L shaped living room with kitchen. The interiors of the kitchen-living room in a modern style. Kitchen living room in a private house

Behind the desire to combine two rooms into one is the opportunity to expand the space, and in some cases the desire to update the interior, which is usually a good start for remodeling.

It would seem that the kitchen and the hall are absolutely incompatible rooms in terms of functionality and design, but practice shows that this does not prevent them from being combined.

After connecting the kitchen with the living room, even the typical space is updated into something unusual and luxurious. The secret is simple: proper planning and step-by-step implementation of the intended design. Consider all the subtleties of this issue in order.

Merging Advantages and Disadvantages

The purpose of the association is to increase the recreation area. If you demolish a wall that divides one area into two, this will add a few extra meters due to the demolition of the wall itself. Thanks to the arrangement of furniture, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bused meters of the kitchen also increases. So, the main advantages of combining the kitchen with the hall:

  1. visual expansion of space. For example, a kitchen combined with a hall looks much more spacious and comfortable than a small living room and the same kitchen;
  2. the ability to arrange a kitchen set in a modern design. Modern technologies require a large area of ​​use. Therefore, one cannot do without combining rooms;
  3. Possibility of converting the kitchen into a bedroom. If friends are visiting, such a room can easily be transformed into a sleeping space. Design solutions allow you to do this.

The disadvantages of combining the kitchen include:

  • lack of rest. Combining the kitchen and the lounge into one space, you need to remember: there is no longer a separate guest room. Therefore, carefully consider this step, especially if there are many family members and few rooms;
  • increased noise level. The kitchen area refers to such a space in which constant silence is not possible. Reading to the sounds of a dishwasher or a running juicer is quite problematic;
  • cooking odors. From the kitchen area, they will spread around the perimeter. However, the problem is solvable: the kitchen can be moved to one side of the space by also installing a powerful ventilation system;
  • and the last drawback belongs to the category of poor-quality planning. With the wrong calculation and execution of the design, the full functionality of each of the rooms is almost impossible. In this case, these two rooms will not overlap.


The combined kitchen with the living room is a whole list of references and papers. Demolition and redevelopment cannot be done without initial miscalculations. The options for connecting rooms are quite simple. The conditional border between the kitchen area and the hall is modeled with a semi-arch or left open. The walls are not only some kind of room dividers, but also load-bearing parts. This fact should be taken into account.

Before the demolition of the walls, you must submit an application to the appropriate authorities - such as the BTI. When contacting, they will give a full report: is it possible to demolish the wall in space, how to transfer or deform the wall into an arch, and what should not be done in any case.

Such certificates are needed: without them, you are violating the law. Rough repairs can lead to the collapse of the entire panel house. For example, living in Khrushchev, some instances for obtaining information cannot be avoided. So, be patient.

Another important nuance: repair work on planning should be carried out by qualified specialists. Independence in the demolition of the wall is fraught with deformation of the whole house. If the redevelopment of the apartment into a studio - the project should be approved with a number of specialists.

Zoning of the premises

For the convenient location of two rooms in one space, there is a zoning method. A spacious open-plan space is not suitable for maximum functionality. In one room, the connection with the hall requires careful placement of accents. Some division into zones facilitates rest, and allows you to quickly switch to household chores. There can be several ways of separation, but all of them are aimed at harmoniously combining not only the interior itself, but also the functions of the room.

The zones can be divided as follows:

  • bar counter. This zone is designed to bring "flavor" to the room. If you allocate space for a bar counter, then it is better to give preference to free systems so that there is no consonance with a public institution. In private homes, zoning according to this criterion is very common;
  • furniture filling. Using this option, you can successfully distinguish between the space of the kitchen and the hall thanks to the table or sofa. Furniture placed with its back to the kitchen area will be a conditional distinction, but will retain its own functions. A table installed at the junction or near the wall will visually divide the space into two zones;
  • changing the ceiling or floor. A conditional division option is to design different levels of the floor or ceiling. For example, in the form of a small rise or a safe ledge that will create a smooth transition from one part of the room to another;
  • finishing with special materials. Thanks to the wallpaper of different styles, you can create a contrasting division into zones. Decorate the kitchen in an easy-to-care material, and choose a more complex and unique product for the hall - you don’t have to wash it. This applies to both the ceiling and the floor;
  • constructive forms and volumes. Zones can be modeled in a very unusual way - using modern designs. For example, build in columns, arches or niches. They do not prevent free movement, but only play the role of a certain border zone.


Making a figured opening

There are several options for decorating interior separation. They are in the form:

Arches are the most popular design option for a curly ledge between two zones. This form is comfortable and brings an unusual decor to the design. With the help of the arch, the space visually expands. The construction of this division is allowed if the apartment has a small area, and the style is thought out closer to modern or "high-tech";

  1. wall. Conventionally, these are islands of the wall that remain after the demolition. If you want to leave a hint of a tangible division of spaces, then you should consider this decor option. It introduces an element of some kind of incompleteness, but it looks aesthetically pleasing. An alternative to a wall is partitions. They can be distinguished in space with built-in lamps, which looks spectacular at dusk and when relaxing in the living room;
  2. separation with a false plasterboard ceiling. By creating several hanging levels of the ceiling, you can hint at different zones in the room. So, the corner of the kitchen can be limited to tiers of ceiling stretches. Thanks to the material - drywall - it is possible to play with the shape of the canopy and adjust it to the design.

Creation of a delimiting island

The island is a separate ledge in the form of an oval. It can be marked with a bar counter or an elongated dining table. Furniture in this case is made to order.

Two-level floor - an unusual solution

The floor at different levels is the most interesting finishing option. The main condition is the sufficient height of the ceilings. The basis can be a semicircular podium with a protrusion of several centimeters, hiding all the wires of the kitchen, or vice versa - a well-designed design of the floor recessed inside. The second option greatly simplifies the cleaning of the kitchen.

bar counter

Another popular option for delimiting space is a bar counter. With this option, the kitchen flows smoothly into the hall, while skirting the ledge of the counter.

When asked how to separate one zone from another bar counter, you should pay attention to several factors:

  • area of ​​the common space;
  • room style;
  • the presence of decorative elements;
  • and bar design.

Having thought through each of the elements, you can easily determine the location and use design techniques for rebuilding.

