When to plant raspberries in the Rostov region. Planting raspberries in the fall - figuring out the best timing and methods. Culture requirements for soil and planting site

Raspberries are an excellent example of a berry that is easier and cheaper to grow in your own garden than to buy. For a long time it has been valued for its amazing taste, delicate aroma and medicinal qualities. If you don’t already have this amazing plant in your garden, then you should definitely plant it, because the berries you pick yourself have a special taste and smell.

Raspberries require little maintenance compared to the value of the crop they produce. How to plant raspberries? Autumn or spring? This article will answer these questions.

Basic Steps

How to plant raspberries in the fall? In principle, this is not a difficult matter. You just have to follow certain rules.

This crop thrives best in cool climates. The landing site should be sunny. In southern regions, partial shade should be chosen. The culture does not like heavy clay soil; drained, light soil is desirable. It’s a good idea to add humus. It is recommended to apply fertilizers to the soil in the fall.

Which landing method should I choose?

For raspberries there are different variants plantings: strip, bush, sparse. In the first case, seedlings are placed at equal intervals in one line. For low-growing varieties this distance is 30-35 cm, for tall varieties - 50-70 cm. The cuttings are planted in a common trench or separate holes. The sparse method involves planting two seedlings per hole at a distance of 70-80 cm.

With the bush method, separate bushes are formed from seedlings, placing several young shoots in holes. The distance between such groups is 100-180 cm. The latter method is convenient when arranging raspberries in several places on the site, the rest are suitable for forming a hedge or planting along a fence.

Process technology

In the selected areas, you should dig shallow holes or trenches, add compost - a bucket for each plant, as well as ash or lime. The seedlings need to be kept in water for a couple of hours; you can add Kornevin to the water. Before planting, seedlings are cut to 25 cm. Then the leaves will not take moisture from the plant stem.

Then the shoots are carefully lowered into the hole, the roots are straightened, and sprinkled with dry soil. Next, the trench is filled with fertile soil. The earth around the stem is lightly squeezed, without compacting it too much. It is important to maintain the correct planting depth.

Some gardeners practice planting several varieties together, getting raspberries with different terms ripening of berries.

Landing dates

There is no consensus on when to plant raspberries. Some say that better in spring, others - in the fall. In principle, everyone is right. Raspberries can be planted at any time, except perhaps in winter.

The main thing is not to forget existing rules agricultural technology. Autumn time has its advantages. From capricious spring weather depends on the timing; it takes root worse, is still weak, and is not provided with sufficient moisture. Therefore, we will consider in detail how to plant raspberries in the fall. As soon as the replacement buds ripen on the root collar, indicating the end of the growing season of the shoots, the time for planting comes. To do this, we select annual root shoots that have grown from adventitious buds on the roots of the mother plants.

Prepare and use planting material in October-November, since it is still better to plant raspberries in the fall. The main thing is to do everything no later than 2 weeks before cold weather and freezing of the soil. Planted shoots should be well watered. To avoid damage in winter, the lower ones are hilled up.

Soil with peat or straw. These actions will improve it, prevent weeds from germinating, and retain moisture. If you plant raspberries in the spring, there is a high probability of excessive drying of the root system, and therefore poor plant survival. Therefore, autumn planting is most optimal. The root buds of the seedlings must be sprinkled with earth and then mulched. We check the correctness of planting: carefully pull the shoot up. If it sits unsteadily in the ground, the planting is bad, incorrect, and the seedling needs to be replanted.

How to plant raspberries - whether in autumn or spring, it is up to the gardener to decide. The recommendations given in the article and personal experience will help you accept the right decision. It is quite possible to grow healthy and tasty berries if you put in a little effort.

Most gardeners try to plant young raspberries in the fall, but is it necessary? Let's look at the advantages of such planting and the technology for carrying out this agrotechnical event.

Why is it better to plant raspberries in autumn?

Planting raspberries in the fall is considered more advisable, since the seedlings take root better and get used to it faster. environment, and in the spring they begin to actively develop, without wasting energy on adaptation.

Compliance with the rules planting work and successful wintering allow you to harvest the first harvest already at next year.

