Why fill sheet pile pipes with concrete. The main methods of installing the tongue larsen. Sheet pile wall reinforcement

Larsen sheet piling has been used in industrial construction for over a hundred years. The compact profile with rounded edges in the form of a gutter is a metal pile for reinforcing a variety of building structures many times greater than it. Sheet piles are securely connected with locks, providing tightness, and corrosion resistance and strength make them an indispensable element in construction.

Used for driving tongues various technologies , such as:

The choice of a specific technology is determined by the geophysical features and location of the construction site.

Sheet pile driving technologies

Vibration and vibroimpact methods

Sheet piling by such methods is produced on sandy and soft soils using vibratory pile drivers (electromechanical vibration action machines).

The fencing of the pit by vibration methods of driving is most effective on water-saturated non-cohesive soils. A more universal vibroimpact method of immersion is carried out using vibrohammers, depending on the type of drive, they are with an internal combustion engine, pneumatic, electric, hydraulic.

Indentation and vibration indentation

Installations that act on a pile with mass or both mass and vibration, usually consist of two mechanisms that are equipped with a base plate, a cap, a guide frame that transmit pressure and a pressing chain hoist. The advantage of this method is the ease of installation on the construction site, and the disadvantage is low maneuverability and, consequently, low productivity.

More effective is the method of vibration indentation of sheet piles. The impact of the vibratory driver and the winch of the unit leads to the immersion of the Larsen sheet pile due to the mass of the vibratory driver, its own weight, the mass of the tractor, which is transferred to the pile by a pressing rope. At the same time, the sheet pile is subjected to vibration from a low-frequency plunger with a sprung plate.

See also:

Driving sheet piles by screwing

This method is most effective for creating foundations for power line masts, it is carried out using mechanisms equipped with four outriggers (outriggers), a rotation and tilt drive, a hydraulic system, a control panel and auxiliary equipment.

These machines are pulling screw pile together with the inventory metal shell inside and immerse it in the ground at a given angle. The rotation during the dive is combined with an axial force.

Underwater immersion technology

Before the start of immersion, the soil is loosened and partly washed out by jets of water from the pipes fixed on the sheet pile. In this case, at the tip of the pile, the resistance of the soil decreases, steel sheet pile erodes with water. If necessary, the jet pipes are located on the side or in the center; if they are located on the side, they can be deformed or filled with soil.

With this technology, it is important to control the uniformity of erosion so that the sheet piles do not deviate from the design position. Water is supplied to the tubes under pressure from 0.5 MPa. This technology is not applicable when there is a threat of subsidence of buildings located nearby.


Like all other construction processes, sheet pile driving is carried out in full accordance with normative documents, which describe the basic rules for the conduct and acceptance of work. The organization of the sheet piling process must necessarily be described in technological map and PPR - a project for the production of works, which is detailed in SNiP 3.01.01 - 85 and supporting guide to this document.

A significant number of reference books, regulations and laws are presented on the portal " Help according to GOSTs"(site gosthelp ru).

Most wanted when making a budget, project documentation, logging are:

  • SNiP 3.02.01 - 87 and SP 45.13 330-2012"Earth structures, foundations and grounds"
  • SP 50.101-2004"Design and installation of foundations and foundations of buildings and structures" and other documents

It should be noted that the production of Larsen sheet piling and sheet piling must be carried out in full compliance with GOST R 53 629-2009, which indicates all standards, material parameters, product turnover.

