What kind of factory can you open? Which okved should I indicate for the purpose of registration? Ideas for mini-production of building materials

It is profitable to organize a mini production. The absence of the need for large financial investments, the purchase of a minimum amount of equipment and relatively simple entry into the market allow you to make a profit in a short time.

The only caveat is that choosing a mini production idea for a small business should be approached carefully.

Today, a rather difficult situation has developed in the domestic labor market. Finding a well-paid job in your specialty is not easy, and staying in it is even harder.

Therefore, the share of those who decide to open their own business is growing steadily. By providing the population with a certain list of services or trade, you can develop a small business without significant financial investments that will generate a stable income.

However, far-sighted entrepreneurs with experience in doing business are betting on the prospects of the activity and the possibility of expanding it in the future by opening production workshops. Let's figure out what kind of mini-production for small businesses will be in demand in the conditions of Russian reality, where to start organizing it, and whether it really is impossible to do without huge cash injections.

Where to start?

Always start over. Brainstorm business ideas for small production. Before developing a business plan, calculating all the costs in it, working out strategies for business entry into priority markets and analyzing the mistakes of competitors, you should decide on the type of activity.

Choosing a suitable niche is not easy, because there are a lot of nuances to consider:

  • the owner’s competence in the created business;
  • business popularity;
  • needs and specifics of the region;
  • number of competitors;
  • available resources and capacities;
  • availability of distribution channels.

Having decided on a niche, think about how you can surprise consumers, what will set you apart from the crowd of competitors. A “zest” in the activity or a clear difference from analogues will ensure greater turnover.

What is profitable to produce

It makes sense to produce products that will always be in demand. It is better if it does not fall into the seasonal category (for example, umbrellas).

Profitable production for small businesses can be organized for medicines, children's products and food. The demand for these goods is stable and never falls.

But if for the former you need to obtain many permits, and for the latter people can save money by borrowing things for babies from relatives and friends whose children have already grown up, then food will always be sold out.

The question is that it should be in the line of main products and be designed for a consumer with an average income.

For example, a pie shop or bakery near an office center, a pastry shop in the city center or near a park, a meat or sausage shop near markets have every chance of becoming a successful business for its owner.

It is promising to create a mini-production for the production of semi-finished products (pancakes, dumplings, dumplings, cutlets, pizza, vegetable mixtures, etc.).

Small workshop for the production of dumplings

Another area that consistently generates income is the production of items related to the provision of funeral services. Unfortunately, people die all the time, and the funeral process takes place using generally accepted paraphernalia. Therefore, the production of wreaths, monuments, and fences can bring substantial profits.

Be sure to take into account the specifics of the place (district, city) where you are going to organize production. The profitability of the company directly depends on this.

Have you always dreamed of opening your own production, but no money? Then this is your real chance to become a manufacturer. Areas of production, examples with descriptions, advantages of use.

You will find everything about opening an online store from scratch for free in the topic.

Deciding on an idea for a business is half the battle. After all, no one can guarantee your success. A well-thought-out business plan can protect you in this regard. Here detailed instructions on creating a business plan from scratch. Algorithm for drawing up, structure of the plan, advantages of planning.

Opening production: main issues

So, your field of activity has been determined and you are ready to open your own business.

It remains to resolve matters with organizational issues.

Attention should be paid to the following issues:

  1. Business plan development. This is an important document in which you need to write down as many details as possible to bring your idea to life. The most difficult are:
  • The financial part, since it is necessary to form a budget, distribute costs, and predict profitability.
  • The marketing part, which requires a detailed description of the steps to promote a product/service, analysis of competitors, and formation of a pricing policy.
  • The production part, in which it is important to determine the necessary equipment, without buying unnecessary things and replacing expensive equipment / tools / equipment with analogues of lower cost, but of decent quality.
  1. Team. When planning to open a mini-production, it is better to look for a team in advance (possibly from your circle of acquaintances, neighbors, former colleagues, etc.). It is necessary to enter the market quickly, so unskilled staff who are not ready to work beyond the norm at first can “thwart the plans” of even an enterprise doomed to success.
  2. Available/owned capacities. If you have a garage, an apartment on the ground floor or a country house, it is advisable to save on renting premises for production. For example, you can place a car repair shop in a garage, or produce candles and soap in an apartment self made, and at the dacha to produce building materials.
  3. Registration. Any enterprise must operate legally. You can do the registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC yourself or entrust it to a special company. Do not forget about various permits, licenses, as well as documents from the SES and fire inspection (if required).
  4. Equipment. You shouldn’t skimp on quality, but you can save on the name. Branded equipment usually costs an order of magnitude more. It can be replaced with less popular analogues. The only thing is to purchase equipment for production when organizing a small business from trusted suppliers. Don’t be lazy to make inquiries about this or that seller and, in fact, the product. Study carefully technical specifications, rules and operating conditions, and also check the availability of certificates and warranty documents for the purchased equipment.
  5. Starting capital. The amount of funds required will be visible in the business plan. If there is not enough money, you can try to find an investor (among your social circle, on specialized exchanges, from large shareholder companies). In general, organizing a mini-production can cost from 20 to 200 thousand rubles. on average depending on the type of activity.

