Filled linoleum. Liquid linoleum: what kind of miracle-yudo is this. Various species and their composition

Self-leveling floors

Did you know that floors can not be laid, but poured? This coating is called “self-leveling floors”, or, as they are also called, “liquid linoleum”. It turns out that outwardly the self-leveling floor is really very similar to linoleum, and to the touch it resembles a smooth tile: monolithic, even, without seams and gaps. He happens different colors, neutral calm tones prevail among the shades - light green, gray, beige, light brown. Thickness of self-leveling floors different type– from 1 to 7 mm, but recommended by experts optimum thickness coverings for residential premises - 1.5 mm. Why? To make the floor thinner in a living room is impractical, thicker is uneconomical, as it will be required large quantity material. But more about that later.

So, from the point of view of chemists, self-leveling floor is a special seamless polymer coatings. There are several types of floor coverings, which are called self-leveling or industrial:

Methyl methacrylate (from methyl methacrylic resins);

Epoxy (from epoxy resins);

Cement-acrylic (prepared from dry building mix and the so-called "liquid component");

Polyurethane (based on polyurethane).

The first three types of self-leveling floors are more suitable for industrial premises. And for residential, the fourth type is used - polyurethane floors. Why? Of course, all types of floors are safe for health, but polyurethane, in addition to being the most durable and wear-resistant, is also the lightest - the floors from it are more elegant. And besides, this floor looks very good: due to the brilliance and variety of colors. Therefore, our conversation will focus on polyurethane self-leveling floors.

So, self-leveling seamless floors are most often used where increased requirements are imposed on the floor: chemical resistance and abrasion resistance (including under conditions high humidity), the need for antistatic protection or special hygienic requirements. First of all, of course, industrial premises and offices with high traffic, television studios. But living quarters are also suitable: kitchens, bathrooms, cottages, glazed loggias. Or, for example, you can "lay" such floors in the garage and workshop. It is believed that the main disadvantage when using a self-leveling floor in a residential area is a poor choice of colors. But, firstly, there are at least 12 colors of self-leveling floor on sale, which, you see, is not so small. Secondly, the manufacturers of self-leveling floors have come up with an additional and very original decorative special effect; the so-called chips are applied to the fresh coating; - colored particles from pieces acrylic paint, different shapes and sizes. The chips, when they lie in a jar, look like large bright confetti, and applied to the floor, they give the coating depth and resemblance to natural materials such as marble or granite.

Bulk coating options: regular and with "chips". But the most interesting thing in self-leveling floors, in addition to all the above advantages and properties, is the process of their installation! And what is curious, if you wish, you can personally join this sacrament, which is somewhat similar to a shamanic ritual.

To become a happy owner of a self-leveling floor, you will need: two cans with components - a small one and a large one, an electric drill with a nozzle and a rule. It is clear that the most important thing is the cans with components for the future self-leveling floor. In a large bank - component "A". The small one is filled with component "B". Accurate chemical composition manufacturers of self-leveling floors keep these components a secret. The coating technology is the same for all types of self-leveling floors, only the components and properties are different.

So let's get started. We take a small jar and pour its contents into a large one. But to achieve the desired result (that is, to cure the composition), this is not enough. All components must be thoroughly mixed with an electric drill with a special nozzle. After a few minutes, the working mixture of components is ready for application to the surface. And all? No. Before proceeding with the "production" of the self-leveling floor, you need to carefully prepare the surface - level, eliminate potholes, cracks, etc., putty them, prime the base ... In general, a primed base (it can be concrete, stone, tile , metal and even wood) should have a uniform gloss on the surface and not absorb liquid. Only after that it is possible to pour the polyurethane "cocktail" onto the coating and distribute it over the entire floor area with a rule and a spiked roller.

With the help of a movable bar on the rule, you can adjust the thickness of the applied coating: the closer the bar to the floor, the thinner the coating is, and vice versa. The spiked roller helps remove bubbles that have formed on the liquid surface. We have already said that the thickness of the self-leveling floor recommended by experts is 1.5 mm, but if desired, this figure can be increased to 5–7 mm. All these works must be carried out at a room temperature not lower than +5°С and not higher than +25°С and relative humidity air about 60%. Otherwise, the self-leveling floor will "set" longer. On a fresh floor (for beauty), you can apply the already known colored "chips", and after 12 hours cover it with a transparent protective varnish on top. Then wait another 24 hours - and that's it. The new bulk floor is ready "to the use".

By the way, the manufacturers warned me that the self-leveling floor, until it dries, is afraid of moisture: its components react with water. That is why it is important to ensure that the surface on which the bulk coating will be applied is dry (that is, the moisture content of the surface itself should not exceed 5%). Specialists in this case use a device to measure humidity. But if the surface was initially prepared in accordance with all the rules, then after 12–20 hours (after the coating has dried) and in the next four decades, no moisture self-leveling floor won't be scary. Self-leveling floor with "chips" at first glance does not differ from granite

The self-leveling floor is not afraid of blows - no matter what you drop on it, there will be no dents or cracks. He also doesn’t care about temperature changes (that’s why you can “pour” it on a balcony or on country veranda). According to experts, this is a non-toxic and "flammable" coating. And all kinds bulk coatings, both in Europe and in Russia, undergo mandatory certification. And a conscientious manufacturer will never refuse to demonstrate all the necessary certificates for their products. Imported residential flooring will cost at least $40 per sq.m if the area of ​​the premises is less than 500 sq.m. In general, the range of prices for self-leveling floors made from imported materials ranges from $8 to $100 per square meter. The cost of the work of stackers is $8–10.

Comparative analysis

Each flooring has its pros and cons. Let's compare the self-leveling floor with other floor coverings that have the same purpose as the polyurethane floor: PVC linoleum, laminate and tiles are also placed in the kitchen, in the bathroom or on glazed balcony. So, household PVC linoleum and self-leveling floor look very similar. In one Moscow store where self-leveling floors are made, I was told that visitors often ask: "What kind of unusual linoleum do you have?" But the external similarity is perhaps the only thing that unites these two types of coatings. The first difference is the service life. High-quality PVC linoleum will last 15–20 years. A properly made self-leveling floor will last 40 years. But, I emphasize, CORRECTLY done. (Please remember this remark, we will return to it later.) In addition, linoleum has a richer design. And yet, if necessary, linoleum can be easily removed - rolled up and replaced with a new one. With a bulk coating, such a trick will not work. Removing such a coating is a problem. But on the other hand, why, if we make a good, high-quality self-leveling floor?

Now laminate. Laminate, as we have said more than once, is a special multilayer board based on fiberboard that can imitate natural materials- wood, stone, marble ... Laminate is a beautiful modern flooring, but, alas, it lasts less than a self-leveling floor - 12 years. In addition, a laminate, unlike a self-leveling floor, is still not recommended to be placed indoors with high humidity.

When compared with ceramic tiles, which are traditionally placed in the kitchen, bathroom and on balconies, here the self-leveling floor also has certain advantages: the absence of seams (which means there is nowhere for fungus and bacteria to start) and higher strength.

So, what are the main advantages and disadvantages of self-leveling flooring?

Pleasant appearance, gloss, solidity of color;

Durability (minimum 40 years);

Moisture resistance and high chemical resistance (important when using a self-leveling floor, for example, in a garage);

Hygiene and ease of cleaning - can be washed with plain water without treatment with special compounds;

High adhesion (adhesion) with any base, no seams and gaps;

Fire safety (flammable and "slow-burning" material), non-toxicity;

Simplicity of the device - a self-leveling floor can be made independently in just half a day (12 hours).