The device of interesting partitions

Projects that are lightweight include partition walls. Transparent or with a matte finish, they bring a touch of freshness to any room. Beautiful partitions between the two parts of the room are divided into the type of sliding and folding assembly options.

Sliding partitions can, at the request of the household, move apart or close the intended passage between the kitchen and the hall. They consist of several blocks connected to each other. Attached directly to the wall or supported on the floor, which makes it possible to quickly assemble and move.

Folding types of partitions tend to transform and shrink. Through a peculiar design, they change their shape and can easily open up a common space. Suitable for decoration in modern and classic style.

Exclusivity in the overall style of the room is made by glass partitions, which are equipped with lighting. Reflecting from the glass cover, the light plays with modulations throughout the room. This is the aesthetic that many love.

Screen - an unexpected exit

The role of a screen can be played by both a sliding version of curtains and manually assembled fastening systems. Such structures are created from plants, aquariums and three-dimensional installations (the fantasy is limited only by the size of the space).

Screens can be an addition to the wall that separates the zones. In this case, the wall is decorated with natural materials, and a glass terrarium is inserted into it. Plants and other natural components are placed inside it.

The originality of the screens lies in the following: they fill the room with color and ennoble the room with fauna. Having a piece of nature in a common room is not only pleasant in itself, but also beautiful.

What materials to choose

In order to rebuild the kitchen with a hall and make modern repairs, you need a set of construction tools and supplies. In the design style, it is better to decide right away: place accents, choose colors, as well as choose furniture and the type of decor.

If a decision is made to single out the kitchen as a functional area, then the minimalist style will rightfully be the best design. This style will cross out the extra layers of space and leave only the necessary fittings.

It is important to remember: the main component of the kitchen area is the presence of a silent and powerful ventilation system.

Kitchen appliances and mechanisms should also be as silent as possible. Both the kitchen and the seating area are connected in one space, and this creates the conditions for a special, quiet atmosphere.

Another little trick: it is better to choose only built-in appliances, as doors and furniture walls will absorb some of the noise from working mechanisms.

When decorating the space, remember that the kitchen and the hall should overlap and form a unity of style in color scheme.

Contrasts should not be aggressive. The best thing you can choose with this color scheme is calm shades for the future room. Bright contrasts will irritate the eye receptors and mentally tire.

Lighting is an important interior detail

All areas of space must be illuminated with additional light. The kitchen corner and subzones also need to be illuminated. You can use both lamps with various mounting methods, and LED-type tape.

The correct combination of the play of light and shades of the room itself plays a major role in interior design. A holistic perception of style is impossible without the harmony of these two components.

With the help of the correct introduction of color, it is possible to separate or connect zones, to influence the perception of dimensions. If, for example, the renovated space is not too spacious, then it is best to use coolish white shades: they visually stretch the boundaries.

The end result is a combination of two rooms, which is why it is preferable to use tones of the same range, and preferably adjacent shades. For example: white and grayish blue colors reproduce the illusion of cleanliness and pleasant freshness, which is so necessary for a space with a kitchen area. Depending on the chosen style, you can choose a different decor. For example, use imitation of rocks, or ivy.


Planning the right lighting

If all parts of the common room work in automatic mode, then using the switch you can darken part of the space. To fully enjoy your own relaxation area, you must:

  1. ceiling type chandelier in the hall;
  2. chandelier in the kitchen;
  3. illumination in the activity zone;
  4. lamps or sconces for the perimeter of the rest.

In this case, all household members can recreate the atmosphere in the space for themselves.

All the secrets of the layout and design of the kitchen-living room from the designer and 70 photos of real kitchen interiors are in this article.

Which kitchen set to choose for a living room with a kitchen

In modern kitchen-living rooms, the set can play the role of an accent or, on the contrary, dissolve in space.

The kitchen blends into the background

If the budget is limited and the apartment is small, order an inexpensive kitchen with smooth, even facades to match the walls. A good choice is deaf cabinets without handles (the doors open by pressing), a non-contrasting countertop and a neutral apron to match the facades.

Kitchen set as decoration of the living room

Another option is to make the kitchen set an accent. Let the furniture catch the eye. Bright glossy facades, decorative milling, beautiful fittings, a spectacular apron, a beautiful tabletop. Such a kitchen looks beautiful, but requires careful study of the design project. The kitchen and living room must be in balance and have a common style, otherwise the interior of the studio will not be harmonious.

Living room kitchen layout - where to put the kitchen set

The kitchen area in the living room can be located in different ways, but usually there are few options. The set is installed where the layout of the apartment and "wet zones" allow. The sink and dishwasher must not be taken out into the living room.

Corner kitchen along two adjacent walls

In a square kitchen-living room, the set is usually installed in the corner. A good option if you spend a lot of time in the kitchen, cook often and have a lot of supplies. One wall can be left without upper cabinets - a small kitchen-living room will seem more spacious.

Kitchen set in a niche

When combining a kitchen with a living room in typical apartments like Khrushchev, a convenient niche is obtained. This is convenient: headsets and household items are not conspicuous. If your kitchen has an electric stove, additional zoning techniques will not be needed. If there is a gas stove and / or water heater, when agreeing on a redevelopment project between the living room and the kitchen, you will definitely be required to provide a sliding partition.

Kitchen with peninsula or island

The kitchen island is convenient, but there is a place for it only in the living room with an area of ​​at least 20 square meters. In a small studio apartment, it is better to make a peninsula. It has three advantages at once - it zones the room, provides an additional countertop and a lot of storage space.

Direct headset in one line

This option is often used in new-build studios with a spacious living room, but the ergonomics of such a kitchen leaves much to be desired. The distance between the stove, sink and refrigerator is large, so you will make a lot of unnecessary movements. But in a small studio apartment, a small straight kitchen set is a great solution.

15 Best Zoning Ways

What techniques are most often used by designers when they create a design project for a living room combined with a kitchen?

Doors and partitions

Sliding doors and partitions. Sliding doors or accordion doors are convenient if you want to completely separate the kitchen from the recreation area from time to time. They protect against odors, but do not violate the unity of space. Glass can be transparent, frosted, sandblasted, stained glass film or painted (lacobel). Inexpensive sliding doors are made using the same technology as wardrobes.

Drywall partition. With it, the space of the kitchen-living room with a studio layout will retain its volume. The upper part of the partition can be made in the form of a false window.