Even taking into account the complexity of the organization, the creation of a mini-production is considered very promising. You don't have to have huge capital to do this. Some activities are easy to organize in own home or a garage, while others have a low cost in principle.

Many entrepreneurs are already beginning to remember with some “longing” the time of a year ago. When there were no sanctions, no crisis. Small businesses had just managed to “recover” from the tax increase in 2013, which, by the way, forced many individual entrepreneurs to close, when suddenly, like a thunderbolt clear skies“Political turmoil broke out. However, if you consider them as a test of strength that will benefit your business, then everything is not so scary.

2014 made absolutely everyone who has any kind of business “worry”, forced them to change their approaches to business, reconsider their views, and internally prepare for even greater challenges. The main changes, of course, have occurred in the foreign exchange markets, online business, and trading. Demand for some goods has almost halved, and many businesses have had to either close or change their focus. But it became clear that many industries in small and medium-sized businesses will strengthen their positions, and that it is profitable to produce and sell own products and not engage in resale.

It is this circumstance that literally “shocks” many owners. retail outlets. After all, in order to establish your production you need to make a lot more effort, invest more money than when trading. However, in any business there are a lot of both positive aspects and negative aspects.

For example, a huge plus at present is that any domestic production must receive support from the state. I would like to believe that all this will not be in words, but in deeds. Whether this is so is for you to check. We have already written about what is best to trade during a crisis, now we will look at what is profitable to produce.

For whom to produce?

To begin with, it is worth deciding for which segments of the population you will produce your products. The lessons of history cannot be neglected, and they show us that the more difficult the situation in the country, the wider the “gap” between different social categories of citizens. But the “elite” of society does not disdain domestic goods, and its “poor” part gives greater preference.

Therefore, decide for yourself, taking into account your capabilities, connections, and goals, whether you will produce economy-class goods or produce expensive products.

As we have repeatedly said in our previous publications, and today we will repeat again: the most profitable business that will “stand” under any political and economic situation in the country, changes in tax legislation, etc. – this is the production of essential goods, that is, those that the population cannot do without in any situation. Let's look at some of the main types of things that are profitable to produce.


It’s trite to say this, but everyone always wants to eat. Therefore, the products will be in demand in any case. Moreover, the products included in the minimum consumer basket: eggs, milk, bread (see “How to open a bakery from scratch”), meat (see “Raising pigs”, “Raising sheep at home”, “Raising rabbits”), fish ( see “How to rent a pond”), some types of vegetables and fruits, oil (“Production of sunflower oil”), etc. This is a huge “field” for the owner of future production. Even more competition in food industry will not prevent anyone who wants to open their own business in this area:

  • Firstly, any product will find its buyer .
  • Secondly, increasingly the consumer began to give preference natural products , produced/grown on our own farm. To organize such a farm you don’t need any extra investments, the main thing is desire.


So, our consumer has eaten, now he needs to put on something. In conditions of crisis and austerity, which many families in Russia have switched to, branded items have faded into the background, giving way to to a domestic manufacturer. At this time, the idea of ​​opening your own sewing studio, engaged in both tailoring clothes to order and repairing them, will undoubtedly be very relevant.

"Spoiled" for a few recent years wide range goods to the consumer, it will be quite difficult to abandon the already established habit of comfort. Whatever you say, the welfare of citizens has increased significantly over the past ten years. Many people have become able to buy real estate, good furniture, travel abroad, etc. Now you can afford the same furniture with caution.