  1. Vibroimmersion– the use of this technology involves the use of special equipment. It is it that forms the desired frequency of piling, and also sets the direction of the amplitude. All work is carried out by means of a vibrator - a special mechanism, which includes an electric motor, exciter and headrest. The latter is equipped with a mechanical or hydraulic grip, which guarantees a reliable connection of the sheet pile with the equipment. There are several types of vibrators.
    • Low frequency– this model is specially designed for installation of Larsen sheet pile in homogeneous loose soils. This vibratory hammer is characterized by large dimensions, large mass, low oscillation frequency (usually no more than 9.17 Hz) and decent centrifugal force. The dynamic force of the unit reaches 1700 kN.
    • midrange Most of the vibratory hammers on the market today are of this type. The operating frequency of such units is 10-30 Hz, the maximum dynamic force is 270 kN. This equipment is well suited for driving not only sheet piles, but also pipes.
    • high frequency- These are units related to a new generation of equipment. Their operating frequency exceeds 30 Hz. The design of this technique includes a two- or four-shaft vibration exciter (here the type of element is related to the number of electric motors), a hydraulic cap and a dynamic load damper. These systems can work independently or with a jib crane capable of lifting up to 25 tons of cargo. Also noteworthy is the non-resonant high-frequency immersion method (it is sometimes called gentle). It is actively used in densely built-up areas: for example, in the city center or in close proximity to residential buildings.
  2. hammering is the fastest and cheapest Larsen sheet pile driving technology. The process is carried out by means of a hydraulic or diesel hammer. Before starting work, the soil is also examined. If the geological conditions are difficult, then preliminary drilling of the so-called. leader well. It is worth noting that its presence makes the driving process almost silent. Next, a hole is made in the metal pile in order to hook it with a hook and fix it in a cap with a petal grip, which is put on the hammer. Driving must be done carefully: even a small mistake can pull the tongue out of the lock, which can no longer be fixed. This method dives are not recommended on watered sand, as it draws in the well.
  3. indentation- the quietest method, often used when driving piles in densely populated bedroom communities. However, the technology also has its downsides. First of all, this is the bulkiness of the equipment, which requires special preparation of the construction site. The large mass of the unit makes it difficult to transport it. Suffice it to say that 5-6 trucks will be needed to transport disassembled equipment, while the dismantled platform weighs 60-80 tons (i.e., it is oversized cargo). Therefore, the cost of transportation is sometimes commensurate with the payment for the work itself, which is especially important when ordering a small amount of work. You also need an appropriate powerful power source: 380 volts per 50 kW. However, static indentation is used, and not so rare. This is due to the fact that this technology eliminates vibration, extra noise, as well as excessive dynamic impact on the ground. There are other advantages, among which one can note the absence of damage on the pile, which is typical, for example, for the driving method (traces of the hammer remain). And one more thing: indentation can be used on sandy and moisture-saturated soils.
  4. Wash technology- This method is usually used in conjunction with one of the methods described above. The essence of the technology is to install special pipes on the sheet pile, through which water is supplied under pressure (at least 0.5 MPa). It also erodes the soil directly under the lower tip of the pile. The tubes can be located on the sides of the tongue or in its center. When using this method, it is necessary to strictly control the uniformity of erosion; otherwise, the piles may deviate from the vertical. This technology cannot be used if there is a risk of subsidence of structures located nearby.

The production enterprise "Arktik Hydro Stroy", specializing in pile work, will perform the sheet piling of the excavation in Moscow and the central regions of the Russian Federation.

In the process of construction on the "virgin land" increases. It is deformed, can "float". This leads to damage and even sometimes to the complete destruction of nearby buildings.

Therefore, in the city or in the built-up area, when building new facilities, the pits are fenced with sheet piles.

In accordance with 3.02.01 SNiP (“Earthworks”), sheet piling must be installed in all pits from two meters deep.

The fencing also simplifies the work on the site itself: it prevents the soil from crumbling and the walls of the pit from collapsing.

Why do they trust us?

  • We guarantee strictly individual approach. We have been working for over 10 years.
  • We will offer the most suitable solution for you. More than 200 completed projects
  • We have reasonable prices for all types of work. You will know what you are spending money on.
  • Free cost calculation and sheet piling design.
  • All work is carried out by our employees. We have SRO approval.
  • We have everything necessary equipment for work. Own fleet of necessary equipment.
  • We guarantee high quality materials used.