Two types of flooring. Tiles or porcelain tiles - in the kitchen area, parquet, laminate or cork - in the rest of the room. In the interior of a small kitchen-living room, use one coating. For example, moisture resistant laminate 33-34 class.

different ceiling levels. In the kitchen, which passes into the living room, two-level ceilings are often installed - a suspended plasterboard structure and a stretch ceiling. Ceiling lighting additionally zones the living room and kitchen.

different floor levels. Sometimes a podium with a height of 10-15 centimeters is made in the kitchen area. It hides communications, for example, when transferring a sink. You can embed LED or halogen spotlights into the side of the podium. But keep in mind: if you often use the kitchen, such a step is inconvenient.

Companion wallpapers. Use wallpaper from the same collection for wall decoration in the kitchen and living room. Monochromatic for the background, with a pattern for accents. This way you can keep the space uniform.

Accent wall. Highlight the living / dining area with photo wallpaper or wallpaper with a bright print to match the facades of the headset or apron in the kitchen.

architectural details

ceiling beam. In some apartments (for example, panel, Khrushchev and Stalinka apartments), the load-bearing beam between the rooms is provided for by the project. It cannot be removed during redevelopment or demolition of walls. But sometimes it is specially mounted to visually separate the living room and kitchen from each other.

False wall or low partition in place of the former wall. You can make decorative niches in it, build in an electric or biofireplace, put an aquarium on it. If the partition is high enough, you can hang a large TV from the side of the living room.


Dinner table . In a small studio, this is the best way to zone the space. The main thing is to place it correctly. The best option is on the border between the kitchen and living areas. The best choice for a small apartment is a sliding transforming table. The material can be any, the main thing is that the table is combined with a kitchen set and cabinet furniture for the living room.

Bar counter. A popular way to mark the boundary between the living room and the kitchen. For a small kitchen in the studio, choose a light modern bar counter made of artificial stone, MDF or tempered glass.

Kitchen "island" or "peninsula". Spacious floor cabinets are accessible from the kitchen side of the island. From the side of the living room - open shelves, a bar counter or a tabletop that can be used as a dining table.

A big sofa . Its back is turned towards the kitchen and serves as a visual boundary between the two spaces. Behind the sofa, you can put a bar counter, a narrow console table, a low partition or a kitchen island. If the living room area allows, buy a corner modular sofa. In a small apartment, you will have to limit yourself to a compact folding transformer model.

double sided shelving. It is accessible both from the kitchen and from the living room. A big plus is that it transmits light. Such "through" racks are, for example, IKEA.

Lighting and decor

Your own light in each zone. Each group of luminaires must be switched on independently of each other. Be sure to make an overhead light above the headset and illuminate the worktop. Hang a small chandelier or pendants with adjustable cords above the dining table. For a living room combined with a kitchen, buy chandeliers and pendants from the same collection - in the same style, but with a different number of lamps.

The furniture layout plan is the first thing the interior begins with. We figure out how to organize a comfortable space in the kitchen-living room.

  • Layout your room on paper or with an online planner. Specify the dimensions and location of windows, doors, radiators, ledges, recesses, and ceiling beams. The most convenient scale is 1:20. When moving furniture, consider not only its dimensions, but also a place for free passage (at least 60 cm), pulling out drawers, unfolding a sofa, etc.
  • Think about your routes around the room. Draw them with arrows on the plan. Furniture should not interfere with your movement between the kitchen, dining room and living room.
  • Determine the focal point - the main subject in the room, around which you will build the space. It can be a TV, a rack, a fireplace or a wall with photographs or paintings.
  • Find a good spot for your TV. Ideally, the screen should be clearly visible from both the living room and the kitchen. TV should not be in front of or near the window, otherwise it will be difficult to watch due to glare. If there are no other options, buy blinds or roller blinds that diffuse sunlight.
  • Visually make an elongated rectangular living room more square. Place a floor-to-ceiling wardrobe along a short wall with doors to match the wall decoration. Another way is to highlight the short wall with accent wallpaper or bright / dark paint, and decorate the long ones with a neutral light background.
  • Do not put all the furniture along the walls. This will only emphasize the shortcomings of the elongated kitchen-living room. A lot of furniture in one part of the room and little in the other will also upset the balance in the interior.
  • Place the dining table close to the window, but not in front of the doorway. Sitting with your back to the entrance is not very comfortable.

Photo of kitchens combined with a living room

Almost a third of the entire multi-storey housing stock is located in the so-called Khrushchev. Relatively solid, mass buildings during the reign of the general secretaries a priori did not provide for spacious housing for the Soviet worker. Everyone is well aware of the standards of typical projects of that time, since many families still live in these apartments.

The desire for more space suggested a way to expand the boundaries by combining some rooms. As an option for solving this problem, they became a living room with a kitchen - two rooms that are completely incompatible in terms of functionality, combined into a single whole. The project was recognized as successful, after which it reached its popularity.

How to combine a living room with a kitchen - photo

The living room is a recreation and meeting area. The kitchen has always been classified as a functional appendage of the household part of the house. Combining them together, the living room plus the kitchen are perceived in a completely new quality,

says architect and interior designer Ekaterina Kokulina.

From the point of view of the architectural solution, the apartment, no doubt, is transformed by increasing the visual space. From this moment begins a lot of interesting and exciting work for the designer, the expert believes.

Room layout

The most important step in the redevelopment is considered to be obtaining permission from the city authorities to demolish or partially remove the walls. After going through the relevant procedures and signing the documents, you can safely act.

The basis of the action is the design projects of the kitchen with the living room, which allow you to optimally organize the resulting space, ergonomically place household appliances and furniture.

The layout of the living room combined with the kitchen - photo

Depending on the layout, the whole procedure consists in moving the partition, either partial or complete removal of the wall separating the kitchen and living room. The transfer of the wall or part of it is planned to create an additional room - a nursery, a bedroom or an office.

The complete removal of the wall is considered the most profitable option for obtaining a spacious multifunctional area. In this matter, the breakdown of the premises into functional zones is of no small importance.

Zoning of the premises

When creating a design project when the kitchen and living room are combined in one room, it is not necessary to adhere to the unity of the style of both rooms. Here it is important to observe the harmony of spaces and decoration of each zone separately, with the most natural border of the transition. To solve this problem, there are a number of design techniques.

