ventilation, the kitchen is easily connected to the living room. The open concept of living areas in modern design endures modern room for cooking in the center of the apartment or house. Spacious rooms especially in vogue today. Consider the interior of the kitchen-living room 30 sq. m, choosing the most suitable composition for yourself.

Kitchen-living room design 30 sq. m

For centuries, the kitchen has been strictly a workspace, but today studio apartments are especially popular, which open up the living area to the maximum, uniting the whole house. Now people want the kitchen to be an active part of the family hearth, so they often connect it to the living room.

What is an open kitchen-living room of 30 sq.m?

What should be considered when planning the open space of modern kitchen-living rooms of 30 sq.m? Be sure to pay attention to the main characteristics and options for such an arrangement, the latest trends in modern interior design. Today skillfully combined high quality living with simplistic and elegant decoration without sacrificing functionality. Most often, the kitchen area is open and practical, associated with some kind of dining area: from the simple location of the bar to classic table and chairs. And, as a rule, in the concept of a studio room, the dining area provides a symbolic border between the cooking area and the rest of the living room. But thanks to the endless creativity of modern designers, there are many approaches to organizing the layout of the kitchen-living room of 30 square meters. m.

Kitchen with living room - fashion trends combined 30 sq.m

The idea of ​​an open kitchen is not at all unusual, especially in the case of modern houses. The current trend is to make the interior as free as possible and to simplify the structure and decor without sacrificing functionality. That is why removing the barrier between the kitchen and the living room is a practical step. Most often, the kitchen is connected to the dining area and adjacent living room. Dinner table usually becomes a buffer area between areas of the room.

Pros and cons of an open kitchen

Why combine the kitchen with the living room? The easiest way to answer this question is to evaluate the advantages and possible limitations of the task at hand.


Firstly, the open floor plan is of great benefit to the social life of the family, since the process of cooking is no longer isolated and divided, because all residents and guests of the house can fully participate not only in eating, but also in creating different dishes. Secondly, in addition to the social benefits of such a plan, the feeling of spaciousness, free movement and open space for the home should not be underestimated. Thanks to the smart design, the kitchen-living room of 30 sq. m can become ideal zone for life. And, of course, the practical side of the free movement between the worktop and the oven in dining area makes table service and collection simple and enjoyable.


Some difficulties with open kitchens may come from the architectural problem of removing walls, adding new plumbing and electrical wiring, if not included in your home's original design plan. An unpleasant moment may be the lack of powerful ventilation. The open location of the kitchen in the living room means the free passage of noise, smells and general chaos between the areas of your home. However, if the dwelling is allowed to combine a kitchen-living room of 30 sq. m, it is worth continuing to explore the possibilities offered by modern design and innovative technology for an open plan project.

Kitchen living room 30 sq. m: photo of furniture

The inventive imagination of modern designers seeks flexible, colorful and practical location various kitchen units (from refrigerator to sink) to meet the needs of the owners and emphasize personal style, therefore, offers various options kitchen sets. Furniture different layouts fits perfectly into the large living room-kitchen of 30 sq. m, as the area allows.

One wall modular kitchen

This type kitchen equipment revolves around a single-wall installation that houses various modules designed for a linear configuration, making this choice the easiest and clearest way to design a cooking nook in an open living room. Thus, the kitchen area in open room remains as one space with no defined boundaries between the living room and the rest of the living space.

L-shaped modular kitchen

The L-shaped modular kitchen is quite popular, especially when attached to another living room. This type of simple yet efficient kitchen configuration offers great décor not only for functional kitchen but also the living room. Finishing the kitchen unit with the letter L is a good option, serving as a cute breakfast bar. Offering comfort, practical distribution of space and enough countertops, cabinets to accommodate all the necessary household appliances in the kitchen, an L-shaped set is a good, classic choice.

U-shaped kitchen (horseshoe)

This choice of furniture will allow you to create a room within a room, which is especially suitable for large areas of 30 square meters. m. In fact, the U-shaped kitchen configuration works well in large rooms, offering multiple wardrobes and practical options surfaces for the cook. These are a few countertops, well-organized storage cabinets that are always at hand. Another positive characteristic of such a headset is that several chefs can use the space at the same time without interfering with each other.

G-shaped kitchen (peninsula)

You can take a look at G-shaped kitchen is an extension of the U-configuration as four storage walls are involved plus the benefit of an additional peninsula that can accommodate more kitchen utensils or bar counter.

Design project of the kitchen-living room 30 sq. m: separation of zones

There are many elegant and creative ways to separate, or rather create a symbolic boundary between kitchen and living spaces, without actually using different rooms with walls and doors. One of the fashionable approaches in modern design is the rise of one of the zones. Another commonly used option for separating between a cooking area and an outdoor living area is glass partition- a fashionable and functional dexterity that gives a certain privacy between the two zones. Noise and smells from the kitchen do not enter the living room.

Kitchen-living room 30 sq. m - this is a large room that allows you to translate many ideas into reality. Take a look at the photo gallery in this article to determine for yourself what exactly you expect to see in own house. Use finished design rooms!

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30 square meters - how do you think it is a lot or a little? Probably everyone will agree that the answer to this question depends on what specific room you are calculating the footage for.

30 sq. meters - standard and, we admit it, a rather small area of ​​\u200b\u200ba one-room apartment. The kitchen and living room in such apartments barely allow you to turn around and make the owners dream of more. But we have to work with what we have, therefore - why not try to combine the spaces of the kitchen and living room in order to get more space and in our own way unique interior in your house?