In this regard, custom-made furniture, or economical versions of cabinet furniture made from fiberboard, chipboard, etc., have become popular. Open a small workshop for the production of such furniture, and not “rack your brains” about what is profitable to produce for a man, whose hands “grow from the right place” will not be difficult. The idea of ​​​​making wicker furniture may also be interesting, which you can find out about by clicking on the link.

Another type of business that will always be in demand is the production of goods for funerals:

  • coffins
  • crosses
  • fence
  • benches and benches
  • wreaths

Until scientists discover the secret of immortality, the ritual business will always be in trend. Organizing the production of ritual goods is not at all difficult, especially if you have a reliable business plan, the writing of which you can order on this website.

Service sector

It is also impossible not to mention some types of services, which, given the general economic tension, are only “gaining momentum.” These include the services of a “husband for an hour”, engaged in minor home repairs, and providing other services that require male strength, or skills and abilities. You can find out more about this.

In conclusion

Before asking yourself the question “what is profitable to produce”, ask yourself whether you can handle this business. Do you have enough motivation, drive, a solid goal, and an action plan to achieve it? After all, this is perhaps the main thing you need to organize your business. Money, necessary contacts, and so on are also, of course, important, but secondary.

During the crisis, many beginning entrepreneurs, in order not to risk their money, are looking for an opportunity to start from scratch with minimal capital. If you carefully analyze the manufacturing sector, you can find many profitable directions, which do not require large financial investments. We will try to figure out what kind of production is profitable to open in 2018 in this publication.

Picture and photo frames

You can build a profitable business on these simple decorative elements. successful business. If you can’t decide what kind of small production you can open at home, try implementing this simple and fairly promising idea in 2018.

Picture frames are always in demand on the market, since sales of such products do not depend on seasonality. To open such a business, you do not need to obtain special permits or purchase equipment. The easiest way to organize such production is on the basis of an existing carpentry workshop or in your own garage.

Most profitable option– production of baguette frames to order. In this case, you will not have to invest your money in purchasing material. The production of frames is quite labor-intensive work, since some operations, such as gilding and varnishing, are performed manually. It can take from 1 hour to 4 days to make one frame. The cost of the product largely depends on its size and complexity of work. In order for this to bring additional profit, you can offer decoration to clients finished products or making various boxes and souvenirs.

Inflatable boats

Many modern people prefer active types of recreation, therefore lately The demand for inflatable boats began to grow. They are bought by fishing and hunting enthusiasts, athletes and ordinary tourists. The production of inflatable boats is an excellent option for people who are interested in what mini-production is profitable to open in 2018. Inexpensive, high-quality, easy-to-use products are in greatest demand.

On at the moment The inflatable boat market is not completely saturated, but despite this, there are still competitors. Such products are supplied by domestic and foreign manufacturers. To open the production of inflatable boats, you will need certain capital investments. Investments pay off very quickly, since such a business is highly profitable. In addition, it is necessary to hire qualified specialists with great experience in this area.

The most important advantage of this line of activity is that it does not require large capital investments. To organize production you will need approximately 50 thousand rubles. To save money at the start, you can make special equipment yourself.

Pottery art can be mastered in special courses or using video tutorials on the Internet. This is great. For it to bring good profits, you need to find reliable sales channels finished products. This is very important point which must be taken into account when developing a business plan for an enterprise.

Paper bags

According to experts, the production of paper bags is considered the most stable and promising type of business activity. This new business an idea from scratch for a small business in 2018, with the right approach, will allow you to make a decent fortune. In order to achieve success in this matter, it is necessary to purchase special equipment. Its cost largely depends on the performance, power and efficiency of the installation. A regular machine costs approximately 140-160 thousand rubles. Since the business has a quick payback, if your financial capabilities allow, you can immediately purchase an automated line that produces about 200 blanks in 1 hour.

In addition to the machines, you also need to purchase a mechanism for stitching the bottom of bags, a printing machine with multi-color printing and a perforating machine. As a rule, all beginners buy used equipment. Over time, when the enterprise reaches a net profit, you can re-equip production and purchase an expensive automatic line. This profitable one allows you to quickly promote your business and achieve serious profits.


Anyone can organize the production of non-freezing liquid in their own garage. This is the most best way, . All you need to do is buy small installation for mixing ingredients and plastic containers.

The technology for producing anti-freeze is very simple. It can be mastered by anyone without special education or any experience. The initial investment pays off in the shortest possible time. It takes literally 1 year to reach the break-even point. Profit largely depends on the volume of finished products. The cost of anti-freeze is 40% lower than it is wholesale price. This opens up great prospects for beginners. If things go well, after a certain time you can open a small enterprise for the production of automotive technical fluids and significantly increase your income.


During a crisis, many aspiring businessmen are thinking about what kind of profitable production they can open with minimal investment. In difficult economic conditions, the demand for inexpensive food products, and in particular, for pasta. Such a product can be found in any store, but despite this, experts believe that the market is not yet oversaturated with these products, so beginners can safely open their own business in this segment.

To produce pasta you will need special equipment. If your budget does not allow you to purchase imported production line, buy a few used domestic units and get to work. They can be found through advertisements on the Internet.

It is more profitable to sell finished products in bulk to shops, canteens, supermarkets, etc. At first, goods will be taken in small quantities. If the products are of high quality, the demand for it will grow, and over time you will be able to sell pasta in large volumes. Thanks to this, the profitability of the enterprise will significantly increase. You no longer have to think about what kind of production to open in the city, since a small pasta workshop will fully provide for your entire family.

Cinder blocks

The difficult economic situation and financial instability makes many people think about what kind of production they can open in a private home in order to improve their financial situation. Most affordable option- This is the production of cinder blocks. This kind of thing can be organized in literally 2-3 days. It is enough to purchase raw materials and install special equipment. Before starting work, you need to find distribution channels for finished products. This is a very important point, because without established sales you will not be able to achieve a stable income.

In terms of equipment, you will need:

  • Cinder block machine;
  • Concrete mixer;
  • Forms;
  • Construction wheelbarrow;
  • Shovels.

For all this you will spend 1-2 thousand dollars. The initial investment will be returned after the sale of the first 3-4 batches of products. As you can see, this is not a very costly production for a small business, so if you have the desire and free money, try to start such a profitable business.

Video on the topic


The popularity of dumplings is only growing every year. Almost all citizens of our country love this tasty and satisfying dish. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to make homemade dumplings on their own. In addition, such a process takes a lot of time. It is much more convenient to buy frozen dumplings in a store, quickly cook them and serve them for lunch or dinner.

At the stage of drawing up a business plan, each entrepreneur carefully studies the current situation on the market in order to determine the most popular areas of business. This step allows you to create a profitable project that will become a source of regular income. However, it is not always possible to create a thriving business. Many beginners often make mistakes when choosing the direction of their future activities. In order to avoid failure, it is very important to carefully evaluate the prospects of the chosen activity and study consumer demand. In this article, we propose to discuss the most popular production facilities in Russia.

Profitability is a quick payback, high income and low risk percentage

Analysis of the current situation in Russia for small businesses

Study of the situation established on modern market, is one of the main stages of preparation for the implementation of a business project. It is important to note here that you can create a profitable project both in the service sector and in various directions commercial activities. It should be mentioned that the above areas have the highest level of competition, which leads to various difficulties in creating a business. It is this factor that forces many entrepreneurs to pay attention to the sphere of production and engage in the manufacture of various goods.

This market niche is large in scale and includes several dozen different areas. Before creating your own business, an entrepreneur needs to carefully study all the subtleties and nuances associated with the production itself. First of all, you need to understand that the discovery own production will require large financial investments at each stage of the project.

Despite the high complexity of the organization, the manufacturing business has the highest profitability.

According to statistics, modern Russian market rich in imported goods, the cost of which is quite high for most citizens of our country. This factor contributes to the emergence of domestic enterprises that are ready to offer similar products at a lower cost. In order for the products offered to be highly competitive, the entrepreneur needs to create an ideal proportion between the quality of the products offered and their price.

When implementing a project related to the creation of production, special attention should be paid to bureaucratic issues. In order to start your own business, an entrepreneur needs to go through state registration and get a bunch of permits. Having a complete package of documents allows you to conduct a legal business and not be afraid of inspections by regulatory authorities.

In order to create a successful and profitable project, an entrepreneur will need to make Herculean efforts at the preparation stage. At this stage, it is very important to identify the most popular products in the region where you plan to do business. This step will allow you to create a preliminary assessment of the sales market and determine the main stages of business development. It is quite difficult to identify a scarce product, but you should remember that all the efforts made will result in profit. When conducting analysis, it is very important to pay attention to the pricing policy and behavior of competitors. Based on the available information, it is possible to create an individual operating scheme for the future enterprise, which will reduce the cost of production of the selected product.

Business in the manufacturing sector practically guarantees the entrepreneur high profits and a stable income

The most popular areas of small business

In order to choose the most profitable direction of production activity, a businessman needs to carefully study various product groups. The demand for goods is assessed based on criteria such as:

  1. Features of the region and economic conditions.
  2. Solvency of potential clients.
  3. The influence of seasonality and fashion trends.

You need to understand that in warm regions there is little demand for goods such as down jackets and fur coats, and in the Far North there is no demand for swimsuits and shorts. In order to determine the level of demand for production, it is necessary to carefully study the magnitude and elasticity of demand for similar goods, as well as the amount of raw materials and consumables freely available. In addition, it is very important to determine the rate of return on investment. Based on these criteria, it is possible to identify the most profitable production in Russia today. Below, we propose to consider in detail several different areas of this business, which is very popular.


Construction and renovation work are held both in large cities and small towns. This aspect allows us to assert that a business based on the production of building materials can bring large profits. In order to wisely choose a specific niche for your enterprise, an entrepreneur needs to carefully assess the size of his own capital.

One of the quite profitable types of business is the production of paving slabs, facing bricks and foam blocks. This direction does not require large expenses for organizing a workshop. It should be noted here that a significant part of the production equipment can be made at home. Some entrepreneurs use industrial and household waste as raw materials. An example is a business based on the production of paving slabs from recycled car tires.

Materials for interior decoration premises are also in high demand. Today, many entrepreneurs open small workshops specializing in the manufacture of doors and windows. This type of business also does not require significant financial investments to implement the project.

According to experts, construction industry is a large market segment consisting of dozens of different areas. You need to choose a specific area taking into account both the material base and existing professional knowledge. You need to understand that attempting to implement a large-scale project may cause losses. It is more advisable to start a business with a narrow specialization. This approach will allow you to create an initial customer base and receive practical experience entrepreneurial activity.

Entrepreneurship related to the production of food or industrial products is a complex, but long-term and promising business


Food products are the most profitable production for small businesses due to high and stable consumer demand. At the stage of preparation for this business, it is very important to conduct in-depth analytical research in order to identify scarce goods in a particular region. From an economic point of view, the production of food products is a budgetary area of ​​entrepreneurship. However, this area implies strict compliance with strict frameworks that are established by control authorities.

As practice shows, it is best for beginners in this business to start by manufacturing products that have a long shelf life. This category includes various semi-finished products and pasta. Dumplings, manti and dumplings are in high demand among consumers. The production of these goods can be established in a regular kitchen. The main advantage of this direction is the relatively low cost industrial equipment. One more actual idea is the creation of a cheese factory. Despite the fact that this business requires large investments, the created workshop quickly recoups all investments.

It should also be noted that some ideas from this direction can be implemented with minimal financial costs. These areas include a small home smokehouse or bakery. Another popular look business - making beer at home. Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the production of food products is one of the largest niches today.

Light industry

Light industry is a very popular area of ​​small business. Many residents of our country strive to improve their living conditions. This aspect contributes to the growth in demand for upholstered and cabinet furniture, garden sets and various interior items. The profitability level of this area is about thirty-five percent. In order to achieve this indicator, an entrepreneur needs not only to competently develop a business plan, but also to correctly implement his idea. As practice shows, setting up a business does not require large expenses, which significantly reduces the payback period of invested capital.

Soap making, toilet paper production and hygiene products are highly profitable production for small businesses. Products belonging to this category are in high demand and are purchased by thousands of Russians every day. Starting such a business does not require large initial investments and can become a source stable income. In regions where tourism is highly developed, it is more appropriate to focus on making souvenirs. In other cities, it is more appropriate to open sewing studio and start production leather goods and accessories.

Owning your own business is a rather complex and time-consuming process.

Pet products

According to statistics, every third family has one or more pets. This means that more than thirty percent of Russians are regular buyers of various pet products. All products presented on this market can be divided into four separate categories:

  1. Dog food– products presented in this category cover about forty-four percent of the market.
  2. Cat food– products presented in this segment occupy about twenty-six percent of the niche.
  3. Cosmetics and care products- about twenty-five percent of the niche.
  4. Food for rodents, fish and birds- about five percent of the market.