Making a figured opening

To create it, it is not necessary to demolish the entire wall. The remaining section of the partition is designed in the form of an arched opening, emphasizing the transition with the help of built-in miniature lamps.

Zoning the living room and kitchen - photo

Creation of a delimiting island

The island is a separate space in the form of a closed ring or oval. As a designation of the island zone, both an elongated bar counter and a dining table with a custom-made tabletop according to special patterns can act.

Island between kitchen and living room - photo

Organization of a two-level floor

Depending on the project, the kitchen area can be recessed or elevated. The second option is more in demand, since it is possible to hide numerous communications under the podium. But when the kitchen area is deepened by just one or two steps, kitchen care is greatly simplified. The main condition for the implementation of this project is considered to be a sufficient height of the ceiling space.

Building a bar

Refers to the most popular method of space zoning, in which the kitchen, combined with the room, organically flow into one another. As a bar counter, you can use a part of the wall that previously separated the living room from the kitchen. The design welcomes a variety of techniques, depending on the tastes and preferences of the tenant.

Partition device

In some projects, light and translucent partitions are the best solution for zoning the kitchen-living room. Partitions can be sliding, or folding like a book. Permissible differences in the height of the ceilings of the two zones, which can also be decorated with lighting and be part of the zoning of the space.

Partition between kitchen and living room - photo

Zoning with screens

As a screen, both light sliding curtain systems and permanently installed structures created from living plants or aquariums can act. Original screens bring a special flavor to the room, making it unique in its individuality.

Designation of kitchen subzones

There are three sub-zones in the kitchen area:

  • washing, including washing, drying and dishwasher;
  • cooking, with a stove, oven and microwave oven;
  • food storage, with its many cabinets and refrigerator.

Subzones are located in the corners of the kitchen and form the so-called "working triangle". The minimum distance between subzones should be 0.6 meters.

Selection of materials and tools

To combine space, you need hand tools and consumables used in the construction business. As for the design, it is necessary to decide on the main accents that prevail in the interior.

With the decision made that only functional duties will be assigned to the kitchen, the room is decorated in a minimalist style, providing all the necessary appliances.

It should be remembered that the most important aspect for the kitchen area is the acquisition of a powerful and silent hood..

In addition to the hood, all appliances installed in the kitchen area should also make as little sound as possible, since the kitchen combined with the rest room needs to create a special atmosphere. For this, it is desirable to install built-in appliances, when furniture doors absorb some of the sounds of operating units.

In the case of designing the kitchen with the living room as a single whole, then the unity of style and color schemes for both zones is observed.

The design on the verge of contrasts should not be contradictory, but should unite the kitchen area and the living area as much as possible. In addition, the contrast should not be an annoyance factor or morally tiring, both for the hosts and their guests.

Stages of registration of the combined kitchen-living room

The most popular option for combining the space, which includes the living room and kitchen together, is to give studio forms to the room. The video shows the gradual transformation of a small kitchen and a small living room into one large and fairly spacious studio room:

Furniture and accessories

The choice of upholstered furniture, a kitchenette, as well as a bar counter, should be made taking into account their practical qualities. It should not be overlooked that the kitchen is a source of additional moisture for the atmosphere of the living space. Therefore, the choice of upholstered furniture for the living room comes down to upholstery material, which must be sufficiently moisture resistant. The same requirements should be applied to textiles used to decorate window openings.

There are a number of schemes for the standard arrangement of functional subzones in the kitchen area:

  1. In one row, when the attributes of kitchen furniture and household appliances are installed along one wall.

It is important to know that the distance between the stove and the vertical structures of the kitchen set must be at least 0.15 m.

living room combined with kitchen - photo
  1. In the shape of the letter "G", when the "working corner" occupies an angular position, and the dining table is located perpendicular to the kitchen set along one of the walls.

  1. In the shape of the letter "P" with the creation of a comfortable working area and the possibility of installing a dining table in the center of the kitchen.

  1. The location is a peninsula, visually separating the kitchen area from the living room.

Before furnishing a small living room combined with a kitchen, you need to take care of the lighting.

Kitchen-living room lighting

Each zone of the combined space should be illuminated with backlights. The same rule applies to kitchen subzones. They are additionally illuminated with special furniture lamps or LED strip.

As a rule, lamps are installed in drawers with glass doors, and the working subzone, countertop and sink are illuminated with LED strips or furniture spotlights.

A lot of modern projects of multi-storey buildings do not involve dividing the total area of ​​​​apartments into separate rooms - this is given "at the mercy" of future owners. And some potential owners purposefully select just such options - because of the opportunity to independently determine the zones of the kitchen, living room and rest rooms, with subsequent planning for their design. And, of course, they are interested in possible options and examples of already implemented projects.

Yes, and in houses of old construction, with traditionally cramped rooms, the owners are increasingly going through a difficult process in order to optimize the available space as much as possible. So, in recent years, the trend of an open kitchen, that is, combined with a living room, has become increasingly popular. This option, of course, is not without drawbacks, but still often seen as optimal. The design of the living room kitchen requires careful study, as there are some nuances that should be taken into account when choosing such a layout.

Advantages and disadvantages of combining kitchen and living room

To begin with, you should deal a little with all the positive and negative aspects of combining the living room and kitchen. If this is not done, some of the nuances may well turn out to be an unpleasant “surprise” already during the operation of the apartment.

This layout is most often chosen by the owners, who can be classified as sociable extroverts. People of such a warehouse cannot be without contact with others even for a short time, they feel discomfort in small rooms, surrounded by walls on four sides.

Combined rooms, having the format of studios, look more spacious, bright, filled with air. With this arrangement of rooms, everything is in full view of the hostess when she is cooking. That is, it is possible to keep the child under control, continue communication with the family, and not interrupt watching television programs.

But if the psychological warehouse of family members is such that it requires a calm environment to perform any responsible actions, someone is annoyed by extraneous sounds and smells, preventing them from concentrating, then it is better to refuse to combine rooms. From this it naturally follows that much depends on the nature of the individuals who will live in the apartment. And taking into account these circumstances should come first, certainly outweighing fashion trends or momentary "whims" of the owners.

The second aspect that cannot be bypassed is the operational features of the kitchen. No matter how powerful the kitchen is equipped with, it is always a source of odors and fumes. Some of them are able to be absorbed into the textiles of furniture, curtains, and other interior details, which becomes completely unacceptable for some homeowners.