In the first year after planting, it is necessary to cut off fruiting shoots. Raspberries planted in the spring do not have time to take root properly, because with the onset of heat, active movement of juices begins inside the plant, aimed at the growth of the green part, and there are simply no vitamins left for the roots. And the bad one root system in turn, negatively affects overall development.

By planting raspberries in a timely manner in the fall, gardeners give them the opportunity to take root before the cold weather. It is also worth noting the climatic conditions during this period of time - in most regions of Russia it prevails cool and humid weather, which is ideal for root formation. In the southern regions there is a long warm autumn with precipitation and mild winter, therefore, it is better for residents of these areas to plant raspberries in September, since the plant is moisture-loving and does not like too much high temperatures, typical for summer. Important! IN middle lane need to Special attention pay attention to wintering young seedlings so as not to destroy the raspberry tree.

A small layer of snow on the raspberries will give good protection from negative temperatures, but snowdrifts can destroy all plantings. Covered seedlings often begin to rot, so take care in advance to create a space with dry air.

Only in the north spring planting It is considered preferable to autumn, this is due to the impossibility of guessing exactly when frost will strike. In addition, this region is characterized by snowless winters and severe frosts, which destroy even adult plants. But if you don’t delay planting raspberries and create good conditions for wintering, then there is no need to worry that the seedlings will not take root.

Gardeners often wonder when to plant raspberries in the fall. It is believed that best time falls at the end of September - beginning of October. Although, by and large, a raspberry tree with a closed root system does not care what month it is planted, the main thing is to do it 14 days before the soil freezes.

However, for the future proper development and high yields, it is important to take into account the plant development cycles. So, planting bush raspberries should take place after the end of the growing season, when replacement buds appear on the root neck. At the same time, the growth rate of the bush will decrease and the leaves will begin to fall. In early varieties, this time begins in September, and remontant raspberries develop until the beginning of November.

Unfortunately, the rules of aging are observed only experienced gardeners, taking cuttings from their own bushes for propagation. But beginners have to be content with purchased seedlings, which do not always meet all the requirements. To grow such raspberries, you need to make more efforts and use auxiliary nutrients. When purchasing cuttings, pay attention to them appearance and frost resistance. They must have from one to three mature stems, 7 millimeters in thickness and a well-developed root system.

Important! In non-southern regions, it is better to postpone planting raspberries with low winter hardiness until spring.

Purchased bare-rooted seedlings should be planted as quickly as possible or at least wrapped in a damp cloth to prevent them from drying out.

How to choose a landing site

Having found out which dates for planting raspberries in the fall are considered the best, it’s time to choose a place for raspberry Grows well this culture in light soil with sufficient fertilizer. If there are several types of soil in the garden, it is recommended to plant seedlings in small groups. This event will ensure an increase in the total fruiting period of raspberries.

Also, when choosing a location, you need to consider how comfortable the raspberries grown there will be in subsequent years. Shrubs should develop unhindered and not interfere with each other.

Make sure that there are no groundwater or lowlands with cold air nearby. For raspberries, the south side of the garden and the presence of small buildings nearby that protect from the wind are preferable.

Rows of this crop are usually planted from north to south so that the outer bushes serve additional protection, and all plants received enough light.

Planting raspberries

Before properly planting raspberries in the fall, you need to prepare the seedlings, especially if they are dug out from own garden. Choose only young cuttings coming from the roots of the parent bush. They should be dense and well formed. You can turn a whole bush into planting material by dividing it into parts, leaving one shoot at a time.

Important! Before the planting procedure itself, soil preparation and pruning of raspberries should be carried out. Fertilizers, humus and vitamins are added to the soil. And the seedlings are cleared of foliage and trimmed so that the plant is no higher than 30-35 centimeters in height.

Pruning will certainly speed up the process of plant establishment, and in the future will allow it to actively develop and bear fruit. Otherwise, all energy will be spent on adaptation, and not on the formation of shoots. Gardeners recommend making a special nutrient mixture for the roots by mixing mullein, clay and rootstock.

Herself step-by-step instruction for planting garden raspberries in the fall is no different from the spring procedure.