Poor design compared to traditional views coatings;

Moral obsolescence, that is, the self-leveling floor simply bothers its owner. But in this case, the coating can be updated - apply a new layer of a different color;

Some types of bulk coatings turn yellow when exposed to ultraviolet rays;

Labor-intensive preparation of the base for coating - careful leveling, puttying is necessary;

Difficult to remove from the base if necessary;

artificial material;

It is necessary to strictly control the humidity of the coating on which the floor is "poured"

Revolutionary know-how in the field of construction and repair has made it possible to significantly increase the variety of interior decor. Now the idea of ​​​​liquid linoleum is spreading rapidly. Familiarization with a new type of flooring will provide an opportunity to discover another facet in the art of design. By the way, if you need a high-quality vibrating plate, you can buy it on the website

Comparative salient feature between a rolled product and a liquid linoleum with a similar name made it possible to discover one single unity - an integral panel. Remotely there is a similarity in appearance, until you touch the plane. To the touch, liquid linoleum resembles ceramic tiles. In another, there are differences in different directions, ranging from the parameters and materials used, ending with the principle of laying. More specifically, another name reflects the essence of the coating - self-leveling floors.

At first, liquid linoleum was intended for industrial use. The task for the developers was to make a strong foundation, not subject to wear, for industrial and warehouse-type premises. After unusual idea decorators beautifully decorate self-leveling floors with an individual image, the number of those seeking to decorate their own housing with liquid linoleum using the technologies of our time is growing exponentially.

Self-leveling floors, depending on the filler, can be:

  • cement-acrylic;
  • based on epoxy resins;
  • containing methyl methacrylic resins;
  • polyurethane.

The first three compositions of filling floors are more necessary for production purposes, liquid bulk linoleum based on polyurethane is mostly used in residential areas. Regardless of the strength and wear resistance of all categories, the pluses of a polyurethane floor are added to the lightness that helps to create beautiful coverage. The thickness of the self-leveling floor varies in the range of 1-7 mm; according to the recommendations of professional craftsmen, it is acceptable for normal loads to make a layer of 1.5 mm. This is enough to operate the self-leveling floor for the next 30 years.

Distinguishing Distinguishing Characteristics

Liquid linoleum has a lot of good qualities than minuses. Let us consider in detail all the essential points of the coating in the form of a self-leveling floor:

Comment! An indispensable requirement for the supply of moisture resistance is proper production hydro-isolation in the preliminary step.

Three points can overshadow emotions about the impeccability of liquid linoleum: high price materials, a long period of preparation work and the presence of only 12 colors in the design of a plain plane.

Do-it-yourself production process

Understand the technology of laying liquid linoleum with my own hands capable of every craftsman who has the ability to operate tools for construction works. Before proceeding to the description of the sequence of installation work, one more priority of liquid linoleum should be noted - unpretentiousness when applied to different grounds. Only one condition that requires the necessary fulfillment is to exclude the possibility of absorption of moisture by them. This is achieved by finishing concrete or cement surfaces with specialized primers; impregnations are provided for wood floors. Protective measures are aimed at preventing the absorption of expensive material, excluding its unplanned consumption and therefore reducing the total cost of producing liquid linoleum.

Floor coverings on modern market presented visibly. Have you ever heard that floors are not laid, but poured? Such flooring is called self-leveling floor or still liquid linoleum.

Indeed, in appearance, the self-leveling polymer floor resembles linoleum, and to the touch, it looks like a smooth tile. It differs from other coatings in its solidity, flat surface, has no seams and gaps. The color shades are varied: the liquid linoleum self-leveling polymer floor can be bought in mostly neutral calm tones - light green, gray, beige, light brown. Service time of a self-leveling floor - more than forty years. There is no need for liquid linoleum, put carpets. The floor is magnificent in beauty and thermal performance, light and refined. In addition, this self-leveling polymer floor is safe for health, which makes it possible to actively use it in residential buildings. True, the cost of the bulk polymer floor "Liquid Linoleum" cannot be called cheap.

Liquid linoleum can be mounted on concrete, cement screed, ceramic tiles, wooden base. The surface must be even. This can be checked with a level in all horizontal directions. Tolerance considered 4 mm. To prepare the floor you need:

Dismantle skirting boards;

By using grinder or a metal brush to get rid of the old coating;

verify wood flooring on humidity, it should be no more than 10%;

Clean all cracks and sand the floor of a large sandpaper to ensure stronger adhesion between coats, then lay large cracks building mixture;

Remove dust and debris with an industrial vacuum cleaner and wash the floor with cleaning powder to degrease;

Check horizontality with a level.