The noise from the included water, the working kitchen "small mechanization", from the cooked dishes standing on the stove can also be a serious irritant. Such an environment often does not contribute to the normal rest of people in the living room.

Some unpleasant problems can be eliminated using modern climate control technologies. But with other moments, one way or another, you will have to put up with throughout the entire time of your stay in the apartment.

And only if this layout is approved by all family members, is it worth moving on. Of course, while listening to the advice of professionals - both in the choice of finishing materials, and in zoning and design of premises.

Drawing up a project for combining premises

To simplify further actions related to the distribution of zones, planning the arrangement of furniture and the choice of finishing materials, it is recommended to draw up a project that reflects all these listed points.

The project can be drawn up in the form of a drawing or a sketch, but it is better to perform one or the other option. So it will be possible to visually assess the rationality of the distribution of space.

In design art, there are several ways to highlight specific areas according to their functional affiliation:

  • Using furniture as a non-continuous partition - it can be a dining table, a bar counter, a wardrobe, a sofa turned towards the living room and other items.
  • Installation of a transparent or opaque, solid, island, partial or sliding partition of various configurations.

  • Highlighting zones using a color scheme or finishing materials.
  • Designation of one of the zones by the podium.
  • Thoughtful placement of lighting fixtures of various types.

An original combination of several similar approaches is also quite acceptable.

Dividing the room with pieces of furniture

The easiest way to divide the room where the kitchen and living room are located, without resorting to large-scale construction work, is to arrange the furniture in a certain way.

For example, an interesting option is the design of a partition cabinet. By the way, it can become not only a decorative element of the interior, but also a functional one - acting as a bar counter, a work surface, a container for storing kitchen utensils.

Such a wall clearly delimits the zones into the kitchen and living room. But at the same time, it will visually preserve the integrity of the space due to the common flooring and a single color scheme. At the same time, despite the fact that the design is a separating element, it brings lightness to the interior and adds light, due to the white color and decoration of its upper part with glass panels.

Another approach is a dining table set on a "dividing line", which is defined in different colors and made of different materials. If the total area of ​​​​the room is not large enough, this option for distributing space will be especially relevant.

Often, to organize two zones of different functionality in one room, a bar counter becomes. If it is wide enough, then at the same time it can be used as a dining table, and only from the side of the kitchen or from both sides. In the project on display, from the side of the living room, in addition to the bar counter, a sofa is installed, emphasizing the living area.

Saving free space, approximately such a complex furniture structure can be used as a separating element. The wall becomes a support for the tabletop of the dining table and, at the same time, serves as a back for the sofa deployed into the living area. This option is especially good if you need to divide a small room.

The space can also be delimited simply by the back of a sofa installed in the middle part of the room. Moreover, it will be better if the sofa model provides the possibility of rearrangement. Then, if necessary, by moving it to one side or the other, you can expand the desired area, for example, to accommodate a large number of guests.

Given the size and configuration of the room, you can, by turning on your imagination, come up with your own options for dividing it with the help of furniture. To do this, use wardrobes, furniture walls or even ordinary screens.

Separation of zones by partitions

A good solution for determining zones in a large room would be to install. It can bring a special decorative accent to the interior design, as well as become some kind of protection for the living room from smoke and odors.

To achieve a "protective" effect for the living room from the negative factors of the kitchen, it makes sense to install a sliding partition, choosing its design to the overall design of the rooms. If it is necessary to preserve the effect of free space, then a glass version of a mobile partition is suitable, which, if necessary, can be completely shifted to the side, and the two zones are combined into one. Today it is possible to order products from different materials, any configurations and design options. Therefore, if there are financial opportunities, there should be no problems with the acquisition of a separating structure.

A plasterboard partition in the form of an arch with a bar counter additionally attached to it will become both a decorative and quite functional element of the interior. She will visually divide the common room into two zones, but will not be able to protect the living room from noise, smell and fumes. This option is acceptable in cases where it is planned to install an effective climate control system in the apartment.

The separation of the kitchen-living room with a shelving-type partition is also quite an acceptable and original option for zoning the room when organizing a reliable ventilation system in the kitchen area. Moreover, the rack can be made in the form of a decorative partition with the inclusion of natural materials, such as bamboo or stone, with the arrangement of exotic indoor plants.

Another option is a functional design with multiple shelves. They can be used for outdoor storage of festive tableware, spice containers, decorative jugs, cookbooks and other kitchen interior items.

Highlighting zones with a podium

Some apartment owners who do not accept the use of vertical partitions for dividing a room can use a podium as "boundaries" of the living room kitchen areas. The height of such a design can vary from 100 to 500 mm, depending on how high the ceiling of the room allows.

A low structure along its contour can have a flat or curvilinear shape. A curved bend, by the way, is able to visually expand the space of the room, especially in cases where the surface of the podium is lined with material that differs from the living area in terms of its texture and color.

The convenience of a high podium also lies in the fact that part of its internal space can be used as a mini-cellar, pantry for storing various things or canning blanks.

The podium will divide the room into two different levels in height, and this selection is very clearly visible visually. If desired, it can be supplemented with one of the types of partitions or a bar counter. True, the level difference somewhat reduces the degree of safety of moving around the kitchen-living room, which should not be forgotten.

Allocation of zones with finishing materials

Another option for a design solution for the visual distribution of areas of the room is the facing of their surfaces with materials that differ in color and texture. However, in this case, when choosing a color scheme, it is necessary to observe the harmony of their combination.

Another important factor to consider when choosing this option for delimiting the kitchen-living room space is the practicality of the material chosen for the flooring.

Tiles in the kitchen area and laminate or parquet in the living room. It is important that the transition is harmonious, consistent with the overall design of the combined space.

For example, the floor in the kitchen area is often cleaned, so the coating must be resistant to abrasion and easy to clean from dirt. In this regard, ceramic floor tiles with a safe embossed surface will be the ideal material for the kitchen floor. Moreover, under this material, for the comfort of staying in this zone, the “warm floor” system can be equipped.

How to create a floor heating system in the kitchen?

Almost any heating system can be laid under the tiled lining, with the exception, perhaps, only infrared film ones. Which one is better to choose - read in a special publication of our portal.

To decorate the floor in the living room area, a floor that is more comfortable for walking in slippers is usually chosen - it can be linoleum, laminate, carpet, wood flooring, etc. All of these materials are well combined with ceramic tiles with the right selection.