Based on the above statistics, we can conclude that the highest competition is present in the field of manufacturing food products for pets. In order to enter this business, it is more advisable for beginners to start with those niches where the competition is softer. Great idea to start own project could be the production of diapers, shampoos and other cosmetics intended for pets.

The issue related to the production of furniture for pets deserves special attention. This direction has its own characteristics in the form of requirements of potential clients. The created product must have a universal, unique design and be made from natural materials. Today, there is a high demand for both bedding and beds, as well as entire complexes designed for pets to play.


Tourism is one of the largest market areas, both for Russia and the rest of the world. As a rule, novice businessmen choose this area to create their own travel agencies or hotels. Such enterprises require large financial investments. In the absence of a large amount cash it is more appropriate to focus on the manufacture of clothing, accessories and equipment intended for tourism. In order to successfully implement such an idea, it is very important to know many of the subtleties of active tourism.

An example of one of the popular trends is the production of spacious tourist backpacks. In addition, you can make hammocks, tents, rubber boats and sun loungers. It is more advisable to sell this product through online stores or specialized trading platforms.

Automotive equipment

Every year the number of car owners is growing steadily. This means that various equipment designed for cars will be in constant demand. To organize a workshop for the production of main components and body structural elements, large capital will be required. This money needs to be invested in the purchase of various machines, presses and other specialized equipment. For beginners in this direction, it is more advisable to start a business with the production of covers, vinyl film or car stickers. These areas do not require large organizational expenses, and the projects themselves pay for themselves in a few months.

Enough promising direction is the production of creative wipers. As an idea, you can take traffic police officers waving batons, animals wagging their tails or any famous personalities. Manufactured products can be distributed through social media, forums for car enthusiasts and trading platforms.

The most profitable areas of business activity are manufacturing and services.

Profitable prospects

It is important to pay attention to the fact that in many sectors of the domestic market exclusively foreign goods are represented. This trend is observed both in the field household appliances, and food products. Many domestic manufacturing companies use raw materials and consumables as the core elements of their products. Today, building a profitable production for small businesses is quite difficult, since the products offered must withstand competition with foreign analogues. In order to attract the attention of compatriots, a businessman needs to offer a high-quality product at a price lower than that of its main competitors.

When analyzing the current market situation, it is very important to take into account the needs of not only ordinary citizens, but also other businessmen. The B2B market is as broad as the consumer market. Working in several directions allows you to significantly increase profits and get larger client base. Many entrepreneurs who own their own production strive to reduce costs by using domestic raw materials and consumable components. This means that entrepreneurs producing products that are in high demand will quickly recoup their investment and be able to expand their reach in the market.

Conclusions (+ video)

In this article we looked at many different ideas related to organizing your own production. Each of these ideas has a number of features, subtleties and nuances. When choosing a specific project, a future businessman needs to develop a competent business plan containing not only financial model, but also a thorough analysis of competitors. This approach will allow you to get profitable business, which will not require additional financial investments.

Mini factories for small businesses – 5 advantages + features of running such production + 6 examples + 9 best mini factories.

People who decide to engage in private entrepreneurship face certain problems even at initial stage. Which field of activity should I choose? Where can I buy suitable equipment? How to save money?

Mini factories for small businessesgood decision for young businessmen, which simplifies the search for answers to the questions raised above.

Why is it worth purchasing a plant in mini format?

Before you start your own manufacturing business, you need to pay attention to all the pros and cons of such activities.

The advantages of buying a mini plant for business include the following factors:


    Small size compared to full-fledged plants, this equipment easy to assemble, install and transport.

    Some mini factories are equipped with wheels, which allows you to quickly move them from one point to another.

    Small dimensions.

    This feature allows you not only to save on renting land and premises, but also, if necessary, to change the location of the mini-factory without special expenses.

    Low cash costs to start a business.

    Thanks to the small size of the mini plant, it becomes possible to save not only on territory, but also on electricity. In addition, maintenance of such equipment does not cause any special problems.


    This is probably the main factor that indicates the benefits of such a business.

    Relatively small economic costs make it possible to create an effective enterprise that is capable of full competition in the chosen field of activity.

As for the disadvantages of mini factories for small businesses, there are not many of them. They are mainly due to the fact that the equipment. This makes it difficult to purchase the necessary parts in the event of a malfunction.