This idea is also suitable if you are only planning to build your own house of small footage (about 30 sq m of living space), or you are browsing photos on the Web. finished design projects, thinking over the interior for a finished studio apartment (for such apartments, the idea of ​​​​a kitchen combined with a living room is a real find, original and practical). Having carefully thought through the design of your home, it will be enough for you to go to some major furniture center(for example, in the Furniture Hall), where the very, or similar, solutions that you liked the most in the photo are presented in abundance.

Kitchen-living room interior

The interior of the kitchen, combined with a living room of 30 sq. meters of area, should differ in two main characteristics:

  1. Functionality and practicality of the household side.
  2. Design that successfully zoning the space from a visual point of view.

What is it for? First of all, in order to end up with an organic and beautiful space that combines the advantages of a kitchen and a living room, and not a pile of household appliances and furniture, where it will be inconvenient to cook or relax in front of the TV after a working day.

Functional Features

The kitchen is always the smell of food, grease stains and hot steam, and few people like it when all this flies into the living area of ​​​​the apartment. Therefore, we have collected for you some of the most obvious and most important ideas for planning a kitchen-living room, and photos will help illustrate these ideas in the most successful options design projects that you can rely on.

Visual features and design

On the practical side of the matter, everything seems to be clear (although, of course, you will encounter more large quantity subtleties when it's time to bring a thoughtful design to life). What about visual zoning?

In order for your evening rest or gatherings with friends on the weekend to be truly cozy, the living area in your apartment should be significantly different from the kitchen area in design. So, how to visually separate these two spaces, so that at the same time they still form a single whole and do not look like two pieces from different apartments, "glued" together? Read, think and look at the photos.

Divide - combine

The main idea of ​​​​the interior of the kitchen-living room on 30 square meters is that, visually dividing the apartment into zones, you must also leave something unifying, echoing, so that the interior looks holistic and not fragmented. It can be various design details - the same (or in the same style) floor vases, framed photos of your loved ones, general color dominant, etc.

Experiment - and soon your friends will start asking for guests to explore your new interior and adopt especially successful ideas!

Often large areas of premises are not always good in everyday life.

rule comfortable life- compliance of the area of ​​​​the apartment with its functions. Large apartments do not always cope with this task, as well as small apartments.

How to find a balance we will consider in this article.

The interior of the living room is 30 square meters. meters. Design and selection of finishes

A large living room in a luxurious house most often represents a hall for receiving guests and relaxing the family.

When choosing a design for such a room, it is necessary to adhere to a certain level of interior of rich houses.

There must be a special approach to the design of such living rooms. It is important to correctly select and arrange furniture so that it looks harmoniously in the room.

To increase the space, the living room is decorated in light shades and colors.

Furniture is best chosen to perform the functions of the room, you should not clutter up the space.

Rectangular living room correct form it is better to arrange in a classic form, placing a convenient upholstered furniture against big TV. Bright hues wall and floor finishes will give the room a special elegance and add more light.

The room of a narrow and long form should be delimited into zones. Separating a recreation area, for example, with a dining area. This will give the living room functionality.

room with irregular shape, for example, with niches, requires special attention and meticulous attention to detail.

Walls with multiple irregular corners can be leveled with stylish cabinets or decorative shelves. In a niche, you can place an additional seating area or dining area.

Design development for a living room of 30 sq. meters

In apartments or houses, where one large room acts as a living room, and the rest are occupied by a bedroom, a bathroom, they often resort to combining other zones with it.

For good design before arrangement, it is necessary to draw up precise drawing or a plan, indicating on it the location of all the furniture.

The division of the living room into zones requires more attention.

It is necessary to correctly combine the zones so that the owners feel comfortable in the room and do not interfere with each other's leisure.

Unsuccessful examples can turn out if you combine a place for watching TV and a work area nearby. It is difficult to concentrate on work when the TV is turned on nearby.

In the living room, you can combine areas: a dining room, a guest room, watching TV, reading books and a place for the leisure of young children.

The most successful options for combining zones in a large living room is the dining area combined with the kitchen area. They harmoniously complement each other and help to reduce unnecessary actions and movements during cooking.

A good combination is the living room and the TV viewing area, which are very closely related. The area for reading books can be equipped with comfortable furniture, a small table with a table lamp, a wardrobe or shelves for books.

In the living room, you can also place a place for small children to play or a corner for needlework and sewing.

A competent plan for delimiting zones will increase the functionality of the living room and add more comfort.

Ideas for decorating a living room in 30 square meters. m

The large living room is full of design options. The style of the interior will depend on your choice of wall decoration, flooring, decor elements.

A good solution is to place the workplace near the window. In this way, you can delimit the zone and save free space.

Interior design options for a living room of 30 sq. m can offer you competent professionals working in this field.

In an independent project, try to emphasize, and not overshadow, the positive merits of the living room, observing some principles in the design of such premises.

One of the principles is the observance of harmony in the choice of furniture. It must be in the same or similar styles.

Disconnected furniture in the interior looks ridiculous and ugly. It is necessary to choose shades for decoration and decoration that are combined with each other. In large living rooms, it is appropriate to use beautiful carpets.

A spacious room must be well lit. Based on this, in addition to the main light, complement the interior with an additional one, in the form table lamps and floor lamps.

With the help of lighting, you can also distinguish between zones and give the living room a cozy and warm feeling.

Photo of living room design options 30 sq.m.