Zone lighting

As an addition to all the above methods of highlighting areas of different functionality, broken lighting is used.

The kitchen area should be well lit, because with a lack of light, the hostess who spends a long time in the kitchen will get tired of her eyes. Therefore, in addition to ceiling lights, it is recommended to equip the illumination of the working surface - for example, above the countertop and stove. At the same time, some fanciful, complex designs, for example, multi-track chandeliers, are not welcome in the kitchen area.

If the dining table or bar counter is a separating element of the room, then a separate lamp should be provided for it - it can be a height-adjustable chandelier, sconce, spot or strip lighting.

This is a recreation area, so soft, subdued, but at the same time, non-dim general light will be more appropriate in it. Separate areas of the living room may have additional, local lighting devices. For example, next to a sofa or armchair, you can install a floor lamp or table lamp, which will enhance the illumination while reading or doing needlework. Additional zonal lighting will create a cozy and pleasant atmosphere in the living room, conducive to rest and relaxation.

In addition, if the kitchen area and the living room located in the same room are separated by a partition made in the form of an arch, it can also be equipped with lighting, for which an LED tube or tape is perfect.

Another area that can be used to separate or, conversely, combine different zones into a single complex, can be a ceiling that has a common backlight, or is designed for each individual area.

Several options for interior design of the kitchen-living room

To decide on the choice of interior, as well as the method of highlighting zones, this section will present completed projects developed by professional designers.

Design of a kitchen-living room in a standard apartment

If a decision is made to organize a kitchen-living room in one of the rooms of a standard apartment in a multi-storey building, and there are all communication possibilities for this, then it is worth considering two similar design options made in a modern style.

As you can see from this project, it is quite possible to have two functional areas in the same room that complement each other perfectly. In the far area of ​​the room, which is closer to the source of natural light, a small cozy living room is organized with all the pieces of furniture and household appliances necessary for it.

Closer to the exit from the room, there is a place for kitchen furniture, installed in the form of a wall, into which household appliances are built. The worktop is connected to the dining table, which is the separator between the living room and the kitchen area. Due to the fact that the area of ​​​​the room is very limited, it is necessary to use any available possibility of placing cabinets for storing kitchen utensils. Therefore, under the dining table, in continuation of the floor part of the furniture set, there is an additional, quite spacious cabinet-cabinet.

It will be difficult to accommodate guests in a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living area, but a dining table is perfect for this purpose.

In terms of color scheme, the kitchen comes to the fore with orange, which helps to uplift the mood and give a burst of vivacity. The recreation area, on the contrary, is decorated in restrained calm colors, creating conditions for psychological and physical relaxation.

This design option can be called optimistic. It is dominated by light combinations of the so-called "summer" colors of the textiles of the living area - white, aquamarine and pastel yellow. Thanks to a well-chosen color scheme, despite its remoteness, the living room comes to the fore.

The arrangement of furniture in this design solution is similar to the first option, so it can be used both for everyday use and for receiving a small number of guests.

In small apartments, in order to allocate some kind of dedicated room for arranging a nursery, a cooking area and a living room can be equipped in the combined room, which sometimes even turns into a bedroom for parents at night.

It should immediately be clarified that such free placement is possible only if an electric stove is used. It is strictly forbidden to do redevelopment with the movement of the gas main.

Provence style interior

Remaining popular for many decades, the Provence style, born in the French province (which gave it its name), does not lose its relevance in modern design. He is beaten in different versions, decorating bedrooms and kitchens, living rooms and bathrooms.

Provence is dominated by light colors, floral patterns, painted lining, glass furniture facades, decorated with exquisite thin frames. When decorating a living room, it will not be superfluous to have a fireplace or its imitation. I fell in love with this style and the fact that it does not limit the imagination, allowing you to fit modern appliances into traditional furniture accessories, without which you can’t do in the kitchen today.

In the presented version of the interior, you can clearly see how well you can combine modern materials and elements traditional for this style. For example, in the kitchen area there is a plasterboard ceiling with modern ones built into its surface, next to which three lamps with a configuration corresponding to the Provence style are installed above the dining table.

The dining table is a cross between a bar counter and a table-cabinet. But its design with a white-painted wooden clapboard determines its belonging to the main direction of design. This piece of furniture in this interior can be called both separating and uniting the areas of the room, as it fits into them very harmoniously.

The kitchen floors are tiled in modern white ceramic tiles, which clearly define the line of this area. The flooring of the living room is made of laminate in warm colors, giving the room a cozy feel. The general mood of the design, conducive to relaxation, is also facilitated by the presence of a decorative fireplace, on the wall of which a modern TV is fixed, which also successfully fits into the style chosen by the designer.

The interior of the kitchen-living room with a sliding partition

The ideal design solution for organizing two spaces in one room is to install a sliding or folding partition. Thanks to this element of the interior, some kind of soundproofing of the living room from kitchen noises will be provided, as well as protection from the spread of smoke, steam and odors.

Installation of such a partition is possible both in a small room of an apartment, and in a spacious hall of a private house. It can be light, made of metal profiles, or heavier, made of wood. It is important to provide for easy movement of the structure doors so that there are no problems when separating and combining two spaces.

In the example shown, a rather large living room is presented, which is also a dining room - it has a separate spacious place for a dining table. The kitchen, if necessary, can be completely closed from the main part of the hall. At the same time, both in one and in the second zone, the rules for maintaining the style and color scheme are observed. In addition, the unifying elements are the lampshades of chandeliers and floor lamps used in certain areas of the room that require brighter illumination.

The living room and kitchen area are made in the same color scheme, in which they found a harmonious combination of colors - white and "coffee with milk", but they are used in a special way. The living room is dominated by soft coffee shades, which creates good conditions for a good rest after a working day. In the kitchen section of the room, more white is used, which goes well with the greens and the color of fruits and vegetables, which look more appetizing against it.

But when choosing light shades for the kitchen, especially for the countertop, you need to make sure that it has an easy-to-clean coating that does not absorb moisture and dirt.

Loft-style interior

The interiors, made in this style, are designed specifically for spacious rooms. The "loft" appeared due to the fact that the owners of the studios, who were not able to put their surfaces in order, and also to divide large halls into separate rooms, tried to create coziness with the help of furniture, small simple carpets, paintings of certain styles, as well as coarse textiles in soft colors. .