But if you take the choice of a mini plant seriously, you can choose equipment that will serve you for a long time. In addition, recently there have been many Russian enterprises who specialize in the manufacture of such equipment.

Features of doing business using mini factories

Compared to large factories, starting a business using such equipment is much easier. But here too there are some nuances and peculiarities.

No. 1. Choosing a niche.

To begin with, as in any business, you need to decide in which area of ​​production you are going to work. It is advisable that the chosen activity is close and understandable to you.

Competitiveness and demand in the region play an important role when choosing a business direction. It is best to occupy a niche that has great prospects, but has not yet gained popularity among private entrepreneurs.

Time plays a big role. The faster you start manufacturing a unique product in your region, the greater your chances of taking a leading position in this area of ​​production.

No. 2. Business plan.

Clear and competent drafting of your own business is a very important factor in entrepreneurial activity.

For your business to be successful, you need to work on the following main points:

  • Calculate all expected expenses, from the purchase of a mini plant to the cost of packaging the finished product.
  • Methods of delivering products to the consumer, transportation costs.
  • Search for a sales market.
  • Location of mini-format plant, search for employees.

    Rural areas are most often used, since the cost of land is low, and the level of wages for workers is much lower than in large metropolitan areas.

No. 3. Preparation of necessary documents.

The main advantage of opening a mini-format plant is that to start a business it will be enough to register as an Individual Entrepreneur. To do this, you should study the corresponding section of the Federal Tax Service website: https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/ip/interest/reg_ip/petition/.

Otherwise, everything happens according to the standard scheme: obtaining permission to open a mini-plant from various municipalities; inspections of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.

The speed of processing documents and obtaining permission from local authorities has a positive impact if your business is connected with social significance for the area. For example, a mini waste processing plant will receive government approval. In this case, there will even be a good chance to receive financial support from the state for business development.

Mini factories for small businesses - an overview of the best options

Today there are many ideas for developing small businesses in Russia using mini factories. This popularity is due, first of all, to the need to make small cash investments in business development.

Many investors are also attracted by the quick payback of the mini plant.

Taking into account the above reasons, we can identify several areas of production that are of great interest from Russian entrepreneurs:


    The most popular area of ​​activity in our country, which contributes to the emergence of a wide variety of mini factories. There are separate units for the production of concrete, bricks, consumable building materials, etc.

    Also has a wide range of activities. You can purchase mini factories of different directions:

    • meat processing;
    • production of dairy products;
    • production of confectionery and bakery products;
    • juice production, etc.
  1. Garbage recycling.

    This field of activity, against the backdrop of global concern about the state of the environment, is gaining great popularity in the Russian Federation. A significant advantage of such a business is approval from the authorities, which gives a chance to count on subsidies from the state.

    Light industry.

    It is quite profitable to open a mini plant for the production of textile and knitwear products (clothing, shoes), household goods, cosmetics, etc.

Whatever production area you choose, the main thing is to have knowledge in this area, analyze the competitive ability and demand for the product. This will significantly improve the efficiency of your enterprise.

Let's look at a few examples that use mini-format plants for small businesses.

Example No. 1. Brick production.

The cost of such equipment ranges from 1 million rubles and more. It is worth noting that the costs of producing bricks are quite high. Buying one piece of equipment is not enough here - you will need different equipment. Also, the purchase of raw materials takes a considerable amount of money.

For example, to make 1,000 bricks you will need about 800 kg of cement, 300 liters of water and more than 3,000 kg of basic raw materials. The power of equipment for such a business is usually very high, which also requires high costs for electricity.

As we can see, a mini brick production plant requires considerable material costs. However, the “financial return” from such an enterprise is very good. Many aspiring entrepreneurs subsequently expanded their business, which brought even greater profits.

Example No. 2. Production of compound feed.

It is advisable to open such an enterprise in rural areas, closer to farmers' pastures. This way, you will quickly gain a clientele and save on delivery of goods.

This equipment processes and crushes grain (corn, wheat, barley, etc.). From crusher screen sizes to to a greater extent depends on the quality of the product. You can use a garage or barn as a room. No heating required.

Due to its favorable location (near grain fields), most of the raw materials can be obtained from local farmers and agricultural enterprises.

Example No. 3. Concrete production.

To organize such a mini plant, you will need a concrete mixer, with which you can obtain a high-quality product. This option is most likely perfect for large construction companies that service large projects. This can significantly simplify the organization’s work and allow you to save money (you won’t have to use the services of third-party companies).