Experienced specialists of the company "ArktikGidroStroy" will qualitatively erect sheet piling of any level of complexity! In a short time and at an affordable cost.

What is trench fencing?

The sheet piling of the pit (or "") is a wall, load-bearing part which are sheet piles sunk into the ground. It compacts the soil, localizes the area of ​​expected deformations, and limits their impact on neighboring buildings.

Sheet piling of pits can be temporary and permanent - in the second case, they perform the function fixed formwork for basement walls, foundations, plinths. Are used as for ground waters.

Possible applications:

  • strengthening the sides of the pits for foundations, preventing shedding of the walls;
  • restriction of the construction site;
  • installation of hydrotechnical facilities - dams, embankments, dams, bridges, etc.;
  • strengthening of foundations;
  • creation of sealed tanks for industrial waste;
  • landfill fencing;
  • strengthening of railway lines;
  • protection of underground utilities from groundwater, etc.

For your information

The depth of the excavation at which a sheet pile is required depends on the composition of the soil:

  • sand - from 1 m;
  • sandy loam - from 1.25;
  • clay, loam - from 1.5;
  • dense soil - from 2 m.

Types of piles for sheet piling of excavations

In process device sheet piling pit piles are used:

  • wooden;
  • reinforced concrete;

Wooden ones are knocked together from boards with a thickness of 4 centimeters or connected from bars in a tongue-and-groove way. They are used at a depth of immersion within three meters. This is a one-time option, since wooden piles cannot be dismantled without damage.

The most difficult thing is to immerse reinforced concrete piles. Due to the energy intensity of the process, this type is used only as a permanent fence, subsequently reinforced concrete piles are part of the foundation. Made in square section.

Metal can be used repeatedly (up to 20 cycles). They are made from profile metal, pipes, I-beams.

The Larsen sheet piling looks like a Russian L in profile with rounded lower edges (tongue-and-groove locks).

The use of pipe piles is preferable on unstable soils, which are characterized by horizontal movements. In such situations, the stability of the Larsen sheet pile may not be enough.

The strength and stability of pipes is higher due to large section and wall thickness. Like Larsen sheet piles, tubular piles are equipped with tongue-and-groove locks on the side walls and can be connected into a single structure.

Installation is carried out using steel rotary elements (they allow you to make a wall with the desired spatial configuration).

Excavation sheet piling technology

Sheet pile driving techniques:

  • shock method;
  • combinations of the first three.


Indentation is the safest method for nearby buildings: constant monitoring of their condition during the work is not required. It is used in densely built-up areas, incl. on loose and boggy soils.

The disadvantage of the method is bulky equipment, which is transported dismantled and assembled on site.


Vibration immersion is a fairly universal method.

Our vibro-submersible equipment copes with almost all types of sheet piles: pipes of any diameter, I-beams, Larsen sheet piles.

On sandy water-saturated soil, the vibration method is often the only possible one.

But this technology is not among the cheapest because of the use of expensive equipment.


It is carried out with a hammer (attached equipment for a pile driver), on dense soils - in previously made leader holes. Restrictions for use shock method– work in densely built-up areas.

When using the sheet piling of the pit, the price is the most affordable.

For your information

On so-called light soils, combinations of the methods described above can be used. For example, initially a pile is immersed by a vibromethod, and it is achieved with a hammer to the desired depth mark.

Calculation of the sheet piling of the excavation

In the process of digging a pit, the balance of interaction forces in the soil is disturbed: when the soil is excavated, the pressure on the fence from the side of the walls increases. In order for the walls not to collapse, the fence must have certain design characteristics. Stability depends on the magnitude of the impact forces, the dimensions of the sheet pile, the depth of immersion, and the method of fencing.

The calculation can be performed by the graphic-analytical method and numerical (according to the formula). There are special programs for this. Required Technical information(immersion standards, correction factors, etc.) is given in 3.02.01-87 of SNIP.

The formula takes into account the features of the work:

  • pit depth;
  • overturning earth pressure;
  • counter torque;
  • vertical ground pressure.

The formula for calculating strength in general view– M1< m/γ * M2, где

M1 is the moment of overturning force;

M2 - anti-rollover;

m is the coefficient of working conditions (from the tables of SNiP, for weak soils – 0,7);

γ - reliability coefficient (SNiP: 1.1 for dry soil, 1.2 - for high groundwater).

The calculation is performed on the lowest point of the sheet pile, since under pressure it will turn (overturn) about this point.

Features of the fencing device

In the process of arranging the pit, its walls are fixed. The latter consists of metal sheets either from edged boards. Subsequently, the pick-up materials can be used as formwork when pouring underground structures. The intake is permeable, therefore, at high groundwater, a dewatering is applied. Larsen sheet piles are used to create a waterproof pick-up. Connected to each other by tongue-and-groove locks, they form an integral hermetic wall.

Often used before the construction of the wall. It reduces the shock load required to deepen the sheet pile to the calculated depth, thereby reducing soil deformation and the risk of destruction of other structures due to shock vibration.

Used in the following cases:

  • on soils with high density if there is a risk of destruction of piles due to increased shock / vibration loads during immersion;
  • if there are sandy layers of great thickness (from 2.5 meters) in the section of the soil, which can provoke a displacement of the soil;
  • to reduce vibration and shock loads in order to minimize the risk to nearby buildings;
  • if without preliminary drilling it is impossible to load the piles to the design mark.

Distribution belt technology for pit fencing

(otherwise strapping) is used to strengthen the installed wall. Strapping function - uniform distribution of loads between adjacent piles. It is made of channels or metal beams. It is installed horizontally at a depth of no more than two meters from the surface.

The anchored system can be lowered to the middle of the excavation depth. In the case of a large depth of belts, there may be several at different levels.

In addition to distribution belts, struts and struts are used to protect the structure.

Spacers are arranged horizontally with a step of about 5 meters, bursting the opposite walls of the fence. There must be at least four of them (in the corners of the pit). The struts are installed obliquely, resting on the foundation slab. In the absence of foundation slab installation of stops can be carried out on piles.

In the process of strengthening the wall, the strapping is mounted first, the rest later.

Excavation sheet piling cost

Order grooved fencing of the pit according to low prices you can in our company "Arctic Hydro Stroy".

The final amount of the order depends on:

  • on the number of piles, the amount of work;
  • remoteness of the object;
  • the complexity of the terrain and working conditions.

Depending on your production needs and the characteristics of the facility, we will select a pile driver required power, on a wheeled or tracked chassis. We provide services to construction companies and private developers, we load piles in any quantity in record time.

Sheet piling of the pit in Sheremetyevo, made by the specialists of ArktikGidroStroy

Sheet piling in Moscow, made by the specialists of ArktikGidroStroy

Sheet piling of the pit made of Larsen sheet piling with spacers, made by the specialists of ArktikHydroStroy

Indentation of the tongue, performed by the specialists of "ArktikGidroStroy"

Vibration driving of the pipe and sheet piles during the construction of a temporary bridge, performed by the specialists of ArktikGidroStroy

The Bogatyr LLC company offers you services for driving sheet piles for fencing pits (pit piling). Conventional sheet piling of excavations can be more effective than other methods of excavation fencing. This temporary fencing of the excavation with spacer structures is the most convenient and flexible in use and application.

sheet pile wall- this is a flexible type of fastening and therefore it is more expedient to use it in the complete absence of significant loads near the edge of a 7-8 meter pit, and according to soil conditions in the absence of sand and clay soil and including those saturated with water, not containing large inclusions.

Types of sheet piling for pits

There are several ways to fencing pits:

  • Fencing of pits - "wall in the ground";
  • Fencing construction pits from bored piles;
  • Fencing of the pit by driving pipes + wooden frame;
  • sheet piling small pits(various sizes);
  • Sheet pile fencing of pits and beam fencing.

Rice. 1 : Sheet piling of pits by sheet pile driving

The classification of sheet pile walls used to enclose pits is based on the type of sheet pile used.

According to the materials used allocate:

  • Reinforced concrete sheet piling

For the formation of reinforced concrete fences of pits, driven or bored reinforced concrete piles are used. This is the most expensive fencing method, since piled poles cannot be excavated and reused. In order to rationalize financial costs, reinforced concrete sheet pile is used as an integral part of the foundation during further construction works.

Rice. 1.1

Sheet piles of reinforced concrete piles up to 15 meters long are used to enclose the pits. If it is necessary to deepen the fence to a greater depth, composite piles are used, which consist of several separate parts connected to each other during the immersion process.

  • Wooden sheet pile fences

This type of fencing in modern construction practice rarely used due to the impossibility reuse- when extracting wooden poles from the soil, the structure is deformed, and inapplicability in the further construction of the foundation - under the influence of groundwater, the tree is gradually destroyed.

Rice. 1.2

  • Steel sheet pile railings

Steel sheet piles have a wide variety of standard sizes. For fencing pits during large-scale construction most commonly used:

1) - trough-shaped rolled metal, equipped with groove locks along the end contour, which allow you to create a monolithic moisture-proof wall in the ground. Larsen sheet piling, in addition to fencing pits, is widely used for strengthening coastlines, tunnels and landslide areas;

Rice. 1.3

2) Round metal pipes- have high stability in the ground due to the large diameter (from 219 to 530 mm), are used, if necessary, fencing pits in areas with incoherent, prone to shear soil;

3) Flat pile- it is used in the arrangement of pit fencing in areas where the deep layer of soil is represented by rocks. According to the stability of the sheet pile wall in the ground, it is not inferior to the Larsen sheet pile (the strength of the groove connection can be 5000 kN / m).

Depending on the method of fixation in the ground sheet piling of excavations can be free-standing And anchored.

Rice. 1.4

The washing method has also proven itself well. To fully ensure water tightness, the ends of the sheet pile beams are connected by planes into locks that serve as guides when driving the sheet pile.

Methods for immersing a sheet pile for fencing a pit

In construction practice, two methods of sheet pile immersion are used - impact driving and vibration immersion.

The most common method is impact driving. This technology has key advantage- during shock immersion of the sheet pile, there is no deconsolidation of the soil near the place of driving, which accompanies the process of vibration immersion.

The impact method has a number of limitations in its application - due to the destructive effects on the foundations of nearby buildings, it cannot be implemented in a densely built-up city, near architectural monuments and historical buildings.

The vibrational method has no such limitations, however this way demonstrates high efficiency dives only when working on non-cohesive soils - sandy soil, sandy loam and slightly wet clay.

Rice. 1.5

Depending on the technology used, pile drivers are equipped with mounted diesel hammers or vibrators. During operation of the diesel hammer, the sheet piles are immersed in the ground as a result of shock dynamic effects, which are transmitted to the structure fixed in the head of the hammer. There are two types of diesel hammers - tubular and rod. To date, tubular hammers, as more advanced designs, have almost completely replaced rod-type hammers from use.

Rice. 1.6

The principle of operation of vibrators is fundamentally different. Such devices are equipped with non-centered weights, which, in the process of multidirectional rotation, generate high-frequency vibration oscillations (from 500 to 1500 k/min). The vibrations are transmitted to the sheet pile, rigidly fixed in the head of the unit, then the vibration along the sheet pile passes to the soil layers in contact with it, which are decompacted and, under the weight of the vibratory pile driver, the pile sinks into the ground

Rice. 1.7: Diagram of an electric vibratory driver

Calculation of the sheet piling of the excavation

Calculation of sheet piling is needed to determine the required sheet pile size, wall configuration and the need for additional reinforcement so that the excavation fence is sufficiently resistant to any soil influences.

Calculation according to the parameter of the resistance of the fence to the overturning effects of the soil is carried out according to the formula: , in which:

  • Mu- average moment of overturning actions;
  • mz- average moment of forces holding the wall;
  • m- coefficient of sheet piling work in the soil;
  • Yn- the coefficient of the required reliability of the wall, which differs for different sheet piling, depending on the soil conditions at the construction site.

The sheet piling strength is calculated by the formula: , where:

  • Mr- stability 1 running meter fencing to the impact of design loads;
  • Ry- average resistance of sheet pile wall piping;
  • Wcm- normative resistance of 1 m.p of sheet piling (this parameter is specified in construction manuals for each type of sheet pile separately).
  • m- coefficient of work of sheet piling in the soil (standard value - 0.8, may vary depending on the type of soil).

The resistance of sheet pile locks to ruptures under the influence of soil is calculated by the formula: , in which:

  • Rs- average radial force of the wall contour to horizontal loads (kN/m).
  • m- coefficient of working conditions;
  • pp- normative resistance of sheet pile locks to rupture, which differs depending on the type of steel from which the sheet pile is made: for steel ST3 - 1900 kN / m, 15KhSND and ST5 - 2700 kN / m.

Technology for mounting sheet piles around the pit

The technology of arranging the sheet piling of the pit has practically no differences when implementing the shock or vibration method of immersion. The difference lies only in the principle of operation attachments pile driver, while preparatory work, slinging and immersion sequence are completely identical.

Rice. 1.8

Consider the main stages of installation sheet piling of the excavation:

  • The sheet pile is delivered to the object. With a length of rolled metal up to 10 meters, tractors with low-frame semi-trailers are used for this;
  • With the help of a jib crane, the sheet pile is unloaded and stored along the perimeter of the pit so that the most optimized mode of operation of the pile driver is ensured;
  • The contour of the fence is marked, after which the pile driving unit begins to work;
  • With the help of a winch installed on a pile driver, equipped with steel cables, the sheet pile is slinged and moved to the place of driving;
  • The head of a diesel hammer or a vibratory pile driver is put on the sheet pile and the sheet pile is installed at the place of driving;
  • The position of the tongue relative to the vertical is verified and a guide dive is made by several tens of centimeters;
  • The slinging is dismantled and the sheet pile is hammered to the design depth.
  • A wide range of additional services;
  • Flexible pricing policy in Moscow and the region;
  • A full package of documents, certificates for admission to work;
  • We give you a guarantee for all types of work performed by our specialists.

Order of pile driving for excavation fencing

To order sheet piling for pit fencing in Moscow and the region, you just need to fill out the form.

  • Leave a job application directly on the site by filling out the form below
  • After receiving your application, our specialist will contact you
  • We will discuss all the details and terms, as well as the cost of work
  • Let's start work as soon as possible

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To shower and ground water the construction pit was not flooded, and its edges did not collapse down - they are reinforced with special metal plates, which have a special shape, which makes it possible to obtain a prefabricated waterproof fence. By the name of their inventor, they received the name Larsen sheet pile, and found wide application not only in the construction of buildings.

Our company carries out both the driving of reinforced concrete piles and the immersion of various types of sheet piles, including the Larsen sheet pile. For this, wheeled piling rigs based on KRAz and Ural vehicles are used. They allow you to quickly arrive at the place of work and carry out them even in dense buildings with limited maneuver.

Rice. 1: Exploded view of Larsen sheet piles

Methods for immersing the Larsen sheet pile

Larsen sheet piling can be mounted using various ways, which will differ from the surrounding conditions.