"Loft" is one of the directions of "minimalism", therefore, it does not involve a large number of pieces of furniture and accessories that create traditional comfort. Its characteristic features are open brickwork of the walls, a large number of metal objects, including those corresponding to the style of lighting fixtures, plain textiles or leather upholstery of upholstered furniture.

This design option is intended more for ascetics than for those who love coziness and comfort, since it should contain only the most necessary for human life. Therefore, it will not be difficult to place a living room and a kitchen in the interior of the "loft". However, do not forget that even for this option, a powerful exhaust system must be installed in the kitchen.

Cozy classic interior of the kitchen-living room

The design of this interior can be called a modern classic, as it contains elements and selected colors that are characteristic of several areas. But in textiles, the carpet in front of the fireplace, the glass table, as well as the chandelier above the dining table, the designer's commitment to the English style is most visible.

The project was designed for a spacious room, but with the right division of the area, it may well be applied to a small room.

To separate the kitchen from the living area, in this case, a partition was used with a passage and a window made in the form of semi-arches. In the living area, a semi-arch of the same shape is formed above the fireplace complex.

The window opening of the structure in the lower part is completed with a wide window sill, which can serve as a bar counter.

The interior of both zones is decorated in soothing colors without bright accents and other expressive elements. But, despite this, the design of the room does not seem boring. It is pleasant to be in such an interior, as it disposes to rest. And the kitchen, although it is an open area, does not violate the harmony of the design solution.

* * * * * * *

Having considered the proposed options and, perhaps, choosing the project you like, it can be “tailored” to a specific area and configuration of the combined kitchen-living room being designed. At the same time, it is quite acceptable to change or add some elements or colors, taking into account the preferences of homeowners.

In addition, to select the optimal design, we also suggest that you familiarize yourself with a very rich selection of interesting projects:

Video - Kitchen-living room 20 sq. meters: ideas

The combination of two rooms in one interior will not surprise anyone. This technique is used everywhere, since its use makes it possible to win in many plans.

A living room combined with a kitchen is a very reasonable and stylish solution. Proper zoning of the room and carefully selected interior will make it just perfect.

The option of combining a living room with a kitchen

Advantages and disadvantages of combining

The most obvious advantage of the kitchen-living room design is, of course, space saving. Undoubtedly, the absence of a wall between the combined rooms significantly expands the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The won square meters will be used to place furniture, household appliances, or simply become additional free space. You can also read more on the site dizainexpert.ru.

In addition, you will not be isolated from family communication. Now you can cook and at the same time communicate with the household, or spy on TV.

In the combined kitchen-living room, it is customary to separate the dining area from the kitchen, where meals take place. Meals in such an environment are held in a more solemn and pleasant atmosphere.

We will not hide the shortcomings of the combination.

  1. Diffusion of odors into the living room. Sometimes, of course, it smells appetizing, but it is better to install a good hood and ventilation system.
  2. Noises from household appliances. It is unlikely that a vacationer will like the rattle of a blender under his ear. Therefore, household appliances will need to be chosen with great care, giving preference to silent models.
  3. Difficulties in maintaining the functional purpose of the combined rooms. In order not to get everything mixed up in your house, like the Oblonskys, be sure to use the zoning of the room.

Where appropriate combination

There are several types of apartments in which the design of the combined kitchen "fits" especially well.

Large apartments

In small apartments, people sometimes need to retire, and they are forced to choose a hall or kitchen for this. If these two premises are combined, then they will lose this opportunity.

If each family member has his own room, the kitchen combined with the hall will not be a problem for anyone.

Studio apartments

In such an apartment, a combined kitchen is not just one of the design options, but an absolute must. In addition, a bedroom is also usually placed here, using a sofa as a sleeping place, or built-in folding beds.

Apartments with a small living room

A combined living room in them will redistribute the space of the room, making the apartments more comfortable for its inhabitants.

The option of combining a living room with a kitchen
The interior of the living room combined with the kitchen
The option of combining a living room with a kitchen

Zoning space

There are many zoning methods. You need to proceed from the size of the apartment, the goals of creating zones and financial possibilities.

  1. With the help of color.
    Properly placed color accents work wonders. This design option is the most budgetary and is perfect for a small living room. Refrain from drastic decisions. There is absolutely no point in painting one wall pink and the other green. It is enough to choose shades that differ by several tones.
  2. With finishing.
    Everything is extremely simple here: in the kitchen - tiles or laminate, in the living room - carpet or parquet, or in the kitchen - plastic panels, in the hall - wallpaper or decorative plaster. This will not only visually delimit the space, but will also be quite practical, since the finishing materials of the kitchen are constantly affected by moisture, grease and detergents.
  3. With furniture.

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen
Modern design living room combined with kitchen

Furniture options can be completely different.

  • Kitchen island. It is rarely used in Russian apartments, as it requires sufficient space for itself. It is a small area occupied by a cutting surface and located in the middle of the kitchen.
  • Dinner table. By separating the kitchen and living room in this way, you create an additional dining area. Looks pretty good. In order to emphasize the separation, a row of lamps is sometimes hung over the table.
  • Sofa. When choosing upholstered furniture installed between the kitchen and the living room, do not forget to take into account that it will get dirty more than usual. Give preference to materials that are easy to clean. It is not advised to place kitchen appliances or a dining table behind the back of the sofa. It is better to install a rack or cabinet there, thus completely separating the living area.
  1. Wardrobe or shelving.
    It is not necessary to choose full-size models. Open shelves and shelving will look much more appropriate. You can place books, photo frames, dishes or other decorative items in them, but not kitchen utensils.
  2. Bar counter.
    Stylish and functional item. The rest of the "past" wall is usually taken as the basis. To emphasize the division of rooms, you can use a row of wine glasses hanging above the bar, or built-in lighting.
  3. Fireplace.
    Island fireplaces are widely used in zoning. This element of interior design not only looks luxurious, but also additionally heats the room.
  4. Using part of a wall or arch.
    This technique unites the premises, while not mixing them, because the zoning will be obvious. When demolishing a wall, it is not necessary to remove it completely. Leave a narrow area between rooms, a few columns, or build an arch. An additional contrast in the design of the zones will be created by the lighting built into the arch.
  5. With a podium.
    This technique is appropriate only in apartments where the ceiling is high enough. Creating a multi-level floor in the kitchen-living room is an aesthetic and pragmatic solution. Numerous communications can be hidden under the raised kitchen floor. With the help of a slight elevation, you can also separate the dining area.
  6. With the help of the ceiling.
    Ceiling beams, multi-level structures, or ceilings of different colors and textures are used.
  7. With the help of lighting.
    In skillful hands, lighting works wonders. A competent combination of bright and subdued light, the use of various types of lamps and rotary spotlights can clearly divide the room into several functional zones. For example, a row of lamps above the dining table can highlight the dining area, and lighting built into the bar counter separates the kitchen.
  8. With the help of folding screens and partitions.
    A neat translucent partition will not only become a stylish design element of the room, but will also allow you to separate the kitchen from the living room as you wish.
  9. With the help of a hedge.
    No, it is not necessary to plant shrubs in the middle of the living room. It will be enough to use ordinary pots with plants. Another idea is to put an aquarium. This division will fit perfectly into the interior in eco style.