At the end of the surface preparation, it must be primed. Porous and dry surfaces are primed several times to completely close the pores. The primer is applied with a wide brush or roller. The next layer only after complete drying of the previous one. A day later, the floor is “poured” onto the resulting base. The consumption of the self-leveling polymer floor "Liquid linoleum" in residential premises is 1.5 kg / m 2 with a coating thickness of 1 -1.15 mm.

In order for the self-leveling floor to spread well over the surface, you must adhere to the proportions indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions. Bulk polymer floor "Liquid linoleum" you can buy with home delivery. Correct plasticity of the solution is the key to good spreading.

Too rare a solution can provoke the formation of cracks and chips, disrupt the drying of the floor and reduce its strength. Therefore, it is recommended that the pouring of the self-leveling polymer floor be carried out by specialists.

Innovative developments in the field of construction and repair have significantly expanded the design options for premises. Recent times the idea of ​​liquid linoleum is spreading rapidly. Acquaintance with a new species floor covering will allow you to discover another facet in the art of design.

Purpose of liquid linoleum

A comparative characteristic between liquid linoleum and a rolled product with the same name made it possible to identify the only commonality - a solid canvas. There is a remote resemblance to appearance until you touch the surface. To the touch, liquid linoleum resembles ceramic tiles. Otherwise, there are differences in all areas, from the properties and materials used, to the principle of laying. A different name reflects the essence of the coating more accurately - self-leveling floors.

Initially, liquid linoleum was intended for industrial use. The developers were tasked with creating solid foundation, not subject to abrasion, for production and storage facilities. After original idea designers to decorate self-leveling floors with an individual pattern, the number of people who want to decorate their own home with liquid linoleum according to modern technologies growing exponentially.

Self-leveling floors, depending on the filler, are:

  • cement-acrylic;
  • based on epoxy resins;
  • containing methyl methacrylic resins;
  • polyurethane.

The first three compositions of self-leveling floors are more intended for industrial purposes, liquid bulk linoleum based on polyurethane is mainly used in residential areas. Despite the strength and wear resistance of all categories, lightness is added to the advantages of a polyurethane floor, contributing to the creation of an elegant coating. The thickness of the self-leveling floor varies in the range of 1-7 mm, according to the recommendations of experts, it is optimal for standard loads to form a layer of 1.5 mm. This will be enough to operate the self-leveling floor for the next 30 years.


The advantages of liquid linoleum are much greater than the disadvantages. Let us consider in more detail all the essential nuances of the coating in the form of a self-leveling floor:

Remark ! A prerequisite for waterproofing is proper manufacture waterproofing at the preparatory stage.

Three points can cloud the impression of the impeccability of liquid linoleum: the high cost of materials, a long period preparatory work and the presence of only 12 shades in the design of a plain surface.

Manufacturing process in-house

Every craftsman who owns the skills of operation is capable of mastering the technology of laying liquid linoleum with his own hands. building tools. Before proceeding to the description of the sequence of installation work, one more advantage of liquid linoleum should be noted - unpretentiousness when applied to various grounds. The only condition that must be met is to exclude the possibility of moisture absorption by them. This is achieved by treating concrete or cement surfaces with special primers; impregnations are provided for the wooden floor. Protective measures are aimed at preventing the absorption of expensive material, eliminating its unplanned consumption and, accordingly, reducing the total cost of manufacturing liquid linoleum.

Works on the manufacture of self-leveling floors include the following steps:

Among all the options for floor coverings, there are those that are distinguished by increased strength and reliability, moreover, they allow you to create very beautiful and unusual bases. Increasingly, for laying coatings in apartments and houses, this type of material is used, such as liquid linoleum. In another way, this coating is called bulk floor. And its installation is fundamentally different from the usual polyurethane linoleum.

Linoleum liquid or is a special composition polymer substances, which is used to create floor coverings. After pouring, it dries quickly enough and turns into a very solid monolithic base, reminiscent of ceramic tiles to the touch. The material does not form seams, makes it possible to make a uniform and beautiful floor throughout the house or in separate rooms. It is thanks to liquid linoleum that the floor can be turned into a real work of art by creating on it beautiful drawings. Sometimes this type of coating is able to imitate stone and other materials.