  1. Usually raspberries are planted in rows; if there are several varieties in the raspberry garden, then there should be 4 meters of free space between them. In a limited area, the distance can be reduced to one and a half meters.
  2. Make special holes, the depth of which is about 30 centimeters, every 60 centimeters.
  3. Bulk humus and other nutrients are added to the hole.
  4. Having placed the roots horizontally, cover them with soil without compacting them. Important! Do not bury the plant too much in the ground, also make sure that the roots do not point up.
  5. Give the planted shrubs a sufficient amount of water.

This crop responds well to soil mulching. The free soil around the bushes is covered with sawdust or hay, which helps retain moisture inside and slow down the growth of weeds. IN winter time organic matter rots and provides additional nutrition.

Wintering of young raspberries

Having figured out how raspberries are planted in the fall, you can take care of preparing for the first winter. Before the onset of cold weather, the seedlings need to be bent, stacked on top of each other. Be sure to tie them with twine or secure them closer to the ground with homemade hooks. They will remain in this position until spring. Important! Carry out the procedure in the afternoon, when the shoots bend easily.

It is not enough to simply press the cuttings to the ground and forget about them until spring. Make sure that in winter period The raspberry tree was covered with snow, pour it into the empty spaces. Raspberry seedlings require fresh air even in winter, so be sure to knock off the ice crust.

In fact, the answer to the question of how to plant young raspberries in the fall is quite simple. Need to take care of making the right choice seedling and prepare the soil.

04.09.2017 15 641

Planting raspberries in the fall - figuring it out best timing and ways

Planting raspberries in the fall will allow you to get a tasty harvest next year. But it is worth taking into account the timing and timing, the quality of planting material and other factors. Great importance depends on the depth of rooting, so only the right set of measures will lead you to success...

Raspberry planting dates and methods

Planting raspberries in autumn - optimal time for its propagation, according to many gardeners and gardeners. At this time, the shoots have time to take root and get stronger before the onset of cold weather, and a hot dry period, as happens when spring transplants, they are not in danger.

Start working no earlier than replacement buds appear on the root collar. In early raspberry varieties this occurs in September, in late raspberries - by October. Finish replanting raspberries a month before frost. It is better not to replant heat-loving varieties in winter.

The timing of planting raspberries depends on climatic conditions each region. An important factor is the weather. If autumn is warm, then in the Urals and Siberia you can plant raspberries in early September, but in case of bad weather, it is better to postpone this process until spring - the bush may freeze.

In the Moscow region and throughout central Russia there is no need to fear such force majeure, so planting raspberries in the fall will bring the first harvest next spring. In the south, for example, in Kuban or Ukraine, raspberries are planted from the end of September to the end of October. In good weather this is possible until mid-November. Before winter, the seedlings will have time to take root and will become full-fledged shoots next year. - not such a complicated process as it might seem at first glance, the main thing is to follow clear instructions.

Time gardening work may shift depending on weather conditions. Raspberries are propagated by woody and green shoots, root and green cuttings, and division of the bush. Root suckers are separated from the bush and thus receive planting material. The best seedlings– 8-10 cm high, with a well-developed rhizome lobe.

Green cuttings can also be replanted. Then, in the spring, they are temporarily buried in the garden bed, grown, and by the fall they receive developed annual shoots, which are planted in a permanent place, and the first harvest is obtained the next year.

Planting raspberries using root cuttings is convenient if you want to avoid diseases that often affect the stems. They dig up an adventitious root, divide it into 10-centimeter sections, plant it in a separate bed and grow cuttings that grow from buds on the roots.

Planting raspberries in the fall - preparing the site

Raspberries grow well in the southern part of the garden; the southwestern side is also suitable, but there should be at least one meter from the buildings. Raspberries are a sunny berry; they do not like cold drafts and shade. You can plant raspberries along the fence, then they receive protection from the wind and are more reliably covered with snow.

The culture is moisture-loving, so it does not do well on dry slopes where water does not linger. The soil should not dry out too much, but swampy areas are also not suitable. The depth of groundwater is allowed to be no more than a meter.

Raspberries love black soil and light soddy-podzolic soils. Soddy sandy loam soils are also acceptable, but sandy soils require annual fertilization with organic matter. Heavy loams are the worst choice.

The best predecessors of raspberries are gooseberries, currants, cucumbers, onions, garlic, melons, legumes. You cannot plant raspberries in place of strawberries or nightshades: tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes; they are also undesirable as neighbors of raspberries.