  • screwing. It is used if there are any structures nearby. This method prevents the possibility of excavation of the soil from the fundamental support.
  • driving. Preliminary leader drilling of a well. High performance and the ability to use in densely built-up areas.
  • Washing. Using this method, the soil is partially loosened and washed out with water jets, which helps to reduce the resistance coefficient for the sheet pile tip.
  • Vibration pressing. The use of vibro-immersion technology ensures low noise background and clarity in compliance with required parameters. It is used on soft and water-saturated soils. In some cases, a vibratory hammer is used.
  • indentation. When using Larsen sheet piles, indentation technology is usually resorted to, since it has its own advantages in relation to others.

Areas of application for Larsen sheet pile

Larsen sheet piling fences are widely used in construction and are used to solve the following problems:

  • protection against shedding and collapse of the walls of pits;
  • prevention of flooding of construction sites (including during works at the bottom of reservoirs);
  • construction of various hydraulic structures(dams, bridges, locks, channels, moorings, etc.);
  • strengthening coastlines and embankments;
  • strengthening of landslide areas;
  • fencing of city dumps;
  • construction of all kinds treatment facilities etc.

Larsen sheet pile device

This type of driven tongue is a metal profile, the edges of which are rounded and can be joined together into a lock. The simple design of the Larsen sheet piling makes it quick and easy to protect deepened construction sites around the perimeter.

Modern manufacturers offer a choice of several types of Larsen sheet pile:

  • L - profile,
  • S - profile,
  • Z - profile,
  • and the most common type of sheet pile is a trough-shaped profile.

The profile dimensions are also different, with the longest sheet piles reaching up to 34 meters, and the longest wide profiles- 80 cm.

Larsen sheet pile mounting scheme

The installation of profiles and the installation of a steel continuous sheet pile along the perimeter of the construction site is carried out in small (2-3 profiles each) sections, which are immersed in the ground by a pile-driving installation by driving. Neighboring tongues, at the same time, are in a mirror position (turned 180 degrees), which ensures their interlocking.

Rice. 2: Submerged sheet pile Larsen

To ensure the tightness of the joints, they are processed silicone sealant. With a significant size of the pit, the sheet piles are additionally reinforced with beams and spacers, which increase the rigidity of the structure.

Sheet pile Larsen L5 technical characteristics

Larsen sheet pile L5 is a building element responsible for high quality, since its production is based on the norms TU-14-2-879-89.

Rice. 3

For the manufacture of L5 sheet pile, carbon steels are used:

  • St3kp - boiling steel, manufactured in accordance with GOST 380-94, where 3 is the conditional percentage of carbon.
  • St3sp - semi-quiet steel, manufactured in accordance with GOST 380-94, where 3 is the conditional percentage of carbon.
  • 16KhG - structural alloy steel, manufactured in accordance with GOST 4543-71. Responsible for strength indicators.

Sample steels St3kp and St3sp are produced by hot pressed rolling, while alloyed metal 16KhG is created using cold stamping.

Description of sheet pile Larsen L5:

  • The profile has a cross-sectional area of ​​one hundred and twenty-seven square centimeters.
  • Its length can be from five to twenty-two meters.
  • The wall thickness is twenty-one centimeters.

Why use Larsen L5 sheet pile

  • Multiple use. High anti-corrosion properties make it possible to use sheet piles L5 up to six times. To do this, after completion of construction work, the entire sheet pile structure is removed for further use.
  • Convenient transportation. transportation metal profiles possible on any transport, be it a car or a train. During movement, the tongues are fixed with special linings that provide good fixation.
  • Storage. Possibility of storage in any premises, even outdoors.
  • A lot of possibilities. Larsen sheet pile type L5 allows you to fix surfaces various shapes, including sinuous or rounded ones.
  • Big choice. The ability to use a certain type of profile for a specific type of construction work.

Sheet pile Larsen L4 technical characteristics

The Larsen L4 sheet piling has the appearance of a trough rolling structure. Produced from St3kp and St3sp steel using hot rolling technology. Metal grade 16XG is used less frequently.