On a note! By adding decorating elements (chips, glitter, etc.) to the mixture for pouring floors, you can do without creating drawings, and the surface will still be beautiful and unusual.

Liquid linoleum as a material has the following characteristics and features:

  • there are more than 10 basic material background colors, which can be interconnected and create unusual abstract drawings;
  • the thickness of the coating formed by the material is only 1.5-2 mm in a residential building or apartment and up to 7 mm - at industrial facilities;
  • the cost of materials is quite high, but, since their consumption is small, it makes sense to think about pouring such a coating in the house.

Liquid linoleum is the collective name for a number of mixtures that differ from each other in composition. They can be made based various components, due to which their characteristics sometimes differ significantly.

Table. The main types of liquid linoleum.

Viewa brief description of

Such liquid linoleum is made on the basis of methyl methacrylate resin. Differs in the increased frost resistance, is not afraid of influence sunlight. Often used on industrial sites and in freezers, often - on the street, where it calmly withstands the impact of all natural factors.

Very durable and reliable appearance liquid floor, containing cement and acrylic components. It is recommended for laying inside industrial workshops, where there is a strong mechanical effect on the floors. Holds up well to temperature changes.

Liquid linoleum based epoxy resin. Not afraid of the impact of various chemical substances, therefore, previously it was often used to decorate floors in pharmaceutical workshops and laboratories. Less resistant to mechanical shocks than other types of floors.

The most commonly used type of liquid linoleum for residential construction. Quite resistant and allows you to create various types of coatings using various decorating components and materials. His performance characteristics enough to cope with the level of humidity in the kitchen or bathroom.

Appointment of liquid linoleum

Initially, this type of coating was used for finishing floors inside industrial workshops. His task was to create a durable, resistant to chemical and mechanical impact coatings. Floors in factories and inside warehouses had to be resistant to abrasion, not be afraid of oil ingress, movement of trolleys with cargo on them or exposure to water during frequent washing of floors. It is these properties that self-leveling floors have.

However, now these types of bases are increasingly being used in household repairs. The owners of apartments and houses quickly realized that the floors in the kitchen and bathroom should be as reliable as possible and not afraid of moisture. It is desirable that they do not leak in case of problems with the water supply and sanitation system. Thus, liquid linoleum, which has, among other things, waterproofing properties, became one of the best options coverings for these areas.

Self-leveling floor prices

Self-leveling floor Weber

On a note! Over time, liquid linoleum began to be poured into other rooms - bedrooms, halls, corridors. But to the touch, such a floor seems rather cold, so it is not recommended to equip it in cool rooms and on the first floors of houses. An exception is the use of a base heating system.

Also self-leveling floors are often used in shopping malls, on dance and even sports grounds. Wear resistance allows them to be successfully used in car services and premises where various complex technical works are performed.

  • high resistance to abrasion;
  • the presence of antistatic properties;
  • increased level of waterproofing;
  • resistance to chemicals.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid linoleum

Like any material, liquid linoleum has its advantages and disadvantages. And it is important to know them before deciding to fill such floors. The advantages of using liquid linoleum are much greater than the disadvantages. Material advantages:

  • very durable and resistant to various types of impact;
  • practically does not scratch;
  • waterproof, therefore it can safely fit in the kitchen or bathroom and even play the role of waterproofing during flooding (in case of proper preparation and compliance with installation requirements);
  • durable - service life can be 40 years or more;
  • environmentally friendly and non-flammable;
  • easy to care for - it is quite easy to wash using improvised means;
  • has no seams;
  • dries quickly after pouring;
  • can be decorated in a variety of ways.

Cons of coverage:

  • high cost of materials;
  • simple, but at the same time requiring great attention and care installation - it is easy to make a mistake, but it is very difficult to fix it.

Prices for liquid linoleum

Since we are talking about the high cost of materials, it is important to find out how much such a coating option costs, or rather, everything that is needed to create it. On average, the price for 1 m 2 starts from 450 rubles. But the more complex and interesting the floor decor is, the more expensive it will cost. Also, the cost will depend on the thickness of the base to be poured. For example, a bulk methyl methacrylate floor 3 mm thick will cost 1,500 rubles per 1 m 2.