If you grow several varieties of raspberries, the yield is always higher. Prepare the soil on the site: dig up, remove weeds. High acidity must be reduced by adding slaked lime a couple of years before the planned planting of raspberries. TO clay soil add humus or compost. It is recommended to dilute peat soil with sand in the amount of 4 buckets per square meter.

Fertilize the soil - add humus or compost per square meter - 5-6 kg, superphosphate - 50-60 g or phosphorus - 20 g, as well as potassium sulfate - 50 g or potassium - 25 g. You can replace fertilizers with ash - 100 grams per square meter. Everything is added two months before planting the bushes. Please note that remontant varieties require twice as much fertilizer.

Autumn bush planting technology

For planting raspberries in the fall, only the most powerful shoots are suitable - annual shoots grown from the roots, from adventitious buds. The thickness of the main root of the seedling should be at least a centimeter, the length of the roots should be at least 15 cm. If you bought a plant, then before planting, keep the roots in water for a couple of hours, adding a root formation stimulator (Heteroauxin, Kornevin, etc.). If you are replanting your raspberries, try to dig up a seedling with a lump of earth without damaging the root system.

Raspberries are planted in the fall different ways. The bush scheme involves planting in holes in rows, the interval between which is 2 meters. Shoots are planted in rows every 1 meter, two seedlings in each hole.

With a strip scheme, plants are planted often, at a distance of 0.5 m or even 0.3 m in a row, and as they grow, a continuous wall, or strip, is obtained. It can be 45 cm wide, and if you let it grow - about a meter. If there are several tapes, keep an interval of 2 m between them. A crop planted using the tape method bears fruit faster, but is more difficult to care for.

It is convenient to use the trench option for planting raspberries - moisture accumulates in the recess and nourishes the roots. But if they lie close groundwater, for raspberries, on the contrary, they arrange high beds.

A trench is dug half a meter wide and approximately the same depth. They pour plenty of water into the ditch, put half a bucket of humus in each hole, add 50 grams of superphosphate, potassium sulfate and wood ash and begin landing.

At what depth should I plant raspberries? The roots are immersed in the hole so that the bud at the base of the shoot is just below ground level. Strong deepening slows down the development of the plant, and if planted shallowly, the root buds can dry out and freeze.

The roots are covered with soil, leaving no underground voids, otherwise they may freeze. Make sure they don't peek over the top of the soil. Each bush is watered with a bucket of water. The shoots are tied to stakes or trellises. The branches on the seedlings are cut off, leaving only one 20-centimeter trunk.

The soil surface is mulched with straw, humus, pine bark or sawdust. Mulch prevents moisture from evaporating, prevents overheating of the soil, and prevents the development of weeds and pests.

How to plant raspberries so they don't grow? In the first year, its roots spread a meter from the planting point, and to limit the raspberry patch, create a border at this distance - for example, from pieces of slate dug vertically at a depth of 30 cm.

Almost every gardener knows that September and October are some of the most favorable months for planting shrubs and trees in the garden. Planting raspberries in the fall is also possible. Usually, after the end of the summer days, gardeners try to pay the greatest attention to this shrub in order to get a wonderful harvest of tasty berries next season. However, not all summer residents know when it is better to plant raspberries so that they take root and prepare for wintering.

Boarding time

Does not exist precise recommendations on a specific time when it is better to plant this shrub: it all depends on the raspberry variety and the climatic conditions of a particular region. It is better to plant raspberries in a new place in the fall as soon as they ripen. How to Know When Raspberries Are Ready autumn transplant? Everything is very simple: buds must develop on the root collar of the plant. So, if the raspberry variety is early, then the buds on it will begin to be visible by the second week from the beginning of September. On later varieties, the buds will be clearly visible by October. It is important to complete all planting activities 20 days before frost occurs. This time is enough for the shoots to take root and prepare for winter. Thus, the approximate recommended dates for autumn planting are from mid-September to mid-October.

It is also possible. However, it is more preferable to do this in the autumn. If you comply the right technology, then the raspberries will survive the winter well, and in the spring they will quickly grow, even outstripping a number of plants planted in April-May. Overall care autumn plantings easier. The autumn weather is also favorable for this: in September-October there will be no heat, which can make it difficult for seedlings to take root.

Raspberry varieties

What varieties can you grow on your site? Gardeners especially highlight the following.

  • "Brigantine". Bushes of this variety grow up to 1.8-2 m. The leaves of the bushes are usually large and corrugated. The berries reach a weight of 3-4 grams. They usually grow large, with a large number seeds. The variety has good resistance to fungal diseases. Resists frost well. On average, one bush of such raspberries can produce about 2.5 kg of berries.
  • "Raspberry Diamond" This is one of the best and most popular varieties. It usually produces a heavy harvest, causing the shoots to bend towards the ground. It has medium-sized soft green spines. The leaves of this variety are slightly twisted and wrinkled. The raspberries on such bushes ripen large, red-ruby, with a characteristic shine. The seeds are also often large. One berry can weigh up to 4 grams. This variety tolerates well hot weather and is drought resistant.
  • "Eurasia". This is the most famous remontant raspberry variety. It has good yield and accelerated ripening time. From one such bush you can get up to 2.6 kg of berries. Grows up to 1.6 m in height. The berries are dark in color and can be stored for a long time without changing their taste or shape. The variety perfectly resists frost, is resistant to fungal diseases and some types of harmful insects. The berries on the bushes grow quite large and dense.
  • "Coral".
  • This is a late-ripening dessert variety. The bushes grow up to 2 m in height. The berries of this variety have a pleasant taste. Their color is usually crimson and their size is large. The variety shows good yield. Usually you can collect up to 3 kg of raspberries from one bush.


How to plant raspberries correctly in the fall? This culture is able to survive in the shade. However, if you choose a shady place for this shrub, then it may subsequently produce poor yields. In addition, when a plant is planted in the shade, its shoots become elongated, and full-fledged buds form only at their tips. As a result, there is a possibility that such a plant will not be able to survive the winter.

It is advisable to set aside a sunny area in your dacha that is protected from cold winds for planting this fruit-bearing shrub. Raspberry beds are best oriented in the direction from north to south: when such an orientation is present, the crop will receive a lot of sunlight. This recommendation is especially relevant for the northern regions, where even in summer there are quite a few warm and sunny days.

Raspberries grow well in well-drained and fertile soils. This shrub will also take root on sandy and sandy loam soils, but in this case, the crop will require the application of a large number of organic fertilizers every year.

Not all novice gardeners know how to plant raspberries in the fall. This can be done either using the trench method or in pits. But the first method is recognized as the most popular and is used everywhere, although it is more labor-intensive. Trenches must be prepared in advance. It is better if this is done 20-25 days before planting. When carried out proper preparation trenches, the harvest will be rich and crop care will be simplified.

The selected place for raspberries must be fenced off by driving pegs along the edges. Recommended dimensions of a trench for raspberries: width - 0.5-0.6 m, depth - 0.4-0.45 m. The length should be selected based on the expected length of the raspberry tree. The number of trenches corresponds to the number of future rows with raspberries.

An important stage is clearing the soil for raspberries from perennial weeds. In a raspberry garden, the row spacing needs to be dug up or cultivated regularly. To ensure that there are fewer weeds in them, they can be covered with old linoleum.

  • compost or rotted manure about 10 cm thick;
  • mineral fertilizer (for example, superphosphate);
  • vermicompost.

You don’t have to add fertilizer to the trenches if the soil in the garden is sufficiently fertile. After laying the nutrient mixture, the top of the trench must be covered with a 10-centimeter layer of earth.

For planting, you should choose the most healthy plants. It is better if 2 people participate in planting: one holds the raspberry seedling by the trunk, and the second sprinkles it with soil. Seedlings should be placed at a distance of about 40 cm from each other. When planting them in trenches, you should straighten the roots, water them with water and sprinkle soil on top, compacting the upper layers.

To check whether the planting was done correctly, just try to pull out one of the seedlings. If it does not come out of the ground, this means that everything was done correctly, and if it is easily pulled out, then it is better to replant it.

Some people advise gartering raspberries after planting using the trellis principle. To protect the seedlings during the winter, it is recommended to cover them from excess moisture and cold weather. To do this, you need to cover the roots with fallen leaves, and the shoots with polyethylene, having previously stretched it over the frame.

Bottom line

Raspberries are enough unpretentious culture, planting of which is preferable in autumn. To obtain good harvest, it is important to follow the correct planting technology and prepare the shrub for winter.

In autumn, along with planting, it is also possible to transplant raspberry bushes from one place to another.

The yield of autumn bushes will depend on several factors:

  • correct choice of variety;
  • appropriate place;
  • proper pre-planting preparation.

October and November are the best time in Kuban to plant seedlings in the garden. Fruiting period berry crops ends and a new busy season begins for gardeners. The berries are replaced by roots. About the features autumn period Gardeners Kartavtsevs from the village of Novoselsky told us.

Tops or roots?

What gives gardeners more income - berries or seedlings, so to speak, tops or roots? Spouses Boris Modestovich and Natalya Anatolyevna Kartavtsev believe that both work equally for family budget. Seedlings are no less profitable than tasty berries and extend the agricultural business season:

The factor of constancy is interesting here, says Natalya Anatolyevna. - The season begins with berries, and the seedlings end. The result is a process that smoothly flows from one to another. This is important for our family, because from June, when the first currants, gooseberries, and summer raspberries appear, until late autumn there is an opportunity to earn money.

But here gardeners already proceed from their preferences. If some place more emphasis on receiving more large, high-quality berries, then remove excess growth and normalize (thinning) the plants. In this case, there will be fewer seedlings left.

If the gardener focuses on both berries and seedlings, then more attention needs to be paid to preserving the shoots in order to sell them in the fall.

How to avoid being deceived at fairs?

The Kartavtsevs sell most of their seedlings at regional fairs or at home. They practically don’t have time to go to markets every weekend. Lots of work in the garden.

Having participated in fairs in Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Sochi and Kropotkin, they brought back interesting observations, both positive and negative. On the negative side, the Kartavtsev gardeners noted that a considerable number of seedling dealers at fairs and markets simply earn money without thinking about the quality of the goods they sell. As a result, the purchased plants then do not correspond to the declared parameters - both the berries and the yield are not the same. Sometimes it comes to outright deception when completely different plants are sold under the name of a well-known variety.

At the fairs we were outraged that some traders simply deceive buyers and want to make money in any way, says N.A. Kartavtseva. - For example, I see that the raspberry seedlings have a label on the new summer raspberry variety Cascade Delight (we have successfully tested this variety in our country, I call it raspberries for the lazy, it feels great in our conditions, is productive, does not freeze in winter, does not require garter), and below the picture there is a description of a remontant raspberry variety.

Or another example: they write on a seedling that this is a Joan G raspberry, and in front of you are thorny branches. This means that there is a clear deception of the buyer here. And such things are everywhere. This is scary.

Therefore, I urge gardeners not to indiscriminately take seedlings, guided only by advertising. Study well the varieties that you want to buy, know their parameters. All this information is now available on the Internet. You must understand what you are buying to avoid any pitfalls.

Sometimes it comes to jokes. We were standing at a fair in Kropotkin. They come up and ask: “Do you have raspberries that bear fruit 4 times a year?” Another one comes up: “I need raspberries that bear fruit five times a year”...

Is it like 5 times? This does not exist in nature. And I answer: “Why not 25 times?” We simply laughed at these words.

Apparently someone read somewhere and heard that there are two raspberries a day and such a fable began. Why not say that it bears fruit five times? Not realizing that these words are just stupidity.

Of course, there are gardeners who strictly monitor the grade and do not deceive buyers. But how to distinguish them if you don’t know for sure.

We struggle to find seedlings of new varieties, pay huge amounts of money for them, test them on our site, check their parameters. Until we receive the berries, we do not sell them. The plant must produce berries. A person buys a plant for the harvest, and not for the tops.

There are positive impressions and emotions from participating in the fair. In Rostov-on-Don, we discovered that blackberries are very popular there. We have heard before that they buy blackberries in the Kuban and transport them to Rostov. There is a similar demand for blackberry seedlings. We don’t know why there are such preferences.

There are intelligent buyers with whom it is very interesting to talk, who have scoured the Internet and ask many questions about the features of certain varieties. It is interesting to communicate with such people.

They are already ordering to bring certain varieties to the fair next year. And I’m glad that there are buyers who are interested and know what they will grow on their plot. They select plants according to varieties and ripening periods.