Rice. 4

Description of sheet pile Larsen L4:

  • The cross-sectional area of ​​​​the profile is ninety-four square centimeters.
  • The mass of one linear meter is seventy-two kilograms.
  • The length of the metal plate starts from five to twenty-two meters. The measured length of the profile varies from ten to twenty-two meters.

Installation of L4 sheet pile profiles is carried out using steam-air diesel hammers or vibration technology. Also, after the completion of construction work, the sheet pile can be removed from the ground and reused.

Prompts for using the Larsen L4 sheet pile:

  • Anticorrosion. Resistance to the appearance of corrosive formations increases the service life.
  • Strength. Resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Storage. Storage of profiles can be carried out in any room and outdoors.
  • Reliability. High stability and strength of metal bases ensure the stability of the constructed structure.

Larsen sheet pile size according to GOST

To visually compare and find out the dimensions of Larsen sheet piles according to GOST, just look at the table below.

Type Profile width, mm Wall width, mm Profile height, mm Wall thickness, mm Shelf thickness, mm Weight 1 meter, kg Number of meters per ton
L4 436 292 204,2 14,8 9,5 74,0 13,5
L5 466 332 196 21,0 11,0 100,0 10,0

Rice. 5

The static indentation method, used to drive sheet piles into the ground, is considered "forgiving", as it is almost silent.

Fig 6

Stages of the process of pressing the tongue:

  • Installation. The location of special equipment at the control points for installing Larsen sheet piles, provided for by the project.
  • . Loading with anchor weights of hydraulic installations.
  • Sheet pile installation. The location of the sheet pile in the clamps of the guide trap.
  • Immersion process. The immediate moment of pressing the sheet pile into the ground and its centering.
  • Permutation. Unloading the pressing unit and its relocation to the next control point.
  • Measurement. Checking the required depth of the sheet pile, its design deviations and other nuances. With a significant difference between the values ​​in the project and the real ones, the sheet pile is reinstalled.

Video, showing the process of indentation of a sheet pile with leader drilling:

Technology Benefits

Advantages of Larsen's sheet pile technology

  • Possibility of application near standing structures;
  • Less power consumption ratio;
  • Small vibration and the practical absence of background noise;
  • High installation speed.
  • The need for use on soils with high water saturation and weak sandy soils.
  • Absence mechanical damage on a sheet pile, while using the percussion method increases the likelihood of breaking the integrity of the sheet pile.
  • Mobility and compactness of the equipment used.
  • Profitability.

Larsen sheet pile price per meter

The initial cost of one linear meter of sheet pile with a diameter of 400 mm starts from three hundred and fifty rubles. Ideally, you can calculate the price in AutoCad using the value table above.

Our Larsen sheet piling services

Our company performs work on Larsen sheet piling by driving on any objects and for various purposes. Most often, this is the fencing of pits during construction work, the installation of artificial reservoirs, the strengthening of embankments along roads under construction and access roads to construction sites and in a number of other cases.

In addition, we carry out the driving of reinforced concrete sheet piles and sheet piles made of metal pipes, and any metal rolling. Such a solution is quite acceptable in the absence of a threat of flooding the pit. The gaps between sheet piles are sewn up with a pick-up from the boards and ensure the safety of the work.

Pipe indentation order

1. The construction company Bogatyr will accept an order for pressing pipes in the city of Moscow. The implementation of work by our company in Moscow and the region is a great responsibility and careful control over the quality of the work performed.

2. Narrow-profile specialists-engineers will quickly and efficiently carry out all calculations. And specially trained workers under the guidance of foremen will accurately fulfill all necessary work within the specified period. For a specific construction site, individual solutions are possible, based on local conditions.

3. Our experts will advise you on any issues and offer the most appropriate options for the work. If necessary, you can get detailed advice by calling the specified phone number.

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