The mini-format concrete production plant is often made mobile so that it can be moved from one construction site to another. Transportation can be carried out using a tug or tractor.

You don't have to be an owner to buy this equipment. construction organization. It can also be purchased by a private entrepreneur in order to rent it out to the same construction companies.

Example No. 4. Production of foam blocks.

Foam block is a very popular material in construction. The equipment for their production is somewhat reminiscent of concrete mixers. However, the mixture is mixed in such a way that peculiar bubbles are formed in the finished material. This is done using a foam generator.

The main part of the costs for the production of foam blocks will be the purchase of cement. Before opening such a business, be sure to find a cement supplier who works on favorable terms.

The production of foam blocks attracts many entrepreneurs because it does not require the use of any special technologies. The business is quite simple and straightforward.

Example No. 5. Milk processing.

The milk processing business is more complex than previous examples. It is a whole complex, which consists of several stages of production. Accordingly, several pieces of equipment will be needed to create a full-fledged mini plant.

Depending on the cost of equipment, such a complex can process from 250 kg to 25 tons of milk in 24 hours. As a result, you can get a variety of dairy products (cottage cheese, Adyghe cheese, sour cream, etc.)

When opening such a business, you must clearly understand how much raw material you will have. This determines how much money you will spend on purchasing equipment.

To launch such production, small workshops are usually organized.

Example No. 6. Garbage recycling.

This type of activity is very popular in Europe. The reason for this is the growing population in these countries, which leads to an increase in the amount of waste produced. In addition, the ecological condition of the Earth is getting worse, which forces us to come up with new ways to dispose of household waste.

Since this area of ​​business receives increased attention from the state and is related to the environment, it has some difficulties in processing documents. The bureaucratic process can drag on for several months. It is necessary to obtain a license from the Ministry of Environment, permission from sanitary and fire services, and much more.

The cost of opening such an enterprise can be several million dollars. However, you can limit yourself to a business that specializes in recycling one type of waste. For example, let's say you want to start recycling plastic.

To do this you will need:

  • sorting unit;
  • conveyor;
  • press;
  • storage space.

You can improve your business and buy additional melting furnaces. This solution will significantly increase your income, since you will not only sort the garbage, but also recycle it.

The following video will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of mini-production.

Review of the best business ideas for starting your own mini-business.

Rating of the best mini factories for small businesses

If you decide to create a small business based on the use of a mini plant, then you need to study in detail the characteristics and capabilities of the equipment.

Recently, China has become the leader in the production of such equipment. This is not surprising, because the quality of the equipment is quite high high level, and the pricing policy is very attractive for Russian entrepreneurs.

Mini plantNamePerformanceCost ($)Note
BrickYufeng DMYF500
800-900 bricks in 8 working hours9 000 Raw materials: cement, water, clay.
10 cubic meters concrete per hour11 000 Capable of producing concrete various types. The required area for organizing production is 300 sq.m. Net profit is about $30,000 per month.
BreweryBlonderBeer 300 L
300 l beer/day10 000 4 – 5 different varieties. You will need to purchase additional fermentation containers. Net profit – from 3 to 4 thousand dollars per month.
Toilet paperXY-TQ-1575B
150-200 m of paper/minute16 000 Raw materials: waste paper. Water consumption: 3 cubic meters/day. From 1 ton of raw materials, about 9,000 rolls of finished products are obtained.
Compound feed9FH-500
1500 kg/hour2 000 Functions: grain crushing, processing of sawdust, straw, hay, bran.
Gas silicate blocksPremium Brick Plus
60,000 cubic meters/year13 000 Net profit is about $6,000.
Canned fishNPO "MINIPLANT"
800 cans per hour11 000 You will need 2-3 employees. Profit: from $10,000 per month.
TextileHengyu Hja-610
50 m of fabric/day16 000 Profit: $6,000/month.
Milk processingGEONETconsult
300 l/hour300 l/hourNet income: 14-15 thousand dollars.

Before opening your own business, you need to carefully evaluate your capabilities, monitor the demand market, competitors, and learn all the intricacies of paperwork. Only after this can you decide which mini factories to buy for small businesses.

A good way to save money is to buy used equipment. This way you can set aside a significant amount to purchase raw materials.

The main thing is to understand that a successful business largely depends not on expensive equipment, but on your desire and competent work.

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