It’s nice that there are a huge number of people who love the earth and love plants. Some people do it better, others worse. Still others will still learn from their mistakes.

My husband Boris and I give it our all at fairs. We explain to people how to grow our plants, their characteristics, and conduct gardening education. We try to ensure that people have a complete understanding of the characteristics of the variety and agricultural technology. Sometimes after a day of work at the fair we go home and just remain silent, because we have talked so much during the day that our tongue hurts. But we know that a person, having received the necessary information from us, will come to us again.

In Kuban we attended fairs in Krasnodar, Kropotkin and Sochi. What is special about Kuban fairs? We have heard the opinion that in our Krasnodar region gardeners are the most active. In Rostov-on-Don we were constantly asked:

Where are you from?

From Krasnodar region.

Where are our Rostovites, what are they doing?! Why are there people in the Krasnodar Territory who grow such crops, but not here?

Buyers at Kuban fairs are happy to purchase the entire range garden crops, there are no special preferences, as in the Rostov region.

Our top sellers were several varieties of summer raspberries: Cascade Delight, Maria, Glen Fine, remontant ones: Joan G and Zyugana, four varieties of dessert blackberries. All our seedlings were taken away before the end of the fairs.

How to plant correctly?

The Kartavtsevs also told us about the rules for planting berry crops:

Planting work is best done in the fall after September 20, since it is by this time that the young plants will be fully formed. We plant throughout October and November, depending on the weather. You can follow lunar calendar, and plant plants during the waxing moon.

The selected raspberry seedling is pruned. Only 25-40 cm of its trunk is left. In this case, you need to make sure that the plant has 1-2 leaves left. Otherwise, during a long, warm autumn, the seedling’s axillary buds may awaken and sprout. The plant will not withstand such a load and will die.

But in order for raspberries and other berry crops to grow and bear fruit well, it is not enough to simply plant them. The site of the future plantation must be carefully prepared. To do this, humus and ash are added to the soil, since berry crops love manured soil filled with organic matter.

Any manure that has been well rotted for at least 2-3 years and has a loose consistency, as well as forest litter consisting of rotted leaves and branches, is used as humus.

But the methods of introducing humus can be different. You can start it with cars land plot, scatter over the soil and work it into the soil with a cultivator. You can dig a trench or holes for planting and add humus directly into them.

Raspberry seedlings do not go deep into the soil when planted.

It is important to maintain distance between rows when planting. For raspberries it should be at least 2 meters. Based on our experience, we advise gardeners “not to be greedy.” Otherwise, over the years, overgrown raspberries will simply become intertwined with branches, and harvesting will become a real torment for you.

The formation of the raspberry row itself can be different: ribbon or nested. At tape method allowed frequent landing seedlings in a row. When raspberries grow, the width of the row is maintained at no more than 50 cm. Everything that grows outside this area is simply weeded out.

There is also a nesting method of planting, when seedlings are planted in a row at a distance of 60-70 cm from each other. IN in this case The size of each raspberry bush is maintained individually to prevent them from growing together. This method is more labor-intensive.

Autumn pruning

One of the features of growing remontant raspberries is hers autumn pruning. Since most varieties are grown for the second fruiting (not all raspberry varieties are capable of producing an equivalent harvest twice a year, both in June and July-September), the raspberry branches are completely cut out in late autumn before the first frost.

If you heard from the weather forecast that autumn frosts are coming, N.A. Kartavtseva advises, take a trimmer or pruning shears and go to the raspberry garden. All branches are cut to the very root.

The only exceptions are tutaymer varieties, which produce two equal harvests per year and summer raspberry, which produces a harvest on the branches of the second year.

The cut branches are burned, and the resulting ash, after cooling, is scattered onto raspberry beds as an excellent fertilizer.

There will be new items

Gardeners Kartavtsevs do not rest on their laurels and continue to expand their collection of berry crops. Now they are waiting for the arrival of new varieties of dessert blackberries, raspberries, and remontant strawberries. There will even be rare new items from the Far East.

Now gardeners do not talk about them in detail. First, they will grow them, test them on their own plot, receive the berries, and then they will tell you whether these plants are suitable for our climate, whether their advertising corresponds to reality.

The Kartavtsevs will be looking forward to next summer to try new varieties of berries.