On a note! Compositions for creating liquid linoleum of domestic production are cheaper than imported ones, and the quality is not always as bad as they say. But to get the perfect result, you should use components produced by trusted brands.

Features of laying liquid linoleum

Bulk linoleum is not the most simple coating in installation, if you thoroughly study the entire process of pouring it. The fact is that at first glance at such work it seems that everything is simple: poured the mixture onto a rough base, leveled it and the floors are ready. But in reality, everything turns out to be much more complicated.

One of the main aspects of the work is proper preparation rough floor. It is important not only to clean it well of debris, but also to make it even. There should be no cracks and gaps on the floor, and there should also be no significant height differences (maximum allowable level– 2 mm).

Advice! A long rule will help determine the evenness of the floor. It is laid on the base at different points on the surface, and then the width of the gaps between it and the rough base is measured. If there are gaps of more than 2 mm, the subfloor needs to be leveled. If we neglect this aspect, then the consumption of a mixture of liquid linoleum will increase significantly.

Cracks and crevices in the floor are also important to repair. building composition, and all protrusions, the height of which is greater than the horizontal of the floor, are recommended to be ground. Otherwise, liquid linoleum will have to fill all the cavities, and this significantly increases the consumption of expensive material. Leveling the screed will allow pouring it with a self-leveling mixture.

Liquid linoleum is a mixture that must be poured onto a dust-free surface. If this is neglected, then all the rubbish from the base will be on the surface of the floor being poured, which will lead to a decrease in its aesthetic qualities. Therefore, the floors are not just swept with a broom - they must be carefully processed with a powerful vacuum cleaner and washed with water. It is also necessary to prime the base - the procedure will remove dust from the surface and reduce the absorption of moisture by it. Better to use a primer deep penetration and apply it in 2 layers with an interval of 6-8 hours.

On a note! If the base cannot be repaired, it is recommended to completely remove the old screed and form a new one. However, until the liquid linoleum is poured, you will have to wait until it dries. Drying time cement mixture screed is 28 days.

Also, pouring liquid linoleum can be done on other surfaces - ceramics, wood, etc. It is only important to properly prepare the base, take care of waterproofing.

Liquid linoleum in an apartment or house must be laid under certain conditions. The optimum air temperature for these works can vary from 5 to 25 degrees, and the humidity level should be about 60%. If these values ​​are different, then the mixture will dry too quickly, which will entail a violation of the installation technology and, accordingly, a decrease in the performance of the finished floor.

If it is planned to form a decorative layer on the floor in a room, then self-leveling floors are poured in two approaches. The first layer is a draft, base. For its filling, a neutral white mixture is usually used. Next, you should choose a method for decorating the surface. There are several of them:

  • using materials of various colors;
  • using chips or sparkles, stones and other decorative elements;
  • drawing on the floor. In this case, you need an image printed on the printer.

On a note! Floors can also be painted by hand, but this method requires drawing skills.

After that, the floors are “closed” with a transparent protective layer liquid linoleum. It is made in the same way as the base is leveled with a self-levelling mixture. Next, the floors should dry well. Usually, only a few hours are enough for polymerization, but experts advise waiting a few days before the base is fully exploited. Sometimes the drying time reaches 20 days - it all depends on the mixture used and the thickness of the applied coating.

Do-it-yourself liquid linoleum

This type of coating can be filled with your own hands, without the involvement of third-party specialists. To do this, you must purchase all the materials and be sure to study the instructions for working with them in order to avoid mistakes. Tools and materials that will come in handy:

  • construction mixer;
  • mixture for filling the floor;
  • decoration material;
  • doctor blade;
  • regular roller - for soil;
  • leveling epoxy putty;
  • self-leveling mixture;
  • needle roller;
  • paint studs;
  • finishing varnish.

Attention! Do not mix all mixtures at once. Their polymerization time is quite short, and therefore it is better to mix first one portion - for the base layer, and then the second - for the finish, which will cover the decorative coating.