The option of combining a living room with a kitchen
The interior of the living room combined with the kitchen
The option of combining a living room with a kitchen

Features of design choice

The kitchen combined with the living room is an application for style and originality. In order not to lose face, when designing the interior, you need to carefully consider many details:

  • the general style in which the combined rooms will be made;
  • the presence of bright accents;
  • furniture set;
  • use of decor items.

The choice of kitchen design, combined with the living room, practically does not carry any restrictions. The only exception will be the Provence style. The fact is that the interior in this style involves decorating the apartment with tableware on display. Therefore, having designed the living room adjacent to the kitchen in this way, you run the risk of feeling like a guest in a china shop.

Classic - a universal solution that is appropriate in any apartment. Clear lines, expensive furniture, monotony and lack of frills, by definition, cannot spoil any interior.

The high-tech interior will also look great. Glossy materials, hidden kitchen appliances, compact and ergonomic furniture visually increase the free space of the kitchen, look stylish and modern.

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen
Modern design living room combined with kitchen

Recently, the popularity of the loft style is gaining wild momentum. It is used everywhere: in the interiors of bedrooms, hallways, kitchens and living rooms. This style appeared in America in the era of industrialization, when empty warehouse and industrial premises began to be populated by people and converted into apartments. This style is suitable for the interior of the kitchen-living room with high ceilings. Despite the deliberate roughness of the finishes and seemingly ordinary “factory” elements, you will have to tinker with the design of the loft-style living room. Pay special attention to finishing. It is not necessary to open the walls to get to the treasured brick. Brickwork can be replaced with wallpaper with its imitation, decorative plaster, or just leave a concrete wall. The floor is usually chosen based on wood. Usually it is a laminate or parquet, preferably glossy. The loft is a game of contrasts, so try to combine modern furniture with antique furniture, and neat models with rough ones in the interior. Curtains are not a mandatory element; a loft-style living room can do without them. If bare windows do not suit you, get Roman blinds or curtains to the floor.

Lamps should be either absolutely simple, or, conversely, deliberately modern.

Do not forget about the characteristic color scheme. Use muted shades of red, green and blue, white, gray and black in the interior.

The option of combining a living room with a kitchen
The interior of the living room combined with the kitchen

The choice of furniture and appliances for the kitchen-living room

When choosing furniture for a kitchen combined with a living room, first of all, take care of its practicality and harmony. Since these two zones are in the same room, they must be made in the same or similar styles.

Choose furniture in the kitchen and living room so that it matches with each other. There may be bright accents, but in general, the colors of the kitchen and living room should overlap.

To make the living room look warmer and more comfortable, give preference to natural materials.

Remember that light shades will help visually expand the space. However, approach the choice of color schemes thoughtfully: due to the proximity to the kitchen, the furniture in the living room will get more dirty, as it will be constantly affected by smoke, steam and soot.

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen
Modern design living room combined with kitchen

For the same reason, the best materials for such a living room are non-staining and moisture resistant.

To avoid littering the apartment, buy only what you really need. Give preference to compact models. In the kitchen, built-in appliances will look most aesthetically pleasing.

Try not to take equipment in whole sets. Buying it separately, you will get the opportunity to buy what you need and not acquire unnecessary things.

It is very important to choose the right hood. Choose models with a standard air duct. In recirculation mode, in which the filtered air flows back into the kitchen, this is not necessary. It is better to hide the bulky air duct. If the living room is decorated in a loft style, then, on the contrary, it will complement its interior.

When choosing household appliances, pay attention to its noiselessness. The hum of the refrigerator and the rattling of the hood can poison the beauty of being in the living room. Carefully study the characteristics of the equipment and stop at the quietest models.

The option of combining a living room with a kitchen
The interior of the living room combined with the kitchen
Living room combined with kitchen

Choose multifunctional designs. Let the same object perform several functions at once. A great example is the bar. It can replace both a dining table and a cutting surface. In addition, the bar counter serves as a great place for gatherings and divides the space into zones.

The atmosphere in the kitchen matters a lot. In small apartments, it is better to install it in an L-shape or in one row. If there is plenty of free space, you can afford U-shaped placement, arrangement in two rows, or the creation of a kitchen island.

Correctly divide a narrow room

The combination of a kitchen and a living room in a narrow room is not only a reasonable, but also the most profitable solution. These two zones divide the length of the room in half, as a result of which it no longer seems to be elongated at all.

Try not to place all the furniture parallel to the long wall. Thus visually you stretch it even more.

To expand the space, use a light color scheme. At the same time, furniture can also be dark. This contrast enlivens the room and looks very interesting.

Choose your lighting wisely. The more light, the wider the kitchen seems. To play with light, use glossy surfaces and mirrors. They will also become your assistants in expanding the narrow space.

Design of a living room combined with a kitchen
Modern design living room combined with kitchen

Do not clutter up the room with decorative items. A couple of paintings on the walls will be enough to decorate the design of the kitchen combined with the living room.

Combining a kitchen and a living room in one interior means choosing ergonomics, style and practicality. This bold decision will save space in the house, give originality to the design of both rooms, and allow you to use every square meter of the room profitably.

Decorating a kitchen-living room with taste is quite simple if you know what you want to get in the end. To do this, you need to approach the process creatively and responsibly, and, of course, do not neglect the advice of professionals.

Video: Kitchen combined with living room

50 photos of the interior design of the living room combined with the kitchen:
